#obvious winner
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a love letter of sorts x
@f1blrcreatorsfest week 3 / vintage
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madamemiz · 2 years
Drawing prompts... how about Sun's reaction to seeing a real rainbow for the first time?
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what do you mean they're kind of transparent?? and don't always go across the sky? why aren't they more vibrant???? :(
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asmidge · 1 year
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izzymalec · 5 months
anyway. fuck the ebu.
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Creature Competition: Round 2B
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tainebot01 · 16 days
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Quick Eustace Sketch to celebrate the official release of AAI2 ^^
I’m not going to be able to play this game until November due to semester finals, but I’ve taken a quick look at a couple of Stacey’s lines from case 2, and I give them the Winning Stamp of Approval - I didn’t think it was possible for me to adore this character's writing more than I already did, but they somehow made it!
(Minor otl spoilers below)
Somehow they managed to make Stacey talk eerily similar to how I did as a teen (minus the calling people losers part, I hope I was a bit nicer back then). Just… The use of a saying, thinking it has a completely literal meaning, only to find out that it means something entirely different later on. And by “later”, I mean I literally only found out today what “sweet nothings” is really supposed to mean. I’m in this picture and I don’t like it. This was already kinda there in the ftl, but somehow it’s even worse (read: better) in the otl! There’s also a lot more energy to all the lines, and they read a lot more natural than the ftl, at least to me.
I’m surprised at how well they managed to adapt this unusual manner of speaking without directly copying the fan localization. Like I said, I’ve only really seen some of case 2 dialogue so I don’t really know if it’s like this for the entire game, or if the plot relevant malapropisms will be carried over, but fingers crossed. The ftl set such a high standard for this game that I'm sure there are a few things here or there that I’ll prefer the fanon, but that's to be expected when it's existed for a decade. I'm sure those who're experiencing this game for the first time now will have as great of an experience as I did with the fan version.
Besides, I couldn’t do this with the ftl, could I?
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 months
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*Cat = The cat can be alien, but it must be played by a cat and it must be an actual animal in canon with animal level intelligence. T'Pol: She seems like she's going through a lot and a cat might have helped all that. Plus, there could have been running gags about her cat and Archer's dog fighting or otherwise getting into trouble. Tuvok: He's also going through a lot. Plus, I can easily picture some sort of cat getting on Voyager somehow and he's the only one staunchly against letting it stay but then he grows to be the most attached, secretly. Note: Spock is not an option because he would automatically win
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So about the new names for AAI2
Yes, the name Eustace sucks. But it does such a great job of characterizing not only him, but his father. Of course, I don't really like it because, uh. Eustace? Not a whole lot of ring to it, and no more cute nickname. Sebastian? Sebby or seb. Eustace? What even could we do there? stacey? Wait.
Acey. Ace.
This is where the name won me over. A name that was supposed to mean "useless" can be changed by someone who cares about him to mean that hes good, actually. Removing the "use" (eust) from his being changes the implication of his worth immensely. Which is very cute.
Tldr I like the new name because theme stuff, also acey is a cute nickname.
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sekaicards · 12 days
now that i've finally finishd (earlier today. for the reccord) making all the polls for this round i can finally return to my debate over what's more important. writing my shinonome siblings fic where i turn akito into a cat or doing my homework
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whos-hotter-jjba · 6 months
JoJo Villain Showdown - Third Place
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isthataraccoon · 3 months
some parallels between jlb’s love triangles: dean and jameson were both the characters that we met last, while michael and grayson were the ones we met first and were the ones to bring avery/cassie to the others
alsooooo in book 3 both michael and gray were in a pretty bad place and they refused to let cassie/avery comfort or help them (they both had really similar lines about being broken and pitying them)
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alloycow · 1 year
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So these two, ey?
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waywardsalt · 10 months
not counting maruki because he would sweep in an instant imo
yes im counting morgana as having an ‘outfit’ he has a distinct metaverse-specific design
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turtle-trash · 7 months
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Splatfest idea that totally isn’t "rigged" as the frye fans would say
Of course, even if I haven’t played devils playhouse, I know that it would win due to just how many people love that game
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lmanburs · 2 years
Wilbur from LVJY Gig-Fit Bracket FINALE!!
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WE'RE AT THE END!!! Final poll, excited to see who wins between these two incredibly different outfits:
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1, 2, 3, 4
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ladybender · 1 year
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