#oc: malia bennet
bibaybe · 1 year
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OC Pride Challenge 2023 / Day Three: Bisexual
Octavia Mancini, Willow Lahey, Malia Bennet, Ruby, Bay Acker, and Park Sun-hi are Bisexual!
taglist: @eddysocs @ocappreciationtag @foxesandmagic @wordspin-shares @veetlegeuse  
gif sources: x / x / x / x / x / x
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welcometonevermore · 1 year
Hello, tags. It’s time for a new pinned post. So for those curious onlookers, this is a 21+ open fandom supernatural open town rp that follows an original plot based on the Wednesday series. We accept canon characters and ocs related to canon characters/fandoms. If you’re looking to join, we’d love characters from Wednesday like Bianca Barclay, Yoko Tinaka, Eugene Otinger, and Enid Sinclair or characters from Elite like Ander Munoz, the Commerford-Blancos, Polo Villada, Valerio Montesino, Guzman Nunier, Nadia Shanaa, and Iván Carvalho or characters from Glee like Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry, Frannie Fabray, Santana Lopez, Brittany Pierce, Jake Puckerman, and Unique Adams or characters from Teen Wolf like Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Malia Tate, Erica Reyes, Mason Hewitt, and Cora Hale or characters from The Vampire Diaries like Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Jeremy Gilbert, Caroline Forbes, Bonnie Bennet, Tyler Lockwood, and Hayley Marshall or characters from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina like Ambrose Spellman, Prudence, Dorcas, Harvey Kinkle, Theo Putnam, Nicholas Scratch, and Robin Goodfellow. 
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jessiemieli · 6 years
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The Shadowhunter Girl Gang [ft. Mattie Louvel, Anya Cartwright, Kaden Wolfhart, and Evie Calloway]
You can’t break us. - k.s. (insp.)
@abcbarricadeboys, @wild-stdreams, @chlobenet
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unsolvedcase-moved · 3 years
multimuse penned by red ( she/they/it pronouns, 23, nz ) MEDIUM ACTIVITY, i can't determine how often i'll be on but feel free message me whenever because i'm always down to plot
muses. rules.
teen wolf allison argent darcy mccall liam dunbar louise argent lydia martin malia tate tracy stewart
supernatural claire novak dean winchester meg masters rowena macleod heroes claire bennet molly walker niki sanders cassidy miller-gray dead by daylight david king dwight fairfeild felix richter feng min meg thomas julia kostenko sally smithson
avatar the last airbender katara sokka toph
buffy the vampire slayer xander harris willow rosenburg
macgyver desiree nguyen riley davis russ taylor
chronicle andrew detmer matt garetty
the walking dead charlotte walsh penny blake rebecca ford
fear street ziggy berman tommy slater samantha fraser cindy berman alice rodgers arnie phillips kimberly rodgers eric slater maya horton
fandomless shane madej
My name is RED, I am 23 years old, I’ve rped under a different name before so I have a little bit of experience on here, I AM HOWEVER, STILL A HUMAN BEING, so I may not get everything right all the time, if you have any issues that come up while rping with me just know I would like you to tell me what’s up, so I can do my best to resolve the issue, I myself don’t have issues with any theme
this is a private, selective, medium activity MULTI-FANDOM MULTIMUSE. there are so many muses on this blog, and not all of them are my primaries, obviously you don't have to write with all of them, but feel free write with as many as feel like. UNDERSTAND I HAVE OVER 40 MUSES SO GETTING ALL THE INFO PAGES MAY TAKE A WHILE but i am trying my hardest to get it all done.I ENJOY USING ICONS but if you primarily do not use icons, i'm more than happy to just leave icons out of it entirely, as some times it's much easier.
understand that this blog will be very trigger   heavy, I will tag such as “trigger : ”   I will be potentially writing things such as, DEATH, SELF HARM, GORE, ABUSE, SUICIDE, RAPE & SEXUAL ASSAULT If this is an issue, I suggest blacklisting the term  “trigger : ”   as this will occur a lot.
When it comes to shipping, I am not very selective at all, I truly am a hoe for ships, whether that be soft and fluffy, tense and sexual, or hate ships, honestly I would be down for anything, I WILL NOT WRITE SMUT WITH UNDERAGE MUSES. If at any point you want to plot a ship with me you can jump right into my IM or just throw some memes or starters my way, up to you, I don’t mind at all
i almost always CONTINUE ASK MEMES & i highly encourage you to do the same. you’re welcome to send as many memes as you want & continue all of them. I WANT TO HAVE MULTIPLE THREADS WITH ALL MY PARTNERS. i truly do love the shit out of all of you.
i almost always CONTINUE ASK MEMES & i highly encourage you to do the same. you’re welcome to send as many memes as you want & continue all of them. I WANT TO HAVE MULTIPLE THREADS WITH ALL MY PARTNERS. I AM MORE THAN OKAY WITH WRITING CROSSOVERS, for example I have no issue with my Dean Winchester interacting with a Stiles Stilinski as it would make sense for that crossover, I ALSO HAVE NO ISSUE FOLLOWING MULTIPLES BACK, as I am a multimuse, it's not a massive issue as I have other muses. I TEND TO PREFER LONGER THREADS as it gives me more to work with but I am okay with a small paragraph. My responses should be relatively fast as I don't really do much to be honest. So if it's been a while since I've responded, JUST FLICK ME A MESSAGE as I may have forgotten. I AM NOT PICKY WHEN IT COMES TO FANCY FORMATTING, but I will probably format your response aesthetically to match the vibe of my blog, unless that's an issue for you. again, I prefer to use icons, it's okay if you don't but it is a preference of mine, I DO NOT USE ICONS IN SMUT I write with OC's, I don't have a problem with them AT ALL, I do however like a fleshed out character, so the more information you could give me about them the better.
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the-writer-nerd-ro · 4 years
Christmas Party Panic
Christmas/Holiday present and general OC fun for @brainyxbat and @spyrkle4 and @barely-nok read to find out which BH6 character or OC says the f-word.
Seth stretched, their back tingling and aching as they pulled a lush, soft Christmas sweater over their chest, where the scars of surgery had primarily healed, and their back, where the scars were still a little raw.
“Good morning my king,” Morgan mumbled, sleepily reaching for her tube of toothpaste and almost putting lotion on her toothbrush instead. Seth gently corrected her, far more used to being awake early in the morning than their drowsy girlfriend. 
“Morning, sugar,” Seth smirked, “Are you excited for the party?”
“For the… That’s today?” Morgan still didn’t understand how she’d been invited to this party. By all accounts, it didn’t make sense. Things between her and Hiro were tolerant, maybe even a tad protective, but not exactly warm. Wasabi and Fred kind of liked her, but all of them liked Seth and Seth loved Morgan, so Morgan made it to the guestlist for The Lucky Cat Cafe Christmas party.
The guestlist was actually getting pretty long. That was Ari’s fault. If it were up to Hiro, it would just be Big Hero 6, Ari, and Megan. Fred had insisted on inviting Seth which had landed Morgan on the guestlist as well, but Ari was the one throwing around invites to anyone who smiled at her. Which included all of the Ferns, Sienna, Rachel and her folks, and now some random coffee patron.
"You can't add strangers to the guestlist, Ariel.” 
“Doesn’t seem like she’s a stranger to me,” Ari smirked, jerking her head towards Wasabi, who was nervously stumbling over his words and rubbing his neck as he talked to a short girl with green streaks in her hair.
“Look at him,” Ari gigled, “he’s smitten. You’ve got to let him invite Venus. They’re so cute together. You got to invite Megan.” Hiro blushed at the mention of Megan. 
“That’s different. And isn’t he already inviting someone?” 
“No, that’s different, Khary is his brother. You’re inviting me.” 
“You’re not invited, you live here. Khary doesn’t live here. He��s cool though, and I know him, so it’s okay. I don’t know Venus. Too many people are coming to this party.” Hiro ran his fingers through his hair, seeming a little irritated and not very festive. Ari knew that this was difficult for him, his first Christmas without Tadashi. She’d hoped surrounding him with friends, old and new, would help him, but he just seemed uncomfortable. 
Ari placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, “What’s wrong?”
“Last year it was just different. I’m glad that you’re here, you’re the best change that ever could’ve happened. But last year… And Morgan…” 
Ari frowed. She hadn’t been around Morgan much but she liked her. Morgan was confusing and intriguing and always seemed like she was down for a good though slightly illegal time. Rachel had met her once and quietly commented that Morgan reminded her of Katie, if Katie was human and nice. 
“What about Morgan?” Hiro didn’t seem to like Morgan much, though Ari had never really understood why, until Hiro answered her.
“Morgan was Tadashi’s girlfriend. Now she’s what? Turned around and found somebody new?”
“Seth is really cool, you shouldn’t be upset at them.”
“I’m not upset at them! I don’t care about them. I’m upset that Morgan moved on so fast.” 
“I’m sure it wasn’t easy for her, Hiro. But maybe talking to her today will help.” 
Hiro was about to disagree when Wasabi came over, grinning like a fool.
“I got Venus's number! And she’s coming to the party.” Wasabi did a quick little happy dance. 
“Congrats,” Hiro muttered, disappearing upstairs. 
“Is he okay?” Wasabi asked. 
Ari bit her lip, wondering how much she should explain.
“He’s just nervous about the party,” she finally managed. 
“Ah. Well, me too, actually. I should, uh, I should go home and change…” The fact that this was kind of a date with the cute Botany Major had just occurred to Wasabi, and his face morphed into a panic.
“I’m looking forward to meeting your brother!” Ari called before Wasabi could run out of the cafe.
Wasabi hesitated, “What?”
“Didn’t you invite Khary?” 
His eyes widened, “I forgot my whole brother.” Ari stifled a laugh. She knew as well as anyone that love could make you do boarderline stupid things. 
"Well, don't forget him before the party."
"I won't," Wasabi promised, heading out.
Unlike her brother, Ari was excited about having so many people around for Christmas. While she loved Aunt Cass and Hiro, she knew her family was much larger than just them. It included all the wonderful people who had come into her life this past year. She wished Juniper could be on the guestlist, and that Karmi could be more than an unanswered invitation. She missed her dear friends and hadn't stopped worrying about either since the mutations, which had hit everyone pretty hard. They deserved a nice Christmas after everything that had happened. She just hoped Hiro would be a little more in the Holiday spirit later.
Hiro wasn't the only reluctant party guest. Actually, it seemed like reluctance was infectious. Morgan hadn't started feeling merry and Wasabi's last minute invite couldn't even leave her bedroom, too nervous and indecisive. 
"Sweetheart," Malia Woods said, putting a hand on Venus' shoulder, "you look wonderful. This Wesley fellow will be lucky to be your date tonight."
"Are you sure?" Venus spun in her Santa dress, looking like a million bucks, and her mom laughed.
"Yes, Cath, he's going to swoon when he sees you."
"Jack was making fun of me earlier," Venus frowned. She really did hate her older brother and his cruel jokes.
"Jack has been reprimanded. And he's out with friends tonight anyway, you have nothing to worry about. Come on, honey. Let's get you to your party." 
Venus nodded, taking a deep breath, mustering her confidence, and putting on a Santa hat.
"Let's go."
"Come on, Morgan, let's go! We need to leave now if we want to run errands before the party." Seth was many things but late was rarely one of them.
"Hold onto your horses, babe. It's not easy looking this perfect."
"It's not that hard, I do it all the time," Seth retorted, setting down three tins of decorated cookies and crossing their arms.
Morgan laughed, "I can't argue with you there…" Finally she emerged, makeup flawless, wearing a sweater that matched  Seth's. Seth's was green and said "All I Want for Christmas is You," with an arrow pointing at Morgan. Morgan's was red and said the same, with an arrow pointing at Seth. As tempting as it had been to buy even dumber couple's sweaters, they'd settled on something sweet that would still nauseate their friends and family.
"We look great," Seth said, grabbing the cookie tins.
"We're missing something, hold on." Morgan produced two pairs of reindeer antler headbands and plopped one down on Seth's head, before putting on her own. 
"Perfect," Seth agreed, though they knew it was cheesy. 
They were not half as cheesy as Sadie’s boyfriends, who opened the door to their apartment donned in a two person Christmas sweater that declared that Bennet was the naughty one and Dalton was the nice one.
“Oh my gosh,” Morgan snickered.
“Are you guys okay? Dalton? Bennet? Is this a punishment? Blink twice if my sister is holding you hostage.”
Dalton jerked his head at his slightly shorter boyfriend, “It was his idea.” 
Seth’s mouth formed an O, “Bennet, I thought you were the sensible one.” 
Bennet smirked, “This is great. Dalton has to hug me the entire time we’re wearing this.” While Bennet tended to gravitate more toward giving gifts and Dalton was more centered around acts of service it was obvious that one of Bennet’s love languages was physical touch.
“I’m touching his butt,” Dalton said with a shrug and a sly smile. 
“Is Sadie here?” 
“Yeah, but she’s being a real Grinch,” Bennet said, loud enough for Sadie to overhear. 
“You guys left me out of the Christmas sweater,” Sadie said, coming over.
“Sorry,” Dalton said sheepishly.
Sadie smiled, “I’m not mad at you, goof. What’s up, Seth, Morgan? You guys look adorable.” 
“Thanks. We brought you cookies! We have one more delivery to make before we go to this Christmas party later, so we can’t stay, but I’m really glad we got to see you!” Morgan seemed a bit more cheerful, but she was still nervous about the party. 
“I’m glad I got to see this,” Seth said, gesturing at Dalton and Bennet.
“Have fun at your party, I’m sure these cookies will be great,” Sadie said, taking the tin.
“Did Morgan make them?” Bennet asked, a bit skeptical.
“No, don’t worry,” Seth laughed.
“Hey, I can bake!”
“Mm, sure you can, sugar.” Seth kissed Morgan’s cheek, having to tiptoe per usual, though not as much since the incident. 
“I know you have to leave but you’ll have to join us for hot chocolate and S’mores sometime after Christmas. Dalton makes the best,” Sadie said.
“We’ll hold you to it.” They had one more couple to visit before they headed to the party, which was already getting started. 
“Ari, this is my little brother Khary. Hiro, I guess you two probably remember each other?” 
“Yeah, what’s up, man?” Hiro and Khary exchanged a fist bump and Khary shook Ari’s hand. 
“Just vibing,” Khary laughed, “It’s nice to meet you, Ari.”
“Nice to meet you too. Wasabi talks about you all the time."
"Oh that's their nickname for me. You can use it too, Khare."
"Cool. It's uh, it's nice to know you have friends who care enough to give you nicknames." Wasabi smiled a moment but it was clear he was distracted, watching the door, waiting for his crush. The door opened and Wasabi held his breath, but it was just Megan and Chief Cruz.
"Hey, I know you, you go to my school!" Megan said, coming over and striking up a conversation with Ari, Hiro, and Khary.
"Yeah? I think I might've seen you around… I'm Khary."
"Megan. You were in Mary Poppins, right? I wrote about your performance for the school paper."
"Oh, cool!" Wasabi was obviously overjoyed that his baby brother was getting along with the others, but he was more concerned about his date. What if she decided not to come? What if she thought all this was too much? But, sure enough, Catherine "Venus" Woods made her grand entrance, instantly taking Wasabi's breath away.
"You look amazing, Venus. I'm so glad you came."
Venus instantly blushed, "You look nice too, Wesley."
"Oh, uh, you can call me Wasabi, all my friends do."
She nodded and made a note of it, "I really like your sweater."”
“Oh, really? I made it.” 
“You made that? Whoa. You’re so talented.”
“You’re pretty talented yourself,” Wasabi commented, “I’ve seen the project that got you into SFIT. That’s crazy cool.” 
Venus instinctively pushed her hair in front of her face, nervous and blushing. 
“T-thank you.” Khary nudged Wasabi’s leg with his foot and Wasabi remembered that he and Venus weren’t the only two people in the universe. 
“Venus, this is my little brother Khary.” Wasabi affectionately grabbed the teen by his shoulders.
“Oh,” Venus smiled, “Nice to meet you!” 
“And these are my friends Ari, Hiro, and Megan. Ari and Hiro’s aunt owns the cafe”
“You work here sometimes, don’t you, Wasabi?” Venus asked, since he was the whole reason she’d become a regular here. 
“Yeah, it’s been my part time job since high school.” He frowned, momentarily, thinking about Tadashi who had gotten him this job and more importantly had gotten him to this point in his life. This Christmas would be hard. He glanced at Hiro, noticing for the first time that all these changes, all these new people that Tadashi hadn’t known were really shaking the kid. 
“We’re late,” Morgan said, her leg jittering in the passengers’ seat, “maybe we shouldn’t go. Maybe we should just drop off the cookies with Kei and skip the party.”
“We’re gonna drop off these cookies and at least make an appearance at the party. Fred asked me to come, and I’m sure everyone is going to be glad to see you.”
“Sure,” Morgan rolled her eyes.
“Hey, our friends love you.”
“Your friends,” Morgan reminded, “you’re the one everyone likes.”
“That’s not true. Hiro’s little sister likes you.”
“Oh, yeah, well she’s different. She’s cool. Have you seen what she can do with the…” Morgan mimicked water bending, and Seth laughed.
“Not sure if I have. Haven’t exactly been on the anti-hero scene as long as you, babe.” Seth kept Morgan talking, distracted from her concerns about the party until they pulled up at their second stop. 
“Kei’s gonna love these,” Morgan said cheerfully, still over the moon that she had met and befriended her favorite performer. 
“We did good,” Seth agreed. Seth loved that Morgan had gotten to meet her idol but DJ Parasite had become so much more than music they drank to, Kei had sort of become like a mom to Seth. A really weird, young, cool mom.
Morgan knocked on the door to Kei’s apartment.
“I’m coming, I’m coming, hold on!” Kei yelled across the apartment, and there was a crashing sound before the door was unlocked.
“Oh my gosh,” Kei said, eying the sweaters, “you two look adorable. I didn’t think I could ship this more but I do.” 
Seth laughed, “Thank you.”
“Mr. Claus won’t match with me, but, ugh, I’m loving this.” Kei drew Morgan and Seth into a hug without warning, pulling them slightly into the apartment.
“We made and decorated cookies,” Morgan said, holding up the tin.
“Oh! Thank you! I think I have your presents ready, hold on.” Morgan and Seth stood there, waiting, as Kei disappeared, yelling down the hallway, “BABE! DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE GIFTS FOR THE KIDS ARE?”
Seth couldn’t help chuckling at the response, “They’re under the Christmas tree, dumbass.” 
“Right, obviously.” Kei dashed over to the tree and came back with two matching gift bags.
“It’s simple but if you don’t like it tell me, or, well just I’ll probably end up getting you something else as well so that’s a placeholder for now.”
“Do you want us to open it now?” Seth asked, taking the bag addressed to them. 
“No, I don’t wanna see your faces if you’re disappointed in them.”
“I’m sure we’re going to love them, Kei,” Morgan assured.
“Hope so. Oh! Before you leave, look up!” Seth and Morgan looked up in unison, a blush tinting both of their faces when they saw the mistletoe over the door. Seth glanced at Morgan who nodded and leaned down for a quick but sweet kiss. 
"See? Moth uses the mistletoe!" Kei shouted down the hall to her husband. 
"I don't need a parasite plant to kiss my parasite wife!"
"Well, we'll let you get to kissing," Morgan snorted, "we have places to be anyway."
"So are you excited for the party now?" Seth asked as they walked back to the car, pulling out the bit of tissue paper in the bag and revealing a lovely little bird ornament with soft fake feathers, "Oh, this is cute! What did you get?"
Morgan opened her own bird ornament, which was made out of gears and other steampunk parts. Morgan giggled, "Kei is nutso. These are going on our tree immediately."
"Are you excited about the party?" Seth asked again, for the third time today, actually.
The rest of this story will be in the fucking reblog I guess
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bibaybe · 1 year
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OC Valentine’s Challenge 2023 / Day 5 : That’s So Us
featuring... aella and 10k(z nation), jian and isaac(teen wolf), wu-jin and sun-hi(all of us are dead), bay and leo(heroes of olympus), jordan and will(stranger things), willow and stiles(teen wolf), steve, eddie, and virginia(stranger things), and malia and spencer(original story)
taglist: @wordspin-shares @ocappreciationtag @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse
gif sources: x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
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bibaybe · 2 years
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man i love making these sm
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bibaybe · 2 years
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OC Pride Challenge 2022 / Day 20 : queer artist - halsey
- well, she stings like she means it, she's mean and she's mine
Taglist: @veetlegeuse @arrthurpendragon @foxesandmagic
Gif Sources: x, x, x
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bibaybe · 2 years
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Making Spotify Covers :: Malia
I get overwhelmed so easily My anxiety creeps inside of me Makes it hard to breathe Words come over me Feels like I'm somebody else
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bibaybe · 2 years
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Old Moodboards Series
Malia Bennet
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bibaybe · 2 years
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0 notes
bibaybe · 2 years
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Making Spotify Covers :: Malia/Spencer
Cause I can't keep sleeping in your bed If you keep messing with my head Before I slip under your sheets Can you give me something please?
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bibaybe · 2 years
Mobile OC Masterlist
Bold means there’s a profile available/Italics means no profile available
Aella Espinosa - Z Nation Basil Guerrero - Fate: The Winx Saga
Bay Acker - Riordanverse
Carson Hunter - NCIS
Carter Blackwood - Lockwood and Co
Celia Bridgerton - Bridgerton
Contessa Wright - Criminal Minds
Daniel Hudson - The Midnight Club
Delilah Locklear - Wednesday
Elyse Hargreeves - The Umbrella Academy
Emika Rhodes - The 100
Evangeline Hallows - Riordanverse
Fabian Melander - Young Royals
Faith Quinn - Marvel
Jayda Barlowe - Teen Wolf
Jian Zhao - Teen Wolf
Jordan King - Stranger Things
Kienna Hargreeves - The Umbrella Academy
Keiko - Haikyuu!
Kira Regan - Derry Girls
Logan Suarez - Fate: The Winx Saga
Malia Bennet - Original Story
Mira Rubin - Once Upon A Time
Miyako - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Miyata Rika - Alice In Borderland
Noah Fuji - The 100
Nora Booth - Bones
Octavia Hadid - FRIENDS
Olivia Jennings - Criminal Minds
Park Sun-hi - All of Us Are Dead
Quinn Hayes - High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
Raya King - Stranger Things
Ruby - Young Royals
Sigourney Espinosa - Z Nation
Spencer Dare - Original Story
Theodosia Patterson - Stranger Things
Virginia King - Stranger Things
Willow Lahey - Teen Wolf
Yvonne Sundström - Young Royals
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unsolvedcase-moved · 3 years
teen wolf allison argent darcy mccall liam dunbar louise argent lydia martin  malia tate  tracy stewart
supernatural claire novak dean winchester meg masters rowena macleod heroes claire bennet molly walker niki sanders cassidy miller-gray dead by daylight david king dwight fairfeild felix richter feng min meg thomas julia kostenko sally smithson
avatar the last airbender katara sokka toph
buffy the vampire slayer  xander harris willow rosenburg
macgyver desiree nguyen riley davis russ taylor
chronicle andrew detmer matt garetty
the walking dead charlotte walsh penny blake rebecca ford
fear street ziggy berman tommy slater samantha fraser cindy berman alice rodgers arnie phillips kimberly rodgers eric slater maya horton
fandomless shane madej
My name is RED, I am 23 years old, I’ve rped under a different name before so I have a little bit of experience on here, I AM HOWEVER, STILL A HUMAN BEING, so I may not get everything right all the time, if you have any issues that come up while rping with me just know I would like you to tell me what’s up, so I can do my best to resolve the issue, I myself don’t have issues with any theme
this is a private, selective, medium activity MULTI-FANDOM MULTIMUSE. there are so many muses on this blog, and not all of them are my primaries, obviously you don't have to write with all of them, but feel free write with as many as feel like. UNDERSTAND I HAVE OVER 40 MUSES SO GETTING ALL THE INFO PAGES MAY TAKE A WHILE but i am trying my hardest to get it all done.I ENJOY USING ICONS but if you primarily do not use icons, i'm more than happy to just leave icons out of it entirely, as some times it's much easier.
understand that this blog will be very trigger   heavy, I will tag such as “trigger : ”   I will be potentially writing things such as, DEATH, SELF HARM, GORE, ABUSE, SUICIDE, RAPE & SEXUAL ASSAULT If this is an issue, I suggest blacklisting the term  “trigger : ”   as this will occur a lot.
When it comes to shipping, I am not very selective at all, I truly am a hoe for ships, whether that be soft and fluffy, tense and sexual, or hate ships, honestly I would be down for anything, I WILL NOT WRITE SMUT WITH UNDERAGE MUSES. If at any point you want to plot a ship with me you can jump right into my IM or just throw some memes or starters my way, up to you, I don’t mind at all
i almost always CONTINUE ASK MEMES & i highly encourage you to do the same. you’re welcome to send as many memes as you want & continue all of them. I WANT TO HAVE MULTIPLE THREADS WITH ALL MY PARTNERS. i truly do love the shit out of all of you.
i almost always CONTINUE ASK MEMES & i highly encourage you to do the same. you’re welcome to send as many memes as you want & continue all of them. I WANT TO HAVE MULTIPLE THREADS WITH ALL MY PARTNERS. I AM MORE THAN OKAY WITH WRITING CROSSOVERS, for example I have no issue with my Dean Winchester interacting with a Stiles Stilinski as it would make sense for that crossover, I ALSO HAVE NO ISSUE FOLLOWING MULTIPLES BACK, as I am a multimuse, it's not a massive issue as I have other muses. I TEND TO PREFER LONGER THREADS as it gives me more to work with but I am okay with a small paragraph. My responses should be relatively fast as I don't really do much to be honest. So if it's been a while since I've responded, JUST FLICK ME A MESSAGE as I may have forgotten. I AM NOT PICKY WHEN IT COMES TO FANCY FORMATTING, but I will probably format your response aesthetically to match the vibe of my blog, unless that's an issue for you. again, I prefer to use icons, it's okay if you don't but it is a preference of mine, I DO NOT USE ICONS IN SMUT I write with OC's, I don't have a problem with them AT ALL, I do however like a fleshed out character, so the more information you could give me about them the better.
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