#oc: Astley
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dioles-writes · 10 months ago
meet the board game club
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Felix Rodriguez (he/him)
A 16-year old Diole starting 11th grade at Diantha Rose High School. Has just moved back to his hometown to try and get a fresh start. Lives with his older sister Reagan and her girlfriend Paisley above the bakery that they own. Childhood best friends with Bliss and Akali. Has a tendency to get into fights over practically anything and has an iconic bowl cut which he claims is a “fashion statement”.
Winola Higgins (she/her) - belongs to @sleepsloooop
A 16-year-old Diole starting 11th grade at Diantha Rose High School. Just moved from Germany with her four younger siblings (Cormac, Gertrude, Deirdre, & Franz) and her parents Freida and Fergus. Best friends with Alzena. Extremely suicidal and only still alive out of spite for her parents. Has a pet snake and four toads.
January Restall (he/him) - belongs to @jiphenn
A 16-year-old Diole starting 11th grade at Diantha Rose High School. Homeschooled his whole life and has absolutely 0 social skills. Son of Howard Restall, the richest man on the planet and Head of Diole Eradication. He lives in a huge mansion all by himself on the outskirts of the town. Childhood best friends with Maddox. Leader of the Board Game Club.
Maddox Exermas (he/him) - belongs to @jiphenn
A 16-year-old Diole starting 11th grade at Diantha Rose High School. Also homeschooled all his life, and has slightly more social skills than January but not a whole lot. His grandpa Racman owns Chumps Jr., a very run-down and shitty restaurant in a very poor area of town. Childhood best friends with January. Co-leader of the Board Game Club.
Akali Lee (he/him) - belongs to @jiphenn
A 16-year-old Diole going into 11th grade at Diantha Rose High School. Lives in a richer part of their neighborhood with his parents and eight siblings: Ensio, Ilona, Della, Jimbo, Jambo, Letha, Cadi, and Ovia. Everyone under Della is adopted. Childhood best friends with Bliss and Felix. He’s a huge germaphobe and cannot be seen without his iconic black mask+gloves combo and even carries around his own utensils wherever he goes. Has an all-black aesthetic.
Avil Chane (she/her) - belongs to @jiphenn
A 15-year old Diole starting 10th grade at Diantha Rose High School. 5-time city champion swimmer and even gets paid for her swimming competitions. Dating Wilder. 3rd-in-command for the Board Game Club and January’s ride-or-die. The most skilled with her power (control-wise) out of the whole club. A huge blabbermouth.
Alzena Midori (she/her) - belongs to @jiphenn
A 16-year-old Diole going into 11th grade at Diantha Rose High School. Lives with her older brother Louay in a small apartment nearby the school. Taking Foods with Winola. Used to be a delinquent in middle school and gets severely embarrassed when this fact is brought up. Her nails are always painted fun colours.
Nyssa White (she/her) - belongs to @jiphenn
A 16-year-old Diole going into 11th grade at Diantha Rose High School. Lives with her two lovely parents and her three cats Weenie, Jonnie and Georgie. Extremely anxiety-ridden and skittish.
Astley (he/they) - belongs to @jiphenn
A 17-year-old Diole starting 12th grade at Diantha Rose High School. Dropped out of Elementary and only has a middle-school level education, meaning he’s also illiterate. Formerly homeless but was picked up off the street by Winola’s mom as a type of charity project, and now shares a room with Winola. A drug dealer and a raging alcoholic. Bullies/scams kids on Roblox.
Rory Hattie (they/she) - belongs to @jiphenn
A 17-year-old Diole going into 12th grade at Diantha Rose High School. Lives in foster care. Was so good of a nurse intern that the actual school nurse got fired and they got the job instead. Their most prized possession is “Patches”, the messed up stuffed dog wearing a lab coat and stethoscope that sits by the nurse’s office. Besties with Kuali’i. Has a HORRIBLE memory (doesn’t even remember their own birthday half the time).
Kuali’i Alana (he/him) - belongs to @jiphenn
A 17-year-old Diole going into 12th grade at Diantha Rose High School. Has three younger siblings and is amazing with kids (best older brother in the world). Leader of the Drama Club along with Bliss, and is like a mentor figure to her. He’s very popular and well-liked by his peers and teachers; nobody has a bad thing to say about him.
Gunther Lim (he/him) - belongs to @jiphenn
An 18-year-old Diole going into 12th grade at Diantha Rose High School. Has three hot big-booty girlfriends, Lola, Afia and Bea. Plays the acoustic, electric, and bass guitar, though his main one is bass. Has scheduled fights 6-7 days of the week.
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ginger-grimm · 22 days ago
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Day 2: Love Songs
Carmen Flores & Spencer Astley
TAGLIST: @eddysocs @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @nikosasaki @noratilney @wordspin-shares @oneirataxia-girl @endless-oc-creations @stelstellakidd @andromedalestrange @far-shores @rose-of-oz @bibaybe @come-along-pond
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lovely-rants-alot · 10 months ago
I just saw someone with a Spotify code tattoo and I scanned it and it was a rickroll
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chevvy-ryder · 1 year ago
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BONUS: same location but different outfits.
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[NC_RES]_00001727 mercs_night_steyr_portraits_004_BS_DT_PFCA.file ///core:_spiced_paprika.file\\\
Arki belongs to @nervouswizardcycle. Vijay belongs to me.
⚠ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
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nightcxty · 1 year ago
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couchtaro · 9 months ago
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I got to play a game of Urban Mages run by @eaudecrow where I played a brownie (as in the house spirit) who had been recently liberated from a fast food conglomerate that had learned how to manufacture them for labor. His name is Douglas, he was born in a Wendy’s, and they can make guns out of French fries
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perch-the-cat · 1 year ago
art I've been meaning to post
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Don't ask
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Dont ask it's for your own good
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dioles-writes · 1 year ago
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Masterlist || Credits go to @jiphenn || Characters: Felix (he/him), Grandpa Racman (he/him), Maddox (he/him), January (he/him), Astley (he/they), Reagan (she/her)
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Four rhythmic knocks sounded from the front door before the sound of keys jingling interrupted the Board Game Club’s silence. The door rattled as it was unlocked, swinging open.
In walked Maddox’s Grandpa Racman, carrying two boxes of fresh-smelling pizza. Maddox immediately jumped up, going to help him with the boxes. “Hope you kids are hungry.” He said with his usual smile, going back to lock the door and joining the group next to Maddox.
Felix had never been more grateful to see him in his life. The day had been passing slowly, with not much food to go around in the morning, so by the time Racman had shown up, he was starving.
January, Akali, Wilder, Winola, Kuali’i, Felix and Rory had all spent most of the day in the separate room, doing muscle exercises and physical therapy to regain their strength. Felix welcomed the distraction, as it took his mind off things, and it meant that he could avoid Reagan for most of the day. The rest of the club just laid around, staying in the other room in nothing but silence. At least when he was moving around Felix didn’t have to be alone with his thoughts, guilt and grief dragging him down. He didn’t have to think about Paisley, or Bliss, or Avil, too busy focusing on the pain in his legs, ribs, and his shoulder. It grounded him. He was pretty sure he would go crazy if he was Astley, with nothing to do all day, nothing to do at night, constantly just sitting and thinking, not even able to fall asleep and get away for a few hours. He had no clue how they hadn’t fallen apart yet. Felix knew he would have.
Racman opened the boxes, revealing two beautifully crafted pizzas. The smell was a relief from the usual blood and sweat stench, making Felix’s mouth instantly water. It looked like they were straight out of the oven, all gooey cheese and tomato sauce finished with a perfect golden crust.
“How are things outside, Grandpa?” Maddox asked, passing everyone a slice. Felix took his, too excited to be bummed out by the fact that they all could only eat one. He dug in, absolutely in heaven.
“Not good.” Racman said, looking troubled. “These attacks have been getting out of hand. There was another Diole attack recently at one of the GDEO warehouses. At least that means the vaccine release has been pushed even further.”
Felix listened in, glad for some news about the world. It was odd, not knowing anything that was going on, trapped in Chumps Jr. with no access to the outside. It had been almost two months now since he last left this place. Chumps Jr. was starting to grow suffocating, stuck with the ten other Board Game Club members and his sister every day. As sad as it was to admit, Racman’s visits were the only thing he had to look forward to. He regretted so many months ago, insulting the poor old man in January’s limo, acting like an entitled prick. Racman was the only person that had been genuinely nice to him since they were all exposed, harbouring eleven fugitives without any complaints, bringing them food and blankets when he could.
“How about some lollipops to make you kids feel better?” Racman reached into his jacket and pulled out a handful of candy, going around the room to give one to everyone. He handed them out, some people taking them more reluctantly than others.
January accepted his with a quiet thank you, Racman being the only other person besides Maddox that he had dared to even look at in the last two months.
It was the oddest sight.
Before the concert, January had been nothing but smiles and laughs, constantly in a good mood no matter what. He didn’t care how rude Felix was, January always just smiled and reassured him everything would be fine. He always had a positive attitude, always had a huge grin on his face. Felix didn’t realize how much he had grown to care about January, to care about the whole club. Didn’t realize how much Avil had held them all together. His heart ached at the thought of her, her absence becoming even more obvious. Every day it felt like something was missing, the room appearing even more empty and sad.
Felix couldn’t remember what his last conversation had been with her. What his last conversation had been with January. It was so insignificant at the time. Before, he had no doubts that he would be spending the winter break with all of the club, going ice skating and enjoying their vacation. It never would have occurred to him that he could lose Avil. He had been so naive, so blissfully ignorant back then.
Racman handed him a lollipop: orange flavour. He accepted it with a thanks and a small smile.
“You kids are looking so much better than the last time I saw you.”
Felix wanted to laugh. They definitely were not doing any better, if anything they were doing worse. January was a shell of a person, going through his days in a daze. His head was always bowed, hair falling in his eyes, slouching over like he was trying to curl into himself. It was nothing like how he had been before: tall, confident, radiating this pure joy as soon as he entered a room. Akali looked like he hadn’t slept in days, his eye bags now making his eyes appear sunken in. No one talked much. Felix and Reagan weren’t on speaking terms anymore, and the only time they actually communicated with each other was in their screaming matches, both of them getting in each others faces and yelling at the top of their lungs. Sometimes one of the Board Game Club members would intervene, usually Rory, Alzena, or Maddox, who Felix knew was getting fed up with their fights, but most of the time Reagan just stormed out, bawling. She cried a lot more now, to the point where it was almost constant.
“I think I could bring hot chocolate next time, it must be really cold sleeping in here.” Racman continued with a small laugh.
“Thank you Grandpa, we’d like that a lot.” Maddox said softly, twirling his lollipop through the air slowly. Racman gave him a sweet smile.
“Well, I’ll leave you kids alone now,” Racman said, shakily getting to his feet. “You probably don’t want a boring old man’s company.” Felix really wished he would stay, really wished he wouldn’t leave so quickly every time. He hated how lonely he was now, with not even his sister to talk to, or to sit with.
Maddox helped walk him to the door. “I’ll be back sometime next week with your hot chocolate.” He called out to the group with a smile, unlocking the door once again. Maddox nodded. “Be safe, Grandpa.”
Racman waved and headed out again, leaving the Board Game Club back in silence again. Maddox returned to the couch with January, his smile fading. The group went back to sulking, everyone sullen and quiet, pizza finished.
The week passed like usual. The injured Board Game Club members did physical therapy with Rory. Felix and Reagan fought, the latter crying loudly into the night. January sulked. The days were impossibly cold and windy, the only view from the windows was snow falling down on the gloomy street, the sky always dark.
But finally, there was a knock at the door. Racman walked in, a plastic grocery bag in hand. “Good afternoon, kids,” He gave his usual warm smile, locking the door. “I got hot chocolate like I promised.” He said, rattling the contents inside of the bag.
Everyone looked up, almost appearing excited for the first time in weeks. He placed it down near the couch. “Do one of you mind heating the kettle?” Maddox jumped up, heading into the kitchen and pulling it out of the cupboard.
“I also brought marshmallows if anyone wants them.” Racman produced two bags of mini marshmallows. Felix had never loved someone more.
Racman joined Maddox in the kitchen, grabbing some Chumps Jr. cups for everyone and filling them with a couple spoonfuls of chocolate powder.
He turned to Maddox with a smile, “Do you remember when we would have hot chocolate together, Maddox?”
Maddox hummed and nodded.
“Your mother made the best hot chocolate. Do you remember how she would draw things on top with whipped cream and cinnamon?”
Maddox nodded again, a gentle smile working its way across his features. “Her favourite to make would be flowers.” He reminisced.
“I haven’t heard from her recently, I wonder what she’s up to.” Grandpa murmured, as Maddox helped him fill up more cups with chocolate powder.
“I wish you could’ve stayed with me these past years, maybe things would have been better.”
Maddox hummed again, seeming to be lost in thought, too wrapped up in what could have been. “Me too, Grandpa.” He said softly.
The kettle clicked loudly, signalling it was done boiling. Maddox started to pour the water in the cups, condensation rising in the freezing air. “Come take a cup guys.”
Felix’s hot chocolate was nice and steamy, the cup warming up his hands. Everyone sat down, drinking their hot chocolate and relishing the sweet taste, Rory helping Wilder hold his own.
Sitting there, Felix could almost pretend that he was back home, warm and safe, no worries in the world. It was Sunday, which meant that he would’ve just been getting up right now, with no school to disturb his sleep. Paisley always made dumplings on Sundays. It was tradition by now; he would wake up to find her by the stove, frying up the dumplings into golden deliciousness as Reagan prepared eggs and hash browns, the two of them laughing and joking as he walked in. Then the three of them would all sit down, enjoying their hot and filling breakfast - which would be unlike what Felix’s actual breakfast had been, just a piece of stale half-frozen bread thinly spread with margarine.
He took another sip, wishing he was a few years younger, wishing he was with his family. Wishing he was home.
Reagan used to make hot chocolate for him when he was younger. Cold nights when the wind howled and snowflakes fell onto the ground, covering outside in inches of thick snow, transforming their whole street into white. She would stand by the stove, smiling at him as he sat at their kitchen table, swinging his feet impatiently. She would melt chocolate and heat up the milk, mixing it all together into sugary goodness. The two of them would curl up on the couch, drinking and watching movies until Felix eventually fell asleep. Sometimes Paisley would join them, baking brownies for the three of them to snack on, cuddling next to Reagan.
It made him sick thinking about it.
Felix had never thought that he could miss a person that was only feet away from him, but for the past three weeks he missed Reagan more than anyone else.
A part of him had always regretted joining the Board Game Club, even back in September, before he even met Gunther. Back when it was just the eight of them. He hated lying to her, hated how she was so worried all the time, so terrified. He hated the guilt it brought, as he pulled away from her more, talked to her less. She had been the one person he had always been honest to, always had by his side. She was the one person he could trust.
Reagan had always protected him, always kept him safe. And now she wouldn’t look at him, wouldn’t do anything other than scream and cry. He really wished he could hug her, have her tell him that it was going to be alright, that they were going to be okay.
She sat as far away from Felix as was possible in the small, cramped room, her back turned on him, expression closed-off and cold. Her cup was in her hands, but it was still full to the brim, Reagan just staring down at it numbly.
She hadn’t spoke to him in two days. They had another one of their fights, only this time it was so much worse. This time Reagan didn’t hold back, didn’t stop herself and storm out. She screamed at him, yelling things he would’ve never expected from his sister, the one person that he cared about more than anything. Reagan had been screaming in this raw, desperate way, so full of pent up resentment and bitterness, with these hot, angry tears streaming down her face.
Her words resurfaced in his mind, still laced with pure hate that was alien coming from his big sisters mouth. For a moment, he hadn’t been able to react, not really believing what he heard was true. Reagan would have never said something like that to him, at least, not the Reagan he knew a few months ago. She wouldn’t have screamed at him like that a few months ago, so angry that it kind of scared him, this hidden side of her coming out. She would have protected him, would have hugged him and reassured him that it would be okay. A few months ago they never would have fought like this, and he would have never felt like he couldn’t talk to her. Though, he guessed he was different too. A few months ago he wouldn’t have hid something like the Board Game Club from her, wouldn’t have lied to her like he did. They both had changed. More than he wanted to admit.
Sitting there, so very alone, he wondered if it had been worth it.
He’d lost his family. Lost his best friend. He couldn’t consider the Board Game Club his friends anymore, they were simply nothing, a group of strangers stuck together in a shitty, disgusting restaurant, just trying to stay alive and survive, despite their circumstances. He no longer felt at home around them. No longer felt like himself around them. He’d lost practically everyone - everything - all in one night.
Yet, for a short time, he had been happy. He’d had friends for the first time in his life. Actual friends that he didn’t have to hide from, friends that were like him, that didn’t care that he was a Diole. It had been nice. He had learnt to control his powers, and had honestly believed that maybe, just maybe, things would be okay. He’d fallen into a routine these past couple months, going to Chemistry with January, Gym with him, Winola, Adelio, Maddox and Avil, Drama with Bliss. He went to club meetings every Monday and Friday, laughing and joking alongside Akali.
And then it was all ripped from him with one fatal act.
He glanced around the room, stared at his sister who wouldn’t even talk to him anymore. Who he was sure wouldn’t ever look at him the same ever again.
And then it dawned on him that it never would matter anyway. He couldn’t go back. He would never get the life he had, for those five short amazing months, back. He didn’t even know if he would ever leave these rotting four walls. If he would make it to next week. He had made his choice, all those months ago. And Gunther had made his. There was nothing he could do but accept it.
Felix took another sip of his drink, trying to forget about Gunther, about his guilt, and just enjoy his hot chocolate. He looked away from Reagan, who still hadn’t met his gaze, unable to stare at her any longer.
That’s when he noticed the ant on the ground.
It slowly made its way towards Felix, crawling across the cement, all on its lonesome. It was weird for an ant to be around during the middle of winter. Especially in a place like this. Felix eyed it for a moment, curious, before flicking it away.
The ant went flying, landing a few feet away in the other direction, before resuming to crawl around on the floor, circling around the different Board Game Club members.
Suddenly Astley looked up. “Shhhh.” He said, glancing around.
The door busted open. A bunch of heavily-armed men ran in, footsteps booming as they shoved the tables in the front room away and charged into the kitchen. “SECURE THE AREA. RELEASE THE GAS.”
Canisters were thrown and smoke instantly filled the room. Gunshots rang out, millions of bullets spraying the walls, the furniture, the floor.
Felix jumped up, glancing around wildly. Reagan.
She was his first thought, instantly, everything else forgotten. He didn’t care about their fights anymore, didn’t care that she hated him now, not when she was in danger. He wouldn’t let her get hurt. Not her too.
Fortunately Reagan wasn’t hard to find, from the way she was screaming his name. He was at her side in a second, his hand gripping hers as tightly as he could muster, trying to avoid the bullets zipping in all directions. He couldn’t see anything through the smoke, relying on pure instinct as he led Reagan through the room, trying to get to safety. He didn’t even know where they were supposed to go, didn’t have anywhere to go.
He searched blindly for Maddox, the only one here that would know what to do right now. The only one that he could really trust right now. If anyone could get them out of this, Maddox could.
He didn’t make it three feet before another loud blast went off, and his free arm was flung back. A bullet ripped through his bicep, warm blood immediately starting to gush down it, pain burning white hot. He choked, trying to bite down a scream, praying that Reagan hadn’t been hit too, picking up his pace despite the pain, even more desperate to find Maddox.
There was another loud bang, and Felix stumbled over, his leg almost giving in on itself. People were yelling, screaming. He couldn’t tell from what direction, couldn’t tell where the bullets were coming from. The only reassurance was Reagan’s hand in his, as she held on so tightly that he was starting to feel numb.
Maddox was still nowhere to be seen. Meanwhile Felix was bleeding out slowly, barely even able to hold himself up anymore, stumbling through Chumps Jr. disoriented, as even more bullets were fired towards him.
He felt dizzy. His vision had started to go fuzzy, his clothes soaked completely through with blood. Everything was a blur. He had no clue where he was supposed to even go anymore, what direction he was even running in.
He staggered into the corner of a wall, head bumping against the edge. The whole room was spinning now. He couldn’t see, couldn’t focus, couldn’t think. Felix could feel his hand start to slip from Reagan’s, felt his legs start to give out. Reagan screamed his name, reaching out to him desperately. He could vaguely feel her grabbing him, trying to pull him up, but it was too late.
Everything went dark.
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✧ Grandpa Racman, Maddox, January, and Astley all belong to @jiphenn
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kumakumaart · 1 year ago
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You know the rules.
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commissionsdarian · 2 years ago
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pizzathefox · 1 year ago
Pizza rolled....... SORRY NOT SORRY
I swear my brain stem is unhooked tonight....but I was dying to do this. Also, I think I'm starting to get a hang of the way I do digital art. Lineless. I use my phone to edit and draw digitally so I'm pretty shocked I didn't completely mess it up!
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elmorinn · 2 months ago
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Janeuary Day 5 - Inn đŸȘ”
more OC art for today's prompt! It actually helped me to come up with a backstory on how the Astley twins met one of their best friends, Charles Fairclough ^^
it all started when the twins were almost refused a room at the inn they stopped by, but Charles (a total stranger mind you x)) helped them to get one :D
i gave up on the speech bubbles but i'm pretty sure the content of the dialogues happening in the image can be deduced from the story i have just shared x)
For the background, the inn building itself, i referenced a drawing of the White Lion Inn made by Thomas Rowlandson:
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deadly-espresso · 2 months ago
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(OC: Rosemary Mauve)
I had already mentioned her in a story I've been working on, but sadly I never got to drawing her until now.
Some notes:
This drawing is meant to depict how she'd look around 1947 (She was born August 20th, 1926). She's already dead by the time the story's she's in begins, though.
Her uncanny resemblance to Lillia (her granddaughter) is on purpose. Well, not for in-universe reasons, it's more thematic reasons. The most obvious difference between the two is that Rosemary had a somewhat darker completion and longer hair than Lillia.
Rosemary was honestly a creepy kid growing up and didn't have a stable friend group until she was an adult. She had found a friend in high school who was just as creepy as she is, but he proved to be a bad influence, and it was apparent that the two weren't fit for each other. The guy seemed to be capable of things nobody even understood, and it was enough to make Rosemary want to move out not too long after completing high school.
Rosemary was born in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, but she ended up moving to New York after high school.
Rosemary was quite the fashionista. She was especially a fan of jewelry and soft, felty fabrics, something that also carried on to Lillia. She was especially a fan of poodle skirts when they became a thing in the 1940s.
Rosemary was more of an extrovert compared to Lillia.
Rosemary was an influential matriarch in her family. Although she mostly stayed home to take care of family while her husband Astley was employed, people loved to hang out with her and hear her tell stories.
Despite what some others in her life believed, Rosemary wasn't really all that pure of heart and was quite grey in terms of morality. She was known for hiding secrets of others, the biggest secret of them being that she made a questionable decision that removed a serious issue from her own life, but also indirectly led to the creation of the... ahem, skeleton in the closet that Lillia's left to confront after her grandmother's death.
Rosemary picked up fluency in French during her early life in New Brunswick. Her descendants, including Lillia, ended up picking up some fluency in the language from her as well.
I ended up deciding most of Lillia's family would have names referencing flowers. I chose Rosemary for this character because it's a symbol of remembrance. Even the family name is flower-themed because it's French for mallow.
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ginger-grimm · 4 months ago
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Day 25: Horror Location
Carmen Flores and her roommate Spencer Astley have been housed at Soft Gardens Mental Asylum for as long as she can remember. She has learned that the atmosphere isn't all that horrible. They can craft, garden, watch TV, and explore the woods around the property. In essence, it's a vacation, but nobody is ever allowed to leave. Nobody improves. Indeed, they appear to worsen. Spencer has been dying to leave the asylum, but the surveillance cameras and staff are continuously keeping an eye on them. Carmen recognizes that Spencer was correct and that they must leave when people start to vanish, and she watches the illusion fade. But surely she's there for a reason? So, is she insane, or is there actually something going on?
TAGLIST: @eddysocs @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @nikosasaki @noratilney @wordspin-shares @oneirataxia-girl @endless-oc-creations @stelstellakidd @andromedalestrange @far-shores @daughter-of-melpomene @bibaybe
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tag-that-oc · 2 years ago
Tag the OC who unironically thinks that Rick Astley's full name is Richard Roll.
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elliotthedemon · 4 months ago
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yaaayyyy i made a dandy's world oc, they're inspired by a locket made by Astley's Clarke (the pic below, not an ad i just thing their lockets are really cool lol)
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