#oc Louis
critter-in-skyrim · 9 months
Taliesin was not one to feel concern very easily. In truth, the only people he’d ever truly felt any level of concern for were his sisters, but that was when they were young. Of course, then he became a Thalmor, where emotions like concern were trained out of him. He’d truly thought he would never feel concern for another person again, and frankly, he did not mind - things were less complicated when you only cared about yourself. 
That was all before he met Louis, though.
At first, Taliesin viewed Louis as an enigmatic fool - after all, who saves the life of someone you are supposedly morally and ideologically opposed to? Not only that, but who then decides to travel with said person, especially after they basically promise to someday betray you? Only a fool would make such decisions.
Taliesin would quickly learn, though, that Louis was no fool. Perhaps someone with a bizarre judge of character and a death wish, but certainly not a fool. 
As Taliesin saw it, Louis had a bit of a saving people thing, regardless of who the person might be. Louis simply couldn’t help himself when he saw someone in peril - he had to help them. It was almost endearing, if it weren’t for the fact that it put him in danger on more than one occasion. Louis wasn’t one to shy away from danger anyway, Taliesin would realize - if anything, he was known to lean into it. 
The first time Taliesin witnessed Louis charge into battle, blade in one hand, sparks in the other, he’d thought the smaller Altmer was going to get himself killed. It was also the first time Taliesin felt a slight nagging feeling of concern for Louis, watching him nearly die by a group of bandits before he’d even had time to react. Louis came out of that battle a winner, if only barely - he was bruised, bloody, beaten, yet still smiling. “Come on, Talie, keep up!” he’d said jokingly, apparently not noticing the horrified expression on Taliesin’s face. 
Those feelings of concern would only increase the more time he spent around Louis. After all, Louis had habits aside from his fighting style that also concerned Taliesin. He would never eat, unless he was on the brink of starvation. If he got injured, he’d often leave the wound to heal on its own, rather than using a quick healing spell or potion. Worst of all was probably his sleeping habits: Louis would go for days at a time without rest, to the point that he would be on the verge of collapse. Simply put, Louis was horrible at taking care of himself.
All of this led to Taliesin’s present state of anxiety, as he watched his companion limp ahead of him. The two of them had just been attacked by a group of wolves, one of which got a good bite in on Louis’s leg. Rather than stopping and healing himself up though, Louis pressed on.
“Maybe we should stop for a bit…” Taliesin suggested, his tone betraying his anxiety.
Louis paused, turning around to give Taliesin a concerned look. “What? Why? Are you okay?”
Taliesin blinked, not expecting to be questioned himself. “I…I’m fine, yes…”
Louis nodded slowly, before looking Taliesin up and down, as though to make sure he was telling the truth. Satisfied, he nodded, “Good. But why did you want to stop, then?”
Taliesin shifted awkwardly. “Louis…”
“Because if you are worried about me, don’t be,” Louis said, raising his eyebrows. “I’m fine.”
“Fine?! You have an open wound!” Taliesin couldn’t contain himself any longer. 
“And it will heal, just like all my prior injuries have,” Louis said, in an attempt to pacify his companion. 
“Right, all your prior injuries that you also just left to heal on their own, no healing spells, no potions,” Taliesin snarked. “Tell me, are you a masochist or something?”
Louis’s eyes widened, before he choked out a shocked laugh. “Wow, do you really want the answer to that question?”
“If it would give me a satisfying reason for why you don’t take care of yourself, then yes,” Taliesin said, crossing his arms stubbornly. 
“Why I don’t…” Louis repeated, eyebrows furrowing. “Where is all this concern for my wellbeing coming from? You’ve never acted all that worried about me before.”
Taliesin felt his face warm, and he shifted on his feet. “D-don’t change the subject!”
Louis looked quite pleased that he had managed to fluster Taliesin. “No, really, I’m curious. What’s changed, Talie?” Louis froze, then, as a thought occurred to him. “You care about me.”
Louis pointed an accusatory finger at Taliesin. “You care about me.”
Taliesin blinked in confusion. “…We’ve been traveling as companions for a little while now, of course I care about you. It’s…not as easy as I would like, to remain detached from people I am around a great deal…” Louis’s expression was one of pure shock, as though this were all brand new information for him. It made Taliesin think… “I don’t know why this is so surprising to you. Do you not care about me?”
Taliesin made sure to steel his heart for whatever Louis had to say, completely prepared for rejection. Louis, however, looked almost offended when he replied. “Of course I care about you. I just…I didn’t expect…” Louis trailed off and looked away, suddenly self-conscious. 
Taliesin was able to fill in the blanks, though. “You didn’t expect me to care about you?” Something in Taliesin’s chest twisted a little. “Is it because of my past?”
“Your past- no, nothing like that,” Louis quickly reassured him. “It’s just…I never expect anyone to care about me, ever. I’m just…not used to it, is all.”
Taliesin’s eyebrows furrowed a bit at that. “Well, you better start getting used to it,” he said firmly. 
It wasn’t only the man’s tendency to not take care of himself that worried Taliesin - Louis’s mental state was also something that very much concerned him. Taliesin honestly did not know much about Louis or his past, and since Louis did not pry too much into his own past, he did not pry into Louis’s. He had to wonder though, what could have happened to Louis to make him care so little about himself, to believe that no one around him should care for him either? It broke his heart, just a little. 
“Come. Sit. Let me take care of that wound,” Taliesin suddenly demanded. Louis opened his mouth like he was going to argue, but instead, he merely sighed, before following Taliesin’s directions.
Taliesin knelt down beside Louis, hands reaching out to gently position his leg so he could see how bad the injury was. Louis’s pants were bloodied and ripped where the wolf had bitten. Taliesin hesitated, before ripping a strip of fabric from his robe, beginning to wrap it around the wound to stop the bleeding. Once that was done, he placed a gentle hand on the bandaged leg, casting a strong healing spell. 
A bit of the color came back to Louis’s face and he breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”
“You would probably feel even better if you ate something,” Taliesin pointed out.
“I let you heal me, don’t push it,” Louis warned. He pushed himself to his feet, testing the steadiness of his leg. Satisfied, he began walking down the road again. Taliesin got up, following after him. 
The two walked in silence for a bit, both seemingly thinking about the conversation they had just had.  Eventually though, Taliesin could stand it no more and he had to break the silence. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure. Maybe. What do you want to ask?” Louis asked carefully. 
“Why is it that you don’t take care of yourself?” Taliesin asked in return.
Louis snorted slightly. “Well now, that is a loaded question, isn’t it?”
Taliesin shrugged. “It’s something I am genuinely curious about.”
“So you think I don’t take care of myself. Do you have any examples to back this up?” Louis asked.
“Plenty,” Taliesin said blandly. “Besides the fact that you never heal yourself when you’re injured, you also hardly ever eat or sleep, you consume substances that are bad for you, and you fly into battle like you have a death wish. You have to admit, Louis, it makes it seem like you are-”
“I’m not suicidal, if that’s what you’re implying,” Louis interrupted Taliesin. 
Taliesin held up his hands placatingly. “I wasn’t necessarily implying that, but I was going to say all of this stuff makes it seem like you are harming yourself on purpose…”
Louis did not respond right away, continuing to walk down the road like he hadn’t heard Taliesin at all. Eventually though, he spoke in a low, warning voice, “I wouldn’t go there if I was you.”
“Self harm can come in many different forms-” Taliesin tried to state calmly.
“What would you know about self harm?” Louis snapped, blue eyes fierce as they glared at Taliesin. It was clear a nerve had been struck, as it was rare for Louis to get genuinely mad like he was in that moment. 
“...” Taliesin struggled to find his words. Eventually, he settled on, “More than you might expect.”
Louis’s glare seemed to melt away in an instant. “You used to harm yourself?” Louis asked curiously.
Taliesin sighed heavily, avoiding Louis’s gaze. “Well…yes. Not a time I remember fondly. Self hatred is a nasty, evil thing - it works to destroy your very soul.”
Louis nodded in understanding. He swallowed hard, before saying, “I’m sorry I made you so concerned about me. I’m…fine. Really.”
Taliesin felt skeptical, but Louis’s eyes were practically pleading with him to take his words at face value. 
So, he did. “I’m glad,” he said, hesitating, before reaching out to grasp Louis’s shoulder firmly. “You’ll tell me if you ever become…not fine, right?”
Louis nodded, smiling a tender smile towards Taliesin. “I promise.”
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kitschycritter · 8 months
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just some oc doodles
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velocitic · 2 months
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i never even showed u guys louis. have u seen louis! now you have
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peapod20001 · 6 months
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Hahaha I had fun with these <3
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blueking00 · 2 years
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Louis 🤯
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kjoadrien · 1 year
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main guys from Blades
From left to right (not including the foreground charas): [Lyn, Carter, Louis, Petunia, Wheels, Small Nic and Ring Pop]
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daisyblog · 2 months
Watermelon Sugar
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: How Watermelon Sugar was made.
warning: smut, oral (female receiving), swearing
Very highly requested.
“So Styles…what are we working on today? Do you want to keep working on Treat People?”. Kid asked as he span around on his chair to face everyone, readjusting his hat as he did.
Harry gently licked his bottom lip as he thought about his options. “I’ve kinda got these lyrics that I can’t stop humming…I wanna work on them…see if they go anywhere, but if anyone feels uncomfortable then just say and we’ll scrap the whole thing!”.
“Shit it’s getting fucking deep in here today!”. Tyler joked, earning a snigger from Kid and a small grin from Mitch.
“What are you talking about man, every song is fucking deep”. Kid couldn’t bite his tongue. Harry only flipped him off with a sarcastic smile.
This is what Harry liked about the team, they could joke around, not taking anything to serious. But at the same time, they’d all shared many of the deepest conversations.
“Have you got like a melody or anything H?”. Mitch quietly asked as he prepared to play.
Harry shook his head as he pulled his lips into his mouth. “Nah just go with it and see what happens”.
“Tastes like strawberries…on a summer evenin'…and it sounds just like a song”. Harry acoustically sang, trying to find the right notes and melody.
“What’s with you and fruit, man?”. Mitch asked the question everyone was dying to know. “Plus what the fuck sounds like a song?”.
Harry ran his finger under his nose, a nervous habit he had. “Nothing…it’s nothing…just open for interpretation”.
Anne didn’t need an excuse to host a summer garden party, so the moment the sun came out she invited all her close family and friends over for food, drinks and a good time.
Harry and YN had been finding it difficult to leave each others sides, whether that was Harry’s arm reaching around her waist to sit on her hip, an arm over her shoulder or sharing a quick peck when they thought nobody was looking.
So when YN was in the kitchen, reaching across the spectacular spread Anne had put on to place a few strawberries on her plate, she felt two hands slide around her middle and a face nuzzle into her neck.
“I’ve missed you”. Harry placed small kisses up her neck, YN trying not to let her body respond as she took a bite of a strawberry, placing the green on the plate.
“I haven’t been anywhere”. YN giggled as she swallowed the fruit, placing the plate down so she could turn in his arms.
As she wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers gently played with his loose curls. Harry met her lips with his, the sweet taste of strawberry lingered between them.
“Let’s go upstairs”. Harry mumbled against her lips, that were now a darker shade of red.
“Bubs we’re in your mums…there’s a party going on”. YN pointed out as Harry’s lips nibbled down her neck, teasing and distracting her from her thoughts.
Harry only shrugged his shoulders in response. “When has that ever stopped us?”. YN knew he had a point, but she was still reluctant, glancing around to see if anyone would see them wonder off. “Please baby”.
“But I want more berries”. YN wined as she glanced back at her plate, sitting there full of fresh strawberries.
“Well I want you!”. Harry gently pulled her by the neck to place a lingering kiss to her swollen red lips.
”All I’m getting so far is you’ve eaten strawberries on a summer evening and it sounds like a song!”. Mitch was literal with his interpretation, looking at Harry like he’d gone crazy.
“Mitch just listen to the fucking lyrics man…we’re only like three lines in and I already know what it’s about.” Tyler laughed at how naive his friend was being right now.
Whilst Kid and Tyler fiddled about with some ideas for mixing and editing ‘Golden’, Mitch tested out a few chords to see what would fit with the current song Harry was writing.
Harry was noticing some lyrics down in his leather book, when Mitch played a particular melody that caught his ears. He listened carefully trying to find the right timing.
“I want more berries…And that summer feelin'…It's so wonderful and warm”. Harry sung, catching the other’s attention, all invested in where he was going with it. “Breathe me in…Breathe me out…i don't know if I could ever go without..”.
Harry paused as he processed where this song was going. But glancing around the room, he spotted a book on the table. Giggling to himself, he couldn’t stop his hands from reaching for it. “I don't know if I could ever go without…Watermelon sugar…High!”.
“Sounds like you’ve just named your next song”.
Once their hidden by the four walls in Harry’s room, he quickly reaches for YN’s waist, leaving traces of his fingers behind. Pulling her closer to him as their lips become ones and their fronts meet.
The warmth from their bodies being so close has caused them both to feel hot. Their movements feel quick and fast, but slow and soft all at the same time.
As Harry walks them blindly over to the bed, YN’s hands become greedy and pulls his T-shirt off and leaves it drop to the floor. Taking YN’s route, Harry’s ring clad fingers, find their way to the front of YN’s skirt unbuttoning it as their lips stay together like magnets.
Once her skirt and underwear are pooled on the floor, keeping Harry’s tahirt company, YN finds herself lying with her back on the duvet covered bed. Instead of joining her, YN feels his lips attach themselves to her inner thigh. Her mind becomes dizzy as she feels his wet lips trailing further up.
“Harry!”. Her lips moan, wanting to feel more as her lower stomach began to tighter already. His lips are now needier, moving higher and closer. In a quick movement, Harry grabs a pillow from the bed and places it under her hips.
Leaning forward Harry’s tongue meets her, licking up and down with a slow teasing start. His hands move her thighs so her bare legs are resting over his shoulders. Another moan leaves YN’s lips as she feels his mouth move against her.
“Oh, fook!”.
Her moaning only encourages his movements, as well as feeds his ego. Whilst his tongue teases her, swirling around as he tastes the wetness as it drips down his chin, he moves his left hand to rest on her lower stomach, pushing down gently.
“Fookin’ ‘ell, that’s good!”.
Harry could feel YN’s hips start to buck against him, so he gently held her hips down so the sensations hit harder. The sound of her heavy pants outplayed the sound of Harry’s tongue hitting the wetness between her legs.
Knowing YN was close as she muttered out small encouragements, Harry moved his tongue faster against her, lapping up the sweet taste. The addicted sensation began to build and the heat travelled down YN’s body. Her head swung back on the sheet behind her as the pressure built.
It hit her with force, causing her to feel light headed and unable to think of anything but the climax, when her thighs clenched around his head, Harry had no choice than to keep up his movements as he rode her through her high.
“Oh Harry, oh yes!”.
The sound was like heaven to Harry’s ears as he felt her vibrate against him. Watching her orgasm was still something he could never get bored of.
The energy had been wiped away from YN as she now laid still on the bed, unable to move due to the shakiness. Harry lifted himself up from his position between her legs, wiping away the wetness left behind on his chin.
Harry moved further up the bed with his knees, hoovering over YN’s tired body. He leaned forward pressing a quick kiss to her lips.
“Worth missing out on eating your strawberries?”. Harry sarcastically asked, as he held himself up with his arms.
As they continued to work on the song, now known as ‘Watermelon Sugar’, the penny dropped for Mitch as Harry sang, trying to perfect the melody and pre-chorus.
“Tastes like strawberries on a summer evenin'…And it sounds just like a song…I want your belly and that summer feelin'…I don't know if I could ever go without”.
Mitch’s eyes went wide at the realisation. “Shit…fucking hell man…you’re singing about eating-”.
Before Mitch could finish his sentence, Harry cut him short. A large cheeky smirk covering his face as he did so.
“It’s a song about wanting to eat strawberries!”.
Tag List:
@pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats@harrysbbyh0ney @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @or-was-it-just-a-dream @hittiesontour@bunnyharold @fanfictioncafe @lilfreakjez @iamahallucinationnn @theekyliepage @indierockgirrl@buckybarnessimpp @ashleighsss @jerseygirlinca @fake-coolbeans @itsmytimetoodream@treehouse-mouse @mrs-anna-styles211994 @macy-tpwk
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donniipao · 17 days
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shout out to my protagonists, The Aces 🙏🙏
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pantamonte · 2 months
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part-time-pixie · 9 months
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more next gen au doodles (afterglow) !! ✨ introducing Aurora Couffaine, Luka's daughter, and how she feels about Adrienette's son, Lei (+ Maurice art bc I love him hehe)
idk why they have beef, I just really like clichés (she's also not a villain really, I think they just play in different teams or something dfgdf)
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critter-in-skyrim · 9 months
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"like looking into a sky full of diamonds"
i wanted to draw something Soft
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lingrimmart · 1 year
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hi for the first tomlinson!sister blurb maybe like her and harry’s relationship during the years? her relationship with her family and louis idk lol im bad at coming up with ideas 😭
trope masterlist || ask me anything <3
anniversary masterlist is here !!
welcome to the first blurb of the week all for my first anniversary 💞 i hope you enjoy it just as much as i had creating it <3
authors note - thanks to whoever came up with this gorgeous idea it’s definitely a good one so i hope i somehow did it justice💗💗 when it comes to the tragic passings of johannah and felicity, i decided not to use there photos in this just to respect the privacy of the tomlinson family🙏
MARCH. (account private.)
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liked by mrsjohannahdeakin, yourfriend and 23 others.
yourinstagram, good luck lou! can’t believe that my brother is auditioning for the x-factor i know for a fact that your going to smash it ❤️
view all comments.
yourfriend, good luck louis!
mrsjohannahdeakin, can’t believe my baby boys doing this ❤️
yourfriend, wait what? how did i not know he was auditioning??
yourfriend, good luck
yourfriend, so that’s why your not in school today?
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liked by gemmasfriend, yourinstagram and 21 others.
gemmastyles, get a room
tagged, yourinstagram
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gemmasfriend, can’t believe how famous harry is now
gemmasfriend, cuties
annetwist, all i see is a bunch of cuties
mrsjohannahdeakin, the cutest babies ever
gemmasfriend, Harry’s got a gf?
yourinstagram, gem!
SEPTEMBER. (account still private.)
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liked by yourfriend, mrsjohannahdeakin and 56 others.
yourinstagram, so guess who appeared in her brothers music video? this girl and it was everything and more. if your my friend then you’ll go and stream it right now 💞
view all comments.
yourfriend, this song is such a bop
yourfriend, im so jealous that you got to be that close to Harry 😮‍💨
yourinstagram, 🫣🫣
mrsjohannahdeakin, super proud of the boys for this
yourfriend, this song is so good like your brother and his friends are geniuses
FEBRUARY. (Account Still Private.)
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liked by lottietomlinson, mrsjohannahdeakin and 198 others.
yourinstagram, birthday meal for the birthday boy happy eighteenth to my curly headed friend🎉🎂
view all comments.
yourfriend, still can’t believe that your friends with the one direction boys
yourfriend, happy birthday harry
mrsjohannahdeakin, happy birthday harry feels like it was just yesterday that I met little sixteen year old you for the very first time
yourinstagram, he just read this and is blushing right infront of me
yourfriend, happy birthday
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liked by username, username and 4,419 others.
enews, harry styles and his band mates little sister (yn) spotted getting cosy after leaving a restaurant together. read more at the link in our bio. 🔗
view all comments.
username, wtf? that’s his bestfriends sister
username, the way he’s holding her in the third picture
username, this is kinda gross
username, why would she do that to louis?
username, wasn’t it his birthday yesterday?
username, and they were the only two who went out to celebrate so it was obviously a date
username, there actually cute
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“Homes always been a special place to me,”Harry spoke into the camera, head resting in the palm of his hand.
“I’ve taken a few people there but only people that mean something special to me, and yeah you could say that one of those people is (Y/N),” A soft smile formed on his face. “She just understands this life y’know like because of her brother being Lou.”
A cease formed in his brow. “Although telling Louis that I was dating his sister was something I wish I could go back and never have to do.”
“Only joking, he actually did take it pretty well to be fair,” he let out a soft laugh. “Let’s just say I didn’t end up with a black eye.”
— Harry referring to (Y/N) Tomlinson in This Is Us.
JUNE. (account public.)
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liked by harrystyles, louist91 and 10,476 others.
yourinstagram, fangirling proper rn because i’ve just met five seconds of summer and I don’t exactly know how to cope knowing i was stood right next to luke hemmings 😳
tagged, 5sos
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username, this girl is living all of our fantasies right now
username, Callum’s a proper fitty
harrystyles, luke hemmings? not like you’ve got me or anything
yourinstagram, but his accent…
harrystyles, heyyyy
username, your adorable
username, i want to live your life
username, how does it feel girly??
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enews, harry styles and (y/n) tomlinson spark engagement rumours just weeks after band mate zayn malik leaves the group. read more at the link in our bio. 🔗
liked by username, username and 4,569 others
tagged, yourinstagram and harrystyles
view all comments.
username, good for them i guess
username, hope this is true there my faves 🙏
username, she’s not even that pretty 🤷‍♀️
username, excuse you! but just because she’s dating someone that you find attractive doesn’t mean that you can be so mean to someone
username, aren’t they a little young?
username, ayyo
username, childhood sweethearts and all that jazz
username, defo a PR stunt
username, one that’s been going on for five years?
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liked by annetwist, taylorswift and 234,619 others.
yourinstagram, welcome to the world our darling nephew, freddie reign tomlinson, auntie and uncle adore you so much ❤️💗
tagged, louist91 and brianasrealaccount
view all comments.
username, freddie 😭
lottietomlinson, can’t believe you met him before me ☹️
username, love how she said ‘our nephew’ instead of ‘my nephew’
username, harry holding a baby is something i never knew i needed
username, imagine when him and (y/n) have kids
username, welcome to the world freddie!
username, he’s so cute!
harrystyles, he definitely likes me more.
yourinstagram, in your dreams lover boy
username, there banter >>>>
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liked by yourfriend, zayn and 1,345,329 others.
yourinstagram, Mum, I miss you.
comments have been disabled.
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liked by yourinstagram, lottietomlinson and 2,464,924 others.
harrystyles, SIGN.OF.THE.TIMES // 7.APRIL. 17 //
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username, oh this is gonna be good
username, this songs is gonna be iconic just y’all wait
yourinstagram, so proud h! ❤️
harrystyles liked your comment.
username, him releasing music means that one direction are officially over and I don’t know how to feel about that
username, excited!
lottietomlinson, love love love
harrystyles liked your comment.
username, CRYING
username, that date is so soon! you could have given us some more time to prepare.
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liked by lottietomlinson, taylorswift and 832,178 others.
yourinstagram, tried to get a picture of cillian murphy but some rando was giving me death glares🤷‍♀️
tagged, harrystyles
view all comments.
username, same girl same
username, if looks could kill girly
lottietomlinson, cillian could do a lot of things to me…
yourinstagram, 🫣
username, if harry styles looked at me like that id simply pass away
username, the two loves of my life
gemmastyles, give him my number!
yourinstagram, will do!
harrystyles, heyyyyy
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liked by louist91, annetwist and 5,431,890 others.
harrystylesandyourinstagram, 08.11.2018
comments have been limited.
lottietomlinson, best day ever!
liampayne, one of the best days
annetwist, im still emotional typing this
niallhoran, loved it lad
gemmastyles, now give me a neice/nephew pls and thx
yourfriend, your dreams came true!
louist91, treat her right styles
zayn, so happy for you
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liked by username, taylorswift and 709,326 others.
yourinstagram, the moon was always her favourite. fizzy, i miss you.
comments have been disabled.
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liked by harrystyles, the.daisytomlinson and 934,431 others.
yourinstagram, my best friend just released his debut album, go listen to it or else i will hunt you down….
tagged, louist91
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username, already have!!
username, listened and loved every single song on it
harrystyles, i thought i was your best friend.
yourinstagram, you are baby, you are
username, this album ruined me 😭
username, whose music is better louis or harrys?
yourinstagram, uhhh 1D?
username, walls is gonna be iconic watch this space
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liked by lottietomlinson, niallhoran and 709,315 others.
yourinstagram, The Away From Home Festival 💞
tagged, louist91
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username, gorgeous!
annetwist, so pretty darling
yourinstagram, ❤️
username, im there aswell
username, isn’t harry starting tour tomorrow ?
username, yeah he is, guess she’s not going 🤷‍♀️
username, maybe they’ve divorced?
yourinstagram, hi! im flying out directly after this to go and support him just in time for his first show tomorrow, me and h are happier than ever so please stop trying to get involved in our personal lives x
username, that outfit is so pretty, so casual but so chic
username, she looks more and more like lottie everyday
username, is it just me or does it look like she has a bump?
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liked by kyliejenner, gemmastyles and 843,176 others
yourinstagram, it really is love on tour ❤️
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username, power couple
gemmastyles, iconic 👌
username, best night of my life
username, can someone look at me the way harry looks at (y/n)??
username, my show!
username, she defo has a baby bump
username, don’t just assume things
username, your so gorgeous!
lottietomlinson, my beauty of a sister 💗
yourinstagram, have you seen yourself?
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liked by taylorswift, thephoebetomlinson and 3,476,218 others.
yourinstagram and harrystyles, the best christmas present we could have ever asked for.
felix robin styles.
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liked by harrystyles, lottietomlinson and 932,164 others.
yourinstagram, London night one. ❤️
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username, so gorgeous.
username, it’s going to be such a good night !!
gemmastyles, that dress is everything 😮‍💨
yourinstagram, girl have you seen your dress? it’s beautiful !
username, love love love
username, it’s going to a night that goes down in history
thephoebetomlinson, can’t deal!
yourinstagram, mwah 💞
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liked by zayn, annetwist and 732,176 others.
yourinstagram, when felix met lucky 💙
tagged, lottietomlinson, mrlewisburton
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username, the second generation of tomlinsons are all boys 🥹
liked by yourinstagram.
username, cousins
username, felix is so big now wow
mrlewisburton, 💙
yourinstagram, he’s adorable x
username, i can’t believe that lotties had a baby 🥲
username, this is too much for my heart
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liked by yourinstagram, ryan.viggars and 1,619,908 others.
louist91, I’m so excited to finally tell you that my new album Faith In The Future is out 11th November. After living with this album for a while I can’t wait for you all to hear it. Thank you for allowing me to make the music I want to make.
Link in bio to pre-order.
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username, ahhhh
username, hold up - 🖐️
harrystyles, happy for you mate.
liked by louist91
username, im having heart palpitations as im typing this
username, screaming crying throwing up
yourinstagram, proud of you lou ❤️
liked by louist91
username, love there relationship so much 🥹
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liked by annetwist, zayn and 1,326,317 others.
yourinstagram, hands up if your husbands a three times grammy winner 🙌 words can’t explain how proud of him me and bubba are 💞
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username, im crying
username, i don’t know anyone more deserving
lottietomlinson, ❤️❤️
liked by yourinstagram.
username, SCREAMING
username, why can’t he look at me like that??
username, because your not (y/n) 🤷‍♀️
username, fairs
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liked by yourinstagram, mr.lewisburton and 3,503,080 others.
harrystyles, Love On Tour. Reggio Emilia. July, 2023.
view all comments.
username, it’s really over
username, he’ll be back soon hopefully 🙏
thephoebetomlinson, such a good night ❤️
username, was the whole family there??
username, yeah they were !
username, don’t cry because it’s over cry because it happened
username, best night of my life
yourinstagram, so immensely proud ❤️
harrystyles, ❤️
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liked by the.daisytomlinson, taylorswift and 932,176 others.
yourinstagram, lying on the beach as the sun blew out 🌊🏝️
view all comments.
username, your so effortlessly gorgeous
username, felix is so big now like wasn’t he just born yesterday??
yourinstagram, it’s going far too quick !!
username, whose that handsome man?
username, just show us his face ffs
harrystyles, who lays on a sunbed like that?
yourinstagram, honestly he’s such a weirdo 🙄
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liked by zayn, darbyward and 843,290 others.
yourinstagram, a night ill never forget. 💫
tagged, louist91
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username, can’t believe how far he’s come 🥹
username, im emotional
username, was harry there?
username, this post is about louis not harry
annetwist, 💙
username, my pookie sold out the 02
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liked by lottietomlinson, niallhoran and 1,236,471 others.
yourinstagram, when felix met olive 🫒 so immensely proud of you phee, your already the best mama ever 💗
tagged, thephoebetomlinson, jack.varley7
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username, the best duo
username, the first girl of the generation
username, how is Phoebe a mum like tf?
thephoebetomlinson, 💙🩷
yourinstagram, 🥹
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liked by annetwist, lottietomlinson and 1,346,371 others.
yourinstagram, when felix met his new forever bestie 🩷🩵
tagged, gemmastyles, michalmlynowski
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username, can’t believe our gems a mum
username, cousins 🥹
the.daisytomlinson, babies 💞
username, your turn next
username, now fucking way
247 notes · View notes
peapod20001 · 8 months
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It’s like they’re the Brady bunch 😭
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dragon-razor-writings · 5 months
Jaune: "Dad, are you sure this is a good idea?"
Louis, working on a firework RPG: "Not really, no. There's a very real chance that this goes horribly wrong."
Jaune: "Then why are we doing this?"
Louis: "Simply put; it'll be very, very funny."
Jaune: "…And that's the story of nearly lighting the house on fire."
Ruby: "Can I meet your dad?"
Jaune: "No."
Nora: "Can I-"
Jaune: "Fuck no."
181 notes · View notes
d-targaryenshoe · 1 month
Guitar Strings of Joy - Harry Styles
Word Count: 1702
Summary: Big moments, yet small ones are rather special to share with the people who support you through it all aren't they?
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You stood backstage, your fingers running across the familiar strings of your guitar.
The hum of the crowd vibrated through the floor beneath your feet, and you could hear the murmur of excitement building as the lights dimmed in the arena.
It was one of those nights—one of those moments—that made your heart race, even after years of touring with Harry.
As one of his guitarists, you had played in some of the biggest venues worldwide, but tonight was different.
Tonight, you weren't just his guitarist, you were also his girlfriend and the soon-to-be mother of your first child.
A flutter of nervous excitement mingled with your anticipation.
In just a few minutes, your secret would no longer be yours.
Harry had insisted on making this night special, and you had agreed. You'd been planning it for weeks, keeping your little secret close.
The gender reveal of your baby would happen right here, on stage, in front of thousands of fans.
And it would be you who would announce it with the iconic guitar solo of Harry's song, 'Adore You'.
The thought made your stomach flip with both nerves and excitement.
Harry's voice came through the speakers as he greeted the crowd, his tone warm and familiar, like a friend welcoming everyone into his home.
He had that effect on people, a natural ease that made even the largest of crowds feel intimate.
"Hey, everybody! How are we feeling tonight?" Harry's voice boomed through the arena, and the crowd erupted in cheers.
You could almost see him in your mind, smiling that boyish grin that had captured hearts all over the world.
You listened as Harry went through the opening set, your fingers moving instinctively over your guitar strings, getting in sync with the rhythm of the band.
You had played these songs a hundred times, but tonight there was an added weight to every note.
Then, it was time.
The moment you had both been waiting for.
Harry paused after finishing the previous song, letting the last note fade into the electric buzz of the crowd.
He looked over at you, his eyes sparkling with something that made your heart skip.
There was a pause, the kind that stretched just long enough to build anticipation.
“So, before we go on,” Harry began, his voice suddenly quieter, more intimate, “I want to share something special with you all. Tonight isn’t just another concert for us. It’s also a really special night for me and someone you all know pretty well.”
The crowd murmured in curiosity, a wave of whispers rippling through the sea of people.
You felt your pulse quicken. You knew this was it.
Harry's eyes met yours again, and for a second, it was just the two of you.
You smiled, trying to steady your breathing.
“For those of you who don’t know, the amazing guitarist who’s been up here with me every night is also the love of my life, y/n.” Harry's words sent a surge of applause and cheers through the crowd.
You felt your cheeks flush, both from the warmth of the spotlight and the love that emanated from the audience.
“And we’ve got a little surprise for you all tonight,” Harry continued, his voice tinged with excitement. “You see, y/n and I are expecting a baby!”
The cheers grew louder, and you felt a wave of emotion wash over you.
The audience’s energy was infectious, and you couldn’t help but smile even wider.
Harry waited for the noise to die down before speaking again. “Now, we thought long and hard about how we wanted to reveal the gender of our baby, and we decided there was no better place to do it than right here, with all of you."
"So, during the next song, when y/n plays the guitar solo, you’re going to see some fireworks. And when you do, the color of those fireworks will tell you if we’re having a boy or a girl.”
The crowd erupted again, this time with a mixture of excitement and anticipation.
You could feel your heart pounding in your chest.
This was it.
You nodded at Harry, who gave you a reassuring smile, and then he turned back to the crowd.
“This is ‘Adore You,’” Harry announced, and the familiar notes began to fill the arena.
Your fingers moved over the strings, finding the melody with ease.
The song had always been special to you and Harry.
It was one of the first songs you had worked on together, back when your relationship was still new, still fragile.
Now, it felt like a full-circle moment, standing here with him, about to share the biggest news of your lives with thousands of people.
As the song built towards the solo, your nerves returned, but so did a deep sense of calm.
This was your moment.
You closed your eyes for a brief second, grounding yourself, and then you stepped forward, into the spotlight.
The world seemed to hold its breath as you played the opening notes of the solo.
The sound of your guitar echoed through the arena, each note carrying with it the weight of the moment.
The crowd fell silent, waiting, watching.
And then, as the solo reached its peak, the arena exploded in a dazzling display of color.
Fireworks shot into the sky, bursting into a shower of brilliant blue.
The crowd gasped in unison, and then the cheers began, louder than ever before.
You felt a wave of emotion crash over you, tears springing to your eyes as you played the final notes of the solo.
A boy.
You were having a boy.
Harry was beside you in an instant, his arms wrapping around you as the crowd continued to cheer.
You could feel him shaking, overwhelmed with emotion, just as you were.
You held onto each other, sharing the moment, as the blue fireworks continued to light up the sky above you.
Harry took the microphone again, his voice thick with emotion.
“Thank you, thank you so much,” he said, his words directed both to the audience and to you. “We can’t wait to meet our little fella, and we’re so grateful to have you all here with us tonight to share this moment.”
The crowd roared in response, and you felt another wave of tears threaten to spill over.
You glanced at Harry, who was looking at you with a mixture of love and awe.
It was a look you would never tire of.
As the final notes of "Adore You" faded into the night, Harry turned back to the audience.
“I think we’re going to need to play one more song after that,” he said with a laugh, and the crowd cheered in agreement.
But before you started the next song, Harry leaned in close to you, his voice low enough that only you could hear.
“I love you,” he said, his eyes shining.
You smiled, your heart full. “I love you too,” you replied, and in that moment, everything else faded away.
It was just you, standing on stage, under a sky filled with blue fireworks, ready to welcome the next chapter of your lives together.
Harry turned back to the microphone, and the band launched into the next song, the energy in the arena electric.
You picked up the melody, your fingers moving effortlessly over the strings, but your mind was still on what had just happened.
You couldn’t stop thinking about the look on Harry's face when the fireworks had exploded in blue.
The pure, unfiltered joy, mixed with a touch of disbelief, as if he couldn’t quite believe this was all real.
As you played through the set, you found yourself sneaking glances at Harry, catching his eye whenever you could.
Each time, he would smile at you, that same look of love and awe in his eyes.
It was a look that told you everything you needed to know about your future.
You were going to be just fine.
More than fine—you were going to be a family.
The rest of the concert flew by in a blur of music and lights.
The crowd was more alive than ever, feeding off the energy of the night.
When the final notes of the last song echoed through the arena, the applause was deafening.
Harry and you stood side by side, looking out at the sea of faces, each one filled with love and joy.
It was a moment neither of you would ever forget.
As the band left the stage, Harry grabbed your hand, pulling you close.
“We did it,” he whispered in your ear, his voice filled with pride.
You smiled, your heart swelling with love for the man beside you. “We did,” you agreed. “And now, we get to do the next part.”
Harry grinned, his hand resting on your belly. “I can’t wait.”
Backstage, the rest of the band and crew congratulated you, the air filled with hugs and laughter.
Everyone was buzzing with excitement, still riding the high of the reveal.
You couldn’t stop smiling, your heart full to bursting.
Later that night, after the arena had emptied and the crew had packed up, Harry and you found yourselves alone in your dressing room.
The adrenaline was wearing off, leaving behind a warm, contented glow.
Harry sat down on the couch, pulling you down beside him.
“I still can’t believe it,” Harry said, his voice soft as he rested his hand on your belly. “A boy.”
You leaned into him, your head resting on his shoulder. “I know,” you said, your voice equally soft. “It feels like a dream.”
Harry kissed the top of your head, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on your stomach. “It’s a dream I never want to wake up from,” he whispered.
You sat like that for a long time, wrapped up in each other, the excitement of the night giving way to a peaceful calm.
The future stretched out before you, bright and full of possibilities.
And as you sat there, in the quiet of the night, you knew that no matter what came next, you would face it together, as a family.
And that was all you needed.
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