#anima mundi rp
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siffarooni · 7 months ago
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extremely rare colorful art for once! i'm helping revive a modern fantasy discord rp and my oc Cain is the main guy i'll be playing! so i had to put them in their house (the rainforest)
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kai-does-some-art · 4 months ago
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Various Mordecai (Hissersync on twt) and Fauklin (ConnieGoGoGo)
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animamundirp · 6 years ago
Welcome to ANIMA MUNDI: A World Ensnared! We are a literate feline roleplay based on discord. The concept is very loosely based off of the 'Warrior Cats' series published by Erin Hunter. Our primary influence is the Rider Waite Tarot, which the plot will be based heavily upon. Please consider checking out the information regarding the server and applying to join us! We are expected to open up January 1st, but applications are open now!
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doctorinnovatium-archive · 4 years ago
The very nature of the element Innovatium is wreathed in mystery. It is commonly held that the strange substance is the life-blood, or anima mundi, of the Imagiverse itself, the living embodiment of the imaginative energies that allow the Realm of Fantasy to exist. While many attempts have been made to determine the minute components that make up Innovatium, in a futile attempt to rationalise the otherwise magical element, only the Skeletorians - inhabitants of a prominent Victorian underworld - have been able to utilise it for their industry, using it both as a near-infinite power source and a means of bending the fabric of reality to their will.
That being said, there is only one being, one man who has surpassed even the erudite Skeletorian scientists in understanding how to use Innovatium to command the flimsy laws of physics that meekly attempt to govern the universe. The man is known only as Doctor Innovatium, a human inventor from Great Britain, Earth, during the final decades of Queen Victoria's rule. Initially ruled out as a sensationalist con-artist passing out his tricks as the scientific command over magic, it had become clear he really did find something, God knows how and God knows where. Whatever the strange glowing substance was, the Doctor claimed it could be used to replace the steam engines of the time, providing unlimited energy for locomotives and factories.
During his time on Earth, he had devised many strange contraptions which used the element, which he had dubbed Innovatium, to achieve baffling feats that defied the laws of physics and reason; projectors which emitted three-dimensional images of famed sculptures and figures; machines which brought to life creatures that bystanders once saw in their dreams; the United Kingdom's first sentient mechanical man (in collaboration with Peter Walter the First, famed inventor of the Steam Man Band); and so forth. The apex, and the supposed end, of his career involved his then latest invention, a portal that would take one to the Realm of Fantasy, a plane the Doctor had popularised through his presentations and published memoirs. No one knows what had exactly happened, but the assistants who survived the incident said that the Doctor had activated the portal, and then they found themselves on wet dirt where his workshop once stood, with no sign of the Doctor.
That, in a sense, was the end of his story, at least on Earth. His disappearance was chalked down to a lab accident which killed the Doctor, and after a month of speculation, he became a forgotten idol, his collaborator soon taking the reins as the leading figure of artificial intelligence. His inventions, the element which once powered them now suddenly absent, were sold to inquiring minds and bored aristocrats, his memoirs donated to various universities, and all evidence of his existence were eventually erased by the cold currents of Time.
However, while that was the end of his appearance on his homeworld, that does not mean his story was over. Many years later, across the Imagiverse, stories were told of a strange, tall figure in antiquated clothes and the most peculiar goggles, appearing here and there, sometimes communicating with the natives, gently guiding their worlds towards the barriers of their universes, and then further out into a greater multiverse of worlds somewhat like their own. While the identity of the strange man eluded the individuals, the collective minds that sought to decipher the peculiar phenomenon cross-referenced and analysed, and an even more confounding theory arose; that the man was none other than Doctor Innovatium himself, having found his way into the Realm of Fantasy, the realm that his own world was but a part of.
An excerpt from a Doctor Innovatium-based roleplay on a Discord RP server I host, based off the Imagiverse. This was written in 2020, so there are a few decrepencies lore-wise, but otherwise a more much more interesting biography of the Doctor than I had written on the blog. Hell, I could even modify it and use it as the new bio. We’ll see.
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adamskelecoot · 5 years ago
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Last episode, I showed you folks doodles and drawings of my new-ish robot girl character A.L.I.C.E. In this episode, I thought I’d share some new sketches including my older mad scientist character and the father of Alice; Doctor Innovatium (shown left)
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While Alice is generally short (I’m thinking her to be between 4 or 5 feet tall) and slightly too curvaceous, the Doctor is a tall, scraggly figure about 7 feet in height. He always sports a pair of red-and-blue goggles, rather like vintage 3D glasses, which give off an ethereal glow. In short, he’s a peculiar fellow who doesn’t seem to stop smiling, unfortunately.
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Story-wise, Doctor Innovatium was the founder of the element Innovatium, the Anima Mundi of the Imagiverse and coincidentally a near-infinite power source, hailing from the Victorian Era, like John and Adam. However, an experiment gone wrong caused him and his laboratory to mysteriously disappear. At the time, no-one knew where he went. It turns out that he and his laboratory had become disconnected from time and space, isolated in a dimensional bubble drifting through the Imagiverse. It’s safe to say that the ultimate isolation, and his further experiments with the elusive Innovatium, made him into the man he is today.
I have received messages in regards to whether I will roleplay these characters (specifically Alice), and the answer is; probably-to-likely. As I mentioned before, I never really roleplayed on this website before, but I have been gaining inspiration reading other roleplay blogs here. So, in the near future, it is possible that I may set up a blog to roleplay with these two characters and get a taste of some Tumblr RP. In the meantime, however, you can enjoy the art that I will post on my main blog.
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kai-does-some-art · 4 months ago
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Connie's character, Winrey
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kai-does-some-art · 4 months ago
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Just a gal and her demon!
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animamundirp · 6 years ago
The world soul is, according to several systems of thought, an intrinsic connection between all living things on the planet, which relates to our world in much the same way as the soul is connected to the human body. Plato adhered to this idea and it was an important component of most Neoplatonic systems: Therefore, we may consequently state that: this world is indeed a living being endowed with a soul and intelligence ... a single visible living entity containing all other living entities, which by their nature are all related. Ultima Thule, the island in which four mundis call their home, has been crafted not of volcanic eruptions or god’s divine will. No, Ultima Thule is a nest. A combined mass of giantts, intertwined in a deep slumber. They have slept here for a millennia, their bodies made of stone, soil, and sand. These great beings were the first inhabitants of this world; the creators of what we see today. They shaped our shores, seas, and horizons. They crafted mountainscapes and plateaus. Their footprints filled with rainwater, and they became lakes. Their arguments inspired earthquakes, and their tears great thunderstorms. Out of clay, they crafted man. Out of iron, they created cat. Man, however, was a fragile creature; and they were *small.* The giants, despite their best efforts, would crush villages and flood towns. They were hated by their own creation; feared for their fatal stride. The giants knew they had to go. There work was done, and it was time to sleep. Into the ocean they walked, meeting in the centre of the earth. Four giants, each from the corner they crafted. Their conversations were brief, and the sorrow hung in the air. The giants wished for one final thing as they began to sink to their knees. “We were created to cultivate and to provide”, they spoke, “And we wish to do so until the end of time. Let our bodies be the ground beneath your feet. A foundation for your homes. Find safety in our grasp. We will lie still, and we will not move.” And with that, Ultima Thule was crafted. An island of impressive size, which possessed four vastly different territories. To the south, the cold stone lay under foot. The west, possessed forests and lakes. The north, peaked mountains with dust that stains red. The east, beaches and streams, with salty spray that burns the eye. The humans found this place not long after its creation. The land was rich, and they populated quickly. Villages were constructed, and orchards were planted. Houses made of mud and hardened sand pressed against cliff faces. Shacks, rotting from salt spray, sat on stilts by the beach. They cultivated a home, as the giants would have wanted, and lived without any knowledge of the ground they stood upon. This peace, however, did not last forever. Wars broke out among the humans. They had created four factions, of which few laws were considered. Pillaging and death was all they knew. This destruction ultimately brought the tall walkers to their untimely death. They left everything behind; including the cat. The cats that survived these wars were frazzled and shocked. They knew the tall walkers had followed few gods, and they had followed the tall walkers. They knew, that if this way of mind were to continue, they too would perish. Due to this, the felines sought a reconciling with those weaved in the stars. Twenty-three felines, each representing a card in the Major Arcana, responded to their pathetic pleas. The World led the this charge, and sought devotion from the cats of Ultima Thule. They would quickly comply; constructing altars and sacred places in which they could contact their new deities. Pleased, the Major Arcana divided the felines into four factions. Terra Mundi, Aer Mundi, Acqua Mundi, and Ignis Mundi. Each faction would rule a separate suit, and was gifted the term ‘Mundi, or ‘World’, by The World themselves. They were tasked with developing customs and laws to enforce upon their lands. Never again would a war rip them apart.
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animamundirp · 6 years ago
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animamundirp · 6 years ago
After many, many cycles of living in harmony with one another, the four mundi have begun to grow restless. Petty squabbles are turning into full on battles. Territory is being fought over, and individual mundi have choice opinions about the traditions of the other mundi. This has evolved into a war that has been going on for 24 cycles, and is still continuing to this day. In these wartimes, the mundi have made their allies and their enemies. Fights have broken out during times of peace, and laws have been ignored. The Major Arcana have grown restless and angry, feeling betrayed that the mortal cats are acting this way. Why, after they gifted them with magic and peace, would they become unhappy in their living arrangements? Something must be done, they concluded, and The Tower was sent to punish the four mundi for their behaviour. He would dive deep into the earth, passing through stone and dirt, to the hearts of the giants that slept. He whispered his instructions to them, planting the seed in their beings. The giants would wake. The Lovers, partnered with The Fool and The Star, went to warn the clans of their doom. They delivered prophecies, and donned their dens with charred stones and splintered bones. These horrible omens struck fear into the hearts of the mundi, and the search began; as the prophecy foretold: Listen closely, and open your minds. Your behaviour has been noticed, and we will not abide by such actions. The ground will break apart, and your home will succumb to the ocean when the fourth giant walks. The four court cards: king, queen, knight, and page, are your only hope for survival. The union of four felines, each from different worlds, will show that you have not grown apart; and the land will stay intertwined.
So, each mundi will produce one prophesized court feline. Pages conceive ideas, Knights act upon ideas, Queens nurture ideas and Kings develop those ideas to an established and stable state. Depending on which mundi the different court cards come from, they will represent a different tarot card. (for example: an ignis mundi page would be the page of wands!) There will only be four court cards, one for each clan, so you must be extremely active and have a well-rounded writing style to play a court card.
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animamundirp · 6 years ago
Most likely the most desolate of all the territories, aer mundi lives on, essentially, a solid sheet of rock, which is slowly beginning to crack and part to allow foliage to grow. their camp is atop a stone plateau, where they primarily sleep in the open. dens have been carved into the stone by rain over thousands of years, where the cats simply construct tent-like structures over in order to shield themselves from the elements.
the territory around the camp is primarily stone, with the only foliage growing from thin, long cracks that stem from the more foliage heavy areas. small dips, similar to the ones carved in the camp, fill with rain water, but are hardly enough to sustain a whole clan.
moving farther towards ignis territory, the stone begins to break apart more, leading to a huge field of tall grass and wild flowers. this is where prey is primarily found, as the grass is bustling with mice, vole, shrew, and rabbit. fish populate the river that cuts through the territory, leading to acqua mundi, but are difficult to catch. the primary predators of aer mundi are large birds, such as eagles and vultures, as well as prairie wolves and the occassional wandering cougar.
many dead, and near dead, trees dot the territory, which aer mundi cats learn to climb in their early years. this skill is vital for avoiding ground predators.
Large bats, with wings big enough to block out the moon, travel through the territory at night. It is rumoured that one was brought down by the clan, and fed aer mundi for moons, but this is just a fairy tale. The bats are extremely dangerous, despite mild sentience, and will carry cats in the sky and drop them for fun.
The customs
Aer mundi cats value power and intelligence above all. they teach their young to question everything, and learn as much as they can. Often, they will name their young not after appearance, but after the first thing they accomplish or show an interest in. for example, a child who shows interest in the vultures may be named 'soaring bird', or a child who is the strongest of their siblings may be named 'heavy swipe'.
Aer Mundi has, without question, the most strict colouration of all the other mundi. cats of aer mundi are:
always black, white, or gray
dilute calicos are possible but rare
eye colour is often cool toned
lithe cats are plentiful
short hair is most common, with few outliers
Scars are celebrated in aer mundi, and nonfatal wounds are often left to scar. some aer mundi cats may take part in scarification, with nicked ears, facial scars, and docked tails being the most common 'procedures'.
Finally, aer mundi cats have been 'blessed' with the ability to drink from the salt water river that flows through their territory without growing ill. They are unable to drink directly from the ocean, but the river proves them no problem. tarot suit: swords values: intelligence & power Location: stone flats allies: ignis mundi enemies: terra mundi neutrals: acqua mundi fresh water: scarce prey: semi-scarce herbs: plenty
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animamundirp · 6 years ago
Acqua mundi territory is a vast expanse of sand and river networks. Their camp is located in a shallow cave made of hardened sandstone, disguised almost perfectly amongst the sandy expanse. the dens have been dug out by the cats themselves, and decorated with shells and other findings.
The entire territory is quite open, with sand stone structures, long weathered by time, being the only obstructions in the landscape. Acqua mundi cats have mastered the art of fishing, and are able to provide for their clan almost soley with fish, clam, muscles, and crabs. Predators include sandbar sharks and large birds. giant crabs, the size of cars, crawl to shore on occasion. while they don't eat cats, they will attack with sharp claws if provoked.
Near the terra mundi border, aqua mundi houses a large lake, which has a dock in which the four mundi have their gatherings. when gatherings are not taking place, this serves as a regular part of acqua mundi's territory.
along the coast, acqua mundi has two large docks, which are known as the 'soggy' docks'. these are often popular hang out spots, and are often decorated with shells placed by longtime lovers and temporary sweethearts.
The customs
Acqua Mundi values family and relationships above all things. When naming their children, it is a parents right to choose a child's name. Name changes are looked down upon, and usually only ever done by an orare as a punshment for the child's parent, if that parent had done something wrong to disrupt the family or harm their child or mate.
Acqua mundi cats are very pretty, much like their terra mundi allies, but are not as prideful about it. In fact, beauty is simply seen as a means to attract a mate, and should be disregarded once one is found. Acqua mundi cats are:
usually very lightly coloured
have long, think coats or short wiry coats
have soft, blue or green eyes most commonly
Acqua mundi judges a cat's value in their willingness to build a family. cats without a mate or child are seen as lesser than, and cats unable to have children thought of as even worse. Cheaters and adulterers are often faced with extreme disciplinary action, with many eventually being exiled.
tarot suit: cups values: family & love location: sand beaches allies: terra mundi enemies: ignis mundi neutrals: aer mundi fresh water: plenty prey: plenty herbs: semi-scarce
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