#oc zoeya
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koopanasmol · 2 years ago
what are you most afraid of?
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floydleart · 1 year ago
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doodle break week of 09/11/23 ft. friendo oc’s and au’s and fairy au rythian and zoeya (and xephna ofc)
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fluxedbuds · 11 months ago
apparently y'all Are desperate enough for my Lomadia Oc so uh. hope you're in the mood for [checks notes] ~13 paragraphs, half of which is just description!
allow me to introduce Villom!
She doesn't have an actual name or in-universe nickname, I just call her Villom. Because she was originally a Villain Version of Lomadia from a sci-fi world for some comic idea I totally scrapped bc it sucked. Except for Villom!
So basically what if we put Lomadia in space and gave her every problem and no normal coping mechanisms
The base universe is Completely Impossible sci-fi space stuff, involving solar systems being relatively close together and having tons of habitable planets, with star trek 'convergent evolution' making everybody a Weird Human Basically. Part of these choices is that I. Don't actually like sci-fi lol. I don't think its bad I just can't Get Into It, so I did the lazy version. HOWEVER I do also use the fact that its extremely artificial and story-focused as part of the plot so its FINE There IS also magic, but it’s generally less used, as tech is more accessible and less complicated from a user standpoint. That doesn’t mean it isn’t powerful, if you know what to look for. Thats foreshadowing!
Compared to base Lomadia, Villom is.. very immature. She has trouble identifying and controlling emotions, she's quick to anger and holds grudges. She's also more impulsive and tends towards insults and crude jokes. She's actually pretty fun to hang out with as a result, but responsibility is a role she's crushed into, and it never truly fits. She's trying her best ok
Villom starts out her story as a young adult, training to be a pilot. She does some hero shit, but breaks so many rules in the process and gets kicked out. She’s enraged by this betrayal of what was supposed to be her life, and steals a ship to go rogue and try to pursue her dreams anyways. She doesn’t exactly know what she’s doing, though, and eventually a chase causes her to crash on an unfamiliar planet, where she meets Rythian. He’s steampunk now, don’t question it
Anyways, they end up teaming up, and form the first of her crew. Later additions are Martyn, who is a mouse guy who has So Fucking Many People Who Want Him Dead, and Zoeya! Who ended up separated from Fionn following partially the plot of Mushbury, and works as the ship’s engineer. Their ship (that lasts long enough to get a name…) is called the Ask, and Villom occasionally (and jokingly) calls her crew the Answers. (Its called the Ask because originally I gave the characters nicknames based on Norse mythology for Pretentious Reasons, those might come back later)
So everything’s all fine and poggers for a while, with the Ask’s crew causing mischief and undercutting evil empires across the worlds- and then Villom’s home planet is destroyed. And she sees it happen.
See, one of the tropes of sci-fi that bugs me, is how understated the death of an entire planet tends to go. This is the first step of Villom realizing how truly fucked up the world they live in is- and the first step of her wondering why it has to be this way, and how to stop it.
It only gets worse from here.
No matter how many evil empires they topple, no matter how many massive threats they thwart, there’s always another one. And no matter how fast they are, they can’t stop every world-ending crisis. Villom starts learning magic, wondering if theres some kind of solution there. When she doesn’t find one, she just looks harder. Brushing so close with forces she’s alone in experiencing wears on her, compounding with their futile mission.
The breaking point is when Rythian dies. Raiding an enemy ship goes wrong, they’re outnumbered, they’re trying to retreat. Surrenders are not accepted, there.
It’s another thing she sees happen, another thing she was inches away from but unable to stop. And she can’t take it. She can’t take losing another part of her, another of the few things she could call home in this cold void.
She takes some of the things she learned looking where she shouldn’t- and kills the nearest member of the enemy team, trading a life for a life. And part of her soul as tax, of course. Just a small bit, this time. She never tells him. Pretends it was instead an incredibly close call. He probably knows she’s lying, on some level, but he never says it.
Villom is desperate, now. There’s more and more things she’s hiding from her crew, more and more boundaries of safety she’s pushing. She trades one of her eyes for the ability to see the functions of the world itself- maybe it’s a mistake, there’s some gear stuck, and if she fixes it this infinite loop of wars will stop.
There is no mistake. This is how the universe is intended to function.
She can’t give up. Because if she stops, she’s never going to get up again.
Maybe there’s other worlds where it’s better, where it’s safe. Maybe there’s a way to make this world like them.
Maybe there’s a way to leave.
She’s barely human anymore, even though she looks perfectly fine. Her hair is white, her eye replaced, but that’s all. She’s replaced the things she’s traded away. She’s barely even a part of the world, anymore. Unstuck from the threads of it, floating as a constant point, unchanging and undying, snapping back into place when moved.
A lot of universes are visited by a strange woman with white hair, who never stays. Sometimes she’s a savior, or a tyrant, or merely another passerby.
One of them, somewhere, has to have an answer. The way to break the cycle. And Villom will find it- even if she has to take every one of them apart.
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chaoticharbinger · 6 years ago
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drawing for an outfit meme that’s gonna take a while to finish all the drawings for
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glistering-melon · 4 years ago
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aphion · 4 years ago
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[Sjinano fusion too]
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theheckisayogscast · 6 years ago
The Princess - Urban Magic Yogs
Read on AO3
Zoeya didn't miss home often. Things were better for her in the city after all, that's why she chose to leave, but it doesn't stop her missing it.
It's always worse in spring. The flowers blooming from people's gardens, the sun shining and the light rain. It all reminds her of the home she left behind. Sometimes she would just sit on her balcony overlooking her garden for hours, just watching all her flowers blow gently in the wind and the mushrooms under her tree.
She had been sitting for about four hours, lost in her own thoughts, before she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to the figure. He was clad in black, wearing a cloak that obscured his body. “It's time to go Zoey,” Rythian spoke in a soft voice.
Zoeya sighed. Not a sigh of sadness or disappointment. But a sigh of relief.
The city always glowed in the sunset, like the magic of the whole place was on fire, and it lit even the darkest of alleys. As Zoeya and Rythian walked through the streets, they attracted attention. Even through the glamours Rythian put on them, they gave of an energy that couldn't be ignored.
They spent an hour walking in the city to their destination, a small terrace house in the middle of the city. Rythian held out a hand to Zoeya and she took it and held on to him. In a rush of energy, Zoeya felt her body compress slightly as the world flashed into darkness. Less than a second later, they both had teleported to the top of the roof of the house opposite and sat down, waiting for the perfect time.
Zoeya wasn't keeping track of the time, but the sun had fully set before the time was right. With a smile on her face, began the ritual on the roof, drawing sigils with magical chalk and putting various components into the centre. “Are you ready, Rythian?” she spoke softly. The man smiled at her under his face mask and nodded. Zoeya turned her attention back to the ritual and put the final piece in place, a small shard of mirror, and activated the circle.
Anna’s life had been, up to this point, mostly normal. Except for one thing; her dreams. They were always full of magic and monsters in worlds far away. She always felt like these worlds were just different realities that she had become a part of, somehow, and this night confirmed it.
The world around her was bright and full of life. Animals, flowers and trees surrounded her. The wind blew gently through the leaves. She felt a force pull her towards a clearing she could see in the distance. 
The clearing was just as vibrant as the rest of the forest around her. There was a table in the centre with what looked like two figures sat at it.
Carefully she approached, being mindful of any possible fae in the area. Even if these were dream, it was best to be safe when it came to these things. As she got closer, Anna was able to make out the figures in the chairs. There were a total of six chairs, five of them were filled. One had a tall man, with many layers of ark clothing and a mask over the bottom half of his face. He was holding a teacup but, Anna guessed he hadn't been drinking as the cup was still full. The other humanoid figure was a girl with bright orange hair and neon clothing. Her hears were pointed and adorned with beautiful jewelry. Two of the other seats had mushrooms in them, one brown one and one red one. The final occupied chair had a wolf sat on it with a neon pink ribbon around its neck.
The two humanoids looked over as she came close. The girl waved her over, a large smile on her face.  Anna came to the free chair, sitting carefully and accepting the tea she was offered. “Anna,” The girl spoke in a high pitched voice, ”I think it's finally time you knew who you are.” Anna looked visibly confused, but the girl carried on anyway, “I'm Zoeya and this is Rythian, we're here to help you!”
“Help me with what exactly?” Anna asked, curious as to what these people want from her.
“Stories are made because of people like us,” Zoeya told Anna, “you're meant for great things!”
Anna was confused by this. She was just human, right? After all these were just dreams. They don't feel like dreams anymore. The tall man, Rythian, put down his cup and turned to Anna. “Let me tell you a story, about a boy and a girl, in a land of magic and monsters….”
Zoeya was greeted when she got home by her protector, Fiona. They embraced at the door and stayed in each others arms a few minutes before she spoke. “So how did it go?” Fiona whispered in her ear.
“It went great! She seems so wonderful, I can't wait to visit her again!” Zoeya spoke, excitement obvious in her voice.
“Good, I'm glad you got to her first.”
“Me too, babe,” She hugged her girlfriend even tighter and closed the door behind them.
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chaussettesock · 6 years ago
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macbutchpro · 6 years ago
Me seeing another yogscast fan in the notes of my own post: fuck this is so valid thank you
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zombieplaguedoc · 5 years ago
OC Profile: Fem! Lalnable Hector
Name: Dr. Lanable Heidi Age: Unknown (I'd say late 20's to early 30's)* Gender: Female Species: Human/clone Birthday: Unknown (she was created one day and one year after her male counterpart, so it would depend on when Lalnable was created) Eye color: Green Hair color: Blond Normal attire: Grey jeans, a black midriff tank top, a white blood-stained lab coat, black boots, black gloves, and red goggles. Sexuality: Undecided (possibly asexual aro) Fandom: Yogscast/Minecraft (main one), whatever else I decide to put her in Relationships: Lalnable Hector (male counterpart, neutrality), Specimen 5 (neutrality), Marvin Littlewood (2p InTheLittleWood, ally), Lalna (enemy), Nanosounds (enemy), Xephos (enemy), Honeydew (enemy), Rythian (enemy), Zoeya (enemy), Teep (enemy), Sjin (enemy), Nilesy (enemy), Lomadia (enemy), Sips (enemy), 2p Yogscast (allies) Bio: Not much is known about Lanable's life, other than she is Lalnable’s female counterpart. There are rumors saying that she has had a rough upbringing, was abused by her mother, and later on killed her father. Others say that she is the original Delaney (Fem! Duncan) and that Lana/Lividcoffee (Fem! Lalna) was the clone. Other say that, unlike her male counterpart, Lanable was an experiment done by Yoglabs that went horribly wrong. Whatever her backstory is, she is one dangerous woman. Personality: Much like her male counterpart, Lanable is possibly a clone, and the possible clone to Lalna/Duncan’s female counterpart. Lanable is cruel, savage, and lacks empathy. She is sadistic, having shown joy in torturing and killing innocent people and animals, and she is extremely violent. She has an explosive temper and is prone to anger outbursts (none of which are pretty) and will usually take her anger out on her surroundings, including an innocent bystander, should they happen to be standing nearby. She is also cunning and sneaky, and can even outsmart Rythian. She has no regard for human life except her own, and those of her allies, and instead views most humans as her test subjects for her inventions and her weapons, be them mechanical or chemical. She is also manipulative. Facts: She shares almost the same amount of strength with her male counterpart, because Lalnable is shown to be stronger than her by 1%. She is often seen carrying a butcher's knife. The only member of the 1p Yogscast to have met her was Sips, though it was so long ago that he cannot remember it now. She, on the other hand, remembers it clearly. She does not like having long hair or wearing a tank top that is stereotypically feminine. The only reason she keeps them is because Specimen 5 mistook her for Lalnable and followed her around all day, which bugged her. None of the 1p Yogscast are aware of her existence, not even Rythian, Duncan, or Xephos. This gives her an advantage because it'll make it easier for her to take them by surprise. She was created when I got my old dA account, when I was into crossing the Yogscast over with Hetalia. How she came to be was I thought of an idea for a Denmark x Lalna story; the story was gonna be Fem! Lalna x Denmark x Fem! Lalnable, then it got me to thinking about what Fem! Lalnable would look like, so I did some research and found no evidence of a Female Lalnable, so I created her myself. The fanfic idea itself was scrapped, but the idea of a female Lalnable was not. She has a variety of weapons, including chemicals and a chainsaw, but her most common weapon is her butcher's knife. Lanable is a cannibal, like her male counterpart, which is why she mostly kills people, because they're her main source of protein. However, she will occasionally eat normal foods that aren't meat, such as apples and baked potatoes. It is rumored that her mother abandoned her and that Lanable later killed her own father, but since her backstory is unknown, this has never been proven. Another theory is that she was a clone, but the staff of Yoglabs forgot about her, so she was able to escape easily. Do not doubt her intelligence, she is smarter than you think. She hates blond jokes and the dumb blond stereotype, to the point where she will beat the shit out of anybody who mentions these. While she does like gullible people because they're easy to fool, she hates lazy people. She is the second of my "villain" ocs. There could possibly be a male Specimen 5 for her, but it is highly unlikely since 2p InTheLittleWood serves this role. Her favorite food is human meat, obviously. Her clothes are always stained or soaked with blood including her boots and her gloves. Like her male counterpart, she is good with computers and electronics. She is easily provoked and is prone to anger outbursts. At one point a good name for her was Laylable, since Layla appeared to be a good name for Duncan's female counterpart. Her name used to be Lucy before it was changed to make way for another OC named Lucy.      
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chaoticharbinger · 6 years ago
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posting the sketch of Brody & Zoeya while I try to figure out colors
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chaoticharbinger · 6 years ago
the music in Sing was kinda good and I really liked Meena & her song so I’ve been working on storyboarding(?) Zoeya singing it
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chaoticharbinger · 7 years ago
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chaussettesock · 7 years ago
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chaoticharbinger · 6 years ago
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