#oc: Vasili
sleepyfan-blog · 5 months
Author’s note: The first part of Sirass’ story. Next
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @the-pure-angel
Warnings: child kidnapping
Summary: Sirass as a child, helping his mom with her work before going out to play with his friends at a local park.
"Siri, how are you doing with the hole in Ms. Hespirax's dress?" Amama sked, a warm smile on her face as she looked over at where Sirass was carefully stitching a small patch of cloth to the hole that had torn open in one of their clients' favorite dresses.
"I'm about half-way done! I'm keeping the stitches small and even, just like you taught me!" He chirped in response, grinning proudly as he shows his mama his work. He'd been learning how to make and repair clothing as long as he could remember. His mother ran a small tailor's shop in Lochos. 
Mama paused her work on the very fancy dress that she'd been working on for weeks as she looked over his work. The smile on her face brightened and she ruffled his hair, messing up his curls "Good job, Sirass! Be sure to keep your stitches as small and even as you can, and to not snag extra cloth while repairing the damage."
Sirass nodded "Yes mama!" While his stitches weren't as neat and even as his mother's, the ten year old child was determined to help his mother as best as he could, and his repair of the dress was of good quality. He checked periodically to make sure he didn't accidentally sew one part of the dress to another, keeping one hand between the layers of fabric, which also helped to keep the patch in place as he sewed it into place.
Once he finished the last stitch and carefully tied off the extra thread with a knot and trimmed the trailing thread he walked over to where his mother was finishing up her own project and proudly showed it to her. "What do you think, mama? I've finished putting the patch in!"
Mama took the dress he'd been working on and carefully stressed the patch, running her fingers over the stitches. She gifted Sirass with another smile and a hair-ruffle "You did really well! Thank you for helping me patch up Ms. Hespirax's dress. You should go out and play with your friends - I can see them walking down the street to the nearby park. Please be sure to come home by sunset, alright?"
"Thanks mama! I will, mama!" Sirass promised with an eager grin as he ran out to go play with his friends. While there was something soothing about fixing up torn clothes, or helping his mama make new clothes, he very much liked running around and playing games with his friends a lot more. 
"Wait for me, Vasili, Sophia, Alfina, and Castian!" Sirass called out as he ran out the back door of his home, darting over to where the others were walking, waving at them excitedly.
His four very best friends slowed down, waving back energetically. Sophia spoke up first "Hi Siri! How are you today? I thought you were going to be doing stuff with your mama all day?"
"I finished the task that mama asked me to do early, so I'm able to play!" Sirass answered with a grin, bouncing a little on the balls of his feet. 
"That's great!" Vasili responds, a bright grin appearing on his face "My dad's been teaching me how to whittle! He says it's the first step on learning how to properly carve things into shape. I'm still not allowed near aby of the saws and bigger stuff he uses to make chairs and other stuff with. Says it's too dangerous."
" Considering your dad has lost three fingers, he probably knows what he's talking about." Alfina points out, poking Vasili in the side "My auntie's been showing me how to clean and bandage different kinds of wounds. I've been learning about burns for weeks. Fire can be really scary if you don't treat it with respect."
"Why would anyone mess around with fire, anyways?" Castian asks, his face scrunching up in confusion "I've only just started to be allowed nearby dad's forge, and none of my little siblings are allowed anywhere close. Dad says that you shouldn't be afraid of fire, but to respect it, like you would a guard dog. Don't taunt fire - or a guard dog - or you'll get burned or bitten."
"My aunt says it's because some people don't use the brains that they were born with. Or they drank too much wine." Alfina answered with a shrug. "Ooh, look! The flowers are blooming at the park! Last one there is a rotten egg!" with that playful taunt she broke out into a sprint, having given herself a head-start.
"HEY, THAT'S CHEATING!" Sirass shouted as he broke out into a run, the rest of his friends following suit. Usually when they played running games like this, the person starting did a brief count down, but ALfina really did enjoy winning however she could. 
Not that she did win the sprint to the park, despite her head start, as Sirass was the tallest of the five of them. Sure his feet were a little too big and he could be a little clumsy at times, but his long legs did give him an edge in running games like this.
He skidded to a halt as he reached the huge field of flowers - there were so many bright and vivid colors, and they smelled really nice! There were a few bumblebees sitting on a couple of the flowers, enjoying them too "Haha! I win!" Sirass called out, a victorious grin on his face.
Alfina pouted at him as she slowed down a little, having come in second place "Yeah yeah, you win again. It's not fair that you're so tall!"
"You gave yourself a head-start. You're just grumpy that I'm faster than you are." Sirass teased, sticking his tongue out at her a little.
Sophia didn't slow down enough before reaching the two of them and accidentally crashed into Alfina, her feet having slipped on the muddy ground "Watch out! Augh!" She flailed her arms, trying to regain her balance as she fell backwards.
Vasili wailed "Wait, hang on, don't fall on me!" As he had been running right behind her and tried to dodge around her, only to slip on the muddy ground and started to fall as well.
Sirass lunged to try and help keep his friends from falling to the ground when he abruptly found himself dangling several feet off of the ground, with a huge, metal-covered h and having scruffed the back of his neck. He squirmed a little in confusion and looked up over his shoulder, freezing in fear as the red-eyed visor of one of The Tyrants' Enhanced Soldiers seemed to glare down at him.
The soldier demanded "How old are you, boy?" When Sirass didn't respond initially, the huge mountain of a man shook him a little "Answer me, boy. You'll get into trouble if you don't."
"I... I'm ten, sir. Th-thank you for catching me? Please put me and my friend down, sir. We... We haven't done anything wrong." There were more of the massive, metal-clad soldiers, and each of his friends were being held by one of them.
"We've been ordered to acquire new recruits by our primarch. You and the other two boys are being given the honor of becoming Aspirants for the Iron legion. If you survive the trials, you will be given the honor of becoming an Astartes. Resistance is futile. Put down the girls, they will tell whoever your guardians are of your glorious purpose." The giant soldier holding Vasili ordered. Alfina and Sophia were put down, "You may leave now, children."
Both Sophia and Alfina ran off without so much as a backward glance. 
Sirass squirmed a little in the Astartes' grip "I... Please sir. It's just me and my mama... I don't... I don't want to be taken away from her."
"You dare defy the will of the Tyrant of Olympia? Bold, boy, but such defiance will cost you dearly. If you're so concerned about your mother's fate, perhaps we should pay her a visit?" The Astartes holding Sirass threatened.
His heart shot up into his mouth and he shook his head. He didn't know what might happen if his mother met with these terrifying soldiers, but they were so big and scary and he didn't want her to get hurt because of him "N-No...I... I don't... I'll be good."
"Good." The Astartes rumbled.
 With that, Sirass' life as he knew it was over.
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luckyblackcatxiii · 3 months
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Vasili and Saverio met awhile back when the group first entered Vallaki and despite only having one bread d̶a̶t̶e̶ hangout together thus far, I think about the interaction a lot. Mostly because Saverio wants to impress him sooooo bad (he's just such an interesting man!!!)
🙏 (I've been told to say: no spoilers please~ Especially in tags!) 🙏
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hanteeyo · 22 days
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new colors for my boys
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shrimpari · 20 days
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Ji and Vasili got to hang out in Vallaki a few sessions ago! It went so fine and normal 😌
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welldonekhushi · 4 months
Solovetsky Ending
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Timeline: Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War
Characters featured: Russell Adler, Vincent "Bell" Stephens (Vasili Mikhailovich Sokolov)
Summary: Bell did the righteous by siding with Adler and choosing Solovetsky to stop Perseus from nuking Europe. But, even after achieving triumph, Bell feels a little unsatisfied with the result.
Warnings: Some profanity, use of guns, slight gore and a.. plot twist? Cliffhanger?
Adler and Bell, arrive at the cliffside, overlooking the sea where the seagulls fly. It seemed peaceful, and calm, especially after a bigger threat was over — stopping Perseus. Bell willingly handed over the coordinates to Adler about the hidden missiles that were in the safety of the Solovetsky Monastery, after revealing him about everything the reason they brainwashed him for.
Adler takes a glance at the weather for a while, while Bell just kept staring at the agent, with a neutral expression. Adler takes out a cigarette and lights it up, inhaling the stick and puffing out the smoke from his lips, as he speaks his first words.
"Arctic air. Clears the head, doesn't it?" Adler smiles, turning to Bell who rather listens to the conversation diligently.
"Bell, you made two extraordinary sacrifices to stop Perseus. One was without your knowledge. The other.. you made that decision of your own accord." Adler took another drag of his cigarette, blowing off the smoke from his lips. "I just want you to know that this little thing that's happened to you and me.. It was always for the greater good."
Bell slightly smiled at the success of their mission, his eyes darted towards the rocks for a while, before he could face the agent in triumph.
"You're a damn hero, you know that, kid?" Adler tossed his cigarette away, as he took one step away from Bell, looking out at the horizon.
"I'm sorry that along with wiping off your memories, with giving you the Vietnam flashbacks, and your indulgence with Park with the MI6.. we had to make you reluctant to speak. But don't worry, that will wear off anytime, just the secondary brainwash effects. And as they say, heroes have to make sacrifices. For the greater good."
"I know." Bell finally spoke towards Adler, in a confident tone. "But, I'm glad that you brought me wherever I am right now, Russell."
Adler was slightly confused, yet surprised when Bell had his voice opened after a long time of being silent. It made him feel a bit uncomfortable, but continued to cooperate with his teammate. "What do you mean, Bell?"
"To teach me. What it feels to be controlled under somebody, when in truth, you were always meant to be free." Bell speaks his thoughts, after having them caged inside of him for a long time.
"Perseus only thought of me as an useful asset. He used me for his own advantage.. despite promising me he'd protect me. I lost everything that I had. Turns out, I feel glad that you saved me from that turmoil." Bell was opening up to Adler, as he carefully listened to him talking about his days with the opposing faction.
"But.. can I be honest with you, Adler?" Bell tilts his head, his hands now inside of his pockets as he takes a satisfied sigh. The agent was a bit reluctant to listen, but he gave the nod.
"Sure but, I think we don't have much time so, speed up kid."
Bell looked at the sky for a short while, before he spoke the truth. "I was about to send you all to Duga. I had no choice."
Adler was a bit astonished by Bell's words. Did Bell have a plan in his head to kill the whole team before? If he wanted to, he could have chosen that very path, but instead he went for Solovetsky. It was quite baffling for Adler to piece together everything, as Bell continues to speak.
"But.. knowing that Perseus used me, I couldn't spare him for what he did along with the rest. So, I took my revenge, and gave him what he deserves.. but — something in me still feels empty. As if Perseus wasn't enough."
Adler was feeling a bit unsure that what was the other thing Bell felt incomplete all this time. They got to Perseus already, who was the other one in his head?
"I used to feel like I was inside of a cage. Locked. Nowhere to escape. But now, it seems like the crow has finally spread its wings. And it knows what to do now."
Something didn't feel right for Adler, as the uneasiness inside of him grew even louder. Bell was smiling towards him, in a way that would leave the CIA agent into a thousand doubts.
"Because as you said, Adler.. sacrifices are to be made. For the greater good."
Adler slightly backed off from Bell, who gave him a neutral expression but the smile in him vanished the moment his stare became a glare. Bell took one step ahead towards Adler, as he tried calling onto to bring him back to his senses.
"It's Vasili." He drew his gun out of his pocket, and shot Adler on the shoulder, making the man fall down with great force. The agent groaned in pain, the blood leaking out of his jacket, as Adler growled and drew his hands towards his pockets to take out his pistol and aim towards Bell, but he knocked the gun off by his legs and slammed his feet on Adler's chest, pinning him on the rocky surface on the cliff they were while the injured man grunted in agony.
"I want you to remember this very moment, Russell. The day you tricked me was the biggest mistake of your entire life." Bell, who now referred to himself as Vasili, expressed his resentment towards Adler who was responsible for the brainwashing, and made him believe that he was one of the family, only to get what he wanted — which was finding Perseus.
"You fucked with my mind. You fucked with my identity. And you took away the only thing that represented me for who I was!" He gripped the pistol tighter towards Adler as he spat in anger, letting out the pent-up frustration he had inside of him for a long time. "You aren't less than Perseus, aren't you Adler? But what to say.." Bell chuckled half-heartedly. "You were so.. blind. Thinking you're the pure one here when you have blood on your hands as well, sir."
Adler watched in horror as he couldn't believe that Bell would actually turn his back away from him. Vasili then slowly bends down towards the man, so he can say something important before he takes his leave.
"Not even Perseus, nor Russell Adler. But just.. Vasili. Which is me." Bell said, his words sharp so they'd be remembered. He pulled out his leg from Adler, as the agent choked and wheezed for air, coughing. He gripped his shoulder tightly, trying to get on his feet but got on his knees instead.
Bell checked the reloads and cocked his gun. "I could have killed you right now, Adler.. but I have better plans than that. I hope that the wound gives you a good time when you return to the safehouse."
Adler tried to reach out to Bell, extending his arm as if he didn't want him to leave. "Bell.. listen to me. We can talk about this."
Vasili just glared at the man, with no remorse. Yet, he wishes to hear him one last time. "I would want you to speed up as well, Adler. I don't have much time."
"Trust me. I didn't mean to make you suffer, Bell.. I only want you to understand. That.. this was never personal." Adler quickly grabbed the pistol that was on the ground, and drew his aim towards Vasili, prepared to shoot the agent back. Meanwhile, Bell widened his eyes as Adler was about to retaliate, and before Bell could pull out the gun —
Fade to black.
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islandtarochips · 1 month
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FINALLY! I have done it been SO long for me to finish this piece! And I want to say thank you to @alypink for helping to color the cake, the season and the colors! I LOVE it!
Okay everyone! Since I saw some of my mutuals done this! I was thinking that I should joined in! With my BOCW OC! Koa Nikau and Ex who is now becoming his wife (again)! Aroha Arehe!
Their first marriage hasn’t been planned ACCORDINGLY since the two just ran off to get married somewhere else. Without Aroha’s family knowing. But since they have their 2nd wedding. They’ll finally have their WHOLE family (mostly Aroha side) to see them getting married!
Koa lets Aroha plan things out but will help out as much as he can. Aleks help out as well to ease things up a bit.
The two do like to have their wedding ceremony outdoors. But has different ideas of where to have their venues. Aroha decided to go with Koa’s ideas. For she had found it very romantic of these two dancing under the decorative lights.
Koa was planning to have their wedding around the fall season but changed his mind since he wanted to make his future wife happy. So he’s glad that he agreed to do it during the Spring season.
They also invited Koa's friends! Even though that the Groom has to tolerate of seeing Adler, Hudson, Sims and Helen. But luckily Aroha was there to calm him down.
The Groomsmen would be Frank, Alex, Craig, Charles and Aroha’s older brother (surprisingly he agreed to this). And the Best Man will be Vasili. Questioning of what happened to Sims, Lazar, Hudson and Adler? They’re just sitting down on the chairs.
Bridesmaids will be Jodie and some of Aroha’s cousins. And the Maid of Honor will be Aleks. Imagined these two women had gotten closer because of them talking about their hubbies🤭 Oh and Helen was with the other boys in the crowd.
Pretty sure the groomsmen (except for Aroha’s older brother) will try not to laugh at Koa’s, not his uniform, HAT. Koa would just shush those guys up as he tried to keep his composure.
Koa will also be blushing to see Aroha walking up on the aisle with her father. Wearing that beautiful dress. He was also sweating so much to see Aroha’s father glaring at him when he handed his daughter to him. (You should know why)
Marynee (Alek's daughter) being the honoree flower girl. And having one of Aroha's nephew being the ring bearer.
Since the wedding couples decided to do their own custom wedding vows. You can say Koa had took this one in the bag. For he had SO many things to say to his lover. About their past relationship, of his regrets, how much he had screw it up and blah blah blah and so forth and so forth. You get it right?
The beginning of the song will be “Endless Love”. Which it is Koa and Aroha’s cue for the slow dance.
Vasili and Jodie will be having a dance battle against Frank and Alex.
Kai (Koa and Aroha's eldest son) started talking to Sims about some mechanic nerd stuff.
Everyone will be seeing Aleks, Frank, Charles, Craig and Vasili having that drinking competition. Wait…KOA GET VASILI AWAY FROM THE VODKA!
Aleks dancing with her kids and Koa’s kids on the dance floor. TRYING to drag Adler to join in.
Charles will be doing the most embarrassing dance in HISTORY while being drunk. And Ari (Koa and Aroha's youngest son) joined in with him. (Koa had secretly recorded it)
Koa and Lazar was arm wrestling again. And once again, Lazar won. Which he received a kiss on the cheek from the bride as a reward. (Koa was ok with that. He’s fine…I think.)
And after the reception well BEFORE the ending of it. Vasili had surprised Koa with a special tradition of the Māori way. By doing the HAKAS. Which it gives Koa great tears to see his friend who had done it so well. Even Aroha was impressed.
Vasili “Bell” Sokolov - @welldonekhushi
Craig Alan Jones - @kaitaiga
Aleksandra Clarke R./Marynee - @alypink
Charles “Charlie” Moore - @deeptrashwitch
Jodie “Bell” Hall - @imagoddamnonionmason
Koa “Hunter” Nikau/Aroha Arehe Nikau - Me
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ambasingresident · 19 days
Did a doodle of Vasily and Ellio's future kids and gave them a lore for fun
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Androny (Kōki) and Yevgeniya (Ai) are the adopted twins of Vasily and Ellio. Androny is a gentle and silent boy who tends to be protective to people close to him while Yevgeniya is a strong and firey girl who has a soft spot for people she's close with.
Abandoned at birth due to the chaos and war in whats left of the Central Siberian Republic, they never knew who were their parents and spent most of their time in an orphanage. During their stay they were outcasts among the other orphans and were even bullied by them for being different, so they rely only on themselves, each other, and the caregivers in the orphanage. When their orphanage was attacked by a neighbouring warlord, they were forced to hid in the forest and saw their only home looted and the children and caretakers taken by them. With nowhere else to go, they were forced to survive on their own and live in the abandoned orphanage in harsh conditions. When Vasily and Ellio found them in the ruins of the orphanage, they decided to bring them home and adopt them as their kids to give them the love and care they need as their new parents.
Bonus Art:
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The Shaska Family
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jannaphia · 2 years
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kaddppa · 4 months
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Haven't drawn Vasili in a very long time.
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yoibat-art · 19 days
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Vasili sketchs and a funny story that happen with Blade (My pc!) (Is this a Dungeon Mechi reference? Hahaha)
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yunaisky · 2 months
Ellio Ovelot redraw
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Finally a Ellio is done and know i will do Andy next.
I want to tell you that Ellio is bisexual :D
And his birthday is 10 August, because I posted it on that date
Bonus doodle
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Vasily Shashka belong to : @ambasingresident
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mackse3n · 3 months
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I almost gave up on this 3 times but here‼️ Ib : @pinkvasYT on twitter/X
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witchscience-draw · 3 months
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Soo it's our Dhampir paladin and Vasili von Holtz in modern au(in our campaign they are dating)
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hanteeyo · 25 days
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cadfael + vasilis + memes
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butterflies-for-crows · 9 months
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A collection of memes my dnd party has made over the course of our Curse of Strahd game so far!
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welldonekhushi · 4 months
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Khushi is FINALLY posting again! This time something on Black Ops, with our beloved Bell and.. uh, Adler. Yes AHEM, ANYWAYS!
So, this is in context to this fic that I posted about Bell and Adler during the Solovetsky ending. This can be a continuation where Bell somehow manages to "survive" even if he was brutally shot by Adler's bullet in return. Now, since they two are still alive, I'm very sure they'll now find a way to face off again, in Black Ops 6.
Also, this is me drawing Adler for the.. second time? Like I remember drawing him once a few years ago but now I've done it again for the sake of doing my Bell's story :')
Here's the without text version of this art! I hope you like it! <3
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