#oc: cernunnos
cait-sith · 7 months
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October 2023, Day 18: Antlers/Horns
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n0valtine · 6 months
Ok now onto the second main character in the Primwood and Eowyn's love interest!
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Here's Findley Oisin (finnd-lee uh-sheen)!He's a cerunnia (ker-roo-nee-uh), one of the races I made up that's part deer part human inspired by the Celtic god, Cernunnos. Findley's very much a himbo with few thoughts in his head and very much whimsy and joy in his heart. He works on his family's farm up in the outskirts of the northern town of Dyrehirst. He'll run errands which often brings him down to Primsbrough.
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 20
Birthday: October 5th
Again, I'd love to hear any questions about him that anyone has!!
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This is the gorgeous moth wing cape I bought from CostureoroReal on Etsy, you can see all the leaves have been added from even this shit poor angle. I still have more tweaking to do on the helm and hair, the hair isn’t as full as I would’ve liked and some of the helm is crooked. And I don’t like things that aren’t symmetrical, so that’ll have to be fixed. I shall endeavor to record my progress as I go on from this point, for whatever fans I have or gain from these posts. Thanks for viewing!
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latenitewaffles · 10 days
I can tell you want to talk about your oc so go ahead
Lmfao I appreciate your bluntness Anon
So. Basically in the normal continuity Lukas is Count Rowe's youngest son (and Yuri's adoptived little brother) and has the Crest of Macuil (which he inherited from his mother like his other siblings)
In the Nabatean!Lukas AU he's Macuil's son for no other reason than "it would be fun". He fought in the War of Heroes but at the request of Macuil, Seiros scrubbed him from history (Macuil is overprotective! Can't have anyone try to hunt down his son's blood if they don't know his son exists). His real name here is Cernunnos, Lukas is just a pseudonym, and his dragon form is wolf-like. Not quite sure what his title is (IE The Immaculate One, The Wind Caller, etc) though knowing me it's probably gonna end up being like. The Storm Bringer.
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lovevalekai · 2 months
Gods and goddesses of every mythology Part 1
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Tlaloc (God of Rain and Lightning) Mexica
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Changeable Woman (The Cycle of Life Unto Death) Navajo
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Cernunnos (god of fertility and beasts) Celtic
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Dewi sri (Goddess of Fertility and Rice ) Javanese and Sondanes
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astarofthevoid · 1 year
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character art for my comic characters i did a while ago
number relating to order. name || pronouns || House || extra. 1. Lilly || She/Her || Spirit Dorms || MC of the comic, a force of chaos 2. Quinn || They/Them || Spirit Dorms || Head of Spirit dorms Lilly's bff, chill chaos 3. [Left] Zoey || She/Her || Air Dorms || Hunter's twin, bffs with Lilly, a forth wall breaker, nerd [Right] Hunter || He/Him || Fire Dorms || Zoey's twin, bffs with Lilly, a secret nerd 4. Lucas || He/Him || Water Dorms || Lilly's love interest/friend, left is how lilly meets him before coming out, the right is after (a little further into the story), Extravert extraordinaire
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whiterosebrian · 2 years
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You may or may not have seen these two before. They are major original characters of mine. For a great while I worked on a magic-realist prose novel heavily featuring their romantic relationship (along with an enchanted talking penguin), which was meant to explore themes of re-enchantment, decolonization, unity in diversity, personal and collective healing, and animistic heritages. I gave up on that novel--though not on these two. It's still possible that I'll work on a long narrative poem (or verse novel) in the future with a more focused story of their relationship with each other, the sickened modern society, and the whole web of life.
One major concept is that Maeve (the white woman, of course) wishes to lead Gustavo (the brown Filipino fellow) onto a path such as hers. Thus, I drew him in a pose based on a well-known image on the cauldron of Gendestrup, most often seen as the Celtic god Cernunnos. I've also had concepts of him recovering his own heritage and supporting her druidic calling at the same time. It was about time that I drew them together, with Maeve looking proud of Gustavo embodying a god of the wilderness. It remains to be seen when I'll try again with composing Maeve and Gustavo's story in earnest.
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willtheweaver · 2 months
Earth Day themed prompts
• “Listen team. This next mission does not promise much pay, but it probably is the most important one of all. We’re to be deployed to the rainforest, and we’re going to stay there until there are absolutely zero illegal loggers, miners, and poachers left.”
• These city folk will soon learn why they should never cross a Druid.
• Character wishes to become immortal. When asked why, they respond “I am the last guardian of nature. A world without nature would be a sad place.”
• OC Solarpunk AU
• A story of a species brought back from extinction.
• Your mother was Demeter, your father was Cernunnos.
• Character is one of the first pioneers. Their mission: leave the shelter and repair the Earth so that one day it will be habitable again.
• You find yourself in a void. All there is beside yourself is a mound of dirt, a cup of water, and a seed. A voice coming from everywhere tells you “build a world, see it come alive and grow.”
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aissa-snapped · 2 years
The Heathen and the Christian
Ivar the boneless x reader ( OC)
Word count: 3401
SUMMARY:When a young anglo-saxon meets Ivar in the woods, she thinks he is a nice innocent boy, only to be shocked when she finds out who he REALLY is and what he is capable of.
A/N:This is my 2nd time writing with Vikings. I hope yall like it. I am also apologizing for (possible) mistranslations of irish and icelandic. I might do a part two to this series cuz i like how its going. Also not readproof
1-Oh Cernunnos god of the forest bless me and guide me.
3-That one is mine
4- Do that again and you`re dead
Wandering the woods at this time of the year, gave any passer-by a spectacular and magical scenery. The rays of sunshine were breaking through the branches, illuminating the forest in the most wonderful ways. Summer was without a doubt the best time of the year. The weather was finally favorable for farmers, crops were flourishing and nature was thriving. But there was a downside to it. This season naturally brought along raiding parties coming from the north, with the intention of pillaging and eradicating every village in sight of any gold or treasure.
Villagers were adivsed to be extremely wary of their surroundings, and in case of any suspicious sighting to report to the guards.
Walking out of the small one-room cottage, Frigyth took her woven basket, hanging it on her left arm and took steady steps towards the neighboring woods that surrounded her village. She was a young maiden, '' ready to be married'' according to her parents, who took her tasks very lightly. She came from a typical peasant family, with three other sisters and one brother. She was at that age where she cared more about enjoying life than actually being helpful around the house.
She begged her mother days in a row to let her go harvest some berries from the woods, seeing as that was her only opportunity to explore nature and relax a tad bit. She took her already forming path that led her into a meadow, hidden from view by some on-growing bushes. She found a larger boulder, and took a seat in a dent, placing her basket next to her. She had plenty of time to finish her task, she thought, so for now she could enjoy a little bit of warmth.
Clasping her hands in a prayer-way, she took a glance around her, making sure she was alone, and started chanting an old prayer she used to hear as a child from her grandmother.
Ó Cernunnos Dia na foraoise
beannaigh dom agus treoraigh
mé tríd an bhforaois...
From a small distance, the prayer spoken by the girl was heard by a trespasser, that was lurking around in the woods seeking some alone time. Instead, the stranger took a detour and followed the voice, leading him into the hidden meadow. upon his arrival, he analyzed the young lady up closely, noticing how she had her eyes closed, and was in a vulnerable state. It would`ve been very easy for the young Viking leader to take his dagger out and kill her on the spot, which was what he should be doing, otherwise he risked getting noticed by the saxon girl, who in return would alert the whole village of the presence of Vikings.
Or perhaps he could kidnap her, get any valuable information out of her and THEN kill her. That seemed like a better idea.
The warrior got lost in his thoughts for a few moments that only when he heard the girl gasp did he snap back to the current situation he was in. The young woman that was not so long ago sat in a peaceful position was now standing up, grabbing her basket in front of her, as if she thought it would protect her from the unknown boy. You did not need to be a schooled noble to notice that the stranger`s attire was different from the regular anglo-saxon clothing, and the weapons well secured around the belt hugging his waist were a big tell-tale sign that she had just ran face to face with a Viking.
Frigyth was not sure what she could possibly do to escape this situation. If she ran, would she meet other Vikings? Or perhaps if she yelled for help, the barbarians would much faster come in to the aid of the mysterious boy and do her in. Her mind along with her heart were racing, blood pulsing through her whole body, as if it was preparing for whatever would happen next. Feeling a giddy feeling in her stomach, she spotted her way out, then she got into a running position, one leg in front of the other, slightly leaning on it and being ready to sprint at any given time.
The Viking however, seemed too lost in his tracks to think of what he should do to her. He was observing her. Long, curly hair, with a vibrant color that glimmered in the sun. He felt sort of... entranced by her?
Before he let her go, he wolf whistled at her, gaining her attention. '' I am Ivar.'' He spoke in a very thick anglo-saxon accent. Frigyth did a double-take, not being sure she actually heard him speaking in HER language. While on the outside she remained frozen, her mind was filled with multiple questions. Probably because she has never heard foreigners speak her language- or because she has never faced a norman before.
'' What is your name?'' Asked the Viking in an iritated tone. The young girl was not sure it was a good idea to tell divulge her full identity. But realizing she had no other choice, she defeteadly answered.
'' Frigyth.'' It was a simple and short answer, for which she hoped it would suffice. But by the looks on the warrior, he smirked slowly at her, watching with predator eyes as she was shifting uncomfortably her weight from one foot to the other.
'' What was that prayer you were saying earlier? It did not sound like your language.'' The maiden`s heart started beating at an alarming rate. Deep down she knew, that the prayer she was chanting earlier was considered heresy and it was forbidden among the christians. But it`s not like him, a Viking, would go and tell on her to a guard. After all, weren`t they pagans as well?
'' It`s an ancient language. I was praying to Cernunnos, the god of the forest, fertility. I- It`s forbidden to pray to any other god other than the One True God. But my grandmother used to tell me that the old Gods never left and are ever present.'' She finished, admitting what has been laying in her heart for many years, sighing in happiness when she mentioned her grandmother.
To say Ivar was shocked at the newfound information was an understatement. In all his life, he had never encountered a christian praying to a different deity. He was getting more and more intrigued by the girl, and the logical part of his brain that was constantly nudging him to kill her was shutting down completely.
The young leader-who had previously found a good sitting spot on the grass- nudged his head towards the empty place next to him, indicating to her to take a seat. With careful, calculated steps, she approached him, leaving a few centimetres between them, just in case he was going to strangle her, or who knows what else.
'' So... tell me...'' He trailed off, in hopes that the girl would tell him something about herself.
With frowning brows, she kept silent, waiting for him to continue with a question. Ivar rolled his eyes, and asked her about her family.
'' We`re but a family humble peasants .'' The Viking could tell she loved cutting straight to the chase, not giving out any other detail unless asked.
Gaining all the courage she could muster, she turned slightly towards him, asking the dreaded question.
'' Where did you come from?''
Raising his eyebrows, Ivar chuckled darkly, shaking his head softly.
'' I don`t think you want to know.'' He admitted cynically.
'' Will that get me in trouble?'' She asked shyly.
'' You could say that.'' Smiling softly, Frigyth directioned her eyes to the ground, trying to ignore the burning stares of the curious Viking whose hand was slowly reaching up to her face, pausing for a second and taking a hold of a piece of her hair, and twirling it around his finger -almost lovingly so- which made her flinch for a second, before relaxing back and letting him play with strands of her hair.
The atmosphere between the two was peaceful, even though there was silence, but it was a welcoming one, in which neither felt the need to interrupt it. It was as if an unspoken rule was set. Both simply wanted to sit down and get lost between the thousands of trees and take a break from their societal obligations. Ivar leaned back on his elbows, straightening his legs in front of him, to give them a stretch, which gave the girl a full view of his crippled legs. She widened her eyes in surprise, but quickly gained her composure when she noticed Ivar clenching his jaw in anger, averting her eyes elsewhere.
It felt like they were there for an hour or two, when Frigyth sighed sadly and stood up, clenching the handle of the backet in her left fist and started taking small steps towards the hidden entrance marked by two bushes with a beaten track in between them. Ivar frowned, his eyes following her figure sharply, similar to a wolf following his prey.
'' I should go.'' Looking at her feet, she was swinging the basket slowly in her hand, as if waiting for the boy to stop her from going, although, deep down, she knew she was running behind with her tasks and she was bound to return home eventually, and her mother would not be happy if she came back empty handed.
Ivar nodded stoically, breaking his eyes from the girl and with a loud groan, he rolled onto his back, and began crawling towards the girl, ignoring her stares of bewilderment at his methods of traveling.
'' I should probably go too.'' He responded and begudgingly so.
'' It was nice meeting you.'' Frigyth complimented, with a small voice.
'' We will meet again, christian.'' He winked at her, which caused the maiden to let out a nervous laugh, having no idea what he could have possibly meant by that, and on that note, they both departed their own ways.
Upon her arrival back home, she was welcome by her worried mother, who seemed to have a look of concern mixed with irritation displaying across her face.
'' Where have you been?! It`s almost dark outside. And what is this? This is all you gathered in all this time you were gone?!'' She pointed at her basket, which was barely filled with any berries.
Frigyth shrugged off the hand her mother had placed on her shoulder, sprinting inside the cottage. The one-room hut was warm and all her family was gathered round at the table, chatting lively amongst eachother. Her presence was sensed by her father, and one by one her siblings all paused mid-conversation, to look at the newcomer. Her father smiled warmly at her, motioning with his hand to take a seat next to him.
'' We were wondering when you would come back Frig. Your mother was worrying terribly.'' He laughed, patting her back twice.
'' And I had all the reasons to. You know what they tell us, the priests. The woods are no longer safe.'' Her mother huffed angrily, stepping into the cottage and slamming the door shut, checking the small window incorporated in it for any intruders that might be lurking outside their homes. She took her seat, next to her husband and continued eating her freshly cooked pottage.
Frigyth`s father let out a breath of air, rubbing his face with his face. The rebel daughter rolled her eyes, pretending to be oblivious to what her mother was saying. Should she tell anyone that today she has met and spoken to a possible Viking? If she did, then she would reveal to everyone that she had been slacking rather than actually gathering food for the family, and she risked losing the task she was given, and probably forced to return to her old duties, which were mostly around the cottage. So she took the smarted option, and never mentioned the encounter with the stranger.
'' I know. Aelflead and the other blacksmiths think that we are to prepare for an attack.'' The father confessed sadly.
'' What makes you think that, dad?'' The youngest sibling asked, with her curious natured eyes.
'' Because sweetie, we have been ordered by the king to forge as many swords and shields as fast as we can manage. But when we tried asking the guards why, he refused to tell us. They were all acting suspicious.'' He shrugged, ripping a piece of the wholemeal bread and dipping it in the stew.
Frigyth was starting to get nervous. What if they are about to be attacked? But again, Ivar did not look dangerous. Evenmore, he was crippled. Surely that meant he was maybe thrown out of his tribe and forced to die alone. And even if she decided to tell her family about her encounter, in what way would that help them escape the fury of a Viking raid?
The contact she had with the mysterious boy was what kept her awake most of the night, and by the time her body was exhausted and allowed her to fall asleep, the rooster was already crowing, alerting the family that it was dawn and that meant time to go back to work. However, something felt odd. While Frigyth`s family members were grumbingly getting out of bed, the young maiden heard screams and clanks of swords outside. When realization hit her, she alerted her family to be silent for a second in order for them to pay attention to what might have been going outside.
''Haeddi, take the girls and hide in the barn. Wilfred and I are going outside to see what is happening.'' The father instructed his wife. ''Here, grab this.'' He threw a newly forged seax to his son, and he took an old rusty looking blade for himself, gesturing with his head towards the door. '' Let`s go.'' With one solemn look, Frigyth`s father glanced at his girls, holding a strong and loving eye contact with his wife, silently reassuring her that everything was going to be all right.
When the girls were left alone, Haeddi looked at her daughters, trying to contain the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. '' We`re going outside. Stick close to each other. Once we reach the barn, find a hiding spot. Underneath the hay, behind it. I don`t` know. But do it as fast as you can. We don`t know what awaits us out there.'' The four girls looked at her mother, nodding shakily and following closely behind her towards the door. The mother was counting with her fingers how many seconds they had left before she would open the door and the chaos would start. Frigyth could hear the faint screams of terror coming from the villagers and once the door was open and they started running, everything went in slow motion. The action outside became more vivid. The shrieks and cries of pain were amplified and all of those made the girls run faster than they had ever done so in their entire lives.
Once they safely reached the barn, her mother grabbed the youngest offspring and she chucked them both behind some haystacks. The other two sisters went off climbing on a ladder and finding a safe space to bury in.
Frigyth was looking around, trying to find the first hidin place and duck under it, but to her terror, she was forcefully grabbed by her arm by a very muscular man, that looked like he could eat her alive. She gulped, eyes wide open and heart drumming against her chest, almost as if it was ready to jump out of her chest. He gave her an animalistic smile, that sent shivers down to her spine. Her sisters and mom were watching terrified from the hiding spots how poor Frigyth was going to get killed...or worse.
With an unmatchable force, he turned her around with her back facing him, and raising his axe and readied himself to cut her thin linen dress open, ignoring her pleas and screams to stop, but a powerful voice made him pause mid-action.
''BÍÐA!'' Both the cruel man and Frigyth turned their heads to look at whoever just stopped the brutal Viking. The girl couln`t believe her eyes. Sitting in a single seated strange looking carriage pulled by a beautiful white stallion, sat the very guy that around this time the other day she was enjoying her time with in the meadow.
''ÞESSI ER MINN!!'' Ivar approached the enormous barbarian and pulled him away from his victim by his hair, holding his dagger against his throat.
''Gerðu þetta aftur og þú ert dauður!!'' He spat with venom, letting go of him. When he looked at the shaken lady, he softened his eyes, offering a friendly hand for her to take. She shakily shook her head no, losing any trust she had in him.
Seeing how reluctant she was, Ivar huffed annoyed. '' If you come with me, you`ll be safe.'' He promised. She glanced back at her mother and sisters-who were terrifyingly and confusingly observing the interaction between the two-, looking back and forth between them and him. He instantly put two and two together, and rolled his eyes playfully. '' They will not be harmed IF... you come with me.''
But before she had any chance to speak, her father and brother came rushing to her aid. Wilfred, her brother, seemed unharmed, except for a few cuts here and there and some blood staining his blade, but her father seemed to have a pretty deep cut on his side, that was bleeding alarmingly.
'' STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!'' Her father yelled, pointing his old and chipped sword at the Viking.
Ivar mockingly raised both his arms in surrender, faking a terrified expression. After a few moments, he then grabbed his trusty dagger, swirling it smoothly around his finger and pointing behind him at the army that was currently ravaging the village.
''See that? I am the leader of all of them. I can order them to stop anytime if I want to. That is why I am asking YOU again.'' He pointed his dagger in Frigyth`s direction. '' Are.You.Coming.With.Me?'' He asked slowly, putting an emphasis on each word, to ensure he was being understood.
The curly haired girl looked with saddening eyes at her dad, who was still clutching his sword with all his being, as if believing THAT could actually help her, then at her brother, who was copying his father`s movements, but with less confidence and then at her mother and sisters, who were all shaking their heads no and crying silently, not knowing what the outcome of this woul be.
There was no backing out of this. She had two simple but impactful choices. She either went with him, probably ending up a slave, but at least her family was safe, or so she hoped. Or she could refuse, and get killed by the previous Viking.
With determined steps, she approached Ivar, making him smirk in victory. Her father yelled at her angrily to get back there behind him, but she was already climbing Ivar`s carriage. The young ruler grabbed her hand softly, guiding her to sit on his knees, that she now got to observe, were covered in some sort of metallic braces.
Once she took her seat in his lap, he stroked her hair with one hand, while whispering in her ear. ''Good girl.'' She sat frozen in his lap, letting him wrap a strong arm around her waist to keep her steady.
She took a one last glance at her family, waving sadly at them and struggling to keep her composure.
'' They will be safe, right?! You promised!'' She asked desperately, glacing back at her house, which was now growing to be more and more far away.
'' On my arm ring.'' He pledged, placing his palm over his bracelet for a moment, showing her that he was serious about his oath. Grabbing with one arm the reins and with the other gripping her tightly against him, he yelled something in Old-Norse to the other men, fleeing the village afterwards towards an unknown location to the girl, from where a new life was about to start for her. She could only hope it was going to be good.
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eldrichfuck666 · 1 year
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OC Playlist Challenge - Eudelme/Cernunnos 🍃🦌
pick your comfort couple and make a playlist for them I was tagged by @simarcana (and I can't be more thankful, really, really, you've made my day! ) I picked them as my comfort couple for many weird reasons, one of them - that's the relationship i've always dreamed about. Like I'm dead serious, because the life in the forest as a magical creature, without any unwanted attention and full of freedom is just so beautiful, esp when your lover is a Celtic god. Their dynamic is very soft, and I could even say that they're soulmates. And, my choice of songs are really obvious: I was inspired by these songs and/or was listening to some of them while being in CAS and doing edits with them.
It Will Come Back - Hozier
In the Woods Somewhere - Hozier
Come Along - Cosmo Sheldrake
Four Teeth - True Widow
Toes - Glass Animals
Nature Boy (Acoustic) - AURORA
Federkleid - Faun
Völuspá - Gealdýr
Feral Love - Chelsea Wolfe
I'm tagging @simarcana (I know I tagged you before skksk but! it's in post now!), @birdietrait, @bl-sims-anime, @bnt0, @wildmelon, @aries-sims, @nihilismtrcit, @2013trait, @lunarspellsims (YEOL PLEASEEE NO PRESSURE BUT PLEASEEEE), @pralinesims, @cocodaintysims, @celestos and @simsaugust!! Sorry if you were tagged before, and ofc no pressure at doing this at all! And hope I didn't annoy you, If so - I'm really really sorry!!!! And also, tagging everyone who wants to do it :') You're free to tag me in your post sksksksk
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cait-sith · 1 year
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Team Werewolves, of course.
Come attack me!
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timothylawrence · 5 months
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Hiii, if you’re still doing these this is my tav Cernunnos. He’s a circle of the moon druid who was adopted into a noble family when his older sister found him wandering the woods on the edge of their property when he was about 6 (no family, no nothing). I can’t quite decide if he has a neutral good or lawful good alignment at the moment but that’ll come with playing him some more and seeing what happens. He’s deaf, he can read lips but will almost exclusively respond in sign (sometimes writing responses down in necessary). He’s probably my social butterfly out of all of my OCs, he loves meeting people and talking to everyone he can and tends to be very outgoing (this can also lead to impulsivity but he’s working on that)
OMG!! Hi Cernunnos!!!! I love the design !! The horns are so sick!!!
I think Rana would be intimidated at first but her curiousity is most definitely taking a charge here. I like to think she'd know a decent amount of sign language (to me... the thieves guild would use sign to commuicate ! its quieter than speaking!!) but would be a lil reluctant to use it at first because she doesn't want peoeple to connect the dots to her being an ex- thieves guild person! Rana would absolutely get along though, I know she'd have a blast listening more than speaking and hearing all his wonderful stories....
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I’d say this was the early stages BUT that’s a damn lie, this was after some weeks of progress. The jaw bones and teeth were added, the antlers were added, the mask was changed into a helm, the muzzle was extended, the cape was added, the mane/hair was added, and the artificial fixings were added (partially). It’s hard to see from these horrible angles, but the cape part is added to underside of the helm and to the back of the helm. The hair/mane was braided fabric strips with the leaves and feathers sewn to the braids, then attached to a jewelry wire “weft” and attached to the back of the skull with thermal plastic.
I’ve added a lot more leaves and such since those pics were taken, I also have more to add. I recently found this gorgeous moth wing cape on Etsy that goes with the theme, so I bought it. And I have a type of shirt/shawl thing I’m going to sew the cape to help keep it secured better when I wear it. I plan on going to events with this on, Halloween, renaissance fairs, cons, and the like. I want to make sure the helm doesn’t slide off
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sigyns-drafts · 7 months
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Norse mythology
Sol & Mani
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Brunhilde (including all Valkyries)
Shiva + his wives
Lu bu
Adam & Eve
Kojiro Sasaki
Jack the ripper
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Maman Brigitte
Ao kuang
Baron samedi
Chang e
Cu chualinn
Da ji
Erlang shen
Guan yu
He bo
Hou yi
Iz chel
King Arthur
Morgan le fay
Nu wa
Sun wukong
The Morrigan
Yu Huang
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Ror!Thor x Fem!Sif reader(A kiss under the evening sun)
Ror!Hermes x NB! Human reader (Enchanting music of the night)
In whistling spirits can be growth (Hades x Persephone)
With an Honorary status, beware the rubble (Odin, Loki, Sigyn, Angrboda)
The unlikely jackal-headed companion (Ror!Anubis x fem!reader)
Bonding by the Nile (Smite!Sobek & Neith)
With parental aid, my cycle's dread will fade (Hel!Reader with Loki and Sigyn)
Slumber in the Divine Boardroom (Gn!Reader x ror!Hades x Buddha x Loki x Poseidon)
Secret crushes and seashells (Ror poseidon x oc)
You remind me so much of him (ror buddha x fem!reader)
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big-greer · 11 months
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Art by @flowerthornsart
Here it is! my master post for my OC marcus!
Marcus has been known by many names, cernunnos, the green man, leshy, the leshen, the tall man. He chooses to go by the name "Marcus" as it is easier for humans to say and being an eldritch being, if he has a true name it could only be spoken in the tongue of the ancient beings and those that live outside of reality
Marcus is a being from the space between the creation and ideas, having both existed and yet to be created at the beginning of reality. Having watched creation weave the universe and reality together he left his home and travelled the infinite. His journey an eternity and perhaps only seconds, things like time are concepts foreign to a being such as him.
Eventually he settled on a small rock hurdling through space, a planet of roiling magma and volcanoes. But he knew the truth, for as he can see all things that are and all things that were, so to can he see all things that will be. And he knows this is where he is needed, and so his presence, the raw energy of creation that radiates off him bloomed on this world and slowly gave it life.
He carved the mountains so that he could stand utop them and gaze across the world. His footsteps creating various lakes and valleys across the world. The canyons and gullys formed where he laid down to enjoy the beauty of his creation. Life blossomed from him and so the world was created, and he made his home in a small pocket of reality deep within a secluded spot, not on this world. But instead, making his home within the idea of wilderness and nature, a metaphysical place that is the embodiment of nature and the idea of wilderness.
For eons he has walked this earth, watching over the life that has grown and formed on it. He was there for the first single cell beings to exist on this world, watching them grow into animals. Witnessing the rise and fall of the dinosaurs, watching the world slowly rebuild and eventually watching the rise of man.
He stays in his forests, the primordial energy in them still so strong humans still feel it. But he still wanders the world, keeping. Nature in balance and watching humanity as it exists.
He is a kind and gentle soul,almost like a father to life itself. He loves and cares for all beings in the universe.
However, as humanity has evolved he has learned some of there ways and emotions and has realized deep down that he feels a sense of loneliness. After all, what companions can an eldritch immortal being have? He knows that for him a blink of an eye is centuries and they will be nothing but dust, so he is afraid to be close to any life.
And there we go!! A nice little master post about marcus!
Below i attached some marcus x reader fics ive done. Enjoy lol
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divine-crows · 2 months
So, for the longest time I've been second guessing whether Cernunnos really wants me as a devotee...
Out of forgetfulness, I checked his Wikipedia page to see what they had to say on his origins, and his name has potential connections to a Saint with the same name as an old OC of mine! What the heck! If that's not a sign we were destined to cross paths then I don't know what would be!
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