#oc: denise redwood
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WIP Wednesday, My OC's As A Color Quiz & Meet My Character
Tagged by @spookyrares
Tagging @derelictheretic @inafieldofdaisies @socially-awkward-skeleton @imogenkol @noodlecupcakes @direwombat @voidika @cassietrn @adelaidedrubman @aceghosts @josephseedismyfather @icecutioner @shallow-gravy @strangefable @statichvm @cloudofbutterflies92 @carlosoliveiraa @wrathfulrook @starsandskies @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @minilev @thewanderer-000 @omen-speaker @justasmolbard @alypink @shellibisshe @josephslittledeputy @skoll-sun-eater @g0dspeeed @afarcryfrommymain @strafethesesinners @turbo-virgins @softtidesworld @florbelles and @yokobai
WIPs for Life, Despair & Monsters and The Silver Chronicles, this Quiz for the Wings And Horns main cast, and lastly Meet My OC template for two OCs from A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore. As you can probably guess, this post does have NSFW content in it. You can read the WIPs, quiz results and find the template below the cut:
First WIP is for my The Invitation WIP (AU?) called An Invite To Wine And Dine. This is either a flashback or a prologue, where Evie Jackson officially meets one peculiar Sir Enigma Malvolio. Or what I'd like to call; five minutes of semi-normalcy before the Horrors(TM) struck. Only warning here is my unfunny running gag, take a gander of what it is:
With her shift over, Evie gave a swift goodbye to Grace and made her way out of the building. She's certain Grace knew something was up, but thankfully gave her some space.
Evie appreciated it.
Out the door and in the afternoon sun, the waitress tried to keep composure over the rising grief that choked at her throat. Her breathing stuttered as she wiped at her eyes in a futile attempt to stop the tears from dropping down.
Crying outside her workplace wasn't what she wanted to do today, but her sorrow seemed to disagree. Sniffling, she turned to make haste back to her apartment, only to be stopped by a voice she'd recently gotten acquainted with.
"Jolly Ho, Ms Jackson!" Mr. Malvolio greeted from behind her. Evie turned around as soon as she had been addressed by the man.
He was leaning his shoulder against a pillar, his rounded handle cane acting as extra support. Or maybe it was for show, she couldn't be sure.
Facing him, she could see he was wearing the same dark blue tuxedo suit he had been wearing the night prior. Now in the sunlight and not in the dim-lighted event, she could could see that his hair was indeed dark, as well as his eyes. And now that they face-to-face, she was surprised by the confirmation that, yes; Mr. Malvolio was, in fact, a head or so shorter than Evie herself.
He grinned with a friendly and overly excited demeanor, though slightly better than a lecherous gaze, it was still oddly off-putting to Evie. She took note that he was older than her; late 30s at the least, maybe forties though.
Even so, she acknowledged his presence with a surprised, "Mr. Malvolio?"
"Please, Ms Jackson, call me Sir- oh," Malvolio paused, grin gone and lips thinned as his eyes narrowed, inspecting her face, "Uh, um, not to alarm you dear, but, hmm, your face seems a little... wet?"
Despite his clumsy observation, Evie swiftly wiped at her face, and not wanting to share her troubles with a stranger, quickly said, "Oh, uh, that's nothing."
Mr. Malvolio pursed his lips, scrutinizing her features, "Are you certain Ms Jackson?"
"Yeah," Evie lied, smacking her lips together, "I just had some tap water spray at me. Didn't have time to dry it off when my shift ended."
To her surprise, Mr. Malvolio didn't question her shitty story, and instead seemed to believe her, "Is that why you're in such a rush? I must warn you dear, with that much haste, you might trip over your legs, and the pavement's quite concrete," Mr. Malvolio gave a small chortle as he added, "Scrapes and bruises wouldn't do so well on your fine skin."
Evie, in spite of being confused on whether that was a sort of jab or some weird form of compliment from the man, gave a half-hearted laugh back, ignoring his words in favor of the burning question, "Uh, Mr. Malvolio, sorry to pry but hadn't you said you'd be making your way back home?"
"Eh, we missed the plane," Mr. Malvolio answered, chuckling humorlessly, "Honestly, American airports are the worst. So Denise and I will be extending our stay for a little while longer in good old New York."
Mr. Malvolio gestured far back behind him, and Evie spotted his bodyguard, adorning a black and red suit contrasting her employer's, watching them from under the shade of a cafe umbrella, the dark-tinted sunglasses still covering her eyes.
That makes some sense, Evie thought, but wondered, But why are you here?
As if reading her mind, Mr. Malvolio added, "And I wanted to personally thank you for such a delightful evening. As well as saving Denise from her nut allergy. She may not look like it... nor will she ever admit it... but deep down she is grateful, as am I."
Evie took another glance at Denise, and even from their far distance, she could tell the only expression she could read on Denise's face was one of apathy.
Regardless though, she smiled in thanks of Mr. Malvolio's gratitude, which seemed so sincere. Maybe he was merely giving platitudes to pat himself on the back, or uphold a reputation. But she cherished what she could.
"That's rather kind of you Mr. Malvolio," Evie stuttered out, feeling like a damn that was cracking, ready to burst. Grace was right, she realised, Maybe my self-esteem's needed a boost from kindness for some time now.
"Please Ms Jackson, it's Sir En-," he pauses, face scrunched and unreadable, as he quizzically asks, "Uh, Ms Jackson, are you certain a tap is the cause of those tears?"
Evie wiped again once more at her face, though she stopped when Mr. Malvolio offered a handkerchief.
She accepted it, bringing the clean cloth to dry her face of the tears. Mr. Malvolio observed her with curiosity, and she absentmindedly wondered if he had never seen a person cry before.
With a small thanks she handed the handkerchief back, which he surprisingly accepted back into his breast pocket. He gave what she assumed to be a comforting smile. She opened her mouth to say something- perhaps an apology, maybe a hasty goodbye- but could not bring the words out when he asked with surprising gentleness, "What terrible loss has afflicted you to bring forth such sadness, my dear?"
Evie hesitated, a moment long enough for her to consider whether telling this man; practically a stranger, about the woes that drown her. One glance to his mature face marked her answer though.
With a shaky breath, Evie revealed to who would be the second person this month of her troubles.
"My mother recently passed away," she told Mr. Malvolio, whose very expression shifted from gentle to unreadable once more.
Here's more of my FC5 Bloodborne AU WIP, where werewolves are involved in Hope County and not in the usual fun way, no these things legitimately massacre people and are beyond complex thought comprehension. Paul and Silva established the Hunters who go on annual nightly hunts to downsize the werewolf population with Eden's Gate help... which has lasted for almost ten years now so you can guess how well that's doing. Also, Faith is a Vicar because Paul's previous one, Obadiah Teal, turned into a big scary werewolf (that breathed fire) [Originally this vicar was named Laurence as reference to Bloodborne but ultimately found a character of my own from Paul's lore to play the part. Obadiah was Paul's lover back on the Archipelagos in The Silver Chronicles but here he's a lost lenore (and future boss fight) in this AU. Apologies for any confusion]. Witness Vicar Faith as she prepares herself for an evening Paul vaguely bothered to warn her about while doing some introspection, and how she yearns for Silva's words of assurances... and, uh, ahem, touch. CW: Minor reference to past suicidal idealization (because Faith), minor mentions of past drug-use (because Faith), maybe two descriptions implying lack of self-care, sexual themes, and, eh, explicit horniness? But it's like a sad longing for intimacy??? I tried my best at keeping it consistent. Anyway, read below:
Green mirrored green, a pair of eyes gazing into the same reflected pair of eyes. Lifeless. Dull. Like her Angels had once been before the Bliss became what it is today.
Faith scrutinized the petite figure before her; in nothing but her undergarments, light brown hair flowing freely over her shoulder, the jewelry and veil she would adorn on herself laid unattended on the vanity, holding close the white shawls and garb that made up her image, which seemed so ragged now. Of age and constant use? Perhaps. Perhaps not.
Though, thankfully, her clothes condition were not as dire as the hand-me-down dress Joseph once gifted her, for what little time she owned it.
She wondered what had happened to it. She must have given it back to her brothers at some point, when it became clear she'd have no use to it. Had Joseph kept it, stored it away for safe keeping until the day he believed she'd return from this role? Was it collecting dust in some closet, discarded and forgotten, out of sight and out of mind? Like them? Or how she was now?
Had it been given to someone else? erupted a vile thought, Someone newer, younger and prettier?
When had been the last time her brothers had even visited her.
"When had been the last time he visited you, nuora?" Paul had softly, wearily asked her out of the blue once, as they stood side by side watching her brothers leave from the monastery's window after their last meeting.
Meetings of which were becoming thinner and thinner between duration. Enough time to greet, discuss progress of plans, then leave for weeks and months on end. Never enough to simply sit down and catch up on lost time.
Faith had given Paul a response full of puzzlement, one only meant to acknowledge the surface level of his question. One meant to evade a true answer. She couldn't remember what exactly it was though. Something along the lines of "what do you mean?" or "but we just did, silly?" or whatever mask she had to hide behind.
But she had found it to be all for naught, for it was naive of her to believe that Paul, of all the people she's met, would fall for such cheap tricks. And yet, he cared enough to rephrase his question, "When was the last time he visited just for you?"
Faith hadn't given an answer then. She couldn't find one now.
She huffed, and began to dress, slipping on the garb and shawls that made up Vicar outfit. Clothing of which felt so familiar to her body, as it had been amongst the most common clothes she's worn for nearly seven years now. The sleeves hugged her arms just as the garb fit her frame.
She decided to tighten the Vicar's loose attire last, focused on the jewelry and veil next. She pinned the jewels and gems along the hem of her shawls, the brooches strewn above her chest, and finally the pendant necklace, the most important piece of a Vicar, around her neck. Something that she would usually do instead of Faith.
From close behind her, long and strong arms would snake around to the front of her, to bring the cold touch of the pendant against the warmth of her exposed collarbone's skin.
It was not only the pendent that her Hunter would assist her in, but the laces behind the Vicar's back. Though, Faith mused, my adoring Silva would often struggle to keep on task in favor of more... pleasurable distractions.
Faith's lips curved up into a small smile, the Vicar gazing into the mirror of her not-yet-tightened and loose clothing. She felt an ache within her, and closed her eyes. Not to neglect her duties, but to... indulge, especially before tonight comes.
"You're a Vicar now, after all," Silva had once told her in their very room, sultry voice dripping with barely restrained desire, months after her inauguration and setting up this routine with this... new teasing and exciting tension between them. The ghost of her breath trailed along Faith's exposed neck, like little kisses, causing goosebumps to ripple along the skin. Silva's lips were close enough that it wouldn't take much distance for her to press down on her flesh.
She remembered how bated her breath was, the blood running across her cheeks. Silva must have noticed the red, as she seemed more enamored from the mirror's reflection. Hands on Faith's shoulders, Silva's lips whispered into the shell of her ear, "Here, as our Vicar, you can do as you please. And the Old Hunters will obey. Obadiah forgot that. So have the recruits. But a first hunter, like myself, has not, and will not. We are not meant to restrain our own nature. As long we do not shirk our duties in favor of overindulgence..."
Faith shivered in pleasure as Silva's lips grazed her skin, kissing along her jaw and cheek. Faith sighed, pleased by the contact. She turned her head to face Silva. Her hair was dark and skin were darker than hers, and so were her clothes. Vibrant green orbs gazed into the shining silver of the Chief Hunter's protege. Silva was Enlightened, just like her father.
"...Then we will be able to share our passions without incident," Silva stated, staring into Faith's eyes, slowly closing in
In those eyes were a beckoning; a need for something human to anchor her to this Earthly plane. A Hunter who wanted a Vicar. She, the necessary violence that bordered on the line between primal darkness and humanity whose insight of the world's darkest shades far exceeded Joseph's own... and her, the Monastery's only guiding light that gave promises of hope for seeing the next dawn, knowing yet clueless all the same, in contrast to Silva's sight.
They couldn't be so different from each other. So much contrast that the idea of any sort of union should baffle Faith.
And yet...
Faith gave one glance to Silva's tempting lips, and accepted the invite, crashing her own against the Hunter's. The latter recovered quickly, and pushed all her passion, all her want, all her needs into this one connection. Faith had hummed delightfully, and gasped when Silva's teeth bit down on her bottom lip teasingly.
Shamefully, or maybe shamelessly, she had moaned, which only encouraged Silva's endeavor. Faith, struck with the need to touch, caressed Silva's face, pressing her palm to hold Silva's face.
Faith was almost surprised by how quickly- how greedily Silva leaned into the contact. She smiled into the Hunter's lips though, amused and pleased; the strongest, most dangerous and powerful woman alive, was nothing but mush in the palm of Faith's hand.
Jacob would call this weakness. John would call this lust.
Faith believed this to be worth worshiping.
She broke away from the kiss, hand still on Silva's face. The eye contact they shared spoke in clear volumes of what they both wanted. She could imagine that this wasn't what Joseph had in mind when he sent her over here. Likelihood was, he wouldn't want her to discard the principles he passed down to her even if it meant a rival's destruction.
Faith knew she could stop this. That she could cut this connection from the bud before she defiled Joseph's Word any further.
She knew this, and still curled her hand behind Silva's head, rolling her shoulders so her loosened garb could shrug down to expose more skin. Faith tilted her head so Silva's lips could reach her naked neck, inviting her hunter to ravage at the skin, with promises of more.
With her hand around Silva's head, she guided the other woman to where she needed her attention to be.
Faith traced a hand over her neck, collarbone and covered shoulder. She envisioned the sensual kisses, wet lips pecking at her skin and the loving bites that brought her euphoria.
She trailed that hand down her chest, using her spare to grip her hip, re-enacting from memory how Silva's hands caressed her body, feeling up every curve, every spot, everywhere she could touch.
She hummed, shallow breaths escaped her lips, ecstasy coiled as one hand palmed at her breast, while the other reached lower and lower.
Silva's fingers brushed at her Vicar's clothed sex, and with little self-control to hold her back, the Hunter began to massage Faith's clit. Her lips and teeth continued to cover Faith's skin with a Hunter's affection. Soft murmurs of praise under a native tongue faintly spoken each time Silva tasted the Vicar's flesh, leaving faint bruises, but withholding the strength to break it.
Faith had extended her arms to steady herself against the mirror as Silva had her chase after a high that she was sure no drug could compare to. Her skin felt ablaze with euphoria, a sensation Silva had once admitted rivaled a Hunter's bloodlust during nightly hunts.
Those words had elicited a smug pride that she's sure she'd be shamed for if she expressed it within the Project's Compound.
Grinding against Silva, she could feel the other woman's own excitement digging behind her, and though her actions motivated the Hunter to please her Vicar, it was apparent she was focused on bringing out Faith's pleasure first.
Her legs shook as Silva further stimulated the sensations of her body, Faith's rapid breaths replaced by loud moans of building ecstasy, as Silva's hands massaged her breast and rubbed at her clit and cover her flesh in hickeys.
Faith could feel herself getting closer, strands of hair stuck to her forehead, the pleasure Silva's helped her build up accumulating, with a bated breath, a final release-
"Vicar Faith?" a rough voice belonging to a hunter called out from behind the door with a knock, snapping the woman in question out of her feverish state. The Hunter's voice, who Faith realized belonged to Nadi, continued, "You've been getting ready for a while now. Are you alright?"
Faith, though suffering from irritation, disappointment and a lack of satisfying conclusion to her personal indulgences, managed to reply while only sounding a little breathless, "Yes, I'm fine Hunter Nadi. Just struggles with back laces."
Nadi didn't sound unconvinced from Faith's response as the Hunter stated, "Very well ma'am. I'd just like to inform you that the attendants are being gathered up for this evening's service. And, uh, the Chief Hunter wanted me to add that one of... Eden's Gate' vehicles had arrived?"
Faith felt her blood run cold, and after a momentary silence, Nadi asked, "Vicar Faith, out of curiosity... where will you be going?"
Faith swallowed, letting out a calming exhale as she assuredly said, "Nowhere but here Hunter Nadi. I may have to make an errand to the Convent though, but I'll be escorted by your fellow hunters. Inform the Project members that I will not be leaving the Monastery for tonight."
Hunter Nadi accepted the answer with a small "of course ma'am" and Faith heard the woman's footsteps became fainter and fainter.
Faith huffed out in relief, looking herself in the mirror. She was a little red, and a bit hot and bothered. While the interruption was certainly personally undesirable, she was glad Nadi informed her of their now leaving guests.
Pulling the loose laces behind her to tighten the Vicar's garb, she reached for the final piece; the veil, adorned with a crown of flowers and three red gems. She always wondered what significance this Vicar garb held. It wasn't too dissimilar from a bride's dress, but far more intricate and detailed (and time consuming to put on) than the dress Joseph gifted her.
Paul said that it was designed to make her look ethereal to their converts, trustworthy and responsible, someone to seek guidance and find hope in.
Meanwhile Silva's only interest in the Vicar's garb was to get Faith out of it.
Not that I minded it, she thought coyly.
Many nights she spent in the other women's chambers, or they stayed in her own, pursuing a fiery passion after an uneventful service, or mending the Hunter's wounds after a long hunt. Then there were the quiet moments, where the only intimacy either shared was an embrace.
Neither could keep their hands off one another; touch was as important as their words, letting one know the other was still present.
Which was far from what Joseph had wanted her to do. Her role was to hold influence over the Monastery, to lower their guard and slowly introduce the Word. Keep the sinners from temptation until the beasts were eradicated and the Reaping came, and she'd reunite with her brothers at the Compound, and the false shepherds were both dead.
Though once her escorts return to Joseph without her, Faith was certain he'd figure out that she was one who fell for temptation. Especially if he finds out she confessed to Paul about the plan, and aided him in setting up Joseph's arrest.
Not for Paul though. Nor for the hunters and the converts.
Joseph had given her so much; a new name, a purpose, a family, a second chance at living. Once she was a girl who could only find escape through the needle, tip-toeing between the line of life and death. And he transformed her into someone else; someone worth more. Breathing a into her a new life that she didn't think was possible within her. Nurturing her with his word, with guidance.
She let go of Tracey for him, even though she wished her best friend had stayed. She had left Rachel behind for him. She gave him the Bliss and Angels. She gave him her entire being, to mold and shape in his image.
Sure, the family he took her into wasn't perfect; despite their similarities, John resented her for the attention and praise Joseph sung of her, and she wasn't naive to think Jacob cared for her. He's sat through two sisters; really, how important would a third be?
But that hadn't mattered to her at the time; to Faith, Joseph's was all that mattered.
And that was true, for a time. Just like it had been true for Tracey. And she would always be grateful for him, just as she had been for her former friend.
But she couldn't let Silva die. Not after three painful years trying to wake her up.
Here is the OCs become color quiz results for the main four characters of Wings And Horns; Archangel Metatron, Cadet Azriel, Xiang Ba'al and Jezebel Ba'al. Read below:
By the finale, this is most definitely true for Metatron.
This quiz must know Azriel's future because damn!
Not really Xiang's style. He's a good dad but he's also an extremist in many ways.
Jezebel's been through some tough shit, I don't think pinning all the blame on her is really fair.
[Meet My Character for A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore. Specifically Courier Ryder and Alph Dolen]
And lastly Meet My Character sheets for my Courier Ryder and Alph Dolen from my A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore series.

Her “Pronouns” are supposed to be:
Her "Defining Features" state: Reddish-brown hair, brown eyes, has scars from past fights on her face, one noticeably at the edge of her left brow, wears riot gear with a courier's drip but not the helmet.

His "Defining Features" state:
Ginger, hazel eyes, predominantly wears wasteland survivor gear with Tunnel Snakes Jacket, after being ghoulified his skin starts greying and becomes sunken, starts losing hair.
Blank Template for those who want to use it:

#wip wednesday#oc quiz#oc template#series: the silver chronicles#far cry 5#bloodborne#fc5 au#bloodborne au#faith seed#oc: silva omar#otp: boa lurking in the bliss#oc: paul yellowjack#oc: nadi sinclair#cw: suggestive#series: life despair & monsters#wip: an invite to wine and dine#the invitation#evie jackson#oc: sir enigma malvolio#oc: denise redwood#wip: wings and horns#oc: archangel metatron#oc: cadet azriel#oc: xiang ba'al#oc: jezebel ba'al#series: a radioactive calamity of love bombs & gore#courier six#oc: ryder#the lone wanderer#oc: alph dolen
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I really need to talk about my other OCs and their stories besides Silva.
Read my ravings below if you’re brave enough.
Like Nadi Sinclair and Alexander Khaos, one is a veteran OC from the Call Of Duty franchise while the other was an OC apart of an adapted version of the We Happy Few game, and both end up as members of Eden’s Gate (with Nadi John’s right hand while Alexander is Jacob’s). Minor inclusion is Crawford Klaus who is the main antagonist of Alexander’s story (and is set to appear in another work from the second saga of The UnTitledverse)
There’s also Gavin Turquoise who is a lawyer in the events of Far Cry The Silver Chronicles but is an OC belonging to the Welcome To The Game franchise. And he’s seen some shit, along with another OC, Schrödinger, who originally came from my The UnTitledverse universe, and is planned to appear in the third saga.
Isiah Popov (heist master) and Gemini Teal (spymaster who’s also the nibling of Paul’s fiancé) are a comedic pair I have been busting my ass to give an origin story for, and found myself fitting them into the Six Of Crows duology from the Grishaverse.
Can’t forget the few minority of good Enforcers, mainly Tyrone Gravel.
There’s also still so much to talk about Silva and her family + friends, like her half-sister Elsa, her first love Irene, her daughters (biological and adopted) Persephone, Azriel and Mercy, her doctor (and Irene’s father) Kamski Neon, his “wife”/closest friend Zari, Elsa’s love interest and one of Silva’s best friends Ezekiel, his mentor Al (formerly Alvarich), members of the Tumultite community, and Paul’s fiancé Obadiah Teal (plus Obadiah’s currently unnamed sister who is the mother of Gemini).
There’s also the antagonists apart of the Congregation of Adam’s Guard and the Apostles of Zachariah. Father Adam Omar (embodiment of hypocrisy) is a major player in Silva and Elsa’s life and a direct influence in her traumas, there’s also his Enforcers such as Captain Oscar Lapis (pretty much the sociopathic leader), Rodriguez (man should not be near children), Enrique (plays sadistic mind games while gathering information), some others I have yet to name and Ernest Stallone (probably the noblest antagonist out of the Enforcers and plays a major role in the smaller AUs). Denise Lapis (maiden name, Redwood) is a minor character who goes on to appear and play major roles in Life, Despair & Monsters and The UnTitledverse (she has her own little arc). There’s also Paul Yellowjack and his tragic fallen hero status that I think about often. Now the rest of the heralds of the Apostles of Zachariah (e.g. Nashira Sargas, Adaro, Fýredel, John Gaius and Zhan Tiri) are not OCs, but adaptations of existing characters from existing mediums who appear as themselves in The UnTitledverse but as humans here (this was before Zachariah granted them superpowered reincarnation, an origin really).
There’s also other characters who appear in AUs of the main story, such as the Holy Triad lead by a character known as “the Crown” and where Judge!Silva originates, the Deserters (may update name) who split from the Holy Triad and are now disgraced from the Far Cry The Judge’s Duty AU. The Prophet Hunters (Manticore, Medusa, Behemoth, Harpy and Leviathan plus Harbinger!Silva) who serve the Apostles and act as primary antagonists against Elsa, Ezekiel and Al, who have taken the protagonist mantle in Far Cry The Harbinger’s Salvation AU. Azriel has character focus in several works (excluding the Wings And Horns) such as Far Cry El Industrial’s Reign, Far Cry Death’s Call and Far Cry Jannah’s Promise (alongside Industrial!Silva and Scavenger!Silva who appear in the first and last respectively). There’s also Phillip (a new God who governed the Far Cry universe alongside the Voice) and the Curse (originally the Snake that helped Eve burn down the Garden of Eden and then had a really messy breakup with her which lead to it being cursed) who mentor and help Reverend!Silva come to power in Far Cry The Reverend’s Rule.
It would be wrong of me not to mention the Tarot Card Holder and Priestess Lillith (not to be confused with Biblical Lilith). One has goals that has ambiguous intentions, while the other has benevolent intentions (towards Silva, being her egg donor and feeling bad that a piece of her fell to Adam Omar of all people) though is still pretty ambiguous in her methods. Mostly these two mess with the Seeds and make fun of the Voice. Another thing, Lillith is the human reincarnation of the Snake/Curse, and lives in a Coven of witches (which she leads) who worship her pre-reincarnation self.
I still am developing my other Far Cry stories, just busy with this FC5 + New Dawn part at the moment. I’ll update when I get a solid idea for those ones.
There’s probably so much more, but I’m planning make some more posts about all of this some time in the next month or two.
My brain power has run dry, that’s all folks.
#far cry the silver chronicles#far cry 5#far cry#original characters#oc: silva omar#oc: paul yellowjack#oc: elsa omar#oc: azriel#oc: kamski neon#oc: nadi sinclair#oc: alexander khaos#oc: gemini teal#oc: isiah popov#oc: gavin turquoise#oc: father adam omar#oc: oscar lapis#oc: ernesto stallone#oc: denise redwood#oc: phillip#oc: the tarot card holder#oc: priestess lillith#oc: the crown#oc: ezekiel#oc: tyrone gravel#and so much more
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Valentines Meiker
Tagged by @voidika and @faithchel
Tagging @imogenkol @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @aceghosts @inafieldofdaisies @raresvtm @josephseedismyfather @noodlecupcakes @cloudofbutterflies92 @cassietrn @adelaidedrubman @derelictheretic @icecutioner @shallow-gravy @strangefable @statichvm @carlosoliveiraa @g0dspeeed @wrathfulrook @starsandskies @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @thewanderer-000 @omen-speaker @alypink @shellibisshe @josephslittledeputy @skoll-sun-eater @afarcryfrommymain @strafethesesinners @turbo-virgins @minilev @justasmolbard @yokobai and @seedsplease + anyone else who'd like to join.
After another successful Year of the OTP Oneshot published, here's this Valentines Meiker before Valentines Day ends for three couples, one each from my The UnTitledverse, The Silver Chronicles and Life, Despair & Monsters series. You can view and read the little notes I've left under the cut below:
Ah yes, the "beta couple" as TV Tropes would call them, only secondary to Mario and Charlie's (and eventually Elizabeth's) romantic relationship in addition to Joaquin and Maisie's close platonic friendship in The Omniscient Rule saga, Alice and Rick are two gremlin bisexuals pretending to act like the normal ones around everyone else (who are all a bit unhinged). Alice is the eldest daughter of a family that owns a corrupt pharmaceutical company and now she is the trusted ground control of the Omniscient Rule, and Rick is a guy from the countryside, a bit of a jokester whose really into musicals, and a field agent for the Omniscient Rule.
One of, like, four of the core "Beta Couples", Nadi "Quokka" Sinclair was a former Task Force 141 member before the events of Call To Arms had her depart from the group after losing faith in the military, leading her to join Eden's Gate in Montana and eventually climbing the ranks to become John "the Baptist" Seed's bodyguard/number two in running Holland Valley. Nadi fell first, but John's gonna fall harder.
Not a couple, just failgirl bodyguard and conniving inter-dimensional scientist disguised as a human being who should have been sent to HR for multiple violations in the Science Ethics committee... if a HR existed in the Ruins of the Midnight Rise that is. Probably why Malvolio didn't install one; so he could continue to mutilate and experiment on people undisturbed. Also Denise despises Valentines Day because of the love she's not getting and Malvolio's not a human so emotional concepts such as love just doesn't compute with him. The background is meant to be some kind of blood red sky or something meant to convey that they've probably just doomed a reality and are just commemorating the moment.
#oc meiker#valentines day#series: the untitledverse#saga: the omniscient rule#ship: allyson “alice” darling x rick thompson#series: the silver chronicles#far cry 5#ship: the quokka and the baptist#series: life despair & monsters#oc: denise redwood#oc: sir enigma malvolio
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Late Music Monday + 2 Quizzes In 1 + Hozier Song quiz
Tagged by @inafieldofdaisies @onehornedbeast @josephseedismyfather @adelaidedrubman and @voidika
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @strangefable @strafethesesinners @shallow-gravy @direwombat @jillvalentinesday @cassietrn @chazz-anova @minilev @deputy-morgan-malone @wrathfulrook @josephslittledeputy and @g0dspeeed
So I went through my activity history and found I had been tagged by @onehornedbeast for two quizzes which were for OC's heart and OC's path. Not to forget the Hozier song quiz.
The rules for the Music Monday below are: Post a song that is relevant to your WIP or inspires it. Can include lyrics.
Specifically this is for my currently unnamed Far Cry 5 WIP (though the titled might just get named after one of the lyrics of the song) which has some inspiration from Bioshock Infinite. Some context I will give is that it involves Silva and Paul, alternate realities, both Priestess Lillith and the Tarot Card Holder being vague shits, and the Seeds having to deal with a depressed father-daughter duo who know how to use a knife and gun. Also Ernesto "if you can't dropkick Mohammad off the mountain then might as well bring the mountain down on top of Mohammad" Stallone is stirring things up.
"I was scared of dentists and the dark I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations Oh, all my friends are turning green You're the magician's assistant in their dreams
Ah ooh-ooh-ooh, ah ooh-oh-ooh And they come unstuck
Lady, running down to the riptide Taken away to the dark side I wanna be your left hand man I love you when you're singing that song And I got a lump in my throat 'Cause you're gonna sing the words wrong."
Now for OC quiz results!
First the 'What does your OC's heart look like?' quiz for Leslie Who (from The UnTitledverse).
And here's the "What does your path lead to?" quiz for Denise Redwood (who's making appearances in Life, Despair & Monsters, Far Cry The Silver Chronicles, then finally The UnTitledverse).
And finally the 'Which Hozier song is your OC?' for Jezebel Ba'al (from Wings And Horns).
#far cry the silver chronicles#far cry 5#bioshock infinite#oc: silva omar#oc: paul yellowjack#oc: ernesto stallone#the untitledverse#oc: leslie who#life despair & monsters#oc: denise redwood#wings and horns#oc: jezebel ba'al#Youtube
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WIP Music Monday
Rules: Post a song(s) that is relevant to your WIP or inspires it!
Tagged by no one, but was inspired by @nightbloodbix and @adelaidedrubman 's invitation to join in.
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @ishwaris @poisonedtruth @detectivelokis @derelictheretic @direwombat @strangefable @shallow-gravy @gaeadene @henbased and @wrathfulrook + anyone else who is interested.
First Music Monday for me. And in celebration of that I've decided to overindulge and get three songs for my three blog accounts because why not.
One song for a character, one song for a past romance between OCs, and one song for a WIP. Let's start with romance for my FC5 WIP.
For my two FC5 OCs; Sylvester Silva Omar (future junior deputy of Hope County) and her first love, Irene Neon (dreaded daughter of her equally dreaded father, the "Good Doctor" Kamski Neon) from my FC5 WIP Silva's Hope from my @the-silver-chronicles blog.
Here's their romance song for anyone who wants to listen:
Our Love by Curtis Harding ft. Jazmine Sullivan
"There's a girl in town and word's gone around she's just fine So I don't worry my head 'cause I know her heart is tied to mine The life that we live and the love that I give to her Each day it grows more and more, I'm sure it shows.
And after all (after all), the rain will fall on us too But I'll keep moving on (moving on), proud and strong with you.
(Our love) Is a bubbling fountain (Our love) That flows into the sea (Our love) Deeper than any ocean (Our love) For eternity."
Next is a character centric song for my British robotics-obsessed backstabbing lying OC Edward Carmine from my @the-untitledverse-blog who will first appear in my WIP Jurassic World: Before The Storm (you can which fandom that belongs in) and so on as the first major antagonist of The Perfect Storm saga.
Here's a song I attribute to him if anyone wants to listen:
I’m So Sorry by Imagin Dragons
"No lies and no deceiving, man is what he loves I keep tryin' to conceive that Death is from above (No time!) I get mine and make no excuses waste of precious breath (No time!) The sun shines on everyone, everyone love yourself to death.
So you gotta fire up, you gotta let go You'll never be loved till you've made your own You gotta face up, you gotta get yours You never know the top till you get too low
Life isn't always what you'd think it be Turn your head for one second and the tables turn (yeah!) And I know, I know that I did you wrong But will you trust me when I say that I'll make it up to you Somehow?"
And lastly a WIP centric song for my Love Death + Robots WIP Sonya's Push from my @life-despair-and-monsters-blog where an OC of mine, Sir Enigma Malvolio, messes with and changes the story of Sonnie's Edge because he's just like that one asshole in the multiverse who can travel through dimensions to get to worlds but decides to ruin everyone's lives instead of improving them.
Here's the song I attribute to this WIP whenever I get motivation to write it if anyone wants to listen:
Can't Go to Hell by Sin Shake Sin
"Walk right in all you sinners and saints Tonight's the night we're gonna take off these chains Some wounds will never mend
It came with a warning, now we're all out of time This romance with ignorance has left us behind Sit back, relax, begin
It's too early for surrender Too late for a prayer We can't go to hell if we're already there They say the end is coming And I need to prepare We can't go to hell if we're already there."
Hope you all enjoyed.
#music monday#the untitledverse#oc: edward carmine#wip: jurassic world before the storm#jurassic world#far cry the silver chronicles#oc: silva omar#oc: irene neon#special mention oc#oc: kamski neon#wip: silva's hope#far cry 5#life despair & monsters#wip: sonya's push#sonnie#oc: sonya the apex#jennifer#oc: sir enigma malvolio#dicko#oc: denise redwood#love death + robots
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Music Monday
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @shallow-gravy @direwombat @strangefable @inafieldofdaisies @cassietrn @chazz-anova @josephslittledeputy @g0dspeeed @wrathfulrook @adelaidedrubman @voidika @onehornedbeast @thewanderer-000 @corvosattano @derelictheretic @ec-10 @carlosoliveiraa @minilev @nightbloodbix @purplehairsecretlair @vampireninjabunnies-blog @strafethesesinners @josephseedisdaddy @neverthesameneveranother @a-rose-in-a-garden-of-weeds @snake-in-the-garden @henbased and @ladyoriza
As usual three songs for three stories/characters/themes below.
First song up is for Abigail Emmet, the mother of Mario, and just as much as a terrifying alien soul-and-meat-eating shapeshifter as he is. She's been around for a while, even hitching with the Van der Linde Gang as the third founding (adult) member, sticking with it until she and Molly got the hell out of there after witnessing the effect Hosea's death had on Dutch and Micah being a rat. Saddening that Abigail outlived Molly (given her alien origins), but she never once stopped thinking fondly about the O'Shea poet, even when raising Mario. This song absolutely details her longing for Molly, while also letting go for the sake of Mario.
"Lately, I've been waking up In a dreamy state, calling your name Stayed up too late just thinking of you Now I'm knocking on every door 'Cause I heard you moved from twenty-two Has it been that long? I guess time just flew
I've got voices in my head and there's a deafening silence I've got voices in my head and I can't lie
I've been holding on to pieces Swimming in the deep end Tryna find my way back to you 'cause I'm needing A little bit of love A little bit of love, I need a little love Just like the air I'm breathing These open wounds ain't healing Tryna find my way back to you 'cause I'm needing A little bit of love A little bit of love, a little bit of love A little bit of love
I tried to fly but I used my wings too soon Now everything got me thinking of you I tried a million times to cut you loose."
Next up, a song for Silva's Hope and maybe a bit of Old Dusk, the two main stories for Silva in Far Cry The Silver Chronicles. I think it just fits the religious themes found in the fics' and the game, but also twisting it to reveal the darker and lighter aspects that not only come off as seductive but reveal what's exactly underneath the surface of the Voice's Prophecy and the Collapse, and whether it's better to choose the safer path and obey the prophecy while risking loss of identity and restricted by extremely controlling expectations that are unrealistic or take the risk and step out of the status quo for the sake of having the freedom to choose and to defy a fate other's push onto themselves and their neighbors, all the while having to contend with the possibility of being lost in the unknown.
"Call me wild, drinkin' up the sunshine Be my man and show me what it feels like Denim sky, unbuttoned down the middle Spillin' out little by little
Tiger on the prowl East of Eden Comin' for you now
Keep me from the cages under the control Runnin' in the dark to find east of Eden Keep me from the cages under the control Runnin' in the dark to find east of Eden
To find east of Eden (Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) To find east of Eden (Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) To find east of Eden (Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) To find east of Eden (Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)
If I wanted to stay You don't mind, you're a true believer (True believer) Take it up with the badlands Creep on in like a concrete fever
If I wanted to stay You don't mind, you're a true believer (True believer) Take it up with the badlands Creep on in like a concrete fever."
And finally something for the antagonists. Ranging from the charming yet arrogant Edward Carmine to the callous and controlling Zachariah from The UnTitledverse. From the hypocritical monster that is Father Adam Omar to the fatalistic pessimism that fuels Paul Yellowjack's miserable self-loathing in Far Cry The Silver Chronicles. From the Court King who wants to conquer his worlds back, to the Director of the Midnight Rise, Sir Enigma Malvolio, who brings despair wherever his expeditions take him throughout Life, Despair & Monsters. From the well-meaning extremist Xiang Ba'al to the Mad God of Carnage himself, Discord in the originals works that will diverge from Wings And Horns. There are many more of interest, but the list is as tall as the rest of my original characters. But one commonality can be found with these characters... a question that evades an answer... will they ever be satisfied after reaching their goals? Or... will they go further until they've crashed and burned?
ALSO! TW: There is brief mention of suicidal idealization in one verse with probably more mature themes hidden in the lyrics. Just putting it out there to be weary listening and reading.
"I was pulling out my hair The day I got the deal Chemically calm Was I meant to feel happy That my life was just about to change?
One life pretending to be The cat who got the cream Oh, everybody said, "Marina is a dreamer" People like to tell you what you're gonna be It's not my problem if you don't see what I see And I do not give a damn if you don't believe
My problem, it's my problem that I never am happy It's my problem, it's my problem on how fast I will succeed
Are you satisfied with an average life? Do I need to lie to make my way in life?
High achiever, don't you see? Baby, nothing comes for free They say I'm a control freak Driven by a greed to succeed Nobody can stop me
'Cause it's my problem if I wanna pack up and run away It's my business if I feel the need to smoke and drink and sway It's my problem, it's my problem if I feel the need to hide And it's my problem if I have no friends and feel I want to die
Are you satisfied with an average life? Do I need to lie to make my way in life? Are you satisfied with an easy ride? Once you cross the line, will you be satisfied?
Sad inside, in this life Unsatisfied, praying Sad inside, in this life Unsatisfied, waiting
Are you satisfied with an average life? Do I need to lie to make my way in life? Are you satisfied with an easy ride? Once you cross the line, will you be satisfied?
Black, white (Are you satisfied, are you satisfied? Are you satisfied?) Are you satisfied? Black, white (Are you satisfied, are you satisfied?) Black, white (Are you satisfied, are you satisfied?) Are you satisfied? Black, white."
#music monday#the untitledverse#oc: abigail emmet#far cry the silver chronicles#wip: silva's hope#wip: old dusk#life despair & monsters#wings and horns#original works#there are plenty of other oc antagonists i have#the mains of each though would be the following#zachariah the orchestrator (the greater-scope villain of the untitledverse as well as the other stories)#paul yellowjack (a foil with a personal connection to silva in far cry the silver chronicles)#sir enigma malvolio (the person who caused the ruins of the protagonists in life despair & monsters)#and lastly discord the mad god of carnage (a name you should run away from fast in my original trilogy works)#there's also major antagonists who pop up here and there such as#edward carmine/malcolm darling/madame callaghan/father adam omar/the court king/ion the exiled god/the unity + xavier ba'al#with minor antagonists such as#jester/judge khronos/ian graveheart/maddison darling/urijah callaghan/oscar lapis/denise redwood/frederick rosemary + jezebel ba'al#reoccuring to keep the plot and action and arcs and foils and narrative going#Youtube
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From left to right going from top to bottom:
1. Allyson “Alice” Darling (OC) x Rick Thompson (OC) <- The UnTitledverse.
2. Jennifer (LD+R) x Sonya (LD+R OC) <- Life, Despair & Monsters.
3. Rico (CP2077 OC) x Johnny Silverhand (CP2077) <- Life, Despair & Monsters.
4. Vega (F076 OC) <- A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore.
5. Sasha O’Hara (OC) x Sally Mayfield (OC) <- The UnTitledverse.
6. Eleanor (OC) x Maru (OC) <- The UnTitledverse.
7. Madame Callaghan (OC) x Denise Redwood (OC) <- The UnTitledverse.
8. Irene Neon (OC) x Sylvester Omar (FC5 OC) <- The Silver Chronicles.
9. Samuel Who (HH OC) x Dreyfus Graham (HB OC) <- The UnTitledverse.
10. The Chairman (OC) x Alamach (OC) <- The UnTitledverse.
11. Kingsley (OC) x Fizzer Pop (OC) <- The UnTitledverse.
12. Oswaldo Thanatos (IJ OC) x Reagan Ridley (IJ) <- The UnTitledverse.
13. Osmund Thanatos (OC) x Travis Thanatos (OC) <- The UnTitledverse.
14. Obadiah Teal (OC) x Paul Yellowjack (FCND OC) <- The Silver Chronicles.
15. Shallow (Y-KW OC) x Calvin Darling (OC) <- The UnTitledverse.
16. Icarus Galatos (Miraculous) x Haoyu Anabuki (DDLC) <- Life, Despair & Monsters.
#pride month#ship dynamics#series: the untitledverse#ship: allyson “alive” darling x rick thompson#otp: femme fatale and the apex#ship: johnny silverhand x rico#fallout 76#the resident#oc: vega#ship: sally mayfield x sasha o'hara#ship: the knightess and the illusionist#ship: madame callaghan x denise redwood#ship: silva omar x irene neon#ship: samuel who x dreyfus graham#otp: appropriate business standards in management customs#ship: kingsley x fizzer pop#ship: reagan ridley x oswaldo thanatos#otp: osmund thanatos x travis thanatos#ship: paul yellowjack x obadiah teal#otp: calving darling x shallow#ship: haoyu anabuki x icarus galatos
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