#oc: jax collins
luuckyyou · 1 year
Silly rabbit
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guiltye · 2 months
moving to this blog: luna líu, arthur collins, sarah blake, selena wilson, hallie anders.
being added to this blog: billy butcher, kaz brekker, claire novak, clarke griffin, octavia blake, the boys oc, supernatural oc, and more.
being removed from this blog: jax channington, cormak reade, john b routledge.
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slasher-jax · 21 days
For all your OC
Who are you and Why you think you exist?
Sorry this took so long, I have over 30 ocs
Cole Jane Rhue
"Uh, I'm Cole Rhue, AKA C-4. I don't know why I exist, but I think it might be because my parents didn't know how to use protection."
Cindy Clare Collins
"Uhm- I'm Cindy, and I don't exist, I'm dead."
Genie Uzu Xyno
"Ooh! I'm Genie, but you can call me Gene, or Z. I exist to help people of course, being a herb witch and all."
Vincent Zeno Clark
"Uh- I'm Vincent Clark. I don't know why I exist, probably because my mom's a whore."
Jordy Clark Stevens
"Uhm- Hi, I-I'm Jordy, and I exist solely for Zara."
Zara Trudy Freeman
"Get- GET AWAY FROM ME-" *several minutes later* "I'm Zara, please save me- AGHH-" *fifteen minutes later* "I'm Zara and I exist for Jordy."
"I'm Jaxon, please call me Jax. And I exist to write and draw!"
Jared Ford Thompson
"Fuck off." *one ass beat later* "I'm Jared and I exist to fuck your mom."
Bones the Skeleton Clown
"I'm Bones, and I exist to make you laugh!"
Winifred Iris Afton
"I'm Winnie, and I exist because my sister needed someone to be better than."
Rosabelle Krista Stuarts
"Oh- HI!! I'm Rosabelle, and I exist because Jax tends to get baby fever despite only being 15 I'm adorable!"
Test Subject 1593
"*cries* I don't have a name."
Gina Clark Lewis
"I'm Gina, I exist for population control."
Francine James Graham
"Just a question, you do realize that I'm about to kill you, yeah?"
Vesper Hugo Daniels
"I'm Vesper, and I exist to fight for this country."
Vivian Hill Daniels
"What kinda quesion is that? I'm Vivian, and I exist because Vesper chose not to eat me in the womb."
Caecilius Alastar Mori
"I'm Caecilius, I know it's a mouthful, just call me Cae, and I exist to protect the royal family."
Bowie Daniel Remington
Celyn Hira Pekkanen
"Celyn, I exist to fuck with Christina."
Christina Babirye Nolan
"I'm Christina, I guess I exist to clean Celyn's messes for them."
Courtney Imani Paige
"Hi, Courtney -CARAMEL APPLE MOCHA FOR JOSH- and I exist to fill the gap that was made for people's coffee in the mornings."
Porphyrios Hadriana Hepburn
"Are-Are you joking right now? My name is Porphyrios, child of Hades and Persephone, the god of death. I exist to ensure Percy Jackson makes it to and from missions mostly unharmed, which is pretty funny considering I'm the god of death."
Chrissy Carolina Mollown
"Oh! Hi! I'm Chrissy. I'm exist to make everyone's day a little brighter!"
Valeria Nikhila Janda
"The fuck d'you want? Yah, yah, whatever. I'm Valeria Nikhila Janda, I exist because my mom decided to fuck Satan."
Caroline Zitkala Merkel
"Oh! Hi! Hehe. I'm Caroline, and I exist because Jax decided he didn't have enough assassin ocs, hehe."
Isabelle Erna Nicholson
"Hmm? You can call me Ms.Nicholson, I exist because Jax was going through a I wanna be a teacher phase."
Florian Herminia Cano
"Huh? O-oh, I'm F-Florian. I-I don't know why I exist."
Jace Verian Taylor
"... *stabs you*"
Tags: @zeroisreallygood @puppet200 @purpleeggyboi @im-a-simp898 @th3-r4t-48 @evry1h8s-me @aflairforthemelodramaticc
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twooboomoomoo · 2 years
Sorry these are all in black and white it was the only way I could adjust lighting 😔 But yea! The return of (some of) my actual ocs!!
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thejulialealworld · 4 years
Octavia: I did not pick them up early from school.
Felicity: Ella, Atlas, Sybil, did Octavia pick you up early from school?
Sybil: No.
Octavia: See? Case closed.
Ella: We didn’t go.
Felicity: Case open.
Atlas: We went shopping.
Octavia: Ha ha ha, hush now, Atty-
Ella: Mama bought us matching hats! Look, look!
Octavia: You three go to your rooms.
Felicity: All of you go to your rooms.
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stunset · 6 years
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“that was her magic.
she could see the sunset,
even on the darkest days.”
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murkyhazed-hasmoved · 4 years
mutuals reply for a starter from one of the following muses:
nick van owen - jurassic park / world
owen grady - jurassic world
bruce banner / hulk - mcu
loki laufeyson - mcu
ultron - mcu
cruella de vil - once upon a time
alice smith - riverdale
betty cooper - riverdale
gemma teller - sons of anarchy
tara knowles - sons of anarchy
tig trager - sons of anarchy
adelaine collins - the society oc
allie pressman - the society
daryl dixon - the walking dead
lydia - the walking dead
maggie rhee - the walking dead
bilbo baggins - the hobbit
gollum / smeagol - the hobbit / lord of the rings
thorin oakenshield - the hobbit
alternatively, like to PLOT with one of the following muses that i have muse for, but not enough to be creative right off the bat:
cheryl blossom - riverdale
veronica lodge - riverdale
clay morrow - sons of anarchy
jax teller - sons of anarchy
opie winston - sons of anarchy
beth greene - the walking dead
connie - the walking dead
lori grimes - the walking dead
michonne - the walking dead
tara chambler - the walking dead
bella swan - twilight
charlie swan - twilight
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Outlaw’s Grace - Chapter Five - Let Me Live/Let Me Die
Summary: Chib’s gets a second chance at fatherhood, and his daughter quickly becomes his world. But as she ages into adulthood, how will he keep her safe from club business? How will he protect her from the world he has tried to skirt a line on involving her in?
Pairing: Chibs x Platonic OC, Father Daughter Relationship
CW: Violence, Sexual Violence, Gun Violence, Character Death, Stressful Situations, Mentions of Anxiety, Mentions of Substance (Alcohol, Drugs) Use and Abuse.
Authors Notes: This story follows the rough timeline and events of the Sons of Anarchy TV Show. Some situations will be altered or completely different. Added content between canon events will also be in the story. I do not own any of the characters, images, script, or any other content associated with or a part of the Sons of Anarchy. I do own original characters.  
Word Count: 1774
Chapter Five
It was a nice, mild autumn day at Teller Morrow. Grace was lounging on a chair in the shop, engrossed in a book, while Chibs and Juice worked on a car that was giving them trouble after trouble. 
“Goddamn bastard, now there’s a leak somewhere, this gauge is reading low” Chibs exclaimed in frustration. He gave one of the wheels of the car a slight kick, wondering if it was even worth it to fix the car with all the problems it had.
“I already checked that line, there wasn’t a hole there” Juice replied, his patience wearing thin as well. Chibs sent him a glare, not in the mood for such a temperamental car. 
In the next bay over, a customer who had come to check on his car was getting a little heated with another mechanic. 
“You said it would be ready today. Are you an idiot who just can’t do his job?” The angry man shouted. Jax and Clay looked up from whatever they were doing in the office and headed over. The man caught Graces attention too, and she put her book down, then moved to grab her bag. The man shoved the mechanic and Jax stepped in.
“Hey man, calm down, your car is going to take a little more time,” Jax said as he approached the man, trying to gauge if he was just angry or a danger. 
“Calm down? CALM DOWN?!” The man shouted while pulling a gun. Jax, Clay, Chibs, and Juice all responded by pulling their own, all yelling some sort of “Whoa”. Chibs slowly positioned himself in front of Grace's chair while keeping his eyes on the man. To his surprise he felt her stand slightly behind him. The guy assesses how many guns are pulled on him, then lowers his own. 
“Just give me the keys, I’ll go somewhere else” he bites out. The mechanic throws the keys at him, and the guy gets in his half repaired car and drives away. Everyone sighs in relief, and Chibs turns to Grace to get on to her for not taking cover when he freezes. The rest of the guys turn around to check on everyone and also stop in surprise at the sight of her holding a gun.
“Uh, Gracie Baby…?” Chibs cautiously asks. She looks to find all the guys staring at her. “What?” She asked, seemingly not phased. 
“Where did you learn how to use that? Actually, where did you even get it?” Jax asks with a strange look on his face. 
“Gemma taught me how to use it, last year after my 16th birthday and when I dated Collin for a little bit, she gave it to me just in case” Grace replied while emptying the chamber and putting the safety back on, like it wasn’t a big deal for her. Jax and Juice laughed.
“Of course she did” Jax said, shaking his head. Clay clapped Chibs on the shoulder, “Well dad, I guess you don’t have to worry about those dates huh?” Chibs just continued looking at Grace in slight shock before recovering. 
“Gemma may have taught you how to use it, but next time you take cover, young lady.” Chibs said with a sternness. He didn’t want her to get caught up in a crossfire. Grace stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.
“Ok Da, I will.” She knew better when to question that tone of voice. She went back to her book, as if nothing happened. Chibs turned to Jax and Juice and gave an exasperated sigh and hand movement. Both guys just started laughing, in between laughs Juice said “Gemma really does train them well”. 
Grace pulled up to the garage with her normal coffee delivery. Tig came out of the first bay with his hands up, praising her. 
“Oh, thank you for bringing us life's nectar, the stuff here is shit” he said while kissing Grace’s cheek. She smiled and handed him his Americano. 
“I thought alcohol was the nectar of life?” She jokingly asked. Tig waved a hand as he took a  drink.
“Only on the weekends” He said with a wink while Grace rolled her eyes. She continued to hand the appropriate coffee to the appropriate Son or mechanic. When she didn’t see Chibs and Jax she turned to Tig, throwing up an eyebrow in question. He responded without her having to ask.
“Out on a run, should be back in an hour”. She nodded and headed to the microwave so that the coffee would retain some type of warmth. As she walked by Kip, the new prospect leaned against the car Tig was working on and watched her.
“Hey that’s the girl that works down at the local coffee shop right? Charming Coffee?” He asked, eyeing her like a schoolboy with a crush. Tig grunted in response, not really paying attention and focusing on the engine he was working on. 
As Grace stepped out of the office she spotted Kip, not knowing him she walked over to introduce herself. 
“Hi, are you new? I’m Grace, what kind of coffee do you take?” she asked as she held her hand out. Kip took it eagerly. 
“Hi, I’m Half-sac, I mean Kip, I’m Kip. and I like Cold Brew” He said with a goofy smile on his face. Grace gave him an amused look, wondering where in the hell that nickname came from. Tig looked up from the car and rolled his eyes.
“Grace honey, just milk for him, he’s still growing big and strong” Kip threw a glare over his shoulder at Tig, while Grace stifled a giggle. 
“Got it Tigger” she teased back. She turned to head back to her car, needing to get back to work. Kip watched her go, very much infatuated with watching her leave. 
“Man, she’s as hot as the coffee she serves” Kip remarked in a lame attempt at what he perceived as guy talk. Tig looked up from the car again and gave him a glare, but with Kip still watching Grace go, he didn’t see it. 
“Hey idiot” Tig said as he threw a grease towel and hit Kip in the back of the head.
“What??” Kip asked, confused. 
“Gemma may be queen of bikers, but Grace is the princess. I would highly encourage you, for your own self preservation, to not hit on her” Tig warned. Kip looked at him funny, not getting it. 
“What do you mean? All I said is she’s hot, and she is!” Kip said exasperated. Tig shook his head and glared again.
“She’s Chib's daughter, and she’s like a daughter or a sister to everyone here. Next time you comment on how “hot” she is, I’m going to hit you in the mouth” Tig threatened, throwing another towel. This time Kip dodged. He rubbed the back of his neck, face flushing pink with embarrassment.
“Alright, Alright, sorry man, wait, THAT’S his daughter???” Kip exclaimed when he realized his full mistake. 
“Yes idiot. Maybe get to know your sponsor better if you ever want to patch in.” Tig said with an eye roll. 
“I thought his kid was like...a kid…” Kip responded lamely. Tig just stared at him for a minute.
“Man you really are an idiot.” 
Grace placed the packets of candy aside as she finished up inventory. She glanced at the clock and hopped up to get coffee ready for the guys. She had a bad habit of losing track of time when doing menial tasks that she could zone out to. Especially if she had a lot to think about. With college midterms coming up, she was using every spare moment to reflect on her coursework and run internal flash cards. Grace loaded the finished coffees into drink carriers and grabbed a bag for the candy. 
She pulled into Teller-Morrow and started unloading her car. Kip ran up to help, grin on his face.
“Hey Grace!” He said enthusiastically, always a slight ray of sunshine. Grace smiled at him and pointed to the passenger seat, indicating there was more to carry.
“Hi Kip, coffee is over there, can you also grab the bag?” Grace asks as Kip rounds the car. They both distribute the coffee, then Grace grabs the bag from him.
“Tig!” She calls, getting his attention. He sees her as she holds a bag of Skittles in the air. His face lights up and she tosses them to him. She pulls out another bag and tosses them to Happy.
“Oh I love you” Happy says as he rips a corner off the bag. Grace smiles as she continues distributing bags, mostly by tossing them at the guys. M&Ms for Bobby, Sweetarts for Clay, and Twizlers for Piney. When she finishes Kip looks a little disappointed. 
“No more?” He asks, glancing at the bag. Grace pats him on the shoulder, “Patch in first tough guy”. All the guys started laughing at that, Tig and Hap walked over and both threw their arms over her shoulders. Happy kissed the side of her head and Tig pointed to Kip.
“You’ve got a  long way to go before you get candy on inventory day” Tig said before popping more Skittles in his mouth. Chibs walked into the garage and saw Grace in between Happy and Tig. 
“Inventory day yeah?” He asked while grabbing a grease towel to wipe his hands on. Tig ruffled Grace’s hair as she slipped out from under his and Hap’s arms. Grace pulled a pack of soft caramels out of her pocket and handed them to Chibs. He kissed her on the cheek and opened the package. 
“Wait, why does Jax not get candy?” Kip suddenly piped up. 
“Gotta watch his figure for the ladies” Chibs teased. Grace shook her head at her boys, as she headed back to her car to go to work. 
“Bye Grace!” Kip waved. Grace turned, raised her eyebrow at him and said in an amused voice “Bye Kip”. As soon as she got in her car and started to back out, the guys howled in laughter. Chibs walked up to stand next to Kip and threw an arm over his shoulder. 
“You do know, that my Gracie could kick your arse before you even knew what was happening?” Chibs said while the other guys looked on.
“I’m just being friendly!” Kip tried to defend himself. 
“Don’t be too friendly Half-Sac, or you might be No-Sac” Tig yelled from across the garage. 
“Oh I would be so proud” Happy remarked while finishing off his skittles. 
“Don’t say I didn’t warn ya” Chibs said as he waved with his free hand at Grace driving out the gate.
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luuckyyou · 2 years
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Homegrown blorbos from my video games :)
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slasher-jax · 26 days
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Cole Jane Rhue
Age: 17
Nicknames: C-4
Occupation: Murderer
Fandom: slasher_jax
Taken: Nope
Pronouns: He/Him or They/Them
Them as a quote I've heard before:
Its hard to turn the page when you know someone won't be in the next chapter, but the story continues.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Cindy Clare Collins
Age: 26
Nicknames: CC, Ghosty
Species: Ghost
Occupation: Being dead
Fandom: slasher-jax
Taken: Nuh-uh
Pronouns: She/They
Them as a quote I've heard before:
I know I have friends, but I feel like I have no one to talk to about the shit that goes on in my head.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Genie Uzu Xyno
Age: 19
Nicknames: Gene, Z
Species: Cat
Occupation: Witch
Fandom: slasher-jax
Taken: No
Pronouns: She/They
Them as a quote I've heard before:
Not friends, not enemies. Just strangers with some memory's.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Vincent Zeno Clark
Age: 1000+
Nicknames: Spidy, SPIDDER, Z, Vin
Species: Arachnid
Occupation: Webmaking
Fandom: slasher-jax
Taken: Nope
Pronouns: He/Him
Them as a quote I've heard before:
Enjoy life, there's plenty of time to be dead.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Age: unknown
Nicknames: Little guy, little baby, cutie pie
Species: Alien
Occupation: Being cute ans ruining lives
Fandom: slasher-jax
Taken: No
Pronouns: Ze/Zeno
Them as a quote I've heard before:
(You'll never know someones true intentions until its too late)
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Jordy Clark Stevens
Age: 17
Nicknames: Jord
Species: Vampire
Occupation: High School Student
Fandom: slasher-jax
Taken: Yes
Pronouns: He/Him
Them as a quote I've heard before:
If I can't have you, no one can.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Zara Trudy Freeman
Age: 17
Nicknames: Zar, Mars
Species: Human
Occupation: High School Student
Fandom: slasher-jax
Taken: Yes
Pronouns: She/Her
Them as a quote I've heard before:
I don't wanna be here anymore, but I'm trapped by a delusional man
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Age: 15
Nicknames: J, JJ, Jax-o-Lantern, Jax
Species: Human
Occupation: Author/Artist
Fandom: slasher-jax
Taken: Nope
Pronouns: He/Him They/Them
Them as a quote I've heard before:
Sleep isn't just sleep anymore, its an escape.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Jared Ford Thompson
Age: 25
Nicknames: Jare, Jade, Jady
Species: Part Goat
Occupation: unknown
Fandom: slasher-jax
Taken: No
Pronouns: He/She
Them as a quote I've heard before:
I'm not a milf chaser, she just happens to be a milf.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Bones the Skeleton Clown
Age: unknown
Nicknames: Skelly, Bo
Species: Demonic Clown
Occupation: Clown
Fandom: slasher-jax
Taken: No
Pronouns: He/Him
Them as a quote I've heard before:
If you tired of me, then go take a nap, cause I ain't going no where.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Winifred Iris Afton
Age: 15
Nicknames: Winnie, Mini William, Raven Inkwell
Species: Soul/Animatronic
Occupation: Animatronic Mechanic
Fandom: FNAF|slasher-jax
Taken: No
Pronouns: She/Her
Them as a quote I've heard before:
Be careful who you trust, sugar looks exactly like salt.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Rosabelle Krista Stuarts
Age: 6
Nicknames: Rosy, Belle, Krissy, Stu
Species: Human
Fandom: slasher-jax
Taken: No
Pronouns: She/Her
Them as a quote I've heard before:
Never let anyone treat you like you're regular glue, you're glitter glue.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Test Subject 1593
Age: unknown
Nicknames: The fish
Species: unknown
Occupation: Unwilling Test Subject
Fandom: slasher-jax
Taken: No
Pronouns: Any
Them as a quote I've heard before:
Never stop fighting, it may feel hopeless, but if you keep trying you will succeed one day.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Gina Clark Lewis
Age: unknown
Nicknames: GG
Species: unknown
Occupation: Assassin
Fandom: slasher-jax
Taken: No
Pronouns: She/Her
Them as a quote I've heard before:
You never truly know someone till you've heard them beg for mercy.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Francine James Graham
Age: 17
Nicknames: Franny, Fran, Jay, Ceene
Species: unknown
Occupation: Killer
Fandom: slasher-jax
Taken: No
Pronouns: She/They/He
Them as a quote I've heard before:
Sometimes, happy memories hurt the most.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Vesper Hugo Daniels
Age: 23
Nicknames: Ves, V
Species: Human
Occupation: Military
Fandom: slasher-jax|COD
Taken: Yes
Pronouns: They/Them
Them as a quote I've heard before:
Judge me when you are perfect.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Vivian Hill Daniels
Age: 23
Nicknames: Viv, Hill, Vivvie
Species: Human
Occupation: Seductress
Fandom: slasher-jax|COD
Taken: No
Pronouns: She/They
Them as a quote I've heard before:
I son't miss you, I miss the person I thought you were.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Caecilius Alastar Mori
Age: 25
Nicknames: Cae, Cil, Al, Mori
Species: Ram
Occupation: Assassin
Fandom: slasher-jax
Taken: No
Pronouns: They/Them
Them as a quote I've heard before:
The mind replays what the heart can't delete.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Bowie Daniel Remington
Age: 15
Nicknames: Rem, Boe
Species: Owl
Occupation: High School Student
Fandom: slasher-jax
Taken: No
Pronouns: Any
Them as a quote I've heard before:
It's called Karma, and it's pronounced "HAHAHA FUCK YOU!"
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Celyn Hira Pekkanen
Age: unknown
Nicknames: Cel
Species: Eye?
Occupation: Anti-Hero
Fandom: slasher-jax
Taken: No
Pronouns: Them/They
Them as a quote I've heard before:
I got betrayed while my heart was pure, I'll never forget that.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Christina Babirye Nolan
Age: unknown
Nicknames: Chris, Tina, Nol
Species: Human
Occupation: Hero
Fandom: slasher-jax
Taken: No
Pronouns: They/Them
Them as a quote I've heard before:
I'm tired of fighting. For once, I want to be fought for.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Courtney Imani Paige
Age: 22
Nicknames: Court
Species: Human
Occupation: Barista
Fandom: slasher-jax
Taken: No
Pronouns: She/They
Them as a quote I've heard before:
I've learned to be done with people. Not mad, not bothered, just done.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Porphyrios Hadriana Hepburn
Age: 16
Nicknames: Porphy
Species: God
Occupation: Training
Fandom: slasher-jax| Percy Jackson
Taken: No
Pronouns: Any
Them as a quote I've heard before:
One lie is enough to question all truths.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Chrissy Carolina Mollown
Nicknames: Caro
Species: Deer
Occupation: College Student
Fandom: slasher-jax
Taken: No
Pronouns: She/Her
Them as a quote I've heard before:
Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Valeria Nikhila Janda
Age: 14
Nicknames: Val, Ria, Rena
Species: Demon
Occupation: Middle School Student
Fandom: slasher-jax|South Park
Taken: No
Pronouns: She/Her
Them as a quote I've heard before:
I don't trust easily. So when I tell you "I trust you", please don't make me regret it.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Caroline Zitkala Merkel
Age: 27
Nicknames: Linny, Kayla
Species: Sheep?
Occupation: Assassin
Fandom: slasher-jax
Taken: No
Pronouns: She/Her
Them as a quote I've heard before:
You can hide a lot behind a smile.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Isabelle Erna Nicholson
Nicknames: Isa, Belle
Species: Human
Occupation: High School Teacher
Fandom: slasher-jax
Taken: No
Pronouns: She/Her
Them as a quote I've heard before:
Don't talk to me about loyalty, I'm still holding secrets for people who throw dirt on my name.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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Florian Herminia Cano
Age: 19
Nicknames: Skuller
Species: Dead
Occupation: Proxy
Fandom: slasher-jax|Creepypasta
Taken: No
Pronouns: They/Them
Them as a quote I've heard before:
No one knows how much I cried that day.
Lore: Not yet, soon tho.
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twooboomoomoo · 3 years
Part 1 of my Empty Space oc Character Cards!! (I have 12 total and I wanna spit them by planets!!):
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luuckyyou · 2 years
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Unhinged men covered in blood. You agree.
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luuckyyou · 1 year
Gonna design another mask for jax at some point because my special boy deserves a little treat
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luuckyyou · 1 year
Jax 🤝 Barney
Wearing eyeliner that expired like 13 years ago
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luuckyyou · 1 year
Just realised jax does not have a biomarker and possibly never did. Uh.
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luuckyyou · 1 year
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“That was too long ago for me to remember.”
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