#obviously I gave him a tiny piece of chicken
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Me: *pops open my chicken pasta salad*
CZ, who was dead asleep .2 seconds ago:

#obviously I gave him a tiny piece of chicken#I’m not a monster#wait…… maybe im reinforcing his begging behavior#but what am I supposed to do?#NOT feed him little treats????#food
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Sugar Mama Chapter 2
Summary: Bucky is overworked and struggling to get by. The bills are piling up and he��s consistently in the red with no end in sight. Y/N is a billionaire’s daughter, entrepreneur and philanthropist having a hard time finding true friends or love. She has a proposition for him.
bucky barnes x curvy!reader Warnings: eventual smut, sexual assault (not from Bucky)
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The next day he called the number on Y/N’s business card. A woman named Pepper, her assistant, answered and made an appointment for him to come to her penthouse apartment on Sunday at 7 p.m. He had that day off from his multiple jobs for once, but instead of resting he was stressing about the meeting all day. He barely slept with how nervous he was, going through his closet over and over again to figure out what would be best to wear and pacing around his tiny studio apartment.
When the time came to leave he got a text from an unknown number saying a car was waiting for him outside. He peered out his window to find a black town car at the curb. He laughed at just how strange this all was. The ride was awkward and quiet, and once they reached her building the driver instructed him where to go. He followed their instructions until he found himself leaving the elevator and entering into a large sitting room with a wall of windows showcasing the Manhattan skyline. He gaped at the sunset hovering over the buildings, brilliant oranges and pinks peaking through the windows and streets. He looked around the room at the high end furniture and art pieces on the wall. Whoever designed the apartment had obviously been given an open budget as he recognized some of the items that he could only dream of using on his design boards.
“Bucky! Good evening,” Y/N’s voice rang out around the corner. Bucky followed her voice until he entered the kitchen. It was huge, with appliances that a Michelin chef would die for. Y/N was standing in front of the island in the middle, making sandwiches, dressed in a sweater and sweatpant set that was black and spotted with yellow smiley faces and matching slippers on her feet. She looked so small and casual compared to all the other large and grand things in the apartment that it made him smile through his nervousness.
“Hello, Miss Y/L/N, good evening,” he greeted her back, standing awkwardly at the entrance to the kitchen.
“None of that, just call me Y/N. You’re not allergic to anything are you?” she asked suddenly, her hands stilling over the food.
“No, nothing that I know of, anyway,” he quickly assured her.
“Do you like chicken or ham?” she smiled and turned back to the sandwiches, cutting a tomato and layering meat and cheese on one.
“Ham is fine, thank you,” he answered, smiling back at her. She finished the sandwich and slid the plate over to him, gesturing for him to sit down on one of the stools by the island. He caught it and gave her a quiet thanks as he sat before taking a bite. She watched his reaction, and when he hummed in satisfaction she smiled again and went back to finishing her sandwich then hopping up on the counter to sit.
“There’s all kinds of drinks in the fridge, you’re welcome to whatever you’d like,” she gestured towards it behind her.
“Oh sure, thank you,” he said around another bite and walked to the fridge, opening it to find what looked like a full grocery store inside. He quickly chose a water bottle and went back to the island.
“Did you like the crab cakes and risotto?”
Bucky’s eyes rolled back dramatically, making her laugh. “Oh yeah, still definitely my favorite, best thing on the menu there, in my opinion. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” she said, giving him a lopsided grin. “So, I’m sure you’re just dying to get this weird conversation over with,” she teased him as she took a bite.
Bucky chuckled as he finished chewing. “Honestly, yes. I’ve been very nervous all day.”
“Let’s just dive right in, shall we? Have you ever been a sugar baby before?”
Bucky took a sharp breath and huffed it out. “No, I haven’t. Um, what exactly would it entail, if I said yes?”
“What are you hesitant about?” she queried, watching him intently.
“Uh, I guess, um,” he cleared his throat and decided to take a quick drink of water. “So, I give you, what, companionship? And you pay for things for me?”
“In a nutshell, yes. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship,” Y/N answered matter-of-factly.
“So what kind of companionship are you, uh, looking for?” he asked hesitantly. “I’ve heard of these kinds of things starting out okay but then becoming, um…”
“Sexual?” she finished for him. He nodded. “I don’t expect sex from you, Bucky.” He let out the breath that he didn’t realize he was holding. “I also wouldn’t be opposed to it, if the relationship organically led to that, but otherwise no, I don’t expect sex or sexual favors from you.” She set aside her sandwich for a moment as she faced him.
“My reason for doing this is because I have friends, plenty of friends, but those friendships have all been born out of those people wanting something from me. Money, connections, for me to invest in their business, using my name as a way to get ahead, get in contact with my father, and so on. It’s very hard to find real friendship, let alone anything more romantic. And I know buying someone’s time isn’t exactly normal or the best way to get it, but it’s my last resort, really,” she finished, her eyes looking sad as she took another bite of her sandwich.
Bucky felt bad for her. She had all the money and resources open to her and yet she was still lonely. This big fancy apartment with just her in it.
“Anyways, I’d like companionship. Someone to come home to, to take with me as a date to events, spend time with on the weekends, go to parties with, maybe get a good cuddle or some hugs, just a friend. And if something more were to ever grow from that, then great! But that’s what I’d like. You would of course be free to go spend time with other friends and family, I wouldn’t keep you prisoner here,” she joked.
Bucky snorted at that as he finished his sandwich. “Okay, and what about my jobs?”
“Jobs? How many do you have?” Y/N’s head jerked up at the question, a look of concern in her eyes.
“Three right now,” he answered nonchalantly.
“Three?!” she sputtered. “Jesus, Bucky, no wonder you look so tired.”
“Tell me about it,” Bucky sighed as he took another drink.
“Do you want to keep any of them?”
“Um…I’d like to keep my main one. I went to college for architecture and interior design, and during normal working hours I work for Joaquin Torres in Soho, so I’d like to keep doing that,” he explained.
“Oh yes, Joaquin! I worked with him a few years back. Architecture and interior design, huh? I’d love to see your work,” she said excitedly, her eyes brightening.
“I’d love that,” he smiled genuinely at her interest. “But yes, I’d like to keep that one, if that’s okay?”
“Of course.”
“Alright, um…and money?” He felt so strange asking for money.
“I’ll need a list of your debts, and I’d like you to break your lease and come live here. I’ll cover any fees that come with that process, including for movers if you have anything big needing to be moved. You’ll have your own room, your own space. As for payment, you’ll get a weekly allowance of $5000 that you’re free to spend or save however you want, and if you need or want anything else or more, we can talk about it,” she rattled off. “I’d like to take care of you, Bucky. I’d like you to feel comfortable, and hopefully help make your life better.”
Bucky could feel the tears welling up in his eyes as she laid out the benefits to him. His debts paid, living in this beautiful apartment, with a beautiful woman, getting paid $5000 a week, getting to keep his job and possibly get new opportunities just for being in her inner circle.
“Oh Buck, don’t cry,” she jumped down from the counter suddenly and walked over to him, her hands reaching for his face and brushing away the tears that fell. “Please tell me those are at least happy tears?” she pleaded as her fingers stroked the sides of his face.
“Yeah, I’m sorry,” he sniffled, “it’s just, really generous, Y/N. I feel like all that just for my company and friendship isn’t fair.”
“It is an unbalanced dynamic, I agree. But I promise that’s all I want from you, Bucky. All the money in the world means nothing without having someone to share it with,” she gave him a smile then let go of his face and reached for his hands. He gave them to her to hold and she rubbed his knuckles with her thumbs. “So…is that a yes?” she asked hopefully.
Bucky scoffed, “Well yeah, I’d be pretty stupid to say no, wouldn’t I?”
“Not necessarily,” Y/N scoffed back at him. “I want this to be an enthusiastic yes, with no hesitation or reservations. So I’ll ask again, is that a yes?”
Bucky took a moment to look at her, really look at her. She was sincere, with hopeful eyes and a determined set of her lips. He would be dumb to refuse, but he also didn’t want to refuse. He had no reason to. He wanted this. There was a small part of him deep down that hungrily thought, I want her. He pushed that away as he nodded his head.
“Yes, I say yes.”
“Yay!” Y/N cheered, jumping up and down a little and shaking his hands in hers. He laughed at her and squeezed her hands.
“Would it be weird if I hugged you?” Bucky asked.
“I’d love a hug,” Y/N said, opening her arms up to him.
He stepped into her embrace, her arms around his waist and his arms around her upper body. She nuzzled her face into his chest, breathing him in as he squeezed her. He felt like he was taking a breath of fresh air as she held him, one of her hands rubbing up and down his back. They stayed like that for a few long minutes, neither of them seeming to want to let go.
“So when can you move in?” she murmured against his chest.
“Maybe this Friday? After work? That way I can pack and get some things in order…quit a couple of jobs.”
“Yes, quit those jobs,” she agreed as she turned her face up towards him. “We’ll get you moved in on Friday night and then binge watch a show and eat all the pizza we can. Get to know each other. Sound good?”
He could just kiss her with how sweet she was being. “Sounds perfect,” he agreed.
The week seemed to trudge on for Bucky. He and Y/N had exchanged phone numbers and were constantly texting each other. She would check up on him, ask him how his day was going, if he needed help with anything, getting the list of his debts and lenders, making sure he ate and would randomly have food and drinks sent to his apartment. He had packed his small amount of things within two days and put his furniture up for sale on a local apartment sales site, making a few hundred dollars on the side. Y/N had called his landlord and figured out the fees for breaking his lease early, so all he had to do was go to work, come home, pack whatever he had left, and wait for Friday.�� Quitting his other two jobs had been incredibly freeing, and he wasn’t sure what to do with himself with all the free time he now had after 5 p.m.
On Thursday night he invited Steve over for one last hurrah in his apartment. “I can’t believe you’re moving. What was this job you got again? Wanda was being really weird about it the other day and told me to talk to you,” Steve questioned him.
“I’m still working at the interior design firm, I just don’t have to work the other two now,” he was mum about it, not sure how Steve would react.
“That’s not actually answering my question, Buck,” Steve exasperatedly sighed. “What’s going on?”
“Okay, just don’t judge me,” Bucky warned him. Steve gave him an unimpressed look and sat on the floor where the loveseat used to be. Bucky sat across from him as they ate the Chinese food Y/N had delivered to his apartment. “I served some pretty wealthy people last Friday night, when I covered your shift?” Steve nodded. “One of them was Y/N Y/L/N.” Steve’s eyes widened. “Yeah! She was super cool. When it came time to pay she wanted to talk to me. She asked me to, uh…to be her sugar baby.”
“She asked WHAT?!” Steve started laughing uncontrollably, clutching at his chest and falling over.
“I said don’t judge me!” Bucky yelled at him, throwing a dumpling at him.
“I’m not, I just, ha! And you obviously said yes, cuz you’re moving, and quit two of your jobs! Haha!” Steve was rolling on the floor as he started crying from laughing so hard. “No no, Bucky, I mean it’s weird but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do, right?” He kept giggling.
Bucky glared at him. “She’s going to be paying me $5000 a week.”
Steve immediately stopped laughing as he gawked at Bucky. “What?”
“She’s moving me into her penthouse apartment. She’s going to pay off my debt.”
“Uh…what are you doing to get these kinds of benefits Buck?” Steve was suddenly serious, his eyebrows hung low over his eyes as he sat up.
“Keeping her company. Literally giving her companionship. Friendship. That’s it.”
“Oh come on, Buck, that can’t be it.”
“That is it.”
“No way, dude, she’s gotta expect something more in the end,” Steve accused. “Did you already have sex with her? Now she’s gonna keep you as her plaything?”
“What? Ew, Steve, god no,” Bucky grimaced at his friend. “Look, she’s hot, I like her, but no I haven’t slept with her. If it happens in the future then hey, why not? But she doesn’t expect sex from me. This isn’t that kind of thing,” he promised him. “She literally just wants a friend.”
Steve analyzed him, trying to see if there was a lie hidden in his explanation. When he didn’t find anything he sighed again. “Okay, man. Look if you feel good about it and think it’s a good idea, then go for it. I just don’t want you getting hurt.”
“I won’t,” Bucky said resolutely. “It’ll be okay. Hey, I’ll see if I can get you and Peg to come with us as a double date or something. She mentioned having season tickets for the Yankees?”
Steve brightened at this news. “The Yankees, huh? Double dating with a billionaire’s daughter,” he mused. “Peggy’s kind of a fan of hers.”
“It’ll be great, Steve. You don’t need to worry about me,” Bucky said, clapping his friend on the shoulder. “But I appreciate it.”
Bucky practically ran home after work was over that Friday. He was ready to go, not needing any movers, with just a couple of bags of things he owned. He grabbed his stuff, left the key in the slot of the landlord’s mailbox, and walked outside to the already waiting town car. The driver helped him load his things in and sped off towards the penthouse.
He took the elevator ride back up to her place. The doors opened and revealed Y/N standing there, her arms crossed, shifting from one foot to the other and fighting a smile on her face.
“Honey! I’m home!” Bucky announced as he stepped in with a wide smile on his face.
Y/N laughed as he dropped his bags at their feet. “Welcome home, Buck,” she greeted him, opening her arms for a hug. He happily accepted it and gave her a tight squeeze. “Come on, let’s get you settled in.”
They spent a good portion of the night getting Bucky unpacked into his room and making a list of anything else he may need to get fully moved in. Afterwards she ordered pizza and drinks and pulled out all the snacks she had in the pantry. Once the food arrived they binge-watched a few different shows, talking about their favorites, then altogether forgetting about the TV as they got to know each other better.
“Steve is my best friend. We’ve known each other since we were little kids. When his parents died my mom took him in and then when she died, he helped me get through it,” he shared.
“What about your dad?” Y/N asked.
“Oh, he was in and out of the picture. Always nice enough, but he just wasn’t the fatherly type. I haven’t seen or spoken to him since mom died, and it’s better that way,” he said, looking away from her intense gaze. “But what about you? Any traumatic childhood experiences?”
She chuckled at his dark humor. “It was just me and my dad. My mom was only in it for the money with him. I was her pretty doll to dress up, her pawn to get as much child support and alimony as possible. Once I turned 18 she had a mental breakdown knowing she’d lose a big portion of the payout she’d been getting, and I’ve kept my distance since then,” Y/N looked away as well. “She’ll call me sometimes, always asking for money. The alimony would last her the rest of her life if she’d stop gambling and hoarding.”
“Jesus,” Bucky murmured. He reached a hand out and intertwined his fingers with the hand closest to him. She gave him an appreciative smile.
“It’s okay, I’m fine,” she reassured him. “It is what it is.” They sat silently for a moment, digesting the not-so-fun topic. “Anyways, I’d love to meet Steve, he sounds great.”
“Oh yeah, I told him we’d have to double date some time. He and his girlfriend Peggy went to that new burlesque club and loved it.”
“Did they? Oh good, I’m glad. That place was a labor of love, I tell ya,” Y/N giggled. “But I love the art of burlesque. Have you ever been to one?”
“No, I haven’t. I’d like to,” Bucky said truthfully.
“We’ll go tomorrow. You should invite your friends. I’ll get us all in. It’ll be fun,” she smiled again, patting his hand and then standing up and cleaning up some of the trash.
“Let me help,” Bucky said as he stood and grabbed the pizza boxes.
The night wound down and they talked some more until it was nearly midnight and Y/N’s eyes began to droop. “Y/N, you gotta get to bed,” Bucky poked her arm as her head began to loll to the side on the couch.
“What? No, I’m fine,” Y/N said groggily.
“Come on…let’s get you to bed,” Bucky coaxed her, standing up and pulling her up by her arms.
“Oh, alright,” she agreed, then wrapped her arms around his waist. “Guide me.”
“Oh god,” Bucky laughed, then started waddling his way towards the bedrooms beyond the kitchen. Y/N was walking backwards, keeping a firm grip on his waist so as not to trip and fall, giggling every once in a while as they swayed towards her room.
As he walked into her room he led her over to the edge of her bed. “Come on, you, we made it,” he said as he tried to push her off.
“But you’re so comfy,” she complained, her hug tightening on him again.
“And so are you, but you’re falling asleep,” he tried to pull her arms apart from behind him. In the process they lost their balance and both fell onto her bed, Bucky catching himself on his elbows at the last minute before he squashed her. She laughed as her hands flew up to his chest to help stop him. He laughed as well, his head falling to her shaking shoulder. As the laughter died down they stared at each other, their faces within inches of each other, the air around them shifting quickly.
“Sorry,” Bucky blinked, breaking the spell.
“It’s okay, it was my fault,” Y/N whispered as her eyes looked back and forth between his eyes. “You know you have the prettiest eyes?”
Bucky huffed a laugh, his breath fanning her face. “That’s funny, cuz I think you have the prettiest eyes.”
“I’m being serious, Buck,” she whined, then held back a yawn.
“Yeah, okay, time to sleep,” Bucky said as he lifted himself up. Y/N sat upright on her bed as he stood before her. “Goodnight Y/N.”
“Goodnight Bucky. If you need anything I’ll be here,” she reminded him, giving him a sleepy smile.
“Alright, sleep well.”
“You, too.”
Bucky gave her one more smile before turning and leaving for his room next door. As he got ready for bed and settled into his new bed he sat and looked around him. The room alone was larger than his previous apartment. He was in a king size bed, his clothes in a mid century modern dresser that cost more than his rent inside a walk-in closet and a full bathroom with all the amenities one could ever want or need. Another smile spread across his face as he tried to accept that this was now his life. He didn’t know how long this was going to last, or what this weird relationship would be like even a year from now, but he was extremely grateful to Y/N for helping him at his lowest.
**I'm not sure the best way to tag people who requested to be tagged? I'm still pretty new to posting like this on Tumblr so please be patient with me. But I'm happy y'all are liking it so far!**
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes fanfic#bucky barnes x reader#marvel#smut#sugarbaby!bucky barnes#sugarmama!reader#sugar mama#sugarbaby#chapter 2#curvy reader#bucky barnes x curvy!reader
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Prompt: "Your my idiot sandwich."
Pairing: Luffy x Black!fem!info!reader
Warning: Fluff💞, bonding time with sanji, grammatical error.
Tag list: @euphoficc @luffyinlove @444katsuki @closet-degenerate

After finally meeting up with luffy and him introducing his crewmates to you, you decided to stay for a while. You also decided to cook for him like old times so you told sanji you'd be taking over the kitchen for two weeks, you also suggested he watch you cause you were about to teach him tricks in getting luffy to eat healthy.
🍽 You obviously had to wake up early, you were cooking for alot of people after all. So sanji would also be in the kitchen watching or cooking with you and you got to see a side of him you didn't know he had, always asked questions and looked at you for confirmation. "...like this?" He was a fast learner and everytime you complimented him, he would swoon. "Your compliments are the highlight of my day Y/n-swann~"
🍽 The aroma from your food always woke the strawhats up in the morning and it was always a ambrosial aroma, in the afternoon it was a savory aroma while dinner had an sweet or soft aroma. They loved being around the kitchen while you cooked because it always smelled heavenly. "Oi! Get out! no crowding in my kitchen!"
🍽 Now don't get me wrong, your cooking tasted as heavenly as it smelled and looked. When they first ate your cooking they cried- yes i'm going food wars with this shi -happy tears and the fact sanji cooked with you had them drooling as they ate (just the men though) but what got your heart leaping was watching luffy eat your food again. "Do you want more honey?"
🍽 The first time you made dessert they were confused at the shape and how it looked, not that it looked bad it just looked out of this world like what they would serve at a fancy restaurant. You then explained to them that the only reason it looked that way was to trick luffy into eating it. It had the supplements and vitamins he needed, apparently.
🍽 After the first three days you started to teach sanji your ways of trickery. "Now what i usually do is confuse him, make it look so sophisticated yet delicious that he'll want to know how it tastes." Sanji nodded taking note of how you decorated the snack. It was actually jello but made out of fruits and veggies.
🍽 "As dumb as my baby seems, he's not stupid, if he sees what he doesn't like he'll get rid of it." You said chopping the veggies into tiny pieces, caramelizing them then stuffing them into the marinated meat before frying. "I like to think 'out of sight, out of mind'." You winked at sanji before setting up the plates as he laughed "Your so smart y/n-swan!"
🍽 "Luffy doesn't get the concept of eating healthy, i struggled so much to feed him a lot of healthy stuff. So i stopped." You chopped the cauliflower into fingersized bites, putting them into a bowl and adding tumeric, breadcrumbs and olive oil before airfrying. You decorated the plate, drizzling the cauliflower that now looked like a chicken finger snack with a smooth peach coloured sauce. "I worked smarter not harder." You said tapping your temple. "What a clever woman you are y/n-san..."
🍽 "Illusion is a form of trickery." You poured the stirred fried veggies into the still frying egg before adding your tomato sauce and seasoning, scrambling them together with your chopsticks. The mixed meal now took on a red-brown colour, it looked like little pieces of chicken and it's aroma was savoury and mouth-watering. You poured a little ketchup letting it turn brown before turning off the stove. Sanji looked awe by the transformation. "You trick the eyes before the mind."
🍽 "Luffy likes fruits, but he won't eat them if he knows he has other options." You put the frozen strawberries and bananas into the blender, pouring some milk before blending. The light pink but thick paste was poured into a bowl, you gave it an enticing look; you decorated it with blueberries and cherries, before putting it in a tray ready to serve. "So i say make it his only option. Watch"
🍽 You walked out of the kitchen, hips swaying as you walked up to a laughing luffy. "Honey... I brought a little something for you." Luffy beamed at you. "Haha! Really?! Lemme see it!" He stood up running to you with a smile that slowly disappeared as he saw what you held. "Hah? What's that? Where's the meat?!" He tilted his head a scowl on his lips. "Sorry baby but this was all i could make in so little time." You batted your eyelashes at him a pout on your lips. "I made it just for you or you don't want it?" And that did it, luffy could never turn down anything from you especially if it was made just for him. "No! I'll eat it all! Thank you!" He pecked your cheek before running back to ussop and chopper. "Your a miracle worker Y/n-swan." Sanji wept.
🍽 Luffy loved when you made him traditional meals from your home. So you decided to teach sanji your ways even if he wouldn't make it as good as you. Sanji was a little lost when he saw the ingredients and how you prepared them but he trusted the process and boy was he in for a suprise when he tasted it. "Here." You dabbed a little on the side of his palm. He was confused on why you'd do that instead of using the tasting plate. "Enough with the questions and taste it." He shrugged his confusion off and brought the sauce to his tongue. "Woah and with all the seasoning you'd think they'd overwhelmed each other. How'd you do it?" You waved your fingers. "Magic."
🍽 "The trick is to make it look exactly like what he wants." You said using the kitchen torch on the leaf you tore from a clean cabbage giving it a slightly brown but cripsy look, rubbing the pepper paste you made earlier around it. This made it look like a tortilla before filling in the ingredients used in tacos and topped it off with small pieces of meat. "And voila! he won't even tell the difference."
🍽 "Sometimes i feel bad for making him eat things he doesn't like without his knowledge." You said waiting for the bacon sandwich in the oven to cook. After a while the timer clicked and you took it out then cut it into equal halves, putting it on the tray. You passed a pan filled with caramelized spring onions and boiled tomatoes on the way out before stopping and looking at sanji and smiling softly. "But then i remember I'm doing this cause i care about him. I love him." You left the kitchen with a wailing sanji. "So kind... Just how could that bastard get someone as considerate as y/n-swan! Just how!!!"
"Luffy has really fast metabolism so he tends to get hungry quickly even though he's had a feast." You smiled lovingly as you watched luffy eat the snack you made him, laughing as he appeared to be running away from ussop and chopper who wanted a taste "As someone with a rubber ability i figured as much, so he needs as much energy as he can get cause he burns them faster than he receives them." Sanji looked at you starting to get where you were going with this. "So please be patient with him." He was oddly quiet. "Leave it me Y/n-san." You turned around suprised at his vigor before you grinned, relief feeling your chest. "I'll leave it to you then!"
#one piece x reader#monkey d. luffy#mugiwara no luffy#one piece fanfiction#luffy x y/n#luffy x reader#one piece#luffy fluff#sunshine baby#fem reader#informant series#cooking with sanji
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Sharing is Caring
How [Midorya + Todoroki + Bakugou + Hawks] steal share food
A/N: I miss eating out but what can you do? Please, if possible for you, continue to stay inside as much as you can! I’m saying this bc the actions in these headcanons are not pandemic-friendly LOL Also, crack-ish?
Oh, what? This little angel can do no wrong, of course he would never take your food without asking and he rarely even asks for a bite of your food unless you offer it up.
Always shares what his mom packed for the day as well as any other meal he has.
Willingly eats the things you pick off your plate. You eat what he doesn’t like. A symbiotic relationship.
Once you guys get to a comfortable part of your relationship he does do weird things in order to be closer to you.
No matter what he uses the same soy sauce tray as you, even when there’s a perfectly good one right next to him.
If you’re eating takeout and it’s a picnic or somewhere outside/inconvenient he will use the same chopstick as you. Just...you take a bite, pass the chopsticks, and go back and forth.
Drinks from the same cup as you. Even if he’s pouring out a cup for everyone and pours a drink out for him too, he’ll drink from your cup and then once you guys are done with that you’ll both drink from his.
He loves it whenever you guys do share food though!! It makes him [heart squeeze~] doing such a cutesy thing. He feels 100% more affectionate whenever this happens.
He just likes being next to you. If you guys get street food and have to stab with the skewers into that tiny box or bag, it makes his day standing so close to you for a while.
Of course, when he first did this he almost died every time because of the mental image of indirect kissing.
It’s already canon that he offers up his precious soba whenever his close friends are feeling down.
Honestly such a baby boy.
This food sparks joy in me? It must do the same for them as well!
But once you guys get into the extremely comfortable part of your relationship the words “my food” and “their food” get erased from his vocabulary and is now completely replaced with “our food.”
When you guys go to a restaurant, you’re that couple that sits in the same booth seat, side-to-side, instead of across from each other.
He only orders one dish. The waiter will just stand there until Todoroki will be like, “We’ll order another if we’re still hungry.”
If you’re getting takeout, he’ll order two dishes but when you get home you’re still going to be sitting as close as ever eating from the same plate.
As a result every meal you have will always involve him sitting by your side.
The kind of person that never orders the same dish as you if you’re eating together.
It happens so frequently that Fuyumi bought this big old bowl for you two to eat from whenever you visit Endeavor’s house.
You guys are so lovey-dovey and roman -- 🤮 romant -- 🤮🤮 I can’t even say it. 🤮🤮🤮🤮
I mean it’s kinda economical, saving all this money sharing a meal.
Like a dog when they see you eat without them.
If you guys are having lunch and he ends up sitting on the opposite end of the table from you, one sound of you cracking apart your chopsticks will have him noooming over to your side to eat some too.
Quite honestly, if you try to eat without him he will physically fight you to take at least one bite too. He’s just jumping over you while you’re protecting your food from him like a football player with the ball.
[Aizawa: so...do any of you want to tell me how [Name] gave Todoroki a black eye?
Everyone starts talking over each other all at once while you’re saying, “I accidentally elbowed him in the face BUT that was my melonpan though!!” and Todoroki’s saying, “Our melonpan.”]
Kinda cute though because it becomes something you kind of just expect. He’ll buy like a boba, take a sip, and then immediately give it to your awaiting hands so you could taste.
The person you’re leeching food off of.
He’s like, “FUCK off!” and “Get your own!” but we all know the truth 😊😊
Even tries to pass off his affections by saying that the portion you took from him doesn’t have the recommended nutritional balance so he gives you more meat/vegetables/rice to “even it out.”
Sometimes he’ll even feed you straight from his chopsticks, just straight up shoving food in your mouth. He’ll be really aggressive and pushy but he’ll do it.
If he wants your food, he’ll just gruffly say, “Give me that,” and snatch it.
He anticipates you wanting to eat his food so even though he’s a spice fan he’ll tone it down for you when you steal some from him later in the day.
[People will be like, “Wow he’s such a doting boyfriend.”
And he’ll yell, “Mind your own shit! I don’t fucking feed [Name] all the time!” And then turn around to be like, “Here’s your napkin and I brought you utensils too.” sdfghkl]
[He’ll refuse to give anyone else food, and he’ll say some BS like, “No one is eating this but me!”
Kaminari is like, “but you’re sharing with [Name] right now!”
Bakugou: what of it?]
What if he lulls you into a false sense of security though.
He’s been lowering the spice levels this entire time leading you to believe that you’re getting better at spice and your tolerance has gone up but one day he just suddenly spikes it with spice and nearly kills you.
When you two cooked together you used to grab bites right in the middle of cooking and he told you off saying it was annoying but now he always calls you over to “taste test.”
This bastard.
Obviously he steals food from you all the time.
He even strategizes how to steal food from you in the most efficient way possible.
In more casual restaurants he’ll guide you to the seat that’s closer to the counter/bathroom/water dispenser and constantly asks you to go pick stuff up for him. That’s when he strikes.
Gets one of his feathers to tap you on the side/behind so when you turn your head he starts shoveling food when you aren’t looking.
Doesn’t wait for you when you go to the bathroom. You know this. He knows this. It’s survival of the fittest here.
You get so nervous whenever you get delivery food because if Keigo gets to it first he’s going to eat your fries.
Once he dipped his bare ass hands into your noodle dish and took the egg on top before you could stop him.
Every time he convinces you to rock-paper-scissors him for the last piece even if it’s your food.
Do y’all know that scene from Kung Fu Panda or Power Rangers where they move the last piece around the bowl and maneuvers it with the utensils so the other person can’t get it? If you’re a Pro-Hero too he’ll pull that shit on you.
This is gross but he doesn’t even care if you licked something or put it in your mouth to “assert dominance” over it. He’ll just get you to spit it out like a mom bird.
One time he came home early from patrol and found out that you were eating fried chicken without him so the two of you just stood there on opposite ends of the apartment with you staring at him like 👁️👄👁️.
[Hawks: I thought you were bae--
You: Keigo--
Hawks:...turns out you’re just fam. ]
He turns and goes back outside and goes get his own fried chicken and even gets himself a treat ice cream. Takes a picture and sends it to you and everything to gloat.
#midoriya headcanons#todoroki headcanons#hawks headcanons#bakugou headcanons#BNHA Headcanons#todoroki shoto#midoriya izuku#bakugou katsuki#hawks#keigo takami#keigo headcanons#todoroki x reader#midoriya x reader#bakugou x reader#hawks x reader#bnha#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#mha#mha headcanons#boku no hero academia headcanons#my hero academia x reader#my hero academia headcanons#boku no hero academia x reader
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Genre: angst, smut
Warnings: mature themes, dom!Mark, jealous!Mark, slight jaehyunxreader, mentions of alcohol
Word count: 3,6k
Author: SIN
You’re trying to figure out why Mark has been so mad at you since you both agreed on being friends with benefits, Mark on the hand is trying to figure out why the rules between him and Jaehyun were...different.
A/N: it’s angsty but it gets cute I promise! Also I wrote this after listening to Heavenly - cigs after sex! About a thousand times.
“When are you guys going to just speak to each other ?” Johnny groaned, following you into the fifth floor dorm kitchen as you placed your mug into the sink.
You turned around and sighed, leaning against the counter as the eager, tall browned haired boy waited for your answer.
“I told you I tried talking to him at Joy’s party last week but he snubbed me...what do you want me to do ?”
Johnny furrowed his eyebrows as if whatever answer you had given him was still not enough. He knew there was more to the story because how can a friends with benefits situation turn so fucking sour in a matter of four weeks ?
“You guys are childish” Johnny huffed, “this is why it should’ve never happened in the first place.”
“You’re the one that pushed us into his dorm that one night knowing we were drunk, what else did you expect to happen ?” You shot back, gripping the sides of the marble countertop.
“Uh...not fuck ?” Johnny shrugged and you shot him a glare before he raised his hands to defend himself,
“All I’m saying is that Mark ain’t the meanest guy around so if he’s mad then maybe it’s serious.”
Mark was stuck in the booth at the company building, unknowing that it was already past 11pm and most of the staff had gone home. His tired eyes ran over his lyrics for the 20th time, analysing each section, trying to improve what he had, but his mind was elsewhere.
“Knock knock” Mark swivelled his chair to the door and half smiled when he saw Jungwoo’s head pop in with a bottle of soju and chicken.
“What are you doing here man ?” Mark rubbed his eye, placing his lyric book on the soundboard and stretched his arms above his head. Jungwoo took a seat on the couch and unpacked the meal on the wooden coffee table in front of him,
“You’ve been here all day, you didn’t even meet us for dinner” Jungwoo pouted and handed Mark a cup filled with a mixture of soju and sprite.
Mark shot back the drink and sifted through the pieces of chicken, “yeah I was working, kinda lost track of time”
“You’ve been out of it for the past week, is everything okay ? Is this about....y/n ?” Jungwoo’s voice was cautious as he noticed Mark’s eyes narrow at the sound of your name.
“I told you all of that was over” Mark took a measly bite of the chicken and threw it aside, opting for another cup of soju instead.
“You never told me what happened though,” Jungwoo interjected, “all I know you guys were hooking up and next minute every time you two were in a room together it was tense as fuck.”
Mark chewed on his bottom lip and slumped in his chair knowing Jungwoo was going to pester him until he gave him a valid answer.
“Well after that first night we hooked up y/n laid down some ground rules, the usual you know” Mark explained, his thoughts going back to the first night that he spent with you,
“No feelings, freely hooking up with other people, no spending a full night together, no holding hands, like just none of that shit.”
“So just hooking up and leaving ?” Jungwoo raised his brow, his mouth filled with chicken.
Mark nodded, “yeah apparently to preserve our friendship and not make it weird for the friend group or whatever.”
As Mark spoke he felt the pain he felt 13 days ago, when everything had crumbled right before him. When instead of ignoring the matter he pondered on it, made it play in his mind and ruin him.
“What changed ?” Jungwoo poured the both of them another drink and joined Mark in downing their fourth shot for the night.
“What changed was, “ Mark let out a dry chuckle, “what changed was that y/n was also fucking Jaehyun but his rules were obviously very different.”
Mark’s mind flashed to the night he finished work late and when he walked by Jaehyun’s bedroom he heard your voice. You were softly moaning out Jaehyun’s name and not his.
“Y/n stayed the night in Jaehyun’s room and in the morning she barely greeted me and the two of them were being lovey dovey in the kitchen while making breakfast” Mark topped off his glass with a little more soju than the usual ratio and gulped it down.
“I had no right to get mad right ? Well a couple days later y/n came over I had to hear about how much Jaehyun’s date wasn’t good enough for him or why it was the reason y/n never got into relationships”
Mark’s head was spinning at this point and normally he hated over sharing but it just felt so good to finally let everything out. He had liked you for ages and even confessed to you once before the two of you actually hooked up. As usual you had brushed it over and Mark settled for hooking up instead, as you were “emotionally distant” you had told him.
But the way you reacted to Jaehyun seeing someone else told a different story all together. You were just like him, your feelings weren’t considered, you were only there for a quick no strings attached, that was all.
It made Mark so mad that he decided to cut you off completely. He stopped answering your texts and tried his best to avoid you at all costs. When you tried to contact him at Joy’s Party last week he wanted to tell you everything but then he heard you tell Haechan that he was not talking to you because “he was temperamental.”
You were so careless with his feelings that he wanted nothing to do with you, but every single time he caught a glimpse of you, he just wished he could’ve ignored his feelings and just continued the way you wanted to.
“We should get back to the dorm it’s getting late” Jungwoo sighed and cleaned up the takeaway boxes and stuffed the empty soju bottle into his backpack.
Mark mumbled a yes and got to his feet even though the room spun around him. He had no idea when he had gotten so intoxicated but it numbed the pain he felt...for the moment.
Jungwoo swung open the door of 10th floor and dragged Mark in, hoping everybody would’ve been asleep by now.
“Yooooo did we miss a party or something ?” Johnny yelled from the lounge and Jungwoo groaned under his breath.
Mark looked up wondering why the fifth floor boy was here and then he noticed Jaehyun seated next him followed by you sitting up close next to Jaehyun.
“Great” Mark mumbled under his breath as Jungwoo tried his best to hold him up.
Jungwoo propped Mark up on the bar stool as he got the younger boy a glass of water to ease his state.
“What the hell happened ?” You asked, slowly approaching the kitchen yet still keeping a safe distance from Mark who was practically sliding off the bar stool.
“Hey be careful” you scolded him, rushing to his side to prop him back onto the seat.
“Leave me alone y/n” Mark muttered as he shrugged out of your hold and propped his elbows up on the counter, burying his head in his hands.
Y/n is just trying to help man” Mark heard Jaehyun say followed by his footsteps approaching the kitchen alongside Johnny. Mark rolled his eyes and took a sip of the water Jungwoo had provided for him before pushing away from the counter and got to his feet.
“I don’t need help from any of you” Mark slurred his words as he tried to find his balance but to his dismay only had him crashing into Johnny.
“Seems like you do” Johnny pursed his lips and held the black haired boy up.
Mark uttered a few curses under his breath until you had enough and dragged him down the hallway into his bedroom and shut the door behind you.
“What the hell is wrong with you Mark Lee ?” You folded your arms as the boy stumbled back onto his bed and sunk into the soft mattress avoiding your eyes.
“Get out y/n” he said under his breath.
“No” you replied sternly and Mark groaned at your stubbornness.
“Why are you here ? Shouldn’t you be in Jaehyuns bed right now ?” Mark’s words made you frown, oblivious to his distaste toward the idea of you and Jaehyun being together.
“Mark” you cautioned and sat next to him on the bed, “can you please tell me what’s going on ?”
“You, him, us, everything” Mark rubbed his eyes and looked over at you, “y/n I’m trying to get over it and you’re not helping right now.”
“Get over what Mark ??!”
“You! Damn man, get over you” Mark yelled, his voice slightly breaking and his heavy breathing turned to soft sobs. You swallowed hard as you watched the guy you always had known to be the positive energy in the room sob over something you had done to him.
This was all your fault.
“Mark when did you-“
“Since a while ago, come on I even confessed to you” Mark wiped away his tear with his black sweater.
You Ofcourse remembered his confession but at the time you weren’t ready and neither was he, and the two of you agreed to stay friends. Then the hook up happened and in order to honor the deal of staying friends you enforced the rules. It was about two weeks of your escapades did Jaehyun kiss you unexpectedly while you were rummaging through his vinyl collection. One thing led to another and you were in his bed, allowing him to have his way with you and even let him convince you to spend the night.
You didn’t think much of it but Jaehyun was a sweet guy and for a second you entertained the idea of having a tiny crush on him, until the very next day he had mentioned Mark.
‘Mark really likes you y/n, how do you feel about him?’ Jaehyun had said while the two of you prepared breakfast.
Mark was great. He was more than great and someone like you didn’t deserve him you thought.
‘Mark’s cool’ you casually replied to Jaehyun knowing you suppressed a lot of feelings when it came to Mark, especially since you had already scrapped the idea of you two being together when he confessed.
‘I think you guys should give it a try’ Jaehyun had told you, which confirmed you and him were just going to be a one time thing.
When you had met Mark a few days later you kept thinking about what Jaehyun had said and the effect it had on you but you weren’t ready to make the first move. You went on to Mark about Jaehyun thinking he’d speak up about it and let you know that Jaehyun wasn’t good for you and you’d respond by kissing him and fixing everything,
But what happened after was not what you had planned.
You hurt him and played it off knowing Mark was head strong and he’d be back to normal the next week. You expected him to be back to his goofy self, ranting to you about God knows what and ending it with his classic “should we make out now or -“
You bit down on your lip as you looked over at Mark who had now fell asleep, his black locks falling over his swollen eyes as he peacefully fell into his slumber.
Not wanting to wake him or leave his side you opted for the floor, pulling an extra pillow from the closet and a rolled up foam mattress that was hidden at the back. Your heavy eyes finally closed but your heart still raced, not knowing how to overcome the situation you were in.
A few hours later Mark felt a throbbing in his temple and winced when he noticed the first light of morning shine through his window.
All those soju shots were now a regret as Mark sat up wishing his sleep never broke. As his mind recollected his thoughts of last night he quickly remembered you were the last person he spoke to before he passed out. About to step out of bed his hazy eyes quickly cleared to the sight of you, sound asleep on his bedroom floor.
“Y/n ?” He whispered, carefully stepping over you and crouching down to meet your frame.
“Mmm” you answered, eyes still closed but shifting uncomfortably thanks to the rising sun and the wooden floor.
“Y/n sleep on my bed, I’ll close the blinds” Mark rubbed your head until your eyes slowly opened and you began making your way into the warmth of his bed.
Mark felt uneasy as he watched you tuck yourself into his bed unsure of what to do with himself or where to go.
“Mark...” you mumbled.
“Y-yeah ?”
“You should get more sleep, you have a free schedule come here” Mark watched you shift over in the bed creating a space for him to lay down next to you.
In any other circumstance he’d just do it but now it was different. After last night it was all different.
“Coming...” he responded to you and slowly slipped under the covers, turning on his side to face you. He didn’t expect your eyes to be staring straight back at him.
“I’m so sorry” you said softly, lifting your hand and placed it on his cheek. Mark stayed still and quiet, still wary if you fully understood his outburst or not.
“I- don’t like Jaehyun like that, and he’s way more into you and I being together than me and him” you chuckled dryly,
“Mark I like you just as much, and I always have I’m just stupid, I was just...afraid.”
“Afraid of what ?” Mark raised his eyebrows cutely which made you smile from ear to ear and roll over onto your back to stare up at the ceiling.
“I don’t know, dating is scary and if anything happened we’ll never be friends again” you whined and you heard Mark giggle next to you,
“How can you think about what would happen if we break up before we’re even together ? That’s so stupid” He scoffed and you nudged him in his side.
“I’m serious, I’m sorry I was such a jerk and I want to continue whatever we have this time on your terms” you turned to him and Mark pressed his lips together and nodded,
“I want us to try it out, it doesn’t have to be serious, but I want you to stay over, I wanna hold your hand whenever I want” Mark pouted and enveloped his hand with yours, “and please no more Jung Jaehyun, dude can sing, cook, and God knows what else I can’t compete with.”
“You don’t have to compete because I only like you stupid, you’re perfect” you playfully pinched his cheek and Mark shifted closer to you.
“Officially dating ?” His large eyes looked up into yours,
“Officially dating” you giggled and Mark wasted no time in shifting his body until he was hovering over you. his thumb brushed over your bottom lip and he pressed his mouth against yours, sighing into the deep kiss. Your lips attacked each other excessively and passionately. Mark brought his body down onto yours as your hand tangled in his hair and the other grabbed onto his waist.
Mark pushed his hips into yours roughly, and you groaned at the friction of his Jean clothed member pushing against your core. Mark used your moan as a means to slip his tongue into your mouth as the two of you desperately tried to remove the constricting clothes between you.
“Fuck” Mark sat back on his heels and watched you reach between his legs to palm him through his jeans.
You quickly undid his button and pushed him back as he quickly shimmied out of his jeans and removed his sweater, leaving him in nothing but his black boxers.
Mark licked his lips as he watched you discard of your own clothes before bringing your face down to where his member was just begging to be touched.
Throwing his head back, Mark uttered a curse word as you pulled down his boxers and stroked his length slowly and skillfully. You watched him squirm beneath you as you teased his tip, bringing your tongue to it and flicking it while you pumped his member.
“Baby....” Mark said huskily, sending a shiver down your spine. His eyes were hooded as he looked down at your mouth wrapped around his dick, just waiting for you to suck him off.
You abided quickly and messily took him in your mouth while still using your hand to rub his length. Mark’s curses got even louder until he finally made you stop and pinned your back to the bed, looking down at you with devilish eyes.
“I’m not the one who needs to be punished here” Mark raised his brow as you shrugged innocently,
“But you’re a nice guy, you wouldn’t punish me” you pouted and Mark stuck his tongue in his cheek before giving you a quick smack on your thigh, “yeah that’s not gonna work on me.”
Your heart raced excitedly as Mark rid you of your bra and panties, spreading your legs enough for his frame to sit in between your thighs.
A shudder went through your body when Mark’s index finger traced your inner thigh and abdomen, making sure to dance close enough to your core but not giving it any attention.
“Seriously ?” You groaned, throwing your head back in frustration.
“What?” Mark asked innocently still tracing circles and tried to hide the obvious enjoyment he had from teasing you.
“Do you want me to beg you to touch me ?” You whined, arching your back hoping to somehow get to his touch.
“Hmm” Mark hummed and pulled his hand away, “sounds like a good idea.”
“Mark please touch me, please I -“ you didn’t care how desperate you sounded or if the whole dorm could hear you right now but there was nothing more you wanted than have Mark touch you.
“Okay but that’s only because I’m a nice guy” Mark smirked and slipped two fingers into your dripping core with ease. You let out a loud moan and normally Mark would silence you but right now he couldn’t care less. The more you moaned the faster his fingers moved and when you mentioned you were about to cum he added a third.
“Holy shit” you breathed as you came undone and felt even more light headed when you witnessed Mark lick his fingers clean.
Once he allowed you to catch your breath Mark positioned himself at your entrance and slowly slipped inside, the already wetness made him groan with satisfaction.
Finding his rhythm Mark began thrusting inside of you, grabbing your breast with one hand and your hip with the other to help him keep his pace.
You felt him stretch you out and it was the most exhilarating feeling having him inside you again. Mark was confident in bed and that was one of the most attractive things about him. For someone with a sweet face and an innocent demeanor he was so dominate and tantalizing in bed.
“Mark I’m gonna-“
“Me too” he grunted before flipping you over and grabbed a fist full of your hair and slammed inside of you again. The new position built your orgasm even faster as your ass hit against his abdomen every time he thrusted into you. Mark pulled you up, turning your head to the side as he bit into your shoulder and you screamed out his name continuously.
“Cum for me” Mark growled in your ear and those words were enough for you release your second orgasm. Mark quickly pulled out of you and stuffed his length into your mouth, groaning as you swallowed every bit of him and even cleaned up any remaining mess with your tongue.
“I missed that” Mark collapsed on the bed trying to catch his breath while you did the same.
“Me too” you hummed and rested your head on his chest as the two of you drifted off to a sweet slumber.
It was mid day and Mark and you snuck into the bathroom to quickly clean up after a quickie in the shower Ofcourse and arrived in the kitchen where the rest of Mark’s bandmates were.
The tenth floor boys and Johnny were all enjoying their lunch but their smug faces when the two of you walked out said it all.
“Well we’re dating now, so that’s out of the way” you grabbed a fry from the table and popped it into your mouth.
“Congrats” Jungwoo clapped, more interested in the food in front of him than the announcement he obviously saw coming.
“Hey maybe they didn’t hear anything after all” Mark whispered into your ear and placed a soft kiss on your cheek before sitting down to join the meal.
You shrugged and slipped into the seat next to Johnny, and watched as Yuta, Jaehyun, and Taeil shared a quick glance and smirk,
“I really didn’t take Mark for a begging kink kind of guy” Johnny said nonchalantly while the entire table erupted in laughter as you hid your reddened face and Mark choked on his glass of water.
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Ch. 10 - Just a Graduation
While the first was obviously a flop, you ended up being able to handle most first grade curses and even one special grade on your own. You felt that out of your three years at TJH, this single month contributed more toward your education than any other class you ever took.
When you weren't fighting curses or hanging around with the two of them, and, more specifically when you managed to get alone time with Gojo, you spent your time lip locked. Geto would lock his door for the night while you remained out on the Murphy bed, watching some kind of free film the hotel offered with your body against his. You didn't get past first base, though. Gojo had offered, but you played chicken. You had no experience whatsoever and didn't want to embarrass yourself. You tried to make a mental note to work on that for next time. You had also promised to keep things between you and Gojo, to which you told Geto every little exciting thing anyways.
On your last night, you decided to regroup with Geto in order to come up with the next plan to drive you even closer, romantically, with Gojo. To get away from the man himself, you two decided to walk along the beach. Considering the time of year, it was safe to say the water felt colder than you were used to.
"I want to see if he'll do anything naturally," Geto noted as the two of you walked side by side along the shore, your body trembling from the cold because, unlike Geto, you forgot to bring a jacket. You'd spent so much time in colder Tokyo that you thought it would be much warmer back home - so much for that. "Graduating is a pretty big thing so I'm thinking he may decide to do something on his own."
"And my birthday," you mumbled through chattering teeth.
"Really?!" He laughed as he was taken aback. "Quite the timing there."
"I'll say," you agreed with a small smile and your arms wrapped tightly across your chest to keep in your warmth. Geto laughed with you for a brief moment, thinking of what to say next.
Unfortunately, since you were walking in the dark, you failed to see the driftwood in front of you that the tide had brought in. Just before you were about to speak again you managed to trip and land face first into the sand, you gave a loud scream as you plummeted. With even more perfect timing, a wave also crashed into the shore - nearly drenching you in the cool water.
"Damn it," you hissed in pain as you came up with Geto's assistance. "Ow, ow, ow," you continued sitting on the sand, upright at this point, with your leg in immense pain.
"Ooo," Geto winced when looking down at your leg. A piece of shell somehow managed to lodge itself in your muscle. It was tiny but still managed to hurt like hell. "We'll have Shoko look at that when we get back. It's small enough that we should be able to bandage it." As he spoke, he carefully pulled the piece from your leg - a good bit of blood coming with it. He then helped you fully to your feet, you babying your hurt leg. "Here," he started taking off his jacket and forced you to put it on. "Between tonight and when we went bowling... do you own any suitable coats?"
"I mean, I have a light jacket. I just left it in the room," you laughed and snuggled into the fabric. You tried your best to ignore how much it smelled like him. "But I don't have a winter coat. Never really needed one."
Geto rolled his eyes and then suddenly maneuvered to scoop you up. You gave a small squeak when he did so. "Gotta' get you back," he noted as he hiked you up against his chest, "clean that wound up before it gets infected."
"If only you were Gojo," you giggled as he began walking back toward the hotel. The darkness luckily hid your blush.
"I mean...I can call him down here," Geto seriously offered.
"No, no," you replied quickly, "this is embarrassing."
"I don't think he'd care, but alright," Geto carefully shrugged. "Looks like I get to be your Prince Charming tonight."
"Stop joking," you nudged him in his ribs with your elbow. He gave a low, satisfied chuckle and kept walking.
Unfortunately, as the trip concluded, you were unable to visit your home, but you figured you'd see your mother on graduation day anyway. Gojo and Geto also lived up to their promise and recommended you as a first grade sorcerer. You hoped that during your assignment that you could live up to that status. Though your month with them was successful, you still felt as if you had some ways to go to deserve that title.
Graduation had arrived quicker than you thought. The ceremony over even quicker than that. Not to mention you had made it to your nineteenth birthday. With only four graduates, it was a relatively quick ceremony with a few speeches and a simple handing out of the diplomas. Your classmates' parents were all seated in one section, your mother one of them, and the mentors that assisted with your final exams in another. It was all so lackluster that you hardly felt as if you'd accomplished anything. Thinking about it, the ceremony was only forty-five minutes and the very next day you'd be home again in Okinawa completing your assignment.
As the ceremony concluded, your mother happily jogged up to you.
"Hey, sweetie!" She smiled wide, stars in her eyes. "I'm so proud of you! Your father was supposed to be here, too, but...I'm sure his other family got in the way." You could sense the hostility in her voice.
"Thanks, Mom," you smiled sweetly in return and accepted her overly tight embrace. You tried to ignore her notes on your father.
You were very young when things wen sour, but you still loved him. Honestly, recalling the events - it was finances that divided them, not something personal like cheating. Though, then again, some awful things were said when you'd overhear their fights. You knew from your phone calls with him that he felt uninvited with your mother there - which you understood completely.
"So this is Mom?" Gojo chuckled from behind you, causing you to jolt from his sudden appearance.
"You must be the legendary Gojo!" Your mom continued smiling, offering a small bow in greeting. It was clear she was about to attempt some kind of schmoozing.
Gojo gave a small nod in return, "the one and only. This here's Geto Suguru." He motioned to Geto who was, of course, standing next to Gojo - the inseparable pair.
Geto took his hand out of his pocket to give a small wave, putting it right back as soon as he finished. "Nice to meet you," he added nervously. You'd never pegged him to be the shy type, but here he was - quiet as ever.
"So your placement wasn't Tokyo, but at least it's your hometown!" Gojo began the conversation. "Are you happy to have her home, Ms. L/N?"
"Lots of packing and moving to do first, but yes, it'll be great to have her home again," she gave you an endearing smile. "It's been pretty quiet without your father around."
"Y-yeah," you looked down in an attempt to clear your mind. You hated it when she brought him up, she didn't deserve that excuse. "Anyway, Mom, we should go get packing. They want us out by tonight."
"Right, right, and we've got our flight this evening, too," your mother nodded in response.
"How about we help?" Gojo suddenly offered. "The four of us could get it knocked out in no time. In fact, why don't the two of you go out for one last lunch in Tokyo for a bit and when you come back we can start packing?"
"Wow, Gojo, seriously? You'd do that?" You asked in a bit of disbelief. This had to be Geto's idea.
"Of course! It's your birthday after all, isn't it?" Gojo nudged Geto as he made direct eye contact with you through his lenses. You gave a shy nod, cheeks blushing from Gojo's attention.
"Then it's settled!" Gojo exclaimed, pointing a finger in the air. "You two go out, have fun. Geto and I will finish up what we're supposed to do here and we'll regroup, let's say, around two?"
"Those two are nice," your mother noted as the two of you sat down at a restaurant not far from the school.
"Gojo and Geto?" You chuckled as you picked at the food in front of you. "Sometimes they can be."
"So Gojo," she continued, "he's obviously pretty. Is he...someone you're interested in?"
"Pretty?" You snorted. "I guess that's one way to put it." She smiled at you knowingly. "If you're asking if I like him, the answer's yes. We've...thought about going out." That was one way to put what you'd been doing during your final project.
She reached across the table to put a gentle hand on yours with a sweet smile. "I'm so proud of you. I'm glad to know you've been able to make friends and grow as a sorcerer. And to have such a fine prospect,"
"Thanks again, Mom," you blushed and rolled your eyes. You'd rather not continue to discuss any more details involving Gojo.
"And that Geto," she sidetracked, "not so bad either," she wiggled her eyebrows before retracting her hand to grab her chopsticks.
"Mother!" You growled at her, hoping other patrons couldn't hear. You felt your face immediately get hot at the mention of his name and she chuckled at your obvious embarrassment.
After a well-deserved graduation/birthday lunch, the two of you made your way back to the campus dorms. When you arrived at your door, Gojo and Geto were nowhere to be found.
"They'll probably show up soon. It was their idea after all," you mumbled to your mother, but more-so to yourself, as you put your key in the lock.
Just as you opened your door, you were greeted with loud pops and the sound of party horns.
"Happy birthday, Y/N!" The pair shouted from the middle of your room which was littered with balloons and streamers. Gojo stood in some kind of action stance filled with enthusiasm as Geto carefully held a cake with several lit candles.
You felt a mix of emotions in that moment. You were partially embarrassed, partially irritated, but completely grateful all in one. You felt a few stray tears of joy at the corner of your eye as a smile crept upon your face. You blew out the candles, making one wish in particular.
"How nice," your mother cooed, "have anything to cut that? We can have some slices before we pack."
"Will this work?" Gojo lifted a plastic knife out of his pocket with a shit-eating grin.
After cake and as soon as everything was packed up, Gojo happily gave his goodbye - a simple peck on the cheek. Your mother had gone with him, specifically to go find Yaga and finish up some paperwork regarding your graduation. This left you and Geto alone for a few final moments, at least for the next year.
"So this is it," you flattened your lips awkwardly as the two of you stood in a nearly empty room, save for the school-provided furniture.
"Yep," Geto replied with his hands stiffly in his pockets. "We'll miss you around here."
"Yeah, I'll miss being here. But the plan is to come back," you smiled, "and when I do, that means you're back to wingman duty."
"Don't worry, I don't plan on quitting now," Geto winked, "we've made some excellent progress."
"Make sure you keep that between us. Remember, he told me not to tell you," you warned.
"Yeah, yeah," Geto waved his hand to dismiss your reminder. "Just go get some work done," he teased, "then get back here as soon as you can."
"Got it," you gave a single, stern nod.
Geto opened his arms up, to which you accepted his embrace. The silence between you two was deafening. The cold, empty room made it much sadder than it needed to be. Just a year, you reminded yourself. You took a deep breath as the hug lingered for longer than needed. His scent was just as intoxicating as Gojo's. The way his arms gently cradled your back felt heavenly. You tried to keep your mind off of that idea and tried to force yourself into a more platonic state.
"Goodbye, Sugu," you blushed, using his nickname for the first time. You could tell by his sudden, shifted facial expression that it got to him.
"Goodbye, Y/N," he smiled back despite looking a bit tense. "See you when you get back."
Once you were all packed and safely home after a quick plane ride, you texted Geto from your childhood bedroom.
"You're full of surprises," you wrote.
"What? That birthday party thing?" Geto texted back. "That was all Gojo this time."
#geto suguru x y/n#geto suguru x reader#geto suguru x you#suguru geto x reader#suguru geto x you#suguru geto x y/n#getou suguru x y/n#getou suguru x you#getou suguru x reader#suguru getou x y/n#suguru getou x you#suguru getou x reader#suguru getou#getou suguru#geto suguru#suguru geto#jjk#jujutsu kaisen
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Chapter 5: An Old Friend
Warnings: this one is mostly fluff, so I don’t think there are any warnings. Maybe references to past trauma? If I’m missing one please lmk!
Author’s Note: Chapter 5!! Enjoy!!
(gif gotten from javierian)
After the little…. predicament with the last mission…. you couldn’t deny that you had gotten closer with the anonymous man you had been living with.
You made pleasant conversation, never too deep, but you felt more comfortable in his company. You had felt the same way with Peli… but this was different.
Your heart rate would increase whenever he would talk to you, and your mood would increase as well. You were excited to get to know him! This man who had taken you in knowing absolutely nothing about you. The least you could do was make him feel comfortable around you, and that didn’t even feel like enough.
It made you happy when he would ask you questions, like “did you enjoy the dinner last night” or “how did you sleep.”
It felt good to have someone be curious and care about you in your present state, not just your past or your abilities. And you loved to ask him questions too.
If you were lucky, he would tell you a story about an old job he did, and those were the best. It was like getting little pieces to a much larger, beautiful puzzle. A puzzle you prayed you would see finished by the end of your time with him.
The best interaction you had, by far, was when he finally ate with you.
It had been a nice day. You guys had stopped for supplies and it felt good to stretch your legs a little bit.
You found a great little food stand that had fresh meat and vegetables, and you knew you could make a delicious meal out of it. You shared your excitement with Mando, who nodded and helped you carry the supplies back to the crest.
Once you made it back and put all the supplies down in the incredibly tiny kitchen, you went to work.
You used amazing spices that you hadn’t tasted in weeks on the meat, and made sure to brown the vegetables in the same pan you used for the meat. That way they would soak up the amazing rendered flavors that the meat left over. After that, you put it all together in a pot and poured savory chicken broth in to mix the flavors.
Your stomach was grumbling at the smell alone.
The kid was hungry too, you could tell by the way he stared at you while you worked, so you made sure to save a hefty serving for him when you poured the meal into serving bowls.
You gave the little guy his serving and set yours right next to his on the dining table. You then carried Mando’s serving to the cockpit to give it to him.
You had an idea…. and you hated how you got your hopes up that he would agree.
You stood behind the pilot’s chair for a moment, until you finally took a deep breath and said, “Dinner is ready.”
Mando spun around in his chair and took the bowl from you.
“This smells amazing. Thank you,” he said and got up to walk to his room. He always ate in there because of his creed, and you felt a pull on your heartstrings every time you would think about him eating all alone. You wanted him with you and the kid. You felt full when you three were together, and Mando eating alone felt like you were leaving him out. You knew what that felt like, and you never wanted to inflict it on others.
This was it. This was the moment.
“Wait,” you said, and he turned back around to you, still holding the bowl in his hands.
Every time he looked at you straight on you felt your nerves creep up your spine and your hands become fidgety. You felt cheesy and stupid. This man was basically your roommate, not some partner you needed to impress.
But why does it feel that way?
“I uh… I was thinking that maybe.. we could figure out a way to eat together? I feel bad that you have to eat alone in your room, so maybe I could.. I don’t know.. turn around? And get the kid to do that as well? If you aren’t comfortable with that I totally get it, I just.. feel really bad that you don’t have anyone to eat with,” you say.
Of course he will say no. Why would he trust someone to just “turn around?” As if they wouldn’t want to catch a glimpse?
Your hopes were sinking every moment he stood in silence, and you weren’t liking your chances.
He looked down at his bowl and then back up at you, and these were the moments you wished he wasn’t so good at hiding his emotions. You wanted to see and feel what he was thinking, but he was impenetrable. He was like a stone wall, and you hated it.
He sighed, obviously thinking about what you said, and you just waited. You didn’t want to pressure him anymore. He can make his own decisions, and you can deal with them.
“If I do that,” he says, “you have to swear to me… you won’t turn around. And you won’t let the kid turn either.”
Your eyes widened.
It worked, you think. How the hell did that work?
“I swear Mando. I will not turn around on any circumstance, and I will do everything in my power to keep the kid at bay. If he doesn’t want to cooperate, I will eat with him away from you just to be safe. I promise,” you say and he nods.
“Ok,” he mumbles, and you smile at him. A genuine smile. A smile that says all the things you wish you could say, but are too afraid.
You hoped he wasn’t as good at reading people as you were.
“Ok. Let’s go,” you say and he follows you back to the table.
“Ok kid. You’ve gotta turn around for me ok,” you say to the kid and he babbles something incoherent.
“Thank you for the compliment on the food. I’ve known that recipe for a while,” you say with a giggle while turning his chair around.
You turn yours around as well and grab your bowl to set on your lap.
You and the child are now facing away from Mando, eating your dinner, and you couldn’t be happier.
Your belly slowly becoming more full calms your excitement, until you hear a small hiss and the sound of metal scratching the floor.
It’s off. Mando’s helmet is off.
You take a deep breath and close your eyes.
He did it. He really trusts me to do this.
You hear the sounds of him eating the soup and you swear this couldn’t get any better.
You go back to eating with a huge grin on your face, and you keep the child in your peripheral vision to make sure he doesn’t turn either.
You had connected with him through the force a couple of times since your first meeting. You had gotten better at reading the little one, and you could see just a faint look of understanding in his body language.
He didn’t waver. He didn’t squirm. He just ate as still as he could, and you were so grateful.
Seriously? This was all it took for the kid to behave, you wondered to yourself
Mando mumbling, “This is really good,” shatters through your thoughts like ice.
Mando’s voice. His true voice, just hit your ears for the first time ever, and you wanted it burned into your brain forever. You never wanted to hear anything different.
It wasn’t just the sound of it, but the feeling. You could hear the gratitude in his voice and it sent chills down your arms.
It was him. His voice. Something no one could ever replicate. It was truly his own.
“Thank you,” you say and take another sip of your soup. Your appetite has basically vanished at this point, and your ears just yearn to hear more.
“I think the kid is enjoying himself,” you say, and you pray you get Mando’s rarest gem of all in its rawest form.
And you do.
He gives a soft chuckle of a laugh. “Yeah, I think so too,” he says and takes another bite.
If you dropped dead right now, you would die a happy woman.
How do you even iterate what that felt like? What it felt like to hear this big, scary, metallic man give off something so vulnerable to you.
Had other people heard this at all? Maybe not even since he was a child?
Your hands started to shake from the endorphins and you finished your bowl. You took the kid’s bowl as well and placed it inside your own and just sat. Just soaked in this happy moment that you never wanted to end.
If only you knew how big of a smile Mando had on his face behind you.
A few days pass and the energy on the ship is the best it’s ever been.
You had eaten dinner together every day since then, and you wondered how something so simple could make you so….happy.
Mando was at his pilot’s chair (as usual) and he called for you to come to the cockpit.
Luckily it was pretty late, so the kid was passed out.
You made your way to the cockpit and saw that Mando had an image broadcasting from the ship’s holoprojecter. The image was of a man with a darker skin tone and flecks of grey in his hair. He looked like he had been through a lot, as his clothes were slightly tattered and ripped.
“I’d like you to hear this,” Mando said before pressing play.
The man in the image proceeded to explain how ranks of ex- imperial guards were ruling over his city and they needed Mando’s help to take them down. He proposed that Mando return to Nevaro and bring the child as bait, and once they got near the client, Mando would kill him.
The man said that if Mando succeeded, he would have his name cleared in the Guild and he can keep the child.
The clip ended and Mando turned to face you.
“What do you think,” he asked, and you looked to the floor with knit eyebrows, thinking.
“Bringing the child as bait is incredibly risky, but if you trust that man, I don’t see a problem with it. You can take down ex- Imperial guards no problem,” you say, and he nods.
“I’m just confused how you even know that man,” you say.
“He’s… an old friend,” Mando says, and you don’t like the sound of that.
“We kinda got off on the wrong foot last time we talked,” he said, and you nodded.
“So… he is saying you get to keep the child if you succeed, but we have had him this whole time?”
“There’s something you need to know,” he says, and he goes to explain how he really got the child, and how he has been being hunted by the Empire this whole time.
Throughout the explanation, you listen intently, nodding and keeping eye contact with Mando.
You would think that the fact that the Empire had been on your tracks the whole time would scare you, but it doesn’t.
It fuels you. You three were pissing the Empire off, and there was nothing you liked doing more.
You felt powerful. Unstoppable. For once you were making them mad, not the other way around. And you liked it.
You are not angry at Mando, not even a little. You feel relieved.
This perfect man who had given you nothing but happiness….wasn’t perfect. You had so many demons, and you found someone who did too. Someone who did something bad for the right reasons. You found a good person, who did the right thing because it was right. He had a good heart rather than an ego, and he let you in on something so precious to him. This child.
And you were not gonna let the galaxy rip him away.
Once he finished, you took a deep breath. You looked at him and smiled.
“You know…I am pretty relieved Mando,” you say, and he cocked his head to the side slightly in confusion.
“I thought you looked like that under the helmet,” you say, gesturing with your head to the sleeping green creature behind you, and you laugh.
Mando’s shoulders relax, and his grip on the arm rests of the pilot’s chair softens.
“Seriously Mando, it’s ok. You did the right thing. 99% of people would have just dumped the kid and left. I am proud of you. I am proud to be on this mission,” you say.
“If saving a baby from the Empire gets me arrested, then by all means let them arrest me.”
Mando’s shoulders shake a little. It probably felt incredible to get this off his chest. He had been keeping this from you for a while.
I wonder if eating with me helped him trust me more?
“Ok,” he breathes out of his helmet. “Good. I was hoping you’d stay.”
“Oh I’m staying alright,” you say and he gives a breathy laugh.
“But this is your decision Mando. I am up for going or staying. I know you understand there are risks in both options,” you say, referring to the offer the man on the recording had given you earlier.
“Whatever you want to do. I trust you,” you say and his head snaps back to make eye contact with you.
You give him a weak smile, and allow what you said to sink through his beskar and into his skin.
I. Trust. You.
After a moment, he turns back to his controls and stares into space.
If you’re being honest, you have no idea what you would choose. If you don’t go, the kid will keep being hunted and at risk. If you do go, that man could betray you and get you all killed.
Mando is in deep thought, as are you, and you jump a little when he starts punching coordinates into the controls.
“Sorgan? Why Sorgan?” you ask.
He turns to face back to you, and you can only imagine the cocky smirk he has on his face.
“An old friend.”
Tag list:
@leahkenobi @pinkninja200 @bookloverfilmoholic @farfromjustordinary
#din djarin#mando#din djarin imagine#din djarin x you#din djarin x reader#din djarin fluff#the mandalorian fanfiction#the mandalorian x you#the mandalorian x reader#the mandalorian
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A Little TLC
No one has been able to get Tony out of his lab for days. It's almost been a week since he locked himself in there and has so far refused to come out for any reason. On day two, they tried to reason with him, and on day four, they tried to convince FRIDAY to unlock the door. Both attempts were obviously unsuccessful. Unfortunately, the only person who could persuade him to unlock the door was on a top-secret mission halfway across the world. It was actually his absence that caused this whole mess, but they are impatient for Steve's return.
He should be arriving soon enough, but they hadn't been able to contact him for that week because of that, so he had no idea what mess he was walking into. Natasha was the first person to greet him when he walked through the elevator doors and into the common area.
"Go talk to your boyfriend," she stated in her usual neutral tone, but her eyes gave away her concern.
Nat wasn't really the affectionate type, but everyone knew that she cared (well, most of the time anyway).
"What's going on?" he asked, confused at her unusual welcome.
"Starks been in his lab since the day after you left for whatever mission Fury sent you on."
"He's been in there for five days?!"
"Yes. We tried to get him to come out, but he just told us to "fuck off and mind our business.""
He sighed. "Yeah, that sounds like Tony."
"You have thirty minutes before Thor breaks the door into tiny pieces."
To say that Tony had been in a bad mood would be the understatement of the century. It has only come to that one time since the Avengers banded together, and no one wanted a repeat of the aftermath. Steve went straight to his personal lab and knocked on the door.
"Tony, I'm home. Let me in."
"Later, Rogers. I need to finish this."
"Tony, I know you've been there for almost a week. You need a break. Come on out, I'll make you something to eat, and we can talk."
"I don't want to talk. Leave me alone. I'll come out when I'm finished."
He sighed again, he really didn't want to force him out, but it didn't look like he really had a choice. Ever since they became an official couple, Tony gave him a unique code to get into the lab to use for emergencies only. The original idea was for "sexual emergencies" as Tony put it, but this worked too. He put in the code, and the door opened.
"I told you-put me down!"
Steve didn't say a word. He walked straight to him and picked him up fireman style. Tony continued to demand to be put down and for him to leave him alone, but it was no use. Not only because of the super-soldier serum but also because of the lack of self-care on his part. It's not easy to kick and scream when you are working on no sleep or nutrition. Thankfully, no one had been around to witness this, or they had enough self-preservation to not say anything.
* * *
They are finally back in their shared bedroom. Tony had pretty much exhausted himself struggling against him, which he has now given up on. Steve let him use his chest as a pillow as they lay on the bed. He turned on the TV for some background noise. Tony is still trying to fight off sleep, but it shouldn't be long before he loses that battle too.
"It's okay, rest. I'll make you Chicken Cacciatora when you wake up."
Tony hummed in response. His mother used to make him Chicken Cacciatora on special occasions and taught him how to make it himself before going off to MIT. Steve could tell the moment he fell asleep, his body completely relaxed against him, and his breathing evened out. Finally. They were going to have that talk, but for now, he would enjoy the feeling of Tony asleep against him.
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oppa! | ot7 (prologue)
Description: Being raised by a caring yet distant father, a close, tight-knit family is the one thing you have craved in your short life. After your adventurer father remarries a rich woman, you’re stuck with seven new brothers. Seven very hot, very different men.
This is not what you meant by family.
(Based on the anime and game Brother’s Conflict, but with a twist.)
Genre: Fluff | romance | later angst and smut. PG
WC: 2k
Warnings: For this chapter, none other than cursing.
(After some readers wanted me to post Oppa! on Tumblr, I have delivered! I really hope y’all like this haha)
[ The prologue delivers hints on who each brother will be. These hints will be bolded. Some will be very apparent, some will not. ]
Rubbing your head, your eyes glazed over the notes you took from yesterday’s lecture in preparation for today. Were you on drugs when you wrote these? It looked like chicken scratch. Was that drool in the corner?
Your ears perked up at the strains of loud music coming out of your friend’s Airpods. Hyerim, your closest friend at University, seemed oblivious as she bopped her head to the hard beat. Several classmates around the lecture hall noticed too, yet weren’t as accommodating as you and sent judgemental looks towards Hyerim.
“Hyerim,” you whispered, aware that class was starting in a few minutes. She didn’t respond, still nodding along to the music.
Pursing your lips, you plucked the small pod out of her ear. “Hyerim, your music—”
She gasped, eyes lighting up in excitement. “You liked it? Okay, so I was listening to this random rapper on SoundCloud—”
“Your music's too loud —” you hissed.
“—but the real feature is the producer, who made this beat. His name is Yoongi—” Hyerim continued on obviously, caught up in her own world.
“—that’s lovely, but can you turn your music down—” you pestered, looking around worriedly.
“—but his producer name is Gloss and he’s so talented and hot and his voice —”
Seeing the majority of the seats in the hall being filled up, you clamped your palm over her lips. She let out a whimper, finely shaped brows frowning at you.
“Have you not noticed the five separate glares you are currently getting at this moment?” you said between gritted teeth, enunciating each constant hard. You stared down each person around you who was giving Hyerim looks and, embarrassed, they averted their eyes and busied themselves with something.
“Oh wait, what?” Hyerim exclaimed. Closing a fist over her AirPod, the music continued and her eyes widened as she realized how high she had turned up the volume.
Hyerim turned to the person on her other side. “I am so sorry,” she said apologetically, the random student smiling awkwardly in acceptance.
Rolling your eyes with an unbidden smile poking at the edge of your lips, you turned back to the disaster of your notes. How were you supposed to understand this lecture when you barely wrapped your head around the last one? However, you honed in on your Calculus woes to ignore how your phone burned in your pocket and the latest text you got from your father...
So focused on your lamentation, you didn’t notice the boy behind you clear his throat. Nor did you notice the second or third time he did, each one getting progressively louder. As you attempted to retrace the argument on your paper, you felt a tap on your shoulder.
“Excuse me?”
Whipping your head around, you craned your neck upwards to see where the tap had come from. To your surprise, you saw a very cute-looking boy, bangs pulled into a top knot, smiling apologetically at you from behind you.
“Hi! Yeah, do you need anything?” you smiled.
A blush rose on his chiseled cheekbones and he rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m super sorry to bother you about this, but I dropped my charger right next to your chair. I- uh, would you mind—?”
“Of course! No worries, it happens,” you comforted, bending down to get the coiled white wire from where your bag sat. “Here you go.”
He got up from his seat to hunch over the lecture hall desk to meet you in the middle. You eyed the large difference between each of your hands’ as you handed back the charger, as well as how huge his shoulders seemed up close.
“T-Thanks, I really appreciate it.”
“No problem,” you replied, turning around to open your laptop.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Hyerim’s mouth partially open in disbelief.
“You need something?” you prodded.
“I—” she took a glance at the boy behind you, as if confirming something— “I’ll tell you later.”
Shrugging, you zeroed in at the lecturer at the front of the hall.
“Alright, so what was that about?”
Your Calculus lecture had just ended, and the two of you were in the mob of students leaving the lecture halls to get to lunch.
Hyerim looked surreptitiously around, black bangs swishing around her face. She leaned in like she was about to share the juiciest piece of gossip, and you unconsciously did so too.
“Did you know who that is?” she asked, her voice a whisper.
You felt your forehead crease and you gave her a look. “No, I did not.”
“Really?!” Hyerim pitched her voice high in disbelief.
You gave her a dry look.
It was her turn to roll her eyes. “Sometimes, I swear you’re in your own world, Y/N.”
Incredulous, you opened your mouth to argue but she waved a hand in front of you.
“That was Jeon Jungkook, Y/N! How do you not know him?”
“Oh yeah,” you snapped your fingers. “He’s that Streamer dude, right? He games and shit.”
Hyerim nodded slowly.
However, you frowned. “I heard he was intimidating and cold and stuff. Are you sure that was him? Charger boy was super nice.”
“That’s the point! It was Jung Jungkook and I have never seen him acting this soft. What did you do, ma’am? Snap him? Flash him?”
“Who do you think I am?” you sputtered. “All I was doing was thinking about how much I hated Calculus, not— not seducing someone!”
Your friend gave you a suspicious look, but decided to let go of the topic. Shaking your head, you walked past the gates of Yonsei university and into the city proper on the lookout for your favorite food place. The beeping of horns, buzzing chatter, and the small of smog filled the air as you zig-zagged between side streets to avoid busy roads.
“Excuse me,” you muttered as you pushed your way through a mob of women all entranced by something above you. Since they were not moving, you huffed and decided to see what was worth all the hype.
It was a huge, flashing LED billboard that was the central focus of the square. On it, a very sensuous looking man with blond hair and a velvet, tight-fitting suit doing some very slick moves in a dark concert hall.
Happy Birthday Jimin! It read in bright white font.
“Wah, oppa is so handsome!” a woman, who must’ve been 5 years older than the man on the screen squealed behind her white medical mask. “I’m so glad our ad turned out well.”
Her friends agreed and ooh and aahed along with her. You turned around to see if Hyerim was following you but she stood, entranced, with the mob of women on the sidewalk.
“You can thirst over him later, preferably when I am well fed,” you snapped irritably, pulling at the pink flowy material of her blouse.
She pouted but acquiesced, taking your hand as you dragged her though the intersection. All you were focused on were some good dumplings, after the mental aerobotics Calculus had forced on you and the emotional stress your father was putting you through. As you turned the corner, you breathed a sigh of relief as you saw no line.
Nestled between a large office building and a parking deck, this tiny Japanese restaurant was a favorite among Uni students for its cheap prices and good food. You usually had to arrive here early to beat the line of students and office workers that gathered here for their dinner breaks.
The cute sign that said Umaido flashed brightly above your head as you entered the restaurant. To the side of the main sigh, a smaller print reading “by the RM Group” glowed, subdued.
Waving over a pimply teen, you ordered two servings of gyoza and waited for Hyerim. She ordered a very conservative meal of sushi and some salad, and you both watched the waiter retreat. Something glossy caught the attention of your eye, and you saw some magazines on the shelf next to your head. The main one in the middle, which looked like a new age artsy publication with a cult following, was simply titled with a white V at the bottom corner.
Like a robot that was powered off, you collapsed in your seat and put your head in your hands. You really did not want to look at your phone.
“Was Calculus really that bad?” Hyerim winced in sympathy, neatly patting your head.
“It isn’t Calc,” you mumbled. “It’s Dad.”
Her expression turned down even more. “What happened?”
Lifting your head from your arms, you propped your chin on your palm and looked out the window. “You know, you’d expect for someone to give you important news in person or at least over a phone call, right?”
“Yeah?” Hyerim asked, lips pursed in confusion.
“Like, if you got remarried or something , you would at least tell your loved ones in person or at least over the phone, right ?”
“... Shit, Y/N.”
Fumbling for your phone in your bag, you ignored the notifications and pulled up your latest conversation. “Look what he texted me this morning!”
Hyerim took your phone and scrolled through it with a manicured fingernail.
Dad : I wish I could call you, but I’m somewhere with limited service.
Dad : I just wanted to let you know I got remarried to this amazing woman, Kim Seoyeon, a few days ago. We met and just clicked, something I haven’t felt since your mom.
Dad : She has seven sons, all of them are grown up. I’m worried about you living on your own, so I’d like you to move in with them. Details coming soon. Love you.
Hyerim was speechless, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. “I’m sorry, what?”
“My dad has gotten spontaneously remarried to some random woman and now wants me to move in with her sons. Like, geez, it’s not like life changing news was delivered to me in less than a hundred words!” you hissed, voice getting higher and tinged with a bit of hysteria.
“Your dad sucks,” Hyerim pronounced, taking a pointed sip of her iced water. “Seriously.”
“Hey, my dad is not that bad,” you defended. “It’s just… he’s a bit distant. Absent-minded. But he’s cared for me in the best way he could.”
“You and I have very different definitions of what constitutes good parenting, Y/N. This man left you largely on your own since you were five, and now he gets worried about you living on your own? Something's not right,” Hyerim retorted.
Ignoring her in favor of the food that arrived, you practically inhaled twelve of the fried gyoza. Rolling her eyes at your typical running-away behavior, she primly dipped a piece of sashimi in soy sauce and took a dainty bite.
“So? What’s the plan? Are you going to stage a rebellion and stay in your apartment, or go stay with some random men?”
Your response was cut off as cheers broke out from the corner of the restaurant, where a large group of men and women were huddled together.
“Cheers to our National win!” a man announced, his face already a bit flushed. “To Neuron!”
“To Neuron!” the group cheered loudly, and lifted up their shot glasses in celebration.
“To our leader, J-Hope!” the same man pronounced brightly, some sake sloshing over the tip of his cup.
“Hoseok!” the group whooped louder, more rounds going around.
As their cheers quieted down, you turned back to Hyerim. “I don’t know. I think I’ll decide when I meet them. They could either all be idiots or they could be chill. I really hope for the latter.”
“Good plan, good plan.”
An awkward silence permeated the booth since both of you were at a loss to say something.
“Onto lighter things, “ Hyerim forced out brightly, clapping her hands. “Let me tell you about my younger brother’s really hot doctor. His name is Dr. Kim and he’s tall and…”
As Hyerim continued to babble on about the tall, handsome pediatric doctor, you felt a buzz in your pocket.
Dad: Their address is 111 Hannam-dong, Yongsan-su
Dad: They’re ready for you.
Can you guess who each stepbrother is and what they do? Comment below!!
Arc 1: Stepbrother Introductions will be released on February 15th at 8pm ET. It’s about ~15k words of getting to know these boys. Please look out for it!
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Shinso x reader - Burning sensation
Every morning at 7:00 you would meet shinso outside your dorm to head to school "Hey Hitoshi how ya doin this mornin" you asked sideling up to the boy who you had gotten to know quite well through your walks too and from school, and your time in class, and lunch, and training after school, you were never really away from each other actually. He took comfort in the time you spent together and you enjoyed talking to him and being his friend. It was pretty understandable why he didn't want to be friends, to begin with, but there was no way in hell you were letting the boy go through 3 years of school without any friends! So you made it your own personal mission to change his mind about you, and you were pretty chuffed when he actually stopped pushing you away yep this boat was firmly tied to the dock now. "I'm fine just tired" he was always tired.
The gleaming white windows of your school came into view lighting up the area around it like a child shining a magnifying glass on a bunch of tiny ants swarming to their colony. You nudged his side with your elbow getting his attention "SO I heard someone is getting transferred into the hero course next year!" you were so proud of him! This was his dream come true and he was finally getting his big opportunity "yeah it's pretty crazy" it was true he was more than thrilled to be joining the hero course but he felt like he was betraying you in some way, you should be in there with him! You were just as powerful if not more than he was. It didn't feel right leaving you "I can't believe it Hitoshi! I'm so happy for you, we should go get ice cream later to celebrate!" you walked through the door together weaving through the other people dotted around the corridor to reach your own classroom tucked away at the end . the thought hadn't even crossed your mind about how lonely you would be without Hitoshi, and it was coming up for the end of the year, you would have to cherish your time more than ever. "Ice cream sounds nice."
Th day went on rather uneventfully, thankfully it was lunch now so food was on the top of your mind "what should I get today?" you asked your lavender friend, you were determined to have everything on the menu at least once before you left school, you had quite a few options to go "what about a cappuccino and the udon?" it was pretty lucky he was keeping track of what you had and hadn't got yet otherwise you would never get close to finishing the challenge "you just want my cappuccino huh" you stepped up to the counter and ordered your food and drink which was ready in a flash thanks to lunch rush (give the dude some credit he does lunch for that entire school every day!) "maybe" he gave a lopsided grin and you rolled your eyes.
you both set off for a table near the back where you usually sat when a green-haired boy waving his arm caught your eye "hey Hitoshi is that one of your new classmates" you questioned gesturing to the freckled boy who was frantically trying to get his attention "oh yeah that's midoriya" he brushed off the topic and continued off to your table "hey wait you should go sit with them!" you called after the boy who groaned and span round his purple locks dangled in front of his eyes blocking his view fully but he could tell you weren't gonna let him leave. "but... why?" "because they're your classmates silly come on" you pulled him over to the table much to his dismay "h-hey shinso do you want to sit with us?" midoriya asked and everyone else at the table eyed him up like a flock of vultures inspecting there pray "can (y/n) sit too?" wait no what you weren't in that class why would you sit there? That was like... the top dog table right? "Of course!" oh well oh kay then guess you were one with the big leagues now. "Hi it's nice to meet you, I'm ururaka" she introduced herself with a big grin, you noticed she was holding her juice with 4 fingers and had pink pads in the middle of her fingertips "I'm (l/n) nice to meet you too" you sat down next to Hitoshi excited to make some new friends, maybe if you liked them he would like them more.
"So you and shinso are really good friends huh?" you nodded as you took a sip of your cappuccino and ultimately decided it was one of the less amazing things on the menu "yeah he's like my best friend and I'm pretty much his emotional support dog" you giggled and handed off the warm, bitter drink to him which he was more than happy to take off your hands "in all honesty she should be the one joining your class, daughter of the number 2 hero couldn't cut the hero programme" he teased and everyone else gasped "YOUR DAD IS HAWKS!" yep it was true you were the daughter of the number 2 hero hawks and someone else?? Mum didn't stick around long, your quirk was a little HOT TO HANDLE (roll with it) "what's your quirk! Can you show us!" midoriya begged from across the table which Hitoshi was not happy about he didn't like it when people gave you more attention than he did "um no I definitely cannot show you! But I can tell you what it iss" you sang and the boy grabbed a pencil and notepad out his bag "uh it's called Pheonix I have retractable wings... made of blue fire... and I can fly and shoot the feathers and I have the feather blades like dad and all that jazz" "she also has the same dumb personality" Hitoshi added and you gasped looking at him hurt "don't talk about my dad like that he loves you" he did actually like Hitoshi a surprising amount and you were pretty convinced he shipped you like a 15-year-old girl watching 2 boys in an anime about superheroes (-_-)
"But if your dad is the number 2 hero how come you aren't in the hero course" ouch. You gripped your chopsticks harshly "some bitch thought it would be funny to knock me out during the entrance exam and it was too late to get me in by recommendation" the chopsticks snapped splintering off into a bunch of smaller pieces. The lively nature of the cafe suddenly turned to one of concern when 2 mini puffs of thick smoke filtered out from the back of your blazer blanketing the roof and the smell of burning fabric infiltrated your noses "your burning" Hitoshi said from beside you "OH sorry sorry I didn't notice" you said and started to calm yourself down by stealing Hitoshi's lemonade "you must be upset about having to be in different classes after the new year" the boy with the bird head said. Well yeah but he wouldn't be leaving you completely, you opened your mouth to speak but before you could start Hitoshi started "I don't intend on letting her go half a year alone in that class, either she moves up or I go back down" he grit his teeth at the thought of you being alone in that class by yourself, and if it meant he had to give up his dream of being in the hero course he would. You smiled and then sighed when you realised you couldn't finish your udon since your chopsticks had transformed into toothpicks.
Ah yes, finally the end of the day. You and Hitoshi walked out of the nicely air-conditioned school into the dry blistering heat of the outside world "oh god whyyy" you cried and shook your fist at the sun then immediately regretted it as a bunch of white spots danced around in your eyes (FUN FACT THOSE ARE CALLED PHOSPHENES. Y'know, like phosphor) "so ice cream" you stumbled around trying to your friends and jumped when he put his hands on the back of your shoulders "just keep walking dummy" he said and you did so until you gained your sight back. "It's such a hot day this is evil" you crossed your arms angrily as you made your way to your house since you had decided to get changed before you got ice cream so that the sweltering heat didn't melt you both to a puddle of sweat and ew (THAT'S WHAT I'M GOING WITH OKAY).
"HEY DAD ARE YOU HOME?" you shouted into the house and a little red feather shot down to where you were standing "I'LL TAKE THAT AS A YES THEN" you and shinso wandered up to your room dumping your bags with an audible thud "crop top and jeans?" you asked holding up your clothes and showing them off to Hitoshi "sure why not," he said and pulled out the bag of clothes in the bottom of your wardrobe that you kept there for him. "Vest and shorts?" he held up the clothes and you nodded and he descended down the hall to the bathroom waving to your dad as he went past. It was such a perfect day, it was too good to be overthinking little things like clothes or how lonely you would be without Hitoshi or what he meant when he said when he wasn't leaving you behind or how he really felt about you or- "how's my chicklet?" (hawk's most defining personality trait is that he likes chicken don't @me) your dad asked ruffling your hair "it is too hot to exist right now but Hitoshi and I are gonna get ice cream" you grinned and cracked open your window hoping a breeze would come through and cool you down a smidge. "Like a date?" "No dad it's not a date" "finneee have fun" he pouted and left you alone to get changed.
"Hey, Hitoshi what ice cream do you want?" you asked looking over the menu on the side of the truck that was parked in the park... "it's a vanilla day I think," you stepped up to the counter ordering your ice creams both with a flake obviously and sat on a cool metal bench which was hidden by the big weeping willow tree, it was your favourite spot in the whole park because it was always shady and the big tree made you feel like little kids again, you were so small in comparison and when the wind picked up the branches whipped around like a carousel and tangled together like a curtain to hide behind.
"hey you'll be okay in the class by yourself for a while right?" he asked and took a pit off his ice cream "I'll have to be won't I. I'm really proud of you you know that" you stole the flake that he was about to bite into and took a bite out of it letting the chocolate bit's fall off and land on your crop top melting almost instantly "I know. But I promise I'm gonna get you up there with me. You won the sports festival I don't know why they're taking me" (ROLL WITH IT) he stole your flake in retaliation and started eating his ice cream "because you deserve it stop doubting yourself" you preached. You listened to the cars drive by and the angry drivers honking at each other, in all fairness there were indicators for a reason. The bustling life of the city drowned out by the calm bubble surrounding the 2 of you "well you deserve it too (y/n)" he argued and you both burst into a fit of laughter knowing that it was almost impossible to be mad at each other and this wasn't even close to a reason.
"Hey I need to tell you something" he whispered taking a bite out of the sugary cone "oooh~ are you going to profess your undying love for me" you giggled not knowing what you were getting into in the next few minutes "yes... I am" ".....WHAT!" WELL, THIS TOOK A TURN "I like you. Like in a girlfriend type of way" he sighed when a big flake of his cone cracked and fell into the dirt under him "oh. This is unexpected" you whispered taking a bite out of your own cone getting crumbs down your top "if you don't feel the same it's okay I just wanted you to know" he pursed his lips and drew little circles in the dry dirt "no I do, I do feel the same I guess I just didn't realise I felt the same... does that make sense?" it probably didn't.
Of course, you felt the same, he had been your best friend for a while now so obviously you caught some feelings but you had never given them a title like, a crush or love or anything like that, they were just there. They would either go away or they wouldn't and now you were here. You were glad they hadn't "yeah it does" he smiled and the wind picked up a bit lacing the branches together to create th perfect veil as he leaned down and kissed you softly, it was nice and filled with love and admiration and your face turned soft pink and matched the heat of the sun beating down right now.
It didn't last long unfortunately as 2 pillars of smoke started coming out of your shirt and burning fabric once again took over your senses "NO NO NO NOT NOW COME ON" you shouted feeling the fabric separating on your back and you held the front of your crop top on your front "okay well we're gonna not do that for now" Hitoshi said calmy and you shot him a panicked glance gesturing to your unfortunate situation with your other hand. The back of your top fell off and you arched your back when it came into contact with the cold rugged bark of the willow tree "OKAY WELL NOT WALKING HOME LIKE THAT" he shouted and took off his vest throwing it to you and turning away.
You put it on quickly after you calmed down a bit and you weren't burning anything. "Okay you can turn around," you instructed focusing only on the branches in front of you "what not gonna look at me?" "nope" "why not?" you cleared your throat and clicked your tongue "because if I do this shirt will just burn off too and then we'll have to phone dad and get him to bring me a shirt and then he'll ask how I managed to burn two of my shirts off and then I have to listen to him go on and on like a 15-year-old girl about how he totally called that we would get together and then-" "alright I get it," he said putting his hand over your mouth 'well you just set yourself up for failure' you thought and licked his hand which he pulled back and wiped on your jeans "your gross" he chuckled and stood up wiping the dirt off his jeans and standing directly in your eye line putting his hand out to help you up. Which you didn't accept since you were rather busy ogling those goddamn washboard abs "well your not burning yet but you might be brain dead" he flicked your forehead and you shook your head slightly accepting his help up.
You started to walk home as the bright blue sky turned to a medley of tangerine and lavenders with pink brush strokes in between. "We should get ice cream more often," he said his honeyed voice cutting the silence held between you "I agree, we train so much we deserve it!" you exclaimed "you just wanna see me shirtless" he teased. It took every ounce of willpower you had to not burn the shirt off by accident but thankfully you didn't "pfft no. I want ice cream the shirtless thing doesn't have to be exclusively an ice cream thing" you pointed out nudging his shoulder with yours as your house got closer and he rolled his eyes wrapping his arm around your waist pulling you next to him like 2 magnets sticking to each other.
"Well I'll see you tomorrow Hitoshi," you said once you reached your door "yeah see you tomorrow," he said pecking your cheek and walking off down the road leaving you astonished at your door. "DAD YOUR NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS" you screamed as you entered the house.
4 weeks later
"We have another student joining the hero course" the grumpy teacher announced and you bust into the 1-A classroom with your wings outstretched behind you "PUT THE GREMLIN BACK" shinso shouted from the back of the classroom "GO BACK UNDER THE BRIDGE YOU CAME FROM" you shouted back and took your seat next to him "dad wants to know if you're staying for dinner after training" you whispered, "yeah what are we having?" "chicken"
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I’m Not Angry Anymore
Rating: General Audiences
Pairing: Yagi Toshinori x Daughter!Reader
Warning(s): Shitty Parenting, Angst, Some Strong Language, (Kinda) Child Abandonment
Song: Interlude: I’m Not Angry Anymore by Paramore
Note: This is a counterpart to @kozumeizuku ‘s Twisted
“(Y/N), I’d like for you to meet Midoriya Izuku.” Your father gestured to a 4 year old with freckles and curly green hair. He looked nervous. You walked up to him with a big toothy grin on your face and held your hand out to him,
“Hi, ‘Zuku! I’m (Y/N)!” Your smile didn’t waver as you saw him creep back a little bit.
Your dad pat your head, “Midoriya here is a little shy. His classmates are not very nice to him because he’s quirkless.” You nodded your head in understanding, releasing a small “oh.”
You took a step back from the boy, “I’m sorry your classmates are meanies, Zuku. I like you, though, so don’t listen to them!”
That’s when it all started, you remember. You started to see your dad less and less after you met Midoriya Izuku. At the time, you didn’t understand why, but as you got older it became clear. The blond adult was spending time with Midoriya, training him and being a father figure to him. He used to do that with you, but you’d been replaced. 12 years later and now the two of you were strangers.
You ran up to your father when he got inside the house, a drawing in your hands. You’d drawn him and you wanted to surprise him with it. “Daddy, look!” You hadn’t even pulled the picture out from behind your back when he stopped you.
“I’m sorry, baby, but I’m about to head back out. I’ll look at it later, okay?” He ruffled your (h/c) hair and gave you one of his big smiles. You nodded sadly. You’d really wanted to show it to him right then. You whispered a soft “okay” before turning around and going to the kitchen. Normally you weren’t allowed in there and you had to ask your live-in nanny or your father to get you what you wanted but you didn’t feel like asking.
You put your drawing on top of the table used for prepping food and walked up to the fridge. That’s where you saw it -- a crude drawing of your father signed “Izuku”. In a flash of anger you grabbed your own drawing and ripped it up into tiny pieces. “(Y/N), (Y/N)! What wrong, sweetheart?” Your nanny, Saki, walked in on you in the middle of your tantrum. You wailed and held your arms out to her and she scooped you up into her comforting arms. She looked down at your ruined drawing and at the one on the fridge. Oh, she would be having a word with your father when she saw him next.
11 years had passed and you still remembered that moment. If you remembered correctly, that was the last time you’d drawn him something.
“Oh, darling, I’m sure he’s just running a little late.” “He must be stuck in traffic.” “Don’t you worry your sweet little head, he’ll be here.” “You know what your daddy says, don’t you? I am here! And he will be, alright?”
That’d been hours ago. The cooks, the maid, the butler, the nanny -- they’d all assured you that your father would make good on his promise. He’d promised to spend the day with you -- to go see a movie and get lunch. That was at 10:00 AM, it was now 6:00 PM.
You sat at the table in the kitchen, lazily moving the spoon in your chicken noodle soup around. It’d long since gotten cold. “Would you like me to heat it back up for you, little lady?” One of the cooks asked you. Mr. Yuji was nice -- he always slipped you snacks while the others weren’t looking. He’d been here since before you were born. He was wrinkly and his hair had thinned out with age. He was like a grandpa to you. “Or do you want something else?”
You pushed the bowl over to him, “No...‘m not really hungry.” You folded your arms on the table and rested the side of your head on them. Mr. Yuji put a hand to your forehead, checking your temperature.
“Your temperature seems normal. Are you sure you’re not hungry, missy?” He smoothed back your hair. You nodded silently. You were tired, sad, and disappointed. It ruined your appetite. He took the bowl off the table and poured its contents out into the sink, “Alright, well if you get hungry in the middle of the night, let me know. I’ll make you something.”
The swinging door to the kitchen opened but you didn’t bother to look at who it was. You recognized your father’s heavy footsteps, “Hey, baby. What are you...doing?” Before he could finish speaking, you hopped down from the bar stool, walked around him, and left the kitchen. As you walked away, you could hear him ask Mr. Yuji something. “Is she okay?”
You think that was when you’d stopped asking to spend time with your father. 7 years had passed and you could still feel the emotions your 11 year old self had gone through that day.
Your fists were clenched, your face towards the ceiling, and your lips pressed into a thin line. You were fighting back tears. You were tired. You were tired of this. You were tired of broken promises. You were tired of being second best. It was your 16th birthday, and your father missed it because of him. “What’s the matter, sweetie?” Your father had the nerve to ask. You clenched your jaw.
“What’s wrong?” You copied. “What’s wrong?!” You looked at him, the hot tears already running at a steady pace down your cheeks. “What’s wrong is that you missed my fucking birthday! Again! That’s 10 years in a fucking row!” You snarled. You didn’t care if you were acting like a spoiled brat.
He stood there in shock. You wiped your tears on your forearm, “What I want to know is why -- why didn’t you show up like you promised?” You had given up on him. All you wanted was a reason why. You already knew but you wanted him to say it.
“It’s Young Midoriya’s--” You cut him off with a laugh. A completely and utterly, joyless laugh.
“Just as I thought.” You scoffed. You pulled out a chair from the dining room table and plopped down on it. You were exhausted and numb, “Midoriya this, Midoriya that. It’s always about Midoriya.” You wondered if your father even knew what he was doing to you. He probably didn’t, he was so oblivious when it came to his own child.
Your father -- the oh so wonderful All Might -- walked up and took the seat next to you. “That’s not true and you know it, (Y/N).”
“That’s bullshit and you know it.” You turned in your seat to face him. “Tell me, Dad, when was the last time we spent my birthday together?”
“Well, um--” He stuttered.
“Last meal we had together? Last time you showed up to one of my award ceremonies? Last time we spent time together? Last time we had a real conversation?” You asked question after question, knowing he wouldn’t have the answer to any of them.
“(Y/N), that’s not fair--” “I’m not trying to be!”
“When was the last time you told me you loved me?” Your voice cracked. The blond didn’t say a word. You sighed and stood up from your seat, “I’m moving out tomorrow. Don’t try to stop me -- I’ve already made up my mind.”
That was 2 years ago and you hadn’t talked with your father since.
A knock came at your door. It must’ve been one of your classmates asking for your notes again. You got up from your desk and opened the door without a second thought. “I’m not giving you my...notes. Oh, it’s you.” Standing in front of you was your father’s successor — Midoriya Izuku. You hadn’t seen much of him since your childhood.
He rubbed the back of his neck, “Can...can I come in?” You stepped aside and held the door open for him. He awkwardly stepped past you and stood around the middle of your room. “Your room. It’s nice.” Izuku complimented.
“It’s alright, I guess.” You shrugged. You had a platform bed with lots of pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals on it. A bean bag chair sat next to it. Your walls were white but there were so many posters and pictures on them you could barely see the paint anyways. Fairy lights were strung up around the room and LED clouds were hanging from your ceiling. There was a bookcase filled with, well, books. Next it was your desk — it was normal but there were knick knacks, notebooks, and too many pens spread across it.
“No, no — it’s really cool. It’s a lot more cool than my room.” He assured you. You hummed. You didn’t really need to guess what his dorm room was like.
You put your hand on your hip, “Let me guess, yours is covered top to bottom, wall to wall in my dad’s merchandise. Is that right?” A blush erupted on the younger teens face. You’d hit the nail right on the head. You laughed and clapped his shoulder. “It’s nothing to be ashamed about. You really admire him, don’t you?” You smiled.
He was nervous, you could tell. “Yeah, I guess so.” He looked away from you.
“Alright, have a seat. There’s obviously something you want to talk to me about.” You plopped down on the bean bag chair next to your bed.
Izuku sat down at your desk. “I wanted to talk to you about All Might.” He stated. You hummed and nodded your head — as to be expected.
“I honestly don’t know much about him, Izuku.” You told the truth. “He’s never really been around much for me.” Izuku cringed at your statement.
“That’s what I wanted to talk about with you.” He ruffled his own hair.
“If you’re about to apologize, don’t.”
“What?” Izuku’s green eyes met your (e/c) ones for the first time since he’s been here. “I-I don’t understand. I’m the reason he-“
“I’m going to stop you right there, Izuku.” You shift around in your bean bag. “Everything he did, was in no way your fault. They were his choices to make and he chose you over me, time and time again.” You said bluntly. “But that wasn’t your fault. Sure, for a time I did resent you but as I got older, I came to realize you had no say in how he treated me. You were just a kid and so was I. I know how much you admire him but it’s the truth when I say he’s the one at fault here. You don’t have to apologize for his actions.” You got up and walked up to him. You ruffled his hair, “I never once blamed you, Midoriya Izuku.”
Tears welled up in the curly haired teen’s virus in eyes but he quickly started to rub them away. “Geez, you’ve always been such a crybaby. I thought you would’ve grown out of that already.” You jokingly pushed his head. You’d always thought of him as a younger brother, even when you hated his guts as a child.
“Sorry, I just…” He sniffled. “I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.” You wish you’d known he was carrying all this guilt sooner — you could’ve already relieved him of the burden.
“It’s alright. I understand.”
That was a few months ago. Talking with Izuku like that, it really did help you understand why your relationship with All Might is the way it is.
“Have you talked with your father recently?” Your therapist asked after you finished recounting your childhood with her. She’d needed an updated version now that you were 18.
You shook your head, “No, but he did leave me a voicemail the other day — he asked how I was doing, talked about how he was proud of my grades, told me to make sure I eat and drink enough water.” You appreciated that he was trying, but you weren’t ready to make amends with him.
“Did you call him back?”
“No. I don’t think I’m ready to talk to him just yet. Only recently had I accepted what he’d done.” You explained to her.
She nodded, “That’s alright. It’s all a part of the process. You’ll be ready eventually, and when you do, you’ll be one step closer to leave this all behind you.” You hummed your agreement.
“Have you seen or heard anything from your brother recently?”
“You sound just like the police.” You laughed.
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An Unforgettable Dinner - Valentine’s Day Drabble #3
soft!dom mingyu x f!reader x soft!dom chan
w.c: 2.0k
warnings: LOTS of teasing, toys (vibrator), public sex (kind off just squint everyone), humiliation, Mingyu is a little shit, orgasm denial, poly relationshi, daddy kink if you like squint, slight degradation, (very minimal editing)
note: this was a prompt from my drabble game, but I enjoyed it too much that I thought why not add it to this mini series lol. Enjoy and please please let me know your thoughts.
also i will be answering asks tonight hehehe and everyone else that left me lovely comments on my feedback rant lol
masterlist || drabble game
“You should wear that more often.”
You jumped upon hearing the smoky lip of your boyfriend's voice. Quickly, you placed the glass of champagne onto the kitchen counter before scurrying and wrapping the sheer robe around yourself tightly. Failing to cover the baby pink lingerie set you adorned.
He wasn’t supposed to be home yet.
They weren’t supposed to be home yet, because if Mingyu was home that only meant that Chan was home too.
“W-What are you guys doing here?” You turned around, setting your elbow down onto the counter awkwardly. The loud drone of the old Jazz record you had playing, didn’t do much to cover your embarrassment and the loud beating of your heart as you looked at both Mingyu and Chan’s smug expression.
“This is our house too baby.” Chan spoke before pushing himself off the wall. He walked past you dropping his bag onto one of the kitchen chairs, your eyes following his movements closely as he walked to the record player and turned it off. “Valentine’s Day and our anniversary isn’t for another week, what’s the special occasion?” He put the record needle back onto its respective spot and took off the record carefully, looking around for the sleeve before spotting it haphazardly thrown on the couch. With a tisking sound, a shake of his head and a quick glance at Mingyu then you, he walked towards it.
“I’m willing to overlook the mal-treatment of my records if you answer Chan’s question...and honestly.” Mingyu’s voice grabbed your attention once again, this time obviously annoyed.
Mingyu’s records were his prized possession, sometimes treating them like they were his second skin or his first offspring. He never forbade you or Chan from using them as long as you abided by his rules and more often than not you would forget, Chan always covering up for you so you wouldn’t have to listen to another version of the same lecture Mingyu always gave.
“Um...no special occasion I just wanted to try on the set I bought last week for our anniversary night.” You mumbled playing with the feathered sleeves of your sheer robe. It was true, your plan had been fool proof until it wasn’t. You were only going to wear it for a few minutes, take some polaroids to leave hidden around the house for them to find and take it off before they came home. Though, you had gotten ahead of yourself the second you saw how beautiful it looked on your body. How it made your insecurities fade away slowly. In celebration for the new found confidence you didn’t want to stray away from yet. You had opened a bottle of champagne and put on your favorite record as you lingered around the living room with a giddy nature that only a child on Christmas morning would have.
“It’s a shame we were spoiled, now this is all I’m going to think about for the entirety of next week.” Chan said as he walked back to the shelves that kept your books and Mingyu’s record collection. He held it by the denting corners of the sleeve twirling it mindlessly as he went over the abc’s in his mind, before finding its rightful spot between L and N and slipping it back in.
You chewed on your bottom lip as you felt the tension grow in between the three points of the living room where the three of you were standing in. Chan was now leaning against the bookshelf, arms crossed chewing on his bottom lip, while Mingyu still hadn’t moved from his spot by the front door with you trapped in between them now, holding onto one of the kitchen chairs, keeping your balance. Their looks were almost predatory and it made the skin of your arms rise as well as the desire between your legs.
There was no way you would survive this night untouched.
“Why don’t we get a preview, it would be waste to at least not see something you’ve planned for us.” Mingyu nodded, Chan making a sound that can only be categorized as one of approval. Though, you felt weak in the knees ready to drop for them. The confidence you found yourself ensuing when wearing this particular innocent looking set, overcame your senses.
“Buy me dinner and I’ll think about it.”
“What’s wrong baby, you wanted dinner didn’t you?”
You gripped Chan’s forearm like a vice, and bit your lip hard trying to subside the moans that were threatening to spill out.
Your confidence had depleted to nothing when they both agreed and told you that they would wait in the car for you as you finished getting dressed. On the way towards the hole in the wall restaurant the three of you often visited. One of Mingyu’s hands was gripping the steering wheel hard, while the other found its way inside of your leggings, teasing your slit over your panties.
“She’s wet enough love.” Mingyu spoke, sending Chan a knowing look through the rearview mirror in which you caught. It only made you wonder if they had had this entire night planned out and your suspicions only grew when Chan had fished out a tiny hot pink vibrator before handing it over to you.
“Put it inside of you baby.” Chan smirked at you through the rearview mirror before planting a sloppy wet kiss against your cheek. At first you declined, called the two of them insane for suggesting such a thing, let alone in public. But then the thought of them teasing you in public became more appealing and arousing to you, that silently you obliged to their commands. Which is how you found yourself at a loss for words and appetite and on the brink of yet another orgasm, digging your nails into Chan’s bicep as they both ate happily, chatting up a storm.
“This isn’t fair.” You breathed out, the vibrations dying down to almost nothing, enough for you to breathe. You weren’t sure which of them was controlling the vibrator as they never faltered in giving themselves away.
“Babe if you don’t eat, your food will get cold.” Chan pointed out, placing his hand over yours and kissing your nose lightly. Your garlic noodles had become an afterthought even before you had ordered them, your mind was focused on the pusing vibrator against your clit and how desperately you needed to orgasm.
“F-Fuck the food Chan, please let me cum.” You whisper yelled, looking between both of your boyfriends and silently begging them. Whether it was a mistake or not you didn’t care, at least not until the vibrations started up again, this time faster than before. You let out a squeak hiding your pleasure stricken face in Chan’s arm, earning a chuckle from both men.
“Not until you eat all of your dinner, it’s what you wanted baby.” Mingyu said before reaching over and grabbing your head gently in his palms making you look at him. “You act like a brat, you get treated like one.” He whispered before placing a soft kiss against your swollen lips. Before you could respond he pulled back and sat back down, crossing his arms in front of him a smirk adorning his perfect features. “Now eat baby, eat and we’ll fuck you until you start seeing stars.” The vibrations died down again and finally you realized that one that was in control of your torture was the man sitting next to you.
“C-Chan, fuck, please just let me cum. I’ll be good, I’ll let the two of you fuck my mouth and my pussy but please I-I need to cum.” You begged and left peppering kisses against his neck. It was a good thing that the waiter had sat the three of you down in a booth, otherwise you wouldn’t have been openly expressing how desperate you were.
He shuddered and pushed you away before taking a bite out of his steak, ignoring you completely. You could tell that by the way his body had tensed up and how the vibrator moved inside of you at an overwhelming speed, he was close to giving in. If it wasn’t for Mingyu’s warning glare he would’ve given you all the orgasms you wanted, regardless of being in public or not.
“If you let her, you’ll be joining her.” Mingyu warned. It wasn’t often that Mingyu took over the dominant role in your relationship. Despite him being the one that looked more intimidating he was often underneath you or Chan when it came to the bedroom. Though, there were some days, like today in which his own mouth betrayed him as he spewed the dirtiest things for only you and Chan to hear.
You pushed your plate of food away and leaned your forehead against the table. The tears had started to pool up in the corner of your eyes as you tried to hold yourself back from your release. And when the vibrations stopped once again you let some of them go along with a sigh of relief. You sat back, whipping your eyes with the back of your hand and crossed your arms in front of you. Mingyu chewed happily on the piece of chicken he had in his mouth, as he looked at your fucked out state. He would be lying to himself if he said that he wasn’t itching to risk getting fined if it meant that he could bend you over the table and fuck you. But his self control was far greater than anything on this planet. He had proved it to both you and Chan whenever the two of you would edge him on for hours.
“C-Chan, baby, just let cum please.” You looked over at him, your eyes blotchy, looking so fucked out, wishing that he was home instead of the stupid restaurant. He wasn’t even enjoying his food anymore.
You leaned over and placed a soft kiss against the back of his ear, where his sweet spot was and you saw him grip the handle of his knife hard enough for his knuckles to turn white. “I-I feel so good, don’t you want to feel good with me.” You kissed down his neck and ran your hand over his clothed cock. He was so hard that you let yourself moan loud enough for your two boyfriends to hear, but low enough for it to be drowned out by the loud music that was playing.
“Fuck, you just want everyone to see how cock hungry you are, isn’t that right baby?” Mingyu tilted his head, his hands holding onto the table to keep himself from touching himself. In truth you and Chan were his weaknesses and more often than not the two of you used that knowledge to your advantage.
“Yes, I want them to know how much I love being full of cock and cum.” You moaned, your grip on Chan’s cock faltering when the vibrator started up again. It overwhelmed your senses, as you felt your orgasm approach even faster than before.
“Then cum for us.” Chan whispered in your ear. He had kept his hands away from you the entire time he was controlling the device inside of you, but now he had placed a hand on the inside of your thigh, massaging it gently as he whispered dirty praises in your ear. All while eyeing your boyfriend from across the table.
Before you knew it, you felt yourself release, falling forward, your forehead hitting the table gently as it traveled through you faster than the speed of light. Mingyu let out a very telling low groan, while Chan’s hand rubbed your back gently. The vibrations against the walls of your pussy came to a complete stop as they fluttered around the hot pink device.
“Good job baby, you did so good for us and look no one even noticed.” Chan said teasingly before sitting the two of you back, your head against his shoulder as he caressed your arm gently, calming you down.
“That was so fucking sexy, f-fuck. We need to leave now.” Mingyu rushed out raising his hand up to call over the waiter.
“No, like you said we need to finish your food first, so be a good boy for me love and put your hand down. We have a long night ahead of us and the two of you need all the energy you can get.” Chan said, before shoving another piece of his steak into his mouth. You knew him being quiet and letting Mingyu take control was just for show. You watched as Mingyu’s overly dominant confidence left his body slowly as he obeyed and lowered his hand, swallowing slowly.
“Daddy can we punish him?” You smirked and looked up at Chan, resting your chin against his shoulder. You saw a menacing smile appear on his face, indicating that he was more than a fan of the idea of having Mingyu at both of your mercy’s.
“Of course baby girl.”
#kdiarynet#kpopscape#seventeen fanfiction#seventeen imagines#seventeen x reader#seventeen smut#seventeen scenarios#seventeen fanfic#seventeen mingyu#seventeen chan#seventeen dino#mingyu x reader#mingyu imagines#mingyu fanfic#mingyu smut#dino imagines#dino fanfiction#dino x reader#dino smut
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Landings Through the Grapevine
Chapter 2: Unfulfilled Expectations
Masterpost: here Go to: Ch.1 | Ch.2 |
"I have news for you. One good, one bad" Shane said hours after the dance, when everyone was busy cleaning the place up. "Wait! Help me with that table first...Allright. Shoot". Shane grabbed the other side of the table and together they heaved it off the ground to carry it back to Marnie's farm. The path that led to the narrow bridge which divided the forest clearing from the rest of the village, was not large enough for them to carry the table side by side. So Shane volunteered to walk backwards while Riley gave directions. For a few moments Shane didn't say anything but occasionally looked at something over her shoulder. Then he lowered his voice:
"Ok, so...Mr. Darcy" – that was code for Elliott – "has been mingling with my aunt for almost the entire festival and now they both keep looking over at you".
"Don't look! I didn't want to say it earlier, because I wasn't sure. But given how Marnie has been really chatty today, I bet she's playing matchmaker again"
"Oh for fuck's sake! What about Elliott?"
"Don't know, maybe he finally figured out that you don't understand his poems, or something"
„I'm kidding. Don't act so horrified. Also, it's true!"
„No! It's not."
„Okay. Remember the poem he 'gifted' you at the Feast of the Winter Star? What was that about?"
Riley was preparing to answer him in a know-it-all manner but soon realised that she had actually no idea what to say. She hoped her death glare would shut him up for good. Alas, it didn't.
„You can give me the evil eye all you want. I already cringed to death when he started performing it in front of the goddam tree."
„Maybe a few metaphors and references go over my head sometimes, but that's because I never read much poetry before.
„Or maybe his writing is as inflated as his ego"
„Stop! For Yoba's sake, just tell me what's up with him!
„How should I know?"
„Then why tell me?"
"I thought you would want to know these things"
"Well, what does he look like? Does he look upset or anything?"
"Ehm",– at that Shane peeked back over her shoulder, looking rather pained as he tried to awaken his interpersonal skills: "Well he looks like a schmock, so nothing new there. Maybe that's just his –oh shit!"
"He's coming"
"Are you kidding me?"
"Stop! Jesus, Riley have you never been to highschool? You don't look at people you're talking shit about."
"Ok! ok, act natural !"
"You're the only one acting like a headless chicken", he hissed under his breath.
"Well, maybe I would be calmer if you –"
Shane dropped his side of the table. It came to the ground with a soft thud and Riley almost lost her footing from the sudden yank it caused on her side, forcing them to an immediate stop shortly before the bridge. This interrupted Riley's tirade and in hindsight saved her some embarrassment, as Elliott appeared by her side soon after, brushing a strain of hair behind his ear : "Good day, you two. I am so very sorry I didn't get to chat with you sooner. Can I help you with that?", he asked, having seen them struggle but obviously mistaking the situation at hand. Before Riley could even say anything, Shane intervened again : "Glad that you ask!" he said in an overly friendly manner while stretching theatrically and making a face: "My back is killing me! If you don't mind, I'd rather go see if I can help with something else" and with the blink of an eye, Shane and Elliott had switched places.
"You're welcome!", Shane murmured while brushing past her and he was gone. Meanwhile Elliott was getting into position and testing the table's weight while Riley could do nothing but watch him dumbfounded. When he noticed her staring, Elliot winked: "Shall we then?"
"YES! I mean, sure. Thanks for the help", If Riley's face looked as flushed as it felt right then and there, Elliott was gentleman enough to pretend not to notice. "Please, don't thank me! I should have been more involved with the preparations to begin with. I was just so caught up with my newest draft, that I had forgotten all about the dance until a few days ago. Oh, also, I hope I wasn't interrupting anything between you and Shane?", he added, leaning slightly towards her in mock-conspiracy.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, it did look like you've been arguing, before I came over. I hope it was nothing serious"
"Ehm... I was just worried. His, eh... his 'back pain' is quite bad, but he didn't want to bother Harvey during a holiday", Riley lied between her teeth, as they made their way over the narrow bridge.
"Poor fellow, no wonder he seemed rather miffed today. But he danced like a champ!", Elliott stated sympathetically.
"Yes, he knows how much it means to Emily and didn't want to let her down"
"See, I was wondering about that a little. I did expect the two of you to be dancing today"
At that, Riley tripped over nothing, looking at Elliott with such astonishment that she almost forgot to warn him about the slight slope the path would be taking, shortly after the bridge.
"Sorry, who?"
"Well, you and Shane….?"
Elliott then must have come to some sort of realisation, for it was now his turn to look flushed and embarrassed.
"Oh, Let the greater part of the news thou hearest be the least part of what thou believest." he exclaimed ruefully and smiled at her apologetically: " I should have known better than to make assumptions. I am sorry, Riley. It was something I overheard, please pay no mind to it!"
Riley suppressed the urge to ask him if he had been quoting Shakespeare again, as in 5 times out of 7 she had already been wrong. And by now, she had the nagging suspicion that Elliott chose anything but Shakespeare, just to mess with her. Instead, she stammered: "N-No, it's fine! Shane and I are close, but we are just friends...'', and almost Riley would have given into the temptation of adding something like: '...just as you and Leah, if I am not mistaken?'. But she discarded that idea as soon as it came to her. Too obvious. Though Riley was dying to get her hands on any piece of information about what kind of relationship he and the artist were cultivating, she had to be careful. The last thing she needed was the awkwardness of unrequited feelings or the loss of a friendship because of it. However, remembering Shane's assumption regarding Marnie, she continued : "...Though I do believe Marnie wouldn't mind me as her niece-in-law. But neither Shane or I see that ever happening,". She then laughed. But, following her gut instinct, she kept an eye out for Elliott's reaction, who, still dealing with his own embarrassment, couldn't help but wince slightly.
Shane's words were practically echoing in the back of her mind: I bet she's playing matchmaker again.
– ‘Yes she is and you won't like to find out with whom exactly', Riley thought grimly.
To say this was news to her would be a lie, sadly. Last year it had been just a few questions, if Riley was seeing someone, or if she fancied someone from the village already. Before long, Marnie had gotten more obvious about her actual motivation: "Have you met my nephew, yet? Shane. He is from Zuzu-City too. Oh, I need to introduce you to each other, next time you visit."
But said introduction flopped big-time. It had been difficult. Well, Shane had been. But Riley now knew that this wasn't anything personal. She had involuntarily witnessed his downward spiral until the fateful day at the cliffs, where Shane had finally hit rock bottom. Since then he was getting the help he needed and they could manage having a conversation that wasn't ending in a disaster. Nevertheless, as she and Shane clearly never hit it off, Riley thought that Marnie had moved on and was satisfied with talking her up to some other bachelor instead. Apparently, she had been wrong. "Please, do not believe that I usually engage in petty gossip." Elliott exclaimed and Riley knew, if his hands were free, he would probably underline his words with some dramatic gesture: " This is not why I wanted to talk to you. I would never bother you with such shallow conversation!". They finally reached Marnie's farmhouse and were greeted by Gunther and Clint, who were busy sorting Marnie's belongings back to where they belonged. Soon Elliott and Riley were relieved of their task and hurriedly shooed away. "Riley, you did enough! You've been here all day and surely your farm does not run itself", Gunther called over his shoulder as he and Clint disappeared into the house, leaving Elliott and Riley to themselves. „Well, I don't want to keep you from your duties..." Elliott eventually said rather deflated, after some seconds of them just standing there.
„It's fine! Really. I have time to chat."
„Are you sure? I would hate to inconvenience you", though Riley could easily tell that Elliott was just saying that to stay polite.
„You aren't, believe me. What did you want to talk about originally?"
Elliott immediately straightened his posture, his demeanour getting more relaxed as Riley's question offered him the chance to return their conversation back towards familiar territory.
He suspensefully cleared his throat.
"I wanted to thank you, for you have played a significant role regarding my latest draft. Well, draft is a bit much. It's more of an outline, actually."
"Really?!", Riley could not believe her ears. This was like the beginning of some obscure fever dream, where Elliott would finally announce her as his muse and declare his undying love for her…. Totally hypothetically of course, because Riley would never fantasize about such a corny situation! Ever.
"Yes! For as much as I frequent the library, I just recently noticed the marvellous collection of exhibits you have been providing to the museum. I would've never thought for our tiny valley to be such a place of wonder and history! I must be honest, my latest works were getting nowhere and I dreaded starting a new manuscript. I had gotten quite far with my latest piece. But all these treasures have ignited a new spark within me. Now I can hardly put my pen to rest. But I need more inspiration!". Elliott got more excited the more he talked. It was no longer just polite enthusiasm but an almost childlike delight that made his eyes sparkle in a way she rarely got to see on him.
"Oh that's wonderful! But how can I help you with that?" Riley was getting somewhat confused. If Elliott needed more information on the artifacts, he would be better off talking to Guntehr instead. And following that line of thought, Riley couldn't really fathom what Elliott needed of her, to fuel his newfound inspiration.
"It's about this Adventurer's Guild..."
The answer was: absolutely nothing.
"Oh", Riley tried not to sound or even look unhappy about this revelation and Elliott seemed too fixated on his own issues to notice anything, for he continued talking: "I have seen you standing next to that older gentleman, today. What was his name again?"
"Yes! He is the guild's leader, I suppose ?"
"Eh, yes, you could call him that."
"I would like to ask him a few questions. I would love to hear some of his adventures. He looks like a man who has many stories to tell. However, I struggle to get a hold of him!
Surely, I tried asking around. But before today, I didn't even know whose company he keeps. I have never seen him in town either, other than during holidays, which is why I had hoped to talk to him today. But shortly after the dance I lost sight of him and he was gone! I could tear my hair out, Riley! That man is like a ghost. How am I supposed to write about fantastic tales of danger, when I have no authentic experience to write from?!" Elliott had talked himself into such a frenzy, that he ended up being short of breath. While he needed a moment to collect himself, Riley used this pause to talk some sense into him.
"Well, you will be happy to hear that the guild building is actually very easy to find. It's right next to the entrance to the mines.", she informed him, trying to push away the feeling of disappointment. "Office hours are between 2 pm to 10 pm. Normally, entrance is only allowed for adventurers only, but technically you would be considered a potential client. And If you really cannot get in, then Clint, Willy and I see Marlon often enough that we can relay a message to him." "Is that so? Thank you so much, I knew I could count on you! I will seek him out first thing tomorrow!". With that he made his goodbyes and hurried back towards the meadow, presumably to find Leah and share his progress with her. She looked after him until his silhouette disappeared from her sight and with a groan Riley decided that it was indeed time to head back to her farm. The gleeful excitement she had felt at the prospect of being alone with Elliott, had vanished to sober disillusion. She wasn't even in the mood to get worked up over the whole Marnie-situation. Therefore, she decided to no longer think about whatever had transpired today. That would be future-her's issue to deal with. When Riley entered the premises to her own farm, the sight of the seemingly endless plot of land filled her with awe, like it did everytime. Proudly, she watched her cows, chicken and ducks peacefully napping in the sun and listened to the faint rustling of leaves above her head, as she finally made her way towards home.

#stardew valley elliott#stardew elliott#stardew valley#sdv fanfic#sdv farmer#elliott stardew valley#elliott x reader#sdv elliott#original female character#stardew valley farmer#elliot sdv
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Another Christmas Miracle
A/N: For today’s prompt. This is so sweet and fluffy you just might get a sugar rush.
Once again, Merry Christmas Day to everyone who celebrates and a happy day to anyone who is just enjoying their Friday.
“Merry Christmas,” Deeks murmured, rolling onto his side to kiss Kensi’s bare shoulder. She made a happy sound in the back of her throat, reaching back with her eyes closed to clumsily touch his face. Her fingers brushed the softness of his facial hair.
“Merry Christmas,” she sighed back, not willing to open her eyes yet.
“Uh-oh, did someone party too hard last night?” Kensi snorted and rolled onto her side, finally opening her eyes. Deeks smiled at her, his skin practically glowing in the early morning light, giving a dreamy quality to the room.
“Oh yeah, that sparkling grape juice and sugar cookies will take you out.” Although eating homemade chicken (which was only a little dry, thank you very much) and potatoes on the floor by the tree wasn’t how Kensi had imagined spending their first Christmas in their own home, it was pretty perfect.
She curled her fingers around Deeks’ bicep, pulling herself across the bed so they were face to face and kissed him for several long, delightful seconds. “How’s your back?” she asked with a mischievous smirk when they pulled apart.
“A little sore,” he admitted. He snuck another kiss, winking at her. “But it was totally worth it.” Kensi grabbed at his arm as he started to slide away from her.
“Where are you going?”
“I have to get something. I’ll be right back.” She eyed him suspiciously, but didn’t protest anymore as he hopped out of bed. It helped that he was wearing a very tiny pair of boxer briefs which emphasized...everything. She watched until he was out the door and then flopped down on her pillow.
He came back a couple minutes later, wearing a Santa hat, and with one arm tucked behind his back.
“Deeks,” she said warningly, “That better not be a present.” He grinned, tossing himself onto the bed, but still somehow managing to keep his hand out of view.
“But Santa always brings presents,” he insisted cheerfully, shaking his head so the end of the hat flopped in his eyes.
“Babe, I thought that we both agreed not to buy anything because we need to save money.” She made an exasperated sound as he revealed the present anyway. It was a small, white, unwrapped box with a silver bow on top. If she had to guess, it probably contained a piece of jewelry.
“I didn’t spend any money on it,” Deeks assured, bracing his forearms against a couple pillows. “Now open it.” He offered her the box, balanced in the palm of his hand, and she reluctantly took it. She could feel his anticipation as she slowly lifted the lid. Cradled on a piece of cotton was a intricately carved wooden pendant, finished in a rich mahogany.
Kensi brushed her fingers over the intertwined heart set in a oval frame, stunned by the simple beauty of it.
“Deeks this is beautiful, where did you get it from?”
“One of the vets I surf with makes all kinds of carved jewelry. His daughter wanted to learn to surf to, so I traded some lessons in exchange for this.” He nodded at the pendant. “There’s an inscription on the back.”
Kensi flipped it over, squinting a little to read the tiny print.
“Wherever You Are Is Home”. She felt tears well in her eyes and leaned across the bed to hug Deeks, the necklace clasped tightly in her hand.
“It’s perfect, Deeks. Thank you,” she said, holding him tightly. Reluctantly pulling away, she leaned over to her bedside table and retrieved a present about the size of a cigar box. “I was going to wait to give you this, but since were apparently giving presents now, I might as well. Merry Christmas, baby.”
Deeks squinted an eye at her, pulling at the green ribbon tied around it.
“So much for not buying presents,” he commented wryly.
“I definitely didn’t pay anything for this and I didn’t trade anything either.” She pressed her lips together, her heart racing a little as he removed the wrapping paper and opened the box, a frown appearing as he saw the contents. He pulled out a tiny pair of white booties, the edges bearing a couple scrapes, but otherwise in pristine condition.
“Baby shoes...?” Kensi let out a trembling sigh at his question and said,
“Remember how I said last night that maybe we’d have another little Deeks by next Christmas?” He nodded, still not following along. “Well, we might need those a lot sooner than you thought.”
He was silent for another moment and then his head sprang up.
“Kensi are you telling me...?” he whispered, shaking his head in dis belief as she nodded.
“I’m pregnant,” she said, voice breaking. His face split with a massive smile, and he surged across the bed, clasping her against his chest.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe this. When, how? I thought we missed the cycle this month.”
“I thought so too, but I took a pregnancy test last week just out of habit and it was positive. I was going to tell you right away, but then you were at LAPD all day and while I was waiting I decided to go through the keepsakes my mom gave me.” She smiled gently, brushing her fingers over the shoes, which Deeks still cradled in one hand. “Then I found these.”
“This is unbelievable,” he murmured, looking at the shoes again.
“Another Christmas Miracle,” Kensi said, brushing his hair back from his face. She was nearly overcome with emotion. “I love you so much Marty Deeks.”
““This is the most ridiculous Christmas ever.” He laughed, his eyes filling with tears as he kissed her again. “We’re having a baby and I’m going to FLETC, and we just bought a house. We’re insane.”
“Yes, we are and I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Kensi agreed as Deeks pulled her back into his arms.
“Merry Christmas, baby,” he whispered, lowering his hand to rest over her stomach. “And Merry Christmas baby Deeks.”
A/N: Obviously this pregnancy reveal is a separate scenario from the previous one. The beast has been reawakened, expect many a baby fics from now on.
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He Walks in Starlight
Tags: bong jaehyun x reader, vaguely Star Trek inspired, mostly just a sci-fi au
Length: 2.1k words
First time writing a scenario/imagine so excuse my amateur writing. I really just wrote this for fun lol
Your eyes felt blurry as they struggle to open while you hear the tone of your alarm go off. It felt cold and all you wanted to do was lay under your blanket where it was warm and cozy. You sighed as you turned off your alarm. You looked at the calendar displayed on a screen. Star date 21499.2. You flattened down your disheveled hair before getting up to get ready.
The Compass was business as usual. The ship's bustling crew members were all at work. You went down to the records department to start your day of organizing files and data logs when you saw a rather tense figure standing at the door. It was a young man your age. He stood rather agonizingly. Once he got a glimpse of you he looked like a deer in headlights. Confused, you walked over to unlock the records lab. “Excuse me,” he said with a surprisingly deep voice. “Are you in the department of records?” he asked.
“Yes, sir.” you said after swiping your card. The door automatically slid open and both of you walked in. You sat and turned on the computer. He only stood in front of the desk where you were stationed.
“These are my files, I’m new.. just transferred from the Miracle.” he explained while handing over some rectangular discs. You took the discs from his slender hands and put them into your computer for analyzing.
[ Bong Jaehyun
Age: 22 Earth Years
Birth Place: Seoul, SK, Earth
Specialty: Geography and Cartography
*** ]
You looked at his photo and then looked up at him. Spitting image, no doubt he was legit. He’s quite handsome in your opinion. His eyes looked like shiny glass. They were pretty, almost like tiny galaxies were hidden in them. You looked away to finish the processing. You took his discs and filed it under Crew Members subsection ‘B’. “Alright, welcome to our ship, you’re officially part of the Compass now.” you gave him a slight smile. Jaehyun’s lips also curled into a smile.
“Thank you.” he said. He made his way to the door and promptly left.
Records were extremely flooded that particular day. Your fingers moved quickly as you processed files and organized discs. Dwarf Planet ZETA110 was being explored. Many records of the flora and fauna were piling in. Not only that but information the planet's makeup and natural climate came in as well. You felt exhausted as you moved back and forth between your computer and the filing wall. Thankfully, it was almost break time. You could almost taste that roasted chicken breast. The thought of food alone made you salivate. You stretched as you got up from your chair. Just then your shift relief came in and you grabbed your keycard and walked out. You tiredly rubbed the back of your neck as you made your way to the elevator.
The dining room was half full. You groaned and weaved through the amount of people sitting. You entered your card into the ordering machine and tapped your choice. It was only a moment's notice until the food came out. You looked around for an empty seat and saw Jaehyun again. He was sitting alone, still with that anxious body language from before. He looked like he was spacing out to a far off world. You hesitated, you weren’t really one to make acquaintances. Yet, you sympathized. Space was lonely and cold. It felt empty and void. When you didn’t have someone to really confide in, it felt even worse. Almost as if you’ve been exiled to a blackhole of self-pity and bitterness.
You walked over and sat across diagonally from him. You glanced at his plate to make conversation. “Spicy pork belly stew, nice choice,” you commented rather nervously. He looked over at you and perked up a bit.
“Hi.” he said, smiling a bit. His eyes glimmer and twinkle. You feel breathless for a moment.
“Hi,” you repeated back. “Are you settled in yet?” it had only been a few hours since you last saw him but you figured to ask anyway.
“No,” he sighed. You watched as he moved the handle of his spoon. “Had to beam down and take a look at the planet’s landscape.”
“How is it?” you asked out of sheer curiosity. You never really got the chance to go to other planets. Most of your companions were people who work on the ship and had no business being on the ground.
“Humid,” Jaehyun replies. “It’s so humid, like a jungle, but there’s not that many trees. Everything just feels heavy...”
You started to eat your food. After eating you got up to put back your tray and utensils. Jaehyun got up as well. You felt shy as you walked beside him. You wondered if it’s okay to open up more. “Hey, when will you be done for the day?” you asked.
“Not sure,” he replied. “Why?”
“Well, if you’re up for it, I’ll be in the break room. We can play a game of 3D chess if you’re interested. Or maybe a friendly 1-on-1 on the arcade machine if that’s more your style.” You suggested. Jaehyun blinked before smiling. He shyly looked away from you. You only took a moment to appreciate his side profile.
“Yeah, that sounds good.” He said.
“Well, duty calls, I’ll see you later.” You excused yourself from him.
Jaehyun’s presence was almost intoxicating. You wondered if it’s an effect due to the planet’s troposphere. Nonetheless, as the two of you stood together hovering the arcade machine, you felt warm. The both of you were focused on the game quietly. At one point you felt your hand accidentally brushed up against his.
Afterwards the two of you moved on to 3D chess. You tried to make conversation asking things about him. You found out that he’s a picky eater, he likes music, and fantasy movies. Much like yourself you enjoyed a good movie. The conversation then spiraled into the best movies made in the 21st century.
“Check,” you said while moving your piece to the second level.
“I’m not good at games, huh?” He joked.
“I mean, you’re not awful.” you assured him. Jaehyun held his chin thinking for a moment before making a move.
“Checkmate,” you laughed as you captured his king. He lets out a disappointed sigh before sitting back in his chair. You look over at the clock at the time you usually go to bed. “Well, it’s quite late isn’t it? I’m sure you’re tired.”
“I guess so...” he said before getting up from his chair. Almost immediately he loses his balance. You stood up quickly to hold him.
You put his arm around your neck. “Hey, Jaehyun, are you okay? Jaehyun?” You looked over to see his face had grown pale. His eyes looked dull, it no longer had that shine.
“Head...hurts… so bad…” he groaned.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get you to the medical bay.” you comforted him.
In the medical bay Doctor Lee was busy taking care of two others. You were instructed to help Jaehyun onto one of the beds. You wondered if you should stay with Jaehyun. You obviously worried for him but maybe this was too much. You turned away from him but before you could move you felt a hand grab your wrist. Jaehyun’s fingers were wrapped around your wrist weakly. You looked at him softly. “Stay, please,” he croaked. His cheeks blushed red and he looked anxious. You only stood by him unsure of your ability to comfort him.
Thankfully it wasn’t dire. It turned out that several of the crewmen were affected by the planet’s air quality causing them to have hypertension. Jaehyun was fine. He’ll be back to normal by the next date. You let out a big sigh of relief as you lied in bed.
During your break you decided to visit him. When you entered the medical bay you saw Jaehyun sitting upright. His eyes were looking sparkly again. He almost resembled a puppy who was happy to see its owner. “Hi.” you greeted.
“Hi, good to see you again.” he smiled. He seemed to be in better condition.
“Status report?” you asked.
“All good, blood pressure back to normal, should be able to retreat to my quarters within the next hour or so,” Jaehyun reported. The two of you laughed as you looked into each other's eyes. “Once I’m out of here there’s something I’d like to show you,” he said. You lifted an eyebrow at him. “Meet me in the botanical lab when you’re free.���
The rest of your shift felt painfully slow. You were too curious about what was going to occur later. While your relationship with Jaehyun wasn’t extremely close yet it often felt intimate at times. You sighed as you organized the incoming discs. Everything felt like walking on thin ice. You never knew what exactly to feel other than attraction.
You promptly met Jaehyun in the botanical lab. He was sitting among the countless native flora of different planets. “Hi, again.” you greeted. Jaehyun stood up and signaled with his hand. You walked over to where he stood. You looked in the same direction as him and saw the most stunningly vibrant red plant. It was crimson red and it’s leaves were olive green. You stared for a moment then looked at Jaehyun.
“They call it a Carmesí Florera,” Jaehyun plucked a petal and sniffed it. “It smells like fruit punch,” he held it to your nose and you took a whiff. It really did smell like a fruit punch. It made you feel a little nostalgic. “And they say,” Jaehyun grabbed your hand and put the petal in the palm of your hand. “If you give a petal to someone, they’ll be with you for a long time...” you looked up at him as he gently closed your fingers into a fist. Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked at him. His ears were as red as the flower petals.
“What are you trying to say?” You questioned.
Jaehyun only shrugged. “You’re a great companion,” he said. You frowned a little. Part of you wished this could be a fairytale where next he’ll sweep you off your feet. But this wasn’t a fairytale, this is a science fiction that somehow became reality. However, this gesture was too strange. It didn’t make sense. Jaehyun was staring softly. He worried that he might have said something wrong. You clutch your flower petal and sighed. “What’s wrong?” He asked.
You shook your head. “I don’t understand,” you said honestly. “What do you mean with this? We may be miles and miles away from Earth but this sentiment can be seen as a romantic gesture from any planet, I’m confused...”
Jaehyun looked scared for a moment. As if you said something awful to him. He seemed appalled but then something changed. He straightens out his back and looks you in the eyes. “Okay then, I’ll be honest, I like you, I have a fondness for you, I… want us to be closer, and maybe in the near future we can be more than that.” he admitted.
You blinked a few times. It was a romantic gesture. Jaehyun made a romantic declaration. Your relationship was, in part, intimate. Your face was red at that point and your heart was beating quickly. It happened too fast and you’ve never really felt like this before. You were smiling without noticing.
“I like you too.”
Bong Jaehyun walked in starlight. He was as bright as the sun but can feel cold as the moon. Behind his eyes was the universe’s tiniest galaxy. It twinkled and shined for the world to see yet it was tucked away for only the brave to explore. Just when he felt unreachable, he held out his hand just enough for you to reach. He was almost undetectable yet his gravitational pull left you no choice but to adore him. There may be thousands of galaxies out there to discover but you were glad to have discovered him.
Even though the two of you laid flat on the cold observatory room floor staring at the endless void that was space, he was still more breathtaking than the billions of stars littered around them. You stared at him wondering what he was thinking about as he looked up at the vast sky. Was he also comparing you to a star?
Slowly you inched your hand close to his. You wondered if it was okay. Your pinky finger shyly bumped into his. You felt his hand touch yours almost as if it were asking for an embrace. Your fingers interlocked with his and you couldn’t help but smile. Jaehyun turned to look at you. He looked with a certain tenderness that makes your stomach flip. In that moment, you concluded that out of all the stars in the universe he was the brightest.
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Main six + courtiers with a drunk MC

After another one of Asra’s many travels, they finally got to go home. As they gently unlocked the doors, they couldn’t help but smell the familiar scent of alcohol in the shops. They brushed the thought off, thinking that MC may have just put it in as some of the spell’s components. Slowly they went upstairs, trying their best not to wake MC up. Much to their surprise, they saw the candle’s faint flame in the bedroom. They opened the door, expecting to see MC who has just forgotten to blow the candle out, only to see their beloved laying in bed, with an empty Nevivon vodka in their hand.
“MC,” Asra gently called out, taking the empty bottle and putting it on the side.
“What,” MC muttered, opening their eyelids just enough to see Asra, “I…”
“Shh,” Asra said, moving a loose strand of MC’s hair to the side, “Let’s just go to bed now.”
As soon as MC saw Asra try to take off their dirty shirt, they punched them as much as their drunk self could, trying to move further away from Asra.
“What are you doing? Stop it! I’m already with someone!”
“Yes…” they said, holding onto the place where MC punched them, ”With me.”
“No, I, I’m with Asra!”
“That’s me,” they said, confused as ever.
“No, no, no. You are not them, you are not,” they protested, trying to get as far away as they could, ”They are kind and loving and, and, generous and that’s not you. They, they are so sweet and kind. They’re always there for me. They did so much for me and I, ”MC started weeping,” I would never be able to repay them.”
“They don’t want you to repay them,” they said, handing them over some tissues.
“I know that! But I want to repay them,” they wiped off their tears,” I want to let them know that they can always rely on me, but it just seems like they never notice!”
“What do you mean?” they frowned, confused.
“It’s always like,“ they started to imitate Asra’s voice the best way they could, ”Don’t worry, I’ll open the shop, I’ll make breakfast, I’ll g to the market. It just feels like they’re overdoing themselves because of me,” more tears formed in their eyes.
“No, no, please don’t cry. I’m sure they don’t mind doing all of that for you.”
“Again, it’s not about what they think, it’s about what I think,” they said, trying their best to calm themselves down. Once they did, they said:
“I have no clue how you got into our shop. Get out! I’ll, I’ll call the, the guards!”
Asra nodded, realizing it would be for the best if they went to sleep downstairs.
It was another night Julian and MC spent at Rowdy Raven. They had a great time drinking, dancing and singing many songs. Once Julian took a glance at the clock, he realised that it was enough for today. He grabbed MC’s hand and, upon seeing that they are drunk, lead them to his home.
Once they got home, Julian put MC down on a chair, touching the fabric of their shirt, “Isn’t this your favourite shirt?” he asked when he saw a huge stain from beer,” Don’t worry, it will be good as new once it’s washed,” he reassured them as he started to unbutton MC.
“What are you doing?” MC snapped at Julian.
“I’m trying to unbutton the shirt?” he said with clear confusion.
“Well stop it! Don’t you have any respect?!”
He was taken back by MC’s harsh words. “But MC, we’ve seen each other change multiple times.”
“What?” they said as they raised their head, staring at Julian in the eyes,” No, I’ve never seen you before in my entire life! Now get the fuck away from me,” they pushed Julian’s hand away,” I’m already with someone!”
“Ohh…” he said, realizing MC can’t recognize him,” You’re with Julian?”
“Yes,” MC slowly nodded,” Now get away from me!”
“Alright, alright, I’ll leave…” he went outside of the room, closing the door. Three seconds later he opened the doors once again,” Right before you answer a question.”
“Sure,” they said while trying their best to stay awake.
As soon as he had a green light, he started to talk to MC about all of his insecurities he couldn’t mention to them when they were sober, “Why are you with him? I mean, he’s, he’s a mess. Always hurting himself and others around him. He’s useless most of the time-”
MC interrupted them, staring at Julian with rage, “Are you the one who put these thoughts inside his head?”
“Well,” he thought for a moment,” Technically yes-”
“Don’t you fucking dare say that to my precious baby ever again!” they said, giving Julian the strongest backhand slap they could. ”Stay away from him!”
“I-“ he didn’t know what to say. All of his doubts about MC being with him just because they pity him vanished.” Alright. I will.”
“Oh, would you look at that, the witch arrived,” Valerius said jokingly as he offered MC a glass. They shook their head as they sat across the Consul.
“No, thank you.”
“What? Scared of a glass of alcohol?” he raised his brow with a smirk,” Do witches make some unspoken vow to never drink perhaps? Or,” he gasped dramatically, “Have you never had a glass of wine?”
“Give me that,” instead of taking his glass of wine, MC took the bottle he held in his other hand. After a solid two minutes, the whole bottle was empty. ” See? I can drink!”
“You sure can,” his eyes widened as he stared at the empty bottle. Moments later, Nadia entered the room and Consul realized by the look on her face that now is not the time to explain how MC got into this state.
“MC, what is going on?” she asked as she took a glance at Valerius who quickly left as soon as he saw her, then at MC’s clothes,” Come on now, let’s get you changed.”
Once they were in her room she started to look through some of the clothes, “I’ll have to have a word with the Consul later. Come on now, MC, just,” she said as she showed her one of the expensive outfits she bought for them,” let me put this on for you.”
“Stop it. I’m already with Nadi,” they said as they covered themselves as much as they could.
“I know, but how is that connected to- oh,” she stopped for a moment, realizing what MC was implying.
“Please stop what you’re doing. I’m not interested,” they explained themselves.
“I, I see, I see,” she moved a bit away, trying her best to reassure MC,” It must be nice, being with a Countess.”
“Yes, she is such a dear!”
“I’m curious, what is she like?” she asked, wanting to know what MC thinks about her.
“Oh, she may look a bit strict, but she means well,” they started explaining, seeing how the person in front of them stopped whatever they were trying to do,” I like it how she always protects Volta from the rest of the court. She is always so kind to everyone. Oh,” they changed the topic,” And, have you seen her hair? It’s so majestic!”
“I, why yes,” she nodded, feeling flattered,” It’s beautiful, but do you have anything you dislike about her?”
“Oh, I sure do! She doesn’t want to reveal her secret!” MC said, pouting.
“What secret?” Nadia asked, wanting to find out her secret as well.
“She doesn’t want to give me her skincare routine! I always try my best to see what masks she wears, but I can never see her put on any!”
“Maybe she just doesn’t use anything?” she asked, knowing very well that, apart from a night cream, she doesn’t use anything.
“That’s impossible- well, maybe it is…” they thought about it for a moment.
Seeing how MC doesn’t have anything in particular to say, she wanted to kiss them and leave, but, before she did so, she realized that she may make MC uncomfortable. “I’ll leave now,” she said as she went on to look for Valerius to give him a piece of her mind.
“Mazelinka always brings the best whiskey, doesn’t she?”Portia said happily as she poured more whiskey in MC’s glass,” MC, hey??? Oh, you’re wasted,” Portia giggled as they lead MC to the bedroom,” Come on, it’s bedtime for you – oops,” she said once she accidentally knocked MC’s glass on them, staining the clothes,” Don’t worry, I’ll help you change.”
Once they got to the bedroom, Portia let MC sit on her wooden chair as they tried to take their pants off. Her attempts have been a failure since MC has been trying to get up, moving her hands away and so on.
“What- Mc, stop…” she said as she tried her best to make MC calm down,” struggling.”
“No, no, stop it, I don’t, I don’t want it.”
“MC as much as I love you I can’t let you sleep in that,” she finally gave up for a moment for her to explain herself,” You’ll ruin my sheets.”
“I’m already with Portia.”
“What…” she stared at them for a moment, wanting to tell them ‘obviously,’ but then, she figured out what was going on in MC’s dizzy head, ” OH… I, I see… you must love her a lot.”
“You don’t need to love someone a lot to not cheat on them…” MC said in a most annoyed tone, ”But yes, I love her a lot.”
“That’s so sweet of you…” Portia stared at MC, feeling like she could tear up for a moment.
“It’s not, really,“ Mc continued talking in the same annoyed tone, ” If I didn’t love her, I wouldn’t be with her.”
“Of course,” Portia nodded, getting a bit annoyed at how MC acted like a smartass,” But why do you love her?”
“First, look at her! She’s a fucking angel!”
“Aww,” she commented, feeling happy about MC’s description of her.
“Second, she knows so much…” they trailed off.
“But she’s a maid,” Portia explained, looking confused. She knew very well that she wasn’t the most informed person out there. She only learned how to read a couple of years ago!
“I meant as in cooking, sewing, knitting and so on,” MC counted on their fingers,” She’s so skilled! Isn’t that impressive?” they asked.
“It really is,” she nodded, wanting to drop the topic but MC continued talking.
“And most importantly, she can always make me smile.”
Portia felt her eyes getting glossier, but she didn’t want drunk MC to see her cry. MC was left all alone in Portia’s bedroom. She’ll buy new bedsheets, but now her precious MC needs sleep.
Muriel has just done feeding the chickens when he entered his tiny hut, immediately noticing wasted MC on the small table.
“I guess my homemade rakija is too strong for you,” he joked as he walked up to MC, gently petting their head. Once he didn’t get any reaction from them, he started to get worried.
“MC… MC are you okay?” he asked as he slowly raised MC, who had an expression of a confused newborn.
“Mhm,” they responded, not having any energy to open their eyes.
“Wait, oh, you’ve spilt a bit of it…” he noted once he took a look at MC’s ruined shirt. He picked them up, putting them on the small bed next to the fire,” I, if it’s alright… I could take your, your clothes off,” he muttered the last part.
“WHAT? NO!” they shouted as they tried to move as far away as they could from Muriel, but to no avail.
“I, I understand, but you can’t wear that…”
“I can wear whatever the fuck I want!” they shouted as they covered themselves up in some blankets.
“Sorry…” he apologized as he moved a bit away from them, embarrassed that he even asked them that.
“You should be! That’s so disrespectful, I already have a boyfriend!”
“You… do?” he said, completely crushed. Of course, MC would have cheated on him,” Well, it’s not a surprise…”
“Yes, Muriel is the biggest sweetheart out there!” they proudly exclaimed, somehow managing to fall despite them sitting on the bed.
“Muriel…” he opened his mouth wide open. MC’s too drunk to even recognize him, ” You mean the scourge?”
“Why does everyone call him that?” MC pouted, trying their best to get out of the bed, but they failed miserably which resulted in Muriel helping them.” He did nothing wrong!”
“He killed many people…” he got more serious,” He could hurt you too, you know?”
”He could punch me and I’d thank him.” MC simply stated it, expecting the conversation to be over.
“W-What? But my,” he corrected himself,” his punches would be-”
“Do you seriously believe he’d hurt me?” they raised they eyebrows and, if they could raise their eyelids just a bit, they’d give Muriel a judging stare.
“Well, he could, accidentally.” He continued to explain.
“Bullshit. Now, leave me alone.”
Muriel didn’t know what to tell them so he left, leaving Inanna to guard MC. As for him, he crashed at Asra’s shop, having a sleepover party that Asra was way too enthusiastic about.
“Oh my GOD!” Lucio shouted as he flopped on his bed, squealing like a little girl,” The party was just amazing, right MC?” he raised his head above the pillows to see MC ba\rely keeping their balance,” MC??? Don’t tell me you got drunk from champagne?!?” he gasped dramatically as he walked over to them, letting them sit on the bed, ” Oh well, I’ll just take the clothes off for you.”
“What? No, no, no,” they moved his hands away from their clothes,” I’ll keep the clothes on…”
“Well, I mean, yes, you look gorgeous in it,” he said as he traced the expensive material on MC, ”But are you sure you’d be comfortable?”
“I’m sure,” they nodded, feeling sleepy, however, they seemed to ‘get to their senses’ as soon as they felt Lucio trying to take off their pants,” Hey, I said no. You’re disgusting!”
“WHAT?” he shouted, not knowing what to say. MC never minded changing in front of him, but why is it a problem now?
“I’m already with someone,” they whispered as they put their pants back on.
“Wait what?” he frowned, completely lost.
“Stop saying what all the time,” MC frowned as they nearly started crying,” it’s giving me a headache…”
“Who are you with?” he asked as he softened his voice a bit, trying his best to comfort MC.
“Lucio, the count,” they explained as they moved away from him,” Now get away from me before I start screaming.”
“Ohh, why didn’t you say so sooner,” he walked up to them but as soon as they opened their mouth, taking a large gasp, ready to scream, Lucio backed off a bit, ”It must be difficult to bear the count, right?”
“What? No, he’s, he’s,” they didn’t know how to describe his actions. Despite him always calling it oopsies, they knew that those mistakes were more than just an oopsie.” He’s fucked up before, but at the very least he realized what he did and he’s trying, you know?”
“Trying what?” he asked, genuinely wanting to realize what he’s been doing well.
“Well, to fix it,” they didn’t know what else to say as their head became heavier and heavier.
“But he didn’t do anything so far!” he protested as he thought about everything. He did hold some court meetings regarding the flooded district and he did give people some money to help them recover from everything but that’s still-
“You know, it’s much easier to destroy something than to fix it,” they yawned, looking down, ” Give it some time.”
“Well, guess that makes sense.”
“Mhm,” they nodded,” Now get out of here.”
“Now,” they said as they screeched as loud as they could. Some worried staff came right into the room, expecting the worst, but Lucio quickly told them off, explaining that everything is fine. He left MC alone, demanding to have one bedroom prepared for him immediately. How embarrassing, he got kicked out of his room.
“Oh MC, please, drink as much as you want!” Volta said as she refilled MC’s and her glass of alcohol. Once she was done with it, she noticed that MC isn’t waking up.” MC…” she pushed them a bit, then stopped, waiting for their reaction,” MC! Well,” she took a glance at the clock,” Volta guesses it is time to go to bed…”
With surprisingly lots of strength, Volta carried MC to their room. Once she found some more comfortable clothes, she turned to MC.
“Oh, don’t worry,” she said as she looked at MC who didn’t have a will nor strength to change at that moment,” Volta will help you with changing!”
“Wait, what are you doing???” MC said, worried, as Volta took off MC’s scarf.
“Taking off the clothes for you?” she responded, confused to why MC is reacting the way they are.
“I don’t want to take my clothes off, nor do I want to do such things,” MC explained as they wrapped the scarf around their neck,” I’m already with my precious little baby!”
“Um, you don’t have children?” she said, still just as confused as before.
“What? No!” they shook their head,” I’m with my tiny little Volta!”
“But… that’s me!” she pointed at herself.
“No, my Volta is shorter!” they said, not knowing that, because they are sitting, Volta is appearing shorter in front of them.
“Um…” she genuinely had no clue on what to do, so she just decided to go along with it,” Makes sense. What else can you tell me about Volta?”
“She, she is such a precious little bean!” they said with tears forming in their eyes,” She is so kind! But, but nobody talks about it, only about how she eats a lot,” they burst into tears,” Why are people so cruel?”
“Oh, it’s,” she handed them her handkerchief,” It’s okay, Volta is used to it.”
“That’s exactly why it’s not okay!” they shouted as they wiped off their tears,” She never shouts, nor gossips like other courtiers, she just eats and yet people are still mean!”
“Well, many people are like that,” she started explaining as she handed MC another handkerchief.
“But that doesn’t make it okay. Volta needs to fight more for herself!”
“Maybe you’re right,” she said, knowing that she could save a fortune if Valerius stopped pouring wine on her. She could buy so much food with all of those savings. She left MC alone in their room as she went back to her dining room, imagining how nice it would be to not get shouted on.
“Oh, MC, you’re late, oh so very late! Wriggler got so tired waiting for you that she fell asleep. MC?” he started shaking them, trying to get out any type of reaction,” MC!!!” it was at that moment that he smelled alcohol,” Oh, I forgot you humans have low tolerance on alcohol. Come, MC, let’s go to bed now.”
“Get your slimy hands off me!” they said once they got into the bedroom, trying their best to cover themselves up.
“They’re not slimy…” he stared at his own hands with a frown,” Why are you so rude to me?”
“Why am I rude? You’re the one who’s trying to… to… “ they forgot the word for it, so they just continued the sentence, ”Even though I am already with someone!”
“I’m trying to-“his frown got even deeper as he tried to decipher MC’s thought,” OH… Well, I wasn’t.”
“And I should take your word for it?” they asked, raising their eyebrow.
“Well, yes.”
“No way.”
“But it’s the truth,” he started explaining,” I just want to take these dirty clothes off-”
“See? You have ill intentions!” they shouted, trying their best to get away.
“I don’t! Let me just- stop struggling!” he said as he started to take off MC’s clothes,” Wait, why are you crying now??? Okay, okay, I’ll stop, just, please don’t cry.”
“This was all a terrible, terrible idea,” they sobbed as they put their clothes back on.
“What idea?”
“I just, I just wanted to see if he would care, even a bit,” they continued sobbing,” He only pays attention to his worms.”
“Is that how you feel?” MC nodded as they wiped off their tears.
“Oh, that’s terrible, terrible!” he hugged them, to which MC surprisingly didn’t punch him,” You shouldn’t feel like that. He loves you!”
“No, he loves his worms,” they looked down,” I’m just going to be around until he gets bored.”
“It’s not like that. He loves you. You’re his favourite human!” he reassured them, trying his best to show them how he feels.
“Even if it’s true that doesn’t mean much when he isn’t showing it in any way,” they sulked as they started to cry even more.
Vlastomil didn’t know what to say. He never thought he was being neglectful to MC. Well, now that he thought about it, he may have spent a lot more attention on his worms lately. Well, that needs to change. Once he was sure MC was sound asleep he went into Wriggler’s room, trying his best to come up with any ideas on how he’ll make MC feel loved again.
"MC you never told me you can drink this much," Vulgora laughed as they carried drunk MC back to their estate.
For the first time in a while, they were gentle as they walked on their tiptoes, trying their best not to disturb MC. Once they got to Vulgora's bedroom they put MC down on their bed, trying their best not to scratch them with their gauntlets. They were looking through the wardrobe, trying to find some clothes for MC; the ones they wore were dirtied by the alcohol and whatnot.
Once they found one of their red shirts they walked back to the bed, noticing that MC was somewhat awake. Vulgora was happy because of this, believing that it would be easier to change awake MC, however, that soon proved to be false. MC always seemed to wriggle, moving the red bedsheets over Vulgora's head as they tried their best to get away from Vulgora.
"Don't struggle so much!" Vulgora said frustrated as they pulled the bedsheet off their head.
"Get away from me!" MC shoved Vulgora's hand away, trying to get up from the bed, but to no avail.
"Stop it! I'm already with someone!"MC said as they sat back down on the bedsheets, trying to cover themselves as best as they could," They'll beat your ass when they come."
"What?!? Are you CHEATING on me?!?" Vulgora shouted, only seeing red in front of them. Oh, that poor, unfortunate soul. They're done for once Vulgora finds them.
"I've never been with you!" MC frowned, calming down a bit," I'm with a brave warrior... they're also a..."
Vulgora couldn't believe what they were hearing. Did the relationship the two of them had meant so little to MC? Still, they decided to push back the feeling of betrayal. They'll deal with the bastard MC is with first. "Tell me their FUCKING name!"
MC cowered for a moment, but once Vulgora was done shouting, MC continued talking: "V...V..." as much as they tried to remember their lover's name, the letters seemed to evaporate right in front of them. After a moment they gave up. Instead of the name, they wanted to tell them the profession, but it seemed like they couldn't remember even that, so they said the closest thing that they could remember. "They're a pope."
"A pope?!?" Vulgora stared at MC in disbelief. They knew each and every pope and all of them were at least eighty. Most of them had grandchildren for God's sake!
"No, not a pope..." they shrugged as they waved their hand left and right, trying to remember. It was a higher position than a pope, it's a... "pontifex! They're a pontifex!" They said proudly once they remembered," Wear only red, you can't miss them."
Vulgora was silent for a moment and the only thing that could tell off their emotions was the sparkle in their eyes. MC didn't cheat on them. Wait, did they describe Vulgora as a brave, warrior? Their eyes sparkled even more.
"Oh... could you tell me more about that pontifex?" They leaned forward, wanting to hear more words of praise.
"They're always shouting and challenging people to a battle, you know?"
"And... they are so, so..." MC forgot the word to use, so they tried their best to flex with their nonexistent muscles.
"Strong?" Vulgora asked.
"Mhm. They can beat up anyone!" MC exclaimed happily.
Vulgora puffed their chest with pride. Still, it wasn't enough, "Something more?"
"Well..."MC stopped for a moment to think. After a while, they finally said," I like their laugh. They laugh like... like this!" MC tried to imitate them, but they failed almost immediately. The sound they made was nothing like a laugh, it sounded more like a cry before death as they choked on air, then coughed.
Upon seeing this mess, Vulgora couldn't help but laugh their ass off, not being able to get a breath.
"Yeah, like that!" MC said happily as they still coughed in between words.
Vulgora wanted to ask more, but the odour of alcohol was unbearable. MC desperately needed to change. Vulgora picked up their shirt and wanted to change MC once more, but MC still kept on struggling.
"Get away from me!"
Vulgora rolled their eyes, knowing that they's have to sleep in the guestroom."Ugh... fine..." before they left the room they took all of their weapons off the walls, making sure that MC won't get hurt during the night.
"I always thought a witch would have a better alcohol tolerance than this," Valerius said as he sat in his carriage with MC's head on his lap who was muttering some nonsense.
He gently pats their head when they complained about their headache, praying that they won't throw up on his expensive clothes. Once they got in front of their estate, Valerius waited until a maid opened the doors. He helped her with getting MC out, however, as for the carrying, the duty fell completely on the poor maid.
"Should I change them?" She asked through huffs another servant came to help her.
"Yes," Valerius nodded, letting the servants carry MC to the bedroom.
As for him, he went to his library, slowly walking to his desk and even though he'd rather not, went to finish some of the work from yesterday. It was at the moment when he finally focused on his work, trying to figure out how did the count succeed to waste so much money on a coat, that he heard MC's faint cries for help.
"Get away! Get away!" There was a short pause, accompanied by the sound of glass shattering, "Someone help!"
Confused, Valerius left the library, knocking on the bedroom doors.
"Is there a problem?" He wanted to get in but stopped at the sound of another glass breaking. After a moment, the servant went outside, barely closing the doors after themselves.
"They don't want to get changed," the servant explained.
"Ugh," Valerius rolled his eyes, as he opened the door," Move, I'll do it."
The two of them only nodded, leaving him and MC alone once they took the larger chunks of glass off the floor.
"Stop it," MC shouted, not letting Valerius take their shirt off, "What's with you people?"
Valerius backed off for a moment, looking for wine. He drank it straight from the bottle because MC broke all of the glasses, "I swear, you're impossible to work with," he put the bottle down with a sigh, Let's just get over this."
"Fuck off!" MC shouted as they lazily looked for anything they could throw at Valerius, "I, I'm already with someone!"
"Oh, really? With whom?"
"With Consul!"
Valerius was silent for a moment. So, MC can't recognise them. Who would have guessed that four glasses of champagne did this to a person? With an evil smirk, he stated at MC. He will use this opportunity well.
"So you're just with him because of the money?" He started talking plainly, waiting for MC's response.
"What? No. Do you think I'm with someone because of that?" MC frowned as they picked up one of the pillows, throwing it straight at Valerius," My shop is not as busy, but I can live off my money just fine."
"I see..." he silently groaned in frustration as he caught the pillow. How can a drunk person have this much strength? Probably one of the witch's abilities. He chuckled at the thought as he continued talking," It's just that he is a bit-"
"Cocky? Always has something to say?"
Even though he didn't want to say it, he still talked through his teeth, "...yes."
"So what? He is all bark and no bite," MC stopped walking away from Valerius for a moment to take a break.
"I... see...” he frowned, salty from the comment,” So then what's the reason you're with him?"
"Let's see...” they started counting on their fingers,” Firstly, even though he acts like a little bitch from time to time he can comfort me when I need it the most, secondly, I enjoy his company,” after a short pause they added,” Also, they are dedicated about their job. I love that part of him."
He blinked twice, surprised by the last statement, "What about the flooded district?"
"What?" they asked lazily.
"What about it? He failed to-"
"Oh shut up! You sound just like him...” they rolled their eyes,” If you truly cared that much about the flooded district, why didn't you do anything about it?"
"But it's his job-" he persisted.
"Just shut up. I'm not in the mood to argue and I know that you are well aware of the state the city was in back then."
"I...” he thought for a moment about everything MC said,” I guess you are right."
"Of course I am. Now get out of my sight before I call the galls!"
"You mean guards?" he irked a brow, smiling at MC.
"Same thing."
Valdemar was reading some books in their library when they noticed MC falling on the floor in front of them.
“Oh my, what do we have here, MC?” they picked them up, smelling alcohol as they carried them to the bedroom. Once they were sure that MC didn’t get any bruises from the fall, they went looking for spare clothes.
“What would you do without me?” they happily mused as they picked MC up, unbuttoning their shirt.
“Eek! What do you think you’re doing?” they moved their hand away.
“Taking your dirty clothes off,” they said as they continued to unbutton their shirt,” Now, If you’ll excuse me-”
“Stop it! I’m already with someone!” they tried their best to move as far away from Valdemar as they could, ” You’re disgusting!”
“Oh, really now?” they tilted their head, realizing that MC may have drunk more than they should,” And with whom might you be?”
“What a…” they thought for a moment, thinking about all of the questions they could ask,” terrible choice…”
“What did you say?” MC frowned, rage building up inside them.
“It’s just that…” they trailed off, enjoying this interrogation,” Why them of all people?” they asked innocently.
“Why not?”
“They could easily kill you in your sleep,” Valdemar explained something they considered common knowledge.
“If they wanted to, they would have done so already,” MC sat on the bed, not taking their eyes off of Valdemar.
“Well,” they tilted their head as they thought about MC’s statement.” I suppose that makes sense… but what about their…” they tried to think of the way the common folk would describe them,” odd habits?”
“What odd habits? Dissection?”
“Yes,” they nodded.
“Honestly, as long as there’s nothing alive on the dissection table, I don’t mind,” they said, feeling their eyelids get heavy.
Valdemar stared at them for a moment, nodding as they made a note in their head to never, ever let MC into the dungeons.
“Well, thank you for sharing this valuable information. I’ll leave now,” they said, leaving the room with their footsteps barely audible as they closed the door after themselves.
#the arcana#The Arcana Game#the arcana asra#asra#asra alnazar#julian devorak#the arcana julian#julian#the arcana nadia#Countess Nadia#nadia satrivana#portia#the arcana portia#the arcana game portia#Muriel#portia devorak#the arcana muriel#lucio#count lucio#lucio headcanons#the arcana lucio#courtiers#the arcana courtiers#the arcana courtiers headcanon#the arcana volta#procurator volta#Volta#vlastomil#praetor vlastomil#the arcana vlastomil
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