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a proper magical design for Lomadia- and a bonus little space bastard
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Manchester United 0-0 Villa
Nastavlja se sedmo kolo Premier lige, Chelsea 1-1 Nottingham Forest kod kuće, Manchester United 0-0 Aston Villa u gostima. U 49. minuti Milenković je glavom asistirao, Wood je završio i Nottingham Forest vodi 1:0. Chelsea, koji je bio u zaostatku od 1, brzo je krenuo u kontru, a Palmer je asistirao, a Maduk u nogometni dresovi pogodio Chelseaju na 1:1.
U drugoj utakmici, Manchester United je remizirao s Aston Villom, nakon 2 pobjede, 2 remija i 3 poraza. Navijači koji nose Manchester United dres nisu zadovoljni ovim rezultatom, što se tiče trenerske pozicije Ten Haga.zvuk izlaska s nastave i dalje postoji. Nakon 7 kola Chelsea je skupio 14 bodova prednosti, zauzima 4. mjesto na ljestvici, a Aston Villa je 5. Nottingham Forest zauzima 9. mjesto s 10 bodova, a Manchester United privremeno 14. mjesto s 8 bodova.
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dutch cities + english towns + the entire article on lego from wikipedia in danish
Accleet Aclee Actoy Adlingham Almenu Alney Alstock Ambord Andbacup Anger Anvey Apping Appley Arnareham Arnham Artsey Assing Atter Auton Bakerier Banbrixham Barkivenpå Barne Barnham Barringer Barrogate Batterdam Beaconinces Beamthe Bebion Bebiontt Becclee Beccleobury Bechnictoy Bedam Bedretones Bedruth Begynde Begynden Bergh Berkeswich Betington Biceste Bider Bington Blacknell Blackpoorth Blandbacup Blandon Bletchwood Blivenager Blyton Bodminstra Bodmobill Bolsone Bolswort Boridge Bostwood Bourn Bourntwood Bractoy Bramthert Branger Brede Brich Bridge Bridporth Brosby Bruth Buckingsea Budlow Bular Bungenbury Byggenen Bygget Bygningdon Bygningham Børne Cambe Camble Cambley Camborough Canninjein Carlin Carst Centale Centerik Chatherham Chednester Chickcook Chille Chingham Chrise Christike Chursley Cirebrick Cirentwood Cityco Cockton Coevord Colchem Coler Colesbury Corbrixham Corrinton Coulsyston Cournley Cowerful Craftmine Crampton Creator Crewsburg Croystown Cullom Danmarch Danmarl Dawlistone Dealifax Delby Delton Diskussing Disning Doess Doversham Doverton Dudleiston Dukter Dulston Dæklugness Earborg Earlow Eartington Earts Ecclese Ecclesen Elseri Elsovent Enter Epworkum Epwortham Erkham Exmoutham Fairbendt Fairbrick Faresmenter Ferentforth Ferryhilvis Final Fording Fordington Forsham Forsket Foundaal Foweston Fredre Friendone Gamere Gamesburg Gater Gationsmet Geerden Girlse Godaleste Grasmusser Greaming Greator Grence Grundatorpe Guilding Halenhoe Halland Hallas Halsage Haltby Harlborough Harpe Hasley Haster Hatchurch Havesey Haywarden Heanortér Hebdenburg Heder Hednes Heerley Heertil Heertonens Henden Hendt Hengars Herby Heroermond Herrari Hesham Hestock Heukelton Hindia Hingdon Hingsea Hingtonch Histem Hister Histon Hoddock Hoddon Honitonham Hoogen Hornaby Hornard Houtham Houthburgh Hunger Hunstem Ijzen Ilklods Ilkår Imminiorst Indeley Indenbury Indham Infler Inflertony Ington Ingtones Ipstoftus Ipstor Jarrog Kenham Kesghouse Kesteamt Keyning Kidnington Kilder Kinger Kinghampton Kirksop Kirthleven Klodserick Klodsham Knudskridge Konton Kontt Kriser Kulturkan Landownham Leaford Leaforden Ledon Lelton Lewich Likeld Likelmonde Lingelst Lingtone Lochdalton Logger Lonen Longry Lowes Ludge Maastleign Mable Mablevesey Macclesford Maiden Maltham Mansford Manspenryn Maryportham Massingtone Meley Middelser Midder Middleigh Middley Mitch Mlcadkirkbi Modelford Morecarby Moret Mossop Movield Movil Muide Mutal Mutalenham Nanting Newen Nieuwston Nuvære Nuværend Oakenberlen Oakenham Olegoland Ommond Ommontt Oprest Organ Ormatham Ormatlang Oswester Ounde Overwood Paddatorigh Paddon Pading Padingford Padston Paraoh's Parksop Passens Passern Peach Penningtone Penworth Peter Pladebruar Plyme Plyminstede Ponton Portaktuelt Porth Pottespañol Poynto Produlmål Prudhover Raceham Racer Racton Rampton Randownlo Ranewburgh Rangport Ranting Reamaltby Redierford Rells Rithirs Rochdal Roenley Rothe Roystanhoe Rugelig Rugelselv Rushder Rusherie Saffham Salton Samment Sandwick Schem Scuntham Scuntistown Sedberg Seden Selton Shead Shean Shero Shiddleham Shill Shington Shrewe Sidennield Silsham Simpston Sleaconster Sluisbridge Snodlandon Solitwich South Spenritvik Spiratest Sprodukter Stavler Stavler's Stownham Stramthe Swade Swanlego Swansas Sålede Taley Taunce Tavig Teamalam Tekter Telay Thorpetwood Thryn Tidslingdon Tield Tilbury Torie Torikke Totney Tourbrick Ulturmeren Ulveshall Unikimedia Velksham Venhalton Villeby Villom Virker Viste Vlaar Vollingham Vægge Vægger Værendam Wainford Walleague Warding Watchage Watchem Wathryn Wellingbrie Wemborough Westhe Weymoor Whistiansen Whitchlade Whitet Whitetbury Whitnashton Winchley Winde Winderer Windermouth Winds Winsborough Wirkbi Wirksworley Withe Wivelsone Wokie Wollend Wortilford Zevedon Zwolverdam Ændrick Ønskalam
#name stash#444names#444 names#dnd names#character names#markov namegen#markov name generation#markov#markov gen
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carrd is live again! i need to add villome’s pages, but that is a task for future me.
#. ◦ ` ・゚ OUT OF CHARACTER. ╱ ❛ i could have been anyone. ❜#i'm super sick rn so my ass is getting kicked but#anyway !#also reminder that i have an interest checker as well linked on my pinned post#so if you could fill that out for me i'd deeply appreciate u
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Sigbrit Willoms and Dyveke Sigbritsdatter
Sigbrit Willoms was a Dutch merchant who lived in Bergen in Norway. She obtained a license to sell bakery goods (or fish) from a booth at the harbor, or, as some historians maintain, run a tavern. Although not born to nobility, Sigbrit is known to have been educated in counting, reading and writing in the language Low German, and she is known to have been tutored in contemporary herbal medicine. She is known to have had a son, Reynold Sigbritssøn, who is otherwise not mentioned. Neither talent for business nor intellectual prowess, however, accounts for her introduction into Danish history. That distinction she owes her daughter, a beautiful, gentle girl, called Dyveke (little dove).
Dyveke met the future Danish King Christian II in Bergen in 1507. In this year, the close confidant of Crown Prince Christian, Erik Valkendorf, met them both at a stand in the market where they sold pastries. Valkendorf told the prince about Dyveke's beauty, and the prince invited mother and daughter to a ball at Bergen’s town hall, after which Dyveke, with the consent of Sigbrit, became the lover of Christian.

When Christian returned to Oslo, he tarried only long enough to build a stone house across from the royal palace before arranging for Dyveke and Sigbrit to move in. When Christian’s father, King Hans, died in 1513, Christian was called to Copenhagen to assume the duties of king of Denmark-Norway. Dyveke and Sigbrit followed and moved into a royal manor north of Copenhagen. Sigbrit‘s brother, Dionysius Villoms, was named apothecary of the king, her other brother having been appointed to the office of lensmand at Bergenhus the year prior. Contemporary historians note how Copenhagen citizens would gather at the city gates in the evening to see their king and master ride to the embrace of his beloved and, as they were to learn, seek the advice of her mother in matters of state.
The relationship of Christian II and Dyveke has been the inspiration of many poets but in fact little is known about it. Sigbrit acted as an advisor to the king, which was much disliked, especially by the nobility, and every effort was therefore made to separate Dyveke and Christian, which would ensure the departure also of Sigbrit from the court. Whether Dyveke herself had any political influence is unknown. For three years, the king kept up his nightly rides even after, in 1515, he had succumbed to increasing pressure from his Council of the Realm and the queen dowager to marry a foreign princess and secure an heir to the throne. No amount of pressure, however, could make him abandon his passion for Dyveke and his need for Sigbrit’s counsel.

Though Christian married Isabella of Austria and had her crowned in 1515, he refused to end his relationship with Dyveke. This created tension between him and his brother-in-law Charles of Austria. In 1516, the Emperor Maximilian I, grandfather of Queen Isabella, demanded that Dyveke and her mother would be sent away, but Christian refused. Dyveke died in the summer of 1517, possibly because of a poisoning. She was suspected to have been poisoned by cherries. This death led to the execution of the nobleman Torben Oxe, but his guilt has never been proven and both an initiative by the court of the Emperor Maximilian or even an accidental poisoning have been suggested as an explanation.
Sigbrit’s influence over the king became greater after the death of her daughter, and she was made his political adviser and confidant. Sigbrit was appointed to succeed her former antagonist Anne Meinstrup to the office of Hofmesterinde to the Queen's Household, as well as put in charge of the Household of the Crown Prince Hans as royal governess. The king put her in charge of the custom office and the royal treasury, in effect making her the de facto royal treasurer and Minister of Finance: she was however never formally called minister, but instead given the title of Mother Sigbrit, at that time normally an honorary title for the female head of a family. From 1519 onward, she was accounted the most politically influential person in Denmark after the king himself.
Being a bourgeoise, Sigbrit was known for forwarding the interests of the merchant classes and the interests of the cities in general. In 1522, she instigated a new law about hygiene in the capital city of Copenhagen, where people were told to have their houses cleaned every week. She was unpopular with the nobility, and the target of public slander: because of her herbal knowledge, her critics spread rumors that she was a witch, and she was blamed for being the person behind the Stockholm Bloodbath in 1520. When King Christian was driven out of Denmark in 1523, Sigbrit followed him to the Netherlands, where Christian asked for aid from his brother-in-law, the emperor. The emperor made the condition that Christian was to get rid of Sigbrit, which Christian agreed to.The date and circumstances of her death are unconfirmed. In 1532, a woman was detained in a prison in the Netherlands, who is believed to have been Sigbrit. The emperor wished to have this prisoner executed for witchcraft. It is not known if she was.
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11 97 100
🎮 Anon
11. My age:
18, soon to be 19 ;)
97: Have I ever cheated on a test?
Yup! On G.K. and Hindi language (villom // paryarwachi etc)
100: Tell us something that no one knows about you!
I'm pretty much an open book here so idk. Maybe the fact that I actually love science and maths? Not as much as computer and coding but I really do enjoy it ;) Yes I'm a geek, what about it?
Ask me!
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Mikel Arteta želi potpisati svestranog braniča Manchester Cityja
S obzirom na to da se ljetni prijelazni rok otvara za samo nekoliko tjedana, Arsenal već gleda unaprijed na mogućnost potpisivanja braniča Manchester Cityja Oleksandra Zinčenka. Izvještava se da šef topnika Mikel Arteta u svojim planovima vidi svestranog 25-godišnjaka kao veznog igrača, a izgleda da će se raspitati hoće li biti spreman prijeći sa stadiona Etihad na Emirates. U nogometni dresovi, Zinčenko je sišao s klupe tijekom nedjeljne pobjede nad Aston Villom u Premier ligi i pomogao svojoj momčadi da dođe s dva gola manje. Nakon što je prošle sezone ostvario samo 10 startova u Premier ligi, ukrajinski reprezentativac je imao manje vremena za igru, ali mogao bi biti ključni igrač ako pređe u Topnike.
Međutim, Jack Gaughan iz Daily Maila inzistira da ostaje za vidjeti hoće li londonski klub svoj interes i razmatranje pretvoriti u formalnu ponudu. Pristalice u nogometni dresovi će čekati. Arteta je vrhunskog napadača učinio svojim prioritetom broj jedan i želi privući Gabriela Jesusa u sjeverni London. Arsenal gleda na Zinčenka kao na opciju za jačanje svoje dubine u veznom redu, iako bi ga klub mogao predstaviti kao lijevog beka "kad bude potrebno". Podrazumijeva se da je Zinčenko ostao pri tvrdnji da bi želio ostati u Manchester City dres i boriti se za svoje mjesto, ali zbog dobrog odnosa s Artetom mogao bi biti otvoren za potez sjevernog Londona.
Još nije dana nijedna ponuda, a stav igrača je nejasan. Ugovor mu je istekao za dvije godine i startao je 18 puta u sezoni 2021/22. Arsenal se također povezivao s Gabrielom Jesusom, koji privlači interese Juventusa i AC Milana. Kao i kod Jesusa, Guardiola neće stati na put Zinčenku ako zatraži potez skidanjem Manchester City dres - pod uvjetom da su uvjeti dogovora prihvatljivi. U međuvremenu, očekuje se da će City biti na tržištu za novog beka tijekom nadolazećeg ljetnog prijelaznog roka, no trenutno je nepoznato fokusiraju li svoju pozornost na desnu ili lijevu obrambenu liniju.
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dres liverpoola prodaja Pepe Reina neočekivano
dres liverpoola prodaja Pepe Reina neočekivano se vratio u Premier ligu s Aston Villom ovog mjeseca. Nakon jedne i pol sezone okrećući palčeve na klupi AC Milana, Španjolac je stigao u Villa Park kako bi pomogao njihovim naporima za opstanak nakon sezone Toma Heatona - završava ozljeda. Prošlo je gotovo sedam godina otkako smo Reina vidjeli u engleskoj vrhunskoj ligi, kako igra svoju posljednju kampanju u Liverpoolu pod vodstvom Brendana Rodgersa, a zamijenio ga je Simon Mignolet.
Uistinu, Redsi su Reinu uistinu zamijenili tek nedavnim dolaskom Alissona Beckera i on će uvijek imati posebno mjesto u srcima Kopitesa nakon njegovih osam godina u klubu. U to vrijeme nogometni dres za djecu stoper je stvorio gotovo 400 nastupa, donoseći pobjede u mečevima u
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DAY 8 - death
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Lom and Villom - figured I should showcase their full designs!
#sketchbook#yogscast#lomadia#villom#yogscast lomadia#i spent so long struggling to make her canonical skin outfit look good but ive now given up. Get New Outfits Idiot#villom is kind of making the dreamworks face. which is perfect honestly lmao she's a shithead
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aren't you tired of this?
#eye strain#eyestrain#chromatic aberration#yogtober#yogtober 2023#lomadia#villom#sketchbook#theres other prompts i want to do before this one but this just kinda happened so whatever#'oh boy i could use this prompt to explain whats up with villom' [explains nothing]
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apparently y'all Are desperate enough for my Lomadia Oc so uh. hope you're in the mood for [checks notes] ~13 paragraphs, half of which is just description!
allow me to introduce Villom!
She doesn't have an actual name or in-universe nickname, I just call her Villom. Because she was originally a Villain Version of Lomadia from a sci-fi world for some comic idea I totally scrapped bc it sucked. Except for Villom!
So basically what if we put Lomadia in space and gave her every problem and no normal coping mechanisms
The base universe is Completely Impossible sci-fi space stuff, involving solar systems being relatively close together and having tons of habitable planets, with star trek 'convergent evolution' making everybody a Weird Human Basically. Part of these choices is that I. Don't actually like sci-fi lol. I don't think its bad I just can't Get Into It, so I did the lazy version. HOWEVER I do also use the fact that its extremely artificial and story-focused as part of the plot so its FINE There IS also magic, but it’s generally less used, as tech is more accessible and less complicated from a user standpoint. That doesn’t mean it isn’t powerful, if you know what to look for. Thats foreshadowing!
Compared to base Lomadia, Villom is.. very immature. She has trouble identifying and controlling emotions, she's quick to anger and holds grudges. She's also more impulsive and tends towards insults and crude jokes. She's actually pretty fun to hang out with as a result, but responsibility is a role she's crushed into, and it never truly fits. She's trying her best ok
Villom starts out her story as a young adult, training to be a pilot. She does some hero shit, but breaks so many rules in the process and gets kicked out. She’s enraged by this betrayal of what was supposed to be her life, and steals a ship to go rogue and try to pursue her dreams anyways. She doesn’t exactly know what she’s doing, though, and eventually a chase causes her to crash on an unfamiliar planet, where she meets Rythian. He’s steampunk now, don’t question it
Anyways, they end up teaming up, and form the first of her crew. Later additions are Martyn, who is a mouse guy who has So Fucking Many People Who Want Him Dead, and Zoeya! Who ended up separated from Fionn following partially the plot of Mushbury, and works as the ship’s engineer. Their ship (that lasts long enough to get a name…) is called the Ask, and Villom occasionally (and jokingly) calls her crew the Answers. (Its called the Ask because originally I gave the characters nicknames based on Norse mythology for Pretentious Reasons, those might come back later)
So everything’s all fine and poggers for a while, with the Ask’s crew causing mischief and undercutting evil empires across the worlds- and then Villom’s home planet is destroyed. And she sees it happen.
See, one of the tropes of sci-fi that bugs me, is how understated the death of an entire planet tends to go. This is the first step of Villom realizing how truly fucked up the world they live in is- and the first step of her wondering why it has to be this way, and how to stop it.
It only gets worse from here.
No matter how many evil empires they topple, no matter how many massive threats they thwart, there’s always another one. And no matter how fast they are, they can’t stop every world-ending crisis. Villom starts learning magic, wondering if theres some kind of solution there. When she doesn’t find one, she just looks harder. Brushing so close with forces she’s alone in experiencing wears on her, compounding with their futile mission.
The breaking point is when Rythian dies. Raiding an enemy ship goes wrong, they’re outnumbered, they’re trying to retreat. Surrenders are not accepted, there.
It’s another thing she sees happen, another thing she was inches away from but unable to stop. And she can’t take it. She can’t take losing another part of her, another of the few things she could call home in this cold void.
She takes some of the things she learned looking where she shouldn’t- and kills the nearest member of the enemy team, trading a life for a life. And part of her soul as tax, of course. Just a small bit, this time. She never tells him. Pretends it was instead an incredibly close call. He probably knows she’s lying, on some level, but he never says it.
Villom is desperate, now. There’s more and more things she’s hiding from her crew, more and more boundaries of safety she’s pushing. She trades one of her eyes for the ability to see the functions of the world itself- maybe it’s a mistake, there’s some gear stuck, and if she fixes it this infinite loop of wars will stop.
There is no mistake. This is how the universe is intended to function.
She can’t give up. Because if she stops, she’s never going to get up again.
Maybe there’s other worlds where it’s better, where it’s safe. Maybe there’s a way to make this world like them.
Maybe there’s a way to leave.
She’s barely human anymore, even though she looks perfectly fine. Her hair is white, her eye replaced, but that’s all. She’s replaced the things she’s traded away. She’s barely even a part of the world, anymore. Unstuck from the threads of it, floating as a constant point, unchanging and undying, snapping back into place when moved.
A lot of universes are visited by a strange woman with white hair, who never stays. Sometimes she’s a savior, or a tyrant, or merely another passerby.
One of them, somewhere, has to have an answer. The way to break the cycle. And Villom will find it- even if she has to take every one of them apart.
#long post#villom#published works#<-organizational tag this isn't like. in a book#if you actually read all of this i love you. and hopefully you now get why im obsessed with her#my cringefail girlboss <3 inventing new war crimes#if you follow the suggestions blogs you may have already seen her!
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8 - Mirror
another time, another world, another You that could've been
#yogtober 2023#yogtober#lomadia#yogscast hannah#sketchbook#villom#introducing the au lomadia im obsessed with!!!! (<-is the guy who made her)
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I Do miss yogsposting. All I have is Lomadia though we're out of everything else sorry
#my oc Lomadia. because I've just Invented an entire backstory for her and I don't even know if I'm contradicting canon#and then my even more oc Villom. who I just truly have no excuse for and I love her to death#footnotes#I don't even know how to lalna anymore man. I honestly don't think I ever DID know. but I thought I did#I Could try to share more about my complete nonsense if y'all are. that desperate for content lol
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a secondary lesser reason I stopped posting yogs very much: I do actually have a bunch of art and ideas (sporadically), but Exclusively for me and my friends using the characters like action figures and making insane convoluted plot threads which is, less than accessible for a wider audience lmao
#footnotes#haha look flux buddies. five is here and their friend. wait why are there 3 more fives. wait why is lalnable dead-#why is there a DIFFERENT lalnable. WHY IS LALNA RED.#its super fun and utter nonsense to ANYBODY not involved#some art translates just fine though. lotta my lalna doodles are from the sillyzone#but rarely does the cool stuff make enough sense to post :pensive:#my god would i love to post Villom. women enjoyers would go insane. but she's so incredibly au
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