#objectively bad food that is wonderful and that you love and crave
A story-idea about Adora and food
So, I had a wonderful week this past week visiting my family across the country.  After 18 long years, finally being able to AFFORD such a trip, I got to go to Arizona and see people in person I’ve only been able to Internet and phone with.  My mom cried as she hugged me... yeah....  Anyway, as a part of this trip, I got to have some nostalgic food because when you move to a new place, especially across the country, there are always going to be local joints that you grew up with and miss, some of them surprising.  You’d expect good Mexican-American food in Arizona, but would you expect.... fish n’ chips?    So, okay, there’s this restaurant that was a big part of my childhood called Ed’s Fish n’ Chips.  (If you look them up online, all you’ll get is a dismal Facebook page with a photograph of their MIMEOGRAPHED menu because they are THAT hole-in-the-wall and that technologically-impaired and un-modernized.  I love it).  We picked up some food during one of my days on the trip to take back to our hotel room - my Philly-raised mate being introduced to it and me living some pure nostalgia.  It pleased me immensely to step into the restaurant to find that it had not changed since the 1980s (I was pointing out the old pictures of the owners on the wall) and even the old video game arcade machines in the corner were still there and still broken (okay, so Galaga seemed to be working, but was play at your own risk).  Oh, my God, it was awesome!   Now, the fish they serve at Ed’s... is not what you’d call...”good” fish.  It is best described as rectangles.  They are crispy, greasy rectangles of reconstituted white fish somewhat akin to McDonalds’ Filet O’ Fish but they taste a bit different, served with thick fries and this DELIGHTFUL spicy red sauce that is like a watered-down ketchup mixed with cayenne sauce and there is honestly nothing like it anywhere, it’s like... as far as I know... a thing that only Arizona fish n’ chip shops have.  I have encountered it nowhere else and have missed it preciously.  And it’s PERFECT with the crispy reconstituted fish-tangles SOMEHOW.   It made me think about Adora and ration bars.  What I mean is, I have an idea for a fanfiction based entirely on this experience of mine.  Actually, I have ideas for TWO fanfictions based entirely on this experience of mine because I have an idea that applies to another fandom (I’ve absolutely nosedived back into Trigun lately). Anyway, the She-Ra idea has to do with Adora being nostalgic for the “objectively crappy” food of her youth - the kind of things that the Bright Moon crowd looks down their noses at, but has that oh, so unique flavor one cannot get anywhere else and having grown up on it, Adora CRAVES it.  She never minded the ration bars, she even liked them - particularly those gray ones.  Those gray ones had just this...unique flavor she cannot get in Bright Moon, Thaymore, Elberon or anywhere else.  She’s looked everywhere.  She’s even looked everywhere for something like a sauce that Commander Cobalt used to whip up to go with them.  Catra thinks she’s crazy.  Catra’s gotten to be a bit of a food-snob upon coming to Bright Moon (but she secretly misses Horde-food, too - oh, so much, but she’s trying to fit in and doesn’t want to lose face and all of her bad memories of the Horde are putting her in denial of the few things she actually liked.  Since Bow and Glimmer turn up their noses and make faces at mere descriptions of the bars, she’s not brave enough to admit to the nostalgia).  Ration bars are basic soldier’s food and are supposed to be “objectively bad,” after all.  Cheap, greasy, bland... (yet somehow...SOMEHOW they had just the right salt-content and just WORKED with this weird clandestine sauce some of the commanders would make off-orders).  There is a problem.  The Fright Zone is no more.  Scorpia and any remaining straggling Scorpioni people out there on Etheria have reclaimed it as their homeland.  It has been remade with the released magic into a fertile land where good food can be grown and whatever the Horde’s ration bars were made from no longer exists / the machines are broken / the recipe is lost.   So, Adora plucks up her courage and journeys to Dryl, where Hordak resides under Entrapta’s lab-partnership.  She must know the secret to the creation of the ration bars.  She must have one again, if even once more in her life.  For nostalgia.    
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sagethegaywitch · 5 months
Yandere Scarabia Headcanons
GN reader
TW: yandere behavior, hypnotizing mentioned, stalking, poisoning mentioned
Genre: yandere
Kalim Al-Asim:
A sweet guy who genuinely wants your affection.  He’s a family-oriented fellow so he doesn’t realize that stalking someone and writing love letters to them was considered inappropriate since he’s so used to openly sharing his love around friends and family.
He’s probably one of the most clingy yanderes at Night Raven College, and he throws small fits when you have to leave his company to go to classes or back to your dorm.
If he’s not busy, he’ll follow you around to ensure that you don’t get hurt while you’re out of his protective arms.  He’s aware that many people want to assassinate him for his power and position, so he’s afraid you might be targeted because you’re the object of his interest.
Will get Jamil to watch over you when he has time, but he’s usually a very busy man.  Jamil, at most, will just quickly walk by where you are, ensure you’re safe and return to his duties.
You practically live at his dorm because he always insists that you stay over for a celebration of some kind.  Even if you try to decline with a good excuse, he’ll just drag you along anyways and sit you right next to him at the banquet table.
Enjoys it when you sit in his lap with his arms around your waist and uses the position to feed you meals when you visit his dorm.
Jamil always taste tests Kalim’s food, and Kalim will make Jamil taste test your food as well.  Kalim is concerned about your health and safety when you eat food that Jamil doesn’t make because he doesn’t know who could’ve sneaked poison into your meals.
You have a spare bed in his room because of how often you sleep over.  If you insist on another room, Kalim will counter back and force you to stay in his room so you can spend the night talking.
Gives you very expensive gifts, all shipped from the Scalding Sands, and they will often involve a lot of gold and shiny gems.  He may not be aware why he loves to give you jewelry, but deep down it’s because it’s his special way of marking you as his property.
Most of the items you receive from him stay in your room because of how delicate they look and you’d feel bad if you damaged something so pretty and lavish.
He will often wonder where all his gifts went and tells you that he’d prefer you to use them cause he can just buy more if they broke.  In the end, he’s touched that you value them and plan to take good care of them.
Overall, Kalim is a very clingy boy, and he has the power and wealth to ensure that you stay in his presence.  He has a Danger Level of 1/10 only because he’d have Jamil hypnotize any rivals to stay away from you.  He loves to spoil you and will shower you with his riches if you accept his love.  Probably the safest yandere to have, although his whines for attention might become annoying.
Jamil Viper:
Similar to Leona, Jamil has spent most of his life in someone else’s shadow. When he realizes his feelings for, he knows he does not want to share you with Kalim or anyone else.
You’d probably befriend him after his overblot only because he’s been so focused on helping Kalim through the school year to really take notice of you before the event.
While he remains polite and well-mannered in public and in front of Kalim because of his upbringing, when he knows for sure that you two are alone, he’ll let loose and release all his tension.
You two have private talk/therapy sessions that allow him to vent his problems with his dorm and with Kalim.  If you offer him a shoulder to cry on, you’ve made a friend for life.
What started as a friend trying to help a friend, will soon develop into something much more unhealthy.
Because you’re one of the few people to acknowledge him as his own person rather than an extension of Kalim, he’s always craving your attention.  He feels special when you talk to him because he knows the relationship you two have will be something that Kalim never has with you.
He definitely stalks you around school when he has time.  Since he’s so busy with his school work, taking care of Kalim, and running the dorm, sometimes the most he can do is just spare a passing glance.  Other times, when he escapes his duties, he’ll be able to follow you around a bit and make sure that you’re not meeting up with a secret lover.
Mostly only jealous of Kalim because of how he’s had to serve the heir his entire life, but also won’t tolerate other people trying to ask you to be their partner.
He’s fine with you hanging out with your first year gang and classmates, but when people try to get romantic with you, that’s where he draws the line.
He will absolutely not tolerate Kalim trying to get your attention.  He will not have his one pride and joy get ruined by the carefree heir.
He’s a really tolerant man, so only if someone tried to ask you out would he lash out.  He’d probably only hypnotize them using his unique magic and force them to make a fool out of themselves to defuse any feels you may have had for them.
He’s always working behind the scenes when he gets rid of rivals because he wants you to see him in the best light.
Would never use his unique magic on you unless you tried to leave him.  The worst he’d probably do is erase your memory of an argument you two had so that you’d forget why you tried to leave.
Since he cooks for Kalim, he’d probably pack you meals as well because food giving is his love language.  He’ll say that it’s because the cafeteria food is not good enough for you and how could you refuse a free homemade meal?
Will cook you your favorites and will eat them with you even if he doesn’t like them that much.  He would change his preferences to match yours so you guys seem more alike.
Overall, he’s very desperate for attention because he’s never gotten it before.  He's finally got something that Kalim can’t have, and he’d do anything to protect that obsession.  He has a Danger Level of 5/10 because he’d only hypnotize people to do his bidding without using violence.  He might make them do something stupid in front of a large crowd or might make them admit to some kind of rumor, but he’d never kill anyone.  As long as you offer him your love, you’d never be lacking a friend and protector.
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sammyjs-ponies · 2 months
Have you heard of the new show Wild Manes? What's your opinion about it?
I have been watching it!
I find it very pleasant and I enjoy it. In fact, the show feels like it would fit perfectly alongside shows from the 2003-2008 era, like Strawberry Shortcake, Care Bears, Horseland, and of course G3 MLP.
And I for one, love that. It's nostalgic even though it's brand new, and I've been wishing so hard to see shows appear that make that happen. It's like that feeling we all wish we could have again of watching our favorite childhood shows for the first time.
I've been sitting with the popcorn watching the mixed reactions from Bronies. The consensus is that G5 is a total flop and we're all craving something better to fill the void. I've seen about 75% of videos hyping it up "Will this be the NEW MLP???" and the rest calling it "Bootleg Ripoff" and at worst just hating on it for all the same reasons they blasted G3.
Wild Manes is a comfort show. Not something action-packed and profound with deep lore like G4 was, and it shouldn't be compared as such. These other shows I mentioned above have an audience of an entirely different set of people that Bronies often refuse to accept exist.
We do also love profound shows like G4, but the kinds of people who exclusively like G4-type shows have a hard time accepting different genres if they're not exactly the same... and tend to shame the people who have different tastes as if everything else is objectively "bad".
Imagine a person who refuses to eat anything but chicken tenders getting on a high horse and insulting a foodie for enjoying more foods than just chicken tenders.
As for my review of the show so far:
They're doing VERY well with storytelling for being limited to a 5-minute runtime, and if they ever get the chance to do more, I think they have great potential to have amazing stories. The "You're probably wondering how we ended up here" gimmick at the beginning of each episode, which is jarring to some people, would be way more enjoyable with a full 20-minute episode. In fact, it's VERY refreshing to see a cartoon doing something different for once.
As I said, I love how the show makes me feel. The art style is great. The background art is great. There's no villains or monsters or world-ending scenarios at stake, which is again, refreshing.
(Another thing Bronies tend to not realize is some people just don't want to watch characters fighting 24-7. High-stakes episodes are enjoyable once in a while, but how can it be special if that's how things just are all the time? I don't know about anyone else, but big battles to save the world are a lot more meaningful to me when we've spent some time living happily in that world to sympathize and understand why it's worth defending.)
And sometimes, I just want to watch cute characters have fun and live life, where the worst of the problems is a minor disagreement with your friend that gets worked out in the end. A world I can wish I lived in.
My only biggest complaint so far is that I wish the hair moved. You'd think with such a focus on hair, they'd have some real physics in the animation.
But again, they're just starting out. Surely things will improve if it takes off.
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anon-sect · 2 years
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Request for @ayosus
Jace had borrowed a pair of underwear from his friend Tommy. Tommy was a star player of state rugby team. It was a fresh clean pair from out of his friend's unerwear drawer. The only weird thing about it was that there was a slight discolored streak around the elastic band of the boxer briefs. Jace had washed it and was planning to return it to Tommy, but something went wrong with the plan. After it was retrieved from the washing machine, it was found signiifiantly torn. Jace decided to be honest with his friend and thought Tommy wouldn't be upset, especially since it was just underwear.
When Jace presented the torn underwear to Tommy, he saw him get upset by the look in his face. "Dude, that was my lucky pair of underwear. I wore it to every game I played. Now I see you have ruined it!?" Tommy spoke. "I am sorry, I didn't know the washing machine would ruin it." Jace responded back, apoligizing. "You shouldn't have took it in the first place." Tommy spoke back with even more anger in his voice. Tommy walked off.
When Tommy came back, he had some rope with me. Jace was curious as to why. Tommy suddenly wrestlled him down to the floor, grabbing both wrist. He use the rope to bind his wrist together. Afterwards, he grabbed at both legs to hog tie his best friend. Once done, he saw that Jace was tightly bound on the floor.
"I am going to go take a shower, when I get back, I am going to make you worship my feet all afternoon." Tommy spoke and walked off.
Jace didn't want to do any of that, but he was all tied up. Lucky for him, there was a way out. He had drunk a transformation formula a week ago. The effect was suppose to last a full thirty days. He had transformed in the privacy of his own home, but never at a friend's place. He started the process to become an object, but all his thoughts dwell on was the special pair of underwear that he ruined. Before he could stop it, he began to shrink. His body folded in on itself. He realized what he was about to become and was unable to stop the transformation. His only hope was that Tommy would not use him. The transfomation finished and he found himself a nice pair of boxer briefs on the floor under the rope. Since the rope was on top of him, he was unable to resume human form, unless the rope was removed.
Thirty minutes later, Tommy returned to find Jace gone. He picked up the rope on the floor, to find a nice new pair of boxer briefs. He picked them up to and took them to the room. The boxer briefs were put into his underwear drawer.
Jace situation was even more unchanged than when the rope was on top of him. He was now stuck in Tommy's underwear drawer. Unless he had open space, he could not transform back. If only he could be placed on Tommy's bed and left there, he would be out of this situation.
Three days later, Jace saw Tommy remove him from the drawer. Jace worst fears were realized when he saw Tommy was naked. He tried to scream or do something to get him to stop, but he was unable to move at all. He watched in horror as Tommy put his legs through him and slide him up to his waist line. "Game day." Jace heard Tommy say out loud. Jace knew exactly what that meant. He was in for a horrible experience. He only hope he could mentally endure it.
At the game, as Tommy started to sweat, Jace hated it. Being soaked in this best friend's sweat. But something started to change over time. He started soaking in al his sweat, absorbing it. He was loving it for some strange reason. The more he sweat, the more he soaked up. He even craved Tommy's body motion as he ran down the field. He began to wonder if being underwear wasn't as bad of scenario as he initially predicted.
After the game, Tommy got some Mexican food, and went home to enjoy a much needed relax time. Mexican food always made him pass gas, so he rather enjoy eating it at home and alone. As he sat on his couch to watch tv and eat, he then noticed how his underwear was giving him energy whle he played. Seeing how he needed a new lucky underwear, it was time to break this pair in. As gas built up in his stomach, he released it out his ass. Fart after fart after fart.
Jace was in heaven. The foul odor coming out of his best friend's ass was a sweet aroma to him. He wondered why he wasn't disgusted by it. It then came to mind. It was his best friend's sweat. Soaking in and tasting it some how converted his mind. He wanted to be Tommy's lucky underwear. Tommy farted even more, and Jace loved it. Jace decided not to return to human form. He wanted to become Tommy's replacemen lucky underwear. Tommy was his owner and master now and he would not have it any other way.
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hybridequalist · 1 year
So...I forgot to give my tumblr lovelies this chapter. Oops?
Previous Chapter (tumblr link) Next Chapter (tumblr link)
Taglist (you can be added upon request if you like):  @ sesquipedalian-aficionado   @nesli26, @manga-crazy, @venomemes, @galleyleelol, @makingtimemine, @jackie-sugarskull, @nightshade7117, @skysthelimit291, @randomshizzles101, @inumorph, @snow-massacre, @phantom-fangirl-stuff, @pixellated-sparks, @vsalamandor2, @otaku-mai, @snarky-badger​
Blinding whiteness. Whose idea was it to make sidewalks white? Why on earth did people insist on light colors for exterior spaces? You'd only just stepped outside and already your eyes were assaulted by aggressive, California sun bouncing off the crowded hospital parking lot. It was almost enough to tempt you to turn right around and search the gift shop for sunglasses or a hat of some kind to protect yourself.
"Let's giver her a second, she just got a full face of sunlight."
You squinted though tears, looking for your friends--and your ride. You could faintly see someone further down the walkway, sitting on a shiny object that only added to the glare. A few blinks and a hand to shade your face clarified the image: Eddie Brock, still wearing a full jacket despite the sunny day, seated atop his motorcycle. You marched over, waving a greeting. The reporter responded with a nod, shrugging off his backpack and retrieving his extra helmet for you.
"It's nothing important," you brushed it off, trying to keep the memory of the weird person from the night before out of your thoughts--you just wanted to go home, eat real food and sleep in your own bed where strangers couldn't encroach on your rest.
The symbiote felt unsatisfied with your answer, but took your words with no further complaint. You tugged on the helmet and settled onto the bike, wrapping your arms securely around Eddie's middle and resisting your natural instinct to pull away when the jacket stretched and lightly secured itself to your skin. With just a few more minor adjustments, the engine began to purr and the motorcycle pulled away from the curb.
It was a funny thing, holding on to another person like this: your rational mind knew that it was just a safety precaution, just the safest position to ride this vehicle, but that didn't stop your heart-rate from rising at the realization that you were holding onto someone in even a slightly intimate way. Stupid oyxtocin; you weren't even touching skin. How long had it been since you'd actually hugged someone? There weren't many people who you felt comfortable asking for such a thing, especially not since moving out on your own. And Eddie didn't feel like a man who was super upfront about breaking that contact barrier. His partner, on the other hand, had no such qualms: Venom was all about the tactile experience, maybe because he was so entwined in sharing his host's sensory perceptions of the world? It probably didn't help that he was very well equipped to hold onto things with his goo-like body and ability to produce tentacle appendages. You wondered what it felt like to be the host when he took over, to be fully surrounded by another being.
Maybe you were more sleep-deprived than you'd suspected. Why were you imagining being held by an alien (and his host)? Why were the thoughts strangely appealing? You didn't even know if you could host Venom in the first place--and being a poor match sounded like a bad time all around. Maybe you were still a bit spooked from the other night and were craving comfort a touch more than usual. Yes, that had to be it. No other reason why you wanted to never let go of the man driving the bike.
Your apartment building couldn't appear quick enough, but in hardly any time at all (or a short eternity--you really had no sense of time right now), you were tugging off the borrowed helmet and taking a moment to fix your appearance from the constant wind. You quickly waved goodbye at the pair and started towards the complex door, determined to just get to your room, put on your comfy pj's and distract yourself from the tangled feelings that had arisen.
You paused, hand on the door handle, and glanced back at Eddie.
"I know this is probably an awkward time to ask," he shrugged, "but would you be willing to consider sitting for an interview sometime? It's the one I mentioned back at the grocery store."
"Chillax, Vee. It never hurts to ask just in case."
"I can only promise to think about it," you signed before repeating your wave farewell and tugging open the door. You remained beside it, however, keeping one eye on the bike through the small, decorative window that sat at eye level. Though slightly warped through the wavy glass, you were able to watch as Eddie revved his motorcycle and pulled away from the curb.
"She's free to refuse. I think she will say no, but if I didn't ask then we'd never know. Besides, we can keep her anonymous and that jacka..."
The thoughts left your range and the usual snippets of traffic replaced the familiar internal voices. Heaving a sigh, you headed for the front office, where you knew Lauren spent business hours if not needed elsewhere. Poking your head into the open doorway, you spotted your landlady on her computer, writing a schedule of some kind. She'd had her hair done recently you noticed, her previously fading cyan braids replaced with her natural dark afro. This was new--normally she get some other eye-catching color right away (she'd been talking about doing pink or lilac). Was she taking a break from dyeing? Or was this just temporary?
You noticed her phone was resting under her arm and immediately shot her a quick text, a faint smile tugging at your lips.
Behind you
Lauren picked up when she felt the vibration, read the text and immediately glanced back at where you stood. She instantly did a double-take and jolted to her feet. Without a word, she rushed forward, arms outstretched. Despite being able to see though both her actions and thoughts, the force of Lauren's hug was surprising and you staggered a step or two catching her and returning the embrace.
Her thoughts were scattered: she was overjoyed to have you back home, overwhelmed with equal concern regarding your health and already bearing the full weight of her work on top of it all. When she released your shoulders, her eyes flickered over your face, searching for any sign that something might be off, any indication that you were unwell.
"How are you feeling?" she asked.
"A-okay," you responded. "Headaches are all gone, no bumps. The doctor I was seeing was very considerate too."
"I made some lunch since I knew you'd be back soon-ish. Come."
Lauren offered her hand, which you lightly grasped, and lead you back into the hall and down towards her own apartment. Once inside, she released you to fetch a tray of sandwiches, which she set up on her table alongside some plastic plates.
Once the pair of you had settled into munching on lunch--you almost cried at the fresh ingredients after a few nights in the hospital--Lauren took it upon herself to share the news of the past few days. Including, it seemed, some rather pertinent news for you specifically.
"Someone asked for you by name. Most ordinary-looking man I've ever seen. Business casual dress, short hair. Refused to give a name, left as soon as I refused to name any tenants. Reminded me a bit of when the undercover cops try to snoop around, but something about it was...off. I don't know how else to describe it."
"Did he know my full name? Or just first name?" you signed, squinting a little as you tried to remember the faces of anyone who might be putting an effort to find you. Most Agents wouldn't be so bold as to confront a non-relative, but you had successfully avoided them for the most part since leaving High School. Could it be the others then? Of course, most of them wouldn't exactly fit the description of "ordinary-looking" unless they were someone totally new that you'd never met...
"He had your first name very clear. He wasn't as certain on the last name. Any ideas what that was about?"
"None," you partially lied. You had ideas, of course, but the likelihood of those ideas being real were slim at best. "Was that the only stuff I missed, then?"
"That's all in terms of news, but I did want to have a little chat with you before you head home and unwind."
Lauren pressed her hands together and pursed her lips. Her thoughts buzzed like an overexcited hive of honeybees, flitting this way and that as she tried to decide how to open the conversation. You stared at the sandwich in your grasp, willing yourself to ignore the images your landlady had flashing around in her head. You could feel your appetite drying up as your stomach began to twist with nerves.
"Is it bad?" you asked, glad that your hands managed to keep from trembling too much.
"I don't mean to stress you out or anything. It's about Eddie. I did some...research about him."
She couldn't know. There was no way Lauren was able to make the connection between Eddie and the "Demon of San Francisco" rumors. Her thoughts didn't seem to indicate that specific path, but there was definitely some genuine, serious concern for you.
"And what did your background check reveal?" you asked, trying to make your face and signing indicate a teasing tone though your stomach was so knotted you might accidentally give yourself abs. 
"Don't get smart," Lauren chastised lightly, rolling her eyes. "Your Eddie is Eddie Brock, the investigative journalist guy--he had some kind of segment on the news that got cancelled a while back."
You nodded, recognizing a few of the clips that Lauren was thinking of. 
"Apparently he was briefly fired due to pissing off someone with influence and there was a whole smear campaign put against him. But that's not what bothered me. I doubt he's mentioned it since you've only recently been hanging out, but he used to be engaged to someone, a lawyer I think. From what I found...Eddie used his fiancée's confidential information to make some accusations and it got her into serious trouble."
"But why tell me all this?" you questioned, still uncomfortable. 
"This was all in the past year; I just think you should know what kind of guy you're hanging out with. Just something to keep in mind."
You didn't detect any malice in Lauren's thoughts--not directly at any rate. It was...concern for you. She didn't want you getting too attached to someone who might be sketchy, no matter how good-looking or charming he was. You briefly wondered what her reaction to Venom would be--probably terror, if you were going to be wholly honest.
In all honesty, this wasn't all new information: you'd done a quick web search on Eddie when you'd first learned his name and knew there had been some drama about his reporting career, but there hadn't been much detail about why, just implying he'd gotten in trouble for poking around. The oh-so minor detail of a fiancée caught in the crossfire was rather startling, though; Eddie had always come across as something as a loner, at least externally--Dr. Dan was the only person who has really shaken that perception.
"Well.." you shrugged, "Thank you for your concern, Lauren. I know you mean well, but I am an adult who can take care of myself."
You felt a little bad having to sign it so explicitly, but your landlady's persistent mothering streak needed to be nipped in the bud before it branched too far. Of course being able to see exactly where she was coming from (with her mind reflecting on memories of protecting a few of your neighbors from abusive partners and family) didn't exactly make it easy, but you didn't need her doing anything risky in the name of protecting you--you had the best early warning system in the world to keep yourself away from dangerous people. Of course, she didn't know that bit either--all she could see of you was what you presented, the partial mask of "normal human".
You politely excused yourself, taking your half-nibbled sandwich with you as you exited Lauren's home. You pondered what you had learned, frowning lightly to yourself. If your understanding of the timeline was correct, then Venom had entered Eddie's life sometime after he'd been fired from his job within the last year--meaning he'd entered the picture after Eddie's breakup with his fiancée. Is that what he'd meant about people walking out of their life? Or had that just been a general statement, conjured by the number of contacts that being a reporter brought?
The keys to your door scrabbled against the lock for a moment as you absent-mindedly stepped inside your home, kicking your shoes off.
There was also the whole thing about an interview--Eddie had mentioned the article twice now and it had been a prevalent thought during most of the time you'd spent with him outside of the hospital. He seemed very interested in your opinion about some newly proposed law that had recently been under heavy debate. You hadn't been paying too much attention, but apparently there was going to be an "official" record of anyone with powers of any kind. It had always been kind of odd hearing about it because, as far as you knew, those records were already being maintained, it just wasn't public knowledge to the "unpowered" majority. Was the department just too small now to keep up their work in the shadows? Were they expanding their reach in response to some top-secret incident? Or was this an independent move?
What could Eddie possibly want you to say in the interview? Did he think this was a big controversy within the mutant community? (Was he aware that there even was a community?) Or was he just looking for a credible quote, to actually put a mutant's words in his article to "spice up" the story?
You knew he'd asked in good faith--he seemed almost pre-prepared to accept rejection, actually. Unlike with Dr. Dan though, you got the sense that it wasn't exactly his natural response to be okay with that--it was a learned skill and a decently recent addition to his metaphorical toolbelt; he was being intentionally conscientious of you, pushing away his natural, rabid curiosity and other potential agendas in an attempt to not intimidate you. How much of that was his partner's urging, you had no real reference for.
A headache began to pulse behind your eyes and you squeezed them shut in an attempt to relieve the pressure. The thoughts of your neighbors--including those above and below--were starting to encroach on your brain, a mixed, multitoned cacophony. The old man two door down was upset about something on TV. The toddler above you desperately needed a nap but couldn't articulate their tiredness to their equally exhausted parent. The grade-school brothers across the hall were playing swords, compounding their excitement. The teen metalhead had some heavy drumbeat pounding and intense in their headphones. Someone walked by on the sidewalk, counting the windows. The college student somewhere below your feet was crying at a romcom. The housewife had just started a spicy segment of her novel. Someone, somewhere, was bored. Someone else was hungry. Another thought from someone, was this a new one? had you already experienced that feeling? Who was it? What was it?
Sudden pain in your foot pulled you partially out of the spiraling mental carousel --you'd accidentally kicked the doorframe of your bathroom while stumbling towards it. Desperate and nearly blind from the sensations all the thoughts kept inserting into your brain, you felt around the cabinet where you kept the strongest commercial sleeping pills money could buy. You shoved one of the chalky tablets into your mouth and forced yourself to swallow it before practically sprinting towards your bed. 
You prayed the drugs would kick in fast enough. To finally give you some silence.
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earlgreydream · 3 years
| bucky barnes x reader | smut | fluff |
anon requested. bucky with rings
mafia au, soft!dom
cw: sliiiiight dubcon if you squint, but not actually
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“You’re running the money through here?” Steve asked Bucky, and he nodded.
“Yes. We have a few other sites we launder through, but most of the money comes through here. Police don’t come poking around a locally owned Romanian restaurant on the upper east side,” Bucky explained.
“Boss is very... careful.” Zemo explained, referring to Bucky.
They were trying to make a deal with Steve and Sam, the two American bosses of another mafia they were trying to sell their illegal weapons to. One of their bases was raided, all of their drugs and weapons seized by the DEA.
They had come to Bucky, looking to buy more weapons to arm their dealers and “soldiers”.
“And who is this exactly?” Sam eyed Zemo suspiciously.
“Zemo. He’s security, and my weapons expert,” Bucky answered.
“Do you have connections?” Steve continued, trying to ignore the Sokovian’s unsettling stare.
“Yes. The head agent of the Manhattan DEA is one of us. Half of the local precincts are in our pocket, and I own the NYPD.” Bucky’s tone was impatient, he didn’t appreciate the questioning of his authority.
Bucky was the most powerful man in New York, and also the most feared. He demanded respect, dominating every space he entered. Steve and Sam wanted to be under his protection, and be supplied by him.
The men stopped talking when they heard a noise, and the four men burst into the front of the restaurant, guns drawn.
“Did you not lock the fucking door?!” Bucky snapped at Zemo. Zemo just rolled his eyes, and they stepped out into the dining room, where you stood.
You loved the Romanian restaurant just a few streets down from your building. You frequented it, their papanasi your favorite comfort food.
You’d had a rough week, a lot of family drama, and you were craving the Romanian food. You found the door unlocked and a back light on as you were walking home late, and you’d gone inside to try to get a snack.
It was empty, but four men had come out, three of them pulling guns and pointing them at you. You’d heard voices and had begun to walk to the back hallway, where they’d been talking in an office. You’d heard “I own the NYPD,” and nothing else. You’d started to leave when the men had appeared.
The man who didn’t have a gun pointed at you was in an all-black suit, silver eyes matching silver rings on his fingers that looked like they costed more than your Manhattan rent.
You were frozen, staring down the barrels of three guns, fear robbing your lungs of air.
“Get your fucking guns out of her face!” Bucky shouted, making you jump. Zemo obeyed immediately, but Steve and Sam kept their guns pointed at you.
“She’s unarmed and terrified. Put down the fucking guns!” The other two slowly lowered their weapons, and you were shaking.
Bucky looked at you, a frightened girl who clearly had just ended up at the wrong place at the wrong time. You stared back at him, your hands trembling. You didn’t understand him protecting you from the other men, but you were thankful. 
“Please, I didn’t hear anything, I haven’t done anything... I just wanted some food,” you pleaded softly, looking at Bucky in hopes he’d take more pity on you.
“I believe you, doll, but we can’t let you leave,” Bucky spoke, and you bit your lip.
“I won’t do anything,” you promised.
“I know. You came for something to eat? Let’s get you some food. Zemo.” Bucky pushed the Sokovian toward the kitchen.
“Barnes, we can’t just-” Steve turned to Bucky, starting to object.
“You will respect my authority, Steve.”
You looked at him, and Bucky held his hand out for you to take. You hesitated, and his silver gaze softened.
“I’m not going to hurt you, doll,” he said quietly, and you carefully put your hand in his, the metal rings cold against your warm skin. Bucky pulled you toward him, his other hand going to rest on the small of your back as he led you to his office, sitting down with you on one of the brown leather couches. You began to smell the food Zemo was cooking, growing hungrier. Sam and Steve sat across from the two of you, and you shifted under their intense gazes.
“What’s your name?” Bucky asked you, and when you didn’t answer immediately, he introduced himself.
“I’m James Buchanan Barnes, but my friends call me Bucky,” he felt bad that you’d gotten caught up with them. Under another circumstance, he probably would’ve sent you away, but he couldn’t let you go in front of the two Americans, and not risking what you may have heard of their conversation. 
Your mind was spinning. You’d never been in the presence of four men as beautiful as the ones in the restaurant. Bucky especially, was incredibly gorgeous. His stern, dominating personality made him far more attractive somehow, and you found yourself growing warm in your jeans.
“Your name, doll?” Bucky’s voice was soft as he called you back to attention, snapping your mind out of your wandering thoughts.
“Y/N,” you whispered, pulling at a rip in your jeans, letting your eyes fall down to your lap.
“That’s a pretty name,” Bucky said, repeating it, and god it sounded so much better falling from his lips.
“Here,” Zemo returned, setting down a plate for you. A small gasp left you as Bucky hauled you closer to him on the couch. You realized it was so that Zemo could sit down on your other side. You picked up the plate, eating quietly, trying to ignore the stares from the men across from you. 
Zemo and Bucky didn’t stare, and Bucky’s hand rested lightly on your leg. They began to speak in Romanian, and you didn’t understand, so you kept eating. You nearly choked when Bucky squeezed your thigh a bit, his rings glinting from the movement. 
You wondered how the cool metal would feel against your heat.
“Y/N? I asked if you were alright?” 
“Hm? Yes,” you blushed furiously, and Bucky had an amused smirk on your face, practically reading your mind, or at least recognizing filthy thoughts as you stared at his large hands.  
“Her cheeks look a little rosy,” Zemo hummed, his fingers brushing lightly over your cheekbone. Your chest rose and fell heavily, and Steve leaned forward and took the now-empty plate from your lap. 
“Are you nervous?” Bucky teased, his deep voice soaking into you, surrounding you and blocking out everything else.
“No, sir,” you shook your head, swallowing hard.
“Sir? So sweet,” Zemo chuckled darkly, and you felt his fingertips ghost down your spine.
“I am sweet,” you said, looking up at Bucky, and he tilted his head to the side a bit, running his hand up and down your thigh. You squeezed your legs together without meaning to, just needing to alleviate some of the sexual frustration that was building inside of you. 
You were overwhelmed by the two men speaking softly and sensually to you, their hands on you, the dominating personalities, and the tension in the room. You were focused on Bucky, and he helped you onto his lap. You let him move you to straddle his hips, your back to the other men. 
“Want to show me how sweet you can be, doll?” He asked, his hands resting on your ribcage, and you could feel him through your thin top. You nodded shyly, and he kissed you to get you to relax a bit. 
“My friends here are going to watch, okay?” Bucky’s voice was dangerously soft, and you nodded. He kissed your cheekbone lightly before slipping your top over your head, your breasts barely covered by thin, see-through lace.
You blushed, looking to the side and seeing Zemo shift at the sight of your chest.
“He’s admiring you,” Bucky hummed softly into your collarbone, pressing a kiss to the skin there, just above the curve of the lace on your breast. His hands slipped down into the back pockets of your jeans, squeezing you and pulling a breathy noise from you. You couldn’t see Sam or Steve, but you felt their gazes on your back, watching the way Bucky balanced softness and dominance with you.
“I want to make you feel good, I want to hear your little moans of pleasure,” Bucky spoke quietly, mouthing gentle kisses along your jaw.
“Please,” now, instead of begging to leave, you were begging for him, the mafia don you were on top of.
“Let’s let these poor boys behind you see. I want them to know who’s in charge here,” Bucky said, and you nodded in consent. You felt like you could collapse as he got you to stand up off of his lap. You looked down at his rings as he smoothed his hands up your belly to tease the raised peaks under your bralette. 
“So pretty, doll,” Bucky praised you, kissing just above your navel. His eyes gazed up at you, and your trembling fingers threaded through his dark hair as you got lost in the stormy grey. 
Bucky wanted to tear you apart, but he took it slow and was gentle for you, the sweet girl under his protection.
He kissed the space between your hips as he undid the button on your jeans, sliding them down your legs. He reached a hand up for you to take as you stepped out of them, holding you steady. He smiled at the lace bottoms that matched your top, nearly see-through. 
You heard a soft throaty noise from behind you, and you looked to see Sam and Steve with their hands down their trousers, stroking themselves as they watched Bucky undress you. Zemo was doing the same, but less shy than the other two, his suit pants down around his knees, giving you full view of his cock.
You blushed shyly, feeling exposed but somehow safe with Bucky, who was squeezing your ass, leaving imprints of his rings against your skin. 
“Look, they’re all touching themselves because of you, how beautiful and sweet you are,” Bucky turned you around so your back was to him, making you watch Steve and Sam. Your skimpy underwear showed how wet you were, and you were unable to hide how turned on you were any more. 
Bucky’s hands were on your hips as he kissed down your spine, shivers shooting through your body. He slid the lace down your legs, leaving it discarded on the floor with your jeans, but not bothering to get you fully naked. 
A soft squeal escaped as you were suddenly dragged backwards, falling onto Bucky’s lap, your back pressed against his suit-clad chest. 
“You can rest on me, doll,” he coaxed you to relax, his hands smoothing down your body. 
Steve and Sam were overwhelmed by the sight in front of them, and Bucky knew it. He was doing this to assert his dominance, and to establish a level of trust between them. They watched him part your legs, keeping them open with his knees. Zemo was much more unphased than the other two, enjoying the show as one of Bucky’s loyal friends.
Bucky could hear your soft, unsteady breaths, and he stilled when your smaller hand grasped his. 
“Leave them on, please,” you begged, tilting your head back to look him in the eyes before he could remove his rings.
“Of course, sweet girl.” Bucky planted a gentle kiss to your lips, deepening it to hear your soft moans. 
“Oh my god, fuck,” one of the men moaned as they came, seeing your sex glisten as Bucky licked into your mouth sensually. 
Bucky gently trailed his fingers through your folds, feeling how wet you were. He began to stroke your clit softly, listening to you whine.
He eased one of his large fingers into your tight entrance. You shuddered, your breath stuttering as you felt the cold metal against your hot pussy, your muscles squeezing around his finger. 
“Does that feel good?” Zemo asked you as Bucky pushed two fingers inside of you, still teasing your clit to keep you relaxed.
“Answer him, doll,” Bucky commanded you sternly. 
“Yes, sir,” you turned your head to look at Zemo, watching his hips fuck up into his hand. 
“No, you keep touching yourselves. You’re not done until I’m done.” Bucky’s order was directed at Steve and Sam, who’s noises rose in pitch at the forced overstimulation. They were too afraid to disobey Bucky, knowing the consequences would be dire. Zemo knew this ahead of time, and was taking it much slower, still enjoying himself as he watched you writhe on Bucky’s lap. 
Bucky kissed along your shoulder and neck, three fingers pumping slowly in and out of you. He expertly drew whines and moans of pleasure from you, and your legs were beginning to shake from the intensity. 
The cold metal against your heat was driving you mad, making your eyes roll back in ecstasy. Your back arched off of Bucky’s chest, and he wrapped an arm around you to hold you against him. He still managed to stay calm enough to continue being gentle with you, leading you quickly toward a powerful orgasm.
“You must ask him before you let go, sweetheart,” Zemo informed you, and your broken whimper filled Bucky’s ears. He watched the other three men writhing in their own mind-blowing pleasure, all under the instruction of him. 
“Please, Bucky, I need-” you cut yourself off with a strangled squeal as he curved his fingers forward inside of you.
“Let go, I’ve got you,” He said, kissing your cheek as he murmured the soft words. Your screams of white-hot pleasure filled the room, shaking and falling apart on his lap. A choked sob left your chest as he pulled out of you, his digits soaked in your come. He’d waited until you had fell down from your high, becoming relaxed in his arms. 
He was whispering gentle praises in your ear as he slipped his fingers into your mouth to clean them off. You hollowed your cheeks, obediently cleaning him up and feeling the metal rings pressed against your lips. You were soothed by sucking off his fingers and the praises, melting into the mafia lord.
“I think I want to keep you.”
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rax-writes · 4 years
Enchanted - Part II
Fandom:  The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Pairing:  Caliban x Reader Warnings:  Violence, death + resurrection Notes:  Part I ♥ Here’s part two! Hope you all like it!
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Your relationship with Caliban did not remain a secret for long. Your sister was the first to know.
As you jogged over to her at the carnival the following weekend, you said, “Sister, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I know how the Plague Kings’ plan to overthrow you. They’ll be keeping an eye on you for any missteps, and once given probable cause, they will force you and Caliban to embark on a quest to retrieve the Unholy Regalia.”
She was visibly stunned, and understandably so. “That’s great! But how did you find all that out?”
“That would be the bad news.”
As if on cue, Caliban then materialized, and wrapped an arm around your waist – which was immediately noticed by Sabrina.
“What did you rope my sister into?” she snarled at Caliban, but you held up a hand to silence them both before the bickering began.
“Caliban came to me and stated that he wished to court me. I first tried to convince him to end the coup in exchange for courtship, but he explained that even if he wanted to, he is unable to stop the Kings. So, instead, the exchange became useful information for courtship.”
“Mhmm,” Sabrina mused disbelievingly, glaring at the man at your side. “And for how long does she have to date you?”
“The only requirement to fulfill our agreement is a single date, hence our presence at this mortal affair,” Caliban answered, then smiled warmly at you. “After that, the status of our courtship is up to my lady.”
“Oh. Well, that’s not so bad,” Sabrina muttered, then shrugged as she turned to you. “At least you can get this night over with and never have to see him again.”
“In all honesty… I am not entirely opposed to seeing him again,” you admitted hesitantly, and Sabrina’s jaw dropped slightly as her brows furrowed in agitation. “Oh, don’t look at me like that, Sister. For Satan’s sake, have you seen him? He’s more than a little easy on the eyes.”
Caliban chuckled, both at your compliment and your sister’s obvious annoyance. “Come, little dove. Let us explore this fanciful event.”
Though the evening had been a delight, and you enjoyed your time with your date, you couldn’t help but notice that Caliban seemed slightly on edge all night. After the sun had gone down, and you’d surveyed the majority of the carnival, Caliban requested to take you to dinner in a nice restaurant. You agreed, and he thoroughly surprised you by taking you to a quiet, romantic rooftop restaurant in Italy, having remembered you stating that Italian was your favorite food. It was the following morning before you realized that he’d been sensing the impending danger of Herod’s attack. Coincidentally, he had disappeared for a short while during dinner, and although he’d claimed to have gone to the restroom, you learned from Sabrina the following morning that he’d actually returned to Greendale to collect King Herod's crown.
Naturally, the two of you had bickered about him cheating your sister the next time you were together, but his soft lips and skilled hands had done wonders to dissipate your anger. Although you refused to admit it, you were positively hooked from thereon out.
You told yourself that you continued the dates and the trysts simply because it was merely an enjoyable pastime. But in truth, it was because you were slowly falling for the prince. Knowing it was a mistake due to his allegiance to Hell, and his position as the enemy of your sister, created a forbidden nature to the romance, and it only made you crave him more.
Little did you know, Caliban felt the same for you. Your smile set his soul aflame, and your laughter made his chest tighten with affection. The sight of your hair fanned across your pillow, mouth slightly agape in pleasure, was not one he would ever grow tired of. He had fallen well and truly in love with you.
This information was kept secret from one another, because both of you were scared to admit such a thing and risk scaring the other away.
It wasn’t long after your mutual realizations that he met your aunts and Ambrose. Although they were all pleased to have met the object of your affection, and they remained civil with him, it was evident that each member of your family distrusted him, and questioned his intentions with you.
Their distrust turned out to be short-lived.
Immediately following your coven’s Hare Moon celebration, one of the Pagans had developed a very intense dislike for you. All it took was for her to sense that you were a very powerful member of your kind – that is, until your powers faded – and she, being a harpy, notorious for their insatiable hunger and lust for torture, had decided that she would feast upon your witch flesh as her next meal.
It was that evening when she appeared. You had been relaxing on the front porch of the Spellman Mortuary, and at first, you thought she was merely a mortal woman – then her wings spread out from behind her as her glamour faded, bird-like legs sprouted from her torso, and her face became hideous, decayed and rotting. You had instinctively tried to run, but it was futile. After all, harpies were originally thought to be the personification of wind, so it was unsurprising that you were in her clutches before you even made it to the door.
The harpy’s sharp talons dug into your shoulders, and you screamed for help as she launched you into the yard. You fell flat on your back, which knocked the wind out of you, and she was on you again in the blink of an eye. As you felt the most impossibly intense, agonizing pain across your abdomen, you screamed again as you glanced down and realized she had torn you open. She began feasting on your flesh and organs, blood dripping from her claws as she ravaged you.
You were vaguely aware of a horrified scream from Sabrina somewhere behind you. She had just swung open the front door of the Spellman household to see the ghastly scene before her, Aunt Zelda, Aunt Hilda, and Ambrose right behind her. With a roar of pure rage, Ambrose charged at the harpy with his blade drawn, which drew her away from you. Sabrina and Hilda then kneeled beside you, the former with tears in her eyes and a terrified look on her face as she held your hand, and the latter clearly trying to hide her panic as she unsuccessfully attempted to heal you. But your injuries were far too extensive, and your loved ones’ magick was far too weak.
The unmistakable sound of a gunshot pierced through the night air, and you weakly turned your head to see Aunt Zelda holding a shotgun, Ambrose a few feet from your attacker, and the harpy lying dead on the ground. The two then ran over to you, both dropping to their knees at your side, their faces just as solemn and fearful as Sabrina and Aunt Hilda.
It was then, looking upon the panic-stricken faces of your family, that you knew you were going to die.
Darkness began to cloud your vision, and you vaguely heard your sister sobbing, and aunts and cousin begging you to stay conscious, giving you empty promises that they would find a way to fix this, and that everything would be alright. In the midst of all their hysterics, it seemed an idea donned on Sabrina.
“Caliban!” she screamed desperately into the night, her voice breaking from the force as she put behind it.
He appeared instantly, the usual vortex of flames escorting him onto the scene. He opened his mouth, no doubt to make a smug retort to Sabrina’s unceremonious summoning, before his eyes fell on you.
“No,” Caliban whispered in disbelief, still frozen on the spot. Blood poured from your abdomen, and the sight of you torn open and half-dead filled him with a sense of gripping terror and worry he had never before experienced. He ran over to you, skidding to a stop on his knees and gently cradling your head in his hands.
“Do something!” Sabrina begged, a sob raking her body. Caliban panicked for a split second, then a solution came to him. It was a last ditch effort kind of plan, but seeing as your eyes had already drifted shut, and your body was growing colder by the second, he knew that he must do something that would absolutely ensure your survival.
“With a desperate heart and no time to waste, I call upon all three Fates!”
In a cloud of smoke, three hooded figures appeared. Each had clouded eyes, long white hair, and greenish-gray, wrinkled skin.
“Fates, I beseech you to save this woman’s life,” Caliban pleaded.
“In exchange for our aid, you must give up the fate you have been pursuing so fiercely.” The Fates spoke in unison, their voices raspy and eerie. “You must cease your pursuit of the throne of Hell, and no longer seek to make Earth the tenth circle.”
“I shall. Here and now, I end my quest to become King of Hell, and remake the Earth as the tenth circle,” Caliban vowed. The lack of hesitation and conviction in his voice astounded each of the Spellman’s, although that was but a minor thought in the back of their minds at the moment. “Just save the woman I love, please.”
The Fates disappeared without another word in another cloud of smoke, at the same moment that a ragged, desperate gasp tore from your lips. The Spellman’s and Caliban all snapped their eyes back down to you. The fatal wound had been healed, and even your clothing was fixed. You sat bolt upright, as if you’d just been necromanced back to life – and, technically, you had. As you looked around at your loved ones, the realization that you were alive and safe sunk in, and you immediately began to cry.
“I saw Dad. I saw him,” you sobbed pitifully, and your family took you into their arms. You despised how weak you sounded, but seeing your father was something you were entirely unprepared for. Caliban rubbed his palm up and down your back, not wanting to interfere with your familial embrace. Still crying into Auntie Zee’s chest, you explained, “I died. I died and Dad was there waiting for me. He hugged me and told me that he was happy to see me, but it wasn’t my time yet.”
It was several minutes before you were able to compose yourself, although you supposed that was somewhat to be expected for someone who had just died then came back to life. After your aunts wiped your tears, you turned around to look at Caliban.
“I know you had something to do with this. We’re all powerless right now, so that is the only explanation,” you whispered. “What did you do?”
Caliban hesitated a moment, so Ambrose answered for him.
“He called upon the Fates. They demanded that he give up the fate he has been pursuing, in order to save you. So, he vowed to give up the throne of Hell, and said it was to save the woman he loves.”
You looked slowly from Ambrose back to Caliban. He appeared slightly perturbed that Ambrose revealed what he’d said in that moment of fear-fueled vulnerability, but didn’t bother to deny it.
“Caliban… is that true?”
“As I’ve told you before: anything for you,” Caliban answered, giving you a soft smile. You threw your arms around his neck, and he immediately wrapped his around your waist.
“I love you,” you murmured, your face buried in his neck. Caliban held you tightly and pressed a kiss to your temple.
“And I love you, little dove.”
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hypnomicimagines · 3 years
The Past is the Past [Yamada Ichiro]
You had thought you left that relationship behind you.
Technically, you didn’t even consider it an actual relationship. To summarize it in the crudest manner possible the man you had formerly been seeing was nothing more than a glorified fuck buddy, and even in those moments he barely managed to meet your expectations. It was a moment of weakness more than anything and you hated to admit to it, hated that this man tried to hold your sexual relationship over your head as though it meant anything more than it did. You don’t think he was in love with you by any stretch of the imagination but it was about the control he wanted to exert over you, the guilt he wanted you to feel thinking he was depressed that he had to spend his nights alone.
In fact, you could remember a time where you had gotten annoyed about him ditching you last second (since you wasted time getting ready) and he had come at you like you were an obsessive freak. That moment was what had you calling it quits on your relationship with him, but thankfully your bed had barely gotten cold before you found your next warmer.
Perhaps he was a little more to you than that.
You laughed as his brothers both took off into the crowd, two different people who had two different objectives in mind to enjoy the festival to the fullest. Ichiro stayed solidly by your side though he looked exasperated at how his little brothers were acting, giving you an apologetic look though you didn’t mind. They had argued the entire walk there about what would be the most fun to do and after not agreeing, had decided to take off and prove they were having the most fun doing their specific activity. You can’t begin to fathom HOW they’re going to judge that particular contest but that wasn’t your biggest concern right now nor was it Ichiro’s.
“Where should we go first?” Ichiro looked like a kid in a candy store as he looked out over the festival, eyeing a game with some interesting prizes that might look good in your arms. You wonder when the last time he ever let himself have fun was but it was too sad to dwell on for long, knowing the bigger implications were that Ichiro never really had a childhood to begin with. From getting a job at such a young age to caring for his brother on his own, he… “Hey!”
“Sorry!” You bowed your head in apology but Ichiro’s light-hearted laughter brought you back into your good mood, hooking arms with your totally-not-boyfriend even though he certainly should be at that point. You had been ‘dating’ for quite some time now, a relationship with no commitments though you weren’t seeing anyone else (and you were positive Ichiro wasn’t either); it had been in a weird limbo that you didn’t want to blame on commitment issues but were certainly because of commitment issues. “Why don’t we eat something good first? And then you can show off for me at that goldfish game.”
Ichiro had no complaints and led you to a nearby stall, your heart fluttering in your chest as he held it up to your face to feed you. His other hand was waiting to catch any excess food that might fall, a doting move that had you tumbling even further into the hypothetical love hole you found yourself in. You didn’t like that you had picked that name but since you would never utter those words out loud, you simply dealt with your inability to name things in a less awkward way.
“Did it taste good?”
“Why don’t you tell me?”
You enjoyed the surprised look on his face as you held up the snack to him to take a bite out of, having to admit that he looked cute when he was flustered like that. The evening was off to a beautiful start, a date that was full of an energy unlike any of the other ones. Ichiro was the type of man you felt you could truly enjoy yourself around, where you could be yourself without having to worry about fitting into a specific stereotype until you’d locked him in. He wanted you just as you were and you wanted him as he was, even if you had to admit he was as close to being the perfect man as he could possibly be.
“Should’ve known I’d see you here whorin’ around with someone else.”
You didn’t even know you were being addressed at first, too absorbed in the way Ichiro looked while he was concentrating at the game in front of him. You only realized it once you’re pulled back abruptly, stumbling and grabbing onto Ichiro in surprise. He whipped around with lightning speed, arm wrapped around your middle as he pulled you back to his side and away from your assailant. In another unfortunate moment, Jiro and Saburo came running back, arguing as they did so but quieting down once they sensed the atmosphere.
“Why won’t you respond to my phone calls? My texts? This dude why?” He looked Ichiro up and down as though he could possibly stand a chance against him and so far he’s stayed silent, carefully assessing the situation as he kept you close to him. “I suddenly ain’t good enough for you?”
“What’s there to be so mad about? Weren’t we just friends?”
“Talk to me like that again—” His arm flexed like he was going to swing but you find yourself on the backline now, completely shielded from any oncoming danger.
The three Yamada brothers standing defensively in front of you tugged at your heartstrings, your grip on Ichiro’s arm tightening. You didn’t want the younger two to hear the disgusting things that might be spewing out of his mouth if this confrontation continued, you didn’t want their view of you to be colored by a world they didn’t quite understand (and that it wasn’t your business to explain to them). Ichiro had the same idea, calling out to Jiro then Saburo, nodding behind him to show it was time for them to back off. As much as your ‘ex’ wanted to continue shouting it was all too easy to lose him in the crowd once you got deeper into the festival grounds, exiting on the other side once you were positive the coast was clear.
“Who was that guy anyway?” Jiro asked as he fixed his hat, looking back with a scowl. “Seemed like a real jerk.”
“He was.” Ichiro agreed, looking to Saburo to see if the youngest in the group was unharmed. “You shouldn’t put yourselves in harms way like that. What if something happened?”
“Well, we couldn’t let anything happen to them, right? You wouldn’t so why should we have to sit back?”
“Jiro’s right about something for once.” Saburo agreed, Jiro looking quite proud before he realized what a backhanded compliment it was. “You told us to protect the people we care about and… and…”
Saburo is suddenly flustered and Jiro joined him in being embarrassed, knowing his thoughts had been along the same line (he just hadn’t spoken them out loud). You and Ichiro both shared a surprised look as you hadn’t realized how fond of you they really were, your heart once again overwhelmed with a hurricane of intense emotions. You reached out to wrap your arms around both of them in a tight hug, crying out something or other about how ridiculously cute they are. Ichiro watched with a smile as his brothers grew even more sheepish at your affection, noting that they both were still awkwardly patting your back to return the gesture in their own way.
Once you’ve returned to the Yamada household Jiro and Saburo said their goodnights, probably just as exhausted by the evenings events as you were. Ichiro invited you to sit on the couch beside him and you did so after changing into casual attire, leaning into his arms to experience the comfort you had craved for the past few hours.
“I’m guessing tonight would be a bad night to make it official?” Ichiro asked awkwardly.
“You were gonna… ask me out at the festival? Wait, I bet it was gonna be right before the fireworks, right? Just in case I said no and we could enjoy one last beautiful moment before my potential rejection.”
“I know I read a lot of light novels but I’m not that cliché,” Ichiro grinned, leaning over to kiss your cheek. “But… maybe. That would be a good hypothetical plan.”
“It would be… I really would’ve liked that. To have a moment under the fireworks with you.” You leaned over to return the affection, lips brushing against his cheek. “But my answer is yes, romantic fireworks present or not.”
“R-Really?” As much confidence as he had shown you throughout the night this is the first moment you’d ever seen him falter like that; you really would have to cherish that cute wide-eyed look on his face as you had a feeling it would be rarity.
“Yes, really. I would be some type of idiot to turn you down.”
“Nah, not an idiot.” Ichiro leaned in to press his lips against yours, savoring the feeling of your body pressing against his. “We should get some sleep, tonight was exhausting…”
“Are you sure sleep is what’s on your mind, baby?” Your sultry tone is noted immediately, Ichiro’s cheeks darkening at your implications. “Why don’t we make our way up to your bedroom and we’ll see how much sleep we’ll get tonight.”
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
What does it mean when I have a Capricorn signature?
Signature Sign In Astrology
You might have heard the term signature sign thrown around if you’ve been studying astrology for a while. Others of you might not have heard if this concept at all. It isn’t as well-known, however, it can reveal significant information about you.
What it Means
To put it plainly, the astrological signature sign is the zodiac sign that’s the most specific to you and your character.
How to find it
It involves noting which element and quality/modality appear the most or has the most signs and then combining them into a zodiac sign which is taken to be the signature sign of the chart. It will be easy to do because certain characteristics of signs will repeat themselves. It’s the most frequent modality and element in your natal chart.
Ex. 1 A person has more fire signs than any other element, and more fixed signs than any other quality, then that person's signature is Leo. In some cases, there is no clear majority in either element or quality to give a clear signature. When this occurs, an individual has an Ambiguous Signature.
Ex. 2  Let’s say you are a Taurus Sun, a fixed earth sign. But many planets in mutable signs take up residence in your chart. In addition, you have a multitude of planets in water. This makes you feel like a Neptunian/Pisces, which is a mutable water sign. You might not have many or any for that matter significant placements in Pisces but somehow still identify with the qualities of the sign to a great extent.
How To Find It Cont.
You weigh the elements and modalities of the sign where a planet is located in your chart. Begin with the Sun, next Moon and repeat this process for all the planets in your natal chart: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. The ascendant and the Midheaven also have to be considered.
Signature Signs Through The Zodiac
Aries signature
If Aries is your signature sign, you are ambitious and have a strong will. Boss-like. Warrior. Killer instinct. Can sometimes be hot-headed and impulsive, it happens that you act before you think instead of the other way around which can get you into serious trouble. Don’t be Oberyn from GoT and get cocky now. However, you’re a born leader and like to initiate things. Taking action is your second nature. No one will ever pull the Hermit card or 4 of cups for you in a Tarot reading. Way too active. A straightforward sign, which sometimes blends into bluntness, bossiness, or take-no-prisoners attitude. Being independent is very important to you. You hate being told what to do. You like to work alone if you can. Competitive and brave, someone who loves new challenges. You love to win. Will always be after new opportunities to conquer.
Taurus signature 
If Taurus is your astrological signature sign, you prefer to think before you act. Need a lot of time to make a decision, but once it’s done, nothing can make you change your mind. You are incredibly stubborn and persistent. Taurus is the sign of hedonism. If this is your signature sign in astrology, you know how to enjoy life. You appreciate good food, beautiful clothes, and everything luxurious. Taurus craves stability, both financially and emotionally. You are dependable and passionate. Love to cook and or shop for expensive and good quality things. Can be jealous in love or possessive as well. Bullheaded to the point of no return but just as ambitious when it comes to cultivating stability and wealth.
Gemini signature
If Gemini is your signature sign, you are curious, witty, and chatty. You are a great observant, someone who notices every detail, and then make a pun about it. Gemini is incredibly smart. They love to read and write, and they are usually talented when it comes to expressing themselves. However, Gemini because of their mercurial flighty nature can lack focus if they don’t reign it in somehow. This flightiness can give others the impression that they are sometimes superficial. You get bored veryyy quickly. Because of this, you need a lot of mental stimulation. Geminis are life-long learners, they are simply in love with knowledge. Need to be sure to keep that devil and angel [your twins] aligned so as to not make enemies or be seen as two-faced.
Cancer signature 
If Cancer is your signature sign in astrology, you are a gentle soul. However, you become easily overwhelmed with others. Cancer is a crab and will retreat into its shell if it’s not in the mood to deal. Can be moody and or need a lot of time on your own, in the safety of your home. They like to be surrounded by family members. You are soft and caring. HIGHKEY intuitive and can sense the emotions of others easily [especially when developed.] They are extremely protective of their loved ones. Will pinch you with their claws if you mess with them or someone they care about.
Leo signature
If your signature sign is Leo, you have a big heart. Quite warm and sincere. Famous for its generosity. They, like Jupiterians like to give- especially in terms of love and affection. Leos need luxury around them. They are the royalty of the zodiac, right? They enjoy being around others, making people laugh and cheering them up. Have lots of energy but a big ego to go with it. They love attention and might court it often or simply get it naturally since the Sun is in the mix here. Too much of the negative manifestation of Leo can make one prone to arrogance, bossiness, and boastfulness. It’s important to realize that this wounds people around you. If you show others your soft side, they will give you all the love you crave.
Virgo signature 
If Virgo is your signature sign, you are modest, effective, and helpful. Deeply analytical and process information at the drop of a hat. Productivity is very important to you. Virgos have a high attention to detail, and they solve problems by analyzing them. Rational and cerebral thinking is one of your greatest strengths. Quite reliable and have a strong sense of duty. Can be hyper-critical and a bit too compulsive in their tendencies. Prone to nervousness and anxious habits. However, this sign has a very powerful brain. They prefer thinking over feeling, which can be sometimes challenging for them. 
Libra signature 
If your signature sign is Libra, you’ll be quite elegant. Venusian, baby. No matter what they do, they’ll make sure to do it with their face on and in their best attire. Libras are graceful and charming. They have great social skills, and they get along with everyone. However, sometimes they don’t stand up for themselves even when they should or because they wish to avoid conflict at all costs. They can also be a bit superficial which might be perceived as “fake” by some. There’s a deep need to be liked. Quite good taste though. Keen artistic talents. Great diplomats and would do well as an ambassador or even in HR [actually, please think about getting into Human Resources, there are way too many pieces of shit in this particular department]. This sign strives to create harmony, both visually and in interpersonal relationships.
Scorpio signature 
If your signature sign is Scorpio, you possess the qualities of Pluto. You have a deep mind, are intense and probing with perhaps a bit of a mysterious aura. You make a perfect detective. Nothing stays hidden. Quite loyal and passionate with intense emotions. Intuition is superb, but you are very sensitive at the same time. Scorpio can become obsessed with the object of their love. May be prone to jealousy in love or be quite ruthless and vengeful if slighted. It’s important NOT to get on this person’s bad side because Scorpios rarely [if ever] forgive. Is probably very sexual or unmatched in bed. Might end up rich [Pluto=wealth]. Might become a Mafia-boss. Might become a dictator. Might run a funeral home. Depends, lol.
Sagittarius signature
Expansion. Jupiter rules this sign and as a result one with this signature loves new experiences that aid them in understanding the world better. Optimistic and with a great sense of humor, people love being around them. They have high energy levels and they are always on the go. If your signature sign is Sagittarius, you have an unshakable faith in the universe. Philosophical prowess and an open mind with a streak of jolliness The sign of philosophy, and always looking towards the bright side. Might be blunt, unattached, and a bit dramatic or louder than most, however, lucky breaks might come often or in the nick of time. Makes sense since Jupiter rules luck.
Capricorn signature 
If Capricorn is your signature sign, there are significant earthy vibes to you, no matter your actual sign. Said native is reliable, efficient, and incredibly meticulous, and high-key ambitious. There’s a great need for success that borderlines on obsession. They are empowered by executive achievements and accomplishments. Order, structure, and discipline are paramount. Capricorns are famous in astrology for being known as hard workers who put a lot of effort into achieving their goals. They do not give up. They will climb the ladder, do or die. Typically will be quite successful in life. Often accused of being cold or cruel. Hell, they might be. Still, they are in need and are deserving of love and commitment. Reliable in a relationship once they decide to stop restricting themselves of affection and give in.
Aquarius signature 
Unique and eccentric, you always notice it when you meet an Aquarian. If Aquarius is your signature sign, you prefer to live life on your own terms. Freedom is your most important value in life. You enjoy being around like-minded people, even though your relationships are usually not of an emotional nature. Aquarius is the sign of brilliance in astrology. I always say that Aquarians have the highest levels of analytical intelligence but sometimes get written off because they can be weirdos lol. Mad scientist vibes. Wonderful ideas, fascinated by everything new and modern. Tech geeks. Aquarius is also the sign of humanitarian ideals. If you have this sign strong in your chart, you have a strong sense of justice.
Pisces signature
If Pisces is your signature sign, you have a very strong intuition. Quite sensitive to the point that all that white noise can easily overwhelm them. Hard to make out reality sometimes. Hence, Pisces needs to spend a lot of time alone in suspension thinking about things. Compassionate and have a strong sympathy for those suffering. Great healing abilities and an even greater imagination and creative streak. Probably feels quite good around water and can have a psychic knack with animals. Can be very musical and often have strong artistic talents. Be sure to tether yourself to this world so as to not float off. Escapism is okay but don’t escape reality too much. You may have come from another realm but in this incarnation, you were placed here for a reason. You belong here on earth with us ;).  
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iheartchv · 3 years
Greetings wonderful creator, if you have time, can I get a tmnt matchup, please?
I'm a female, 5'2 of height (thin), glasses, cooper skinned, with short dark brown hair, mainly introverted. I don't use make up and jewelry makes me feel uncomfortable. My favorite colors are red, purple and green.
I adore windy autumn days and listen to a lot of pop and folk music (especially if it has flutes or violins). I love birds, the forest, board games, and I'm pretty curious about antique cultures an spiritual things. I like to think there is more in the origin of objects and people than what we can see...
I also appreciate silence and the space to do my stuff.
On first sight I look serious... maybe stoic, but if I feel comfortable enough then I'm pretty expressive and really passionate about my interests, like art (I love drawing), books, theater and animated films. I could spend hours talking about character development, the performance in a musical, rambling about old mysteries or dancing and singing —knowing well I'm not the best at it, which makes me worry constantly about tiring or upsetting people—. That's why even if I get attached really fast, I ironically stay apart. Doesn't meaning I stop caring, i really do, even if they have hurt me. I would die for someone I appreciate, I can assure that.
I usually enjoy having a low profile (no parties), but secretly love the attention. It's a guilty pleasure, just like puns. I sometimes despised myself for liking it... honestly, I just want people to recognize my efforts. However, I don't really take the leadership of anything unless I'm the last option. My family and friends say I inspire confidence in others, giving wise answers to problems and bringing reflexive thoughts into the matter. Though, i love helping, but sometimes it turns exhausting to guide someone. I consider myself patient, is only that I turn short tempered when people don't work nor think about what they say or do, like they actually were looking for problems.
On the bad traits I could say I'm a huge coward. I learn about the world but I fear it and their people. Example: One of my greatest fears is the ocean, though I'm a big fan of pirates.
I tend to be stressed when it comes to my responsibilities. It turn into my way of being an adult, 'cause if I don't stress about it I probably will forget it, and that's bad! Also, I do wish I could say I am tidy, but my room is more of an "order in the chaos" thing.
I'm quite selfish and territorial over my stuff and personal projects and, for the cherry on top, I'm really special with food. There're certain kinds of flavors I can't stand, and for god sake, it includes pizza so... that doesn't give me a lot of friends.
I write a lot, sorry for that. I hope this is enough information. Thank you by the way uwu
Sure thing😄💕 (sorry for the long wait)
🤔its a tie between Leo or Donnie, but I'd pair you with... Donatello💜
Donnie would fall for you
It took a bit of time, but once you both got to be comfortable around each other
There wasn't nothing going to tear you apart
You two were best friends
Eventually he wanted to be more than just friends with you
He felt like no one would be able to understand you better than himself
That's why when he got the courage to ask you out, he felt his heart soar in the skies of love
Donnie loves to share his passions, and likes when you talk about yours
He can talk to you for hours about his interests, too, as long as you are willing to listen
He too secretly craves attention
And he feels like he gets that from you, so he tries to give it back
Donnie loves you, for who you are
From your gorgeous eyes, to your beautiful mind, he finds you perfect
Yes, you might have some bad traits but that doesn't stop him from loving you
He may say there's no such thing ever as perfection, but he's changed his mind💜
He's so sweet to you💖💖💖💖
Sweet like honey🍯
He'll treat you like a queen
And you can count on him to be loyal to you, and be there for you
"I'll be here, if you ever need me, my love"
"I'll never stop loving you, turtle dove"
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Hope it's alright and get who you wanted😆😅
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whatifxwereyou · 3 years
Firestorm Part 13: Insecurity
Fandom: Mortal Kombat 2021 Liu Kang x Reader
Liu Kang chapter!! Fluff <3
A/N: I'm running late today, what day is it anymore even??
Start From the Beginning << Previous Chapter Next Chapter >> Chapter Index
By the time that Liu Kang was free it was the middle of the night. It had been a busy day. He longed for the day before when he’d done little more than rest with you. Instead, there had been mountains to catch up on. He would have given anything to be with you and Kung Lao in the city instead of being buried in books, archives, and unpleasant conversation. Sometimes he was tired of being responsible Liu Kang.
And the subject he’d been immersed in was too close to home especially after the last week. Somehow, he had managed to remain professional and objective. He’d even gotten a chance to sneak away so he could buy condoms which was not something he was particularly practiced in. It had wound up being the highlight of his day which spoke more to the quality of the rest of his day than anything else.
The halls of the temple were mostly abandoned. He considered going to see you so he could see how your day had gone. You’d been afraid to go into the city with Kung Lao but he was glad that you’d done it. He’d spoken with Kung Lao that morning about your hesitation and asked him to keep an eye on it.
Then reality had crashed on him after getting back to work.
If they didn’t find a solution soon then things would take a dark turn. It wouldn’t be a slow burn but a sudden crash. They’d spoken about you in a clinical sort of way. Would Y/N succumb to whoever was controlling your curse and become their puppet? Or would you simply… die? Either end was unacceptable. He shut out those conversations.
Raiden had suggested trying to buy time by suppressing your gift.
You’d suppressed it as a child and maybe with his magic you could do so again. But even those ideas had involved leaving you unconscious or frozen in time. Liu had spent hours upon hours researching and making lists of ways they could suppress your visions only to be told Raiden had gone to consult with elder gods. Liu Kang had little faith it would work. Even if it did, it was a temporary solution to a permanent problem. You had to get rid of the curse. It was the only thing that made sense.
Just around the corner Liu Kang found Kung Lao seated on a windowsill with a jug of wine next to him, staring into the starry night sky. That was more Liu Kang’s go to thing but Kung Lao had been known to do so on rare contemplative nights.
Liu couldn’t think about the starry night sky without thinking about that night he’d stolen his first kiss from you. You had shared in the comfort of the night sky. Liu leaned against the wall by the window, arms folded over his chest while he waited for Kung Lao to acknowledge him. Lao was quiet. A rare thing. Then he tapped the jug.
“Want a drink?” He didn’t sound like he’d been drinking for long.
“No thanks. It’s late.” Liu Kang would likely pass out from exhaustion if he had a drink and he wasn’t ready to do that yet even if he was sure to have another long day tomorrow.
“I know. That’s why I’m drinking.”
“Instead of sleeping?” Liu Kang watched as Kung Lao took a long drink from the jug in response. “Something on your mind?”
That was a lie but a harmless one. If Kung Lao wanted to talk then he’d talk. Liu had known him long enough to know better. Pushing was a waste of breath. Liu wondered if maybe you had told Lao something about what had happened between you. He felt his stomach take a sudden dive- not at the idea of Lao finding out but because he hadn’t really had the guts to tell you how he felt. He’d spoken in vague niceties and had kicked himself while doing it. He wanted to drop to his knees and confess that you were the most important woman in his life but he’d stopped himself.
It was selfish.
Kung Lao deserved you.
Lao had spoken of the girl from his childhood for years on and off. When he had a bad day or felt sick, he brought you up and it made him smile. Liu Kang hadn’t realized it back then but Kung Lao had a special place in his heart for you. It was unfair of Liu to have fallen for you. But he’d also never meant to. He’d never felt that way about anyone before.
What was he supposed to do?
If it were up to him then he wasn’t sure what would happen.
Kung Lao was chosen by fate and given the name of Earth’s greatest champion. He was there to save them from Outworld. Kung Lao was a hero. What was Liu Kang? An orphan.
Kung Lao had been your best friend. You had a connection that he could never match.
Liu was just the monk who had taken care of you and showed you kindness.
He was undeserving of your affection.
But at the same time he wanted it. He craved it. Sharing the same air as you was the purest and most tantalizing form of torture he’d ever experienced and he was addicted to it. And he’d grown to care for you deeply. You had become a part of him. Losing you would be like losing a limb. He wasn’t sure if this was what love felt like but he didn’t shy away from the word either. It felt right.
Ultimately, he was glad the choice was yours to make. Not his. Not Kung Lao’s. It would be unfair of him to push you one way or the other. He trusted that you would follow your heart. Liu Kang only wanted you to be happy. He considered again that he was in love. He would have broken his own heart a thousand times to make you happy.
“How’s research?” Kung Lao interrupted his thoughts.
Thank the stars. He was tired and his brain was noisy.
“Stressful.” Liu Kang was looking forward to a change of pace. Even if it was more research in Korea it would at least be a different kind of research and it would at least be with his two favorite people. “The sooner we find out about her heritage the better. Hopefully it gives us some answers.”
“Raiden thinks we’re cutting it close?”
“He does.” Liu averted his eyes. He’d talked about the inevitability long enough that day.
“She knows, by the way.” Kung Lao shrugged and then swung his legs back into the hallway, jug in his lap. “Better than any of us do.” Liu turned to lean on his side. “I think she’s ready to go behind our backs and have Raiden lock her away until it’s over. I don’t know how to bring it up. Being encouraging is all I can think to do. She was… off today. Scared. You were right to be worried. I had to drag her the whole way.” Ah. That explained the liquor. Liu wasn’t sure what to say. “Sure you don’t want a drink?” Lao offered him the jug.
“No. I’m too stressed and tired. It’s a slippery slope. I don’t… want to think about it anymore. All I do all day long is think about it.” Liu Kang rubbed his temples, feeling a headache settling in.
“What, and I want to think about it?” Lao set the jug down next to him and rested his elbows on his knees. “This is killing me. It’s too serious.”
“Sometimes things have to be taken seriously, Kung Lao.”
“I know.” Kung Lao couldn’t seem to sit still. He tapped his fingers against the stone. “Here we were making bets over who she’d date and she’s worrying about whether or not she’s going to accidentally kill one of us.”
“We were selfish.” Liu sighed heavily. “Where is she?”
“Sleeping. It’s late.”
“Good. How was the trip?”
“It was fine. Chen’s a big cock block of a human being though.” Kung Lao rolled his eyes. Liu laughed. That answered whether or not you had mentioned anything. What was holding you back? It was unfair of him to speculate. They’d put you in a tough position. Your childhood love or him. And he couldn’t seem to keep himself together around you anymore without thinking with his dick so it wasn’t like you’d had a proper discussion about it. He laughed at himself and rubbed his temples again before loosening his jaw. He was clenching. “When are we going to Korea?”
“Not tomorrow but the day after. Maybe you could help her pack.”
“But I haven’t packed. And how long am I packing for?”
“Since when have you cared how long? Just pack what you usually pack.”
“You should stop drinking and get some sleep. You’re exceptionally stupid when you drink.”
Kung Lao didn’t even laugh. He picked up the jug and jumped into the hall. “It wasn’t helping me feel better anyway. And being hungover sucks when I have work to do.” Kung Lao nodded down the hall. “I’m hungry. Food?”
“I’m exhausted, Lao.”
“Fine. I can’t sleep so… food.”
“Go.” Liu patted his brother on the arm and then walked down the hall toward his room without another word. He stopped at the end of the hall and considered going to see you instead. He would just check on you. Make sure that you were resting. Then he could rest in peace. He knew if he went there, he’d be unable to control himself and would likely end up crawling into your bed. He wanted to hold you. They were all trying to stay optimistic and avoid discussing the truth but Kung Lao was right.
You would rather lock yourself away and rot before you hurt anyone. You’d proven that by asking to be in isolation.
That had been enough to convince him.
He walked to your room and knocked lightly on the door. There was no answer so he let himself in. The lantern on your desk was burning dimly in the corner providing just enough light so he could see the shadows of the furniture. You were curled up in bed and looked exhausted and pale. He couldn’t remember if you had always been that pale but he also couldn’t help but think that you were beautiful.
Even looking as troubled as you did. Why would you look troubled in your sleep?
You deserved peace and rest.
He should leave.
Selfishly, he wanted to hold you.
Even more so after talking to Kung Lao. This day had been hell on his nerves. All he wanted was to make sure you were okay. To take care of you the way that he used to. Maybe he would be able to slip into your bed without waking you.
Screw it.
This was where he wanted to be so it was where he would stay. Slipping off his shoes, he tucked them neatly beneath the bed. Then he slipped off his shirt and draped it over the back of your desk chair. Trying not to disturb you, he lifted the blankets and climbed beneath them. Each movement felt like the loudest thing he had ever done in his life. But he managed to make it into bed and you remained asleep next to him. For a few minutes he watched you but the moment he’d laid down he knew it wasn’t enough.
He should have known better.
His usual control was out of his hands when he was near you. Pulling you into his arms would definitelywake you up. You weren’t a heavy sleeper and he knew that but also damnit, he wanted to hold you.
He had to hold you.
He slipped his arm around you and urged you closer to him and you leaned unconsciously into his touch but didn’t wake up. Then he adjusted himself onto his back and suddenly you stirred awake, stiffened up and recoiled as if frightened. Your breath was suddenly sharp and you stared at him with wide eyes. He leaned up on his elbows.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. It’s just me, Y/N.” He soothed you, drenched in guilt that he’d woken you. “I didn’t mean to wake you… I…”
“Liu…?” You exclaimed in relief and then much to his surprise you buried yourself against his shoulder. You were trembling so he held you closer.
“Are you okay?” He tilted your chin up with his forefinger. You nodded but he could see behind your dark eyes that you were still frightened. He was sure his worry was written on his face. He’d been terrible at hiding it. You looked guilty, as if you realized he knew. “Well?”
“Nothing it’s… just…” You deflated and then pouted your lower lip. He couldn’t help but smile. You were so damn cute.
“Bad dream?” He guessed. “You looked pretty peaceful.”
“Yeah. They’re not rare these days. Fades pretty quickly after I wake up but… was scared, that’s all. I’m okay. Happy to see you.” You rubbed your tired eyes.
“Need to talk about it?”
“No. No, I’m fine. Is everything okay?” You leaned suddenly on your elbow and looked him over then back at the door. “Wait, hold on. When did you… when did you end up shirtless in my bed? Am I…? Having a different kind of dream now?” You pinched the bridge of your nose. He laughed and pulled you into his arms. You melted against him, like his arms were all you needed to be okay. You might have been the sweetest thing he’d ever seen. He ran his fingers through your hair and swore that you were bewitched by his touch. Without having considered doing it, his lips brushed down the bridge of your nose, over your cheek and then to your lips.
They were tender, ever-so-slightly swollen from all the kissing you’d done in days past.
You were powerless to him and not in a way where he had stripped you of that power but as if you couldn’t help but kiss him back. Being with you made his doubts and fears fade away. The guilt he’d earlier felt was the furthest thing from his mind. He was confident when he was with you. This was where he was meant to be. And he had almost no control over his hands. He’d wrapped his arms around you and leaned you back, resting almost on top of you. The warmth of your body was familiar but also foreign, your womanly curves pressed against him in the best way. He wasn’t sure he’d ever get used to it and that was a wonderful feeling. No matter how many times he held you it felt special.
You laid there kissing, tangled in each other. His lips trailed over your jaw and down your neck but he stopped himself. He had to find a little self-control. You’d been dead asleep and there he was waking you up, holding you, wanting you and you were looking to him like he was a drug you were addicted to. But you were smiling too.
“What was that for?” You sounded as dazed as you looked.
“Uh…” He laughed nervously and then buried his face against your shoulder. His lips barely brushed against the skin there and he could feel your skin warm beneath his touch. It made him quiver. Your fingers reached to tangle into his hair almost on instinct. Another thing he’d become addicted to. If your fingers were tangled in his hair for the rest of his days, he could die a happy man.
“What? What is it, Liu?” There was the slightest tug on his hair and he had to focus solely on his breathing.
“…I have a difficult time being this close to you and not kissing you or holding you or…” He lifted his head from your shoulder and looked at the little space between you and then back to your dark eyes. “I don’t think you’ve noticed that yet.”
“What?” You couldn’t have sounded more skeptical which surprised him. He thought it was obvious. Every single time you’d been close even since that first day it had taken all of his effort not to pull you even closer. Each time he tucked your hair behind your ear he’d wanted to kiss you. He’d fought it because of Kung Lao but in the end, he’d been unable to control himself. Your connection was beyond fighting. “Me? Seriously?”
“Yes, you.”
Your dainty fingers rested on his cheek. He closed his eyes and sunk into your touch. It sent shivers down his spine and he rested his fingers over yours, dwarfing your tiny hand in comparison. Then instead of speaking the way he expected you to, you kissed him. He wouldn’t deny you that kiss but he laughed against your lips when you made a sound of surprise as if you hadn’t realized that you’d done it. Maybe you were in the same boat with this attraction. That was a wonderful thought.
“Oh no… this is dangerous.” You muttered against his lips and each word that left your lips made his curl into a smile.
“Extremely dangerous.” It was only then that he’d realized how much better he felt. You had a way of lifting the weight from his shoulders. All other worry that had plagued him, even regarding you, were replaced with hope and light. He was unsure what this thing was between you, this draw, this romance, but he was addicted to it. He wasn’t sure he could go back to being without it. “…but I’ve never been the type to back away from danger.”
You giggled and leaned your head back, pushing your hair away from your face. No matter what happened he would find a way to save you. You hadn’t asked him to save you and he knew what you would say if he said it out loud. But he cared about you too much to watch you waste away. Even if you did as Kung Lao worried you would, he would chase you to the ends of the earth and find a way to bring you back.
“Is it okay for me to stay?”
You cleared your throat.
“Are you asking me if it’s okay if you keep these ridiculously strong arms around me all night long? Seriously, your biceps are bigger than my head.” You tapped his arm and he laughed then nodded to confirm that this was exactly what he was asking. “I wanted to make a joke and saw ‘ew, no, gross’ and then roll away before rolling back to you and saying of course but… I can’t even pretend that it’s not what I want.” He chuckled again and all the laughter made his stomach hurt. It felt good to laugh. “Laying on top of me to sleep is a little much though. Can we readjust?”
“Sure.” He hadn’t even realized just how on top of you he’d been until you’d pointed it out. This really was dangerous but like he said, he had never shied away from danger before. It was kind of nice to feel out of control of something and it was such a good and sexy thing to not have control over. He laid on his back and you curled up against him. Then he adjusted the pillows and urged his arm beneath you and pulled you to rest against his shoulder.
“Oh, me on top of you? That’s fine.” You laughed. He bit his lip as you hooked your leg right over his. That was very dangerous. Thank god that you’d chosen to be responsible today and get the things you needed to keep you from getting knocked-up because this was an inevitability. It wasn’t a question of if you would end up together again but when.
“…so uh… did you get what you needed today?”
“…did I rub against you the wrong way, Liu?” You teased and his face burned. He leaned his head back with a laugh. “Wow, you’re on fire. I’m never going to get to sleep with you making me this hot.”
“You’re definitely not getting to sleep anytime soon if you keep teasing me like that.”
Your hot breath of laughter on his shoulder and neck forced him to try and focus again. A few deep breaths and he thought he was okay. “Really though, how was your trip? Lao said it was okay.”
“I was a nervous wreck through most of it. I’ve never been this nervous around people before. I’m scared I’m going to hurt someone.”
“That’s a real fear, Y/N.”
“Thank you for understanding that. I don’t think Lao quite gets it.”
“Oh, he gets it he’s just… Kung Lao.” Liu smiled down at you, brushing his thumb against your lower back. You were exhausted. He could feel the weight of you sinking against him which was great because he was exhausted and if you kept it up then you were going to exhaust each other and be sorry for it later. Closing his eyes, he felt you growing heavier with sleepiness. “Y/N?”
“Mmhmm?” You adjusted yourself against him as if trying to find the right spot to drift off.
“Thank you.”
You lifted your head from his shoulder. Your hair was wild and you were half-asleep. “For what?”
“I had a hard day and being with you has made it better.”
“I didn’t do anything, Liu.” You tried to fix your hair but it was impossible. It was mostly white now. The black was only at your ends. He loved it. “Do you need to talk about today?”
“No, no… I’ve gotten exactly what I needed.” He picked up your hand and placed a soft kiss on the back of it. “This isn’t working for me though. I’m a side sleeper.”
“You’re the one who pulled me on top of you.”
“I know. Everyone makes mistakes.” He readjusted onto his side and then pulled you so your back was resting against his chest. He slipped both of his arms around you, hands flat on your stomach. You laughed and buried your face against the pillow.
“That’s actually fine. Your arm was too big to lay on that way. I was uncomfortable.”
“Is it okay like this?” He adjusted it beneath you. You nodded.
“Perfect, big spoon.” You snuggled further back into him and he stiffened up and readjusted.
“Dangerous way to sleep though. You’re all… pressed against me…” He placed a lazy kiss on the back of your shoulder.
“I think we established that everything we do is a little dangerous so… is this par for the course or do I need to be less of a nesting spoon?”
“No, no… you’re perfect.” He closed his eyes and had every intention of saying more but exhaustion finally won. He fell asleep holding you.
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
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As promised, two chapters in one day! HBD to this trash rabbit. I just get thirstier with age.
Rating: Explicit.
‼️TW: Reader is EIGHTEEN! Recreational drug use, smoking and alcohol consumption, deeply internalised self-loathing, very questionable moral standards. Daddy kink taken half-seriously. BDSM themes in later chapters - explicit content will come with it's own TWs. FIRST PERSON POV. DRUG USE IN THIS CHAPTER. Just generally an uncomfortable vibe, thread carefully.
Summary: You're Peter's classmate, a child of rich and famous but uncaring parents. Getting paired up for a lengthy project with the boy was an interesting turn of events and you don't know whether to feel blessed or cursed when you develop, seemingly, a perfectly normal, harmless crush on Tony Stark. Fueled by feelings of inadequacy and boredom, your life spirals out of control - and you're lucky your newfound friends are there to pick up the pieces even if you cannot find it in yourself to believe these amazing human (and not so human) beings voluntarily give you more than a fleeting glance and an offhanded thought. And they brought cake!
A/N: Ooh, boy. This is a whole mess. Angst. [insert drugs owl meme]. Steve doesn't pass the vibe check yet again, stupid old man. Bruce + Tony be like: I CAN'T GET NO SLEEP CUZ OF Y'ALL.
My beta, whomst I love more than cake - @miscmarvelwritings . She's so beautiful though. And so smart. Wow.
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The strobe lights pulsated to the rhythm of the music, bodies swaying, gyrating to the tune. The club was banging this time of night, people were living it up like there was no tomorrow. For me, in the VIP zone it was quieter, calmer, but no less exciting. The atmosphere here was distinctly different from the one on the main floor.
It was hard to wallow in misery even if it only took me an hour to stop resisting the gratuitous amounts of white powder on the silver platters. "It's better when you're there to watch them, they'll do it anyway but at least you can know that they're getting the good stuff!" My idiot father proudly announced, looking at me snorting a line through a rolled up hundred dollar bill.
Whiskey and vodka wasn't doing it for me. It made me feel low and Dad, being Dad, of course noticed it and immediately called a guy who knew a guy and suddenly all of his friends and their baby-faced companions had white under their noses. Cash flew like autumn leaves.
As I went out to the main dance floor to get a closer look at Billie Eilish in all of her edgy, beautiful self, the drug hit me like an avalanche. No trace of the grogginess or the mortification that had hitched a ride on me from Stark tower. I danced and sang and saw dad smiling at me in approval, his equally high and important friends all wearing identically predatory smirks. They were good at spotting the obvious - beauty, talent, money. I had no qualms about the fact that dad was off bragging about my close relationship with Tony. If my father was feeling particularly bold, he'd be telling them he knew and encouraged it all along, his buddies pretending to believe the white lie in turn.
I had exchanged my pants and sneakers in favour of a skirt and fishnets with high heels combo, a decidedly inappropriate attire for a daughter having a family night with her father but he insisted I dress trendy. I loved my dad, I really did, and I knew he meant well - I'd definitely be out of place amongst these TVscreen worthy people in my jeans and sneakers but...Tony was one of those people, and he had never ever said anything bad about the way I dress. Even when I obviously and purposely put on obscene clothing just to get a rise out of someone.Tony just smiled and played along.
Tony Stark was the heartless asshole here? Really, press? Really, haters?
"Standing there, killing time, can't commit to anything but a crime..." I sang along quietly as I hurried back to the VIP area. My dad was standing up and so were a couple of his buddies. "Where's ya goin'?" I asked, taking a seat.
"Be right back baby girl, if you find better company then go on without us," Dad winked, throwing a totally nasty glance at one of the girls. She was not much older than me but her body was stick thin and bolt-ons and Botox were her two best friends. She gave me a dirty look and I returned it, extending a waiting hand towards my dad. He chuckled, depositing a neatly rolled stack of hundreds into my palm.
"Dad, I want a new purse," I whined, just a tad. Just to see the girl's eyes go wide with acrid envy. Dutifully, another couple of stacks landed in my palm without any objections and the company retreated towards the back door.
I sighed.
Fiddled with the straw of my drink a bit, contemplating my options. I could always ditch this party and go somewhere more active, somewhere with better music and kinder people.
"Ay, baby girl, you wanna party with us?" A tall, handsome man from dad's previous company approached me. "We'll have some fun." He maintained a respectful distance but the intentions were clear.
"Nope," I popped the sound, not even sparing him a glance. A few lines of cocaine stared at me from the table beckoning with a better high, a stronger sense of euphoria, confidence and energy to dance, to sing, to be happy. I picked up one of the discarded banknotes, quickly rolling it by a sheer force of habit and cleaning up the tray. One line.
"Holy shit, is that..."
Two lines.
"The fuck?!" I recognised that voice. I have been hearing it every day in the labs, I've been hearing it in my dreams.
Tony was gaping at me, in front of me.
"Hey, Tony. Fancy seeing you here." Any other time, I'd be cringing at my lame greeting but I was feeling way too good to care about trivial things like being clever or being appropriate.
"I was looking...for you," He slowly said, putting a single finger on the tray with the last line of coke and pulling it out of my reach.
"That's funny," I snorted, hastily wiping at my nose to cover the tracks of my very bad, very immoral, very illegal activities.
"It's not, Princess, it's not funny at all," He frowned. "C'mon, we're leaving." And extended his hand. I decided to follow along - there was nothing for me to do at this club anyway, the music was lame and the people were stuck-up.
"I look like a prostitute, Tony, I'll take the back door," I attempted to pull him towards the aforementioned but he didn't budge, just stared straight ahead and towed me along like he was wearing one of his iron suits under the stylish jeans and tee get-up.
He stopped in front of the exit, giving me a critical once over. Wiped my face, again, brushed my hair back. Gave me his shades - I dutifully put them on, figuring the manic look in my eyes was anything but attractive right now. "Jesus Christ, Princess," He sounded desperate. "You're beautiful, don't you fucking worry."
And we made our exit, arm in arm, me trying not to stumble in my high heels, Tony being my rock, my solid foundation. In other words, I was hanging onto him for dear life trying not to fall over and give a reason for a sneaking paparazzi to make a scandalous headline.
"You're doing great, Princess," Tony helped me into his Tesla, slamming the door behind me and hurrying towards the driver's door. I managed to unclasp and kick off my shoes, curling up comfortably into the passenger's seat.
I watched the man as he started the engine and watched him wrestle with whatever personal demons that tormented him as he peeled off and raced into the Friday night city.
"What in the everlasting fuck..." He started, stopping abruptly mid-sentence. "How did you even get in there?"
"I came with dad. He literally ditched me to fuck some whore, like, twenty minutes before you showed up." I shrugged, eyeing the modified panel of the car. It was very obviously Tony's own design. I wondered if he could introduce me to Elon Musk someday.
"What the fuck? And correct me if I didn't hear you clearly," Tony pinched the bridge of his nose. "Your father took it upon himself to drag you to a club, get you drunk, gave you cocaine and fucked off with some groupies?"
"Yah, that's about it. My dad is all about cocaine and whores, the more the better," I replied, leaning in to take a closer look at the car's panel. "Hey, could, like, introduce me to Elon Musk someday? That would be fuckin' awesome."
Tony went eerily quiet, I saw his knuckles on the steering wheel go white. Vague expletives were muttered under his breath. "I'm guessing you're good on sleep?" He finally asked through gritted teeth.
"Sleep? Don't know her," I laughed. "I wanna dance, Tony."
"Of course you do, Princess." His smile was tired and forced and full of pity. "You know, I don't think I'll be able to sleep now, either," He admitted, taking a sharp left. "How about we get some McDonald's and camp out in my lab?"
"Sure, whatever," Not like I had much choice in the matter. What I really craved was a good, long, hard fuck (by Tony himself preferably) but if science calls... I have no choice but to comply. "Get me two Big Macs," I demanded least he try to joke and get me a Happy Meal or some shit.
He did get me the food without any usual grumbling. I didn't like this Tony. Tired Tony, sad Tony, angry Tony. Wrong Tony.
"Huh?" He said and I realized I'd said the last part out loud.
"I don't like a sad Tony,” I said. "It's the wrong kind. Sassy, snarky and perpetually caffeinated Tony is the best Tony. The only proper kind, in fact." I stated with seriousness, shoes dangling from one hand and my McDonald's in the other. Man, I have been seeing more and more of this god-damned elevator recently.
"You're high as a kite, darling," He chuckled then, a real laugh.
"Who's high?" Bruce's voice came from the kitchen.
In a state of blind panic, I jumped behind Tony. "Not me."
Tony palmed his face.
Steve came over from the fridge, leaving the rummaging to Bucky. He took one look at me and suddenly I felt small, insignificant like an ant. I didn't like it much. "Holy hell, the fuck happened? Tony, explain." The Captain demanded, giving me the world's biggest stink eye.
"It's her piece of shit of a father, dragged her off to some night club and left her hanging with his buddies, fucking off god knows where. It's not her fault so lay the fuck off, Rogers, with your self-righteousness," Tony exploded all over Steve, the pent up frustration rearing it's ugly head.
I mustered enough courage to tiptoe around the dick measuring contest to sit at the counter. My appetite was gone and my burgers were turning colder and soggier with every passing second. Just like my life.
"Hey, Princess," Bruce's gentle voice halted my train of thought. He approached me carefully, ignoring the men behind me in favour of simply wrapping me up in a quiet, comfortable hug. "You feel alright? Want some water?"
"Nu-uh," I mumbled, unwilling to part ways with the warmth of this embrace.
"... Steve, I found her snorting miles of coke all by herself while an some jackass was waiting for her to be even more out of it. It's rare that I say this but I had literally zero words." Tony punctuated his words by tapping his fist against the wall multiple times.
Bruce tightened his hold on me, a sudden influx of strength accompanied by a quiet, low growl in his throat.
I felt the sudden need to clarify the situation. "Tony, chill. It takes me a lot more to be out of it, I'm fucking coherent and I'm talking sensibly. It's not my first rodeo."
Apparently I'd gone and said the wrong thing because all the men in the room were suddenly growling. I even totally forgot about Bucky who had the uncanny ability to exist in a room without making absolutely any sort of noise.
"The fuck do you even mean by that, Princess?" Tony screeched, probably already knowing that answer.
"From one rich kid to another, you should damn well fuckin' know," I spat, unwilling to admit my misery.
He sighed, audibly deflating behind me. I refused to listen to him, refused to be humiliated and exposed like that for my perfectly human desire to be happy. To not be a disappointment, to not be disappointed in everything and everyone. Bruce was nice and kind and warm and selfless but even he couldn't love me the way I wanted to be loved. Cherished, taken care of. All that mushy stuff. I was selfish, so I snuggled in closer to him, muting the world around me, replacing it with the smell and feel of him.
Cocaine made it a whole lot easier to imagine. Maybe that's why it was so addictive.
"Guys, calm down, you're stressing everyone out," Bruce rumbled quietly. I loved the way his deep voice seemed to reverb throughout his chest.
"Get me a cup of coffee, would you, Buckaroo?" Tony sighed again. I heard the sound of him slurping at his coffee. I heard Bucky's metal arm clunk against something equally metallic before the supersoldiers bid everyone good night and walked off.
Only then I removed my face from Bruce enough to take a good look at Tony. He was eyeing me, too.
"We have a caffeinated Tony," I said, softly. "Now we just need some science to have a happy Tony."
He smiled but it came out watery. He wanted to say something but choked on his words. "C'mere," He finally said, turning in his chair and opening his arms.
I unashamedly made grabby hands, the universal gesture for ‘I want, gimme’, and Bruce delightfully deposited me into Tony's waiting arms. It was like my birthday and Christmas came out all at once. Tony's embrace was warm, like Bruce's, but tinted with an unexpected familiarity. He smelled like motor oil and fancy cologne. It was heavenly.
"You keeping tabs on me, huh? Coffee, science and sass? That's your recipe for happiness?" The engineer asked me, a seriousness that didn't match the joking tone of the conversation at all.
"I think I got you figured out. Peter, too, is important for happiness. But in controlled amounts," I said, giving it a careful thought.
Tony chuckled, sounding a little bit shocked. "What about you?" He said after a brief moment of silence passed, interrupted only by Bruce's tea kettle coming to a slow boil.
"I don't think you need me for happiness," I said, meaning it. "But let's be honest, I'm a nice addition."
He stilled under me, briefly. Bruce cleared his throat.
"Brucie needs me, I think. He's lonely," I told Tony with a sudden influx of desire to be completely honest and 100% transparent. "And it makes me happy, because I need Bruce too. He's the best," I finished.
"Is that so?" Tony sounded vaguely tearful so I attempted to pull back to take a good look at his face. He didn't let me though, gently but firmly pressing my face back into his chest. "And me?"
"I do need you, Tones," I admitted without spilling any unnecessary details.
There was a child within me, small and scared and lonely, like Bruce. I hated her, hated being so soft and needy when everybody else obviously (and understandably) was busy with figuring out their own lives. I wished, desperately so, to just boom-boom-whoosh her away like Doctor Strange magicked away unwanted visitors.
Tony said nothing but his hands betrayed him. They shook and they held onto the skimpy see-through fabric of my top like he was a drowning man and I was his only floatie. For the moment, I closed my eyes and let myself believe he needed me, too.
"I'll catch a wink or two, wake me up if you need something," Bruce broke the silence, having finished off his tea. I didn't notice the time pass so quickly, too lost somewhere between here and there and Tony. In short, I was being lovesick all over the billionaire.
"Bwucie," I leaned backwards, pushing until Tony caved and let me rest my back against the counter, elbows on top of it, legs dangling freely on the sides of his legs. It put a lot of me on display. Tony had called me beautiful earlier so none of my usual habits of being appropriate around the man concerned me. He thought I was pretty!
"Princess," Banner came over to wrap me in a hug that was quite awkward, considering the fact I was sitting on Tony. It took some maneuvering to get it right.
"Night night," I said the usual and got a brief kiss on the cheek before Bruce shuffled off, yawning.
Tony was watching us with an unreadable expression. As soon as I turned my head to look at his face instead, something in him changed. His eyes grew big and round, the crease between his eyebrows disappeared. The corners of his mouth tilted up.
On a sudden impulse, I reached over to run my palm gently over the neatly trimmed line of his beard, following from his chin to his jawline, to his soft tousled hair. His eyelashes shook, fluttered, as the engineer leaned into my touch with the grace of a cat. "Kiss him, kiss him" my brain chanted. I knew I was a coward, I wouldn't do that. "Pretty," I said instead, the word coming out in a whisper.
He gulped, audibly. "Princess, you have no idea..." Shaking his head, as if he was surrounded by a swarm of mosquitoes, Tony briefly looked away. "You have no idea what you're doing."
"Nope," I agreed solemnly. "But at least it feels good. It feels right."
"God," He frowned, one of his hands coming to nervously card through his hair. "Nothing about this is right."
My face fell. Just like I thought, Tony wanted exactly nothing to do with a clueless little teenager. It stung and tears pooled in the corners of my eyes where I stubbornly refused to let them escape and make me into a crybaby. "Whatever you say, Tony." I was ready to agree with anything he said, really, if he would just keet holding me like that.
"Don't," He raised a palm. "Don't close yourself off like that."
Now I was genuinely confused. What exactly did he expect from me? I shrugged.
"You're clever, brilliant and beautiful, you can and should do so much better than all of this," He vaguely gestured towards me, towards himself, towards us and the whole damn city.
I contemplated my answer, briefly. "A lot of people tell me what I should and shouldn't be doing. Don't I get a say?" The bitterness had fought its way out and won. "I just want to be happy for a bit. All the usual bullshit."
He looked taken aback, really. Like he hadn't even considered the option. Typical.
Meanwhile, I continued my word vomit. "I want someone to give a damn about what I want and what makes me happier. Until then, I have no other choice but to take care of myself the best way I know how. Like everybody else does," The weight of his arm landed on my waist, pulling me close to his chest yet again. I didn't resist. No fight left in me. The tiredness seeped deep in my bones, chilly.
The sudden change of altitude startled me. The engineer had picked me up and started walking off towards the elevator, directing it to the lab. His personal lab. The tiles felt cold under my feet where he put me down to make his own beeline for the bar. I would've joined if not the drug in my system - the last thing I wanted was to land in a hospital yet again.
I took the moment to browse my social media, untag myself from all the unflattering pictures, post my usual shitpost. A tiny skirt, equally tiny top and fishnets - I felt out of place in his lab although I've worn more outrageous things previously. I was raw, torn open, bleeding my misery all over the room. That was not in my plan, but then again, when did ever life go as you planned it?
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Omens Finale
I’ve had a few request about Omens, just wanted to make sure that it was concluded properly and I wasn’t phoning it in. So without further ado Omens’ Finale.
“I love to.”
I hate it!
“Please, my love?”
Fuck you!
You hated this, you hated this so much! No matter what you wanted to say, the opposite is what came from your mouth, all because of that spell.
 That spell, that damn spell backfired on you! You had misread one line, one Six Damn line and now you were a prisoner of your own design. You figured that you were well versed in ancient writings and reading! There was no way that you misread the stupid spell!
Place on the heart and by the mind, your spell will work in due time. A peaceful rest and you will find, your hearts and soul quite a lined
a lined
At the time you were so caught up in trying to escape, that hadn’t even realized it.  Of course that wasn’t a break up spell, it was a stupid heart to heart spell. Only when you found yourself awakened three days later in that false embrace did you even realize that you were still in this hell. 
 How foolish could you be? 
Apparently dumb enough to pick one that had been working for well over a month at this point. Each time you try to pull away, it would only make the spell work harder against you. At times you weren’t even certain of what you truly wanted.
Your body felt like it was trapped within some type of limbo all the time. You were always arguing with yourself, constantly fighting as the you that hated this, that hated being this way. Treated so fragile, so coddled and weak.
Against a part that started so small and quiet, who loved it. It was so soft at first, you were able to ignore and over power it from time to time, but eventually you began to notice that it was becoming something stronger.
In moments of clarity you’d find yourself tearing through libraries and ancient tomes trying to find a way, some way to leave, to break this spell but then you heard the other you.
They love us, don’t you see?
As you sat in this room, alone with your thoughts, you wanted to try, you wanted to try and find some way to break this curse, but each time you attempted to stand to go to those book lined shelves that got you into this mess, that other voice you tried to kill, would stop you.
“They love us.”
They don’t!
“They always have, can’t you see.”
They want control, they want to keep me a pet.
You weren’t even aware that you had begun to pace, the long trains of the dress you were wearing dragging against the floor, as your heels clacked against the cold hard floor.
“They don’t, they truly do love us.”
There is no us! This is my body and you’re just a spell, a spell that has gone on too long.
“No, can’t you see,” You feet stopped pacing as you moved before the large floor length mirror, framed by spirals and swirls of beautiful design. Still the beauty of the mirror was long forgotten as you stared ahead directly into the mirror meeting your own gaze. 
Red, a beautiful red, that may have once reminded you of love, sat in a heart shape in your eyes.
“You are me.”
Those words left your lips, at the same time you grabbed one of the vases from one of the side table, throwing it as hard as you could into the mirror with a scream of defiance, watching as the large mirror shattered around you. Almost in slow motion as you kept catching glances of that red, that beautiful red seeming to be mocking you time and again. You felt like you were drowning, but still you kept screaming.
I’m not crazy!
You chanted this time and time again like a mantra, but it seemed like it was getting softer, quieter each time. Were you crazy, was that a part of this spell, was it making you insane? You were fighting with yourself.
You turned, tears in your eyes, a whirlwind of destruction around you. So caught up in the rage and hate, you hadn’t noticed the destruction around. Books destroyed, glass everywhere, furniture upturned. But in all that destruction, there they stood, almost like a beacon of hope. 
A glass of water in this horrid desert you found yourself in.
You gave a sniff, feeling one of your shoes slip on a torn page, as you raced across the room with a soft wail into arms opened for you.
“Shh, shh it’s okay, Y/N.”
You gave another cry, hearing those sweet comforting words from Prompto.
“Darling, you’re hurt.” 
You felt Ignis trying to take your hand from where you had clenched tightly to Noctis, trying to form some type of sentence, but each time it came out in frustrated wails.
“Let Iggy, see you hand, Babe.”
At the soft voice of Gladiolus, you allowed Ignis to see to the hand, your face still buried into Noctis’s neck. Prompto’s comforting hand caressing your back, it felt so lovely.
“What happened, Y/N?” Noctis inquired, his arm tightly around you.
You gave another sob, you couldn’t face them right, you just couldn’t. All you wanted right now was…
Their warm comforting touch.
“Do you feel better, Darling?” Ignis asked, taking your mug from you, that was once filled with soup.
You gave a weak nod, sharing Gladiolus’s lap, with Prompto who had refused to release you. You didn’t trust your voice, it was still raw from your screaming, and the apparent tantrum within the library. The other voice was also much more silent than before.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Prompto asked, a hand stroking your hair.
You shook your head, leaning into the touch.
“Just a bad day?” Gladiolus followed up.
You thought for a moment, before nodding. Your eyes turning to Noctis, as he moved before you, taking your left hand, looking it over. Just an hour ago, it was covered in blood from a large gash, from throwing furniture or the glass, but thanks to a potion it had healed rather nicely.
“Y/N, this is mine.” Noctis stated, those blue eyes turning to meet your gaze. “You are mine, do you understand?”
There was no hesitation, no fight, just a firm,
“Yes, Noctis.”
A blur, you struggled from time to time, but the fight, that fire just seemed to die, you hadn’t even realized it. Was it over time, or was it just removed in one go?
You recalled, standing within the garden with Ignis, every opportunity, you had every chance to go, to run. No one was holding you back, there were no chains, no tethers, nothing to hold you to him, but still you stayed, never too far away from him. At most you made certain to stay within his sight, or so that you could always see him. It made you uncomfortable not to know where he was, or not be within his sight, or any of their sight for that matter.
You recalled smacking a tray of food from Prompto, but the moment your hand came into contact with the tray, you immediately found yourself in his arms, apologizing, checking him over to make sure he wasn’t hurt. He constantly assured you it was an accident and when you thought about it, it really was, there was no ill will, simply a wrong place at the wrong time.
You recalled resting in the large nook window of the apartment, only to suddenly find yourself being lifted. You flailed and shrieked, pulling away only to relax when you heard that deep chuckle from Gladiolus. Your panic immediately became affectionate cuddles.
You recalled running, fast and hard. Your dress picked up, almost as if working on muscle memory, your feet dragged you to an exit, but then you’d turn. Only to gasp as a flash of blue appeared for you, and you were face to face with a soft smile, that you were certain was a reaction to one on your own face.
Noctis had caught you again.
You didn’t fight his victory kiss, no any of the kisses. You craved them, wanting nothing more than to be physically shown their love.
You thought of the freedom you had gotten in  the halls of the Citadel, no longer escorted, but still you feet your dragged you somewhere familiar somewhere close to them. Almost as if you were searching for something, trying to find something, only to find that it was taking you to them.
There were a few times when you’d find yourself outside in the middle of the night, suddenly awakened as you fell into the river. There was no one there to take you back, but still you climbed from the river, wet, and you sat and waited.
It never took long, before you were found, wrapped in arms and escorted back.
Back Home.
“Is it really okay?” You asked.
“Yeah.” Noctis chuckled.
You only asked, because you were supposed to be down in the central ballroom, being introduced as the Prince’s betrothal party. Your veil finally to be removed, as you were introduced as the future Princess of the Kingdom. While most of the party was underway, you were assured time and again that it was okay for the five of you to slip away for a breather, as the future Princess was of “Delicate health” and just needed a moment.
What you hadn’t expected was to find yourself in this more office suite apartments. This one was stationed not too far from Ignis’s but sat higher up within the citadel, appearing almost to be a high rise apartment within itself, if not for the hundreds of books behind the large desk, and beautiful dark furniture that littered the room. But the most amazing thing of all was the huge window, one entire wall was just a window. Seeing that it was high enough from the ground floors, the lights from the city and the castle didn’t object to the stars.
“How pretty.” You found yourself cooing, as Noctis moved you over to the window. From up this far, everyone and everything looked so small, like little toys.
“It is a wonderful view.” Ignis stated, having poured a few drinks, handing yourself and Noctis the first two.
“Thank you, Iggy.” You cooed accepting the glass, before he moved over to hand Gladiolus and Prompto theirs.
“Tonight’s been pretty awesome.” Prompto smiled, “How about a toast?”
“A toast?” Gladiolus chuckled.
“Yeah, to an awesome future.” Prompto laughed, his glass high.
“Whelp Iggy, you’re up.” Gladiolus smiled, raising his glass alongside Prompto’s.
Ignis gave a playful sigh as he raised his glass, “I believe that the honor should be Y/Ns.”
“Yeah how about it?” Noctis chuckled his glass raised next to you. 
You held the glass in your hand, thinking for a moment before raising it to the sky, “May the worst day of our futures, be the happiest day of our past.”
A round of cheers echoed the room, as everyone's glass moved to their lip
As you sipped your drink, your eyes turned back towards the night sky, only to find them focused back on you, that red had returned, much brighter in your eyes. But not just there, on your chest, there was no mistaking it, the same color red, in the shape of a heart glowing brightly. seeming to be beating along to your own heart. You stepped towards the window, hand raised to touch your reflection.
“What is...?”
“Didn’t think it would take this long.” Noctis replied beside you.
“What would take this long?” You asked, only to turn as you found Ignis behind you, having removed the power dampening necklace from your neck. A surge of trapped magic flooding through you.
“The spell.” Noctis stated, as if that would answer your question.
“The spell, what do you...no.” You gasped in horror, that small flame suddenly began to roar again as the pieces begun to fall. That veil you allowed to control you begun to fall. “You, you did this. What did you do to me?”
“Sorry, Y/N, it was the only way we could protect you.” Prompto offered reaching out, only for you to shove him away. “Don’t be angry.”
You suddenly realized that you were being surrounded, you held tightly to the glass of booze within your hand to ground yourself. “What the hell did you do?”
“Y/N, careful, the dampener was removed…” Gladiolus began as he reached for you, only to have you pull away, releasing another surge of magic.
“Answer me!” You screamed, that fire was raging now, you knew, you knew that there was no way you would have messed up this bad. The fight was coming back, “What the fuck did you do to me!?”
“We’ve removed the dampener, we don’t want it to react to the final steps of the spell.” Ignis stated, always calm and collected, he stayed out of your striking range but close enough that he could get to you.
This only pissed you off more, “You fucked up the spell and you did this to me, this isn’t me.”
“Y/N, I’ve told you time and again,”
You turned toward Noctis before you, all of your anger was boiling over, you almost fell for it. You almost fell for this false love, this false joke of love. You almost let them win!
“...I’m going to protect you.”
You hadn’t realized what you had done until you felt both Gladiolus and Ignis grab a hold of you, the empty glass shattering at your feet. You had tossed your drink directly within Noctis face, “Fuck you! You son of a bitch! I’m not…”
You were quickly hushed as you felt your back slammed against the window, Noctis standing before his hand tight to your chin, keeping you facing him, your gaze unable to go anywhere else but his own. That predatory magic was what was keeping you pressed against the wall, at his mercy.
You tried focusing, a way to escape. You could try the window. There would be no way you could survive the fall from this high, but maybe you could drag this bastard down with you. You tried again and again but the window was too thick.
“Don’t try that, you’ll just wear yourself out.” Ignis stated.
“Noct’s office is the most secure. Sound proof and resistance.” Gladiolus followed up.
You felt your flame flicker as that bright red begun to slowly creep over you vision. As if rose colored glasses were being forced on you.
“This is for your own good, I tried to make you see, we all did. But you go and you take a book to try and leave us. Luckily Specs found it before you could do anything foolish.”
You thought about it, there was no way they didn’t find it, you had fainted and they had changed you out of the dress. “How?”
“A photocopied page, simply switched two spell names.” Ignis replied. “You do recall the, amor aeternus spell.”
Amor Aeternus? The eternal love spell. That’s what they used! A spell that was banned and said to have been destroyed thousands of years ago due to the fact no one could break it. It would start my taking over the mind and then the heart.
“Once it’s completed we won’t have to ever have this conversation again. It’s too late now, Y/N.”
There appeared to be a sad smile on his face. Did he have some guilt behind this? Did he honestly feel sorry? Or was it all part of his act too?!
You let out a sob, you just wanted to know, you deserved to know, “Why, why me?”
“Because there’s no one else.” Noctis removed his hand from you chin, to stroke you cheek. “You are mine, Y/N.”
You followed their gaze to the glowing heart on your chest, noticing now that it was filling up before it disappeared. You turned horrified eyes back to Noctis’s gaze finding his staring directly at you, you felt tears fill your eyes, you had lost.
You had already known the answer but the tears fell as you gave a shuttered, “Why?”
You tried again and again to resist.
Begging yourself to resist.
But found yourself screaming
For more.
For their affection and their love.
The small inferno, gone, not even an ember left into existence. The spell had done its job.
You felt the hand leave your cheek as Noctis stepped away. All of them hovering over you, watching intently.
“Their is only one thing left Noct.” Ignis stated as Noctis nodded.
“Y/n,” Noctis called, the only way he knew you heard him was from your body stiffening at his voice. “ I love you.”
“Y/N, I love you.” Prompto echoed.
“I love you, Y/N.” Gladiolus repeated.
“I love you.” Ignis duplicated.
Without any second thought or hesitation, you lifted your head. The red heart on you chest vanished, as the red within your eyes flashed once before returning to their normal color.
You responded.
“I love you too.”
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ranposlittle · 4 years
Hello! I really liked your posessive chuuya scenario! 🙈 Is it alright if I request a NSFW scenario with a possesive Dazai and him being slightly rough and dirty talking while doing it? Maybe he gets a bit jealous when he saw someone checking reader out and making a move on reader not aware dazai is their bf? And if you're still comfortable writing it can you include some breeding kink please? (No daddy kink pls) thank you so much! 🥺💖
Genre: NSFW
Tags: Breeding kink, Dirty talking
A/N: Your wish is my command, anon! I researched for the dirty talking for this one and I used a lot of dialogue from a writing prompt I found on Pinterest and also, I listened to an audio. I hope my sinning was worth it and that you’ll find this satisfactory haha enjooooy~ (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
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˚ * . ⊹ • ꒰꒱ • ⊹. * ˚
You never had a problem keeping your relationship with Dazai on the low. You never saw the point of parading it for everyone to see. The both of you agreed to just keep your private lives, well, private. Your dynamic is almost professional, your love life being completely separate from any other aspects of your life. You and he never even had an argument yet. No fights over what to have for dinner, whether someone forgot an anniversary and most of all, no fights over jealousy. It's like there is an unspoken agreement between the two of you that despite being together, you'll still keep your own personal freedom and frankly, you’re both satisfied with that.
A rhythmic knock on your door made you look up from your laptop and giddily run towards the door. Dazai stood outside, food in hand and a warm smile on his face. You stood on your tiptoes and greeted him with a kiss. Dazai's lips curled into a smirk as he made his way inside your room. You shared a few conversations about your day and lounged on the couch while watching a movie and finishing the food Dazai brought over. You were just done putting away the take-out boxes into the trash when slender arms slithered around your waist.
"Mmm, you smell so good," Dazai's smoky voice rumbled deep inside his chest as he nuzzled his face on your neck. "I've always loved the way you smell."
Dazai's hands gingerly moved down to your waist and settled on your hips. You sighed and leaned back against his toned form, your whole body relaxing on his touch. Dazai pulled you closer and pressed your butt against his crotch as he started to place tickling kisses on your neck. He's being a little bit more affectionate today and it made you wonder what's going on his mind.
"You're so beautiful, you know that?" He crooned on your ear, "I feel so lucky to have a goddess like you to love a mere mortal like me.” You giggled as Dazai playfully snuggled his face on your neck and give it a few tiny kisses. Wow, he’s really being sweet tonight. “Let me worship you, my goddess.”
With that, Dazai spun you around and intertwined his lips unto yours. His kiss was deep and sensual, like he tastes your lips for the first time. Your hands immediately reached up to tangle your fingers on his soft hair and you moaned as Dazai sucked ever so gently on your bottom lip before pulling away.
“Oh, what am I doing?” He sighed dramatically, “A gorgeous being like you should be delivered to an altar.” Dazai lifted you off of your feet with a grunt and carried you on his arms like a child. You squealed and laughed as Dazai walked into the bedroom, humming a tune of some sort; the playful scene almost reminding of you of some cheesy romcom movie.
He laid your body gently on the mattress and hovered above you shortly. Usually, your sexual encounters are hot and rough but you figured that perhaps he’s in the mood to switch things up a little bit and have a night of slow love-making, in which you don’t have any objections. It wasn’t long until Dazai’s lips crashed against yours once again but this time; a little bit hungrier. You arched your back and wrapped your arms around his neck as you crave for more of him. You pulled him closer, letting both of your tongues danced sloppily around each other’s mouth. Your mind started to drown on the feeling of desire just from Dazai’s passionate kiss, your moan of satisfaction vibrated on his lips as one of his hand started to fondle your breast. Dazai chuckled darkly on your sensitivity and proceeded to slide his hand under your shirt to pinch your hardened nipples. You cried wantonly as he rolled it between his fingers while languidly licking your exposed neck, goose bumps rising as Dazai’s hot breath fanned on your skin. His fingers trailed down from your breast, to your stomach and slipped beneath your underwear, the pad of Dazai’s index rubbing circles on your clit as soon as he felt the protruding nub of flesh. At this point, you are completely overtaken by Dazai’s actions that his low whisper on your ear didn’t register on your mind immediately.
“You’re being too friendly with that man, aren’t you?” He asked in a cool tone, “I don’t like you talking to them like that because you belong to me, right?”
“Dazai, what are you talking about?” You questioned him back, not knowing exactly what he’s asking you. However, instead of a response, he just bit harshly on a spot on the base of your neck, eliciting a gasp from you.
“I see the way they look at you, you know,” he said in a chuckle, “and I can’t stand it. You’re not allowed to wear that top anymore, alright? Your body is for my eyes only.”
Thoughts floated in your heavy head as you try to figure out what Dazai was referring to and somehow, through the haziness veiling your mind, you finally remembered how the top you chose for today’s  outfit was a little bit low-hanging. You have to adjust it every now and then to prevent it from slipping down and revealing more of your cleavage. How did he know about that? Did he follow you to work?
“That’s right, I watched you today,” Dazai cut off your thoughts by answering your unspoken question, “I saw everything. I even saw how you let that man touch you. Should I teach him a lesson to not fucking touch what’s not his?”
You responded with a cry as Dazai plunged his finger inside you, pumping it in and out as soon as your walls wrapped up on him. Confusion enveloped you the more you try to make sense of the sudden change in his behavior. If he watched you today, is he talking about one of your co-workers? You’ll admit that you’re pretty close to a couple of male friends but whether they were hitting on you or not, you never really bothered to notice. Perhaps it’s because of the fact that you never really bring up your status with Dazai unless somebody asks, so it would make sense if people would just assume that you’re single. Your mouth opened to rebut his accusation but your words melted into a moan as Dazai inserted a second finger inside you and only with just a few pumps, he inserted a third one. Your muscles ached and burned as Dazai’s fingers stretched you up, your core getting warmer and growing more sensitive with the way he’s stirring you up inside.
“You’re mine to own, understand? Maybe if I branded you, other people wouldn’t be such a nuisance,” Dazai mumbled, his lips still on your neck and leaving dark purple marks on its wake.
“You’re overreacting, Dazai.” You whined, “There’s nothing going on.” You didn’t understand why he’s being like this all of a sudden when mingling with other people never really bothered him before.
“I’m overreacting?” He chortled, “Oh, sweetheart. If you only know how cruel I can truly be. If anything, I’m going easy on you.” Dazai smirked on your skin before resuming his assault on your abused neck with more power. Squelching noises bounced off of the walls of your bedroom as Dazai’s fingers diligently worked on your plumped muscles.
“I know you cover my bite marks,” Dazai licked the freshly added bruise on your neck, “so maybe I might just have to give you something more obvious; something that you can’t hide. How about I breed you? What do you say?”
Not being genuinely interested to hear your answer, Dazai pressed his thumb down on your clit and watched with dark eyes while you squirm and scream his name as he spread his fingers wider to stretch you even more. “Look at you being so needy. You’re my little brood, aren’t you? Your hole is just aching for my cock, isn’t it? Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to fuck my cum into you and fill you up to your womb.”
Dazai’s vulgar declarations made you tighten around him and you whined as your mind argued with you on how wrong it is but the tingles rippling down your body became too overwhelmingly good to resist. Your pussy throbbed when Dazai violently removed his soaked fingers and shifted on the bed to tower over your limp body. You opened your heavy eyes to see him unbuttoning his shirt with a devilish smile on his face, causing a hitch on your already labored breathing. He didn’t bother to pull his pants all the way down before leaning down to position and rub his erection on your entrance.
“Look what you’ve done to me, my little brood,” he cooed, “I’ve practically cummed on my pants. I still have more to pump into you, though. So, be careful not to spill a single drop, okay?”
Dazai’s honeyed voice trembled as he roughly slammed his cock into you. The sweet burn that his length caused on your insides made you crumpled the sheets below you as you arched your back and your mouth flung open in a pleasured scream. It only took a millisecond before Dazai started ramming himself into you in a brutal pace you’ve never experienced with him before. It was deep and rough, air was knocked out of your lungs and you can almost feel the tip of his hard cock hit your stomach with each forceful blow he gives you. The bed creaked in time with your wobbling moans as Dazai penetrates you mercilessly, every push of his cock wiping out every kind of reasoning out of your head.
“Always so tight for me,” Dazai growled, “If you keep milking me like that, it won’t be too long until I get to flood your cunt. You want it that bad, huh? You want my seed that much, brood?”
The big change from being worshipped as a goddess to being addressed like a hen that’s being kept for his breeding made you felt so dirty and degraded but you’ll be lying to yourself if you say that it doesn’t arouse you immensely. Your fluids flowed out of you as you let Dazai use your body for his pleasure, his nails sinking on your hips as he angled himself to bury his cock into you as deep as he can.
Electric current of pleasure zapped on your nerve endings, the tension on your lower abdomen building up atop of each other. The rest of your limbs lay numb and weak against the mattress as every blood pumping out of your racing heart rushed to your pulsating core. Your walls convulsed under Dazai’s aggressive attacks but you wanted more, no matter how much your muscles started to sting.
“That’s it, my brood. Your little hole is just here for me, okay? You’re only mine,” Dazai’s voice became almost guttural despite his stable tone. “I want you to have the reminder every single second of the day that you’re mine. I’ll watch as your body change once I release my seed on your hungry little womb.”
You were only able to answer his lewd intentions by more moaning and screaming out his name over and over again in broken syllables. He pressed his body down against yours to lean closer to your face, making sure that you’ll hear his words loud and clear. “I will knock you up tonight and you’ll be mine forever. Just you and me. Forever.”
With that, Dazai lifted your legs up and hooked it on his shoulders. His thrusts became even rougher, the incredible impact of his pelvis shaking your whole body off of the bed. Your head hanged at the edge of the mattress and you grasped on Dazai’s forearms for support. He then took this opportunity to place more of his bruising kisses on your chest as proof that he was truly here. The pressure of his fingers on your hips increased along with his ongoing onslaught on your core and your eyes rolled back at the back of your head as your vision started to turn white and the built up pleasure on your stomach began to slowly unravel.
“That’s good, my brood, squeeze your pussy just like that,” Dazai growled upon feeling you clamp on him. “I will fill you up to the brim. I gotta make sure I’ll breed you properly, don’t I? That way, you’ll be marked by me from the inside, too. How wonderful is that, huh?”
The cheeriness of Dazai’s voice made you shiver and caused your walls to tense more around his cock which in return, made him groan and curse under his breath. Dazai’s hips started to buck erratically and his cock twitched as a warning for his impending climax. He pushed your legs further back, angled his pelvis and thrusts upwards, hitting that little spot above your walls that just made you lose your senses altogether.
“You turn me on with just how much you want to be bred,” he chuckled breathlessly, “I’ll give you what you want, my brood. I’ll claim you now so no one else would ever can.”
With a loud grunt, Dazai planted his cock somewhere deep inside your vagina and started a faster pace. The new sensation made you see stars exploding at the back of your eyelids and you once again screamed out his name as your own orgasm came rushing in while the lewd sound of skin slapping against skin thundered throughout the whole room. Dazai grabbed you by the throat and forced his tongue inside your mouth, kissing you fervently. You felt like your whole body caught a fever as sweat dripped down from your flushed skin and your face beet red from the intensity of Dazai’s actions.
“Here it comes, brood,” he said in sonorous voice, “Squeeze your dirty little pussy and take all of my cum. Don’t you dare let one drop of it go to waste. I want it all to go deep inside your pussy and keep it there until it made its way up to your womb, understand?”
“Y-yes,” you mindlessly answered. Whether it was for his question or just an expression on how good you’re feeling right now, it made Dazai chuckled in amusement.
“What a good little breeding tool you are,” he praised in a singsong manner before moaning out as he feels his fluids seeping out of his cock. “It’s coming out. I’m spilling it all out inside you- ugh!”
True to his words, Dazai buried his cock deep into you as spurts of hot cum covered your walls inside and like a domino effect, your own orgasm came in shortly. Dazai’s hard thrusts as he climaxed made the pressure on your abdomen snap and implode throughout your whole body. Breathing was forgotten for a moment as you ride your highs together, frozen in place and your body fluids mixing in.
Dazai collapsed on top of you; his cock still plunged in deep in your pussy and his ragged breathing being in tune with yours. You haven’t completely recovered from your strong release when you felt Dazai’s supple lips on your face. His kisses were back to being loving and gentle like he didn’t just made you a mess. Oh, the extreme duality of this man.
“Are you done being jealous?” You teased him through your heaving chest.
“I wasn’t jealous,” he replied as breathless as you are, “If you can still use your legs tomorrow, I’m not being jealous. Believe me.”
You scoffed and took a deep breath as your lungs started to settle in. You lied there with him for a few minutes, letting his body heat warm you up against the cold breeze of the night.
“I guess I never really cared until I saw you with that guy.” Dazai casually confessed. “Maybe I should thank him for making me realize how much I don’t want to lose you. But I swear, if he ever touches you again, I’ll cut off his arms.”
A laugh vibrated on your throat as his sudden possessiveness amused you to a degree and you thought that maybe you like him more like this instead of being an apathetic lover. Maybe you’ll wear the bright colorful marks he left all over your body with pride to ward off anyone who will think you’re not completely taken by this mystery of a man. Through your fleeting thoughts, you wondered if anything would really be formed from Dazai’s invidious act. Perhaps you’ll just have to find out some other time.
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creatingquirks · 4 years
omg hi!! i was wondering if i could get a quirk matchup? this is a really cool idea btw! here are my answers to some of your questions (and some extras because i’m... well, extra).
my astrology: cancer sun. virgo moon. libra rising. cancer mercury. cancer venus. pisces mars.
hobbies: watching tv. listening to music. hanging with friends. practicing makeup. online window shopping. making people laugh.
pet peeves: weirdly, i don��t think i have any specific pet peeves? i tend to get annoyed by everything. if i had to point out specific things that bothered me... maybe when people don’t listen to me or take in what i’m saying? i hate feeling ignored by people.
one thing i’m good at: making people laugh or expressing myself.
one thing i’m bad at: timing. i say things at the wrong time, always late or early, can’t tell time, whatever it may be. also terrible at math.
i’m an ambivert! i crave socializing, but i also love being cooped up at home.
it’s up to you if you would like to give me a quirk good in combat, i don’t really care! :)
mbti: isfp
enneagram: 4w5
enneagram tritype: 469
enneagram subtype: sx/so
character alignment: chaotic neutral
four temperaments: melancholic-sanguine
hogwarts house: slytherin
some significant personality traits: i’m very goofy, and never takes things seriously. extremely socially awkward. very open-minded and non-judgemental. i would say i’m friendly. hot-headed though, very short temper. can be co-dependent. shy. aggressive. flirty. overdramatic. very self-critical. i’m an ambivert. i can be obnoxious. appears very angsty. not very intelligent or bright, lacking common sense, book smarts & street smarts. can be impulsive. adventurous. clumsy. lazy.
some things i like: roller skating. photography. writing. car rides. smelling candles. rain. the beach. making new friends. aesthetic. practicing makeup. online window shopping. daydreaming. junk food. clowns. 80’s/90’s/y2k. emo rap. pop punk. classic rock. 80’s pop. hyperpop. adventures. clothes. making people laugh. astrology. personality typing. watching tv. tarot cards. horror movies. comedy movies. gothic stuff.
some things i don’t like, fear, hate: rude people. cruel people. any form of discrimination. country music. liars. spiders. bugs. ceiling fans. crowds. rejection. criticism. hacking. abandonment.
habits: biting nails. chewing inside of mouth. overeating. picking at eyebrows and eyelashes. scratching when nervous. playing with my hair. rocking back and forth. hard/excessive blinking. repeating phrases for fun.
dream job: psychologist. psych nurse. sober coach. mortician.
positive qualities: i’m a good listener. i’m able to make people laugh. i’m very honest.
negative qualities: i’m very temperamental. can be self-destructive. lacking intelligence.
talents: i’m good at listening, being expressive within my appearance, writing?
traits/qualities i admire in others: loyalty. honesty. adventurous. humorous. non-judgemental. friendly.
traits/qualities i avoid in others: rude. mean. cruel. judgmental and overly critical.
goals/aspirations: to gain confidence, be more spiritual, attend college, get a job, live on my own, overcome my personal and inner struggles, be more social.
love language: quality time or words of affirmation. i like to spend time with people i care about and i like when they reassure me that they care.
favorite color: black. blue. hot pink. neon green. dark green. purple.
favorite musicians: lil peep. eminem. nirvana. hole. type o negative. pierce the veil. falling in reverse. mother mother. mötley crüe. slipknot.
emoji’s to describe my aesthetic: 🤡💋💅🏻🦇🥀🪐🧃⚰️🚬⛓🔮🧸🛍💞🖤💒🏩📺🕯💎💉🩹🧺💌🎪🍓🍒🍷
fun facts: i have a dry sense of humor, like jokes that aren’t funny but the way i say it makes it funny. i dye my hair a lot it’s starting to thin. i live in sweatpants. i will like a song and listen to it for a week straight. i thought the first us president was george clooney. i can’t tell the difference between a nickel and a quarter. i once thought dinosaurs never existed. ran into a clothesline. fell into a river that went up to my neck because i thought it would only be ankle deep. i tried to explain a theory that technically if we emerge ourselves in the ocean, we physically become a part of the earth.
my appearance: i’m about 5’5. i’m chubby. i have split dyed, half black and half blue hair. shoulder length hair. i have brown eyes. i wear glasses. i have moles scattered in random places ( a lot taking place on my right cheek ). pale in the winter, olive skin tone in summer? rarely wears makeup but it’s dramatic when i do. rarely dresses up but it’s dramatic when i do. round face. usually wears sweatpants, pajama pants, tank tops, baggy ripped dirty shirts, slippers. hair is usually matted in a bun or down.
i hope all of this was useful! again, sorry for being very... extra 😅
Hi, hope you like this!
I give you..........
Quirk type: emmiter
Quirk summary: you The ability to stop molecules and restrict a substances movement. This also gives ability to generate ice, which is done by stopping the movement of water in the air. Using it on a person separates there mind form there physical senses because of the time gap inbetween them. And it also gives the ability to slow down many different types of attacks.
Drawbacks: the objects you inflict will eventually speed up again. And you can’t reverse the effects of your quirk, only time can.
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obutsuwrites · 4 years
Can I request gn/nb with a female body reader who is a new teacher and everyone seems to like them because they are so laid back, it pisses Aizawa off and he becomes abit of a handsy bully. Thank you!
i like the way u think anon! love me some nb representation!! apologies for the late response + this fic kinda,,, got away from me fjwlaja hope you still enjoy regardless! 💕 warnings: dubcon, drugging, foreplay, hickies, mild petplay ??, mild choking, penetrative sex, somnophilia, smut, vaginal fingering, yandere elements word count: 2,131   
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Aizawa Shota’s eyes grew dark; thick spit piled at the back of his throat. He hated hated hated another hand -- another finger wrapped around his lover. They weren’t obvious to his affection. His strong hands latched around soft flesh. Their body was already soiled with the unworthy, why bother to be gentle? Besides, Aizawa saw the red imprints as proof of ownership. His welts were gifts. A bonding of their bodies. The Erasure Hero still ached for them. For their acknowledgement of him. Of his touches.
And yet, the teacher relented. A smile would tug at their lips. “Aizawa, your hand must’ve slipped!” It made Aizawa sick. There was this black, cancerous part of him. Carnivorous and hungry for their misery. The feeling was a hole buried deep within his chest. Maybe settled over his heart. Aizawa knew what it craved. This inner abyss wanted only one thing; his little naive teacher crying and begging. Begging for Aizawa to stop. The Erasure Hero’s mind wandered with fantasies of them; red-faced and wanton. Their nativey reduced, his fellow teacher kicked from their pedestal. 
The Erasure Hero continued to watch Yamada and his little naive teacher. Yamada was absorbed in a story; his movements animated and lively. Occasionally, the blond brushed against them. In return, his lover flashed a meek grin.
“Aizawa, is something wrong?” Their voice was soft, if not carrying a note of concern. 
Aizawa wore a scowl, “No, nothing at all. I was lost in thought.” 
Unphased by his expression, the teacher offered a light shrug and turned their attention to Yamada. To be so naive and carefree was unflattering for a hero. In Aizawa’s opinion, a hero should conduct themselves as a hero; not some laid back wretch. Frankly, it was embarrassing. Their attitude -- their cheerful grins -- were disgusting.
His upper lip curled into a snarl. ‘Tonight, you learn a lesson.’
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It was a starless night; the sky inky black and endless. Returning home, the teacher slipped off their shoes. Cool wood met their soles. Comforting. Their walk home somehow felt suffocating tonight. The trees blended together into unnatural shapes. Light footsteps sounded behind them, but everytime the teacher looked, no one was there. They attributed the noises to wind weaving through branches. This thought soothed the teacher as they prepared dinner. It was a solitary act. Quiet. Peaceful. The silence allowed for their mind to unravel and decompress. Their tiny kitchen was home, if not a reprieve from their coworker. 
At first, the teacher believed Aizawa’s touches were accidental; the hero wasn’t known for friendliness -- but this wasn’t friendly. His fingers were calloused iron snakes that gripped their wrist like a shackle. His touch reminded them of a villain; cold and harsh. Originally, the teacher believed Aizawa was trying to be welcoming. They told themselves the Erasure Hero was awkward -- closeness probably wasn’t something he practiced. And yet, he chose them as his introduction to comradarty, but Aizawa didn’t relent. If anything, exercising peeks of a grin seemed to spur more abuse. Perhaps their feigned ignorance annoyed him. Scorning an already vengeful god. 
They pushed down the thought, instead opting to focus on a steamy bowl of rice. Food served as a good distraction. A distraction Aizawa exploited. In moments like this, he almost felt sorry for them. 
‘It’s too bad you deserve this, isn’t it?’
The Erasure Hero stood outside his lover’s apartment; lusty eyes glued to their open window. An aroma of spices and steam wafted through the night air. For a moment, Aizawa’s anger dissipated. He could knock on their door, he could apologize, he could stop… But he won’t. In his heart, Aizawa knows his little teacher needs this. 
He watched the teacher while they ate and found himself mildly annoyed by their blissful ignorance. They weren’t stupid; his little teacher at least suspected someone trailing them, and yet here they sat, munching down dinner. ‘Stupid little bunny. I know you want this.’ 
Food was the perfect cure. Hot, delicious goodness that melted away any ick. However, their body was still sticky with the feeling of Aizawa. No matter how long the shower, no matter how hot -- the teacher couldn’t completely erase Aizawa’s touches. Their skin was ruined. Ruined by slender, rough fingers. Ruined by a hero. 
Truthfully, they tried to avoid these thoughts. The harsh reality that someone they looked up to -- someone they were ecstatic to work alongside. Aizawa made their stomach knot into nauseating twists. The hero was nothing more than a shadow; more villain than man. Tears gathered at their eyes. It hurt to think of a coworker like this -- much less their idol. If only they allowed themselves a moment of mourning, but they sucked up the tears with a gulp and finished dinner. 
The object of Aizawa’s affections moved around the kitchen rhythmically. They cleaned and scrubbed, but their typical grin was misplaced. Instead a sharp line formed. Aizawa wasn’t used to this expression -- it was sour and sad and he hated it. He wanted them on their knees, face stained with broken sobs. Their body marred from manhandling. Pleading with the Erasure Hero; ‘Please master, I’m sorry,’ drool stringing from their lips. His coworker reduced to whimpering and squirming as his fingers invaded every hole. 
Aizawa’s cock twitched at the thought… but he shouldn’t let his mind wander. He needed to watch -- needed to observe them. The hero convinced himself it was for a logical purpose; once they slept, he could strike. Aizawa had mulled it over many times before. Eventually, he would chase the thought away as absurd. Kidnapping your coworker and exercising every little fantasy was criminal. Thoughts only a villain had. But they relented, changing shape into actions of harsh grabs. These brutal acts only sated him for so long. Minor diversions. His true meal was before him now; a naive little teacher. 
Keeping the excitement at bay, Aizawa licked his lips. It was almost painful to wait like this. Aizawa was a starving predator eyeing wounded prey. He wanted them to hurry up -- ‘Hurry the fuck up. I can’t wait forever.’ The night wasn’t ethereal and he was a hero, after all. There were other… commitments. If it were possible, the Erasure Hero would waste his evening perversely watching the teacher. They were so innocent. Absolutely ignorant to the big bad that crouched outside their window. 
° ∆ -------- ••• ------- ∆ °° ∆ -------- ••• ------- ∆ °
Their bedtime ritual was simple. Shower, sneak a snack from the fridge, and settle into a quiet movie. Something they could fall asleep too; a monotone crime documentary or a bland comedy. Deciding on a documentary, the teacher watched with lazy interest. Their eyes felt extra heavy tonight. It was a struggle to stay awake, lids droopy and body relaxed. Sleep wasn’t usually this easy, but they eased into slumber like a fool. 
To test his theory, Aizawa rapped against their bedroom window. 
‘Sleeping so secure. I should have drugged you sooner,’ the raven haired hero thinks. Planning this took time -- preparation. He memorized their floor plan. Only two exits, both usually locked. On a seldom day of rest, Aizawa talked the landlord into a key. He was a concerned boyfriend -- it was for his lover’s own good. Really, it was too easy. 
Aizawa let himself in while soft snores echoed. He wondered if they were drooling, a lewd image weaved into his mind. Aizawa’s breath caught in his throat as he crept into their bedroom. The teacher’s room was dimly lit. A simple ambient orange night light was plugged into a corner, but it did little to illustrate his surroundings. With care, Aizawa silently glided to his lover’s bed. Phone in hand, Aizawa shined a flashlight into their face. 
“No, still asleep. Or are you pretending? You wanted this,” he murmurs, breath hot against their cheeks. The teacher’s face was flustered and sweaty. Even their body wanted this -- already blushing and slick. A calloused hand brushed wet hair away from their face, the hero admiring his prize. Aizawa tested his luck by dipping his fingers underneath their shirt. Their nipples were erect, little rosebuds that were sensitive to his touch; earning a shiver in response. Honestly, a part of the hero was pleased if not aroused by this. His lover should want him, too. 
Feeling more confident, he teased their nipple. His other hand stroked their cheek, longing for tears and babbling. His touch was rewarded with spasms and squirms. The teacher’s breath was hot and ragged, like a little pup struggling with a fever. A sigh left Aizawa’s chest. Stress, anger, hatred began to melt away. The body beneath him was nothing more than a stress ball, his hands kneading their supple flesh. But the hero was unsatisfied. He wanted… more. Curiosity got the better of him, though. Aizawa trailed his hand from their chest, stopping at the waistband of their panties. He wondered how wet they were -- how needy their little cunt was for the hero. 
Carefully, Aizawa slipped a finger between their thighs, “Your panties are soaked for your master, aren’t they? Little bunny.” He knew they couldn’t respond, but saying it made it more real. Tangible. Nodding to himself, Aizawa pulled down their panties. A shiver vibrated through his lover. “Aw, my little pet is cold. Don’t worry,” he prods their slickness, “master will warm you up.”
The Erasure Hero stroked their folds; a test to be sure they wouldn’t suddenly jolt awake. Satisfied with their slumber, he plunged a finger into their steamy cunt. Their walls closed around Aizawa’s finger like a vice; snug and tight. “My, my. Look at you, all needy and ready for master.” The hero slowly massaged their moist core. His other hand now wrapped around his pulsating cock. He picked up his pace, the stimulation of their cunt having earned several muffled groans. The room was filled with a quiet orchestra of Aizawa’s labored breathing and his lover’s sloppy cunt. Noises that were like music; he could listen forever. 
Their chorus of lewdness inspired an idea. 
“Stay still,”he commands, “gonna mark you.” Aizawa’s voice is almost unrecognizable underneath all the labored breathing and guttural moans. Drool seeps out the side of Aizawa’s mouth as he leans over, breath humid against their skin. He hovers over his lover for a moment -- admiring -- until he latches onto their collarbone. Sucking, sucking, sucking. Aizawa ran his tongue over their exposed flesh; being sure to strip their skin raw. They would be branded by him… as his. A hand brushed against the hero, ‘After all that drugging, you’re still fighting back?’ Aizawa’s dry lips curled into a smile against their skin while stroking his now leaking cock. Heat expanded within the hero’s stomach; he needed to be inside them. 
Extracting his now soaked fingers and positioning them around his lover’s neck, Aizawa lined himself up with their entrance. “I hope you’re ready, little pet.” It was difficult to leverage himself into their heated core -- their body responding all too well to Aizawa’s touches. Little mewls spilling out, muscles spasming. Gently, Aizawa entered his lover. Despite the heavy drugging, the fear of being caught still dug into his chest. His thrusts were slow, deliberate. He wanted to savor this moment. ‘I want to devour you.’ 
Their pussy wrapped around him perfectly; walls clenched as if trained for him. “For a little pet, you’re doing so good.” His praises fall on deaf ears as the crest-fallen hero continues to pump into them. “Should I come inside you? You’re being so well-behaved, far less than the brat I know from work.” Aizawa preferred them like this; quiet, no smug grin plastered on. Simply obedient and wrapped around his cock. 
Aizawa’s cock hit a certain spongy area and earned a whine as his reward. Encouraged by his lover, he quickens pace. The man was desperate to siphon out every last perverse sound. “You -- ah -- you really wanna milk master’s cock, don’t you?” A part of him wished they would respond with a breathless, ‘Master please, I wanna cum!’ Instead, Aizawa settled to tighten his grip around their throat. He wanted them choking with ecstasy; the ideal punishment. The heat within his stomach was a furnace now. Fiery knots that confirmed he needed to empty his milky seed into his little pet. In a flurry of animalistic thrusts, Aizawa came with a deep groan. His fingers were still wrapped around his little teacher’s throat, pressing on their larynx. 
He looked down, sweat dripping from his brow. He took a moment to idolize his work; their body flushed, slick with sweat. Chest rising and falling erratically. Aizawa was still riding his orgasm as he used a calloused thumb to push his cum deeper inside their slimy cunt. 
“Now you’re just as filthy as me.”
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