#obm au
with-love-from-hell · 2 years
{part Eight}
Fandom: Obey me!
Genre: Angst
Written for F!Mc
WC: ~2.1k
Music Accompaniment (The Bird and the Worm thru It's Been Awhile)
CW: heavy on the angst, similar to “replaced” au but with Simeon being “replaced”, depression, depictions of aggressive/violent thoughts, sexual intimacy implied, allusion to past sexual violence in Vermillion Skies, nightmare, vague illusion to torture. 
>> Though I have a Masters Degree in Psychology, I am not your therapist. If you have experienced any form of depression or suicidal thoughts, and are in need of help, please utilize the Suicide Prevention Lifeline, NIMH helpline, or the SAMHSA helpline. <<
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You can find any future parts by searching the tag #Vermillion Skies or #Melancholia on my blog! I have added it to all parts!”
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Series Masterlist
The next few days flew by quickly, for most- with the exception of Simeon. He watched from afar as those he once fostered closeness with existed in relative peace without him. He watched from the side as Luke and Mc joyfully rekindled their love of baking together, and saw Raphael becoming accepted with open arms by the demons in Devildom, while he was whispered about in the halls and mostly avoided. 
Simeon sighed, running a hand through his hair as he stared into the bathroom mirror. The jealousy and heartache was almost becoming too much to bear. It only worsened with the onset of classes, finding the workload and expectations of the Royal Academy were far beyond what he experienced as an exchange student. Part of him felt sympathy for the brothers for their continuous struggle with passing classes while Lucifer berated them for poor marks, but another part of him was furious in that they got to wallow in their pity together. Simeon gritted his teeth, fighting the urge to punch the mirror as the anger seeped into his soul. 
It appears that the price of love was a heavier burden to bear than he had anticipated. 
The weight was slung heavily over his hunched shoulders as he snaked around the crowded RAD hallway to his next class. He sat through Devildom History with complete disinterest, only focusing on staring at the back of Mc’s head a few rows in front of him. He scribbled mindlessly in his notebook as he watched the subtle movements of her body: the way she massaged the ache in her neck, the slight lean forward when the professor said something interesting, the gentle glide of her hand when she wrote something down, and the barely-audible tap of her pen on the desk when she was idly listening. 
It wasn’t the first time this week that she had preoccupied his thoughts, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.
The dismissal from the professor meant their schedules aligned, and Simeon was hoping against all odds that Mc would agree to eat Lunch with him. After all, he had been isolated for so long, and this week had clearly been hellish for him...surely the compassionate MC would find it in her heart to accept his invitation. He stood outside the classroom, eager to confront her as she exited the room and walk with her to the dining hall. 
“Is there something you need?” A deep voice from behind made the slight, hopeful smile on his lips turn into a disdained frown. He turned his head just enough to see Lucifer approaching suavely, picnic basket, wine, and blanket in his arms. Simeon’s heart sank, dejection making the pit in his stomach grow quickly in size. The dignity of a response was sucked out of him, and he merely stared at the classroom doorway to ignore Lucifer’s presence. Lucifer narrowed his eyes, peaking in the room to see Mc talking to professor alone. 
“I was hoping to ask Mc about something.” Simeon murmured, now leaning his body against the frame. 
“Oh?” Lucifer inquired in suspicion, moving to stand opposite of Simeon. His eyes were dripping with aggressive intent, thinking he had made his statement on leaving his lover alone clear to him. “And what, pray tell, might that be?” 
Simeon scoffed, mumbling under his breath. “Hardly any of your damn business.” 
Lucifer scowled, his voice venomous. “I beg your pardon?” 
“I said I had to ask her about an assignment.” Simeon rolled his eyes, fighting back the shaking fists that threatened to form under Lucifer’s hard stare. “But it seems like she’s busy, so I’ll just-”
“Luci!”  Mc cooed in delight, latching onto Lucifer’s arm and pulling him down to plant a kiss on his cheek. 
Lucifer throws a satisfied smirk at Simeon before giving her a gentle hug in response. “Good afternoon, love. Ready to go?” 
Mc nods excitedly, intertwining her fingers with his. Just as they’re about to walk away, she notices Simeon standing there watching. She freezes, anxiety welling up in her stomach at the sight of his clenched fists and flat-lined expression. “Simeon? What’s the matter..?” 
“Nothing. I’ll just ask you about it later.” Simeon spat, unintentionally coming off to Mc as needlessly aggravated.
Mc looked between Simeon’s calloused expression and Lucifer’s watchful eyes, figuring they had just had a spat. She tried to smile, but the looming awkwardness betrayed her expression. “Okay, sure. I’ll see you later then.” 
Simeon nodded, watching from his peripherals as Lucifer and Mc strolled happily away. He felt his chest tighten, the urge to do horrid things to Lucifer crawling up into his consciousness as Simeon imagined the unholy things the brutish demon would do with her. Part of him felt insulted that Mc would choose such a man over him. Another part of him was jealous of Lucifer being able to enjoy the sins of the flesh with such an astonishing person. And a final part of him was angry that he was even thinking about such things after his talk with Mc. Why couldn’t he just let it go? 
Unfair. The word repeated itself in his mind. Fate truly has damned me to a life of pining for something that can never be. 
Simeon turned, arms crossed over his chest as if to stabilize himself as he fought the blended emotions racing through his head. Hopelessness plagued each thought, the reality of his loneliness coming to fruition in front of his eyes. He began to wonder if any of the other demons had felt this intensity of dejection before.
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“She hasn’t really been doing much...just going throughout classes like normal.” Raphael paused, trying to think if he remembered anything recent. “Simeon has been hovering around her a lot though.” 
“How close has he been to her?” Michael asked curiously, now leaning forward in his chair. His interest in the human and Simeon’s relationship was piqued at the mere mention that they had rekindled a relationship. 
Raphael rubbed his forehead with his hand. “Uhh, not very, I guess? I mean, with Lucifer on her hip it’s kind of hard for him to get close. He’s like a guard dog. Even me coming over under the innocuous guise of catching up with him was seen as a threat. She was on his lap the entire time we talked.”
“Depravity.” Michael grumbled under his breath, anger rising in his chest at the mere thought of someone he once called a close friend engaging in such a disgraceful way. “I am shocked at how this seductress of a human had seemingly somehow snatched every individual in the devildom by the balls.” 
“Well, not everyone likes her.” Raphael noted, remembering hearing some demons wishing she had died a painful death as a result of a rumored assault. “It appears as though she means more than the world to the brothers though- and even the demon prince and his steward seem infatuated with her.” 
“What are your thoughts?” Michael posed the question curiously, wondering if Raphael had unknowingly been drawn in by her feminine wiles. “I’d like to hear your impression of her.”
“Hmm...” Raphael shrugged. “I’m not too convinced she’s anything special. I’m curious of what has even angels drawn to her, if anything. But otherwise she doesn’t seem that appealing.”
“And what of Luke’s relationship to the human?” 
Raphael paused. He swallowed hard, remembering how happy the small angel was to see the human. He talked about her so much when they were alone, you’d think the woman was his mother. “He seems to be- uh- somewhat fond of her.” 
Michael gritted his teeth, anger rising steadily higher at the traces of uncertainty in his agent’s voice. “How much is somewhat, Raphael? I do hope you aren’t hiding anything from me.” 
“He seems to enjoy her company, and talks highly of her...” Raphael paused upon hearing Michael’s heavy breath on the other end of the phone. “...but I doubt highly he values her over any fragment of the celestial realm- especially you, sir.” 
Michael scoffed. “Clearly you underestimate the power this human holds. If Lucifer and Simeon can fall for her faux charm- so much so that their entire being surrounds her- then I believe she could harbor ill intent toward the Celestial realm.” 
“I really don’t think-” 
“I don’t know exactly what she is planning, but we will end it before it begins. First though, we need evidence- and that is your sole job I pay you to do. Is that clear?” Michael growled into the phone, not letting Raphael finish his thoughts. 
After a pregnant pause, Raphael let out a sigh. “Crystal, sir.” 
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Simeon shot straight up in a cold sweat. The pitch-black room seemed to spin before him as he came down from the adrenaline of the nightmare that plagued his sleep. He could still hear the screams of Mc clear as day as they reverberated into the recesses of his mind. He ran a hand through his hair, scanning the room to get some semblance of grounding before standing and rushing to the bathroom. 
The cool water that was splashed onto his face relieved the heat he felt under his skin, but did nothing to solve the fear pounding through his heart. The images flashing through his mind of angels in pristine armor torturing the poor woman nearly made him vomit in disgust. What’s worse, is that behind the scene was a very pleased Michael, along with a very frail and distressed Lucifer who was held firmly by Michael’s armed guards. 
The prophetic powers had to have ceased when he fell from grace, right?
Simeon turned off the faucet, staring into his reflection. His breath was heavy as it forced its way passed his teeth in labor, only to be sucked back in with a desperation seen by those starved for air. His thoughts raced back through the dream, trying to recall anything that was said. But just as fragmented as it had appeared to him, the dream vanished into thin air- wisped away from his memory like fallen leaves in the wind. 
He turned quickly, shocked to see Luke standing in his pajamas in the doorway to the bathroom. “Luke...”
He rubbed his eyes sleepily, looking at the former angel with concerned curiosity. “Is everything okay? I heard you yell from my room.” 
Simeon turned his gaze away and his face drained, embarrassed to know his nightmares had caused a ruckus the third night his roommates had finally come to stay from their temporary retreat at the castle. 
Luke grew more concerned the longer Simeon stayed silent. He paused, trying to think of what to do. Clearly he had had a bad dream, but just didn’t want to discuss it with him- or maybe he did, but didn’t know if he should. 
Luke could relate to the awkwardness Simeon was feeling, as he felt it too. The urge he felt to be close to Simeon again was strong, and he longed to rekindle their friendship sooner than what had been asserted by Mc. He recalled their gentle embrace as he cried into their arms, begging her for some advice on how to approach the situation. 
“Things like this need time to heal, Luke. You have to actually work thought the conflicting feelings rather than pushing them away...And you have to allow yourself to be vulnerable to the fact that this wont be the same as before, but that isn’t always bad.”
She said it with such confidence, part of him felt silly for ever thinking otherwise. He knew that he could still have a friendship with him as time went on, but he felt scared of what it would look like. He knew Mc was right- that different didn’t always mean scary...Perhaps he just needed to take the first steps. 
“Do you want me to make you some tea? I can heat up some of the Devilberry popovers I made yesterday..?” 
Simeon turned to him, blinking back his surprise at the offer. “Huh?” 
“It’s not really any trouble. Plus, they’re really tasty. Barbatos said so himself!” Luke smiled nervously, hoping this offer would produce a start of healing- just like Mc had said. 
Simeon mulled it over for a moment, before returning Luke’s offer with a warm smile. “I’d like nothing more.” 
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kellofbones · 1 year
Ok I gotta ask now because I feel like this could make for an interesting idea.
So, Obey Me, the brothers, side characters, etc. I've seen art and followed people who have done more monstrous AUs of them (absolutely gobsmacked i love a lot of those ideas sm)
But what if
I wanna write an AU thing with an old plot idea I've had for years but never truly played with but I don't know where to begin. Figured I'd ask if others had ideas.
If not that's chill! I like hearing other people's ideas sometimes.
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ananthologyofsouls · 1 year
Eve didn't get along with the food in the Devildom for the first month of her stay. It made her quite ill, due to her hybrid nature and her body being accustomed to the food in the Human realm.
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jabesa0 · 4 months
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My Siren By The Seashore 🌊🐚
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devilishdelights · 4 months
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Happy mermaaayyy I was able to make it just in time :]]
thank u @vivid-bun for brainstorming abt these guys with me!!!
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floofeh-purpi · 7 days
Through the Screen.
Self-aware! Obey Me x Gn! Insomniac! Reader
OMG IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE I LAST WROTE SMTH WHATRR?!!! And its first time writing for a fandom that's not Genshin under the sagau tag-
『Beloved fluffball/s mentioned below! 💜』
@rotin0 @cherry-blossom-sword80 @leniisreallycool @mc-cos-charm @imtotallynotthere @cosmo112 @cheeseburgercasserole @kanashi-aivy
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Credits to cafekitsune for the dividers! (I needed these omfg)
Warnings: Mentions of injuries, reader has a nightmare, cursing, ooc because... hm...., I don't know either, written in bullet form, I don't know this is so messy 🙏
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• Alright, so where the fuck should I begin with this???
• You maybe fell for them, but they fell even harder— so much harder than their bones are brok— oh wait you mean THAT kind of falling??
• Anyways
• After you FINALLY saved enough money to buy a new phone you stepped on it when you were half asleep
• Ouch.
• You still had to bandage your foot because of the wounds it inflicted on your foot.
• And one time you were resting your foot; you found a certain Otome game...
• Duh bitch of course it was Obey Me! as if it wasn't obvious enough by the title
• You decided to download obey me because:
1. Your best friend forced you to.
2. You were bored.
3. You wanted to cure yourself from boredom after you wake up at 3 in the morning—
• Even though you had to delete a 'few' apps and things from your gallery...
• You think it was worth it! :D
• Because goddamn these guys in the cards look so ngh— excluding luke for obvious reasons.
• You look at them, yes.
• But bitch you dont know that THEY look at you too!
• At first, when they found out they were stuck in a game, they took a while in accepting things, that the human exchange student is- well, some sort of... coded sheep acting all plastic looking thing...?
• Like, what or who made them? Why? And when??? Why did they make them suffer like this??? Why make Lilith die and make Beel drown away in his guilt for god knows how long? and most importantly, what or who is playing??
• Well, until they've gotten access to your phone's camera— you can literally see their pupils form into hearts when stare into their eyes for so long! Except for Luke, they only sparkle more
• The sheep (aka the you in-game) was just... eugh.
• You know those occasional surprise guest sessions after those dance battles???
• Basically, the maximum amount of gifts you can get from surprise guests in a day is 6, and that you have to achieve a perfect sequence and stuff (Basically on all three actions that you do to them)
• ...Bro, they broke out of the coding that makes them give only 6 gifts to you a day and all of a sudden—
• You know they'll give you only 1k Grimm (it depends if they'll give you Grimm or the gift or nah)
• So— Bitch I'm not finished yet!
• Bro not only that, you also noticed that, as you were playing the game and progressed through the lessons smoothly.
• You could've sworn that the dance battles before were more difficult than now,
• Like bitch, who the fuck was responsible for buffing these mfs up?? 😭🙏
• You thought that Satan hated it when you touched him
• So why the fuck were you getting heart reactions from him when you accidentally tapped his head once when your phone fell on your head?!
• And the voicelines...
• Holy shit the voicelines...
• if you EVER have Asmo as the person— or demon in this case— that'll show up on your D.D.D screen, and if you're playing somewhere around 12am-3am...
• ...😰🙏
• Man's practically gonna lecture you about how lack of sleep can damage your skin
"What the hell are you doing at 12am?! Aren't humans supposed to sleep at this time?!"
• The demon exclaimed with wide eyes and a pout on his lips. Im imagining it and its so funny lmfao.
• ...Yeah you didn't play for a few days after that.
• Did Asmo scare you too much??
• My hands smell like soy sauce what the fuck.
• That's not the only reason, but school was being bitch and decided to throw exams, assignments, projects, and more to your sleepless self! :D
• Also because you desperately needed to fix up your sleep schedule and you needed to buy sleeping pills for your deprived ass, but they didn't need to know about that now, do they????
• And since you read a lot— no, actually... too many fanfics for game characters being self-aware...
• You suspected that they're now apparently... self-aware!
• You know how you always have to play obey me in landscape on your phone??
• Cuz' what I'm trying to say here is that they can basically see your pretty face through your camera, but only occasionally.
• Yk why??
• Cuz you usually keep on covering the damn camera on your phone :( aka the front camera on the top on your phone whenever you're in story mode, dance battles, devilgram posts or whatever you called it, and pretty much the entire time you play Obey Me.
• But they don't have the heart to say it out loud to you! :<
• But hearing your laughs whenever your eyes bear witness to the brother's banter or your hymns of praises directed towards them whenever you win another dance battle is enough for them to be content with the time they spend with you.
• But it doesn't mean that they don't want more.
• How could they NOT want more?
• They want every. single. ounce. of your. attention.
• But yet...
• Your so close to them. Yet so far away.
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• You tossed and turned in your sleep, cold sweat dripping off your forehead as your nightmare got the hold of yourself.
• Tears welled up in your closed eyes as you subconsiously muttered out incomprehensible gibberish in your sleep.
• You exclaimed as you immediately sat up in bed and shaked the thick covers of your blanket as if you would pass out from a heatstroke if it covered your seemingly traumatized form any second longer.
• You went out of your room to get some water to calm your tears down a little.
• After staying in the dining room for maybe... the past 30 minutes or so, you finally went back to your safe haven; your room of course!
• You lay down in bed; exhausted yet not tired enough to lull yourself back to sleep.
• And so, with dark circles and dried tears on your face, you decided to open your phone and play the only game you have in your full-storaged device; Obey Me! :D
• You waited for the game to finish loading with half-lidded eyes. Damn the wifi for being shitty this... midnight?
• You exclaimed loudly in your bed.
• 2:04am. The D.D.D showed you. Wait how long were you awake again???
• Idk if you have Mammon as the demon that pops up in your D.D.D, but here you go-
• Did I make him ooc? 😰
Oi, human! I heard ya cryin' earlier. Ya ok?!
• The white-haired demon exclaimed with a frown. Oh shit, that's one way to assure yourself that they're self-aware. But you didn't they can hear you too, so what—
The fuck? I didn't know they can hear me too... 😭🙏
• You murmured out. Yep. Mammon heard that.
Oh shit! Does this mean that they heard me scream at a cockroach while I was playing before?! 😰
• ...He heard that too.
What? -Mammon
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OMFG IM DONE GUYS! IM DONE! Sorry it took me forever though 😭🙏
Published: September 20 2024. 3:12pm.
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5mary5 · 5 months
This is kind of..an au i guess? I hope the end isnt too... sudden? I just hope it makes sense since I'm not much of a writer, wanted to get this out of my chest and share it with yall
Obey me with a player who got isekaid inside the game?
You know hose manhwas where the mc reads/plays this game and then when they go to sleep they are isekaid inside of what they were reading/playing and they use the knowledge they have to survive in this world? What I'd this happened with out mc?
Like there are SO many ways this could go right?, for one you could completely ignore belphegors cries for help at the start of the game before you go up the stairs to meet him, survive the year without getting close to the brothers and just..go but go where exactly? This isn't your world right? Noone knows you here, you mom or dad aren't here non of your siblings (if you have any) or friends or even your cousins and grandparents, you are all alone
So you decide to go through how the original game goes because what is there to lose right? And somehow let's day you do it, ypu make the pacts, travel time lines, meet lillith, and gain their trust but what happens when the exchange program comes to end? Diavolo wants to send you home, to the human world, but this isn't your home.
So what if you try to explain to diavolo that you are from another universe? you have this uneasy feeling, as if something- or more like someone is watching you- As If warning you that what you are about to do is a bad idea
There's only one person demon who knows both the past present and the future, is it □□□□□□□□□□□□? Or maybe □□□□□□□□? Are they the same person?
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loweya-blog · 5 months
Cinderella (Obey Me Edition) Part 2
Part 1: Link, Part 3: Link
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Just as the stranger promised, the teapot carriage brought you to the steps of a gorgeous palace you'd never seen in your life.
Each tentative step led to a brand new world. You could feel your hesitations. This was not your world. The castle and the magic and brilliance of it all. Yet your heart demanded for more.
Within the castle was a glittering golden ballroom with crystal chandeliers and vibrant red curtains along the windows. Hundreds of ladies, gentlemen, and those in between gathered in their silk and satin to dance the night away.
Gorgeous roses with every color decorated the pillars while a massive banquet table stood around the corners of the room. Just as you stepped through the massive crowd of people, a massive man with dark red hair and golden eyes stood with a familiar face by his side. It was that stranger from before!
"I have an announcement!" The handsome man with dark red hair shouted.
The room fell silent.
"Thank you. Now, everyone here knows that there will be two humans and two angels attending this seven day masquerade." The man said. "But only my faithful butler Barbatos knows who they are. So please, treat every guest here like a friend."
The crowd murmured and gossiped the moment the man was gone. The words struck you as odd, since everyone in the ballroom looked somewhat human, even if they had unique costumes. Deciding to pay it no mind, you went off to enjoy yourself.
But before you could get far.
"Yo! Gimmi a dance!" A smiling face interrupted your thoughts.
Without giving you a chance to respond, you were whisked off to the dance floor. Your dancenapper was a young man with white hair, dark skin, blue and golden eyes. His eyes were scattered about, like he was trying to avoid someone.
"Who are you running from?" You ask.
"Nobody! It's none of your business," Your dance partner insisted.
"Can I at least know your name?"
Finally he looked at you. He paused for a moment, like he was the one suddenly caught off guard. After staring at you for a few moments, he recollected himself.
"I'm the Great Mammon, Avatar of Greed and most powerful demon around. I want all your money!" He declared with an impish grin.
"Do you want my money during the dance or after?" You couldn't help but shoot back with a smile.
This Mammon fellow clearly didn't expect for you to have such a sharp tongue. The two of you finally began dancing properly instead of that awkward swaying from the beginning. You couldn't help but notice during the dance he kept looking around, as though searching for an exit. Whether it was out of curiosity or genuine trying to help, you began guiding the dance to what looked to be exits to the garden.
"Hey what gives?!" Mammon exclaimed.
"There's two glass doors leading to the garden," You say in a quiet voice to him, "You can leave through those."
The shock on his face lingered as he realized you were genuinely trying to help him. In a matter of carefully placed steps, you managed to slip him right out of the door without anybody noticing. With a backwards glance, Mammon mouthed a small thanks to you before running off into the garden. You smiled and were about to return to the dance floor when.... you realized one of your golden bracelets was missing. That jerk!
That snickering jerk jumped through the gardens, making his getaway from Lucifer and the poor dumbass he danced with. After he was sure the coast was clear, he reached out to have a look at all the jewelry he pickpocketed during the ball. Crystal earrings, sapphire rings and even a diamond or two! Goldie would never be dry again!
He paused at the sight of the golden bracelet. It was just a stupid bracelet....
Despite himself he pocketed it.
"HEY! That's my bracelet!"
Shit. Just as Mammon was about to escape you, he turned the corner and saw Lucifer searching the garden for him. Anybody was better than Lucifer! So he dashed to you and picked you up, tossing you over his shoulder as he flew into the air, trying to escape Lucifer's sights.
The wind blew through your ears and the sound of flapping bat-like wings were all you could focus on. Below you the ground was so far away while the endless sky called to you silently. If only you had wings instead of this thief! He finally put you down on the balcony of the castle, checking to see if his pursuer had caught him.
"Where are we? What's going on? Why-"
His hand cupped over your mouth as he quickly tried to figure out where Lucifer was. After a while, he finally let go, letting out a sigh of relief. Which was when you hit him with whatever accessories the fairy butler deigned to give you.
"Woah! Hey! Wait a minute!"
You didn't even let him have a moment's piece until he held the bracelet back out to you.
"Here! This is what you wanted right?"
Seeing the golden offering, you took it but gave him a suspicious stare.
"Hey... tell you what. How bout instead of going to Lucifer on me, we go treasure hunting?" Mammon insisted, a bit desperately.
Though you had no idea who this Lucifer was, you knew when to play along.
"I'm listening." You say.
Greed lit up Mammon's eyes as he pulled out a map of the castle. The two of you were off on your little treasure hunting adventure. At times Mammon even called you his assistant. He seemed to genuinely like this hunting for treasure stuff. It wasn't bad for you either, since you got to see the darkest and craziest parts of the strange magical castle.
Most of it at the end was in a strange dungeon labyrinth with a terrifying snake.... but you still survived and managed to have fun. The two of you were laughing as you escaped the dungeon. The treasure turned out to be an old book but Mammon said he'd be able to pawn it off somewhere. The two of you made it back to the main hall that would lead to the ballroom.
"Hey so um.... are you coming tomorrow?" Mammon asked, looking away from you with a sheepish expression.
"Yes. Why?" You ask.
"N-no reason," He insisted, "But you better not change your mind. Got it? You're my treasure hunting partner. Kay?!"
You nodded with a smile. Your eyes glanced up to the clock and you realized you had exactly fifteen minutes to get out of there. It was almost midnight.
"See you tomorrow!" You say quickly as you dash out of the hall.
"Hey! Wait a minute!"
Mammon held out his hand for you but you had already slipped in between the other dancers at the ball. Even when he looked for you, there wasn't a trace left. Who were they? That was the only question on his mind as he looked around. At least... until he heard that familiar sound.
(All the boys will get their spotlights, don't worry ;) Also @our-raven-strife-universe, @spffldlbrnf, @rxpher, @mangle2222, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf )
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legglesspotato · 3 months
Hey, everyone! Just wanted to say I’m working on something! It’s not the fic I previously talked about but I wanted to write something else that would be relatable to me!
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liszia8 · 4 months
[2] Obey me x Bsd: Beast Au
What each brother thinks about B! Dazai:
Satan: he is a very intelligent guy
Beelzebub: he looks skinny. I should invite him to eat something with me
Lucifer: dazai holds too many secrets. I can't read him - what he thinks sometimes
Asmodeus: very handsome. But ofc not as handsome as me 💅
Mammon: weird guy but he is fine ig?
Leviathan: normie.
Belphegor: he sometimes looks like me after the celestial war. I think he have many regrests
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with-love-from-hell · 2 years
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5 Sides of Human
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{Part two}
Genre: Mixed
Character profiles for the Mc’s featured in this series
Wc: ~4k
CW: swearing, anxiety/panic, depictions of anger and verbal aggression, Storm has a stutter but I am not depicting it with written word consistently, pining, spoilers for season 1&2!
Part one  <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>  Part three
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©️ artwork commissioned by @vivi8bit ©️
“So lemme get this straight.” Fern crossed their arms over their chest, giving the large, handsome demon before him a once-over. “You’re the King of Hell, these other people...er, demons...are your royal court, and this...place...is your school?” 
Diavolo chuckled. “Yes it is- and you four are here as part of a continuation of our Exchange Program.” 
“So...like...we’re dead now..?” Heart glanced between the other three humans around him, trying to make sense of how the hell they winded up here. 
Diavolo let out a hearty laugh. “No, not at all. You four are here to serve as a tether to the human world and the Devildom. We only want peace between the three realms and for us to cohabitate and collaborate on imperative matters of these three realms. I promise you will learn more as you stay here.” 
“Okay but like. Is there at least going to be fun stuff for us to do like on a normal exchange trip?” Sarah paced around the room, eyeing each of the Seven Lords of Sin with hunger. “I want to have a good time, if you know what I mean.”
Asmo grinned widely as she flashed a cheeky smile. “Ohhh, I like this one.” 
“No more questions.” Lucifer huffed in annoyance, frustrated with how many times Diavolo had to explain himself to the humans. He wasn’t exactly hopeful about adding more students to the exchange program, figuring they had gotten extremely lucky with Storm, Solomon, and the angels on the first round. Now though, it would only be these four humans, divided into two rooms in the House of Lamentation. 
Vivi huffed in exasperation. “I was in the middle of something before you snapped your fingers and brought me to this stinky, crowded place. Didn’t your mothers teach you to ask permission before doing some bullshit like this?” 
“Watch your tongue in the presence of Lord Diavolo, Human.” Lucifer hissed, narrowing his eyes. “Let this be your only warning.” 
Vivi turned to him, clenching their fists at their side. “Wanna run that by me again, you vampire lookin-ass?” 
Lucifer felt anger bubble up in his chest, a dark aura beginning to surround his body. Before he could retort, Diavolo let out another hearty laugh. “Easy now, Lucifer. Vivi has a point, it was quite rude on my part to not give warning. But this will be your lives for the next year. I expect you to learn to get along, just as the last round of exchange students had. I expect this to be just as successful of an endeavor as last year.” 
“If Lucifer doesn’t kill one of them first.” Satan snickered under his breath, earing an irate glare from the eldest. 
 “Please tell me I ain’t gotta cart around any humans like last time. The Great Mammon doesn’t have time for that crap again!” 
“Oh, please.” Belphie retorted, rolling his eyes. “You wouldn’t stop sobbing for a whole week after Storm Left 3 months ago.” 
Mammon’s face burned hot with embarrassment. “Oi! Shut ya trap!”
“4 of you will be assigned a human to monitor.” Lucifer sighed, shooting a glare across his brothers. “If no one volunteers, I will pick at my own discretion.” 
Asmo shot to his feet, hand raised eagerly in the air. “OH! Me! Me! Pick me!” He giddily leaped over the table when Lucifer nodded with disdain at his eagerness. He ran up to Sarah, grabbing her hand tightly in his. “I pick this one!”
Sarah wiggled her eyebrows at him and let out a sinister giggle.
“No, Asmo.” Lucifer yanked him away, protesting whines sounding from both him and Sarah. “I will pick the human you get assigned to.” 
Asmo crossed his arms in frustration, mumbling about how it wasn’t fair to his reputation to be assigned someone like homework. Lucifer ignored him, eyeing the humans before him curiously. His gaze landed on Heart, who’s eyes had wandered to the decorative paneling on the ceiling. There was no doubt in his mind that this human would be the least troublesome, and would be a better fit to Asmo than the other three. 
“Heart.” Lucifer smiled as Heart’s attention jolted to him. “You will be paired with Asmo. Any problems or concerns you have will be directed to him first. He will be showing you around and helping you to adjust to life here.” 
“Sure, sounds fine I guess.” Heart wandered over to where Asmo stood, extending his hand in a greeting. 
Asmo took Heart’s hand in his, eyeing them for a moment. “I suppose this works.” He squeezed their hand tightly, pulling them flush against his hip. “I just hope you’re as darling as Storm was.” 
Lucifer shook his head, turning his attention back to his brothers. “Anyone else?” 
There was a pause, followed by awkward shifting amongst the council. Lucifer sighed, turning his attention to Belphegor. “Belphie. You will be paired with Fern.” 
“What?!” Belphie roared in anger, slamming his fists on the table. “Are you fucking kidding me?” 
Fern rolled their eyes. “Relax bro. I’m not to eager on this myself.” 
Belphie glared at Lucifer, staring him down to try to get his way. After a tense minute, he figured resisting would lead nowhere. Grumbling in frustration, as he made his way down to Fern’s side. 
“Satan.” Lucifer cracked a knowing smile, eager to see his reaction. Satan quirked an eyebrow, eager to see which of the remaining humans he would be stuck with- either the eager flirt, or the temperamental hermit. “You will be in charge of Vivi.” 
“I don’t need anyone to be in charge of me, Count Dracula.” Vivi hissed, crossing her arms tensely.
“Too bad.” He snapped back, gesturing for Satan to approach as he eyed his remaining 3 brothers. Vivi gritted her teeth as Satan stood by their side, throwing a glance in their direction. 
“Don’t worry, we can get him back later.” Satan whispered, grinning mischievously. Vivi refused to give a response, though would be lying if they said their interest wasn’t piqued. 
“Well, I suppose that leaves Sarah.” Diavolo mused. “Who will she be left to?” 
Lucifer sighed. “Well...I suppose it would be good for Leviathan to do some socializing-” 
“NoooooooooooooooOOOOOOO!” Levi howled, hiding his beet-red face in his hands. “You can’t do this to me Lucifer!” 
Lucifer let out an angry sigh, quite fed up with the behavior from his brothers. His voice came out at a volume barely below a yell. “I’ve had enough of this nonsense. When I tell you to do something, you better dammed well do it. No more complaints, no more whining. Just stick with your assigned human and show them around. That’s it!” 
The room went tersely quiet for a moment- so quiet that a pin could drop and echo throughout the room. Sensing an opportune moment to make their personality known, Fern smirked. 
“Okay, mom!” 
There was a pause as the words registered to everyone in the room. Suddenly the room erupted into cackling laughter amongst everyone but Lucifer, who stood with balled fists and rage brewing in his heart. Oh, how he wished Diavolo would have just asked Storm to come back to them.  At this point, he was unsure of if his blood pressure could handle the misfortune set to befall him with this set of hooligans.  
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Diavolo gestured to Barbatos to retrieve a few seats for the two humans now in his audience. “Allow me to explain, Storm.”
Storm sat amongst the council as Diavolo explained “Phase two” of his exchange program. Ideally, He would have liked an exchange student from every continent, though the “random selection” process he tried seemed to be...inefficient. Not only did the random selection generate 3 exchange students from the mid-western United States, but those individuals where all the same race of human. Fortunately, they managed to get one from Spain, but it would seem that Diavolo’s methods were far from perfect in gaining perspectives from a variety of human experience. Regardless, the humans were embraced with open arms, and a lesson was learned about how to approach the next batch - should there be another. 
Storm plucked the light hairs on her knuckles as Diavolo spoke, anxiety rising at the idea of barging in on 4 strangers’ experience in Devildom. She found herself trying to fight off the intrusive thoughts about being selfish for wanting to come back without considering that the brothers had moved on with their lives without her. 
Perhaps she should too.
Storm stole a glance to Lucifer, unintentionally locking onto his intense, vermillion eyes. She immediately snapped her gaze away to a spot in the other direction, a blush forming on her cheeks. How long had he been staring at her like that..? Storm plucked faster at the hairs, anxiety rising in her stomach as her thoughts continued to race, realizing she had missed a chunk of what Diavolo had said. She hoped it wasn’t important...
“-and so we divided them equally amongst the two dormitories. Fern and Vivi are holed up in the House of Lamentation with the Brothers, while Heart and Sarah are in Purgatory Hall- though the Celestial realm was adamant in their denial of adding two more Angels for the exchange program.” Diavolo chuckled to himself. “Perhaps they were intimidated by how much Simeon and Luke enjoyed their stay.” 
Storm smiles, nodding in agreement. “So...these four exchange students...what are they like?” 
Lucifer sighed in- sudden frustration, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Where do we even start with that hellish question?” 
Storm’s smile fell into a frown. “A-are they that bad?” 
Diavolo clasped a hand on her shoulder suddenly, causing her to nearly jump out of her seat. “Nonsense! Lucifer just hasn’t adjusted to their personalities yet. I find them delightful.” 
“Perhaps it would be best if you made your own judgements without us giving our thoughts.” Satan noted, nose deep into a book. Storm found herself wondering how much he had even been listening while so distracted, but somehow it seemed he had been able to process a majority of it. “That should be the best way to acquaint Storm to them.” 
“It’s hardly fair though.” Belphie murmured into the desk, slowly peaking an eye out from where his head was nestled into his folded arms. “We have told them all about Storm, so shouldn’t we tell her about them?” 
Storm’s stomach jumped to her throat and her inflection did nothing to hide the anxiety that was now omnipresent. “W-what?” 
All eyes fell on her, forgetting how anxious Storm was in the past with all of the new chaos that had clouded their minds. Malice inched closer to Storm, resting his head on her leg in an attempt to sooth her. Belphie clamped his mouth shut, burying his head back in his hands. 
“We just...we missed you so much, darling!” Asmo attempted to reassure her, but he saw his efforts were fruitless. 
“Yeah, we weren’t saying anything bad about you!” Levi added, a blush tinting his cheeks. “Just about how much you impacted us and stuff.” 
Storm took a deep breath, attempting to ease the turning motions in her tummy. The brothers looked amongst themselves, unsure of how to convince her that they had only said adoring things about her and gave the new students insight to her personality. Beelzebub stood from his seat and approached her. Malice grumbled softly, but made no move to stop the demon from wrapping Storm into a bear hug, squeezing her just enough to get her to wheeze out a breath. 
“We wouldn’t ever think of talking bad about you behind your back, Stormy.” Beelzebub whispered, giving her another gentle squeeze. “We just wanted them to love you just as much as we do, even if they didn’t get to meet you. Actually, they’re all seemed kind of bummed when we said we didn’t know if they’d get to meet you.” 
After taking a moment to chew on his words, Storm relaxed further into his hug. The growling from Malice subsided, nudging his nose against Storm’s leg to signal that it was going to be okay. As Beelzebub pulled away, his warm smile put Storm further at ease. The room collective breathed out a sigh of relief, grateful to Beel for always knowing what Storm needed to calm down. 
“Well, no more beating around the bush! We’ll put a pin in the remaining topics for this evening until next week, and I’ll let the brothers take you home to meet the Fern and Vivi. Barbatos and I will take Solomon to meet the other two at Purgatory Hall. Let’s convene tomorrow evening so we can all come together as a group and make formal introductions- that gives you some time to rest, Storm, and spend some much needed quality time with the brothers.” Diavolo leaned into her as he walked forward, ushering Solomon and Barbatos to follow. “Welcome back, Storm. We’ve missed you very much.” 
She smiled as he exited the chambers, feeling warmth spread through her. She was excited to be back, and she was glad that it appeared the others shared in that excitement. 
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Storm chewed the inside of her cheek as she approached the House of Lamentation, anxious to know what the first two students would be like. Would they actually like her? Or was Beelzebub just trying to put her mind at ease...She found her thoughts wandering so fast that she could hardly here the arguing already starting between Mammon, Levi, and Asmo about who got to spend time with her first. Her gaze was fixated on Lucifer’s hand as he walked, trying to find comfort in the gentle sway as he gracefully moved across the sidewalk.  
Lucifer held the door as she, Malice, and the brothers flooded into the main foyer, all eagerly chatting away at how excited they were to have Storm back with them once again. The warmth that greeted her when walking through the threshold almost took her breath away. She paused for a moment, taking in the welcoming energy of the place she had called home. 
Lucifer watched as Storm’s lips spread into a delighted smile, the shine glistening in her eyes making his heart skip a beat. He smiled back as her feet finally moved forward, almost seeming like she was walking on air. He followed close behind, seemingly mesmerized by her contented attitude so soon after returning to Devildom. The presence of her Service Dog seemed to not bother him, despite the fact that the dog was always monitoring his every move. 
“Satan, would you mind grabbing Fern and Vivi from their rooms?” Lucifer requested, earing a glare from the 4th oldest. “Tell them they need to convene in the common area.” 
Satan grumbled, as he turned and trudged up the the stairs. Lucifer placed a hand to the small of Storm’s back, giving her a reassuring smile as he guided her to the common room. Storm took her place on the couch, Mammon, Levi, and Asmo immediately fighting for a seat on either side of her. It wasn’t until Lucifer’s gruff yell and Malice’s firm bark sounding off at once that they yelped, running to find another near-by place. Lucifer chuckled, finding humor in the personality of the dog matching his own. He settled in next to Storm’s side, awaiting the impending chaos that was sure to ensue.  
“Satan- you twink ass toe-head bitch- Let go of my arm or I’m ripping yours off!” 
Storm jumped at the intense yell from the hall. She swallowed the Lump in her throat as Satan’s smirking face appeared in the door way, dragging behind him an individual with long black hair streaked with purple. Their face was pale with dark makeup streaked across their eyes, piercings placed strategically on the bridge of their nose, their eyebrow, and their bottom lip. Their clothes were dark and baggy, reminiscent of late 90′s Punk fashion.  Following close behind, laughing manically, was another individual with messy moss-colored hair and numerous tattoos. Dirty denim overalls hung loose over mismatching socks and an asymmetrical button up. Both were relatively slender and around a similar height, both presenting themselves as the epitome of androgyny. 
“Whatcha need, old man? I wanna get back to my project for class so make it quick.” The green haired human snickered, smiling when Lucifer’s previously content face fell into a frown. Their eyes shifted to his side, where the small red-headed woman sat with an anxious smile on her lips. “Wait...Is this..?”
"Fern; Vivi- I would like you to meet our previous exchange student, who you already know much about. She is returning for a visit and will be staying with us while she's here."
"Hi..." Storm waves nervously, trying to make her smile a bit more confident. "I'm Storm."
Fern and Vivi both blinked back their surprise, the addition of another human completely unexpected. Though, for both of them, it wasn't completely unwelcome.
Fern returned Storm's smile with a toothy grin, immediately hopping over the coffee table and extending their hand. "I'm Fern!"
"Its nice to meet you." Storm extended her arm, which fern grabbed in a handshake and shook a bit too aggressively.
Vivi tilted their chin up from behind Fern, simply stating "Vivi. Or Vi. Either works." But made no effort to move forward.
Storm smiled back and them, giving them a nod. "Pleasured to meet you."
"IS THAT YOUR DOG AND CAN I PAT HIS GOOD LITTLE NOODLE?!" Fern blurted the words out as they squatted, gesturing out toward Malice, as if preparing to pat his head.
Storm giggled, raising an eyebrow. "Uh, yes. Just one second." Storm turned to the dog, muttering something to him before unhooking his harness. As if a completely new personality took over the previously calm and over-protective dog's body, Malice began excitedly wagging his tail and whining. Storm looked to Fern, gesturing to Malice. "He's Off-Duty now. Go right ahead."
"AW YEAAAAH!" Fern screeched, immediately patting the dog rapidly on the head. Malice's tail wagged faster at the action, excited to finally be receiving undivided attention from the other humans in the room. Fern ruffled his fur while yelling praises. "AHH YES. WHAT A GOOD BOY. A STRONG WORKING MAN, UNLIKE MOST OF THE MEN IN THIS HOUSE."
"Oi!" Mammon crossed his arms over his chest in a huff. "It ain't like you work either!"
Fern squished Malice's face, his tongue sticking out as his tail continued wagging. Their voice turned into baby speak, cooing at the dog while insulting the brothers in the process. "Whos the most useful man in this house. Is it you? Ooooh yes it's you!"
Storm could barely contain her laughter any more, nearly doubling over into Lucifers laugh as she let out the most ungodly snort. Fern was already growing on her, much to Lucifer's chagrin.
Vivi approached, pupils wide with excitement. She glanced at Storm, as if awaiting permission to also shower the dog in affection. Once she collected herself, she gestured toward Malice, smiling at Vivi. Vivi took the opportunity to kneel next to Fern, ruffling the fur on Malice's back while Fern continued to squish the droopy jowls of Malice's cheeks. The dog seemed to not be able to get enough, only growing aggressive when a few of the brothers tried to touch him. The exception was Beelzebub, who scratched just the right spot on Malice's rear, earing a few leg kicks in pleasure. Eventually, he was completely on his back, getting belly rubs from all three individuals who were cooing praise to the dog the whole time.
Lucifer finally had enough, clearing his throat, re-centering the focus of the room onto him. "Fern, you will be moving into Vivi's room and returning your old room to Storm. We are unsure how long she is staying, so we will assume it will be for the entire semester."
"WAIT." Vivi jumped to her feet, abandoning the joy she felt in petting the dog and assuming a fighting stance. "FERN WILL DO WHAT?"
"AW YEAH!" Fern screeched jumping to their feet in a similar squat to before. "ROOMIEEESSS!"
"No. Nonononno NO. NO! Lucifer, you cannot be serious!" Vivi yelled startling Storm with such a drastic change in demeanor.
"I will not be arguing with you about this Vivi. Storm is like family to us. Thus, she deserves her own space."
Storm felt her heart flutter at Lucifer's words. He saw her as family too??
"This is completely unfair!" Vivi balled her fists in rage, as if ready to begin pummeling the eldest at any moment. "She just drops in and uproots our living situation? Why can't she share a room with Fern?"
"EVEN BETTER!" Fern made grabby hands toward Malice, eager to continue petting the huge dog.
"I would be willing to do that..." Storm added, meekly, gently touching Lucifer's forearm. "I would even sleep in the attic, o-or the couch in the library....I don't want to cause a fuss over-"
"It's been decided." Lucifer interjected, eyeing Storm from his peripherals. "This is the end of this conversation, Vivi. Switch your room with Fern while we fix dinner."
"But-" Vivi and Storm attempted to argue, but Lucifer stood and walked out of the room without another word.
Vivi snapped their attention toward Storm, the once indifferent eyes now showing pure disdain. They scrunched their nose up in anger, their fists shaking slightly before immediately turning and stomping out of the room. Storm swallowed hard, her hands now shaking as anxiety slithered through her body.
Fern sighed, clasping a hand to Storm's shoulder. "Ah, don't worry about them. They'll get over it. They just have a short fuse is all, and they value their space."
Storm nodded sadly as Fern turned and walked out of the room, presumably to begin moving their few belongings to the spare bed in the room Vivi was living in- which Storm assumed to be the room previously dedicated to Lilith. Soon after, the room was alive again with the brother' chatter- save for Mammon, who was called in to fix dinner for everyone.
Storm sighed. Perhaps this wouldn't be as easy of an adjustment as she was hoping it would be.
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mawwart · 2 years
Okay, but like?
More papa Dia and bby Mammon?
Ask and ye shall receive! (my b I’m late I got busy w work😔😔😔)
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AND just bc I can here’s an extra dude helping out our sweet mams Wonder who it is lmao
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ananthologyofsouls · 1 year
Eve doesn't really let anyone know that she is a Nepilim. She knows how much the angels in the Celestial Realm dislike Nepilims, especially those like her where they are uncertain of how powerful she could become. The only ones who might know is Diavolo and maybe Simeon and Luke. She is uncertain of what the Demons feel about them.
So she mainly introduces herself as a Witch instead, she might tell a few close friends she has made about it, but she keeps quiet about to. Letting them view her as nothing more than a human/Witch.
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hasturlover · 1 year
Obey me!AU with:
Fallen-angel turned into a demon! Sirius. Once an archangel but fell in love with Remus, a human, heaven considered it as a sin and then banish him
Demon!James who basically coerced Sirius to forsake his position as angel to be with Remus (JAMES AS DIAVOLO I REPEAT JAMES AS DIAVOLO!!!)
Human! Lily who summoned to hell to be an exhange student as human world representative in academy james and sirius enrolled at (look if you play obm, lily is the mc. What i write is like a daydream i know)
Archangel!Regulus that chosen to be an exhange student in hell as well like lily (kinda like simeon but with luke attitude in obm)
Ok like brothers angst like usual but regulus spent time with lily and maaaaybe made him sympathize with what sirius felt in the past because he too fall in love with a human. And then regulus who first hate james and the hell, slowly liking both because james is charming him with his himboness. His feelings are messy and he realized he loves them both when theres a rumour that james and lily are dating and now hes sad, but actually jily planning a coup against the heaven so they could be together with regulus
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shamylicious-blog · 2 years
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and so they met
i donno in what trouble mams is..
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floofeh-purpi · 7 days
Fluffballs... uhm— I decided to add a scenario where reader gets a nightmare and then the characters comfort the reader even if they're seperated by the screen– Is that ok? 🙏 I wanted it to be longer. I might be spoiling shit if yall are good with it.
(Im also referring the the Self-aware! Obey Me hcs that im working on and it has been sitting in my drafts for idfk how long. Help.)
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