#oblivious taekook
akookminsupporter · 1 month
Preface: This is not an analysis post, and honestly, I don’t want to overanalyse their interactions or everything they said and did—many others are already doing that. My intention with this post is simply to share my thoughts on the episodes, my impressions, and perhaps my conclusions.
I’m writing this as I watch the episodes for the second time.
Okay, this episode picks up right where the last one left off—obviously, Rosie, haha! 
If there’s one thing BTS love almost as much as being on stage and their fans, it’s food, haha! 
One of the things I adore about Jimin and Jungkook, or the maknae line in general, is how silly they can be, but in the cutest way possible. 
To Jimin, Jungkook will always be cute, just like Jimin will always be pretty to Jungkook. 
I can totally see why they love Jeju so much—it’s gorgeous. 
Ahhh, Tae saying he loves travelling with Jimin and Jungkook is adorable. 
Honestly, the best places to eat are often in the sketchiest streets or the hardest to find. I feel like that’s almost a universal law, haha! 
Ahhh, who would’ve thought that in 2024—or technically 2023—we’d see Jimin openly talking about his tattoos in official content, haha. Jimin really loves the moon, and so does Jungkook. I’ve said it so many times, but I LOVE Jimin’s tattoos, especially the ones on his back. Selfishly, I’d love it if they covered his entire back, but obviously, my opinion doesn’t count, haha! 
Look, people can argue about Jikook, Taekook, Jinkook, etc., being Jungkook’s biggest ships, but no one seems to notice that Jungkook’s biggest ship is with good food. There’s no relationship more obvious and strong than that. That man LOVES to eat and cook. 
It’s the little things that often go unnoticed that I love about Jimin and Jungkook, like how, when they’re together, enjoying something or laughing at something funny, they always look at each other to confirm or make sure the other is feeling the same way, saw the same thing, or just to see their reaction. It’s like they’re looking to reaffirm what they’re already thinking or feeling. I’m not sure exactly how to explain it. For example, when they were eating sushi, Jimin or Jungkook would often turn to look at the other and nod, saying how delicious the food was, or reacting happily to what they were eating. It’s similar to when they’re at a concert, and they look at each other and nod as if to say, “Here we go” or “We’ve got this.” 
Ahhh, something I loved seeing in this episode was Jimin being more active, feeling better, and enjoying the trip. 
When Jungkook is eating, he’s oblivious to almost everything around him. It’s so funny watching him so immersed in his culinary experience while Jimin was massaging Tae’s neck because Tae wasn’t feeling well, haha. I mean, they mentioned his name, and he just didn’t hear it, even though Jimin and Tae were just inches away from him, hahaha! Jimin immediately explaining/justifying why Jungkook didn’t have the same neck issue as Tae is nothing new, haha. 
Jimin definitely has my sense of humour, haha! That’s why he and Yoongi bicker so much! Because they’re so similar. Understanding something literally and responding based on that is definitely my kind of humour, haha! 
Can someone please give Jimin and Jungkook a YouTube channel already? Jungkook would record everything and edit everything, and Jimin would be the frontman. That man is always pretending to be a YouTuber, and Jungkook always plays along. 
The passive-aggressive dynamic between Jungkook and Tae is so entertaining, but sometimes I can’t tell if Jungkook is being a cheeky brat or if he’s serious, haha! Again, I don’t get why so many people persist in not understanding the dynamic between those two. 
I recently tried sushi, and I get the hype now. I totally get the boys’ reaction, and I’m sure the sushi I had wasn’t as good, fresh, or authentic as what they were eating. 
The three of them honestly looked like baby birds waiting to be fed, haha! They take good food very seriously, haha! 
Something we saw a lot in this episode is how Jimin and Jungkook completely get each other’s quirks and know how to play along because it’s basically the same for both of them. Watching them with others, especially other members, just makes it more obvious because the other person, in this case, Tae, looks lost/confused about what Jimin and Jungkook are saying or doing, haha! 
Yes, Jimin, please do more shows like this! I’m totally on board. Jungkook obviously agrees. 
Okay, it’s sweet that Tae thought of Joon and wondered why he didn’t join them. Something no one can deny, no matter how hard they try, is that those seven guys love being together. They’re always thinking of each other, BUT the fact that Jungkook almost immediately responded that not everyone is invited/part of the show is such a MOOD. The fact that he did it while sounding and looking serious makes it even funnier. The way Jimin followed up by saying the show was really for him and Jungkook, practically implying that even Tae shouldn’t have been there and that he only was because they allowed it, is an even bigger MOOD. And then Tae wrapping it all up by saying he felt it and was grateful they invited him is pure comedy, but with a bit of dark humour. It made me wonder if even off-camera, Jimin and Jungkook kept reminding Tae that he was just a guest and the show was really for the two of them, haha! Ahhh, the passive-aggressive relationship between these three is something else. 
Jimin and Tae are just too adorable together. 
Jungkook is really a passive-aggressive brat with Tae, isn’t he? Haha! 
They’ll always be each other’s biggest fans. 
Tae basically rubbing it in our faces that he can just call up and ask for an unreleased song hurt, haha! The privilege of being a BTS member. It’s also lovely to hear how much admiration they have for each other.
“Alone” is truly an incredible song. It’s still one of my favourite Jimin tracks and one that feels deeply personal to me.
I don’t know if this happened to anyone else, but I was surprised when Jimin took his shirt off, and I’m not sure why, haha. It’s just, well, it’s so out of character for him! Even though he always says he walks around the house barely dressed and loves showing off his shoulder, hahaha. And don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining—I love seeing Jimin’s tattoos.
Jungkook was checking out Jimin, wasn’t he? He was.
Hearing Jungkook say “Jimin-ssi” will always give me life, haha.
Okay, I’ve mentioned this before, and it’s my first tinhat moment of the episode, but Jungkook reminded Jimin that the pool was see-through because he knows what they’re like when they’re together. It was like a warning, wasn’t it? Like, “Remember, they can see us,” hahaha.
Okay, I’m not really into comparing dynamics, but one of the reasons I think it’s great that Tae was with Jimin and Jungkook in this setting is that you can clearly see the dynamic between each duo and how Jimin and Jungkook’s is just different from the others. And like I said in another post, the way each duo played in the pool is a good description of each one and how different they are from each other. This doesn’t mean it makes one ship real or more real than the other; it just shows why many of us see Jimin and Jungkook’s dynamic as different and a bit more similar to that of a romantic couple.
Jungkook and Tae playing in the pool were like two energetic guys just having fun. It’s what you’d expect to see when you hear the words “pool” and “men” in the same sentence. And yes, that sounds a bit sexist and stereotypical, but that was the vibe they gave off, sorry.
Jimin and Jungkook, on the other hand, were two guys being silly and careful with each other. I’ve already mentioned this above, but Jimin and Jungkook share the same quirkiness, and that helps them understand each other on levels that other members don’t. Some people on Twitter said they “get each other’s freak,” and they’re right, and this becomes even more evident when another member is around them. That’s why I always say Jimin and Jungkook operate on a different frequency than the others. They just click. I didn’t say it—Jungkook did.
The way they play is also different. Sorry, but objectively speaking, it is, and even though many deny it, that doesn’t make it any less true. They always seem to be flirting. Jungkook is always a bit more careful when it comes to Jimin, especially when their games involve physical contact. There’s always an extra layer in their interactions that simply sets their dynamic or relationship apart from the rest. It’s no wonder their moments are always used by fans to describe what Jimin or Jungkook would be like as a boyfriend, husband, etc.
I think it’s important to highlight the breath-holding endurance those two have underwater, hahaha!
From what I saw on Twitter and some of the ASKs I’ve received, some people are upset because some Jikookers keep mentioning that Tae was just a guest, and although jikookers are saying this in reaction to the subgroup that last week was pretending the show was about Tae and Jungkook or all of BTS, they’re also doing it because Jimin and Jungkook wouldn’t stop mentioning it in this episode. They directly called Tae “the guest,” so I don’t understand the “upset.”
Tae seemed tired and apparently had a stomach ache or something, so maybe that’s why he didn’t join in the fun, but I also wonder if he didn’t do it because he wanted to give Jimin and Jungkook their space. It seems he did something similar on the yacht, but we’ll get to that later.
Guys, I’m not even halfway through the episode, and I’ve already written three pages. I wonder if anyone has actually made it this far. If someone is reading this, I’m sorry, I talk a lot, but I feel like so many things happened in this episode that I want to comment on, everything. Oh, and I still need to write my conclusions. Sorry!
Okay, the conversation about ramyeon. I suppose this is the second tinhat moment of the episode. It’s pretty clear that Jimin and Jungkook know the double meaning of the question “Do you want to eat ramyeon with me?” right? Right. So, starting from that premise, it seemed like they were referring to the double meaning of that question or the variation of the question that Jimin asked. Starting with the tone in which Jimin asked the question. Yes, Jimin probably meant the question literally, BUT they knew how suggestive it was. The tone of their voices and certain reactions during that conversation really didn’t help.
Now, “ppeuri.” Is that another one of Jimin and Jungkook’s inside jokes? Yes, they explained why Jimin said it, but the way Jungkook brought it up and Jimin’s reaction makes you think, and sometimes it’s bad to think too much when it comes to these two.
Jimin and Jungkook talking about eating ramyeon while half-naked with their tattoos on full display isn’t good for my heart, let alone my imagination. But seeing them so happy makes me happy.
Also, am I the only one who felt like they cut a part of them around the fire? I hope we see more of that moment in the behind-the-scenes.
Ahhh, the feeling of the everyday life of the first two episodes is back! Jimin and Jungkook talking while getting ready is the most domestic thing in the world. The fact that they then sat together—personal space isn’t a concept they understand—looking at their phones and talking about their plans is simply… normal.
Jungkook confirming with Jimin that he hadn’t slept at all since New York is… interesting. Did Jungkook travel to New York before going to Jeju? I don’t remember. Or was he talking about when he and Jimin were there together? Because if it’s the first one, why would Jimin know that (more or less rhetorical question), and if it’s the second one, wow. I mean, was the last time Jungkook slept well when he was with Jimin? Or is it because it was the last time he took a break? Even if it technically also counted as work? That moment was definitely edited and had parts cut out.
Jimin and Jungkook silently competing to see who got to the bed first is too funny, and the fact that Tae was awake or had woken up anyway makes it even funnier, hahaha!
Now, Jimin + Jungkook + bed = interesting, right? Haha. The way Jimin immediately threw his legs over Jungkook, and Jungkook just laughed and got more comfortable without even bothering to move them, really shows how at ease they are with each other. Although Jimin and Jungkook are pretty comfortable together, it's rare to see them in these kinds of situations or moments—or better yet, in bed together, haha—so it’s definitely interesting to see them like this. Jimin warning Jungkook not to hit him again was too funny.
And then, eventually, Jungkook gave his bed to Jimin.
Aww, Jungkook’s conversation with his mum was too sweet. The way they talk the same way is just adorable.
Once again, their relationship, especially Jungkook's, with food is something else, haha. And very serious.
Mate, Jimin and Jungkook teasing Tae sometimes is hilarious, haha.
Not Jungkook telling Tae he basically had to pay for his share of the food. Why is he like this?
Jimin and cats are a match made in heaven, and it’s cruel that he’s allergic.
The guys mentioning that another member would have enjoyed this or that, or wondering why they weren’t there, is just so heartwarming. They really do love each other and appreciate being together. BTS forever.
Yes, Jimin, you guys definitely need to do another show. You can call it whatever you want, but give us another show like this, please.
Jimin, I can tell you that the trips to the USA and Jeju were amazing! Fun. Wholesome. Thank you for sharing those moments with us.
It’s a shame Tae didn’t seem to be feeling well on the yacht, and I also think that wasn’t exactly his kind of fun? Not being on the yacht per se, but swimming or snorkelling like Jimin and Jungkook did. I also wonder if he was giving Jimin and Jungkook their space, after all, the show is about them, and everything they did was planned for the two of them.
Okay, Jimin pretending to be a paramedic giving first aid to one of the members isn’t new, but pretending to give mouth-to-mouth is?! And the way Jungkook didn’t seem surprised—sorry, but the editor’s comment, “A way-too-effective-kiss of life (?)” hello?! The way Jimin seemed embarrassed or shy immediately afterwards was too funny.
Jimin and Jungkook are just too cool. We often talk about how adventurous Jungkook is, but sometimes we forget that Jimin is just as adventurous. He likes fun things that some might consider extreme. He enjoys sports and risky stuff, maybe not as much as Jungkook, but almost. And that’s another thing they have in common, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that made planning many of the activities they did much easier.
Jimin and Jungkook are very good swimmers. Jimin and Jungkook just click.
I’d like to believe that once the group resumes activities, the agency editors won’t put stickers to cover their bodies when they’re semi-naked or showing “too much” skin, haha.
It’s funny how both the editors and Jimin and Jungkook themselves use any name but Jikook or Kookmin—though I think Kookmin would be the most obvious and familiar to them. Now it’s not Jikook but Jimkook. Maybe to avoid confusion, haha.
Well, in the end, Jimin and Jungkook did share a packet or cup of ramyeon. Haha.
Mate, the drone suddenly falling into the water was too funny, and I don’t even know why, haha. And Jungkook saying up until the last minute that Tae was the guest of the show is a mood.
Jimin and Jungkook cuddling while watching the sunset, with Jungkook filming it. That’s all that needs to be said.
Wait, didn’t Jungkook say that the drawing Jimin posted on Instagram was of a whale? I remember ARMY was saying it was a fish, I think? And he was like, “No! It’s a whale!” So why was Jungkook originally saying the cloud looked like a shark? Or was that a translation error?
I really loved how Tae respected some of the moments between Jimin and Jungkook and joined them at the right time.
God, this post is already too long, so I’ll try to be more concise here.
I really liked the episode. I think the vibe was a mix of what we saw in the first two episodes and the third one. Jimin feeling better changed the trio's dynamic, in my opinion.
Something I think I’ve mentioned several times before the first episode of this show even aired is that I was curious to see the dynamic between Jimin and Jungkook without the presence of the other members, and we got plenty of that in the first two episodes. I believe the contrast couldn’t have been clearer. I also remember saying something similar when it was confirmed that Tae would be in this part of the show. I said it would be interesting to see the dynamic between the three of them—not just without the other members but also in the context they were in. Again, the contrast between each pair and among the three of them couldn’t have been clearer, at least to me, and I think this episode made it even more apparent.
Jimin, Jungkook, and Tae get along really well, but they don’t always vibe on the same frequency. This means that when the fun ends, they can seem a bit awkward. Maybe it’s the cameras, I don’t know. In my post about the previous episode, I talked about how I see the dynamic between each pair, and in this one, where Jimin was more active, it was easier to “compare” the dynamics, especially when Jimin and Jungkook did similar things to what we saw Jungkook and Tae doing in the third episode. I’ve mentioned this above, but to sum up: they’re different. There’s something about the way Jimin and Jungkook interact that looks different. That sounds different. One thing I always notice is that the tone of their voices changes. It becomes softer, quieter. Calmer. And that only happens with them.
I loved the little moments of everyday life between Jimin and Jungkook. The moments of them just being themselves. Being together, having fun. That’s what the show is about, isn’t it?
I liked that, for whatever reason, Tae knew when to give them space. And I think this episode made it clear that this show is really just about Jimin and Jungkook. Even though it wasn’t necessary to prove the obvious, it’s pretty ironic that this happened after all the noise last week. Jikook karma is stronger than ever.
Jimin and Jungkook mentioning more than once that Tae was a guest was funny. They can be a bit petty when they want to be, but at the same time, I highly doubt they were upset about him joining the trip, as many fans have been suggesting. If they weren’t okay with Tae joining them, he wouldn’t have done so. I’m sure of that.
I’m surprised there’s going to be another episode in Jeju, to be honest, but I’m not complaining.
Final conclusion: I liked the episode. I liked seeing Jimin and Jungkook in sync again. Enjoying their holiday, they obviously deserved it and needed it. I’m glad Tae got to experience some of that too. That they were all together.
Now, I’ve seen some posts from the subgroup changing the narrative yet again. Insulting Jungkook and even his mum. How these people still have space in this fandom is beyond me. How no one else is calling them out for their behaviour—no one other than Jikookers, really—is inconceivable. Sad but not surprising. Not really. The narrative will change even more with the next episode, and it’ll be even more drastic once the episodes in Japan start airing. So, brace yourselves.
To those who were happy with this episode but not with the third one, I suggest you ask yourself what kind of fan you are. And I don’t mean a BTS fan; I mean, what kind of fan of Jimin and Jungkook are you really?
If you made it this far, thanks for reading all of this. I’m not sure if it makes sense. Apologies for any spelling and grammar mistakes. See you in the next episode, haha.
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floradinterlunium · 1 year
Times Tae Debunked Tkkrs and Affirmed Jikook
I know a lot of Jikookers aren’t happy with Tae right now. They hold him responsible for stoking the fire that fuels Tkkrs. And Like I’ve previously stated I’m not one to police peoples feelings or opinions. Your anger is your own, same going for your opinions.However, in the spirit of peace and reconciliation I want to remind everyone of all the times Tae has intentionally and unintentionally debunked Tkk and affirmed Jikook…because he has done so more than any other member.
Tae has a personality that you either choose to hate or you choose to love because he’s an enigma. It’s often times difficult to know if he’s as oblivious as he seems, a genius mastermind that plays the airhead card, a free spirit or all of the above…my vote goes to all of the above! 
There are moments where it’s clear Tae is up to no good and is trying to serve JM and JK their just desert for abandoning him by exposing their location. Other times it seems like he has put zero thought into the implications of his words. However, regardless of his motives (or lack thereof) Tae is pretty good at playing games in the category of “softly exposing Jikook.”
So for funsies lets kick this off with one of Tae’s favorite games called…..
“Whose Room is It Anyway?”
When on tour it appears as though Tae never knows where other members rooms are. He’s either always messaging the group chat to find out where everyone is OR he’s just plain ole confused about whose room he’s in. 
Exhibit A. Osaka V live
I don’t think there’s a jikooker alive that hasn’t heard of this Vlive. However, When most here the words “Osaka” and “V-live” what typically comes to mind is JK clearly muttering the name “Jimin” whilst being butt naked in a dark room listening to sexy time music. 
However, what’s often overlooked is the how and the why we know this sensitive information. You see this gem of a jikook moment came to us for one reason and one reason only and that reason is Kim Taehyung and his childlike innocence (then). 
Tae has never been good at operating solo on his Vlives. He tends to run out of things to say and in this live that’s what happened. He ran out of things to talk about so he called on his fans to give him suggestions. They suggested he go to another members room. But Tae being Tae...didn’t know ANY of their room numbers! Don’t believe me...I have the receipts!
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See he didn’t know any of the members room numbers. He texts the group chat to get members room numbers and I guess it was Jin that replied with the members room numbers. Not JK. Jin. Tae decided to go to JK’s room (my guess is because he can pull the hyung card on him and sort of voluntell him to go along) and he messaged JK to let him know he was coming but JK never responded. We know this because when he arrived JK asked him multiple ties what he was doing there. 
Now I won’t analyze this Jikook moment because it’s been analyzed enough. What I want to point out is how in this moment  Tae unintentionally debunked every Taekook claim because HE. DIDN’T. KNOW.JK’s. ROOM. NUMBER!!! 
I don’t know about you but I’m 100% certain that I wouldn’t need a third party to tell me where my boyfriends room was!
Now some may cry...this was just one time...he probably just forgot! And I would respond...haven’t you heard the news????? Tae is the grand champion of the game Who’s Room Is It Anyway!
Don’t believe me? Let’s take a look at a few more examples
Exhibit B. New Jersey Vlive
This moment is another famous Jikook Vlive most known for Jikooks tension. However, when watching this I also noticed that while Tkkers for some reason also like to claim this live as their own, Tae debunks them. I mean he again broadcast his lack of knowledge of where JK’s room is. Take a look for yourself down below .. .
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Tae didn’t know whose room he was in. My guess is he thought it was either JM’s or JK’s room.
Now to be fare... a “valid” question does arise...and that question is if he didn’t know JK’s room number, how did he get there??
And to answer that question I’d say he could have done many things including but not limited to texting the group chat...but in reality its neither here nor there because this one simple fact remains...TAE WASN’T CERTAIN OF THE ROOM HE WAS IN! If he were dating JK he wouldn’t need to ask him...he’d know!
How’s the old saying go???
First time can be a mistake.
Second time is a choice.
Third time.. third time is the vminkook live
Exhibit C. Vminkook Live
Again another famous vlive with popular Jikook moments...the most popular moment being Jimin’s TMI where he exposed how frequently JK comes to his room. It was a funny moment...a funny moment that yet again Tae used to debunk Taekook by broadcasting how unfamiliar he is with JK’s room situation.
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What boyfriend would so frequently be confused as to where his partner is sleeping? Moreover, why would that same boyfriend confuse his partners room for his best friends?? Hmmm??? Either JK is cheating on Tae with JM and has been for years or JK has never been Tae’s boyfriend!! I’d bet on the latter considering Tae’s jovial expression when admitting to the fact he never knows where JK’s room is!
First time is a mistake
Second time’s a choice
Third time is a habit...a habit that spells out the phrase “GET.OUT.OF.YOUR.IMAGINATION”
Now this next round of Tae Games is pretty spicy. The game is called-->
“Karma’s a B**H ”
When it comes to Jimin, Tae can sometimes act like a jilted bride. He doesn’t like it when Jimin “ditches” him for JK. When this happens Tae sometimes makes a point to call him out …
Exhibit A: The Salty Smirk
I’m not certain if this is Tae punishing JK for keeping his JM from him or punishment for JM for ditching him or BOTH? Either way Tae was not shy about exposing JM’s and JK’s whereabouts (at god awful hours). And he didn’t just expose where they were...he exposed why Jimin wouldn’t join him...
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JM wouldn’t be joining Tae because JK wouldn’t let him. UM? What? Jungkook...the maknae, the member with the least amount of seniority is keeping JM, his hyung from hanging out with him on vlive? I don’t think people understand enough how much Tae exposed them here! And that smirk...he knew what he was doing!
It’s not just oh Jimin can’t come because he’s hanging out with JK...it’s no JM can’t come because JK won’t allow him! Let that sit with you for a second! “JK is stopping Jimin from coming!” Tae is strongly insinuating that Jikook’s power structure is outside the normal hyung dongsaeng dynamic.  Tae straight up destroyed any theory that he’s dating JK by exposing Jikook’s relational dynamics. The boy is chaotic!
Exhibit B & C
Again with exhibit B we have Tae exposing Jimin’s whereabouts and why he’s not with him. It seems like Tae is quite salty about getting left at the alter and JM always running off to be with JK?!/!?! Don’t believe me....look below!
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Still don’t believe me? Here’s one more moment in which Tae is in the mood for chaos. 
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Now, in this moment Tae doesn’t mention why Jimin decides not to join him at the gym but look at his face...look at that smirk!! Doesn’t it remind you of something else??? Maybe it reminds you of Exhibit A. It seems like he is itching to tell us why Jimin didn’t join him but this time chose not to say it aloud but definitely hints at...that smirk can only mean it’s something spicy.
And don’t we later learn that Jikook had many drinks that same night...because they were sending Hobi off??!!?! 
I mean this boy is chaos itself! and We may be like...what the hell happened to this Tae? The Tae that loved debunking his own ship and exposing Jikook!.! 
My response to that is I don’t doubt that Tae still exist seeing that the above photo is recent...he may be  chaotic and irking peoples nerves right now but he really has done a lot to show the world that him and JK are nothing but friends! He has directly debunked tkkers and indirectly debunked them SOOO MANY TIMES! The only way they’d believe him is if photos were leaked of him with someone else....wait! That already happened and they still don’t believe him... I guess now the only thing he can do is come out with it and say he’s dating Jennie...and hell he might! AFTER his album comes out there might be an announcement!? 
I’m actually crossing my fingers that they do make the official announcement after his album drops! But let’s wait and see. In the meantime I am holding my judgement because for years the above Tae is what we got and what we loved! 
There are so many more instances of him debunking his own ship and affirming Jikook but here are just the standouts!
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not-goldy · 2 months
If I were Tae biased, I's ship him with Jimin before anyone. Just keeping it real. I know Tae's in timeout right now cause he's acting childish, but Tae solos & tkk DO NOT KNOW HIM. I laugh every time tkk come in jikook spaces cause Taennie and Vmin wipe the floor with Taekook. TK is on the bottom when it comes to chemistry. Tae from the depths of his gut wrote emotions about Jimin in songs. (Never JK. Where is his song about JK?) I'm waiting? When you hear Tae read his letter about Jimin, how can you not cry? When you hear how he requested Jimin's favorite song on the radio on valentines when Jimin was recovering from surgery, how can you not be moved? Jimin said he was watching the Notebook recovering & Tae requests his fav song, which talks about watching the Notebook. How can tkk & Tae solos hear him say he likes Jimin the most & can't live without Jimin, Jimin is his one and only best friend And be so oblivious? HELLO Fri(end)s/Friends. Slow Dance/Slow Dancing And we aren't gonna ignore Jimin wrote that "Cheek to Cheek" line in Slow Dance and Tae at the same time as when Jimin said he finished Muse, covered that song "Cheek To Cheek" & posted it that says "I'm in heaven, my heart beats so that I can hardly speak when we're out together dancing Cheek to Cheek" And tkk think this was random by Tae? No. He did it on purpose cause JIMIN is and has ALWAYS been his MUSE. Shipping Tae with JK over Jimin, you should be jailed and locked up in a hospital. And I don't even mean romantically, but your boy Tae don't like JK like that. He never has. Just point at tkk and laugh. Freaking clowns.
I had a thing for vmin. I don't anymore and frankly I won't ship Tae with anyone but Tuktukkers 😃😃😃😃
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peachjagiya · 2 months
Wow Peach, your journey is so interesting! Mine is simple in comparison or maybe weird. Take your pick! So, I was in CQL (Untamed) fandom sort of and used to watch K dramas. Funnily enough, my first drama was of Soejoon- What's wrong with my secretary Kim (sorry Taehyungie I met him first) but I had no idea they were friends. It was a random Instagram scroll that changed everything. A BTS concert video popped up, and there was this familiar name (chant) – Kim Taehyung. I vaguely remembered hearing it on a Chinese show, "Day Day Up," where he'd appeared with Wang Yibo when BTS was promoting in China. Back then, I was oblivious to the BTS hype and thought, "Wow, this kid is full of energy!". So yeah back to the video, since I had heard his name I wanted to see who Kim Taehyung is (btw I think I was in cave because I never heard of BTS). And was I blooooown away !?!?! 🥵. I couldn't identify anyone because they pretty much looked same to me 🫣.
I'm a big believer in starting with the basics, so when I first heard about Kim Taehyung, I was determined to understand the minimum basics, so I googled about him and in one of the recommendations it was written Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin are best friends/soulmates. That was enough for me to go searching for this beautiful friendship. I saw more and more videos on Instagram (only concerts/moments without dialogue) and fell in love how they were together. So, you see as there was no description on the videos at the time (only clips and music) I really didn't bother learning about everyone and wasn't aware of OT7 thing. What attracted me was how they looked into each other eyes, and how Jimin used to look at Tae, desparate for his one look like a puppy. So, I feel hook line and sinker. Like who wouldn't ? Little did I know, I was caught up in a case of mistaken identity! It was only after a careful search and some embarrassing self-reflection that I realized it was Jungkook, not Jimin, who had stolen my heart. Talk about a rollercoaster of emotions!
I made it a point to read about all of them but now with their pictures. LOL. Saw almost every content, love all of them but taekook always have a very special place. What can I say I'm one loyal girl, there was no coming back from them. Ah! Those were some good times.
Oh my gosh, I love this. But I couldn't help laughing at you mistaking Jungkook for Jimin. Just the thought of you being like "wow they're so close! Wow! Truly soulmates." 😂
I love this, thank you @purplemoonlibra 💜
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I will never be able to watch a Jimin jealousy compilation. I avoid it like a plague mostly because Jiminie is naturally not a jealous person. He’s so chilled a lot of the time and that has to do with him being emotionally intelligent and knows when to respect/cross other people’s boundaries. During the early days when he was hot headed, you see him walk out, glare or ignore kookie when he lets other people cross certain boundaries with him. But as he got older, he gets this disappointed/sad look on his face while kookie is oblivious. That video you shared during taekook moment in home, did you see his face? He couldn’t look up😭😭 and you could see his countenance fall. Also when kookie was intentionally back hugging tae during that black swan behind and rubbing his hands all over his chest while staring/smiling at defiantly at jm…jk knew what he was doing. You can tell he was doing it intentionally. Baby was ready to cry😭😭. When I see someone as chill as jm like that, that’s how I know someone cross his boundaries and he isn’t okay. There are many examples but these two were the most obvious.
I hear ya. But JK isn't the only one who's pulled some shit on purpose. I mean we all know about this infamous "we're all special" interview, right?
I mean this part. Mimi, Surely 👀
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But we all know why, don't we? Jimin told us himself.
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After I taught him a lesson he started taking good care of me.
Did y'all hear that?
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Okay then.
Also I am almost 80% sure something shady was going on during this live.
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Idk why they play these games, or used to play these games. Was it foreplay? Who knows?
My point is, they both used to do it. On purpose. Shame on you Jikook. Shame on you 🤭
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dearweirdme · 10 months
What these anons are too dumb to understand is that they're seeing most of that stuff because Hybe wants them too or at the very least, doesn't mind if they do.
Tkkers have literally put together compilations showing obvious quick cuts and covering during TK moments. There's even video of Taehyung having to wait and hide half off screen to check on JK when he was injured. There was stretches of time where there was practically an injunction of Taekook being paired for games or rooms during RUN and BV episodes, even despite still hanging with each other of their off time. You can find footage of Taekook trying every damn trick the book to get round someone so they can stand next to each other, disappointed looks when they don't get paired for games, mean mugging the camera in defiance when they manage to get next to each other, smirking and holding eye contact with the camera and ppl off screen while subtly touching each other...
It's obviously clear by now that Taekook are, at minimum, close friends who choose to hang out in their private time, so what this anon and the rest of them need to be asking themselves is why Hybe is comfortable not only showing but spotlighting jikooks bond but they're not comfortable doing the same for Taekook?
What's the big secret that has Hybe not capitalising on one of their most popular ships or has camera crew stretching limbs to cut away or has the editing team working overtime or leads to moments of Taekook looking smug as fuck over being physically close to each other?
Like, Jesus, be a single braincell 🙏 because it's way too late in the game for y'all STILL to be drinking Bighit's koolaid 🙄
It couldn't be more obvious but y'all still want to act oblivious 🤔 So sorry that your A03 stories are gonna stay relegated to the fiction shelf but these are real people and anyone who has met real people in a relationship or had real relationships themselves knows wtf is going on and who it's going on with.
The ground it littered with context clues. Get one.
Hi anon!
I often think that one of the main differences between Tkkrs and Jkkrs are that one group thinks Hybe/Bh has no problem showing an actual in band same sex relationship, and that the other group think that is not likely.
Looking at South Korean culture, looking at how idols in general do not openly date, looking how no BTS member has ever shown signs of dating, knowing how closeting in the entertainment business as a whole is not uncommon… to me it is very (!) unlikely that Hybe/Bh has shown and basically used the actual relationship of two members in official content. Aside from that, Jm and Jk behave as friends. Everything fits in them being friends.
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namkookspace · 9 days
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joondimples Master List
*still on progress and will continue to be updated
⟡ Hi! Welcome to my writing master list. Here, you’ll find all my works organized by ship. Feel free to check out my ao3 as well to read everything I’ve written and subscribe to get notified whenever I post new fics!
♡⃕ namkook
⋆ Cotton Embrace Series
Explicit | Ongoing | All works are one-shot Omegaverse | non-trad A/B/O au | Jungkook-centric | Hurt/Comfort Alpha x Alpha Namkook | Strangers to Lovers | Fluff | Angst
⋆ Cotton Heart Explicit | Completed | 35.6k Strangers to Lovers | Angst | Fluff | Smut ⋆ Courting 404 Explicit | Completed | 17.4k 5+1 things | Established Namkook | Fluff | Smut | Jealousy ⋆ give me more Explicit | Completed | 5.1k PWP | Fluff | Smut | Alpha in Rut
⋆ want a cake? General | Completed | 5.7k Strangers to Lovers | Meet-cute | Hurt/Comfort | Fluff
⋆ the thing about the sky and you General | Completed | 1.4k Drabble | Established Namkook | tw: Suicidal Ideation | Hurt/Comfort Sad Namjoon | Sweet Jungkook
⋆ past lovers' kiss Teen | Completed | 1.4k Drabble | Established Namkook | Forehead Kisses | Hurt/Comfort Sad Namjoon | Sweet Jungkook | Namjoon's dimples & moles appreciation
⋆ Sing Me Your Song Teen | Completed | 14.7k Soulmate AU | Age Gap | Uni Student Jungkook | TA Namjoon Fluff | Self-doubt | Getting Together
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♡⃕ namgi
⋆ Between Books Teen | Completed | 7.6k College/University AU | Library AU | Mutual Pining | Fluff
⋆ what if we kiss on a flying broom? Teen | Completed | 13.9k Fantasy AU | Strangers to Lovers | Yoongi-centric | Meet-cute Slice of Life | Fluff | Broom Technician Yoongi | Wizard (Ecomancers) Namjoon
⋆ Echoes of the Rooftop Garden Mature | Completed | 14k Strangers to Lovers | Yoongi-centric | Meet-cute | Fluff | Pining Oblivious Namgi | Love Confessions | Touchy-Feely
⋆ love aboard Explicit | Completed | 5.2k Strangers to Lovers | Yoongi-centric | Meet-cute | Fluff | Pining Oblivious Namgi | Love Confessions | Touchy-Feely
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♡⃕ namgikook
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♡⃕ vmin
⋆ stretch me, split me open Explicit | Completed | 13.2k Roommates AU | Friends to Lovers | Porn With Plot | Fluff | Smut Floor Sex | Flexibility | Multiple Orgasm | Anal Sex | Praise Kink
♡⃕ yoonkook
♡⃕ jinkook
♡⃕ namseok
♡⃕ sope
♡⃕ koobi / hopekook
♡⃕ jikook
♡⃕ taekook
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7ndipity · 7 months
Omg I only just saw your post asking for fics! I am Taegi trash so it'll be that. Also it'll be in ao3, cause thats really only where I read 😂
So these are some of my favourites.
Fluff and angst (this surprised me too, but it's honestly my comfort fic) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26028490/chapters/63292435
Fluff. Seriously so cute. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26041150
More fluff. Also funny. Deaf rep which is awesome. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26170840
I cannot not add this one. Its the very first bts fic I ever read. Its cute. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20176822/chapters/47804122
Also amazing. I think you never should've asked this because I will not stop. I have too many and I'm not even to my favourites yet. Blind rep which is also cool. Fluff and angst. Slow burn soulmate au - https://archiveofourown.org/works/12109173/chapters/27456411
Again. Amazing. Disabled person. Slow burn. Check the tags cause this one idiot doesn't like himself. Fluff and we'll mostly angst I think? Still cute tho. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/18236501/chapters/43147451
Okay this one is different! It shocked me how much I liked this! Read the tags! Violence and blood and monsters. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/34719919/chapters/86447590
This is seriously getting way too long. I am so sorry. (I mean I'm not but it's nice to say)
Angst and sexiness. Seriously lots of sex. Basically porn but with a lot of plot! Bdsm, please read the tags! If I *could* choose a favourite fic, this one is definitely in the running for it. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/15059120/chapters/34911437
Also a comfort fic. Really really cute. Like you're teeth are going to hurt. Also nsfw. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26183770
I hope there's no limit on asks on words or characters 😬
This one is also a favourite. It think we've finally gotten there 😂 fluff and angst and some smut. Abo au - https://archiveofourown.org/works/29268030/chapters/71872530
Amazing. Gay af. Multiple sexuality reps. Ace rep!! Poly. Awesomely writing. Fluff. Angst. Smut. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/23674972/chapters/56835586
Tooth rotting fluff. Angst? Hurt/comfort. Don't know if that's the same as angst. Magic creatures. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24705697/chapters/59713543
This is one of my favourites. Amazing author. Also one of my favourite. Love them and I'm sooo excited everything they post something! Historical fantasy au. Harem. Disabled. Angst. Fluff. Check tags, there's blood and violence. This one has some of the best one liners ever. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26477401/chapters/64519822
Again a favourite. Abo au. Fluff and smut and angst. Slow burn. Check the tags, blood and violence. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26172610/chapters/63685945
Another favourite author of mine. Fluff. Smut. Lots of it. Stupid men in love. Oblivious af. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/30873191/chapters/76228433
This is my all time comfort fic. Its so soft and cute and it just feels like a warm hug to me. It isn't. Angst. Depression. Please please please check the tags. Fluff. Magic. Poly! - https://archiveofourown.org/works/12297168/chapters/27954360
This is yoonmin but omg sooo cute. Fluff. Pining. Abo au. Lots and lots of cuddling. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/25672453/chapters/62327929
Taekook! Sugar daddy & baby. Fluff. Smut. Just really cute. Lots of caring 🥰🥰 Tae is the boyfriend I want. He's great with the non sexual dominance. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/10282934/chapters/22761803
Another taekook. Cute af. Check the tags!! Depression. Fluff. Supernatural elements. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/8279911/chapters/18967897
Omg girl, you just gave me like two weeks worth of fics!?😭💜😭 Thank you!!😭
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 8 months
I know you don’t care about military drama, but I have to say that I love seeing kpjms being savage for once
It was time they stopped giving a fuck like every afiliated subfandom does
Yeah, I can't bring myself to care that they're "fighting" because they're just fighting back. Pjms didn't start this dumb argument.
I swear that the moment I read the letter I already knew the things they'd say about Jimin. Because they actually have said it before when the news came out, they went on and on about Jimin being dependant or whatever.
Immediately after I saw it happening in the qrts of that Korean pjm. All she said was that Jimin had been first place and that was it. JK stans started calling them liars and hate tweets.
Anyone can see for themselves the difference in reactions and tone in the tweets about the "news" before they were confirmed:
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Those who claim pjms are the biggest evil out of the two, are so damn oblivious and clearly rooting for the other side. Because there's no way I'm seeing that and saying someone is the bad guy for giving back the same energy. Pjms actually didn't use to be vicious but face was the last drop in the bucket. When exactly did this kind of Jungkook hate begin? After face. And why? Only because of what Jungkook's own fans did when face was released. Every single day they were making tweets comparing streams and versions and whatnot between left and right and like crazy.
Looking the other way and being the bigger person never worked for pjms, so why should they keep quiet? If they say "okay, we won't make hate tweets about Jungkook anymore if you don't make them about Jimin" does anyone seriously think JK stans will stop? JK stans and taekookers are literally the ones who started the hate towards Jimin, for no reason other than their delusions.
If armys or whatever want the Jungkook hate to stop, then they should get the Jimin hate to stop first. Simple as that.
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mimibwi · 1 year
BTS shippergate
(lol I just like saying xyzgate about any little drama so here we go.)
What is shipper’s issue with Taehyung recently and when did he become public enemy #1?? I am definitely on the 'Taehyung is smarter than people give him credit for' train but never did I think he was the evil mastermind some people think he is. Are we all really being serious or are a lot of your complaints about him colored in a jikooker, taekooker, taennie, y/n lens?? I’d go with the latter cause the things some of the aforementioned groups of people have said about Taehyung in the past few months can only be cooked up in a cauldron of delusion.
Let’s get this straight— Taehyung is not interacting with his friends/group mates (who he’s known for 10+ years, mind you) to feed shippers. It’s the way y’all will go to war with this idea that Tae wants to use Jungkook to cover up his alleged relationship. First of all, you’re giving him way too much credit. Who do you think Taehyung is that he can use Jungkook or Jimin or any other member for that matter, and keep doing it for as long as you claimed he has, without that member saying something about it. Do you think Jungkook is so scared of Taehyung that he can’t tell him to not mention his name on weverse? You always talk about “he knows how much hate Jungkook and Jimin get when he does this” does he? Now I’m not saying the boys are totally oblivious on the matter of ships but I definitely don’t think they see as much as y’all think they do. A lot of the things shippers talk about are very niche things that you would have to actively seek out for the most part, at least based on my experience. And this is just the english side of things, I don’t really know what the shipper climate is like on the korean side so it’s hard for me to entertain the idea that he knows about the things we (girl idek much) know about and doesn��t care. It’s also interesting to me that this claim is coming from jkkers when Jimin was treated similarly for years every time he so much as breathe in JK’s direction. i thought y’all will understand but I guess you’re fighting fire with fire…
But before we even get into all of that, why are we here in the first place? Why can’t we ever take anything the guys say or do just as it stands? I’d be with you guys if it was only silly little jokes but it isn’t. You guys are taking it so seriously and starting one sided beef with a man who probably wouldn’t know what you’re talking about. Why can’t something that was meant to be a joke between friends not just come across as such to you unless it fits your narrative? Why can’t two friends go to a movie premiere without it being seen as either a big ‘coming out’ moment or a PR stunt and nothing in between? (it can be because we saw 94z at an event and no one acted this weird, it’s always the maknaes smh) It’s because many shippers have reduced everything these men post, say or do as a hint of their relationship. Not everything they do has to do with a ship, whether you think that ship is real or is being used as a cover for some other relationship. Taehyung can post Jungkook on insta just because he wants to, he can talk about him 25/8 and no one should care unless JK says he has a problem with it. It’s just that many times shippers draw baseless conclusions from things that don’t even matter. It comes from that inability to separate the fact presented in front of you from the stories you make up in your minds. If this doesn’t change I can see this continuing to be a problem. We’ll see the same cycle of events occur if JK or Jimin ever end up in rumors like this (gawd i hope not, i’ve aged 64 years) because you guys refuse to leave room for deniability. I am not saying this as someone who thinks they’re holier than thou for not shipping the members but i’m saying this as a shipper myself. You cannot believe in a ship 100% because we do not know these people’s life, all we see is barely 4%.
*sighs* #makeshippingfunagain. lol has it ever been fun with BTS though? Things were already in the trenches when I got here:/.
Now taekookers who are switching up on Tae. I must say— this one is on you and i don’t know what else to tell you.
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I’m not gonna repeat myself too many times cause this all comes down to the fact that you lot convinced yourself FOR YEARS that Tae so much as looking in JK’s direction meant he was hinting that they were married and in love. Taehyung has never told y’all explicitly that he was dating JK (if anything he’s showed signs that he isn’t, but let’s talk about this another day) so it’s not his problem that all your walls are now cracking. I think the state of that ship rn shows that a lot of y’all didn’t really like Taekook in the first place cause how does one of them possibly being in a different relationship cause y’all to jump ship so quick. Now I’m not telling you to start more discourses to deny Taennie, let it rest i beg. What i’m saying is Taekook still exists. Taehyung can have 20 *confirmed* girlfriends and 10 *confirmed* boyfriends and Taekook will still exist because at the end of the day they’re friends before anything else. But i guess if I was also preaching and fighting with others FOR YEARS about my ship being real I will also be throwing a temper tantrum right now. Anyway, if y’all are leaving you can just do it quietly, all of this is uncalled for. You’re just embarrassing yourselves.
Unto my last point, Taehyung isn’t obligated to be some protector of Jennie on the internet. They’re both involved in this mess and if any of them wanted to say anything or protect each other from their fans being equally as nasty to the other, they both have the means and platforms to do so. I don’t get this double standard that Tae has to protect her while she can just go about doing whatever she wants. And it’s honestly so dumb to be advocating for Jennie when (if we’re assuming they’re in a long term, loving relationship) she can just as easily tell her man what she wants/needs from him and whatever happens there is really not our concern. It’s also ridiculous cause what do you want him to do?? I’m genuinely curious.
Anyway i’m gonna end here because there’s no way I can go on without this giving me a stress ulcer. It’s not like I was surprised by any of this (y’all are predictable), I knew Tae would get hated no matter what he did after Paris and it’s going to keep happening once all of this is still in the air. Now, I get this whole taenniegate thing is a big deal, it’s confusing as shit and I acknowledge that. I can even acknowledge people having thoughts and opinions on the matter because we’re only human but some people, on every side you can think of, have definitely lost the plot. Let’s get it together!
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^^if you hate him you will die and go to hell btw:))
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jimin-jam · 1 year
When Fandom Interests Turn Harmful ⭐
It's baffling to observe how some shippers can be so fixated on the interactions between their beloved idols, like Jimin and Jungkook, that they seem oblivious to the negative consequences that can arise from their fervent shipping. In many instances, when these two idols engage in friendly interactions, it triggers a wave of support and excitement among their fans. However, there's a darker side to this equation that often goes unacknowledged.
Some individuals might be puzzled by Jimin's decision not to go live with Jungkook, despite Jungkook's willingness to do so anytime. Jimin is likely aware of the strong emotions stirred within the fanbase whenever they interact closely. He might choose not to go live with Jungkook to prevent potential fan reactions, misunderstandings, or unnecessary fan drama. Jimin may prioritize preserving his privacy and avoiding unnecessary speculation within the fandom.
This hate can manifest in various forms, from hurtful messages and malicious comments to the creation of negative hashtags. It's disheartening to see someone who is just trying to express genuine friendship and affection face such unwarranted negativity. Jimin becomes a target not because of his actions but because of the misperceptions created by certain shippers of a ship (Taekookers)
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flevrry · 2 years
(taekook fun voting poll will be posted everyday at 4pm kst)
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softievante · 1 year
🍰 requests
hi! by now it’s noticeable i’m very excited to be back (even if you didn’t know my old account, my enthusiasm is almost embarrassing lmao). that said, i’m opening my asks for fic requests ☺️ i won’t promise long works, but you can expect a minimum of 500 words!
groups i want to write about at the moment and its respective ships:
bts: vmin, taekook, yoonmin, taegi
seventeen: preferably verkwan, minwon, wonhui, seoksoon, verchan but for now i am taking any ships since i really want to write for the sebongs 😌
txt: any kai or soobin ship :)
things i won’t write about:
d34th feederism
immobile scenarios
emet0, sc*t
things i like to write, just so you know my favorites:
oblivious gaining
the “relationship weight” trope
light humiliation
tight clothes, clothes ripping
last, but definitely not least but i’m just a bit embarrassed by it: burp1ng 🤪
keep in mind that even though your request is not on my favorites, it doesn’t mean i’m not willing to write! i actually enjoy trying new things :) just please be aware of my “no’s”.
that’s it, hope i can get some worms from fellow weird internet strangers from this community 🌹
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Disclaimer: if read this and think I hate Tae then that’s a you problem not a me problem
I don’t hate Tae, I really don’t, he is the reason I’m into BTS in the first place, but it is mind blowing to me how Tkkers try to be so oblivious to everything Tae does. They will sit around all day calling JM the fanservice King but will hype up anytime Tae mentions JK in his 5 min livestreams. Yet completely ignore how JK does a 1hr or more for livestreams and barely (if at all) utter Tae’s name. Now I’m not comparing bonds, because they all are different from one another. Tkkers could talk about how Jikook is so one sided but purposefully ignore the fact that with Jikook it has always been mutual. Tkkers also completely ignore how Tae throws himself at all the members but mostly Jin and Hobi. They be like Jikook onstage moments are fanservice but then you have Tae flirting with every member, again mostly Jin and Hobi. They lost their minds when they saw TKK standing together in the photos they took. Went on about how Jikook were not next to each so that meant that Jikook did not speak to each other and then bomb. Bang tan Bomb was released and showed them otherwise. The insecurity quickly comes and goes with every Jikook and TKK moment that happens. I try not to pay attention to them over the small things but I draw the line at them accusing JM of horrible things.
This is why I think a lot of Tkkers don’t actually ship Taekook but only want them together not only for their visuals but for their fantasies. There is just no way Tkkers can get all this stuff from TKK and still be so pissed over a hug that JK basically melting into. It is so obvious that a good portion of Tkkers a clearly scared of Jikook possibly being real and are even more scared that JK might actually care and love JM, not as a romantic partner but just in general.
Now down to what pisses me off more than Tkkers…Armys or shall I say “Armys”. Tkkers have been saying that JM is SA-ing JK, h****ssing JK, A wording JK and R wording JK but what do “Armys” do? Well, Jkkers and Tkkers are like sibling, Jkkers call Tae an attention seeker (this is mostly based off of a specific tweet, where an “army” did compare Jkkers and JM solo Stan’s calling Tae an attention seekers to Tkkers calling JM a h****sser). Like this is why Tkkers are getting away with so much stuff, from h****ssing jewelry brands to models to members and “Armys” do nothing about it. There response to to everything is “ignore them and they will go away” or “I don’t wanna get involved in a fanwar”. This ain’t a fanwar and ignoring them is exactly why they have gotten so much worse. Making up horrible accusations is not something that should be taken lightly. If media outlets pick those accusations up (so glad they haven’t yet) it would be so bad for BTS. Also Armys are so quick to come at Blinks for all the horrible stuff they say about JM but can’t do the same thing towards Tkkers? What??!!! Is it because Blinks don’t just target JM they target all of BTS? But if that was the case than doesn’t that mean they should go after Tkkers as well? Tkkers token Stan Jin, Hobi and Yoongi mainly and that gets them dragged by JM solo Stan’s. So, it’s obvious that alot of “Armys” are Tkkers as well and share the same thoughts (JM is bothering JK and JK hates JM) as Tkkers do. This is why I say “if you think/act like a Tkker than I’m gonna say you are a Tkker”. Like there is no reason why we have been dealing with the same stuff since 2017. GCFT must’ve really bothered them a lot, especially since every time it the anniversary for GCFT, they lose their minds about how it was suppose to be a Vminkook trip.
I think anon the biggest problem is that they are scary. People are scared of them so they don't call them out..
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Capable of so much evil
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I don't need to list the shit they've done. We all know. From photoshopping Jimin with bangpd to throwing shit at him in LV with the intent to harm him. They are dangerous. True ot7 accounts can't post about Jikook because they get attacked. Jimin fucking scares them and I don't know why.
The vermin are also OT1. They are V solos point black period. Because when JK dotes on Jimin and ignores V they go for the jugular. On the one half of their ship. I mean, the fact that they call Jikook FS is already super disrespectful to JK but they don't care about that. I honestly dk why V has the shittiest fans.
Look around, you will a find a Suga biased army, who is a Jkkr. You will find a Jin biased army who is a Jkkr, you will find a Hobi biased army who is a Jkkr. RM too. But you know what you will NEVER find? A V biased army who is a Jkkr. It boggles my mind. Truly. But I blame Taekook_lives and any other vermin with a YT channel or a TT. I blame big twitter accounts that hate on Jimin. Because they're the ones who watch original content and decide to spread lies. It in turn causes this chain reaction. They know tkkrs are not going to watch original content. Because they hate to see JK and Jimin all over each other. So they take advantage of it.
I am sad that members have to enlist. But I am looking forward to seeing what will happen to this group of people when they only have 5 year old content to work with for 2 years. Because lets face it, the good stuff was before JK and V fell out. When they still used to be close. Taekook are better now, but it ain't the same. Hopefully we can shed this dead weight when members are gone.
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dearweirdme · 5 months
Ive been watching a lot of early years taekook lately and I can't imagine how anyone can move on from them really. And I had a very very weird thought.
Tae looks a little oblivious in many of the documented "moments". What if.. what ifffff he had no idea until he accidentally watched a taekook compilation! What if he then realised his and jk's feelings?
I think I should take a break from all the kdramas
Hi anon!
They were so cute right!!
I'm honestly cringing a bit about the thought of them watching Tkk edits 😂... I honsetly hope they kinda stay away from the madness that at times occurs. It's just, I think it would be so odd for them to see people react to a private part of their bond? But I suppose they aren't able to escape seeing stuff.. especcially with Jk on Tiktok 😂 (and Tae probably has one as well).
I agree that it looks as though Tae clued in later than Jk. I think he was really wanting to be just a great Hyung to Jk. I think it was when Jk started to outgrow his early teen looks that Tae started to realize there was more to them than just friendship. In general I think it might not have been hard for him to recognize the attraction, but moreso the acceptance of it (for several reasons).
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chevelleneech · 1 month
i sent you this ask around a week before AYS aired and you said you don't agree with me which was fine by me but ig i was right there.
It was obvious, i even said that if jm was indeed in touch with jk for first half of 2023 as much he would mention jk but he didn't. I have said this same thing (refering to the post i linked) but no one quite belived. even the comments on this post are telling me otherwise and even ppl saying they lie things cause they wanna lay down.
Tkkrs noticed it ain't any genius move it's just them repeating what they're repeating for a decade it's nothing new. They don't accept same thing about TK when ITS happened is because don't wanna accept it cause it burst their bubble of "taekook couple". Shippers love thinking it's always rainbow and sunshine that's why they don't talk about things when something different is happening. JKK thing was also obvious if you see it from neutral pov but no one was ready to look at that way. although i thought they might have met whenever jm promised jk he would but seems like they didn't....seems like i was wrong about that or maybe they did but it's not enough for them.
I remember saying that it doens't look like jkk call eachother often given how oblivious jk was for many of jm's things and ppl telling me what not but jungkook said the exact same thing. I said if anyone is couple no matter what you make time for eachother like that. if you can make time for others you WILL make time for your partner. I'm not being a bitch here nor am I taking this as any gotcha moment but just saying that it was obvious to some of us.
Now about TK's issue being not obvious then no even their thing was bit obvious. The awkwardness was there. You don't need to do much but just pay attention to what members say and you get what kind of rs they share. Even Taekook weren't seen hanging out together anywhere in all those years. jikook has always been hanging out. that's why this hanging out thing was obvious cause all the hangouts TK had in late 2022 and 2023 was wayy more than their decade long friendship while as jikook who was seen together publicly many times was not spotted by anyone anywhere and that tells you enough. I agree that they might not be the ppl who would go outside and do adventure like TK do but i know for fact that they love going to eat outside. You cannot tell me the duo that's been seen hanging out publically soo many times is suddenly not seen by anyone for so many month?
I agree with everything else you said in that post.
I appreciate you returning and standing on what you said, but I must do the same. I still don’t really agree with you, because my opinion is not that they aren’t together. My opinion is that they were not in as of a traditional relationship as I initially assumed. An opinion that changed last year, when the JK stalker video was posted.
I’ve always been open to being wrong, but their behavior remained same enough for me to think they were just being more private than not, but that video made me think perhaps there was much more complexity to their situation than I thought. Now, I feel very confident in that speculation. I think they absolutely were in a relationship that went beyond platonic, and I think 2023 was them realizing that relationships, even if more casual than shippers assume, took effort they never had to exert due to their proximity as band mates. I think AYS is them trying, and not them just being friends who are reconnecting.
So the reason I said I disagreed and still do, is because you seem more along the lines of someone who doesn’t think there’s anything going on between them. Which is fine, you don’t have to, but where you believe they’d have made time if they were actually a thing, I think they failed to realize how much time they needed to make. Which is why they ended up doing the show, and why they ended up enlisting together. Whether or not they are a couple by traditional standards is not for me to state, but I don’t think they’ve ever been platonic. At least not in the sense that they’ve never had feelings for each other.
I also think it was more blame on both sides than it reads like you said, in that you wish JK would have followed through on going to see Jimin. My new interpretation of how things might have went, since I didn’t think this prior to AYS, is that both of them stopped showing up. Which is a sure fire way for a relationship to fade. Platonic and romantic alike.
Other than that, I don’t think you were wrong, because I can’t tell you what’s right. But again, I do think we’re still in a disagreement on what we think their relationship is and was.
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