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My eyes will often completely glaze over the margin illustrations in Pentiment and then some make me have to open the glossary back up when I exit because what's all this then?
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vaguely-concerned · 7 months
I love gilora so much and it's a shame she's a one episode wonder in destiny. 'chief o'brien I would never neg you for being a human! goodness, can you imagine. I'm negging you for being a man in STEM'
she's such a funny window into a side of cardassian culture we haven't been allowed to peek into before this. 'I'm here to do science eat alien food and more importantly eat alien p -- ' *ulani hurriedly claps a hand over her mouth to avoid a diplomatic Incident*
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big fan of stories being told with natural conclusions and being respectfully left alone from then on. however fiona and cake looks really good im sorry
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thevellaunderground · 6 months
Exploring the Intersection of Gaming and Music in “Avowed”
Introduction In the mystical realm of Eora, where ancient secrets and arcane forces intertwine, “Avowed” emerges as a beacon of adventure and wonder. Developed by Obsidian Entertainment and set in the same universe as the beloved Pillars of Eternity series, this upcoming action role-playing game promises to captivate players with its rich lore, dynamic combat, and immersive world. But beyond its…
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noorahqar · 4 months
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(As usual, click to un-deepfry!)
obisdian and gold is SUCH a fantastic ongoing fic about Legend and Twilight and their relationship. Of course, this is why the scene I felt like drawing was just Twilight nervously trying to steer conversation away from an awkward topic with Sky, LOL. I loved the detail of him vigourously cleaning a spotless bowl. Idiot
Anyways @rosehipandroots HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you like him. This was supposed to be a cute fully drawn scene but as usual I veered viciously off course, so you get Twilight in an art style that gives me hand cramps, LOL. Have a good birthday, resident grandparent at heart!!
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(There's... Sky! Thin smiles are so ominous. Especially coming from cheerful people. I can confirm. He carved the bowl Twilight's cleaning!)
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hor-wod-flir · 2 months
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daybreakrising · 24 hours
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having noticed that i am still somewhat lacking in developed interactions for many of my hsr muses (at least in comparison to others), i would like to change that-
so if we've started discussing potential combinations of muses, or you've been eyeing a certain muse of mine but haven't yet approached, you know the drill - hit that like button, and either comment on this post or come into my dms to discuss things !
considering this is a call for dynamics, i'd ask that you have specific muses in mind (both mine and yours)! and you can absolutely come to me with more than one - in fact, i encourage it, because i'm a dragon and i hoard everything - so feel free to list as many combinations as you want! but, ideally, have one or two you'd like to focus on first so we have a place to start
and a reminder of my hsr roster:
dr ratio
gallagher (canon divergent)
luocha (hsr canon ONLY for now)
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doggosage · 1 year
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Minkie "Obisdian" Pie Redesign!
Re made her because I want to remake her story along with the other two pie sisters. I want to remake Muffins in some way shape or form. ;-;
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thepeculiarbird · 9 months
Obsidian, spider, and oil for the black ask game :)
Obisdian - How would a fandom misunderstand your main character?
Oh no, you got me there! This question is actually so hard because I've 3 main characters and they're all like "normal people", there's nothing to really misunderstand. The only thing currently coming to mind is maybe the relationship between Danae and Madhi, it looks toxic but actually it's a lot more complicated. Don't want to spoil too much either but yea, the fandom might hate Dan for how she acted. I don't know.
Spider - Do you write happy endings?
When I write a story or think of it, I always tend to make a happy ending for the main character(s) or/and for the main couple but with a character dying or like a sad event before. In general, none of the main characters will die and the characters who are supposed to end up together, will end up together. (It's already hard to kill one of the side characters I love so killing one of the main, It's impossible for me haha)
Oil - Smut or fluff?
Fluff, definitely. I can barely stand s*xual scenes (or lemons??) in a book so writing it is a huge no for me, specially smut/spicy romance.
I hope my answers make a bit of sense and sorry for the obsidian one, I really have no idea at all but I'll tell you if something comes to my mind. Thank youuuuu!
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ninamodaffari · 2 years
Here from Twitter......for new followers, hello! I am Nina or Rhys, I go by she/her or they/them and I work fulltime as a concept artist for Maxis on The Sims 4. I’ve done work on Eco LIfestyle, Werewolves, and a lot others. I’ve also done contract work for Riot, Monster High, Obisdian, CryptTV and more! I love playing Dungeons and Dragons and you’ll see me posting a lot about my warlock, Yuri.
Follow if you love art and vampire shitposting.
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rvchelking · 10 months
I was tagged by @perpetuagf in this fun little game. thank you! i thought i would explore my two (recently) new ocs: Samantha Hill (House of Ashes) and Scarlet (Baldur's Gate III) so there we go! I'll tag @stacispratt and @strafethesesinners
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ANIMAL: otter. a butterfly. maybe a sand cat.
COLORS: red and white!
MONTH: late september.
SONGS: brave new world by kalandra; sound of war by tommee profitt x fleurie; breath of life by florence and the machine
NUMBER: either 2 or 13
PLANTS: red rose with occasional thorns, tulips and dried herbs
SMELLS: raspberry; the smell of the forest after the rain
GEMSTONE: red obisdian.
TIME OF DAY: sunset.
SEASON: autumn.
PLACES: deep deep forest, desert island, balcony with vines
FOOD: apple pie with cinnamon, red juicy apple, sugar cubes
DRINKS: cherry wine
ELEMENT: water.
ASTROLOGICAL SIGNS: libra; virgo; cancer
SEASONINGS: anise and saffron.
SKY: red skies at dusk, dark blue before the storm.
WEATHER: cloudy and misty.
MAGICAL POWER: mindcontrol.
WEAPONS: the magic that runs in her blood.
SOCIAL MEDIA. probably none.
CANDY: cotton candy.
ART STYLE: light and space.
FEAR: becoming a mind flayer.
MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: well, since she's an elf, that would be forest elf! but like, a cunning and quiet one, not a rascal.
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ANIMAL: puma; capra genus (since she's an archaelogoist and she can climb )
COLORS: grey, dark brown, beige
MONTH: either april or november.
SONGS: sacrifice by zella day; phoenix by league of legends ft cailin russo, chrissy costanza; another reason by fifth dawn
PLANTS: vines
SMELLS: old books, the smell of sand, freshly baked bread
GEMSTONE: black tourmaline.
TIME OF DAY: right after midnight.
SEASON: early winter.
PLACES: abandoned buildings, archaelogical sites, egypt and iraq
FOOD: steak and fries, chicken broth
DRINKS: craft beer, earl grey tea
ELEMENT: fire and earth.
ASTROLOGICAL SIGNS: scorpio, gemini, virgo
SEASONINGS: chili powder.
SKY: clear blue skies.
WEATHER: the storm.
MAGICAL POWER: speaking dead languages.
WEAPONS: an ice pick :P
SOCIAL MEDIA. instagram or blogspot.
CANDY: sour candy.
ART STYLE: Egyptian Revival! also does sumerian cuniform count?
FEAR: losing jason kolchek.
MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: tbh not to be a hater (I love you Sam), but i'd say demon. but not like, destructive. she'd be extremly smart and tactical. she'd make pacts with others and always win.
CELESTIAL BODY: 50% mars 50% venus.
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squadron-of-damned · 1 year
what is cithare i have never heard but i am intrigued
hi! okay so.
Cithare is a Minecraft plugin- Actually more context.
My boyfriend's older brother is a software engineer whose life goes like (in his words) "I Came, I Saw, I Became An Adminstrator"- No more context.
Somewhen around second half of the 19th century a cook from a local castle carved several sculptures right into the sandstone rocks that are scattered through the local woods. While they are not the most famous of the set, the most prominent two in this story are the Chapel of Mary Magdalene and the Harper. (This is enough information you need to find out where I live, by the way).
Both my boyfriend and his older brother and several of our common friends are members of the local Scouts chapter.[1] They organise an annual mostly-Scout LARP-esque battle in the local woods with the lore being an alternate reality where the Harper statue (rock-carving?) is instead a zitherist and the capital of a fantasy kingdom this battle is fought over is Cithare (because Zithere looks weird). The Harper (Cithare) and Chapel of Mary Magdalene are important landmarks both for the game and orientation
If my memory serves right, the managed to do it precisely once before the Big Covid Lockdown came and stabbed the biggest pitchfork related to gathering a hundred or so kids together imaginable to mankind into it.
At which point my salty beanpole's brother and our friend and this friend's friend/ex-classmate said: "Hey, almost everyone we know has some version of Minecraft, at least a cracked one. It can't be that hard for a software engineer and two studying software engineers to write a plugin for Minecraft that would simulate score points for capturing points and killing members of opposing teams."
[1] I was part of the Scouts for, like, three weeks, that was until my mother heard the kids pledging loyalty and promised to unquestioningly obey the superiors.
At first it was one slightly altered map, duct-taped together code to keep track of score, and around a dozen of Scouts who were allowed to stay out of the bad past 10 PM. Currently it is a Discord server of 100 members, developing team of 12 people (activity varying). For now and the foreseeable future it is strictly CZ/SK and invite-only.
The plugin itself supports English (in which it is written), Czech (translated by yours truly and salty beanpole boyfriend) and Pirate Speak (translated by me, helped a bottle of gin and Alestorm for moral support and authenticity). The entire plugin is a dedication to the founding dev team being huge nerds who applied as much of Team Fortress and DOTA possible to Minecraft.
Currently the Cithare plugin has two alternating maps:
The original one, expanded and built upon, with 4 static capture points (called flags) and 4 travelling points (they remain in place, but only 1 of them is active at the time, switching activity through the game.) There are several points of interest
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Chapel of Mary Magdalene: the south-situated world spawn
Cithare: The capital of the kingdom in the middle, a static capture point. It is build indeed like a city, originally meant from rooftop-chase and parkour combat, usually just TNTed to oblivion
The Crossroad: A static capture point in the east, previously in a barren plain. Since it in the first five minutes turned into a crater with obisdian platfrom around the flag (beacon), it is now overgrown with trees which make it mroe interesting of a fight.
The Last Watch: A static capture point, a tower in the north. Current meta-game: Sniper's nest, unless Skydiver is allowed, then you need a blast-resistant sniper.
The Scarp: A static capture point in an underground cave in the west. Current meta: Either put water above the flag and waterfall down or slap a teleporter down there.
The Sunken Temple: An underwater travelling capture point in the central southwest sea. Current meta: Gladiator dominance.
The old sunken temple: The previous spot where the aforementioned travelling flag was, in the southeastern sea. Currently hosts the Carp, a miniboss, the killing of which grants a custom achievement.
The Fairy Rings: A travelling capture point on an island between two rivers in central southeast.
Grannny's House: A travelling flag on a floating island to northeast. It is inaccessible by other means than putting down blocks and climbing them or flying. Inside is a hostile witch named Granny. Granny's house is notably made of nether and twisted nether blocks with a crater on the ground below it. It has been moved. though I don't remember where the original location was
The Secret Sanctum: An underground travelling flag to northwest. My pride and joy, because this is when I joined in on the project. Guys were like: "People don't visit Zamar because is in the middle of hellish nowhere. Let's make a new one, and let's make it an underground dungeon labyrinth where people get lost." And I was like "Hey, I'm a DM, you need an underground labyrinth? I'll do it." And then I did it. And then everyone and their dog complained that they get lost in the labyrinth. and since above it was an irrigated field, they waterfalled down. So in the next patch I removed the irrigation and added new entrances. The Secret Sanctum is great.
The Ruins of Zamar: A permanently inactive travelling flag in the south in the ruins of an old city. Zamar is the Ancient Kingdom on the corpse of which Cithare was founded.
The Pirate Ship: A ship west of Cithare City in the sea, sevres as the spawn for the Pirate team.
Four elemental shrines which currently do nothing scattered through the far ends of the map, and the Altar on the mountain in the middle, close to Cithare, wher eplayers can sacrifice essences.
Then as a "big reveal" we added the Air map with which I helped a lot more.
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It features the same flags, because they are tried and trusty, with some changes:
Cithare flag is now indeed in the middle of the town, the place is more densely built over, so indeed there is town combat.
The Mines have replaced the Cliff, they are a large chasm. (The renaming was because "Watch" and "Scarp" in Czech sound similar and in voice-chat people got misnavigated because of that)
Rather than one big Altar for four essences, there are now four tiny altars for one essence.
The Mysterious Sanctum is much bigger and better navigable (in my opinion) than the Secret Sanctum, and also it is well lit. It has tons of loot, but most of it is well hidden. (Secret Cithare lore: Honey blocks in Sanctum.)
Zamar is now imitating the Deep Dark biome (I lovingly call it Shallow Dark), yes that includes the Warden, I think there is an achievement but not sure. There are ominous messages, though.
The Last Watch tower is not as tall, but it has dungeons.
There is an Airship rather than Granny's House.
The Fairy Rings are situated on a glaze terracota mushroom cap as an island rather than on a normal island.
The Glen has replaced the Crossroad, it is surrounded on all sides. Because of the Glen location we actually chose this seed for the map.
Speaking of, the entire map was generated in 1.18 Minecraft, so it is rather more vertical (hence the name Air. The original map, is known as Water, because it has a lot of seas). As such it features a lot of bridges and three flightpaths, as in you hop on a phantom and fly around the map as if it was a bus!
At the beginning of the game you get picked into a team. Players who are odd or come late end up in the Pirate team which doesn't aim for winning, it's supposed to sow chaos and help the losing team, they also cannot capture flags. After getting into a team you pick one of 15 (17) classes. Regular teams pick regular classes, Pirate team picks Pirate classes. Anyone can roll a class randomly with a 5 % chance of getting a class they dont' have access to (Pirates for regular classes, regular teams for pirate classes)
Footman - usually banned from play, meant to be granted to beginning players. Generates low bounty (score awarded for killing) unless it scores more than 3 kills in succession. Can't do anything interesting
King - Must be played in King's draft, only 1 per team possible. High bounty, can teleport teammates to themselves, shares food de/buffs with nearby teammates, has golden armour
General - High bounty, can buff teammates with a warhorn, has a summonable horse
Warrior - no interesting skills. Starts with better armour and weapons. "normal mode" class
Marksman - Can track a tag (knows who controls it) and can foretell weather. Can ender-pearl teleport and then teleport back to the original place. Starts with a bow. Sniper.
Scout - Can turn invisible, can masquarede as another player, can capture a flag with an arrow
Gladiator - Has a riptide trident, cobwebs and an enchanted golden apple, gains more score for killing successful players. Doesn't start with a pickaxe, can't use axe as a weapon, cannot use an elytra. Gladiator has been the subject of the most patch-fixes, getting and losing a shield, because of this class the weather is very customised and so forth.
Engineer - Has a portal Gun for placing two-way teleporters (only 1 pair can be active, teleporting has a cooldown) and a remote TNT detonator.
Quartermaster - funnily enough this one has existed, then it got deleted, after over a year it was made anew. Currently has a pocket ender chest through which they can put items to they teammates' spawn-chests, and permanent night vision.
Alchemist - has a store-mode in which they can buy alchemical reagents and/or potions. They gain weaknesses opposite to resistances. They get store-coins by eating honey and spider eyes
Mage - Swiss army knife of classes, has 4 spells. They may pick a specialisation which buffs 1 spell and gives passive abilities. The spells are: healing, confusing player's looks and names for enemy players, AOE fire dmaage, and targeted lighting strikes.
Skyriver - Usually banned, has a sturdy elytra, can drop a lit TNT.
Pirate - Pirate class, has a portal gun (pirated), Pocket Boat (AKA PokéBoat ) and Dolphin's Grace in water. Parallels the Warrior/Engineer class
Rogue Inquisitor - Pirate class. Anti-mage. Is immune to all Mage's spells, has Witchhammer - a book-weapon that sets target on fire. Parallels the Warrior/Mage class
Arbalist - Pirate Class. Has a rocket-launcher crossbow (Arrrbow). Parallels the Marksman class
Shapeshifter - Can turn into a skeleton (infinity bow), dolphin (water breath, dolphin's grace), chicken (slow falling), zombie (resistance 1), spider (night vision), creeper (self-detonation) or enderman (infinite ender pearl). Parallels the Scout class)
Raider - has a very fast horse and can debuff everyone around with war horn. Parallels the General class.
Currently there are no games (strictly speaking Test Sessions) planned, because it's the summer holidays.
If you are interested in the maps, they are downloadable: Water Air
(Look at the Sanctums, I am very proud of them :3)
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vicmillen · 4 months
Problem: I want pearls to make eye of ender
Solution 1: find and kill some enderman
Problem: mobs scary 😔
Solution 2: piglin bartering
Problem: need gold
Solution 1 for gold: mine it like a normal person
Problem: boooring
Solution 2: portal ticking gold ziglin farm :D
Problem: ... Actually this one doesn't have any problem. I already have enough obisdian. Don't have a trident rn but I don't exactly need one? Can always add a trident killer later, and just do it manually rn.
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guzsdaily · 10 months
[Actually] Automating my life [daily]
Day 18 - Nov 23rd, 12.023
Another late post, another update on the workflow setup.
Today I worked on the daily files template/workflow, and compared to all, it is the simplest. Like I said in the previous update, the task organization is made on the weekly notes, and on the daily notes I just have to list them.
The "highlight" or what makes the daily notes more different is the routine tracker, which I already had in the previous workflow also, but now I tweaked some things: now the routines are all the same in all days (before I had one for work and free days); things like gym, reading and tasks which I don't do every day previously where part of the routine checklist, will be now just recurring tasks; the routine heatmap now is on every daily note, so I always see my progress on my routine, this is something which I didn't see very often because it was on a different note.
Another thing which is different on the daily notes is the Events section, for things like meetings, dates, and everything you would put on your calendar; and the Notes section, to be able to add info about a day if needed, like if something happened that day that stopped me to do my routine.
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Yes, the progress bar for some reason doesn't update every time, this is probably because of the combination of Obisdian Columns and Dataview which apparently screws up the rendering and or processing of the scripts. But it works in the end, and the progress bar is more of a decoration than something totally useful.
I also updated a little the weekly note, so now it has the progress bar and also lists all the events and notes of the week. Something which is really an improvement in these new templates is the more use of horizontal space, yes, it isn't something that plain markdown can make, and I'm using Obisdian Columns to render them, but it lets me see a lot more information on the screen on one go without scrolling than before, and I have a wide monitor, so why not take advantage of it y'know?
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And the template's code is this, it is a lot bigger because of the amount of info it needs to retrieve from the other periodic notes. And yes, the routine is called routines.work, even if I don't want to have more than one routine, it's better to have already the functionality of multiple, so I don't have to glue things together in the future (and you should expect this when I am a software developer and have anxiety, the most something is adaptable, the better).
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If you ever used Obsidian, with Periodic Notes and Templater, you probably stumbled upon creating a note in a day which isn't today, and when this happens, Periodic Note gets the date right, but Templater's JavaScript not. This is kinda obvious why, the template script is run when the file created and retrieves the date of the creation and not from the template's itself, so this "trick" just lets you use time manipulation in your template based on the actual template's date.
And that's it! I probably will take advantage that the week is ending to refactor the Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly notes' codes and logic, so it's easier to change in the future like the Weekly and Daily are, and probably recreate all my projects notes so the template and data is correct for the periodic notes. Hopefully next week I can actually start working and making use of the workflow.
Today's artists & creative things
Song: Aleph - by. Gesaffelstein This is probably the most different song I recommended based on style. I found it out of nowhere, just listening songs on random/radio of another song, and the beat of this and "mysterious vibe" got me by surprise. My mind on the first moment already started to imagine a video, something like a trailer for some obscure facility/series, following the beat and just giving a sense of uneasiness. So because of the inspiration it gave me, I recommend it, maybe you also imagine some sort of video or something to create to go along with the music.
Copyright (c) 2023-present Gustavo "Guz" L. de Mello <[email protected]>
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License
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shinylayatha · 1 year
I think I gave it a good try, but WorldAnvil doesn’t work for me. It’s much too cumbersome for me to translate my files into WorldAnvil’s format, and aside form some inspiration I take from their prompts, none of their other functions are essential to how I do this.
I keep going back to Obisdian Publish itself - I’ve been working with obsidian now for almost 4 years, and I am still in love and use it for everything. Start a Digital Garden, with a little corner for my players to find all the up-to-date game data. Add my own system into it, slowly.
Just writing this down, however, overwhelms my brain. Maybe not the day, or maybe writing my thoughts is still now in the cards. Who knows.
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obsidianblock · 1 year
Obisdian Block
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