#adora and food
A story-idea about Adora and food
So, I had a wonderful week this past week visiting my family across the country.  After 18 long years, finally being able to AFFORD such a trip, I got to go to Arizona and see people in person I’ve only been able to Internet and phone with.  My mom cried as she hugged me... yeah....  Anyway, as a part of this trip, I got to have some nostalgic food because when you move to a new place, especially across the country, there are always going to be local joints that you grew up with and miss, some of them surprising.  You’d expect good Mexican-American food in Arizona, but would you expect.... fish n’ chips?    So, okay, there’s this restaurant that was a big part of my childhood called Ed’s Fish n’ Chips.  (If you look them up online, all you’ll get is a dismal Facebook page with a photograph of their MIMEOGRAPHED menu because they are THAT hole-in-the-wall and that technologically-impaired and un-modernized.  I love it).  We picked up some food during one of my days on the trip to take back to our hotel room - my Philly-raised mate being introduced to it and me living some pure nostalgia.  It pleased me immensely to step into the restaurant to find that it had not changed since the 1980s (I was pointing out the old pictures of the owners on the wall) and even the old video game arcade machines in the corner were still there and still broken (okay, so Galaga seemed to be working, but was play at your own risk).  Oh, my God, it was awesome!   Now, the fish they serve at Ed’s... is not what you’d call...”good” fish.  It is best described as rectangles.  They are crispy, greasy rectangles of reconstituted white fish somewhat akin to McDonalds’ Filet O’ Fish but they taste a bit different, served with thick fries and this DELIGHTFUL spicy red sauce that is like a watered-down ketchup mixed with cayenne sauce and there is honestly nothing like it anywhere, it’s like... as far as I know... a thing that only Arizona fish n’ chip shops have.  I have encountered it nowhere else and have missed it preciously.  And it’s PERFECT with the crispy reconstituted fish-tangles SOMEHOW.   It made me think about Adora and ration bars.  What I mean is, I have an idea for a fanfiction based entirely on this experience of mine.  Actually, I have ideas for TWO fanfictions based entirely on this experience of mine because I have an idea that applies to another fandom (I’ve absolutely nosedived back into Trigun lately). Anyway, the She-Ra idea has to do with Adora being nostalgic for the “objectively crappy” food of her youth - the kind of things that the Bright Moon crowd looks down their noses at, but has that oh, so unique flavor one cannot get anywhere else and having grown up on it, Adora CRAVES it.  She never minded the ration bars, she even liked them - particularly those gray ones.  Those gray ones had just this...unique flavor she cannot get in Bright Moon, Thaymore, Elberon or anywhere else.  She’s looked everywhere.  She’s even looked everywhere for something like a sauce that Commander Cobalt used to whip up to go with them.  Catra thinks she’s crazy.  Catra’s gotten to be a bit of a food-snob upon coming to Bright Moon (but she secretly misses Horde-food, too - oh, so much, but she’s trying to fit in and doesn’t want to lose face and all of her bad memories of the Horde are putting her in denial of the few things she actually liked.  Since Bow and Glimmer turn up their noses and make faces at mere descriptions of the bars, she’s not brave enough to admit to the nostalgia).  Ration bars are basic soldier’s food and are supposed to be “objectively bad,” after all.  Cheap, greasy, bland... (yet somehow...SOMEHOW they had just the right salt-content and just WORKED with this weird clandestine sauce some of the commanders would make off-orders).  There is a problem.  The Fright Zone is no more.  Scorpia and any remaining straggling Scorpioni people out there on Etheria have reclaimed it as their homeland.  It has been remade with the released magic into a fertile land where good food can be grown and whatever the Horde’s ration bars were made from no longer exists / the machines are broken / the recipe is lost.   So, Adora plucks up her courage and journeys to Dryl, where Hordak resides under Entrapta’s lab-partnership.  She must know the secret to the creation of the ration bars.  She must have one again, if even once more in her life.  For nostalgia.    
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genimas · 4 months
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My artwork for the fanfic "Legend of the Opal Moon" by @lemonilli
(The link above won't be active until chapter 1 is posted)
Both works are for the SPOP 4th Anniversary Big Bang in May 15th, 2024
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vilmublue · 1 year
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I love Adora eating like an anime protagonist.
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dimity-lawn · 5 months
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featheredadora · 2 years
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This is not her cage, but she's super happy to be here
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rheesvandar · 10 months
She-Ra Characters’ favorite foods (Earth foods for simplicity). Will go specific or general category on a case-by-case basis.
Adora: Japanese cheesecake. She loves sweets and these are light and fluffy!
Catra: Meow Mix KBBQ. She loves all the meats and that she can make hers how she likes it (rare) without messing with Adora’s (medium well)
Glimmer: Bao. She made dumplings in S5 and it’s the only food we’ve seen her enjoy afaik.
Bow: Fondue. It’s like cooking your food on tiny arrows!
Perfuma: Vegan salads in general. Because Perfuma.
Mermista: Dungeonness Crab. She has an understanding with most sea creatures but not crabs. Fuck ‘em.
Sea Hawk: Baked Alaska. He likes that it’s set on fire.
Scorpia: Roast turkey legs. They’re yummy and easy to grip with pincers. Perfuma isn’t happy about it, though.
Double Trouble: Caviar. They hate the taste but love how it makes them look fancy.
Entrapta: Tapas. She loves that there’s entire restaurants built around tiny foods!
Hordak: French onion soup in a sourdough bowl. He still prefers his meals in mostly liquid form and is fond of the umami flavor.
Madame Razz: Lakeshore berry pie (ask a Midwesterner)
Frosta: Dino nuggets. IDK, she’s like twelve.
Micah: Frog legs. It reminds him of his favorite food from Beast Island.
Shadow Weaver: Squid ink pasta. Matches her soul.
Thoughts? Differing headcanons? Complaints?
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ghost-bison · 1 year
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TV shows dumbass leads with good intentions (mostly)
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echo-does-art · 2 years
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Help I did it again
This time it's two faces, detailed torsos, a pose I normally wouldn't draw, AND a background- at least they weren't realistic faces this time, since everything I needed to do today still needs to be done
I also made a ton of notes on this au so if anyone wants to do something with the idea feel free to use them! (No credit needed, just let me know because I want to see it :) )
She-Ra Fort Salem AU
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Sorry if this isn't super legible, I'll probably type it up later but for now it's just a mess of random stuff that popped into my head
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forthestars-art · 2 years
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tilbageidanmark · 1 month
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Another of the last photos from our trip to Berlin last November.
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riaspeaks · 1 year
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Adora baby is back we are good now
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emileedoodles · 9 months
Catradora travel Etheria 4/12 🍊 Thaymor 🍊
"I was unsure about going back to Thaymor, considering everything, but it wasn't at all what I expected. Plus Adora getting excited by all the food is pretty cute."
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I wanted the theme of a lot of these locations to be healing, so I'd love to hear what you think of this one.
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catra-come-out · 7 months
Adora: Lol heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you'll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this lmfao
Catra: Adora, what the hell did you do?
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hell0lala · 10 months
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peachtober23 day 4 grub
Korra and Adora
Saw someone's tweet a long time ago about Korra and Adora possibly being fast friends and going on food adventures together.
Please reblog not repost
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capndragn94 · 9 months
Adora: We're not allowed in the war room anymore. Glimmer caught me eating applesauce in there.
Micah: I didn't know there was a rule about food in the war room.
Catra Applesauce Meowmeow: There isn't.
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aprillikesthings · 7 months
I was eating lunch at work today when it occurred to me:
Yeah, Catra's so lean in the show in part because of the whole "feline" thing. But how often do you think Shadow Weaver just straight-up made Catra go without eating, as a punishment for something, or to remind her of her place in the scheme of things? How often did other kids in the Horde steal her food?
Adora almost certainly was given enough to eat, even if it was boring ration bars.
But Catra? How often did she just fucking not get enough to eat???
Anyway, have a snippet of fic, from some point post-canon, about Catra finally getting enough to eat and gaining a little weight (which is portrayed positively)
(there's a little catradora at the end, and I'd rate it "mature" but only barely, tbh)
Catra’s never had access to this much food, whenever she wanted, of almost any kind she can think of. Meals in Bright Moon are not hurried rations consumed only by necessity, but are often occasions to socialize and linger. She’s never forced to skip a meal, either as punishment or from lack of time–people outside of the Horde, it turns out, usually stop what they’re doing specifically to eat. 
Both Adora and Catra force themselves to eat more politely at dinner, but usually take breakfast in their room, where nobody can see them eat with their hands while sitting on the floor and talking with their mouths full. 
The first time Catra slips out of bed and sneaks into the kitchen at midnight, she finds Glimmer in the dimly-lit room already, leaning on a counter and nibbling cake with her fingers off a small plate. 
Glimmer looks up, startled at first, and smiles. “Are you here for more of the cake? The kitchen really outdid themselves this time, huh.” 
She just nods. Of course Catra isn’t going to be punished for eating more. She knows this. It’s still surreal to have Glimmer (in an oversized t-shirt and shorts and fuzzy socks) wipe her hands off on a napkin, get out the cake, and put a slice of the cake on a plate for her and hand it to her with a smile, before going back to her own piece. 
It still feels conspiratorial. Like they're getting away with something.
“Did you want a fork?”
“Nah.” She does still have to actively resist the urge to shove the whole piece in her mouth, instead picking bits off the way Glimmer does. 
It’s so good. There’s some kind of sweetened fruit spread between two slabs of soft chocolate cake, and the whole thing is frosted and dotted with more of the fruit. 
The two of them wordlessly stand in the kitchen enjoying the treat. It’s a weirdly comfortable silence in the still of the night. Catra closes her eyes with each bite, savoring it.
She looks up to see Glimmer putting her plate in the nearby sink and washing off her hands. 
“G’night, Catra.” 
“G’night, Sparkles.” 
Glimmer rolls her eyes but she’s smiling as she leaves the kitchen. 
Catra waits just until Glimmer’s gone, then gives in to the urge to lick the plate clean before adding it to the sink. 
She looks in a mirror one day and sees a small curve to her belly. She turns a little–her backside and hips are slightly bigger, too. Even her face looks different, less gaunt. It’s not just that she looks happier. It’s that she looks less hungry. She never realized how hungry she always was, before.
A memory jumps to mind: her as a child, stomach aching, trying to steal food, and then Shadow Weaver looming behind her–Catra takes a deep breath and pushes it away, looking at her own face in the mirror. She never has to feel that way again. Ever. 
Catra’s clothes have always been on the stretchy side, but things are still getting noticeably tighter, she realizes, as her and Adora get ready for bed one night.
“Uh. I think I need new clothes.” 
Adora looks over and smiles. “I thought you might’ve gained some weight! Good.” 
They get in bed and Adora kisses her tummy. “You’re a little softer now. It’s nice.” 
“Yeah. And your tits–” Adora pushes them together and rubs her face in them. “Mmmm!”
She laughs. “What, you didn’t like them before?”
“Of course I did! But there’s. Y’know. More of them now.” 
“Yeah, they’re almost big as yours!” 
“Oh, shut up!” But Adora’s laughing and kissing her face.
As they fall asleep a bit later, Adora is spooned up behind her, soft breath on Catra’s neck. And Adora’s hand is slack on Catra’s tummy, warm and comforting.
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