#oc mango the cat
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If there is a cat laying on you, you are not allowed up until it decides to let you up. So - if there is a storm, boarding or a world's end in a nearby future, that's a quartermaster's problem. The captain's busy.
Mango loves her dastardly prince.
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mangoazalea-art · 2 months
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I've been trying to get back in the groove of drawing cats again and I figured this loner I got way too attached to from one of my Clangen saves would be a good place to start.
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floralope · 5 days
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its my birthday!
i'm now 22 this sept 22nd! 💚
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mangocatart · 8 months
Made sonic channel banners for a few of my ocs!
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This was really fun! Templates by Moira Aunty on twit. ✌️
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daughterthethird · 5 months
OKOK HALLOO!! <33 sry this is a bit late i had to go out
How do we think,, mango would look as,, a warrior cat,, 🐈
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A lot of their info is in the ref sheet, and idk what else to say other than they’re a bit cuckoo tbh ☹️☹️ and they’re based on a Great Potoo! Mostly js with the smile tho </33 my other ask probs had more on it i just forgot what i put lmaoo mbmb but tysm for the offer!! Have a great day <33
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Warrior-fication under the cut:
“Potoo” is a rogue “cat” that wanders the clan territories and sometimes make patrols really fucking scared when they catch a glimpse of them, considering how elusive they are. You could SWEAR someone was there but when you go back to check theres just. nothing. nothing but a faint unnatural, alien, scent that lingers. Spooky! They’re basically the local Clan Cryptid™ that queens would use to scare their kits into not leaving the camp LMAO. Wether or not they’re actually real is up for debate among the clan cats.
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rottentriangle · 5 months
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Woohoo! Trying out the Roblox art style more
I like coloring the line art :3
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whirld-of-color · 2 years
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welcome back to the gay people show, wherein i produce beautiful little pngs of the most psychologically fraught and mentally ill people in stick city <3 they are going to get in a car crash and die <3 /j
bonus memes on blueberry's cringefailness:
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I keep forgetting to post, but here’s Mrrp in full form. The only thing thats outdated is the bright green hair, but aside from that I love him.
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When chimera accidentally does helpful things
Chimera: The city is doomed, Handicapable Spies! I've poisoned the water supply!
Mango: Actually, because you poisoned the water supply, we've found that the city's pipe infrastructure is really severely outdated. So, thank you for bringing our attention to that. Millions of people could've gotten really sick over the next few years.
Rusty: secondly, since you snuck past the security system so easily, we found that the funds specifically FOR that security system were being embezzled by government officials, so we've busted a major fraud ring.
Cheep: and lastly, the pathogen you unleashed does cause mild diarrhea, but we've also discovered that it's also a great source of vitamin c!
Chimera: OKAY, WHATEVER! TAKE THIS!! *pulls out a ray gun and shoots Camilla in the shoulder*
Camilla: *rubs her shoulder for a few seconds* Hey, you fixed my shoulder!
Chimera: GOD DAMMIT!!!
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meximango · 10 days
Day 17 - Sally - Theia + Cahsi - G
Summary: Theia is supposed to go on an outing with her sister, but where is she?
“Where on Hydaelyn is that slippery little sister o’ mine? I’ve looked high ‘n low…” Theia muttered to herself as she lifted up the throw pillows on the couch for the third time. No, still not under there. “She better not’ve bailed on me!” Cahsi was a very busy woman. Being the star’s multi-time savior meant her hands were always kept full, spinning about five plates at once at any given time. But today was a designated quality time trip! That’s supposed to be different. Cahsi was forgetful. Theia loved her with the power of a primal, but that was just a fact, and it had always been the case. Nowadays, the scions or her friends or her creepy glowing mechanical orb thingy would usually keep her updated with her calendar appointments. This was a personal event, so Theia wasn’t sure if Cahsi actually remembered to put it on the books officially. They had dinner together last night, and their farewells had included a quick back and forth of: ‘fishing tomorrow at dawn, don’t forget’. ‘Yeah, yeah, got it.’ ‘You do? You sure?’ Yes, ‘mom’, gods. It’ll happen’ 
Well, it was supposed to happen now! The sun was starting to crest over the water, damn it! Her front door was unlocked when she checked, so she knew Cahsi used the key and had to be here somewhere. Her wife and kid were asleep, so she’s been trying to keep quiet, but she could scream about now. 
This could have been avoided if her sister stayed with her, but no, Cahsi deigned to stay at the inn rather than on her lumpy couch. She was used to roughing it on the ground when on the road adventuring, wasn’t she? She could’ve survived one night in her living room! (It really was quite lumpy, though. Theia got the feeling she knew what her Starlight Celebration gift from her sister was going to be this year).
She would have called her sister on her linkpearl until she picked up, but she didn’t know how to use the dang thing that well if she was being honest. She kept dropping it or losing it, and when she thought she finally got it, no voice came through. She’d already gone through every room in their small home at least twice, so she resorted to going just outside the threshold. There was a way to climb up onto her roof, if she was careful. The trellis was not made to hold the substantial weight of a hrothgar, but though it creaked ominously, it withstood her actions. Cahsi wasn’t really one for jump puzzles, and Theia even less so, but it was worth a shot, and the vantage point could help. After a quick transfer to the awning and a careful shimmy across and up some tiles, she reached the flat part on top of her roof that stuck out. It probably had a name, but did it matter? She really hoped none of her neighbors were awake to see this…
She raised her hand to help shield her eyes from the incoming glare as the sliver of rising sun reflected off the water and straight into her face. There were a decent amount of people milling about outside, seeing as she lived close to the docks. The boat they were supposed to board seemed to be doing a last call. Theia knew her sister wouldn’t have gotten on the ship without her, but she scanned through the group best she could anyway. Cahsi always liked to wear a bright pink floral shirt when they went fishing. She didn’t see any of the folks on board in that, so that ruled out another location. As Theia scanned the horizon and went through place after place–the markets, the guild, the main aetheryte plaza–with no sign of Cahsi, she began to feel the hope within her dim a bit. She knew fishing was not a favorite activity of her sister’s, but Cahsi was the one who implied she wanted to get better and learn more about it from the ‘resident expert fisher’ in her life, so Theia had been excited for this voyage. Now she could see the boat was on its way, too late for them to board. She decided to sit down at the edge of her roof, giving up for now. Cahsi always turned up eventually. Might as well watch the sunrise while she moped. It was beautiful, as it always was. 
It must have been a bell later that Theia finally heard her sister’s voice calling for her, much closer than she expected. She must have been too distracted watching the waves to notice her climb up here.  “Here you are! What’re you doing on the roof?” Theia pointedly did not answer her, nor turn around to meet her sister’s eye at first. She was mad at her. After Cahsi got sick of waiting and snuck up behind her to give her a hug, Theia lightly slapped her hands away, stood up, and turned around so she could tower over her. 
“Cassowary Gardner! Where have you been!?” Her tone was stern, and she did nothing to hide her scowl. 
She was so ticked that she let slip her sister’s original name. Er, well, as original as it got, since neither of them knew her birth last name. Cahsi didn’t actually mind getting called that, she’d told her that when she explained her name change post-Calamity, but Theia could tell by the look on her face that it felt weird to her. Well, right back at you, Cassowary! It still took her off guard when someone would refer to ‘miss Theia’ and meant the warrior of light, rather than herself. She felt honored that Cahsi chose her name when she thought she’d died, but it was a bit awkward when she turned out to be alive after all. Cahsi’s face, meanwhile, had transformed into a sheepish smile. Good! Maybe she felt properly chastised for once. Theia had used her ‘mom voice’ on instinct–the one that always made Cassowary drop whatever bug she was about to eat or sneak into her dress pocket as a child. She was getting more use out of it these days, her own kid in that phase where he shied from affection and thought being rude made him more grown up. While Cahsi had balked at first, she quickly recovered, remembering she was the powerful one these days and no longer a little kid. She still did look apologetic, at least. “Sorry, sorry! I got caught up in something…” “The only things that were supposed to be caught today were some spectacular, scaly, sea critters!” She crossed her arms and tapped her foot, waiting for a continuation. 
“I can see that you’re mad, but I already checked in with a kind dock worker, and there’ll be another ship leaving today in about a bell. Which is actually a bit wild, because I didn’t think this was that big of a tourist attraction? Multiple ships a day? Or are there really that many fishermen out there? I know this is Limsa, but I somehow managed to avoid too much of that scene, the bars were more the scene, you know I had waitressing gigs here and there. Oh, and the arcanast’s guild was close by to the dock we have to depart from, but their basement always smelled more of books, which was definitely fortuitous for me because I spent a lot of time down there back when I was practicing–”
“Cas. Please.” Her patience was a bit worn thin now, no time for run-ons and rambling. If they only had the timeframe of a bell to work with and Cahsi still looked woefully underdressed and prepared, then they’d need to get back down into her house soon to rectify this.  “Ok, fine. Duty called, alright?” “Before the sun even rose?” “Listen, monsters don’t care what time of day it is, they’ll attack when they feel like it! But no, nothing so dire as that. I made it here with enough time to spare! I got as far as unlocking your door and was going to wait inside, get some coffee, read the morning paper. But then! I heard a ruckus, and a call for help.” “...And you went into hero mode.” “And I went into hero mode.” Cahsi nodded sagely and shrugged. Theia sighed. Much as she wanted to keep being angry for her sister being late, putting others’ needs above her own family’s, she couldn’t help but be proud of her sister going out of her way to help those in need. It was like pulling teeth getting her to do her chores when she was younger, let alone offer assistance to a stranger. Cassowary had been selfish, not the type to help someone with groceries or track down someone’s lost cat (her sister told her a lot of stories about her random quests; the girl complained a lot about these mundane tasks, but she still did them)--and Cahsi may still have had plenty of moments of being an asshole, but she was kind, too. She gravitated toward those in need, and Theia was happy she helped regular folk even in the little ways, rather than only when the entire star or a nation was at stake. 
Cahsi had continued in the meantime, unaware that she was already forgiven. “I regret that it ended up making me late, especially when this was important to you, but think of what would have happened if I wasn’t there! One snatched purse turned into a whole ordeal that involved talking to numerous other people having similar problems, and one thing led to another, I had to conduct an investigation–anyroad. It’s taken care of. That guy won’t be stealing from sweet little old ladies like Sally again. There’s a lot of happy people in hawker’s alley right now. But I lost track of time, and by the time I realized, the boat was long gone.” She let out a deep breath and tacked on, “I’m sorry.” Theia pulled Cahsi into a quick hug and ruffled her hair, messing it up. With an indignant squawk, Cahsi shooed her away and started making her way down the awning. “Forgiven, nerd. Try not to pull it again when we’ve got a time sensitive plan on the books, but I can’t fault you for random people being in need of a hero. Just remember there are others willing to help–it doesn’t always have to be you.” She paused to make sure Cahsi absorbed her words, then clapped her hands together. “Now! Why don’t we ‘Sally’ forth then, hmm? Get dressed in boat appropriate attire, and I’ll get the poles ready. The new boat’s not going to wait for us all day! If we miss another, I’m disowning you.”
“Ha! We’ll only miss the new boat if your old bones can’t keep up. Need some help down to the ground, grandma?”
Theia was half tempted to jump down and force her to catch her. ‘A test of her reflexes’, so to speak. She knew Cahsi would catch her. But she really wasn’t so young anymore after all, and better to leave her back intact for this trip.
“This ‘grandma’ is going to ‘school’ you, on that boat! I’m going to catch so many more big fish than you, you’ll be crying like a ‘shoal’ loser when you can’t even collect enough scripts with your guppies to buy a single materia.
“Argh, not the fish puns! Anything but that!”
“Get prepared for a bunch more, because we’re going to have a ‘fin’tastic time trapped on a boat together for half the day!”
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blossom-blur · 1 year
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Introducing Mango! 🐱🥭🌿
She’s a tribal jungle cat who lives in a jungle in a village where all female mobians/people live at. 
Name: Mango the Cat Gender: Female Age: 15 Species: Cat Height: 3′0 Fur: Yellow-Orange Eyes: Light Blue Occupation: Tribal Citizen of Ponjo Jungle 🌳🥭🍍🌿🍌 Alignment: Social Good Personality: Adventurous, Naïve, Fun-Loving, and Kind Likes: Meat, Adventures, Her village, The jungle, Helping others, Swinging on vines, Having fun, Relaxing, and Making friends Dislikes: Her village in danger, Bad/Evil men, Chores (a little), and Dr. Eggman Powers/Abilities: Acrobatics / Swimming Skills / Great Climbing Skills / Sharp Claws / Very Good Vine Swinging Skills Facts:  
Her favorite food is suckling pig
Also, where Mango lives, Ponjo means “her” in Slovenian. (I just search that word in Google and found out what it means :3)
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Attempts were made
He tried his best
Let's hope it counts
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blurrymango · 11 months
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"Where is gf?" <- Because she wants her Natalie immediately.
Heavily referenced off this image I got off (sigh) Pinterest. Because I am not the best at kitties.
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floralope · 2 months
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Never let Mango cook...
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mangocatart · 9 days
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Will you be her boba buddy?🧋
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dreamingblacktabby · 1 year
The Colony/BloodClan batch 1: Scourge, Bone, Brick, Hoot, Jumper, Mango, Smudge, Oliver and Hattie. Minor spoilers ahead.
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Scourge Unlabled(He/Him) Aromantic-Gray Asexual
Rank: Leader
Family: Quince(mother), Ruby and Socks(littermates)
Bone Cis tom(He/Him) Bisexual
Rank: Luitenant
Family: Mango(mate), Hoot, Jumper, Barley, Violet, Smudge, Oliver and Hattie(children)
Brick Gender fluid(He/She/They) Pansexual
Rank: Overseer
Family: Unknown
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Hoot Cis tom(He/Him) Homosexual
Rank: Colony member
Family: Mango and Bone(parents), Jumper, Barley and Violet(littermates), Smudge, Oliver and Hattie(younger siblings)
Jumper Demi-tom(He/They) Bisexual
Rank: Colony member
Family: Mango and Bone(parents), Hoot, Barley and Violet(littermates), Smudge, Oliver and Hattie(younger siblings)
Mango Non-binary(They/She) Demi-Heterosexual
Rank: Colony member
Family: Bone(Mate), Hoot, Jumper, Barley, Violet, Smudge, Oliver and Hattie(children)
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Smudge Trans tom(He/Him) Asexual/Aromantic
Rank: Colony member
Family: Mango and Bone(Parents), Oliver and Hattie(littermates), Hoot, Jumper, Barley and Violet(older siblings)
Oliver Cis tom Heterosexual
Rank: Colony member
Family: Mango and Bone(parents), Smudge and Hattie(littermates), Hoot, Jumper, Barley and Violet(older siblings), Princess(ex-mate), Cloudtail, Palespot and Flowerfoot(children)
Hattie Trans molly(She/Her) Homosexual
Rank: Colony member
Family: Mango and Bone(parents), Smudge and Oliver(littermates), Hoot, Jumper, Barley and Violet(older siblings)
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