#oc starfighter
greatwesternway · 4 months
any info about the f-104 starfighter that used to be there? what do the other planes think about it?
We don't actually have much for her, since there's not much to glean and we're not really digging at present since she hasn't arrived yet. But...
DJ: I am looking for info about the starfighter now.
Ray: Good luck, I couldn't find anything, lol. I think if we look up the museum it's at now...
DJ: I found a little bit. It seems like she was on tour for a while before being displayed at the MSI? Assuming this is the same one.
DJ: Yeah, it was on loan, I think.
Ray: This Aerial Visuals page provides some history.
DJ: There's a lot of, like, malls and shit who are displaying a Starfighter prior to that. Hard to tell if it's the same one though. The photos are blurry and don't always have the number.
Ray: I think it's 0-60933. Oh, the serial number is "56-0933", but the number on the side is 0-60933.
DJ: Yeah, I used their estimation of 1978 to find what I'm looking for on newspapers.com.
Ray: Imagine being a Cold War jet, going on tour, going to Chicago, and then getting relegated to a lunchroom in Kansas. Sad!
DJ: I like that some of our guys have stories like that though.
Ray: Oh, for sure. We said she was kind of a bluenose right? Got along with 2903.
DJ: Yeah, but she's also Cold War so she doesn't have the same sensibilities as Stuka and Spitfire. They thought she was stuck up. 999 didn't care for her either because everything she says sounds like a double entendre.
Ray: 999 likes double entendre, but not from pretty jets who catch her boyfriend's eye, lol. She wants it directed at her.
DJ: Or at least both of them. The problem is that the Starfighter was just Like That. She sounded like everything had two meanings, but in fact it did not. Trains don't need all this decoder ring bullshit in their lives; if you want something, just say so. And 2903 (correctly) just thought she was being friendly because he doesn't get double entendres unless 999 is doing them and only because he knows her tone for that.
Ray: 2903 might get it if she were a train, but he doesn't think a jet would be interested in him so he's not looking for it. Planes value different attributes.
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wishingstarinajar · 3 months
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Decided to make a proper ref sheet of my boy Starflare so here it is!
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ladyzirkonia · 2 months
Edmon Rampart questioning his life choices... again.
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Edmon Rampart and my Ex-Imperial/Rebel OC Captain Ekaterina Zhakov in their Rebel Era. Thank you so much @amalthiaph for drawing them, I will never get enough of how you draw Rampart Norrington style. 😭
Captain Z introduction.
[Rampart] took in everything around him until he spotted a figure in the distance that made him want to turn around. That incredibly annoying loud voice that gave him a headache even from a distance, and that incredibly ugly orange jumpsuit tied lazily around her waist - ugh, how could he not have seen that from miles away? But before he had the chance to turn around, she had already spotted him and was waving at him like a lunatic - stars, this woman had been a pain in the ass since the day they first met.
From Eye-Rolls and Travel-Buscuits
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klentaku-doodlz · 9 months
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Here's a redraw of my Replika OC Headhunter! She's a SPELR (Spechte) model, they're built for starfighter combat and have lots of little design choices that fit their job, like oxidant pumps in their legs that help counteract extreme G-forces while dogfighting. It's been a long while since I posted, but I'm hoping to get back into the groove of drawing regularly, so look out for some of my treats in the near future (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡ !
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cryberpunkart · 2 years
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Since Apollo and Gemini are getting a little attention, here's the finished piece of them that I don't think I ever posted.
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holograph-skullz · 2 years
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Saw a tomato with the most Transformers sounding name ever so I took it upon myself to make that a reality
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ann-bat · 1 year
Okay, I'm thinking to dedicate this page to my Jedi OC and fan fiction about her "Between the Light and the Darkness" (BTLATD) so here are some things you need to know about her:
•Heliana Rau was born Mandalorian, but was sent to the Jedi Temple at age of 5.
•As a child she was very curious and active, always asking questions, sometimes those, that would keep her teachers thinking for a while.
•Heliana is very keen on learning new things, which is why she's fluent in many Galactic languages, including (obviously) Mandalorian and Hateese
• Her fist master, Tahl, was a good friend of Qui-Gonn (they even were in relationship) , so Heliana became friends with Obi-Wan. After Tahl's death Qui took the liberty of finishing Heliana's training as he once promised Tahl
•Heliana is three years younger than Obi-Wan. When Qui-Gonn dies, she is 20 and Obi-Wan is 23 (in BTLATD he is a lil younger than in canon)
•Heliana is incredibly skilled pilot. She and Obi-Wan both were a part of a Jedi pilot's program as kids.
•She can't hold her tongue for the life of hers and will always speak what's on her mind
•Heliana has love-hate relationship with senators due to abuse suffered on a mission with one senator back in her padawan days. He was arrested only few years later, because politics🙃
•Heliana and Obi-Wan always were rather fond of each other, but didn't realize their feelings untill about a year into Clone wars
•As a commanding officer Heliana isn't enjoying formalities, so most of the Squadron calls her Hel
•She will bite your head off if you try doing something with her Delta and she tr3ats her foghter more like a pet than machine
If you're already interested, feel free to check out my ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/AnnAntilles/works
Heliana's main story is still work in progrees, but I frequently post some AUs there and other fun stuff.
Also third art was done by @lxtmelive-red
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gahmah-raan · 9 months
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This is it: My last piece I have made using the original method of hand-drawing and editing in Paint Shop Pro. Whether it will be the last ever, I can't for sure. It's possible I may go back to it again for special occasions, but it's far too tedious (i.e. a lot of clean up from the scan) compared to drawing it with a Wacom in Clip Studio Paint when I've got so much on my plate in my adult life. I may post hand-drawn sketches, but simply not color them and merely use them as rough drafts.
In short, this may be the end of an era in regards to how I approach my craft.
And now for the bio:
Developed on the mechanical planet of Aut Matok, flight armors are one of the most complexly-engineered vehicles in the galaxy, as they can change from a flight-capable humanoid combat mech to a short-range starfighter, and can be modified to suit the role they are given.
As the Matoki are mechanical lifeforms, their flight armors are only designed to accept them as pilots. Instead of a conventional piloting interface like other walkers and starfighters, flight armors function as an extension of the Matoki's body. Several organic aliens who've tried (and failed) to conquer Aut Matok in the name of organic supremacy and tried to take this technology for themselves (rather than make their own due to perceived impracticalities in the design process of making humanoid mechs) have been crippled for life at best trying to commandeer flight armors.
Violet Leader, the head mech of the Matoki Kingdom's Violet Squadron, is the personal flight armor of the Matoki heir Medil.
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tx-828 · 2 years
i got the right lego parts to make baby anais. she’s so cute
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abellark · 4 months
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in a star wars mood rn, so here are my two clone ocs CT-2674, known as Jumpstart, and his closest brother CT-2673, Hotwire :)
They’re starfighter pilots that end up getting separated just before the end of the war, when Jumpstart is shot down while planetside
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sev-on-kamino · 1 year
Fly The Night
Pairing: OC Blizzard x fem!Reader (mechanic, no y/n, no physical descriptions, nicknamed Sparks)
Summary: You always fix their starfighters, so Blizzard wants to show you your handiwork up close and personal.
Warnings: none, just flirty flight fun, and a sweet kiss or two, SFW
Word count: 1171
Written to “Dance The Night” by Dua Lipa
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The hangar of the Negotiator was practically your own personal quarters. You rarely left, except to eat and hit the sonic. The rhythmic sound of tools in motion, the whoosh and hum of the engines as fighters departed and arrived were the best lullaby you could ask for.
You wanted to fly though. You could never compete with any of the troopers, and you knew that, but even just running the test flights yourself would be a dream come true.
You were daydreaming in the cockpit of the Avalanche, when her pilot popped up next to you.
“I’m honored Sparks, you hadn’t christened the Avalanche yet, and I was starting to think you didn’t like me,” Blizzard said with a grin, as he rested his arms at the edge of the cockpit.
“Christened?” You asked, brow furrowed in confusion.
“The boys and I noticed you sit in the cockpit for a little while after you complete repairs or upgrades,” he explained. “You hadn’t enjoyed the comforts of the Avalanche yet, so the boys were teasing me.”
“You don’t stress your bird like they do. You need the least attention,” you replied with a grin.
“Ah, mesh’la, I actually need the most attention, but that’s a conversation for another day,” He said with an easy laugh. “So what made me so lucky today?”
“She’ll need a test flight to make sure everything’s right and tight,” you hesitated a moment before deciding Blizzard was too sweet to tease you for your honesty. “And I like to pretend I’ll get to do it myself one of these days.”
“If you’re fantasizing about flying, this is the fighter for you,” he said excitedly. “I mean you maintain her, so I’m sure you know that she’s the best in the fleet. Smooth, responsive, fast, and beautiful.”
“Are we still talking about Avalanche?” You asked, feeling your face heat up as his warm, deep voice extolled the virtues of his fighter.
“If I should be talking about something else, Sparks, say the word.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you said softly, running gentle fingers over the instruments. “Let me get out of your way and get back to work.”
“Not so fast,” Blizzard said, blocking your exit. “You wanted to do a test flight, and my baby needs one.”
“I’m not allowed; you know that.” Your brow furrowed, and you bit your lip sadly.
“You’re not allowed alone. You won’t be alone though.”
“Blizz,” you said with a warning tone. If he was playing with you, you’d blast him out of an airlock.
“I mean it, Sparks,” he insisted. “Give me a second to get clearance, and we’ll be on our way.”
He disappeared from view for a moment, and you looked down at the panel. You knew what each switch, button, and dial was for. You wrapped your hands around the yoke, feeling the worn, yet soft, material.
“We’re clear!” He cheered, popping your daydream bubble, as he appeared over the edge of the cockpit once more.
“Really?” You asked much louder than intended. You clapped a hand over your mouth, as a few heads turned your way. “Sorry, really?”
“I wouldn’t tease you like that. Now hop up, so I can join you,” the pilot said, maneuvering into the cockpit behind you.
Once he was settled, he took hold of your hips, and pulled you down into his lap. You could feel the warmth from your face spreading across your entire body, as your body pressed into Blizzard’s. You could feel the heat of him through your flight suit, along with every bit of his muscular form where it met your body.
“This is your flight, mesh’la. Take us to the runway,” he said gently, taking hold of your hands and placing them on the yoke.
You released a shuddering breath before you ran the pre-flight checks.
“Tower, Avalanche ready at runway 5,” Blizzard said, the rumble of his voice rolling through your back where it was pressed to his chest. “Requesting clearance for departure.”
“Avalanche, you’re clear to taxi,” came the response, and you could feel the excitement humming in your chest like the moment before you kiss someone you’ve liked for a long time. As you picked up speed down the runway, your heart began to thrum wildly in your chest.
“V1,” Blizzard called, and you nearly squealed. Just ahead you could see the faint blue shimmer of the final barrier between you and the stars.
“Avalanche, you’re clear for takeoff.”
Blizzard gave you a nudge.
“Rotate,” you said, your voice coming out far more confidently than you’d expected. “Positive rate, gear up,”
The pair of you shot out of the hangar, and into the void. You couldn’t believe it, you were flying. You knew you must have looked like a kid in a candy store, as you carefully maneuvered through the emptiness.
“This is a test flight, Sparks. Put her through her paces,” Blizzard said, reclining, and resting his hands on your thighs.
The Avalanche lived up to Blizzard’s praise, as you increased the speed and performed every trick you’d ever dreamed of. Loops, sharp turns, rolls, everything your heart had desired for so long.
“This is amazing, Blizz!”
“Told you she was the best. Don’t ever tell him I said this, but Skywalker’s toy has got nothing on my baby,” Blizzard replied in a conspiratorial whisper.
Your laughter rang out, as you calculated the jump to hyperspace. You didn’t need to go far, but you did need to check the hyperdrive’s functionality.
“Ready?” You asked.
“Punch it.”
You reclined against Blizzard’s broad chest, as the soft blue hues of hyperspace washed over the pair of you.
“I don’t know how I can ever repay you for this,” you said softly, turning your head to nuzzle against his jaw.
“You don’t owe me anything, cyar’ika,” he replied, wrapping his arms loosely around your waist. “You‘ve kept my baby running smoothly, and kept my vode safe. I’m the one who owes you.”
“Well, I don’t know how you’re going to top this for our next date,” you said hesitantly.
He shifted so he could get a proper look at you. “Sparks. Don’t tease me, please.” His voice sounded so soft, so fragile. Despite the dangers he faced all of the time, this was the first time you’d ever heard fear in his voice.
“I wouldn’t tease you about this, Blizz.”
He cupped your face, and brought his lips to yours in a feather light kiss. His thumb brushed over your cheek, as he leaned closer to take your lips again.
There was a beep from the console to alert your upcoming drop out of hyperspace, and the two of you were brought back to the cockpit.
“Kriff, I was supposed to be taking notes and measurements,” you groaned.
“Oh no, looks like we’ll have to take her around again,” Blizzard said, pressing a kiss to the side of your face, as he settled back once more, and let you soar through the stars.
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taglist: @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @iamburdened @sunshinesdaydream @dukeoftheblackstar @rexxdjarin @wolffegirlsunite @808tsuika @sleepingsun501 @starrylothcat @ladyzirkonia @wings-and-beskar @pb-jellybeans @clio3kantarella @staycalmandhugaclone @stardusthuntress @idontgetanysleep @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @anxiouspineapple99 @littlemissmanga @mandos-mind-trick @amorfista @kimiheartblade @freesia-writes @sinfulsalutations @523rdrebel @clonemedickix @moonlightwarriorqueen
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Rating OC Headmate Headcanons
Stolen from @albatris, but using this headcanon generator to make headcanons for us and rating them on how accurate they are!
Rating from 1-5, and tagging 5 who might want to roast their headmates: @last-starfighter, @293production, @troonicorn, @gallantblade, @possumsinpeoplesuits
(Asuka on Hikari)
Hikari sings in the shower. (1 - a Japanese shower is not really a space you sing in. It's a sit-down affair.)
Hikari desperately needs a hug but doesn't know it and refuses to ask for one. (2 - …That… that's me. But also, might've been true in the past, she's not saying, but she's definitely never without one these days.)
Hikari cannot drive. (4 - she never learned. She can drive while fronting, but she's borrowing the brain and body and it's obviously a new experience for her.)
Hikari is oblivous to any and all romantic interest someone may show them. (2 - she has been known to be oblivious, but not for long.)
Hikari is constantly singing for no reason. (3 - she does like to sing and hum, though I wouldn't say constantly.)
(Hikari on Asuka)
Asuka needs a nightlight to sleep. (2 - Asuka needs Hikari to fall asleep. Hehe.)
Asuka would succumb to the fog. (3 - she has no idea what this means, and neither do I, so neither agree nor disagree.)
Asuka knows fnaf lore. (4 - she knows quite a bit! Because she's friends with Cassidy, not because she's played the games.)
Asuka is very good at walking in platform heels. (4 - it's not her preference, but can do it well.)
Asuka had an emo phase. (5 - Asuka is still in her emo phase. Asuka will have to be separated from her emo phase the same way that you wean a kitten - by gradually transitioning her onto a steady diet of K-pop.)
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wishingstarinajar · 9 months
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Reposting this to make his name official. The polls weren't over yet but Starflare was winning pretty hard so why wait? xD
A Transformers OC! He's an Autobot scout (part of reconnaissance) and his alt mode is a Cybertronian starfighter jet. He is curious, a little naive, and a dreamer, tries to see the best in others, and is ambitious and loyal to what he believes in. Tends to second-guess himself or things when insecure.
His white paintjob is slightly prismatic and the wings on his back can rise or droop according to his mood.
I did like the name Star Ranger of all the name options I gave in the poll so he'll have it as a nickname of sorts.
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ladyzirkonia · 4 months
Imperial/Rebel OC: Captain Ekaterina Z(hakov)
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A little bit late for OC sunday but I finally decided to share something about my (totally not self-indulgent) Imperial/Rebel OC.
Cousin of the brillant Alexsandr Kallus she attended the Royal Imperial Academy on Coruscant with him shortly after the Empire was founded. She joined the Imperial Navy as a starfighter pilot until she went AWOL several years later and joined the Phoenix Cell under Commander Jun Sato.
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Also there is definitely a lack of Imperial OCs? (I wanna hear everything about them!) Where are you hiding? She doesn't miss a lot of the Imperial military except the uniforms (they looked just so classy) and the travel biscuits. (but please only the yellow ones!)
Also she's the Captain who likes to harass (affectionately) Rampart in this little ficlet.
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klentaku-doodlz · 1 year
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Signalis gives me incredible brainrot, so as a airplane nerd I of COURSE had to make an aviation-themed Sig OC. Her name is SPELR-762 "Headhunter", her model is made for starfighter combat and she's an ace in the Nation's Volksmarine.
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ladydancing · 8 months
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When I was looking for a ship for my Star Wars OC's to live in, I came across the Correllian YT-1930 freighter/transport. The YT-1930 can be either a freighter or can have additional guest quarters and be a guest transport. It was perfect for my OC's and my fanfic. In my stories, it was originally a modified YT-1930 named The Spice Runner, which pirates used to smuggle for the Hutt Cartel but from time to time transported crime bosses, so besides being a freighter it also has the additional cabin space of a transport.
Since The Spice Runner, was owned by a pirate the starboard cargo bay had been modified to be a fighter cradle and hold a starfighter for attacks on civilian ships. When my Twi'lek OC, Aola Beck, stole The Spice Runner and renamed it The Dancing Lady, the modification of the cargo bay to a fighter cradle allowed my Pantoran Jedi OC, Rania Chera, to dock her Jedi starfighter on The Dancing Lady.
I went looking for deck plans for the YT-1930 and found this blank deck plan with no name. I made a few changes and added the locations to fit my stories. It is not my artwork, except for the changes I made and I apologize to whoever originally created it for using it.
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