#obey me x spiderman: across the spiderverse
sassykattery · 1 year
Love's Web, Pt 2
Welcome to Part 2! Let's see where this goes...
CW: Altaira is afab, uses she/her pronouns. Profanity. Yelling at oc. Some mutual perversion ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Characters: Altaira (afab oc!), Diavolo, Lucifer, Mammon, Satan, Barbatos, all brothers implied, Simeon, Solomon, Miguel O'Hara
Themes: Romance. Jealousy. Multiverse. Pining. Two people, one bed trope. Miguel being grumpy
Minors and ageless blogs DNI
18+ only
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"You didn't tell me!" Miguel snapped at her, causing her to flinch slightly.
Diavolo immediately started to walk towards them, unable to standby and let anyone speak to her that way. There usually wasn't a person alive who would speak to her that way and live to tell the tale if he was involved.
"Tell you what, Miguel?" She asked softly, raising her hands up to try and show she meant ho harm.
"Solomon's cooking! It's atrocious! I thought I was having a heart attack!" Miguel yelled again, hands on his hips and leaning over her and looking imposing. Diavolo made it to her side, now also in front of Simeon, and started to inch closer.
She sighed and hung her head. "I'm sorry. I did forget to warn you about that. Please, come in and I'll get you something else–"
"Forget it! I can't stomach even water after that!" Miguel barked at her again.
"That's enough," Diavolo ordered, fully shielding Altaira. "I will not have you talking to her, or anyone else under my care, this way."
Miguel inched closer to the demon lord, the eyes on his mask narrowing as he glared him down, exactly eye-level with the prince.
"Hey, let's just go in," Altaira tried to suggest quietly, coming around Diavolo. She turned and started to leave, and when she looked over her shoulder to see the two having a stand-off, she barked, "Miguel!"
The spiderman reluctantly left, simmering down slightly as he followed her inside. He was already recognizing the way to the lab and her office, but once inside the lab, she merely went into her office and shut the door with a soft click without another word.
Miguel stood there looking at the door for a moment and then finally turned back to where he was working the previous night to begin his task of fixing his watch. But that was short-lived as he heard a quiet sniffle. And then again. And again. He heard it every thirty seconds or so. With a big sigh, he dropped what he was about to do and approached the door to her office. He heard it more clearly now with his heightened senses.
Knock knock.
"H-Hang on, sorry, o-one moment," he heard her mutter on the other side. After another minute, she murmured, "Come in."
He opened the door and saw her sitting at her desk. Not much was different except the hidden tissue in her uniform jacket sleeve, the distinct redness in her eyes, and the stuffiness of her voice.
After a moment, he sighed and looked down, a soft look to his masked face. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. It was uncalled for."
"It's fine... I know you're in a strange place with strange people, and Solomon's cooking is... a rather rude awakening to those facts," she replied, looking down too. Miguel looked up and tilted his head.
"Altaira," Miguel called to her softly. She refused to meet his gaze as a tear rolled down her cheek.
"I, uh... It's fine," she quickly wiped it away. She took a deep breath and then finally looked up at him with shining eyes. "Hey, it's my turn to cook tonight. If you come to the House of Lamentation with me, you can have human world food."
"That... sounds agreeable," he replied. She smiled weakly and nodded. "I'll... get back to work then," he added. He left quietly, shutting the door as he went, and found his station again. He heard the sniffling only every couple minutes, and then finally nothing but typing and clicking for a couple hours.
The door opened a little while later, and out she came looking as perfect as she was earlier that morning.
"I have a class to teach. If you want to stay, you certainly can," she announced, holding a laptop and a notebook.
"What class?" He looked over his shoulder, working in a fume hood.
"Organic chemistry," she replied, shuffling her things around.
"Do you have a degree?" He asked, turning to face her.
"Oh yes, I got my bachelor's in chemistry, and I was going to get my PhD, but I didn't like research," she replied with a chuckle. "I'm more of a people-person than I thought."
"I see..." he mumbled. "I'll be here." A people-person indeed.
"I'll be right down the hall if you need me," she stated before walking away.
Miguel waited as he heard another door shut, and he sighed, grabbing one of the stools to sit and relax for a moment. The hologram of his mask disappeared as he took time to breathe. He looked at the watch again, thinking of how to fix it when he remembered something.
"Ah, well, this is the home of demons. They rely on magic and less so on technology."
"Maldición," he hissed, smacking his hand against the hood in frustration. "Why did I have to end up here..."
["Damn it to hell"]
"I don't know what the hood did to ya, but Mistress Altaira the Lab Instructor won't like ya tearin' up her lab," Mammon piped up. Miguel whirled around to see the demon standing across the lab, hands on his hips. "I'm Mammon."
"Ah, the one who asked what the fuck I am?" He asked in slight amusement but mostly annoyance, turning back to his work.
"The very same. Look, I came in here to tell ya, before ya get too messed up in things, don't bother with Altaira. There's a line of us waiting for our shot, so don't get too chummy with her," Mammon declared in a bored but authoritative tone.
"Excuse me?" Miguel asked with a brow raised as he looked around the fume hood.
"Later, man," Mammon replied before leaving the lab, just as quickly as he came in.
Miguel's brows furrowed, and finally he shook his head to shoo away whatever was said as he looked back to his project. His senses, however, once he thought of her, dialed in on her voice just a few doors down. Before he realized what he was doing, he closed the hood and padded out to the hallway, following the sound of her voice. He stood behind the door she was on the other side of.
"So, this organimetallic compound can add more carbon chains to existing compounds. First, we must know the organometallic we are using and how we make it. This is called..."
As she spoke, Miguel listened with interest, even if this was all stuff he knew. There was a thoroughness to the way she taught, making sure to speak clearly and accurately, and nary a question could stumble her from her path. He listened for longer than he intended because before he knew it, she was saying,
"Alright, so turn your homework into me tomorrow, and have a good day."
The spiderman quickly dashed back to the lab to continue his work. A few minutes later, a door opened, and she walked by quietly. He listened carefully as she shuffled around in her office before she stepped back out again.
"If it's alright with you, I'd like to take off early... and..."
When she didn't keep talking, he turned and looked at her standing at his side, looking up at him.
"Yes?" He asked, tilting his head and raising an irate brow.
"Sorry, I just hadn't seen you without your mask yet," she confessed, her eyes raking over his features.
As he looked down at her, no longer over his nose but truly looking at her with his full attention, he could sense a reaction within her. Her ears and collarbone were flushed red, but she pretended nothing was amiss, even as her body betrayed her. He saw how open her eyes were, how when she looked up at him, it was like he held the moon and stars in his eyes.
Internally, she was screaming. How could a man be so beautiful? She had already tried to come to terms with living with the likes of Lucifer and consorting with Diavolo, but another gorgeous man wasn't something she necessarily needed in her life at the moment. Her eyes couldn't help but dart back to his eyes and pronounced cheekbones, admiring the melancholic expression he had about him. The cute flips of his reddish brown hair, his lips–
"Sorry, what? Oh, I was saying that I'd like to take off early to make dinner and rest, because I definitely didn't get enough sleep, but I'll wait till you're ready to go," she said all in one breath. "Just tell me when you're ready!" She yelped as she threw herself back into her office.
Miguel stood there in confusion at this, listening as it sounded like things were being knocked over in her office, followed by mumbling and brief growls of agitation. It finally went silent a few moments later. After blinking a few times and trying to piece together her sudden change in behavior, he shook his head and went back to work.
Knock knock
"Yes?" Miguel heard from her. He opened the door.
"We can go for the day. I'm getting somewhere, but there's something interfering with my device, and I'm tired," he told her.
"Okay," she nodded, turning off her computer and grabbing her things. "Would you still like to eat with me?"
"Yes, I'm finally interested in food after... whatever that was earlier," he said with a sigh, despair in his voice. She chuckled.
"Yeah, so don't eat his food," she explained as she closed her office door and locked it, leading Miguel out of the lab and locking it as well. "It's been three years and I still don't understand how he fucks up cooking, but we all just find excuses not to eat it." They rounded a corner. "There's an angel like actually likes his food. Thinks it's... something great, I guess."
"They would have to be something immortal and inhuman to stomach that," Miguel quipped bitterly.
"Yeah, but the other demons and angels are repulsed, and me as well. Raphael is... built different, I guess," she replied, rounding another corner before heading outside.
High above the pair, up in a window in RAD, stood the Demon Lord staring down at them. He watched as they got in her car, next to his, and proceeded to leave RAD. His brow twitched with agitation at the newcomer.
"Barbatos," Diavolo called out, turning back to sit in his office chair.
"Find out more about him. I don't have a good feeling about this."
"Yes, my lord."
"I know I'm not the best, but it is human food made by yours truly, and not poisonous, so be nice," Altaira said with a smile, handing Miguel a bowl of pasta in creamy cheese sauce.
"I'm grateful for something edible," he mumbled, taking the fork she also handed him. "I do have a question. It's about your education."
"Shoot," she replied, turning back to start cleaning up her mess and gathering plates for the rest of the household.
He kept his gaze locked on her while she had her back turned. "You're knowledgeable about chemistry, but what of other sciences?"
"If you're asking about what you might need, it's not a lot. I understand quantum fairly well, but only theory. Practice is lost on me," she replied, sounding a touch despondent. "I really wish I knew more."
"What if I taught you?" He asked, taking a bite after the question and raising his brows at how normal the food tasted.
She turned to face him. "About interdimensional travel? Good luck. I'm nowhere close to your level," she dismissed the idea.
"You're capable. You just need a good teacher," he insisted. He conveniently forgot about the part where he listened to her teach that say and how impressed he was with her abilities.
From the other side of the kitchen, out in the hallway, Lucifer leered near the entryway, trying to listen to the conversation. That was, until Asmodeus walked by with his hands on his hips. Lucifer tried to shoo the fifth born away, to no avail. Asmo folded his arms and the two mouthed words to one another.
"Go away, Asmo."
This went on for a couple of minutes as the two inside the kitchen continued conversing.
"I guess I could..." she replied hesitantly.
Miguel nodded and continued to eat as she began serving eight more bowls, including one giant one. He raised a brow at her and she looked down.
"Ah, right. The big one is Beel's. He's the sin of gluttony," she replied.
"Ah," the man replied.
"The rest are for me and everyone else. I wanted to serve you first because... well... They eat rather viciously. My first few nights here I didn't eat because I wasn't hungry until later when it was all gone, and when Diavolo found out what was happening, he said we needed to figure out a system so that I would eat. Something about having the nonmagic human dying the first week isn't exactly good for your exchange program."
"I see."
"If I'm boring you, I'll stop," she finally added quietly, turning her head to the side.
Miguel looked up at her with raised brows and back down at his bowl. "No, I'm listening."
"Alright. Well, they put me in charge of cooking once every eight days. On top of that, I have my own food budget since I eat far less than the rest, having certain dietary restrictions, and I'm rather picky. Don't get me wrong, Devildom food is good, but I can't eat everything. Food from home is... nice once in a while," she rambled on, finishing up the dinner she was serving. Grabbing her own bowl and fork, she motioned toward the entryway. "Let's go to my room."
She led the way, and Miguel followed. The two lurkers in the hallway had long since made their escape to avoid being seen, and the pair went to her bedroom. It was unnaturally quiet in the House, and Altaira knew she was being observed. When they entered, she watched as he looked around. She walked over to her couch and patted the seat next to her. He sat down slowly, also watching her and still looking around.
"So yeah, this is my room, at least here in the House. I have a room in the castle as well," she explained.
"You seem to be treated quite well here," Miguel observed to her. She nodded.
"Well, if I'm honest... It's a bit much, but essentially, all the demons have an... attraction to me. They feel the need to give me... more than what I really need," she went on. "I still don't know if it's from the pacts, me having a soul, or if it's genuine attraction sometimes. I like to think it's genuine. I have earned everyone's trust, and these brothers do see me as family."
"It's strange," he replied. "But you said you've been here for three years... so I suppose I understand."
There was a beat of silence. "You don't have to say anything or answer, but I would like to know more about you," Altaira finally blurted out.
Miguel was quiet as he considered the request. He took a deep sigh and placed his empty bowl on the table.
"I am the head of a society of other spidermen who work together to keep the multiverse in check. More specifically, I am the leader of a smaller group who works together to target bigger threats directly. I was traveling through wormholes to another universe when I accidentally got dragged into this one. The place I live and work in is called Nueva York, and I come from the year 2099," he answered.
"And what did you do for work before doing the multiverse thing?"
"I was a geneticist," he answered.
"Did you have any family?"
He instantly glared at her and she held up her hands.
"I'm sorry, don't answer that. I technically don't anymore either," she quickly tried to ease his agitation. She then scooted back toward the opposite end of the couch and sat up against the arm of it to look at her guest.
"And you?" He finally asked, reclining back and crossing a leg as he looked down at her.
"I was going to become a doctor after quitting grad school, but I was kidnapped and brought here," she replied, smiling at how he frowned when she mentioned being kidnapped again. "I suppose I'm content to stay until something else comes my way." She looked down at her hands, smiling sadly. "I feel like I somewhat belong here, like I never did anywhere else. It's nice."
He was quiet so she changed the subject.
"Spiderpeople usually have powers. What are yours?" She asked curiously, looking him over.
He ran his hand through his hair and sighed again. Leaning forward, he extended his hand. She timidly sat forward and starting to hold the back of his hand when his retractable talons popped out.
"Oh!" She exclaimed softly, taking his very large hand and moving it around in her two much smaller ones. He was slightly taken aback by how quickly she took to examining him, and he could see her natural intrigue to the human, or humanoid, anatomy– the doctor within her.
"They're sharp," he mumbled as she ran her own delicate fingers on them, her fake nails tapping across the talons. He retracted them again, and she looked up into his eyes, studying him. He finally replied, "Yes, my eyes are different too. I can see exceptionally well."
"Better than twenty-twenty?" She asked in awe, inching closer to him. He was initially unsettled by her quick adjustment to his inhuman features, but there was something endearing about the way she explored him.
"Yes. In fact, some places are too intense for me because of how bright things can be, especially in cities. My senses are so heightened that I often have to wear my suit or glasses to keep it toned down," he explained quietly, watching her move closer.
"That sounds unpleasant, actually. Coming from a myope," she replied thoughtfully. "What else?"
"I have retractable fangs that can release paralyzing venom," he answered, raising a brow to see if she'd run yet.
"Whoa," she mumbled, her eyes darting to his mouth. He was somewhat surprised to see she wasn't frightened.
"What? Do you want me to show you?" He asked with an ornery half-smirk. That smirk was the first he'd given since being there.
"Oh, uh... No, I believe you," she retreated, and his smirk only deepened. There it was.
"Come now, you were so curious before," he leaned in closer and spoke with a low and alluring tone, letting his teeth show subtly as he spoke. "Don't tell me you're afraid now?"
A heat surged through her whole body, making her sweat. She looked away but couldn't fight the smile on her face. Finally, she nodded. Miguel rolled his eyes and leaned in closer to her, and with a dramatic yawn, those very fangs sank down, causing her to jump ever so slightly.
He sat back and looked at her wavering expression. "Don't worry, that's for when I'm provoked."
"It seems like that's not hard to do," she replied, laying her head to the side on the back of the couch as she sat sideways in her seat.
"What are you saying?" He asked with annoyance.
"You have a temper, a short one, for a big man," she teased with a tired smile.
"From how you run this household, I'd say the same about you," he quipped.
Her smile grew, something that he came to enjoy seeing.
"Oh, you're absolutely correct. I have zero patience and a short fuse, shorter than me," she answered with a playful tone.
"Mm, I think I'd like to see you lose your temper. I'm sure you're as ferocious as a bombón," he teased her back. She tilted her head.
"Did you just call me a marshmallow?"
"¿Ah, habla Español?"
["You speak Spanish?"]
"Um, I can understand more than I can speak it," she replied shyly.
"Should I teach you that as well?" He asked with a chuckle. Her ears perked up at the sound. It was sweet, contrary to his usual cold and dismissive demeanor.
"Maybe so– oh!" She suddenly remembered. "I ordered you something. I wasn't sure how long you'd be here, and I feel bad that you're always in your suit. So, if you want it, and you don't have to accept it, I have clothes for you," she explained as she trotted off to her closet.
"I've been here one day an– wait, how did you get my size?" He asked incredulously.
"I guessed. You're built like Diavolo, so I used his measurements," she replied as she grabbed a box, as if her answer was nothing.
"How do you know his measurements?" He mumbled to himself, rolling his eyes.
"What?" She asked as she walked back to him, handing the box over.
"Nothing. Thank you for this," he replied.
She smiled brightly at him. "You're welcome," she answered, sounding accomplished. "I'm going to get comfortable myself. I'll use my bathroom and you can change in here. Tell me when you're done."
He nodded and watched her walk away, stopping to grab some clothes atop of her dresser and disappearing into the bathroom.
Miguel looked at the clothes he was given, reading the "Akuzon" label on the side of the box. With a sigh, he turned his suit hologram off and began to dress. He found the clothes to fit him properly, to his surprise, somewhat. Perusing through what she bought, there were gym clothes, lounge wear, street wear, and formal clothing all folded neatly within the box.
"Done?" Altaira called out to him.
"Yes," he answered, sitting back down on the couch.
She walked out in an oversized t-shirt and biker shorts. His eyes focused on her as she walked to a laundry basket to throw in her dirty clothes. He could see the plushness to her thighs, how her back curved into her hips and ass, a rounded soft tummy, and the swells of her breasts beneath her shirt, no longer wearing a bra–
"Hey, you can sleep with me tonight," she mentioned as she grabbed a blanket to wrap around her shoulders, walking toward the couch again.
"Excuse me?" He asked, his eyes slightly widened and brows raised fully. With what he had been thinking about previously, his mind instantly wandered to somewhere more savory and less innocent.
"I said you can sleep with me here instead of going to Purgatory Hall. I mean, if you want to. I'll take you back if you don't want to be here. I just wouldn't mind the company," she clarified nonchalantly. She then slipped down onto the couch again with her legs tucked under her, her head resting against the back of the couch again.
"Where would I sleep?"
"In my bed."
"Where would you sleep?"
"The couch."
He shook his head. "You're the host, you sleep in your bed."
She shook her head in return. "You're the guest, I give up my bed so you're more comfortable."
He bared his fangs slightly at her and glared her down. "You're a stubborn mula, aren't you?"
"You're a bull-headed burro, aren't you?" She snapped back. "I live with demons. You don't scare me."
["Ass"; "Donkey"]
Quite the opposite, she thought to herself.
"Pinche fresa," he mumbled.
["Fucking brat"]
That's when she lurched forward. "¿Perdón? ¿Cómo? Do you want to repeat that, Miguel?"
["Excuse me? Come again?"]
"Oh, so you can speak more," he teased her, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he leaned in to challenge her too.
"No me provoques," she hissed.
["Don't provoke me"]
He laughed and sat back. "You are like a bombón," he replied.
A flustered heat dusted her face as she stared him down. She didn't have a response, and that frustrated her further. And then it hit her.
"Fine. A compromise then," she declared.
Thanks for reading! <3
Post made by sassykattery. Do not repost. Reblogs and comments appreciated!
Tags: @delphi-dreamin @bite-sized-devil @itsmeninerz
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antiomnia · 1 year
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Spider Leviathan.
Prints on my INPRNT shop ♡ 
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ficbitch · 1 year
Mistakes and Punishments [Miguel O’Hara x Reader]
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Oneshot (18+)
Summary- After failing a mission, miguel calls you into his office and punishes you.
Tags- NSFW, possessive, creampies, degration, praise, choking, biting, ownership, fighting, unprotected sex, rough sex, overstimulation, untranslated Spanish.
Miguel O’Hara had ordered you into his office, a cold and dark room where he spent his days staring at the screens. As you took a step into his room, you could feel the coolness of the room and you eyes ran to where he was, his back to you. 
You knew he knew you had entered, so you didn’t feel the need to announce your arrival as you made your way to the place you had been judged and reprimanded from past missions.
You found your usual spot, crossed your arms, and watched his figure. He had his hands on his waist as his head shook slightly. “Otra ves esto no.” he muttered darkly, as he turned to face you, looking down at you with distaste. 
His crimson eyes scanned your frame, and you felt small under his intense gaze. He has always seemed to hate you, from the moment he reluctantly recruited you into his spider society. This time you had screwed up on a mission.
“You messed up big time, princesa..” Miguel stalked towards you like a predator, his gaze harsh and dark. He grabbed your chin and made you look him in his eyes. 
You didn’t back down from his gaze, and mustered up all your confidence to glare him down. You stared up firmly into his eyes as much as you could, and you didn’t cower, but your heart was racing and his face seemed to be inches away from yours.
Miguel looked almost as if he was amused at you not backing down. Perhaps this was why he had recruited you, although you had always been a pest in his eyes, you had the confidence and you would never back down. 
He stared at you for a moment and he backed away slightly, dropping your chin. “Good,” he said quietly, “I don’t like you being weak.” he almost looked impressed. “I want you to tell me exactly what went wrong.”
You took a deep breath in, realizing you had been holding it in, and you felt your heart flutter from his.. compliment? You shook your head from any thoughts and stayed on topic, “I told you all about it in the report, Miguel. Things got hectic in there and next thing I knew, I messed up.” you run your hand over your face.
Miguel backed up and leaned against one of his desks, his arms crossed and his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. He seemed annoyed right now, as if he was on the edge of snapping. “You don’t get it do you? ‘next thing I knew?’ You’re supposed to be good at this. People depend you! You were trusted to do this and you screwed it up?!” His voice had risen, and he took a breath that looked like a meek attempt to calm himself down. “Tell me exactly what happened.”
You sigh and shake your head, recounting through the mission. “Then.. I was holding up this bridge and Peter B was knocked out, and Doc Ock had people hostage. I didn’t have a choice, I dropped that bridge and saved those people but Doc Ock escaped and the damage was...” you faltered in your story, eyebrows furrowed as you looked down, disappointed in yourself. “I wrote a whole report on it, I don’t know why you don’t just read it.”
Miguel scoffs and rolls his eyes. You have a point, but he’s not going to admit that. He puts a hand to his head, “this.. is.. exactly what I mean! You’re not ready for this,” he turns to his screens, having come to his conclusion. “You have a lot to learn.” He looks away from you with a cold callous gaze.
“A lot to learn?” you say in shocked amazement and you let out a laugh “I can’t believe you right now. I make one mistake and suddenly I don’t know anything?! One mistake and suddenly you’re saying ‘I'm not ready’ as if you don’t know I’m on of your best assets.”
Miguel lets out a scoff, turning his head back to you. “You are not one of my best assets. You are arrogant and self-absorbed. If you’re so amazing, how come I still have to fix your screw-ups? You’re a burden to the team and you need to fix yourself.” He looks at you with hatred and disgust. He had never seemed so mean, but he definitely was showing how harsh he could be.
Him being harsh only spurred you forward, as your voice began to rise and your fists balled at your sides. “You’re the one always calling on me when things go awry.” you start to shake with rising anger, “Don’t even act like I'm not good at what I do because you know you’d never be where you are now without me.”
Miguels annoyance rises, and he faces you fully once more, his red eyes looking down on you with a fiery dislike. “You are so full of it.” He hisses as he stalks closer to you, glaring you down. “You’re a bratty little spider, trying to act all big and tough, but really you are the weakest person on this team,” He snarls at you.
You’re on the edge of snapping, and you have no intention on backing down. “And you’re a self proclaimed know-it-all who hides behind a cold exterior when you’re really just too scared to open up to anyone else in fear of another failure.” You snarl as you inch closer to him, glaring up at him.
Miguels eyes narrow, you seem to have hit a spot inside him that hurt, and you see his eyes glow red. “Don’t you dare talk about me that way. I am the boss. I am the reason everyone is here. I am the only one holding together the multiverse.” Miguels fists are clenched as he steps closer to you, his face inches from yours. “Say it again,” he dares you.
“Oh I think you heard me loud and clear,” you growl out at him.
He looks livid, “You’re an insolent brat who doesn’t know how to keep her mouth shut. How dare you talk to me like that.” You had never seen him so angry, and you were so angry you wanted to see him snap, but another part of you faltered at his anger. He was terrifying when he was like his. 
Miguel had been absolutely cruel to you ever since you had met, and had been knit-picking every single job you do, never relenting. Your work would be close to perfect, and he’d find one tiny mistake and would make you do it all over again. You had wasted nights working away. You had spend sleepless nights fixing made up mistakes. And you had been at the edge of snapping for months. 
“If I don’t know how to keep my mouth shut,” you say softly, “why don't you shut me up?” your voice turns gravelly as you dare him, you watch his eyes, hatred sparking in your eyes.
Miguel let out a low growl and his face turned furious. His hands clasped on your shoulders roughly as he pulls you closer to him. He's ready to snap, and he looks like a beast. “Who taught you to be so brazen?” he says lowly.
“You” you reply with words like silk, and you look up at him with a calm rage.
He pulls you closer, and he looks like he is ready to kill you. He looks like he’s ready to kill you. “I have given you so much, and you don’t appreciate any of it.” Miguel is so close, you can smell his skin, see the tiny specs of saliva on his lips. 
Your breath catches as your confidence slips slightly, your heart beating heavily. You can sense his beating rapidly too. “You haven’t given me anything except for insults and sleepless nights and threats.” 
He glares down at you. “You’re nothing.” his face is only inches from yours, his breath hot on your face. “Shut.. Up. Do you know what I do to people who make me angry? I know exactly how to make you regret talking back to me,” his eyes glow red, and you can see his fangs as his snarls at you.
“Try me,” you glower at him, “You’re all bark and no bite.”
He gets even scarier looking, and his eyes turn dark, he pulls you close and whispers in your ear, his cheek hot against yours, “You really want to know what I do to brats who anger me?” His breath is hot as he hisses.
Your heart is beating fast now. From fear, from anger, and from a small excitement. Deep down you knew this man was gorgeous but you had concealed that feeling for so long. You take a deep breath in, and shake slightly as you clench your legs together, noticing just how wet you had become. What was wrong with you? You couldn't possibly be turned on from Miguel being a monster.
Miguel notices your reaction, and he notices your face getting red. He realized you liked this, and he puts his lips on your ear as he whispers huskily, his tone soft now but there's still a hint of malice. “You’re not as tough as you make yourself seem,”
Your mind is foggy, “I’m tougher than you will ever imagine to be,” you ground out, struggling to breath properly as you notice his shift in energy.
He chuckles softly at you're breathless voice. He continues whispering in your ear. “Do you want to prove you’re tough?”
He’s so cocky and sure of himself it drives you wild. You’re so full of anger, despite your body reacting differently, and you raise your hand to hit him but as you swing, he grabs you wrist right before you make contact with his skin, his hand wrapping around your wrist. His eyes never breaking from yours.
He laughs at you. His eyes are burning with an intense red. “You’re pathetic,” He lets your hand go and it falls limply to your side. He smirks at you. You’re face is red. 
“You deserve to be punished,” he says darkly, and your eyes go wide. He's in your ear again, his hands on your waist as he pushes you back. “Would you like that?” Your back hits the cold wall behind you, and he has you pinned.
Your breath is stuck, and your face is red. He grins darkly and runs his lips down your ear to your neck, breath hot on your skin. “You want me, don’t you?” he asks. He’s enjoying your reaction. You look up, your hands on his shoulders now as you hold your breath.
His mouth opens, his fangs run along your skin lightly. He settles them on the nape of your neck, and you let out a soft breath. Before he sinks his teeth in, he pulls away and chuckles darkly.
“Look at you, so desperate, so weak and helpless. You’re your worse enemy. Giving yourself away so easily.” he leans in close to your ear, his lips grazing your ear. “I’ll have you begging for mercy soon,”
You’re at a loss for words, your excitement pooling and you can feel just how wet you’ve become. You simply nod your head shyly, all of your confidence gone as you blush underneath his firm hold.
“Tell me,” his lips trace along your ear to your cheek, “tell me just how badly you want me.”
“M-miguel,” You clench your thighs together, anything to ease the growing pressure. “I want you.” you whisper out softly, amazed that you would ever admit those words. 
He grins as you blush, and he loves seeing you unable to find words to snap back at him. He had thought about you like this for so long, imagined at how you would react to his words, to his touch. 
He pulls back slightly and holds your chin up to look him in the eyes. His eyes are still burning red, and his voice his husky. “If we do this,” his voice turns firm and almost cold, “you will be mine.” his eyes flash with hunger.
You can’t deny that the idea of being his excites you, but also startles you slightly. It was as if he was eager to have you be his. Your mind is reeling. Maybe the reason he had always annoyed you to no end with his knit-picking and correcting was the only way he knew how to interact with you. You hadn't given him many other chances, avoiding him any chance you could get. Perhaps the true reason he kept you around was not only for your skill, but his want and desire.
After a moment, you nod your head softly, your chin in his hand, “I'm yours” you whisper out.
He seems very satisfied with your reply as he smirks down at you, his thumb running across your lip lightly as he analyzed you, his eyes dark “Very good, princesa.” he chuckles and knows full well what you’re feeling, he can smell your excitement, and he loves it. He continues to look you up down. 
He leans in close, and you can see a twinkle in his eye as he smirks, looking down at your lip as his thumb lightly pulls down your bottom lip. “I will do whatever I want to you, and you’ll thank me for it.”
His thumb rests on your lip and you open your mouth slightly, looking straight into his eyes as he tilted his head, his thumb going into your mouth and you suckle on it softly. It drives him wild, and he licks his lips, his eyes glowing. He pushes closer to you, his thigh pushing between your legs and he pushed you to the wall, his arm resting on the wall next to your head as his gaze is heavy on you.
He smirks, popping his thumb out of your soft mouth. “You’ve been turned on from the beginning, haven't you?” he whispered softly, as he took in a deep breath. “You’re scent drives me wild.” he pressed his thigh between yours, and you let out a barely legible moan. “And you’re so wet.” He said softly, feeling you on his thigh even past the clothing separating your skin.
Your face is red, and you bite your lip softly as you look up at him. He looks hungry, and you can tell his thoughts are foggy as he has you under him. 
His looks at your lips, and he’s so close you can feel his lips brush against yours for a second. He closes the small gap and he kisses you slowly and softly. His lips are so warm against yours, and you kiss him back, deepening the kiss. Your tongue licks his lip softly and his hand grips your waist tightly, his eyebrows furrowing as he's lost in your taste.
You whimper at his hard grip on you, a sharp contrast to the kiss he is giving you, and he lets go, kissing you more forcefully, his hand snaking behind your waist and pushing you closer to him, his other hand sliding down your clothed stomach. You can feel his strength as he pulls you as close as he can, his hand sliding down your front is feather light. 
He continues kissing you with pure desire, as his hand behind you slips into your hair. His grip tightens and he suddenly yanks your head back, parting from the kiss and running his lips down your chin to your neck, kissing your skin hotly, leaving your lips hot against the cold air. He's kissing you with a passion and intensity you never thought Miguel would be capable of.
Your hands go to grip his arm that this running down your front and he smirks against you. “You’re such a needy little spider, aren't you?” he groans out as you grip his arm nervously. As you nod your head lightly, he starts to suck on your neck. You release a soft moan you didn’t know you were holding at his hot tongue on your neck. 
His other hand reaches your pants, and he quickly pushes past the fabric, his strong hand running down your soaked panties. “Fuck, princesa.” he groans out lowly as he grips your cunt. You let out a soft whimper, wanting more. He smiles at your neediness, and his free hand pushes your shirt up, your hands quick to rise, helping him undress you. 
He looks at your breasts and back into your eyes, “tu eres maravilla.” he says lowly, his eyes darkening as his middle finger runs down your folds past the cloth of your soaked panties. Your mouth opens in a small silent moan, your eyebrows furrowing at his light touch. He licks down your collar bone to your breast, sucking softly on your hard nipple. 
His hand in your pants runs slow circles around your clit with barely any pressure, and it drives you wild as he sucks on your breast softly, his fangs sending your back arching at his touch as you let out the quietest whimpers. 
His eyes glow red and you push down on him, “Miguel- please,” you say softly.
He growls against you softly and pulls back, a string of his saliva falling down his chin. He pulls his hand up and you whimper. He stares into your eyes as he raises his wet hand to his lips and sucks. Your face is red as you watch him lick your juices off his finger, and he cups your face. “You are so needy, I think you’re forgetting who’s in charge here.” He says deeply, his softness dissipating and his gaze grows dark. 
“I need more,” you say breathlessly, feeling bare without his hands on you, “Please Miguel.”
He shakes his head as he chuckles. He grabs your waist roughly and flips you, your hands catching yourself on the cold wall. “You want more?” he asks in your ear, his body pressed against your back. From this angle, you can feel his bulge against your lower back as he intentionally pushing against you. “Fine, I’ll give you more.” he says as his hands grip your pants and push them down to the ground. 
Your ass is bare and the cold air of his office hits your hot skin. You can hear his suit undue and the tech of it disappearing. His body is hot against you, and he presses into your back, one hand playing with your breast and the other back on your wet pussy.
He’s rougher now, as he runs his hand down your soaking folds and he groans at the feeling in your ear, clearly pleased at how you’re reacting to him. “You want me so bad,” he says darkly into your ear. “I can do anything I want with you, can't I?” 
You nod your head quickly, “Y-yes. Miguel I need you.”
“Good,” he groans as his hand on your breast runs up to your neck, his other hand moving to his own length, pushing between your thighs, against your pussy. You look down at you can see his length, wet from you, poking between your thighs, hot against your skin. He starts to move his hips against you, and you watch as he pushes back and forth, teasing you as he slicks along your cunt.  “You're so fucking wet.” he whispers to himself.
“Please” You beg as you push yourself against him. His grip on your neck tightens, pushing you closer against him. 
“Such a needy slut,” he spits out, he kisses along your shoulder and adjusts himself against you, leaning low. You can feel his tip push against you, and you open your mouth, half from pain and pleasure, as he slowly pushes into you. He sinks fully into you, and he lets out a deep groan, sinking his fangs into your shoulder.
“F-Fuck” you moan out as he watched his dick disappear into you, lubricated by how wet you were. 
“You feel so good” He groaned out as his gaze turned animalistic and needy. He didn’t give you time to adjust to the sheer size of him before he pulled out and pushed back into you roughly. 
You moaned out loudly, your head rolling back, as he got lost in the tightness and warmness of you. You felt heavenly. Both of his hands went to your waist, and lifted you easily, your hands and cheek against the wall for support as your legs dangle helplessly. 
At this angle, he went deeper than before, and he was relentless, his speed quickening. He was driven by dark desire and he’s in his own world, his eyes red and his mouth letting out soft breaths as he pushing you down and thrust up into you. 
You're a moaning mess beneath him as you take him, and you can hear his deep groans every time he pushes all the way in. He sounds so heavenly and soft, but when you glance at him he looks like a demon, eyes red and canines white. His eyes look up to you and his eyebrows are furrowed, his mouth open as he moans, his gaze heavy as he watches you in the same state he’s in. 
You had never felt anything this good before. He was reaching places you didn’t know could be reached, and the way he was moaning sent you wild. 
“Tell me how good it feels,” He moans out, his hot breath against your back.
“It feels so good baby,” you moan out messily, and your eyes roll back as he goes quicker, as he pistons in and out of you.
“That's my little princess,” his voice is low and animalistic. You begin to shake from pleasure, and you can feel a knot forming in your stomach quickly.
“God, I’m close,” You whimper out and his arm wraps around your waist, giving him a free hand to play with your clit. That sends you into a moaning mess as his hand expertly circles around your clit, and the mixed pleasure is almost too much. Your legs shake as you cum around his dick, and he doesn’t make a move to stop.
“M-Miguel!” you moan out as you become a shaking mess, his hand circling your clit quickly as he bottoms out in you. 
“What is it?” He asks in your ear, “You want me to stop?” 
You nod your head, as his hand and dick overstimulate you. “’s too much,”
His hand pulls away and he sets you down before popping out of you. The wall supports you and he turns you around to look at him. His jaw is tight as he leans down to kiss you. You kiss him back softly before he suddenly lifts you again. He takes you over to his desk and sets you on the edge, kissing you roughly now. His hands on your hips as he lifts you towards him. 
He lines himself up again, and pushes in. You try to pull away from the kiss but he doesn’t let you, “Miguel” you moan into his lips as he pulls in and out slowly, your legs tingling at each stroke. 
He pulls away from your lips and looks down at you, “say my name,” he demands coldly, as he watches his dick push in and out of you. 
“M-miguel” you whimper, “Please, this is too much,”
His eyes don't look up to yours, and he keeps his pace.
“Say you belong to me..” he demands, his eyes dark as he quickens his pace. 
You had never seen him so clouded, he was only listening to what he wanted to hear, and your legs shook but he held you down, forcing you to continue taking him. “Miguel,, I- I’m yours, I belong to you,” I say helplessly and he grins and pushes your back against his desk, his hand around your neck as he quickens his pace more.
“Say it again. Say you know you’re mine and that you’ll always be mine.” Miguels voice is dark and demonic, driven by passion and a dark anger you’ve never seen before. This Miguel is terrifying. 
You a moaning mess beneath him, and you grip his arm as he lightly chokes you, holding you in place. “I’m your’s forever,” You moan over and over again, reaching another orgasm at his relentless pace.
Miguels eyes glow even more brightly. It seems like hes driven even further into the depths of madness and he can’t turn back now. “You belong to me. you will never be anyone else’s. You will do whatever I say, whenever I want.” his voice is dripping with a sick dark lust for power. It seems he will do anything now, as he’s lost all control in this moment.
Your shaking underneath him, and he grabs your leg, pushing them against your chest as he gets deeper in you. He seems like he’s on the edge of crossing a line, and his voice is dark and deep. “You love being used like this.” He looks down at you with a dark, burning hunger in his eyes. 
You nod your head helplessly as you throw your head back, eyes shut as he uses you. He’s moving faster now and his voice is animalistic, sick with lust. “Tu eres mia. No puedes dejarme ahora.” He pushes your legs apart, above you now, his arms around your waist and he pushes into you, groaning into your ear without shame. “No importa lo que yo haga, tu vas a estar aqui para mi.”
Your hands are on his back, nails digging into his skin, as he pounds into you. His breathing is quickening, and his pace as becoming sloppy, as he reaches his edge. He's a moaning mess, and so are you, lost in your pleasure. 
“I’m yours, Miguel.”
Miguel grins at your words, satisfied, “That's what I like to hear.” his voice drops to a low growl. He’s almost growling out his words now as he starts to quiver, his pace faster and faster. “Oh, You’re gonna make me lose complete control.. oh...” Miguel suddenly seems to explode with passion and power as he hits a breaking point. You both cum at the same time, and he moans into you neck.
You both breath deeply, he pulls out softly, and his cum leaks out of your cunt. He looks at you, his eyes are glowing golden with a new found power. “eres una buena juguetito.” he smiles down at you. 
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imauthicktic · 1 year
The list of prompts and quotes! just send in the number on the emoji (fluff= 💘 hurt/comfort= ❤️‍🩹 smut= ❤️‍🔥) for which list and the characters you want! you can add any specifics to your request as well when it comes to the reader ☺️
Rules for this blog are on my pinned post! PRETTY PLS read it if you make a request!
Fandoms I write for:
Bayverse! TMNT, Bayverse! Transformers, COD MW2, Obey me!, Spiderman Across the Spiderverse, Dead by Daylight, Creepypasta, Bleach, My Hero Academia, Haikyuu, Demon Slayer, Tokyo Revengers, Kuroko no Basket, and Naruto Shippuden
Fluff 💘
“Believe me, I will never be tired of you.”
“I love how you look in my shirt.”
“How come you always end up under my blanket?”
“There is no better way to start the day than seeing your face.”
“You’re unbelievable cute when you’re tired.”
“I love to hear your voice, even if you’re so far away.”
“Is it fair to say that you read the love letter and that this means ‘yes’?”
“Morning cuddles are the best part of the day.”
“Have I told you I love you today?”
“I would like my good morning kiss now.”
“Let’s go, I’ll buy you dinner. And maybe breakfast.”
“You getting so flustered is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.”
“I think I know what that smile means.”
“You give the best hugs.”
“How would you feel about spending the day in bed?”
“Any ideas for our next date?” “Oh, so many, we have to do this a lot more often.”
“Have you thought about what present you want?” “You’re enough for me.”
“Wait for me here?” “Always, my love.”
“Let’s spend the whole day in bed.” “We have a few more minutes.”
“You’re just the cutest.” “You’re the only one who is allowed to say that.”
“I dreamed of you.” “Was it a good dream?” “Never as good as reality.”
“Have I told you I love you today?” “Yes, but please say it again.”
“Nothing feels as good as coming home to you.” “Nothing feels as good as having you come home to me.”
“Do you think they will like it?” “They will love it!”
“I feel so calm next to you.” “I’m happy to hear that.”
“Sing for me.” “What would you like to hear?”
“Your shirt is inside out.” “Can you help me fix that?”
“Do you have to leave right now?” “I can stay for a little while longer.”
“Hold my hand please?” “When you ask so nicely.”
“Sweet of you to think of me.” “I always think of you.”
Hurt/ Comfort ❤️‍🩹
“Just close your eyes. I will still be here when you open them again.”
“Sure, you can use me as a pillow.”
“I’d come for you. No matter what, when you need me, I will be there.”
“Can you walk? I’d be happy to carry you.”
“This is not who you are. I know you better than that.”
“I know, it hurts. I’m so sorry, but we have to get this out.”
“You can hold my hand.”
“The nightmares are just an illusion. I’m really here.”
“Tell me to stay and I will be here for as long as you’ll have me.”
“It’s okay to be afraid sometimes.”
“Just keep breathing. In and out. You’re doing great.”
“You don’t have to be strong all the time.”
“It’s alright. I’m not going to let go.”
“Show me where it hurts.”
“If you don’t know where to go, you can always come here.”
“You can go to sleep now. I will keep watch.”
“Hey, listen to me. You’re safe. Nothing is going to hurt you.”
“I want you to know that it’s okay to cry.”
“Take all the time you need.”
“If you feel safer with me being there, you know I will always be there.”
“Just look at me. Forget everything else.”
“They won’t take you away from me ever again.”
“You need to keep your eyes open. Just a little longer.”
“Don’t let your fears dictate your life.”
“I’m going to ask you how you are and I would like you to answer me honestly.”
Smut ❤️‍🔥
“I dreamed of your legs wrapped around my waist.”
“Don’t act innocent when we both know where your mouth was two minutes ago.”
“We should probably leave, before we start a scandal.”
“Stop looking at me like that or my knees will not hold me any longer.”
“I think you lost your underwear somewhere.”
“My tongue still remembers the way you taste.”
“Is there some space left in that bathtub?”
“The way your eyes get darker when you get aroused, is making me lose my mind.”
“I want to count every one of your freckles with my lips.”
“Jealousy seems to be a great motivator for you.”
“Oh no, there is only one bed, what will we do now?”
“I could make you feel better.”
“Get back down here, we’re not done yet.”
“Later you will definitely need to tell me where you learned this.”
“I know I should care about the reason why you’re naked in my bed, but I will just enjoy it for a moment.”
“You’re a lot more flexible than I thought.”
“I want to please you.”
“Tell me what you would want to do, if you were here right now.”
“Your shirt got a little dirty, how about we take it off?”
“I want to give you a hickey, so everyone can see how I feel about you.”
“Oh, I love that sound you make.”
“Do you want to take it off or should I do it for you?”
“I never imagined you to be so sensitive, but I love it.”
“Maybe you could use that mouth for more than just talking nonsense.”
“If we weren’t in public right now…”
“Your hand feels much better than my own.”
“As soon as we’re both sober, we can do every dirty little thing you ever dreamed of.”
“Come on, you have to work for it.”
“I’ll take it that you like what you see.”
“Your moans will wake everyone up and I’m oddly fine with that.”
big thanks to @creativepromptsforwriting for letting me use their prompts for this list! 🥰
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dilfartist · 24 days
Requests are open!
I’m now taking requests for the upcoming Halloween. Any request you make can be a normal yandere request or it can be a yandere Halloween request. Preferably, Halloween requests since I’d like to work on them and have them nice and ready for October.
For example; Yandere Slasher Toji x fem reader, or Vampire Giyu Tomioka
Fandoms I'll write for;
Demon Slayer; All Hashira (not Muichiro), Muzan and Upper demons (except Hantengu)
Obey me; All brothers and Diavolo.
Hunter x Hunter; Phantom Troupe, Kurapika
Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi; Laious, Marcille, Senshi, Chilchuck, Falin.
Jujutsu Kaisen; Toji, Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Shoko, Sukana and Mahito.
Resident Evil; Lady Dimitrescu, Heisenberg, Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong, and Carlos Oliveira.
Spiderman Across the Spiderverse; Miles Morales, Miguel O'Hara, Peter Parker, Hobie Brown, and The Spot.
Chainsaw man; Denji, Aki, Power, and Makima.
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l0sercat · 1 year
Please do not request anything that has over four characters in it because it is to much for me
When requesting please do so in my inbox and not in my comments because I'll most likely forget about them
I do NSFW but am not okay with some kinks or just not comfortable writing them so if something you request I don't like I will skip it that part of the request or just ignore it
Some examples of kinks I'm not a fan of is spanking, age play, piss, scat, vomit.
I am down to write almost anything even angst but be warned that heavy angst may not be good but I'll try
I will write for any reader, male, female, gender neutral
I will also only write for certain fandoms so here is the list:
Dead by daylight
DC (only for certain characters)
Marvel (same as DC)
Demon slayer
Attack on Titan (only for certain characters)
HxH (only for certain characters)
Alice in Borderland
Record of Ragnarok (I'll only write for characters who have been animated so far bc I haven't read the manga)
Ikemen vampire
Spiderman Into and Across the spider verse (Only for Johnathan, Spider-Noir, and Peter B Parker, for rn)
Red dead redemption series
One piece
The of the rings (only for Elrond, Bilbo, Legolas, Sauron, and maybe Gandolf)
Kingdom of Heaven (Baldwin)
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vibingandsimping · 1 year
I am quite sorry for those who follow me that I disappeared off the face of the earth for awhile.
I have been facing some health issues and a lot of personal shit (like the loss of a few pets). Thank you for those whom still follow me.
ANDDD. I am obsessed lately with Baldurs Gate 3. I am DYING to get some requests of the fandom!! It’s so dry with the fics lately and I yearn to serve. Also very willing to write for Resident Evil currently!
As an updated list… here are fandoms I will gladly write for and you can request!
Life is Strange
Left 4 Dead
Harry Potter
Skyrim: TES
Baldurs Gate 3
Obey Me! Shall we Date?
Resident Evil (all games)
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Avatar: TLA
+ many, many more… if you are unsure if I know of the franchise please send me an ask! I will update and add it to the list.
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marzs-space · 7 months
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Last edited on: 6-27-24
Obey me:
Impartial Sins masterlist
Ace and Azrial quotes, start vs finish
Names for Alt!Ace
Changes to my OC
Poll on Ace halo - status: ended
Ace's necklace
Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes part 2
Art for Ace
Hating on Lucifer quotes from Ace in devildom 2
Ace's friends
Ace's familiar
Mc questions
My mc mayhem masterlist
Spiderman across the spiderverse:
Hobie x kid!venom!reader
Hobie x transmasc reader
Hobie x Gn!Reader
Miguel x Gn!Reader
Hobie x Gn!Reader
Hobie x flirty!male!Reader
Hobie x Gn!Reader
Miguel x Gn!Reader
Hobie x Gn!Touch starved!Reader
Miguel x male!Reader
Hobie x Reader
Hobie x Reader, Miguel x reader (separate)
Hobie x reader, Miguel x reader (separate)
Hobie x reader
Hobie x reader
Sensitive skin (Anarchkids x reader)
Note (Hobie x reader)
Messenger (Hobie x reader)
Eye contact (Hobie x reader)
You don't own me (Hobie x reader)
Jujutsu kaisen:
Sub!bot!Choso x Dom!Top!Male!Reader
Sub!bot! noritoshi x Dom!top!male!reader
Scenarios: most are dom! Top! Reader
Hold it in. Not finishing this
Knife play
Bad day
Bow for barb anon art
Writers block
Pathetic loser rant
Thanks for 77
New theme
Writers block
🪐 anon
Thanks for 80 followers
Noritoshi writing
@cuddlybelphie @doomsday-fae @a-crazy-little-goblin @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf
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www-findringo-com · 9 months
Intro. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
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Hii!! (^0^)ノ
I'm Ringo but Rin is fine, well apart from this i just wanted to say i'm fairly new to writing but i'll make sure to improve as much as possible!
So please give me any tips an advice to better my acc and requests for writing!! ♡
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What i can write for
Obey Me! One Master To Rule Them All
Obey Me! Nightbringer
Omori (no smut)
Fnaf (i know some of y'all...)
Sally Face
Genshin Impact
anime & manga
My Hero Academia
Jujutsu Kaisen
Tokyo Revengers
Egg Priority
Hibike Euphonium (no smut)
Black Clover
Demon Slayer
The Promised Neverland (no smut)
Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken (no smut)
Mob Psycho 100
Howl's Moving Castle
Spirited Away
Nausicaä Of The Valley Of The Wind
Castle In The Sky
Whisper Of The Heart
Princess Mononoke
The Cat Returns
IT (1&2)
Trolls (me personally i hyperfixate on trolls)
Encanto (maybe... i don't know)
Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse
Spiderman: Across The Spiderverse
Big Hero Six
cartoons & series
Adventure Time
Blue Eye Samurai
The Owl House
Gravity Falls
South Park
Also, other stuff i forgot (#><)
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What i will and will not write
Will write
Smut (legal)
Oc x Canon
Canon x Canon
Gender Neutral Reader (on request)
Specific tropes (on request)
Occasional chatfics
Occasional triggering topics
NSFW Hc, ABC, scenarios...
Will NOT write
Minor x Adult
Smuts abt minors
The mafia trope
What i'm not comfortable with in general
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This is more or less all i needed to say, so i hope you'll enjoy my future works! ☆ ~('▽^人)
(sorry for any spelling mistakes, but english isn't my first language. Also, the list will be updated when i get in new fandoms!!!)
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sassykattery · 1 year
Love's Web Masterlist
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Finale: Choose Your Own Ending
1. "But... The Canon."
2. "Only One."
3. "Evedybody Wins."
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blitzyn · 2 years
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!! im willing to accept darker requests, so if you are by any means uncomfortable with that, please ignore it or block me !!
please send in a req with at least one to two sentences of plot. include details or kinks you want to include in the fic !!
i write for cis male/ftm/gn readers
i will refuse any request that includes (but not limited to) scat/gas, piss, vomit, feet, heavy gore, pedophilia (adult x minor), csa, minor reader, etc.
i will not write smut for characters under 18
if i do not accept a request, i will delete or ignore it
!! please note that it may take me a while to complete your request. do not rush me. some fics may be longer or shorter depending on my motivation, as well !!
writing for : the legend of zelda (botw/totk), punishing: gray raven, spiderman: into/across the spiderverse, genshin impact, resident evil 2-5, obey me!, jujutsu kaisen
characters : miguel o'hara, miles morales, gwen stacy, lee, liv, kamui, link, sidon, dottore, diluc, childe, alhaitham, wriothesley, leon kennedy, jill valentine, carlos oliveira, chris redfield, lucifer, simeon, toji fushiguro, ryomen sukuna, satoru gojo
more fandoms may be included in the future !!
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imauthicktic · 2 years
Welcome to my blog!!
Currently doing a milestone event!
I’d like to write for y’all! Even if it’s just some occasional self-indulgence fics and this is an LGBTQ+ safe place! If there are any specifics you want lmk! If I don’t know much on how to portray a reader, I will do research to make sure I can make y’all feel included! Since I’m new, if I make a mistake also lmk I DO take constructive criticism as long as it’s polite! I want to learn and improve 🥰
Who I write for: (I will be periodically adding more as I can’t remember everything, but it doesn’t hurt to ask for something!)
Bayverse! TMNT, Bayverse! Transformers, COD MW2, Obey me!, Spiderman Across the Spiderverse, Dead by Daylight, Creepypasta, Bleach, My Hero Academia, Haikyuu, Demon Slayer, Tokyo Revengers, Kuroko no Basket, and Naruto Shippuden
RULES: (PLS read before requesting)
I can do smut! (it'll take a little longer if its full on smut, but steamy is easier for me to get out faster. if they're NSFW head canons it'll come out easier as well! Absolutely no non-con or rape!)
Specify if you’d like an x reader one-shot, text, or if you’d like multiple characters. Add any specifics you want for the reader pls. I also do poly relationships as well!
ALSO if there is a request where you want it in a faster time, a.k.a. a rush request, let me know! a tip of at least $2 is required for the rush request, but other than that- my requests don't require a tip. it's only if you want to show appreciation for the work I do other than your likes, reblogs, or comments 😊
If you want me to do a piece with your OC that's perfectly fine! just give details on your OC such as name, personality, and looks! if you have art done for your OC send that too just so I can appreciate the work you guys put into creating it 🫶🏻 However, if there is an OC, it will be just a $4 tip requirement just because it's more specific.
If you end up needing the rush request or the OC story, please put some indicator in the tip message which request was yours so I make sure I get started on it!
I look forward to y’all’s requests!!
Here’s my other x reader blog! I’m switching everything over to this blog however so everything is in one place!
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authorred · 2 years
Fanfiction Masterlist
My master list of stuff I've written. This'll be updated in conjunction with how often I publish stuff. Fandoms will be included over time--so if you want to see what I write, go to here
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Hemlock Grove:
Roman Godfrey Relationship HCs
Hell's Gate (part 1)
Hell's Gate (part 2)
Hell's Gate (part 3)
Hell's Gate (part 4)
Hell's Gate (part 5)
Moon Knight:
Bitch series part 1
Bitch series part 2
Bitch series part 3
Obey Me!:
Obey Me! headcanons (all brothers)
Attack on Titan:
Pegging headcanons
Naruto & Boruto:
Boruto headcanon request
Boruto request part 2
Boruto headcanon request
Fairy Tail:
Laxus Dreyer headcanons
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Pegging headcanons
Avengers React
Avengers React 2
Loki Laufeyson headcanons (NSFW)
Loki Laufeyson confession headcanons
Black Butler:
Pegging headcanons
Kengan Ashura:
Pegging headcanons
One Punch Man:
Pegging headcanons
Speed-O-Sound Sonic Oneshot (NSFW)
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid pegging headcanons
Spencer Reid relationship headcanons
Random Spencer Reid headcanons
Random Spencer Reid headcanons (NSFW)
Random Spencer Reid headcanons (SFW and light NSFW)
Break Me, Make Me Yours (Spencer Reid) (NSFW) |Part 1|
Run Boy Run (Spencer Reid) |Part 1|
Fluff Time (Spencer Reid)
Yandere Spencer Reid headcanons |Part 1|
Yandere Spencer Reid headcanons |Part 2|
Yandere Spencer Reid headcanons (NSFW) |Part 3| 
Facefucking Spencer Reid headcanons (NSFW)
Sad/Grieving Spencer Reid headcanons
Shadow and Bone:
To Love Another (Kaz x reader, part 1)
To Love Kaz Brekker (Kaz x reader, part 2)
To Love One Another (Kaz x reader, part 3)
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse:
Miguel O’Hara Bondage Headcanons
Baldurs Gate 3:
Astarion Headcanons
Love and Deepspace:
Doctor’s Orders (Zayne x reader, part 1)
Doctor’s Orders (Zayne x reader, part 2)
Zayne Headcanons
His Hunter, Her Doctor (Zayne x reader)
Fragmented Smile (Zayne x reader)
Power Struggle (Sylus x reader)
Die With A Smile (Zayne x reader)
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sassykattery · 1 year
Love's Web, Part 4
Ooooooo they kissed. What else is gonna happen?
CW: CW: Altaira is afab, uses she/her pronouns. Profanity. There's not really much spoilers for ATSV but they're coming. Nudity. Makeout session.
Characters: Altaira (afab oc!), Diavolo, Lucifer, Mammon, Satan, Barbatos, all brothers implied, Simeon, Solomon, Miguel O'Hara
Themes: Romance. Jealousy. Multiverse. Angst.
Minors and ageless blogs DNI
18+ only
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"Miguel," Altaira popped her head into her office. His eyes darted to hers as he was just admiring her desktop background again.
"I have to run to the supply room to get some stuff. Are you okay here?"
"Sure," he replied quietly. She nodded and closed the door again, and he heard another door open and close, followed by quick footsteps down the hall.
Miguel went back to his task, opening a web browser again when he heard a knock at the door.
Where he was expecting to see a short blonde woman with an armful of stuff stood a demon as tall as he who frowned just as deeply as he did to see the other instead of said woman.
"Oh, hello," Diavolo greeted him civilly.
"Hello," Miguel replied coldly, looking back to the screen.
The Demon Lord was quiet for a moment as his senses told him what had transpired here. He could still smell the leftover arousal from her, his senses showing him the mental image of her sprawled out on her desk. To his disgust, he could sense the spiderman's arousal and knowing where he was standing a while ago, too. The prince knew they didn't get too far, but a growl started to percolate in his chest until he snapped out of his jealous haze.
"Did you need something?" Miguel asked while looking up from under his brows with a scowl.
"I did. However, I was just reminded of something else. Why don't we take a walk, Mr. O'Hara?"
Miguel instantly saw through the prince's plan but agreed nonetheless. "Fine." Though, he also hated being called that.
Diavolo walked out of the office, and Miguel stalked behind him, following the prince out into the hall and down a ways to Diavolo's office.
"How are you finding your accommodations so far?" Diavolo asked a bit nicer then as they walked in.
"They're fine. Altaira has made sure I have everything I need," Miguel answered, making sure to throw it in the prince's face.
"Ah, I expect nothing less. Have a seat," Diavolo replied, walking to his office chair and gesturing toward a visitor's chair. Miguel sat, and the Demon Lord continued. "Altaira is a lovely hostess and guide. She's quite acquainted with demon life and is who we trust to make sure our guests are comfortable when we have them."
"She's quite spectacular at everything she does," Miguel replied, sitting back and crossing a leg, looking cocky.
"Indeed." Diavolo side-eyed his guest and looked away at a painting in the office, "The Birth of Venus." Her favorite painting.
"So why don't you actually tell me why you wanted to talk to me, instead of disguising this as a check-in and a "walk," hm?" Miguel finally asked with an exasperated and annoyed tone.
"At least you have your wit. I'll be clear then. My trusted butler Barbatos has done some research about you, because you see, I need to know that you're not going to destroy my realm and the people within it, my people," Diavolo explained.
"I assure you, I didn't mean to end up here," Miguel quipped.
"Of course not. But I don't think you're making quick progress of trying to leave because something has caught your eye," the prince offered in return. "Or someone."
Miguel smirked and chuckled darkly. "Oh, tonto, I'm afraid you've missed your chance. You should've made your move sooner. Let's skip the pleasantries, chico fresa."
[Idiot; Snobby boy/bratty boy]
"Very well. Barbatos found that not only did you pretty much destroy an earth in another universe, but you're not quite a stand-up superhero that you would like us to believe," Diavolo informed him coolly.
Miguel scowled and raised a brow. "I work in a society that now prevents universe-destroying events like that. As for the rest, I never claimed to be a superhero. I never claimed I'm always the good guy. I try to be, but sometimes I have to make hard decisions, and I don't always like what I have to do."
"Hard decisions like infidelity?" Diavolo asked.
"What are you talking about?" Miguel asked in reply, sounding angry.
"In Altaira's world, you're nothing more than–"
Knock knock
"Diavolo? Is Miguel with you?" Altaira asked on the other side of the door.
"Come in, Altaira," Diavolo called out, his tone instantly sweetening at her name.
She waltzed in and looked relieved at the sight of Miguel, causing the him to look rather smug.
"I left him in my office while I went to the store room but when I came back he was gone. I could hear you talking as I walked by, so I'd thought I'd ask. I'm glad I did," she explained, looking pleased.
"Of course. We were checking in," Diavolo said with a smile and adoring eyes at her. Miguel rolled his eyes until she came into view and looked up at her innocently.
"Oh good! Well, I got what I needed. I'd actually like to go run some errands. Let's head out, Miguel," she explained cheerfully. "That is, if you're done with your conversation."
"Yes," they said in unison, a little tense.
Miguel stood after Altaira walked away, and then he hung back for a second so she was out of earshot before looking over his shoulder at Diavolo.
"You had three years. Don't pretend it's anyone's fault but your own," Miguel stated before walking away, closing the door behind him.
Diavolo waited a few minutes, staring ahead, lost in his thoughts. Suddenly, he slammed his fist onto the desk with an echoing smack and stood, whirling around to look out of his office window to see Miguel helping her into her car and closing the door like a gentleman.
"Damn him," Diavolo growled. There was no one who got quite under his skin like that man did. In another life, they could've gotten along, but if that human mutant wasn't trying to steal the prince's reason for existing, he supposed no one would get to know if that were true.
And if he had to hurt her a little to make her understand, well, he'd have to apologize later.
"The House seems a little empty," Miguel observed, walking in with Altaira.
"Yeah, I may have bamboozled the boys into leaving for the evening. We have a short week at the academy, so tomorrow is technically the start of a long weekend," she explained as she walked.
"You did? Do tell," he replied playfully. He followed her into her bedroom.
"I made them all think I was going to The Fall, the biggest club here, so of course they all went thinking we could hang out," she answered. "Am I terrible?" She asked as she stood with her back to him.
He approached and placed his hands on her hips, her back pressed to his front as he leaned down.
"I think smart is a better description," he murmured. Keeping one hand on her hip, his other hand began to caress her upper arm, his mouth pressing kisses into the side of her head.
"You weren't kidding about not forgetting," she chuckled nervously.
"Well, we don't have to do anything if you're not up to it," he murmured in her hair.
"I got us the house to ourselves for a reason," she replied. "But... let's just go slow."
"As you wish, cosita linda," he murmured against her hair.
She turned around, still in his grasp, and took his hands in hers. Then, she slowly walked backward to guide both of them to her bed. She sat and swung her legs over to lay down, and he followed after her, climbing on top of her. He held himself up as he looked down at her.
"Eres hermosa, bombón, truly. Let me show you as much," he murmured.
[You are beautiful]
She nodded, and he leaned down to kiss her again. His lips stayed soft, kissing her delicately as if she were porcelain, but that contrasted to how he grabbed her thighs firmly, not painfully. Immediately, she spread them out for him to slot himself between. He leaned his torso into her and massaged her thighs in his hands, molding them how he saw fit. Keeping one hand there, the other came up to caress her chest, trickling down and to the side as his fingers dug into the plush flesh of her stomach. She went stiff for a minute, and he stopped.
"Does that hurt?" He asked quietly.
"No, I just... that's... I don't like that part," she mumbled, unable to meet his gaze.
"I do," he grunted with pinched brows. "You're soft. I like how you feel in my hands."
He squeezed her again but dove for her neck to kiss her there, causing her to gasp and arch into him. A deep chuckle resonated in his chest.
"I'm sensitive there..." she whimpered. He lavishly licked one spot followed by intensely sucking there, causing her to squirm and moan a little louder.
"There she is," he purred with a smile. "Let me make you feel good, cosita linda."
She nodded and rasped a "Yes" just before he went back to sucking and nibbling on that spot on her neck. His hand left her stomach to come back up and gently grasp her breast, instantly receiving another deep arch as she pushed herself into him and another moan.
"You're so sensitive, amorcito," he chuckled again. "It's adorable."
[Little love]
"Miguel," she moaned outright. Now, that was a sound he wanted to hear again. Her moaning his name sounded better than any music. If he had to hear his name again, he wanted to hear it like that all the time, and only from her.
"You have to tell me what you want, azúcar," he murmured against her neck.
"T-Touch me," she replied.
"Touch you where?" He teased her again.
"Anywhere," she rasped. "I just need to feel you."
"Are you saying you need me? That's a far stretch from what you were saying days ago, mi tesoro," he gloated, taking his hand and slowly slipping it under her RAD uniform blouse.
[My treasure]
"And now you're calling me sugar, treasure, and pretty little thing, where you were saying I was a stubborn mule and a rich brat," she mumbled. He could hear the sting in her words.
"Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?" He whispered into the shell of her ear before pulling away to look at her.
"Show me why I should," she looked up at him with innocent wide eyes.
He smirked down at her and kissed her again, pushing her shirt up. "Can we take this off?"
And, within seconds, it was gone. He made his mind up he wouldn't tear her clothes up, especially the uniform. But that didn't mean he had to take his time removing it.
His eyes traveled lower, taking in the span of her torso, the dark navy and black lace bra she wore. He saw her round and soft stomach, how her waist nipped in to give her such a full hourglass shape. The faded stretch marks across her abdomen he instinctively traced his fingertips down were beautiful as well.
When he was done, he glanced up at her and saw how she refused to look at him, head turned to the side with a fiery blush on her neck, chest, and the shells of her ears. Without saying a word, he sank lower and began kissing her stomach, his hands settling on the curve of her waist to hold her in place. He started mumbling his praises in Spanish, far past what she understood. Little hickies were left across her stomach. Miguel sank lower, planting kisses above the waistband of her skirt, and he slipped one of her thighs up to rest on his shoulder.
Her moans and sighs were soft but becoming more consistent. She didn't fight him or push him away, because she truly had never felt so... worshipped.
The two were so wrapped up in each other that when her bedroom door flew open to slam against the wall, they nearly jumped out of their skins as their heads snapped to see Mammon standing there, breathing hard and looking down at the floor with his hands on his knees.
"I knew– Heh, hang on, gotta– okay, I knew you were trouble!" He barked, sounding out of breath. When he looked up, he shrieked as an angry spiderman was bounding toward him with fangs bared and talons out. "Shit!"
Miguel chased the second born out of the room and down the halls, up the stairs, and all over the house, shouting obscenities in Spanish for interrupting and barging in. Altaira sighed and got up to close the door, deciding Mammon could meet his own fate for what he did, without her bailing him out for a bit. She got undressed and found some lounge clothes to wear. With a big sigh, she laid herself on her bed again, face up toward the ceiling. She held up her hands and saw how they still lightly trembled from her nervousness. Her hands dropped to clasp one another over her chest, her brows pinched as she thought deeply.
Do I... love him? How could I?
A while later, Miguel finally reappeared, running his fingers through his hair and a hand on his waist as he walked into her room. It was dark, and he could make out her figure on her bed, laying on her side and wrapped in her blankets. With a sigh, he deactivated his suit and slipped into his lounge clothes as well, approaching her quietly. When he placed a hand down next to her, she instantly looked up at him over her shoulder and then scooted over to make room while relinquishing some of the blanket. He slid in silently and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his chest.
"Did you get 'em?" She murmured softly with a slight playfulness.
"He's currently plastered against the wall upside down. Surely someone will get him down," he mumbled in her ear. "Are you upset with me, bombón?"
"No, I just have a lot on my mind," she replied truthfully.
"Hmm. You can tell me," he countered.
"I will when I'm ready," she answered. He looked down at her over his nose, not liking the sound of that, but he held her tighter nonetheless.
"As you wish," he murmured, kissing the top of her head.
And that's all that was said for a while. He waited for her to become still, her body relaxing into his, and her soft breathing to turn into soft snores to know she was fully asleep. He played with her hair as he lay awake, a myriad of things on his mind too. Thoughts of home plagued him, wondering if Jess and the team were handling things without him.
When Altaira kicked her leg in her sleep, he entangled her in his so she'd stop, and his mind quickly shifted gears to her. He thought about the ramifications of what he was doing. Would this disrupt anything? Could he have her? Did she want him to have her? Would she be willing to leave this place?
He wasn't entirely sure, and being so uncertain wasn't necessarily new to him, given the nature of his work, but it didn't make it any easier either.
She moved again, murmuring something as he watched her grip the sheets in front of her. His thoughts melted away as his focus shifted to her in the moment. He could feel her heart starting to pound in her chest, her body heat starting to climb. His hand came to rest on her temple as he whispered to her, hoping to ease her troubles.
"Estoy aquí," he murmured softly.
[I'm here]
Oh, how far he'd fallen in such a short time for one little woman.
"No te dejaré."
[I won't leave you]
So, so far.
The next morning, Miguel left her to sleep a little longer as he got up to peruse the House's pantry. As he was sifting through what was available, he heard a deep sigh, followed by someone clearing his throat.
"Good morning, Miguel," Lucifer said. Miguel closed the pantry and turned to face the eldest brother. "I made us coffee. Why don't we talk?"
"You know, I'm not sure if I'm a fan of the "talks" demons like to have," Miguel quipped as he watched Lucifer hand him a full cup of steaming brown liquid. The eldest chuckled.
"No, I'm afraid you're right. However, let's continue this outside," he replied, leading Miguel to the back and outside near the cemetery on the House property.
"Well?" Miguel prompted Lucifer.
"I saw the new art on the wall in the hallway of the foyer. A nice touch, but I did have to take it down. Having Mammon splattered to the wall almost naked ruined my appetite," Lucifer stated.
"A shame," Miguel replied.
"Nonetheless, he did mean well. I do apologize for his abrupt interruption. He's fond of Altaira, you see. He's the one who clings to her the most out of all of us," Lucifer went on to explain. When his companion didn't speak, he continued. "We all care for her deeply. But I do think out of all my brothers, I'm the most reasonable."
The Avatar then turned to face Miguel completely while taking a sip.
"And I understand that she's special. Altaira is unlike any human we've met. Much more than just caring for her, we love her deeply. But as the eldest, and trying to be respectful of her desires, I want you to know, you can only have her if you care and love her more deeply than we do. I can't speak on behalf of our prince because hell only knows how he feels about this, but you have to treat her better than we do. She is loved and adored by an entire realm, and it won't be easy to let her go if that's something you two decide," Lucifer explained.
"What is Diavolo's problem anyway?" Miguel asked. Lucifer smiled down in his cup and looked off to the treeline beyond the cemetery.
"He loves her. He wants to marry her. But his duties stop him each and every time. He's worried about what the nobility would think," he answered. He looked back to Miguel. "A demon, a royal demon, marrying a human is unprecedented."
"Even as loved as she is by your people?"
Lucifer nodded and looked away again. "Even then. She can't provide what the realm would want from the prospective royal match. And we can't deny as progressive as we are becoming, unfortunately, there are still those with enough power to cause an uproar if they were upset by such a move on Diavolo's part."
"What do you mean by that? Not providing?" Miguel asked with a brow raised and head tilted. He finally took a drink of his coffee and nearly spat it out from its dark taste.
"I can't answer that," Lucifer replied with a sigh. "She would have to tell you more about herself. Otherwise, she's a perfect match for the prince." He finally looked back to the spiderman. "So I ask that you don't screw this up, and watch where you walk. Diavolo's outwardly kind, but he's no fool. He's aware that he is slowly losing his chance with her by you being here, so you can expect him to make calculative moves until he decides what to do– with you or her."
"And why are you telling me this? And if you say you love her as well, then why didn't you make your move?"
The Avatar of Pride chuckled deeply. "I did, two years ago. But back then, she was still holding out for Diavolo, so she turned me down." Lucifer turned serious again. "As for why I'm telling you this, well, I do still love her, so I want what's best for her. If that's you, then so be it. But if she chooses Diavolo, I want you to know that you'll have to let her go, just as I did. Just like Diavolo won't stand for the destruction of his world, I won't tolerate the destruction of my family, and that includes her."
"I see. You're right, you do seem to be the reasonable one. But I thought you were his right hand? Wouldn't you also be telling me to leave her alone?" Miguel asked suspiciously.
"I have to follow his commands. He has not made such a command... yet. And, I will say, affairs of the heart weren't in my job description when I took this on. He is on his own to woo her," Lucifer answered. He then looked at the time and sighed. "She'll be awake soon. Mammon is making breakfast today."
Miguel shivered. "Right, I believe we'll be eating elsewhere." Lucifer chuckled and nodded, gesturing back toward the House to head that way.
Miguel knocked at her bedroom door after his talk with Lucifer, and when he heard no reply, he walked in anyway. Just as he turned around after closing the door, he saw the bathroom door open to Altaira walking out completely naked aside from the towel wrapped up in her hair. Their eyes immediately glued to one another. After a few seconds of silence, she immediately took a step back and slammed the door shut.
He blinked a couple of times before padding over to the door and softly knocking on it.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
There was a little whimper, and then the door opened again. This time, she was wrapped in a larger towel to hide herself.
"Altaira," he murmured to her. He took hold of her chin and tilted her head back as he kissed her with a smile on his lips. "Hermosa, you really know how to work me up."
She pulled her chin away and looked down, immediately inching away.
"Bombón, did I upset you?"
"I..." she started to say and then stopped. She trembled a bit, leaning against the doorframe.
"Cariño, come here," he murmured, gathering her into his arms. "Don't be ashamed. I love how you look."
"That's not how I wanted you to see me for the first time..." she finally replied, her voice wavering.
"Then I'll pretend I saw nothing," he replied with a playful lilt. "And you can show me when you're ready."
That seemed to help her as she finally relaxed into his hold, her face rubbing against his sternum.
"Is Mammon alive?"
"Barely. The oldest got him down," he replied.
"That's a turn of events. Usually Lucifer is the one stringing him up," she quipped. "He must've felt bad for Mammon." She then walked across the room.
"Bombón," Miguel called to her. She looked at him over her shoulder as she pawed through her closet. That one look alone made him feel weak. "What would you say to a date to get to know each other more?"
Her eyes shined with delight. "Sure! Any particular requests?" She seemed happy with such an ask.
"Just somewhere where we can talk privately and openly," he answered.
"I know the place."
"What is this?" Miguel asked.
"This is Diavolo's private beach. The brothers and I are the few who have total access to it at any time," she replied.
"Ah, so picnic on the beach?"
"Yes!" She said excitedly. They both got out of her car and walked around back to grab the blankets and takeout boxes they got on the way there.
The two walked out to the beach, just a few feet from the shoreline to find their spot. Miguel laid out the blanket and started digging down the corners so it'd stay put. Altaira set up the food, wine, and a small speaker hooked up to her D.D.D. to play music.
When the two were settled, she opened a bottle of vintage blush wine and began pouring it.
"What? No red?" He asked incredulously, but clearly joking. She rolled her eyes.
"Don't act like you care for it either. Sorry, and no cerveza for us. I prefer this," she replied. "Plus, I wanted to be a little classy."
"Rosé drinker, got it. Maybe I should call you rosíta," he replied. She smiled and bumped her shoulder against his.
"So what did you want to talk about?"
Miguel was silent for a moment, his lips pursing and staring out into the waters. Altaira got out her device and began playing soft jazz music and switching the beach setting from sunset to nighttime, the moon high in the sky to provide them with light.
"I want us to get to know each other better, and more deeply. I think it would help both of us," he answered. "I'll go first since this is my idea."
She nodded and he continued.
"I told you I lead a small elite force that watches over the multiverse to ensure its propagation," he said first. She nodded again. "I never told you why I started this team..."
He then explained what he had done in the past, and why he did it. She watched him with pinched brows, looking away every so often as if to analyze certain points he talked about. When he was done, he said,
"I try to stop others from meeting the same fate as me."
She moved away to face the waters, looking out to the ocean with a solemn face.
"I can't fault you for any of that."
He was silent, waiting for more.
"There's no but," she murmured, her eyes cast downward then. "You have to make hard decisions, and you tried to do something to find happiness, only leading to destruction. I get it."
"You sound..."
"Heartbroken," she replied quietly.
It was her turn to look away, her face harshly pensive.
"Because that's something I can't give you. I can't give anyone," she answered with a bitter bite to her tone. Her head turned slightly as she looked at him in her preferal. "Have you heard what they call me? The demons?"
Thanks for reading<3
Post made by sassykattery. Do not repost. Reblogs and comments appreciated.
Tags: @delphi-dreamin @itsmeninerz @bite-sized-devil
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sassykattery · 1 year
New Series!
Hi everyone! I finished writing that new mini series I talked about, and will be publishing Part 1 tomorrow at 12pm CT North America time. Please comment on this post if you would like to be tagged in my new series. If you'd like to wait, comment on part 1 tomorrow to be tagged in future posts of the series! 🥰
To tell you a little more about it, it's a crossover fic of Obey Me! x Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. It's a romance drama fic filled with love, angst, jealousy, and of course, some good ol smut! The main character is my oc Altaira, and we'll see what happens when her life is interrupted again by someone new!
[Series Masterlist Link]
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