#oc kylie
theholtster · 9 months
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More alien dudes
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ottororin · 6 months
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wanted to make something that encapsulates how existential thesims4 makes me feel, so hi tumblr, here's a comic!
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at4zxx · 30 days
Cheshire Cats daughter!
Cherie Cheshire
age: 16 years
red and cherie friendship!
(pre-descendants rise of red)
was this requested? (no)
do I need requests? (VERY MUCH
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Cherie was basically the kingdoms jester, well one of them at least. And since her father was hated by the Queen of Hearts herself. She tend to develop a close friendship with her own daughter Red.
Showing up uninvited was your favourite thing after all. But after a while, Red knew your every move when you appeared.
Just as you were about to scare her from behind, she turned.
“Look what the cat dragged in? The runt of the litter.” Red spoke formally, but her tone of voice still in a playful state.
Cherie laughs her tail wrapping around her leg as a sign of comfort.
“Ouch- almost made me care.” she responds, picking up a biscuit from her outside table; until Red snatches it out of your hand.
“nuh -uh. Not for you kitty, only for royal blood I’m afraid.”
Her smile even got bigger as she nods.
“aw, turning into your mother I see.” You teased, knowing that probably hit a nerve.
“of course you bring that up.” She scoffs.
“Speaking of my mom, get out before she sees you and orders the guards to hunt you and your father down.”
You didn’t even flinch, your smile was the only thing that made her annoyed, and you used it to an advantage.
“She’s still angry about what happened at her courthouse last month?”
“Angry? She’s mad! Furious, enraged even!”
Last month both Cherie and her father decided to prank the Queen by not just showing up uninvited to her courtroom but also using the guillotine as a toy. Which enraged her to the point you and your father were hunted down and wanted for harassment. Still being hunted down too this day by the palace guards.
“Oh honey, we’re all mad in a place like this, it’s wonderland after all.”
creator note: HEYYYYYY THIS TOOK LONGER THAN I THOUGHT- feel free to DM me requests on fics or bots! Or even a character I should do.
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caswensworld · 2 months
Here is my final theory for the ending of The Rise of Red before the movie comes out! I feel like our girls are going to redeem the Queen of Hearts and everything will be happily ever after as Life is Sweeter…
Until part 2!
As Maddox said, there are consequences messing with time so I feel like Red and Chloe will be so determined to save Auradon, they’ll forget they will have to face the aftermath so here’s how I think it’ll go
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Uliana will make it to present time or maybe her whole gang will
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Or Red and Chloe have to deal with Uliana’s descendant, my oc being Urchin as we know. My take on him is that he and his mom have been plagued with dreams of different lives cause of Red and Chloe did and now Urchin hates them.
Either way, I’m fairly certain this movie will end happily and part 2 being them having to deal with the consequences and I kinda love that. I CAN’T WAIT FOR THIS MOVIE!!!
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ottororin · 7 days
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+ the story of how breaking a snowglobe as a small child lead to me listening to break up songs and painting my sims in memoriam
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livingdreams97 · 11 months
Kendall Jenner- "Yes". (Part 1)
Kendall Jenner x fem reader/oc
Summary: A funny Never Have I Ever turns out to be a prediction for the future of the two year relationship between Kendall and her girlfriend.
Words: 2994
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I am lying on the sofa in my apartment watching the new season of Grey's Anatomy. I was relaxing watching the second episode of the 17th season and eating some popcorn; when my phone rings, I frown in confusion since I didn't expect any important calls today, but I get up from the sofa anyway with all the laziness in the world and pick up the phone seeing that it's Hailey.
Hailz call 😝
- Hey Hailz, something wrong ? - I ask confused that she is calling me right now.
-Hey star.- greeted with some nervousness. -I have a situation in my house and I need your help.- she says and that confuses me more.
- Isn't Kendall supposed to be with you? - I ask listening to a very familiar laugh in the background.
- Yes, well, that's the situation I was talking about.- she answers me and that confuses me more . - Oh my god Kenny no.- she whispers and I frown when I hear that.
- I don't understand; weren't you supposed to record a video for your channel? - I ask walking to my room to put on some shoes.
- That has been the problem.- she tells me a little amused. -We have recorded the video playing Never have i ever with the new tequila that your girl has launched, and now she's too drunk.- she tells me and I laugh amused.
- And you laugh because you are happy too? - I ask receiving a sound in the form of confirmation.
- Yep.- she says laughing. - So you have to come look for her or I'll end up killing her.- she says laughing to later complain about something. -Now.- she says completely serious after she hears something break.
- Has she gone in her car?- I ask funny getting a yes in response. - I'll call an uber and I'll arrive in twenty minutes. – I inform her, earning a sound of affirmation.
-God, you don't know how much I appreciate it.- she says and then we say goodbye to hang up the call.
End call
I quickly go into the Uber app to call one, who will be at the door of the apartment in five minutes, and grab my bag from the chair. I look in the mirror seeing that my clothes are fine and I decide to take a picture of myself; and I upload it to my story.
As I did not plan to leave the house and be at home lying on the sofa; I was wearing comfortable clothes. I was wearing black sweatpants along with a black Nike short-sleeved top and white platform sneakers. I put the phone in my bag and walk towards the entrance of my apartment; taking the keys of the place and leaving closing the door with them. I then put them in my bag walking down the hall, calling the elevator while I comb my hair with my hand and look at myself in the reflection of the metal doors of the elevator.
I quickly realize that I don't have my mask on, so I run to my apartment to get it and wait for the elevator to still be on my floor when I leave the apartment. Once downstairs in the lobby, seeing what I assume is my Uber, I jump in, greeting the driver and giving him the address of Hailz and Justin's new house.
After twenty minutes in which I can only imagine what is happening at Hailz's house, the driver tells me that we have arrived and I thank him seeing the paparazzi outside the house. I sigh getting out of the car receiving questions from the photographers; along with the flashes and I look down so I don't go blind walking towards the door. I ring at the doorbell, waiting a few seconds when the door opens, Hailz looks at me with a smile, hugging me in greeting and closing the door behind us.
Hailey: It's a good thing you're here.- she says, wobbling a bit as she turns to face the front.
Y/n: are you okay?- I ask amused by her almost fall.
Hailey: I do, but I'm about to kill your girlfriend.- she answers turning to look at me over his shoulder. -He broke two lamps and almost pissed on my sofa.- she informes me and I laughed helplessly.
Y/n: I'm sorry for you.- I say without stopping laughing entering the house. -Nice house by the way.- I commented looking inside the new place.
Hailey: It's true, you hadn't been there yet!- she screams excitedly. -Come, I'll show you quickly.- she says, grabbing my hand and pulling it around the house.
After a fifteen minute tour of the impressive house, she takes me to the living room where I find my girlfriend lying upside down on the sofa and watching the last runway of the Victoria Secret Show; which was the one from 2018.
Y/n: I see her very calm.- I whisper so that only she can hear me, but before she says something in response I regret it.
Kendall: That's my girlfriend!! - she screams excitedly jumping off the sofa as soon as I appear on the screen modeling, she starts screaming and ends up falling to the ground.
Hailey: What were you saying.- she tells me looking at me with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow.
Y/n: I take it back.- I say laughing out loud and with a quick movement my girlfriend's head appears on the other side of the sofa like a meerkat.
Kendall: Bebee! - yells getting up quickly and running stumbling towards me.
Y/n: Ouch.- I say when my body hits the ground with her on top of me.
Kendall: Hello.- she says, appearing in my field of vision with the smile of an excited girl and sparkling eyes; probably because of the alcohol.
Hailey: Kenny, get up from your girlfriend, you're going to crush her.- she says amused by her friend's attitude and she quickly gets up scared.
Y/n: Don't scare her.- I say to my amused friend getting up from the ground.
Kendall: Hello.- she says again putting her face two centimeters from mine with the same emotion as before.
Y/n: Hello baby.- I greeted funny and she hugged me by the neck trying to kiss me, but the kiss didn't happen thanks to the mask.
Kendall: Nooo.- she whines like a little girl when she can't connect our lips.
Y/n: Look.- I say pulling down my mask with one hand and leaving my lips visible.
Kendall: Yey.- she says happily, kissing me on the lips in a slightly clumsy way.
Hailey: Separate a bit.- she says laughing at the way my girlfriend is kissing me.
Kendall: Shhhh.- she tells her friend breaking away from the kiss. -What's happening is that you're envious of my sexy girlfriend.- she tells her, touching my abs with a smirk.
Y/n: What do you think if I take you home love .- I say amused by her attitude.
Kendall: Yes and we can do little things.- she tells me moving her eyebrows suggestively, but looking very funny and I can't help but laugh.
Y/n: Say yes love.- I say fun. -Pick up your bag and mask so we can go.- I tell her and she quickly nods, releasing me and disappearing into the house. -Where is she going? - I ask when I see her bag on the sofa, next to her mask and phone.
Hailey: I have no idea, she's your girlfriend and you should be the one who understands her.- she responds amused, seeing where her best friend has disappeared.
Y/n: I don't even understand it.- I commented in a funny way, walking towards the sofa and picking up my girlfriend's things.
While we wait for my girlfriend to come back from wherever she left, I ask how she is doing with Justin and what future plans they have together. I think we spent more than ten minutes talking, until he told me about something that happened in the video and I was surprised.
Hailey: Sooo.. you can hurry up and propose to her soon.- she comments amused. -Because it was between funny and sad that she started to cry.- she finished saying with a small laugh.
Y/n: I'm not going to advance anything for now, our second anniversary is in two months and that's where I'll ask her. As I have planned.- I tell her assuring my point. -I'm not going to change my mind because a drunk cry.- I say amused.
Hailey: I'm just saying, because it was a little sad that she cried saying that nobody had asked her to get married, that it would be very nice if someone did and it made me want to tell her about your plan and everything.- she tells me and I look at her badly . -Don't look at me like that.- she says, raising her hands in defense.
Y/n: How not to look at you like that, if you've been about to tell Kenny my plans.- I tell her with half-closed eyes. - See how you can't be told the secrets.- I tell her and she puts her hand on her chest offended.
Hailey: Hey, that's not true.- she says in her defense. -Only that she started to cry, I was drunk and I was about to.- she says pointing at me with her finger. -But I haven't said it and you have to give me the merit of that.- she defends herself with a proud smile.
Y/n: Whatever you say.- I say without giving much importance to her defense.
Hailey: Well, next time, don't tell me any surprises...- she starts but stops when we see my girlfriend enter the room with a frown.
Kendall: I can't find my bag.- she whines with a pout, crossing her arms making us laugh.
Y/n: It looks like this.- I say raising her bag high and her face lights up.
Kendall: Yes, it's just like that one.- she says pointing to the bag in my hand. -Have you seen it?- she asks with a pout.
Y/n: How much have you drunk?- I ask my friend when I see my girlfriend's attitude.
Hailey: She drank a little more than half of the bottle of tequila by herself.- she responds, looking at her best friend with amusement and then at me, moving her eyebrows with amusement.
Y/n: It shows.- I say laughing and turning my attention to my girlfriend. -My love this is your bag.- I say waving it in the air.
Kendall: Aahhhh.- she says, opening her mouth in surprise.
Y/n: Come on, let's go to your house, I'll prepare a bath and something to eat for you.- I tell her walking towards her, placing her bag on my shoulder. -Now put this on and we'll go.- I say leaving a kiss on his lips and giving her mask and repositioning mine correctly.
Kendall: Yeah, a burger; no, a pizza better , or better a salad.- she begins to say excitedly as she puts on her mask and we begin to walk towards the exit. -No, better Thai, or Chinese, that sushi that I like so much from that restaurant, or some waffles with ice cream, cream and fruit.- she continues saying excitedly all the options.
Hailey: Good luck with dinner.- she whispers amused, opening the door and giving me a goodbye hug. -Bye girls.- she says, separating from me .
Y/n: Kenny darling, say goodbye to Hailz.- I say pulling her towards our friend like a girl.
Kendall: Goodbye.- she says giving her a quick hug. -I think pizza and hamburger would be good; although we could order some waffles or pancakes for dessert. - she keeps talking about the dinner option and I roll my eyes causing Hailz to laugh.
Y/n: Go get in the car love.- I say opening his car with the key and opening the passenger door for her to get in; listening to the sound of the cameras and the screams of the paparazzi.
Careful not to run over any paparazzi, I drive in the direction of Kendall's house with her talking about the dinner possibilities and what she's up for. After almost half an hour of driving and listening to my drunken girlfriend's ranting, some of which is hilarious; we got to her house. 
Once inside the house, Pyro quickly comes to where we are, happy for the arrival of his mother who lies on the floor with him and I deny amused, going up to Kenny's room to prepare his bath.
While Kendall takes a shower, I leave the house to go to In and Out to get a burger, along with fries, shakes, and sodas. On the way back to lunch, I get a call from Khloe to talk about the proposal; Since she is the one with whom I have the best relationship of the sisters and she is the one who is helping me organize everything.
The call doesn't last long, because in fifteen minutes I'm back at my girlfriend's house, so we end the call; but not without meeting to eat together at home and continue talking about the surprise.
I leave the bags with the food on the coffee table in the living room and take out everything that is inside the bag. In total I have bought six hamburgers; three for each one, because she is drunk and I am starving; besides that I have no background. Two light colas to drink, three large boxes of chips and two milkshakes; a strawberry and banana one for me and a chocolate one for Kendall. When everything is ready, i walks to the backyard opening the door for Pyro to run around a bit and i play with him a little.
After a few minutes of playing with him, Kenny comes through the door yelling my name in a bathrobe and a towel on her head. I walk up to her laughing at her outfit and when I'm close enough, she jumps on top of me, wrapping her legs around my hips and her arms around my neck.
Kendall: Hello.- she says again with a childish and excited smile.
Y/n: Hello.- I answer laughing. -Are you hungry?- I ask starting to walk towards the room.
Kendall: I'm starving.- she growls hiding her face in my neck and leaving kisses on the spot.
Y/n: Thank goodness, because I bought a lot of food.- I say leaving her sitting on the sofa and then sitting next to her.
Kendall: I love In and Out, you don't know how much I love you.- she says grabbing my face and slowly kissing my lips. -Why are you so perfect?- she asks with a loving smile, staring into my blue eyes.
Y/n: Now eat and drink something that isn't alcohol.- I say amused, moving her face away from mine and removing the towel from her head to dry her hair a little more while she starts eating a hamburger.
Kendall: Umm, you know me so well love.- she groans after taking a big bite of her favorite burger.
Y/n: After two years as girlfriends and four months as friends, I think I know your tastes quite well.- I say laughing to see her nod to what I just said.
Kendall: And you know them very well.- she says with a suggestive smile, biting her lower lip and with slightly dark eyes.
Y/n: Yes I do, but tonight I don't think I know what you're talking about.- I say, leaving the towel on the table and picking up my hamburger.
Kendall: And why not?- she asks with a pout and her cheeks full of food, making herself look like a cute hamster. - You know that today you look very sexy.- she comments, biting her lip and raising her eyebrows.
Y/n: And you look very cute with your cheeks full of food and trying to look sexy.- I comment laughing at her attitude and unwrapping my hamburger.
Kendall: I'm not cute; I'm sexy.- she says with a pout after swallowing the food from her mouth.
Y/n: Believe me, you are the cutest being in the world.- I say with a small smile, leaving a short kiss on her lips.
After finishing dinner, I pick up the garbage throwing it in the bags that the food came in and meanwhile Kenny decides to put on a movie. I get up to throw the bag and put Pyro inside the house, to close the door and prevent him from staying out all night.
During a few movies, we curl up on the couch watching a couple of movies and give each other a few kisses. I am stretched out along the sofa on the outside, while Kenny is lying with her head on my chest, with half of her body on mine and her back against the back of the sofa. Pyro was sitting on the ground next to us and from my point of view, he was also interested in the movie.
The atmosphere is completely relaxing, I feel that with Kenny in my arms I am complete and I have had that feeling since we first met; And I felt that spark inside me. In addition to the fact that whenever I have a hard time sleeping, the simple fact of feeling her smell and her body heat relax me, making me feel safe with her.
That is the reason why I am planning to ask her to marry me on our second anniversary, for some it will be too soon; while for others more time has passed than it should. But for me it's the right time; since I can't see myself in the future without being by her side and I can't imagine starting a family without her in the picture either.
And what better opportunity to ask the love of your life to marry you, than on our second anniversary, at the top of the Eifell Tower in Paris and with his family nearby to celebrate with them.
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mushyblushyredhead · 5 months
Art Trade #2!
@pocky-dragon and I did another art trade! We each drew each others’ Spider sonas in an adorable tk scenario! Show them some love, too! <33 💕✨💜💖
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♡ Ruthie and Peter 1! ✨
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♡ and Kylie and Pocky’s Doc Ock, Oakley Octavius! 🐙✨
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hockybish · 7 months
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Girly: hey can you bring up a can of that ginger soda  Lover: still having issues? Girly: yea Lover: ill be up soon Lover: ♥️
Cole pocketed his phone and went about getting the fizzy drink for Kylie, his girl, who was currently regurgitating the contents of her stomach. He grabbed a chilled soda from the fridge and added a curly straw for a little bit of fun. He was about to head up to her when he was stopped by her brother. 
“Is that for Ky? Is she still not feeling well?” Trevor hopped over the back of the couch when he saw Cole headed towards the stairs. “I can bring it to her.” 
“No I got it.” Cole shrugged. She is his girlfriend, although nobody knew that at the time. “You just go back to playing chel, I’ll be back in a minute.”
“But I’m her brother.” Trevor reminded his friend.
Yes that was true, but he was the one to put her in the predicament she was in. He was reason why she had practically made a bed in the upstairs bathroom because she was constantly getting sick from the baby, that Trevor still had no idea about.
"I know, but she did message me and I am her best friend. So I'm just gonna go." He made a run for it up the stairs and to the bathroom that was conjoined to her room.
"Here is your drink you ordered madam." Cole smiled, trying to lighten the mood while hand Kylie Zegras the drink. She thanked him and started taking big gulps through the straw. "Sips. Don't want you throwing it back up."
"It's gonna come back up no matter what." Kylie listens to what her boyfriend suggested and sipped the fizzy beverage. But it didn't take her long to lean back over the toilet and throw up again. The morning sickness, which was more like every time of the day sickness, was kicking her butt lately.
Cole slipped in behind her so he could hold them as she got sick once more. He didn't like this part, but it was all part of the process. He wished they could just jump to the part where they could hold the little one.
"It's time to tell my brother. He's getting suspicious and we're not going to be able to hide the bump for much longer." Kylie wiped her mouth, gurgling a bit of water to get the taste out of her mouth before leaning back into her favorite pillow.
She was at least three months along. There was a bump starting grow and one could see it, if they knew what to look for. The other day Kylie had an appointment that Cole wasn't able to make, and what happened at the appointment made her want to come clean to her brother about everything.
"Are you sure want to babe? I kinda don't want to murder and I think he will definetly murder me." Cole started rubbing circles into her arms and back, making his way down her body and to her belly. He was trying to get her to relax some more and maybe even get a little nap in.
"He's gonna find out eventually Coley. Especially when the ducks play the habs and there a freaking ba-" Kylie was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. She didn't feel a vibration come Cole, that must have meant that someone must have walked in on them, and what if, oh no...
Looking up from her position on the ground there stood Trevor leaning against the wooden doorframe with his arms crossed, looking ... well there was no real expression on his face. He refused to meet their gazes, opting look at the floor.
"You fucked my sister? And now you're pregnant?" Trevor directed a question to each member of the couple who just looked at him, in disbelief, unsure of really what to say or do next.
Kylie opened her mouth and was about to say something, give some sort of reasoning or excuse or explain herself in anyway, but her stomach turned and had her leaning over the bowl again.
She sobbed as the bile burned her throat. "Hey hey, it's okay, let it out" Cole encouraged inbetween placing kisses in the crook of her neck and along the backside. It was hard for him to tear his eyes away.
Trevor watched the interaction between Kylie and Cole and he couldn't help feel the love Cole had for his twin. He guessed he could get used to this, to them. He would have to if he wanted to be the best uncle.
He just needs to get over this feeling of betrayal.
"Wait Trev there's more." She called to her brother and grabbed onto the boy behind her's hand for courage and he hadn't heard this news yet either and she wanted to make sure he was listening because she was about to throw another curve ball.
"It's twins. We're having twins" Kylie nervously looked at the two boys.
Let me know what y'all think!
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jackiequick · 14 days
—The Sterling Siblings ♥️✨🖌️🫐
Inspired by DC Comics
-> Axel Quinn Sterling ♟️
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- Age: 22
- Height: 5’5"
- Status: Single
Personality: Clever, often cheeky, and a secret science fiction fan. Axel is very blunt and unfiltered, often saying exactly what’s on his mind without holding back. Despite his sharp tongue, he has a strong sense of responsibility, especially toward his younger sister, Ember. He’s fiercely protective of her, even if it doesn’t always show in his attitude towards others.
Acrobatics: Axel is highly agile and acrobatic, allowing him to move quickly and gracefully in combat or when evading capture.
Weapons Mastery: Proficient in the use of knives, guns, and various other weapons, Axel is a force to be reckoned with in a fight.
Shadow Cloaking: Axel has the ability to become invisible when in darkness or shadow, making him a master of stealth and surprise attacks.
Role: Axel is the older brother, always pulling his own weight in their rebellious endeavors. He’s determined to keep Ember safe, even as they dive deeper into dangerous situations together.
-> Ember Drew Sterling 💄
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- Age: 19
- Height: 5’3"
- Status: Single
Personality: Reserved and determined, Ember is someone who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it. She’s snarky and often gives off a pouty vibe, but underneath it all, she’s deeply protective of her brother, Axel. Though she may seem obsessed with her appearance, it’s part of her careful approach to controlling how others perceive her.
Espionage: Skilled in infiltration, manipulation, and gathering information, Ember is the brains behind many of their plans.
Electricity Control: Ember can generate and manipulate electricity, which she uses both offensively and defensively during their operations.
Stealth: Like Axel, Ember is adept at moving unseen, making her a dangerous adversary when she combines this with her electricity powers.
Role: As the younger sister, Ember often finds herself looking out for Axel, despite his protective nature. She’s the one who pulls him out of tight situations and makes sure they both get out unscathed.
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Background of the Sterling Siblings 🍓🔥🫂
Axel and Ember Sterling enjoyed a relatively stable childhood in Central City. However, their lives took a dramatic turn when their father, Damon Sterling, received a job offer that required the family to relocate to Starling City. Although the move was a significant change, the siblings adapted and began to settle into their new environment.
Tragically, their lives were upended when a catastrophic fire broke out in Starling City. The fire was caused by an explosive device set off at a company where Damon worked—owned by Malcolm Merlyn. The company’s negligence in maintaining safety protocols contributed to the disaster. Damon Sterling, along with several other employees, lost his life in the blaze. Malcolm Merlyn, focused on his own priorities and other concerns, showed little regard for the safety of his employees, including Damon.
On the day of the fire, a devastated Axel, only 10 years old, was left trying to comfort his 8-year-old sister, Ember, who was overwhelmed with fear and grief. As Ember cried and called out for their mother, Axel struggled to provide solace and ensure her safety amidst the chaos.
In the wake of this tragedy, their mother, Kora Sterling, made the decision to bring her children back to Central City. She hoped to provide them with a sense of stability and security, moving them away from the traumatic events of Starling City. The siblings returned to Central City with their mother, carrying the weight of their loss but finding solace in being together.
At just 10 years old, Axel was thrust into the role of protector for his 8-year-old sister, Ember. The trauma and grief from the fire had a profound impact on him. The loss of his father darkened Axel, causing him to become rude, unfiltered, rebellious, and occasionally arrogant. The burden of taking care of Ember and the isolation he felt from his circumstances led him to develop a rough exterior. He often got into fights, experienced misunderstandings with friends, and questioned the motives of others.
Despite his abrasive demeanor, Axel remained deeply protective and caring towards Ember and his loved ones. His sense of responsibility and his desire to provide for his sister kept him grounded. While he was often silent, snappy, and snarky, he showed respect and friendliness when it came to those he cared about.
Ember, growing up under Axel’s overprotective watch, found herself increasingly isolated from the world around her. Despite her young age, she became highly perceptive and developed a sharp, reserved demeanor. She often used her quiet observations to challenge her brother’s decisions and to pull him back from dangerous situations. Her rebellious nature emerged as she began testing boundaries, both with Axel and their mother, Kora. Ember’s attempts to assert her independence led her to seek ways to make a statement, which often manifested as acts of defiance and a focus on her appearance. This behavior was driven by a deep-seated need to control her own life and identity in the face of her circumstances.
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Siblings’ Dynamic & Mutual Support 🎲
Axel and Ember Sterling share a deeply protective and supportive bond that extends beyond the typical sibling relationship. Their experiences and the trauma they endured together have forged a strong sense of mutual reliance and care.
> Ember’s Support for Axel: Ember is fiercely protective of Axel, demonstrating her care through action. She often finds herself dragging Axel out of dangerous situations, ensuring his safety when his protective instincts lead him into conflict. Additionally, Ember takes on the role of caretaker, patching him up after fights and injuries. Her support is a testament to her deep concern for her brother’s well-being and her commitment to keeping him safe despite his rebellious tendencies.
> Axel’s Protection of Ember: Axel, in turn, maintains a vigilant eye on Ember. He isn’t afraid to pull her away from risky situations and confront her when she oversteps boundaries. His protective nature extends to calling Ember out on her behavior, holding her accountable for her actions. Despite his occasional snappiness and arrogance, Axel’s primary goal is to ensure Ember’s safety and to guide her through their shared challenges.
Their interactions are characterized by a blend of tough love and unwavering support. While they may clash and challenge each other, their underlying bond remains strong, reinforcing their commitment to each other’s safety and well-being.
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The Particle Accelerator Incident & Gaining Abilities 🧪
Axel and Ember Sterling's lives took another unexpected turn during The Particle Accelerator Explosion at S.T.A.R. Labs in Central City. Axel, secretly a fan of science fiction and fantasy, was thrilled about the open public event and eagerly attended. Ember, initially uninterested and preferring to binge-watch movies on Netflix, decided to join him after seeing his excitement and curiosity.
The siblings planned to watch the event from a safe distance and grab a bite. However, the evening didn't go as planned. As the Particle Accelerator malfunctioned and began to explode, the rain started to pour heavily. The explosion caused widespread panic, with people fleeing for safety. Axel and Ember, thinking they were in a secure spot away from the chaos, were caught off guard. The explosion's shockwave, combined with the thunderstorm and the panicking crowd, knocked them out cold.
Their last clear memory was of the sky lighting up with a mixture of colors as lightning struck in their vicinity. The intense energy from the explosion struck them as they were sheltered underneath a dry spot, leading to their unconscious state.
Discovering Their Abilities 🌩️🔦
When Axel and Ember awoke the day after The Particle Accelerator Explosion, they were disoriented and struggling to comprehend the events and their newfound abilities.
Hospitalized to rest and recover, Axel was filled with apprehension, fearing that their lives would never return to normal aftermath of it all, he could sense it. Ember, on the other hand, was grappling with the trauma of what she had witnessed—the fall of people and the chaos of the night—while trying to ignore the pain.
As the months passed, their new abilities began to manifest in unexpected ways.
Ember's first encounter with her powers occurred during a seemingly ordinary day at the park. While hanging out with her friends, a group of boys approached, and one of them, intrigued by her dyed red hair and spunky outfit, tried to get her number. Ember, frustrated and unimpressed, tried to push him away. In a moment of anger, she inadvertently released a bolt of electricity that coursed through the boy, causing him to stumble and faint. Ember stood there, stunned and bewildered by the power she had unleashed and the sight of her own hands.
A few weeks later, Axel faced his own revelation. After getting into a fight with older guys who had objected to him and a friend playing baseball in their area, Axel found himself running through the streets of Central City, seeking refuge in a poorly lit area. He got a few pretty aggressive shots and left the guys beaten, another reason they were after him. While hiding from his attackers, Axel noticed something extraordinary—he seemed to blend into the shadows, becoming almost invisible. This unexpected development marked the first indication of his shadow cloaking ability.
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Bonding Over Newfound Powers & Causing Trouble 🕹️
As Axel and Ember slowly came to terms with their newfound abilities, they began to confide in each other about the strange occurrences they were experiencing. Initially, both were hesitant to share, unsure of how the other would react. However, the bond between them was strong, and they soon found comfort in each other’s experiences, gradually opening up about the incidents at the park and in the shadows. This mutual revelation deepened their connection, making them increasingly protective of one another.
Realizing the potential of their powers, the siblings decided to explore the limits of what they could do. This exploration, however, quickly took a darker turn. What started as curiosity about their abilities evolved into a rebellious streak. Axel and Ember began using their powers to cause trouble around Central City and Starling City. They discovered that they could move unseen, strike without warning, and get away with nearly anything.
Ember’s ability to control electricity became a weapon against those who crossed her, allowing her to incapacitate enemies with a mere touch. Axel’s shadow cloaking made him nearly invisible in the dark, enabling him to sneak into places unnoticed. Together, they formed a formidable team, stealing from stores, breaking into secure locations, and exacting revenge on anyone who wronged them.
Their actions were calculated and precise, leaving no trace of their involvement. The Sterling Siblings became known for their ability to make a scene and then vanish without a trace, leaving authorities and victims alike baffled. They reveled in the thrill of their new lifestyle, finding a sense of control and power that they had lacked since the tragic fire that had taken their father.
Despite the excitement, there was an underlying fear that drove their actions—a fear of losing each other, of being exposed, and of what their powers might ultimately lead them to become. This fear only intensified their protectiveness, causing them to be even more vigilant about each other’s safety as they continued their descent into the criminal underworld.
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Ahhh so you have met April Merlyn’s season 4 haters! She didn’t do anything wrong ofc but yk drama and trauma 💅
Let me know what you guys think of theses siblings
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @topgun-imagines @gcthvile @letsgotothefantasyworlds-blog @t-nd-rfoot @djs8891 @missstrawbs2001 @hardballoonlove @hangmanbrainrot @theloveoftoms @cherrysft @starkleila @buckysteveloki-me @ximehs @parisparker269 @yetanotherwells s @daughter-of-melpomene @fototingobug @ocappreciation @rickb-chaos @lazywolfwiccan @blueboirick and etc
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butchosprey · 1 month
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Might be working on some stuff between finishing up I'm Not a Hero… 👀 It'll be a fic called Memento of Our Colors, set in Ziva and Tea's teenage years when they meet.
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theveniceangel · 4 months
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So I made a Poppy Playtime OC a long while back, and she plays a big part in my Poppy Playtime AU.
Meet Holly Jolly! A kind porcelain doll who has a brave heart, and a strong connection to a certain purple feline.
Name: Holly Jolly.
Age: She was 27 when she was turned into a doll, and she'd be 37 if she were still human today.
Specie(s): Sentient doll.
Gender: Female.
Height: 18 Inches.
Headcanon voice: Elsie Lovelock.
Likes: Catnap, art, writing, designing, helping others, tea and crumpets, Christmas, sewing, croquet, painting, reading, classical music, and daisies.
Dislikes: The Prototype, Leith Pierre, being trapped, isolation, liars, people hurting the ones she cares for (Especially her son), needles, and blood.
Crush, Partner, ETC: N/A.
Oc design based on: She's kind of based off China Girl from Oz The Great And Powerful.
Parents? Relatives?: Catnap (Adoptive son).
Friends: Kylie, Jessie, Manticat, Poppy, Kissy Missy, Dogday.
Personality: Kind, caring, compassionate, empathetic, smart, creative, courageous, strong-willed, a bit anxious but she tries not to show it, crafty, sassy, graceful, generous, protective, she's mature but can be sensitive at times, loyal.
Birthday: December 19th.
Markings: None.
Abillities: Having studied anatomy and medical science in college, and having watched the way the bigger bodies experiments are done, Holly is quite good at patching people (or toys) up, she's also a very good planner, she always tries her best to think her plans through before leaping into action.
Her creative mind also allows her to come up with creative ways of not only bringing a bit of creativity in life, but also keeping herself and by extension others alive.
Favorite drink: Fruit tea.
Favorite color: Light blue.
Favorite type of outfit: When she was human, she really liked wearing cardigans.
Story info for Oc: Long ago, there was a woman named Evelyn Snow, she was the head of the creative department at Playtime Co, and helped to make such incredible toys, but her best creation was a Christmas themed, ball jointed porcelain doll named Holly Jolly, a doll that became quite popular overtime, especially during the holiday season.
When the orphanage program began, Evelyn ended up befriending an orphaned boy named Theodore Grambell, a troubled boy who was very closed off, and didn't really trust others, how she managed to befriend the boy no one could understand, but she seemed to be the only one in the factory that Theodore actually trusted.
The two ended up becoming so close that they started to see each other as mother and son, and on Theodore's birthday, she promised the boy that she would adopt him.
Unfortunately for her, Evelyn got caught up in a disastrous situation, she discovered that the scientists in the factory were taking kids and experimenting on them, turning them into sentient toys, enraged by this, Evelyn started secretly collecting evidence of the bigger bodies experiments, and ended up learning quite a lot about how the experiments worked.
On a rather dark day, her soon to be son Theodore was in a terrible accident that left him hanging on for dear life, Evelyn begged the scientists to let her see her son but they cruelly refused.
Evelyn knew in her heart it was only a matter of time before Theodore would be experimented on, so she decided enough was enough and decided she was finally gonna reveal these twisted experiments to the public, before she could even leave however, she was caught and outted to the scientists, and her scheme was revealed.
In order to silence her, the scientists experimented on her and turned her into the very doll she created.
Despite her terrible situation, she was still determined to reunite with her son, unbeknownst to Holly, her strong bond with Theodore posed as a threat to the entity known as The Prototype, he knew that Theo's bond with her could throw a wrench in his plan, so with that in mind, The Prototype captured Holly and locked her in a closet in the school, where she has spent an entire decade, heartbroken and alone.
Little did she know that a certain brunette and her rag-tag group of friends would end up freeing her, and would end up being the key to reuniting with her son.
Credit to Ghostly-NightOwl on DeviantArt for the base.
@bumblehoneybee @citruslullabies @queenofwerewolves
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Red x fem! Oc
In which the daughter of the Mad Hatter and the daughter of the Queen of Hearts have been twisted friends for a while.
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Red ran through the alleyway, all the way up to the castle walls, until she inevitably got trapped there.
Before the guards could fully close in on her, she got pulled up from a pair of arms around her waist.
"Hey princess Rose." Mary smiled at the princess, who smirked back at her as she wrapped an arm around her neck to stabilise herself a bit more.
"My dad's not gonna be happy with you." She warned as they approached the hatter's tower, Red merely rolling her eyes.
"Also, he has a surprise for you! How exhilarating is that!" Mary hoisted her up a bit more, so she wouldn't slip, before Red could respond.
"You what's the surprise?" Mary shrugged, smiling down at her.
"I don't spoil surprises! You'll love it!" She grinned as they finally arrived, she swung the rope she was holding onto a bit, and she let go so they fell through an opened window.
Mary landed with a smooth roll, standing up in the same motion, whilst Red rolled and stuck to the ground, leaning against her friend's legs.
"Hi dad."
"Hey Maddox." The hatter sighed at the princess and his daughter, both looking at him, one with a smile, the other with a mischievous smirk.
"You really ought to stop one day, she'll find out and not be happy! I cannot keep sending my daughter towards an impending doom!" Red rolled her eyes, getting hoisted up by Mary and let herself fall back onto a chair.
"I finished it..." hatter finally spoke up once his daughter had taken off her coat.
"Yes, the time machine." Red shot up and went towards him, trying to snatch it out of his grasp.
He pursed his lips and slipped it into his coat, shaking his head.
"No, going back in time can be harmful to those who remain still, I cannot give it to you until you've grown in time." Red frowned, looking over at Mary, who even though she was devoted to her, wouldn't betray her own father.
"Okay. Well, doesn't matter anyway, because I can't even get out of this rabbit hole."
"Her royal majesty, my queen, it appears that there is a letter, from Auradon." Mary spoke up from behind Red, her father rushing towards them with it.
"Majesty!" The queen of hearts waved her hand and the letter started, it kept everyone captivated, the first sight of anything Auradonian in almost two decades, what a momentous occasion.
"I won't go if Mary can't." Red stood her ground, the queen sending Mary a warning glare.
"Princess Red, I must remain here, I have duties in court-."
"As my personal maid, so yeah, you're coming with."
"- and i'd much prefer simply seeing you off, as the invite only is for you, and your mother seems to be delighted by this new opportunity." Red rolled her eyes, looking at her mother with a dead panned stare.
"She's coming with me or I'll just escape that wretched institution."  The queen sighed, waving everyone off.
"Either you go, or she gets her head chopped off."
"But what am I supposed to do without my personal maid, you don't suppose I'll have to get a new one!"
"You don't need a maid there."
"I do! How dare you try revoke my right as a princess."
Red won, and Mary got to go with her to Auradon prep, an institution for the good and the even better.
"Mary!" Red whisper yelled as soon as her mother stood up on the stage, Mary quickly moving to stand behind Red.
"The watch." Mary muttered as she passed her princess, who quickly grabbed it and held onto Mary's hand.
"Let's go." Red was about to start it when Cinderella's daughter tried to pull a sword on the queen, and Red rushed in to try and stop her from getting executed, Mary staying behind in an attempt not to get executed too.
When they disappeared, she felt relieved, but deep inside also saddened.
"Where did she go." The queen turned to Mary, who was not sure herself.
"I would not know my queen, I shall search the highest of lows and the lowest of heights in my pursuit of my princess." She kneeled down as she spoke, keeping her head low and eyes trained onto the ground as she waited for the Queen's response.
"Mh. Don't fret it, she'll return soon." She didn't dismiss Mary, of course she didn't, and of course Mary just had to have kneeled into a small shard of stone, her knee starting to bleed from the constant pressure and the shard.
"Cinderella's execution shall be now!"
Prince Charming glanced at the girl kneeling a bit behind the queen, and the small puddle of blood around her knee, as he was being restrained.
"Where is my wife! Where is Ella!" The queen laughed at him, gesturing at Mary, who quickly stood up, her knee wobbling a bit as she stood up straight and went to grab the cushion with the glass heels.
"My queen." She kneeled next to her, her bloody and wounded knee on the ground, and held up the red pillow.
"Here.... Is my Ella." Mary looked up slightly with an arched eyebrow.
"Your Ella?! She chose me! Over you and your monsterly-." The queen threw the heels at his face, they broke, and cut his face open.
He silently stared at the broken glass, limp in the soldier's hold.
"It appears that she chose you until the very end."
"I cannot believe that I had to leave Mary because of you!" Chloe scoffed, rolling her eyes.
"What? Couldn't leave your maid behind?" Red took a step closer to her, eyes narrowed.
"Don't disrespect her like that, at least I know I can trust her."
"Yeah cause she fears you, not the same." Red nearly launched at her and killed her right there, but Chloe tried to get the watch.
"You don't get to go back if you disrespect her."
"What?! What did she do that you're so freakishly-!" Red cut Chloe off, smirking proudly as she answered.
"She swore her full devotion to me, so, technically, she's mine, which means she'll do anything I say." Chloe took a step back, fearing she'll get stabbed by the gloating princess.
"I really don't care about how low that poor girl stepped, but honestly, isn't that a bit like an exhibitionist?" Red's hair seemed to flair up in anger, baring her teeth as she launched at the girl, pulling at her hair.
"Do not call my girl a whore! You fucking bitch!" Chloe was more shocked by her language than anything else.
"Let! Go! Of! Me!" She tried getting her off, eventually resorting to kicking her off.
She stood with her hands on her knees trying to get her breath back, Red standing perfectly straight and gesturing for her to get up and move along.
"C'mon, let's go inside."
"Mom!" Chloe nearly cried out as they saw the heels break into Charming's face, Red rolled her eyes, instead focusing on Mary, who was still kneeling in front of her mother.
There was a small puddle of blood where she previously stood, and there were glimpses of blood where she had now rested her knee.
She clenched her fist, but quickly snapped the looking glass closed when Bridget turned around.
"I don't have one like that... but if it's a banned book, it's in Merlin's office, but that's enchanted...." She pouted, a bit sad she couldn't get what the girls wanted for them.
"I have a date with Athene, so I really have to start getting ready, I hope you'll find it though!" Red nodded slowly, pulling Chloe along as she exited the room.
They bumped into Athene along the way, who was going up to Bridget's room.
"Athene." The girl hummed and looked up from Fred, her mouse familiar, to Red.
"We kept Bridget up a bit, she just started getting ready." Athene let out a small Oh, then smiled.
"That's perfectly fine, I'll go back to Olivia then, she'll probably like having that saddle off a bit longer." Red raised an eyebrow, abandoning Chloe's arm and stopping Athene from leaving.
"Oh, she's one of my familiars, she's a water dragon, and such a sweetheart, I was planning on introducing her to Bridget and going to the dragon stalls with her, because she's my nicest dragon, the other can get a bit... snappy, yeah, that's the word." She tilted her head when Red didn't answer, "would you like to meet her? She's beautiful, her scales are a bit darker than Chloe's hair."
Red smirked, quickly nodding before grabbing Chloe's arm again and once again dragging her along after Athene.
The young witch wasn't kidding when she said the dragon was sweet, because she quite literally had no idea what danger even was.
"I told you, she's way too kind, it takes more effort to keep her safe from people than to keep people safe from her." Chloe had finally snapped out of her stupor and was staring in amazement at how the dragon seemed to trap Red with her tail, keeping her there until she could grab her with her front legs-?-.
Chloe snorted out a giggle, Red grumbling about getting saliva on her jacket was way too funny.
"Hey! Poet! Bridget's ready for you!" Ella yelled out of a window somewhere, and Athene nearly dashed away.
"She's sweet... do you think they'll last longer than this?" Chloe turned to Red to ask, who had been set down.
"Mh. They'll last yeah, but she'll die when their daughter is like 10." The shock on the charming princess' face was way too much to comprehend.
"Yeah, my mom really lost it after that."
"Red! Princess!" Mary rushed up to her when she finally got back to the present, not wearing her usual dark green, but instead a sage green and off white colour combo.
"Hey... what's with the-?" She trialed off when her mom stood up, turning around, with a whole other dress, and starting to make... bubble hearts?
"Where were you, you are so late Rose." Chloe snorted at the nickname.
"Well i'm here now."
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bloodybobbysawyer · 9 months
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Take her.
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antlerqueer · 2 years
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Darby and the Dead (2022).
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ottororin · 2 months
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say your goodbyes, weezer
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livingdreams97 · 2 months
Kylie Jenner -- "The Babysitter" (Part 1)
Kylie Jenner x fem reader/oc
Summary: Who would have thought that anwering to a babysitter job offer for the summer to a unknown family would let to meeting someone that would move your world.
Words: 4007
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(It´s not really well written but it´s something)
Relax Y/n, this is just a job interview. Just a job interview, just a job interview, just a job interview. I repeat myself over and over again inside my head. I pull up my metallic blue 2021 Jeep Wrangler two-door in front of the security fence and roll down the window.
XY: Good morning.- the guy from the booth greets me, with a tablet in his hand and stands next to the window. -Your name and the name of the person you are coming to visit please.- he asks me and I give it to him quickly.
Y/n: Y/n Brown Davis and I don't know who I come to see honestly.- I answer a little embarrassed. -They called me for an interview and they only told me to come here and to go to house number 2432.- I explain watching him nod and type on the screen.
XY: You're on the list.- he confirms and takes a weight off my shoulders. -See if you turn right at the second exit and continue straight for about five minutes, You will find the house right away.- he explains to me and I thank him enormously.
He gets away from the car and opens the fence for me, letting me pass into the urbanization. I follow the instructions he has given me, seeing the mansions on both sides of the street and thinking about which celebrities will live in those houses. 
I know that some of the Kardashian Jenner family live in this neighborhood, but I don't know where their houses are and I don't really care much either. I'm not a big fan of them, I only watch the reality show when it happens to be on and little else. But my older sister is the opposite, she loves the reality and everything that has to do with that family.
I come from a family that has money, enough to live comfortably with some luxury; but not because of an inheritance or something like that. 
My mother is one of the best surgeons in all of England, working both publicly and privately; so she earns good money. My father is an architect and engineer, so he also earns well, but less than my mother. My parents have always told me that I have to win my money, that I can't be depending on them and that I have to start having work experience.
My parents are both English, my mother was born in Manchester and my father in Surrey. Both my older sister Olivia and I were born in the London Hospital. My sister is 25 years old and she is 6 years older than me, since I am just going to turn 19 in two months.
But now I live in Los Angeles, because I won a soccer scholarship at UCLA and I couldn't turn it down. But my first year in architecture is about to end, the summer holidays were approaching and I had decided to get my first summer job. 
I had spent three weeks looking for some job news or something that was appropriate to what I can do and in which I had a minimum of experience.
But since it was my first job, I didn't have much experience in anything. But I saw an offer about being a babysitter and I had experience in that. Maybe not officially through a contract, but when I was 15, 16 and 17 years old I worked to take care of the children of some neighbors for almost three years. So I had some experience, so I sent an email with my resume and information and a week ago they contacted me.
In that email only the date and time of the interview appeared, along with the address and house number. My parents were somewhat insecure when I told them about it, since they usually put a reference name and there was none in mine. 
So they were not very sure and they were a little nervous. But I assured them that because of the area it was in, it would surely be because it was someone important and they didn't wanted to give the address to anyone.
When I get to the house, I stop and look out the window at the beautiful mansion in front of me. I park the car on the sidewalk and get out of it, locking it. Although it's probably not really necessary takin acount the money that tis mansions costs. 
I walk nervously up the long driveway, noticing the flowers and decorations on the driveway.
I stop in front of the door, taking a deep breath and making sure my clothes are okay. I had decided on something simple and casual for the interview. 
Black and white checkered pants, with a black short-sleeved bodysuit and white platform All-stars, with a small black bag for the car, house, wallet and mobile keys.
I take another deep breath and ring the doorbell of the house. I quickly run my hands through my hair, making sure my light brown hair is neat and not completely tousled. The door opens, letting me see a woman in her 30s or so with a friendly smile on her face.
XX: Do you want something? - she asks me kindly.
Y/n: I have an interview here. - I answer a little nervous. -My name is Y/n Brown and I come for the babysitter interview.- I inform and I see how she nods in understanding.
XX: Come in and wait here for a moment please.- she tells me letting me enter the house and closing the door to disappear around the house.
I just look at the marble stairs in front of me, looking at the entire entrance with fascination and taking in the architectural details. 
I get out of my impression, when the same woman comes back and asks me to follow her. I quickly do so and walk almost on his heels and playing with my hands nervously.
XX: Come in.- she says opening a door for me and giving me another smile.
Y/n: Thank you.- I thank you and enter the room, seeing immediately that it is an office.
Kris: Good morning.- she greets me and I am surprised by the person in front of me, but I prevent the surprise from being external. "Please sit down." she offers me, pointing to one of the seats on the other side of where she is sitting at her table.
Y/n: Good morning.- I greet with a kind smile; sitting where she just pointed me out.
Kris: First of all I want to ask you some personal questions, okay? - she asks seriously, but with some kindness and I nod. -In your curriculum it says that you are from London, that you are 18 years old and that you are here for your studies, right? - she asks and I nod again.
Y/n: I was born in London and I study at UCLA with a full scholarship for my sports skills.- I inform her, watching her nod and write something on a piece of paper.
Kris: And what are you studying and why did they give you the scholarship? - she asks me looking at me over her glasses.
Y/n: I study architecture and I have a sports scholarship for soccer.- I answer with a small smile.
Kris: Being English, I need to know if there was any problem with the student visa or something like that.- she tells me and I swallow a bit nervously.
Y/n: There would be no problem, since before coming I studied and got dual nationality: so I have English and American nationality. - I explain, seeing how she points something again and reads something else.
Kris: In your resume you say you've worked three years as a babysitter.- read and I nod. -Because of that do you think you are more qualified than another person to take care of four children? - I wonder and I almost open my eyes surprised; I thought it would be one or two children.
Y/n: I don't think it's so much about being more qualified than someone else, with all the respect in the world. I think it's more of something vocational, if you don't like children, no matter how qualified you are, you will never give everything at work and that is something very important from my point of view. - I begin to answer her. -It is very likely that there are many other people more qualified than a girl of almost 19 years, who has only cared for two children for three years and who does not have an experience of 10 years as surely many other people will.- I say seeing how she stares at me. -But I love children, I enjoy taking care of them and it is a job in which it is never the same every day.- I commented and I see how she writes something more. - In addition to the fact that the number is not so important, if you are able to handle two; You can handle more and in a very effective way with some tricks. - I finish telling her and I see how she nods.
Kris: The vacancy would be for specific dates and on weekdays during the summer.- she informs me and I simply nod. -What availability do you have? - she asks me, bringing the pen closer to the paper.
Y/n: All?- I ask more than I answer. -In a week I finish the semester, the university league ended a week ago and I have the rest of the summer completely free.- I explain and she notes something.
Kris: If we went on vacation, would you be available to come and take care of the children wherever we went?- she ask me and I nod immediately, work and paid holidays? Who would say no to that.
Y/n: If the contract stipulates that then yes,of course I will.- I answer as professionally as I can.
Kris: If that was the case, we would pay for both the flight and the accommodation and more.- she informs me and I just nod without taking my eyes off her. -Okay, I'll discuss it with my daughter and I'll let you know the answer.- she comments getting up and I do too.
Y/n: I'll be attentive to the phone.- I inform her with a smile and shaking the hand that she offers me. -By the way, you have a completely impressive hall from an architectural point of view and it's beautifull.- I praise and she smiles hugely at me.
Kris: Thank you very much.- she thanks me walking towards the main door with me behind. -Thank you for coming and pay attention to the phone.- she tells me as a farewell, once I am at the entrance and out of the house.
Y/n: Thank you, Mrs. Jenner, it has been a pleasure and I'm glad I was able to have this interview. - I say gratefully and say goodbye walking back to my car.
As I walk to my car, I just wait for them to call me so I can call my parents to tell them I've gotten my first job. I'm sure they will be incredibly proud of me as it opens my first job alone and without any connection; like taking care of the neighbours' children.
I had been working as a babysitter for Kim Kardashian for a month, Kris called me the next day and asked me to come to her house again. When I returned the next day, she was waiting for me with Kim in her office and a contract ready for me to sign.
The kids are amazing, North has moments where she acts a bit like a diva and is usually a bit difficult. But you just have to let her have a little tantrum and she immediately listens to you. 
In addition to the fact that the three little ones stick to me, they listen to me right away and are very calm. So I don't have many problems with them.
I'm usually with them from 8 in the morning, while Kim works from her office or goes out to work; until 6,7 or 8 in the afternoon. There are also a few days, when I stay over and Kim can go out or relax with the family without worrying about her children.
I knew everyone in the family except for Kylie, Rob, Kanye, and Caitlyn; since when I have been with the family they had not been and we had not coincided.
But from those I knew, I could tell that many of the things they say about them are completely untrue and that they are incredible people. Today was Saturday and I had the day off, since Kanye has the children this weekend and since they are separated I don't have to work.
I was lying on the bed completely exhausted, because last night after coming home from work I went out with some college friends and I had had a little to drink.
I had come home around 7 in the morning, drunk and with a slice of pizza in my hand. So I had not planned to wake up early or at least not before 4 in the afternoon. 
But my rest is interrupted by my phone. I groan pulling my head out from under the pillow and reach over to pick up my phone from my nightstand. I put it to my ear and it's Kim.
She calls me to inform me that there has been a change in the holidays, the plane would take off on Monday at 8 in the morning and we would go to Mykonos for 1 week. But apparently the trip is early, so the plane takes off in two hours and I have a half hour drive to the airport. I thank her and quickly get out of bed.
I shower, leaving my wet brown hair to air dry and have a quick breakfast in twenty minutes. I put on a set of black underwear, a white Reebok tracksuit, with a short-sleeved top by Ralph Lauren and white Nike air force ones.
I put the clothes and the things I was missing in the suitcase and close it. I pick up the black Vans backpack, putting some tissues, a bottle of water, a headache pill, disinfectant wipes, my glasses, my sunglasses, my wallet, my passport, and a sweatshirt just in case.
I close everything and with my cell phone and house keys I run to my car. I dump all my stuff in the passenger seat, climbing in on the driver's side and putting it into gear right away. I drive as responsibly as possible, but trying to arrive as soon as possible so as not to be late.
When I make it to the airport, I park the car and put on my sunglasses so that my head doesn't hurt even more. I walk as fast as possible to where Kim had told me to, repositioning the strap of my backpack every two seconds and dragging the four-wheeled suitcase.
In the distance I see one of Kim's bodyguards, who signals to me and as soon as I stop next to him, he asks for my suitcase. I give it to him and he asks me to follow him to the private plane that Kim and the kids are on. I climb the stairs to the plane, immediately hearing the screams of the children and making my head hurt.
North: Y/n! - I hear her scream and how she hugs me by the waist.
Y/n: Good morning North.- I greet her, returning the hug as best I can due to the height.
North: Come play with us.- she says pulling my hand down the aisle of the plane.
Kim: Northie leaves Y/n alone for a few seconds and sit down, the plane will take off right away.- she tells her daughter, who immediately complains and starts a tantrum.
Y/n: Pay attention to your mother, the sooner you sit down the sooner we'll take off and the sooner we can get up to play.- I tell her and like lightning she sits in one of the seats.
I help Kim by getting the kids into the seats and making sure they're strapped in. I sit to the right of Chicago and Saint, while North sits across from Kim and Pslam sits on her mother's lap.
Kim: I'm sorry I called you and that you won't have yuor free weekend.- she comments and as I pay attention to her.
Y/n: It's okay, last-minute changes happen and it's common.- I answer with a smile, taking a pill from my backpack and drinking it with water.
Kim: Fun night?- she questions me with some interest.
During this last month, Kim has been very kind and we have a good personal relationship. She is an incredible person and since she is divorcing Kanye spends more time alone at home and I'm there. So we talk a lot and we are quite confident.
Y/n: Quite a lot.- I answer with a little laugh. - I arrived around 7 in the morning and I had barely fallen asleep when you called me.- I commented with a small smile, looking at the little ones and then at her again.
Kim: I'm really sorry.- she apologizes again, but I make a gesture with my hand and dismiss it as important. -Kanye has canceled his weekend, so my mother thought it would be better to bring it forward so the kids don't notice it.- she tells me and I nod in understanding.
Y/n: It doesn't bother me at all.- I assure her, since she has a lot on her and I don't want to make her think that it has bothered me or something, and feel guilty about it.
A few seconds later I start to entertain Saint and Chicago who call me, so they don't start complaining and give me a terrible headache. Five minutes later, a little girl runs into the plane and approaches Chicago.
Kim: Stormi, what are you doing? - she asks the girl and I already know whose name it is.
Kylie: Mom has changed planes for us.- I hear how someone responds, but I am only able to help the girl get on with her cousins and I hear how they talk without any sense, making Saint look at me begging.
I listen as the grown girls talk quietly in the background. I stretch out my arms to Saint and sit him on my lap, watching how the little ones fit better and I help Stormi put on her seatbelt.
Kim: And this is Y/n, the babysitter we'll have in the summer.- I hear how she says and as soon as I hear my name I pay attention to the adults. -Y/n this is the youngest of all, Kylie Jenner.- she introduces us and I get up with Saint in my arms and stretch out my hand towards her.
Y/n: A pleasure.- I greet and she shakes my hand with a small smile.
Kylie: So you're the amazing new babysitter for Kim.- she says when we separate our hands and I take the opportunity to greet Kris with a little hug.
Y/n: I think so.- I say with a small smile, sitting back in the chair and tying Saint and me with my seatbelt.
Kim: It's a shame that it's only mine during the summer.- she comments and I look at her curiously.
Kylie: And why is that? - she asks sitting in front of me and tying her own belt.
Kim: Because she knows how to control the tantrums of that onw over there.- she responds pointing to her eldest daughter.
North: Hey that's very rude.- she tells his mother looking at her badly. "I don't throw tantrums and I find it ridiculous that..." she starts to shout and I clear my throat making her shut up inmediatelly.
Kim: See, not even I have achieved that since she was born.- she says pointing to what just happened.
Kris: You did well to listen to me honey.- she says to her daughter sitting on my right side, across the aisle and in front of Kim.
The adults quickly change the conversation, as soon as it is safe to remove the seat belts me and the children go to the back to play. So I start playing with everyone, being very careful with Pslam since he is still small and can do damage.
Kylie POV
I stare at the girl in the back with my nephews and daughter, as I process what just happened with my niece. About how just by clearing her throat, North has stopped complaining to her mother and immediately shut up.
Kylie: How the hell did she made it? - I ask completely impressed.
Kim: I don't even know.- she answers looking at her children with a smile. -But I don't know what I'm going to do without her when the summer ends.- she tells me and I look at her confused.
Kylie: And why is that? - I ask curiously.
Kim: Because she's covering the summer shift and Nicole and Sara will come back to work in September.- she answers me with a little grimace. -Besides that she has to go back to university.- I commented and I looked at her surprised.
Kylie: University?- I ask with surprise, since she seems young but I didn't expect her to go to college yet.
Kris: Yes, honey.- she answers me with a small laugh. -She studies architecture.- she tells me and I nod processing the information.
Kylie: But how old is she, because I thought she would be 16 or 17.- I comment and they both laugh.
Kris: She's 19 and this September she'll start her second year of architecture.- she says and I look back at the incredibly attractive girl.
Kim: In addition to the fact that she is in the women's soccer team of her college and has a full scholarship for it. - she informed me and I nod, without stopping looking at the girl and paying attention to every possible detail of her.
Kylie: I'm impressed.- I comment sincerely.
Kim: Well, you will be even more so during the trip, because when you see how she is with the kids and how they listen to her immediately.- she comments and I look at her for a few seconds.
My gaze turns to Y/n, paying attention to the clear abs of her body that the t-shirt exposes and the perfection of her face. How her wavy brown hair falls over her shoulders and back. Her sharp jawline is exposed when she pulls her hair into a high ponytail, exposing her strong, feminine jawline.
I detail her for the rest of the flight, trying to hide it as much as possible and prevent my mother and sister from noticing. I don't want my sisters to find out that i'm checking out Y/n and spend the rest of the trip laughing at me for it. 
So I try to be discreet while I look at her, feeling a certain pull in my stomach when I see her bite her lip or run her tongue over her thin but perfect and plump lips.
Those lips that call you to savor them and kiss them until your lips are sore. To kiss them until you feel like you'll faint from lack of air, until you feel like your lips will droop and you lose the feeling of reality.
I have never felt so attracted to a woman as i am right now. Yes, I am capable of appreciating the beauty of a woman, in a platonic and non-sexual or romantic way. But I have to admit that she would made me do anything for her and not complain one bit. 
In addition to my clear attraction to her, I haven't had sex for a long time and when I say a lot, I mean a lot. So just by seeing her body and some of her gestures I'm already starting to get turned on.
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