#oc: father adam omar
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simplegenius042 · 8 months ago
'Which of the 16 Main Archetypes is my OC?', 'Assigning a Bullshit Aesthetic to my OC' and 'Would my OC actually be a Good Parent?' Quizzes
Tagged by @raresvtm and @strafethesesinners
Tagging @inafieldofdaisies @voidika @icecutioner @socially-awkward-skeleton @derelictheretic @shallow-gravy @direwombat @strangefable @rhettsabbott @josephseedismyfather @josephslittledeputy @imogenkol @cloudofbutterflies92 @skoll-sun-eater @cassietrn @carlosoliveiraa @adelaidedrubman @g0dspeeed @wrathfulrook @afarcryfrommymain @aceghosts @turbo-virgins @shellibisshe @deputy-morgan-malone @softtidesworld @starsandskies @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @florbelles @sleepyconfusedpotato @titiagls @minilev @yokobai @thewanderer-000 @omen-speaker @justasmolbard @alypink @thesingularityseries and @nightwingshero + anyone else who wants to join. Taglist here.
Three OCs from various series for each of the three quizzes. 16 Main Archetype Quiz Here, Bullshit Aesthetic Quiz Here and Good Parent Quiz Here. Results below the cut:
Here's the 16 Archetypes quiz results for OCs from The UnTitledverse, The Silver Chronicles and Life, Despair & Monsters. Results below:
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I don't think the Sidekick fits Joaquin's archetype, but he likely wishes he was. Though in his own self-perception, he's trying to compensate his accidental existence by trying to be something significant, despite the fact he doesn't believe he's much of anything than an accidental miracle.
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Regret isn't the only thing Silva is filled with... trauma is a close second. However, ultimately I agree (mostly) with this archetype, unless I do a bit more research on Archetypes that is. But this result is pretty solid.
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I think this mostly applies to Haoyu way down later at the completion of their arc, though before all that they're a selfish little twerp.
Bullshit OC Aesthetic Quiz results for OCs from An Old Ballad Of Chance And Ember Hearts, A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore and lastly The UnTitledverse.
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I don't think this fits Discord at all. He is literally a walking wasteland, everything around him reverts to its most basic form (which is eventually nothing). He is as close as to the embodiment of the end as possible, but as well as a abhorrent denial rebirth. He just destroys things, lets it wither away horrifically. He's more close to the dirt than he is to flesh.
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I don't think Twilight is an aesthetic for Elrand. However, due to living in a post apocalyptic world, I think it would smell a bit like old burns. I don't know just my take on it.
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Being an Illusion Spirit, I think this aesthetic fits Maru very well. She is after all dead and does work for the Wicked, which are mostly made up of dead and evil spirits.
Lastly is the "Is Your OC a Good Parent Quiz" which dear god, I hope everyone from The Silver Chronicles gets a good result.
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Silva is definitely a good parent... I'd argue a great one even! Though she can be a bit overprotective but that's not abnormal considering all she's been through. She fought Paul and the Apostles of Zachariah to get back Persephone (even if that ended in tragedy), and went rogue to fight for a peace between Eden's Gate and the Resistance after given some perspective from Azriel. That's not even to mention everything she does for Azriel (and Mercy) when the Congregation of Adam's Guard arrive in Silva's Hope and the Highwaymen in Old Dusk.
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In her adolescence he was. Paul was what Silva needed at the time; someone supportive, understanding, and loving. He raised her into the morally strong woman she is today. However, that's not to say his darker aspects which he develops more late in life weren't present. The thing about Paul, while raising Silva, was that he was sometimes overbearing, possessive/co-dependent and had a fear that she'd abandon him, something that worsens after he finds out she's alive (years after the Tumultite Massacre and answering "The Call" and founding the Apostles of Zachariah), and since he lost his morals over the years and had Zachariah of all entities as his guidance, he's not above breaking Silva down for her "betterment"... though he does realize he goes too far after murdering Persephone in retaliation of Silva dismantling the Apostle's operations and killing his fellow heralds. Even after his resurrection/reincarnation, he still cares for her, but is too trapped in his self-loathing to break away from his dark path.
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I'd say Kamski's kind of a good parent, just an overprotective helicopter parent is all. I also believe that he's the kind of parent who'd be like "my opinion is correct and everyone else is wrong so you best listen to me". Irene, his blood daughter, likely never questioned this, but after her death and the Tumultite Massacre, when he reunites with Silva, they're basically the only family they have left, so Kamski pretty much pushes this harder onto Silva which is something they have to work through... as well as the pressure and the responsibility he burdens her with too. There's also the fact of trust, since Kamski goes behind Silva's back more often than not when they disagree on something and lies to her about it. So yeah, it's very "so-so" with me. He's good parent with good intentions however he does do some drastic shit since he thinks he knows best plus his "us vs them" attitude with him and Silva as the "us" and literally everyone else as the "them".
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"Bad Parent" and "Too Harsh" is an understatement when it comes to Adam; he's an absolute irredeemable evil hypocritical piece of shit who abuses and murders his children. Silva and Elsa were just the most recent pair out of who knows (me, I know) how many, and the longest surviving too. Adam's a dictator who uses his status as a Prophet to oppress others and is extremely bigoted and xenophobic to the point he doesn't bat an eye when causing a massacre of his slave labour... or when invading Montana. Fuck this guy, I can't wait to write his death.
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the-silver-chronicles · 2 years ago
WIP Wednesday + Last Line Paragraph
Tagged by @direwombat @g0dspeeed @inafieldofdaisies and @josephseedismyfather
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Here's a WIP of Silva's Hope. And we got some Mary May! This isn't my most polished work so the final result will be a bit different once it's published. WIP below:
Mary May raised a brow at Nadi, regarding the smaller blonde with puzzlement. She finished polishing the glassware, placing it onto the counter with a soft clink.
Setting both arms firmly on the bar, Nadi's brown eyes had to endure the intensity of the barkeep's light blue. She noticed the skepticism, how the Fairgrave woman was running her words through her head, tearing them apart.
However, Nadi didn't waver from her poker face, and maintained the clueless Fall's End overseas nouvelle venue act. Masking emotions was a quality she learnt from Jacob, and later John had given her a few tips on how to hide intentions to get information better.
A pause was heavy between the two, until Mary May finally responded, but with her own question, "Now why do you want to know about a dead girl?"
Nadi smoothed a hand over to her small braid, playing with it as she answered, "Well, like I said, I've been learning so much about Fall's End for a few weeks now... to get a clearer picture on everything that goes about here, you know? But I can't seem to get a straight answer on this Omar girl. She seemed to have a... mixed reputation, non?"
Much to Nadi's delight, Mary May snorted as she shook her head, reaching under her counter to grab a beer bottle.
"Understatement of the century," the barkeeper mumbled, eyes easing the intensity in her eyes. Cagnotte, Nadi proudly thought to herself as Mary May's lips parted to answer.
“Now, so you know, my word isn’t exactly a picture perfect replication of who Elsa Omar was," Mary May stated, opening the bottle and pouring it into a glass for a patron, "Neither does anyone else in Fall's End. We only ever saw one or two sides of her, and that was what she wanted us to see. The closest you’re going to get to an accurate description of her would be from her older sister, but even then, I'd assume her account on her little sister wouldn't be anything but with rose-tinted glasses. What sister wouldn't think their sibling was anything more than the person they grew up with?"
Mary May held a distant look that Nadi pretended to not notice as she thought on her words. The short-haired blond couldn't help but agree with the sentiment. As an older sibling herself, she knew exactly what it was like to view those younger and older than herself in a different light than everybody else. Even when she probably shouldn't have. I'll need Sister Nancy to tell me more about this older sister of Elsa's. Hopefully she's managed to achieve her assignment by now.
"Now with that said,” Mary May paused, tapping her fingers against the wooden counter, “Elsa Omar was a performer, a tricky one at that. I believed her about her fragile bones. Defended her even. Because who would lie about something like that? Probably helped her case that there were times we heard of her getting what should have been very minor scrapes for anyone else but serious injuries for her. Multiple trips to the clinic wasn't unusual for that girl. Felt bad for her, as did everyone else. We were also in awe by her spirit, in spite of the disadvantage she had. I know I was."
Seeing that she still had Nadi's attention, Mary May continued, "I never like to speak ill of the dead. It just... never feels rights when the person isn't around to hear it themselves. But I gotta say, Elsa was, and will always be, one of the most confusing people I have ever met."
Nadi tilted her head, shuffling her stool seat closer to the counter, "How so?"
Mary May huffed, shaking her head with pursed lips and furrowed brows as she spoke, "I just never got her deal. She had a successful business. A family member close by. And got lucky with men and women alike. I honestly thought she was plenty decent until she continued to run her mouth around me. She could be really nice to you. She could be really good to you. She could have even made you believe she was your best friend. Or she could be a self-absorbed, rude shit with an ego that puts John Seed and Guy Marvel to shame. Never hated her, but didn't exactly like her either. Most people though either had one opinion or the other about her, both good and bad. As I said, she was tricky. And quite the actor. I could never tell which facade was her true self. If either was the "real her" anyways. She didn't cause unnecessary problems, or try to get my business shut down, which made me a little lenient to tolerate her. Her sister always got a free pass from me because she didn't bother anyone. Or she was too shy to. Though I chalked it up as someone who didn't have a good handle on their English yet. Never liked making conversation, always keeping things short. Not Elsa though, she talked like it was her way of breathing."
Nadi clasped her hands together and rested her chin on top, supported by her elbows on the bar counter, as she continued to listen to the sinner speak her mind. While the business she owned enabled others to indulge in their vices, Nadi couldn't help but be enraptured by Mary May's words. She could see why John had a small infatuation with the barkeeper. She had an aura of a person who was capable of taking care of herself, a reliable ally who could pull her own weight and someone who was tough. Someone who wouldn't go down that easily. All were admirable traits, and useful too. Not to mention, she was pleasing on the eyes.
Nadi felt disappointed that the other blonde let her Pride vehemently dictate her decisions, rejecting the Father's truth. John's chances to give salvation. Would've loved to see her walking around in Chosen attire, came the intrusive thought.
The image of a beauté like Mary May dressed as a Chosen, just like Nadi's fellow brothers and sisters back at the Veteran's Centre, darkened Nadi's cheeks, and her want for someone's touch return.
Shaking her head, Nadi shooed those tempting thoughts away. Restrain your LUST, Sinclair, a voice, either her own or John's, chided, You already need to resist charming your boss, don't push yourself further into sin by leading others or yourself down that path... again.
"Hey, you alright?" Mary May's voice cut through Nadi's thoughts.
Nadi blinked, and put on a smile before gesturing towards Mary May, "Oui. Got lost in thoughts. Please, continue."
And here is the last lines for La Última En Pie. Nightmare sequences are difficult to write (also trigger warning for child abuse, nightmares of implied child murder and, uh, creepiness):
“No matter where you hide. No matter how far you run. No matter which sinners you choose to sully what little virtue you have with,” Father told her, his grip getting tighter, constricting her breath, “You. Will always. Be. Mine."
Sylvester clawed at his arm, his wrist, his hand. Choking on screams he kept silent. "This isn't supposed to be happening," she wanted to say, so desperately, "This wasn't how this went." Her wide grey eyes stared into the unbothered gaze of whom she shared the colour with. Father drew her face closer to his, as he whispered his promise, "And we will be together in my Garden. My paradise. No matter which form I mold you in."
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holycompendium · 7 months ago
Ascendants OC Masterlist ⛊ Pt. 1
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⚔︎ quick context : ascendants is my upcoming descendants fic series centered around merlin academy. you can catch the first chapter of the first installment right here!
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Fate : Become cursed to live as a beast & marry Belle. Face Claim : Maxwell Jenkins
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Legacy : Daughter of a Neverlandian mermaid. Face Claim : Daniela Avanzini
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Legacy : Son of King Arthur of Camelot. Face Claim : Joshua Bassett
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Legacy : Adopted daughter of Erato, muse of lyrical poetry. Face Claim : Bailey Bass
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Legacy : Son of the Blue Fairy. Face Claim : Omar Rudberg
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Fate : Marry the beast king Adam & establish the United States of Auradon. Face Claim : Zoe Colletti
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Legacy : Son of Arista, nephew to Ariel & Eric. Face Claim : Reece King
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Fate : Become the all-powerful enchantress who curses Prince Adam. Face Claim : Choi Yunjin
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Fate : Become the villainous archdeacon of Notre-Dame. Face Claim : Case Walker
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Fate : Descend into madness and become a tyrannical heiress. Face Claim : Riele Downs
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Fate : Inherit his family's business and become a wealthy sugar baron. Face Claim : Maxwell Acee Donovan
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Fate : Abandon his royal heritage and become the thief Flynn Rider. Face Claim : Aryan Simhadri
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Legacy : Illegitimate son of Robin Hood. Face Claim : Brandon Severs
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Fate : Become an arrogant and selfish game hunter. Face Claim : Belmont Cameli
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Fate : Become the Evil Queen & stepmother to Snow White. Face Claim : Ariana Greenblatt
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Fate : Become the scheming royal vizier of Agrabah. Face Claim : Jahed
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Legacy : Daughter of Anna & Kristoff, niece to Elsa. Face Claim : Shay Rudolph
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Fate : Marry King Stefan and give birth to Aurora. Face Claim : Dior GoodJohn
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Fate : Sell his own soul in exchange for the power of a Hodou bokor. Face Claim : Niles Fitch
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Legacy : Granddaughter of Mad Madam Mim. Face Claim : Avantika Vandanapu
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Fate : Become the head of the house of Tremaine & become Cinderella's stepmother. Face Claim : Kang Haerin
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Fate : Defeat the Hun army and save the Imperial Kingdom. Face Claim : Zhou Xinyu
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Fate : Become an eccentric & benevolent Houdou priestess. Face Claim : Whitney Peak
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Fate : Serve as Captain Smith's boatswain and first loyal mate. Face Claim : Owen Joyner
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Fate : Marry Queen Leah & father Aurora. Face Claim : Kahlil Beth
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Fate : Become a fearsome sea witch. Face Claim : Chandler Kinney
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Legacy : Son of Yzma. Face Claim : Charlie Bushnell
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simplegenius042 · 4 days ago
Name: Sylvester Silva Omar
Age: 26, 27 (in Silva's Hope), 43 (in Old Dusk)
Gender: Female (Intersex)
Sexuality: Demiromantic Homosexual
Faceclaim: Minna El Hammani
Personality/Myers-Briggs Type: According the personality test, "Defender" (ISFJ-T) fits her. With other results, it is true that Silva is dedicated and warm to those she loves and holds dearly to her, very protective as well. Quite introverted and only prefers social interactions that are deep and meaningful but would prefer a busy environment to clear her mind and whatnot. Observant and pragmatic, has a strong focus on what is happening, going to happen or likely to happen. Cooperation and safety/harmony within the community is important to her and has an expectation of empathy and sensitivity for all parties involved. Decisive, thorough, somewhat organized, and values structure and planning. Seeks closure. Silva can be quite self-conscious and if pushed hard enough, overwhelmed by stress. Sudden urgency may also drive her to succeed because failure cannot be an option in her mind.
Hometown: Raised on the Archipiélagos (somewhere close to Spain) in the Congregation of Adam's Guard before ending up in the Minas of the Tumultite Community (an intentional choice made by Father Omar).
Family (OH BOY!):
Blood Family- Father Adam Omar (Silva’s biological father, Alive in Silva's Hope, Deceased in Old Dusk), Elsa Omar (Silva’s half-sister, Deceased), Persephone Omar (Silva’s first daughter, Deceased), Azriel Omar (Adopted second daughter, Alive), Mercy Omar-Seed (Silva’s third daughter, Alive).
Familial Bond - Paul Yellowjack (Silva’s adoptive father, Deceased?) Alvarich (Former mentor, Deceased), Kamski Neon (Would have been her father-in-law, Alive in Silva's Hope, Deceased in Old Dusk), Ezekiel (Elsa's real love interest, essentially Silva's brother-in-law, Alive), the Seed Brothers (brothers-in-law, Alive), Ethan Seed (Nephew-in-law, Alive), Nick & Kim Rye (Found family, close friends, Alive), Hurk Drubman Jr & Sharky Boshaw (honorary cousins, Alive) and Carmina Rye (goddaughter, future daughter-in-law, Alive).
Romantic Relationship: Irene Neon (first partner, mother of Persephone, Deceased), and Faith Seed (current partner, eventual wife, mother of Mercy, Alive).
Did anyone in their family survive into New Dawn?: The Seeds, Azriel Omar, Mercy Omar-Seed, Ezekiel, the Ryes, Hurk Jr & Sharky, and Paul Yellowjack (if you can even count him at this point in time).
Relationship Status: Married to Faith Seed (proposal and marriage happens sometime during the 17 years between when the Collapse happened and the beginning of Old Dusk).
Did their partner survive into New Dawn?: Yes.
Reason for joining law enforcement in Hope County: A position was open, and Silva needed money to live. Subconsciously to protect people with the skills she has.
Relationship with Adelaide: Silva is on friendly terms with the Drubman matriarch, though is displeased she has to hear about her sex life (Silva would rather not hear about that during missions). Addie is likely one of the first Guns who figures out that Silva is gay. Silva views Adelaide with respect, even if she doesn't agree with some of her choices (especially in regards to her treatment of Hurk Jr).
Relationship with Burke: Silva doesn’t like Burke all that much, but she doesn’t hate him. Annoyed by his brash and glory-hound demeanour? Most certainly. Wishes harm upon him? Not really. She doesn't let herself get bitter over Burke's previous decisions to leave her behind twice, because (a) not priority and (b) it was a pretty shit situation to begin with. She just wants to get him out of Faith's grasp.
Relationship with Eli: Silva is friendly towards him and respects his leadership, often helping out in improving plans to make the Whitetail Militia better at stealing from Jacob and also not dying in the process.
Relationship with Faith: At first, there was animosity, especially with the whole Bliss, Angels and kidnapping thing. And the Reaping in general. However, as time goes on, they eventually become a bit... civil? Faith is a source of non-hostile bias of what Eden's Gate is supposedly like (just because Silva is willing to hear out Eden's Gate POV, doesn't mean she entirely trusts Faith's word for it). Still knows it's bias nonetheless, but it’s a different perspective. Silva doesn’t trust Faith at first. She keeps her personal life to herself or just spouts out the fabricated version she and Elsa created. Although there are ups and downs, Faith does manage to get Silva to open up a bit, and vice versa, surprisingly. After a long and difficult and grueling sequence of events, they do become friendly with one another, bordering on a friendship that leads the two into a shaky situationship during the Reaping. It is likely a factor that inspires Silva (especially when her PTSD gets worse during missions and leads her to being forced out of the fight) to find a peaceful resolution to the unnecessary war. After her Rogue Arc, and establishing a ceasefire between the Resistance and Eden's Gate, Silva and Faith are able to meet up with one another and sort through the feelings both harbored for the other, leading to a romantic (and eventually, sexual) relationship between the two, albeit from everyone else's notice. That does change when the Congregation of Adam's Guard arrives, though...
Relationship with Grace: Silva is friendly with Grace. She respects the sharpshooter, both as a person and a fellow fighter who just can't seem to find peace in normalcy, although for Grace it's her fear of normalcy, while for Silva it's how unattainable it always seems, especially when she's dragged into some conflict or another again.
Relationship with Deputy Hudson: Silva has respect and admiration for her fellow deputy, and is the co-worker she's closest to in the Sheriff's Department.
Relationship with Hurk Jr: Despite how loud he is at times, Silva doesn’t mind his company and quite frankly finds both him and Sharky funny. Definitely friends. Honorary cousins even. Also tries to give him advice regarding his relationship with both of his parents, especially hoping to dissuade him from taking what Hurk Sr says at face value.
Relationship with Jacob: Hostile, at first. Not a very good first impression for the both of them. Silva was ruining the Project’s progress. Jacob had Alexander kidnap her and began conditioning her. She started making some damage within the Whitetail Mountains. He threw her in a cage for days. Though when she notices his burns and dog tags, she becomes slightly curious. Cautious. But curious. Slowly, whether over the radio or behind a cage, they make some conversation, sarcasm and sneers galore. He subtly prods for information, Silva does the same. Jacob reveals more than she does. Silva doesn’t agree with Jacob’s social-Darwinist views, nor does she agree with his view on how war makes people their best (she finds it makes them best at killing, which is something she hates about herself). Jacob observes that Silva is "not weak". He admits she has strength. But what he notices is that she has no intention in putting that strength into its fullest potential. Unlike others who get violent and angry to the conditioning, Silva's reaction is... rather mellow by comparison. In the Trials, she’s calm, strategic, and effective at "culling the herd". This piques his interest even more, viewing her as the best chance in taking out Eli. That comes to bite him in the ass when Silva's state of mind was able to force herself to avoid killing Eli in the end (she had slowly etched her aim away from his face through each trial, once she figured what was going on, and utilized Wheaty's de-conditioning knowledge). Things become more neutral during the ceasefire and Old Dusk.
Relationship with Jerome: Silva is naturally wary of the Pastor at first, due to her own history with her father. However, comes to get over this once she sees Jerome is a decent guy. She's not especially close to him, and doesn't share the same religious views as him (even if she finds his version of God a comforting thought) but she does go to him if she seeks guidance (especially when she has John Seed locked in her bunker and tries to figure out the next morally right thing to do in that situation while not alerting everyone and Jerome that he's alive).
Relationship with Jess: While Silva is grateful for Jess’ help and skill, she is extremely worried about Jess’ blood lust and mental health. She was really reluctant to help Jess with her revenge against the Cook, and only joined when Jess convinced her that the Cook was a monster that needed to be put down. After Silva's Rogue Arc, Jess no longer views the deputy as a friend nor ally.
Relationship with John: At first, it starts with bad first impressions. Silva destroys John’s sign. John attempts to drown her. Silva attempts a rescue on Hudson. John tries to get her to Confess. There’s a dislike between the two, even if John likes to banter with her. Surprisingly, to John (when he finds out), the former is against the idea of taking the latter’s home. For Silva, the Ranch doesn’t give the Resistance a tactical advantage, and it's not stolen property. It would only piss John off (which is something Hudson does not need) and quite frankly. Even more surprising for both parties is when Silva ends up sparing and capturing John instead of killing him, holding him in her prepper bunker. After some tense mistrust between the two, they get friendlier with one another, and she does confess things about herself to John, not too much, but enough for him to get a picture of her character.
Relationship with Joseph: Silva doesn't like Joseph. Even if she wasn't wary of the authenticity of his claims as God's prophet, warning about the Collapse and the Seals, Silva cannot fathom how Joseph justifies warring and killing innocent people, orphaning children and the terror he and his siblings bring. Unlike his siblings, Silva cannot sympathize nor connect with Joseph. She knows the harm and damage so-called prophets like him and her father bring, and detests him for even justifying such acts, and dragging his family along with him (and, at least from her POV, his utter lack of regard for his adopted sisters). She is adamantly against his paternal advances, and after he tells her of what happened to his daughter, any chance of amicability (especially after the ceasefire) goes down the drain, even 17 years later after the Collapse, during Old Dusk.
Relationship with Kim Rye: Is actually friends with Kim and does give her helpful tips on motherhood. Silva views the Rye family as important support.
Relationship with Mary May: Friendly terms. Mary May has flirted with Silva at some point before the Reaping, but Silva had declined her advances as she wasn't in a good mind set at the time.
Relationship with Nick Rye: Good friends with Nick, and her favourite Gun For Hire. Freaked out when flying his plane, due to her inexperience, but was able to calm down when Nick gave her the instructions she needed. Silva enjoys Nick’s companionship. She views the Ryes as really important support.
Relationship with Deputy Pratt: Silva wasn't a fan of Pratt at first. But during the Reaping, they manage to become closer. She does feel sympathy about his situation under Jacob, and worked her ass off to get him out from the eldest Seed brother's thumb.
Relationship with Sharky: Much like Hurk Jr, Silva is fond of Sharky’s enthusiasm. She is closer friend with him than she is with Hurk Jr. Much like Hurk Jr, Sharky considers Silva an honorary cousin.
Relationship with Tracey: It’s rocky at first, but it does become friendly. Until Silva's Rogue Arc, which turns hostile. It doesn't get better even after the ceasefire, especially when she notices how much time Silva spends with Faith.
Relationship with Wheaty: Silva likes him well enough. Thinks he's a good kid. He is likely one of her biggest fans.
Relationship with Whitehorse: Silva respects the man. He is her role model, and likely the closest person to a stable father-figure (aside from Paul before he became the leader of the Apostles of Zachariah).
Relationship with Carmina: Silva is Carmina’s godparent. She adores the Rye daughter. Also on an unrelated-but-actually-related note, Carmina is Silva’s daughter-in-law. Yeah, Mercy and Carmina are a thing, and Silva’s never been happier.
Relationship with Gina: Doesn’t actually know Gina that well and is really surprised and confused when she hears that Gina was a former Highwayman and both she and Hurk Jr were a thing. And had a son. Silva missed a lot while hiding out with her family (and being a force that the Highwaymen fear). Does a mental slap in to her own face now whenever she remembers Gina mentioning how the Twins' "pops" really likes wasps and could sing a musical number without shame. Because only Paul could like those things and still hold a leadership role in the Highwaymen.
Relationship with Grace: Feels terrible for Grace’s visual handicap, and her respect towards the woman grows when she realizes she's still doing her best to keep Prosperity safe.
Relationship with Ethan: Silva doesn't meet Ethan until Old Dusk, but she is aware that Azriel has at least encountered him while out scavenging, and suspects that Mercy had been in contact with Ethan for a long while. She feels kind of bad for him considering how Joseph is, but is thankful that he at least had a support system (outside of Joseph) in the form of Jacob and Mercy (and surprisingly, Carmina too).
Relationship with Hurk Jr: MISSED HIM! A big shock for the both of them. BEAR HUGS (on Hurk's part at least)! Also, very surprised he has a kid. Surprised when Hurk not-so-subtly brings up the topic of being Blade’s godmother as well.
Relationship with Jerome: Silva and Jerome are both glad to see the other survived the Collapse, though Silva does feel some shame and guilt from choosing to hide away instead of looking for survivors and helping with Prosperity.
Relationship with Joseph: She'd rather never have to talk to Joseph ever again.
Relationship with Nick: Silva’s missed Nick, and he admittedly misses her, but is still confused with her decision to start a relationship with Faith. But both are willing to rekindle a friendship with him and Kim. Also unrelated-but-totally-related Carmine and Mercy are in a loving and healthy relationship so they can’t really afford any past animosity getting in the way of their children’s future.
Relationship with Kim: More or less the same as Nick, except she has a bit of an understanding about Silva and Faith than Nick does.
Relationship with Nana: Much like Gina, Silva doesn’t know Nana that well. But is absolutely living for Nana's teasing of Jerome. Like Gina, Nana’s just an acquaintance/ally.
Relationship with Sharky: Like Hurk Jr, Silva’s missed her cousin from another aunt. Has no idea what a furry is but totally-and-reliably-but-super-vaguely remembers maybe Jacob and Jess being into that? Nonetheless, Silva supports Sharky. Also has both concerned and supportive of his parenting on Blade. To her surprise, he's happy for her being able to settle down with Faith.
Relationship with Captain of Security: Silva is overjoyed to have reunited with another survivor of the Tumultite Massacre, Ezekiel.
Feelings on the Project at Eden’s Gate in general: Silva detests them at first, viewing them as yet another Congregation of Adam's Guard/Apostles of Zachariah. Doesn't help that she was personally wronged by them when they bought her late-sister's floristry while she was out of the county. However, over time, she sees them as people who were wronged, alone and taken advantage of, like Nadi and Alexander, before finding acceptance in the Father, and so her ire is redirected at the Seeds, before it eventually just settles on Joseph. Killing members of them become less and less easy over time.
How did they feel about being seen as a saviour to Hope County?: Silva was uncertain of role, and she didn't want to be seen as the sole reason as to why they're winning in the fight against Eden's Gate, many other before her, both present and deceased, risk their lives to push back against Eden's Gate. Even when she wishes that she'd find community and acceptance amongst them under better circumstances, she is grateful to have friends and family.
Peggie radio station, normal radio station, or no music?: If people are in the car? She’ll prefer the radio be off, though she'll have the normal radio on as just simple white noise (unless it's "Raise Hell" by Dorothy). If alone or with the Fangs? She’ll listen and sing along to the cult's music, especially Faith's and John's songs, as she likes theirs best. She may not like the cult, but she admits their songs aren't tasteless.
In what order were the Heralds killed fought?: John, Jacob and then Faith.
Say YES in Fall’s End church?: Yes.
Say YES in John’s bunker?: She didn't give him the satisfaction.
Did they believe Joseph in the end?: Joseph being right was overshadowed by her father being right about the Collapse all along, which was a kind of mindfuckery for the woman.
Reaction to Burke and Virgil’s deaths: Saddened by their deaths to an extent. Especially since she had to put Burke down and Virgil was killed when her father ordered his airship to drop their bombs on most of the Henbane (with the Jailhouse being caught in the blast).
Reaction to shooting Eli: Not shocked. She and Wheaty knew she was being played by Jacob, but she managed to avoid a fatal wound.
Feelings towards killing defeating John: Silva was full of pent-up rage, but managed to reel herself back from actually killing the younger brother. Instead, she knocked him out and ditched him in the nearest prepper stash, took his key and got Hudson (as well as everyone else) out of his bunker, while leaving it intact (just in case). After that, she goes back for John and keeps him captive in her prepper bunker, while the Resistance and Eden's Gate believe him to be dead.
Feelings when killing defeating Jacob: Jacob was disgruntled by the fact she failed to kill Eli and that Ernesto Stallone got the drop on him and interrupted their little battle. She finds herself relieved that Jacob didn't manage to fall by Ernesto's hands, the prospect of a possible ceasefire secured since with Jacob being alive, John would be more amiable to helping her. After dealing with Ernesto, Silva leaves Jacob to be taken by Alexander in a tactical retreat while she runs off to get Pratt and destroy the Armory.
Feelings when saving Faith: Relief that Faith managed to hold out long enough for Silva to get to her, but they're mostly on borrowed time especially with her father, Adam Omar, planning to bomb the Henbane in a short timespan and while she's happy her lover is safe, she was more focused on getting them out of the doomed region.
Feelings when negotiating with/confronting Joseph: During negotiations for ceasefire, Silva was hyper aware of all of Joseph's words, ensuring that any agreements they came to were within reason. When she confronted Joseph in regards to his temporary alliance with Father Adam Omar, she was justifiably pissed at the fact he let the man and his enforcers right into Eden's Gate' outposts, and didn't find the Congregation troubling nor suspicious.
Most used weapon(s): The Silver Dragon dagger and a desert eagle.
Stealth or guns blazing?: Usually stealth. But if she has to, mostly due to her allies not listening to her (especially early on), she will.
Gun-For-Hire(s) or Fang-For-Hire(s) most travelled with: Guns? Nick and Sharky. Fangs? Boomer and Peaches. Guns and Fangs? Grace and Boomer.
What happened to them in the bunker with Joseph: Silva managed to get back to her bunker when the Collapse occurred, and though she (in addition to Faith and Azriel) had a close call with Oscar Lapis, they managed to deal with him. The next five years were spent raising Azriel (and Mercy), as well as Silva processing the entire event as well.
Do they ever speak/take off the mask?: The Judge's mask is more of a deterrent and protection against enemies, as well as a way to hide her identity. She does speak, though stays quiet when encountering her old allies or New Eden members, and especially when attacking the Highwaymen. Eventually she does stop wearing the mask outside of her home.
Is their loyalty to Joseph genuine?: She doesn't really care about Joseph after the events of Silva's Hope.
Feeling on New Eden as a whole: She's glad that some people managed to find peace, though none too happy that the foundation was still built on blood. That's not to mention her animosity towards Joseph.
Feelings on the Highwaymen and twins: Over the bullshit. Considering she's been through a war, two civil wars and leveled through about five different dictatorships, another invasion is just frustrating for her. Then Paul reveals himself to be the brains behind the Highwaymen's operations. And suddenly shit gets real.
Thoughts on the Captain of Security being chosen by Joseph: Rolls with it ("Sounds fake, but okay"). Ezekiel's having fun with it.
Did they try to help Ethan lead while Joseph was in the North?: Silva wasn't apart of New Eden, so no, however, it becomes apparent that some of the math questions Mercy had asked her and Faith (especially on distributing rations, expanding perimeters, rounding, etc) were not in fact, in the hypothetical.
Was Ethan’s involvement in New Eden getting attacked anticipated?: No, but she understands it was a genuine mistake (Ethan had been tricked by Paul).
If the Captain of Security shot Joseph, how did they react?: Ezekiel never shot Joseph, but if he had done so like in canon, Silva... wouldn't particularly have much emotion in regards to it, but she'd be more concerned with Faith's reaction, in spite of her estrangement with her adoptive brother.
If the Captain of Security spared Joseph, how did they react?: Well, Joseph doesn't live at the end of Old Dusk and is killed by Paul, but if things followed more closely to canon, well, Silva wouldn't particularly care. She'd probably go home back to Faith and their daughters. Joseph is pretty much cut from her life, nothing would change that now.
If given the opportunity, would they have shot Joseph themselves? Did they?: No. The thought would be tempting, but if presented with him begging for her to shoot him, she likely wouldn't give him what he wanted.
Do they stay in Hope County after the events of New Dawn?: No. Hope County holds to many tragedy for her now; Elsa's death, her grief for Persephone, the Reaping, her father's attack, Kamski's loss, the Collapse, the shame and guilt, and finally killing Paul. A place that was meant to be a new opportunity to live a life of normalcy was ripped away from her at every possible turn. That's not to so she wouldn't think of Hope County fondly; she made friends, was accepted by a community, found love and had her own family there. It's just... bittersweet, for her. She feels as if she needs to move on from it, and both Faith and Azriel feel the same sentiment. While Mercy stays in the county, Silva and Faith (in addition to Azriel and Schrödinger) make way towards a thriving Tumultite community that Ezekiel pointed them towards. What it isn't though, is a goodbye.
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MEGA TEMPLATE FOR DEPUTY/JUDGE Made by @fc6​ on Tumblr, major spoilers for FC5 & FCND (please do not remove credit!)
Keep reading
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simplegenius042 · 1 year ago
What do your OCs carry on their person? + "What Kind Of Suffering Is Your OC?" Quiz
Tagged by @inafieldofdaisies @socially-awkward-skeleton and @deputy-morgan-malone for the former and tagged by @adelaidedrubman and @g0dspeeed for the latter.
Tagging @shallow-gravy @strangefable @jillvalentinesday @josephslittledeputy @derelictheretic @voidika @onehornedbeast @vampireninjabunnies-blog @minilev @neverthesameneveranother @nightbloodbix @wrathfulrook @direwombat @chazz-anova @cassietrn and @strafethesesinners
(I can't seem to tag @josephseedismyfather's blog, are they alright?)
The quiz can be found here.
Will do the main protagonists of my series (The UnTitledverse, Far Cry The Silver Chronicles, Life, Despair & Monsters and Wings And Horns).
Joaquin Cobalt (during Phase One, at least) -> Joaquin has got a short sword, a pocketknife, a revolver, ammo for the revolver, paperclips and bobby pins (for lockpicking), a notepad he uses to take notes of the universe he's stuck in, any deodorant, shampoo and conditioner he can find, testosterone prescriptions, rations, canteen of water, any spare clothes he can buy (or steal/scavenge... he is likely being hunted by the Chairman at this point in his life after all, and currency doesn't always stay the same in each universe), three polaroid pictures that all include himself with Lisa, Maisie and Mario & Calvin, respectively. He has a scarf, boots, an umbrella and goggles for extra protection from the environment. Also a mechanical contraption that allows him to travel to a different universe (he's trying to get back to his old original one). He also has specialized binoculars that can switch to nightvision when needed.
Sylvester Silva Omar -> On person Silva usually has a handgun, an ornate knife called the "Silver Dragon" (something she took from Paul), regular binoculars, two radios (one to coordinate with the Resistance and listen in on Eden's Gate, the other to call Kamski because her flip phone doesn't have any service, LOL), her now useless Nokia flip phone, her house key to Omar's Residence (where she spends her time alone and unbothered, having meals, showers and rest, as well as hiding from the Christmas snow), Elsa's lodge key, her deputy badge, cuffs (which she forgets she has on until much, much later), her golden locket (inside it is the only remaining picture that Elsa took of Silva with Irene and an infant Persephone), a small backpack (which usually holds extra clothes, a water bottle, medical supplies from Kamski as well as additional weapons and ammo), gas mask for when she eventually decides she's sick of the Bliss' bullshit (after being attacked by an angel or bear that she thought was a civilian for the umpteenth time). She did have prescribed medicine for her PTSD, but that has since run out, and the Hope County Clinic had either been pillaged by Eden's Gate or can't replenish their supplies since the county is on lockdown. She does have Joseph's Word for a while before giving it back to Faith. Eventually Silva also gets glasses between her time in the bunker after the Collapse and during Old Dusk (the New Dawn arc), as well as a crossbow (because I think she deserves one), not to mention the ring.
Haoyu Anabuki - Haoyu is the one with the least amount of shit. A wallet, phone (which has a screenshot of the Literature Club as the opening image which includes Haoyu themself, their sibling Monika, and both their friends Sayori, Yuri and Natsuki), antibiotics and reading glasses is the most you get from them. Anything else is stashed in their little pocket dimension. I'm sure the others here would be looking to kick Haoyu's ass for being the second person with the least amount of stuff to carry.
Archangel Metatron - Because first goes to Metatron, a literal archangel who's clothes are part of his disguise, and only really has a flaming sword to worry about.
BONUS Azriel - Poor girl doesn't have enough pockets to carry every shiny thing she sees. But to recap; in Azriel's years as an Angel of Death, she only carried around a hood, cloak and two sickles. Justified, she's technically dead and an immortal soul doing Death's deeds, so she's kind of omnipresent and omnipotent. But in her mortal years as a child, she tries to pocket and carry way too many things, sometimes her own creations, and has a bayonet pistol as well as several explosives she built or stole herself. As an adult, Azriel has heavier weapons (like a bayonet minigun) and better explosives, plus cogs and other doohickeys that she uses as accessories or utilizes for uses not for their initial purpose (like a hair tie). She also has hair dye just in case her dark hair starts showing again. And plenty of fake badges and ID card.
Now onwards to the suffering of the Antagonists! Since I just did the protagonists I thought it was only fair the antagonists got to shine.
First up!
Edward Carmine (The UnTitledverse, The Perfect Storm saga)
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While I do agree that Edward is experiencing a kind of despair, he is too focused on his own superiority-complex to even consider that this isn't healthy. He is too ambitious to worry about trivial things like hope. He is too unsympathetic and without empathy towards his own downfalls to even reflect on his actions. Edward believes the world works a certain way, and he will have it focused on him whether it likes it or not.
Father Adam Omar (Far Cry The Silver Chronicles, Silva's Hope fic)
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Adam Omar is the result of living up to the horrible expectations of a shitty society based on class (that he proceeds to make worse), groomed by the previous Prophet Omar and the Voice with words of importance and righteousness, as well as several unspecified disorders (plus biological factors) that the Congregation could care less about doing anything about. Though these do not at all justify any of the heinous shit he does to everyone, including his own children. Proceeding, "The Taker" most definitely describes Adam. Though I highly doubt Adam would ever change his mindset, especially when it has proven successful for him thus far.
Sir Enigma Malvolio (Life Despair & Monsters)
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I'm unsure about this one. Malvolio really is the person who spreads despair on anyone he meets through his unethical "social experiments". He's a creature from an alternate dimension disguised as a human, I highly doubt he believes in concepts like "hope" and "religion". He is hooked entirely on the unethical side of science. He wants to help humans "evolve" but really he wants to satisfy his own "itch" and twisted curiosity (plus his Darwinist/dog-eat-dog ideology).
Xiang Ba'al (Wings And Horns, Original Work)
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Xiang, a demon from the Sloth Ring of Hell, the last creature anyone, not even Metatron, would expect to go on a mission to dismantle the Soulmate System after he sees the consequences of it after finding the damned soul of a ten-year-old girl named Jezebel (that he adopts) wandering in Hell after a horrible confrontation in the mortal realm. Xiang believes he is giving humans an opportunity to remove their soulmarks (or soulbrands, which are arguably worse), which in his POV, is a curse that has plagued the mortal realms for far too long. Problem is (besides the extremism and forcing people to do so against their will) Xiang doesn't have a lot of runes nor the energy to power those runes (due to being a Sloth Demon) in order to successfully eradicate the soulmate system (leaving him to comprise a plan to make as much noise as possible to show the Gods that "hey, your system is broken beyond repair!"). While Jezebel dislikes the extremism, she finds Xiang caring enough for her to dismantle a system that completely fucked her over despite the consequences he could face is very touching. It's the thought that counts, in Jezebel's opinion.
And BONUS...
Urijah Callaghan (The UnTitledverse, The Omniscience Rule and The UnTitled Ventures sagas)
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Urijah has an extremely nihilistic outlook in life, not helping that Madame Callaghan (his parental figure/kidnapper) pushes him further into this extreme form of nihilism. He did care at one point. He really did. But now to him, nothing matters. Except for his mission to wipe the multiverse and everyone in it from existence with a bomb he designed. Even his companions from Cognito, Inc. Including his closest companion, Reagan Ridley. He views it as a kind of mercy than living under Zachariah's cruel and callous hand.
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simplegenius042 · 1 year ago
Late WIP Wednesday + Last Sentence
Sharing a snippet of The True Sinners. As well as a last sentence of What Are The Chances, in which John and Jacob get lost while going to have a meeting with Joseph and Faith in the woods.
Tagged by @adelaidedrubman @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @inafieldofdaisies @cassietrn @g0dspeeed and @wrathfulrook
Tagging @shallow-gravy @strangefable @voidika @poisonedtruth @derelictheretic @jillvalentinesday @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @chazz-anova @ec-10 @vampireninjabunnies-blog @a-rose-in-a-garden-of-weeds @neverthesameneveranother @snake-in-the-garden @henbased @ladyofedens-blog @little-wolf-seed @deputy-morgan-malone @deputyash and @strafethesesinners + anyone else who wishes to join in.
WIP snippets under the cut.
Finally got a WIP snippet of The True Sinners to share. Presented below... some of Silva's thoughts before Jacob shows off introduces her to John (a meeting which will go about as well as expected when published):
[Trigger Warning: Mentioned kidnapping and being held captive against will. Nothing explicitly detailed though. Also some subtle obsessiveness coming from our beloved eldest Seed]
Jacob opened the door that led out to the courtyard of the hospital, holding it back for her to walk through, gesturing outside with a short jerk of his head. A chivalrous act that often never failed to lift Silva's mood coming from anybody else.
It was the kind of consideration that Silva had admired in Paul, before he changed. A courtesy that Kamski never bothered to adopt, either believing that he shouldn't waste his strength on opening a door for someone when they also have arms or because everyone was on his shitlist for one reason and another.
The amount of doors she's had to stop from slamming against her face when following behind him was more than the number of people she's killed. Though that might change soon, she noted, glaring at the ginger as she passed him and his small smirk.
She fought the impulse to thank the man, and deterred herself from outright stabbing the man with what ever she could find, as a thoughtful act she would find generous being reduced to an unspoken and mocking jab at her captivity by Jacob pissed her off to no end.
The courtyard was exactly how it had been left during her attempted escape; the dirt paths that spiraled around the center, tire tracks indented into the ground, evidence of years of vehicles coming in and out of the hospital's grounds. The fountain was void of water just as the grass was dry with little colour left, and the flowers that did grow were strangled by weeds. The brick walls, erect high and surrounding Jacob's fortress, was enough to dissuade any thought of escape, an intentional psychological tactic reinforced by the looming iron gates, which unlike yesterday, were closed. To add to insult, there were more Chosen on the grounds, some in guard posts while others supervised their captives trapped in the cages she had once been in, as well as the recruits training.
More evidence that yesterday was a fluke I fell way too hard in.
The only major difference from yesterday was the grey car with two dark stripes going from the hood to the back that was parked at the side of the fountain. An opportunity for escape? It was tempting, but she knew better. After yesterday, she couldn't afford underestimating Jacob.
"Better luck with cracks and loose screws than with open doors, piccolo boa," the advice Paul had once told her rang through her head, and she hated the heartache that came with it. Shaking away the bitter emotions, she focused on what was ahead.
She could see Alexander talking to the car's owner, or at least, the owner talking to Alexander, as he seemed to be barely listening. In fact, Jacob's second-in-command seemed to be doing his best in droning out the words of the man.
Silva could see a short-haired blonde woman in similar attire to Alexander, if only less vibrant, speaking to some other Chosen she seemed familiar with.
Silva could deduce that she came with Alexander's terrible conversationalist, having never seen the woman in her captivity.
"Thinking you can dispatch my brother and his femme fatale?" Jacob asked behind her. Silva could imagine that he was hulking over her in height, if only by a few lucky inches. Some would see it as a disadvantage, but she knew there were benefits she could use against a taller enemy.
Despite this, Silva had bemoaned over not inheriting Father's tall genes after encountering foes whose height were unfairly above average, though she would never be caught dead in admitting this wish.
Silva scoffed at Jacob's words, shaking her head. He hummed, and said with an irritably pleased tone, "Yeah, I knew you were smarter than that pup."
She sneered at the words, but didn't turn to give him the satisfaction of seeing her reaction.
A large hand planted itself on her shoulder and urged her forwards, towards their guests, "Now c'mon. John's gonna need to have words with ya."
"About?" Silva asked, grey eyes glancing to look at his blue, legs forcibly moving forwards. Though from his stoic expression, she knew better than to expect a straight answer.
"You'll see," he replied, and she swore she could see his lips almost curl upwards into a smirk.
Looking towards this "John" as they approached him and Alexander, Silva privately stewed in frustration over Jacob's words. Cease your deceptive games you vague shit.
Last sentence for What Are The Chances? an alternate universe WIP set in a timeline where Silva became the Judge from FCND pre- and during the events of FC5. In this scenario, John and Jacob are lost. And yes... it's all John's fault:
Jacob had never once thought that any harm to come to his brothers would be deserved. However, after his insistent complaining, Jacob could not help but be amused by John swatting a branch away, only for it to recoil and smack him in the face. With gritted teeth, his younger brother asked, "How did we "miss a turn"? And better yet, how come we haven't found our way out of here? One would think you knew the county's layout like the back of your hand, Jacob?"
Face and voice neutral as he continued forward, Jacob answered his younger brother, "I know the mountains terrain John, and some of the valley's. I never once touched the woodlands in the Henbane. That was the Chosen's job to report to Faith about. And you were the one holding the map and giving directions in the car. You tell me."
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the-silver-chronicles · 2 years ago
Sylvester "Silva" Omar
Sylvie (by her sister Elsa and one of her friends Sharky Boshaw).
26 (Hope County Arc), 43 (New Dawn Arc).
Demiromantic Homosexual.
Dark hair in a braid tail with slivers of silver dye going down.
Either 5'7 or 5'8.
A mix of triangle and hourglass.
Silva is protective of those close to her, calm most of the time, but also hostile to those she doesn't like (whether the hostility is passive or active), compassionate, she's hopeful but also pragmatic, under the guarded, quiet and reserved appearance, there is both a mature woman with dry wit and an innocent fun girl just wanting to be accepted and loved (without compromising her morals or changing the integral parts of herself).
'WRATH' involuntarily tattooed on her chest.
Silva has a lot of scars on her body. Her hands were chemically burned (hence her use of gloves) and her back has healing slashes and fire burns. Her front had plenty of healed cuts and gunshot wounds. She has healed cuts on her face. Spanish accent.
Sewing, cooking, hunting, some mechanics.
Junior Deputy for the Hope County Sheriff's Department
Yes. Can handle beer and wine. But is a lover of piña colada.
Anything long-sleeved.
She would probably wear nice clothes for dates and whatnot (only wears suits during very specific events like weddings, funerals, whatnot). If it was her own wedding (and her partner agreed), she'd wear a traditional Spanish black silk wedding dress (though if her partner disagreed with the black, Silva would go along with white).
Like earth.
Sense of determination.
Early bird and night owl.
"You/They can try." Silva is willing to face whatever opposition is in her way with courage and no fear.
A tie between Autumn and Spring, for the "Fall" and "Rebirth" aspect, given her own character journey up to this point.
Sunny but also likes rain. Detests the snow.
Previously Irene Neon. Currently Faith Seed.
Silva is only really shipped with Faith Seed.
Silva was in a previous relationship with another OC, Irene Neon.
Silva and Faith.
Mostly actions and sometimes words.
Normally. Sometimes with legs crossed.
[I don't understand this question]
Usually nightwear. Sometimes she goes nude (not during the Reaping though). During the Reaping she goes to sleep in whatever she's currently wearing.
Side sleeper, back and fetal position on particularly bad nights.
Holds herself while in a fetal position while also being unable to sleep due to anxiety and insomnia.
Not a lot of the time, no. But rain does make sleep soothing.
Either a Jannah Shrine or Elsa's statue.
Bites her inner cheek.
Silva's pretty good at lying, however, if you ever catch her pausing, that's an indication she's thinking of a lie on the spot (mostly plausible and convincing too, after all, she had to survive under Adam Omar and his Enforcers for majority of her life).
Red Carnation, it was one of the more prominent flowers Irene used to confess her love to Silva.
No pets for Silva. Though she's probably a bunny kind of girl. Maybe a boa too.
Silva's triggers include: situations that might correlate with her trauma (e.g. Jacob's cages and some of Joseph's behaviour are similar to Silva's experiences in Nashira's slave trafficking and her father, Adam's, own behaviour respectively), loud explosions and gunshots (Enforcers did this during the Tumultite's genocide), sudden touches (intimate or otherwise), night terrors, rotting corpses and stress induced hallucinations.
Spain. She's got heritage there but has never been.
Ezekiel's cooking.
Can't stand pickles.
Is alright with sprite or even juice.
Last One Standing by Skylar Grey, Polo G, Mozzy and Eminem.
(1) Silva has never desired to join Eden's Gate but enjoys listening to their songs, (2) she likes to tinker, (3) Silva believes there are multiple gods not just the one, (4) she had a crush on Jannah, the Tumultite Idealist (who's been dead for 300 years) when she was 10 to 11, and (5) Silva's type (once she gets to know them) are intimidating (probably) evil girls with green eyes.
Silva was created in a lab on an island ruled by a religious fascist cult, her father's best friend convinced him not to kill her at infancy, her little sister Elsa was created a year later, Adam Omar did some horrendous stuff to her (physically, sexually, and psychologically), she was disowned, Paul found her, she became a Tumultite, started a civil revolt against her father, she got the Good Doctor's daughter Irene pregnant, Persephone's birth, Adam's verbal BS (which f-ed her up), Irene's death, Tumultite massacre/genocide, Al's sacrifice (buying her, Elsa and an infant Persephone time to escape by the docks), immigration to America, Burke gets them citizenship, she settles in Montana with her sister and daughter, floristry, Elsa's passing, raising Persephone, Paul's return (and he's evil), 6 month expedition dismantling the Apostles of Zachariah (killing their heralds), reunion with Kamski, meeting Isiah, Gemini and Gavin, Persephone's death, Paul's death, grief and finally the events of Far Cry 5 and divergence into Far Cry The Silver Chronicles.
Silva Omar and Faith Seed have a daughter named Mercy in the New Dawn Arc.
Will add aesthetics later probably.
♡Hair Color and style
♡Eye Color
♡Body Type
♡Any definable features such as: Birthmarks, Scars, Freckles, Beauty Marks, Accent when they talk, Lisp, Natural slurring of words, Walk with a subtle limp, ect.
♡Gang/Occupation {Mox, Max Tac, etc}
♡Do they smoke?
♡Do they drink? Is so, what's their poison of choice?
♡What do they usually wear on a normal day?
♡What do they wear when they "Get dressed up"? And what would be considered a "special occasion" to them {such as an "Oh they're gonna be there so I have to look my best." Or an "It's our anniversary".}
♡What do they smell like? {For example: they smell like cinnamon flavored liquor, cigarettes, leather, and motor oil.}
♡How do they walk? Do they sway their hips? Do they walk with a sense of determination? Do they bounce as they walk? Etc.
♡Are they more of an early bird or a night owl?
♡If you had to use one word to define them, what word would you use?
♡What words or catchphrases do they say that's unique to that character?
♡Favorite Season
♡Favorite type of weather {Thunderstorms, sunny, etc}
♡Do they have someone they're with relationship-wise? If so, who?
♡Main Ship/Pairings
♡Side Pairings
♡Favorite/Self-indulgent Pairings
♡How do they show affection to their loved one?
♡How do they sit in a chair?
♡How do they sit in a chair {uncomfortable version}
♡What do they wear to bed?
♡How do they usually sleep? {Side sleeper, back, fetal position, backwards, nest sleeper, blanket mountain, etc}
♡How do they sleep in a place they don't know? {Can't due to anxiety, in small bursts of sleep that are short lived, holding themselves, etc}
♡Do they have to have a form of "white noise" in order to sleep? {The sound of a fan, the sound of rain, the sound of a city, etc}
♡What's a place they go to feel comfortable, that's their "spot" they always go when they're upset?
♡What do they do when they're nervous? {Fidget with jewelry, pick at nails, bite nails/lips, play with knife/zippo lighter, etc}
♡What is their "tell" for lying?
♡What is their favorite color?
♡Favorite flower/plant
♡Favorite sweet of choice
♡Do they have any pets? If so, tell me about them
♡What are their triggers {If they have any}? If so, what calms them down?
♡If they could visit anywhere in the world, where would they go and why?
♡What is their favorite comfort meal?
♡Do they have a food they hate?
♡What is their favorite {non-alcoholic} drink?
♡What are their plans for the future {if they have any}?
♡What's a song that "fits" them?
♡Give me 5 facts/random bits of information about them
♡Give me their backstory {can be long, or brief.}
♡Free Space! Give me any sort of extra information about them you'd like to share
Hope you enjoyed this and feel free to attach any images/aesthetics that represents them💕
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simplegenius042 · 1 year ago
Music Monday
The UnTitledverse, Far Cry The Silver Chronicles, and Life, Despair & Monsters.
Tagged by @cassietrn and @josephseedismyfather thank you very much.
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @shallow-gravy @adelaidedrubman @strangefable @direwombat @jillvalentinesday @chazz-anova @inafieldofdaisies @wrathfulrook @voidika @poisonedtruth @josephslittledeputy and @g0dspeeed + anyone else who wishes to join.
Trigger warning: Allusions to executions in the second song. Also there's swearing in the last song if that's of any concern.
For The UnTitledverse, I've got a good little song for the Twins of Terror themselves, Malcolm and Maddison Darling. One (Malcolm) became a human-cordycep hybrid with mechanical prosthetics for his lower half with a taste of lethal revenge (and projection of an unhealthy sibling-substitute fixation?) against Ellie Williams from The Last Of Us, while the other (Maddison) became a multiversal assassin who failed miserably at her job so ditched her employers and succeeded in becoming a serial killer instead... all the while searching to reunite with her twin brother. Song below:
"Insane, inside, the danger gets me high Can't help myself, got secrets I can't tell
I love the smell of gasoline I light the match to taste the heat
I've always liked to play with fire Play with fire Play with fire (Fire, fire) I've always liked to play with fire
I ride (I ride) the edge (the edge), my speed goes in the red Hot blood (hot blood), these veins (these veins), my pleasure is their pain
I love to watch the castes burns These golden ashes turn to dirt (hmm, hmm)
I've always liked to play with fire Play with fire Play with fire (Fire, fire) I've always liked to play with fire
Oh, watching as the flames get higher Oh, I've always liked to play with (Mmm)
Right of passage, classic havoc Match in the gas tank, ooh, that's wretched Unstoppable, legendary animal (mmm) Digital justice, now you're gonna know us Hail to the king and queen of the ruckus Yacht Money wired, no denying I've always liked to play with fire."
For Far Cry The Silver Chronicles, I have Father Adam Omar and Oscar Lapis, the former the prophet of the Congregation of Adam's Guard, one of the main antagonists of Silva's Hope (the other being Joseph Seed) and a character I intentionally wrote to be despicable, and the latter the captain of Adam's Enforcers, the right-hand man of Adam and also quite despicable as well. Adam is also Silva and Elsa's biological father, and the reason why they have so many issues, and has also affected Paul and Kamski, while Oscar was an instrument of torment used by Adam against the other characters, plus Oscar also murdered Irene Neon, who was Silva's first love, Kamski's daughter and Persephone's mother. Both were involved in the generational enslavement, oppression and eventual massacre of the Tumultite community. Song below:
[Note the lyrics that have been cherry-picked out are only because I feel they mostly fit the characters of Adam and Oscar, and there is much more in the song but has been removed down below]
"The temperature's low, but our purpose is much higher What's behind us mustn't blind us to divineness that transpires
And by grace we have been with that most elegant of truth You stand here, not abandoned, but as testament and proof
For a city is its people and its people are its heart Stood together 'gainst the weather, 'gainst the coming of the dark Ne'er a lantern has been build with oh-so righteous a spark When providence claims continents, but provided us an ark."
"Brute force and discipline ensures all the citizens Are chipping in sufficiently, under threat of imprisonment Liberty's prohibited, retired, it's mandatory compliance now To keep the fire alight, we need to stamp any defiance out
We can ill afford the price of human rights nor pay the cost of anger So we stifle scrutinising eyes astray with propaganda The only way that we can pull through is under cruel rule If a single person falls out of line, we all do."
"I have heard there are those who would defy us Dissidents without repent are bent on questioning the dias Twisted iron fist pariahs and their heretic messiah
Hand in and skin the sinners if you wish to skim divinity Each shiver will deliver us in deliverance in time Burn the innocents for penitence if we preempt the crime
I'm protector of the truth, great erector of the New Faith Defectors and objectors can expect a second doomsday Unquestioning our destiny, relentless we pursue fate Alone I have been chosen to be spoken through by true grace Frozen Omens say we should evoke another crusade"
"Infecting desperate residents with false hope Now they've sworn oaths and pledged commitment to a cult No mercy will be shown or quarter given, fetch the coiled rope
And hang them by the necks until it's taut, the lesson learned is certain No measure of faith will keep you warm or sate your appetite So pray, heed the warning, or we may just have to tax your life."
"Now the book of laws is closed and its pages shine a light As the people fill the shrines in line with my divine right This battlement of sacraments, as chattel to our rite The sacrilegious and recalcitrant shall vow or face the smite
Nonbelievers shan't deceive us, we shall greet their cheek with grievance In this ceaseless season, we redeem the meek with bleak obedience Seeking each unheeding heathen, see them bleed or plead allegiance Blessed be relief from freedom; lest ye feel the need for treason
Since the precept was decreed, its certainty was predetermined Mere herds of sheep are people, thus, they need to be subservient 'Neath so turbulent a firmament, the worst of men survive Pray their mercy may preserve us once we touch the other side."
"Now the book of laws is closed, you've no hope to try and fight As the people fall in line and march in time with iron might Nonbelievers shan't deceive us, we shall greet their cheek with grievance In this ceaseless season, we redeem the meek with bleak obedience
Seeking each unheeding heathen, see them bleed or plead allegiance Blessed be relief from freedom; lest ye feel the need for treason Since the precept was decreed, its certainty was predetermined Mere vermin are the people, thus, they need to be subservient
Turn a leaf in the journal, weep as you read the scriptures The book of laws is closed, it's frozen shut couldn't thaw But should the storms subside it might be time to write a couple more."
For Life, Despair & Monsters, I got a song for Miraculous Miracles. This is for the part of the fic where it goes from "crime-fighting comedic trio consisting of a bi-disaster super-heroine who's got talent, her pun-loving laid back cat hero with abandonment issues and a teleporting inter-dimensional humanoid plant-fungus mentor with magic cards who has to be convinced not to eat anyone" to "Everyone is healing from what Sir Enigma Malvolio did, especially Marinette." Song below:
"I got my driver's license last week Just like we always talked about 'Cause you were so excited for me To finally drive up to your house But today I drove through the suburbs Crying 'cause you weren't around
Oh, and I can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone I guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me 'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
Red lights, stop signs I still see your face in the white cares, front yards Can't drive past the places we used to go to 'Cause I still fuckin' love you, babe (Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh) Sidewalks we crossed I still hear your voice in the traffic, we're laughing Over all the noise God, I'm so blue, know we're through But I still fuckin' love you, babe. (Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh)"
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simplegenius042 · 2 years ago
Late Poll Loser WIPs
May as well put this here while I have the chance. Here is the non-winners voting sentence post from this poll and this poll.
Saw @adelaidedrubman do this for WIP Wednesday so I got inspired to do so as well.
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @cassietrn @voidika @strangefable @chazz-anova @inafieldofdaisies @shallow-gravy @direwombat @josephslittledeputy @poisonedtruth @josephseedismyfather @g0dspeeed @detectivelokis @a-rose-in-a-garden-of-weeds @vampireninjabunnies-blog @ladyofedens-blog and @little-wolf-seed + anyone else interested in sharing/reading.
These WIPs go in order of highest vote to lowest vote. These WIPs are from my @the-untitledverse-blog @the-silver-chronicles and @life-despair-and-monsters-blog .
Continue below the cut to read more:
No Snake, Only A Boa In The Garden: 2 VOTES. This FC5 WIP puts heavy focus on the motif of "Adam and Eve" (which also includes elements in regards to "Lilith", "Original Sin" and the "Garden of Eden") that I don't believe Silva's Hope will be able to do so. I won't go into too much detail as this is still under construction. Snippet below:
The narrative of Adam and Eve’s story was both a warning and a threat to those who doubted the Lord’s plan, showing what happens when everyone strays from their role and accept the “deceptions” of the evil Snake. The end of the story was interpreted as grim by most, given Adam’s unfortunate fate.
This cautionary tale was propagandised, showing what happens when one betrays the Lord’s teachings, like Eve had done when she accepted the temptation of the Snake.
The True Sinners: 1 VOTE. This FC5 WIP is a little scenario is if Silva chose not to become a deputy but still had the worst luck in meeting the Seeds some time before the Reaping begins. And instead of Silva developing the likes of Stockholm Syndrome, the Seeds like Silva a bit too much and develop Lima Syndrome. Featuring a side plot of Kamski having to socialise with the Resistance to get Silva back. Snippet below:
According to his sources, the local cult was becoming anxious and more aggressive. Just like the Enforcers stationed down in the Minas had been. It was a major red flag for the both of them, and it had been enough to push Silva out of bed to grab her rifle and kick her skills back into gear.
Jurassic World: Before The Storm: 1 VOTE. Chapter 2 of my published Jurassic World fic (chapter 1 is pinned in my The UnTitledverse blog on Tumblr but can be alternatively found on AO3, fanfiction.net and Wattpad, links provided in the pinned post. The fic focuses on the bond of siblings and its importance (even with those who aren't blood related) and explores the worldview (both human and dinosaur) of the science and nature behind Jurassic World, but is also a slow-burn tragedy in the making as we get closer and closer to canon complicity. Snippet below:
Following the dark-haired brunette woman to the station, Joaquin couldn’t help but look in awe at how well the surrounding nature and man-made structures fit together. Smoothly combined to fill the station with life.
La Última En Pie: 1 VOTE. The prequel to Silva's Hope. Silva wasn't always Silva, you know? She was once known as Sylvester. A single mother trying to balance raising her 5-year-old hija Persephone and keeping her late hermana's floristry afloat, in a community she was still a stranger in. But she was free, and so was her ever curious and energetic hija who liked planes and was a fan of the celebrity bear, Cheeseburger. Living a normal life. Until Paul returned. But he had changed. And in six excruciating months, he changed her. Snippet below:
"Something is coming. You can feel it," Father glanced down next to him, where Sylvester's small frame stood, head bowed and body still, listening to the cold warm in his voice as he addressed her, "Can't you, Daughter?" Did she? Should she have? Sylvester knew something was coming, as she had been told for years. But could she feel it as Father did? She didn't answer, nor did she question, for to do either would be to insult Father and doubt his word, and he never tolerated such behaviour. He was always pleased with her silence. Sylvester could almost feel Father's gaze return to the window, satisfied by the lack of reply from her, as he continued.
And lastly, Miraculous Miracles: 1 VOTE. Here is a Miraculous Ladybug series where Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste are trained by Fu and a De-facto Guardian, an inter-dimensional warping plant-parasite (with limbs) named Hatter who uses magic cards to beat people up and cause property damage, along with his avatar(s) who get no benefit from switching places with Hatter in the "Other Dimension" while the hero himself hogs his time in their realm, hoping humans can survive on rocks. There is character development but Hatter does everything in his power to deter it (spoilers: he fails). This is only scratching the lighthearted surface, things in fact do get worse much later. Snippet below:
Hatter tilted his head at the pair of youth, wind from outside brushing against his leaves and roots. He looked around the hotel lobby; the pillars toppled, the stairs crumbled, the gaping hole in the front doors and the glass chandelier smashed on top of the unconscious akumatised victim. He nodded his head in faux agreement, and simply replied, "Quite."
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simplegenius042 · 1 year ago
oooh i know i'm late, but if you haven't already talked about it (or have more to share on it), can I please hear more about No Snake, Only A Boa In The Garden (FC5)? (--direwombat)
You know funny thing! I had completely forgotten I had this WIP up until last week.
So, from what I could guess from my earliest notes and what I wrote so far then, No Snake, Only A Boa In The Garden was a FC5 fic that focused on Silva, Joseph, Faith, the Sheriffs Department, Eden's Gate, Adam Omar and his Congregation in Silva's past, an in-depth look at/possible deconstruction and reconstruction of the religious Adam and Eve themes (your original sin, shame, curiosity, ignorance and knowledge, (unfair) punishment, the acknowledgement of pain and death, mistrust and disobedience towards God and other deities or figures of worship, etc) and possibly set in a time pre-Reaping or where the Collapse just doesn't (or rather can't) occur at all. It would flashback more between Silva's past and present, focused on her relationship with her father Adam, her first love Irene and her adoptive father Paul and the Tumultite community. The focus of the past would be less Persephone and the Apostles and more her time spent on the Archipelagoes from what I could gather.
I had no idea where to even continue on from this, so I decided since past me wasn't going to travel forward in time and tell me what she was thinking, I decided to add on this story with another divergence from the canon of Silva's Hope and Far Cry The Silver Chronicles... and made Silva a coroner instead of a deputy (with a unique interest and perspective on corpses), because I like to make the Voice cry in a cosmic corner.
The Voice attempts to retaliate by telling Joseph that Silva is perfect to be "the Mother of Eden's Gate" but fortunately Faith's already got her hands on this strange cryptic coroner version of Silva and she isn't willing to share. John & Jacob, Alexander & Nadi, the Sheriff's Department, the GFH/FFH, Hope County residents, the rest of Eden's Gate, Kamski and Azriel just try and live regular-ish lives while this all goes on. This is the closest thing to a "no Collapse" AU that I have so... enjoy?
That's what I've got so far and what I've recently added (because I forgot to write notes last time, silly me).
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the-silver-chronicles · 1 year ago
Thinking of an AU where Adam sold Silva off to Joseph and Eden’s Gate (in some delusional sense that she would destroy it because honestly that’s the only reason he’d ever give her to the Project) as a child and the Voice convinces Joseph to take her up as a protege. Maybe Paul plays a part into this AU, maybe he doesn’t. Not sure with him yet, since this would be the first time they wouldn’t meet under regular circumstances (the “save the child from drowning and visit her occasionally and eventually gain her trust and adopt her then and there” kind of circumstance).
Anyway, it made me realise that “holy shit, the idea of an Eden’s Gate/Seed-aligned Silva is an utterly terrifying concept” regardless how it happens… because this is a version of Silva who is willing to look past child sacrifices, mass murder and oppression (depending on whether or not these had happened to her in this timeline/s). This is a version of Silva who is more than willing to forgo morality to do as she pleases. A more selfish and malicious Silva.
Could be even worse than the Seeds combined because she’s also better than them too. Opens up a horrific can of worms. The amount of potential this has.
God the Resistance and whichever deputy unlucky enough to face her would be so super fucked. Doesn’t matter if she has learned something (bad) from her experiences with Adam and Paul (probably Apostle-aligned), or if she took an interest in some of the things they taught her but through the Seeds this time around, Hope County would be dealing with a Silva who can physically, psychologically and emotionally outwit, overpower, and destroy them… at any time if she wanted. A very dangerous opponent with a strategic prowess matching up to Jacob and Alexander (probably because they helped perfect her capabilities).
I don’t think most of Eden’s Gate’ members would be safe, as she’s likely prioritising the Seed Family and the select few people she likes.
(More possible ideas! Maybe she managed to convince a GFH/Resistance member to join Eden’s Gate in this timeline? Maybe she has a greater popularity and influence over the Eden’s Gate community than Joseph does? Maybe this was the Voice’s plan? Maybe it needed Joseph to raise the perfect Prophet for it? Endless ideas! I must write it down!)
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the-silver-chronicles · 2 years ago
Thinking about making a “What If” Far Cry 5/Far Cry The Silver Chronicles scenario where (in 1991) instead of Jacob Seed, Miller and the 82nd Airborne troops completely making their way to Iraq the “normal route”, some (dumbass) superior decides to take a detour to get to the Gulf War faster…
Only to be unfortunately flying over the archipelago’s ruled by the Congregation of Omar’s Guard, and get shot down.
And now Jacob, Miller and the surviving 82nd Airborne troops are being hunted down by Adam Omar’s enforcers, and they have to align themselves with the sinners down in the Mines.
Jacob may not eat a man this time but he sure as hell is stuck in a bad situation with oppressed people desperate of getting out and a fascist militarised cult planning on mass genocide on innocents.
Well, at least he’ll be there to be a pillar of support for Silva (when she eventually ends up down in the Mines), alongside Kamski (who Jacob’s probably vitriolic best buds with) and Paul (the oddball), as the girl grows up.
Just a wacky “what if” idea I might explore.
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simplegenius042 · 8 months ago
Character Alignment
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From left to right going top to bottom.
Archangel Metatron (Wings And Horns) -> The Archangel of Life who had been tasked with preserving the Soulmate System and bringing Xiang & Jezebel Ba'al in for disrupting the system.
Leviticus (The UnTitledverse) - A lawyer of the Time Court, had a disdain towards Timekeeper but ultimately upholds honor and goodwill above all else.
Joaquin Cobalt (The UnTitledverse) - A young adolescent who got lost in the Multiverse before rising up to become a leading and respected member of the Omniscient Rule.
Ezekiel (The Silver Chronicles) - A surviving Tumultite member, decades later (especially after the nukes drop in 2019) becomes Thomas Rush's Captain of Security.
Benny the Révolutionnaire (The UnTitledverse) - The seventh-borne Eldritch, was made to assist Zachariah at Fate's Table, however was exiled to the Void. Not that it stopped him.
Silva Omar (The Silver Chronicles) - The Junior Deputy of Hope County, Silva has fought to protect plenty of loved ones from the likes of the Congregation of Adam's Guard, the Apostles of Zachariah, the Project at Eden's Gate and 17 years after the bombs drop in Montana, the Highwaymen.
Ortega "Ore" Brantley (A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore) - A human-Displacement hybrid (a result of a tryst between Responder Tiffany Brantley and a Displacement called Arcane Urias in 2105), Ore has lived through the Wasteland for a long while and is on a mission to kill his father Urias after the latter killed his friends. He's also Ress' older brother.
Gavin Turquoise (The Silver Chronicles) - A vigilante-turned-lawyer, after he took down the organization behind the Dark Web, he adopted a child named Schrödinger and began a feud with Eden's Gate because he didn't like their vibe (the murder and kidnapping were a bonus he could use against them in court).
Timekeeper (The UnTitledverse) - A Time Lord droid created to overlook Time and utilize the Time Watch. Wishes to change the corruption he's noticed bleed inside the Time Bureau Authority.
Haoyu Anabuki (Life, Despair & Monsters) - A human-Displacement hybrid and the half-sibling of Monika, wishes to just hang out with their sister but gets dragged into being a good person.
H.O.S.T (The Time Guard volumes) - The warden of the Time Prism (a prison sub-dimension in Time), he joined the Time Guard on their adventures. He is unprepared for their unorthodox illegalities.
Icarus Galatos & Hatsukami Hinode & Xavier Tulip & Hatter (Life, Despair & Monsters) - Hatter and his human Avatars, while not feeling beholden to the law, do their best to help it any way they can.
Kamski Neon (The Silver Chronicles) - While he does care for Silva, he doesn't not care for everyone else, and believes anything is fair game when dealing with Prophets and their cults, regardless of right or wrong and even if Silva is hurt in the process (however he will not live with himself if she died).
Mordecai Callaghan (The UnTitledverse) - Also known as "The Huntsman", Mordecai only commits amoral acts (like bounty hunting) and immoral acts (like child trafficking) to survive and to earn his freedom from Madame Callaghan and C.Y.P.R.U.S.
Maddilyn Darling (The UnTitledverse) - An outlaw apart of the Van Der Linde Gang, Maddilyn follows Dutch closely. However this does change later in 1899.
Ernesto Stallone (The Silver Chronicles) - An Enforcer Courser Guard (pretty much a senior Enforcer who has Adam's permission to leave the Archipiélagos and scout out other lands... or hunt down escapees and deserters) of the Congregation of Adam's Guard, Ernesto is not beholden to the darker aspects of Adam's laws but does believe Adam's word that the world outside the Archipiélagos are nothing but sinful. Probably the most amoral Enforcer but the least immoral one.
Jeremiah (The UnTitledverse) - A Time Agent who honestly doesn't give a fuck about the law, and just most fucks around and finds out. Jeremiah is apart of Khronos' corruption though.
Father Adam Omar (The Silver Chronicles) - Adam is delusional and fucking horrible. He is the worst part of this hedonist.
Jester (The UnTitledverse) - This guy is a scamming dealmaker who will screw over whoever is not the winning side.
Grimes the Cruel (The Silver Chronicles) - Leader of the Deserters of the Holy Triad, Grimes is nothing more than a bloodthirsty and warmongering killer who follows a twisted version of what was an honorable code.
Zachariah the Orchestrator (The UnTitledverse) - The second-borne Eldritch and the Hand at Fate's Table, Zachariah has a disdainful view on humanity and wishes to control and punish them for their existence.
Edward Carmine (The UnTitledverse) - A petty industrialist and robotics expert, he craves power over everyone and believes himself to be the superior human. Edward also cannot let go of a grudge, going to insane lengths to settle the score (even if it puts his own life in danger).
Arcane Urias (A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore) - Urias is a Displacement and the founder of the Occult, he has no desire to understand morality and only pursues his own goals to satisfy his power hunger.
Crawford Klaus (The UnTitledverse & The Silver Chronicles) - Klaus is the CEO of a pharmaceutical company that has drugged an entire town in England and sells multiple overpriced medication and drugs to less than moral people. He also fucks over anyone he doesn't like... such as the ICA.
The Paragon of Extinction (Original Works) - A first-generation Old Kin, who was around during the Extermination Purge Wars. It is the ultimate act of evil and is constantly reborn and reincarnated in many worlds and once it manifests consciousness in the reincarnated body, it gains its power back and proceeds to do everything in its power to cause total extinction in the world. Killing it does nothing... it will simply reincarnate in another world and do it again because that is what its purpose is.
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the-silver-chronicles · 1 year ago
I really need to talk about my other OCs and their stories besides Silva.
Read my ravings below if you’re brave enough.
Like Nadi Sinclair and Alexander Khaos, one is a veteran OC from the Call Of Duty franchise while the other was an OC apart of an adapted version of the We Happy Few game, and both end up as members of Eden’s Gate (with Nadi John’s right hand while Alexander is Jacob’s). Minor inclusion is Crawford Klaus who is the main antagonist of Alexander’s story (and is set to appear in another work from the second saga of The UnTitledverse)
There’s also Gavin Turquoise who is a lawyer in the events of Far Cry The Silver Chronicles but is an OC belonging to the Welcome To The Game franchise. And he’s seen some shit, along with another OC, Schrödinger, who originally came from my The UnTitledverse universe, and is planned to appear in the third saga.
Isiah Popov (heist master) and Gemini Teal (spymaster who’s also the nibling of Paul’s fiancé) are a comedic pair I have been busting my ass to give an origin story for, and found myself fitting them into the Six Of Crows duology from the Grishaverse.
Can’t forget the few minority of good Enforcers, mainly Tyrone Gravel.
There’s also still so much to talk about Silva and her family + friends, like her half-sister Elsa, her first love Irene, her daughters (biological and adopted) Persephone, Azriel and Mercy, her doctor (and Irene’s father) Kamski Neon, his “wife”/closest friend Zari, Elsa’s love interest and one of Silva’s best friends Ezekiel, his mentor Al (formerly Alvarich), members of the Tumultite community, and Paul’s fiancé Obadiah Teal (plus Obadiah’s currently unnamed sister who is the mother of Gemini).
There’s also the antagonists apart of the Congregation of Adam’s Guard and the Apostles of Zachariah. Father Adam Omar (embodiment of hypocrisy) is a major player in Silva and Elsa’s life and a direct influence in her traumas, there’s also his Enforcers such as Captain Oscar Lapis (pretty much the sociopathic leader), Rodriguez (man should not be near children), Enrique (plays sadistic mind games while gathering information), some others I have yet to name and Ernest Stallone (probably the noblest antagonist out of the Enforcers and plays a major role in the smaller AUs). Denise Lapis (maiden name, Redwood) is a minor character who goes on to appear and play major roles in Life, Despair & Monsters and The UnTitledverse (she has her own little arc). There’s also Paul Yellowjack and his tragic fallen hero status that I think about often. Now the rest of the heralds of the Apostles of Zachariah (e.g. Nashira Sargas, Adaro, Fýredel, John Gaius and Zhan Tiri) are not OCs, but adaptations of existing characters from existing mediums who appear as themselves in The UnTitledverse but as humans here (this was before Zachariah granted them superpowered reincarnation, an origin really).
There’s also other characters who appear in AUs of the main story, such as the Holy Triad lead by a character known as “the Crown” and where Judge!Silva originates, the Deserters (may update name) who split from the Holy Triad and are now disgraced from the Far Cry The Judge’s Duty AU. The Prophet Hunters (Manticore, Medusa, Behemoth, Harpy and Leviathan plus Harbinger!Silva) who serve the Apostles and act as primary antagonists against Elsa, Ezekiel and Al, who have taken the protagonist mantle in Far Cry The Harbinger’s Salvation AU. Azriel has character focus in several works (excluding the Wings And Horns) such as Far Cry El Industrial’s Reign, Far Cry Death’s Call and Far Cry Jannah’s Promise (alongside Industrial!Silva and Scavenger!Silva who appear in the first and last respectively). There’s also Phillip (a new God who governed the Far Cry universe alongside the Voice) and the Curse (originally the Snake that helped Eve burn down the Garden of Eden and then had a really messy breakup with her which lead to it being cursed) who mentor and help Reverend!Silva come to power in Far Cry The Reverend’s Rule.
It would be wrong of me not to mention the Tarot Card Holder and Priestess Lillith (not to be confused with Biblical Lilith). One has goals that has ambiguous intentions, while the other has benevolent intentions (towards Silva, being her egg donor and feeling bad that a piece of her fell to Adam Omar of all people) though is still pretty ambiguous in her methods. Mostly these two mess with the Seeds and make fun of the Voice. Another thing, Lillith is the human reincarnation of the Snake/Curse, and lives in a Coven of witches (which she leads) who worship her pre-reincarnation self.
I still am developing my other Far Cry stories, just busy with this FC5 + New Dawn part at the moment. I’ll update when I get a solid idea for those ones.
There’s probably so much more, but I’m planning make some more posts about all of this some time in the next month or two.
My brain power has run dry, that’s all folks.
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simplegenius042 · 1 year ago
Got kind of emotional today… thinking about Silva and Paul today (the OCs for my Far Cry 5 series called Far Cry The Silver Chronicles) and wow… that was a lot of random sad energy.
Their whole father-daughter relationship was built on actual love and care, something both had needed (Paul being alone after his fiancé was executed by Adam’s Guard and Silva barely able to survive living under the roof of the despicable Prophet himself) and a bond that just clicked with them. They both shared interests and hobbies and quirks. They both understood each other, and in a way, both were one in the same.
And even in the present, after Silva lost pretty much everything (home, family, her sister’s legacy) and Paul destroyed what little chance he had left to fix and reconnect their relationship (with the death of Silva’s first daughter), she still retains some of his mannerisms and teachings. Despite how badly she wants to reject everything about Paul (because of what he did), she can’t, as even when he broke bad in the end, he had been the first father figure who loved her as a father should, not the false and disturbed “love” (or rather, bigoted hatred) that Adam had towards her. And to make matters more confusing for her, Silva still holds fond memories of Paul.
Or in another way to say this, Silva can hate Adam because she knows he never loved her. But she can’t completely hate Paul, because before and even at his worst, he loved her. But tragedy tore them apart, and both went down different paths in handling it.
I want to expand more on them in a different post, as well as her relationship with Adam and how horrible he is, and maybe make another post in regards to Silva with the Seeds.
Anyway, I’m working on some WIPs and feeling much better in working on the September prompts. I don’t think they’ll be done in September though LOL.
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the-silver-chronicles · 2 years ago
How would the Seeds react to the various Silvas?
Now, I try to have the Seeds stay in character whenever I have them interact with my characters and their personalities (especially Silva), but I also feel like I'm bending a lot of rules when I have the Seeds and other characters actually like some of the characters. That little Devil's voice I suppose.
This will likely go off topic a lot because I tend to ramble but I will try to stay consistent to the whole reason I made this post, just gotta get through the exposition. I'll make a second post to give my interpretations of the Seed's reactions to these various Silva's.
Anyway, I have around 5 canon (with 3 other non-canon) Silva's. Most are 26-years-old, which is the automatic age for most of them unless specified otherwise.
Deputy!Silva, the main protagonist of the Far Cry The Silver Chronicles AU, takes the role of Junior Deputy Rook from canon Far Cry 5, reluctantly becoming the face of the Resistance, and doing her absolute best in minimising as much damage and death as possible. All she wants to do is the right thing. Believer in Jannah's Tumultite Principles, though holds religious trauma (direct result of Adam Omar and the Congregation of Omar's Guard. Pastor Jerome and Jannah's principles are helping her heal from that), guilt-complex (born from survivors' guilt, outliving loved ones and Adam's constant verbal abuse how everything is her fault, which the Seeds do not help with when Silva encounters them) and saviour complex (Silva has been unable to save most of her loved ones, including her lover and their daughter, Irene and Persephone Neon, which is Omar's Guard and Paul's fault respectively, but Silva doesn't really see it that way, so she feels obligated, thanks to her guilt-complex and survivors guilt, to help as many people as possible).
Judge!Silva, the main protagonist of the Far Cry The Judge's Duty AU, a version of Silva that is the Judge way earlier than canon, wears the mask to protect her half-scarred face, and to hide her face in shame (having not been able to save her daughter, despite how hard she tried against Paul and the Apostles). Her Third-Eye spiritual affinity is higher than it is in most of the AUs, allowing her to view the world differently (seeing and hearing spirits, using the Third Eye to enhance her skills, realising the Bliss is a sentient hivemind that is hiding its intelligence from Joseph and Faith, intercepting visions between the Voice and Joseph by accident, etc), mostly silent (with the occasional sigh, huff, or other noise), though when she does speak, it's soft, calm and almost monotone (thanks to damaged vocal cords). Judge!Silva believes actions speak louder than words anyway. Believes Joseph that something is coming, but it won't be the Collapse at first (Adam and the Congregation of Omar's Guard are arriving to Hope County on an airship and ground vehicles to invade and prepare for the Collapse there, with Paul and the remaining Apostles of Zachariah coming to destroy everything because they absolutely hate the prophecy. Also, an appearance from Sir Enigma Malvolio who's just an ass).
Harbinger!Silva, a reluctant antagonist of the Far Cry The Harbinger's Salvation AU, with her little sister Elsa Omar acting as the main anti-hero protagonist. Unfortunately, Harbinger!Silva was captured by Paul and heavily indoctrinated into the Apostles of Zachariah, becoming their personal armoured enforcing juggernaut, the Harbinger. Enslaved to a code and brainwashing material, Silva is essentially conditioned to kill everything that isn't Paul Yellowjack or the Apostles of Zachariah. Paul cares for her but knows releasing her from the code will lead her to leaving him, and he can't have her abandoning him. Once Silva is eventually out of the programming (and the armour), she is very traumatised from that experience, and Elsa will do anything to save her older sister and heal her wounds. Unfortunately, in this AU, the Apostles of Zachariah are all alive and at their fullest strength. The Congregation of Omar's Guard thankfully is disbanded, as Elsa killed Adam Omar. Though Oscar Lapis and a few former Enforcers did join the Apostles.
Industrial!Silva, technically the main anti-hero with morally grey tendencies, pretty much a foil and the antithesis to Joseph Seed. This Silva is the leader of the Nation of Tumult Movement, who have settled in Hope County to buy enough land to build their Tumult, living honestly within Fall's End community to gain their favour, and unintentionally strike a rivalry with Eden's Gate when both start competing for land, while also holding differing ideals. This Silva, while holding some heroic qualities and caring towards her people (and allies to an extent), her methods are often less than stellar, like Joseph's, though the difference between both their dubious moments in their moralities comes from Silva's loyalty to her people while Joseph (although he does love his family) is ultimately loyal to his faith and the Voice. This Silva is also 37 years old rather than 26-years-old and is the adoptive mother of 20-year-old Azriel, who is the biological daughter of Joseph who he failed to sacrifice. Persephone is alive and Paul is surprisingly morally okay in this AU. Silva gained a deformity and scar from her left eye from when Adam attempted to drown her in a toxic river. Adam Omar and the Congregation of Omar's Guard is also around and at war with the Tumultites. Silva also has her own people (Alexander Khaos, Nadi Sinclair, Azriel, Ezekiel, etc) helping her with the regions, and holding back a lot of their strength since by comparison, majority of Eden's Gate members are really just misguided while majority of Omar's Guard do horrible things with malicious intention.
Reverend!Silva, technically the main anti-villain, this Silva starts off as Junior Deputy Sylvester Yellowjack in the Hope County arc, a bright and idealistic deputy who goes through hell with the Seeds. Doesn't help when she's infected and bonded by/with the Curse (a sentient bacterium sludge that is kind of like a symbiotic parasite, also the descendant of the Snake that helped Eve burned down the Garden of Eden, or the Paradise of Lies as it calls the place). Instead of the Voice coaching Joseph on how to ruin his life, it is a different voice of God, known as Phillip (by a child Sylvester, who acted as the little girl's imaginary best friend, and who didn't feed his imposter syndrome), who is trying to contain the mess he's made with Joseph and Eden's Gate with the Collapse on its way, still appalled by the actions Joseph commits in his name, so when the opportunity of Sylvester and the Curse come along, Phillip works with them to place Sylvester as a Prophet and replace Joseph, with the new plan being abandoning Joseph's idea of regressing back to a "New Eden" and "rejecting modern ideals" as that would be a spit in the face in Eve and the Snake's (which the Curse is a direct reincarnation of) efforts in leaving that horrid place to ash, so instead they go with Sylvester's idea of bringing about a new age of progression in societal evolution, leading to the recreation of magic (or at least, artificial magic). Omar's Guard makes an appearance to ruin everything, but Paul (who hasn't gone mad and evil and who is more morally right) and the other Tumultites come to help with that, with the Apostles acting as Sylvester's adoptive siblings rather than the enemies worshipping a cruel and callous Eldritch in the other AUs. Sylvester's reputation is eventually ruined but builds herself back up again as "Reverend Silva", who becomes the new prophet and empress of Hope County once the New Dawn arc kicks in, with Phillip having a physical form as her staff but he's not complaining. The only AU where all of Silva's children actually interact with each other. Irene, Al and Elsa are still dead though. Reverend!Silva and Faith become mothers/mother figures to Persephone (Silva and Irene's daughter, 8-years-old during the Hope County arc, ages from 8 to 17 in the interlude, and is 28 in the New Dawn arc), Azriel (adopted child of Silva and Faith, is 9 years old during the Hope County arc, ages from 9 to 18 in the interlude, and is 29 in the New Dawn arc), Mercy (bio daughter to Silva and Faith, born in 2021 during the interlude and ages to 4, and is 15 during the New Dawn arc), Carmina Rye (clone of deceased Nick and Kim's also deceased infant daughter, also Silva's goddaughter, created in 2021 during the interlude and ages to 4, and is 15 in the New Dawn arc), Ethan Seed (Joseph and Meghan's bio son, adopted as a child by Silva and Faith in 2025 and aged to early teens during the interlude, early to mid-twenties in the New Dawn arc), Mickey and Lou (twin daughters of the leader of the Highwaymen, Vince, now adopted daughters of Silva and Faith after Silva decimated the danger the Highwaymen posed, children in the interlude entering early teens, and are entering either early or late twenties in the New Dawn arc). Phillip becomes a bit more ambitious as time goes on.
There is also the unofficial and likely non-canon Apostle!Silva, Scavenger!Silva and Inquisitor!Silva. The first is a loyal and feared member of the Apostles of Zachariah who helped Paul found the cult, the second is a 35-year-old contract worker taking odd jobs and eventually gets stuck with 11-year-old Azriel while stuck in a Holy War in Hope County and the last is a Silva who lost Persephone to Omar's Guard but was recruited by Paul and the Apostles to act as their top agent of sorts, especially in Hope County. Inquistor!Silva is truly the most unnerving and the darkest grey in morality than any of the others.
None of the Silva’s are forces to be reckoned with, and everyone against her learns this the hard way. One key trait between all the Silva’s is that they are all defiant and resistant against the oppressive forces they face one way or another. And they are loyal to a person or group of people. Will not voluntarily be apart of any prophecy that involves the Collapse. Nor will she join any group that worships such a thing.
With exposition out of the way, we can now get to the Seeds' reactions once a part two post is made.
If you want to give your own interpretations of the Seeds reactions with this information in mind, while I'm finishing up mine, that is also okay.
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