#oc rocks
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cawsceries · 1 year ago
your ocs 🔫 tell me everything and anything you wanna share
HI CRYPT i have a lot :]
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so i have four main guys with an actual storyline (avry arlo rass rocks). technically five but the fifth doesn't have a name yet so we're not talking about her. and then i have funky little guys (moth, some other clones who i havent posted, and my newest guys cobra and lio!!)
avry is in her early twenties! she was knighted roughly a month before the clone wars began and wasn't supposed to lead a battalion at first. the jedi master who was going to lead the 409th battalion was several weeks away from kamino as the clone wars started, though, and avry was temporarily assigned to the 409th because she's closer and there isn't time to wait.
this temporary assignment is when she first met arlo, who at the time was a captain. in their third or fourth battle, the LAAT/i that was carrying arlo was shot down and his helmet was knocked off in the crash. avry lifted the rubble of the LAAT/i off of the survivors of the crash using the force-- if she hadn't been there, arlo probably would've bled out from his head injury before anyone managed to get to him.
shortly after this, the jedi master in charge of the 409th finally arrives! she's an older rodian training her second padawan, rass. she and avry's master are padawan siblings. avry leaves the 409th in the jedi master's capable hands and is assigned on several small relief missions.
of course, a few months later the 409th has an encounter with general grievous. the jedi master does not survive, but she does make sure rass will make it out alive.
avry is in the area, so she returns to the 409th. rass is supposed to go back to the jedi temple but they can't fathom leaving all of the clones they've befriended and fought beside-- they've already lost their master. so avry (impulsively) offers to take rass on as her own padawan.
and. well. this solves some problems. this also creates more problems. avry is already absolutely terrified about being responsible for a battalion. now she's also responsible for rass as well, who's basically her little sibling. she's not prepared for either of these things, but she's good enough at faking it so she's not going to think about it too much because she might break down and there isn't time for that. she can process everything when the war is over and everything goes back to normal.
she's very good at convincing herself that things will go back to normal.
arlo is doing better overall-- he's been promoted to commander (the original commander died a few weeks after avry left). he has a lot of confidence in avry. between avry saving his life early on, and the jedi master's competence and poise, he's a little ridiculously loyal to the jedi.
he's also a little bit blind to avry's flaws.
hold on. about arlo's pronouns: she is not thinking about her gender in universe until pretty late in the clone wars. i swap between she and he because she will end up using she/he pronouns.
rass meets rocks when their first master is still alive, while scouting out a droid factory. rass is leading rocks' squad and there are droids coming their direction. rass asks the clones if any of them have something that rass can throw to distract the droids. rocks hands over a rock. a few minutes later rass asks for another object. rocks hands over another rock. he has at least ten more.
rass nearly compromises the mission by laughing at the fifth rock produced. after this rass and rocks are inseparable. rocks, who is about an inch and a half shorter than the average clone, is delighted that he's no longer the shortest person he knows.
rass and rocks are my beloveds i love them dearly.
i also have a fair amount of info about avry here and some assorted info about all of these guys here
beyond my "main" four, i have moth (can be summed up by this and this) and cobra (very new guy. hes living his best life. having an affair with lio.) and lio (full name lio veniid. senator. a bit pretentious. not very significant politically. extremely disappointed by cobra's lack of appreciation for wine, has made it his goal in life to change this. its not working very well so far but they're both having a great time)
also fun fact: i have a curse in which i am incapable of drawing arlo's scar correct on any full piece. it's on the left side of her head. (forgot it) (flipped the canvas too many times)
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death-by-ladybug · 1 year ago
Oc ask game!!!
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
🍃 FALLING LEAF - do they enjoy being in nature? what is their favourite outdoor activity?
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
Feel free to answer whatever you like, you don't need to do all of them
hi nova!!! 🫶🫶🫶
😨 - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
avry goes into flight for emotional situations & fight for physical situations!! she tends to deal with emotional issues by not thinking about them and saying she’ll deal them when everything goes back to normal.
arlo leans towards fight unless it involves people she looks up towards and/or emotions, in which case she tends to freeze.
🍩 - favourite sweet treat?
avry isn’t a huge sweets person— she prefers fresh fruits, or spiced cakes/breads (like the star wars equivalents of carrot cake or pumpkin bread, but generally heavier on the spices). she’s absolutely the type of person who scrapes the frosting off of cake before eating it.
rass, on the other hand, is the type of person who’ll eat the frosting she scraped off. their favorite treat is cheesecake (is star wars cheesecake blue? it should be) but they generally like most sweets.
arlo hasn’t exactly had the opportunity to eat a lot of sweets, so she’s a little overwhelmed by most sugary things. avry shares her favorite foods with arlo sometimes, so she tends to like the same things avry does :)
rocks likes chocolate.
🍃 - do they enjoy being in nature? what is their favourite outdoor activity?
avry likes being outside but hates it when it’s wet outside. if it’s dry, and preferably sunny, she could spend hours meditating in nature.
arlo likes being in nature but insects freak her out a little bit.
rocks LOVES being outside. his favorite places are beaches, rivers, and creeks where he can comb the shores for cool rocks (the rock collection is the reason for his name lol). he’s also really interested in trees and moss!! if he was a normal guy instead of a clone in the clone wars, he would LOVE mountain biking.
moth hates nature. put him back in the city right now!!!!
🔫 - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
arlo trusts jedi & other clones very very easily and has no idea how to feel about other natborns. he generally assumes everyone is being honest because it usually doesn’t occur to him that lying is an option— except with other clones, because she’s pretty good at reading their body language. if she trusts someone, she’ll do a lot to be trustworthy in return.
avry is fairly good at reading people’s intentions and trusts pretty easily, but she isn’t very good about being emotionally vulnerable with non force sensitive people. she’s not great at articulating her feelings to someone who can’t feel them in the force.
moth trusts other clones very easily and is VERY suspicious of natborns.
☁️ - a soft headcanon
there's a while post o66 where rass thinks rocks is dead (and vice versa)-- when they find each other again, rass figures out that it's really rocks by the friendship bracelet they gave him years before during the clone wars. it's a little tattered, but still there :)
from this ask game
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bbybluemochi · 11 months ago
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new OC🎸!
my friend @onzze and I are combining our mutual obsession with 80s classic rock bands with our love for lesbians, so we're creating a fictional band full of them!!!
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scubaby · 1 year ago
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me making my ocs kiss is an advanced form of making my barbies kiss when i was 6. if only kid me could see me now
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sleepingboar · 11 days ago
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"monster" Please, if you are reblogging, avoid the hashtag "dog". Because I portrayed wolves.
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rockandroar · 1 year ago
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Outta the way! The kings of Metal are charging in! 🤘🏼Meet Steel Stampede, fronted by the legendary Grant Ruffalo. In the world of Rock & Roar, heavy metal music was originated by, and belongs to, animals with horns, and that’s the origin of the “🤘🏼” hand symbol. The last image is a drawing of Grant from all the way back in 2013. Miles will meet these guys in chapter 4!
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kori-senpai · 2 months ago
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Yes, of course Lance became a farmer, he wanted to provide a safe place for his badass space boyfriend to return to. obviously
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dreamwinged · 7 months ago
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sillysiluriforme · 5 months ago
When Nahima sees Caprikid, she is gonna have a fucking mental Breakdown
Man fuck caprikid hide her from mayura !!!
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hallowshumour · 8 months ago
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cawsceries · 1 year ago
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everyone look at my guy rocks. he’s rass’ best friend and i love him
they’re slightly shorter than their brothers. by like an inch and a half. he is UNHAPPY about it. rass is the only person he knows who’s shorter than him. rass is also willing & able to carry him around on their shoulders. the two of them have a lot of fun with this :]
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yellowsyro · 1 year ago
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Үтүө күнүнэн!
if u ever wondered who was Alex's mom, She actually was coolest punk in her town in Yakutsk
Her name is Michiye
She is also Udagan, a female shaman of sakha
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bbybluemochi · 2 months ago
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[oc] meet the drummer of my fictional rock band! 🔥
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zivazivc · 23 days ago
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Goodbye Rock Kingdom...
This is my idea for what specifically the far north-west region of the Rock Kingdom looks like, the part bordering the forested colorful Pop territory, and known as the backwater, hick part of the country. It's very scarcely populated with mainly woolly caterpillar farms and small settlements, and it's where Les and Hed are from.
While the center of the kingdom is a large active volcano which doesn't lend itself to most plant life, I imagine there's more and more the further away you travel from it. My main inspiration for this part of the country were the tundra biome and the Scottish highlands — with the ground mostly being covered in rock and a thin layer of soil and flora: mostly low growing vegetation like lichen, moss and herbs, and nothing taller than subshrubs such as heather and berry bushes. Actual shrubs and trees start to show up only when you start to near the Pop Forest.
The nature is mostly in various shades of reds, browns, grays, and earthy greens, basically the colors Rock Trolls come in, since my headcanon is that their colors are like camouflage in their natural environment. (I don't think Rock Trolls can change the color of their hair the way we see Pop Trolls do in the first movie.)
And their shaggy hair textures are supposed to resemble the environment too. With all the lichen and other rough and patchy textures, I was also trying to bring out a bit of a "grunge" effect. Though I feel like this part didn't come out in the illustrations the way I wanted it to. ':)
Overall I imagine it being a very pretty place, with open skies and amazing views, the downside is the close-mindedness of the trolls living there and the fact that there's not much going on.
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daily-dragon-drawing · 11 months ago
How about a rock dragon? Like a big boulder shaped guy
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#106 - 石巨 (shí jù / stone giant) - They'd let you sit and read a book on top of them! 🪨🌱⛰️
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