#oc: levi barnes
aliverse · 2 years
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WINTER HOLIDAYS CHALLENGE 2022 › baby’s first christmas
The Christmas page of the scrapbook Levi’s godmother and guardian made of his first 12 months of life.
credits & inspo: the polaroid frames and book mockup are not mine, I did make the Jensen and Phoebe manip but all images are from Google. Inspo.
taglist: @villanele, @anqelwiithhxrns, @arrthurpendragon, @foxesandmagic, @edshopper, @bravelittleflower, @lenonizi, @fiercefray, @richitozier, @nikolai-lantsv, @jvstjewels, @eddysocs, @megdonnellys, @ocappreciationtag, @hiddenqveendom, @stanshollaand
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kindofblue28 · 1 year
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some random stuff ive drawn recently, i really do not want to bother with tagging everything for multiple posts so i’m throwing it into one post
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sixpennydame · 6 months
North Star ✶ Chapter 11
A Levi Ackerman x oc slow burn
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An opportunity arises, that puts tension between you and Levi.
A/N: I found an amazing, detailed map of Marley on Reddit that has helped me view the geography of Marley and its surrounding locations. If you'd like an idea of where Mursa is, it's in the far SW range of mountains.
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“Levi…you’re overthinking it. Let go and trust!”
Mathieu sits in a corner of the training barn and watches as Levi and Demon race around the perimeter. He shifts uncomfortably, attempting to wave his arms, which are still in slings on either side of his chest. 
“Work with Demon, not against him.”
Levi leans in, pulling the right rein just slightly and attempting to give  Demon more control. After finishing a round, he rides toward Mathieu, beads of sweat dotting his forehead despite the cold. He leads Demon to a water trough before getting a drink himself, ignoring the frustrated look on Mathieu’s face.
“You’re still pulling too hard on the reins when you need to make a right turn. I’ve told you to trust Demon to be your sight on your right side.” Mathieu walks toward Demon and attempts to pet him with his bandaged arm. “It’s a partnership, Levi. You can’t be in total control. Give in a little.”
Levi knew this - he’d heard Mathieu yell this at him a hundred times since he’d started training. He knew he needed to trust that Demon knew just the right time to turn, but without his peripheral vision on his right side, he felt too vulnerable. 
Kenny had taught Levi to always be aware of everything going on around him: every sound, smell, and movement could be a possible attack. He’s sure that his keen senses are what kept him alive for much of his life; so of all his injuries, the lack of sight in his eye has been the hardest adjustment to make. Lack of depth perception, difficulty in judging accurate distances and tracking object movement - abilities most people take for granted - were now challenges beyond his control that not even his Ackerman blood could remedy.
He sometimes wondered why he was even attempting this in the first place. 
But then he remembered: it was a challenge. He knew he wasn’t the man he used to be, but riding made him feel alive and caused all his senses to become alert and focused. When everything clicked with him and Demon, it was like being whole again. 
It’s just this damn eye. 
But Levi could adjust - he just needed to focus.
Which meant he needed to think less about you. That was the whole point of moving out of your house anyway.
It wasn’t like you were completely out of his life. You come daily to the stables to brush and ride Astrid, and you’re both amicable to each other, talking about the weather and goings-on in Mursa, as if nothing had happened between the two of you.
But something had happened. Levi couldn’t get it out of his mind.
Did you think about it too?
He checks his watch. A creature of habit, he knew you’d be here at the stables any moment now to check on Astrid and make lunch for them; the latter you’d insisted on doing ever since the accident. Of course, neither of the men would argue with that, although they argued with each other about almost everything else. 
“Ok old man, enough of your badgering,” Levi says, taking Demon’s reins and leading him out of the barn. “I’m working on it.”
”You better work harder. Your first race is only a few months away,” Mathieu yells to Levi’s back.
——- ✶ ——-
You’re learning to live with it, the solemn silence of the mornings without Levi here. That same empty feeling you’d felt in the previous three years, now creeping its way along the floorboards of the house. It’s been a month now since his departure, and looking back on the night he left, and the kiss that had happened hours before, you felt silly for thinking it was anything other than some fantasy. 
Maybe you were meant to be alone, and that was ok. You’d made due before Levi had come into your life and were learning to live with the loneliness. And besides, he was still your friend; that hadn’t changed, thankfully.
But you missed his presence in the house, the conversations shared in the early morning hours when even the sun had not yet risen. It had been mostly you talking, but he was a good listener, someone who looked at you while you were speaking, as if he was weighing every word carefully. On the rare times he did open up, it was like one of those flowers that only blooms every ten years; it felt special and you couldn’t help but listen, enraptured by the stories of his youth and his training for the Survey Corps. You wondered what it must have been like to live the first half of your life underground. And then, to live within the confines of gigantic walls.
When you were young, you often thought of the mountain ranges surrounding Mursa as high, impenetrable walls. You figured most young people felt that way, eager to escape and see more of the world. It was one of the reasons Martin and his younger brother Tomas had joined the military - a bit of freedom and adventure before settling down. But back then, you all knew Tomas would never settle down. He was wild and carefree, an unstoppable force too big for this small town.
...you hadn’t thought of Tomas in years, not since your return to Mursa after The Rumbling. Although Martin had loved his younger brother with all his heart, they’d never truly gotten along; like two magnets with opposite poles, it was sometimes hard to believe that the two were even related. Tomas had always yearned to travel over the mountains and make his own way in the world, and he had made it clear to everyone that he never planned on returning to Mursa once he left. True to his word, you’ve not heard from him since.
The picture of him and Martin in their Southern Marley military uniforms still stands on the mantle; Martin is smiling, standing proudly in his officer’s uniform, his hand on the shoulder of his brother. Tomas is sitting in a chair, one arm resting on his leg. He’s not smiling, but there’s a fire in his eyes, a look of eagerness. Like so many others around the world, you wonder if he was killed during The Rumbling, or maybe he was living, carefree, in some other part of the world. 
Because he was about the same age as you, everyone had expected you and he to be friends; but throughout the years, Tomas had only ever treated you with indifference, even when you and Martin had married. Although the relationship between the two of you had always been spotty, it would be nice to have family here. Someone who remembers how things used to be, even though those days are long gone.
You walk to your bedroom as your focus changes to the picture of you and Martin on the altar near your bed. Tradition dictates that the altar be taken down after the three years of mourning are over, but in the past month, you just haven’t had the will to put it away. You know Martin has moved on, and you should too, but some things are just hard to let go of.
But there’s a tug at your heart, saying today’s the day.
The silver frame feels heavier than you remember. It had been a wedding gift from Martin’s parents, in a time when silver was a less precious and rare resource. Lilies of the valley had been delicately etched into the surface, with the year of your betrothal engraved at the bottom. You look so young in the photo, even though only a little over 5 years have gone by. You gently wrap the frame in a silk scarf Martin had given you once for your birthday and place it in a small wooden box. 
The other object on the altar is even harder to put away.
In opposition to the frame, the baby booties are soft and feather-light. You remember sitting in the chair in the corner, easily crocheting them in a day, but being so proud of yourself because they’d been the first thing you’d made for the baby. Other things had come after that: a blanket,  a few tiny cardigans and even tinier bonnets. In a fit of grief, you’d burned those things after returning to Mursa three years ago, along with the other things you and Martin had bought for the nursery. It was just too painful to look at.
Looking at the tiny white booties, you regret doing that now.
You place them next to the frame and close the box, then place it in a corner of your closet. In the spring, you’ll bury it next to the large oak tree in the backyard, the one that Martin would always take naps under as a boy, and where you and he would steal kisses behind in your teenage years. Closing your eyes, you can see him now, sleeping under the tree in the heat of midsummer, your child laying on his chest. Peaceful. Content.
The clock chiming for the hour breaks you from your dream. “I need to get to Mathieu’s,” you say to yourself, putting on your warm winter layers before heading out the door and down the road to the stables.
——- ✶ ——-
“Stop pulling on my coat, you silly girl! I need to brush you, and then we’ll go out and stretch your legs.”
Levi smiles when he hears you talking to Astrid. Your voice always goes up just a tad whenever you talk to animals and little kids. With anyone else, he’d think it annoying, but with you, he finds it endearing. The smile on his face is gone by the time he walks past you.
“Astrid’s been a stubborn little shit lately,” he says as he takes the saddle off Demon. “She probably just wants to see you more.”
(He just wants to see you more.)
“I’m already over here for practically half of the morning every day. Maybe you just need to give her more attention.”
”Astrid could care less about me.”
”Awww, did she reject your charms, Levi?” 
Your laugh reverberates through the stable and causes his mouth to turn upward just a bit. He loves this playful side of you. He’d almost think it flirting if he didn’t know that he’d ruined any of those chances. 
He knows he hurt you that night, when he told you the kiss was a mistake. It was written all over your face: the confusion, the rejection. You had smiled, thinking he wouldn’t notice, but you wear your heart on your sleeve.
A heart that Levi isn’t worthy enough to handle. 
Your eyes shine at him as you give him a wink and a smile, before you continue to brush Astrid. 
This is fine. This is enough for him.
”There’s my favorite girl,” Mathieu exclaims, standing at the entrance of the stables before walking towards you. “The best part of the day is when you arrive here. I’m not sure how much longer I could endure Levi’s sullen looks this morning.” Looking over at Levi, he smirks. “But it seems that your arrival has changed his mood too.”
Levi stiffens while a slight blush washes over his cheeks. He doesn’t look at you, but he can feel your eyes on him. 
“Get inside before you freeze, you old geezer,” Levi replies as he unsaddles Demon. “I’m going to exercise a few of the other horses before lunch.”
“I’ll help him out with that,” you add
“Of course you will,” Mathieu says, a teasing lilt in his voice. “I’ll leave you both to it then.”
“You don’t mind if I join you?” you ask, eyes on him again. 
“Do what you like. They’re not my horses,” his voice as apathetic as he can muster, in hopes it won’t reveal that he loves it when you ride with him. 
He’s realized that in the last month, it’s practically impossible for him to push you completely out of his orbit. 
The two of you ride into the training arena, you on Astrid, and Levi on a young mare he’s been working on saddle training. He can feel a curious aura around you, a question right on the tip of your tongue.
At the end of the hour, it finally comes out.
“Levi, what’s the rest of the world like now? After The Rumbling?”
He forgot that you’ve only left Mursa once in the past three years. But why the sudden interest?
“To be honest, most of it’s in chaos right now. Practically the entire continent of Marley was decimated in The Rumbling, and the loss of such a world power has put every other nation at a stand-still. Even now, there are refugee camps everywhere as entire communities try to rebuild.”
Levi’s face darkens.  “And while nations are either rebuilding or fighting for control, Paradis is building its arsenal, just biding its time to see what kind of world is going to come out of all this.” 
“Some of your former comrades are going to Paradis soon as peace emissaries, right?”
“As if that’s going to make any difference, after all this.” He looks away. “Fucking idiots.”
“You didn’t want to go with them?”
“To do what? Kiss Eldian asses and beg them to be nice?” Levi clicks his tongue. “I’m a soldier, not a politician.”
“You still see yourself as a soldier?”
Levi looks up at you. He didn’t even realize he’d said that.
“No, of course not.”
“Then how do you see yourself?”
That’s something he’s asked himself time and time again. Honestly, he doesn’t know who he is anymore. His entire meaning, his purpose, had been in service to and for others, but now they were all gone, including the world he’d fought so hard to save. It was like learning to be a new person.
He’d spent the years following The Rumbling in that pursuit: joining Onyakopon and the others in rebuilding the world, hoping to find that meaning he’d lost. But through it all, this lingering emptiness followed him. His life in Mursa was supposed to be a reset, a chance for him to rediscover himself without the shadow of war and death.
So why did he feel just as lost as ever?
It embarrasses him that he can’t answer you, and so he deflects. “Tch, what’s with all the damn questions today?” 
“Well, before  Annika returns to Mursa this spring, she wrote to me and said that she and some other doctors are working with an organization to help set up a clinic at the Pulsella Refugee Camp.”
”She would do something that idiotic. Does she realize how incredibly dangerous it is there? That part of Marley is still a steaming pile of shit. It’s overrun with bands of warring gangs.”
“You’ve been there?”
“I haven’t, but I’ve been to plenty other camps that were the same. We did what we could, but not even the Marley military - what’s left of it - will touch that place.”
Your brows are knit in contemplation. “So that’s what’s happening beyond these mountains.”
“A lot of turmoil and strife. You’re lucky to live in a place like this.”
“I suppose I am.” You pull on Astrid’s reins, leading her out of the arena. “I should go get lunch ready.”
Something’s shifted in you, but Levi can’t quite put a finger on what that might be. It sends a pang of worry and uneasiness through his mind.
It seems that pushing his feelings down for you is going to be harder than he thought.
——- ✶ ——-
A few days pass before you return to the stables. Levi figured you had other things to do, but it didn’t stop him looking over the horizon every morning, expecting to see your figure walking in the slushy snow. It’s been unseasonably warm the past few weeks; he’d been told to expect snow well into mid-spring, but nothing about the world has been normal since The Rumbling, not even the weather. It’s beyond Levi’s level of understanding, but a scientist had explained to him that it had something to do with the months it took for the millions of steaming titan bodies to decompose, as well as the environments those same titans had destroyed. 
His muscles ache as he breaks up some ice that had accumulated at the entrance of Mathieu’s home, the sound of the shovel scraping against the ground only interrupted when he hears footsteps behind him.
“Warm today. Spring will be here before we know it,” you say.
”Not nearly soon enough. I’ve about had it with snow.” He stops and leans his body on the shovel, relieving some pressure on his leg. “Haven’t seen you in a while.”
“Yeah. I’ve been busy.”
You don’t elaborate, and Levi doesn’t ask what you mean. You’re standing next to him but he feels a great distance between you both, something he hasn’t felt since becoming friends with you. 
But this was the whole point of his moving away. This is what he wanted.
Your silence continues as you saddle Astrid, choosing to ride outside by yourself instead of with Levi. There’s no questions today. No asking him about his knee or how Mathieu is doing. 
Something is up. And as much as Levi wants to ask you what’s going on, he knows it’s not his place. He shouldn’t pry into your life.
Mathieu, however, has no boundaries, and when you finally all sit down to lunch, he asks, “Is there something wrong, Catherine? You’re quiet today.”
You shift in your chair and wipe your lips with your napkin. “No, nothing’s wrong. But I do have some news.”
At that, both men lean forward. “Annika has asked me to help her pack up her things before her move back to Mursa this spring.” You pause, sitting up straighter. “She also invited me to accompany her to her last assignment with her hospital: to set up and build a clinic at the Pulsella Refugee Camp in the Eastern Marley Territories. You stand up and take the plates from the table. “I’ll be gone for a month or two.”
“Why?” Levi’s voice is cold and direct.
”What do you mean, why? I want to help Annika.”
”With moving, ok yes, I get that. But going to Pulsella? I told you it’s a lawless wasteland there. What can you do?”
”I guess…I just want to try and make a difference, in whatever way I can. Annika said they could use volunteers to make food, distribute aid kits, and build more permanent shelters. I think I can help.”
”How? By getting yourself killed? Some help that’ll be..”
”Levi…” Mathieu says, putting a hand on his arm.
You turn your back to both of the men, walking to the kitchen with the plates. “I knew it. I knew you wouldn’t understand. I didn’t even want to tell you.”
Levi is quick to follow you. “I don’t think you understand. That place is beyond dangerous, Catherine. The people are desperate there.
”All the more reason why people who care should go help those who have nowhere else to go.” You start roughly washing the dishes. “I’m tired of just living here while others are suffering. It doesn’t feel right.”
There’s an intense silence as you roughly rinse the plates. Levi knows he should say something, tell you that he’s worried and he just doesn’t want anything to happen to you. But to say all that would be to admit that he still cares for you deeply. 
The whole problem would be solved if he just went with you, but he knows he can’t. He promised he’d stay and help Mathieu, and the old man had already put time and money into training him for this damn race. He can’t back down from his commitment.
And he knows the kind of hard work in store there; hard labor that his body can no longer accomplish. Even if he managed to go along and there was an altercation, he’s not sure he could fully protect you in a fight. Feelings of uselessness bubble up inside him.
He opens his mouth to speak, but you suddenly put down a plate and face him, cutting off his train of thought.
”And frankly, Levi, I don’t understand you. First, you told me I was strong and to rely on my friends. Now I’m trying to use my strength and be useful, but you’re against it. The way you talk to me makes me feel like you see me as some helpless, frail woman, when I’m anything but. Or maybe I am, I don’t know.”
You bite your bottom lip. Levi’s noticed that you get emotional when you’re angry. You’re probably trying to hold back tears, in an effort to look strong in front of him.
”I don’t really know who I am. But I’ve done hard things before and I can do it again.”
”Yeah, but this time I won’t be there to save you.”
He didn’t want to have to spell it out for you to make you understand.
But his words don’t have the effect he was expecting. Levi sees your body tense as you furrow your brow. 
“I’m thankful for what you did for me on Mount Aspe, I really am. But don’t hold it over me like some kind of trump card anytime you want to boss me around. I didn’t ask you to save me then and I’m certainly not asking for your opinion now.”
“You’re not listening, Catherine.” He could feel his patience wearing thin.
“Oh, I hear you loud and clear, Levi. You think I need a man to look after me. Well, if it makes you feel better, I’m sure there’ll be lots of young, strong men there that will be more than happy to assist me with whatever I need.” Your voice drips with resentment. 
So that’s how you see him, as some weak, old piece of shit. You probably judge him for escaping the outside world and coming here. His fists clench and he feels defensive for the first time in ages.
“Oh yeah? I didn’t know you were that lonely and desperate for a man that you’d do something this stupid.” 
He went too far. He knew it instantly when he saw the look of hurt on your face, tears forming in the corners of your eyes before you blink them away. Your jaw tenses, and something changes in the way you look at him.
”Fuck you, Levi.”
It’s not the first time those three words have been directed toward him, but hearing them come from your mouth, it makes him visibly wince.
You bolt out of the kitchen and head straight for the door.
“I leave in two days, so I need to get packing. Mathieu, Luka will come by with my stable rent payments and to ride Astrid.”
The door slams and then there’s silence. Levi can feel Mathieu scowling at him. 
Mathieu rises from his seat and shakes his head. “You can be a real asshole sometimes, you know that?”
——- ✶ ——-
“Asshole,” you mutter under your breath as you trudge through the snow. 
You had a feeling  Levi would react negatively when you told him your plans; it’s why you hesitated saying anything until the last minute. You knew he’d doubt your strength and question the reasoning behind your motives.
But calling you lonely and desperate…that went over the line. It was a deliberate jab.
And it infuriates you even more to admit that he’s right, to some extent. You are lonely. You do want to feel the touch of a man again, to feel wanted and desired.
But that’s not why you’re going to Pulsella. He knows that. He’s just miserable about life and wants everyone else to feel that way. You wonder now what you ever liked about him in the first place.
You’re glad he moved out. The less you see of him the better.
You slam the door and stomp through the living room, startling Max and Albert. 
“Whoa. Everything ok?” Max asks.
”It’s fine,” you reply sharply. “Max, can you take me to the train station in two days?”
”Sure…I just figured Levi would take you..” he answers, each word coming out in hesitance.
”Why would you think that? He doesn’t live here anymore.”
Max scratches his head nervously. “I don’t know..I guess I thought the two of you were…“ you send him a questioning look, “...good friends.”
“Humph,” you scoff, “that man doesn’t want to have any friends.”
Needing to clear your head, you head straight to the kitchen. “I’m gonna bake something.”
But as your hands knead through the dough, you feel the embers of your temper fading. Placing the two loaves of quick bread in the oven, your mind feels even clearer. What Levi had said was hurtful, but maybe you’d been hard on him too. You’d assumed he didn’t trust in you, when maybe he was just worried about you. 
He’d told you he cared for you once. Perhaps that was just his really bad way of showing that. 
You expect him to walk through the door that night, admit his feelings, and apologize for being an ass. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s had to do that.
But he doesn’t come that evening, or the evening after. Your last night at home, you stop looking for him.
Perhaps it’s time you stopped expecting things from Levi that will never be.
——- ✶ ——-
Max stops the wagon in front of the train station. “You be careful out there, Catherine. I promise I’ll keep the guys in line.”
“I’m more worried about who’s gonna keep you in line.” You give Max a quick hug. “I’ll see you in a couple of months. Don’t burn the house down.”
You buy your ticket and walk to the platform, but before you can make it to the train you stop.
Levi stands there, hands in pockets, leaning against a pillar. 
“What are you doing here?” you ask, knowing you can’t just ignore him.
“I had to come into town anyway to run errands for the old man.” His foot kicks a clump of dirt away from your luggage. “I figured I might as well see you off.” He reaches down to grab the handle. “Let me get that.”
Your hand quickly pulls it away. “I can carry it just fine, thanks.”
Levi walks with you silently until you reach the entrance of your train car. You’re not sure which is worse: his awkward silence or his crude remarks. Not wanting to experience either anymore, you decide to end…whatever this is that’s happening.
“Well, I’ll see you in two months. Take care.”
Levi pulls out a slender knife from his pocket and places it in your hand. “For protection.”
You look down at the wooden handle. “A knife? I don’t need this.”
“It’s a switchblade, and you do need it.” He moves closer to you and puts his hand on yours, guiding your finger to a metal knob on the wooden handle. “This is the safety. You slide this to lock and unlock the knife.”
He then guides you to another button. “Just press this button and the blade pops out.” It opens with a click. “Press down this tab to slide it back into the handle.”
You haven’t felt Levi’s touch since that New Year’s morning and it makes your heart race. His hand lingers on yours, encouraging your fingers to curl around the now warm handle. 
“Just take it. Please.”
Although his lips don’t say, “I’m sorry,” you know him well enough to know that this is his way of apologizing, and to show that he trusts you.
You pull your hand away from his and put it in your pocket, your way of saying that you accept his apology.
“If you’re being attacked, don’t hesitate for a moment to use it. Seconds count in those kinds of situations.”
“I’ll be careful.” You want to say more, but the conductor is yelling for all to board, and passengers begin to push by.
“Just come back safe.” Levi moves away from you slowly. “And bring back that knife. I’ve had it a long time.”
You smile, then board the train. As you find your seat and look out the window, you notice that Levi stays on the platform until the train slowly accelerates out of the station.
——- ✶ ——-
The three day train ride reminded you how big Marley was, and it was hard to believe most of it had been decimated. Trains would only take you so far, however, and Annika said she and her friend would pick you up at the final train station and drive you the rest of the way to Pulsella.
True to her word, Annika stands next to an automobile with a tall man. 
He shakes your hand and gives you a warm smile. 
“So nice to finally meet you, Catherine. I've heard so much about you.”
“I’m Onyankopon.”
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sevendeadlywhispers · 7 months
━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━
Chapter 10
━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━
•Previous Chapter: Chapter Nine
•Next Chapter: Chapter Eleven
• Chapter List
• New chapters every Thursday
•Content: Levi Ackerman × OC female. Slow Burn! Canon verse!
• Word Count: 2.7k
• Warning: This content may not be suitable for all readers. If you've watched all of AOT then you will understand that the show handles heavy subjects such as abuse, racism, violence, and other heavy subjects. This fanfiction will also have the same heavy themes. Chapters with heavy themes will be marked with * at each chapter.
━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━
The barn felt unusually quiet as I arrived early, beating even Levi to our usual meeting spot. A sense of solitude lingered, was this a consequence of my tardiness on other days?
Last night's events weighed on me, casting shadows over my tired eyes. Sleep had been elusive, and the mess hall became my refuge until breakfast's arrival. I lacked the strength to face Alexander's apologies, his attempts to sweep our....
my reality under the rug.
My ODM harness, once a symbol of freedom, became a painful reminder. Straps pressed against my bruised chest, every adjustment sending jolts of pain through my body. Alexander's violence from the night before echoed with each painful breath.
A few slaps had escalated into something more sinister. Questions circled my mind – was it safer to endure the torment within the confines of his presence, or was escape an option for me? Answers remained elusive, a puzzle I couldn't piece together in this weary state.
Levi's sudden appearance shattered my contemplation. Startled, I dropped my canteen, and it rolled away, farther and farther away from my reach.
"Erwin wants you," Levi's voice cut through the air, disrupting the silence that enveloped the barn. I couldn't bend to retrieve my fallen canteen, I had to watch it roll away. Maybe later I'll find the strength to pick it up.
"Hurry up. Come straight back here when you're done," Levi's instructions echoed, as I walked away, leaving the abandoned canteen behind.
I stood outside Commander Erwin's office, why he would summon me.? Was it about my performance? Levi's tardiness this morning added a layer of curiosity.
"Come in," his cheerful voice beckoned. He seemed to anticipate my arrival, knowing the time it took from the training grounds to his office.
"Commander," I greeted as I entered, a mixture of nervousness and curiosity bubbling within me.
"Take a seat," he instructed, and I complied, feeling a sense of unease despite knowing I hadn't committed any wrongdoing. Perhaps it was about my lax approach to training.
"How are you?" Erwin inquired, his words carrying a certain depth that left me questioning if he referred to more than just my well-being.
"Good, thank you. What about you, Commander?"
"Very well," he replied cryptically, and the atmosphere in the room only thickened.
"How's the new squad?"
"Well, I'm the only member, so good," I chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood.
"Ah yes, we will get there," Erwin remarked, pacing around the room. Then, he delved into more pressing matters.
"How do you like Levi as your captain?"
"Um, he's doing well. I'm learning a lot," I replied cautiously, sensing a shift in the conversation.
"Last I heard, you were pretty behind in skills for the squad. How's that going for you?" Erwin questioned, pinpointing the very concern that had been lingering in my mind.
"Still need work, but it's going," I admitted, though the truth was, I felt inadequate compared to Levi's prowess. The looming expectation of meeting their standards weighed heavily on me.
"Right," Erwin said, circling to the other side of his desk, where he sat down in front of me. His gaze lingered a moment longer than I'd have preferred.
"How's Alexander?"
"He's good,"
"Really?" Erwin raised an eyebrow. "He's doing okay with you on the Levi Squad?"
"Yeah, he's been really supportive, helping me with different things," I lied, attempting to paint a positive picture.
"Ah," Erwin mused, sifting through paperwork and extracting two sheets. "Then you won't mind telling me why Alexander was yelling at four in the morning." His smile persisted as he laid the papers on his lap.
I glanced at the papers and back at him. "I'm sorry, Commander," I said with a smile, mirroring his demeanor.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"I guess it's best that we both tell the truth," Erwin remarked.
"The incident report is in my hands as we speak."
Why did I think I could deceive him? Erwin wasn't Levi or Alexander; he saw through facades. Rookie mistake.
"Okay, fine," I surrendered, though only halfway. I wasn't ready to reveal everything. "He got mad at me for staying up to do paperwork. He was just concerned for me."
Erwin hummed and stood up, tossing the papers into the fireplace while maintaining eye contact.
"Very well, then." His smile returned. "I wouldn't want to keep Levi waiting. Enjoy your day, Aldridge."
"Thank you, sir," I replied, grateful for the quick dismissal.
━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━
"Iris," Levi's voice echoed through the training grounds.
I propped myself against the nearest tree, gasping for air as the ODM course left my chest throbbing with pain. Levi's call urged me to action.
"Get over here. Quick," Levi commanded, his tone brooking no delay.
He didn't want a casual stroll; he demanded urgency, beckoning me to use my ODM gear to reach him. Releasing my hooks became a symphony of stabbing sensations, each motion harder to conceal.
"Why are you wearing your ODM gear incorrectly?" Levi lifted two fingers beneath my leather straps, giving them assertive tugs.
His fingers glided over my chest as he tightened every buckle, his scowl etching disapproval into his dark eyes.
"There's no reason your harness should ever be this loose," he reprimanded, continuing to cinch my straps. "Your ODM gear was one malfunction away from leaving you hanging by the cords. These wires are very dangerous. You could have lost a limb with how lax your harness was."
In the final tug, pain surged through me. I fought against collapsing, refusing to show weakness. As Levi's eyes met mine, I winced at the pain, trying to conceal it. His fingers grazed one of my bruises, rendering me speechless. I couldn't utter a word, fearing I might unleash more than words in the captain's presence.
"It hurts?" Levi asked, confusion etched across his features.
"No, I'm fine," I lied, suppressing the pain that clawed at me.
"Then get out there and run some drills." His hand patted my head and pushed me forward.
Taking a step away, I released my hooks, aiming for the nearest tree. My body betrayed me, halting mid-air, no movement could save me now. Instead of the graceful landing, I collided with the tree with a sickening thud, a sharp pain radiating through my chest. I crumpled, unable to move, the world spinning in a disorienting dance.
The loud whirls of ODM gear above were a distant echo, my senses dulled by the impact. Strong arms lifted me, and there he was – Levi, his concerned face hovered above me, but my mind was a haze, disconnected from reality. His fingers traced my chin, shifting my face, and then rested on my neck. The contrast between his rough, calloused touch and his usual demeanor was striking. A smile played on my lips at the paradox of his gentleness against the backdrop of his harsh persona.
Above me, Levi's voice echoed, distant and muffled. I smiled, lost in the surreal moment, he seemed concerned. His eyes told a different story than his usual stoic facade.
"I don't feel good." I laughed but the laugh slowly turned into coughing. I threw my hands over my mouth as the blood spilled out of my mouth.
His concerned face quickly turned to disgust as he looked at my bloody hands.
"Yeah. I don't think I'm supposed to do that." My eyes slowly fell closed, the last thing I felt was Levi jerk my body from the ground.
━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━
"Well, good morning, soldier," the lady greeted me in the sterile confines of the infirmary. White walls surrounded me, and a woman in a white coat stood beside my bed.
Maybe it wasn't just a bruise?
"That was a nasty fall you had there," she remarked, helping me sit up. I shrugged off the pain, laughing nervously. Why did it feel like my whole body had been run over?
"You broke a rib; it punctured a hole in your lungs. You'll be fine. Give it a couple of months, and you'll be good to go back flying around on those damn things," she reassured me, poring over some papers.
"Thank you," I said, grateful for the news.
"You know," she began, setting down the papers and fixing her gaze on me, "that rib wasn't a fresh crack."
"Ha, really?" I chuckled, attempting to downplay the situation. "Must've been out for a while."
"No, the way that fella ran in here with you, you wouldn't have had time to have bled as much as you did. You've been bleeding internally for hours, and I know damn well that fall didn't crack your rib," she stated, staring intently.
I was left speechless. What could I possibly say?
"The bruises on your stomach say otherwise."
"Being a scout isn't easy," I deflected with a laugh.
"And I know coming up with excuses ain't easy either," she retorted. "It's a matter of time till they start catchin' the lies and mixups."
"Aren't you tired?"
My eyes met her brown gaze, she looked at me in disappointment. What did she think she knew?
"You're not alone."
I remained silent as she left the room, her words echoing, a subtle offer to share the burdens. What was there to talk to her about? She took one look at me and assumed everything. How?
Levi walked in just as the nurse left, his presence filling the room. His eyes, colder than steel, locked onto mine.
"You idiot," he groaned, arms crossed. "How long did you know your rib was broken?"
I felt the weight of his gaze. Levi, usually pristine, wore the stains of my blood like a badge of annoyance. Why hadn't he changed yet?
"I didn't know," I lied, trying to hold his gaze.
"Bullshit," he spat, his eyes briefly softening as they met mine. The intensity became uncomfortable, and I broke away first. He leaned against the wall, a resigned "Tch" escaping his lips.
Levi had given up, a sight I thought I'd never witness. He looked at me again, breaking the silence, "How you holding up?"
"I'll be fine. Back in two weeks," I assured him. He rolled his eyes but concealed any disagreement.
"I already talked to the doctor," he disclosed. "You won't be ready until the end of October, shit maybe November."
I should've known they spoke, but what else had they discussed?
"I'm sorry, Captain," I mumbled, head hung low. "I understand if you want me off your squad. I'm only a liability."
"Shut up," Levi ordered. "You don't call the shots around here. You are a fucking liability, a pain in the ass. But I'm the Captain, and what I say goes."
He paused, his gaze piercing mine.
"You will become the best soldier the scouts have ever seen. I don't give a damn if you don't want to; you're on my squad now. You better enjoy your rest now because I won't be gentle with you."
Our eyes remained locked as I responded,
"Yes, sir."
"Good. Now we—" His voice was abruptly cut off by the door.
The door swung open, and Alexander entered, his gaze immediately locking onto Levi, dismissing my presence in the room.
Levi's voice sliced through the tension, a rare acknowledgment that sent shivers down my spine. Levi's eyes trailed every move Alexander made, a predator assessing its prey.
Alexander's ocean eyes eventually met mine as he sidled up to my bed, gripping my hand with increasing pressure.
"Where have you been?" His feigned concern rang hollow.
"I got hurt during practice," I replied with a forced smile, my thumb grazing his hand as he tightened his grip. His dismissive response stung. "You'll be fine," he said, brushing off my discomfort.
"She's not fine." Levi interjected, his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall near the door.
"I'm sorry," Alexander turned to Levi, ignoring me. "I wasn't speaking to you."
Levi's eyebrow arched, his death glare intensified.
"Seems like you forgot about our little run-in the other night. I'd leave if I were you. Erwin's not here to save you this time."
Alexander's grip on my hand loosened as he backed away, leaving the room with a cryptic promise. "I'll see you later tonight," he uttered before the door closed behind him, and Levi promptly locked it.
"What was that all about?" I questioned Levi, curiosity getting the better of me.
"None of your business," he retorted, his demeanor as stern as ever.
"Well then, I'll just ask him when he comes back later," I responded casually, shrugging my shoulders.
"Doubt he'll say something," Levi remarked, his expression unreadable.
"And why's that?" I pressed.
Levi shot me a side-eye as he pushed himself off the wall, taking a seat in the chair beside the bed.
"Aye, brat," Levi addressed me. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?"
"Yeah, I did," I admitted, snapping my head towards him.
"I'll remember that," he warned.
"Go ahead, no one is stopping you," I retorted, slumping back into the bed.
"What's got you so pissy?"
I glanced around the room before fixing my gaze back on the bed. "My damn rib is broken," I said, a bitter laugh escaping my lips.
"That's your own damn fault," Levi chided. "You should have known better than to practice while being injured."
"Save it," I shot back in frustration. "Outside those walls, if you're injured, there's no relaxing and stepping out. You push through it, or you're dead."
A heavy silence settled in the room, broken by Levi's voice. "You're right," he conceded. "But you're not outside the walls. You're inside. Until then, you are going to do whatever it takes to keep you alive and well. Got that?"
"Yes, sir," I affirmed.
"You guys got it lucky up here," Levi remarked. "Not everyone has access to a doctor or medicine. Take advantage of it while you have it."
Lying in the medical room with Levi keeping a watchful eye, his words about the scarcity of medical care outside the walls echoed in my mind. Not everyone had the privilege we did. Countless citizens in the innermost parts of the wall were in desperate need.
"Hey, Capt?" I addressed him, breaking the silence. "What do you mean by 'up here'?"
"What else could I mean?" he grumbled. "The underground doesn't have shit compared to the lives above."
"Are you from the underground?" I asked without hesitation, a question that had lingered in the air for so long. Levi's reaction spoke volumes – he looked like he wanted to kill me. The words slipped out before I could second-guess myself. It was something I genuinely wanted to know, a piece of the puzzle that was Captain Levi. The rumors were varied – from high-ranking officials' son to a country town, but the most persistent was that he hailed from the underground.
"Yeah, and?" Levi replied, scanning my reaction, as if he anticipated a negative response. But I didn't care. Who was I to judge someone based on their birthplace? If anything, I felt a sense of empathy.
"Ah, so the rumors are true," I remarked.
"It's not a secret," Levi said. "It's not like it's anyone's business either."
"No, you're right. It just explains a lot," I shrugged with a small grin.
"Explains what?"
"The way you act," I said, looking at him. "But also the way you and Alexander despise each other."
"I don't despise him," Levi asserted. I gave him a skeptical look, and he huffed. "I detest him."
"That's the same thing, Captain," I laughed. "Well, it explains the ego contests."
"What do you mean by that?"
"You both act like there can only be one person from the underground up here. Y'all got some unfinished business or something?"
"The hell are you talking about, Aldridge?" Levi was starting to get agitated.
"Did you guys know each other from the past?" I questioned.
"I've never seen that kid before," Levi stated. "Why do you think we know each other? Unless you know something I don't, cadet." His face was stern.
"I thought you guys knew each other by the way y'all acted?"
Levi's eyes widened. The confusion was etched away by anger as received the news.
"Alexander is from the underground."
━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━
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lxmitlxss · 2 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Mobile Friendly Muse List
as of 08/29/24
Canon Characters
Pandora Hearts:
Xerxes Break
Gilbert Nightray
Vincent Nightray
Elliot Nightray
Levi Baskerville
Vanitas no Carte:
Noé Archiviste
D. Grey Man:
Allen Walker
Lavi Bookman
Marian Cross
Tikki Mikk
The Ancient Magus Bride:
Elias Answorth
The Millionaire Detective: BALANCE UNLIMITED:
Haru Kato
Moriarty the Patriot:
William James Moriarty
Sherlock Holmes
Angels of Death:
Trigun/Trigun STAMPEDE:
Vash the Stampede ( both versions )
Nicholas D. Wolfwood ( both )
Millions Knives
Meryl Stryfe
One Piece:
Sanji Vinsmoke
Zoro Roronoa
Trafalgar Law
My Hero Academia:
Izuku Midoriya
Shoto Todoroki
Denki Kaminari
Shouta Aizawa
Keigo Takami (Hawks)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Yuji Itadori
Megumi Fushiguro
Nobara Kugisaki
Satoru Gojo
Suguru Geto
Yeah I haven't finished this one so BE KIIIIIIND
K Project
Yashiro Isana
Saruhiko Fushimi
Reisi Munakata
Izumo Kusanagi
Izaya Orihara
Shizuo Heiwajima
Shinra Kishitani
Masaomi Kida
Bungou Stray Dogs
Osamu Dazai
Doppo Kunikida
Chuuya Nakahara
Atsushi Nakajima
Jouno Saigiku
Tetchou Suehiro
Honkai Star Rail
Dan Heng
Welt Yang
Veritas Ratio
Serval Landau
Sampo Koski
Genshin Impact
Detroit Become Human
Gavin Reed/GV900
Lio Fotia
Lucia Fex
Rensuke Kunigami
Wataru Kuon
Reo Mikage
Hyouma Chigiri
Byakuya Togami
Junko Enoshima
Leon Kuwata
Yugi Mutou
Yami Yugi
Joey Wheeler / Katsuya Jonouchi
Seto Kaiba
Ryou Bakura
Yami Bakura / Bakura
Duke Devlin / Ryuji Otogi
Jaden Yuki / Judai Yuki
Syrus Truesdale / Sho Marufuji
Yusei Fudo
Crow Hogan
Leo / Lua
Tony Stark
Bucky Barnes
Clint Barton
Moon Knight ( Marc & Steven )
Steve Rogers
Phil Coulson
Bruce Banner
Peter Quill
Rocket Racoon
Steven Strange
Eddie Brock ( mix comic/Sony )
Full Metal Alchemist
Edward Elric
Alphonse Elric
Winry Rockbell
Van Hohenheim
Maes Hughes
Alex Louis Armstrong
King Bradley
Final Fantasy
Cloud Strife
Squall Leonhart
Vivi Ornitier
Prompto Argentum
Ignis Scientia
Magnus Bane
Doctor Who
Jack Harkness ( req only, might end up discord only )
BBC Sherlock
John Watson
Black Butler
Sebastian Michaelis
Ciel Phantomhive
Alois Trancy
Ronald Knox
Mashle: Magic and Muscles
Mash Burnedead
Dot Barrett
Ghost Hunt
Kazuya " Naru " Shibuya
Hazbin Hotel
Sir Pentious
Mythical Detective Loki Ragnorok
Dragon Age
Male Mage Hawke
Joker/Ren Amamiya
Sojiro Sakura
Munehisa Iwai
Yu Narukami
Makoto Yuki
Tatsuya Suou ( req, discord prefered )
Princess Tutu
Mr. Cat
Pike & Lillie
Himeno Awayuki
Petite Princess Yucie
Soul Eater
Soul Evans
Death the Kid
Dr. Stein
OCs can be found over on @beyondlxmits
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tuiccim · 1 year
A Scarred Enigma - Alternate Ending
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OC Lexa Green
Word Count: 3.3k
Trigger Warnings:  Depression, anxiety, fear of touch. 
Summary: Fellow Avenger Lexa Green is an enigma that intrigues Bucky to no end, but a painful past has left her scarred, both physically and mentally. Will she be able to overcome her past to find love in the future?
Beta read by the lovely @whisperlullaby
A Scarred Enigma Masterlist
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Upon their return, the team is surprised to see Maria Hill at the end of the ramp. 
"Agent Green," Maria says as she makes eye contact with Lex. 
"Agent Hill," Lex nods to her. 
"Lantern is on fire. I need you to join me in the conference room."
Lex goes cold hearing the coded message.
"Lex?" Bucky says from beside her. 
"It's the compound I grew up in. They're in a standoff most likely. I have to go. I'll let you know what I can," Lex squeezes his hand. 
"I'll come with you," Bucky says. 
"Alexandria Naomi Cole."
"Who's that?" Bucky asks. 
"Me. Lexa Green was the name I chose when I became an agent. Alexandria Naomi Cole is my real name and I think it's time I buried her once and for all. But I need to do it alone, Bucky. Do you understand?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I do. But I'm here if you need me."
"I love you," Lexa says it for the first time without qualification. 
"I love you, too. Can I kiss you?" Bucky smiles. 
"Yes, always yes," Lexa leans into him as he kisses her. After a moment, they separate and Lex turns to Maria, "Ready."
Maria smirks, "Let's go."
In the conference room are agents from both the FBI and ATF. They grill Lex for any information on the compound, cult beliefs, and members. Sliding a photo across the table, FBI Agent Birch asks, "Do you know this person?"
Lex's stomach churns as she recognizes the face, "Levi Michael Walsh. He was my stepbrother."
"He's now the leader of the cult and is threatening deadly force if anyone attempts to enter the compound. We'd like you to try to talk to him. You know him and understand their ways."
"I don't think he'd take kindly to that," Lex counters. 
"Why is that?" Agent Birch asks, curiously. 
"I killed his father and escaped the compound. I'm probably the last person he'll speak to," she explains. 
"I see," Birch raises his eyebrow, "We'd still like you to join us. Your insight could be invaluable."
Lex gives a curt nod. 
"Can you be ready in ten minutes?"
"I'm ready now," Lex lifts her go bag onto her shoulder. 
"Great. Helicopter's on the roof," Birch leads the way out. 
"Good luck," Maria says as Lex passes her. 
"Thanks," Lex follows the other agents out, heading back to the one place she dreaded most in this world. 
Standing on a ridge overlooking the compound, Lex pulls out her binoculars and surveys the area. 
"What are you doing?" Birch asks. 
"Looking," Lex says. 
"For what?"
"Activity. Has there been any communication with them?"
"He accepted a walkie-talkie but has been very curt answering any questions. 
"Can you take a look at this, please?" Birch's voice has a slight edge to it as he rolls out a large sheet of paper.
Lex looks over the map of the compound and begins pointing things out, "This is all housing. This is the school. This is the chapel. There is a bunker underneath for the women and children and a tunnel that leads out to the southwest. There were plans to add more when I left."
"What kind of firepower are we looking at?"
"I wasn't privy to much of that but a lot."
"Is there any chance this could turn into a mass casualty event?"
Lex stares at Birch for a second, "It's possible but it would be a last resort. Levi is despot. He wants all of the power and control he can have. He won't give it up but if he's backed into a corner, I wouldn't put anything past him."
"Alexandria?" The radio crackles to life, "Alexandria, is that you? Have you finally come home?"
The voice causes a chill down Lex's spine. She immediately feels nauseated. 
"Talk to him!" Birch points to the radio. 
"No," Lex balks. 
"This is the first time he has reached out. If you can get him to talk, maybe we can end this."
Lex puts her head in her hands and takes a deep breath, "Fine."
"Stay calm with him. Don't let him goad you. Ask if they need anything. Try to get us an in."
Lex nods and picks up the walkie-talkie, "Hello Levi."
"Alexandria! My long lost sister. Have you come back to rejoin us?" Levi's malevolence seeps through the radio. 
"Is everyone okay, Levi? Do you need anything for your people?"
"We're all just fine here. Our only problem is these feds thinking they should be able to change our way of life. Are you trying to help them? Things have changed here since you ran away, Alexandria. I should be thanking you."
"For what?"
"For killing our father. It allowed us to finally move past the old ways and into the full light of God. It called forth the true leadership."
Lex goes cold, "That being you?"
"Yes, dear sister. Had you stayed, you would have seen."
"Is there anything we can provide you with? Food? Medical supplies? Anything?” Lex pushes. 
“And what would you want in exchange for this generous offer?” Levi practically growls. 
“Some of the children are sick,” whispers Birch. 
“We understand that the children are ill,” Lex says. 
“The children are taken care of,” Levi says. 
“We can help them, Levi. Please.”
“I’ll give you the children.”
“What can we give you?” Lex asks. 
“You in exchange for the children. You can come in and negotiate for us,” Levi says. 
Lex feels sick. The thought of going anywhere near Levi was sickening but knowing the needs of the children, Lex knew there was only one answer, “Done.”
“Agent Green! He might only be inviting you in to kill you!” Birch exclaims. 
“Am I worth more than, how many children?” Lex argues. 
“At least 20.”
“It’s done,” Lex removes her utility belt and weapons. When the line of children begins to march towards the gate accompanied by a woman, Lex advances. Some of the older children carried the babies and smaller children. As they get closer, Lex recognizes the woman accompanying them. Sarah was her closest friend as she grew up. The gates open and the children walk out as Lex walks in. 
“Hello Alexandria,” Sarah nods at her. “If you will follow me I will take you to Levi.”
“Hello Sarah. How are you?”
“I am very well. I was sad when you left but I see now that it was to help me fulfill my purpose.”
“Your purpose?” Lex asks carefully. 
“As the wife of our leader. He took me as his first wife. It is the honor of my life to be by his side,” Sarah smiles.
“I see,” Lex says. 
“No, you don’t. But you will, you will.”
Lex was led into the chapel where the entire commune sat as Levi stood before them. 
“Here she is! My lambs, here is the woman who killed my father, one of our great leaders. And now, she returns with those who would force us from our home, take our God-given right to bear arms, and who will always persecute us for our beliefs. We will not stand for it!” Levi shouts.
Lex stared at the man who had abused her for years and knew nothing she said would calm him. 
“Come along, Alexandria,” Sarah takes Lex’s arm and drags her up the aisle. Murmurings of murderer and traitor follow Lex as she approaches Levi. 
“On your knees,” Levi says to her, “beg for your life.”
“No,” Lex says clearly. 
“On your knees, now,” Levi holds up a detonator, “beg for your life and the lives of everyone here.”
Lex knows that whether or not she gives in, Levi has no plan to get out of here alive. She assesses the situation and makes the only call she can. Pulling the one knife she had kept on her person, Lex lunges for Levi and manages to get him to drop the detonator. A tussle ensues and after only a few seconds, the knife slides into Levi’s carotid and he falls to the floor. 
“NO!” screams Sarah as she kneels next to him and watches her husband bleed out. “NO! LEVI!”
“Finish it,” Levi whispers to her with his last breath. Sarah and Lex lock eyes for a moment before they both lunge for the detonator. 
Bucky paces his room. It had been 24 hours since Lex had been called away and he was irritable with the lack of information he had received. The TV in his room was tuned to the national news channel that was covering the standoff. He was kicking himself for not having gone with you. He should have insisted but he understood the need to face your past. 
“There is movement here at the compound. It looks like the children are coming out! This is breaking right now. We are at the Torchlight Compound in New Mexico where the FBI and ATF have been in a three day standoff. It appears that the compound is releasing the children to authorities. And wait- an agent is entering the compound! It looks as if the compound is finally allowing law enforcement in to negotiate…”
Bucky’s eyes glue to the tv where he watches as Lex enters the gates, speaks to another woman, and then follows her into one of the buildings. His gut clenches knowing what you must be going through as she enters. She’s strong enough for this, he reassures himself, repeating the words as a mantra. 
“Bucky!” Steve comes through his door with Nat and Sam on his heels. 
“You saw?” Bucky asks. 
“Yes. She’ll be okay,” Steve says. 
“I know, I know. She’s strong enough for this,” Bucky says again. “Right?” His voice strains out the last word. 
“Yes. She is,” Nat says, “Because of you.”
“Because of all of us,” Bucky says, his eyes glued to the tc. 
They watched the tv, their only lifeline to Lex at the moment. The reporter droned on, repeating information from earlier and occasionally showing clips from the last few days. She breaks in announcing that while she can’t reveal the name of the agent who entered, they were getting reports that the agent had close ties to the cult. It was as she was announcing this that people began streaming out of the chapel and gunshots began ringing out. The reporter ran and it was obvious the cameraman was hit as he screamed and the camera hit the ground. Just before the feed cut, they watched in horror as the building Lex had entered, exploded. 
“No!” Bucky screams. 
Steve puts a hand on his shoulder, “She got out, Bucky. I’m sure of it.”
“How? How are you so sure?” Bucky yells. 
“Let’s assume she did until we know any different,” Nat says. 
“We gotta go. Let’s go!” Bucky stumbles towards the door. 
“We can’t, Buck. We can’t bring more attention to this,” Sam says as he blocks the door. 
“Move,” Bucky growls. 
“I can’t let you go, Buck,” Steve joins Sam. 
“Steve, Sam, get out of my way!” Bucky's voice rises. 
“You can’t fight all of us,” Nat says gently. 
Bucky clenches his fists, anger at his friends for holding him back quickly gives way to his fear, “What if she’s gone?”
“I’ll find out. Just give me some time,” Natasha begs. 
Bucky nods, dropping down to sit on his bed and cradling his head as his worst fears play over and over. 
Nat returned an hour later, “Everything is crazy down there .There are several people hurt. A lot of people didn’t make it out of the chapel. They don’t have word on Lex, yet. I’ll keep trying.”
She quietly slips out again while Steve and Sam stay, waiting with him. When Nat returns later, Bucky jumps up, “Anything?”
Natasha nods, “She’s injured but she’s alive. Tony’s prepping the quinjet. Let’s go,” Nat leads the way out. 
“Agent Green?”
“Agent Birch, come in,” Lex invites the man standing in the sliver of open curtain of the emergency department. 
“I’m glad you’re okay,” Birch smiles as he enters. 
“Thank you. I’m sure you have some questions. Take a seat,” Lex motions to the chair beside her hospital bed. 
“I just need your statement,” Birch takes out his notebook and pen. 
Lex relates everything that occurred since she entered the compound up until her disarming of Levi and then explains, “Sarah and I locked eyes and then went for the detonator. I got to it first and disarmed it. Sarah got away from me and I knew she was going to the bomb to set it off. I got as many people out as I could. When Levi pulled out the detonator, some of their faces told me they had no idea but some wouldn’t budge. I ran out the side door and made it maybe fifteen feet before I was shot in the shoulder, then the building exploded and I was thrown. I woke up here.” Lex paused for a moment before asking the question she dreaded, “How many did we lose?”
“We’re still sifting through the rubble. So far it’s forty-three dead but you saved twenty-nine children and more than a dozen members who did escape the chapel. Remember those.”
Lex nods, “Do the other statements corroborate mine?”
“I’m not really supposed to say but, the hell with it, some do and some don’t. Don’t worry about it,” Birch gives a small smile as he stands up. When the curtain flies wide open a second later, Birch has his hand on his gun as he takes a stance to fight. 
Bucky stops suddenly seeing the man in a threatening pose. 
“Bucky!” Lex smiles, amused at his clamorous entrance. “It’s okay, Birch. Stand down. This is my friend, Bucky.” 
“Hi,” Birch looks over the Winter Soldier. Certainly not who he would have expected her to be with but he glad she had someone. 
“Hi,” Bucky says but his attention is on Lex as he makes his way to the side of her bed. “You’re okay?”
“Yeah. I’m okay,” Lex smiles at the beautiful face she wondered if she’d ever get to see again as she ran from the chapel. 
“Well, thank you for everything,” Birch’s voice said from the doorway. “I’ll, uh, leave you two alone.”
“Good luck with everything, Birch,” Lex said, never breaking eye contact with Bucky. 
The curtain squeaked as it pulled closed and Bucky reached to touch Lex’s face. It was littered with tiny cuts, her arm was in a sling, and she seemed to be holding herself rigid. 
“You’re hurt. Tell me,” Bucky looks over her with concern. 
"Don't worry. It's nothing terrible. Just a through and through to the shoulder, a concussion, a couple of broken ribs, and some bumps and bruises."
Bucky nods, tears in his eyes, "Well, you know I'll be here to take care of you until you're healed."
"You have been since I met you," Lex says as she reaches for his hand. 
Bucky stares down at her hand in his before lifting it to his lips for a kiss and his heart nearly bursts at the tender look Lex gave. Only a few weeks ago, she would have quelled at the touch and run away from affection. Now, she accepted and returned it. The other night they had kissed, her sitting on his lap for what seemed like hours, before falling asleep together. 
"I'm sorry it took me so long to get here. The, uh, team held me back until we knew something," Bucky says. 
"That was probably best," Lex pauses. 
Bucky picks up on her hesitation, "What is it, doll?"
"Are they here?"
"Yeah, they'll be here any minute."
"Then I have two requests before we’re interrupted. First, kiss me, please," Lex bites her lips as she watches a grin spread across his face as he leans forward. It's as perfect as she remembers when his lips meet hers. When they finally part, they sit smiling at each other for a minute.
"And your second request?" Bucky asks.
"Take me home. I want out of here."
"You got it." Bucky barely gets the words out before the rest of the team is clamoring around. 
Lex finds herself laughing as they all speak at once but then winces at the pain in her ribs. Finally, Tony raises his hands and declares, "Alright, enough. You ready to get out of here, kid?"
"Yeah," Lex nods enthusiastically.
"I'll go wrangle a nurse," he winks as he heads out the door. 
Lex is grateful when a couple of hours later, she is sitting gingerly in the quinjet headed for home. Home with Bucky. 
Over the next few weeks, Bucky watched over Lex as she healed and, this time, she welcomed his presence. Lex’s shoulder healed up pretty quickly but the broken ribs took a while. Bucky was always gentle and treated her as if she was fragile until Lex had told him enough. They’re relationship continued with the physical part growing each day. Lex still shied away at times, overwhelmed and overstimulated by something that was still so foreign to her, and Bucky was more kind and gentle than she ever thought a human, especially a man, could be. It had any apprehension, all of her fears, melting away. Or, perhaps, morphing into the love that seemed to grow with each passing day. 
One night as Lex and Bucky were wrapped up in their weekly movie night, she made a decision. Lex rested her head on his chest, his arm around her as they watched. When the movie reached its conclusion, Bucky turned the tv off and kissed the top of her head, “Do you want to get some ice cream or something, doll?”
“No. I, um… I want to go to bed,” Lex answered.
“Oh, okay-”
“With you,” Lex interrupted. 
“Lex?” Bucky stared at her as he tried to make sense of the statement. 
“Will you make love to me, Bucky? Please?”
“But, you… your ribs- You’re still healing,” Bucky stuttered. 
Lex smiled and bit her lip, “I’m fine, baby, really. I love you and I’m ready. I want this, I want you. Unless… Unless you don’t want me, that, anymore-”
“No! I mean, yes! I mean- I want to be with you. I just want you to be sure.”
Lex smiled brightly and nudged his nose with hers, “I’m sure.” 
Their lips met and Bucky was sure his heart was going to beat out of his chest. He had imagined this moment a thousand times. Even when he was unsure if she would ever be able to handle his touch, he had hoped, even pleaded with whatever god would listen, that this beautiful, amazing woman would one day be able to accept, not just his touch, but his love. He had placed his heart squarely in her hands from the first moment his eyes had met hers. She had looked away quickly, withdrawing into herself, but Bucky had known, somehow in that moment, that they were kindred spirits and soulmates. 
Pulling back for a moment, he looks deep into Lex’s eyes, desperate for her to understand everything he was feeling, “I love you. I love you so much more than I can explain. I don’t have the words.”
Lex smiles, her eyes luminous, “Then show me.”
Bucky could barely hold himself back as he entered her body for the first time. Their fingers intertwined and foreheads pressed together as they both sighed with pleasure and fulfillment. When he looked down at her, his breath caught at the sight of tears. 
“Did I hurt you?” Bucky questioned gently. 
“No, no. I didn’t know it could be like this. I love you, Bucky,” Lex shuddered as the words left her. 
“I love you,” he whispered as he kissed away the tears. 
“Bucky,” Lex moaned. She never imagined that the physical could be like this. It was as if their souls had connected and her world had finally set itself right. Her scars would always be there, but with Bucky’s help, they had become just a part of the story instead of her whole story. She would be scarred always, an enigma sometimes, but now, her whole self. A whole person, loved and loving. The way it should be. 
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Updates and taglist: My taglist is closed. Please follow my sideblog @tuiccimfanfiction for update notifications. All series and new stories will be reblogged to it. You will only receive notifications when a new part or story is out! Nothing else will be blogged to the page. I can’t thank you enough for your support!
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9 (platonic) playing games together Sparrow x Sweetjane. Hier sind kekse.
Thank you, Bleu! I hope you love it! (Canary is @alder-berry's OC - along with Darcy and Bean. Levi is also mine!)
Sparrow watched the tall pale woman narrow her equally pale eyes at the target hung from a tree longer than a behemoth away. Sweetjane was silent, still, stillness in living form. And then her arm moved swiftly and there was a flying glint and a dull *thunk*.
"Hit," Sweetjane murmured. It was her fifth bullseye.
They walked to the target and stared at the throwing knife with a dab of purple paint daubed on the handle. Square in the center of the target.
"That make one hand, Sweetjane," Sparrow said. "I not have that many!"
"You made three, little one," Sweetjane pointed out. "That's pretty good considering you're still learning."
"Mama say, I get better. Mama say, need more work. Mama say, game with Sweetjane 'fect for learn."
"Your Mama is correct, little one."
"Little Bird," Sparrow corrected.
Sweetjane grinned. "Little Bird, then. Are we to keep practicing?"
Sparrow looked up at the sky, tracking where the sun was versus the shadows, and then looked over to the barn. She could see Darcy shooing a goat into the barn, a sure sign that afternoon was ending.
"Dinner. Papa cook. Want eat papa cook?"
"Eat dinner with your family, you mean?" Sweetjane asked.
"Yes! With Mama an Papa an Bean! Papa cook an we eat an we talk an tell Mama how did. Yes?"
"I suppose that sounds like a good idea. Your game of knife throwing was fun. Do you want to do it again tomorrow?"
Sparrow nodded. "Yes. Invite Darcy. He use knife. Not see throw. Maybe he try? And Bean an Levi can watch."
"Not play with us?"
Sparrow pondered. "Maybe try? Might could? Bean very fast. Synth. Can do? Maybe! Levi cook. He use knife...but kitchen? Can throw? Maybe? Yes. Ask. See!"
Sweetjane laughed, making Sparrow grin. Sparrow loved this tall woman who reminded Sparrow of herself. They could be sisters, albeit one very short and one much taller. Not as tall as Canary, but still. When the three of them stood next to each other, their coloring made them look like sisters or mother and daughters. Sparrow loved it. She loved having another woman who could be her family. She loved having another friend.
She just loved Sweetjane.
"Sweetjane Friend. Love!"
"I love you too, Sparrow."
"Come dinner! Tell Mama 'bout knife game. Eat Papa cook. Stay."
"Well, alright."
Sparrow reached for Sweetjane's hand and Sweetjane let her, entwining their fingers. Sparrow gave a happy hum, swung their arms, and led Sweetjane home.
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Hiya! 🌻☀️
My name is Jay (21F) and I’m looking for some more RP partners! I am a literate/advanced literate roleplayer that writes in 3rd person, usually past tense. I am looking for some active 18+ Y.O. Roleplay partners to do some MLM / MLNB CC x CC or OC x OC RPs with.
In terms of content— I prefer doing AUs for fandom RPs but I don’t mind canon-divergent plots too! I tend to write 2-4+ paragraphs and I ask my partners to write at least 2-4 paragraph responses if possible. I’m also cool with ooc plotting, sharing photo references, music ideas, etc. I am looking for the RP to include NSFW scenes (like a 50:50 plot to spice ratio), so if that’s not up your alley, I may not be the best fit for you.
When it comes to nsfw scenes, I can explain my likes/preferences in dms. My hard limits are : bathroom stuff, graphic depictions of SA, incest, baby play, any adult/child couples, and anything involving animals (monster/animal hybrids are okay). When I RP, I like to involve kinks, which I will be happy to discuss in DMs. Any characters I do I usually play as switches as a default, and we can discuss other dynamics. Admittedly, I would like an RP partner with preferences towards playing dom/top characters, but again, switches are the default. I will not RP with someone who only does strictly bottom/submissive characters (sorry).
In terms of AUs / plots, I’m really into some darker / heavier plots. Mafia AUs, A/B/O, bdsm, strip clubs / sex workers, cops n criminals, rivals, enemies to lovers, monsters x humans/monster hunters, yandere, (legal) age gaps, affairs, all of that. If you have a hot, heavy, dark idea in mind, I’d love to hear it (as long as it doesn’t cross any of my hard limits!).
In terms of fandoms / ships, I have some listed below that I am open to! If a character is in bold, that means it is the one I would play, and if there is a ** next to it, that is the preferred ship. However, I would be open to poly couples, we would just need to talk things out.
Attack on Titan
Levi Ackerman x Erwin Smith **
Armin Arlert x Eren Jaeger **
Armin Arlert x Jean Kirschtein
Eren Jaeger x Jean Kirschtein
Marvel (please note: I have not watched many movies after Endgame or any of the TV shows, so any canon divergent plots may need to take place before Endgame)
Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes**
(18+ Y.O.) Peter Parker x Wade Wilson
CW Supernatural (please note: it has been a while since I’ve watched the series, but I am pretty familiar with the characters, so AUs for this one would probably be better than canon-divergent plots)
Dean Winchester x Castiel **
Sam Winchester x Castiel **
Sam Winchester x Gabriel
Dean Winchester x Gabriel
When it comes to OC x OC, I am very flexible. I am just asking for MLM, though amab NB characters and FTM characters are also okay! I would love to design some characters based on a scenario we come up with! I also would be cool with doubles if you’d like, we’d just need to discuss the details. When it comes to faceclaims, I’d prefer irl faceclaims over anime/cartoon ones, but if you can’t find someone, anime faceclaims are fine!
Feel free to DM me and we can talk and decide if we want to RP on tumblr or discord 🫶🏻 thanks!
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My OCs if they were animals :
Calypso : Great White Shark
Jake : Sea Serpent
Anita : Black Widow Spider
Liam : Falcon
Cecilia : Barn Owl
Gontran : Peacock
Muse : Parrot
Sam : Mountain Goat
Cyrano : Raccoon
Bertha : Tigress
Pietro : Weaver Bird
Maria : Lioness
Elias : Black Panther
Arethuse : Wolf
Shikishima : Black Horse
Harmony : Moose
Theo : Magpie
Nefertari : Scorpion
Atalante : Snow Leopard
Dimitri : Blue Jay
Zzzuizzz : Dragonfly
Janet : Persian Cat
Olivia : Labrador
Tara : Cheetah
Nadeshiko : Crane
Angel : Dove
Levi : Raven
Leila : Chameleon
Ly-Anh : Capuchin Monkey
Yuriko : Mayfly
0 notes
archvillain · 1 year
genuine question-- are normal, non-ai ocs/designs on deviantart considered "intellectual property" in any sort of legal sense? I was under the impression that copyright law only applied to characters in commercial properties (like Disney/CN/etc), not just any character someone makes up, but I may be wrong
howdy! im not a lawyer & im working off the knowledgebase of my particularly autistic husband but here's what i know
the adoptables being posted on dA are in fact a commercial enterprise because they're being sold. but even if you didn't sell them, you still have claim to them in the us, because our copyright law deals in strokes so broad that itd levy a barn in a single scattershot.
im not a strong believer in ip law, myself. i think it's all pretty fucking stupid, because as it stands, copyright law was made for a time that could not possibly envision the future being the way it is today, where every idea is a minimonopoly being used to amass enormous capital (ie Disney). copyright law does get more complicated as you scale up because disney is a conglomerate of a bunch of artists, who basically sacrifice their individual copyright by working for disney.
but yeah, you as a person, you get copyright. ai art is not elegible for this (as it stands in the courts in the usa rn) because humans aren't involved in the whole shebang. robots can't generate copyright because they can't create, just generate a mean of images they've seen
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kenzieam · 4 years
The Tutor - Chapter Seven
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Pairing: AU Bucky X Levi
Rating: M (my usual, lovelies)
Warnings: language, drama, angst, mentions of abuse
@iammarylastar​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @captstefanbrandt​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @jewels2876​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @moonbeambucky​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @badassbaker​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @everythingisoverrated​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @oliviastan17​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @igothroughphasesalot​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @sashli​​​​​​​​​​​​ @lorilane33​​​​​​​​​​ @pinknerdpanda​​​​​​​​​​ @nerdy-bookworm-1998​
Levi the jock needs help in high school and her twin brother, Steve, volunteers his newest friend, Bucky. Seemingly just to piss her off, Bucky accepts but soon realizes there’s more to the Levi than she lets the average spectator see.
Feedback = Happy writer…. lol
“Bucky?!” She shrieked.
He grinned hugely, managed it drop the duffel he held in one hand and the backpack slung over the opposite shoulder, bracing himself for impact as Levi launched herself at him, wrapping her legs around his waist, staggering back a step on the covered porch with a chuckle as he buried his head in her hair and clung just as tightly to her as she was to him.
“Hey baby.” He purred, nuzzling close, body stilling for a beat as he just absorbed her, glorying in the sensation of her safe in his arms again then released her legs, letting her feet drop to the wooden deck.
“Hey,” a new voice boomed, and Levi lifted her head from Bucky’s chest enough to glance back over her shoulder and see her twin brother approaching. “I was wondering when you’d finally get here.”
“You knew?!” Levi screeched, fingers curling in Bucky’s shirtfront, gaping at her brother.
Steve grinned widely then pointed a finger at Bucky. “He wanted to keep it a secret.”
Levi snapped her head to glare at Bucky, who grinned sheepishly.
“That’s why you’ve been weird?!”
“I was scared of giving it away, doll. Do you know how tough it’s been, trying to keep this a secret-”?
“I thought you were going to break up with me!”
Bucky gaped at her for a heartbeat, a thousand emotions swirling through his eyes, surprise being chief among them, his jaw dropping. “What? No, doll-”
“I thought you didn’t want me anymore!”
Bucky pulled her close again, crushing her to his chest. He sounded like he was trying not to laugh, or maybe even cry. “No, baby, I’m sorry, I didn’t think-”
“You big, dumb ASSHOLE!” Levi continued, not yet pacified, pushing at his chest then whirling to brandish a shaking finger at Steve, who took a step back, not entirely sure if his womb-mate was truly murderous or not. “And you, FUCKER!!”
Bucky tried again, wrapping his arms around Levi and pulling her towards him, her back crashing into his chest. He dropped his head and murmured feverishly into her ear.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think. I would never want to break up, I’d never find anyone better than you-” his lips brushed against her, pressing frantic kisses to the soft skin below her ear and, despite her indignation, Levi’s body surrendered to the heavenly sensations.
DUMB boys.
Stupid asshole BOYS.
She exhaled heavily, huffing a breath and turning her head to glare at Bucky, who gazed forlornly back, his chin resting on the edge of her shoulder, brow creased, puppy-dog sorrow in his eyes, bottom lip poking out. She couldn’t stay mad and the grin that pulled at her lips was answered by a relieved chuckle from Bucky.
“Dick.” She whispered fondly and Bucky grinned widely, pressing a kiss to her lips as she turned in his arms to face him.
“You still mad at me?” Steve asked.
Levi answered with her middle finger thrown over her shoulder, lips still pressed to Bucky’s and Steve snorted and rolled his eyes, knowing his twin well enough to see that he was probably safe.
“On that note,” Steve said loudly, trying to catch the lover’s attention again as their kiss deepened, starting to forget the world around them. When that didn’t work, he reached out with his foot and tapped Levi in the back of the knee, hard enough to push her off balance, her and Bucky’s heads cracking together. Bucky groaned, reaching up to hold his forehead as Levi rounded on her twin, slavering for his blood. Expecting this, Steve grinned winningly and threw up his hands. “On that note,” he tried again, raising his voice. “I’m heading out.”
It took Levi a moment to comprehend. “What?”
Steve shrugged. “Pizza should be here soon; I’m going to stay over at Peggy’s.”
“Steve, you don’t have to-” Levi began.
“Hell no, I ain’t sticking around for this, I know what shit you two are going to get up to.” He grinned and slung a backpack onto his shoulder, pressing a kiss to Levi’s head and slapping Bucky’s shoulder. “Don’t hurt yourselves.” He chuckled and Bucky pulled Levi back into his embrace as they watched him walk to his vehicle, waving merrily at them as he pulled away.
“Doofus.” Levi murmured fondly, then took a deep breath and turned to face Bucky; he gazed down at her silently, waiting for her to continue. Was she still upset? Still pissed? Still laboring under the ridiculous delusion that Bucky could somehow let her go?
“I’m sorry.” He whispered again, tracing the back of his bent finger along her jaw, eyes flicking back and forth between hers, studying her. He relaxed infinitesimally when Levi sighed and leaned her head into his touch, his heart stuttering suddenly in his chest when she reached up, pressing her hand to his heart then closed the small distance between them, nestling against him again.
“How long are you here for?” She asked, voice hushed.
Bucky tightened his arms, grinning madly as he finally got to tell her the best part. “Until I graduate, doll.”
“I transferred.”
Levi jolted in his embrace, head snapping up to regard him. “Transferred?” There was a heartbreaking edge in her voice, as if she believed she’d just hallucinated his words, and was now on the edge of tears as she expected the happy bubble to pop.
“Yeah,” Bucky dropped a kiss to her forehead and gripped her chin, running his thumb along her bottom lip. He couldn’t stop touching her, not after so long apart.
“But… your mom… your sisters…” Levi trailed off uncomfortably, eyes boring into his, her forehead furrowed.
“They’re good, baby.” Bucky murmured, lowering his head to plant another kiss to her forehead. “Mom’s come a long way this year, this was actually her idea.”
“Yeah. She had the same reason I did for you, get out and live. She’s got my sisters enrolled in some afterschool clubs and she arranged this new schedule with her boss so she can work most of the time from home anyway, she’s…” he searched for the right word. “She’s healing, finally. She can talk about Dad without breaking down, she can remember all these funny little stories and tell them now without crying…. It’s great.” He fell silent, recalling something his mom had said to him, just a few days ago, something he wasn’t ready to share with anyone, not even Lev, yet.
“You’re just like your dad, Bear.” His mom smiled, reaching over to cup her son’s face, eyes beginning to glitter as her words elicited humbled surprise in her firstborn.
“Really?” There was a heartbreaking catch in Bucky’s voice. His father was his icon, the idol he’d always strive to be, to make proud; the ideal he reached for daily.
She nodded, near tears at her son’s reaction. “He’d be so proud of you, taking care of us like you have. It’s like gazing back in time, you look almost identical to him back when we first met. He was in college too, but already grown up, wise beyond his years, a protector.” She paused, and a single tear trekked down her cheek. “It’s an honor to call myself your mother.”
“Buck?” Levi whispered tentatively, lifting her head to gaze up at him.
Clearing his throat, Bucky pushed away the memory before it made him full-on cry and smiled down at her. “Yeah?”
“I love you.” There was a bedrock sincerity in her voice, the simple statement of a most basic fact.
“I love you.” He replied, leaning down to press another tender kiss to her lips. After a beat, his eyes popped open again and he pulled away, straightening as his eyes snapped back and forth in confusion. “What the hell is that sound?”
Lev burst out laughing as the most epic piece of shit car Bucky had ever seen wheezed its way up the driveway behind his truck and backfired almost cheerfully as it died, white smoke partially obscuring the ludicrous sight it made.
“Pizza’s here.”
Bucky stared incredulously as the delivery guy emerged, tall and gangly and resembling a clown exiting a miniscule clown car, carrying two boxes of pizza. The guy stared too long at his girl and a low, unconscious growl started deep in his chest. The man’s eyes flicked to Bucky’s, saw murder glaring back and quickly stopped his appraisal of Levi, the hint of a grin that said he was imagining all sorts of ‘pizza guy gets BJ as surprise tip’ scenarios that no doubt littered his Pornhub history disappearing instantly.
Approaching the couple like Bucky was indeed a rabid wolf with his eyes locked on his newest meal, the pizza guy gave Levi a quick, nervous smile and all but shoved the boxes in her hands, waving off her offer of her credit card.
“Your brother already paid.” He gulped and a wicked satisfaction thrummed low in Bucky’s chest, watching him squirm. There was no doubt Levi was his and he valued every sweaty second he’d spent in the gym this last year, if this worm’s reaction were any sort of guidance as to his physique.
Levi waited until the Civic had screeched away before giggling, turning in Bucky’s arms to gaze up at him. “Bucky, you’re terrible.” She grinned.
“You’re mine.” Bucky countered huskily.
“Yes.” Levi agreed quietly, then set her jaw imperiously. “And you’re mine, Barnes.”
Bucky let all his thoughts bleed into his eyes for a heartbeat, all his need and want and hunger for Levi, all the ways he was going to take her tonight, satisfy the animal inside that had gone for too long without and Levi inhaled sharply, her own need mirroring back, promising a wild night; with effort, Bucky pulled his attention elsewhere.
There was shit to do first, chief among them to actually go back into the house.
Understanding, Levi cleared her throat. “You have more to move in?”
“Just a bit.” Bucky jerked his chin towards his truck.
“Let me put these inside then I can help.” Levi squirmed free and darted into the house, reappearing in moments and skipping along to follow him.
Two trips later, all of Bucky’s belongings were piled in the spare bedroom across the hall from Lev’s and they were back in the kitchen, tucking into the pizza before it got cold.
Bucky was no more enchanted by Lev’s Donair Special than Steve had been and sent a silent thank you to the man as he took a huge bite of plain old Pepperoni, letting Lev dig happily into her pile of nope herself.
As they ate, Lev gave a rundown of the house and neighborhood, which neighbors to avoid and which to chat up; apparently Steve had charmed an old lady down the street into giving him just-picked raspberries all summer and regularly received freshly baked cookies from some other grandson-deprived old blue-hair the next block over in exchange for mowing her lawn, while Levi had only managed to piss off the retired couple across the street by accidentally falling into their Fuschias one day when she’d gone jogging and suffered a sudden Charley-Horse in her hamstring. Not even a gift of a pair of vibrant Geraniums in their own little gilded pots had fully thawed the pair, although progress was being made, albeit slowly.
Bucky chuckled, shaking his head. His girl did have a way with people; how she and Steve were even related when it came to stuff like that was one of the universe’s mysteries.
After a few minutes, and a few slices, the gnawing hunger in Bucky’s stomach, for food at least, had faded and he pushed the plate away with a groan. Levi eyed him, a hint of mischief in her eyes and Bucky felt hugely guilty when he couldn’t stop a sudden yawn.
“Sorry baby,” he murmured, rubbing his face and smiling sheepishly.
“No problem, you’ve been driving. That’s why you didn’t even answer your phone these last two days?”
Bucky nodded. “I’m sorry, doll. But ever since I got everything finalized with the transfer and moving out here, I was so damn excited I was afraid I’d give it all away. I wanted to surprise you and I knew if you got a good look at my face these last few weeks, I wouldn’t be able to hide it. And there was no way I’d be able to keep it secret while I was actually on my way here.”
“Your mom said you were working.” Levi replied. “She was in on it.”
“She was…. Did you really think I was seeing someone else?” The very thought hurt, a sharp ache deep in his chest.
“What else was I supposed to think?” Levi asked, shrugging her shoulders and Bucky saw between the lines to words Levi herself probably wasn’t even aware she was saying. She still, despite time and distance and Bucky’s attention and love, still thought she was unworthy; somewhere deep in her psyche Brock still muttered and threatened and while she may not even notice it, it chewed away at her subconscious all the same.
Words could only convey so much, and, in the end, they were only words, cheap and plentiful. Bucky was going to show Lev how wrong she was, how deeply and fundamentally flawed Brock’s projection of her was and he wouldn’t stop until she truly believed him, until the ugly taint of her stepfather was well and truly gone and, if it took the rest of their lives, so be it.
Bucky rose and moved to crouch at Levi’s side; she watched him silently, brow furrowing ever so slightly, relaxing again when Bucky took her hands.
“You’re it for me, baby.” He whispered. “This last year has been the best and the worst of my life. The best because I have you, but also the worst because we’ve been apart. Sure, it would have been easy to find someone else, my classes were full of girls, but none of them were you. You’re all I want, you’re everything I want and eventually, you’ll believe me.”
Tears sparkled in Lev’s eyes. “I believe you,” she began. “I just…” Don’t believe in myself, her eyes continued.
Bucky’s eyes bored into hers, flicking rapidly between her bewitching amethyst irises. No more words, he just wanted to hold her, and he murmured that tenderly to her, watching her reaction, grinning when simple delight and excitement lit up her face. Brock had been wrong, about almost everything, but especially about Lev being a princess, it was shockingly easy to make her happy, just be with her.
“You probably want a shower though, first?” Levi said. “Driving all day?”
“Actually, yeah.” Bucky agreed, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck. Road grime clung to him like sweat and he was reluctant to taint her with it.
“Go ahead, we share the one bathroom up there, I showed you already. Towels are in the closet and-” she broke off, cheeks going adorably pink. “I have a bottle of your body wash up there if you don’t have any. I’d use it before bed so I could smell you as I fell asleep.”
Bucky rose, pulling Lev to her feet with him and pressed a kiss to her forehead. He’d done the same thing at home, using her favorite green tea brand when the yearning got too much. Lev gently stepped back, out of his space and smiled up at him.
“I’ll clean up down here and lock up. Meet me in my room and we can snuggle and watch movies.”
“Sounds good, doll.” Bucky threw her a crooked grin then disappeared upstairs.
One heavenly shower later, Bucky entered Levi’s room, clad in low-slung sweats and a t-shirt. Levi had a nest on her king-size bed, pillows piled up and blankets scattered, and a small projection system shining on a bare spot on the wall, making for a surprisingly large viewing screen. A few bowls of snacks sat on her bedside table. Biting her bottom lip, Lev lifted the blanket covering her, inviting Bucky to join her underneath them and revealing that she’d changed clothes while he’d been gone, now sporting a tiny pair of lacy underwear and silky camisole.
“Jesus, doll.” Bucky grunted, feeling his pulse speed up. “I thought you wanted to watch movies.” He was teasing, he’d no more intended to simply watch tv tonight anymore than Levi did, but he loved the adorable little flash of mischief in her eyes.
“I do.” She giggled and patted the bed beside her. “This is how you and I watch movies, remember?”
He’d lived for nothing else at times and hummed happily as he joined her, feeling the warmth of her smooth skin as he pulled her close. Reclining back on the stack of pillows, he tucked Levi securely to his chest, cradled between his thighs and sighed happily, just letting the reality of the situation sink into him.
“I’m here, with you. Finally.”
Levi hummed in agreement, made a vague gesture towards the remote without lifting her head from his chest and Bucky chuckled, reaching for it himself and studying it for a moment before hitting the right button. Within moments the screen was illuminated, opening credits rolling and Bucky was tilting his head to rest on Levi’s, letting his eyes fall shut for a heartbeat as he savored the moment.
Despite his best intentions to make it through at least one movie, to demonstrate at least a modicum of restraint, Bucky grumbled a silent ‘fuck this’ in his mind and gave up trying to resist Levi’s heavenly body tucked close to him a quarter of the way through the film; he could exercise his willpower some other time.
Levi had been half-asleep, lulled by Bucky wrapped around her and inhaled sharply, stretching sweetly against his chest when he dropped his head to press a series of slow, sucking kisses to the side of her neck. She held her breath in anticipation as he took his time, tucking her hair to the side and studying the best place to touch his lips before each tender kiss, eyes fluttering shut as he took in her dizzying scent, felt her pulse go wild under his mouth.
“Bucky,” she breathed, dropping her head back, opening her throat more for him. Bucky pulled her tighter with a sharp sigh, one arm looping around her just above her breasts while the other hand skimmed down her belly before snugging under the waistband of her underwear.
She jolted lightly in his arms with a whimper as his fingertips brushed her folds and he hummed in low satisfaction at the fact that she was already wet for him. Levi arched her back, brushing her sweet ass against his rapidly hardening cock as he slowly but inexorably pushed a thick finger inside her, thumb rolling around her clit. His teeth bit down, gently, on her pulse point and she shuddered, spasming around his finger and he inserted another, hissing in appreciation as she grew even wetter, grinding her ass harder against him.
“Jesus, Sweetheart-” Bucky rasped, hardly able to form the words. Slowly, he stared to fuck her with his fingers, increasing his pace rapidly as Levi responded feverishly and he cupped and massaged her breasts, pinching her nipples as he continued to nip and suck and kiss at her neck, blood rushing through his veins as she writhed against him, making the most delicious little whimpers as he strummed her body white hot. His cock ground painfully against her ass, the fabric separating them growing damp with precum but he wanted to, no, he needed to feel her, hear her, see her come first; feel her gush around his fingers, her walls quaking; experience the secondary joy of her release and know he did this, he brought her to the edge like this and felt her tumble off into ecstasy secure in his arms.
Levi’s voice broke as she cried his name, her orgasm crashing over her but Bucky didn’t let up, his fingers slurping obscenely in and out and he could almost follow her over the cliff based just on that sensation alone but he suddenly needed to be inside her, needed to feel her tight around him and he pushed her forwards, away from him. Levi landed on her hands and knees, arching her spine as she understood immediately what Bucky was doing, looking back over her shoulder at him with lust-darkened eyes.
Shoving his sweats down just enough to free himself, Bucky stroked himself roughly a few times, a low, hungry growl in his chest. Desperate to be sheathed in her finally, he simply yanked her underwear to the side then drove into her heat with a groan, eyes rolling back in his head.
Levi matched his groan, hips driving back to meet him, take him impossibly deeper. Dropping her face to the mattress, her spine arched, the angle changing, and Bucky dropped his head back, rolling it between his shoulders as he fought not to explode right away.
“Fuck, baby.” He gritted, hands gripping her hips in a way that had to be painful if they weren’t already past mortal sensations and rocketing towards a whole new galaxy of ecstasy. He slammed inside her, thrusts almost violent and Levi threw it right back, rolling back to meet each snap so he pounded deeper than he ever had before, filling her impossibly deep, possessing her in every sense of the word and then Levi was crying out again, fingers clawing into the bedding as her second climax stole her breath.
Bucky followed her, surrendering to his release with a roar, spilling his seed in thick ropes inside her, head thrown back, face twisted and eyes squeezed shut in the most brutally beautiful pain before his body gave out and he sagged forwards, utterly spent, his forehead resting on Levi’s sweat-gleaming back as he panted for breath, body shuddering and clenching with residual aftershocks, the tail-end of easily the most visceral and powerful orgasm he had ever experienced; white-hot bliss until he hadn’t known where he ended and Levi began.
Withdrawing from her body, chest heaving, Bucky collapsed to the mattress, and Levi followed, sinking bonelessly next to him. He pulled her to his chest, clawing close as something akin to fear skittered through him, a deep and almost scary sense of vulnerability at just how profoundly and intensely they could connect. He felt almost raw, naked in every sense of the word, for they’d just stripped their skins for each other, diving headfirst into oblivion.
The sweetest poison, balm to his soul, Bucky would welcome a thousand deaths to feel this again, every time.
His eyelids fluttered, a languid sense of peace washing over him, and he barely registered Levi dragging a blanket over their sweat-slicked, tangled bodies before he gave into sleep.
Levi giggled, holding the fork with the speared strawberry tantalizingly out of reach of Bucky’s questing mouth and popping it into her own, letting out a squeal between clenched teeth when Bucky dug his fingers into her side, tickling her mercilessly for her cheek.
Her thighs tightened around his waist as she sat on the counter and Bucky stood between her legs, his own plate of waffles and berries forgotten beside them as he tried to charm Levi into giving him pieces from her own. She threw her head back and shrieked laughter, writhing under Bucky’s attack and he laughed with her, carefree and all too ready to push inside her again, take her right here on the kitchen counter because, although he’d reached for her multiple times throughout last night, the main floor was not a place they’d made love yet, and Bucky was nothing if not thorough, intent on christening every flat surface of the house and utterly incapable of resisting the draw Levi had on him for anything longer than short breaks.
Levi waved another berry at him, the fruit shivering on the fork as she squirmed and Bucky let up on his tickling, hands still pressed to her sides and eyed her, trying to decide if she was serious this time or was just begging for more punishment.
A key jiggled in the front door then, a moment later, it slammed open and heavy footsteps strode through. Steve poked his head around the corner, hair sticking up in all directions, telling of his own nocturnal adventures.
“Morning, kids.” He chirped merrily, eyes dancing with mischief as he took in the scene. Levi was currently wearing Bucky’s t-shirt and a pair of his boxers, while Bucky had only managed sweatpants again, and there was no confusion as to what they had been doing, and what they were fully on their way to doing again.
“My eyes!” He continued, throwing his head back and mimicking the wailing face emoji. Levi chucked a piece of waffle at him as she pulled Bucky securely to her, pressing his all-too-willing-to-comply face into curve of her neck and wrapping her arms around him, as if sheltering him from the big, bad jock that had just lumbered in.
“Go upstairs, leave us alone!” Levi exclaimed, but there was no real malice in her tone, matching Steve’s drama department worthy wail of just moments earlier and both twins dissolved into fits of giggles as Steve wandered the rest of the way in, inspecting Bucky’s plate lying forgotten beside them.
“Save any waffles for me?”
“Piss off.” Levi offered sweetly and Bucky finally raised his head from her throat, unable to stop a wide grin at the twin’s antics. Their dynamic, their relationship was a treat to watch; they had each other’s backs through everything, but could also laugh at each other, playfight over almost anything. If Brock’s very existence had had any meaning or purpose, it had been to ensure that the twins were now and forever united, an unbreakable front to tackle all of life’s challenges.
Ignoring his sister’s warning, Steve grabbed the top waffle off Bucky’s plate, rolled it expertly into a large cigar shape and took a huge bite, leaning against the nearby butcher-block island and chewing noisily, a dollop of whipped cream at the corner of his mouth that he, when Lev mimed wiping it off her own mouth, almost delicately dabbed off with his pinkie and studied for a beat before jamming into his mouth. “Any plans for today?”
Bucky shrugged, still cradled against Lev’s chest. He could spend all day right here and have no complaints whatsoever.
“Probably just chill in the backyard.” Levi answered. “Put on some music, float around the pool.”
“Cool,” Steve replied. “I was going to call Peggy over to do the same, can we share the yard?”
“Of course! Can you ask her to bring over that metallic polish she had on last weekend? She said I could use it.”
Steve nodded, mouth stuffed full as he pulled his phone from his jeans pocket and Bucky lifted his gaze to Levi’s, who raised a brow at the mischievous sparkle in his eyes.
“You have a bikini to match that polish?”
“Actually, I do. It’s the cutest little blush pink color.”
Cute was hardly the word Bucky would pick to describe Lev in a bikini but that was neither here nor there.
“Did you bring trunks?” Lev asked. “Not that I wouldn’t mind you wearing nothing at all.”
“I can’t go naked? The Europeans do.” Bucky teased.
“I wouldn’t mind, but the neighbors might. You’d give old Martha a heart attack.”
“Her own fault for snooping.” Steve replied, putting his phone away with a grin. “And I think you cured her of that last month when you pranced around bare-assed out there. I haven’t seen her out on her deck since, and she planted all those trees-”
“Nothing but a smile.” Steve chuckled. “And she did the Floss, too. Waved at the old biddy like they were best friends, big grin on her face. Lev, not Martha.”
Bucky closed his eyes, shaking his head. Of course, his girl would do something like that, that was one of the reasons he loved her so much, she could roll with anything.
“See? I’m safe.” Bucky chirped, grinning winningly at Lev, who just rolled her eyes.
“No nudity.” She declared. “If I have to wear something, you do too.”
“Party pooper.” Bucky grumbled lightly.
“I’ll make it up to you later.”
“I look forward to it.” Bucky whispered, burrowing his face back into her throat.
Later, they crowded around the pool; Lev and Peggy stretched out on lounge chairs and painting swathes of pearly pink on each other’s toenails while Steve and Bucky sat at the pool’s edge, feet dragging in the water, hands stretched behind them to lean back, heads tilted to the sun and eyes closed behind dark sunglasses as music throbbed from the nearby Bluetooth speaker.
Leaning back and lifting her foot to inspect Peggy’s work, Lev grinned and fell back against the lounge chair, pulling her sunglasses from the top of her head to cover her eyes. Bucky rolled his head towards her, eyeing her half-naked body, clad in the ‘cute’ blush pink bikini that looked like absolute sin on her and considered disturbing his near-perfect peace to stand and move to her side. She’d probably giggle and push him away, shrieking at him to not wreck her wet nails, and the squirming of her body against his would only inflame the constant fire he had for her, resulting in some NSFW moments that would probably drive the other couple into the house or earn him a punch in the mouth from Steve.
“Bucky?” Lev called quietly, lifting her glasses to fix him with her hypnotising violet eyes.
“Yeah, baby?” He murmured, lips curling into a smile. Unseen beside him, Steve opened his eyes and turned his head to watch the exchange. While surprisingly chill about the ‘adult’ side of Lev and Bucky’s relationship, and hardly able to point fingers when he himself could hardly keep from storming Peggy at every turn, he nonetheless wasn’t looking for an anatomy lesson featuring his wombmate right now.
“Put some lotion on my back?”
“Of course.” He stood, stretching his back, groaning at a few pops then strolled to her side. Lev rolled onto her stomach, careful of where she placed her feet to protect her still tacky nails and held out the bottle for him to take.
There was room to sit at either of her sides, but the glint in Lev’s eyes invited him otherwise and Bucky grinned down at her as he swung a leg over, straddling her hips and settling gently down on the backs of her thighs. From here he could play her ass cheeks like bongo drums or reach up to wrap his hand into her hair and pull her head back as he pushed slowly…. Or, you know, keep it PG and just rub lotion on her back.
Gently untying the back of her top, he tucked the strings on either side of her ribcage and squirted some lotion onto his palm, rubbing it between his hands to warm it. The tan lines across Lev’s back called to him as he began to massage the lotion in and Lev moaned quietly under her breath, stretching languidly under him and making him bite back his own groan as her ass brushed against his semi.
She moaned louder as Bucky dug deeper, massaging the knots in her muscles, moving in long, powerful strokes up and down her spine, branching out over the backs of her shoulders like wings, fingers digging into the flesh.
“Don’t stop,” she murmured, eyes falling shut.
Bucky leaned forwards, using the cover of his body over Lev’s to hide the sight of his fingers reaching down and tracing in between her thighs, past the edge of her bikini and brushing the edge of her folds. “I’m going to wreck you later.” He promised, his voice low, tongue dipping into her ear as he growled; pushing one finger inside her, cock twitching in his boardshorts as she squirmed beneath him. Withdrawing his finger, he made sure Lev was watching as he popped it into his mouth and sucked it clean, hooded eyes dark and vowing carnal, primal bliss.
“And the student surpasses the teacher.” She grinned.
Four years later
“To Levi.” Bucky announced, grin splitting his face as he raised his glass.
Levi smiled, leaning back into his chest from her seat between his thighs and raised her own glass. “To you, Bucky. For always supporting me.” Turning her head, she pressed a kiss to his underside of his jaw, smiling when he groaned, low in his chest.
“To both of you.” Steve asserted, eyeing them both before allowing his own huge smile. “It’s been a long haul.”
“Hear, hear.” Bucky whispered, lips tickling the shell of Lev’s ear, making her giggle.
“So? How does it feel?” Peggy asked, sipping her wine. “All this work and sacrifice?”
Lev met Bucky’s eyes again, their heads turned to face each other. “It feels amazing.” Lev answered, looking back forwards towards her brother and Peggy.
Five years of hard work, five years of sacrifice and now Levi had achieved her goal, her architectural dream. Accelerated courses and countless hours of extra effort had brought her here, years ahead of her peers and head-hunted to one of the best firms in the world. Through it all, Bucky had been there, once her tutor, now her forever.
“And the wedding?” Peggy continued, glancing down at the ring glittering on Lev’s finger.
“Still small, just close family.” Bucky replied, nuzzling into Lev’s hair. “You guys, my mom and sisters, Ann and Bruce. The reception back here before we fly out.”
A new smirk lit up the twin’s face as they shared a look. Their mom had rebounded from Brock surprisingly well and, when she had introduced them to her newest beau three years ago at Christmas, even the gregarious Steve had been gobsmacked to see it was their old science teacher, Mr. Banner. A simple trip to City Hall had sealed that relationship last year and, at Lev’s graduation ceremony earlier today, she’d even introduced him to her professors’ as ‘Dad’.
“And the new house?”
A shared exhale and humored grimace. “Renovations underway.” Bucky replied wryly.
“But it’s a real, genuine farmhouse.” Lev added, eyes sparkling. “With a porch swing and a Widow’s Walk and stained glass and giant old trees for a tire swing. A huge old barn and wood plank fences-”
“And rooms needing painting and carpets that need to be torn out-”
“Because the hardwood underneath is amazing.”
“And all the time in the world to do it while you work.” Bucky finished, the smile in his eyes genuine and beaming, eyes locked with Lev’s. For a beat they stayed lost in each other, until Steve cleared his throat before sipping noisily at his wine to remind them that they weren’t the only people in the room, something that still happened with heartwarming regularity.
For now, Bucky’s career path was not as set and luminous as Lev’s, but it only seemed to bother him. Last night, when he’d lamented the fact, Lev had rolled from her side of the bed and straddled his hips, cradling his face with startling determination. Only the seriousness of her expression kept him from giving into the heavenly sensation of her pressed against him, but his heart had started racing all the same.
“You’ve taken care of other people for years.” She stated. “First your mom and sisters, then me. You saved me, Bucky; you might not think it, but you did. Asking you to tutor me was the best decision I’ve ever made. You kept me grounded when all Brock made me want to do was give up, and you were there for me after, when everything was new and possible and scary as hell. Whatever I have now, I owe to you. Let me take care of things for awhile, please baby.”
He could deny her nothing and hearing her heartfelt words had sealed something inside his chest he hadn’t even realized until then was cracked, binding them together more solidly than the Earth itself.
“So, Lev”, Peggy chirped, a ‘don’t think you can get anything past me’ gleam in her eyes. “You going to tell us why you’re drinking grape juice instead of wine?”
Lev sputtered, the sip she’d been in the process of taking threatening to spray across the table. “What?” She mumbled.
“Oh, come on.” Peggy continued, flashing a grin up at Steve before returning piercing eyes to the other couple. “You think I didn’t notice? We’ve got two already, I know the signs.”
Lev glanced at Bucky. The gig is up, her eyes said.
Steve and Peggy had been busy in the last five years, getting married while still in school in a charming and small ceremony with Lev and Bucky at their sides and rapidly producing two little tow-headed babies. Amelia had come first, the apple of her daddy’s eye, born the day after he’d been the first line draft pick of the year; while Thomas had made his grand entrance a week before Steve had led his team to their first Championship under his leadership, the proud new-father gleam in his eyes visible in every TV interview that came after. The People Magazine spread had been particularly adorable, Amelia cuddled close to her daddy while he gazed lovingly down at his family, newborn Thomas content in Peggy’s arms. Both little munchkins were already slated to be part of the wedding, a curly-haired flower girl and toddling ring-bearer.
“When are you due?” Steve added, watching Bucky nuzzle his face into Lev’s hair with a proud smile he remembered gracing his own face when they had been announcing their own news.
“We just found out this week.” Lev replied quietly.
“So next summer then.”
“Yep.” Bucky’s reply was muffled by Lev’s hair and she giggled as he mumbled something further in her ear.
“The house should be done by then.” Steve continued, trying to prod his future brother in law to remain part of the conversation when it was obvious he was falling down his favourite rabbit hole.
“Hopefully.” Bucky reluctantly pulled his attention away from whatever he was doing to Lev’s throat, a new smile pulling at his lips as he thought about it, then chuckled wryly. “The nursery anyway.”
“Better prepare for doubles.” Steve grinned, loving the sudden startled widening of his friend’s eyes. “Lev’s a twin, odds are you’re going to have them too.”
The mock horror in his eyes was tempered by the smile he couldn’t stop from forming and Lev laughed out loud, pulling her lover down for a kiss on the cheek. “I didn’t even think of that!” She crowed. “Twins, baby! What do you think?”
To be perfectly honest, Bucky couldn’t care less if Lev gave birth to Damien himself, as long as he got to be by her side through it all; they could cower together in their newly renovated farmhouse while the little darling raged outside but the thought of two little products of their love for each other made real warmed a special place in his heart and he was not entirely surprised to feel the prick of tears in his eyes.
“That’s perfect, doll.” He murmured, nuzzling close again, ready for whatever life had in store for them.
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enby--bloth--hoondr · 6 years
Sticks and stones won't break my bones for I'm made of metal.
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sixpennydame · 1 year
North Star✶Chapter 7
A Levi Ackerman x oc slow burn
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Series Masterlist | AO3
Levi fights to keep you alive, and you decide if it's worth it all.
Warning: mentions of death
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Levi follows Mathieu into his home and to a bedroom, where he opens a large cedar chest. He takes out a few items of clothing and hands them to Levi. “You should be able to fit into some of my son’s old clothing. Make sure you cover as much skin as you can - it’s going to be cold and windy up there, and frostbite can settle in fast if you’re not careful.” 
Mathieu then lays out a map on the table and takes out a compass. “I assume, as a former soldier, you know how to use one of these?” Mathieu asks, to which Levi nods. “The glevora trail starts on the southern slope of the mountain and was meant to be taken by foot - it’ll take too long in this weather on a horse. But there’s another, faster trail slightly to the west,” he points on the map, “here.” He folds up the map and gives it to Levi. “Prince was made for this kind of weather, but it’ll still be treacherous, especially if the blizzard hits before you make it to her.”
“Then I better get going,” Levi responds as he changes into the wool sweater and waxed coat given to him. Mathieu pulls out some gear and supplies and as both men head to the stables, there’s already a change in the air. 
“Levi, it’s likely when you find her that she’ll be weak and maybe even a little confused. Besides not eating for over 3 days, opening the bridge takes a toll on her body and mind.” He puts a hand on Levi’s shoulder. “And keep your own wits about you. Strange things are said to happen in the mountains on the solstice.”
“I will.” Levi mounts Prince, who eagerly stomps his hooves. He pulls on the reins gently to control him and then looks down at Mathieu. “Thank you, for your help. Let the council know that she’ll return safely down the mountain with her duty accomplished,” then he rides out of the barn and towards Mount Aspe.
There’s a cold wind blowing down through the mountains and into the valley, and it stings at Levi’s exposed face. He’s never been particularly comfortable in freezing temperatures, but he feels focused, more than he has in a long time; his winter training for the Survey Corps is coming back to him.
It’s quiet, only the crunch of Prince’s hooves in the snow can be heard. The scent of pine trees wafts in the wind and Levi marvels at how different this landscape is than anything he knew in Paradis. The higher he climbs the mountain, the energy seems to change as well; as if the very trees and rocks around him wait in expectation. The wind bites at his face and his muscles tense.
“You weren’t made for the cold, were you, Levi?” Hange used to tease. She had once tried to make a heating mechanism for their winter uniforms that would keep them warm as well as hinder the ODM gear from freezing up, but it ended up catching fire during the first trial run. 
Why am I thinking of Hange now of all times? Levi asked himself. He re-focused on the task at hand, which was navigating this mountain trail. Snow had fallen last night, covering everything in a fresh, sparkling white, but it made navigating the correct route challenging. He had to depend on his compass and map more often than not. 
Mathieu had warned that the daylight hours were particularly short during the winter solstice, and Levi was glad that he’d started his trek early. Clouds were beginning to build overhead and it urged him forward - he was quickly running out of time. As he came into a clearing, he could see a fire burning in the distance, then the lights in the sky began to appear, flowing from one end of the sky to the other. It really was a magical sight to see, even to a skeptic like Levi. Then suddenly, the wind changed and clouds began to cover the lights and darken the stars. Sensing the start of the storm, Levi urged Prince onward toward the fire’s light, the wind and snow bearing down on him, making it difficult to see.  
When he finally arrives at the stone circle, you are nowhere to be found. His heart races as he searches around the immediate area, calling your name. He finds the cave where you had set up camp and ties Prince there. The wind continues to pick up, creating a complete white-out; Levi can barely see in front of him, but he ventures past the camp and altar, desperate to find any sign of you. Placing his arm in front of his face to block as much of the blizzard as possible, he trudges through the snow, ignoring the growing pain in his knee. “I can’t see shit out here.” 
“This really is quite a storm, isn’t it?” says a voice from behind him. Levi’s eyes widen and then he quickly turns around. 
It can’t be. It’s impossible.
The wind and snow have stopped and it’s as if everything is frozen in time. Levi blinks his eyes a few times, wondering if his mind is playing tricks on him. 
“Yo.” Hange gives a little wave. “Long time, no see.” They’re wearing the Survey Corps uniform, brown hair tied up in their usual way, but no eye patch. 
“This can’t be real..” Levi marvels.
They feel around themself. “If I’m not real then you are having one very convincing hallucination,” they laugh then grab Levi’s hand to put it on their shoulder, “See? Real as can be.”
Levi quickly pulls back his hand, but he can still still feel the texture of Hange’s jacket. “How is this possible?”
“Your guess is as good as mine. I suppose there are some things that just can’t be explained.”
Levi remembers sitting against a rock after the final battle and seeing all his comrades faces, Hange and Erwin at the forefront as they disappeared into the smoke. “I just never thought I’d see you again.”
“Well, I am dead, so I suppose that would be a logical conclusion,” they tease. “But I haven’t been too far away this whole time. It looks like you have a good thing going there in Mursa.”
“It’s nice. Peaceful. But,” his glance turns downward, “I don’t know what I should do anymore.”
“Just keep doing what you’re doing - living life.” They move toward Levi. “After all you’ve been through, you deserve some peace.”
“But I shouldn’t be the one still here. I should -” 
He thinks about all the times he should have died, but he kept fighting and pushing forward, even when he didn’t want to. Friends, family, comrades - they’ve all moved on without him, to whatever is beyond this world. But he can’t help but feel like he’s cheated death; that his Ackerman blood gave him an unfair and unwanted advantage. Living shouldn't feel like a curse.
Hange puts a hand on his shoulder, stopping him mid sentence. “You should live. The world is such a big place - explore it! That’s what the Survey Corps does, isn’t it?”
They smile. “Your time on earth is a gift, Levi. That’s why they call it the present.” Hange laughs heartily, a gleam in their eye, then nudges Levi’s ribs. “Get it? I think I just came up with a saying.”
Levi rolls his eyes. “You’re still as annoying as ever.” Then his face softens. “I’ve missed this.” 
There’s so much he wants to say at this brief moment. That he’s thankful for their friendship. That he wishes he’d been the one to give his life that day. 
“Ah, Levi, don’t be getting sentimental on me now.” Hange smiles, then begins to walk away into the trees. “I’ll see you on the other side, someday. Now go on…she needs you.”
The snow and wind pick back up and Hange disappears amongst the white. In their place, Levi sees footprints. He follows them through a grove of trees, until he starts finding pieces of clothing: a scarf, a coat, a hat, all leading to a figure amongst the trees. 
“Catherine!” He yells, running toward you just as you drop to your knees. He catches you and holds you close. 
“I’ve got you, Catherine. I won’t let you go.”
You don’t respond. Your eyes are open but seem to be in a trance-like state. Levi knows he has to act quickly; he grabs you and hoists you on his back, dragging you along and picking up your discarded clothing along the way. He’s pushed his body to the limit today, and his knee throbs, but he pushes through until he reaches the cave. 
Now shielded from the snow, he places you down and wraps you in blankets. He quickly gets a fire going so that he can assess what kind of state you’re in. The fire slowly comes to life, illuminating the cave and your frail body shivering. 
Levi crouches in front of you and places his hands on either side of your face. You’re freezing to the touch, your hair in icy clumps clinging to your head, your lips blue. 
“Catherine! Catherine! Can you hear me?” 
Your eyes are half open but it's as if you see right through him; your eyes are completely focused elsewhere, like there’s another world in front of you. 
“Martin? You came for me?”
Levi thinks back to his winter survival training. Your confusion and physical state all show signs of hypothermia and minutes can determine whether you live or die. He knows he has to act quickly to raise your body heat.
Having discarded your coat and warm layers, the rest of the clothing you wore was soaked and cold. “Catherine, I need to get you warm. I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to take off your clothes.”
He takes a deep breath, then starts to undress you. “Please don’t hate me for this, but it’s for your own good.” He lifts the sweater over your head then pulls off the heavy wool pants. Once you’re only in your camisole and underwear, he places you inside the sleeping bag and begins to undress himself. Both your coats and clothing are placed next to the fire and when he is down to only his underwear, he crawls into the sleeping bag with you. 
Your body is like a block of ice next to him, and it takes his breath away a bit. He piles the blankets and furs on top of you both and then zips up the sleeping bag. There’s no time to think of the awkwardness of it all because he knows this is the fastest way to warm your freezing body.
His arms wrap around you as you lay beside him, your head against his chest. He rubs your back and arms to encourage your blood to circulate, all the while hoping he acted in time. 
The night passes and the blizzard dies down to a light snow falling. Prince stomps at the ground as the dying fire casts tall shadows along the cave walls. Levi crawls out of the sleeping bag only to add more wood to the fire, then his arms are around you again. Your head fits perfectly in the crook of his neck, and he feels your uneven breathing against his skin. The lights in the sky eventually fade, and to Levi’s relief, your body begins to warm, little by little; he finally allows himself to fall asleep just for a brief moment.
You’re going to make it.
——- �� ——-
“Don’t go! Take me with you!” You yell out to Lars. You find yourself running deeper and deeper into the trees, trying to catch up to him, but snow is whipping at your face and stinging your eyes. 
It feels as if the world is spinning around you and then everything stops: the same empty feeling you had as you watched Martin’s airship fall from the sky. “You’re wrong, Martin, I’m not a strong person,” you say out loud - or at least, you think you say it out loud. You’re having a hard time differentiating between what is real and what isn’t. Honestly, you don’t really care.
Despite being surrounded by snow, you suddenly feel so hot. You start taking off your scarf and hat, then your gloves and finally your coat as you walk aimlessly among the trees. There’s a part of you warning that this is wrong, that you’re going to freeze out here. 
And maybe that’s ok. You can almost see the thread connecting you to this life fraying. Just a little longer and it’ll snap, and you can be with Martin. Just a little bit more, and all your pain will be over..
Then there’s darkness.
You blink and you’re at the top of Mount Aspe. Thousands of stars are sparkling around you and the lights in the sky fade in and out, flowing through the air and around the moon. There’s no snow, only the endless sky surrounds you.
You shouldn't be here, Catherine, a familiar voice says. They wrap their arms around you.
“Take me with you. Or let me follow.”
Not this time.
You can’t see him, but he’s here, with you. You feel his arms, his breath against your ear. But you can’t turn around. 
Don’t be afraid to enjoy your life and all there is to this frail world. Make friends, sit in the sun, ride Aster, laugh until you cry. Embrace it all. I want that for you.
A star in the distance starts shining brighter and brighter. You close your eyes.
“But it’s hard”, you reply.
All good things are hard. 
“I’m alone..”
You’re not alone. 
Everything gets dark around you as you feel your body shutting down. You feel yourself falling, and you almost give into it - 
…but something inside you - a tiny spark - says this isn’t how it’s supposed to be.
Martin’s words grow in your heart. You want to live.
You feel a pair of hands grab you and pull you into them. Who is it? You feel like you’re floating. Are you dead?
Someone’s calling your name. “Martin?” Did he come back? That’s impossible - he crossed the bridge. Someone’s taking off your clothes. That’s fine, you think, it’s so hot. No..it’s freezing. You feel arms around you. So warm. Feels like home. 
You hear a heart beating against the chest your head is laying on. This is real. You’re alive. 
When you open your eyes the cave is still dark, but the sun is slowly rising, shining through the entrance. You’re completely buried in blankets and there’s a body next to you, their arms around you and their head resting on top of yours. Your hands move along their bare chest; the scars you feel are unfamiliar. The touching rouses them from their sleep and they take a deep breath. When you look up, you see two long scars marking a porcelain complexion.
You feel his muscles tense underneath you and he shifts a bit, putting a small space between your bodies. But his arms stay around you.
“What are you doing here?”
“I can tell you all about it later. Right now I just need to know you’re ok.” One of his hands gently touches your face and neck. “You’re feeling warmer. Let me stoke the fire and heat up some water for you to drink.”
He moves to unzip the sleeping bag, but your arm pressed next to him  quickly reaches across his chest. He looks at you and you pull your arm back. 
You’re now fully aware that only the thin fabric of your underwear and camisole is keeping you from being totally nude next to him. “This was the most effective way to raise your body temperature,” Levi mentions, as if reading your mind.
“No, I understand.” Your arm reaches across him again. You’re not sure how or why Levi is here, but right now, it doesn’t matter.  “Don’t go just yet.”
There’s silence, and then Levi pulls you closer to him, his arms warmer than any blanket could be. 
You rub your legs together for some extra warmth, and Levi notices. “Do you want me closer?” He asks, and you nod your head. At that, his leg drapes over yours. The weight of his body and the warmth emanating from his core assures you that you’re still alive. 
You need this. You need to feel another human next to you, to know that you’re not alone. His chest rises and falls and you find that your own breathing syncs with his, each inhale and exhale pulling you back to this world.
“Thank you..” you quietly say into the curve of his neck. “I don’t know how you found me out here, but I thought it was the end.”
Hearing that, he pulls you in even tighter. He’s never felt so close to anyone before, and now that the danger of the situation has lessened, he realizes that he wants to be near you beyond just protecting you. Having you in his arms feels natural, as if you replace an emptiness he thought would never be filled. He could hold you like this forever.
But this isn’t the time for those feelings. Levi takes a deep breath.  “You could still be in danger. I need to keep you warm and hydrated while I find a way off of this mountain. The faster we can get you back to Mursa, the better.”
He begins to sit up. “I’m sorry, but I’ll have to move so I can get you something to drink.” 
You let go of him, realizing you are indeed incredibly thirsty. When was the last time you had a drink? As Levi shifts away from you and opens the sleeping bag, a surge of cold air hits you and you shiver. He quickly gets out and zips you back in, then he puts on his clothes. 
Your body feels as if it has had all the energy sucked out of it, and you doubt you could move much even if you tried. You go in and out of sleep as you hear Levi putting logs on the fire, only being roused when you feel his arm underneath you to help you sit up. He places a tin mug to your lips. 
“I need you to drink this slowly,” he says with care. You cough up the first gulp, but after a few more sips you take it in your hands and finish it off. Levi looks relieved.
“That’s good. If you were suffering from serious hypothermia then you wouldn’t be able to drink at all.” 
He pours you some more water and as he instructed, you drink it slowly, letting it soothe your parched throat. You can feel its warmth move all the way down to your stomach, making you even more comfortable. 
After Levi feeds and waters Prince, he comes back over to you. “I’m going to check outside and see if we can get down this mountain today. It’s still early, so if the trail isn’t too bad then we should be able to make it.” He puts your hat on your head and smooths out your hair. “I’ll be right back.”
Alone and finally feeling coherent, you try to piece together the events of last evening. Nothing about this has been what you expected, but you were able to see Martin one final time, and you opened the bridge. Martin’s final words are etched on your heart, and although there’s a part of you that still yearns to be with him, there’s another part that believes what he said, that there’s so much more for you to experience in this life.
Because there is still goodness here - Levi is proof of that. He hasn’t yet told you how he knew you were in trouble, or how in the world he found you freezing in the wilderness, but the fact that he’s here makes you realize that you might not be so alone in this world after all.
You eventually doze off, so you’re not sure how long Levi had been out there before he’s gently waking you. “Catherine, I think I’ve found a way down, but if we’re going to make it before the sun sets, then we need to leave soon. Can you get dressed?”
“Yes..I think so, but Levi, I need to stay here. How will they believe I’ve accomplished the ceremony if I don’t come down on my own.” 
“Did the elders say that was a requirement?”
“Well, no, but..”
“Then I’m taking you down off this mountain.” Levi gathers your clothing as you amble out of the sleeping bag. You silently acquiesce to his assistance, as he helps you put on each layer. “Catherine, you’ve done what you set out to accomplish. But if you stay up here any longer, you’ll..”
He looks down as he ties your boots. The words stick in his throat. “This ceremony isn’t worth your life.” 
His hands are gripping your ankles as he looks up at you, his grey eyes piercing and serious. You can tell there’s no point in arguing with him. “Ok, Levi, you’re right. I’ll go with you.”
Levi packs what he can in Prince’s saddle bags, then helps you onto the saddle. He knows you’re still weak, so he has you sit in front of him, his arms around you as he grabs the reins. “Lean on me if you need to, ok?” He says gently as he prods Prince to move forward. It’s still cold, but the sun is shining brightly; it reflects off the snow and you both squint to see. Despite the chaotic events of last night, it’s now eerily calm; in fact, if you didn’t feel the way that you did, you’d almost think that you’d imagined everything that happened.
Riding down the mountain, Levi recalls the events that led to finding you, leaving out the part about meeting Hange. He’s still trying to figure that out in his mind. Another thought he keeps hidden is his growing endearment for you; the feeling is so new and unknown to him, he’s not sure he could even describe it.  
You listen in awe as Levi speaks, amazed that someone would go through such lengths for you. The fact that he cared that much, gives you conflicted feelings and you’re not sure you’re ready to deal with something like that. 
Martin told you to love again, but how could you? 
You do know that you feel safe with Levi. Physically and psychologically he’s been through so much, but there’s this inner strength about him.  You wonder if you would have been that strong if faced with such losses.
“If you hadn’t come when you did, I don’t think I would have made it. I thought I was strong enough to be glevora, but in the end, I couldn’t complete what I set out to do.”
“What are you talking about? You did exactly what you needed to do. You climbed up a big-ass mountain, stayed there for several days without food, and opened the bridge. Don’t diminish your accomplishments.”
His voice is stern. “You can’t control the weather. Unless you have some skill you haven’t told me about.”
That makes you laugh just a little bit. “You’re right. I guess I’m just worried about what everyone will think, when they see me come down the mountain like this.”
“You can’t control that either. People are going to think what they wanna think. So what if it wasn’t executed perfectly in the end? Were Martin and the others able to cross?”
“Yes..they were.”
“Then it was a success. Stop being hard on yourself.”
“Yes sir,” you tease. In your heart, you know he’s right, even if he has a gruff way of putting it. 
“You’re strong, Catherine. You don’t give yourself enough credit. I wish you could see what I see.” 
“What do you see?”
“An amazing woman who has never let the struggles in life defeat her. You’re a fighter, but you’re too hard on yourself. You’re your own worst enemy, in that regard.” 
There it is again, that brutally honest way of speaking - but it’s refreshing. There are no pretenses with Levi.
“There’s no fault in wanting to be better and stronger, but you should celebrate your victories too.” His voice softens. “And for what it’s worth, I’m proud of what you’ve done, and I’m sure Martin is too.”
You can feel your cheeks getting hot and you’re glad that Levi can’t see you. “Thank you…for being honest with me. I appreciate that.”
For some reason, when he says he’s proud of you it feels like the biggest accomplishment. He makes you feel like you’re worth something.
About halfway down the mountain, your body starts to feel tired again, but you try not to slump over. Levi has enough of a challenge navigating his way down this mountain, and so you struggle to sit up and stay awake.
You should have known that he’d notice. “I told you - you can lean against me if you’re tired. I can take it.” One of his hands reaches to your shoulder and pushes you against him. You don’t resist it. He tightens his arms around you so you won’t fall and you let your head fall on his shoulder.
“Why are you so kind to me?” You ask, your voice hoarse and barely a whisper.
There’s a multitude of ways he could answer this, he thinks. It’s in his nature to help others, it’s what he does. He would have done it for anyone, be it Mathieu or Albert, or shit, even Max. 
But that’s not why he raced to the top of this mountain and searched for you through the snow. You’re not just another person he saved; he realizes that he cares for you deeply - he’s just not ready to admit that out loud yet.
And so he pauses for a moment, thinking about how he should word this. “You once told me that you were happy we were friends. Well, I feel the same way. You’re my friend and I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
He stops himself from saying more. He wonders if his pause in answering gave his feelings away, or the tone of his voice.
But when he looks down at you, you’re already asleep.
——- ✶ ——-
Not many people notice when you arrive in Mursa. It’s too cold for most to be out and about, and so Levi takes you straight home. He noticed a few hours before that your condition was taking a turn for the worst again; he knew it was risky to make the descent in one day in such cold, but you wouldn’t have lasted long in that cave if he’d waited. Now he’s wondering if he did the right thing. 
As Prince stops in front of the house, you’re met by Albert, Luka, and Max.
“Shit, what happened?” Max exclaims, helping Levi to bring you inside.
Levi doesn’t answer but takes you straight to your bedroom. “Max, run and get Dr. Egli. Tell him it’s urgent.” He looks at the other two men. “Luka, take the horse back to Mathieu’s. Albert, find the village elders. Tell them that Catherine has completed her task and returned from Mount Aspe.”
There was an authority in Levi’s voice and it had the three jumping to their tasks without question. 
Once Dr. Egli arrives, Levi has changed you into clean clothes and covered you with blankets, recalling the events to the doctor as he checks your pulse. “She was conscious this morning. I thought it best to get her back here as soon as possible, but I’m worried I made everything worse.” 
The doctor opens your eye to check dilation. “No, you made the right call. Keeping her up there would have been dangerous. Honestly, I’m impressed you were able to make it down safely and in good time.”
By now, the others have returned home and are standing restless beside the entrance to the bedroom. 
“She’s extremely dehydrated, physically exhausted, and suffering from a mild hypothermia. Continue to give her warm water to drink. She should only consume liquids for now - I’d suggest bone broths.” He begins to pack up his case. If her condition begins to improve, you can have her take a warm bath, but nothing like that yet.”
“Isn’t there some medicine or something you can give her?” Levi asks.
“There’s not much more that can be done. It is really up to her will to survive now. She has to fight.”
——- ✶ ——-
It’s so cold.
One moment you were riding with Levi down the mountain, his strong arms holding you up as you drifted in and out of sleep, and then everything became cloudy and disoriented. Your body goes numb, but you feel separate from your physical self, your mind in another place entirely. 
Your eyes open and you’re in Mursa, and a voice tells you to hold on.
They open again and you’re in your bedroom, a cold stethoscope on your chest. 
Time has lost meaning. You live only from one small conscious moment to another.
You hear muffled voices outside your room.
“And you saw it? The fire burned through the night?”
“Yes. The wind from the blizzard made it almost impossible, but I made sure the fire stayed lit throughout the night. She completed her tasks as glevora.”
“What would you, an outsider, know about it?”
“Because I experienced it myself.” This voice got stern. “The bridge was opened.”
The voices fade. You open your eyes once more to see Levi sitting next to your bed. 
“Hey. You need to drink this.”
Warm liquid fills your stomach. The fog is clearing, but you still feel lost, clawing your way back to life.
Come back, Catherine.
Come back.
Your eyes open. The room is dark and still around you, only a clock marking time in the distance. You stretch your sore muscles and turn to see a figure sleeping in the chair next to you, his head leaning on his hand.
His head lifts up immediately and his features brighten when you say his name. “Hey. How are you feeling?”
“Better, I think. How long have I been home?”
“You’ve been in and out of sleep for two days.”
“Two days…” you push the bedding away. “I need to talk to the elders and let them know the ritual was completed.”
Levi stops you from getting up with a gentle hand on your shoulder. “It’s the middle of the night. And they’ve already been by. I took care of it.”
He helps you lie back down. “Let me get you something to drink.”
As he leaves, you begin to remember some of the moments from the last few days. In every memory, Levi was there, getting you to drink, checking your temperature, helping you through. You’re sure if it wasn’t for him, you’d be dead by now. 
This man, who a few months ago was a total stranger, has saved your life. And perhaps, even given you a reason to live.
——- ✶ ——-
In the morning, everyone is coming by to check on you. It’s the day before Jul and the mine is closed until the new year, which means Max, Albert, and Luka have been charged with taking care of you until Levi returns from working at the stables. Pots and pans clamor as they make meals for you and you wonder if Levi will box their ears later for making a mess in the kitchen. There’s always at least one of them with you in your room, almost as if they’re afraid to let you out of their sight. You generally don’t like people making a fuss over you, but you’re too tired to feel uncomfortable. 
Luka and Albert spend the afternoon with you in your room playing chess while Max seems to be busying himself around the house. 
“Jul is tomorrow - shouldn’t you all be making your way home to see your families?” you ask the two men as they stare intently at the board.
“We couldn’t leave until we knew that you were gonna be ok,” Albert says, moving his rook.
Luka studies the board. “All of our homes are a quick train ride away anyway. We’re all planning to leave in the morning.” He moves his queen. “Check.”
You fall asleep to them arguing over who’s a better chess player. When you awake, the sun is going down and you hear more voices in the corridor. You decide to venture from your room to see what all the commotion is about. 
In the sitting room stands a tall evergreen tree. Luka is wrapping sparkling tinsel around it while Albert and Max look through a box of decorations. Even Levi is there, but he seems to be supervising the three others.
“Luka, it’s all lopsided, are you blind?” Levi complains. “And why the hell are we decorating a tree with all this shit anyway?”
Before any of them can answer Levi, Max spots you in the entryway. Seeing you brace yourself against the wall, he runs over to help you.
“We wanted to surprise you and give some holiday spirit to the place,” Max says as he helps you to the sofa.
“So this is what you were up to this afternoon.” You smile at Max. “Thank you.”
Max blushes. “We just wanted to see you smile.”
You help them decorate the tree and as the evening wears on, they sing songs and read stories of Mursa’s holiday traditions, which Levi listens to with growing interest. 
And through it all, you smile. You’re so thankful for these four people and the effort they’re taking to help you, but the weight of this week still falls heavy on you. It’s almost too much for you to bear.
“I’m still feeling a bit worn-out, so I should go to bed. But thank you, all of you, for making this evening so special.”
They all walk with you to your bedroom, “Happy Jul!” and “Goodnight!” being said as everyone hugs you. 
Levi is the last one in your room but instead of leaving, he closes the door. You look at him, that same pleasant smile across your face, but he just stands there, his arms crossed.
“Stop. You don’t have to do that with me,” he says bluntly.
“What do you mean?”
“Smile like everything is fine.” He moves closer. “You’ve been through a lot. You don’t have to act like you haven’t.”
Slowly, the ends of your mouth turn downward and tears fill your eyes.
In an instant, Levi is sitting on the bed and pulling you into an embrace. He lets you cry, your tears soaking the collar of his shirt. 
Just like that, three years of pushing through and saving face come crumbling down and you let it all out with each sob.
There’s something about this man that makes you feel like you can be yourself; you can take off the mask and lay bare all your fears and anxieties. For once, you want to share those feelings with someone.
But for right now, it’s enough to be here in his arms.
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enretrogue · 2 years
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aworldofwhitenoise · 3 years
Hello! Hello! Hello!
I'm back at it again! I'm in search for another role play partner.
Let me tell y'all a little bit about myself. My name is Laura (she/her) and I'm 21 years old. My time zone is MST. This spring I will be going into my last semester of college. I work a part time job and I'm probably going to be looking for another one, because rent is expensive. Long story short: I'm a very busy gal! Because of that my love of writing got pushed to the back burner. However I'm determined to turn that around and actually engage in my favorite hobby.
When it comes to my writing, I've been doing it since I was a kid. However I've been role-playing off and on for roughly 8 years. I consider myself to be semi lit, a standard replying ranging from 500-1,200 words. I lean more towards the latter, however am willing to match my partner. I only write with people that are 18+. I do this since I'm an adult and do not feel comfortable writing NSFW topics with underaged people. (That being said I do not generally write smut but like to write about other NSFW topics) As stated above I'm very busy so I can't guarantee a response super quickly. My response time can range from a few days to a few weeks. If that is a deal breaker I deeply apologize. I do try to supplement that with things like moodboards, playlists, tiktoks, memes and general OOC chat!
Anyways! On to the fun stuff.
What I'm looking to role-playing! I'm looking for either Fandom oc x Canon or an Original Plot oc x oc. It is a requirement of mine to double. You play my love interest for me and I'll play your love interest for you. This is non negotiable. I write with mxf or fxf relationships.
(note: I'm AU and crossover friendly. Also open to oc x oc set in the Fandom universe!)
Who I'm looking for: Peter Parker (Tom or Andrew both work!), Miles Morales, Bucky Barnes, Eddie Brock, Bruce Banner
Who I can write: Bucky Barnes, Stephen Strange, Quentin Beck, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Wanda Maximoff, Natsha Romanoff and more! I find writing most MCU characters super easy to pick up on so I'd been down to try my hand at other characters! Just ask!
This is still a very new one and I've never written this one before! However I'm super interested in trying it out if you want to take a chance.
Who I'm looking for: Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Gar Logan, Tim Drake, Conner Kent
Who I can write: Dick Grayson, Gar Logan, Rachel Roth, Hank Hall. Once again just ask and I'm open to trying my hand at a character! Does not need to be the Titans version or a Titans character. That's just the series I'm most familiar with!
Who I'm looking for: Dean Winchester
Who I can write: Sam Winchester, Castiel
Harry Potter:
Who I'm looking for: Draco Malfoy, Newt Scamander
Who I can write: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger, Fred Weasley, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin (I LOVE doing oc x oc for Harry Potter so if you got ideas let me know!)
Who I'm looking for: Kyoya Ootori, Tamaki Suoh, Hikaru Hitachiin, Yukio Okumura, Sebastian Michaelis, Suzaku Kururugi, Erwin Smith, Alphonse Elric
Who I can write: Tamaki Suoh, Hikaru Hitachiin, Haruhi Fujioka, Rin Okumura, Suguro Ryuji, Ciel Phantomhive (aged up. Please), Lelouch Vii Britannia, Levi Ackerman, Erin Yeager, Edward Elric, Roy Mustang (I also watch a lot of anime so just ask!)
Mystic Messenger:
Who I'm looking for: Seven, Zen
Who I can write: literally any of the characters!
Original Plots
Okay! So I do have specific ideas as well as genres/tropes that I generally enjoy.
Urban Fantasy
Super heros/vigilantes
Enemies to Lovers
Childhood friends to lovers
Bad boy/good girl (vise versa)
Forbidden love
Celebrity (fictional/original celebrity. No real people.)
Soul mates!
Original ideas:
These are going to be very abridged ideas for two reasons: 1. To help bring this already very long ad to an end and 2. It gives us an opportunity to build upon the idea and add to it!
Character A has to return to their home town after a series of unfortunate events that ended with their father dying. When they returns home they reconnects with Character B, their ex. But what happens when their mutual friends dig up secrets about their seemingly quiet town that threatens to put everyone they love in danger. And there is only one thing on A's mind: what if their father's death wasn't natural causes like everyone claimed.
Character A is a trouble maker who was taken in by their dismissive aunt and uncle. A now has to work in the sleepy town where nothing ever happens. That is until they meet Character B, a shinning star in the town. What happens when B's best friend is found mysteriously dead after being missing for a few days and everyone beings to turn against each other attempting to solve the murder.
Character A is a struggling ambitious artist, working in a little town. They paint murals, and sculpt anything to make ends meat. However they have big dreams of going to art school. Character B is a bartender with a carefree attitude and a love for music. The two meet one day at work and really hit it off. But can A risk having a relationship when they know they are going to be going away to school soon?
Please like this post or message me if you are interested!! Thank you for reading my ad! I'm looking forward to meeting you! ♡
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tuiccim · 3 years
A Scarred Enigma (Part 10) Finale
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OC Lexa Green
Word Count: 1.6k
Trigger Warnings: Anxiety, confronting the past, cult life, violence, character death.
Summary: Fellow Avenger Lexa Green is an enigma that intrigues Bucky to no end, but a painful past has left her scarred, both physically and mentally. Will she be able to overcome her past to find love in the future?
Divider by @firefly-graphics / Beta read by the lovely @liebs82
A Scarred Enigma Masterlist
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Upon their return, the team is surprised to see Maria Hill at the end of the ramp.
"Agent Green," Maria says as she makes eye contact with Lex.
"Agent Hill," Lex nods to her.
"Lantern is on fire. I need you to join me in the conference room."
Lex goes cold hearing the coded message.
"Lex?" Bucky says from beside her.
"It's the compound I grew up in. They're in a standoff most likely. I have to go. I'll let you know what I can," Lex squeezes his hand.
"I'll come with you," Bucky says.
"Alexandria Naomi Cole."
"Who's that?" Bucky asks.
"Me. Lexa Green was the name I chose when I became an agent. Alexandria Naomi Cole is my real name and I think it's time I buried her once and for all. But I need to do it alone, Bucky. Do you understand?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I do. But I'm here if you need me."
"I love you," Lexa says it for the first time without qualification.
"I love you, too. Can I kiss you?" Bucky smiles.
"Yes, always yes," Lexa leans into him as he kisses her. After a moment, they separate and Lex turns to Maria, "Ready."
Maria smirks, "Let's go."
In the conference room are agents from both the FBI and ATF. They grill Lex for any information on the compound, cult beliefs, and members. Sliding a photo across the table, FBI Agent Birch asks, "Do you know this person?"
Lex's stomach churns as she recognizes the face, "Levi Michael Walsh. He was my stepbrother."
"He's now the leader of the cult and is threatening deadly force if anyone attempts to enter the compound. We'd like you to try to talk to him. You know him and understand their ways."
"I don't think he'd take kindly to that," Lex counters.
"Why is that?" Agent Birch asks, curiously.
"I killed his father and escaped the compound. I'm probably the last person he'll speak to," she explains.
"I see," Birch raises his eyebrow, "We'd still like you to join us. Your insight could be invaluable."
Lex gives a curt nod.
"Can you be ready in ten minutes?"
"I'm ready now," Lex lifts her go bag onto her shoulder.
"Great. Helicopter's on the roof," Birch leads the way out.
"Good luck," Maria says as Lex passes her.
"Thanks," Lex follows the other agents out, heading back to the one place she dreaded most in this world.
Standing on a ridge overlooking the compound, Lex pulls out her binoculars and surveys the area.
"What are you doing?" Birch asks.
"Looking," Lex says.
"For what?"
"Activity. Has there been any communication with them?"
"He accepted a walkie-talkie but has been very curt answering any questions.
"Can you take a look at this, please?" Birch's voice has a slight edge to it as he rolls out a large sheet of paper.
Lex looks over the map of the compound and begins pointing things out, "This is all housing. This is the school. This is the chapel. There is a bunker underneath for the women and children and a tunnel that leads out to the southwest. There were plans to add more when I left."
"What kind of firepower are we looking at?"
"I wasn't privy to much of that but a lot."
"Is there any chance this could turn into a mass casualty event?"
Lex stares at Birch for a second, "It's possible but it would be a last resort. Levi is despot. He wants all of the power and control he can have. He won't give it up but if he's backed into a corner, I wouldn't put anything past him."
"Alexandria?" The radio crackles to life, "Alexandria, is that you? Have you finally come home?"
The voice causes a chill down Lex's spine. She immediately feels nauseated.
"Talk to him!" Birch points to the radio.
"No," Lex balks.
"This is the first time he has reached out. If you can get him to talk, maybe we can end this."
Lex puts her head in her hands and takes a deep breath, "Fine."
"Stay calm with him. Don't let him goad you. Ask if they need anything. Try to get us an in."
Lex nods and picks up the walkie-talkie, "Hello Levi."
"Alexandria! My long lost sister. Have you come back to rejoin us?" Levi's malevolence seeps through the radio.
"Is everyone okay, Levi? Do you need anything for your people?"
"We're all just fine here. Our only problem is these feds thinking they should be able to change our way of life. Are you trying to help them? Things have changed here since you ran away, Alexandria. I should be thanking you."
"For what?"
"For killing our father. It allowed us to finally move past the old ways and into the full light of God. It called forth the true leadership."
Lex goes cold, "That being you?"
"Yes, dear sister. Had you stayed, you would have seen."
"Is there anything we can provide you with? Food? Medical supplies? Anything?” Lex pushes.
“And what would you want in exchange for this generous offer?” Levi practically growls.
“Some of the children are sick,” whispers Birch.
“We understand that the children are ill,” Lex says.
“The children are taken care of,” Levi says.
“We can help them, Levi. Please.”
“I’ll give you the children.”
“What can we give you?” Lex asks.
“You in exchange for the children. You can come in and negotiate for us,” Levi says.
Lex feels sick. The thought of going anywhere near Levi was sickening but knowing the needs of the children, Lex knew there was only one answer, “Done.”
“Agent Green! He might only be inviting you in to kill you!” Birch exclaims.
“Am I worth more than, how many children?” Lex argues.
“At least 20.”
“It’s done,” Lex removes her utility belt and weapons. When the line of children begins to march towards the gate accompanied by a woman, Lex advances. Some of the older children carried the babies and smaller children. As they get closer, Lex recognizes the woman accompanying them. Sarah was her closest friend as she grew up. The gates open and the children walk out as Lex walks in.
“Hello Alexandria,” Sarah nods at her. “If you will follow me I will take you to Levi.”
“Hello Sarah. How are you?”
“I am very well. I was sad when you left but I see now that it was to help me fulfill my purpose.”
“Your purpose?” Lex asks carefully.
“As the wife of our leader. He took me as his first wife. It is the honor of my life to be by his side,” Sarah smiles.
“I see,” Lex says.
“No, you don’t. But you will, you will.”
Lex was led into the chapel where the entire commune sat as Levi stood before them.
“Here she is! My lambs, here is the woman who killed my father, one of our great leaders. And now, she returns with those who would force us from our home, take our God-given right to bear arms, and who will always persecute us for our beliefs. We will not stand for it!” Levi shouts.
Lex stared at the man who had abused her for years and knew nothing she said would calm him.
“Come along, Alexandria,” Sarah takes Lex’s arm and drags her up the aisle. Murmurings or murderer and traitor follow Lex as she approaches Levi.
“On your knees,” Levi says to her, “beg for your life.”
“No,” Lex says clearly.
“On your knees, now,” Levi holds up a detonator, “beg for your life and the lives of everyone here.”
Lex knows that whether or not she gives in, Levi has no plan to get out of here alive. She assesses the situation and makes the only call she can. Pulling the one knife she had kept on her person, Lex lunges for Levi and manages to get him to drop the detonator. A tussle ensues and after only a few seconds, the knife slides into Levi’s carotid and he falls to the floor.
“NO!” screams Sarah as she kneels next to him and watches her husband bleed out. “NO! LEVI!”
“Finish it,” Levi whispers to her with his last breath. Before Lex can react, Sarah has grabbed the detonator and the room explodes.
Just over a year later, the team gathers in the conference room for a meeting.
“I still say it’s too soon,” Bucky says to Steve. He had taken Lex’s death hard. She had given her life to save the 29 children who walked out of the compound but it had broken Bucky. He had to be removed from duty for a few months and required to undergo an evaluation. It had taken some time but he had begun to piece himself back together.
“I’m sorry, Buck. We held off as long as we could but with Clint wanting to retire, we need someone,” Steve replies.
“Yeah. I know. I guess I won’t ever really be ready.”
“I get it, man.”
“Captain,” Director Fury says as he walks in.
“Director Fury,” Steve nods at him.
“I’ll cut to the chase. With Agent Barton’s retirement, you’ll need a new sharpshooter on the team and I’ve recruited the best of the best.” Fury motions to the agent who walks in.
“Hello,” she says, looking at each person in turn, “I’m Y/N.”
Alternate Ending
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Tuiccim’s Masterlist
Updates and taglist: My taglist is closed. Updates for series will be made weekly. Please follow my sideblog @tuiccimfanfiction for update notifications. All series and new stories will be reblogged to it. You will only receive notifications when a new part or story is out! Nothing else will be blogged to the page. I can’t thank you enough for your support!
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