#oc: gwenny
poetinprose · 1 year
🎶 share a happy moment. ANY happy moment. You must have ONE.
I have several lol. But I asked my co-writer Bailey which one I should share and she asked me to take this one which she wrote (it's from our wip Aeternum where I write Thanea's pov and she writes Nevras' pov).
It's a flashback to the day Nevras met Gwenny for the first time. 🤍
In the next moment he didn't trust his eyes. A tuft of red wavy hair popped up from behind the rotten handrails. A young girl in a too long nightgown peaked over the rails.
Nevras kneeled down and said: "Hello, my little one. Who are you?"
Her head turned around and her piercing red and tear-stained eyes browsed the hallway, apparently searching for who he was talking to. Tears rolled over her cheeks when she turned around and ran through a closed door.
So the family's daughter has turned into a banshee. Poor little one, he thought as he approached the door through which she had disappeared.
He cautiously knocked at the door and asked: "Do you not like visitors?"
To his surprise the door slowly and creakingly opened after a click. He entered the room which was the only one that still had an intact window and a door that was still in its angles despite the long weathering. A dollhouse stood on a table in the one corner and in the middle a broken canopy bed made out of light pink silk. Everything was covered in dust as if one had locked the door and never gone into it again.
The little girl was hiding behind her wardrobe and flinched when he kneeled down on the floor and held his open arms towards her. It didn't take a minute of eye contact until the little one ran into his arms and started to weep bitterly.
"You held on so well, my little one", he said softly and stroked her back until the weeping let up.
(Little spoiler because I didn't want this to get too long: Nevras will buy this property and basically adopt Gwenny. ^-^)
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carnalhaus · 1 year
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girls after they murder several film students in the remote washington state wilderness for a school project
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clockys-soul · 6 months
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Here’s my human ocs of my Souls of War story (the dragonrider story) as Wof dragons.
Metis Ardor and Ymir are the parents of Hel, in my story Ymir is part of the ice dragonrider family and Metis is part of the fire one, they had Hel accidentally when they were still teenagers.
Metis is a Sky (obvi) and nightwing cuz she has black hair and her Wyvern has black scales. She has a fiery temperament, but loves her family.
Ymir is an icewing which is also self-explanatory. He is kind and loving, a very good father.
Hel Ardor-Duratus, daughter of Ymir and Metis, she’s a skilled fighter, likes to sketch and eat. Shes obviously a Sky/Ice/night. Shes one of the 2 Main characters of Souls of War.
Themis and Chronos Ardor are twins, They are Sky/nightswings, Ardor are the fire dragonrider family, hence Sky, night because Chronos has black hair and their dragons have both black scales here and there. Themis is the younger twin and she is much more introverted than her brother. They are Hels cousins.
Pyrrha is special, in my story both her and her dragon are flameborns which translates best into firescales, so Skywing. She’s related to Hel, Metis and the twins.
Gwendolyn Duratus is related to Ymir but just calls him uncle, she is very short so she’s a small icewing. I love lil Gwenny.
Styx Ardor is also related to the twins, Hel, Metis and Pyrrha. When she was young she had her throat slit which never healed correctly so now speaking more than a few words is uncomfortable for her and her voice sounds off, like a persistent whisper. She has black hair hence the nightwing blood, the sky is obvious.
Dione Duratus is Ymir’s mother. Once again, obviously she is an Icewing. She is kind and thoughtful.
Hades Ardor, is Metis' father, he is very loving towards his daughter and was very worried for her during her pregnancy (in the Ardor family exists a genetic condition which causes a deformity of the womb, usually resulting in either the death of the child or mother or both during birth if a miscarriage hasn’t occurred) but was delighted to have a grandchild. He is a Skywing for obvious reasons.
Aquilo and his elder sister Skadi, their father is a Duratus (he’s this century’s Frostborn) and their mother rides a night/Bloodreaper hybrid (Bloodreapers have frills) so Ice/night/Rainwing hybrids, their mother being the night/Rainwing hybrid. Their parents are loving and Skadi adores her lil brother and he likes nothing more than spending time with his sister.
If you take any significant inspiration from these designs for your own please credit me, these are important to me even if this isn’t their original design as they are human.
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willowed-wisp · 2 months
HER KNIGHT, HIS HEART - part seven
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Ser Harwin Strong x female!OC/x reader
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WARNINGS: violence, mentions of childbirth, smut, swearing, descriptions of injury
Guinevere Strong was born to Ser Harwin and Lady Elspeth Strong, their first daughter. Elspeth had made a habit of praying to the Mother that her children were not born with Valyrian features. But Harwin’s always dominated, Strong genes proved to live up to their namesake.
Other than the resentment that Rhaenyra possessed for Alicent, it was peace for the couple. Harwin was moving swiftly up in the City Watch; Lord Commander would certainly be his in the next few years.
Alyric proving to be best friend’s with Prince Aegon, they had played together almost every day. Alicent and Elspeth both thought it would be good for them to be raised closely. Guinevere was a little too young to play with the boys, but she merrily played with her mother, who taught her how to hold a sword properly at the age of one.
It was Aegon’s second nameday celebration, it was once tedious for the couple but they had grown used to being in attendance. Alicent would not be able to cope with you with events without the hand holding of her elder sister.
Lady Strong found herself holding her daughter- brushing shoulders with her father-in-law and brother-in-law. Watching the silver glint course up to the large marquee tent. The royal carriage.
“I’ll take care of the little munchkin,” a calm voice from a very massive knight, she couldn’t help but smile. That was why she married him- handing her mini-double to the man. Now amongst the brunette strands was deep seated auburn. Guinevere gave a high giggle- cuddling into her father’s blue top. The Strong sigil prominent in the middle of his chest, “See… Gwen’s quite fond of me.”
King Viserys appeared from the cabin first, followed by a heavily pregnant Alicent. Aegon was being carried by a lady’s maid, “May I hold my nephew?” A smile, before Aegon was cradled in the woman’s arms. His ocean blue eyes clear as the tides and widened, doing as Gwen had with Harwin. Elspeth rubbed his back, “Happy nameday! Have you been good, little prince?” He nodded, playing with the braids drifting down her long hair.
“He has always adored you. More than I, I’m afraid…” It was a labour for her to work down the steps. She assisted Alicent with one arm while holding Aegon in the other. “I’ve missed you. Everybody has been worried about the babe, they forget they’re in my stomach.” No malice in her tone, maybe frustration from having to be heaved around on royal duties at eight months.
The Queen pulled into a loose side hug. In truth, Elspeth despised the fact her sister was nothing more than a child maker when she was still a child herself at seven-and-ten. The older sister watched as pieces of Alicent were being chipped away. But she witnessed the same with the princess, who had yet to leave the carriage. Alicent caught her sister spying at the shining carriage. “I must sit down and get Aegon settled. Did Ric accompany you?”
“He’s been waiting for his cousin inside the tent for the past half hour,” a nod from the woman, passing her nephew back to one of the women following Alicent.
“I will see you inside, dear sister,” she passed the occupied Harwin Strong, making faces at Gwen. Alicent couldn’t help but find glee from that, “Good day, Ser Harwin.”
Elspeth watched her husband appear bashful, “Your Grace,” he bowed while Gwen mimicked a poorly attempted curtsy. “Well done, Gwenny. We’ll make a lady out of you yet.” Stifling a laugh- locking eyes from across the dirt with the man. The light always made his eyes shine with such pride and sparkle. Another reason she married him.
Knocking at the door of the carriage, ignoring the Kingsguard station at either side. One being Ser Criston Cole, Rhaenyra’s personal guard. He was quite handsome and the best swordsman in the Seven Kingdoms. Rhaenyra’s type all over. “The Princess hasn’t given you the slip, Lady Elspeth,” and he had a humour. They had frequent interactions.
“I think I’m able to keep up with her better than you sometimes, Ser Criston…”
He smiled under the helmet. “You may be right there.” She smiled before entering the carriage.
“I’ll be there in a minute!” So she was frustrated… furious. Elspeth made herself known, the princess’ tone cooled down from that rigid edge, “You didn’t bring little Gwen with you…” she huffed, slumping in her seat.
A soft smile from the mother, “The little monkey is outside the carriage with her father. They’re waiting for us.”
“You didn’t kick up such a fuss when Alyric turned two…” Elspeth sat opposite her friend.
A palm of Rhaenyra’s knee, “Ric isn’t a prince. I remember the fusses the King and Queen made on your namedays, Rhaenyra.”
Rhaenyra smirked, “Well… I’d kick up a storm if they hadn’t.”
“Come on, get some sunlight before the moon strikes…”
Rhaenyra led, meeting the gaze of the red haired girl in Harwin’s arm. “Don’t you look pretty today?” She wore blue fabric, the colour matched Harwin’s own outfit. “May I steal away your little lady as my companion?”
The couple nodded in synch. Watching the blonde-locked royal laugh with their daughter- entering the tent, “I’m not going in there. It’s like a fucking vultures roost…”
She couldn’t stand these events but at least she could hunt. Watching the woods, “It’s a perfect day for a quick hunt…” It was her one place of solace; one of her best memories with her mother. Alyrie taught her how to string a bow, the correct tension and so Elspeth Hightower was the best shot in the Seven Kingdoms.
Gwayne had told her as much, as had Harwin… many a time.
The woman only realised blue eyes on her coming out of her stare, “You’re truly gorgeous,” a blush prominent on her cheeks.
“Not too bad yourself, Ser. But I am a married woman,” rough hands cradled her waist- pulling her closer to him. Chest to chest. Sucking her into a deep kiss. Aware of their surroundings, “Did you wish to accompany me hunting?”
Her eyes must have an unforetold depth by how long he stared into them. Harwin shook his hair- less unruly- a leather band holding the curls out of his face, “Maybe later, I want to make sure the children are safe. Jason Lannister is on the prowl for a wife…” The woman unable to hold her cackle down, Harwin shared a smile, “Contain yourself, woman… Gods I love you…” Spoken in joviality.
Another long kiss before pulling away, “I love you, too.”
And so she readied herself, latching Dash’s saddle properly. Bow strung across her body- quiver sitting between her shoulder blades. Mounting the horse was like walking.
She remained at the line of trees before delving further into the woods- she knew them like back of her hand. Even so, if she got lost she could still hear the merriment from the camp. The woman couldn’t wait until Ric and Gwen were old enough to be taught to ride on horseback and for her to teach archery- alike her mother had with her.
The Kingswood was quiet. Maybe the pitching of tents and noise had scared away every game creature. Only her.
Or so she thought.
Hearing shouting from afar. And the canters of horses.
Like a whirlwind, whipping Dash around. Barrelling to where the sounds were. Finding the princess charging down- they were near the small pond. Without a second thought, “Harghh!” Reigns crashing, Dash living true to his name. Winding around the side of Rhaenyra and her steed. Grasping the bridal of the horse. Angling them to the side. An almost instant stop.
Glimmer of frosted cloak and armour, “You really should be a Kingsguard… you were like fucking lightning…” Ser Criston Cole, out of breath and out of his depth. Rhaenyra looked between the pair- Elspeth knew she debated bolting.
“Not a chance, Rhaenyra…” A monotone order barked to her superior. “Ser Criston, thank you for your service… but I know the Kingswood like the back of my hand. I will see the Princess safely returned.” He gave a nod. Hesitating- as he should. Elspeth was not part of the royal household, he needn’t follow her order.
The woman respected that.
Rhaenyra turned to the knight, “You may leave, Ser Criston. Tell the Lord Hand that Elspeth wanted to hunt- he will surely relay the message to the King,” something was direly wrong.
“Stay safe, Princess. Lady Elspeth.” Before he darted back.
Elspeth didn’t focus on him for long, turning to a distressed Nyra, “Did you prefer to speak? Or ride?”
No words needed, as they rode further in the trees. It was still perfect weather.
So much for a ‘quick hunt’. As the moonlight sprinkled down upon them, procuring a fire. They hadn’t really spoken a word, taking in the fresh forest air. Tree bark and the smell of sap calmed her, as did the hoots above from owls peering down. “I’m of age for marriage. Jason Lannister was leering over me today. Then my father… are you sure you don’t want to run away on dragonback with me?” A subtle head shake as she held a dagger.
“No. As much as a bed to myself sounds tempting,” she sliced an apple- handing pieces to Rhaenyra, “You will eventually be forced to marry and my father will continue to plot against a woman on the throne,” Nyra’s eyes icy at her words.
Before they melted, “You’re the only one who doesn’t try to manipulate me or hold an agenda… I don’t want to marry. Surely being heir is enough.”
“Even your father had to marry,”
“Another scheme curated by Otto Hightower…” head in her hands, “Why must people fold for such power?”
A shrug of her shoulders, “I’ll give you counsel when I find that out myself, Princess,” it was a mystery to even her. She didn’t know the inner workings of her father’s agendas for she possessed none of her own. Seeing her friend like that made her insides coil, “But I’ve learnt that rash moves only cause for unforetold heartache… if you are to do anything, be honest about it to Alicent- she loves you so- she’ll have your best interests at heart.”
“She ordered for me to come today- as my Queen… the Lord Hand taints her. I will not put my faith in a puppet-.”
Several twigs shattering at a time.
The Princess went to shout but Elspeth clasped a hand over her mouth. Dagger in the other hand.
It grew closer and closer.
Brown fur- heaps of it leapt, bound for the princess. A wave of red dazzled in the campfire glow. Flicker of sliver from her dagger- Valyrian steel- lodged in the creatures eye. Wide jaws lodged in her arm- though she remained unaware.
Whether it killed the beast, Elspeth didn’t know. Its remaining eye followed her- iris faded to a dull blackness- as the long dagger plugged its way into the centre of the thick skull. She heard the crunch and felt the softened jelly of brain through Harwin’s anniversary gift. Others gifted their wives jewellery- which she had no use for. The Strong sigil proud on the side.
Danger had passed. The horses calmed by palms caressing their hair, “Hush, Dash…” Only then noticing the undulations with lilac bruising surrounding burgundy lacerations dripping with red hot fluid. That was going to hurt when that buzz passed. Ripping a piece of her underclothes away- wrapping as a tourniquet around the top of her arm.
She’d had a few mishaps dismounting Ebrion, she’d gotten used to tending her wounds. Throwing some water from her canteen over the gashes- now slowed in their bloodshed. Some of the mess covering her was of the attacker. Nobody was going to believe that Elspeth Strong killed a bear, even when she wore its blood as trophy.
“Are you alright, Rhaenyra?”
The royal patted her on the back, “It shouldn’t surprise me. I’m confused whether it’s the fact you’re Daemon’s daughter or if you were just born to be a Strong…” Silence before laughs of nervousness sounded.
“It was dumb luck. If I hadn’t have pierced its eye and made a swift end- you’d be dragging my carcass back to camp.” She thought what Harwin would do… and the children… next time she couldn’t do something so slapdash.
“Whatever the case, we should drag it back with us. Show those gluttonous lords what a true hunter looks like…”
The dawn echoed above their heads, the pair already up and moving. Fastening the carcass behind them. The horses didn’t seem to struggle even with a she-bear behind them.
Over a hill they watched the sunrise, a white stag dawned at their side. “If that’s not an omen- I don’t what is…” An omen of Rhaenyra being the true heir to the throne. “My father was speaking to all the lords before you arrived about that white stag. How they were going to hunt it yesterday… I guess it never wanted them.”
Silence befallen over camp as they rode in. Horses tired from hauling the carcass.
Deja vu from three years prior when she survived her ordeal at Dragonstone because of Ebrion the Cannibal.
Her injuries less severe this time- but she required a Maester- the wounds needed stitches. But she wore a mask of crimson.
The first face she saw had been that of her son, holding the scarred hand of her heart. Guinevere pointing at her, cupped in his capable wing. She refrained from her emotions- still raw from the event. Harwin didn’t wear an angry scowl just pure wonder.
Her father, though, held a disapproving shake of the head. She had felt a bubbling cauldron of guilt the past three years from being a bastard that she had let him off the hook. But she felt the indignation Rhaenyra was being exposed to by the man.
He was going to be the cause of the end of peaceful times.
They dismounted identically. Unbinding the bear from the horses. She praised Dash, stroking his white mane. A young Alyric ran to his mother- who swung him up in open arms. “Have you been a good boy for your dada?” She’d admit to growing softer since having the children. Heart had only grown; there’s nothing in the Known World quite like motherly love.
“Yes mama,” Hand brushing his eyes, brightness shone through the innocence. She hoped for the rest of her years that she would see such kindness. In all of her children. But in the Red Keep- all the politics - that was anything but possible.
Returning to the Red Keep was a relief. Strange looks received. She probably appeared stranger to them.
Submerged body in the piping hot waters, a sigh fell from her lips. She felt calm in the water bath, alone to mull over her thoughts.
Something behind her, with reflex she managed to hurl the thing into the depth. A chuckle sounded, “And those men thought you couldn’t have killed that bear…” It had been a close call the day that had passed, she and the princess blessed the Stranger hadn’t greeted them.
She was Strong after all.
The woman came back to her senses, “I apologise, Harwin-,” his name caught in her throat as that blanched shirt became transparent- able to see the hair on his broad chest, cling to every muscle he possessed. Her core molten and mouth drooling.
A hand grabbed her jaw with such finesse she didn’t have time to react. Steam sizzled between them as that hunger rose. Tactile fingers pulled the woman onto his solid thighs. No room remained, just skin and drenched clothing.
Elspeth built as much friction she could, grinding down onto the cock beneath her heat. Kisses broken from sounds of pleasure, they echoed in the barren stone room. Water rose as he added thrusts, brushing against her sensitive bud.
She whimpered against his lips as his fingers found her centre- keening them in and dragging them out. Any sense of space a memory- arms wrapped around his neck, panting into his ear. “Oh, fuck,” a mewl- high pitched, “Fuck, Breakbones,” she knew that name made him feral and depraved. Knuckle-deep in her, ducking them both into a tongue-lashed kiss beneath the water.
Then he stopped, instead rushing to remove his garments- in no hurry with the top but the trousers and his underwear moved to the side. He pulled her down, atop his length. Sinking down. She revelled in the low rumble of her husband. As he grew harder when he thrusted upward.
Nails maiming his clothes shoulders, before throwing the fabric off herself. It didn’t have a chance to dry as the bath overflowed with the tweaks of his hips- rutting into her at such a pace it had her seeing stars. Elspeth plainly trembled, allowed her husband to fuck her while she rode him.
He dipped her down back into the water- capturing her with his lips. Heads dunked again. Either of his hands hooked beneath her knees, buried deep inside. “Oh Gods…” Gritted teeth, vision white. Whining in pure carnal pain as the man moved. “Harwin…” Spoke in his ear.
Back pressed against the wall, unable to leave that azure gaze. All while he stood- her legs hooked around his hips. Face changed all the while his hips picked up speed with less precision- hitting that spot over and over. Elspeth’s moans growing louder in chorus with his own.
And that same sensation spread through her pussy up her thighs and lower back. Only seeing light in his eyes. He reached his own rise.
Foreheads pressed against each others’. “Fuck,” Harwin breathed on her lips.
“When I said to put another babe in me. I didn’t mean so soon… we’re going to have a tiny army- one to rival the Known World.”
“Don’t give me ideas, my heart… I would gladly watch you carry my children any day.”
One week later and Daemon with the Sea Snake’s alliance defeated the Triarchy- reclaiming the Stepstones. Elspeth should have been happy- the Kingdoms could use their usual shipping lanes without worry again. But the wool had been removed from her eyes when he left… he was her true father- he knew that- and he would play on it as much as his mouth would allow.
Rhaenyra had been on her marriage tour, and Alicent had been more closed off with her. Luckily she had the kids, though that had her on edge. She required headspace. Ebrion had still not taken to being housed in the Dragonpit- he resided in a cave mere minutes on foot from the Red Keep.
With Ric playing alongside Prince Aegon and Gwen asleep it was an opportune time.
She had grown into a great rider, and the pair had taken to each other handsomely. She saw Rhaenyra’s ship in the distance… “Faster, Ebrion! Down!” Directing in High Valyrian. Rubbing his iridescent scale. They swooped down, a grumble from her dragon, as they passed a scarlet mass coming from the opposing direction.
“Be calm, Ebrion… they’re friendly-ish,” Her dragon drowned out The Blood Wyrm. And had more experience. If Daemon ever wanted a fight- he would be sorely mistaken. Though Caraxes had known battle experience as did the Prince… nobody was sure where ‘The Cannibal’ came from. They knew he was old and vicious but that worked for Elspeth- sounded like Otto Hightower.
Caraxes was not in sight, “Welcome back, Prince…” She knew his tricks, “Well done on your victory, the Kingdom is in your debt.” A proud tweak on the lips on his face.
He was smarmy as usual, “I hear you have a family of your own with Ser Breakbones. A boy and a girl… I should like to meet them,” Once she had never been intimidated by the man.
Back then she had nothing to lose.
Now she had everything to.
She was the one to bolt home. No tail between her legs.
Elspeth ran straight to her family’s chambers, alarming her dutiful husband, “Calm, Elsie…”
“He’s back! Daemon is back!” Hyperventilating and he didn’t know what to do; panic rife in his eyes. “I can’t protect them from him…”
Steadying her, a hand on either shoulder. Eyes matching, “Who is ‘them’, my heart?”
Water filling her eyes, “The children.” Something barbaric awakened looking into his eyes.
They glared, “If he lays a hand on my fucking children, there will no longer be a Prince to the Iron Throne…”
The conversation between Elspeth and Daemon with short, taunting and blunt. She debated whether to go to Driftmark, but not even that was safe. Daemon was promised to Laena Velaryon. It seemed Rhaenys’ offer would go to waste for that time being.
Daemon had attempted to abscond Rhaenyra, but she was happily playing with Gwen to attend his night of debauched appetites. She kept Elspeth company while Harwin was on patrol.
When he returned and the princess had left, she made quick work of his Gold Cloak and armour.
Princess Helaena Targaryen was born, and she became an aunt to two. Elspeth wished that her and Gwen would play as their older brothers did.
She found out she was with babe the day of Rhaenyra and Laenor’s wedding feast. The Maester said she must have been two months along. “Our little army has expanded, Ser Strong,” placing his hands on her stomach. That excitement never wore away, it seemed to grow. Having known the wonders of raising a child- they may have been young still but had given their parents much joy.
The tourney and feasting was welcome, as Harwin was competing. He had never taken her necklace off during the jousts nor melees. She upheld her promise of always giving him her token. “Lady Elspeth Strong! Would you do me the pleasure of receiving your favour?”
She stood, the same necklace and same stance- his babe in her stomach this time around, “Don’t push it, Strong…” Rhaenyra giggled beside Laenor- who looked content. Though Nyra had divulged Elspeth about Laenor’s true taste in companion. It didn’t bother her- love was love. Nobody should feel alienated for that.
Her husband was worse for wear at the end of the tournament- the joust against Criston Cole broke his clavicle. The Kingsguard apologised profusely, Harwin laughed it off- though his wife worried. Running down to the infirmary.
In two months it was healed, Gwen had missed being carried around on his shoulders. Daemon had kept his distance, the Seven had been merciful.
Four months after- Elspeth began her labours. The easiest one of the three children. Harwin couldn’t care less if he had another girl- they would surely make more heirs… they surely couldn’t keep their hands off one another.
Lilyth Strong was only birthed eight months before Rhaenyra’s own. Jacaerys Targaryen. Not Ser Laenor’s.
Valyrian genes running true. Though Elspeth knew who warmed Rhaenyra’s bed chambers.
And she thought her friend had made a mistake choosing a man under oath and also of smallfolk birth.
But she knew better than most, that parentage made little difference to the individual- not so much for their reputation.
Hope that chapter was not horrible :)
Thank you for reading- to be continued!
If you wanna be added to the taglist- just message me or comment!
Series taglist:-
@llynx7 @babyred7 @felicisimor
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loveshotzz · 1 year
did airwiy steve get to have kids? or is he super uncle to ocs eddie’s kids?
Right now he’s super uncle to Peach and Eddie’s sweet little Gwenny. But something shifted inside of me writing the epilogue, maybe its in the cards for him after all 😉
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aro-iceland · 8 months
not really a drawing request but id love to know more about your ocs??? from what you’ve posted they look amazing??
Thank you VERY much!!! i forgot how much i love to talk about them
(sorry for the old art or picrews, i am too excited to not talk about them and simultaneously not patient enough to redraw them)
All picrew links: Kit + Kevín + Lilly Annalise Piper + Cecily Mikael + Claire Princeton
here's a general overview of everything that exists:
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part 1: em groups
you should at least be vaguely familiar with my em. every single au and whatever hetalia character i feel like grabbing for that day goes in there. interesting little tidbit that somehow hasn't come up so far is that in more human AUs of mine he's part irish! ~20% of icelandic males and 60% of females actually have irish/keltic ancestry!!! ireland being his mom hc is going WILD in me. he's also very magic because that headcanon singlehandedly started the ice obsession in me. how well in tune he is with it and how exactly it looks like depends on the au . i also make him closer friends with swe and fin because i can👍
(excerpt from my em content dedicated whatsapp group with just my (non-hetalia) best friend and me: )
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le is there a lot because i love him so so much. incredibly phoenix coded man
there's also monaco, gwendolyn or gwenny to me. she's a permanent resident because i support women's rights (slaying) and wrongs (gambling addictions)
a notable not fully formed character is faroe islands! petra sometimes, emma other times. i genuinely don't know where those names come from. i heard the faroe islands and iceland being referred to as "kind of like twins" and as each othere's "best friends" *somewhere* and i am VERY normal about that too. oh SO normal
part 2: mikael's world
a fusion of 2 groups put into one world, connected by one flimsy tie. it's mostly analogous to real life but no homophobia👍
Group A: Pentagon
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Mikael started out as a swedish micronation oc but we don't talk about that. he has a chicken called omelette because of inside jokes during... my wattpad era... shudders. i project onto him a lot and lots of his design is just wish fullfillment. while i love my ocs suffering and angst, because i put so much of myself in him, ultimately, his story is one of healing. major point of difference between us though is that his parents abandoned him and mine... didn't.do.that. 💀👍
Claire and Piper both actually started out as minecraft skins i made for fun!! and then i made them kith:3
Cecily and Kit were added becaue i felt like something was missing to complete the friendgroup!
Group B: menace club
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Kevín and Lilly are my ACNL and ACNH side accounts...... and Annalise was some pretty trans woman i drew one day there's nothing much to this
Part 3: D&D
so.. confession: i haven't actually played d&d yet! but my friends love it a lot, i love a couple ttrpg podcasts so.. yeah i have a couple concepts!
The Leighlar Pilayden, or blueberry bitchfuck as i like to call him, Half Elf sorcerer who was abandoned as a babg and raised in a cult which, in a world with multiple deities, somehow ended up believing in the *one* that doesn't exist! he's a sorcerer but they all think his powers a blessing from their god
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TIEFLING BARD I might get to play as him soon... negative strength, the only reason he has such a high charisma stat is because everyone pitties him... he accidentally ended up in a criminal gang... he plays the pan flute and bagpipes... pathetic baby
Part 4: Miscellaneous
All the Characters that are alone in their worlds!
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(^aesthetic wise but he definitely kins larry)
Brian is the brain cell a friend and i are sharing and also the last one we have. he's a SOO overworked office worker. he has to handle EVERYTHING he's so exhausted please give him a break. he recently got a boyfriend. good for my him
Recently re-named Ailbhe used to be Avery and is a genderless, fully white skinned(as in colour not the skin colour we associate with the word. imagine porcelaine!) and neon yellow haired fallen angel/ex-demi-god!! not much lore but... lots of potential!!
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Firenze is... idk he just happened in one history lesson in 2018 and now he's here. bunny boy with lots of responsibilities around the palace!!!
and ... phew. i THINK that's it? mostly? oh my god. if. there's anyone you wanna know more about... tell ME
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I Drink Wine (Jake Seresin, Chapter 3)
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Summary: Gwendolyn Benjamin did everything she could to run away from her past. From the pain and heartbreak to come to California and live near her Aunt & Godmother, Penny. A hardened soul, she meets Jake Seresin who ends up turning everything she thought she swore off into a frenzy.
Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Female! Reader (OC: Gwendolyn Benjamin)
Warnings: Cursing, Angst
Tropes: Slow burn, Enemies to Lovers, Sunshine & Rainstorm
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: Finally felt like I could start writing this from 2nd person :D Hope you like it!
PREVIOUS CHAPTER / next chapter
Tension began to grow heavy in your brow, a soreness in the lower portion of the small of your back. Whimpers left your dried, cracked lips when you would rise too quickly, and a wave of dizzy spouts hit you in crashing waves – tugging you beneath the unwavering waters until Fanboy is there to drag you back safely. As your semester of teaching ended and the sweltering heat of San Diego’s sun began to intensify, you were going to more and more doctor’s visits.
Your worst nightmare, mixed with poor timing found you back on medication you hadn’t been on since your Undergraduate degree. The increased pressure of your chronic illness so intense in your skull that they were worried for your vision, worried for the earth-shattering headaches that rolled around your temples. The medication made you hollow, Mickey becoming your crutch as you tried to adjust to a new lifestyle. You were slower, more hesitant with your words as your brain fogged over too easily.
“You can’t keep doing this,” I murmur as Mickey slides a new pair of fuzzy socks over my numb toes, tugging me closer after pressing play on a movie. His hands are steady, the hands of a WSO – you can only imagine how precise he is when in the air under attack. “You’re never going to get married if you keep fusing over me.”
Mickey only laughs, his bright smile beaming in the dimly lit living room. “You and I both know I’m not finding myself a woman or man for that matter while I’m actively in deployments any way. And you’re way too stubborn to take care of yourself properly.”
Your chin tucks into your chest at his words, warmth rising your chest and settling into your cheeks pressed against his side. He notices your lack of response, feels the quiver in your back before pulling away slightly to stare down at him.
“Gwennie,” Mickey murmurs, wiping away your tears. “You’re going to beat this thing. You’re going to beat this thing every single time you fall out of remission. You might be too stubborn to deal with it, but you’re also too stubborn to let it win.” He tugs you closer as gentle sobs roll through you, echoing in the safety of your home and away from prying eyes.
The next night, he decides you need to get out for a little while for some fresh air and human interaction. It’s been a few weeks since you have seen the rest of the crew and you were beginning to miss even Rooster’s mustache if it were possible. Penny messaged earlier in the day, promising a spot in the office the minute the bar became overwhelming and that she would have the cook make an order of fried pickles for you, your favorite.
So, at 5 o'clock, you’re surprised when the doorbell rings. Freshly out of the shower, you’re still towel drying your damp hair when you check the window to see familiar brown eyes and a twisted bun. “Nat,” you greet as you tug the door open in surprise. “What are you doing here?”
“A little bird told me you’ll be joining us for a night out tonight,” she slings a heavy duffle bag over her shoulder while her other hand cradles a large bottle of iced tea. “I wanted to try to cash in on that girl’s night that we’ve talked about before.” You stare at her inviting face, her glowing cheeks and gentle gaze before stepping aside.
Nat had been good to you in the months you had been living in the area. She was a confidant, a feminine energy with a calming center. So sure of herself and what came next…you envied that about her. With all that went down over the last two years and with the break-up, you felt like your world had been thrown on its axis and you with it. You tumbled into the abyss, never knowing when the darkness would end and never knowing if you would ever feel comfortable getting close to another person again. It all just felt like too much. But for Nat, you try. So, you usher her inside your warm and beachy home and watch as she kicks off her sandals.
“It’s not the biggest house in Miramar but Penny did a great job renovating it for me,” you share, showing her your cozy living room with the large bay windows all cracked open to allow the breeze to dance through the white sheer curtains. The sun has already begun to climb down from the sky, so light catches on the worn oak of the floorboards that squeak as you move into the kitchen.
It’s your favorite place, with your beloved coffee maker and original stove. Mav insisted on a lightweight butcher’s board countertop which made prepping meals and kneading bread a delight. The sink was large, vintage and curved to remind you of your grandparents’ cabin out on the lake when you were younger. Fresh flowers sat in an amber glass at the makeshift table out on the patio in the back. When you round the corner, you show her the bathroom and then open the door to your bedroom.
The comforter is a mess, still tossed off the mattress from your nap earlier and your dirty clothes litter the floor. But it’s painted a vibrant green and your brown furniture makes perfectly. There’s a large vanity along with a writer’s desk in front of a big round window.
“This place is beautiful,” Nat gushes, glancing around before jumping to land on your bed. The bobbing makes you giggle as you run and join her, tumbling a top of your soft sheets next to her side.
“Thanks for coming,” you whisper after the laughter dies down, your smile pressed tightly as you take a few deep breaths. “I don’t know if Mick told you -,”
“He hasn’t said a word,” Nat informs you, holding her hands up before you can finish. “I just, I’ve figured something must be going on and I really want us to be friends Gwen, I’ve waited forever for a fun and sassy female around here to share the burden of these men.” Female friendships were never your forte in high school, and you were too focused on studies in college to even try hard enough so her words pull at your chest, wrapping you in a hug.
“Can you help me decide what to wear tonight?” you ask finally, a nervous smile cracking as you sit up and adjust your bracelet on your wrist.
“Of course,” she says, grabbing your hand as she walks toward the closet. Deciding on a simple billowing top and some pink wide legged trousers that sway as you move – you were feeling good about where the night was heading. A light bit of natural and glowy makeup and twist your hair into a braid, so it was off your neck with the heat of the summer rolling in.
By the time you ended up at The Hard Deck, the bar was in full swing with patrons and pilots alike. The smell of sea salt mixed with beer wafts through the air as Nat leads up through the crowd, bumping into bodies as we go. The sandals make it hard to keep up with her, but you push forward and finally find yourself in front of a grinning Penny.
“Look at my gorgeous niece,” she shouts out, sliding a small glass of wine your way which you take with a pouty kiss in return. She pulls the basket of fried pickles from behind the counter and places them down, onto the sticky bar surface. You grab them with glee as Nat clutches your wrist, helping you navigate over to the booth where all the guys are crowded around. They’re all dressed casually this evening, having had time to change from the day of work up in the sky.
“There they are,” Coyote calls, spotting you first as he drags over a chair to offer his spot in the booth for the two of you to slide in. You press your glass down at the counter and greet the pilots, glancing between Mick and Bob with a giant grin before your eyes landing on emeralds. 
“I’m really liking this outfit Gwen,” Rooster admits as he adjusts the collar of his button down before taking a sip of his beer.
“Thank you, Bradley,” you say, eyes flittering back to your wine as you await conversation to pick up. And it does, the boys going back to arguing about who did the most pushups today on the tarmac during training or who was the worst of the latest bunch of recruits for the Top Gun program that they were instructors for. You sip your wine slowly, with intention as you listen contently to their stories.
As the night goes on, you all spread from the confines of the booth and take over the pool table area. You’ve scarfed down the fried pickles with Bob’s help before Bradley asks you to select some music from the jukebox with him. “Anything but Slow Ride,” he begs and so you settle on Ain’t No Mountain High Enough. The bar has thinned out at this point, just the regulars and a few too drunk recruits making idiots of themselves so you’re unabashed when Rooster offers a hand.
He's got you laughing as he sings out the lyrics, twirling you around the small space as if you’re in a swing dance competition but you’re enjoying the moment, so you let him spin you around and around until you’re slightly dizzy. When the song ends and he turns to pick another one, your eyes settle on those green orbs again. Hangman is staring, tucked behind his tequila soda as Coyote talks to him from the side.
His gaze is heavy, his jawline so sharp that you must look away. You turn back to the palm trees of Bradley’s button up shirt as he tries to find another song to dance too. “Nat says you play piano?” He glances over at you, aviators swinging from their shelve on the neck of his white tank top. His bushy eyebrows are raised in surprise before an amused smile glosses over his tanned face.
“I dabble in many things, Gwen,” he leans against the jukebox with his arms crossed and I notice the subtle flex in his muscles. “I can show you sometime, maybe after the rest of the gang heads home?” Bradley is attractive and warm, like a golden retriever but messy commitment issues can recognize messy commitment issues and this thread of gold twining between you two feels too familiar. Bile rises in your throat, and you stammer slightly, eyes wide as you glance around.
“Maybe another time,” you offer earnestly, not wanting to send him soaring to the pavement. You note the availability of the pool table as everyone collects their newest refreshment and a perfect out. “How about a game of pool?”
Bradley seems unphased as you don’t await his response, simply swiveling on your heel and returning to more populated area to grab a pool stick. “You can’t tell me you’re going to play pool?” the thick accent rings out and you close your eyes for a moment, fingertips digging into the wood. “You’ll never win.”
“And what makes you the all-knowing, Bagman?” your tone is fresh for the first time all night and inside you’re screaming for him to stand down. To let you have this, to let you have one good night with a good of seemingly good people.
“You’re too fuckin’ short,” Hangman quips back, bringing his glass to his lips and taking a swig before placing it back onto the high-top to your right. “You’ll never reach the angles you’d need to make a shot.”
“You seem so sure,” you question as Reuben and Nat return to the table, Bradley too with his hands shoved in the pockets of his cutoff jean shorts. They watch the interaction intently before Bradley tries to step in.
“Good thing she’s playing me,” Bradley steps forward to grab the pool stick from Hangman to no avail. He’s like a toddler trying to be funny, holding the stick out of reach with an amused grin on his face. His nose glistens in the light of the overheads and the simple grey shirt he’s thrown on stretches across his torso a little too tightly. You can’t help but roll your eyes. “Jake,” Bradley’s tone is stiff, “Cut the shit.”
“C’mon man,” Hangman responses, glancing at you over Bradley’s tall frame with a pointed look. “A little healthy ass-kicking is good for everyone.”
“Bradley, you can play him,” you grumble, tossing the pool stick his way and turning to Nat.
“I knew it,” Hangman’s words cut through the air, sucking the air from your lungs. “I knew you were a quitter.” You could hear the protests rolling off Mickey’s tongue as he approached the group and heard the blond’s words, but he hit below the belt, sucker punched you without a second glance. And you were hook, line, and sinker now as you turn back around to grab the whiskey from Reuben’s hand to take a large gulp. You clutch the stick from Bradley’s loose grip, eyes ablaze as you turn to the man defending you with a fierce expression.
“Bradley, rack ‘em.”
It was a tense twenty minutes, without much of a noise from the remainder of the group crowded around the table. They watch intently as Jake tries to egg you on, throwing comments of all kinds your way. But your brow is creased, and you’ve been chomping away at the inside of your cheek since the game began so Mickey was certain you weren’t even here at the bar.
To Jake’s amusement, you were holding your own. Something he would never admit out loud that he expected from the moment you leaned down to break at the beginning of the game. You knew your angles, knew some trick shots too so when you sunk the eight ball perfectly on your final shot – he couldn’t hold back the small smile climbing through his cocky exterior. But you miss the gentle gesture.
The pilots all cheer, finally bursting in delight as Reuben comes over to lift you off the floor in victory. They all sing praise, calling you Champ while doing a celebratory lap around the bar. Coyote’s offering a round of shots and Bob is claiming you as his permanent table partner as a wave of laughter bubbles through you. When Reuben finally puts you down on the ground, Nat is collecting you in her arms and squealing about how proud she is.
It feels good, a celebration raging on around you as the boys race out onto the beach to start the bonfire for the evening. You yawn slightly as the crowd breaks and you notice Jake leaning against the pool table on his forearms, a hand wiping over his face with an unreadable expression. That heat returns, the rage in your chest as you stalk across the span of the floor. You hover above him, tucked in front of one of the lights so that a shadow casts onto the green felt of the table.
“Good game Teach,” he says, his tone flat as he clears his throat and finishes his drink. The ice clinches in the glass as he swirls it around and you scoff. The noise makes him jump.
“Don’t ever, and I mean ever,” you seeth, planting your foot, “call me a quitter – you understand me?” Jake’s taken aback by your tone, at a loss for words from your visceral reaction. He blinks a few times before trying to speak again. “Don’t speak, Seresin. I fuckin’ mean it.”
And before he can process, you’re gone from his view, disappearing back to the bar where you get some leftovers from Penny. He watches you press a kiss to Mickey’s cheek, then a hug to Reuben, to Bob and to Bradshaw before you link arms with Nat. Within seconds, your presence is erased from the bar and Jake’s trying to shake the tremble in your voice from his head.
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It’s a Tumblr tournament, of course we have to have a vampire! And that vampire is @cringedaddy’s JASPER ALESON!! He goes by he/him!
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Oh, but it looks like Oliver and Gwennie’s submission wasn’t the only long one! Read more about Jasper under the cut!
Halloween is coming up, so it makes sense to have a scary monster in the competition! ...Or maybe he’s just stupid. Okay he’s just stupid. The creator says so! Speaking of...
“Jasper was born into a rich merchant family, you wouldn't know that unless he told you though. Why? Because he has been busy running around chasing after supernatural anomalies since he was 19, much against his parent's wishes. Chaotic stupid in an intellectual way, Jasper creates about 25% of his own problems and just finds himself in the other 75%... usually surviving by hiding and hoping for the best. He's hopelessly attached to his journals in which he keeps furious notes, often encoded in ways that protect him as much as anyone else who might try and read them. He wasn't always a vampire btw, his vampire love interest turned him while he was afraid he was going to die, and they were basically married from that point forward.”
Stupid AND obsessive! Why should you vote for him?
“Jasper is my oldest OC and would be going to second grade this year if his age reflected that (have fun learning about volcanoes in school Jaspie ♡)! He is a manic pixie dream boy who is always surviving through some of the most stupid turns of luck, and he knows it. I think many can relate his stupid paranormal investigation / cryptozoology pipedream, and I cheer for him every day that he ended up getting his childhood wish of being a vampire. 
I'm hyping him up a lot, but please keep in mind... Despite him being a savant at cryptography and solving intricate puzzles, he is a chronic idiot (and this is one of my favorite things about him!) List of stupid shit he has done to date: 
- Infodumped about the paranormal to complete strangers trapped with him in a carriage for like. 2 hours. And then was upset that they were annoyed with him. 
- Was all "I can change him" about one of the antagonist cult leaders that he met 1 time and only had bad vibes 
-- proceeded not to recognize this cult leader when he was wearing a wig and a dress and joined the party under a different name. 
- Assumed his ex-girlfriend being possessed by a demon was her way of breaking up with him. 
- Carried like 17 mason jars (mostly filled with rocks, dirt, and water) in his bag for like. 2 whole campaigns. 
- Read a cult book, took massive psychic damage, then took it anyways when the party wasn't looking with the intent of reading it again to try and learn more. 
- Had to sit out an entire boss battle because all he could do at the time was punch things and they were fighting a sea creature. 
- Thought that shutting a door in a vampire inn would keep the vampires out. 
- Survived the final boss battle of the first campaign because he was 1 hit KO'd on the first round and forgotten about. 
- Changed his last name to the vampire that turned him immediately after returning to life: surprising him because Jasper hadn't really seemed to return his courtship. They are married happily now. 
Anyways you should vote for him mainly bc he is a pathetic soaked bat of a man and I think it would be funny for him to do well in something -- he'd be kicking screaming and crying from being known. His paranoia knows no bounds, and I won't ever let it stop. KNOW HIM.”
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/ -- Romantic
*-- Unlabelled/Other
+ -- QPR
& -- Familial
Watercolor Graveyards (Watercolor Dreams and Graveyard)
Watercolor Dreams (Oliver Fernsby & Princess Guinevere)
These two are SO cool. Because Guinevere (or Gwennie, as she prefers to be called) wouldn't exist without Oliver. Literally the entire world Gwennie exists in comes from a fever dream that he has while he's sick. And like, everyone in that world is representative of somebody Oliver either knows or wishes he knew in the real world. Gwennie is his sister, Stella, who died of a heart complication when she was only two, so Oliver never really got to properly meet her. Gwennie is his next best shot, created to be what he wishes she was like, or how he imagines her. And eventually they just get really close. They grow with one another. They need each other in a way that is so humanly incomprehensible. Oliver is the best he will ever be around Gwennie, and Gwennie physically cannot exist without Oliver. In a way, as soon as Oliver woke up and left his dream behind, he died along with Gwen. Because it was just a dream. He left everything she unlocked in him behind and it just ruined him and his sense of purpose. And he has no idea what happened to her, because he left her right as she became queen of her kingdom. He doesn't know if she's even still alive in that world in his head or not. And no matter how hard he's tried, he's never been able to go back. He's gotten faint glimpses, but he hasn't been able to return and it devastates him, because he just got a sister back only to lose her to his own mind. Anyways they're SO interesting and also they're really similar but they don't KNOW they're similar so they fight a lot until they have a heart-to-heart and realize they aren't so different. Also their mutual bond is so important. They won't do anything without the other, and would literally die for each other. They have like the strongest kind of familial love siblings can have for one another despite not actually being related and it's SO fucking important. I love them.
Graveyard (Olly Graves * Susan Yards)
They are homestuck ocs just for some context.
1. They are best friends and they are so gay
2. Sun and Moon kinda archetype (susan is the sun, olly the moon)
3. Opposite aspects if yknow what that is (susan is the maid of light, olly is the seer of void)
4. Matching friendship bracelets
5. their last names combined is Gravesyards. i mentiones this to my dad and he said "are they gonna get married. theyll make their last names Yards-Graves"
6. Ollys land-planet thing is an ocean and susans is a desert
7. They and their friends do.cryptid hunts and binge watch action superhero movies together 8. nice color scheme!!!!! olly's signature color is teal and susan's are orange and pink!!!
9. susan kinda has the lesbian flag colors
10. i just love them an unfathomable amount
Golden Fleece (Yang Xiao Long/Eirian)
Two bisexual queens who have faced loss and grief and still fights for the world with a smile, understanding how damaging ignoring your grief and putting others above yourself is, and have the complimentary colour pallettes <3
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biff-adventurer · 6 months
updated pinned post!
i'm gwenny | 31 | pan ace | punjabi american | xiv liker | she/her
this is my aesthetic/rp/writing/screenshots blog for my default wol oc and my other xiv characters. it has a queue of xiv fandom content running when im not around. this is not a politics free blog re: xiv content. i'm very opinionated about writing, critical thinking, etc jsyk.
my character is a cartoon strongman/one punch man type crossed with a kindness power fantasy. if that sounds too silly for you, oh well! good luck on your journey!
anyone is free to come rp in my inbox or message me to meet up for rp in game, as i'm always looking to make new friends! i am a midcore player from sargatanas, aether and very rp oriented
here is my boy's carrd here are his friends here is my xiv fic (ongoing)
in public rp spaces, i default to my character being a veteran adventurer oc unless other people's characters ask him if he is/acknowledge him as their wol.
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hermannsprecursors · 1 year
Some silly OC shenanigans
Some stuff for the losers I submitted to @small-artist-oc-showdown bc I hear we're sharing them
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The losers in question here are Oliver Fernsby and Princess Guinevere (she prefers to go by Gwennie). Oliver is a figment of his own imagination, like an avatar in his own dream. While deathly ill in the real world, he creates a world in his head. Each of the key inhabitants of this world represents how he perceives a different person in his life. Gwennie is the embodiment of his sister, who he never got to meet, because she died when she was young. the two establish a sibling relationship, and LITERALLY cannot exist without one another. It's really cute. Love them.
Okay, have some silly stuff from their world and shit. Because this dream world SURE is silly also it features some of Gwen's family. Yeah. I really like this world and this family.
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They're so important
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sunnydaleherald · 10 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, December 6
(Puppet Angel walks dejectedly back to his office) PUPPET ANGEL: Harmony, get my call list. HARMONY: (watches Puppet Angel, confused) Um... (Spike walks toward Harmony's desk.) PUPPET ANGEL: And Spike needs a car. SPIKE: (to Harmony) You heard the puppet.
~~Smile Time~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Good And Evil by badly_knitted (Kendra, Buffy, Angel, PG)
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Seeking Ghosts by madimpossibledreamer (Assasin's Creed xover, Xander, T)
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Hall Pass by NAOA (Cordelia, Harmony, T)
Fire by TheOriginalLovelace (Buffy/Faith, M)
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Moon River by all_choseny (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
age differences by Amina (Buffy/Oz, PG-13, NOTE OZ)
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Moon River by all_choseny (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Christmas that Spuffy… by Tessa (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Sweet But Twisted. Does that Make Me a Candy Cane? by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Merry Month of Magnus Presents... Bare Minimum by gwennie (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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“You Came.” “You Called.” - Ch. 1-2 by FivexFiveB (Blazinwolve) (Faith/OC, not rated)
Beginning's End - Ch. 1 by arcanedreamer (Assassin's Creed xover, Xander, T)
Advent Calendiles - Ch. 4-6 by HAL1500 (drabble collection, Giles/Jenny, G and M)
I'm Only Your Darkness - Ch. 13 by Karnstein99 (Buffy/Faith, E)
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High Tide - Ch. 4 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Slay Bells Ringing - Ch. 6 by all_choseny (Buffy/Spike, PG)
A Darkened Night of the Soul - Ch. 22 by In Mortal (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
In The Dark With You - Ch. 25 by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, R)
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The Courage Of Another - Ch. 6 by BlueZeroZeroOne (Buffy, Legend of Zelda xover, FR15)
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High Tide - Ch. 4 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Slay Bells Ringing - Ch. 6 by all_choseny (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Spuffy's Little Helper - Ch. 6 by Alyot (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
A Very Summers Winter - Ch. 6 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Cherry On Top - Ch. 10 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Gifset: "A Buffy Christmas" by The WB (1998) [TV commercial] by whatisyourchildhoodtrauma (Buffy/Angel, worksafe)
Gifset: I'll show you what a Slayer really is. BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER (1997-2003) by spuffygifs (Buffy, worksafe)
Gifset: Angel the Series | 5x14 "Smile Time" by mycatismyfriend (Puppet Angel, Harmony, Spike, worksafe)
Gifset: BABY I’M YOURS — BARBARA LEWIS by detectivedawnsummers (Willow/Tara, worksafe)
Gifset: buffy, cordelia, & homoerotic confrontations behind the bronze by coffygifs (Buffy/Cordelia, worksafe)
Gifset: And while most of Southern California is enjoying a balmy Christmas... by charmedslayer (Joyce, Faith, worksafe)
Gifset: BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER | 3.09 // 6.07 by andremichaux (Cordelia, Buffy, worksafe)
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Manip: I Saw Buffy Kissing Santa Claus by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, shirtless Spike)
Cross Stitch: Does anyone else cross stitch? I'm working on a Buffy stitchalong! by amethyn (worksafe)
Artwork: Unwrap Your Present by JSBirsa (Spike, NSFW)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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btvs rewatch - season 2 episode 9: what's my line, part 1 by slut-jpeg
Spike's wardrobe change... [in S5 E14 - Crush] by jenny-from-the-box
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PODCAST: HELLMOUTH HOMOS: Helpless by Fear Queers
PODCAST: ANGEL gives Cordelia an alternate life [Birthday] by Gimmicks
[Fandom Discussions]
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Ask Answered: Thoughts on Riley?? And thoughts on season 4 in general?? by xandersrailcrash
... on the horror of not recognizing your own body... [and Angel asks Harmony] if she remembers being human by dear-massacre and lucky-bishop
buffy and cordelia are like. cordelia invites buffy out to the bronze the very first night they meet... by chasingfictions
POLL: Which Buffy character is most likely to fall for a cyber scam? by aphony-cree
The horse Giles rides in season 7.... by anthonyheadwithanimals
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Who was your favorite one-off vampire or demon? by HisMrs and others
In HIM, why is it BUFFY'S responsibility to find SPIKE housing? updated by NoShip and thrasherpix
Do you think Buffy would move back into College Room had Joyce lived? updated by NoShip and others
Did you like Giles? updated by NoShip
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If you could change anything about a season, what would you change? by george123890yang
Do you think Willow, Xander and Giles felt guilty after Empty Places? by sadhungryandvirgin
How were the witches at Springfield College so bad at magic? by farfetchedfrank
[Alphabet game]... what Giles quotes you guys come up with. Starting with “A” by TransmanDan20
Buffy S6 & S7 [resurrection and Willow accountability] by johnnyorac
Would it have been worth trying to "curse" other Vampires similar to Angel? by Inspirational_Owl
Ancient Art History themes in Buffy TVS by cryptidr_iley24
Spoiler - Buffy and the monks [how was Dawn created] by mandalinajones
ELIMINATION GAME! Day 2. We lose S4! Vote out your LEAST favourite season. [ATS] by WildBarb80s
Wesley suddenly using guns a lot? by trex397
Did Cordelia, Wesley and Fred have siblings? by JellyfishDry9464
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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James Marsters to Attend Austria Comic Con 25-26 May 2024 | @austriacomiccon via dontkillspike
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poetinprose · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes Tag Game
Thank you so much for tagging me @cheeto-flavoured-pasta!! Check out his post here! This was way too much fun, I almost couldn't stop playing around with it xD
[Rules: Use this site to make random quotes for your OCs.]
Derian: I like your new pants! Elior: Thanks, they were 50% off! Derian: I'd like them better if they were 100% off. *winks* Elior: The store can't just give away clothes for free. Derian: That's... not what I meant. Elior: That's a terrible way to run a business, Derian.
Ravenna: If I ever had a child, I imagine they would be a lot like you. Kendra: Aww, thanks- Ravenna: Which is probably why I've never reproduced.
Darkness: You're smiling. What happened? Kendra: What`? Can't I smile just because I feel like it? Light: Arun tripped and fell down the stairs today.
Darkness: I called you like ten times! Why didn't you pick up? Calore: *remembers dancing to the ringtone* Calore: I didn't hear it.
Zalen: Say no to drugs. Nevras: Say yes to drugs. Thanea: It doesn't matter if you say yes or no to drugs. If you're talking to drugs.. then you're on drugs.
Thanea: Do you think I'm ugly? Nevras: It's not about looks, Thanea. What's valuable is on the inside... Thanea: Nevras... Nevras: For example, someone's heart. Thanea: Aw... Stop it- Nevras: It could be purchased for more than a million dollars, you know. Thanea: Seriously, stop it. (Why could this be an actual conversation from them asjskjcjkas)
Nevras: Hi could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire? Gwenny: Microwave for 40 minutes. Zalen: WHY WERE YOU MICROWAVING A LEMON?! Gwenny: I read boiling lemons helps cover up bad smells and I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges, but I didn't own any pots... Thanea: Did you burn an orange, too? HOW?! Gwenny: Microwave for 40 minutes.
Gently tagging: @camillenrose @halfbit @enchanted-lightning-aes @winterandwords
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penwrythe · 1 year
Giga ultra mega late night post
So, I been working on the Spoon Ballerina for five/six days and I'm learning a lot about the process. This model is a style test before the actual style test! Once I master the 2D/3D style, I'll be set for working on RFR pages (by 2025 maybe I don't know lol)
I know I definitely need a pipeline for character and environment asset design and creation prior to producing the pages for RFR. But to streamline this, here's what I'm thinking about:
After style test, create base shaders and rigs for eyes, mouth, and other surface anatomy for my object ocs. This will allow me to easily place and modify these assets without recreating them for each character. Since most object ocs range from similar forms to more complex forms, recycling models is going to be important. Same with human/god characters, too.
Also, for human/god character models, I look into making base models with a variety of body types so I have a ready-made asset to modify for a new character.
Sculpting is going to be important for the more complex character designs and background elements, so I need to learn how to sculpt and also recycle sculpted assets.
Maybe....a process test after the style test? Say for example, for a scene, I need three living swords and five living orbs and three cloaks, along with the characters from the style test (Eightenate, Inga, and Gwenny). Three of the orbs have injuries and two cloaks (rust rot, ichor loss, burns), the other two are uninjured. The swords are helping them, one of them is a leader speaking to Eightenate, clearly more decorated with regalia and etchings as signs of their rank. In the same scene (or panel whatever) shows Inga recovering (maybe escape from the swords) speaking to two other humans about what happened. All these characters will borrow elements from each of their base characters with modifications needed for their role and design in the scene.
How long will it take for me to do modifications to the style test characters to create the new ones in this example? What about background elements?
Because, I think it might be a week or two to create the original base characters and environment elements, then a day or a couple days to modify them into the new characters. Then another for setting up the scene, rendering, and adding final touches such as color grade and affects. Final render then publishing it.
Also for some background elements, I might be able to find ready made assets on 3D modeling stores. Just do the modifications needed for the style of the comic and just import them into the scenes needed.
Oof storage space is going to be something ahhh, I'll figure it out, might get a three terabyte drive, might last me a few years, and a cloud backup system for it too
And that means finding ways to fund the comic once I get it off the ground. For paying asset plugin creators, backup services, other artists and designers if I start hiring, and so on. I have no idea for merch... maybe art books, short story anthologies, commissions, or figurines and plushies, maybe an actual sword lol (that's going to be thousands to make lol).
I'm not hiring for right now, I don't have the income to pay artists, but when I do, I'm looking for artists and designers who work in Blender, Krita, and Photoshop. They need to be 18 years or older (WOR is New Adult Fantasy; target audience is 18-25 yrs), have some familiarity with fantasy elements and ancient and medieval cultures I take inspiration from for WOR's storytelling and design, and also object shows since that is WOR's main inspiration is from.
We'll see what comes from the style test first!
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impurc-moved · 1 year
@mutuals send me a 🍓 and ill compliment u!
Where do I even start? You're hands down one of my best friends on this dumb website. I'm so glad that we've been friends now for almost 2 years now, it's crazy how fast time flies! It always makes me super happy that I decided to follow you back on Tory's old blog!
I absolutely adore all of your muses, especially Hope of course, this is totally biased but as far as I am aware, your Hope is the best Hope out there! I actually believe that she is your oc at this point! Your writing is totally amazing and I love reading all of headcanons!
I'm super glad and thankful to have taken your advice and made Ally back in February because I now owe a lot to you!
I love you and think that you're ridiculously talented, keep up the amazing work and I look forward to all our future threads!
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dundullresident · 2 years
learning my sso oc is a hoe, love that for her live ur best life gwennie baby!! ur just like mommy sweetie!!
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