#oboro shirakumo scenarios
bifronse · 4 months
Most people headcanon Shirakumo as bisexual for obvious reasons but I also see a lot of people headcanon Kurogiri as gay or aroace and that dichotomy is really funny to me. Brainwashing amnesia torture abuse helped him figure out who he really is
Shuffling around the headcanons with each version of him is amazing too. Shirakumo being gay and Kayama is his female “celebrity” obsession. Aroace!Shirakumo and you can make him and bi!Aizawa an improved version of that “all or nothing” tumblr scam. Twice and Toga get to have a “woah he’s bisexual I didn’t know that!” moment with Kurogiri
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Hi, there! 🥰
I'm really, really, really excited to announce you that I'm currently working with my beloved and talented friend @merrymonkey on an illustrated fanfic of Aizawa, starting from his U.A. days and moving into the present when he's the homeroom teacher of class 1A.
This is gonna be kind of long, we hope you enjoy the ride. 💖
Our Hero Academy
Chapter 1
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Pairing: Shota Aizawa x female OC
Genre: Shota Aizawa X female OC fluff, angst, high school romance, friends to lovers
Words: 2k
Summary: 15 years ago, Eraser Head was starting his hero studies with his best friends Hizashi and Oboro. Contrary to what people think, his teenage years in the U.A. were bright and lovely, filled with the laughter of his best friends and his girlfriend's unconditional love. What happened over the years? What changed him into a gloomy sensei?
Extra note: You can totally picture Y/N in the OC female name, it's just that it'd be cute to read Aizawa calling her pet names. 🤍
Chapter 1 - Welcome to the U.A.
On the first day of school, the UA’s enormous doors opened earlier than usual. Some teachers, the kindest ones, had come out to welcome the new students. Some of them already knew each other, having grown up in the same neighborhood and lucky enough to be in the same high school class. Such was the case with Hizashi Yamada, Oboro Shirakumo, and Shouta Aizawa.
While the first two talked quite loudly, drawing the attention of anyone who passed by, the last one was not only almost asleep but also remarkably quiet, he looked like a calm boy, someone who didn't look for trouble.
Starting with Hizashi, he was a tall and slim boy with blond hair, which he wore spiked upwards. His eyes were covered with some pretty cool sunglasses, and it was very common to see him with a large smile on his face. Hizashi had an eccentric personality, almost like a radio host. He even often posed when he talked and maintained a certain level of excitement or volume, regardless of the situation. Though he tended to be a jovial individual, Hizashi was capable of great rage, but that wasn't really common to occur, for he was the typical extroverted and popular guy.
Meanwhile, Oboro's light blue wavy hair was his charm, as well as his adorable and bright personality. He usually wore an expression of excitement. Very prone to making jokes and witty comments with innuendos, his energetic and goofy personality was similar to that of Hizashi, although Oboro never quite reached his friend's excitement. Due to his extravagant behavior, he was not the type of person who followed protocol and had little sense of shame, hence just as he was walking with his friends, he closed his uniform shirt as if he were in his room.
Finally, behind came the third of them, Shouta Aizawa. He was a slender and tall, tanned-skinned boy with messy, shoulder-length black hair, that partially hung in front of his face and half-opened black eyes. His worn-out appearance made him often look fatigued, especially because of his tired eyes. He was a very stern and reserved person; actually, he often came off as cold and apathetic, someone who preferred to take naps in every possible place over any other activity. Although quiet, the young hero student was very vocal and bold when expressing his ideas, which lead him to only had two friends. Despite his apathetic traits, he genuinely cared about his friends and was willing to do anything for them. In fact, he had already done it, he had already gotten into more than one problem because of Hizashi and Oboro. Shouta often grinned and even made jokes about his friends' eccentric personalities. Although it was more common to see him serious or rather shy.
While Hizashi spoke, or rather, he shouted expressing his immense emotion, Oboro adjusted his uniform. To tell the truth, it seemed that he was getting dressed, because now he was buttoning up his shirt.
“Do you really have to do that while we walk among so many people?” Aizawa asked.
“I didn't have time to get dressed. If you hadn't held us up for wanting to rescue that cat, I'd have been able to do it, so now you suck it up." He said with a mischievous smile as he tried to find his belt inside his backpack.
“Do you think they assign us the same section? I want us to be classmates again." Hizashi commented when they were already walking through the main gates.
Aizawa listened to Oboro's answer until something else completely stole his attention. Sitting on a bench next to a window, a girl was waiting for the doors of the academy's auditorium to open so that the professors could give them the welcome speech.
He was not the type of individual who paid special attention to admiring another person's beauty, he had had beautiful classmates at high school, and he had even seen some very pretty girls entering the academy, however, none of them had got to awake something on him, as it had happened to Oboro and Hizashi and their numerous dates. 
Yet, that girl just a few steps away had taken his breath away. Aizawa cut the conversation with his friends because, for a few seconds, he couldn't do anything else but admire that short girl with long, wavy pastel pink hair tied in a braid. She had been nervously playing with a pink hair tie while waiting to enter the auditorium. Suddenly, a gust of wind made her look at the branches of a tree through the window, allowing Aizawa to see a bit more of her face.
Possibly due to Aizawa's piercing stare, she realized someone was looking at her, and turning around, she discovered him. Her lovely and expressive green eyes were now fixed on the young man's black eyes. His usual tired gaze switched to a wide-eye one by noticing an undeniable sparkle in the girl's look. Such interaction struck Aizawa to the core; it was so overwhelming, that he was about to break that eye contact. Luckily, he did not do it and did not miss the kind but shy and fleeting smile that the girl gave him. Shota couldn't smile back not because he didn't want to, but because he simply couldn't, he just froze. Naturally, when the girl saw that the guy didn't even react back, she looked away from him and had to force herself to think of something else; otherwise, the auto cringe would have made her leave the place.
"You okay, bro? Are you that nervous? Your face's red." Oboro said looking at his friend, but Aizawa just shook his head.
"Let's go in, the doors are already open." Aizawa replied without forgetting the girl's smile. 
He wasn't the typical guy who got a lot of smiles or kind looks, perhaps because his eyes were usually on the ground, or because his gaze was a tired one, not precisely a cordial one. Whatever the reason, it was not common for him to receive such a kind facial expression like that. All his life he was used to Hizashi and Oboro turning out to be the ones who stole peeks and received compliments. To tell the truth, Aizawa had never minded that since social interactions were not his thing at all.
Yet, he did not have time to think more about it, the professor who welcomed them had already started with his talk. He explained to the students how the academy worked and how they would be assigned to a class. That was how that day, once again fate wanted Aizawa, Oboro, and Hizashi to be together in the same class. Though that was not the only surprise. When they entered the room, Aizawa saw the girl again; apparently, the four of them would study together from now on.
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That was how they spent the first days at the UA. The professional heroes didn't give them a break, it was training after training, in addition to master classes, of course. Knowing and trusting each one's quick was a must to survive the UA classes; therefore, Aizawa was definitely not having a good time. Meanwhile, Hizashi and Oboro not only controlled theirs better, but they also felt comfortable with their powers and were confident that they would become excellent heroes. However, the shy young man constantly doubted his ability, and when possible, he trained alone so as not to slow anyone down. But that changed the second week when one of the teachers asked them to pair up for the next lesson in one of the many training camps.
"Okay, this is it! I'll ask Hoshino to work with me!" Oboro said, adjusting his uniform and referring to the pink-haired girl, who turned out to be very quiet and introverted. Even though she had all her classmates drooling over her from the first day, she was always alone and studying in her spare time in the library.
"Don't even dream about it, Oboro, I'll ask her," Hizashi replied. "You are very noisy, she won't want to be your partner." 
“What the fuck, Hizashi!? You scream instead of talking! Besides, you'll scare her, you're too aggressive."
"I'm not aggressive!"
"And you're not very bright either, why would the best of the class want to work with you?"
Aizawa, for his part, chuckled upon hearing his friends and continued tying his shoelaces. In the meantime, Hizashi and Oboro were so focused on arguing among themselves that they didn't realize when the girl approached where they were.
Thus, she touched the least expected person's shoulder and spoke.  “Hi... Hum, excuse me, would you mind if we worked together? I've seen your quirk and I think we could make a good team.” As determined as she was to train with him, there was a hint of shyness in her voice.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" Oboro and Hizashi asked looking at how she had chosen Aizawa as her partner.
Although the two outgoing boys had come to her since day one to introduce themselves, Aizawa hadn't said a word, preferring to stay behind. So, her proposal was quite unexpected for everyone, especially for Aizawa, who looked at her as if hoping that she would realize that she was speaking to HIM and not to his friends.
"I see... you already have a partner, I'm sorry." Wishing that the earth would swallow her, the girl was about to disappear, she didn't do it only because Oboro was faster and prevented her.
"No, he doesn't have one! It's just that Aizawa's very shy." Oboro replied as Hizashi practically pushed his friend to his feet.
“Did you hear that, Shota? You'll be able to work with the best of the class!” The blonde said.
"Are you sure you want to work with me?"
"Come on, Shota, don't be so humble, your quirk's awesome!" Hizashi said pushing him to such an extent that the young black-haired man almost lost his balance.
That was how Aizawa and the girl ended up teaming up together. The mission they had been given to train was to enter the forest that surrounded the UA and find a hidden bomb as quickly as possible. For that, they would have the whole class, for the terrain was huge.
All the way Aizawa was wondering the same thing. "Why does she want to work with me?" The girl had passed the entrance exam with the highest score, and despite only taking two weeks of classes, all her teachers had already recognized her as the best of her generation.
“So, you erase quirks with your gaze…" The girl said, interrupting Aizawa's analysis. "That's so cool! You have one of the best powers I've ever seen.”
“The effect lasts until I blink. It's not very useful." 
"Have you tried using eye drops? That way your eyes will be moisturized, and you can train them for a longer use of your quirk. Maybe they'll be a little dry, but at least they won't hurt afterward."
Aizawa remained silent, contemplating the option that the girl gave him; truth be told, she made a lot of sense. After some minutes of walking in silence, the boy talked. “What about your quirk? Can you manipulate any kind of energy? If so, you have unlimited potential."
"It's not that easy." She responded by shaking her head. “When I transform energy, I use my own. The more energy I manipulate, the less I have left to fight. Also, it's not unlimited, quite the opposite. If I intend to control some type of energy, I first must know it thoroughly, know how it works, and what risks can come."
"That's why she studies so much..." Aizawa thought.
“If I don't know the type of energy, or if I convert more than what my body resists, things don't end well. It's happened a couple of times and it hasn't been nice." She confessed somewhat embarrassed. "That's why I think we could make a good team, you could give me a hand if things get messy." 
"You barely know me, are you going to trust me that much?"
"I saw how you helped your friend when we floated higher than expected."
The girl giggled remembering how during one of the first practices, Oboro used one of his clouds to float. He was just bragging; yet, thanks to the wind, the cloud flew higher and quicker. It was Aizawa who controlled the situation by erasing his quirk and helping him get back to earth. 
"Oh, you saw that..." He whispered just about to laugh. Not even Shota could deny how funny it was to see Oboro fall over Hizashi. 
"How not to? Your other friend, the blond one, kept yelling at the cloud guy to get off of him."
"Yeah, that's kind of common when it comes to Hizashi and Oboro."
"Well, we'd better hurry if we want to find that bomb first."
The dynamic between the two students turned out to be quite good, not only did they complete the mission successfully, but they also had time to get to know each other a little better, because by finishing before all the other groups, they had almost an hour free. Thus, sitting on some rocks on the banks of a river, Shota discovered that her family lived in the countryside and that to pursue her dream of becoming a hero, she had moved to the city alone. The academy had dormitories for students with similar situations, so she had no problem finding a place to live. That short interaction was enough for Aizawa to judge her as a nice and extremely sweet girl. 
Without knowing how or why, she quickly felt comfortable with Aizawa, so much so that she made a couple of jokes and even imitated him. Apparently, in that week the young heroine had analyzed him enough to discover several of his habits.
“You have a lot of free time in class.” The boy commented unable to avoid laughing just a little when he saw her imitating the way he yawned.
“The first week has been calmer than I imagined.”
“That's because you're talented. I barely approved the physical performance exams.”
Once again, the girl started to play with her hair tie, anyone could tell she was struggling to decide if saying what she was thinking or remaining silent. In the end, she mustered some courage and dared to say it.  “We could train together in the afternoons.” 
Aizawa raised his gaze and looked at her as if looking for any sign that he had listened wrong. “YOU are going to train with me? You, the number one in the class?”
“I also need to train, and I think we could complement ourselves. I mean... our quirks." She corrected herself while blushing. 
Aizawa was the first classmate she actively approached and, to tell the truth, it had been hard for her to summon up the courage to speak to him. Judging by his actions during those two weeks of classes, it was highly possible that he would say no. After all, Shota hardly talked with his two friends, why would he say yes to training with her?
"I mean, it's just an idea. But if you already train with someone else, that's fine." She said feeling how her face was turning even more red.
Noticing that he was making her feel uncomfortable, Aizawa reacted. “It's not what you're thinking. Honestly, I didn't expect you to want to team up with me. You caught me off guard."
Understanding that it wasn't that he was rejecting her, but that this was all very unexpected for him, she felt less embarrassed. “I'm not very good at making friends and many of our classmates already knew each other. Besides…. You seem like a very trustworthy person and your quirk is wonderful. I'm sorry, I think I already told you this a dozen times.” She said between a shy giggling.
The black-haired hero looked at her for a few moments. "She's really cute. No wonder why Hizashi and Oboro say it all the time." 
"Well, I don't want to put you on the spot. If one day you have some free time, we could train together, Aizawa.” She said getting up, it was time to meet up with the rest of the class.
"Shota, call me Shota."
“My name's Kaori. Thanks for working with me today, Shota.” She responded with a sweet smile.
Next chapter
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spinji · 7 months
You know what scene I still think about a lot? The conversation with Garaki and Mic.
Well, it's less of a conversation and more Garaki infodumping to cause as much emotional damage as possible before he gets his ass thrown in jail.
Still, all of the information we ever get surrounding nomu and Kurogiri specifically is so chilling. And if you've read the School Days arc in Vigilantes it's WORSE.
In Vigilantes, Oboro's death is framed by the narrative as an accident, a tragedy that comes as a result of educators and the government being too eager to throw prospective hero students into the world and out of their depth (wow I wonder where I've heard that scenario before). Shirakumo and Aizawa are in a fight they are not equipped to handle, and Shirakumo pays the price by protecting others over himself. He didn't do anything "wrong" for this to happen, but it happened anyway because the world doesn't care if you were in the right or not when it snuffs you out.
This isn't just a tragic backstory for Kurogiri, it frames Aizawa's entire mindset as he grows into an adult. His beliefs and unorthodox teaching methods come as a result of what he took away from thet tragedy. He emphasizes the unfairness of the world on the first day of class. He refuses to coddle his students. He's against the first years taking work studies. He fully intends to expel students who will not take this training or their own well being seriously because if he lets them stay, they're the next Shirakumo.
And then there's Garaki, all too happy to bring up Oboro to Mic as he's dragging his fat ass out of the lab. Because, you know, fun fact, that attack wasn't a coincidence at all. No bad luck, no wrong place wrong time, because that little work study team was All For One's target. He wanted a new quirk in his repertoire. It's just a shame that they got the wrong one. That erasure quirk would've been so useful. But, you gotta work with what life gives you, right?
Not only did that attack fundamentally change Aizawa as a person, but it was meant to kill him in Oboro's stead. And now Mic knows this. He knows that his best friend died in a deliberate attack to kill his other best friend. And with Midnight biting it not long after this, Mic has lost the last person chillingly aware of what happened to Shirakumo. The last person he would ever be able to tell outside of Aizawa himself. Mic has to sit there and mourn his coworker in Aizawa's hospital room, fully aware that Aizawa saw the lifeless body if their best friend because the intentional, avoidable attack killed the wrong person.
There's no way that Mic isn't aware of how Aizawa's behavior changed between becoming a student and becoming a teacher. He knows him too intimately to not see the difference, the callousness that grew from such a brutal life lesson, the hope that died in his eyes when faced with reality. But he can't say a word, not to him. He can't tell Aizawa that Oboro's death and Kurogiri's creation only came about because the target was on Aizawa's head. But he's forced to know that, carrying that forbidden knowledge to his grave in the hope Shouta never finds out.
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kywaslost · 2 years
omg hello! Can I get a scenario of Aizawa and Mic maybe going on a patrol and finding a child in an alleyway, like maybe lost and injured. So then they like take them to the hospital and then they find out that they’re related to Oboro Shirakumo?
I Can’t Believe He Lives On - Aizawa and Present Mic
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A/N: Omg hi!! I absolutely love this request! Sorry it took me so long, but I just finished finals today and now I have time to do a lot of writing. I hope you don’t mind but I made the reader a teenager. I feel like it fits my idea best. I hope you enjoy it!!
“Come on Shotaaaaa!” Hizashi hummed excitedly. “Shinsou’s out with his friends and Eri is spending the night with your class. We have the house to ourselves! We could go out to dinnerrrrr.” Hizashi cut in front of Aizawa as they walked across a rooftop, now walking backwards so he could still talk to his lover. “Or we could order takeout and watch a movie on the tv?”
Aizawa raised a skeptical eyebrow. “I don’t know Mic. I’m tired. I just want to sleep.” He dragged a hand through his long black hair. “It’s been a long day. I just want--” Aizawa stopped talking, then stopped walking, looking around with the same raised eyebrow.
“What?” Mic asked, now confused. He took a step closer to the other pro. When he went to speak again Aizawa cut him off.
“Shh.” Aizawa continued to look around. “Do you hear that?” Shota walked to the edge of the building, peering over the small wall that was there. “Someone’s crying.”
Hizashi followed his friend over to the edge, trying to see what he was looking for. “That could be anyone, Sho. We’re right next to an apartment building. Someone may just be having a bad night and left the window open.”
“No.” Aizawa’s voice left no room for argument. Then his hand shot out, pointing down at the end of the alleyway. “Look. Someone’s down there.”
Yamada followed the invisible path Shota’s finger left, and then he saw it. There was a kid, somewhere between 15-18 years old, limping quickly down the alleyway. They kept looking around in a panic, and that was when Hizashi finally registered the sounds of soft crying. “They look scared.”
That’s all it took for Aizawa and Yamada to jump down into the alleyway, not too far from where you were currently. Their sudden appearance startled you, and you made a startled sound as you frantically backed away from them.
“Hey,” Aizawa said calmly, holding his hands out to show you that he wasn’t there to harm you. “You’re alright.”
“We’re heroes,” Yamada added. “We can help you.” Now that he was closer to you, he could see blood dripping from your hairline. There were countless rips and holes in your clothes and more wounds scattering your body. “Oh, honey you’re bleeding.”
“Let us help you,” Aizawa quietly said. “Can you tell us what happened?”
Your back met the rough brick wall of one of the buildings. It was odd how it somehow soothed some of your wounds. You looked desperately between the two men slowly walking towards you. It was better than no one, you supposed. So you took in a shaky breath and muttered, “they have my brother.” You squeezed your eyes shut as tears finally made their way down your face. “They have the body of my dead brother.”
“Woah,” Hizashi rushed forward to catch you as you fell to the ground crying harder. “Ok, it’s ok.” He looked up at his lover. “What do we do?” he whispered. “They’re clearly too distressed to be thinking clearly, and they’re bleeding. They have a lot of wounds.”
“So we take them to the hospital,” Aizawa concluded. “We take them to the hospital, let them get treated, and then question them when they are better.”
Aizawa soon realized that his plan was easier said than done once they got to the hospital. Hizashi had carried you the entire way there, whispering comforting words as you bawled into his chest. But when they tried to admit you into the hospital, the nurse running the ER wouldn’t allow them to since they had no idea who you were. They had to file you as a John/Jane Doe, and that process took longer. Then they weren’t allowed to visit you in your hospital room until they could prove that they were there for official hero business.
Needless to say, it was a very long 24 hour battle with the hospital. On top of that, Aizawa and Yamada had to make sure Shinsou and Eri were taken care of while they were gone. But eventually they made it up to your room, quietly knocking before entering. You were awake, staring out the window. Your soft blue eyes drifted over to the two heroes.
“Hi.” Your voice was shaky and rough from misuse. Hizashi handed you a cup of water as he sat down with Aizawa next to your bed. You thanked him once you were done with the cup.
“How are you feeling?” Aizawa asked.
You shook your head. “They still have my brother.”
“What do you mean, little listener?”
“Can you tell us your name?” Aizawa needed to know who you were. “We’d like to inform your family of your condition and location.”
You shook your head yet again. “My only family is dead, and those people have my brother’s body.”
“Who does?” Hizashi asked, placing his hand on your own that rested against the hospital bed you were in.
“Those villains.”
Aizawa asked, “The league?”
You nodded.
“Can you please tell us your name, dear?” Aizawa was being gentle. “We’ve been working against the League for quite some time. Maybe we know what they want to do with you and your family.”
Your water eyes met Aizawa’s crimson ones. “My name is Y/N Shirakumo.”
The two heroes in the room swore their heart had stopped beating. Their lungs quit working and all they could hear was intense ringing in their ears.
“What?” Hizashi choked out.
“They have my brother.”
“Oboro?” Aizawa didn’t think he could even say his friend’s name. “Is that him?”
“Yes. He died several years ago, and now the League is using his body as a meat suit for one of their members.”
“We know.” Hizashi was crying now, his green eyes glossed over with tears. “Honey, Oboro was our best friend in high school.”
Aizawa muttered a low, “I was there when he died.” He felt like he couldn’t speak through the tears. But then he looked up at Hizashi, then to you in the hospital bed. “You’re his only family left, and I swear on my life that I am going to protect you. To keep you safe. Because you’re the only piece of Oboro left and that means you mean the world to me and Hizashi.”
“We’ll take care of you,” Hiashi smiled softly. He ran a hand through your hair, watching as you began to cry. “But only if you want us to.”
You nodded quickly. “You knew him. That’s all that matters to me.”
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I forgot to send my request a while back but WOO here we go: What do you think of Aizawa and reader being great friends back in highschool ( with probably some secret feelings going on ) but after graduating reader leaves for overseas cos carreer
Now ! Reader is back and is a teacher at UA, so they suddenly meet again 🥳 How does that go?
I'd love that as a scenario! Hcs are fine if you prefer that though. Would it be selfish to ask for gender neutral reader, or just ommit pronouns that'd give away too much? If it's too much feel free to ignore it.
Thank you! I can't wait to read more of your writing :)
okay so I can totally do that! I can do gender neutral ig but I definitely won’t do male. It’s just hard for me to write but the rest should be fine..
I don’t think here are any warnings (if I’m wrong pls correct me)
spoilers for vigilante mangas and season 5?? (just mentions of a certain someone but nothing too revealing?)
aizawa x reader - Here we meet again
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So here we are again. About 15-16 years after graduating you’re back at your old high school, UA. But now as a teacher. It’s been a while, huh?
All the memories that were made here, it’s a bit nostalgic. You can’t wait to give these kids the school experience you had. There’s also a chance to see your old classmates & friends - now as teachers and colleagues of yours.
You could remember your time as a student here like it was yesterday. It felt a bit similar, the only difference that you’re not a student anymore..
The first day at a new school is always scary, right? But it’s just as exciting as scary. So many different students with different quirks and looks it’s fascinating. Those students are going to be the future heroes.
Some friendships were made fast, like really fast. For example there were those two loud and cheerful boys. Oboro Shirakumo and Hizashi Yamada. They became friends quickly and even dragged another boy- Shouta Aizawa along. He wasn’t as happy, actually he was the complete difference. Tired, introverted, sarcastic and very quiet. But somehow it worked out between them. They soon became the iconic UA trio from class 1-A.
You hadn’t had as much luck as them. You also made friends pretty quickly, but the boys and girls you hang out with were judging, complaining and gossiping a lot. And I mean a LOT. It was okay but you had to watch your every move around them. They also weren’t very fond of the iconic trio. They talked about them a lot and you couldn’t really understand why. What did they do? They are pretty nice to everyone and also funny.
You often heard this and that-
“God, Aizawa looks so weird, does he sleep at all? Emo boy”
“Why is Yamada so god damn loud? Also, wtf is wrong with his hair and sun glasses?”
“Shirakumo looks always so proud. He hasn’t any embarrassment at all. I get second hand embarrassment just thinking about him. All three of them think they are so god damn cool. Just a bunch of nerds”
You never said anything in those conversations because it wasn’t really true? They are actually really cool and they look like they have a lot of fun. Just let them be! But they always noticed. They always noticed how quiet you were when it was about them. How you never said anything or agreed with them. How you greeted the three every morning. How you never looked disgusted when looking at them.
So they confronted you. Also made you down, because you’re ‘also a nerd’ and that you ‘don’t fit into their group’. It hurt but maybe it was for the better. The only problem- now you didn’t had any friends at all. Sure you got along with all of your classmates, but none of them was truly a friend… So you sat alone at lunch. You never talked to anyone before or after class, expect it was something important. You never had a sparring partner by choice. The remaining one was always partnering up with you.
The trio noticed that. And Yamada and Shirakumo were too kind souls to ignore that. Aizawa actually didn’t care at all. Sure, you were a classmate that was always friendly to him, but he didn’t interact with you much. And if you liked it alone better? He also preferred alone and quiet time, but his two friends wouldn’t leave him alone. So he accepted the presence. They were not soo bad after all.
But the other two really wanted to talk to you, and they did. During lunch when you were sitting alone again, they approached you ( and tagged Aizawa along as well). You were more than surprised about that. But when they started talking about how you seemed kinda lonely and they couldn’t just watch and decided to look if everything was okay, you thought the thing you always thought: they seem like nice and kind persons. You were right after all. They were nice and kind. Proved those bitches fake friends wrong.
They accepted you gladly into their friend group and honestly, you were more than relieved. You finally made friends and they were especially nice people. Since that day, it wasn’t a trio anymore. Now, they were four.
Oboro and Hizashi (you were allowed to call them with their first name now) were always talking while Shouta was more quiet. Talked the bare minimum. But even then, he seemed nice too. It was just hard to know when he always wore that poker face. You didn’t know if he liked you or just tolerated you, but the first time he laughed while you were around you knew he was probably okay with your presence. You didn’t know much about him, expect his love for cats and sleep but he was kinda cute and all. He didn’t look too bad either. Slowly but surely you fell for him. And it just got more and more. When you started your second year, you were deeply in love with his shy persona.
But he would never know that, he didn’t seem like a person to catch feelings. And you could never live the embarrassment down if he rejected you. Yeah no thanks.
Little did you know he actually also liked you a bit more than a friend. Even before you became friends with him he thought you looked good and seemed nice to talk to. But that meant nothing… at first.
When you started hanging around more often, he noticed that you’re a very sweet and happy person. The opposite of him. But maybe this was the reason he started crushing on you. He was a bit boring and not so likeable. You were good company. A good person to talk to. He always thought he was a bit obvious and you just didn’t like him as much as Oboro and Hizashi. He understood why you’d like them more- he surely couldn’t fall for someone like him so you probably didn’t either. You were perfect and he wasn’t. So he’d never tell you what he thought about you.
Of course it was hard to ignore those feelings when you were permanently seeing each other. The worst things that happened so far was your sleep over. Shouta almost had a heart attack when you were suddenly standing at Hizashi’s door with a backpack. He thought it would only be him and Oboro like always. Not that he minded but he was freaking out all the time. Sleeping in the same room as his crush, seeing his crush in pyjamas and such, dear god give him strength. What was even worse, was that Hizashi has a huge house + swimming pool. Shouta wasn’t ready seeing you in your swimwear. You looked good and it was so embarrassing for him. He looked flustered all the time.
You didn’t notice because you were just as flustered and busy with your own thoughts. Seeing him shirtless was too much for your simp heart. Shouta also didn’t see that cause he was busy calming his flushed face down. Oboro and Hizashi of course noticed that. They shipped both of you secretly but if you two ever found out, Shouta would surely strangle them and you would be just uncomfortable and denying. They learned about their past mistakes not to do that again. But they’d never let them live that day down if they ever become a couple, that’s for sure.
After all you did a lot of stupid things together and hid your feelings pretty well. You were the perfect friend group of four and no one could stop you. Until that fateful day came. After the accident.. they were too busy with other feelings than the feelings for each other. They focused on other things and kinda fell apart. You weren’t as close as you were before, so after graduation you decided to leave Japan and Shouta behind. Maybe this would clear your head.
And it did. It was a great experience but now it was time to come back and teach future heroes.
Luckily, the way to principle Nezu was still known to you. Every hallway, every classroom, you still remember it all. The introduction with Nezu was very short (surprisingly) and you were sent to the teachers lounge to get to know the others and to make yourself comfortable before the students would be arriving. You really couldn’t wait to see the other heroes you were going to work with. Some were already known to the public like Midnight or Present Mic (you were really hyped for these two) but surely there would also be some new faces.
When you arrived you were debating between knocking or just entering but before you could think more about it the door was opened by none other than-
God you were happy to see him. He has gotten a lot taller, but maybe that was just his hair that was standing up from his head. Looks like he grew it out. You didn’t even want to think of how much bottle of hairspray he used for his hair to stand up like that… He even got a little mustache. And he still had a pair of ridiculous looking sun glasses… That was without a doubt the Hizashi Yamada you went to school with.
“There you are! We’ve already been waiting for you!! GOD I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!”
Yup, still very loud.. That’s him. He tackled you into a big hug and even if you wanted to return it, he didn’t gave you enough space or air to do so..
“Everyone needs air Yamada… And you’re stealing it away from our fellow friend..”
That was surely Midnight aka Nemuri Kayama. This feminine and seductive voice was her for sure. You’ve spoken a few times with her during your UA years and she’s surely fun to have around.
When Present Mic finally let you go and muttered a quiet (??) sorry you could get a look at her. Sure, you’ve seen both pros in TV and such, but seeing them in person is different. Midnight hat longer hair and also surprisingly to say, her outfit wasn’t as revealing as it used to be.. Which still showed a lot..
You reallyyy missed them.
So both of them got a hug. “Welcome back darling” , said Midnight with a grin.
“Thank you. But could I actually enter the room now?” you asked after releasing them both. They stepped aside and followed you right in after. Everyone looked up on you and you surely recognized a few heroes like Cementoss or Ectoplasm. Before you could say anything, Present Mic chirped in.
“Guys! This is our new colleague and teacher! EVERYONE, MEET-“
“We all got the file Mic, we know who that is… And introducing other people is rude, do you know that?” A masculine voice interrupted.
“Interrupting people is also surely rude Aizawa!”
Wait. Aizawa as in Shouta Aizawa?? Omg he’s here too?!? Nah okay this is going to be way different now..
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song for today - Space Song by Beach House
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dgalerab · 1 year
okay assuming overhaul is still 👀 @ erasure in ur oboro lives au, how do u think a situation where overhaul kidnaps aizawa and mic and oboro have to rescue him would go?
honestly this scenario would be wonderful bc no matter what when they do find aizawa he's just there with eri like hello thanks for the rescue we have a child now. but while trying soooooo hard to seem very stoic and unaffected by it. but like in a way that doesn't upset eri. truly playing 4d chess to hide the feelings literally everyone is 100% aware he has.
anyway i think it does depend on whether or not they're aware of eri bc if they don't know that a kid is involved, i think in this au mic would have a lot easier time with the "go nuclear until everyone is safe" option bc his has his team to do disaster management for him while he's on the warpath (shirakumo will make sure no one gets seriously hurt and can alert mic to any kind of situations that he needs to be aware of so he doesn't have to handle things with kid gloves)
BUT i think if they know there's a kid there both shirakumo and mic would be very focused on making sure she's safe and relatively untraumatized, so i think it'd be a more surgical procedure - likely mic and several other heroes (like in canon) taking on the brunt of the force while shirakumo slips in and gets aizawa and eri
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mirukosbitchywife · 2 years
my hero academia
dabi/touya todoroki:
4k words of hugging dabi
dabi and mitsuri
he looks chewy
smoking headcanons
cuddling headcanons
fanfic headcanons
dabi comfort
three genders
the past never dies
he loves his family
hawks/keigo takami:
short king
he has chapped lips
jingles when he walks
bird calling
hawks and twice should be friends
giving him the silent treatment
hawks x vigilante reader
bathing with him
making a nest with him
smoking headcanons
cuddling headcanons
fanfic headcanons
tomura shigaraki:
shiggy x reader with a skin condition
good leader shiggy
i am his lawyer
three genders
smoking headcanons
cuddling headcanons
fanfic headcanons
miruko/rumi usagiyama:
miruko x vigilante reader
give her fur
crying over miruko dressed as megan thee stallion
smoking headcanons
cuddling headcanons
fanfic headcanons
worst case scenario i'm pinned by a woman
outdoors with rumi
twice/jin bubaigawara
twice x reader with pets
twice x reader who dyes their hair
smoking headcanons
cuddling headcanons
fanfic headcanons
shouta aizawa
sharing a sleeping bag
aizawa x vigilante reader
aizawa x reader that dyes their hair
erasercloudmic is great
smoking headcanons
cuddling headcanons
fanfic headcanons
kurogiri/oboro shirakumo
hes a great mom
erasercloudmic is great
smoking headcanons
cuddling headcanons
fanfic headcanons
fatgum/taishiro toyomitsu
i need a big boy
fatgum x vigilante reader
fatgum x reader who dyes their hair
smoking headcanons
cuddling headcanons
fanfic headcanons
himiko toga
himiko comfort
three genders
smoking headcanons
cuddling headcanons
fanfic headcanons
deku/izuku midoriya
deku x reader with chronic pain
canon izuku is scary
deku x reader who likes jjba
smoking headcanons
cuddling headcanons
fanfic headcanons
shouto todoroki
let shouto be silly
he would cry for a grilled cheese
personal heatpack
kid shouto fics give me baby fever
smoking headcanons
cuddling headcanons
fanfic headcanons
mina, iida, jirou, sero, and momo x reader who likes jjba
bakugou, uraraka, kouda, and aoyama x reader who likes jjba
kirishima, tamaki, and shinsou comfort
midnight x vigilante reader
mirio, kirishima, and shinsou x reader who dyes their hair
smoking headcanons has most other characters
cuddling headcanons has most other characters
fanfic headcanons has most other characters
the league of villains is a family
momo should be fat
ass for one
nemuri would be my greatest weakness
describing the series to someone else is crazy
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paper--moons · 2 years
Hmm, how would baby Tomura react to Kurogiri and Shirakumo being one person? Like, his looks are a mixture of both, but his personality resembles more of Oboro even though he still has the memories and some mannerisms of Kurogiri. And what about Shirakumo’s other regressor? (I’m assuming it was Aizawa, but it could have been Yamada too) How do they react to having Tenko as a “sibling” per se?
Now, I was looking over my inbox and working on getting my notes sorted as I am wont to do, and I'm not so sure if you are simply looking for my input and want a little chat or if this is meant to be a request. Though upon another read of the ask I'm leaning towards the former, so if I have misinterpreted that do forgive me, dear anon, and don't hesitate to follow up if you were looking for a formal request.
So! To answer your question, I think Tomura would react similarly to how children often do when faced with a parent that has made a noticeable change to their appearance (for example, shaving off a beard). It's still very obvious to him that this is his papa, but he's different and it's confusing. But different and confusing can be okay, especially when the love and care is still there. Because if anything, more of the Shirakumo personality coming out means he can be more open with the care that he shows for Tomura; Kurogiri is limited by his programming, but if the two integrate? Then the part of Kurogiri that was so insistent on taking care of Tomura perhaps more than AFO intended is now at the forefront and is no longer restricted. With that in mind, I think Tomura would come around rather quickly to the fact that Papa is a bit different now.
And as for his other regressor...Aizawa probably would not react well to having Tomura as a "sibling" of sorts at first. Not even taking into account the fact that Tomura has put his class in danger and that would make it awkward to say the least—no, his hang-up would largely stem from the idea that Shirakumo is too busy for him now. He's helping with Tomura's rehabilitation, right? There would almost be a sense of being replaced, especially given that they regress to a similar age range. That's not even touching the guilt he feels over Shirakumo's death; it would take some time before he even thought he was wanted still.
Sorry if this got a wee bit angsty, but it is definitely a fun scenario to explore! There's just so many possibilities, you know? 🌙
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
cloudy day.
request: omg hold up you write for oboro???? my hubby no one knows about???? my baby boy???? jsbsjsbn how about a oneshot/imagine where he and his gf before the incident finally reunite? i meant something like before and after. (i think-) like, they were partners before what happened, so how would y/n react when she finds out he's back?
# tags: scenario; relationship? & friendship; aged up!y/n (31-year-old); angst; drama; flashbacks; a slightly changed plot; sfw
includes: female reader ft. oboro shirakumo {bnha}
author’s note: FINALLYYYYYY. thank you so much for this request! 
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Today was going to be a quiet, nice and calm day. Keyword: was going to be. Unfortunately, nothing in life is planned, so after a short while your good day has turned into something that you would never expected.
One single call from your long-time friend Hizashi who asked you to leave the house and all your positive humor felt down. At first, of course, you didn’t know what was going on; although you guessed it might be something big, since the ever-loud Present Mic was talking to you so calmly and lowly. But then you didn’t think too much about it, just took your handbag from the dresser, put shoes on your feet and left the tiny apartament, almost bumping into Aizawa who was standing in front of your door. You immediately raised your left eyebrow, even more confused with what was happening. And when you saw Yamada waiting outside your block, your heart pounded faster in your chest.
“What happened that you two are here.” You asked in a bored voice. “Don’t you two have any work at school... or with villains? City protection or something?” You added, looking at the black-haired guy and the the other man who was still unnaturally quiet.
“Please don’t be mad.” Blonde one started in a calm tone, and you clenched your fists.
“These words don’t help me at all. But anyway, tell me what’s wrong. Like, we haven’t seen each other for so long and suddenly you two call to me. Come on.”
“Well...” Hizashi looked at the overcast sky, then at your face. “Oboro...”
“Don’t say that name, pretty please.” You sighed. You didn’t want to go back to your memories of the past, from more than a decade ago, from the time when you were still in U.A. High School, and you and your three boys were a group of friends, and additionally this mentioned, cloudy boy was your first love. “I’ll go home now.”
“N-No, Y/N. Wait, please. I want to say... O-Oboro... How to say that...? H-He lives.” Your friend’s stuttering voice reached your ears and you felt a few drops of sweat trickle down your neck. “Or at least that’s what it looks like... I think.”
“It’s not funny, Hizashi.” You whispered as you turned to the two pro-heroes. “He isn’t and won’t be.”
“You must come to Tartarus with us.” Shota said suddenly, and you gasped. “We can’t explain it by words, so just come with us and see for yourself.”
You looked at them as if they were crazy. 
Yeah, they were certainly crazy.
{ ・゚✧ }
You didn’t know what to say when you and two thirty-one-year-olds entered the huge, white room where the retired hero, Gran Torino, and security were already standing. You looked once more at your friends, then at the unconscious figure.
“I don’t understand what’s going on.” You whispered confusedly, causing Aizawa to look at you sympathetically. At the same time, however, he was unable to utter even the slightest word.
Luckily, the old gentleman standing next to you coughed under his breath and caught your attention. The retiree very slowly started explaining to you who the villain was, then mentioned the theft of Oboro’s corpse thirteen years ago, and finally said that ‘Kurogiri’ was made of your boyfriend's body. For a moment you didn’t know what to say, because after Shirakumo’s death you decided to quit school, or rather a heroic course; you were completely uninterested in the world, except your safe bubble around you. Instead, you went to a normal High School, cutting yourself off from everyone except Shota and Hizashi. You were still in contact with them, but without talking about heroes and villains... and that accident.
When you nodded, you looked at the unconscious man again, feeling your fingers start soaking with unpleasant sweat.
“Will he ever wake up?” You asked hesitantly, so after a while one of the security guards kindly informed your person of the probability to it. “Can we wait here?”
Nobody opposed your words, so you breathed and decided to wait until the strange person wakes up. Of course, you felt a odd weight in your heart, but you chose to ignore it for now.
Aizawa’s warm hand on your shoulder calmed you down a bit, but another dose of shivers came when Kurogiri awoke and Shota overpowered him with his own quirk.
You stood silently by the side, watching the exchange between your two friends and the hazy man.
“... Where is Shigaraki?”
“Are you really worried about him? Literally at this moment?”
“My duty is to take care of him.”
“I see... After all, you also cared of us few years ago.” The black-haired man speaks softly, taking off his goggles. “... Oboro.”
Your fists clenched instantly as you watched your friend call out to your dead boyfriend with tears in his red from tiredness eyes. You could almost feel the pressure on your heart growing with each successive scream of Aizawa.
And suddenly in between their next conversation you saw him; he trying to get out of the black mist. Your dead boy, who you haven’t seen since thirteen years, with whom you shared all your secrets, your first confessions, all your first kisses, your first hero missions, your first everything... He was there, causing your legs to automatically move towards Kurogiri’s restrained body.
“Oboro...” You whispered wanting to touch him, but you also hesitated. “Oboro, y-you are here.” You added, feeling the tears slowly run down your both rosy cheeks. “I... I missed you.”
The black mist was spreading around your figure, but you still were focusing on the barely visible figure of the cloud-boy who was trying to say something. Your hands rose again to embrace the blurred face. Not wanting to hurt him, you just put your hands on the contours of his cheekbones. 
“... Y-Y-Y/N...”
A loud sob flew out of your mouth.
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wickedcircle · 3 years
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Canon who? Idk her
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thatgirlyourejected · 3 years
Yandere platonic Kurogiri x Tomura Shigaraki
Kurogiri is caught, and freed of AFOs’ control.
The brace on the misty mans’ neck is destroyed, his form destabilizes destructively, wisps of purple smoke thrash violently for awhile before calming.
The memories as Kurogiri and Oboro battle, Oboros’ strong resolve and Kurogiris’ passion to protect Tomura Shigaraki from AFO find common ground and have combine into one…
He remained in Kurogiris’ form, the only change would be the lighter wisps that flowed off his body, and the glowing silver of his eyes that where once yellow.
Oboro Kurogiri (combined the names for a new persona/resolve), made his first order of business to ask his present friends for help.
Aizawa understandably didn’t want to help capture and reform Tomura, but he couldn’t say no after hearing his friend out.
“He’s like a son to me, I’ve been there from the beginning. He’s a child that has been led astray in a moment of vulnerability by All For Ones’ influence, and as hero’s isn’t it our job to save him?”
Capturing Tomura or Tenko Shimura as All Might revealed was hard, but successful.
Kurogiri is glad they got to him before he could be given AFO.
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shirakumosan · 3 years
last thought: how many of us think that Hori will avoid all the “shirakumo revival” discourse by… sacrificing him for Shigaraki in one final act of heroism for Shirakumo/Kurogiri?
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Our Hero Academy
Chapter 7 - It all started with that first kiss
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Prev. Chapter
Pairing: Shota Aizawa x female OC
Genre: Shota Aizawa X female OC fluff, angst, high school romance, friends to lovers
Words: 3.6k
Summary: 15 years ago, Eraser Head was starting his hero studies with his best friends Hizashi and Oboro. Contrary to what people think, his teenage years in the U.A. were bright and lovely, filled with the laughter of his best friends and his girlfriend's unconditional love. What happened over the years? What changed him into a gloomy sensei?
Extra note: You can totally picture Y/N in the OC female name, it's just that it'd be cute to read Aizawa calling her pet names. 🤍
Once again, thanks to @merrymonkey for illustrating this story. I love you, girl! 🥰
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Chapter 7 - It all started with that first kiss
The two young heroes remained silent for some minutes in which Aizawa's brain was trying to come up with what to say or how to behave. Shota was terrible at those moments, he had never known what to do when someone was down, especially because with his only two friends, he never needed to worry about their mood, Hizashi and Oboro were always laughing and joking. Yet, before getting back to work, he forced himself to act, he cared too much about the girl to not try to do something. 
"Do you want to talk about it?" Kaori looked at him and couldn't help but find adorable his shyness and inexperience when it came to trying to keep a serious conversation. “I mean, if you don't, you might keep thinking about it while we work and…”
"Shota, why don't you just accept that you're being a good friend and you're worried about me?" Her question caused him to immediately blush and clear his throat.
"Fine, I'm worried about you, it's not normal to see you this blue."
"Do you remember the first time we trained together? I told you that heat and electricity are types of energy I avoid." Aizawa nodded, of course he remembered. "Before coming to the U.A. I was in charge of taking care of my brothers while my parents worked. We used to go to the forest, and while I trained, they played near me. They begged me for days to go to this place where my parents didn't allow us to visit not just because it was far from home, but because it was dangerous. Even for us who grew up between bushes and rivers, it was a risky zone. However, I was so reckless... I thought I could take of them with the control I already had of my quirk, but I couldn't be more wrong." Aizawa continued listening to the girl, anxious to know what had marked her back and forced her to limit the power of her quirk. Just by looking at her, he knew how embarrassed she felt of herself. 
"I took them there, and it was fine for a while until the downpour started. I thought it'd pass and we sheltered under some trees from the rain, but everything got worse with the lightning. That's when I knew we had to go back, or at least find a safer place, but since I was little, lightning terrified me, and that storm has been the worst I've seen so far. Because I got scared, I got lost and it took me longer to find our way home. When we finally made it, I realized that the youngest of my brothers wasn't there. Between the lightning, the rain, and the little control I had over them, I didn't realize when it happened." Kaori lowered her gaze, every time she thought back to that day, she relived how scary she had been. “I immediately went back, he was just a four-year-old kid lost in the woods under the worst storm you can imagine. I tried to decrease the intensity of the rain in the places where I searched for him, but if I did that, I lost what little control I had over the lightning. There came a point where I couldn't take it anymore, the river had overflowed its banks, and trying to control it was impossible. Luckily, I managed to find him, but the landslides because of the flooding blocked the path I had taken before. We couldn't even go around the river, we had to cross it and while we were doing it, my brother got hurt. I was desperate to check his wounds, and when we got out of the water... I couldn't think, Shota, I was a fool and leaned him against the trunk of a tree."
Aizawa went cold when he heard that, anyone knew how dangerous trees were in a thunderstorm.
“It all happened so fast. As soon as I saw the lightning, I tried to redirect the electric shock, but I failed. It wasn't just that, the tree went up in flames, and while I received the electric shock on my back, the fire burned my brother's face. I couldn't help it, I tried, I swear I tried, but I couldn't control the two energies at the same time. I barely managed to keep the electricity from touching him.”
Kaori did not refer to what happened after the accident as it was too painful to remember her little brother in the hospital crying from the pain of his burns. Also, it was terrible to see how time passed and his face kept remembering what had happened that day. Yet, the child loved her and now that he was older, he repeated to her that what had happened had not been her fault, but there would be no words that would make her forget the trauma of that day.
"Fire and electricity terrify me, and when I saw that Oboro received that shock, I couldn't continue with the exam." Despite how strong she appeared to be, Aizawa caught a glimpse of her friend's glassy eyes. “I don't want to see any other person going through that, but I'm still not good enough. Also, when I see my scar, I…”
Once again, Shota looked at her intending to wipe away her tears before they could even run down her cheeks, but he didn't let her, and gently took her hands. The boy did not stop there and Kaori felt how he intertwined his fingers with hers, Shota even caressed her with his thumbs.
"I was so rude to you that day. I'm sorry, I had no idea about this."
"Rude? Shota, you did nothing but take care of me.”
"If there's something I must learn from you, it's how to protect the people I care." Ignoring his shyness just for that moment, Shota gently caressed Kaori's cheek until he reached one of her pink locks and brushed it behind her ear. "You've let fear and trauma cloud what's truly important. Your brother is alive because you protected him, and your scar just shows how brave and kind you are."
"He got burned, his face will be marked forever."
“You were a child too, you did more than anyone, even a professional hero, would've done. Kari, you just need to be in the U.A. to polish your powers, you're already a heroine. You saved me too, in case you don't remember." He said with a sincere and tender smile. 
They both knew that they had little time left before going back to work, but Aizawa didn't want to leave without doing something else. “Let me check your back. It's been hurting you all night. Let me see if it's something serious."
Naturally, her first reaction was to say no; however, sighing, she sat with her back to him. 
"Can you help me with the costume?" 
Kaori didn't notice Aizawa's hands shaking as he moved her silky pink hair to one side so he could unzip her costume. Little by little, the young hero started to see the beginning of the scar that tormented her so much. It was huge, practically cutting through Kaori's skin from her right shoulder to below her left ribs. Aizawa couldn't even imagine how painful receiving that shock must have been.
Meanwhile, Kaori was not able to say anything, it was enough to fight with herself and allow Aizawa to look at her back. The tension the girl felt was so evident that he placed a hand on her shoulder, just where the scar began, to relax her a little.
"It's awful, right?" she asked barely audible.
"No," Kaori already knew him well enough to know that Aizawa was incapable of lying. "But I understand why your back was hurting you so bad. You cut yourself." The student's shyness had almost completely disappeared as he understood that it was more important to help her feel better. "I'm gonna clean those scratches and cover them, rubbing against your costume will be worse." In deep silence, Aizawa took care of Kaori's injuries.
It was the first time he could actually feel how smooth her skin was. No matter how careful he was, every once in a while a faintly audible groan of pain would escape, followed by an apology from the girl. Yet, Kaori knew that her friend was doing the best he could, so she closed her eyes and suppressed any other evidence of pain. 
“Shota, you're very considerate and I couldn't thank you for covering me up in front of the boys without even knowing what was going on beforehand. Also…thank you for staying with me during class, I know it hasn't been easy.”
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One of the courses they took that year was focused on teamwork. At first, everyone wanted to team up with Kaori, they thought that her abilities would make her the perfect match, but she was far from it. While she could convert energy, she couldn't redirect it in such a way that her colleagues could use it. Her teachers hoped she could pass some energy to their classmates and help them fight better, but the truth was that because of the same trauma that she had just revealed to Aizawa, she would get blocked and end up hurting them. 
At first, Hizashi tried to train with her, but he ended up so hurt that he wasn't able to speak for several days. Kaori had tried to pass some energy to him, but she only managed to hurt his throat. Later Oboro came, however, the result was even worse than with Hizashi, as Oboro began to generate lightning from his clouds, and when he did, Kaori lost control and the professor had to intervene, but not before having to take them both to the infirmary. Naturally, that had scared her enough that she didn't want to try working with anyone else. 
“Sensei, I've thought a lot about this course… Hizashi's barely recovering and despite how strong Oboro is, he's still in the infirmary. Please let me do a different task.” She asked after the class ended.
"Hoshino, you can control how you pass energy to your classmates if you practice more."
“I don't want to hurt anyone else in the process. Besides…"
“You're worried because no one wants to work with you, right? Today you stood apart during the whole class. To tell the truth, I don't know how it didn't occur to me before, but yesterday when you stayed in the infirmary with Oboro, one of the boys approached me and offered to be your partner for the rest of the term. He's waiting for you outside, turn around." 
When Kaori looked at the door, she saw Aizawa waiting for her. The boy wasn't looking at them, he had his back against the wall waiting for her to come out so they could talk. 
"He tried to approach you several times, but you didn't notice because you were running away." The teacher commented patting her on the head.
"No." Kaori said sounding more determined than ever. "I'm not gonna work with Shota."
"Eraser, come here!" The teacher did not let Kaori say another word. Averting his gaze as usual, Aizawa entered. “Could you repeat what you asked me a few days ago?”
"But..." The young man's face immediately took on color. "You were supposed to tell her."
"Come on! What's up with you two? You're friends, you're always together! Why is it so hard for you to talk?"
The boys looked at each other for only a second and the teacher couldn't help but laugh at the speed with which they looked in another direction.
“Let's work together, I can erase your power if things get messy, that's what we've always done. The only difference is that this time we can try to incorporate something new.”
"Hoshino, you need someone who can help control you, who better than a FRIEND who knows exactly when to lend a hand?"
"Sensei, Shota, I don't think this is a good idea."
"Are you underestimating me? We've trained together many times and there've been many times that I have left you on the ground." Aizawa commented, unable to hide a somewhat mischievous smile.
"Eraser's getting more and more powerful. Imagine if you managed to transfer a little energy to him, you'd be helping him a lot." Seeing that the girl couldn't make up her mind, the teacher decided to give them some time alone, maybe so they could make a decision.
“Shota, I appreciate your help, but…”
"What's wrong? Am I not as good a partner as Hizashi and Oboro?"
"It's not about that."
"Then why are you avoiding me?"
“There are better companions for you, Shota. We can continue training with the boys, as we've been doing, but we won't work together in this class.” 
"I'm not usually easily annoyed, and I rarely get irritated by anything, but you're starting to get by refusing my help like this." The boy said seriously, he didn't understand why Kaori was so insistent on refusing to work together if she was the one who suggested it from the beginning. “Why did you ask them and not me to work with you? Do you really think that I'm not able to help you?”
“Why do you want us to do this together so badly? You already have your partner and you are doing well.”
"Because I don't want to keep seeing how you hurt yourself."
Despite being quiet, no one in the group had the facility to express themselves that Aizawa had. More assertive than any of them, when the young man wanted to, he clearly expressed his feelings, which showed how mature he actually was. Yes, he was a shy guy, but he was also respectful and considerate, so miscommunication was definitely not something that could happened around him.
“You keep talking about how you hurt the guys, but you don't talk about what happened to you. Stop thinking like a hero for a moment and think about your well-being, or at least let someone else do it.”
“Shota, you already did so much for me that day during the incident in the village.”
“Kaori, none of the times you left that infirmary did you do so with the permission of Recovery Girl. Every time your power gets out of control you're not only exhausted, but you consume all your energy. Recovery Girl told you very clearly, if you're not careful enough, you can hurt your internal organs, it's not just about breaking an arm. Ever since you trained with Hizashi you've had a hard time breathing, and yet you did it again with Oboro. It's not normal to see you so tired, and you have several days that you get agitated just walking from the dining room to the classroom. Besides, who cares about what happened that day? I didn't know there was a limit of times we would help each other. I don't know you, but I'm planning to continue working with you and the guys as long as I can, and if I need to help you every day of my life, I'll do it, Kari."
"I don't want to work with you because I wouldn't forgive myself if something happens to you again because of me, Shota! I've never underestimated you, I know what you're capable of, you're even better than all of us. I didn't choose them first because I consider them better than you, you know that's not true. When the four of us train together I always look for you before the boys. But this is different, this isn't normal training, and I'm afraid of hurting you."
"So you preferred to hurt them." Aizawa joked, managing to get a smile out of her.
“Well sometimes they are very annoying, Hizashi steals my food and yells a lot, and Oboro doesn't stop doing silly imitations. They deserved some of that." Her honest answer and the way she frowned was so funny and cute for the boy, that he giggled.
Those laughs… those sweet and warm laughs from Aizawa that were rarely seen made Kaori's heart lighter. How could she even think of hurting him? She couldn't… she loved him too much to put him in danger. Seeing him hurt once had been enough.
“I can help you, Kari. I can… I can protect you if you let me. I told you in the hospital that I'd get stronger so you wouldn't get hurt again. Everything will be fine, trust me.”
There were numerous times that both got injured, but Aizawa was right, he was the ideal training partner for Kaori, especially during that time when the girl didn't control her power very well.
They became so close that when they got hurt on a mission, they healed each other's wounds. Just like it was happening that night when Shota had taken over her eyes and back.
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Back on the roof where they were resting, Aizawa zipped up her friend's costume and when she turned around, they both smiled at each other tenderly, the step their relationship had taken that night had been huge. Kaori had opened up like she hadn't with anyone, and Shota knew how to make her feel understood and accompanied by him.
“Ready to go back? We still have two hours of patrol left.” Rising to his feet, Shota offered his hand to his friend, who took it, and smiling at him, nodded.
Fortunately, Aizawa healed her friend's pain, because as soon as they returned to work, they had a lot to do. They ran into the bad luck that it had started to snow just as they had to deal with several attempted robberies. In one of those chases, they ended up running down a very narrow alley with minimal lighting. They had come very close to capturing the criminal, but had lost track of him.
"I think he went down the other street." Aizawa commented, leaning on the edge of the wall, trying to look into the distance, but no one could be seen thanks to the snow.
Kaori, who was behind him, tried to look, but since she was shorter than him, she couldn't, so she placed her hands on her friend's shoulders and stood on her toes.
“There's no one there, Shota. We better go back the way we came."
"I think that…"
Aizawa had turned to speak better; however, in doing so, the distance between the two disappeared. They had been so focused looking for the trace of the villain, that they did not notice his proximity. Kaori was still holding onto her friend's shoulders when he turned around and their lips met for the first time. None of them had time to process what was happening, one moment they had been looking at the streets, and the next, they were giving each other their first kiss.
Despite having been an accident and without any intention, that kiss shook every fiber of their bodies. Their lips barely brushed against each other, it was just a peck, but Aizawa felt her hands hold his shoulders tighter, as if she was holding onto them so she wouldn't fall right there. Meanwhile, the shy boy couldn't do anything, his body stopped responding from the moment he felt Kaori's soft lips touch his. That short but sweet first kiss paused and restarted their lives. 
Contrary to what anyone would have expected, including themselves, their shyness didn't make them jump miles away once they realized what had happened. Instead, the couple broke off the kiss by pulling away calmly, as if afraid something would crack if they moved abruptly.
"Kari, I'm sorry." Aizawa exclaimed barely audible, his gray eyes not moving from the ground.
"It was my fault." She responded without even being able to move her hands from the boy's shoulders.
They had no idea what to say or how to act. However, Kaori did dare to look at his face, and what she discovered she would never forget, Shota was smiling, he smiled shyly but lovely. The surprise caused by his reaction moved the girl so much that suddenly, something incredible happened in the area around them. Kaori didn't realize how or when, but she had controlled the energy that came from the snow and for a few seconds she didn't allow it to continue falling.
Aizawa noticed that something strange was going on and finally looked up from her. The boy gasped at the beauty of what was before him. And it wasn't just the snow that left him like that, but also seeing his first love with her beautiful pink hair full of snowflakes. That image became engraved in his heart. 
The same thing happened to the girl, who was spellbound looking at Aizawa. His dark hair was still half-pulled back in a low messy bun, and his black clothes were covered in snow. He looked so handsome that she couldn't say a word.
Taking his hands to Kaori's face, Aizawa tried to move a few flakes from her cheeks, but that was too much for her, and losing control of the situation, she turned the snow that surrounded them into water, causing both of them to be drenched in seconds.
"I'm sorry!" She apologized as she wished to disappear; however, that night Kaori heard an unforgettable guffaw coming from Aizawa, who in the long run, ended up making her laugh too.
Thus, first under the snow, and then under the rain, they had their first kiss and the most intimate and lovely moment. They didn't have to say anything to each other or do anything but enjoy that pleasant accident.
Next chapter
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tokyoghoose · 4 years
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birthday boy!
pairing: oboro shirakumo x reader
summary: baking a cake with the birthday boy :)
happy birthday to the loml, wish you were here
fuck kurogiri lmaoooo
I just wanted to write something quick to celebrate him 🥺 just a heads up, you bought him a new pair of crocs bc its canon thaf he wears them
"You know you aren't supposed to help with your own cake, right?" You snicker, watching him decide between funfetti and chocolate cake batter. He hums in reply, setting the chocolate back onto the shelf before turning to face you with one of his famous toothy grins. He drops the box into the basket with a shrug.
"And what about it? I have to make sure you do it right anyway."
His teasing makes heat go to your cheeks and you scoff, continuing to another aisle to find ingredients for cream cheese frosting (per his strange request), sprinkles, and candles.
"Yeah right. You're just gonna sit around and watch me."
"Is that such a bad thing? Maybe I just like the view."
You almost choke from his words, lightly pushing his shoulder with your own to cover the fact you're probably as red as a tomato. Even after a year of dating, you couldn't adjust to his teasing nature. But maybe that's what drew you to him in the first place. His outgoing personality and charm, leading you right to the palm of his hands.
He never took it too far, always knowing people's limits to his jokes and jabs. He's confident in his ability to befriend anyone—even someone like Aizawa Shouta. He's quite the spectacle and you're suddenly aware of how glad you are that someone somewhere took the time to craft him and bring him to earth for he's surely not of this world. And you're even more thankful that they brought him to you. You'd have to make sure to let him know that one day.
Honestly, you aren't sure how Oboro had managed to make baking a box mix of cake into such a challenging task. Not that you're complaining.
"Stop eating the frosting, shirakumo."
Your words have no bite to them when you glance out of the corner of your eye to see the teenager sticking his finger into the canister before popping a dollop into his mouth and staining his finger blue and green. It doesn't help that your smile gives you away, his own cheeky expression meeting your eyes when he takes another scoop.
"It tastes kinda funny, actually. I think something's wrong with it.."
You raise your brows, almost in worry when you turn to grab the container, only to be met face to chest with the cloud boy himself. He snickers, a mischievous grin crawling its way onto his features before he slowly wipes the frosting down the side of your cheek with his thumb, stopping at your bottom lip, "Here, have a taste."
The tension in the air could've been sliced by a knife as you stand there with your jaw to the floor in disbelief. What the hell did he think he just started. Oboro steps back, furrowing his brows when you start to laugh, your body shuddering with giggles without your control. It's not long before his own smile reappears when you grab the frosting container, taking a scoop with your thumb and swiping it quickly against his forehead.
"You're in for it now, baby." His boisterous laugh seems to shake the house then he takes an egg and your arm, holding you close to his chest before cracking it over your head. The yolk slides down the side of your face, leaving a trail past your closed eyes before falling to your shoulder. It's colder than you thought it'd be and it's absolutely disgusting to touch and feel in your hair. You push him away to wipe your eye, an open mouth chuckle slipping last your lips before humming and taking the cup of milk on the counter and sending it his way.
It's not long until the only sounds in the kitchen are your laughter and his and the occasional fall off food. There's flour everywhere, dusting your clothes and his bandanna, defining the crinkles in his face like clown makeup. Eggshells are cracked on the counter and there's yolk all over the floor along with milk and butter that's melted and you briefly wonder how long it'll take to clean up. The thought doesn't find you for very long however because before you can get in another good attack, Oboro has his you engulfed in his arms, pressing every ingredient you carefully aimed at him into your back.
His chest is heaving while he catches his breath, giggles coming from his parted lips before he digs his face into the crook of your neck, pressing a kiss there. You hadn't taken the time to actually look at the mess you've made of him with blue and white and yellow painting his face. He smells like vanilla, which is weird considering you didn't have any vanilla extract on hand. Had he always smelled like vanilla? As long as you could remember he only smelled slightly of fresh rain in the evening, refreshing and clean. It takes you by surprise but you welcome it, wrapping your arms around his to pull him closer.
The laughter has died down now, just the two of you swaying slightly in each other arms. It's a memory you decide to burn into your brain to hold forever. One you'll hopefully tell your future kids—not that you were thinking about marriage anytime soon, but it wouldn't be horrible to marry him. Especially when you're certain he's 'the one.' Oboro wouls probably think you sound silly saying that, laughing at you but ultimately agreeing loudly. He was never one to hide his feelings, and even if he wanted to his eyes gave him away every time.
Shirakumo presses another light kiss to your neck before you turn around in his arms, reaching up to wipe some flour off his face and that dorky smile. If anyone else were to see such a raw, soft display of affection they would think he's whipped for you, but then again it's no secret. He'd gladly yell it from the rooftop so the whole world would know. He reaches for your hands on his cheeks and squeezes gently before pressing his forehead to yours.
He tastes like spearmint and you hum in appreciation before closing your eyes. It's such an intimate act between the two of you. And for only being seventeen, you're sure you know what love is now, at this moment.
You hardly feel him trace a heart on your cheek with the sticky frosting, crinkling up your nose when he chuckles before pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. They're always on the intense side, eager to deepen the kiss to move it somewhere more comfortable, yet soft when need be.
He pulls away with a satisfied sigh, placing his forehead back to yours and biting his lower lip in anticipation while you twirl his hair between your fingers. He mutters a sweet thank you on your lips, nudging your nose with his to make your sigh:
"Happy birthday, baby."
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scream-mans-friend · 2 years
despite the milestones missed, we'll be alright - Chapter 11 - scream_mans_friend - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia [Archive of Our Own]
As a pro hero, Shirakumo Oboro is prepared for a lot of things- disaster scenarios, hospital visits, villain attacks- you name it. That being said, he never thought he would have to be prepared for his best friend, Yamada Hizashi, to ask Oboro and his boyfriend, Aizawa Shouta, to babysit his recently discovered lovechild, but if there’s one thing Oboro has learned in hero work, it’s to roll with the punches. 
Not that cute little Hitoshi is a punch that Oboro has to roll with, though. He’s a delight- Oboro loves the kid like he’s his own suddenly acquired child.
Its a chapter from oboros POV!!!
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iwaizumisbabe · 2 years
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[os] one shot - [s] scenario - [ff] - fanfiction/series
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𖦹 Iida Tenya
𖦹 Kaminari Denki
𖦹 Kirishima Eijiro
↳ [os] POLY-PROBLEMS - fem!Reader + Bakugō [hurt/comfort] [2.7k]
↳ [os] POLY-PROBLEMS pt2- fem!Reader + Bakugō [smut] [2k]
𖦹 Sero Hanta
𖦹 Todoroki Shōto
𖦹 Bakugō Katsuki
↳ [os] POLY-PROBLEMS - fem!Reader + Kirishima [hurt/comfort] [2.7k]
↳ [os] POLY-PROBLEMS pt2 - fem!Reader + Kirishima [smut] [2k]
𖦹 Midoriya Izuku
𖦹 Kaibara Sen
𖦹 Monoma Neito
𖦹 Aizawa Shôta
𖦹 Takami Keigo
𖦹 Shigaraki Tomura
𖦹 Dabi
𖦹 Shinsō Hitoshi
𖦹 Amajiki Tamaki
𖦹 Shirakumo Oboro
𖦹 Todoroki Touya
𖦹 Bakugō Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku
↳ [ff] WILL YOU LOVE ME? [hurt/comfort] [~8k]
𖦹 Bakugō Katsuki x Kirishima Eijiro
↳ [os] POLY-PROBLEMS + fem!Reader [hurt/comfort] [2.7k]
↳ [os] POLY-PROBLEMS pt2 + fem!Reader [smut] [2k]
𖦹 Bakugō Katsuki x Todoroki Shōto
𖦹 Dabi x Hawks
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