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readingstufffff · 2 years ago
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Might as well post my art on here too 😋 So, Sevika<3
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readingstufffff · 2 years ago
Where Red meets blue in the East
~Chapter 3~
Okoye x OC Valentina
Warnings: A bit of angst and trauma…
AN: This is oddly taking a little longer to write than I thought, but that’s on me I am an ultimate procrastinator who suffers from lazyness. Anyway enjoy:)
Previous chapter
After the interaction with the royal siblings and the warrior women, I decided I’d just find my way around my temporary room. Thoughts maybe it would distract me for a bit.
The cave room was very comfortable and cozy so it made me feel safe. The walls were all rock which gave it a earthy smell that reminded me of home. I admired how beautiful the lights and the rocks looked for a bit, but soon enough I allowed my curiosity take over. I clicked and turned many knobs I found along the wall most of them being for the lights. The few buttons I found were to lock and open the main doors. From there I headed to the bathroom and taught myself how to use the shower, easily getting the hang of it I decided to clean myself.
I cleaned off the sticky sweat that was still on my skin after the ‘panic attack’ I had. While in the shower I made sure that the bullet wound, or at least where the bullet wound was, on my body was fully healed. Turns out the princess was right and it was just a bit swollen at the moment. Once I got out I made sure not to touch it too much. I dabbed it with the towel i found, because it stung whenever I did anything else to it. I figured I’d also change into a different dress. Luckily I found one in the bathroom. Similar to the old one I woke up in. The few differences being that this one was clearly for sleep as it was a bit looser. It was also a very soft coffee brown color.
I got really bored as I was only given a book to keep myself occupied with. Which I could not understand, but I did not have the heart to tell the princess that. I only knew how to read and write in my language and the book was in English. I’m guessing they thought that if I could speak it I could read it, but unfortunately I can’t.
I had a clock on the small table on the right side of the bed, right beside me as I laid on the bed previously staring at the ceiling. Looking at the hands I could tell it was around 9pm. So I decided to kill time I might as well sleep. The rest would also help with the healing of my wound. So, settling in the warm and soft bedsheets, I allowed the tense muscles in my body to relax and closed my eyes listening to the soft beats of the music coming from outside the door of the room. I smiled at thought of the young princess listening to her music as she worked.
I took in one big last breath before my mind and body fell at ease and I was pulled into a calming sleep.
I never dreamed as often as others did. Never remembered when the last time I had dreamt was. This night had brought back a beautiful dream and a memory of mine. In this dream I was with my younger sister as we picked flowers all of different colors with long stems. We sat together in a field and I helped her make a flower crown so she could look like a princess. Which she was.
It all felt real. In that moment I was sixteen again. The smiles and giggles slowly faded away as my body began to stir awake. I quickly felt a slight pressure in my abdomen. I had to used the restroom.
Too many liquids.
I got out of bed and ran inside to take care of my business and wake myself up with cold water. Looking in the mirror thinking about what I might do, I decided on a rather spontaneous idea. I walked back into the bedroom and quickly got changed. Once again I had found new clothes. These ones were actually totally new, I had found them next to the old pile of clothes I had. I really needed to burn those. The clothes were a couple pair of sneakers and a dark blue jumpsuit which fit perfectly.
Looking in a mirror I got my hair a little less messy then headed out of the bedroom to find Shuri.
Immediately I could hear the sound of people working, but it came from underneath me. And as I looked over and saw a set of stairs I understood why.
Heading down those steps I finally caught sight of the princess fidgeting with a hologram in front of her. As I approached her I looked around me looking at all the futuristic technology that was everywhere. Along with all types of gear that looked impressive, my vision landed on the windows to my right. I noticed what was outside the windows. Big shining rocks that were quite beautiful and without a doubt powerful. They seemed to be everywhere I looked. They also reminded me of the blue light that my power radiated. I shook my head focusing on the task ahead and as I finally approached the Princess I took a deep breath before speaking.
“Hi. Good morning Shuri.” I spoke softly as not to startle her, or make her mess her work up.
“Oh, good morning Valentina, I did not expect you to wake up this early. How is your wound doing?” She spoke quickly giving me wide smile as she seemed to have been happy with my sudden presence.
“It’s doing great considering I don’t notice the pain anymore. And I’m actually used to waking up at five, but the bed was too comfortable.”
“Well I’m glad you liked it enough to sleep in an extra two hours. Would you like to eat something?”
“Of course, but only if I’m not disrupting your work.” I waved my hand towards the gadgets on the table. Specifically motioning at the hologram on her arm.
“No worries. Also a small secret I woke up at three. I also need food.” I laughed at that. Her own chuckle followed after.
“This way.” She tilted her head towards a doorway and I followed.
We went down a few hallways before reaching what I believed to be a kitchen. One which was completely empty.
As the princess had told me she wanted to prepare the food, to which I agreed excited to see what she would prepare.
Shuri explained to me that the food I would be eating was called a “Purple cabbage wrap”. She said this was her favorite breakfast meal/Snack. Due to how simple it was. She also said it was just the leaf of red cabbage filled with something named fonio jallof. It sounded and looked incredibly delicious. When she handed me the food, I took the first bite slowly. My eyes closed confirming it didn’t just sound and look delicious, it tasted that way too.
“Mhm” I had my mouth full. Esto estaba increíble! (This was incredible!)
“I really like the jumpsuit by the way. I had someone leave it in your room last night I hope you liked it too.”
I nodded. Swallowing my food quickly.
“Yes, I love it it’s a perfect fit.”
We both smiled before continuing to eat the rest of our breakfast in a peaceful silence. The scenery that could be viewed from where I sat took my breath away. The bright yellow sun rising over the horizon, the soft pinks and yellows in the sky mixing together like a painting, and the fluffy cotton clouds clearing way for a beautiful sunny day.
This place truly was the most beautiful place I had ever seen. It made me feel like I was back home again.
We finished the best breakfast ever and I helped wash the dishes before we started to head back to the lab.
The scenery inside the building was just as beautiful as the scenery that was outside of it. I admired all the technology that lived in every inch of it.
“And we’re back.” You said as you both entered the doorway.
“Just on time too.”
“In time for what?” I looked at a holographic clock on the wall, it was 8:29am. Turning to look at Shuri completely confused.
“My brother, Nakia, and Okoye will come by soon to test and collect the things they will be taking on their next mission.” She walked over to a table and as she did the black sand in the middle of it descended revealing all types of technological gadgets. All of which I did not recognize. Well except for the pair of what appeared to to be the bottoms of shoes?
“Where are they headed off too?”
“Korea, it is as much as I can say. By orders I can’t tell you.”
“I see. Well…could I help out in anyway?” I asked as I placed my hands on the edge of the table. I really wanted to payback their kindness in anyway I could, after all I had just been given shelter here.
“There is not much to help with everything is in place.” I lowered my head and my smile, but then she continued, “However, Nakia still needs to help Okoye pick out a wig. I don’t know if you’d like that however.”
I raised a brow at the comment.
“She despises covering up her Dora markings. She finds it offensive, but it’s the only solution she has as she also refuses let me or Nakia cover them up with foundation.” She let out a sigh then looked at you with a smile. “Now that your here you could help me through the process of getting her to even consider she looks good in a wig.” She laughed.
“I’ll try, but I have to ask: What’s foundation?” My eyebrows were scrunched. Face contorted in absolute confusion at the new word.
“How do you not know what foundation is? I’ve noticed you look confused about a lot of the technology here.”
“I was in a cage most of my life don’t know a lot of things.” Her face immediately showed worry. “I’m ok don’t worry I’ll answer those questions later” I smiled to calm her down.
“Ok, Well foundation it’s- how do I say this so it makes sense. It’s a type of paint that people use to make themselves look more presentable. Here I’ll show you a before and after picture.” She brought up a screen showing me a woman with a few red spots on her face. Then she swiped to the right and the womans’ skin looked flawless. “See?”
“Wow…” My mouth and eyes were now wide open. “That was basically magic!” I turned to her a wide smile plastered on my face. “Me next!” I held her hands putting them on my face. She smiled lowering her hands to my shoulders.
“I’m afraid you’ll have to ask Nakia to do it. I wouldn’t be able to do a full face of makeup on you.” I frowned a bit but nodded understanding her abilities were limited to technical things.
Just as soon as I turned to look at the gadgets on the black sand table, The King and the warrior women arrived through the entrance of the lab.
Shuri walked over to stand beside me at my left side.
The king and the two warriors walked right up to us. My eyes traveled between all three of them noticing their admirable confidence. Out of no where they all made a cross across their chests in sync. Thinking that maybe I should be doing it too looked at Shuri in question.
“I’ll tell you what that’s means later” She whispered in my direction as she started to greet her brother.
“Good morning brother.” She said as she shook hand with him.
“Good morning lil’ sis”
“And good morning to you and Okoye” She moved her head towards Nakia then the general. Nakia smiling back meanwhile the general only lowered her head slightly. Responding with a soft ‘good morning.’ Of her own. My eyes remained on the general as the others continued to speak. Thinking of what type of hair would look best on her. My eyes traveled down looking at the gold necklace with many rings and golden beads, that laid on her neck. The beads matched with an earring on her right ear which looked like a mini version of her necklace. My eyes then noticed the tabard on her front, the bead work on it was truly amazing.
“I see your wounds have gotten better Miss Valentina.” The voice of the king caught my attention as he mentioned my name.
“Yes they have, king T’Challa.”
“Good, and T’Challa is just fine.” We smiled back at one another and nodded once.
“Your gear is over here brother. Along with a few communication devices for you two,” Shuri looked at the general and Nakia before walking behind me and moving me to stand in front of Miss Nakia. “And Valentina here has offered to help you and Okoye pick out a good wig for her.” Nakia nodded and we exchanged a glance at each other and at Okoye who still did not portray many emotions except maybe one of disgust at the mention of a wig.
“I’m glad you get to help me. Gives me time to get to know you.” She smiled again making me smile, then she took my hand and motioned me to follow her. As we walked towards a set of black doors, which I had noticed earlier, she placed an arm around me slightly squeezing my shoulder. “And I don’t have to deal with Okoye alone.” She loudly whispered.
“I heard that!” The general announced behind us leaving me and Nakia in a fit of giggles as we entered the doors with fluorescent lights which matched the ones on the floor.
“This is where Shuri keeps all the combat- or I guess you could say really functional clothing. Just a few have hidden pockets or weapons and such.” She pointed at a black jumpsuit with blue accents on it. Which did in fact have hidden pockets- that is if you looked close enough. “Ah…and this is where the trouble begins. The wig section.” She stopped in front of a big selection of all kinds of wigs moving to stand at my left.
“Does the general not like covering her head because of the markings?” I drew imaginary lines of where the generals tattoos would be on her head.
“Yes, they mean a lot to a Dora, and to her they basically define who she is.” I nodded rubbing my shoulders where my markings were.
“I know how that feels.” I said to her smiling while looking at the dim glow they produced.
She looked as if she wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the sound of the door opening followed by the entrée of the general.
The general looked at the two of us before putting her spear away as she let out an annoyed sigh. “Let’s get this over with.” Closing her eyes for a moment and letting out a sigh she walked over to us standing at my other side. Leaving me in the middle of the two as she started inspecting the selection of wigs. With a very annoyed face.
Even if she wasn’t this amazing ebony warrior, her height was still intimidating. That or I was just short. I raised my head seeing the reflection of the three of us in a mirror on the wall in front of us, immediately noticing the height difference between me and them.
Yep, I’m just short.
“Ok, how about we start with something that contrasts your skin.” Blurting out the first thing that came to mind to distract myself front the blow my ego had just taken. I picked up a light brown, almost almond colored, wavy wig. That reached a little past the shoulders. I brushed it a bit showing it too the general and Nakia who had moved to stand at my right side as I stood facing the general.
“I like that one and she is right Okoye it contrasts your skin tone.” Nakia smiled at the general. I guessed that the smile was only to persuade the general into liking the wig.
“I don’t like it.”
“But, you haven’t even tried it Okoye.”
“I just don’t like it.”
I looked between the two then sighed catching the attention of the two standing in my presence. The three of us stood in silence as I gathered my thoughts and thought of a quick plan.
A small smile slithering onto my face as I thought of a plan to get the general to warm up and let loose enough to be persuaded.
“I have a proposal general.” I spoke confidently.
“And what would that plan be.” She raised a eyebrow. A speck of curiosity in her dark chocolate eyes that were connected with mine.
“What if, for every wig you don’t try on, I get to ask you any question I want.” Her eyes slightly squinted as I continued to speak. “And for every wig you do try on, you get to ask me any question you’d like.” I said slightly bowing gesturing my arms outwards, silently submitting to the general before me.
“Alright, I accept your proposal.” I smiled turning to Nakia who winked at me without letting the general notice. Though I she somehow probably had, but at least I knew I had done something right.
“So, we trying this one out or not?” I lifted up the wig that still laid in my hands in front of me.
“No, ask your question.” I exhaled as I put the wig down thinking of what to ask. I decided to start of simple.
“What is your favorite color?” Her brows lowered. I’m guessing she didn’t expect that question.
“That is what you choose to ask?” The general was loosening up without even noticing. Her tone almost taunting.
“Yep. So what is it?” My head slightly tilted as my smile grew a bit wider and my eyebrows raised.
Straight to the point.
“Why? Because of your warrior outfit? Or bec-“
“One question, for one wig princess”
I let air out of my nose at the nickname, I turned to grab a darker wig with much tighter curls that barely reached the shoulders. Once again brushing it out, a little les this time, I showed it to her.
“This one?” She extended her hand out for me to give it to her. The general moved it around before handing it to Nakia so she could help get it on.
“I like it it suits you. But it’s a bit too big, and we don’t want to attract any attention.” I hummed slightly moving my head in a nodding motion as I once again picked up another wig. This one being a straight black bob? I remember hearing something like that said to a lady with the same haircut at the old man’s shop. I started to remember the cage and went into a trance which did not last long as the general spoke to me.
“Kulungile, my question princess.” I did not understand the first word she said, but I nodded.
We made eye contact as the general asked…
“What happened to you nkosazane?”
My breath stopped for a few seconds as my body froze where I stood. Everything around me went silent immediately. Almost as if my ears were under water. The memories of all those years alone coming back. One by one playing in my mind like a twisted nightmare. I could feel a knot in my throat. I could hear my heart beating in my ears like loud drumming, feeling the emotions that I kept hidden behind my smile start to spill. Then like a dam they washed over me leaving me weak and vulnerable. The room around me began to blur as Salty tears filled my eyes and started to wash down my coffee-colored skin and by breathing had begun to pick up at a rapid pace. Then, that’s when I realized…I was having another panick attack.
My legs beganto shake making me scared as it felt as if I was going to fall to the ground below me. Seconds later I did, my body bracing for the impact. Though my body never came in contact with the hard black floor, but in its place an pair of arms surrounding my upper body pulling me upwards. I tried to turn my head wanting to look at who was holding me up.
Instead I just sobbed as my arms tried to tighten around the person holding me to try and ease the pain those memories brought. Seeing in my mind the wicked smiles of all the people who hurt me. The pleasure on the face of the man who told me my family was dead. Every tear falling from my mocha colored eyes was every minute of grief I stopped myself from feeling all those years. I cried out to my mother as the last memory I shared with her turned into one of her screaming out my name. My heart couldn’t take it.
My body still too weak to stand on its own as I cried like a child, and that’s what I was in this moment. A sixteen year old who lost her world. My arms once again tightened around the person who carried me, when they gave a slight squeeze back I gained a little sense of my surroundings. I tried and failed to catch my breath, it being uneven and raspy. Slowly I began to get my vision clear enough to see something in my small window of vision. Shining gold and bright red clothing-
If this wasn’t the situation I was in I’d smirk or smile at the thought of her catching me instead of Nakia, but I wasn’t focused on that at the moment. However, after noticing who it was the thought was enough to distract me and regain focus of my surroundings and block out any other…thoughts. Choked sobs still left my throat but my breathing became calmer. My legs were still weak and trembling, but I helped Okoye with my weight at least a bit pushing my body up just barely. Taking a deep breath I lowered my head between her chest and shoulder trying to find my voice.
“I-I’m” I stopped to sniff a couple of times still feeling the knot in my throat. Then I calmed my breathing a bit more. “I’m so-sorry.” I finally let out. Although barely audible. I placed my head back on her shoulder the strength in my legs slowly coming back.
I looked around noticing Nakia was gone. I figured I that if I hid anything again two things might happen: One, I might have another panic attack, or two, they don’t trust me anymore. I will also be living with Okoye so if I should try to tell anyone it should most likely be her.
I took one last deep breath before thinking of what else to say to Okoye.
“I was…” I stopped feeling myself get shaky again. “When I was sixteen, I was-“
Okoye slowly pulled me away from her. Holding my shoulders, most likely to make sure I didn’t fall again. I looked at her with a tear stained face as she began to speak again. Her face reflecting all kinds of emotions. Though she was intimidating and strong I realized she too was human. She knew I was hurting and wanted it to stop.
“Not until you’re ready princess.”
I smiled at the nickname again.
Just then Nakia came back with a glass of water and a bracelet in hand.
“I’m glad to see you’re better.” She approached me slow as to not spill the drink.“Here drink this.”
I quickly drank the whole cup as I didn’t realize how thirsty I had been. Then whilst drinking I pointed at the bracelet I saw in her hand. Nakia understood and was quick to respond “These are kimoyo beads.”
She placed the beads on my hand. They glowed then turned off, reminded me of my markings.
“They will alert Shuri if you have another panick attack. Just in case.” I nodded still inspecting the new accessory, and without me noticing Nakia gave me a side hug, which felt extremely comforting.
“Thank you.” I smiled at the both of them before looking at the selection of wigs. “And I think I have the perfect wig for you Okoye.” I picked up a short brunette wig with loose curls.
“I like it.”
Me and Nakia smiled at each other.
“Don’t get too excited. I still don’t like it, but it’s better than the others.”
We all smiled together. I hated that they had to see me cry again, especially Okoye.
But I knew that I could get her to like me. Im pretty sure I could consider her a friend now. That was the best thing that could’ve happened to me today. I have new friends now.
“We should be leaving now.” Nakia said to Okoye and she nodded back affirming they did.
I followed them out to a he lab.
Shuri walked to me and gave me an unexpected short hug.
“Im okay.”
“I know, but I think after whatever you’ve been through you deserve it.” I almost shed a tear.
“Thank you.” I hugged her back.
“We’ll be heading off now.”
T’Challa’s voice announced to us as they stood by the entrance.
“Good luck brother.” Shuri walked to give him a goodbye hug as well.
“Goodbye and stay safe” I said to the three of them as I too walked over to stand in front of them.
“We will” Nakia said to me and T’Challa nodded.
“You stay safe princess.” Okoye said to me in a Joking manner. I chuckled to myself nodding at her.
They all left for their mission and I stayed with Shuri.
I helped her clean up the lab before we sat down and I told her a summed up version of what had happened to me so I didn’t cry. I didn’t give her any details, but just said what had happened to me over the years. The subject changed and I started to tell her about my power.
“I can’t control it. Never learned how to.” I said as I waved my hand out in front of the two of us showing a glow of blue identical to that of the blue rocks outside.
Shuri noticed that too.
“Your power seems to have the same glow as does vibranium.” I nodded still looking at my hand as I moved it in a wavy motion.
“Let’s take today to help you with controlling them.” I looked up at her my smile coming back.
“And maybe I can find out how your power came to be.”
This was going to be a fun day.
Finally finished this!!!!
Im quite happy with the outcome, but I did cry while writing the panic attack part.
I hope whoever is reading this enjoys it!
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readingstufffff · 2 years ago
Where Red Meets Blue In The East
~Chapter 2~
Okoye x OC Valentina
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
My head was spinning. The moment I opened my eyes everything in the room was blurry. My vision far to blurry to make out any of my surroundings. My whole body ached. I felt exhausted.
How long have I been out? Where am I?
Blurry spots of blue, white, and black slowly coming into focus. I tried to lift my head, immediately dropping it as a wave of pain hit the left side of my rib cage. I let out a groan as the pain slowly started to dissipate.
“ Don’t force yourself. Your side is healed but the swelling has not gone down.” The voice of a woman. Soft and calming. I turned to see whose voice it was. A dark skinned lady with soft, clear skin and short hair. Her dress moving elegantly as she slowly approached the left side of my bed.
“ Where am I?” I asked out loud this time, turning towards the pretty lady that slowly helped me sit up. Her hands; one holding my hand and one at the middle of my back. I noticed I was wearing a black dress, which fit me rather well. I looked at her as she sighed. It was apparent on her face she was pondering what to say. That’s when I recognized her face, I quickly faced her. “ Your the lady in green that was in the forest.” Her nod confirmed my observation.
“ Listen I appreciate that you saved my life but, none of us know who you are—however, we do need you to stay here—in Wakanda.”
“ Im in Wakanda?” My eyes widened. Mouth slightly agape. I made it?
“ Ye-“ Another voice at the entrance of the room cut the pretty lady off.
“ Yes You are.” Another woman, this one slightly younger and wearing a white dress, walked into the room. “ And I see your finally awake.” I bluntly nodded. My eyes now looking around the cave like room I was just resting in. Most of the room’s walls were made of brown-ish grey rocks. One of the walls, to my left, had a blue screen with a shelf. I noticed my old clothing on top of the shelf. Folded in a neat pile. Then my gaze returned to the woman at my side. She looked confused yet worried. Seeing this I couldn’t help but lower my guard a bit. Sure I didn’t know these people but she seemed sincere.
“ What happened?” I looked back and forth between the two. The younger lady walked closer to the right side of the bed as she began to explain.
“ Last night, you put yourself in front of Nakia to save her.”
That I knew.
“The bullet punctured straight through your left lung just missing your heart, but according to Nakia here, Your body began to glow along these markings.” She lightly grazed over the thick swirls that covered the surface of my right shoulder. The two women on either side of my bed were now inspecting my markings. The one named Nakia simply admiring them, meanwhile the other seemed to scan my skin with a bracelet on her wrist. “ They were still glowing when you got here this morning, but they’ve seemed to have dimmed down.” I inspected my markings as well, confirming what the princess had just told me.
“ You healed yourself” Nakia stated as she finally looked me in the eyes again.
“ Or at least tried to. Your body would not allow me to inspect any of the wounds.” I lowered my head nodding slowly as this was all slowly explained to me. “And since there is no record of your existence and if you don’t mind me asking. What is your name?”
I rose an eyebrow at the lady in white. I didn’t wanna tell her anything.
I know I’m in Wakanda, but I still do not know these women. They could harm me just like the others for all I know.
“ We do not wish to harm you if that’s what your thinking. I am Princess Shuri. Daughter of King T’chaka, and sister of King T’challa.” She spoke soon after, reading my mind and finally introducing herself. I sighed looking at the floor then back at her.
If she was a princess I the least I could trust her with is my name.
“ My name is Valentina Siuapilli. Daughter of the Emperor Itztli. I do not wish to mention anything else.” I affirmed, my voice still stoic, as the princess went to type the information on what looked like.. a floating screen.
I remembered that lady Nakia was at my side so I turned to face her. “ Why did those men have you in that truck? Were you also being taken to the black market?” I questioned her my tone finally changing as I was now curious to what had happened last night.
She shook her head her brows furrowing. “ No, is that what happened to you? Were you in the black market?” I didn’t respond. But I nodded. Nakia and the princess looked at each other then back at me. “ Listen we don’t know what the king will do about your stay here, or how long your visit may be, but I do promise you’ll be safe here in Wakanda.” She squeezed my hand as she spoke and once she finished I squeezed back and smiled at her. A smile which she reciprocated.
Nakia stood up to join the princess at the doors of the room. As Nakia walked out of the room first, the princess turned to me and said: “ My brother will be here soon so don’t worry to much. I will also get someone to bring you food in a bit, in the meantime rest. Your wounds are still swollen.”
“ Thank you.” I smiled at her.
“ No, need to thank me. I think after whatever you’ve gone through you deserve a rest.” She smiled back and left closing the door behind her. My eyes watered, I had forgotten how nice people could be.
Time passed by rather quick as I had taken a nap waiting for the King of Wakanda. I had woken up to the smell of food on my bed. This was my first real meal since I had been taken from my home, and it was the best thing I could’ve ever tasted. It was certainly a new taste,I had never had food like this, but I was most certainly not complaining.
As I was eating I heard a loud bang come from outside the door. Followed by the princess yelling something at someone. I thought nothing of it and finished the rest of my drink. Then another bang followed by princess Shuris’ laughter and a male voice. I realized maybe that was him. So I picked up the empty dishes of my bed and cleaned up any mess I had made.
I was right, not much later I could hear two sets of footsteps coming toward the room. I inhaled as the door finally opened revealing a tall dark skinned man wearing a black shirt with silver details and semi- loose pants that matched. His aura as he walked into the room radiated pure kindness. I knew this man was someone I could trust from the moment he walked in.
“ Hello, Princess Valentina correct?” He spoke softly yet with power. He was the King alright.
“ Valentína is-“ Behind him stepped out yet another woman. However, I recognized the armor she wore immediately, and the threatening spear in her hand. “ -fine.” I finished my sentence as I mad eye contact with the tall warrior, or maybe I’m a bit short. The out of all the people I had just met today I was the shortest by far.
“ This is Okoye.” The king motioned to the woman I was now basically starring at. “ The general of the Dora Milaje.” He continued to introduce her as I broke eye contact and turned to face the King again. Looking back to the woman Okoye. I gave her curt nod and a small smile. She simply bowed her head slightly before returning to her firm stance.
“ I heard your wounds are practically healed?” The king spoke catching my attention, making me turn and focus on him.
“Yes sir, Practically healed. Still sore however.”
“ You—knew about Wakanda before you were brought here correct?” The question caught me off guard.
“ What?” I took a step back my legs came in contact with the edge of the bed. Looking at the general then back at the King.
Was this a trick? Did Nakia lie? Did they wanna kill me? Or lock me up? I can’t go into a cage again. No. Please. No.
My breathing began to pick up. The kings brows furrowed in confusion his hands reaching out for me. I only began to step back wards away from him as each breath I took became shorter and shorter. I was getting lightheaded and I dropped to my knees.
“Okoye help her calm down—Please. Shuri!” I could hear the king walking out of the room but my head was far to dizzy to look up. I starred at the floor as tears began to fall down my face. I was scared.
“ Breath slowly child. We do not wish to hurt you.” The rich soothing voice of a woman at my side made my tears momentarily stop. “ Breath with me. Ready? In.”
I tried to inhale as deep as I could.
“ Out.”
I could see the blurry outline of red, what I presumed to be the warriors armor next to me on the floor.
The air felt refreshing as my body began to relax. I could feel the general’s hand on my back.
“ Out.”
I tried not to let any tears fall anymore. The hand forming circles on my back giving me a slight comfort.
The oxygen came into my body smoother this time. As I held it I blinked the tears away.
I let out a shaky breath, slowly lifting my head up. Her hand laid flat on my back as I straightened my spine.
“ In.”
I looked at her the tears left on my face sliding down to my chin.
“ And out.”
She breathed with me as my breath had began to steady out. I looked at her her eyebrows twitched as if trying not to show her emotions.
“ What happened!?” I turned my head as the princess burst into the room with the king following behind her.
“ I apologize. I did not mean to cause trouble like this. I do not know what happened.” I apologized the best I could with my shaky voice.
“ T’challa said your breath had become uneven and that you had fallen to your knees?”
“I did but-“
“ I believe she had a panic attack.” The general stood up next to me. Her spear was no longer out in front of her.
“ What did you tell her brother?” She turned to her brother confused yet slightly annoyed.
“ I simply asked if she knew about Wakanda before she came here. Did you think we would harm you.”
I lowered my head. Toyed with my fingers as I could feel the stares I was receiving.
“ I was scared—you’d put me in a cage.” I admitted lifting my head up but keeping my gaze on the black floor.
“ A cage? Why would we put you in a cage? I simply wanted to know who gave orders to find us. That is IF you were given orders.” The King crouched down and I met his eyes.
I had said earlier I could trust him, so trust him Valentina.
“I don’t trust people easily as you see, and when you asked that question out of the blue—it startled me.” I admitted to him. Slightly ashamed of the way I had viewed the situation.
“ I understand. I guess I should’ve taken a softer approach then.” He said the last part almost jokingly and it made me smile.
“Thank you. I’ve spent most of my life in cages and I was scared of the idea that you might put me back in one…but I trust you. I only just met you but I know I can sir” He laughed. Helping my stand up with him.
“ You can just refer to me as King T’challa or T’challa. ‘sir’ sounds far to formal and it makes me feel old.” You chuckled at that.
“ You are old brother.” The princess joked behind him.
Turning his head he side eyed her then turned back towards me. He looked me in the eyes for a moment. Lifting his chin to sky, looking mighty as he appeared to be contemplating what to do with the small magical woman in front of him. Me.
“Okoye.” He called the general to his side. “ You have an extra room in your compound, correct?” I let out a short breath of relief as I realized what he may be asking his general.
Please Gods. Let it be what I think it is!!
I was screaming on the inside like a little girl. Jumping up and down. But on the outside, I was as still as a statue my thumbs twirling around each other behind my back.
“Yes, my King.” She affirmed. I could see her eyes looking at me and at the king. Her stoic face faltering as she was clearly aware of what might be happening.
“Listen, Valentina. I need to keep an eye on you therefore you will only stay in Okoye’s compound, unless told otherwise.” I couldn’t hide the small smile creeping on my face. “Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, King T’Challa.” I affirmed. My markings began to light up a bit. I looked at them as they glowed a very dim royal blue.
“What’s happening?” The princess walked up next to me.
I simply smiled as I looked at the glow they gave.
“I’m happy.” I looked up at the king. “Thank you.” I bowed my head slightly.
“No need to thank me you should be thanking Okoye, as she will be the one receiving you in her home.” I nodded, turning towards her.
“Thanks a lot, Okoye” She simply bowed her head.
“At your service princess.” He demeanor seemed far more cold towards me than it had been earlier.
I don’t think she happy about this arrangement. I can’t tell though. Her face is like a stone, it barely moved while she was here.
“I do wish for you to stay here for a few more days with Shuri.” I nodded my small smile still plastered on my face.
“Promise I’ll do my best to help you with your wounds. Even if they are basically healed.”
I smiled at her and pulled her in for a hug. I heard the warriors spear but payed no attention. The princess was clearly shocked but hugged back soon after.
Separating from the hug she smiled at you with the kindest smile a human being could muster. Then turned to the King.
“I like her. We should keep her.” Princess Shuri told her brother as she walked out of the room. He chuckled and gave a small nod as he began to walk out of the room. I had nearly forgotten about the warrior lady in the room. She no longer made eye contact as she too walked out of the room behind the royal siblings.
It will definitely take some time to get her to like me, but I had come all this way through all those obstacles. I was surely not going to give up on the challenge that this warrior silently proposed. No matter what I’ll try over and over again if I have to, but the general Okoye and I would get along if it’s the last task the gods have given me.
I looked around the room smiling like a little kid on Christmas.
I made it.
I. Made. It.
“Llegue mamá, llegue papá. Al fin estoy a salvo. Lo hice hermanita.” ( I made it mom, I made it dad. I’m finally safe. I did it little sister.) I let one more salty tear slide down my face. Reaching my chin i wiped it away and smiled to the sky.
…I made it…
I actually love this chapter :) though the interactions were hard to write, I think I did pretty well. And she met Okoye!!!
I hope to post soon, bye <3
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readingstufffff · 2 years ago
Where Red Meets Blue In The East
Okoye x OC Valentina
Warning:(Includes sensitive info)
Chapter 1 - kind of a prologue but not really :)
Next chapter
I never thought I would have ended up here separated from my family and on the verge of death. I always thought it’d be something worse, left to starve, eaten alive, maybe even torn apart. However, the plans the gods had for my life never seized to utterly surprise me.
I could feel the cold ground beneath me. My mind fuzzy and my body weak, I could hear my heart beating in my ears, and the brisk night air. Everything around me moved so slow, it was making me dizzy. The numbing pain running through my body weakening my ability to think clearly as I grabbed at anything near me. I felt so scared, but giving up felt like the best thing to do right now. My only clear thought being that of a calm endless sleep far away from the pain I felt. Not only on my physical body, but also the never ending replay of nightmares that plagued my head. A sleep where maybe I would be reunited with my parents and younger sister. A place in which the gods would allow us to be a family once more.
Then again life’s never been fair with me.
The moment my life began to go down hill was when I had just turned sixteen. Turns out being gifted by the god Tezcatlipoca wasn’t at all how I’d thought it’d be. My parents and I weren’t special as we were simply villagers, farmers that had a routine in our society. We never wished for anything outside of that routine let alone to be “blessed” by such a god. Then without warning on the morning of my sixteenth birthday I was given the very gift to manipulate power in any form imaginable. Being so week at that age I had absolutely no control of such a strong power. My power turned to destruction. Soon word spread quickly that A kid with such a gift existed, and everything in my life tumbled to the ground like mere pile of rocks.
I was soon separated from my parents and little sister in a savage manner. Ripped from the arms of my crying mother and not being able to say goodbye to my father. I was caged then taken to many buyers, horrible people with money, who wanted to use me as a party trick or for their rich fancy party friends. My traffickers never disclosed the details of my powers to anyone as they did not know it themselves. So, I was glad that I was never bought as a weapon. Many times I made appearances at rich kids birthday parties. My name, Valentina Siuapilli, helped with the names they gave the shows. My name meant “Strong princess”. The markings on my skin, my glowing eyes as I did floating tricks, and my native tongue made me that much more exotic to these people. They treated me like a simple party animal. The only good side of those parties is how I was able to learn English by listening to them as they spoke around me throughout the years. They angered me so much at times and that would cause me to lose control of my power. I quickly learned how to calm myself if that were to happen again and I was able to keep the markings on my body from turning blue. Which was not too difficult as they only appeared when my emotions were out of control and oddly enough breathing through it does help. A lot.
Soon enough I was old news to them. A one trick pony as they hated how I had learned to speak English. They said I wasn’t so exotic anymore and that my tricks were boring. I was glad I never had to perform for those brats again. Unfortunately a couple years later, when being traded off I landed in the hands of a group of scientists. By now I was at the ripe age of twenty-five. I was older now could understand more and these scientists were not the good kind you see on tv.
They experimented on me in many ways: blood samples, energy levels, and they tried to touch me in ways I do not wish to remind myself of. Luckily I used my power in those moments and never let them get to far. I know I could have freed myself many times, but every time I was bought or simply passed on to a knew owner they were given the location of my family. I could do nothing but play my part until I could make sure my family was out of harms reach.
Life apparently had other plans for that too…
Not long after, the scientists gained control over a couple of other kids. Some younger some older. It pained me too see their tired faces, helpless looks in their eyes, they had given up. And I soon found out why, though I wished I didn’t because it was far worse than any pain I could have ever received.
One by one every kid or teenager was taken a blood sample of. Then sent into their own individual capsules. I did not like these scientists but I was curious, and when I questioned why we were all being put in capsules my question was met with a grin. A grin that had haunted me every night even now. My heart sank, and everything went silent. My body numb. No longer feeling the sting of the needle in my forearm. My head slowly dropped as a man walked me towards an open capsule. Looking up and remembering my surroundings my body reacted. I ran put was quickly caught and shoved into the plastic looking tube, but when I tried to used my powers it was no good. Over and, and over, and over again, I wailed and screamed at the man who smiled back at me on the other side. I hated the grin that was still plastered on his face.
I was terrified. I had just been told we would all be frozen so we could be preserved forever. I didn’t want to die this way! Then it clicked… what about my family. I banged on the glass harder begging the man through teary eyes to let me out as the salty drops of water hit the metal ground. I begged and pleaded. The palms of my hands turning red and my blue markings starting to glow. I told him I wanted to see my family that I couldn’t die yet. His grin became wider more sinister. His words nearly caused my death alone.
They were dead… they had been killed as soon as I was handed off to these men.
Tears now rushing out like a waterfall no sound came out of my mouth as I hit the back of my now cage. My body slowly slid down as I hugged my knees. My body quivering as a couple of short and shaky breaths left my body. My markings dimmed for a moment. I could not believe it. Were they really gone? No. He surely just wanted to torment me. Right? I shook my head hugging my knees tighter to the point I could rip the the old shags these men had given me. I didn’t want to loose my parents. Then the thought of something worse hit me harder than ever when I realized my sister could be dead too. I could no longer breath, my eyes wide and tears still falling. I started to sob my cry’s slowly increasing. And my markings increasing in glow. I tried to hold back but, I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I let it all out ripping my pants where my fingers squeezed. Drawing blood with my finger nails. I screamed as loud as my voice allowed me too. Letting my markings fill the room with a blinding blue light. Slowly I felt cold, my eyes started to droop. It was difficult to stay awake; then without any warning it all went black. At least I left without pain, or at least I thought I had died that day.
I didn’t. I wish I did. That however, was not the case. I was awoken a hundred years later, not by choice, a group of armed men found us in the forgotten lab. The scientists left us for dead apparently. No sign they would come back for us. And just like that the few of us that were able to come back from the ice were taken and once again sold. This time I was sold with two other boys to three men which abused us. They beat the boys almost killing them and I couldn’t do anything either. I didn’t have my family so I could run away this time, but I soon found out that now a hundred years later technology was far greater. Somehow these men took away any power ever I had.
Those two years were painful. The first weeks I simply mourned the death of my family. Not being able to use them I soon forgot how to control my power’s; I was never touched by these men they called me their diamond, but the boys were abused everyday. At the two year mark they were both dead. They had both ended it one following after the other. I was alone. Again.
Just like the many times before, I was sold. Thankfully this was the last time. I was given to a skinny man in the black market. Still powerless. By this time I was twenty- eight, somehow i had kept track. I ate the food he gave and on the nights I wasn’t in the tiny cage at the entrance of his shop, I worked out. In hopes that maybe one day I would get out and be strong enough to defend myself. As I was skinny my whole life and never gained any weight. Halfway through that year I had nearly lost hope of getting out, or being bought, but two tall white men entered the shop wanting a set of weapons. They claimed they wanted to steal something called “vibranium” from a country called “ Wakanda”. They both described the city as futuristic capable of far more than any other country in the world. They continued to tell the man about how it was hidden in plain sight away from the rest of the world; with flying ships and an endless supply of whatever vibranium was. The men argued like five year-olds as they rumbled about how they got to live peacefully while the rest of us struggled in life.
I didn’t think much of it that night not wanting to get my hopes up for a possibly mystical fantasy place. I did however memorize every word those two men said: Wakanda, in Africa, barrier, safe place. That was all I wanted from life right now. If it wasn’t death than Wakanda could be my best option for a better life.
There was my motivation. I kept going, kept pushing on. I did not want to lose hope just yet if it meant there was even the slightest possibility of me getting a normal life. Then over the rest of the year I continued my routine of working out and by the end of it I had enough muscle to be considered lean. The hardest part of having hope is being patient. Patient enough to sit and wait for the best opportunity to escape. This was the first time I witnessed what people refer to as a miracle. A woman in a leather jacket passed by my cage looking me up and down before walking inside. I thought the act was an insult so I rolled my eyes and focused on the neon lights across from me again. Then I heard key jangle behind me. I looked back to find my cage door open the woman standing there telling me to come out. So I did. She paid the man and walked out of the shop with me following her footsteps. I asked her what she needed from me and she said she only wanted me out of that cage and that I was free now. To do as I pleased. She then pulled out a remote switching it off then crushing it under her shoe. I blinked not knowing what to say as the energy of my power spread through my veins. The feeling was nostalgic. I thanked her, then considered trying my luck by asking her if she by any chance could take me to Wakanda. She told me the farthest she could take me was Nigeria. I asked if it was close and she told me it was right below Wakanda. I thanked her once again asking for her name, the woman said she would like to keep that hidden. I nodded and I continued to follow behind her.
Before I knew it I was on a plane with her from the United States to Africa, or at least that’s what she told me. I had never flown in a plan before considering how airplanes weren’t a thing were I was from. In 1918 planes weren’t worldwide.
After the flight she got me a hotel and gave me enough money to sustain myself for a few weeks. The first week I simply did my research by listening to conversations in bars, and found out the men were right, the hidden Wakanda was out of sight no one knew exactly where. All they talked about was how they resided beyond the thick rainforest far past Nigeria.
The next morning I packed a bag with supplies and headed out to find a man willing to take me out to the middle of the Sambia Forest, It was the fastest way to get to Wakanda, one man did agree. Taking me as far as he was willing to Im order to keep himself safe. Saying it was dangerous to go further than halfway due to the dangerous men who drove through this forest. I did not listen, nor did I care and left the car walking deeper into the forest.
I walked until sundown, and though my feet hurt I started climbing up tree. It had a perfect view from the top to be able to see any danger and it was next to a dirt road that signaled my path to Wakanda. Plus it was comfy…enough. I knew I still had a long way to go, but with a small village ahead I was sure I could ask, in some way, for directions. I stayed awake as long as my eyes could fight to stay open but eventually fell asleep.
Not long after, my ears picked up the sound of tires traveling across the dirt. Leaves rustled and engines were closing in. I panicked quickly getting up to see what was happening. Were they her for me? I hoped my markings weren’t glowing. I did not want to lose my cover.
A group of six or more cars stopped directly in from of me. A man with a large gun stepped out seemingly inspecting his vehicle then looking around. The leader. Another stepped out of the vehicle behind him asking what had happened and if they were in danger. The leader said nothing. He raised his head looking around once more before telling his men to get into a defense position. They spread the word to the other twelve men, that’s when I saw the big truck, something important must be in there. I saw a shadow move to my left. I couldn’t see who it was but when he, or it, jumped down he moved faster than any of the men. Slowly taking down each of the men. The bullets being shot in an effort to defend themselves, not penetrating his cat like black suit. A woman stepped out of the big truck taking one of the fallen men’s gun and using it to knock two other men out. The men in the suit was just about to kill a young looking boy. The woman who stepped out of the truck pulled the boy away from his reach telling the other to stop. That the boy was still a child. She seemed mad taking of a green scarf and tunic off, but the man only stood frozen mumbling something you could not hear. A hidden man with a gun pointed at a hostage claiming he would shoot her if they did not surrender. He was quickly stabbed by another woman. This one wore red armor covering the were it was crucial and she looked like a warrior, a very strong one. She seemed to joke to the man in cat suit saying that he had frozen. The man sighed heavily. The three all stood together not seeing the last and final man pointing his gun at the lady from the truck.
Without hesitation I jumped from the tree. Using whatever knowledge I still had about how to use my power to perfect my landing to be in front of this lady. Taking the powerful shot. The bullet landed right below my heart, making it feel like the air had been knocked out of me. As I fell i could faintly see the warrior woman stab the man through the chest.
My landing was soft as I could feel soft fabric on my neck. I tried to blink and open my eyes but it was far to difficult. I only saw blurs of green and black, a hint of red came into view. My ears rang from how close the shot had been hearing muddled noise. I was able to open my eyes slightly, the pain increasing but I saw the warrior her face was neutral I could only make out the slight confusion as her brow furrowed and un-furrowed . Blue light slowly filled the corners of my vision. My markings were increasing the amount power that ran through my veins keeping me alive. Slowly I closed my eyes. I could feel my conscious slipping and as it did a wave of energy hit my body before I completely blacked out. Something was happening to me, or my body.
I wanted the god Mictlantecuhtli to take me to Mictlan, the underworld, So I could end this suffering for once and for all. I wanted him to so bad, but I could feel it in me. The defiance of death. I needed to live. I didn’t know for what, or who…
I don’t know what to say other than enjoy!! I hope to be updating this soon, if not by next week. :)
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readingstufffff · 2 years ago
I will be writing a knew story about my oc and our beautiful general Okoye from Black Panther. This will for sure be multiple parts and I hope my oc’s backstory isn’t too sad. I’ll start and the project soon as I have already been brainstorming the first chapter. :)
This story will be wlw oc is bisexual (confirmed later in the story)
Oc’s name is Valentina Siuapilli ( see - oo - ah - pilli) Valentina meaning healthy and strong, and Siuapilli meaning princess.
She is the age of 28
She is of Aztec decent
She has powers ( given by the gods) however she cannot control them.
She has a very happy and optimistic personality but she is very broken on the inside.
Basically Enemies to lovers
Story takes place at the beginning of Black Panther
W’kabi and Okoye are only friends in this story they are not together.
Most of the story will be fluff
I will try my best not to mess this up, I will do my research as best I can. Please give me feedback and tell me if I am being offensive in any way.
The name of the story will be “ Where red and blue meet in the East”
I’ll try to get the first chapter up this week <3
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readingstufffff · 2 years ago
Rainy Days <3
Sevika x Gn reader
I know it’s been a long time but better late than never! In this story you guys will finally get the kiss you’ve been waiting for <3
Warnings: Talk about injuries and blood
Rated: FLUFF
Part 1 Part 2
It’s been over a month since your last encounter with Sevika. You had been coming to the last drop almost everyday now. Helping Silco with his errands and any small tasks you could take, you needed the money.However, maybe you had been expecting to receive that kiss soon enough, but throughout the days you slowly began convincing yourself that it’d be better this way. This was just a small crush and it would surely go away sooner or later. As much as you liked the older woman it surely would’ve never worked. Right?
You’d decided not to think about it anymore and helped out at the last drop as much as you could to get your mind off of it. When you first noticed Sevika was gone you decided to ignore it as well and dismissed it as you being anxious and impatient. However, not much later you had heard Silco inform Jinx about Sevika’s whereabouts and you were just in earshot. She had been sent on a mission to deliver a big cargo of shimmer and Jinx was now in charge, at least until Sevika got back, which ment you got to follow the blue haired girl to make sure she didn’t… y’know… kill everyone.
It was fun at first and you loved Jinx of course, but for some reason the rain season had come earlier than expected and that made everything at the job slower. You and Jinx no longer got to go out due to the harsh rain and thunderstorms. Silco has gone into dad mode and forbade the two of you from going out, boy was it boring.
“ you think the rains gonna clear up anytime soon?” You asked the girl.
The eighteen year-old look at you and just slowly shook her head letting her hair brush across her face. You groaned, swinging your legs up on top of the coach you were laying on. The two of you were currently in Silco’s office both bored out of your minds with nothing to do. Exhaling you closed your eyes and started humming the tune to your favorite song while bouncing your feet on top of one another. Jinx joined in hanging from the boards on the ceiling.
You then paused, a loud bang could be heard from the downstairs of the Last Drop with footsteps trailing behind. You and Jinx shared a glance but quickly turned to the door again as a loud bang with a groan was heard behind the door. Jumping off the couch you opened the door half expecting a goon half expecting a pissed off Silco, but you were met by two very weak looking gray eyes.
“ Oh fuck! Are you ok!?”, A very bruised and bleeding Sevika now stood before you. It looked like she had been beat to pulp. Which was a strange sight, seeing as how skilled and big this lady was would scare anyone off. Or at least that’s what you’d think, but the scene in front of you said otherwise.
“I will be, when you get out of the way and let me sit down”, her response came out as if it were venom. You moved aside and signaled Jinx to leave. She smirked then nodded and hoped down from the ceiling and out the door in one fluid move. You raised a brow finding the gesture strange. Then you locked the door and turned towards the injured and pissed off Sevika.
“ Alright, let me see”, you reached to remove her cloak so you could get a look at the damage.
“I can take care of it myself”, she growled and attempted to move away, but hissed as she seemed to have regretted her decision. The movement most certainly hurt her. You let out a huff of air in amusement. She glared at you, to which you glared back and began removing her cloak from her soldiers. Her body stiffened a bit but she relaxed once she knew what was happening.
“ I need you lay down”, you told her while slightly pushing her back, which did absolutely nothing.
“You can do it whatever you need to like this” you glared at her. You knew she was being pissy because she was in pain, and having raised a teen like Jinx made you quite a good negotiator.
“Sevika, you either lay down and let me help you, or I can call Jinx in and she can do the job for me. Although you’ll probably end up more hurt, but I’m sure she can-“
“Fine”, she cut you off grumbling a few curses under her breath while slowly beginning to lower herself down. You helped by putting your hands on her back looking at her for any signs of pain. When her body was finally spread on the red couch you crouched to begin to inspect the visible wounds. It was nothing serious most of the wounds were superficial. The ones that were bleeding were no more than an two inches long and half a centimeter deep. They were mostly along her arms and legs, a few bruises on her stomach. Nothing you couldn’t bandage up. You of course could not repair her robotic arm, which looked pretty busted, though you were no mechanic.
Standing up you walked over to your night bag with a pair of eyes burning into your back following your every move . You searched for the med-kit you kept in your bag for emergencies. Walking over to your crouching position you placed it next to Sevika on the couch. Taking the necessary bandages and a bottle of alcohol out you started treating the wounds.
“You okay?”, you shifted your gaze up to her face while pressing down on a wound with a piece of cotton. She scrunched her nose then slightly nodded. “What happened to you? I thought you’d just be delivering a shipment”, you took the cotton off the second wound and grabbed a bandage to wrap the two areas you had cleaned.
“ Didn’t think you’d be worried darling”, she grunted out the last word. Though it was nice to see her smug personality peaking through. You could tell she was very much still in pain though as she wouldn’t look you in the eyes.
“I’m not worried, just curious”, you told her finishing up her bandage. She just stared at the ceiling as if she were pondering weather or not to tell you. You waited a moment but continued to inspect the other wounds, putting a cream you had bought not too long ago, for the bruising. Sevika seemed to have stopped pondering and was now following your movements. This time you did meet her eyes and she just stared back. A glint of mischief in her eyes. Then without warning she sat up pulling you to sit on the couch. “Are you -“, she shut you up pulling you in for a kiss. A tender soft kiss. It had surprised you at first not expecting it at this moment. You didn’t expect this from Sevika herself, but it’s not like you were complaining. Closing your eyes, you leaned in reciprocating the kiss and damn it her lips, god her lips. They were so soft you could feel the small scars she had on them. If this is what it felt like kissing her than you never wanted it to end. You felt a million butterflies in your stomach and you could hear your heart in you ears beating a hundred miles per hour. She pulled your body closer, with your help of course, and placed her palm on your cheek. You place your hands one on her shoulder and one behind her neck.
Sevika separated herself first admiring your face as if you were the rarest jewelry on Zaun. You did the same looking up into her calming gray eyes. Right then and there you knew you had fallen twice as hard. Twice as hard for a beautiful woman who you wanted to get to know for who she was. What she like to eat, do for fun, and what her favorite food was. You wanted to know it all, you wanted to learn to love her. Judging by the way your faces leaned in closer again maybe she wanted that too.
“You know what darling, I think I like when your curious”, you hummed and pulled her in again.
I am actually quite proud of this one 😌
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readingstufffff · 3 years ago
The Box 📦
Sevika x Gn reader
Warnings: a little bit of swearing
Rated fluff maybe a little bit steamy
I This is a continuation of my last story <3
Enjoy :)
The first time meeting Sevika hadn’t gone how you’d planned. Not that you had actually even intended to meet her. She had caused your heart rate to sky rocket with so much as a blink of an eye. You had no idea how you would react the next time you’d see her, so you decided to keep away from The Last Drop for a few days. No matter how much your heart ached to go see the beautiful woman. You were too afraid of making a fool out of yourself in front of her. Even worse you were afraid she wouldn’t like you or worse hate you.
Just like that the days had passed and it had been a week since you had gone to The Last Drop. You hadn’t done much. You just cooked, cleaned, hung out with Mocha( your little brown cat). Apart from that no thing else had happened, or at least that was how it had been until Jinx showed up at your house. She looked extatic ready to burst if you will. She apparently had some awesome news, which you couldn’t wait to hear. So you immediately sat her down so she could explain.
Your heart had never dropped so fast.
You sighed into your coffee. Remembering what Jinx had come by to tell you. She had come to remind you that tomorrow would be her birthday, and she wanted you to come over and celebrate with her.
“Well I guess so much for distancing myself.” You whispered to yourself as you put your mug in the sink and headed to your bedroom for money. You decided to go buy Jinx a present and reminded yourself you’d only be going yo hang out with Jinx no more. Of course life hated you and all ways found a way to bite you in the ass, but right now you didn’t want to think about that, so about your day you went. Heading to a couple of stores before finding the perfect present and heading back home to wrap it up. Throughout the night you could feel your heart jump out of your chest every time you thought about meeting Sevika again. However each time you pushed those feelings away and reminded yourself that wouldn’t happen. The hours passed in flash and you finally fell asleep, dreading going to The Last Drop.
The next morning you quickly changed, grabbed Jinx’s present and of course packed a bag with clean clothes (just in case). This time remembering to pack a shirt meanwhile looking at the shirt you had been wearing pondering if you should take it just in case, but you brushed the thought away. Then you left soon after heading to meet Jinx for her birthday.
When you got to the entrance of the building and you could see it was closed as the bodyguards were no longer there and there was no music on. So with a deep breath you raised your fist knocking and yelling to whoever was inside “ Hey, it’s me! Could you please open the door?!”. You lowered your hand rocking back and forth on your feet waiting for the door to be opened. The lock soon clicked as it was opened you couldn’t help but gasp and turn beat red yet again.
“ it’s you again. Haven’t seen you since the day you came into my room and stole my shirt”. Your eyes widened as you remembered said day and said shirt. The shirt which you had decided not to bring and had been sleeping with for the past week.
“ I am so sorry! I’ll come give it back tomorrow if you’d like?” You quickly apologized to the strong brute, the blush on your face now settling. “ I completely forgot to bring it today. I was to distracted with Jinx’s present and the food. I’m so sorry I forgot. I should’ve-“
“ How the hell have you survived in The Undercity for this long being so… nice” she cut your babbling and excuses off. She then moved aside and let you in before locking the doors. “ The brat isn’t here she left to go look for something ”. You nodded without turning to look at her and started to look around. Jinx not being here gave you the best opportunity to hide your present from her. You didn’t want to give her the present this early since it would look and work better at night.
You could feel Sevika’s gaze on you and sure enough when you turned around you met a gray pair of eyes starring at you in what you thought to be confusion. You decided to break the silence, “ Do you know any good hiding spots for this?” You showed her the box. With her face going back to neutral, she began walking to to a door that was behind the stairs perfectly hidden from the rest of the bar. You quickly followed. Sevika opened it to reveal a storage room with a tall rack filled to the brim with old junk. The only spot left being the one you couldn’t reach, being at the very top. You looked around for a stool or a box, nothing. So you decided to just try and jump to reach it, but that didn’t work because only half the box made it and you weren’t tall enough to pushed all the way up.
Unbeknownst to you Sevika hadn’t left and had just watched you embarrass yourself, by trying and failing to reached the top rack. You nearly gave up giving a little jump to try and pushed the box further to no avail. Next thing you knew, you felt the warmth of a large hand hold your waist before reaching up and fixing the box so it wouldn’t fall. After that she stayed in the same position as you slowly turned to look up at her. The hand at your waist now on your lower back and the hand that had fixed the box, now next to trapping you between the racks and her body.
You shifted your gaze between her eyes and lips. How badly you wanted to kiss those dark brown lips and hug her tight so she wouldn’t let go. She could see the desperation in your eyes and she clearly wanted to kiss you too or so you thought, as she slowly leaned in kissing your cheek first then your neck gently bitting it clearly teasing you. “Sevika…” you wanted her to kiss you so putting your hand on her shoulders you pushed her back enough to try and capture her lips but before you could, a loud crash came from the kitchen hinting at a certain someone’s arrival.
“ Shit”, Sevika whispered against your lips looking you in the eyes “looks like I’ll get to taste that sweet mouth of yours next time I see ya” she whispered to your ear sending shivers throughout your body slowly standing straight and heading for the door “ maybe when you bring that shirt of mine you’ve been wearing princess” she finally said while leaving the room.
“Wait how did you know-” You covered your face as you finally understood what she had meant.
You quickly left the room fixing yourself so it didn’t look like you had almost made out with Sevika. You walked towards the kitchen hearing a few more thing fall before looking inside. Only to see your blue haired friend covered in flour head to toe. “ Wow…” You laughed getting s few plates of the ground before helping her get herself clean of the white flour all over her . Noticing that there weren’t anymore towels. You started heading toward the bathroom for a few towels you had seen before. On your way you saw Sevika talking to some other men before she caught sight of you too and smirked.
You quickly broke eye contact looking at the floor and walked faster completely flustered by the sight of her smirking. The memory of the things she had told you quickly coming to mind, “ next time…” you told yourself raising your hand to touch your lips. A smile forming.
I did it ✨
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readingstufffff · 3 years ago
I’m halfway done with the continuation or the second story for Sevika <3
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readingstufffff · 3 years ago
First Time Meeting Sevika <3
Sevika x Gn reader
Warnings: none.
Just a little story on reader meeting Sevika for the first time :) This is not proofread. <3
Only recently had you started to visit Jinx at The Last Drop, with wanting to keep yourself away from the shimmer infested streets and the rise in violence throughout Zaun. The place had become increasingly more dangerous as the years passed, and you wanted nothing to do with it.
Jinx of course had other plans constantly coming to your home and always telling you to come along with her to ‘Have some fun!’ as she put it. You on the other hand saw nothin wrong with staying in your little house. Where you could see the streets of Zaun and it’s bright lights, and the few Enforcers that stood guard at the bridge.
Over the last few days however, Jinx had managed to convince you. (Bribing you with free drinks) Silvio already new about you since well; you had been the one to raise Jinx when he was occupied. So when he saw you arrive at The Last Drop he just greeted you with a “ nice to see you”, and left for his office. All you had done after that was draw on the walls of Jinx’s room, eat snacks, and go home. That’s how the last few days had gone anyway.
Tonight Jinx had asked you to stay over. So you had packed an overnight bag along with a towel just in case you needed to shower. You had learned through the years that whenever you were around Jinx anything was bound to happen, so you reminded yourself to always be prepared.
But half of the time you forgot to remember and ended up walking home soaked in paint.
The moment you arrived at The Last Drop you were tackled to the floor, not having seen the blue haired girl running towards you while opening the door. You both fell to the floor in a fit of laughter. All the people in the bar looking at the two of you, but neither of you noticed while rolling around on the floor, “Jinx!” You laughed as she tickled you. “Stop!” You quickly switched your spots pulling her down and tickling her stomach. Bumping into a few legs in the process. She tried pushing your hand away while apologizing through her giggles, “ Ok! Ok! I’m sorry!” She finally freed herself and got up pulling you with her leading you to her room. Almost crashing into a tall lady with a red cloak that was coming down the stairs. Probably for a drink at the bar. It was only late in the afternoon and the bar was already full. Most people just here for the shimmer drinks the bar provided.
As you got to the top of the stairs it was obvious which door was hers. The door was painted with her signature monkey characters she loved to paint and big splotches of blue and pink paint. “ Come on! I got Silco to buy me a new set of paints and according to the guy at the shop they glow in the dark.” She informed you as you both made it through the door. She quickly got the paints out of a box under her bed putting them next to the only blank space in her room that wasn’t painted. And just like that you two got to painting.
Jinx had taken over more than half of the wall in a few hour while you only got a few flowers and 3 small characters in. Of course you can never paint without getting dirty but painting with Jinx is something else by the end of it your hair, face, clothes, and even your shoes were covered in paint. You needed place to shower. And another place to throw your clothes away because at this point they were beyond saving, with the paint having seeped into the fabrics hours ago. “ Hey Jinx, do you guys have a shower here?” You stood up grabbing the bag that had your clothes and your towel.
She tapped the back of her paintbrush on her chin while spinning on her feet. “ You could use the one that’s down the hallway. Unless… someone’s already in there. You should go check” you nodded about to leave when she continued, “but, If you hear music specifically slow music you won’t be able to shower for a few hours.” You raised an eyebrow at that to which she replied “ It means Silco is showering. He does this whole thing where he meditates. He told me once that it helped with the stress or something like that.”, you raised both eyebrows at that not expecting to hear that Silco meditated “ yeah, and if that’s the case you’ll have to ask the ogre to use her bathroom.” She said almost in disgust scrunching her face and turning to continue painting.
You just rolled your eyes with a smile.
You knew very well who she was talking about. Having heard the many rants and awful words directed towards Silco’s number two. But you had never met her so you never knew what the ‘ogre’ or the ‘ brute scary lady’ looked like. According to Jinx: she is a party pooper, stupid, and one time she was mad enough to call her a whore. Which to you was a little harsh but when Jinx gets mad she gets mad.
Anyway, you simply nodded and left with a low ‘thanks’ walking out the door to the end of the hallway. And sure enough the door to the bathroom was locked with slow music playing behind it. “ damn it”, was all you whispered to yourself before heading back to ask Jinx where the ‘ogres’ door was. You chuckled to yourself thinking of the nickname Jinx had given her. You quickly entered the room and asked what door lead to Sevika room, “ it’s the door right in front of my room” she told you without turning away from the very detailed portrait of a butterfly on the wall. You thanked her and closed the door turning around to look at the door she had just told you about. Giving it three firm knocks before lowering your hand to keep hold of the towel on your shoulder. Not much later you heard heavy footsteps coming towards the door before it swiftly opened to reveal the scent of cigarettes and the sight of the same tall lady at the stairs earlier that day. Jinx had always said she was the ugliest person she’d ever met, but you found heat rising to your cheeks looking at the woman towering over you. She had a dark rich skin tone with beautiful gray eyes and blue scars running along her left cheek which seemed to shin in the dim light. The cloak she was wearing earlier no where in sight exposing a gorgeous bronze robotic arm with a green tinted shoulder part and sharp dangerous looking metallic fingers at the bottom. You wondered at what point she had come up the stairs not having heard any footsteps coming towards the rooms.
But damn it, why was she so attractive?
She starred at what you assumed to be your paint covered body with an a firm face holding the door halfway open before speaking to you in a rather harsh tone, “ And who are you?” Your voice being stuck in your throat now made you embarrassed so you opted to just pointed behind you at Jinx’s door and whispered an almost inaudible ‘ her friend’ her face formed a scowl while starring you down to the point you felt like a mouse in a tigers den. She spoke again her tone become lower as her eyes narrowed “ and what do you want?” You gripped the towel in your hand before responding after taking a breath, “ I was wondering if I could use your shower? Because Silco is occupying the other one… Please?” She huffed before fully opening the door to let you in. You silently thank her while walking inside the smell of tobacco filling your lungs. She just grunted before grumbling something along the lines of ‘just don’t touch my shit’ you just nodded before entering the bathroom.
You quickly took a shower scrubbing at your skin and only pair of shoes and not listening to what Sevika had told you, you took the only shampoo in sight not having brought any with you. Once you had finished you dried you hair and body before changing into your change of clothes, or at least trying to quickly noticing that you hadn’t packed a shirt to sleep in. Of course any other person would have just walked out like that because there’s nothing wrong with walking around without a shirt, but you hated it you didn’t hate your body just the idea of waking around with your body for everyone to see. You considered just wrapping your body in your towel and leaving Sevika’s room to ask Jinx for a shirt but quickly remember the basket in the corner of her room filled to the brim of dirty clothes. You wanted to ask Sevika for a shirt but hesitated seeing as she clearly didn’t care about you not even offering her name (even if you already knew it). It was worth a try however so you stepped out of the bathroom your body slightly wrapped in the towel and your hair messy and still wet.
You looked at Sevika’s form sitting on top of her bed cigarette in her robotic hand and oddly enough a black book with no name in her human hand. She looked up through her eyebrows hearing you approach her. She didn’t say anything just slowly traveling her ever all over you making you shift on your feet before asking “ I was wondering if you could lend me a shirt? Just for the night? Please?” She maintained eye contact for a few seconds before standing up and walking over to a black dresser in the corner of her room.
She opened a drawer searching through what were clearly a mess of her clothes, “ Are ya a piltie or something why are you so polite?” She suddenly spoke surprising you. You quickly shook your head however “ No. I was just raised by nice people who had a few piltie friends but I’m from the undercity”, she hummed finally picking out what appeared to be a black t-shirt that was visibly to big for you. She tossed it to you before returning to her previous place on the bed relighting her cigar and continuing to read.
(She looked intimidating even while reading)
You took the opportunity to go change in the bathroom and get you bag of dirty painted clothes. You walked back out to her room heading for the door before hearing her speak to you “I thought I told you not to touch my shit, you smelt like my shampoo as soon as you stepped out of the bathroom” she starred at your eyes. You felt embarrassed quickly apologized and that Jed her for the shirt before leaving for Jinx’s room.
As you entered you found Jinx on her bed tweaking with one of her gadgets. “ why’d you take so long?” She looked up at you finding your face to be the color of a tomato.
“ I think I love her…” was all you said.
:3 Thoughts?
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readingstufffff · 3 years ago
First Post Here <3
I have no idea what to write here and I also have no grammar nor writing skills. So please go easy on me for that. This is just a place for me to post random prompts, one shots, and small stories. So yeah idk what else to write. :)
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Pretty lady <3
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