#oc: blossom bellamy
hawkinsglasscloset · 7 months
Practice Run (OC X Canon Kiss Week 2024)
Word count: 2k
Warning: none
A/n: My second collab with the most amazing @mrprettywhenhecries for @theocxcanonweek day 6: An Intimate Moment. This is part of our Stranger Timeline Verse with Stranger Things characters. Hope you all enjoy it <3
"If you had to pick a boy from school to date... who would you pick?" Blossom asked, not sure if she'd wanna know the answer. She was lying on her stomach, flipping through a magazine in Robin's bedroom where they held one of many slumber parties.
"Uh..." Robin hesitated, not knowing what to say. She was so tired of lying to her best friend about her feelings, but what was she supposed to say? That she was in love with her?
"I don't think I'd pick anyone. They're all either ugly or boring, the only nice and sorta good-looking one is Dustin but he's too young for me," Blossom murmured. Truth was she never liked a girl before, but when Robin was there she felt... something different.
"Yeah, me either. They're all too... immature," she exclaimed, glad that Blossom had answered the way she had, not only to find out she didn't like anyone else, but so she could latch onto her answer as well.
Blossom sat up to face Robin with a little smirk. "But have you ever dated anyone?" The question definitely had ulterior motives, she desperately wanted to know if her friend liked someone and if so, what her type was.
"Not... exactly. Okay, no, I haven't," Robin exclaimed, making a face. "Have you?" She wondered reluctantly.
"I've dated one guy but it didn't last too long..." Blossom murmured. "It was just a little weird with him, you know? Like that's not how it's meant to be."
“Oh?” Robin asked, perking up before quickly clearing her throat. “I mean, why was it weird?” She asked, crossing her legs under her.
"He didn't treat me like I wanted to be treated, I felt attracted to him, but... it's like boys have a few nice bits and are attached to the rest, which is trash." 
Robin couldn’t help but laugh. “I won’t disagree with you there,” she snorted.
"But um... does that mean you never kissed a boy before?" Blossom asked, feeling a little flutter in her stomach, even though she didn't fully understand it.
“I’ve… never kissed anyone,” she admitted, her face flaring brightly and suddenly feeling very hot, her palms starting to sweat.
A little gasp left Blossom's lips when she noticed how flushed (and absolutely adorable) her friend was.  
"That's okay, everyone has their moment, nothing wrong with that," she assured. "But I don't get it. You're so beautiful, you're like... waking up in the morning and seeing the most wonderful day out the window. Your smile is like the sun, your freckles are so cute, and your eyes are gorgeous! Who wouldn't wanna kiss you?"
“I—“ Robin’s voice faltered and she only felt more flustered. “I’m none of those things!” She exclaimed, bleating an awkward laugh.
"You are though, you're also intelligent and funny and kind. You're like the whole package, anyone who doesn't ask you out is stupid."  
Oh my God, it's me... I'm stupid, was all Blossom could think.
“You’re biased cause you’re my friend,” Robin argued, trying to calm her racing heart. Why did it feel like her friend meant all those things she’d said… in more than a friendly way? 
"If you were ugly and uninteresting, I could've just kept my mouth shut so I wouldn't hurt your feelings," Blossom pointed out. "I'm not the most experienced kisser ever, but I mean... I know a few things if you ever want tips."
"Oh, uh, what kind of tips?" Robin asked, intrigued, but a little nervous.
"I don't know, like what to do with your tongue and your hands... stuff I wish I knew before," Blossom shrugged.
"Okay, I guess I could use all the help I can get, though I really doubt I'll be kissing anyone soon..." she mumbled.
"You never know. I'd tell you to let the other person take the lead. Your tongue shouldn't be too present, but also not stiff. Try to caress the neck or the hair with your hands so it adds to the sensation."
"Wait, how do you mean, your tongue shouldn't be stiff?" Robin chuckled, a little confused by her explanation.
"If can't be stiff, like hard. It needs to be relaxed, but not relaxed like a thirsty dog just... soft."
"I think I get what you mean, but it's hard to really understand without doing it, I guess," Robin mumbled, looking down at her legs when she realized how that sounded -- like she wanted Blossom to show her.
"Why don't you try it? I can show you... just for practice," the other girl suggested, trying to sound extra casual, as if she wouldn't jump at the first chance to kiss her best friend.
Robin's face flared bright red. "Wait, what?" she exclaimed, swallowing thickly, hastily trying to work moisture back into her mouth.
"Sorry, that was a stupid idea. I'm so sorry, I just thought... it would be easier to show you with practice," Blossom had to resist the urge to hide under a pillow, she felt like such a creep. 
"N-no! No, it's okay! It just took me by surprise is all," Robin exclaimed quickly, not wanting her friend to feel bad. However, she also didn't want her to know how eager she was to kiss her. "We can do that," she said, having to take a steadying breath.
"You don't have to if you think it would be gross or something," Blossom murmured, moving closer to her and taking her hand.
"I don't think it would be gross," Robin assured her, a little too insistently. "So... how do we...?" She murmured, barely able to breathe as they shifted closer.
"Just relax and give it a try like this," Blossom whispered slowly approaching her until their lips touched softly. The kiss was slow and delicate, almost as if they moved in slow motion. 
Robin didn't think her face could get any hotter, she nearly felt as if she were about to faint. Blossom's lips were softer than she could imagine, and she had imagined.
Slowly, Blossom parted her lips and her tongue found Robin's. She didn't mind her inexperience, it didn't take away from the moment and how amazing it felt. That was definitely what a kiss was meant to feel like.
“Oh—“ Robin gasped as her friend's tongue brushed softly against hers, but she didn’t pull away, her hands balling in the blanket beneath her, fighting the urge to kiss her deeper and make a fool of herself by shoving her tongue down her throat.
"That was pretty good," Blossom finally pulled away, looking quite red in the face. "But you can use more of your tongue, that was a little shy. Let's try one more time."
“I was just afraid of-of using too much,” Robin replied shakily, wetting her lips before leaning back in.
"It's okay, if it's too much, I'll let you know," Blossom murmured, burying her fingers into the other girl's hair. This kiss felt more passionate, more heated. Even though it was just for practice... of course.
Robin's breath hitched as she leaned into the kiss, feeling a little more confident this time, her hands grasping at the other girl's waist, losing herself for a moment in the kiss.
And just like that, nothing else mattered, it felt like they were meant to be, two princesses in a romance novel. Nothing had ever felt more right. "Yeah, I think you got it," Blossom breathed. "That was perfect."
"Oh, right," Robin breathed, coming back to her senses as they parted, remembering that this was just practice and that it wasn't supposed to mean anything. "You really think so?" she asked, trying to steady her voice, not wanting her friend to catch the hint of disappointment behind her words.
"I do, I think anyone would be very lucky to kiss you," Blossom said, fighting tears as she realized Robin would probably never want to kiss her again. Maybe she should've lied and said it wasn't good enough... just to get a few more practice runs.
"Wait, B, are you okay?" Robin exclaimed, noticing the tears caught in her lashes. "What's wrong?" She asked, her chest suddenly tight with worry, afraid she'd upset her.
"I'm fine, really, I'm okay," Blossom nodded, wiping her eyes quickly and looking the other way. "I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me. So silly."
"Hey, you're not silly," Robin insisted, gently turning the other girl's face back to her and instinctively reaching out to brush the tears from her cheek. "Please tell me?" She whispered.
"I can't," she murmured, more tears rolling down her cheeks. "If I tell you, you might never wanna see me again or be my friend and I can't do that."
"Nothing you could tell me would make me not wanna be your friend anymore," Robin assured her, nearly choking on her words, her hands still cupping her friend's face. "Even if you killed someone. I'd help you hide the body," she joked though her voice wavered.
"I never felt like this before," Blossom started, taking a deep breath to gather the courage to admit what had been in her mind for months. "But when I'm with you it's like the rest of the world doesn't matter and everything is perfect. You fix what I never knew was broken... I like you."
Robin blinked. She suddenly felt like she'd been dunked in an ice bath. She had to be dreaming. All the times she'd imagined Blossom saying those words, she'd never really thought it would happen. 
"You... do?" She breathed, almost afraid to speak, afraid if she did the bubble would pop and the dream would end.
"I do, I think you're the coolest, most amazing, prettiest girl in the world. Not an army of Daryl Hannahs and Sissy Spaceks could change my mind. Your laugh and your voice are the first things I wanna hear in the morning and the last I wanna hear before bed."
Robin's eyes fluttered, a tear rolling down her cheek and when she opened her mouth to speak a sob came out instead. "I like you too, Blossom," she finally whispered, her voice cracking. "I've liked you for so long, but I was afraid--"
"I was afraid! I thought you liked that boy from Canada you told me about. I didn't know exactly what was going on, I've liked boys before, but I like you. I don't know if that means I'm a lesbian... a half lesbian? Is there such thing as a half lesbian?"
"I only made him up because I didn't want you to think I was pathetic. This whole time, I only liked you," Robin exclaimed, letting out a wet laugh. "I think that means you're bisexual," she said, pressing an overjoyed kiss to Blossom's mouth, kissing her urgently.
The other girl, in turn, kissed her back with the same enthusiasm, almost getting on top of her as she caressed the back of her neck and her dirty blonde hair.  
"You could never be pathetic, you're like... like a gorgeous mermaid goddess that I can't get enough of," she giggled.
Robin let out a full-bodied laugh. "You're the gorgeous mermaid goddess!" she exclaimed, kissing all over Blossom's face giddily. "Fuck, I can't believe this is really happening!" she cried, holding tightly to the other girl.
"Me neither, you're like a dream," Blossom leaned against her shoulder. "I wanna keep you all to myself and never share with anyone ever again."
"I'm okay with that," Robin laughed. "Does that mean... we're girlfriends?" she wondered, falling to the bed with the other girl in her arms.
"I think it does... we're girlfriends!" Blossom shrieked in excitement. "You're all mine now! This is perfect."
Robin couldn't stop the giddy laughter that filled her chest and she pressed her forehead to her girlfriend's, her cheeks hurting from how much she was smiling. "You know... I think I might need some more practice at this kissing thing. Think you could help me some more?" She teased, tracing the line of Blossom's jaw with her finger.
"What sort of teacher would I be if I refused?" She winked, pulling her closer again.
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mrprettywhenhecries · 11 months
ghost stories
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Billy Hargrove ✘ Win Lewis (OC) // Eddie Munson ✘ Lydia Bellamy (OC) // Robin Buckley ✘ Blossom Bellamy (OC)
⇾ w.c. 3.5k words ⇾ warning(s). canon x oc pairings, spooky stories, drinking, suggestive themes, but nothing explicit ⇾ a/n. a little halloween collaboration with @super-unpredictable98/@hawkinsglasscloset, featuring my Winnie and her Lydia and Blossom.
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"Wow, great place to get murdered. Nice one, Win," Blossom huffed as Billy parked in front of the lonely cabin. 
"Chicken!" Lydia teased. "What’re you scared of?  This is the middle of nowhere, nobody will come here to kill you." 
"That is precisely why someone might come here to kill me!  I've never done drugs, I never drank alcohol or smoked, my organs are valuable!" Blossom cried.
“Oh, come on!” Win exclaimed, grinning as she got out, excited for their weekend away. “It’s not as bad as it looks!” she insisted, opening the door for Blossom.  
"You're right... it's worse!"  Blossom walked in and ran her finger over the mirror right by the door.  "Not only is it creepy, it's filthy too. Only you guys can drag me to these things."
“It just needs a quick dusting, that’s all,” Win said with a shrug, opening the curtains to a cloud of dust. 
“Don’t worry so much, B,” Robin said, joining her girlfriend inside, bringing their bags in. “We’re gunna have fun!”
"I hope so."  Blossom softened seeing her girlfriend. " Anywhere is perfect with you."
Eddie’s van pulled up moments later, parking behind the Camaro.  “Hey, guess I wasn’t as late as I thought I’d be,” he said, grinning excitedly as he jumped down from the driver’s seat.
"Hey, sexy!" Lydia called, rushing to greet her boyfriend, practically jumping into his arms.
“Hey, missed you,” Eddie exclaimed, lifting her off her feet, greeting her with a kiss.
"Missed you too!" Lydia took his arm once he set her back down. "I can't wait to have you holding me in front of the fire while we make s'mores."
“Mmm, sounds perfect,” Eddie mused, a lopsided grin tugging at his lips. “Then we can go back to our room and have some fun,” he drawled, his hands slipping down to give her backside a squeeze. 
"Aaah!  You naughty boy!" Lydia giggled, giving his hair a little tug. "Come on, it's getting cold out here."
"Don't want my lady getting a chill now, do we?" Eddie asked, shutting the driver's side door and pulling open the side panel to unpack the supplies. "Can you help me carry in the food, babe?" he asked, handing her one of the large canvas bags while he grabbed the large cooler. 
"Yeah, but that'll cost you a treat," Lydia winked before taking the bag to the cabin. "A special secret treat."
"Oh?" Eddie chuckled, tilting his head as he followed her inside. 
"This place is awesome, so cozy," Billy mused as he brought his bag and Win's inside, joining the others. 
“I knew you’d like it,” Win said, letting her eyes roam the room.
"Perfect place, nobody can hear you screaming my name," Billy whispered teasingly, leaning into her. 
“Yeah, other than our friends,” she pointed out, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Nah, I have a feeling they’ll be a little too preoccupied to notice,” he replied with a smirk, pulling her down with him to the old dusty couch. "They'll be busy playing their own dirty games."
Win laughed, collapsing into his lap. "I guess that’s true," she agreed, fighting back a grin.
“It’ll be a nice break from everything,” Robin said, pressing a kiss to Blossom’s temple.
"A break from Steve," Blossom laughed, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend. "I could use a warm shower."
"I hope his date goes well," Robin said.  As much as she loved teasing Steve about his string of bad luck with women, she did hope he could find someone that made him as happy as Blossom made her.  "Why don't you take a quick shower and we'll get a fire going," she offered.
"I hope so too, he's so nice, he deserves it," Blossom nodded, stealing a kiss and turning to find the bathroom.
"Have a nice shower," Robin called, giving Blossom's ass a soft smack as she walked away. "Okay, who wants to help me start a fire?" she exclaimed, heading for the hearth.
"I will," Billy offered, giving Win a quick snuggle a kiss to the tip of her nose before getting up to help Robin get wood for the fireplace.
Win scrunched her nose at him, sitting up to watch them, resting her chin in her hand as she let her eyes follow her boyfriend's ass.
Billy looked over his shoulder to find his girlfriend observing him. "Enjoying the view?" he teased.
"Always," Win replied, winking at him. "Do you guys need any help?" she asked, pushing herself up. "I think we got it," Robin answered, tucking her hair behind her ear as she added some wood slowly to the small flame that Billy had started.
Billy was gonna say something about letting the men take care of it, but he quickly held his tongue, remembering Robin wasn't a man and not wanting to offend her.
"What sort of treat would you like?" Eddie asked his girlfriend, dropping the cooler in front of the fridge to unpack it. 
"Surprise me," Lydia grinned, taking the food from the bag and putting it on the counter.
Eddie smirked, handing her an ice cold beer. "That what you had in mind?" he teased, kicking the fridge door shut with his foot as he leaned across the counter.
"Shhhhh!" Lydia giggled, pressing her finger against his lips though she nodded in agreement. 
Eddie grinned against her fingers before licking them teasingly and cracking the beer open. "You want any?" he asked.
"Yeah... but only if you give it to me," Lydia said pointedly, wetting her lips slowly. 
Eddie glanced up at the others who were pretty distracted by the fireplace before taking a long draw from the can and pulling Lydia closer, his lips slotting with hers. 
Lydia drank from his mouth, and though the beer was cold, warmth spread through her body, stemming from where her lips met his.
“You’re welcome, you looked parched,” Eddie chuckled, drinking some more for himself.
"I feel a lot better," Blossom announced as she left the bathroom, wearing a big fluffy robe and pajama bottoms.
Robin straightened when she heard her girlfriend, grinning proudly as she dusted off her hands. “Look, we’ve got fire!” she exclaimed, gesturing to the hearth as Blossom joined them. 
“You guys are so handy,” Win laughed, pulling Billy back to the couch with her.
"You've seen nothing yet, wait until it's time to wash my car in the summer... you'll be drooling," he teased.
“I can’t wait,” Win murmured, tugging his shirt collar down to press a kiss to his collarbone. 
"My hero!” Blossom cried, throwing her arms around Robin’s neck before lowering her voice to a whisper.  “You're so hot when you do manual work.”
Robin chuckled. “The place feeling a little more welcoming now?” she asked. 
"Definitely and it's nice and warm... you know, I could fall asleep out here in your arms," Blossom pulled her down to the couch as well.
“That sounds nice,” Robin murmured, breathing in the scent of Blossom’s shampoo.
“So what do we wanna do now?” Win asked, looking around at the others.
“Once it gets dark I say we play some drinking games and share a few ghost stories,” Eddie suggested, pitching his voice low as he wiggled his fingers ominously, a grin tugging at his lips.
"Oh come on, no ghost stories, I don't like attracting that sort of thing," Lydia groaned. "It's all bullshit anyway." 
"Who's the chicken now, huh?" Billy laughed. "If you don't believe in them, there's no harm in telling a few."
“Yeah, c’mon Lyds, don’t be a buzzkill,” Win said, giving her friend a mischievous look. 
“Don’t worry, babe, I’ll keep you safe,” Eddie teased, wrapping an arm around her.
"Fine, whatever, I don't believe in ghosts," Lydia insisted, rolling her eyes. "But just for the record, you all suck." 
"Some of us more than others," Billy said, making a blowjob motion with his hand.
A laugh burst from Eddie at Billy’s innuendo and he pressed a wet kiss to Lydia’s cheek. “Got that right,” he agreed smugly. 
Lydia stuck her tongue out before going back to the kitchen to heat up their dinner. 
"Don't mind her, she doesn't like horror stories since our brother told her about something called Alice Human Sacrifice," Blossom laughed.
“Sounds spooky!” Robin said, tickling Blossom’s sides. 
“Well, I’m excited. I like being scared,” Win said, stealing Eddie’s beer can to take a drink.
"It's just a silly tale Simon made up," Blossom laughed. "Our dad is always encouraging him to write more crazy stories." 
"Who is Alice though?" Billy asked. 
"Nobody," Lydia shrugged, offering each of them a plate of lasagna. "Simon made them up."
“So, what’s the story?” Win asked, accepting the food eagerly.
"There was once a little dream, and being afraid people would stop dreaming it, it decided to bring people to itself in a sort of wonderland," Blossom began, setting the tone as she slowly glanced at her friend’s faces. "Each person lured in was an Alice,” she explained.  “The first Alice was a singer who was adored all over the land and that made him quite arrogant.  Until one day a madman shot him, making a red blood rose bloom from his head." 
"The second Alice were a pair of twins, a girl and a boy who were lured by their curiosity," Lydia continued, rolling her eyes. "But the land warped their vision and pit one against the other until they killed each other with their bare hands, never to wake from their deep slumber."
"Interesting," Win murmured, wondering if there was more or not.
"That would suck killing your twin..." Robin mumbled, chewing her lip.
"Yeah, I think killing anyone would be sorta bad, but especially your twin," Blossom ageed.
"It doesn't make much sense, but Simon is just like that..." Lydia huffed softly. "He watches too much anime." 
"Yeah, that sounds like him," Win snorted, taking another bite of lasagna.
"Who wants a drink? I say it's time we really get this party started," Eddie exclaimed, glancing out the window, noticing how dark it was growing outside.
"I'll have a beer," Billy said, raising his hand nonchalantly. 
"Me too," Lydia winked at her boyfriend. 
"Yeah, same," Blossom nodded. "Oh!  Did you guys read Tomie? It's a new horror manga that just came out in the Monthly Halloween magazine."
“Hon, I think you and Lyds are the only ones that have read that,” Robin pointed out with a grin while Eddie handed out several cans of beer.
"Ugh, people have no taste!  This guy should be famous," Blossom huffed, taking her drink to go with her dinner.
"Maybe one day," Lydia agreed, taking a sip from her own can.
“Anyone else got any scary stories?” Robin asked, looking pointedly between Billy and Eddie.
“Oh, I do,” Eddie said, his grin widening. “But first I think we need a little ambiance,” he drawled, turning off the lights, leaving only the fire to see by.
"Oh, here we go..." Lydia breathed. 
"Now it's getting good," Billy chuckled, reaching around behind Blossom and discreetly running his fingers up her back like a spider, making her scream. 
"ASSHOLE!" She cried.
"Billy!" Win chastised, giving his shoulder a shove as Robin stuck her tongue out at him, pulling Blossom into her arms to comfort while Eddie plopped down on the floor in front of the fireplace. 
"So..." he began, waiting to make sure all eyes were on him, a feral grin on his face. "It was a dark, cold night, much like this one--" he said, glancing around the room from under his long bangs. "--and a group of friends, much like us, decided to camp in the middle of the woods. They were having a fun time, everything was going well, until night fell--" he said, his voice dipping low.
"How surprising," Lydia snorted; she knew his storytelling skills were off the charts. She’d seen him as the dungeon master for his epic campaigns and she loved it. 
"What happened when it got dark?" Blossom asked.
Eddie turned his grin on Blossom, glad to see she, at least, was hooked, while Robin looked vaguely uneasy and Win was watching him intently. 
“The moon came out from behind the clouds and shone down brightly, its light filtering through the foliage to the forest floor beneath. A couple of the group decided to go get some more firewood and they ventured out further along one of the trails. Soon they came upon several dead animals,” he said, pausing for effect. “However, they could see no apparent cause of death, no blood or wounds, no sign of attack, and yet there were more than one, spread out along the trail.”
Lydia put aside her fear and skepticism and decided to enjoy the story as if it wasn't a load of wank. "That's... intriguing," she murmured, curious to know what was causing the deaths.
Eddie raised an eyebrow at her, determined to at least give her the heebie jeebies. 
“Unsettled, the couple hurried back to their campsite, telling the others what they saw, but their friends dismissed it, laughing at them for being too jumpy.” Here Eddie paused to take a drink, exhaling deeply before continuing.
“All seemed to be back to normal, the friends drinking and partying late into the night, when a twig snapped nearby and the rustling of leaves announced something approaching. The friends jumped to their feet, their hearts in their throats as their eyes swung to the sound. Moments later a deer came into the clearing and stopped, its ears perking up as it froze. The friends watched it, not wanting to startle it, when suddenly, it fell to the ground, dead. Nothing having touched it,” he exclaimed.
Lydia took Blossom's hand; now both sisters were hooked and slightly disturbed by the image formed in their minds. Billy on the other hand, saw where the story was headed and was already planning a little stunt that would for sure freak the girls out.
“Oh shit—“ Win breathed, slipping her arm around Billy’s, as she leaned into him, though her focus was all on Eddie. Eddie, however, noticed the glint in Billy’s eye and nodded to him before continuing.
“Now thoroughly spooked, several of the teens began to wonder if they should leave or find a new spot to camp, but the others argued, not wanting to pack up camp in the middle of the night. Besides, they figured the strange animal deaths were probably caused by some sickness or maybe poison they had gotten into. 
“Talked into staying, at least for the night, everyone went to sleep, crawling into their tents. The next morning, when one of the girls awoke to take a piss in the woods, she tripped over a large dark shape not far from the smoking fire pit. At first it appeared to be a pile of clothes, but upon further inspection, it was one of her friends, their body cold and eyes wide open and staring.”
"What was it? How did they die?" Lydia exclaimed, jumping slightly when she saw a shadow pass by the window.  "I saw someone! There's something out there!" she cried, pointing toward the dark window pane.
"I'm sure it's nothing," Billy huffed dismissively, winking at Eddie.
“You’re just jumping at shadows!” Robin exclaimed, though her voice wavered, rising in pitch as her eyes darted to the window.  Eddie’s grin widened and he leaned in closer to finish off the story, enjoying the way he had them in the palm of his hand. 
“As soon as the girl realized what she’d tripped over, she screamed, scrambling away from the body. But by the time the others roused from their tents, alerted by her cry, she too was already dead, not a mark on her.  
“Frightened senseless, her friends ran, fleeing into the woods, chased by an unseen attacker. And one by one, their screams too were silenced, and to this day, no one knows what happened to them, their bodies never found.” Eddie’s voice was near a whisper now and the flames behind him danced, casting eerie shadows against the walls of the cabin. 
“Now, there are some who think the mysterious deaths of the teens and the animals were caused by a toxic airborne chemical leak, but others, others say it was the work of an old hermit who lived deep in the woods, hidden away from the world, who conversed with spirits and demons. They say he could steal your soul just by touching your shadow.”
"Your shadow? That's... um, that's stupid," Lydia said, clearing her throat, but she screamed when she heard a knock on the window. 
There was no one there except for a tree branch that looked a bit like a hand. 
"Who's there?" Blossom asked, seeing another dark figure flashing past the opposite window.
"I’ll go check," Billy said, disentangling himself from Win’s grasp before getting up and slowly walking to the window. 
“Billy, wait—“ Win began, her words dying on her tongue as he peered through the glass, his eyes going wide and his mouth falling open in a silent gasp before he suddenly collapsed.
“Billy?” Win called, frozen in place on the couch, fear clutching her chest.
“Oh haha, very funny, Billy,” Robin said, her voice slightly hoarse. 
“Yeah, very funny,” Lydia agreed, though there was an edge to her voice. 
Eddie, however, jumped to his feet and hurried across the room, dropping to knees and leaning over Billy, listening.
“He’s not breathing!” he exclaimed, and Win shared a frightened look with Lydia and Blossom. 
“Eddie, watch out!” Robin exclaimed when she saw the shadow of a hand silhouetted through the window, its thin fingers reaching toward Eddie’s shadow on the floor behind him.
"Eddie!" Lydia shrieked,  jumping and tackling him, rolling with him to a darker corner. "Fuck! Stop playing, it's not funny!" 
"Stop messing around, Billy! We know you're alive!" Blossom said weakly, trying to believe it. "Wait, Robin, don't go over there, stay in the dark where there’re no shadows!"
“I’m not playing!” Eddie exclaimed, fighting back a grin as he pulled Lydia atop him. 
Robin hesitated, but Win didn’t, pressing her back to the wall and edging closer to the window to peer outside. There was definitely someone out there; she hadn’t been hallucinating the shadow of that hand. 
“Billy,” she exclaimed, dropping down to her knees and crawling beneath the windowsill to his side. He still hadn’t moved, even when she poked his stomach. “Playing dead, huh?” she grumbled under her breath. “Maybe this will revive you,” she said, leaning down to kiss him.
Billy’s lips curved beneath hers and he kissed her back.
"Call me Snow White, babe... cause your kiss just saved me," he joked, pulling her closer to kiss her again. "You totally believed it for a second!  Come on, it was a great joke!"
"You're lucky you're cute or I'd pummel you for that joke," Win exclaimed, pinching his arm before kissing him back. 
"Aww you love me," Billy chuckled, rolling atop his girlfriend. "It was just an elaborate plan to get a kiss." 
“Oh really? That’s kinda dumb seeing as I kiss you all the time,” Win huffed, though she wore a small grin, her fingers tangling in the chain of his necklace to pull him closer. 
"Happy Halloween!" Steve exclaimed, opening the window from the outside, waving with the hand-shaped branch. "Henderson! Come here! You need to see their faces!" 
"Steve? Dustin?" Blossom narrowed her eyes, fixing her glasses. "What the hell are you doing here?" 
"You arse! I fucking hate you! That was so not funny!" Lydia cried, smacking Eddie's chest with an angry huff.
"Yes it was!" Eddie cried, howling with laughter. "You should have seen your face! And you thought it was bullshit when I started," he reminded her.
"Steve!? You lied to us? You like to me?" Robin gasped, her mouth falling open. "Did you even have a date at all?" she exclaimed. 
"No, Eddie asked us to help out with his prank so we just... you know," Steve jumped into the cabin and helped Dustin inside. 
"It was bullshit! I didn't believe it for a second, I was just... pretending!" Lydia exclaimed, folding her arms over her chest. "You're not getting any tonight."
“Awww c’mon, Lyds!” Eddie exclaimed, pulling her into his lap and kissing her neck. “I could protect you from the monsters,” he murmured.
“We’re gunna get you back for this, you know that right?” Robin said, throwing Steve a level look.
"Yeah, we expected that would happen," Dustin chuckled, his eyes crinkling with amusement. 
"You're all so done," Blossom warned while Lydia turned her head with a little humpf, though she didn't push Eddie away. 
"You'll need to spoil me a lot tonight,” she muttered.
“Oh trust me, I have some things up my sleeve,” Eddie purred, kissing his way up Lydia’s jaw.
“Yeah, don’t even think about talking to us!” Robin exclaimed, though she wore a goofy grin, pulling Blossom into her arms to comfort her. 
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⇾ taglist. @elliethesuperfruitlover @b1tchygh0sts @heartbreak-sandwich @vampyreddiemunson @everybodylovessteve
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seanfalco · 2 years
the perfect match masterlist.
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The Perfect Match    ➛ A Timeline Anomaly Bridgerton!AU by @seanfalco​​ & @super-unpredictable98​​ 
Dear Gentle Reader, Another social season is upon us and Miss Blossom Bellamy, this year’s potential Diamond, has just entered society in a much a more gracious manner than her elder sister Lydia, who has rebuked all suitors since her debut and is quickly on the way to spinsterhood, along with her closest friend Winrey Lewis.  However, when not one, but three eligible young gentlemen rejoin the ton after years of being away, the social scene is certain to be turned on it’s head. Let the race to find the perfect match begin!
❥ Tags/Warnings: Nathan Young x oc, Sean Falco x oc, Regency AU, References to Bridgerton❥ a/n: Flor & I were in the midst of rewatching Bridgerton yet again, when we decided we needed to write an AU with the Timeline squad.  Introducing Sean Falco as the Nathans elder brother, and young Blossom as Lydia and Simon’s younger sister.
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Chapters |
   ➛ I. An Introduction to Society    ➛ II. Whistledown’s Mistake
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Okay okay okay have a looong list babe! 💚 (Going with literally everything that gives me vibes lol) (There's also ones that we already talked about but not explored that much... ops?! But they have a *) (Will also use # you'll know why lol) Also, there are some ocs that are in the same universe, but decided just about specific relationships so kept them separated! (Also, tried to follow you "don't do crossover with this oc" list, know that you alredy did some exceptions with me but we always talked about it first and I don't want to make you uncomfortable! If you think you could feel comfortable with some of that ocs or have some other ideas you know I'm always here 👀)
Sure that I forgot someone, but!
Harry Potter
Ara Black & Bianca Black-Lupin
Ara Black & Viss Potter
Emerald Evans & Viss Potter
Gemini Black & Eden Rosier *
Gemini Black & Rosalind Potter
Gemini Black & Gunnie Newton
Eurydice Crouch & Eden Rosier *
Eurydice Crouch & Rosalind Potter
Venus Malfoy & Viss Potter
Andromeda Jackson & Lilith Reeves
Ashley Wilson & Mike Lore
Ashley Wilson & Ashley McCoy
Ashley Wilson & Reggie Warwick
Atalanta Jackson & Lilith Reeves
Blossom Talbot & Mike Lore
Blossom Talbot & Ashley McCoy
Blossom Talbot & Catarine Johnson
Calliope & Catarine Johnson
Cassandra Aelius & Reggie Warwick
Cassandra Aelius & Gilbert Summers & Lucas Alderidge
Crystal Solace & Mike Lore
Crystal Solace & Reggie Warwick
Crystal Solace & Gilbert Summers
Delia & Catarine Johnson
Desdemona Gaumond & Mike Lore
Desdemona Gaumond & Reggie Warwick
Elyana Chase & Evelyn Chase
Esmerelda Wilde & Mike Lore
Esmerelda Wilde & Ashley McCoy
Esmerelda Wilde & Reggie Warwick
Lila & Iris Hardcastle
Mila Bellamy & Reggie Warwick
Pandora Jackson & Lilith Reeves
Pandora Jackson & Mike Lore
Stella Beauregard & Mike Lore
Stella Beauregard & Reggie Warwick
Summer Sol & Gilbert Summers
Viola Di Angelo & Reggie Warwick
Adina Lightwood & Elys Herondale * (and the kids ofc)
Adina Lightwood & Vienna Lightwood
Adina Lightwood & Pepper Orla #
Ariadne Blackthorn & Cassandra Blackthorn
Ariadne Blackthorn & Pepper Orla #
Ariella Lightwood & Elys Herondale
Calla Frey & Elys Herondale
Cassiel Fell & Elys Herondale
Clem Wayland & Elys Herondale
Evanna Garroway & Brian White
Josephine Garroway & Brian White
Mikaela Fairchild & Elys Herondale
Minerva Bane & Elys Herondale
Minerva Bane & Alice Knight
Minerva Bane & Lydia Knight
Minerva Bane & Pepper Orla #
Rebecca Wayland & Elys Herondale
Ainsley Winchester & Kayla Winchester
Deborah Winchester & Kayla Winchester
Elle Winchester & Kayla Winchester
Esther Colt & Kayla Winchester
Isla George & Kayla Winchester
Jude Winchester & Kayla Winchester
Marmaroth & Kayla Winchester
Nevaeh Murphy & Kayla Winchester
Rachel Winchester & Kayla Winchester
Teen Wolf
Abigayle Whittermore & Freya Ringold
Adrien Argent & Raphael Blackwell (& Diana & Angeline Blackwell)
Adrienne Argent & Ginevra Stilinski
Adrienne Argent & Raphael Blackwell
Adrienne Argent & Angeline Blackwell
Alexis Argent & Ginevra Stilinski
Alexis Argent & Raphael Blackwell
Arianne Martin & Ginevra Stilinski
Arianne Martin & Candace McCall
Arianne Martin & Samantha Ellis
Avril Argent & Raphael Blackwell
Avril Argent & Alastair Henwick
Belle Serpico & Addie Lewis
Bridget Finstock & Addie Lewis
Brooke Parrish & Diana Blackwell
Carmen Rivera & Candace McCall
Eden Dunbar & Ginevra Stilinski
Eden Dunbar & Stan Benson
Elsa Lahey & Candace McCall
Elsa Lahey & Samantha Ellis
Natasha Reyes & Linette Reyes
Natasha Reyes & Stan Benson
Raegan Stilinski & Ginevra Stilinski
Scout Stilinski & Ginevra Stilinski
Scout Stilinski & Candace McCall
Scout Stilinski & Addie Lewis
Scout Stilinski & Stan Benson
Sylvia Hale & Raphael Blackwell
Sylvia Hale & Alastair Henwick
Stranger Things
Abigail Layton & Olivia Marlow
Abigail Layton & Sunny Henderson
Angelica Hopper & Autumn Hopper
Angelica Hopper & Sunny Henderson
Angelica Hopper & Effie Munson
Beth Munson & Effie Munson
Beth Munson & Olivia Marlow
Beth Munson & Nora Wheeler #
Camila Nelson & Miles Henderson *
Camila Nelson & Olivia Marlow
Camila Nelson & Autumn Hopper
Cara Henderson & Miles Henderson
Cara Henderson & Sunny Henderson
Cara Henderson & Ethan Clifford
Ness Hopper & Autumn Hopper
Jacob Hopper & Miles Henderson
Jacob Hopper & Autumn Hopper
Jessica Wheeler & Alex Byers
Jessica Wheeler & Dolly Harrington
Jessica Wheeler & Nora Wheeler #
Kaylie Hopper & Miles Henderson
Kaylie Hopper & Autumn Hopper
Kimberly Harrington & Miles Henderson
Kimberly Harrington & Autumn Hopper
Kimberly Harrington & Dolly Harrington
Kimberly Harrington & Sunny Henderson
Laura Hyde & Olivia Marlow
Laura Hyde & Effie Munson
Laura Hyde & Ethan Clifford
Laura Hyde & Nora Wheeler
Lori Hill & Olivia Marlow
Olivia Wheeler & Sunny Henderson
Olivia Wheeler & Olivia Marlow
Olivia Wheeler & Nora Wheeler
Rhiannon Ballard & Miles Henderson
Rhiannon Ballard & Effie Munson
Samantha Mayfield & Dolly Harrington *
Samantha Mayfield & Ethan Clifford
Sidney Hopper & Autumn Hopper
Sidney Hopper & Alex Byers
Spencer Hargrove & Dolly Harrington
Stacey Byers & Alex Byers
Stacey Byers & Miles Henderson *
Descendants (Everyone & Jax lmao)
Ace Hearts & Gavin
Ace Hearts & Brielle
Ace Hearts & Rowan Cheshire
Princess Addie & Prince Baz #
Anissa Radcliffe & Jess Hearts
Anissa Radcliffe & Esme Balthazar
Beatrice & Juniper White
Beatrice & Celestine
Beatrice & Prince Baz #
Blossom & Celestine
Chessy & Jax Hearts
Chessy & Jess Hearts
Chessy & Juniper White
Chessy & Rowan Cheshire
Chiara Potts & Jax Hearts
Chiara Potts & Jess Hearts
Chiara Potts & Prince Bax #
Cian Hearts & Gavin
Cian Hearts & Brielle
Cian Hearts & Rowan Cheshire
Eliane & Jax Hearts
Eliane & Celestine
Elise Charming & Crystal Charming #
Elise Charming & Prince Baz #
Evander Grimhilde & Jax Hearts
Evander Grimhilde & Esme Balthazar
Finley Rider & Jax Hearts
Finley Rider & Primrose Rider #
Fitz Rider & Primrose Rider #
Fitz Rider & Jax Hearts
Gloria Gothel & Primrose Rider #
Harley Hook & Jess Hearts *
Princess Isabelle & Primrose Rider #
Princess Isabelle & Prince Baz #
Princess Kyra & Jess Hearts
Mae & Celestine
Queenie Hearts & Brielle
Robin Fitzherbert & Primrose Rider #
Rylan Fitzherbert & Primrose Rider #
Rosabelle Legume & Jax Hearts
Rosabelle Legume & Prince Baz #
Sloane White & Juniper White
Sloane White & Jess Hearts
Sloane White & Prince Baz #
Taryn Porter & Jax Hearts
Topher Charming & Prince Baz #
Topher Charming & Jax Hearts *
Topher Charming & Crystal Charming #
Topher Charming & Armie & Bernie Poppins
Violet Kingsleigh & Gavin
Violet Kingsleigh & Brielle
Violet Kingsleigh & Rowan Cheshire
Violet Kingsleigh & Prince Baz #
Winnie Pan & Jax Hearts
Winnie Pan & Jess Hearts
Effie Cox & CJ Holmes
Kit Holmes & CJ Holmes
Elaine Watson & CJ Holmes
MCU (Should have a list just for them ngl)
Achilles & Aimee
Adelaide Stark & Eleanor Stark
Adelaide Stark & Rebecca Stark
Adelaide Stark & Victoria Vill
Alvina Strange & Victoria Vill
Alvina Strange & Melissa Parker #
Alvina Strange & Aimee
Anya Barton & Kit Barton
Aphrodite & Aimee
Aria Parker & Melissa Parker #
Ava Potts & Victoria Vill
Ava Potts & Kit Barton
Ava Potts & Mia Barnes
Bianca Davis & Mia Barnes
Bianca Davis & Kit Barton *
Bianca Davis & Eleanor Stark
Brigid & Rebecca Stark
Brigid & Trixie Kingsleigh
Calypso Lokidottir & Eisa Lokidottir #
Calypso Lokidottir & Aimee
Cora Royce & Kit Barton *
Courtney Lang & Helena Watson
Eir Odinsdottir & Aimee
Eir Odinsdottir & Sol & Mani #
Eir Odinsdottir & Eisa Lokidottir #
Elena Barnes & Kit Barton
Elena Barnes & Mia Barnes
Elizabeth Barton & Kit Barton
Ellie Coulson & Victoria Vill
Ellie Coulson & Melissa Parker #
Elsie Carter & Mia Barnes
Erna Bragidottir & Sol & Mani #
Evelyn Rogers & Mia Barnes
Ezra Barton & Kit Barton
Freya Thorsdottir & Eisa Lokidottir #
Freya Thorsdottir & Aimee
Ilya Romanova & Kit Barton
Ilya Romanova & Mia Barnes
Jameson Barrett & Mia Barnes
Justine Barnes & Mia Barnes *
Kassandra Maximoff & Victoria Vill
Kassandra Maximoff & Kit Barton
Mia Pierce & Kit Barton
Mia Pierce & Mia Barnes
Nicholas Barton & Kit Barton
Peyton Parker & Victoria Vill
Peyton Parker & Melissa Parker
Saga Thorsdottir & Aimee
Sammy Barton & Kit Barton
Tyler Barton & Kit Barton
Wendy Parker & Trixie Kingsleigh
Wendy Parker & Victoria Vill
Wendy Parker & Melissa Parker #
Will Parker & Kit Barton *
Will Parker & Melissa Parker
Will Parker & Victoria Vill
Will Parker & Eleanor Stark
Will Parker & Rebecca Stark
Zora Wright & Kit Barton
TASM (Trust me on this, especially when you read one specific name lol)
Constance Osborn & Victoria Vill
Constance Osborn & MJ Watson #
Jill Stacy & MJ Watson #
Posie Parker & Victoria Vill
Posie Parker & MJ Watson #
Princess Aelia & Maeve *
Allyria Pendragon & Elissa Pendragon
Aurelia Devlyn & Mabel
Aurelia Devlyn & Delfine
Elsine Pendragon & Elissa Pendragon
Lynette Starfall & Maeve
Abbie Hudson & Nate Simmons *
Abbie Hudson & Kaylee Hummel *
Abbie Hudson & Maya Puckerman
Abbie Hudson & Mirabelle Ryder
Amelie Kline & Cosette Chamberlain #
Ash Astor & Cosette Chamberlain #
Barbie Corcoran & Linda Berry #
Barbie Corcoran & Maya Puckerman
Betty Fabray & Nate Simmons *
Betty Fabray & Elliott Walker *
Betty Fabray & Kaylee Hummel
Mac Hudson & Connie Sanchez #
(The Band & The Band? 👀)
Cece Cartwright & Nate Simmons *
Cece Cartwright & Elliott Walker *
Cece Cartwright & Melanie Jay
Charlie Sylvester & Nate Simmons
Christie Hummel & Nate Simmons
Christie Hummel & Kaylee Hummel
Daphne Carter & Susan Cole
Daphne Carter & Morgan Smith
Delilah Puckerman & Susan Cole
Demi July & Dulcie Klempt
Demi July & Nate Simmons
Demi July & Ronnie Nell
Dolly Corcoran & Linda Berry #
Dolly Corcoran & Jean St James
Gilbert Hummel & Kaylee Hummel
Haruki Knox & Nate Simmons *
Hillary Holliday & Nate Simmons
Holden Pierre & Chrissy Chamberlain
Holden Pierre & Nate Simmons
Jeremy St James & Nate Simmons
Jeremy St James & Elliott Walker
Jeremy St James & Jean St James
Johanna Berry & Linda Berry #
Joy Shuester & Morgan Smith
Joy Shuester & Nate Simmons
Joy Shuester & Elliott Walker
June Harris & May Taylor & Melanie Jay
June Harris & May Taylor & Lyra Wells & Melody Wells
Kendall Pierce & Nate Simmons *
Kendall Pierce & Elliott Walker
Kendall Pierce & Lula Delaney
Lilibeth Anderson & Jean St James
Lilibeth Anderson & Chrissy Chamberlain
Lindsay Wright & Zeke Wright
Lindsay Wright & Dulcie Klempt
Roman Kline & Cosette Chamberlain
Roxie Flores & Nate Simmons
Roxie Flores & Jennifer Glynn #
Sadie Berry & Linda Berry
Abigail Claremont-Diaz & Emma Spring
Abigail Claremont-Diaz & Romeo Dunn
Caroline FMW & Princess Valentina (& Emma Spring)
Caroline FMW & Eliza Halley
Caroline FMW & Rosalie Harlow #
Cate FMW & Rosalie Harlow #
Eileen Eisner & Eliza Halley
Isabel Luna & Lenora Richards
Kennedy Quinlan & Romeo Dunn
London Carter & Emma Spring
London Carter & Ken Morrison
London Carter & Lenora Richards
Lucy Kent & Ken Morrison
Lucy Kent & Emma Spring
Madison Richards & Lenora Richards
Margaret FMW & Princess Valentina
Margaret FMW & Rosalie Harlow #
Allison Queen & Virginia Falcone
Allison Queen & Jericho Valeska
Bellatrix Bullock & Lila Hart
Bellatrix Bullock & Jeneva Valeska
Bellatrix Bullock & Jericho Valeska
Chrissa Wayne & Jeneva Valeska
Chrissa Wayne & Annalise Pennyworth
Chrissa Wayne & Karina Wayne
Chrissa Wayne & Jericho Valeska
Dakota Dent & Margaret Gordon
Dakota Dent & Jericho Valeska
Felicity Nygma & Lila Hart
Felicity Nygma & Jericho Valeska
Isolde Kean & Margaret Gordon
Isolde Kean & Hel Mooney
Isolde Kean & Ade Kean
Isolde Kean & Larissa Thompkins
Isolde Kean & Jericho Valeska
Josette Cobblepot & Lila Hart
Josette Cobblepot & Hel Mooney
Josette Cobblepot & Jericho Valeska
Leander Zane Hayes & Elijah Crow
Leonie Murphy & Margaret Gordon
Leonie Murphy & Penelope Fisher
Leonie Murphy & Jericho Valeska
Lorena Falcone & Margaret Gordon
Lorena Falcone & Virginia Falcone
Lorena Falcone & Hel Mooney
Lorena Falcone & Jericho Valeska
Ophelia Wayne & Margaret Gordon
Ophelia Wayne & Virginia Falcone
Ophelia Wayne & Karina Wayne
Ophelia Wayne & Jericho Valeska
Piper Gordon & Margaret Gordon
Piper Gordon & Mireille Lacroix
Piper Gordon & Larissa Thompkins
Piper Gordon & Jericho Valeska
Sarina Strange & Jeneva Valeska
Sarina Strange & Jericho Valeska
DC Comics/Batman (Coming soon I swear, working on some of them 👀)
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Thank you so much for the tah @jozstankovich
➺ favorite oc - Blossom Lydia Bellamy (including all versions from all different timelines)
➺ newest oc - Charlie, Ellery, Michael & Saoirse Young (Nathan, Lydia & Win's children - shared with @jozstankovich), Dylan Witter Jr, Ciara and Aoife Klaren
➺ oldest oc (not age-wise, but how long you've had them) - Florenza, she's a Glee oc and I won't say more cause I don't want anyone to find her
➺ meanest oc - whoever Cassi's dad and Sherry's dad, Lana Kadri
➺ softest oc - Cassiopeia, Lydia, Ramona, Blossom, Mirai
➺ most aloof/standoffish oc - Venus, Amora, Juliette
➺ dumbest (affectionate) oc - Vicky, Thalia, Lada
➺ smartest oc - Sienna, Eugenia
➺ horniest oc - LYDIA AND SHERRY
➺ oc you’d bang - Most of them
➺ oc you'd be best friends with irl - Lydia, Joyce, Eden, Evangeline
Tagging whoever wants to play cause I'm bad with tags and always think I'm forgetting someone lol
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manyfandomocs · 7 months
➰ + Gilbert?
A boy I really need to figure things out for and develop
Ashley Wilson
Blake Castellan
Blossom Talbot
Ciara Mare
Cori Parks
Cressida Brantley
Cyrus Allegro
Desdemona Gaumond
Elara Allegra
Esmerelda Wilde
Jasper Gabriel
Jem Skeates
Melody Weiss
Mila Bellamy
Nina Turner
Pandora Jackson
Victoria Blofis
Send me ➰ + one of my ocs and I’ll tell you which of your ocs I think they’d get along with
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ao3feed-the100 · 1 year
Saviour & Survivor
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Vsw5ogB
by xFemme_Fatale16x
[The 100 Fanfiction / John Murphy x OC] --- "She seems pretty important to you."
"She's the most important to me." --- Dawn Rousseau can't stand John Murphy. Arrogant, cruel and a complete trouble-maker. She can hardly go a single day without the class clown getting under her skin.
John Murphy despises Dawn Rousseau. Stubborn, brilliant and definitely putting up an act. The only thing he likes is getting to argue with the teacher's pet each day.
However, when these rivals are sent to Earth with 98 other delinquents, many revelations are made. Is 'Little Miss Perfect' more flawed than people think? Can an outcast care for someone other than himself? Will hate blossom into love with death around every corner?
Words: 645, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: John Murphy (The 100), Finn Collins, Emori (The 100), Original Female Character(s), Clarke Griffin, Bellamy Blake, Octavia Blake, Raven Reyes (The 100), Lexa (The 100), Lincoln (The 100)
Relationships: John Murphy (The 100)/Original Female Character(s), Emori/John Murphy (The 100), Finn Collins/Original Female Character(s), Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin, Clarke Griffin/Lexa
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Love Triangles, Eventual Smut, Romance, Angst, Science Fiction, Happy Ending, Canonical Character Death, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Vsw5ogB
0 notes
at-sarvival · 3 years
maeve + monty, matthias + jasper, lynn + harper, mel + raven, callen + kane, weslyn + jaha, maeve + raven, mel + bellamy, rena + lexa
send me an ask with one of my ocs + a canon character and i'll tell you if they would work together as a couple/if i would ship them or in general what kind of relationship i see them having.
01.   maeve  +  monty
while maeve can be conforntational at times and protective,    she would only want to learn some things to fight to protect those she cares and herself.       but other than that i don’t think she’d be focused too much in the fight.    and would find other ways to try to help.    actually the more i think about it they more i think they would work together.     or be really good friends throughout the seasons.  maeve is more outspoken but she can also be a really good listener & that can balance things out with monty who keeps to himself a lot but he also needs to express his frustrations because he carries a lot.    &  i think that with monty,  maeve would let herself heal more.   they’d obviously each be on their own journey but support each other through it.
02.   matthias  +  jasper
first of all,  it’s in my bio for him that matthias helped took care of jasper,    especially when clarke was out of camp / was looking for the sea weed.     so there’s already a first interaction there.    &  i think in a post season two setting matthias would try to reach out to him because he’s been struggling with his mental health a large part of his life & on his own, so that would push him to be there for jasper beyond his instincts of taking care of others.   i don’t know if they could have developed into a relationship, or a healthy one not only because of those issues but because i think that jasper was still struggling with his love for maya but matthias would at the very least try to be a good friend.
03.   lynn  +  harper
i do think lynn would be drawn in to harper even from the beginning.     there’s a subtle confidence to harper,   knowing who she is and what she wants while lynn is greatly unsure of themselves and who they are beause of their upbringing.     harper can also be kind and comforting and uplifting while being so damn strong at the same time and lynn needs that after spending so much time in fear.      they’re more stoic than harper and distant at first,   but the more they allow themselves to open up and actually exists,     they can be sweet and caring to those close to them.       i would really like them together actually.    &  there could be a beautiful parallel in s4 when harper is doubting herself & the world of    ‘  you helped me discover myself, now let me help you find yourself and your puprose again.  ’
04.   mel  +  raven
okay look,   the majority of my muses like raven.   am i biased ?  nooo.  a little but-    mel in general gravitates towards the delinquents  &  wants to help any way she can.     she’s stubborn so she wouldn’t easily be phased by raven trying to push her away or when she shuts down.     but she also keeps a lot to herself,  so she wouldn’t tell raven how to handle thing.     she can also understand partially her grief with finn,   because she also had a strong connection with sterling growing up.     mostly mel would be around raven,  slowly, gradually,  because she has lost all ties with people she was close with.    i could def see something blossoming post s2.    i think it could work a friends to lovers situation for them.    also them lowkey b.itching abt a.bby together
05.   callen  +  kane
callen and kane on the ark would not get along at all.    cal is far too compassionate to be able to even understand kane on the ark.     however,,, moving on in the series like at least post s2,  something could happen between them.    they can be bearded dads of the hundred ablfruwfgwrl
06.   weslyn  +  jaha
to be honest,    weslyn thinks low of the council.    she was raised in factory.    she experienced the treatement first hand & while jaha obviously wouldn’t be the chancellor then,   she can not sympathize really with the council.     truthfully,   she used her liking of exercising to take advantage in a way of the system and climb up the ladder & in her attempt ending up being apart of it but that’s a meta for another day.    but yeah she would not get along with jaha,   especially in s3 wise when he’s promising everyone an easy way out of pain.
07.   maeve  +  raven
maeve is pure devotion to those close to her.     regardless if they’re in a fight or have grown apart,   she still cares a lot about them.     &  i do think raven not only wants but searches for loyalty and devotion with her relationships.       maeve also can very easily call out someone bullshit’s when they’re stepping off a line,   so it’d be v interesting to see them interacting.   so when raven is being too stubborn for her own good,    maeve would try to reign her in.       but she can also be really patient & a good listener so she could be there for raven when she needs to let out her frustrations.     
08.   mel  +  bellamy
well,   there’s definetely an opening of them interacting not only because he saved her but because they along with a couple more delinquents are all that’s left of factory station.    & there’s already a foundation of trust from her part at least because of what happened.     moreover,     while generally she’s not that outspoken,    she can be a lil shit and sassy and form some kind of banter with him.     idk if they would have worked in the long run,   but i could see a fwb kind of situation for a distraction, because there is some familiarity, and that later dissolves into a friendship.       i also think i saw somewhere but don’t take my word for it that she was supposed to be a li for him but t.anaya had scheduling problems,  so i’m kind of eyeing if they had originally in mind what later turned out to be g.ina/b.ell but with a few more interactions in s2 ?
09.   rena  +  lexa
lil info:  rena grew up wanted to be a strategist, a diplomat and to represent her clan not in the battle field as much but as an ambassador in polis. she did not, but she'd studied enough battles to play a part in training her village's children and advising the general of her village even if queen nia's orders were always the defining directions. s4 is an arc i’m still contemplating about, where she could have a more prominent role.
now, on a slight au where she does end up as an ambassador in polis i could see it happen. as it seemed lexa only holds nia responsible for costia's death so there wouldn't be a problem on that part. obviously there would be the trikru / azgeda tension but at the end i don't think it would be a defining factor. i think they'd work, i can not speak sm of lexa but rena would definitely be interested in the commander.
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puddygeeks · 4 years
Wᴇ C��ᴍᴇ Rᴜɴɴɪɴɢ - Tʜᴇ 100 Bᴇʟʟᴀᴍʏ x OC - Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 71: Wᴇɪɢʜᴛ Oғ Tʜᴇ Wᴏʀʟᴅ
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Rating: Mature
Summary: During her time in the Skybox, Indigo formed a precious friendship with fellow outcast Octavia Blake, the girl under the floor. At first they thought their departure from the oppression of the Ark was a blessing, but quickly came to rely on Indigo's keen survival instincts. The 100 struggle to meet the challenges of Earth whilst Bellamy strives to lead the wavering teenagers and his irresponsible attitude fuels constant conflict with Indigo. Their only shared interest is in protecting Octavia and Indigo beings to suspect that there is a deeper cause to Bellamy's seemingly irrational choices. As the consequences of his actions mount up around him, he finally begins to confide in her and she discovers more than she ever bargained for.
Fandom: CW’s The 100
Pairing: OC x Bellamy Blake
My writing is entirely fuelled by coffee! If you enjoy my work, feel free to donate toward my caffeine dependency: will work for coffee
Warnings: Mature content. Non-consent, language, sex, self harm, suicide, anxiety, helplessness, torture, captivity/confinement, alcohol/drug use.
Episode: Watch The Thrones
Chapter Seventy-One
Stepping outside of the oppressive atmosphere of the Ark, I found that Lincoln hadn’t gone far to escape after his attack. 
He stood leaning against the structure, staring into the distance in what I could only assume was an attempt at calming himself and as I stepped closer, I noticed that he wore an intense expression. There was a stream of blood down the side of his face from the deep gash in his head, which clearly needed stitches and I leaned carefully into his eyeline.
I addressed him gently, speaking in Trig to ensure that our conversation would remain private as I pulled his attention from his thoughts and as he met my eyes, I could see his vulnerability which flared my protective nature.
“Let me take a look at that.” I offered as I gestured toward his wound and he took a moment to consider me, before bending down to my height so that I could reach.
Using the rag that I’d taken from inside, I gently wiped away the blood from his face and examined the laceration with a grimace. My temper bubbled in my stomach as I treated him, wishing that I had the strength to beat some sense into his attacker, but I had to force myself to remain calm. He already seemed to be battling his own emotions and it would be selfish to allow mine to influence him now.
“This is a deep wound, Linkon.” I advised as I gathered the rag and pressed it over the wound to protect it, ensuring that it was completely covered. “Hold this here for now. You need to keep the pressure up until we get to Medical.”
“No.” He answered abruptly as he took responsibility for holding the rag, but straightened his posture so that he was out of my reach and it was clear that he was not ready to face Abby or the others yet.
“They’re wrong about you.” I stated firmly, unwilling to allow him to sink into despair and he studied me with an unreadable expression. “You do belong here, but not because you are no longer Trikru. You are still one of them, too. In fact, I would say that you are their most valuable member, because you were willing to leave behind everything that you know to help them.” I divulged, pausing to shuffle slightly as he met my eyes and I smiled as I continued.
“We both know that our medical knowledge could help your people enormously. We also know that because of our weaponry, going to war would cause countless deaths for your people. That’s why you are doing everything that you can to secure peace and a better life for them. Your people may not recognise what you’re doing for them, but I do.” I rambled, holding his eye contact unflinchingly and he sighed as he absorbed my words.
“Your people still view me as just another grounder.” He stated with frustration, allowing himself to lower his internal walls to me and I nodded in understanding. “They do not care for all that I have sacrificed. To them, I am no different to Azgeda. Will it ever be enough?”
“You’re entitled to be hurt by what just happened in there. I would be too, especially after everything that you have done for us. It’s vital that you remember that the people responsible for this unacceptable incident are ignorant, small minded idiots whose opinions do not represent this camp. The people who supported you before we found Farm Station still support you. You haven’t lost anything, Linkon. We still consider you one of us and we always will. Oso thro daun ageda.” [We fight together.] I asserted, passion filling my voice as I spoke and I watched as the hurt in his face gradually melted away, until he smiled appreciatively at me.
“Oso thro daun ageda.” He repeated calmly, his eyes sparking with emotion and I smiled at him in return. “You have become a wise warrior, Indigo kom Trishanakru. You would make an exceptional second to Arlo.” He praised, causing my heart to swell at the kindness of this compliment and I touched his arm in a fond gesture. 
“Thank you, but I’m plenty busy enough with keeping an eye on all of you.” I remarked with a cheeky wink, before fidgeting to regain my balance as my head spun again. 
“I have to get back to Medical. Come on. You can help me and get your head treated whilst you’re there.” I instructed in the hope that he wouldn’t fight me this time and he simply nodded slowly, before falling into step with me.
❖ ── ✦ ──『✙』── ✦ ── ❖
The ward was surprisingly busy when we entered, as they seemed to be overwhelmed with sick grounders and though I was taken aback by this sudden development, I focused on handing Lincoln over to Abby for treatment. She seemed relieved when she noticed us and led him to a bed to examine the wound.
Kane rushed into the ward with Pike following close behind him, both making a beeline for Abby and I decided to return to my own bed, suspecting that Lincoln would likely already be overwhelmed enough with them arguing around him, without my contributions. 
I’d only just placed myself sideways on the mattress, my hands on my knees as I stared at the floor and waited for my dizziness to pass, when I felt someone approaching me.
“I heard that you were hurt.” 
A strikingly calm voice announced and I glanced up to find Nyko examining me with the same controlled face that Lincoln often wore. It had been a while since I’d last seen him, but I could tell that he had a similarly noble nature to Lincoln and I appreciated that he continued to support his friend in securing peace. 
“Good to see you again, Nyko.” I smiled politely, shifting my position so that I could view him better. “I’m alright. Just need a bit of recovery time. How are you doing after your treatment?” I enquired, remembering how severe his wounds had been when he last came to us and hoping that he’d managed to recover well enough without our assistance.
“I am much better. I wish that I could say the same for my people.” He answered regretfully and I glanced around the ward to notice that many of the grounders here were either coughing, or vomiting. “There was a sickness in a village nearby. Many recovered quickly, but some have not been able to fight it. Abby offered to help them.” He explained, seeming exhausted as he glanced back at them and I regarded him with sympathy.
“Well, we have to take care of each other, right?” I offered with a warm smile and he seemed pleased to discover that I was supportive of this decision. “I’m sorry. Any other time I would offer to help, but getting Linkon here has kinda wiped me out.” I confessed, feeling utterly useless for my current weakness and Nyko nodded in understanding.
“Abby said that you were badly hurt in the attack. I am sorry for what happened at Mount Weather.” He remarked with an expression of genuine remorse and I flashed him a grateful smile. “Rest well, my friend.” He muttered as he bowed his head to me, before returning to caring for his people. 
With a deep sigh, I laid back on the bed to catch my breath and stared up at the ceiling, struggling to focus. Everything felt more draining than I was prepared for and I already grew tired of my new limitations. 
Hurried footsteps warned me of Jackson’s arrival as he frantically ran around me to take another set of obs and it seemed that he was too flustered to even hold a conversation as he worked. His pen scratched rapidly over the charts as he filled in the results and once it seemed that he was satisfied with his findings, he rushed away to care for the rest of his patients. 
Abby was still attempting to treat Lincoln whilst also balancing an argument with Pike and Kane. As I watched her struggling to multitask, I understood why she felt that she needed to pass on the role of Chancellor to someone who could give it their full attention.
“Lincoln. We need to set an example.” Kane pleaded, allowing a slight hint of his anger over this incident to peek out from his careful demeanour and I smiled. 
Kane’s consideration for Lincoln gained my respect, as I had never expected for him to be as accepting when we first met and was pleasantly surprised at the leader that he was blossoming into. Meanwhile, Pike sighed at his side, as he fidgeted around in a stressed manner.
“Yeah. We do.” Lincoln muttered, clearly far more relaxed than he was when I first found him outside and I wondered whether it might have been wiser to encourage him to respect his anger, as now he seemed to be taking a more lenient approach to his attacker than I approved of.
“The man just lost his son, Marcus.” Pike argued, seeming shocked that anyone could even consider punishing the instigator and I huffed in annoyance. 
Pike had been blatantly coddling the Farm Station residents since they arrived, unable to accept even the mere suggestion that they could do any wrong and my patience with his golden child syndrome was growing thin. 
“Lincoln didn’t do that.” Abby pointed out, staring at Pike over her shoulder whilst she worked and I was relieved that she remained stern in the face of his favouritism.
The doors to the ward swung open with a clatter as Octavia entered, her face filled with a mixture of terror and rage. Though I willed my legs to stand to join her, I couldn’t lift myself from the bed and simply had to watch as she strode toward Lincoln in a fluster.
“What happened?” She demanded, sneaking a glare at Pike as she passed that silently enquired as to why he was even present and I couldn’t help a sly smile at her attitude.
Octavia began fretting over Lincoln as they shared a hushed conversation and Pike moved to leave medical first. He had barely reached my bed when Nyko momentarily blocked his path, fixing him with a stern glare that conveyed his distrust and he maintained it even once he eventually allowed him to pass. Pike seemed shaken by this encounter as he hurried out and I caught Nyko’s eyes with a meaningful look.
“He is bad news. Watch him around your people.” I warned, already fearful for the safety of those in the ward and Nyko nodded in agreement, seeming grateful for my support.
My attention was caught by Abby loudly asking Lincoln to assist with translation for the grounder patients and Octavia wandered over to my bed with frustration poorly hidden in her face.
“How are you feeling, little miss kamikaze?” She interrogated, raising a bro at me critically and I shook my head at her as I prepared myself for another scolding. “Honestly, if you didn’t already look so sorry for yourself, I’d hit you. You really worried us this time. I thought Bellamy was going to have a heart attack. I’ve never seen him that frantic. He was losing his mind!”
“I know. I’m an idiot. Believe me, I’ve already got that message loud and clear from a host of people.” I answered with an apologetic smile and she seemed pleased to hear that I was being grilled for my behaviour. “Give me a little recovery time and I’ll be fine.” I added gently to answer her question and she seemed relieved, though the tension in her brows didn’t completely disappear. 
“You look stressed, Sugar. Talk to me.” I offered, unsettled by seeing her upset.
Octavia chewed on her lip for a moment, seeming as if she was too proud nowadays to allow herself a moment of weakness as she had always done in my company in the past. I patted the bed as I shuffled over to make space, making it clear that I was absolutely willing to still dote on her when needed and she sighed, before she carefully sat beside me.
“Lincoln’s not going to press charges on that Farm Station asshole.” She grumbled with anger filling her pretty features and I sighed in disappointment. 
If I was honest, I had expected this outcome, but I had hoped that Octavia might be able to convince him to reconsider. I had no doubt that she had already tried, but as she clearly had been unsuccessful, I decided that I would need to provide her with calming answers, rather than riling her up further.
“There has to be a consequence for assaulting him like that. I mean, he’s got stitches in his head, Indie!” She exclaimed and I struggled to keep my mouth closed as I nodded. “Pike’s people already think that they’re untouchable as it is. This won’t help anything.” She added bitterly and I took one of her hands in mine in an attempt to calm her from her outrage.
“That’s Lincoln’s way. You know that better than anyone, Tavi. He wants to set a good example of grounders. That they can be compassionate and compromise.” I advised, caressing her hand comfortingly and she huffed as she absorbed my words. “Plus, it sounded like Pike was pushing pretty hard for no charges. He’s certainly not making things any easier by insisting that our rules don’t apply to them.”
“Tell me about it. You know, the guards were trying to throw Nyko and the others out when they arrived. They didn’t even give him a chance to explain that their treatment had already been agreed with Abby.” She recounted with aggravation and I furrowed my brows at this revelation. “I had to help carry them in by myself. No one else would help them.” She revealed, her voice gradually softening from anger to fear and I glanced around at the sickly people surrounding us with shock.
“A lot of the people here have been anti-grounder for a while. The Farm Station residents moving in and then the Mount Weather attack has only boosted their confidence. We’re going to have to be careful in how we deal with this. People are angry and scared, and we both know how easily that can go to shit if it becomes a mob mentality.” I analysed, feeling uneasy about the divide that I could sense in the camp and Octavia glanced at me with a similar discomfort in her eyes.
“I asked Linkon if we could leave to join Trikru. The Commander lifted the kill order on him, so we’re free to go. Indra seemed interested in having me back at the Summit. I thought that maybe I could convince her to take him too.” She whimpered, switching to Trig to be extra cautious that none of our own people could overhear her plans and though I was upset by this suggestion, I understood her desire to escape. “He said no. He wants to stay, but I don’t feel safe here.”
“Linkon feels like he has a responsibility to represent his people here. He’s too noble to walk away from that. He still has hope that an alliance could work.” I reminded her, despite feeling doubtful about the reliability of this concept myself and she scoffed under her breath, though her expression revealed that she knew I was right. 
“You’re always safe with me. No matter what state I’m in. I’m never gonna let anything happen to you and neither will your man. You know that, right?” I confirmed, squeezing her hand tightly and she snuck a rare smile at me.
“I know. The same goes for you. We’ve got each other's backs.” She confirmed and I was pleased to have at least taken the edge off her anxiety. “Love you.” She whispered, sniffing emotionally before she leaned her head onto my shoulder in a way that she hadn’t done in a long time.
“Love you too, Tavi.” I breathed, placing a light kiss on the top of her head and leaning into her too.  
We stayed like this for a few minutes and I treasured the feeling of closeness between us. Since we landed on Earth things had never been the same, but I was grateful that I could always fall back on Octavia. Her love and commitment had kept me strong in the worst times of my life and I knew that no matter what happened in the future, or how far apart we ended up, I would always be able to depend on it. 
“Sorry to interrupt this super adorable moment, but I’ve gotta move you.” Jackson announced with an apologetic smile as he crept into the area around my bed and I glanced up at him in confusion.
“The grounders that we are treating are suffering with an illness that is causing breathing difficulties. It’s not especially serious, but if you were to catch it, it would majorly affect your recovery. We’re gonna move you to a private room for tonight and then we’ll see if you’re looking well enough to rest up in your own quarters after that.” He explained as he busied himself with gathering my stuff so that I wouldn’t attempt to carry it myself and I looked over at Octavia reluctantly.
“It’s okay. You need to focus on taking care of yourself. We’ll chat later.” She soothed, giving my arm a supportive squeeze, before she left me to Jackson’s care.
Using his arm for balance, I allowed him to lead me to a small room beside the main ward that was available for any intensive care cases. He assisted in setting up the room and checked that I was settled comfortably in bed. Once he’d wheeled in all of the necessary equipment, he connected me to an IV for another dose of pain relief and ensured that I ate a full meal, before he returned to assist Abby in the main ward.
For a while, I managed to concentrate on reading The Iliad again, before I became restless and my mind began to obsess over Bellamy, worrying over what could take this amount of time. I recalled Raven’s earlier words with a flinch, fearful that they were hurtful enough to cause him to do all manner of stupid things and I was already considering whether I had the energy to sneak out to find him, when he finally appeared.
“Hey! Are you alright?” He enquired immediately, seeming flustered and lost as he made his way into the room and I nodded with confusion, unsure what had caused such a distressing attitude. “I panicked when I couldn’t find you. What’s going on?” He breathed, sounding out of breath and I smiled at his protectiveness. 
“Oh, sorry. Jackson and Abby don’t want me to pick up anything from the grounders that they’re treating whilst I’m still in recovery.” I explained, casually placing the book on a nearby surface and he glanced back toward the ward in annoyance.
“If they’re so sick, maybe they shouldn’t be here!” He stated frustratedly, his entire demeanour radiating aggravation and I knitted my brows together at the absurdity of this statement. “We shouldn’t be taking grounders into Arkadia if it’s going to endanger our own people.” He argued as he glared toward the ward again and I could hardly believe what I was hearing.
“Well, that’s why I’m in here now. The illness isn’t especially dangerous, according to Jackson. They just didn’t want to slow my recovery.” I clarified gently, but he remained distracted by this change and I could tell that something else was bothering him. 
“Come on. Sit down.” I requested, tapping a chair that was beside the bed and he paused to ensure that the door to the room was fully closed protectively.
Once satisfied that no germs were going to reach me, he reluctantly shuffled over to my side and dropped into the chair. Even his posture seemed irritable and I knew that he wasn’t coping, despite his best efforts to keep this information to himself. It was agonising for me to witness him suffering and wished that I could simply take his pain away. 
“Bellamy, talk to me. Please.” I offered, reaching over to take one of his hands in mine and he simply fidgeted in his seat as he viewed me. He didn’t grip my hands in return, seeming completely removed from me and I felt anxiety building in my chest at his strange behaviour.
“Baby. What Raven said earlier was awful-”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” He cut in abruptly, clearing his throat to ensure that his voice didn’t divulge any emotion and I chewed on my lip.
“Well, clearly not talking about it is doing wonders for you.” I blurted, thinning my eyes at him and he avoidantly turned his face away.
Everything about his posture was closed off, as if he was making every effort to keep me from breaching his defences and I couldn’t imagine why he felt that he needed to manage this alone. Ever since I first woke up in Arkadia, I knew that there were things that he wouldn’t tell me and in the months that followed the feeling only grew, seeming like a disease that slowly poisoned him. Now I knew that he was lying and the pain that he battled to disguise was written all over his face, in capital letters. 
 “She needs someone to blame for what happened and it’s not fair that she picked you.” I stated, keeping my voice gentle as I addressed him and he sniffed loudly. “This isn’t your fault.”
“Isn’t it?” He asked sharply, startling me with the sharpness of his tone and I noticed when he finally brought his gaze back to me that there were tears glistening in his eyes. “I chose to trust Echo. I vouched for her, even when you told me to be careful. They were all my decisions. Going to Polis to warn them was my plan.” He pointed out, his voice shaking as he spoke and hurt came off him in waves.
“I almost got you killed, Indie!” He hissed, the pain in his face causing my heart to break and I could hardly cope with how broken he looked. “Jackson said that when he found you, you were drowning in your own blood. You barely made it through surgery. I had to sit here and watch you fight for your life, knowing that it was my fault if you died.” 
“You didn’t do this to me, Bellamy. This one is on me. I hid the broken ribs and I stayed in the mountain for too long. I did this to myself.” I insisted, unwilling to allow him to blame himself for my injuries and I could recognise that this aspect had caused the most damage to him emotionally. 
“Please. Tell me how this blood isn’t on my hands, because I can’t see it.” He whispered, hardly able to get the words out as he stared at me in desperation and I longed to wrap him in my arms, holding him until he came back to his senses.
“Earlier today, you reminded me that we are still just kids, doing the best that we can. You could never have known what was going to happen. The only people with blood on their hands are the ones who plotted to kill us. You don’t get to punish yourself for being human.” I asserted with as much strength as I could and he finally allowed a tear to roll down his cheek. “You did what you believed was right. You can’t be blamed for what happened after.” I confirmed, reaching out to brush the tear away, but he leaned away from me.
“I’m pretty sure that Raven would disagree.” He divulged in a hoarse voice, roughly wiping his tears aside as if he were frustrated at himself for showing weakness and for a moment, I felt lost for words.
The distance between us felt like miles and I couldn’t think on how to reach past the blame that he was determined to carry. For the first time since we’d been together, he felt like a stranger to me and it strung to realise that I hadn’t known him for long enough to know how to handle this. The only remaining truth that I could offer was my own insight and I took a deep breath as I returned my mind to the weeks that I spent captive in Mount Weather.
“When I thought that I lost you, I was like a totally different person. That kind of grief, combined with all of the what ifs and missed chances, it brings out the worst in you. She’s dealing with so many constantly changing emotions and she just needs someone to direct them at.” I expressed, using my experiences to try to remove some of the impact of Raven’s attack and he listened obediently whilst still keeping his gaze trained away from me.
“You’re an easy target for her and she needs that right now. For me, it was Miller.” I admitted, causing him to finally glance up at me in confusion. “In my mind, I lost you because he took me when you were fighting Tristan. I couldn’t bring myself to acknowledge that he was just protecting me as you’d asked. I believed that I could’ve saved you and he stopped me from doing that. I was so angry with him.” I divulged, feeling the familiar pain of shame in my chest as I recalled the way that I had spoken to Miller back then and Bellamy seemed equally shocked by my confession.
“But you got me back. Raven won’t get a redo like we did.” He sighed, seeming even more remorseful as he considered this and I felt at a loss for anything else I could say to help him. 
“I did. And I will always be grateful for that.” I confirmed, squeezing his hand with appreciation, but he barely even reacted to me. “I forgave Miller long before I knew that you had survived. It took a lot of soul searching and I think it probably made a big difference that we had to work together to survive, but I accepted that it wasn’t fair to blame him. I’d even consider us friends now. Raven will forgive you in time. For now though, you need to forgive yourself.” I urged, staring into his face with concern, but he remained distant as if I hadn’t even spoken at all.
“We will need to work together to survive again soon if Kane doesn’t act.” He muttered, running a hand through his hair in a gesture of stress and I tilted my head at him in question. 
“We’ve got an army of grounders surrounding us at this very moment. If the Commander decides to change her loyalties again like she did at Mount Weather, we won't stand a chance.” He presented as if this threat were obvious and I leaned away from him slightly in shock.
This was the last thing that I had expected him to say and it took several minutes for me to form a response as I struggled to understand who he was referring to.
“Indra’s army.” I pointed out firmly, but he stared back at me with an unchanged expression. “They’re here to help us fight Azgeda. This isn’t like before. We’re the thirteenth clan now.” I argued, confused that we were even discussing this and he scoffed at me in an antagonising manner. “We can trust Trikru. Indra has proven herself too many times for you to disrespect her like this.”
“Indra is a grounder! Trusting a grounder just got thirty six of our people killed.” He hissed, seeming as if he were losing his patience with me and I felt my eyes widen at his attitude. “You are too attached to them to see this for the danger that it is. It’s time that you remembered who your people are and started thinking of their safety.” He lectured, already warming into a familiarly protective attitude and I felt my temper rising at the sight of it.
“I am thinking of my people, despite the fact that you are currently behaving like children.” I spat, my sympathy rapidly being pushed aside for anger as he seemed to have suddenly forgotten the months of work that had gone into campaigning for peace, in favour of viewing every grounder in the same light.
Bellamy clenched his jaw at my words, avoiding meeting my eyes as he fidgeted in place and I crossed my arms defensively. A few moments of silence passed as we both attempted to calm ourselves and I couldn’t allow things to fester any longer between us, as I decided that it was time to address his behaviour. 
“If you’re so concerned about our safety, why did you quit the guard?” I asked in a cold tone, allowing my expression to reveal my annoyance for his dishonesty and he whipped his gaze back up to me in panic. “Kane told me. He hoped that I might be able to convince you to reconsider, but if I’m honest, I wouldn’t feel comfortable with you working as a guard right now. I know that you feel like you need to keep us safe, but you’re being paranoid-”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about!” He yelled as he rose to his feet in anger and I flinched at his unexpected outburst, staring up at him with wide eyes.
“You’re so blinded by your loyalty to Arlo that you can’t see what's right in front of you. My decision to trust a grounder opened us up for betrayal, again. We have to be wiser. Wake up, Indie! Kane’s got you dancing to his tune!”
“And it sounds like Pike’s finally got you dancing to his!” I snapped viciously, causing him to curse under his breath and storm out of the room without another word, leaving the door hanging open behind him.
“Bellamy!” I yelled after him, hardly able to believe that he’d walked out on me when he knew I couldn’t leave and I threw off my covers to prepare to follow him, when Jackson rushed in.
“Woah, woah!” He gasped, glancing back out of the door with disbelief. “Indie, don’t even think about getting out of that bed! You’re not well enough.” He ordered, barging his way over to push me back and due to my weak state, I couldn’t fight as he lifted me slightly to prop me back on the mattress.
“Jackson. I need to-”
“I understand that you want to go after your man, but just give him some time to cool off. He’ll come back when he’s ready.” Jackson argued, blocking the door from my reach and I reluctantly flopped into lying down with exhaustion. 
“You might as well get comfortable, honey. You’re not going anywhere. I need to get these dressings changed, anyway.” He added as he approached to ensure that I was secure in the bed, before he busied himself with treating my burns and I had no energy left to argue as I began to stew in my thoughts. 
❖ ── ✦ ──『✙』── ✦ ── ❖
The effect of the pain relief was so strong that I didn’t even realise that I had fallen asleep until someone was shaking me. It was a battle to pull myself from the allure of sleep, as the exhaustion I felt was so intense that it felt unbeatable. Between blinks, I caught sight of Octavia standing above me with a panicked expression and the fear in her face spurred me into action.
“Indie, wake up! We’ve got trouble.” She hissed urgently and I sat bolt upright so quickly that it made me flinch in pain.
“What’s wrong?” I gasped, almost falling out of bed from dizziness and Octavia grabbed my shoulders to stabilise me.
She seemed to regret her decision to wake me, as I stared at her though unfocused eyes and I knew that she worried over my condition. After a few moments of staring at her insistently, she eventually cracked. 
“It’s Bellamy.” She sighed awkwardly, causing alarm to course through my body and miraculously, I was no longer tired. 
Octavia had to practically restrain me to prevent me from launching out of the bed and she hurried to explain so that I would cease fighting. 
“He’s not hurt!” She gasped in exasperation and I paused in place, viewing her with a feeling of intense dread. “He helped Pike’s crew to sneak guns out of the armoury. Lincoln and a couple of guards caught them trying to sneak out of camp. They were going to kill the army whilst they slept.” She explained as her face displayed her hurt at this discovery and I stuttered in shock, struggling to find any words to respond with.
“What?!” I spat, rubbing at my temples whilst my brain strained to comprehend this situation. Octavia watched me sympathetically as I wondered if I had somehow caused this, replaying our earlier conversation in my mind obsessively.
“That’s not even the worst of it.” She confessed in a careful voice and I could barely bring myself to meet her eyes as I steeled myself for more. “Kane and Abby came out to arrest them all and obviously it caused a scene. So, Pike started using it to preach his bullshit as usual and Bellamy publicly suggested that he run for Chancellor. Indie, he started the whole camp cheering for him.” 
“They’re not going to allow him to run, are they?” I breathed in horror as I understood that she had been correct to feel afraid in this camp and my anxiety was running in circles as I realised that she could be in danger. 
“I don’t think they have much of a choice. He has more support than we realised. There would be riots if they refused.” She mumbled, the colour draining from her face as she considered this and I rubbed at my face with a groan.
“This is insane!” I stated in disbelief, feeling as if I simply wanted to hide beneath my covers, but I knew that she was counting on me, amongst many others.
Pain pulsed in my head as I tried to push through my shock to form a plan, but I was overwhelmed with guilt and betrayal that clouded my judgement. It seemed utterly childish now that I had been so upset over Bellamy lying about his guard jacket when compared to something as extreme as this and I struggled to match this decision to the kind, understanding man that I knew. Octavia watched me with a similarly lost look in her eyes and I was glad to have her at my side to sympathise with the conflicting emotions that I battled. 
“Alright. Did Bellamy get arrested too?” I enquired in a forced attempt at a calm tone and she nodded without hesitation. “Good. It's a long shot, but if I can get in to visit him, then I might just be able to talk some sense into him before it’s too late.”
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daylight-imagines · 5 years
Requests are open...
I’m opening requests for the rest of December!
The Vampire Diaries
Caroline Forbes
Katherine Pierce
Kai Parker
Stefan Salvatore
The Originals
Kol Mikaelson
Elijah MIkaelson
Klaus Mikaelson
Lizzie Saltzman
Josie Saltzman
Hope Mikaelson
The 100
Bellamy Blake
Octavia Blake
John Murphy
Raven Reyes
Pretty much anyone if you want someone else.
Cheryl Blossom
Veronica Lodge
Betty Cooper
Jughead Jones
Archie Andrews
Sweet Pea
Reggie Mantle
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Peter Parker
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Once Upon A Time
Captain Hook/ Killian Jones
Regina Mills
Emma Swan
Criminal Minds
Almost anyone
If you want anything else send me an ask and if I’ve seen it,  I’ll probably do it.  I have prompt lists here, but your request does not have to come from there.  It doesn’t have to just be romantic requests either. I can also be platonic (Sister!reader, daughter!reader, etc.) Or I can make on OC for the story. You can also request things for ships rather than imagines if you want.
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daisyxbuckley · 5 years
OKAY So, after being told to post this story I am. I have been OBSESSED with an OC that is  set in The 100 timeline, so I decided to write about it. I will be doing Y/N dabbles but this is something thats been running through my head so here is its. 
It’s going to be a series but PLEASE give me feedback, reblog, all that stuff. 
A/N: This is about Marcus Kane’s daughter. In this his wife is still alive and such, and she ends up being floated after taking all the blame for stealing medication and other rations for sick kids. Calliope was with her and 19 at the time. But instead of floating her, Marcus convinced Jaha to send her down with the other kids. 
Word Count: 2k+ Warnings: None as of right now  Pairings: BellamyxOC (little fluff but not a lot)
Prologue PT 1 
2 years before going to earth
The pounding sound was what woke her first. A pale, slender arm covered the eyes of Calliope Kane as she sighed trying to wake up. As the fog cleared and she started to become more coherent, the redhead heard the knocking on her door more distinctly. 
“Calliope, you need to get up and come eat. You have class.” Amara Kane said, knocking on her daughters door. “Quickly because i don’t want to hear you complain that you’re hungry again.” Callie knew her mother was waiting for an answer so she sighed and swung her legs out of bed. 
“I’ll be out in a second.” She yelled back as she threw her hair up in a ponytail. Walking over to the chair at her desk she looked down at her legs before putting them on. Rolling her eyes, Callie noticed the dark bruise blossoming against her cream colored skin. It must of come from her sparring session the day before. Her father wanted her to keep up her self defense classes by practicing with the guard cadets. Unfortunately that resulted in her getting bruises and the occasional face shot. But it also resulted in them getting their ass kicked for underestimating her. Smiling to herself, the red headed teen threw a tank top on and put a jacket over that before heading out of her room. 
Walking over to her mom, Callie gave her a kiss on the cheek and started eating what was in front of her. Amara leaned against the counter and smiled at her daughter while fixing her own brilliant red hair. Callie May look like her father but she had her mother’s hair and eyes. Watching as the girl got up, she handed her daughter her bag and brought her in for a hug. 
“I love you. Remember your father wants you to meet him later today okay?” Callie nodded as she made sure she had everything and started to head out the door. “Roger that mama. I’ll see you tonight, i love you too” she said stepping out into the hallway. 
The Kane’s lived in the nicer part of the Ark due to her father's position. Though she would be considered privileged, Callie tried to not be that way. She hated the clear divide that separated people and tried her best to not let that interfere with anything. Grabbing her book out of her bag, the redhead didn’t realize that someone had come up behind her till she felt her ponytail get yanked gently. Spinning around she came face to face with the brown eyes and olive, tan skin of Bellamy Blake. Shooting her a grin that made a small blush creep under the freckles on her face, Callie laughed when she realized who it was 
“What Blake, didn’t get enough of me when i kicked your ass sparing yesterday?” She asked as she continued walking. Bellamy was someone that didn’t treat her like glass due to her father. He was someone that actually put up a fair fight and he was that someone that gave her the bruise on her leg. “Come on cadet, I thought you would be tired of telling your friends that a girl bested you.”
The smile he gave her made Callie turn away. That damn dopey grin twisted her stomach into knots and made her want to trace the outline of his face. “Cal, I distinctly remember me going easy on you. It wouldn’t look right if i fought a girl.” The dark haired boy said. He focused on the way her tongue traced her lips as she turned back to him and laughed. Her red hair was able to shine bright under the harsh fluorescent lights and unlike everyone else that looked washed out, she managed to glow. Slowly shaking his head he smiled slightly at her laugh. He had dreams about that laugh since he met her two months ago.
 “Whatever you have to tell yourself at night Blake.” Callie said smiling at the nickname. Everyone called you Calliope or Callie. Bellamy started shortening it when you started hanging out and thigh she hated people calling her it, she didn’t mind when it rolled off his lips. Realizing he had stepped closer to her Callie’s heart started beating so fast that she thought it would jump out of his chest. Damn he smells good. She thought to herself as she slowly trailed her eyes up to his. “How about we have a rematch today? Then we can see whose the best.” He said quietly running the back of his hand up her arm. Callie’s breath caught as she noticed his smile widened. 
“Calliope there you are.” Marcus Kane’s voice boomed through the quiet hallway making the two jump apart. “Dad, hey!” Callie said turning to him, hoping the blush that was appearing on her face wasn’t too noticeable. Marcus stares at the kids and noticed that even though his daughter was beaming up at him, the Blake boy continued to look only at her.  “I wanted to speak with you before class today. I think we need to cut back on the training. Your mother noticed some big bruises on your legs this morning and was worried.” Callie rolled her eyes and sighed. 
“It’s not that big of a deal. It’s bound to happen, besides Blake over here needed to have some hits in.” She said laughing as she pushed slightly on his shoulder. Noticing the look of worry on Bellamy’s face she laughed. “Chill out pretty boy. It doesn’t hurt that much.” Walking away from him, she winked. “I’ll see you later tonight for a rematch.” 
Going over to her father, Callie stood on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. “I’ll see you after class dad. Love you.” She said happily as she walked down the hallway. What she didn’t notice was the pair of eyes that followed her till she turned the corner. 
“Cadet Blake. I don’t think I need to remind you about the relationship you should be having with my daughter.” Marcus said focusing on the boy in front of him. Clearing his throat, Bellamy ran a hand through his hair. “Uh yes sir. Cal and i are just friends.” Nodding Marcus started going down the hallway before turning around with a small smile on his lips. “Try not to take it too easy on her in training. Just lay off the bruises for her mother’s sake.” 
Bellamy nodded at the retreating figure and started walking his own way. The entire time his mind was on the red headed wild girl that made him smile. 
Calliope stood in the locker room changing into her work out clothes. It had been a long day and it turned into an even longer one after the meeting she had with her dad. Closing her eyes Callie rubbed her forehead as she remembered the talk with im. 
“Calliope, you turn 18 in seven months. You NEED to figure out what you want to do.” Marcus said looking at his daughter. Sitting in his chair with her hair falling in her face, he marveled at how grown she already looked. How did his small, little girl become a woman over night. When she raised her green eyes to his brown, he sighed. That defiance that was showing he knew well. Too well sometimes. “You mean you want me to decide to follow you with the council.” She said, her eyes narrowing as she looked back down at her book. “I’ll figure it out dad, when I know you will know.” She said finally looking back up to him. 
Callie knew her dad wanted her to follow in his footsteps. Become the next Kane on the council, but the redhead knew that she never wanted to go down that path. Going down that path meant she had to follow the rules, and she honestly thought the rules were bullshit. Throwing a baggy tank top over her sports bra, the girl pulled her hair up into a braid and started wrapping her hands. Heading out to the practice room for sparring she noticed that only a few cadets were there today. Shrugging she went over to the punching bag and started. 
She had been zoned out for about five minutes before she heard her name. “Kane, Kane….Calliope!” She finally stopped and turned towards the voice. Noticing LT Shumway standing next to her, she stopped. “Hey! Sorry, I guess I was zoning out.” She said flashing him a smile. Chuckling, he shook his head as he looked at her. “No harm no foul. Just wanted to let you know that a lot of the cadets are out today due to some other issues. So you may be on your own today.” Nodding, Callie shrugged. “Not a big deal.” She said “Thank you for telling me.” Callie watched him walk away before she went back to what she was doing. 
After about 30 minutes she decided to go and shower and head back to her room. Walking down the hallway, she noticed she had about 45 minutes till she had to be back before curfew and decided to take her time. Standing in front of a window, she looked out at the vast emptiness that expanded in front of her. Seeing earth, she wondered what it would be like to finally be back down on the ground. To be able to live and be free, instead of suffocating to death up in space. Feeling hands on her shoulders, Callie tensed up and quickly shoved whoever it was against the window. Her forearm located against their neck. Hearing the chuckle, she released and let her arm fall at her side as she stared into the eyes that made her stomach do back flips. Raising her lips in a grin, she kept her hand resting on his arm. “Sorry about that. You know you can’t just sneak up on me like that.”
Bellamy tried to ignore the heat that rushed through is body when she pinned him against the window. He tried to ignore the way her body was still pressed to his when she let go and how her touch sent his mind into a frenzy. “My bad Red. I promise I will make myself known next time. “ He said laughing a bit. Callie had finally realized how close she was to him and  stepped back. The dark haired boy tried to hide his disappointment. “How about I walk you back to your quarters. Don’t want you getting in trouble because of me.” All Callie could do was nod as they started walking that way. 
“I didn’t see you at the training area today.” Green eyes flicked over to catch the dark brown ones that she was starting to fall for. “I thought you owed me a rematch.” Callie said flashing a smile. Bell nodded and ran a hand through hair. “Yeah, I had to do some other training and shadowing, next time though. I promise.” It was a promise he intended to keep. Any way to get the feeling of her hands on his body, or her underneath him was something that he wanted to accomplish. A lot of people thought that Callie was little miss perfect. Perfect life...perfect family...perfect everything. Truth be told, he thought the same thing. Till he got to know her and everything changed. Now he can't imagine not being able to talk to the girl, even if it's just passing her in the hall and saying hi. 
“Well i’m here. Thanks Bell for walking me back. I should probably get inside before my mom has a fit.” She said. As if on cue  the door slid open and low and behold her mother was standing there with a small smile on her face. “Calliope, it’s almost curfew.” She said with knowing eyes. “Yeah mom, hence me being here ten minutes before.” The redhead said with a small smile. Looking at Bellamy, she squeezed his arm before stepping inside. “I’ll see you tomorrow for that rematch okay?” Callie smiled and the door shut. 
“It’s a date.” The dark hair boy said chuckling as he walked back down the hall. 
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mrprettywhenhecries · 11 months
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❝I Don’t Think You Notice (What You Did To Me )❞ + Extras ✳︎ ⤷ Billy Hargrove ✗ Win Lewis (oc) • [ ongoing ]
❝All that Glitters❞ A Bioshock AU ✳︎ ⤷ Billy Hargrove ✗ Win Lewis (oc) • [ on hiatus ]
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❝Sick Day❞ ✧ Billy Hargrove ✗ Win Lewis (oc)
❝Say Anything❞ ✧ Billy Hargrove ✗ Win Lewis (oc)
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⟶ Runaway Max Lore ⟶ Billy Hargrove NSFW Alphabet ✳︎ ⟶ Lewgrove Valentine's Day Headcanons
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❝Make Another Home Here❞ ⤷ Steve Harrington ✗ Win Lewis (oc) ✗ Billy Hargrove • [ coming soon! ]
❝Worth the Squeeze❞ ⤷ Steve Harrington ✗ f!reader • [ ongoing ]
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❝Home for the Holidays❞ ✳︎ ✧ Steve Harrington ✗ f!reader ⤷ for @/hohohoeweek2023
❝A Little Bit of Sugar❞ ✳︎ ✧ Steve Harrington ✗ f!reader ⤷ for @/hohohoeweek2023
❝Wrapped in a Bow❞ ✳︎ ✧ Steve Harrington ✗ f!reader ⤷ for @/hohohoeweek2023
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❝Don't Waste Your Time (On Me)❞ ✳︎ ⤷ Gator Tillman ✗ Win Lewis (oc) • [ ongoing ]
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❝The Best❞ ✧ Gator Tillman ✗ Win Lewis (oc)
❝Take Me Out❞ ✧ Gator Tillman ✗ Win Lewis (oc) ✗ Kirby Rivers ⤷ Kirby belongs to @whimsicalwadewinstonwilson
❝Looks Better on You❞ �� Gator Tillman ✗ Win Lewis (oc)
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⟶ Wingator Valentine's Day Headcanons
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❝Go For It❞ ✧ Baron ✗ f!reader
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❝All In❞ ✧ Trust Fund Cole ✗ Win Lewis (oc) ⤷ 1. Making Waves
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❝Just a Ride❞ ✧ part one // part two ✳︎ ⤷ Benny Cross ✗ f!reader
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⟶ Benny teaching you to ride
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❝Ghost Stories❞ ⤷ Halloween collab with @hawkinsglasscloset ⤷ Billy Hargrove ✗ oc, Eddie Munson ✗ oc, Robin Buckley ✗ oc
❝A Series of Firsts❞ ⤷ written for @/ockissweek (2024) with @hawkinsglasscloset ⤷ Joey Hargrove (oc) ✗ Melody Munson (oc)
❝Cleaning Duty❞ ⤷ written for @/theocxcanonweek (2024) with @hawkinsglasscloset ⤷ Billy Hargrove ✗ Win Lewis (oc)
❝Practice Run❞ ⤷ written for @/theocxcanonweek (2024) with @hawkinsglasscloset ⤷ Robin Buckley ✗ Blossom Bellamy (oc)
❝The Wrong Date❞ ⤷ written for @/theocxcanonweek (2024) with @hawkinsglasscloset ⤷ Steve Harrington ✗ Win Lewis (oc), Eddie Munson ✗ Lydia Bellamy (oc)
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✳︎ denotes smut updated: 08/16/24
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seanfalco · 2 years
I. An Introduction to Society
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The Perfect Match     ➛ A Timeline Anomaly Bridgerton!AU by @seanfalco​ & @super-unpredictable98​
Dear Gentle Reader, Another social season is upon us and Miss Blossom Bellamy, this year’s potential Diamond, has just entered society in a much a more gracious manner than her elder sister Lydia, who has rebuked all suitors since her debut and is quickly on the way to spinsterhood, along with her closest friend Winrey Lewis.  However, when not one, but three eligible young gentlemen rejoin the ton after years of being away, the social scene is certain to be turned on it’s head. Let the race to find the perfect match begin!
❥ Word Count: 4.9k ❥ Tags/Warnings: Nathan Young x oc, Sean Falco x oc, Regency AU ❥ a/n: Flor & I were in the midst of rewatching Bridgerton again, when we decided we needed to write an AU with the Timeline squad.  Introducing Sean as the Nathans elder brother, and young Blossom as Lydia and Simon’s younger sister.
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❝Social season is officially upon us again," Lydia grumbled, stepping away from the pianoforte with an annoyed sigh when she saw her younger sister carrying yet another issue of Whistledown’s Society Papers, “also known as Lydia Bellamy's road to becoming a spinster!”
"That is your choice, sister," Blossom laughed, followed quickly by their father, who was trying to sneak a peek at the pamphlet over her shoulder.  "You have been in love with a boy you met ten years ago and refuse any other caller.  I am beginning to think you imagined this boy.  For heaven’s sake, a Viscount asked for your hand last year and you treated him no better than you would a rat!"
“Try to be a little happy for your sister, it's her first season and she is so excited to present in front of the Queen," Lord Charles murmured.  "Besides, perhaps someone will catch your eye yet, my dear.  Don't lose hope just yet." 
“Have you seen the new Whistledown?” Win Lewis, Lydia’s closest friend, cried as she hurried into the Bellamy drawing room, holding the latest edition of the ton’s favourite gossip rag aloft. 
Win’s family had lived across the street from the Bellamys since her father, Lord David Lewis remarried the dowager Lady Karen Edwards, and she and Lydia had been fast friends ever since.
"Yes!" Blossom exclaimed excitedly, straightening as the other woman entered the room.
"No."  Lydia rolled her eyes. "Why should I want to see what she has to say about my lack of a husband?  She believes me a shrew.  Honestly... why could you not be a man, Winnie? I would marry you in the blink of an eye,” she exclaimed.
“Oh, if only!” Win teased, pecking Lydia’s cheek as she flounced down next to her on the loveseat. “No, read this part!” she exclaimed, pointing to a column on the front page. “A new family is moving to Mayfair, and they have three eligible sons,” she said, lowering her voice conspiratorially.
"Wow... more mediocre men to fill in the spaces on my dance card," Lydia muttered, sarcasm dripping from every word as she glanced at the paragraph about the Irish Lords, a pair of twins and an older gentleman who inherited the estate after their father's disappearance. "Every man in the ton is the same, they see me as some sort of porcelain doll that will break if they so much as look at me wrong.❞
"Should you want them to see you as a bitch in heat?" Lady Linda Bellamy scoffed as she entered the room followed by her oldest, Simon. "You would be lucky to find someone like the Viscount!  Gentle, sophisticated, intelligent, polite–"
Win tried to hide her smile at Lady Bellamy’s words—she knew her best friend’s tastes were everything but what her mother had listed.  “You haven’t even met them yet, perhaps they’ll be more interesting than you think,” she murmured, nudging Lydia in the side.
"I suppose we shall know tonight at the ball, I am expected to attend... mama would certainly disown me if I would prefer to practice the pianoforte instead," Lydia grimaced.
"Good thing you know," Lady Bellamy said, fixing Simon's collar once more.  "So handsome, every debutant will be looking at you tonight," she murmured fondly, ignoring the sour look on her daughter’s face.
"At least we'll be able to attend together," Win reminded her before turning her attention to the other Bellamy sister.  "Are you excited for your introduction to society, Blossom?"
"So excited!  I can't wait to get married and live my very own fairytale with my husband," Blossom squealed in excitement. 
"Isn't she adorable?" Lydia teased, pinching her sister's cheek.
"How about you, Simon? Any ladies caught your eye yet?" Win asked, still grinning at Blossom's enthusiasm.
"Not particularly.  I-I might wait a little longer, the last thing I want is to steal Blossom's thunder by getting married as well," Simon explained, ever so shy and reserved.
"I wish my step sister was half as kind as you, Simon," Win muttered, flopping back to lean against Lydia's shoulder.
"Delilah is the shrew Whistledown should be writing about!  She has no class and no beauty, I pity the unlucky man she ends up with," Lydia huffed, folding her arms.
"She's been absolutely horrible over the winter, and now my step-mama is putting all her efforts into finding her a match.  She's already ordered twice as many dresses from the modiste as she has for me," Win grumbled, her lips twitching into a frown.
"And your papa says nothing?" Lord Bellamy asked, frowning.
"He seems too cowed by her.  I wish he would stand up to her from time to time," Win sighed.
"Do not worry, Winrey.  If you should ever need a dress, Blossom has dozens she has never had the chance to wear before her figure... changed so fast," Charles offered.
"Besides, you do not need to rely on appearances to make yourself interesting," Lydia added. "You are a better catch than Delilah will ever be, with or without new dresses."
"Thank you Lord Bellamy, you are too kind," Win added before taking Lydia's hand and giving it a squeeze. "Thank you Lyds, you are the best," she whispered.
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"Well, this isn't too bad.”  Nathan muttered, opening the door to his new room.  The house wasn't nearly as spacious as the one they had back in Ireland, but it was satisfactory.  
"I am sure you'll feel at home in London soon enough," Lady Louise assured them.
"Yeah, once you feast your eyes on the bevy of young ladies at tonight's soiree," Nathaniel taunted, nudging his twin with a wolfish grin.
"I do seem to have extinguished my options back home..." Nathan laughed.  He was quite proud of his reputation, a rake through and through, something he didn't plan on changing. "I am lucky to have you and Sean, between th’two of you I do not need to worry about marriage."
"I still believe you'll eat those words one day," Sean teased, raising an eyebrow at his younger brother.
"And I shall love to meet the spirited young lady who changes your mind," Nathaniel laughed.  "For she'd have t'be spirited indeed t'put up with you."
"God has provided me with brothers so I could steal the virtue of as many young ladies as I possibly can," Nathan replied, running his fingers confidently through his unruly curls. "That is my divine duty, you two worry about wives and leave me out of it."
"Nathan!" Lady Young snapped, smacking the back of his head with her fan. "Please at least try to behave yourself here," she exclaimed. 
"Shall we make a bit of a wager?" Nathaniel asked Sean, lowering his voice. 
"What sort of wager?" 
"On which lady shall catch his attention first at tonight’s ball." 
"You're on," Sean grinned.
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"You look absolutely gorgeous," Lydia murmured, placing a flower in her sister's hair.  "Remember, do not be too eager, men do not like it." 
"I will, if you promise me to be a little more eager, men do not like to be mistreated," Blossom countered, looking out through the carriage window.
"Should you find yourself terribly bored, you know where to find me," Simon winked at Lydia as their carriage came to a stop. 
"Do not worry, I shall find Win and dance the night away," she smiled, looking around for her friend’s carriage while Charles stepped down to escort Blossom.  Despite her elder sister's behavior she was a rather desirable young woman and she would certainly need a chaperone at all times.
Meanwhile, Win was sitting opposite her sour faced step sister and step mother, her eyes firmly directed out the carriage window as their destination neared. 
"Delilah, stop squirming," Lady Karen snapped as her daughter craned her head to see out the other window. "And you, Winrey, sit up straight.  A young lady doesn't slouch." 
Win merely rolled her eyes, but straightened, catching sight of the Bellamys and hurriying out of the carriage before it fully came to a stop.
"Oh thank goodness, there you are," she breathed, catching Lydia's arm as they stepped into the bright foyer.  "Have you seen them yet?" she asked, looking around for the Irish Lords they’d read about.
"How should I know?  I don't know what they look like!" Lydia giggled, her friend's excitement catching.  "I believe we must find the three new faces among the old tired ones we know so well."
"That is a good idea.  Let's seeeee," Win mused with a laugh, pulling Lydia along with her as she peered at each face they passed.  Soon she noticed three men she had never seen before—all three were tall and slim, the elder a hand taller than the younger two, and each bearing a head of dark curls and sharp green eyes.  The two younger men appeared to be identical twins, though they held themselves slightly different. 
"There!" Win exclaimed in a hushed voice, biting her lip as she looked them over.
"Oh my dear God, they are–"  Attractive was the only word Lydia could think of, but she didn’t voice it.  
The three men were incredibly attractive, to be sure, but so was the Viscount, as well as many other young men of the ton, but being handsome was not a guarantee of any other value. 
"Papa!  Look!" Blossom whispered.  "Do you think one of them shall ask me to dance?" 
"If they have half a brain, I'm sure they will," Lord Bellamy chuckled.
"See anythin' y'like, brother?" Nats asked, letting his gaze travel around the room, taking in the sights.
"I see many things..." Nathan wet his lips before taking a sip of his lemonade, “many beautiful young things.  Do you, brother?"
Lydia couldn't help but think those curls and green eyes were awfully familiar.  Over ten years back, when she was merely a girl, she had encountered a boy with those very same features.  A boy she had vowed to marry once they were grown, but it was simply a childish desire.
"I think I do," Nats murmured, “if you'll excuse me..."  Stepping away from his twin's side, he waded into the crowd, making his way toward Win and Lydia.  "Good evenin', ladies," he greeted, nodding his head toward them. "And t'who do I owe th'pleasure?" he asked, reaching for Lydia's hand.
"Miss Bellamy, Miss Lydia Bellamy," she answered, allowing him to take her hand, and for once she didn't feel the need to make a nasty remark.  "Good evening, my lord." 
"Oh, always in a rush..." Nate groaned, stealing a glance at the other young lady next to the one his brother was speaking with—shorter and more petite, but just as beautiful as the one his brother had chosen.  "I shall bide my time. Right, Sean– Sean?" he asked, looking around, his older brother nowhere to be seen.
"Good evening, I couldn't help but notice you across th'room," Sean murmured, bowing to Miss Blossom.
"My Lord," Blossom bowed back, trying not to seem too eager or blush too deeply, as her sister had advised.  "I-I am—"
“Miss Blossom Bellamy," her father cut in, amused by his daughter's reaction.
"Blossom," Sean mused as he held out his hand for her. "You certainly blush just as prettily as a blossom," he said, flashing her a grin.
"You are too kind," Blossom took his hand and looked back at her father for approval.  He simply nodded and let go of her arm.  "I'm afraid my face gives away too much.  I have never been a good liar."
"I've always thought it better to be honest than trying to hide what one thinks or feels," Sean murmured, letting her take his arm as he led her to the dance floor.
"Most agreeable," Blossom nodded, placing one hand on his shoulder.  "Although I have been warned against my overly passionate nature."
"I don't see what's wrong with a bit of exuberance," Sean murmured, placing one hand on the small of her back.  "Although, that may be my artist's spirit talking," he chuckled awkwardly, hoping it wouldn't put her off to know he was an artist.  Many young ladies tended to find that undesirable in a Lord.  If he were the second born, or a commoner, maybe it wouldn't be so frowned upon…
"You're an artist?” Blossom cried excitedly.  “So am I!  I have been learning every instrument I can get my hands on ever since I was a girl, and I like to believe myself a fair writer as well!"  Blossom felt her heart race a little bit more, sharing similarities was the first step to a good match. "What is your passion?"
“I’m quite interested in the use and art of the camera obscura,” Sean answered, his chest stirring with excitement at Blossom’s interest in his art.
"That is fascinating! I should love to see your art someday, it must look so real!"  Blossom's interest only grew the more she learned about him.  "My Lord, I have been so enthralled, I forgot to ask your name, what should I call you?"
“Oh!  My apologies Miss Blossom, you may call me Sean, Sean Young,” he answered.
"A lovely name," Blossom breathed, holding put her arm so he could sign her dance card. "Would you care for some refreshments, Lord Young?"
“Yes, let me get you some lemonade, Miss Blossom,” Sean offered, leading her over to the drink table.
"Thank you," Blossom followed, looking back at her papa who smiled.  "May I ask how a wonderful dancer and an enchanting gentleman such as yourself isn't married yet?"
“Ah, well,” Sean murmured sheepishly, taking a sip from his drink.  “There was a young lady I was courting several years ago, but I made a bit of a… misstep and she cut off our engagement,” he explained.
"Oh dear," Blossom laughed nervously.  What sort of misstep would cause a bride to call off the entire engagement?  It must have been really bad... "I am sorry to hear that, I am sure you seek a fresh start here in England.  I shan't ask any more questions."
“I… certainly hope so,” Sean murmured awkwardly.
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"Miss Bellamy, might I have this dance?" Nats asked, winking at her as he kissed the back of her gloved hand.  Win shared an excited look with her friend before she was pulled out to the floor.  Spying the refreshments, she headed in that direction, half keeping an eye on Lydia and the young Mr. Young. 
"I suppose you are the one Lady Whistledown has been talking about.  My friend was most curious about you and your brothers," Lydia grinned.  It had been ages since she last danced with a gentleman, let alone one she actually wanted to dance with. 
"Oh yes, I read that. This Whistle lady seems to be rather important around here," Nats chuckled as he spun her slowly.  "Aren’t you curious at all?  I'll answer any question you like." 
"She certainly knows more than anyone else about everyone else.  I have but one question..."  Lydia stared deeply into those eyes and took a deep breath.  "Is this your first time in England?" 
"I..." Nats frowned, thinking.  "No, we lived here many years ago before my father left us," he answered, stepping in time to the spirited music.  "Why d'yeh ask?" 
"It’s just… you remind me of someone I met many years ago," Lydia admitted, moving without counting her steps, almost as if she knew exactly what to do.  "My family and I were enjoying the country and I remember spending one remarkable afternoon with a boy who had your curls and your green eyes." 
"Really?" Nats murmured, trying to think back. "It does sound like me, but as you can see, my twin and elder brother share those same features as well." 
"What I know is that the boy was the same age as me, so I believe your older brother to be out of the equation," Lydia mused–it would be nearly impossible to know for certain if neither of them remembered the event. 
Nats’ frown deepened. “I do vaguely remember my time here, but I’m afraid I can’t remember much,” he said apologetically.  He would have to think on it.  “It would certainly be a shame to forget a beautiful lady such as yourself,” he added, hoping she wouldn’t take offense to his lapse in memory. 
"It would surprise me if you did remember, it was so long ago and I was quite different back then.  Seems both me and my sister were late bloomers, as one would say," Lydia huffed a laugh, deeply hoping he was the one she'd been looking for.  "But thank you, you are very sweet." 
Nats bowed to her as the song came to a close. “I’m afraid I haven’t properly introduced myself,” he exclaimed, suddenly realizing that he knew Lydia’s name, but she didn’t know his.  “My name is Nathaniel Young, not to be confused with my twin, Nathan.” 
Lydia couldn't help her sudden bout of laughter, quickly clapping her hands over her mouth.  She didn't want to be rude, but it was impossible not to have a reaction.  "I’m sorry, my apologies, I am not laughing at you, I swear!" she giggled.
Nats’ expression twisted slightly. “Yeah, yeah, there was a bit of a misunderstandin’ when we were born y’see.  My mum fancied the name and so named me, but my father had already provided th’same name for my brother, bein’ none th’wiser,” he groaned, though Lydia’s laughter was infectious.  
"I am so sorry," Lydia took a deep breath to regain her composure.  For once she wasn't intentionally trying to scare a man away.  "I do like your names, if that's any consolation." 
“I’m used to it,” Nats shrugged.  “If it’s any consolation, you have a very lovely laugh.”  He grinned.  “Usually my friends call me Nats and him Nate.” 
"Very well, should not be hard to tell the two of you apart, seeing as your brother is much more aggressive in his advances."  Lydia glanced at her friend and the other twin, seemingly arguing.  "Win is one of the most important people in my life, if anything bad were to happen between them I'm afraid your brother and I would have a problem." 
“Ah… yes, I’m afraid my twin has no intention of finding a wife, but my elder brother and I wager he’ll one day find his match.  Perhaps your friend might just be th’one that changes his mind,” Nats said, craning his head to watch, hoping Nathan wouldn’t ruin his chances with Miss Bellamy if things went sour with her friend. 
"That is enough!  Excuse me, Mr. Young," Lydia made her way to where Win and Nate were having a discussion.
"Pardon me, miss, but I believe you must have lost your way, a beautiful angel like yourself walking amongst us mere mortals–?" Nate approached Win without a hint of hesitation and she turned to him, her brows rising as she looked him up and down. 
"An angel, you say?  More like a fallen angel if you ask my family," she scoffed. 
Oh, a complicated woman, family troubles... his bread and butter.  "Anyone who says such a thing clearly does not know what they are talking about, Miss...?" 
Win rolled her eyes, watching him carefully.  "Winrey, Winrey Lewis.  And you are...?" she asked, tilting her head at him. 
"Nathan Young," he answered, gently kissing the back of her hand while discreetly looking down at her cleavage.  "Should you give me the honor to share this dance with me?" 
Win hummed, deliberating, as if making up her mind.  "Alright, Mister Young, I suppose I shall give you the honour of my company," she said, a tiny smirk playing at her painted lips as she took his hand. 
"I certainly am the luckiest man here…" Nate bowed his head, leading her to the dance floor.  As much as he hadn’t planned on wasting the entire night on one lady... Winrey was so intriguing, it only made him want to know more about her. 
Win snorted softly, though her breath hitched when he pulled her in close, the sharp scent of his cologne making her head swim.  “Tell me, Mr Young, is that what you tell every young lady you dance with?  Or am I special?” 
"Is that the idea you have of me?  My heart breaks at the thought," Nate pouted, running the back of his hand along her jaw.  "You are indeed special, Miss Lewis." 
“And you are a rake, if ever I’ve seen one,” Win replied, cursing her voice for how breathy it’d become at his touch.
"Me? I assure you, I am nothin’ if not a gentleman.  I can guarantee you do not need to worry.  I would never attempt anything improper, Miss Lewis," Nate whispered a little too close to her ear. 
“Oh really?” Win drawled, her heart pounding in her ears.  “I’m sure once you leave my side, you’ll be on the prowl for the next young lady you certainly wouldn’t dream of compromising.”  The song came to an end and she barely curtsied though her heart pounded loud in her ear.
That was usually how it went.  Thankfully, he was never caught and forced into marriage, but Nathan knew there was nothing that made a lady want him more than not touching her at first.  "You don't see my affections as genuine?" 
“Not in the slightest,” Win countered, raising her chin to look him in the eye.  “I’ve met several men like you, Mr. Young.  I am familiar with your sort.” 
"I believe you, you are not an impressionable debutante... how old are you?  Five and twenty?" Nate asked with the only intention to rile her up. 
“Five and—!” Win gasped, falling right into his trap.  “I’ll have you know I’m only one and twenty!” she cried, smacking his shoulder with her fan.
"Are you a spinster by choice or do men just find you unpleasant due to your temper?" Nate laughed, knowing anger was way better than indifference.  If she had strong feelings, he had a chance. 
"Excuse you?  Who do you think you are, Nate?"  Lydia approached him defiantly. 
"Oh no... my sister, not again!" Blossom winced, watching the scene enfold across the room.
"Shit," Nats hissed, quickly following Lydia.  
"Maybe it's because of men like you that I haven't wed yet!" Win exclaimed. "You are so... so entitled!" 
"Uh, if you'll excuse me, Miss Blossom, I need to defuse this situation," Sean exclaimed, wading through the crowd toward the others.
"Yes, of course... Papa!  Simon!  She's doing it again!" Blossom cried.
"I've been nothing but respectful, but you doubt my intentions and call me a-a rake," Nate feigned offense and turned to Lydia.  "This doesn't concern you, miss.  Unless, are you secretly in love with Miss Lewis?" he whispered teasingly. 
"Oh, you are vile!  How could you share your brother's features and make them look so despicable?" Lydia gasped. 
"Nate, what are you doing?" Nats hissed as Sean joined them. 
"Brother, you're making a scene," Sean murmured under his breath.
"I am?  She is the one who started screaming at me!" Nate gestured to Lydia. 
"Because you disrespect my dearest friend!  Hear that, Whistledown? I did not start the scene this time!" 
"Let us breathe and collect ourselves, there's no need for theatrics," Lord Bellamy said, taking his oldest daughter’s arm. 
"I'm sure we will all laugh at this misunderstanding soon enough," Simon mumbled.
"Obviously you did something to rile the young lady," Sean hissed to his brother, glancing at Win. 
"Oh, the young lady is not riled," she replied, smoothing her expression with effort. "For there is nothing about the gentleman that is worth being riled about," she scoffed.  "Good night gentlemen," she added, bowing her head to Sean before directing a sharp glare at Nathan and turning on her heel.
"Win!  Wait!"  Lydia went after her despite wanting nothing more than to stay and talk to Nats all evening.  All she could hope for was that he would decide to call on her the next morning. 
"Simon, I feel faint," Blossom exclaimed, taking her brother's arm.  That whole scene along with Sean's mysterious wrongdoing made her head spin. 
"Would you like to go home?" he asked. 
"Oh, but Lord Young..." she murmured, torn.
"Lord Bellamy, Miss Blossom, I apologize for my younger brother's actions this night, I hope you might forgive the intrusion," Sean murmured, bowing his head to Blossom and her father. 
"Of course, my Lord," Blossom nodded. "I apologize for my sister as well, she is known to... pick fights, especially with men." 
"They usually deserve it," Lord Bellamy added quietly. 
"She is a credit to you, sir," Sean chuckled, though his gaze flicked to Blossom as he grinned. 
"I hope this misunderstanding doesn't get in the way of our... conversation," Blossom murmured.   
"On my part it doesn't," Sean murmured, kissing the back of her gloved hand. 
Blossom simply smiled, she suddenly felt so embarrassed having her brother and father watching them.
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"Oh, great!" Nathaniel hissed sarcastically.  "Thank you so much brother," he grumbled, watching Lydia chase after Win.
"What did I do?  I was dancin' with Miss Lewis and she kept sayin' those things... she-she vexed me!" Nathan huffed stubbornly.  "And why should you care?"
"You were bein' you!" Nats groaned.  "She obviously could tell your intentions were less than noble and now you've chased off her friend as well, and just when we were—" he cut off angrily and strode away for a drink. 
"Oh, please, brother!  As if her friend, the first woman you set your eyes upon in London, is the woman you're going to marry!  I did you a favour, she is much too feisty."
"Maybe I like that about her," Nats countered quietly.  "I am bored of all the demure young ladies that simper and prance about.  I know you are."
"I do not mind how a lady behaves as long as her skirt is light and allows me under it," Nate smirked.  "I believe Miss Lewis fancies me." 
"And what makes you think that?" Nats frowned. 
"The way her breathing changes when I get closer, the way her pupils grow when she's lookin' at me..." Nate mused, leaning against the wall. 
"Oh, I know that tone," Nats groaned.  "Don't tell me you're goin' t'continue t'chase her?" 
"Why shouldn't I?  You know the ones who are hard to get are my favourites," Nate murmured,  picking up another glass.
"I suppose it's no use trying to discourage you.  Just... try not to make all of us look bad.  Some of us are just trying to find a match," Nats sighed, taking another glass of his own.
"I am glad you know me so well," Nate grinned.  "Not to worry, I believe I can only make you look better by comparison."
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"You didn't have to follow me, you know," Win murmured as she stepped out onto the terrace, Lydia at her heel.  "I didn't mean to take you from your own conversation."
"You are my best friend, Winnie, no one is more important," Lydia wrapped her arms around Win.  "I am so sorry, that simple bastard had no idea what he was talking about."
"I think I'm more mad at myself," Win muttered, leaning into Lydia's embrace, "for nearly falling for his empty charms."
"His empty charms come wrapped up in the most handsome face, who could blame you?" Lydia sighed.  "It pains me to see you like this, his brother seems to be genuinely sweet."
"They are both quite handsome, are they not?" Win murmured. "So, you fancy his twin, then?"
"They are, and I do... I think I do," Lydia shook her head.  "He reminds me of the young man I told you about."
Win's expression changed, brightening. "Maybe it is him!" she exclaimed.
"Maybe... or maybe it was his villain of a brother, Mister Young cannot remember much," Lydia frowned.  "I can't stand to think about it," she groaned.
Win tsked and shook her head.  "Perhaps, but I doubt it.  Unless he's changed drastically since then.  But let's not think of it any longer tonight," she murmured, giving her friend's hand a squeeze. 
"Winrey?  Oh, there you are," Lady Karen exclaimed, stepping onto the terrace.  "I should have known I'd find you here," she muttered bitterly, "sequestered away with your friend instead of on the dance floor, searching for a husband.  No matter," she continued, looking down her nose at Lydia, "we are heading home.  Delilah's already filled her dance card."
"Really?" Lydia turned without letting go of her friend.  "It is not late enough and I don't believe there was enough alcohol served for Delilah to start looking more pleasant.  Be careful, you know what people say of ladies who dance around with too many different partners."
“Watch your tongue, my dear,” Lady Karen snapped, reaching for Win’s wrist.  “At least she has prospects.  Now, come.” 
“I am sorry, Lyds.  I’ll see you tomorrow,” Win murmured, wrenched away by her step mama.
"She certainly learned the art of fortune-hunting from her mama!" Lydia waved Win goodbye.  "See you tomorrow, Winnie." 
"Dear, your sister isn't feeling well, we are going home," Lord Bellamy called, waving toward Lydia to catch her attention.  "You better rest as well, replenish your energies after all the banter."
As Win walked out, joined by her step sister, she couldn’t help but let her gaze sweep the hall, wincing as her eyes met Nathan Young’s.  “Prat,” she muttered under her breath, though her stomach fluttered traitorously. 
As Lydia joined her family, Nats half raised his hand to her, waving at her as they left.  If only he’d been able to continue their conversation.
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@elliethesuperfruitlover @super-unpredictable98 @firstpersonnarrator
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The Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. tagged by: @rivendell101
I’m giving the title, the ship, and a brief description. Most of these are either me writing down ideas related to it or I have no intentions of posting. I also keep two memos in my phone of ongoing ideas that have no document associated with it. 
What am I doing with my life? || Sweet Pea x Reader || basically me freaking out about my future, but turning it into a reader insert
Riv- pref - languages of love || A lot of people x Reader || This is done. I just never posted. How different characters give/receive love
Sweet blurb - injured incomplete || Sweets x reader || When FP and Fangs drag Sweet Pea home... and he is injured... Yeah... I wrote 1.5 pages and forgot this existed...
Oblivious || Sweet Pea x Reader || Future, reminiscing, finding out they both had feelings for each other
Control || No ship || A Halloween song-fic I never finished
Buffy??? || SP x Reader || The vampire Halloween fic I started with, but I didn’t like enough to write more than two pages
Havana || Sweet Pea x underdeveloped OC || Dirty Dancing inspired fic - hardly anything to share yet. All the document has is an outline of the character’s background
White Night || Sweet Pea x Reader/OC|| Literally only have four sentences for. It’s a reincarnation soulmate AU
Star Wars
Radar || Kylo Ren x Reader || In which the reader meets Matt the Radar Technician and feels start happening. (Although I never wrote that part, this is the start of the romance after he stopped being Matt)  
Kylo blurb - post matt || Kylo x Reader || This is an ongoing daydream in my head. I hardly write anything for it. This was more of an epilogue for Radar
Teen Wolf
Exams || Stiles x Reader || Scott, Stiles, and Reader study for exams, Reader struggling with stress, basically me during finals my last year of school
The 100
100 || Bellamy x OC || Scenes from throughout the seasons with my OC, mainly just me indulging myself in some Bellmay love
El Blossom? || Peter Parker x OC || Miraculous Ladybug inspired fic. I’m still really early in development of the character, but if you watch Miraculous Ladybug it’s going to be a similar “love square.” This is what I’ve been thinking the most of lately. I even did a terribly drawn sketch of the outfit.
Tagging: I have no friends (come talk to me guys!), so I’ll tag some writers I really enjoy!
@sweetpca   @worriestothewind  @fcgartys
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Getting to know...
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full name: Blossom Lydia Bellamy
fandom: Misfits
face claim: Vicky, thank you so much for letting me take the pics, you amazing creature! ILYSM 
gender: cis-female
sexuality: bisexual
pronouns: she/her
age: 20 (during the events of Hard Candy, 2009 post time travel)
zodiac: Sagittarius
nicknames: Lyds, Lollipop, Peanut, Lyddie.
family: Linda Bellamy (mother), Charles Bellamy (father), Simon Bellamy (brother)
birthplace: Wertham
job: music teacher, musician, musical theatre performer (hopefully...)
phobias: being alone, losing the people she loves, becoming the person she used to be again, never achieving her goals.
guilty pleasures: Nathan (lol jk), seeing Nathan annoy people, bad reality shows, smoking weed (more like shotgunning weed).
morality alignment: chaotic good
sins: lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath
virtues: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert / extrovert (depends who’s around)
organized / disorganized
close minded / open minded
calm / anxious
disagreeable / agreeable
cautious / reckless
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved
leader / follower
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic
traditional / modern
hard working / lazy 
otp: Nathan/Lydia
ot3: Nathan/Lydia/Win (@seanfalco​‘s oc)
brotp: Kelly/Lydia, Simon/Lydia, Alisha/Lydia, Curtis/Lydia, Nikki/Lydia (sort of lol)
notp: Lydia/anyone who isn’t Nathan and so help me God, she will freak the fuck out.
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destroysworldsxarc · 6 years
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                  a group verse inspired by this post
        welcome to the family.    it may be dysfunctional and hectic,   but it is yours.    it’s a place for you to belong,   a place for you to blossom and bloom under the watchful eyes of marcus kane and abby griffin.   you have your own domains,   some of you share this domain with other members of this fucked up family,   some of you are trusted enough to be left alone.   there are rules to follow and schedules to keep,   but you’re only teenagers,   who can blame you if you ignore authority   ?
the basics:
       marcus kane and abby griffin run a home for troubled teenagers.   they take them in,   house them and try and get them back on the right path in life.   they help put them through school, college, work and try and make them model citizens for society once again.   but these teens / young adults are troubled for a reason,   so authority can be hard to follow.  
this group verse is run by destroysworlds. this will not be a first come first served group verse
ic drama is always encouraged. ooc drama is not tolerated
no duplicate face claims / characters
even though this is t100 inspired, it is open to everyone no matter of fandom. includes canon / oc’s / adult muses ( although adult muses will be affiliated with marcus / abby more than the teens )
all major plot lines should be run past me first
there is a discord server but your discord will not be shared publicly
include everyone !
general tag for his gv is faogv. please tag your ic stuff as faoic and ooc stuff as faoooc
the app ( send here) :
mun name:
mun age:
character name:
character age:
character faceclaim:
smol bio ( a few bullet points ):
discord drop:
the family:
octavia blake - 17 - marie avgeropoulos - slashesthroats
clarke griffin - 18 - eliza taylor - destroysworlds
bellamy blake - 20 - bob morley - atlasbled
raven reyes - 18 - lindsey morgan - codedraven
john murphy - 17 - richard harmon - surviivorforged
bexley garrett - 17 - shelley hennig - coldgrcwn
harper mcintyre - 17 - chesley reist  - shocklashandshoot
peter colton - 18 - josh hutchenson - rainkilled
finn collins
jasper jordan
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