#Dewi Sri
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lovevalekai · 10 months ago
Gods and goddesses of every mythology Part 1
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Tlaloc (God of Rain and Lightning) Mexica
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Changeable Woman (The Cycle of Life Unto Death) Navajo
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Cernunnos (god of fertility and beasts) Celtic
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Dewi sri (Goddess of Fertility and Rice ) Javanese and Sondanes
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kbanews · 2 years ago
Wadah Emak-emak Relawan Berjuang di Solo Raya, Dewi Sri Dideklarasika
JAKARTA | KBA – Untuk memberikan wadah emak-emak berjuang bagi kemenangan Anies Baswedan di Solo Raya, simpul relawan Jarnas ABW mendeklarasi berdirinya Dewi Sri. Deklarasi dilakukan pada Sabtu, 1 Juli 2023 di lokasi Danau Asmara Sukoharjo. Hadir dalam kesempatan itu sekitar 50 orang ibu-ibu atau emak-emak relawan pejuang Anies Baswedan di Solo Raya. Ketua Dewi Sri yang juga koordinator umum…
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naurasweetarudesu · 19 days ago
cursed ttte yume stuff
⚠️ for mpreg joke if that make you uncomfortable
No, this is not canon as i hc-ed the engines cannot reproduce like humans do. Still, poor Duncan tho.
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detikindo24-com · 4 months ago
Program Jaringan Irigasi Mangkrak Tidak Terurus, Begini Pengakuan Kelompok Tani Dewi Sri Desa Munggut
Program Jaringan Irigasi Mangkrak Tidak Terurus, Begini Pengakuan Kelompok Tani Dewi Sri Desa Munggut MADIUN,Detikindo24.com -Program Jaringan Irigasi Perpipaan atau PP-PSP yang ada di beberapa wilayah kabupaten Madiun Mangkrak dan Tidak terurus lagi. Salah satunya yang ada di Kelurahan Munggut. Tak nampak lagi wujud paralon yang dulu pernah ada, Khabarnya telah musnah tergusur proyek pelebaran…
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amoexii · 1 year ago
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I'm going on hiatus cuz high school is almost over for me 😭💔 but here's a doodle of some Indie Pantheon ladies for y'all
Dewi Sri & Ratih by @okuratsukiko !!
Mami Kidul, Lanjar & Jonggrang by me!!
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littlelittlesimmies · 11 months ago
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I downloaded these 3D models almost a year ago and I had time today to turn them into TS2 statues, so here you go !
2 statues (one male, one female) from some ancient civilization I guess ? And two repo'd smaller add-ons. They all share the same texture : the big male one is the master. 1207 & 1213 polys. 3500$ for the big ones, 1000$ for the small ones. Have proper OFB shelves dimensions.
These are Javanese couple statues, from Indonesia (thank you @fantashit for the info !).
✅ Download : SFS
The Javanese "Loro Blonyo" translates as "inseparable couple" and the statues are commonly called the "Wedding Couple". They represent the Rice Goddess Dewi Sri and her partner Sadono. In Javanese tradition, the Loro Blonyo are placed in front of the marriage bed to signify a long life together for the married couple.
➡️ Related Downloads
Far East Wooden Statues tag
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cigaretteparfum · 2 years ago
it kinda does feel like my luck is running out though. first week sending out applications, immediately half a dozen interview invitations. and then they just keep decreasing and decreasing and decreasing. on one hand, okay, it's only the third week. on the other, oh lord what if this is literally the last.
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okuratsukiko · 2 years ago
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And here I have my one of many RoR ocs' reference sheet.
I've made this a while ago but I wanna post it here too ><
Lemme introduce you to Dewi Sri, The Goddess of Rice and Fertility from th Ancient Javanese Pantheon!!
A human who ascended to the heavens, becoming a God along with her younger brother. The Goddess who cares for the people through crops and harvests. Sri has always put a smile on her face despite the tragedies that had happened to her. Because behind that smile of hers was a story of sorrows and struggle to protect her loved ones.
Facts about her : - She was married to Vishnu. Their marriage was a punishment for Sri because she was an accomplice to a major incident in her pantheon - Sri has two sons, one when she was with Vishnu and the other is with her current spouse - While Sri has two sons in Godhood, she never had any in her times as a human. Unlike her, Sadana, Sri's younger brother had one. - Sri may not be proficient in combat, but she has a vast world of knowledge in her head. Spells and curses are up in her alley.
p.s. about her falling for one of the human champions, I changed that bit ^^'. Currently she's married to one of my mutual's oc!
Also I will post fake screenshots of my other RoR ocs here too if you all want to see more!
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skarloeyspa · 2 years ago
Opening Art Trades!
basically i've been working on some big things and i needed a break...so here's me asking for your requests to butcher!(/j)
TTTE characters only (OCs made for TTTE are OK)
Humanized designs are preferred, but I am willing to do engine designs as well (please note though that I am less skilled with drawing engines!)
I can do two rendering options: coloured or sketch
I can also do short animated looping gifs, although these will be STRICTLY sketch style (examples: duncan, sir handel)
Not really listing a strict deadline for myself, but most of my trades should be done before August 8th. Is this a teaser? Maybe.
IN RETURN: you could draw any of my humanized designs (1, 2, 3) or any of my favs listed here!
Additional rules may be added before a trade is finalized
I will be doing 6 trades for now, might do a couple more if I have the time! COMMENT if you would like to do a trade, along with who you would like me to draw! If you're requesting an OC/humanized design, include a link to your design or send me a DM once I've replied to your comment and put your URL down below!
Trades (art tba):
@duncandonuts06: humanized Skarloey and Rheneas
@str33tydr1ft: Rusty PFP
@woerbitssft: humanized Henry
@glowynviator: any humanized design
@naurasweetarudesu: TTTE OC Dewi Sri
@vita940124: humanized Rheneas
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capesch-arts · 1 year ago
Hey sorry to bother you but my friend like a post on instagram this drawing or fanart of the depiction goddess sri atau dewi sri then another post he like nyi blorong fanart with brown skin; both goddess are depicted with brown skin tau sawo matang. The artist he once follow get unfollowed unintentionally so if you knew this artist please let me know. He been looking through ig hastag but could'n find anything
Oh yeah this artist is also post nudity content with the goddess bare chested.
I think you're looking for @/kalaluhua on IG lol
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geekiary · 2 years ago
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Tags: Bullying. Bombing. Violence. Minor character death.
Sri Asih is the second movie in Bumilangit Cinematic Universe and I'm happy that this superheroes universe of Tanah Air finally started to take root.
The timeline is slightly before Gundala takes place I think, because near the end of the movie they did explain about Sri Asih's appearance in Gundala.
Our main character, Alana (Pevita Pearce) is an orphan after her parents died during her birth -- she was born at the same time when Merapi Mount errupted, how badass is that. Since little, Alana already had this sense of justice but at the same time anger issues as well. She was being adopted by a lady who ran a gym and boxing ring, and Alana grew up became a ring fighter herself. Everything went well for Alana, aside from her anger issues, until one day a rich tug called Mateo looking for trouble with her and everything went downhill from there. Alana is told that she is actually Dewi Asih's incarnation and she must stop the evil from destroying the world.
As usual, the fighting choreo is great despite the story itself feels dull in some places. Sri Asih definitely can use some jokes to lighten up the mood and not to let the plot feels flat.
Reza Rahardian as Jatmiko is as usual giving his best performance. The twist regarding his character is also interesting despite being pretty easy to guess.
And I definitely love Awang's appearance again! He's now Godam and I'm looking forward to his movie with Tira.
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localbizprofiles · 2 months ago
We will be your best partner for tourist visa, visa on arrival extension, business visas, Retirement visa, DJ visas, marriage visa, and business establishments in Bali.
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kbanews · 2 years ago
Berjuang untuk Anies Dewi Sri Solo Raya Bergabung dengan Bakorsi Sukoharjo
JAKARTA | KBA – Ketua Relawan Emak-emak pendukung Anies Baswedan di Solo Raya Dewi Sri, Muna Baasyir menyambut gembira  atas terbentuk Tim 100  Badan Koordinasi Saksi (Bakorsi) di Sukoharjo. Diharapkan menjadi forum untuk mengawal suara Anies dalam Pilpres di bekas karesidenan Surakarta yang ditengarai akan berjalan sengit dan alot. Dia menyatakan hal itu kepada KBA News, Senin, 28 Agustus 2023…
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naurasweetarudesu · 5 months ago
Duncan, you can't say that in front of the passengers
Sri: "Teaching Indonesian language to Kak Duncan is a mistake..." 😞
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*ngentot = "fuck" in Indonesian.
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hargo-news · 2 months ago
Jumlah Pengangguran di Kota Gorontalo Capai 4.130 Orang
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Tingkat pengangguran di Kota Gorontalo hingga Agustus 2024 turun sebesar 0,71 persen dibandingkan dengan persentase pengangguran pada Agustus 2023 yakni sebesar 4,06 persen. Ini terungkap dalam press release yang disampaikan melalui kanal YouTube resmi Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Kota Gorontalo, Senin (2/12/2024). Kepala BPS Kota Gorontalo, Sri Dewi Monoarfa, menjelaskan…
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turisiancom · 2 months ago
TURISIAN.com - Pancaroba alam seperti sekarang, bukanlah halangan untuk tetap menikmati liburan musim hujan di Bali. Pulau Dewata menawarkan sejumlah destinasi wisata dalam ruangan yang tak kalah menarik. Mulai dari museum, wahana permainan, hingga spot foto unik, berikut rekomendasi wisata indoor yang patut Anda kunjungi: 1. Upside Down World Bali Terletak di Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai No. 762, Denpasar Selatan, Upside Down World Bali menghadirkan pengalaman berfoto di ruangan serba terbalik. Mengusung konsep rumah, setiap sudutnya—mulai dari ruang tamu, kamar anak, dapur, hingga kamar mandi—didesain sedemikian rupa sehingga menciptakan ilusi gravitasi terbalik. Tak ketinggalan, ruangan bertema Bali yang dilengkapi dengan kebun juga menjadi favorit pengunjung. Tiket: Rp 50.000 – Rp 100.000 Jam Operasional: Setiap hari, 09.00 – 18.00 WITA BACA JUGA: Kolaborasi Dekranasda Jawa Barat dan Bali, Mendorong UMKM Menuju Pasar Dunia Wahana Permainan Menarik 2. Trans Studio Theme Park Bali Untuk wisata keluarga yang seru, Trans Studio Theme Park Bali di Jalan Imam Bonjol No. 440, Denpasar Barat menawarkan berbagai wahana permainan menarik. Ada Lucky Tree Climber, Ninja Course, hingga Formula Racer yang siap memacu adrenalin. Tak hanya untuk anak-anak, tempat ini juga cocok untuk pengunjung dewasa. Tiket: Rp 125.000 – Rp 500.000 Jam Operasional: Setiap hari, 11.00 – 18.00 WITA 3. Pandora Experience Escape Room Bali Bagi pencinta teka-teki dan petualangan penuh tantangan, Pandora Experience Escape Room Bali adalah pilihan yang tepat. Terletak di Jalan Dewi Sri No. 45D, Legian, Kuta, tempat ini mengajak pengunjung menyelesaikan misteri dalam waktu terbatas. Dengan efek suara dan visual yang mendukung, setiap sudut ruangan menghadirkan pengalaman imersif yang memacu adrenalin. Tiket: Rp 260.500 Jam Operasional: Setiap hari, 10.30 – 20.00 WITA 4. Museum Bali Sebagai museum tertua di Bali, Museum Bali menyimpan koleksi bersejarah berupa kerajinan, tradisi, dan kesenian khas Bali. Bangunan bergaya arsitektur tradisional ini berada di Jalan Mayor Wisnu No. 1, Denpasar Timur. Selain pameran koleksi, lingkungan sekitar museum yang asri juga menambah daya tarik tersendiri. Tiket: Rp 10.000 (WNI), Rp 100.000 (WNA) Jam Operasional: Setiap hari, 08.00 – 16.00 WITA 5. Rumah Topeng dan Wayang Setia Darma Terletak di Jalan Tegal Bingin, Sukawati, Gianyar, Rumah Topeng dan Wayang Setia Darma menyimpan koleksi topeng dan wayang dari berbagai penjuru Nusantara hingga mancanegara. Lebih dari 1.300 topeng dan 5.700 wayang tersimpan di dalam bangunan bergaya Joglo dan Limasan yang artistik. Tiket: Gratis Jam Operasional: Setiap hari, 08.00 – 16.00 WITA Nikmati liburan musim hujan dengan mengunjungi destinasi-destinasi dalam ruangan yang menawarkan keseruan sekaligus pengalaman tak terlupakan di Bali. ***
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