ernestdescalsartwok · 6 months
MOVIMIENT-PERSONAS-VIC-CONCURS-PINTURA-QUADRES-PAISATGE URBÀ-PLASTICA-DETALLS-ARTISTA-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: MOVIMIENT-PERSONAS-VIC-CONCURS-PINTURA-QUADRES-PAISATGE URBÀ-PLASTICA-DETALLS-ARTISTA-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- Pintando el movimiento de las personas en el Concurs de Pintura de VIC, Mercat del Ram, bajo la muy intensa luz de la incipiente Primavera, el paisaje urbano no puede olvidarse de la gente que circula por las calles en el Casc Antic de la ciudad, mi Pintura prioriza siempre al ser humano en un marco arquitectónico, entonces podemos decir que la vida está reflejada con expresión plástica. Fotos del artista pintor Ernest Descals en el pintar delante de la Església del Carme, en la Rambla de les Davallades y la profundidad del Carrer de Gurb.
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sofiaruelle · 6 months
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❄️☃️The SDV Girlies in their winter garb!☃️❄️
One side how i interpreted their lil avatars and then the other side is just me playing dress up lmao.
“Bois when?” Dunno. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I will if anyone donates screenshots.
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lizaluvsthis · 9 months
Goodbye 14! Turning 15!
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Happy birthday to mee!!! (I'm off to go somewhere for my birthday celebration I might make art sooner than you know it)
Thank you for everyone here and who greeted me... it means so much and I never celebrated my birthday before in other medias
No one has ever given me a birthday gift this much and I really loved the gifts! (Even the fic too!)
I'm turning 15 and I know it will be tough in the future but thats okay, atleast I got myself standing right here and everyone who supported me.
I'm continuing this journey on step as we move on.
Thank you <3 also have a nice day ^^
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werewolfsister · 3 months
Stormy Weather (5)
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Reupload, the colors weren’t coming through well!
Featuring @junco8 and @kenneduck
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masterofiodine · 5 days
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já vim, že chodím pozdě dost často, ale jak pozdě je moc pozdě?
protože tu mám (zatím) 6 obrázků na témata od @kocourmokroocko z tvoříjnu 2023 (prosím nekoukejte na aktuální datum a už rozhodně ne na rok)
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andazzi · 6 months
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(via Casa BFF | OBR Open Building Research)
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wolviecat · 1 year
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Kočičí bochník pro @kitikara
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A nejschovanější obr pro @kocourmokroocko
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feralratzone · 8 months
whenever tfd comes back im thinking about trying to get a dead weight account to idle on it so any actually good rewards i get are doubled. like what i do with regular adventures.
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firelise · 3 months
taem is really a fashion girlie i live for her
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bjornar-gustafsson · 1 year
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Amigui estic livin' ensenya-me'ls totsssss 😭😭😭😭
són com 60 no les podria ensenyar totes perdó 😭😭
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YASUNARI IKENAGA-Pintor del Imperio del Sol Naciente-Bijinga
YASUNARI IKENAGA-Nacido en 1965 en la prefectura de Oita, Japón Vive y trabaja en Tokio, Japón
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Autodidacta en Nihonga, Yasunari Ikenaga comenzó a dedicarse a crear un tono de piel único con pigmentos minerales a los 30, antes de aplicarlo formalmente a sus obras a los 40. Sus pinturas bijinga de bellas mujeres, realizadas con pigmentos minerales sobre tela de cáñamo, tienen un tono y una textura inigualables por sus cualidades contrastantes de pureza y sensualidad. A nivel nacional, ha trabajado en una amplia variedad de medios, incluido el suministro de imágenes para encuadernaciones de libros y papelería, así como ilustraciones para colecciones de fotos de grupos de ídolos japoneses populares
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antoncrane · 2 years
Destiny musing but -- Do you think, sometimes, when Ghosts are in a safe area, they ditch the protective shell and just orb it for a bit. Ghost version of 'Home from work, pants off.'
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werewolfsister · 4 months
The Courting Shell (2)
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Every kid’s worst nightmare: their parents intruding into their dating life!!!
Featuring @junco8 and @kenneduck!
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thethingything · 8 months
I've noticed we've started having more issues with not being able to spell words and I'm not sure why but this happened back in October too when that medication messed us up.
we'll type a word and we know what letters are in it but we can't for the life of us actually put them in order and we'll sit there staring at it like "I know this isn't right but I don't know how to fix it"
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pedroam-bang · 1 year
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Medal Of Honor: Warfighter (2012)
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