#oblivion collector's edition
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Septim coin
Physical coin which came with the Collector's edition of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
*Art and coin mintage unknown* if anyone knows the credit comment below
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jexxdelphis · 2 years
i have GOT to write an 80 page personal document on the history of this game franchise AND buy every collectors edition and primo strategy guide and artbook off ebay
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Pumpkin Carving (Obey Me!)
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The guys want to try out pumpkin carving. How does it go?🎃
»Characters: Demon Bros+Dia, brief side characters as judges »Tags: Humor/Fluff, Bulleted Fic »Notes: Part of OM! Flufftober 2023 // reblogs are always loved & appreciated :3 // halloween divider by saradika!
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Lucifer: The Show Off™️
Decided to go for an intricate design for his pumpkin
He worked carefully & put his entire lucifussy in it
It was beautiful watching him work his magic he looked like he was creating a symphony
However his pumpkin looked like mush in the end
Everyone laughed. Everyone. Satan & Belphie the hardest.
Solomon: "...it looks great Lucifer. I can see the hard work you-"
"Don't patronize me."
Mammon: Macaroni Art Vibes™️
Complained saying the whole thing was lame but he got really into it
"Heh, look at the little guy!"
It actually looked really cute for his first pumpkin, it had a simple silly face!
Took photos with it only because "it's the type of thing you're suppose to do!"
The judges liked his very much & he came in 3rd place🙂
"...Ya so where's my reward!?"
Levi: Limited Edition Collector's Item 2023: Akuzon Fall Exclusive™️
Geeked out because he always wanted to carve a pumpkin! JUST LIKE ANIMES!
Of course he had a ruri chan stencil already made, he was waiting for this day
His pumpkin actually looked really good & made with love! He even added glowsticks to it!
However dun dun dun, tragedy struck!
He dropped it before he could show the judges
Poor baby cried his eyes out & you guys had to buy him his favorite milk tea
Satan: The Smashing Pumpkins™️ (please don't sue me, thanks!!!)
A little too good with a knife
Made the best intricate design out of everyone, it wowed the judges (& pissed off Lucifer)
Then he started punching & smashing it, completely obliterating it
Beel tried to eat the flying pieces that flew into the air
Delicately placed a pretty candle on top of the mush as the finishing touch
Solomon: "...You know what I like it."
He came in 2nd place!
Asmo: Bedazzled & Bright™️
"It screams 'I AM the now' you know!?"
I mean, he added jewels & even a mini light up disco ball inside
He carved his face into it & it projected his face onto a wall
some say they saw it reflect on the night sky like a hero signal
Was Luke's favorite because it looked fun & bright!
Note: his pumpkin got stolen off the HOL porch during the night.
Beel: Frankenstein Era™️
I know what you're thinking & no he didn't eat it 😐
(Everyone made sure he was well fed before doing the group activity)
His pumpkin looked the silliest, he added mini pumpkins to it & stacked them
Solomon: "What do you think would happen if we brought that thing to life?"
Barb: "Don't."
He did snack on the few pumpkin pieces that got carved out
...OK yeah he ate it all in the end but that was later!!! Leave him alone! He tried so hard!!!
Belphie: BANKSY™️
Didn't really want to participate but whatever brother Lucifer says, goes.
While everyone carved & decorated their pumpkin, he just napped on his like a pillow
Lucifer scolded him for doing nothing to his pumpkin
Belphie challenged him saying it was a work of art & up to interpretation
The judges 'ooo & ahh'd'
His pumpkin came in 1st place
It's possible Lucifer chucked the pumpkin into oblivion when no one was looking
Diavolo: THE Pumpkin Face™️
"You can't beat the classics!"
Wanted to do a classic pumpkin face to keep human tradition! He appreciates human culture!
He took his time, stenciling was fun & cutting was a little rough
It got a little messy but he enjoyed it
The pumpkin ended up being a thing of nightmares but no one had the heart to tell him
(Barbatos cringing in the background)
Luke fainted at the sight. Dia naively took it as a sweet compliment
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
X-Files Collector's Edition: The Field Where I Fix-It Fic-ed
Ahhhh, The Field Where I Died-- quite an impressive idea, not quite an impressive execution. These fics, however, make me glad that it exists in its own, weird little corner.
Dedicated to the one anon that wanted a TFWID fic list~! :DDDD
Loose chronological order below~!
**Note**: Will ghost edit this post later. ;)))
eponine119’s I Do Not Want To Believe
""I was powerless to do anything but watch as he rose in the field next to me, his chest covered only by his thin blue shirt. No bulletproof vest to save his life. And I knew he was going to die.
Worse, I realized, he wanted to die. To be with her. So that history would repeat itself. What could I do? "Mulder!" I shouted at him as I had so very many times before. It was no use.
Cringing inside I watched. Waiting.
No shots rang out. He disappeared into the building.
No shots rang out. I ran after him.""
Post TFWID Scully realizes that CSM is the contradictory lynch pin to Melissa Ephesian’s story. Mulder, meanwhile, believes their own bond broke the chain that linked he and his “soulmate" in tragedy.  
@alienbaby-babymama/ABBM515’s Soulmates 
""You okay, partner?” Scully reaches out to squeeze his bicep. She’d seen the same forlorn look on his face during his hypnosis session.
“Although this didn’t end how any one of us wanted it to, it was nice to know.”
“Know what?”
“That I’m not alone,” Mulder turns to look at her, “and neither are you. Never one without the other. Kismet.”
“Even if I don’t believe in that line of thinking, I’d have to agree.""
Post TFWID Mulder is glad that he and Scully loved each other every lifetime; and is willing to wait for the “right” moment in this one. 
Nicole van Dam's Forgive and Forget
""Perhaps it wasn't the initial meeting that caused him to question her position as a new partner. Just the mere apprehensiveness that lived in him since he was a small boy. It only took a day, one day of her trying to convince him she wasn't sent to watch him; to gauge his work.
She was sent because it was just the way it was supposed to be.
How did he know to trust her to tell her his life; his problems; his fears? How did she?""
TFWID Scully is resigned to Mulder and Melissa's connection... but ponders more deeply on her own.
@wendelah/wendelah1/avesuvianface’s (Gossamer, LJ)
With Regret 
""The deep connection I feel to Mulder isn't because we knew one another in a past lifetime. Even if we had, what possible difference could it make?""
Post TFWID Scully has regrets. 
LuvMulder’s Tonight I Watch You Dream
""You sleep fitfully beside me as I write, your brow furrowed in the solitary pain I have witnessed so many times since I first walked through your office door. On this night, at this moment, high above the earth, I feel you dream; yet, for the first time since I've known you, I doubt it is Sam you see. Unconscious oblivion, the softness of night and shadow are but words, failed promises that bring you no peace as we head back to our lives, far removed from the grassy fields of Apison, Tennessee.
I'm glad to be going home. We deserve a week of bad coffee and boredom--alone--in the clutter of our basement sanctuary.
I need. I sense....questions.
My friend--are we forever changed?
I am so afraid.""
Post TFWID Scully feels like she’s failed Mulder, unable to take the same leaps of faith that he asks of her. 
@happenstanced's (Ao3) For Eternity 
""Scully, look at me.”
I lifted only my eyes, looking up from under my lashes. Tears must’ve formed and were threatening to fall because his expression softened more than I thought was possible.
Uncharacteristically, I blurted out the one thought that had consumed me.
“Did you mean it?""
Post TFWID Scully is avoiding Mulder’s eyes… and he calls her on it. 
Anne Haynes’s (Gossamer) Greater Meed
""She had known he would come to her to talk more about what had happened to him in Tennessee. She hadn't been sure when it would happen, but she'd known it WOULD happen. It was as inevitable as predestination.
He put the sack on her kitchen table and shrugged off his coat, folding it over the back of a chair. "It wasn't about past lives, was it?" he asked with no preamble.""
Post TFWID Mulder has a nagging thought that something is off… and realizes that CSM was already alive during WWII. He expounds about his "stuck" psyche with Scully over ice cream; and she assures him that, of course, his life does means something.
Thalia D'Muse's Day to Give Thanks
""Mulder placed the cassette in his pocket, his mind completely enraptured by the tiny book in his hand. It resembled other small pamphlet-style books one might see at the check-out counter, exclaiming 'Lose 5 Inches In 10 Days' or 'Your Astrological Forecast'.
But the title of this one threw him. The cover was a faded blue with a white seagull, its wings spread across the entire page. Dark blue letters across the top told Mulder the title: 'The Writings of Richard Bach'.""
Post TFWID Mulder turns down Thanksgiving with Scully to brood over his loss and confusion. One of Scully's books enlightens his outlook, giving him hope. 
Stephanie Lutz’s The Wheel 
""He tilted his head back and looked up into the night sky. There was no moon, no stars. Heavy storm clouds had closed in as the sun was setting, blocking any chance of romantic night lights. Appropriate, he thought. Was she out there, somewhere, waiting for him now? As if in mocking answer to his question a smattering of raindrops struck his face.""
Post TFWID Scully lets Mulder have space to process before forcing comfort and understanding on him. He wants to believe; but she reasons they’ll always find each other, no matter what. 
Meredith’s (Alt.) The Favor
""There are parts of that experience I can't let myself forget. My mind was influenced by outside elements, but in my regression I did see some truths. It's just taken me time to sort them out for myself."
She couldn't bear to ask which ones.
"She played a role," he continued in her silence, "and so did you. I just had to figure out where the truth ended and the deception began.""
Post TFWID Mulder and Scully assist Langly on a family member case involving a psychic. He’s already processed his feelings about the episode; and the two discuss how they get each other. 
story_monger’s Searching Souls - Chapter 1
""No, stop, what are you doing?” Scully snatches at the bills, but Mulder slides them out of her reach, and before Scully can react the bartender has swung past to scoop up the pile.
“You can owe me a pizza or something,” Mulder promises her. He touches at her back. “C’mon, it’s getting late.”
Scully putters her lips and slides off the stool. 
Post TFWID Mulder picks up and drives Scully home, rebutting her personal projection ideas and shocking her into believing his theory (even if only for one night.) 
Christina M. Simmons‘s Near Death Experiences 01 & 02
""Eyes stared up at her from the yellowed tint of an ancient photo. Eyes that could have been green, or grey, or blue. A young man in a Confederate uniform, stern-faced... barely thirty, if that. It was the eyes that captured her, though. The expression in them.
As though he didn't quite believe the camera would work. As though he wouldn't be satisfied until he saw the finished print.""
Post TFWID Scully decides that eternity is not long enough to debate her and Mulder’s ideas, seeking proof in Sullivan Biddle's journal for Mulder’s sake (and her own.) When there is only evidence to the contrary, she is reassured by his easy acceptance of her unbelief.
stellar_dust’s (Ao3) Instinct, With Better Light
""... You weren't in love with her, in this life."
"No .. no, I wasn't. If we'd met under different circumstances, ... maybe I could have been. But you're right, I wasn't."
"She wasn't in love with you, either."
"No. But she wanted to believe.""
Post TFWID Scully suggests that maybe Mulder and Melissa Ephesian were trapped in a terrible cycle because they weren’t “meant” to be. 
@saintbellamys/starsonfire's First Dates and Soulmates
""A comfortable silence and then, "Do you ever think about it?"
Scully glanced at him with curiosity, her nose almost brushing his neck. "Think about what?"
"Our lives. If they could've been different. You told me once that it seems like there could only be one choice and the rest were wrong. There are signs and everything leads up to all these moments.""
Mulder takes Scully on their first date. While stargazing, he explains how wrong he his first soulmates theory was.
@sunsoakd/agenderleadingplayer’s I Wouldn't Change A Day
""And you know you're supposed to want to say yes. You know that part by heart know, know that she would want you to say yes –
Wouldn't she?
– but instead you think about it for a minute, a minute and a half, two. And the answer is no, because if you answered yes then who would she have? And you don't, you think, want to make it seem like you saved her from anything; you didn't, you didn't, she saved herself, you just helped when the tears came down too hard, but...
The answer is still...
"No." It's said with an exhale, an air of finality to it. No, I will not die for you, no I will never, because us, together, that's our whole deal, isn't it? Together. That's the deal, that always was.""
Scully asks (boyfriend) Mulder if he’d die for her. No; but Mulder knows she already has for him. 
RocketMan/Darkstryder’s Mine 01, Mine 02, Mine 03
""In one brief flickering instant I could see the pain all behind her eyes. If I hadn't been looking directly at those sharp blues I wouldn't have even seen it. But I did. Fear and pain and hurt. She hurt for me. No.......she is hurting because she thinks I couldn't be her soul mate.
Even Scully wants a soul mate.
"You're mine," I whisper....""
AU-- Post TFWID Scully feels cut off from Mulder, sad and lovesick. When he realizes, he quickly corrects her misconception… then almost bungles it further. (But that doesn’t stop them from living their lives out together, finally gaining the afterlife in the next.) 
Diadem’s Somewhere 
""It was special. We had to say goodbye the following morning, and neither of us wanted to leave the other behind. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we walked down the main street of the little town.
We started talking about the Ephesian case. I don't know how we got on to it, but suddenly Mulder was asking me if I believed in past lives and reincarnation.""
AU-- Mulder and Scully finally admit their feelings… and then Mulder is shot. As he dies, Scully insists they will get this right when she finds him again. 
@ghostbustermelanieking/skuls‘s a roll of stars and fade to black 
""All but the third, but the M.O. is the same for all the cases,” says Skinner. “Trace evidence proves that all three victims were at Forrester’s apartment at one point or another. It's open and shut. He lured these people into his apartment, drugged them, and kept them for hours before allowing them to return home. We have him on kidnapping and use of an illegal drug.”
Mulder turns over restlessly in bed, sheets tangling around him. “Do we know why he did it?” Scully asks, watching Mulder out of the corner of her eye. She is worried about him. First the attack by Samuel Aboah, and now this. They end up in the hospital entirely too much.
“The notes found at his apartment included recaps of the victims’ time at his apartment, based what seems to be some kind of past life experiences specific to each victim....” Skinner clears his throat awkwardly. “We're confirming this theory with the victims now.”
AU-- A rewrite of the episode: Mulder, druggily flashes back to his deathbed in another life-- Sergeant Sullivan Biddle at his bedside-- and uses those recovered memories to probe deeper. Scully and Skinner, meanwhile, try to make sense of and solve the case.  
Diana Alexander/Teresa Horne’s Not What It Seems 
""It had all happened so fast that it makes my head spin. In fact, the memory is only a blur. Though the thought of giving Mulder up tears my heart to shreds, I could've done it. I could've accepted that Angela was his soulmate eventually, and left them both alone. I could have gone out and gotten a life. He never would have been burdened by my feelings, and I would have gone on, no matter what the cost.
I felt a trickle of blood run down my neck and glanced down. The knife had grazed my neck before Mulder realized what his "beloved" Angela was about to do. He aimed the gun and shot her. It could have been merely a reaction, what he was supposed to do under the circumstances.""
AU-- Mulder’s soulmate puts a knife to Scully’s throat; which leads to a more personal (if implied) revelation for him. 
Erin M. Blair/Erin Blair’s Miss Series 04 - Miss You Four
""The truth is within our hearts and our love for each other.
I'm thankful that we're all together as a family. It will make us stronger somehow. When you told me of your epiphany that we were meant to be together, I knew then we were meant to be. I knew we were the true soulmates. Our souls connected through the spaces of time.""
AU-- S9 Mulder has returned with Will in tow; and spends his days, heart very full, watching his soulmate have everything she could ever have wanted out of life.
Thank you for reading~
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girl-tips · 2 months
𝙼𝚢 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 Part 2!
𝙾𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝🫀
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I remember by Les friction
Great Vacation by Dirt poor robins
The world is not enough by Garbage
Love comes home by Les Friction
Some other time by Alan Parsons project
Salvatore (orchestral cover)- Robbie Devine
Oblivion by Zyrah
Hell's comin with me by Poor mans prison
But never a key (deluxe edition)- Dirt poor robins
The saints I- Dirt poor robins
𝙹𝚊𝚜𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚎 (𝚃𝚊𝚢𝚕𝚘𝚛’𝚜 𝚅𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗) 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 🌹
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Cardigan by Taylor Swift
Let the light in by Lana del rey
Paris, Texas by Lana del rey
How to disappear by Lana Del rey
As it was by Harry Styles
Red (Taylors version)- Taylor Swift
Too Sweet by Hozier
Happiness is a butterfly by Lana del rey
Nothing matters by The last dinner party
Brooklyn baby by Lana del ry
Young and beautiful by Lana del rey
Young and beautiful (Orchestral cover)- Lana del rey
End of begining by Djo
Good luck babe! by Chappell Roan
Margaret by Lana del rey
Salvatore by Lana del rey
Ultraviolence by Lana del rey
Million dollar man by Lana del rey
Video Games by Lana del rey
𝙿𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚎𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚍𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 🌷
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Crop circles by Odie Leigh
I know you by Faye Webster
Blackbird by The Beatles
Evergreen by Richy Mitch and the Coal Miners
Mystery of love by Sufjan Stevens
Futile devices by Sufjan stevens
Mr. Fox in the feilds by Alexandre Desplat
Visions of Gideon by Sufjan Stevens
The bug collector by BEN SCOTT
Velvet ring by Big thief
Exploration by Bruno Coulais
The Gold by Manchester Orchestra and Phoebe Bridgers
Scott Street by Phoebe Bridgers
Promise by Laufey
Let you Break my heart again by Laufey and the Phillamonic Orchestra
Tired by Beabadoobee
First love/Late spring by Mitski
Francis Forever by Mitski
Ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine
Strawberry Blonde by Mitski
Motion Sickness by Phoebe Bridgers
From the start by Laufey
The perfect pair by Beabadoobee
Glue song (Feat, clario) by Beabadoobee
My love, mine all mine by Mitski
Half return by Adrianne Lenker
Anything by Adrianne Lenker
Mrs Magic by Strawberry Guy
The Acrobat by Johnathan Rice
Would that I by Hozier
From eden by Hozier
This is the life by Amy Mcdonald
-Photos found on Pinterest, there will be a couple more parts coming out soon!
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The Collector : What is in your Nine Inch Nails collection? What are you favourite items to own?
Soooo, going by memory alone, I have at least one edition of every physical Halo (including the standard and deluxe and DE editions of TDS, the US and EU and DE versions of WT, and two copies of of BYIT on DVD), the single for TPD, HTDA's two CDs (and Welcome Oblivion on vinyl) a bunch of t-shirts (official and bootleg), two posters, a postcard (gift from my BF who also gave me the EU edition of WT), and various copies of the TR&AR scores. I also have a bootleg copy of Purest Feeling, a German(I think?) bootleg Reptile release from my BF that came in a coffin case with a lighter, and an Option 30 vinyl.
I'm sure I've missed some items lol, I kinda made this in a rush because my break keeps getting interrupted. Thanks! :)
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jofita29 · 1 year
Jo's comic recommendations!
For my first recommendation I recommend my favourite comic book
This is a Robert Kirkman comic (Aka the guy who wrote the walking dead, outcast, oblivion song and the newly started Void Rivals) and yes you may have seen the show that's based off the comic.
The basic premise without any major spoilers is 17 year old high school student Mark Grayson whose dad is an alien from a futuristic planet where everyone can fly and has super strength, Mark eventually gets his powers and becomes the superhero Invincible. This comic is very long so there are many twists and turns throughout with many ongoing villains and plots, loads of fun and memorable characters like atom eve, robot, omni-man and Cecil. Morality of superheros and many other serious topics. All this creates one of the best comics of all time
But if you've seen the show you kinda know more of what you're getting into. It's the show (which is also amazing) but just a lot lot more of it, the stories get crazier and some storylines are even better than what happens in the show.
If you like the walking dead, radiant black, power rangers or really just superhero comics in general then you will more than likely love invincible!
The best way to read invincible is through the compendium which there are 3 of, these can be got in either physical or digital versions. Trades are a good way to get as well but there is a lot of them and they will cost you a lot more to get them all.
I'm currently reading through all of the Spiderman comics starting from the Stan Lee run which I'll be reviewing each issue as I go, I'm also reading Pokémon journey: collectors edition and will be reviewing it once I'm done.
Whichever I read will be reviewed and you will all get to choose which I read after that!!!
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crypt0warr10r · 2 years
Thank you to all the collectors who picked up an edition of "Oblivion" 10/10 🙏🙏🙏
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dgcatanisiri · 2 years
I feel like games in franchises, particularly active franchises, should get modern updates and remakes.
Y'know how Skyrim puts out one remake a year at this point? Like, let's take the next remake off the schedule, and replace it with a remake of Oblivion. Not just a metaphorical buff and drop of the "new" content, but giving it updates to the character interactions, like new dialogues and such, maybe even adjust the interactions to have full sentences (or even a voiced protagonist!). Things like that.
Oh, and definitely edit the voice clip where the VA actually stumbles over her line and tries again.
And, yes, I absolutely mean to do this for games much older, like the first Elder Scrolls, and the first Fallout. Take the 2D graphics, make them fully rendered 3D... Basically, make the game into what it could be now.
And let the originals be included as a bonus, like they're free DLC on a physical Collector's Edition, and a DLC for digital download. Y'know, allow the games to exist as they did originally, but also make them viable as modern games.
*sigh* I say all that, but I know one of the sad realities that prevents it - a lot of the architecture and original voice files (to say nothing of the odd voice actor who is now deceased) are probably lost to time, since the games are decades old and the publishers and even the original companies are now defunct, so they no longer exist, making the question of "are we going to put the time, effort, and money into republishing this old game, or do the same with a new one that we don't have to pay licensing fees on?" the one the corporate overlords focus on. I know it'll never happen.
Still, one does like to dream.
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2022nursejessie · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: The Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion XBOX 360 5th Anniversary Edition Steel Box EUC.
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the-best-guide · 1 year
Beating Old Games: Why Incentives to Discourage Pre-Owned Gaming Are Terrible
Whether or not you have the right to sell the products you bought is irrelevant: selling used games is hurting the game industry.
The same game can be bought and sold multiple times and it can be argued that those purchases are potential sales stolen from the game companies.
Game companies already use a number of methods to generate additional cash after releasing their games as downloadable content (DLC) and now have incentives to purchase new ones.
Do you buy your games second hand? Then you are the absolute scum and scum of the gaming industry. You are worse than any pirates who sail the deep seas of Warez. Or at least, the publishers want us to think. Whether or not you have the right to sell the products you bought is irrelevant: selling used games is hurting the game industry.
When a new game is traded or sold in a play store, that money is kept by the retailer instead of reaching the hands of the hardworking developers who put their blood, sweat and tears into making it for their pride and joy. The same game can be bought and sold multiple times and it can be argued that those purchases are potential sales stolen from the game companies. It's true that you don't hear the music or movie industries complaining about their chronic losses, but can making an album or movie compare to the money and effort spent on making a triple-A game title? As always, it's the consumer who decides whether a game is worth the $50 price tag, and often they decide to go with the pre-owned price instead.
Non-monetary incentives for new purchases
Game companies already use a number of methods to generate additional cash after releasing their games as downloadable content (DLC) and now have incentives to purchase new ones. Pre-order bonuses seem to be popular now with many games including additional DLC or specific in-game bonuses.
We'll look at some of the perfunctory incentives publishers offer to encourage new purchases, and which alternatives are more welcome.
Exclusive DLC and pre-order bonuses: The idea of gamers getting such collector's editions and bonuses isn't new, but lately, we've been seeing a lot of extra freebies in new games or as part of pre-orders. Huh, subject Most of this is in-game DLC, such as new weapons and armor, new maps, or other cosmetic additions that don't really add that much to the game. In fact, most of these items you can probably live without. I don't really need the Blood Dragon Armor in Dragon Age Origins and I can live without the tattoo set in Fable 3, thank you very much. I'd even go so far as to say that DLC Armor is one of the most pointless examples of DLC incentives. Although not as pointless as The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion's Horse Armor.
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Whats your personal favorite depiction of each of the Daedric Princes? Their designs tend to vary from game to game -
Hi! For Azura its probably the non-canon depiction in the TES Tarot deck by Erika Hollice
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For Boethiah its the depiction in Daggerfall as designed by Mark Jackson:
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Clavicus Vile is the depiction in Daggerfall by Mark Jackson
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Hermaeus Mora is the depiction in Skyrim. I'm not sure who designed this depiction
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Hircine I don't honestly love any of his depictions but his design in Daggerfall is probably the best. Not sure who designed it but it was likely also Mark Jackson
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Ithelia is brand new but I like this design of her for the Gold Road collectors edition statue. Modeling by Phiona Blake, Bobby Foster, Kirk Farrell, Andrew Gillogly
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Jyggalag is of course his concept design for Oblivion by Adam Adamowicz
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Malacath in Daggerfall by Mark Jackson and his pointy nips is the automatic winner
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Mehrunes Dagon is how he appears in his shrine in Skyrim's concept art by Ray Lederer
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I will reblog this with the rest of my answers for the other princes since Tumblr has image limits on asks!
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mcbastardsmausoleum · 2 years
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On February 7, 2023, Scream Factory will bring the cult favorite Bubba Ho-Tep to 4K Ultra HD for the first time as a collector’s edition 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray release loaded with extras!
“A significant piece of American cinema” Nick Digilio - WGN Chicago
“Bruce Campbell…in a performance for the ages” The Hollywood Reporter
Bubba Ho-Tep
The Shady Rest retirement home is about to get all shook up with a new resident: a broken-down and eccentric old geezer claiming to be the King of Rock’N’Roll himself! On February 7, 2023, Scream Factory will bring this cult favorite to 4K UHD for the first time as a collector’s edition 4K UHD+Blu-ray release loaded with extras.
Written and directed by Don Coscarelli and based on the Bram Stoker Award-nominated short story by author Joe R. Lansdale, Bubba Ho-Tep stars cult icon Bruce Campbell (Army of Darkness, Ash vs. Evil Dead) as “Elvis”, the late, great Ossie Davis (Grumpy Old Men, Do The Right Thing) as John “Jack” Kennedy, Ella Joyce (Set It Off, Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot), Heidi Marnhout (Phantasm IV: Oblivion) and Bob Ivy (John Dies At the End, Near Dark). When mysterious deaths plague a Texas retirement home, it's up to its most sequined senior citizen to take on a 4,000-year-old Egyptian mummy with a penchant for cowboy boots, bathroom graffiti and sucking the souls from the barely living.
This collector’s edition features a bevy of bonus features, including a new 4K scan of the film, previously unreleased featurettes from the director’s archives, and much more! Fans can pre-order their copies now by visiting ShoutFactory.com
Special Features: 
- NEW 4K scan from the original camera negative
- Audio Commentary with writer/director Don Coscarelli and actor Bruce Campbell
- Audio Commentary with author Joe R. Lansdale
- Audio Commentary with “The King”
- DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, 2.0
- NEW 4K scan from the original camera negative
- Previously unreleased featurette: Bubba Ho-Tep Filming Locations Then and Now
- Previously unreleased featurette: Bubba Ho-Tep Egyptian Theatre Premiere
- Previously unreleased featurette: Bubba Ho-Tep at the Toronto Film Festival
-  Audio Commentary with director Don Coscarelli and actor Bruce Campbell
-  Audio Commentary with author Joe R. Lansdale
- Audio Commentary with “The King”
- The King Lives – an interview with Bruce Campbell
- All is Well – an interview with Don Coscarelli
- Mummies and Makeup – an interview with makeup effects artist Robert Kurtzman
- The Making of BUBBA HO-TEP
- To Make A Mummy – Makeup and Effects
- Fit for A King – Elvis Costuming
- Rock Like An Egyptian – How celebrated composer Brian Tyler created the stunning score
- Bubba Ho-tep – the music video
- Joe R. Lansdale reads Bubba Ho-Tep
- Deleted scenes with optional audio commentary with Don Coscarelli and Bruce Campbell
- Footage from the Temple Room Floor
- Archival Bruce Campbell interviews
- Music Video
- Theatrical Trailer
-  TV Spot
- Photo Gallery
- DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, 2.0
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budgetlascl · 2 years
Enigma album 2018
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Burn Me Down (BRAND NEW STUDIO SONG - recorded 2018)ħ. Enigma (BRAND NEW STUDIO SONG - recorded 2018)Ĥ.
This spirit truly makes “ENIGMA: Intermission 2” closer to a full new studio album than to a mere compilation.ġ. 2018 Harlequins Enigma 19-11-2018 Dance Heroine: Bedstories. The sweeping melodic power metal grandeur of Stratovarius, together with Timo Kotipelto's powerful yet emotional voice, is very much present on all of the 80 minutes of this release. Access the complete album info (18 songs) 2019 Harlequins Enigma 20-08-2019 Brooding Brains in Vain. JTim Sommer 18 Comments 1988, Albert Bouchard, Blue Oyster Cult, Imaginos, Kiss. Cretu had released several solo records, collaborated with various artists, and produced albums for his then-wife, German pop singer. Hallowed (From ‘Elysium’ Collector’s Edition) 4. Hunter (From ‘Nemesis’ Limited Edition) 3.
Or “Kill it with Fire” and “Castaway”, two epic and full blown power metal tracks that were previously only heard by Japanese fans. Imaginos: Cult-Album Enigma, Titanic Turd, or Both Looking at the deep history of a most maligned Blue Öyster Cult LP for its 30th anniversary. Album Enigma: Intermission II Year 2018 Genre Power Metal Country Finland Web Facebook Quality MP3 CBR 320 KBPS Tracklist: 1. Both combine an epic melody with a bombastic chorus and heavy riffs for Stratovarius’ trademark sound and remind of “Unbreakable” from their 2013 album “ Nemesis”, the most streamed song in the band’s history. Take “Enigma” and “Oblivion” for example, fresh from the studio in 2018 and most definitely two killer songs. With over 30 minutes of brand new material and 50 minutes of previously rare metal, “ENIGMA: Intermission 2” is definitely more killer than filler! The album is similar in concept to “ Intermission”, released 17 years ago between “ Infinite” and “ Elements”, in the sense that these seven tracks made in 2018 are completed by nine very rare, very hard to find power metal gems. “ENIGMA: Intermission 2” features three brand new songs as well as, for the first time in the band’s history, four beautifully arranged orchestral versions of popular Stratovarius songs. of a sold-out crowd to perform a duet of their 2018 mega-hit Rockstar. Stratovarius, the top name in the melodic power metal scene, are back with a new album – with some fresh and some very rare material! Pusha Ts new album Its Almost Dry drops this Friday and it features Kid Cudi. This list of popular Enigma CDs has been voted on by music fans around the world, so the order of this list isn't just one person's opinion.Stratovarius Enigma: Intermission 2 (2CD) €16.99 For the promotion of the album Enigma held some instore dates, where he met fans. List is made up of albums like The Cross of Changes (1993) and the more recent The Fall of a Rebel Angel (2016). Entitled Shardana, the album was released on 23 February 2018 and was also promoted by the singles Copernico and Nuvole & cupole in it there are ten total songs, some of which made with the participation of Bassi Maestro, MadMan and Gemello of the TruceKlan.
Make sure you don't just vote for critically acclaimed albums if you have a favorite Enigma album, then vote it up, even if it's not necessarily the most popular. Musical Project Shinnobu, Enigmatic Music 2018 The Way of the Enigma series with feminine voices and epic songs, The mythical Japanese Flute and. If you think the greatest Enigma album isn't high enough on the list, then be sure to vote for it so it receives the credit it deserves. To make it easy for you, we haven't included Enigma singles, EPs, or compilations, so everything you see here should only be studio albums. (1990) and Seven Lives Many Faces (2008). Formed in 1990 by Bucharest, Romania native Michael Cretu, Enigma brought Gregorian chants to the masses with their debut MCMXC a.D. The Sound of Her Voice (For Barbara Jean) Moon 2018. Albums include MCMXC a.D., The Cross of Changes, and Le Roi est Mort, Vive le Roi. Find top songs and albums by Enigma including The Ferrymans Song, The Sound of Her Voice (For. Since they’re such an influential band, let’s rank the best Enigma albums, with the help of your votes. Enigma discography and songs: Music profile for Enigma, formed 1990. Comes with sticker on shrinkwrap: 'The Colours Of Enigma 180Gr Heavyweight Coloured Vinyl Mastered For Vinyl 2018' Cat on spine & inlay '573 652 8', in runout '5736528'. 'Data Alpha' appears also as 'Data Alpha Editions'. List of the best Enigma albums, including pictures of the album covers when available. 'Enigma Songs' appears as 'Enigma Songs Edition'.
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brokehorrorfan · 3 years
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Scream Factory has revealed the specs for its Elvira’s Haunted Hills Collector’s Edition Blu-ray, which releases on September 28. Joel Robinson designed the new cover art for the 2001 horror-comedy; the original poster is on the reverse side.
Elvira’s second film is directed by Sam Irvin (Christmas Made to Order, Oblivion) and written by Cassandra Peterson & John Paragon (Elvira: Mistress of the Dark). Peterson stars as Elvira with Richard O'Brien, Mary Scheer, Scott Atkinson, Mary Jo Smith, and Heather Hopper.
Shout Factory is offering an exclusive edition with an 18x24 poster featuring Robinson’s artwork autographed by Elvira for $74.98.
Elvira’s Haunted Hills has been newly restored in 4K from the original camera negative. Special features are listed below.
Special features:
Introduction by Elvira, Mistress Of The Dark (new)
Audio commentary by director Sam Irvin and actors Cassandra Peterson, Mary Scheer, Mary Jo Smith, and Scott Atkinson
The Making of Elvira’s Haunted Hills featurette
Transylvania or Bust featurette
Elvira in Romania Featurette
Interview with actor Richard O’Brien
Photo gallery
It’s 1851, and Elvira is en route to Paris to star in the revue “Yes I Can-Can.” As bad luck would have it, she stops for the night at the Carpathian castles of Lord Vladimere Hellsubs (Richard O'Brien), whose late wife- now a vengeful ghost- is a lateral “dead” ringer for Elvira. What’s a gal to do but break into song and dance, as Vladimere turns her dreams of stardom into a nightmare! But can Elvira keep her hands off the studly stable-master long enough to save the day?
Pre-order Elvira’s Haunted Hills from Amazon.
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flailingorc · 3 years
Newbie mod maker tries to make a mod
I’m starting this blog to chronicle the uh... adventure I’m going through with learning how to make Skyrim mods.  For some background - I’ve been playing Skyrim since it launched in 2011.  I have the collector’s edition map and Alduin statue sitting on my shelf.  I also played a tooon of Oblivion in the couple years before Skyrim was released.  In the last 10 or so years, I have modded Skyrim to hell and back, LE and SSE. 
It has only been within the last few weeks (as of this writing of August 21, 2021) that I finally decided to make my own mod.
Given the amount of trouble I’ve had with trying to find resources on making the specific mod I’m going for (custom-voiced follower on a custom framework with some specific functions), I’ve decided to chronicle things so that my struggles are also available as informative notes on how to go about doing things - beginning coding, working with the Creation Kit, etc. When I figure out how to do things and make a particular function work properly, I’ll write up an explanation/tutorial on how I at least made it work.  And, hopefully, it’ll give some insight into the mod-making process.  And for those who want to make their own custom-voiced followers, hopefully this can also act as a resource.
Some background on me and this specific mod idea below the cut.
The reason why I chose a custom-voiced follower is because, quite frankly, this is a character I’d like in my own game (isn’t that best motivation?).  I really wanted a fairly positive female character who was basically your bff; after a lot of brainstorming, character-writing, figuring things out, and going through iterations, I’ve settled on a heavy-armor wearing, tank of a female orc.  She’s a “city-orc” meaning that she isn’t from a stronghold; she’s a mercenary who has decided to make a drastic career change and try to become a bard.  Lurbuk, you will no longer be the lone orc bard!
I’m a professional musician (instrumentalist, though I do have some vocal training), so I have the audio interfaces and all the sound design stuff covered.  I’m planning to do my own voice work.  What I don’t have is background in coding and scripting.  I took like a semester of intro Comp-Sci in college and tinkered a ton with RPG Maker in high school; that’s the extent of my experience with anything like this.  But I’m learning a little more every day. 
As of today, I have a follower on a custom framework who can do all the basic vanilla functions (just on a custom framework), and I just got the relaxing/sandboxing command figured out and working.  I’ve also finished most of the dialogue for the main story as well as a bunch of miscellaneous lines as idles in cities, traveling, different weather, and conditions.  I have said follower’s entire backstory set up; I’m looking into ways to implement her personal quest (Changes in variable, or time gated?  That is the question!), and set up other functions such as a sparring mechanic that acts as a gentle trainer for the player, horse riding, combat styles, and song requests.  Cosmetics and making this character look nice are, quite frankly, the least of my concerns right now; I want this follower to be functional and also act as a good friend. 
Who knows how far this project idea will go; I’m having a lot of fun and learning a lot though!  This project has given me a lot of life in a time when my mental health has been pretty terrible (yay pandemic and how it’s affected the live entertainment industry~), and having had so much fun with Skyrim followers such as Inigo, Lucien, Kaidan, and Auri, I just really want to make something similar.  Yes, this follower is another singer.  I’m also not a voice actor.  But if this project can bring me joy and also serves as a way to teach both me and others, then all for it!
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