#obey me x f!mc
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devildomcuties · 8 months ago
Can I make a headcanon requests with the brothers reacting to a warrior woman Mc or an Amazon type that is raised among other warrior women?
If u wanna make it nsfw, I have zero problem with it~♡
i am not very good at headcanons but I tried my best! inspiration was from Xena: Warrior Princess which I loved when I was younger. some NSFW and as always, 18+ only. Thank you for the request :)
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admires your strength and ability to intimidate his brothers
is a little intimidated by you at times but will never admit it
you are the 'IT' couple of the Devildom
admires your fearlessness
mopes when you beat him at arm wrestling but is also aroused?
admires your swordsmanship
becomes your sparring partner when Diavolo gets injured doing so
allows you to bench press him in private
kind of scared of you?
admires your determination to get things done
admires your greed for power (though it is only for you to be stronger not rule the Devildom)
likes hates when you throw him on your shoulder like a rag doll
scared of you when you team up with Lucifer to dish out punishments
tried to steal your Dark Chakram once but has no memory of how you found out/got it back 💀
he's created a rather large following for you online
has never been able to look you in the eyes
thinks you're the hottest woman he's ever set eyes on
loves the size difference between you
he's impressed with your ability to play video games with ease
has made a bobble-head of you for his collection
he loves your hard exterior, but you allow him to see your softer side when it's just the two of you
your temper rival's his
throws you under the bus when your pranks go south
knows Lucifer is a bit afraid of you so he has no qualms in shifting the blame
brings you books on fighting techniques
lost his mind when you dressed up as a cat for Halloween
sparred with you a few times but his wrath threatened to come out when he lost... until you kissed him
debates learning how to ride horses so he can go on rides with you
loves to dress you up
gets upset when you rip the sleeves of dresses
has tried to dye your chakram to match your outfit
is impressed by your strength
loves the size difference and the fact that you could break him in half
has had to ask Solomon to enchant shoes so they'll fit you
has gone horseback riding with you
he loves your warrior fit and has made a matching one for himself
is amazed at how much you can eat (close to what he can)
cooks new recipes for you
is impressed with how much spicy food you can eat
has bench pressed you
has let you bench-press him
you've tested your stamina in bed and ended up breaking it
has become more competitive due to your bets involving food
is impressed by the amount of demonus you can drink
had to buy a bigger bed in the attic because of your height
loves to cuddle with you because he feels small
you run hot and it keeps him nice and toasty
nearly lost his load mind when he saw you in a cow bikini for a photoshoot Mammon tricked you into
fell asleep in your lap once and you carried him to bed
has stolen your sword and hidden it under his bed to get you to nap with him
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mxrlynrxse · 8 months ago
'You all right?'
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Mammon X Reader/mc (part 1???) -Drama Camp AU- (original AU) -credits at end-
WARNINGS- None, slight mention of uncaused injury to another-
-gender neutral (i think, lmk if i missed anything)
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"You Alright?"
The sun glares through the window, the rays slightly stinging mc's glazed eyes, however their  gaze stays unmoving at the small wooden desk that is pressed against the tall wide rectangle window of her shared cabin. Legs crossed, head resting in hand as they daydream staring out at the large towering curved house on the hill just beyond the large chained fence of the camp grounds.
"oi mc! You coming?"
A boy with grey almost silver hair peaked his head through the cabins door. he was a couple years older than mc but the 2 had gotten along right from the start of the 3 month long exchange camp. Him and mc had been the only 2 students from *insert home country* who had signed up for the exchange camp,  and therefore had spent the 17 hour bus ride to the camp together, which lead to an obvious bonding experience.
 Mc's eyes slowly blinked away the glaze that had coated their eyes. "right sorry Solomon, yeah I'm coming"
Mc quickly stood from the small desk grabbing their small see-through plastic folder of scripts and pens before jogging out of the cabin and after Solomon, who had already started walking towards the large concreate patio where their first class of the day would be held.
Sitting down on the concrete steps , that where positioned around 2 of the sides of the rectangular concrete patio, Mc felt the harsh surface dig into the back of their thighs and palms, turning the palms of mc's hands and under thighs red and indented with lose gravel and nuts/bark. Mc's eyes gazed over to Solomon who was positioned next to her. His eyes were closed as he held his head in in hands. Mc's eyes themself where also feeling tired and drowsy as the guest director blabbed on about preparing monologues for the drama showcase that was held at the end of the camp. Mc's tired gaze was quickly shaken off when the director instructed them and the rest of the exchange students to stand and practice different variations of walking, inspired by the character from their chosen monologue. Just as she stood the girl in front of them rose colliding with mc's chin causing the girl to fall forward and wack her nose face first into the concrete.
"Oh my god oh my god are you okay!"
Mc quickly moved from where she was frozen to try and help the girl but before she could the guest director had began helping the girl up before glaring at mc as he instructed the fallen girl to go to the medic on the other side of camp.
Mc felt their face turn red due to the embarrassing situation feeling truly terrible about the whole commotion. Mc's mind raced as they desperately wished the ground would open up and swallow them, but before she could delve more into how badly she wished she could disappear   a loud cough snapped her out of her mind ingulfed state.
The director stood now Infront of mc arms crossed as he spat harsh words towards them
"maybe next time you'll be more aware of you surroundings" mc's face if not before was now defiantly red as a familiar knot formed in her throat, causing dry bitter tears to prick her eyes as she stared at the concrete.
Though the director continued with his class mc couldn’t shake the tears and sorrow that filled them, causing them to slowly but sharply disappear behind the toilet block that pressed almost flush against the chain linked fence on the far outskirts of the camp grounds under the excuse of having a 'toilet emergency'
Shakey hands gripped mc's hair as they nuzzled their pink tear stained face into their knees as they curled into a tight ball. Soft silent cries escaped their chapped lips as they desperately tried to overcome their frustration and embarrassment. Though mc tried their best to keep their gentle sobs from the ears of anyone soft whispers and gasps for air escaped their lips every minute or so as they stayed curled up legs bent and pressed to their chest as they hid from the world behind the old brown bricked toilet block
"oi are you all' ight?" a voice snapped you awake, you must have slipped into a soft slumber due to exhaustion. As you looked around, you notice the once bright camp was now over casted in early afternoon mist. fuck how long was I out for??
"uh hello????"
Your eyes snap back to the direction of the voice, eyes wide alert as though you were a stray cat being approached for the first time. That’s when you saw him. This boy who seemed only slightly older then you sitting on the opposite side of the fence, his skin was a warm honey, radiating a sort of warmth like a campfire in July. He sat crouched/squatting both his knees pressed to his chest his muscular arms wrapped around. His hands adorned with a collection of rings of all metals, had white polish adorning the tips of his fingers, which had obviously been either nibbled /bitten off or simply chipped from  activities. Soft white locks strung from his head with a couple of messy strands flung over his face and into his eyes
"uh- hello?"
God his eyes, they were… bountiful you had never seen anything like it they were amazing, stunning, inhuman.
'Um do you not speak English or something?'
Snapping out of your state you felt a soft pink blush spread across your cheeks as you felt a tinge of embarrassment, in that moment you contemplated your options
1- pretend you don’t know English and start speaking broken German, Italian or French, by repeating lines you had once been learnt back in elementary school
2- Pretend to me mute/deaf and quickly walk away
3- Admit you were staring at him because of his beauty
You unsurprisingly chose the latter of option 4.
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Credits: Border 1 @98-0 Border 2 @saradika-graphics
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vivi-snow · 2 years ago
Pussy Drunk Diavolo
Diavolo who is so pussy drunk that he can’t control being gentle anymore…
He thrusts all of him inside your pussy while you’re screaming from the roughness of his thrusts. He likes the view of your pussy when you’re in a mating press as it helps him reach the deepest part of your pussy.
Him thrusting your tight entrance at an alarmingly fast pace with no set pattern, and his mind only thinking “I have to cum”, your loud moans only encourage him to go faster.
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opiopal · 27 days ago
idk why I’ve been having so many mephisto thoughts recently,
like, I’ve never actually gotten to a point of meeting him in game, so I try to avoid him when it comes to fics and stuff bc I don’t wanna gain an untrue idea of him.. but I learned abt how and who he is anyways and he’s literally so appealing to me.
cause I like thinking about mc staying over at his place, waking up together and just.. holding each other, mc giving him soft kisses while he rubs the back of their neck, and AUGH. Him calling them “dear” “my love” “my sweet” and a bunch of other lowkey cheesy crap. Him being all chivalrous and holding doors for them. And also I feel like he’d unintentionally spoil them whenever mc is over at his place. Just a little.
also I wanna ride a horse with him•^•
also I think him rubbing it in luci’s face would be kinda funny ngl, every single time they hold hands or even kiss each other on the cheek he’s turning his head to look at Lucifer like >:)
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celestialrealms · 4 months ago
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yeah I'm NOT getting over this card any time soon. Never expected them to just blatantly tell me so many of the extrapolations I made about barbatos's backstory, how alone he used to be, his parental relationship with diavolo being the thing to change that, and how diavolo and mc are the most important people in his life now, were all true in such a cute fluffy card
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bonus chat highlights:
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hauntedhokage · 11 months ago
REM Sleep
Beel x F!MC
summary: after getting home to you later than expected, Beel decides to reintroduce you to his Rejuvenating and Eager Manhood while you sleep.
word count: 1.8k
warnings:  somno/noncon, f!receiving oral, unprotected sex, biting, cockwarming, Beel has a massive dick and knows it (size-kink), Beel sees reader as smaller than him, Beel also has a great sense of smell, 
note: I have to dedicate this one to my mom, who I accidentally sent a screenshot of the wip to instead of Silver and then had an entire panic episode practically sitting in her lap asking for her to delete the photo instead of reading. emotional damage fr.
cross-posted to ao3 | ko-fi | commissions | masterlist
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He was late. 
Not that there was any agreed upon time that he’d be slipping into your room to sleep after practice; but for him to be coming in to see you fast asleep in your bed signaled that he was late. You’d stayed up for him, evidenced by the way you were still holding one of your textbooks while you slept, and that made him feel worse about coming in so late in the night.
“Hey,” he whispers into the dimly lit room, testing the waters to see how deeply you were sleeping. You don’t even so much as breathe in a way that would indicate disruption, and that has him treading a bit lighter through your room as he sets his bag down beside yours at the foot of the bed before he moves to where you’re laying. The textbook is carefully pulled from your arms and set on the nightstand, then his hands are carefully coaxing you into a more comfortable position that would be better for your neck. 
You shift, adjusting your body so you lay on your stomach and that had his nose twitching at the scent of your arousal and making his mouth water. The plan for tonight was sex and studying, he could only assume that you spent some time getting yourself ready for him to get home from practice to start the show due to how strong your scent was. 
He needed to shower, wash the sweat and grime off of his skin since he hadn’t showered at R.A.D. You hated when outside clothes touched your sheets, but he needed to smell more of you and you’d mentioned once that you didn’t mind his after-practice smell so he was going to opt to shower before he finally went to sleep. Right now he needed to welcome himself back into your presence so he could truly settle down and go to bed. 
You were so pretty, wearing one of his muscle shirts and some sleep shorts - enough to not freeze in your bedroom but easy to move around and provide him the access he needed to bring you the pleasure he promised you. It’s easy for him to slide his hands under through the arm holes of the shirt and cup your breasts, his thumbs rolling over your pebbling nipples as his mouth gently kisses at your skin. You’d showered before getting into bed, your skin smelling fresh and tasting clean - perfect for him to nuzzle into and try to rub some of his smell onto you to help keep his brothers at bay. You shift a bit, forcing him to reluctantly pull away just in case you were waking up, only to watch as your leg bends upwards and overwhelming his nose with your arousal. He couldn’t wait any longer to taste you, and that has him moving carefully down your body to your legs so he could get to his late night snack.
A small whine is muffled by the pillow, bringing him only a moment of pause without caring if you did or didn’t wake up. He just wouldn't want you to be scared by the additional body in your bed that wasn’t there when you had gone to sleep. 
“It’s just me,” he whispers against your thigh, peppering gentle kisses along your skin until he gets to the edge of your shorts. “Only me.”
And your body is pliant to his hands as he pulls the silky material down your legs to reveal your center, your limbs relaxed as his thumb trails along your glistening slit and dips between your folds with a quiet squelch. So wet, and just for him. How lucky that this was his treat at the end of every day, something he didn’t have to share and could devour as often as he wanted with the only concern being overstimulating your cute little body. 
But right now, it wasn’t about being greedy. All he needed was to taste. He could make you cum on his fingers and tongue then take that essence with him into the shower so he could finish himself off there and keep from disturbing you further - the perfect plan. That was, until his tongue dragged up your slit to your waiting hole and he got his prize. There was no stepping away when you tasted so good, he knew better than to think he could walk away with only a taste. 
His mouth practically suctions itself to your pussy, his tongue fucking into your delicious sweetness while his fingers play with your clit. He loved this, he loved you, and wanted to maximize this time he got where he had all of your attention. No brothers, no school, nothing in your head except the pleasure that he was providing you while you slept. He knew you dreamt of him often, so to dream of him eating you out only to wake up to a messy pussy and satisfied Beel would be quite the surprise for you - perhaps even a dream come true. 
He’s not sure how long he’d been there by the time the fruits of your second orgasm coated his lips, but he’s painfully hard and his hips are seeking any kind of relief in the plush mattress. This should be when he goes to the shower, gets himself off without bothering you further. You had a long day, you deserved the uninterrupted rest. But you’re already so wet and his cock is leaking precum, why waste his previous efforts? He wouldn’t even need to penetrate, that was an unnecessary risk of hurting you anyway, he could just grind against you to get off. Outercourse had been  your primary method of sexual gratification until you both felt confident enough to try penetration and was still actively part of your sex life because sometimes you just couldn’t take him.
A little extra lube from the nightstand drizzled on your pretty ass definitely helped with the glide of his cock along your slit and between your cheeks. Nice and easy, a slow pace to prevent jostling your body too much and he truly enjoyed the sight of his cock separating your cheeks and wanted to commit the sight to memory. And it feels great, you always felt so wonderful against him, but he needed more. Needed to feel you around him, velvety walls squeezing even just his head would be enough. 
So his hands slide down, moving to a position where he can use his thumbs to spread your folds and give him the view he wanted of your hole clenching around nothing as he sits back to line his length up. Just the size comparison of his cock to your little hole made him feel so much bigger than you already did in your day-to-day life together, the way he literally stretched you open and nearly split you in half whenever he got to rut inside you was something special - truly an honor. His little human girlfriend, so tiny and would be more than easy to break but trusted him not to do just that. 
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs, knowing you’d wake up feeling less than comfortable as he pushes the blunt tip of his cock into your hole. But there wasn’t any school, it’d be okay for you to be in bed all day - which is exactly where you would be considering how he’d already gotten the head pushed in without even realizing how easily his length was sinking into your relaxed body. But he couldn’t stop, not now. Not when you felt so warm and wet and looked so beautifully relaxed beneath him. Instead his hand arm loops around your hip, his fingers searching for your clit in hopes that he could make you cum again and squeeze his cock tighter.
This would be one of the rare few times he managed to get himself buried to the hilt inside you without seeing your face scrunch up in discomfort or needing to go impossibly slow to allow you time to adjust to him. As asleep as you were, your body simply accepted the intrusion with nothing more than a sigh leaving those pretty lips as you continued to sleep beneath him. All he needed to do was be gentle, that was all. He could do that.
Until you said his name. 
“Beel,” leaving your lips in a dreamy sigh accompanied by an attempt to adjust your position (perhaps to try to snuggle closer to him). All it really did was push your hips back against his, and he can’t ask himself to hold back any longer. Not when you were wearing his shirt and begging him for more.
“I know,” he whispers, continuing to rock his hips into yours while lowering his body to properly cage you in between his frame and the mattress. The slow grind of his hips against your ass make him feel like he’s getting swallowed by your cunt, his glans stroking those innermost parts of you that have you mewling for him even in your sleep as your walls throb around him to signal another orgasm approaching. 
“‘M gonna fill you, okay?” His whisper into your ear comes with a punctuated thrust that produces a choked breath from you, but he’s too close to his peak to be bothered. You were still sleeping soundly, so it couldn’t have been that bad. He was almost there anyway, you could take a couple rough thrusts for him.  “Gonna fill you and then do it again in the morning.”
You’d like that, at least you had before. Waking up to his fingers trying to stretch you open, or the tip of his cock prodding at your tight entrance because he was so impatient that he couldn’t wait for you to wake up to indulge in the pleasures of your body. It wouldn’t even be too bad of a stretch, considering he was already so deep in you that your body wouldn’t have to try much harder to take him in just a few hours. Just thinking about you waking up to him fucking another load of his cum into you was enough to send him over that edge; his eyes shut tight while his teeth cut into the fragile skin of your shoulder to muffle his pleasured groans as his cum fills you.
The coppery taste on his tongue is added to his list of things to worry about in the morning, because getting out of bed - or even opening his eyes - wasn’t really an option after filling you like that. Now is when he should pull out, go take a shower and clean himself up, come back with a cool wet washcloth to clean you up and help soothe the ache before you’re awake to truly feel it. But your bed is comfortable and being wrapped around you like this with his cock still nestled deep inside was his own personal heaven, getting out of bed wasn’t going to happen.
He’d endure your feelings about it in the morning, or possibly fuck the negativity out of you. Time would tell.
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animeismyhappyplace · 2 years ago
Passion Blooms Under the Influence
Female MC x Barbatos Smut
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Summary: After a quick study session with her tutor Solomon, MC finds herself feeling hot and bothered. Barbatos finds her and calms the heat scorching through her veins.
TLDR, MC gets dicked down by Barbatos 🥵
TW: Aphrodisiac use, mildly dubious consent due to aphrodisiac usage, they do cover consent but just to be safe, pet names, Barbs demon form makes an appearance, monster fucking I guess? (You'll see what I mean)
Word Count: 3,217
The last few weeks in the Devidom had been a bit of a blur for MC. Leviathan had summoned Lotan again after a fued with Mammon which left her room flooded and unusable luckily Diavolo offered her refuge in the Demon Lord Castle in one of the many spare bedrooms.
Today's lesson with Solomon had taken a weird turn, after practicing some simple spells they had gotten onto the topic of her little crush on the demon butler himself Barbatos. Her mentor had given her the usual pep talk about just being upfront about her feelings over a shared cup of tea, he had also given her a potion which he clamied would help boost her confidence in the matters of her heart before sending her on her way to her temporary home.
On her walk she noticed a prickling sensation starting to climb up her arms and down her legs. At first she brushed it off but the nearby demons began to start staring at her as her skin got hotter and hotter. In the end she had to teleport herself to the guest bedroom she'd been staying in to save herself, and the rest of her demon friends, too much public embarrassment.
Barbatos, being the immensely powerful demon he is, much have sensed the magical power entering the Demon Lord Castle and came to make sure the human exchange student was well after her trip out.
He knocks on her door a few times but when he doesn't get an answer he makes his presence known and enters the room, just to make sure she was unharmed, "MC, I assume your lesson went well?" He smiles as he opens the door before stopping in his tracks when he finally lays his eyes on the girl.
He sees her laid on the neatly made bed with her body streached out, sweat is streaked across her forehead and she's panting hard "B- Barbatos! Thank you for checking on me, I know you're probably busy..." She gulps down the saliva pooling under her tongue as he watches her curiously "It had been going well until Solomon gave me a potion to drink that he's currently working on and now I feel hot..." His green eyes flick from her body to her face as he watches her "Oh dear... Well... I'm here to take care of you, MC. You don't have to thank me, I am just doing what Lord Diavolo would expect me to do" He reaches his gloved hand down to push the hair back from her face causing her to shiver and push her body towards his retreating hand making him frown.
His finger curls under his chin as he thinks about your predicament "Did he tell you what the potion was for?" She shakes her head as she lifts her body to rest her weight on her elbows to look at him better "Just said... It would help me... Express feelings I've been hiding or something like that... I can't remember anymore". Barbatos can't help the hiss that falls from his lips as he looks away feeling irritation bubble in his chest "I have a... Suspicious of what that devious human has given you... Let's see" He hums as he returns his hand to her forehead, pushing his fingers through the strands of her hair and down to lightly caress her cheek watching to see her reaction to the soft and almost non existent stimulation.
MC can't help the whines that tumble past her lips as she tilts her head back to present her neck to the demon before she realises what she's done and gasps "I- I am SO sorry Barbatos... I don't know what's wrong with me" She looks down to the bedsheets with a slight pout before another wave of heat flows through her and she flops back down onto the bed, chest heaving.
Barbatos chuckles softly at her apology as he places one finger under her chin lifting her gaze to meet his own eyes. "Don't worry about it, MC." His voice is warm and soothing as he runs his gloved thumb over her lower lip, slowly trailing his way along her jawline as her tongue slips out of her mouth in an attempt to chase his clothed digits "I suspect Solomon has given you an aphrodisiac" Her eyes widen at his words before he continues "It would explain your temperature and your body's... Shall we say responsiveness..." His voice begins to trail off as he watches her intently.
She nods as she tries to take in his words "Is there any way to... Reverse it's effects?" Her fingers reach up slowly to hold his arm in place as she leans fully into his touch, Barbatos bites his bottom lip softly as he watches the human girl keen for his touch in ways he's dreamed of but never thought would become reality "We'd have to call the shady sorcerer himself to know for sure... But based on most aphrodisiacs the only way to rid you of the effects would be to-" He can't help but hesitate to finish the sentence but she nods to him to continue "You will need to satisfy your desires" He finishes with a slight blush dusted across his porcelain cheeks.
MC frowns for a moment confused before the realisation flashes across her face, a dark blush rising to her cheeks "Well with that I shall bid you farewell so you may... Rid yourself of your afflictions..." The demon clears his throat and bows with his hand across his chest before he turns to leave "NO!" She shouts across the room as she bolts upright grabbing his hand to stop him, she looks away from him embarrassed by her own neediness.
Barbatos stares down at her in surprise, his brow furrowing slightly as he waits for her next move. "No?" He can't help the grin that spreads across his face as he looks down to see the place on his uniform her hand has gripped to keep him from leaving the room. "I-" She can't quite find the words to ask him what she wants, she grips his arm tighter and tugs him towards her as she gets on her knees and comes to the end of the bed to face him.
Barbatos' smile grows as he sees her come to kneel before him, his hands come to gently caress her cheeks as he takes in her beauty. "Tell me what you want, MC" He mutters softly as he brings her face centimetres from his own. A shiver racks up her spine and settles in her chest as she feels his breath hit her lips "Will you help me Barbatos?" She reaches her hands up to hold the base of his neck enjoying their closeness.
Barbatos smiles softly as he hears her plea, leaning forward to bring his mouth to hers as he kisses her gently almost treating her like she's ready to break apart at his touch. As he does this, one of his hands slides around her waist and pulls her closer to him, bringing them both even closer together. "Of course, my dear. I'm always at your service" He whispers huskily as he pulls away just enough to speak and give her a moment to back away from him if she doesn't want to continue.
A loud whine escapes her at his words as she tugs his back to her kissing him with as much passion as she can "You can't say things like that Barb... It makes me feel so hot". His eyes widen slightly at her response but he quickly recovers and continues to kiss her passionately, running his tongue along her own and down to her jawline while his free hand goes to her hair, pulling it into a tight ponytail so he can run his fingers through it.
After a few moments he breaks off the kiss and looks deep into her eyes "Last chance to back out little lamb before I can no longer hold myself back". She shakes her head as she looks at him as seriously as she can given her almost delirious state of lust "Want this... Want you Barbatos" She runs her hands over his covered shoulders as she pushes his jacket off "Please". The last threads of his resolve break as he helps her remove his coat and tosses it aside, then wraps an arm around her waist and lifts her onto the bed beneath her, taking advantage of her smaller frame to get on top of her pinning her beneath him as he leans down to kiss her again. "My pleasure little lamb".
MC bites her lip as she looks up at him and whispers softly "You don't know how long I've wanted this" Her arms loop around his neck as she keeps him close to her, licking her tongue into his mouth as she starts to explores his body. He feels her lips press against his and gives in completely, wrapping his other arm around her back and pressing himself against her as he begins to explore her own body. "I can't guarantee I'll be gentle with you my dear" He says breathlessly, letting his tongue slip between her lips and dance with hers.
She nods quickly to show her understanding as she threads one of her hands into his hair tugging gently at his soft ombre locks while the other caresses her thumb against his cheek, continuing to kiss him while she pushes her hips up to grind against his covered length. He groans softly when she pulls his hair and presses their bodies together more firmly, enjoying every moment of her kisses as well as her grinding movements. His hands slide from her waist to her ass, squeezing and kneading the flesh he finds there as he moves his hips slowly against hers. "You're driving me crazy little lamb..." He confesses to her as he enjoys the slow rock of his hips against her own.
She gasps as she feels his length pushing against her already wet clothed pussy "N- Need you... Please~" She begs sweetly as she moves her head to kiss and bite gently at his bare neck. He smirks at her begging tone and moans quietly, using his free hand to push a lock of her hair behind her ear. As she nips at his skin marking him as her own he reaches for the clasp on her dress and undoes it, pulling the fabric away from her body and exposing her to his hungry eyes while he pulls his dress shirt over his head.
He bends his head down to softly kiss her neck before moving down to her collarbone and littering her skin with bites marking her in turn "Now everyone will know you're mine" He grins at her slightly possessively before returning to her heated body. He skillfully unclasps her bra exposing her breasts as he encases her pebbled nipple in his mouth.
She lets out an drawn out moan as he gently bites and suckles on her nipple teasing the sensitive bud before moving to her other breast giving it just as much attention until she's squirming against the bed desperately needing him further down her body. Sensing her frustration he gives each nipple one last lick before trailing more kisses down her body before finally sliding down further to lick and nibble her thighs. She shivers under his touch and arches her back pushing her body closer to his teasing mouth.
As Barbatos pulls himself upright he takes a moment to enjoy the sight of the young girl in front of him marked up and desperate, the view he has from above her is enough to make his hardened length throb with need let alone the thoughts that invade his mind of what he would like to do to her. MC spreads her legs for him and he can't help the chuckle that leaves his lips "So wet already. My my that aphrodisiac worked rather quickly" He pulls her soaked panties down her legs and throws them to the side watching as more slick leaves her pussy and trails down her thighs.
Barbatos lowers himself back down to the bed as he removes his gloves throwing them to the floor then places his bare hands onto her thighs pushing them further apart so he can place himself between them. He moans as he finally gets a taste of her essence, first licking up the lines of wetness that coated her inner thighs before giving her pussy a long lick from her hole to her clit "You taste, dare I say, heavenly my little lamb" The way he slurps up her wetness lights her body on fire, only contributing to the aphrodisiacs effects.
MC's thighs twitch as she grasps his hair with both hands tugging harshly and shaking her head with tears rolling down her rosy cheeks "S'too much! I need your cock" Her head tips back as she rocks pussy into his face moaning as she cants her hips forward despite her pleas for him to just fuck her already. Barbatos lets out another laugh at her impatience as he feels her pulling on his hair. Had it not been for the aphrodisiac he may had punished her for being in such a rush, maybe next time he thinks to himself with a sinister smile. His emerald eyes dart over to her breasts and he smiles softly at how she's trying to push herself towards him. With a firm grip on her thighs he holds her still and licks her again from bottom to top and back down once more before circling her clit with his tongue "Need to prep you MC" He slides two of his thick fingers into her waiting pussy rubbing them against her throbbing walls.
MC's hand reach backwards to grab the sheets and grip them in her hands as she moans loudly "Barb" She whimpers out as her body trembles underneath him. The feeling of her inner walls tightening around his fingers causes him to groan out as he looks up at her face. Her juices are flowing freely and coating his lips and chin. He gives her one last kiss on her abused clit before moving backwards he licks her juices off his fingers "I believe that's enough teasing now my dear".
Keeping her legs spread for repositions himself and gives his leaking member a few sharp tugs before he runs his cock down to her sopping pussy to collect her juices lubing up his cock before pushing himself into her slowly letting her feel every inch as the burn of the aphrodisiac slowly starts to decrease. The dark haired demon smirks as he watches her reaction, seeing the relief spread across her face as he pushes himself into her. A low moan escapes her lips as he enters her fully. He waits for her to adjust before starting to thrust inside her gently but firmly, Barbatos reaches one hand up and intertwines his fingers with hers as he holds their hands above her head while the the trails down her side to grip her ass pulling her leg over his own keeping her close to his body. Each time he pulls out he leans down and kisses her neck before pushing himself back in, knocking the wind sinfully out of her chest.
As he starts to build up his pace rocking into her harder and faster her unoccupied hand finds purchase on his waist holding onto her demon lover as he pistons his hips into her own making the bed shake and buckle under his immense strength. Barbatos lets go of her hand as he feels her pussy throb and tighten around his cock and grabs onto her hips tightly. He begins to pound into her harder and faster each time slamming her further up the bed, her moans and whimpers increase in volume her hands reach up to grip onto her pillow tight.
His own moans are getting louder as he feels his cock head leaking precum into her pussy, he starts to feel himself losing control of his emotions when he suddenly shifts into his demon form due to the pleasure that racks through his body. She can't help the gasp that escapes her as she feels his body change under her fingers, seeing his demon form only makes her skin burn hotter. MC's hand grips his waist tighter her nails leaving crescent shaped marks as she reaches her other hand up to his hair to grip the base of his bone like horns.
The sensation of her touch sends waves of pleasure throughout his entire being. He lets out an animalistic moan and slams himself deep inside her "'M not going to be able to hold on much longer" He grunts while snaking his hand down between them to rub his fingers against her swollen clit. Her legs shake as he plays with her sensitive nub, she wraps her legs around his waist while her hands grip onto the base of his horns and his fork ended tail wraps around her waist to keep her steady. She matches his thrusts the best she can moaning loudly as pleasure shoots down her spine at all of the stimulation.
Barbatos kisses her deeply before moving his lips to her neck letting his fangs pierce her skin as he bites down in an attempt to control his moans, the painful pleasure from his bite sends her body over the edge into orgasm as he licks at the wound he's left behind "Cumming! 'M cumming!" MC moans loudly gripping onto her lovers body to steady herself as she cums hard, legs shaking violently.
Her pussy clenching hard on his cock and feeling her hands gripping his horns is the last drop of stimulation he needs to finally cum, Barbatos grunts loudly as he releases his load inside her as he continues to pound away at her releasing every bit of cum he has left. After several minutes of his own body shaking he pulls out and collapses beside her panting heavily.
As they both lay beside each other coming down from their highs the demon pulls her body to him as he gives her a soft kiss on her lips "Feeling better?" He asks chuckling softly as she simply nods her head clearly tired "Yes...I'm good now." She finally replies resting her head on his chest as her fingers draw delicate shapes on his sweat soaked body. His fingers slip under her chin to lift her head as he shifts out of his demon form "I'm sorry for shifting like that" He mutters as he caresses her face.
She leans into his touch enjoying the tender moment between them "No need to apologise, you're beautiful no matter what form you take" She smiles at him as she closes her eyes an ache seeping into her bones. "Thank you for taking care of me Barb.." She whispers quietly to him before drifting off to sleep. He gives her one last kiss placed against her forehead "Anything for you, my little lamb" He grins to himself softly as he allows sleep to take over his spent body.
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arvandus · 7 months ago
Love and Duty - Chapter 3
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OVERALL FIC WARNINGS: cisfem!Reader; canon adjacent (i.e., loosely-based); 18+ (Minors and ageless blogs DNI!); NSFW in future chapters; violence in future chapters (not against MC); deceit/lying; fake relationship (one-sided); pining; angst with a happy ending.
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Chapter 3 on AO3
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Love and Duty Chapter 3
wc: 6,566
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You gave Diavolo your answer and you stayed for dessert.  At the end of the evening, Barbatos escorted you out of the castle.  You couldn’t hide the disappointment in your eyes as he bowed and kissed the back of your hand to bid you good night.  No doubt you’d been hoping for a more personal good night kiss before stepping out into the evening air, but Barbatos couldn’t bring himself to do it.  He already had to pretend earlier this evening, and not just with a kiss. 
Your question had taken him by surprise and he’d been forced to answer in a way that wouldn’t ruin everything. He was grateful that you’d phrased the question in such a way that allowed him to find a bit of truth to coat his silver tongue.
Do I have you?
You did have him, he reassured himself.  You had his friendship, his trust, his support. 
He didn’t want you to fail; and not just for the sake of peace, but for your own well-being.  After all, even though he did not reciprocate the strength of your affections, that did not mean that he didn’t care at all.
The House of Lords’ treatment of you was unfair; anyone could see it.  And yet you chose to meet their prejudice with determination, grace, and stubbornness.  How could Barbatos not respect such strength?  But strength didn’t make you unbreakable.  So how could he not take notice of the way your duties weighed on your shoulders and suppressed your smile?  How could he see your suffering and not want to help alleviate it?
Regardless of the nature of your relationship together, Barbatos would be there to support you and offer guidance.  He would have done so anyway, had the two of you remained friends, and he saw no reason to not do so now, despite the new circumstances.
And maybe, secretly for him, helping you through this could serve as his own penance for the wrong he was committing; a silent apology for a betrayal that you would hopefully remain forever unaware of.
How badly he wished things were different... how badly he wished he’d had more time to make his choice.  How badly he wished he could have glimpsed into the future for guidance before risking not only his friendship with you, but the young prince’s future.
But he knew doing so would prove more or less fruitless.  His abilities, while seemingly limitless, had their own restrictions, particularly when it came to himself.  Barbatos suspected that it had something to do with being able to exist separate from the timelines; but no matter how many times he tried to look at himself in the timelines, it was always blank, like a blind spot in his mind.  It was akin to how one could easily see the faces of others but could not see their own without a mirror.  If he had been able to foresee his own future, his past self wouldn’t have made the mistakes he made, and he wouldn’t be here now, trying to correct them.
The more decisions Barbatos acted on, the blurrier the future around him became. And the more he involved himself, the more individuals directly impacted by those decisions became blurred themselves.  What resulted was a tapestry of time, of infinite pasts and futures, littered with dark holes. It was as if he were a moth, eating his way through the fabric, weakening its strength.
It was the very reason why Barbatos kept himself as a supporting role to the others. And it was the very reason why he only involved himself in major affairs if Diavolo ordered it.  Yes, he tutored the young prince and kept him in line, as any royal butler and steward was expected to do; but any and all decisions regarding the future of the Devildom were conducted by Diavolo alone.
Barbatos had lived long enough to grow accustomed to his limitations. He learned how to look for the blind spots within the different futures and use them as clues. It never told him directly what choices to make, but it did give him an idea of where he was meant to be.  He learned to live in the safe spaces, occupying the dark pockets of timelines that maintained their bright, clear futures.  It was how he’d found his place at Diavolo’s side, the reason he’d let the young prince lure him into the castle with the promise of rare tea so many millennia ago.
But this... he had no memory of this, despite how he had cross-checked the timelines repeatedly for Diavolo before the prince made his long-term plans. Was it because you’d had your own adventures with being yanked across multiple timelines and places? Were you touched too many times by his ability, moved from thread to thread, that now your own path was blurring like his own? Or was it something else entirely?
Either way, for the first time in thousands of years, Barbatos felt the irritation of his own restrictions. If he’d been able to see this coming, he could have prepared for it.  But he didn’t, and now here he was, trapped in a lie that he didn’t want to have any part in.
He had a plan, of course... a way to navigate out of these choppy, unchartered waters with minimal damage.  It would have to be carried out prudently, succinctly, like carrying a porcelain teacup filled to the brim without spilling.  Fortunately, his mind was as careful as his hands.  If conducted properly, not only would the future of peace remain secure, but he will not have to sacrifice your friendship.
But hope was a fleeting thing, short-lived on wishes and easily breakable by the harsh reality of words.
And no words cut through Barbatos’s fortress of a mind like the young master’s upon his return.
“Barbatos, I believe we should talk.”
Barbatos’s face remained schooled in neutrality, but he paused for the briefest moment.  It was enough to make the prince furrow his brow ever so slightly, the minuscule crack in the butler’s façade enough to confirm Diavolo’s rising suspicions.  Barbatos took it in stride as he calmly entered Diavolo’s drawing room.  After all, he was his loyal servant and oldest confidant. There were no secrets between them, their trust in each other absolute.
“Where would you like me to begin, my lord?”
Diavolo motioned for Barbatos to take a seat.  The butler acquiesced, his back straight and knees drawn closed with his fingers folded formally in his lap.
“How about from the beginning?” Diavolo replied.  “Start with the night of the ball.”
Barbatos’s mouth quirked into a small smile.  “You suspected even then?”
“There were signs, but I wanted to wait until tonight to be sure.”
“It pleases me to see that your powers of observation remain so keen.”
“I have had an excellent tutor,” Diavolo smirked.  “I don’t think anyone else noticed the subtleties that night except for myself.  But tonight was more obvious, particularly with her.  I would like to understand the situation as it stands now.”
“I thought you wanted to hear the story from the beginning,” Barbatos replied with a tilt of his head.  “Would you like me to discuss the past or the present?”
Diavolo narrowed his eyes. “Now is not the time for games, Barbatos.”
“You know as well as I that I do not play games, young master.  This is a teaching moment, as every moment is.  How you opt to question me will impact the type of information you receive, which will in turn influence your understanding and your opinion.”
However, this was more than just a teaching moment, too; it was a test.  Not just for how Diavolo chose to interrogate, but for seeing how willing he was to dirty his own hands, to bear the mantel of responsibility no matter how tarnished.  Ask about tonight’s dinner only, and Barbatos could play it off as a budding romance, a temporary fling, with the implication that he will handle the situation without the prince’s involvement.  That would allow the prince to play to ignorance should the situation derail in the future. But ask about the night of the ball, and the whole truth will be laid bare, a burden that would be shared between the two of them moving forward.
Fortunately, Barbatos raised him well.
Diavolo sighed and pressed his thumb and forefinger to the bridge of his nose.  “Very well.  From the beginning, then.”
Barbatos nodded.  “As you wish, young master.”
He then began to recount the events of that first night in the piano room.
Barbatos kept the information to only the most relevant facts.  He omitted the song you played on the piano, he omitted the details of your frustrations with the brothers, and he omitted exactly how he romanced you.  He provided only the fact that you had been at your limit with your responsibilities and that the incident with Mammon and Asmodeus had pushed you beyond those limits.  He emphasized your desire to abandon your many positions and run back to the human realm.  It was in this delicate, fragile state that you had confessed your feelings for him, which forced him into making a very important decision.
As Barbatos spoke, Diavolo’s eyes narrowed, his voice grunted, his head nodded.  He listened silently, his fingers steepled and pressed against his lips.
When Barbatos ended with the farewell earlier in the evening, Diavolo remained silent for a long moment.
“I see...” he finally muttered.  “I understand the decision; it might not have been the one I would have made, but I understand it nonetheless.”
Barbatos nodded in understanding.  He expected as much from the young prince; he always did have a dislike for lies thanks to his unique ability to see through them.  It made the awareness of the wounds they caused all the more intimate.
Avoid answers, yes.  Give noncommittal or enigmatic responses, acceptable. Omitting information, necessary.  But lies...
Lies were messy.
“Ah, how I wish I didn’t ask...” the prince muttered.  His golden eyes lifted to meet Barbatos’s placid green.  “I’m sure you’re also aware of the risks this presents us. Not just if she finds out that you – we’re – lying, but if anyone of note happens to see the two of you together...”
“Of course, young master.  I will proceed with the utmost caution.”
“Is there any value in using your abilities for guidance?”
Barbatos fell silent for a moment, his mouth pressing into a thin line.  He lowered his head the slightest fraction.  “I don’t think so.  I’ve explained to you before how I am unable to see my own future.  By proxy, I will be unable to see hers as well now that our paths are so intertwined.”
“I know you won’t be able to see her clearly anymore, but what about the realms themselves? What about the Devildom?”
“The various potential futures remain the same, young master.  That much is unchanged, as it’s already been seen.  But that gives us little to work with, as there are multiple possible outcomes, some less desirable than others. The deciding factor of what happens in this timeline will depend primarily on her influence.  If I cannot observe her, then I cannot anticipate the proper course.”
“Like knowing where the finish line is, but not knowing the route to get there.”
“Precisely.  The chances of her getting ‘lost’ are now much greater than before. Although, she may have already been veering off course prior to my influence...”
“How so?”
Barbatos was silent for a moment as he reflected back, his gaze distant.  “The way she was that night. I’d never seen her so...”
Diavolo let out a low, dissatisfied hum, his chin in his fingers as his eyes glazed over in pensive thought. “I had been noticing a shift in her as of late, but I had hoped it wasn’t so serious.  You said yourself that humans are often emotional.  Wasn’t there a chance that she was lost in the moment and would recover given time?”
“Yes,” Barbatos replied.  “And I was willing to let it play out as such, despite my concerns.  However, any possibility for that to happen was eliminated as soon as she confessed her feelings for me.  Had I refused her my lord, I truly do think she would have abandoned everything.  Being exhausted by one’s duties is one thing.  But having one’s heart broken in a moment of vulnerability is another entirely.”
Diavolo hummed and leaned back into his seat, his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes to the ceiling. “I see, I see... and now here we are.  Are you sure your ability won’t work? Is there really nothing that can be done? You know I dislike leaving these things to chance, Barbatos.”
The risk of the prince’s disapproval was a cut to Barbatos’s pride; disappointing him was something Barbatos took great personal offense to.  He released a resigned sigh.
“I will check if you’d like me to, young master. Although I am certain the results will not be very fruitful.”
“Please do. Even if nothing comes of it, I must exhaust all avenues of potential knowledge before we determine how to proceed.”
Barbatos stood and bowed.  “Very well.  I will return promptly.”
Diavolo watched as the space behind Barbatos opened up into black smoky tendrils. They wrapped around him like a cloak and then he was gone.  Once the room was empty, Diavolo braced his forehead against his interlaced fingers, his thumbs at his temples.
“Please let him find something...” he muttered to himself.
The black was endless.  For anyone else, it would have been entirely unnerving if not panic-inducing.  For Barbatos however, it felt familiar, in the way one’s homeland felt familiar after not setting foot on its soil for so long.  Beneath his feet he felt hard surface, and from it he could sense how it led off to infinite walkways. And yet, it was a space filled with contradiction as there was no up or down, or side to side.  There was only the Here and the There, the Now and the Not Now. Barbatos’s feet began to walk slowly, carefully.  It wasn’t so much a risk of falling, but that simply he had to remain focused on where he came from and where he wanted to go.  As he walked, the air hummed with power, and he stretched out his hands, fingers splayed, as if caressing invisible grass in an invisible field.
He could feel them.... the multitude of threads belonging to countless souls, stretching infinite.  They hummed with life, twisting together with one another and then parting outward as innumerable individuals were born together, lived together, died together.  In and out the threads weaved, creating infinite ropes of fate, making up the Tapestry of Time upon which Barbatos navigated.  They were taut, vibrating like music notes that couldn’t be heard, in a symphony that played for no one.
No one but himself.
He felt the distinct snap of a timeline being cut, reaching its end.  It wasn’t unusual... not all timelines led to happy endings, the worlds within collapsing on themselves.  Still, it left a dull ache in him, as if some part of him had been lost, gone forever like a boat cut from its mooring.
His footsteps finally slowed to a halt, and he stared in front of him into the blackness. He’d gone back just far enough to revisit the beginning, where he was forced to make his decision a few nights prior.  His hands came up in front of him and he parted the air with open palms and long, slender fingers. It was as if he’d taken the rope of time and unraveled it, individually laid out the threads that made it so that he may seek out your thread, the one kissed with golden light and thrumming with power.  The space before him began to ripple and shimmer, light being borne from nothing but simply his will to See.
Light faded to colors and shapes, countless images entering his mind simultaneously, and yet he understood all of them as if he’d watched them individually. Not that it mattered one way or another; time had no meaning here. He could linger as long as he needed to and then return to the When and Where he had left.
Barbatos’s eyes narrowed as he watched.
He saw the moment of where the demonus had spilled all over you, watched as you left the ballroom.  But the waters muddied after that, no doubt due to his own influence. Your golden thread had gone dark, overshadowed by his own.  The only sign of its presence was the steady hum of power that your soul emanated.
He tried to follow the dark strands, to see where they led, waiting for them to clear.  Some cleared quickly, his influence in your life vanishing, and he suspected that those were the timelines where he had been honest with you.  He looked closer, drank in their stories to confirm you back in the human world, alone and heartbroken.  And the Devildom?  Barbatos pulled the threads back together, zooming out to see beyond your human life.  A multitude of futures lay ahead, but as he suspected, most of them were bad; the failure of the exchange program, the three worlds returning to their isolation and prejudice...
He returned to the beginning, and followed the threads that remained dark, shrouded in mystery.  They were invisible roads that bore no street signs or streetlamps, dark pathways that left him blind.
On and on they all went, branching, breaking into more and more infinite possibilities.  In some of them that familiar warm hum of your thread was cut short, leaving empty cold in its wake.  In those moments, he knew your life had ended, and yet he couldn’t learn why, his influence too great, his life too entangled with yours.  It left a heavy sense of unease, a fear of the unknown that he didn’t often experience.
Farther and farther he searched.  Now the threads of life started to split, with some continuing out into that never-ending darkness with their secrets wrapped tight by decisions he had yet to make, and others finally becoming visible.  With relief, he pulled them close, searched their depths.
You were there, alive but alone.  And you weren’t in the Devildom anymore. You were back in the human realm, with a heavy sadness in your eyes.
And the realms...?
Once again locked in stagnation.
Barbatos’s jaw clenched.
He returned to the other threads, the ones that were still shrouded, and yet they went on and on, cloaked in darkness. How long did he remain entangled with you?  What happened in those threads that kept him by your side so intricately for so long?
They were questions that would never receive answers, not until he lived them and learned it in those moments.
Again, he widened his view, took in the bigger picture of the futures that were possible.  They were hazy, but they were there, and it was the reassurance he needed.  There was hope in them, some of them ending in success while others did not.  But there was no way to know for certain which future the present would lead to, the power of his presence hiding far too much for far too long.
For a cold, lonely, tense moment, Barbatos froze, dumbfounded.
Was this it? Were these his only options now? Either a future of failure or a future of ambiguity?
No, there had to be more.  If need be, there was still the original paths, the ones he’d traced out millennia ago when the prince was first laying out his plans.
He returned to the beginning again and searched.
And searched.
There were countless variations of how that night’s events transpired.  In some of them you were left alone, and you eventually went home to nurse your wounded spirit.  In others, one of the brothers found you, each having their own variations of how they approached you in the privacy of that piano room.  Even Simeon went to you in some of the timelines, and Solomon...
But what surprised Barbatos the most was how so many of the variations faded into that oh-so-familiar darkness.  Barbatos himself must have been the one to find you the most, and it was a curiosity he found himself lingering on.  From a practical standpoint, it made sense as he knew the castle better than anyone else.
But there was also a small sense of... warmth. After all, you didn’t venture out to the royal gardens, or walk the quiet late-night streets of the Devildom, or return to the House of Lamentation.  Instead, you went to the piano room, where the memory of your time with him brought you comfort. 
It was his growing friendship with you that allowed him to find you so many times in the first place.
The faintest hint of selfish pride flared within him, and Barbatos froze for a moment.
It wasn’t often that his Sins presented themselves so noticeably. In fact, he’d learned long ago to keep such imperfections under tight control.  To have them stir now of all times...
But it vanished as quickly as it came, so he returned his attention to the threads before him.
All at once, he watched, learned, understood.
In most instances, at least the ones he could see that were free of his influence, you stayed in the Devildom.  The emotional turmoil you suffered that evening waned by morning and was later quelled by the brothers’ sincere apologies and kind gestures. 
It was just as Diavolo had said.  Barbatos took comfort in knowing that the prince knew your spirit so well.
Barbatos scanned the infinite spiderweb of visible futures, futures where he played his role as he was intended to, minimal and from the sidelines, small pockets of dark that blurred the edges around the others, Diavolo especially.  And you were there too, the light to Barbatos’s shadow, twining with everyone else’s threads, strengthening the bonds.
His eyes narrowed the further he looked.
You stayed, but in far too many of the timelines you suffered, alone and overwhelmed.  In some of them, you even buckled, and so did the exchange program.
Barbatos couldn’t help but wonder about you in this timeline, emotionally drained and mentally fragile.  Was that to be your future?  Would you break under the heavy weight of prejudice and politics?
Barbatos’s gaze went even further, following the various branches, and warm relief washed over him.
There was still hope.  Not all the futures ended in loneliness and failure. In many of them, you succeeded. It was often ones where you found love in another, where the support of a partner, or even partners, helped to ease your burden.
They were still here... the futures he’d seen so long ago when assisting the young master in plotting out his path for peace, bright and untarnished.  It worried Barbatos that it took him so long to locate them, but he was relieved to see them still intact, still a possibility within the great web.
The relief was short-lived as he pondered their significance.
Should this situation with you fail and take the young master’s vision with it, then Barbatos knew he would have to choose one of these timelines, something safe where his influence didn’t taint the grand plan.  That route would become the Primary, the one that everyone would walk moving forward.  It would remain the present, but it would be borne from a different past where different decisions were made.
In that sense, the you of this thread and everyone else would cease to exist.
The souls would remain the same, as souls were infinite by nature and occupied all timelines simultaneously during their lifespan.  But deletion of a pathway was the deletion of memories, memories made beyond the point of junction where the severing would occur.  Everyone’s spirit would remain the same, but their minds would forget, replaced with the experiences of a different path filled with different decisions.
Everyone would forget... except for Barbatos.  He would remain untouched, remember all of it. He alone would hold the memories of a past that no longer existed; moments of joy, times of sadness, periods of growth.  He’d remember his failures, too; the decisions he made that were the catalyst to losing yet another pathway.
That old, familiar empty ache crept into his chest, settling between his ribs. It was a sadness that never really left him, a burden he had to bear for being who and what he was. He acknowledged its presence and then promptly pushed it back to its resting place within himself, cataloguing it with all of the other countless times he had, in some way, lost those he cared for.
It couldn’t be helped.  Duty first. If the prince ordered it, he would obey.
He stared at the stories of past, present and future a moment longer.  Then he slowly, gently swiped his fingers across the space in front of him.  The timelines rippled, the images faded back into blackness.  There was nothing left to gain here.
Barbatos was only gone a moment before he reappeared.  Diavolo looked up at him from his seat with curious golden eyes.
“Well? Did you find anything?”
“As I suspected, young master.  The future you desire remains intact; however, I’m unable to see a clear path to it.”
“Hmm. I see...” Diavolo replied pensively, his gaze distant.  Barbatos’s lingering silence hovered, making the air thick between them, and Diavolo looked back up at him.  “....what is it?”
Barbatos’s brow creased.  “The future you desire remains... however, there are a great many opportunities for the current path to go astray.”
“And, because of your involvement, you’re unable to tell which actions you will need to take to get us to the right finish line.”
“That is correct.”
“Well,” he sighed, “that is quite a conundrum.”
Barbatos’s face fell into melancholy.  “I sincerely apologize, my lord. Had I known—”
Diavolo held up his hand and shook his head.  “There was no way to know, Barbatos.”
“If I had not volunteered to find her—”
“Then I would have sent you anyway.  Besides, I granted you permission.  If anyone is to blame for this, let it be me.  Were you able to see what would have happened if you refused her?”
“Not initially.  But in some timelines our threads parted shortly after that night, which I suspect was the result of such a decision.  Once I was no longer present, I was able to observe.  She returned to the human realm.”
“Yes, although she maintained relations with the celestial realm thereafter, and the brothers opted to visit her from time to time.”
“And the exchange program?”
Barbatos’s only response was a heavy silence and the most subtle shake of his head.  Diavolo hummed.
“I see.  Well, at least you can take comfort in knowing that you made the correct decision given the situation.”
“Yes, young master.”
“You don’t sound very relieved.”
Barbatos finally returned to his seat on the sofa, the weight of his guilt too great. This time, he allowed his professional poise to fall away, allowing himself a quiet moment of vulnerability in the prince’s presence in the form of downcast eyes and heavy shoulders.
“The knowledge, while helpful, does not solve our current predicament.  It seems that in many cases, her and I remain closely tied after her confession.  It makes much of the future... unpredictable.”
“Which will make it nearly impossible to navigate.”
“That is correct.”
Diavolo went quiet for a moment, his chin in his fingers.  His golden eyes went from pensive to troubled.  “Can it be undone? If we end up on the wrong path, can it be replaced?”
“Of course, young master.  Whatever you desire.”
Diavolo nodded.  “Good. That is good.  We could select a timeline where someone else retrieved her that night instead of you. Then this whole situation may be avoided.”
Barbatos knew his young master would come to such a conclusion, and yet hearing the words from his mouth made his skin tingle, a chill running down his spine.  He loathed the subconscious resistance that pushed against the locked door of his mind, and he forced it back with a subtle, inhaled breath through his nose.
He had to remain impartial.  He was devoted to the prince entirely, and so he must not withhold any knowledge that can impact success.
“On the contrary, my lord,” he said slowly, “the chances of success from that point were adequate, but not as reliable as they once were.  In many of them she remained isolated, and I can’t help but wonder if it may have been due to her unspoken feelings for me.  If you want to properly secure the future you seek, then it may be best to replace it with a timeline that branches off even earlier.”
Diavolo’s throat rumbled low, his gaze dark, and Barbatos knew he did not enjoy where this was going any more than Barbatos did.
“How early would you recommend?” he finally asked.
“To before she developed feelings for me in the first place.  Granted, we have no way of knowing for sure when that was.  But her and I had begun to spend more time together over the past six months. So I believe selecting a timeline that breaks off to prior that would be sufficient.”
Diavolo’s eyes snapped up to Barbatos’s, his eyebrows raised.  “Six months??” his expression neutralized as his gaze dropped and grew distant.  “That is quite a difference indeed.”
A heavy silence followed, neither demon wanting to move forward with such a permanent decision, and yet the threat of failure loomed like a storm on the distant horizon.
Diavolo let out a long sigh and returned his eyes to Barbatos.  “Tell me... What would you like to do?”
Barbatos stared at him, noting the subtle softness in his expression. His features lost some of their sharpness, his eyebrows upturned at the corners in silent worry.
His familial love for Barbatos was impacting his reasoning, shifting him from responsible ruler to soft-hearted youth.
Barbatos would have none of it. He refused to let his young master jeopardize everything for the sake of him.
Even so, the next words he spoke were far more difficult to say than he had anticipated.
“If we are to err on the side of caution, then I would recommend replacing this timeline with a safer option.”
Diavolo’s strong jaw set in a stubborn jut, his gaze piercing.  “I did not ask for your recommendation, Barbatos. I asked for what you wanted.”
Barbatos frowned.  “Young master, what I want or don’t want is irrelevant. Not with so much at stake.”
“I am perfectly aware of what is at stake.  However, I don’t think this situation requires such drastic measures just yet.  You yourself stated the future is still possible, even if we may not know exactly how to get there.  And how this would impact you is very much relevant, at least to me.”
“You are letting sentiment cloud your judgment.”
“Perhaps...” Diavolo admitted. “But unlike you, I don’t see it as a bad thing.  The happiness of my citizens is my responsibility, and that includes you as well, Barbatos.”
“Your success is all the happiness I need, young master.”
Diavolo gave a wear sigh and broke his eye contact to stare down at his intertwined fingers.
“You say that, and yet... I know what this will cost you. It’s a loss that no one else will suffer once the changes are made, not even myself.  That hardly seems fair.  And since you are the only one who will pay that price, I think that what you want is a valid question.  So I ask you again, Barbatos.  What would you like to do?”
Diavolo knew everything there was to know about Barbatos’s abilities; he had to in order to be able to utilize the butler’s unique skills to their maximum potential.  It was a knowledge that Barbatos had shared willingly, once he knew the prince was ready for such responsibility. 
Never before had Barbatos regretted sharing the details of his powers... until now. 
Because Prince Diavolo was right.  Barbatos had gone through this many times, and yet the pain of each remained. And, he supposed, in some ways it wasn’t fair. But fairness was not something he sought for himself; not after the wrongs he’d done across so many lifetimes. 
The prince’s love for him felt undeserved, and yet he cherished it just the same.
Barbatos was silent for a long moment.  “You are far too soft, young master.”
“As you always tell me,” Diavolo smiled.
Barbatos couldn’t help but wonder what made the young prince so stubborn, his moral compass so resolute.  But for the first time in a long time, Barbatos allowed himself to reflect on his own desires, lured by the promise that what he wanted and what his prince wanted could be one and the same.
Barbatos sighed. “Very well. I would like to keep along this path and try to salvage the current situation.”
Diavolo’s smile went from wry amusement to beaming joy.  “Great! Then it’s settled-”
“Not quite,” Barbatos interrupted, his eyes narrowed.  “We must discuss what will happen if I should fail.”
Diavolo gave a roll of his eyes.  “I believe that goes without saying, but very well. If you do fail, then rest assured, we will remedy the situation by replacing this path with a different one. There. Does that help to ease your worries?”
Barbatos allowed himself a small smile.  “It does.”
“Splendid.  Because I don’t think you’ll fail anyway.”
“It flatters me that you hold me in such high regard, young master.”
“You are always the one with a plan, are you not?” Diavolo teased with a raise of his eyebrow.  Then his amusement faded briefly to reveal the worry beneath.  “You... do have a plan, yes?”
Now Barbatos did smile.  “Of course. As I said before, there are many branches ahead of us where my thread remains intertwined with hers for longer than expected.  However, this can mean many things.  It can mean that this false relationship goes on for some time, possibly even years.  Or, it could mean that we come to an end amicably, after which I remain heavily involved in her life on a platonic level until such a time that I can naturally fade myself back.  That would be the ideal outcome.”
Diavolo hummed. “End amicably... and how do you plan to do that?”
 “Time, young master.”
Barbatos nodded. “Yes. You know better than anyone how many responsibilities I carry.  It leaves very little room for much else. Add in the pressures of secrecy, and I’m certain she will grow weary of me soon enough once this initial phase of excitement ends.”
Diavolo’s golden eyes glittered. “I see. So you plan to run out the clock, so to speak, rather than putting an end to it directly.”
Barbatos nodded again in affirmation.  “The only way for this to end with minimal damage is if she is the one to end it. It must be her idea. It’s the best way to ensure her ability to move on and find someone more suited for her in the future.”
“Are you sure that will work? You know how stubborn she can be...”
“Yes... she can be quite patient, and persistent to boot.  However, humans’ lives are short.  I’m certain that at some point, she will recognize that her years are being wasted in a secret relationship that can never fully develop.  Not to any fault of our own, but to the cruelness of circumstance.”
The worry returned to Diavolo’s eyes as he stared at Barbatos.  “And if this plan of yours does take years? Or, worse, what if she never gives up? What then?”
“Then I will remain with her, whether it be a year or a human lifetime.  You may consider it my penance for my error. However, I don’t anticipate that it will last that long.”
“What makes you so sure?”
There was a quiet pause as Barbatos gathered his words carefully.  “I do not take joy in this deceit, young master.  In fact, I find it quite troubling.  I may not be able to return her feelings with the same ferocity, but I do value her and respect her.”
Something flashed in Diavolo’s eyes, but it was brief, gone in an instant. “You care for her.”
Barbatos found the look discomforting and averted his eyes to the fireplace where the flames danced.  “On a platonic level, yes.  As such, I will not take advantage of her. And I suspect she will only wait for so long before the lack of intimacy between us becomes a problem too big to ignore.”
Diavolo joined Barbatos in staring at the fire.  “I see. And you will use the excuse of your busy schedule and the danger of prying eyes as a way to avoid such situations.”
Diavolo gave a tired, drawn-out groan and slouched back into his chair, his eyes closed.  “It all sounds very complicated. It makes me exhausted just hearing about it.” His eyes opened and fresh mirth danced in them.  “I feel it would have almost been easier if you actually did have feelings for her. Then we’d only have to worry about keeping the relationship private from others, rather than lying to her as well.”
Barbatos’s expression soured.  “Do not joke of such things, young master.”
Diavolo barked a laugh. “You speak as if falling in love would be a bad thing!”
Barbatos could barely suppress the urge to roll his eyes.  “Political complications aside, such a thing would be more burden than blessing. It would distract from my duties and require time that I do not have.”
“Perhaps some distraction would be good for you,” the prince winked.
Barbatos’s smile turned icy.  “If this is your way of trying to get out of doing your paperwork, then it is a poor attempt indeed.  I assure you, young master. My loyalty and focus lies entirely with you.”
“Yes, I was afraid you’d say that...” Diavolo threw his arms up dramatically. “Very well, have it your way then. Keep yourself isolated and lonely forever.”
A bit of an exaggeration, considering how often Barbatos found himself in the company of others. A small, dry smile curled the corners of his lips, never reaching his eyes.
“Thank you, my lord.  Now, the hour is late.  I do believe it is time for me to prepare your bath.”
“Yes, please.”
Barbatos left the drawing room to begin preparations. As soon as he was out of earshot of Diavolo, he let out a deep sigh as the weight of dread eased slightly from his chest, no longer suffocating.  The knowledge that he would not have to replace this timeline just yet brought a sense of relief so strong that it unconsciously pulled his lips into a smile as he began to run the bathwater.
His prince was trusting him, giving him a chance to repair what he’d broken.  The gesture touched him deeply.
He only hoped he could deliver.
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Tag List: @slayersins @doumadono @silverrings-n-prettythings
73 notes · View notes
enoe-of-noen · 29 days ago
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Thirteen: Hey, babe?
F!Mc: Hm? *Puts book down*
Thirteen: Erk- *Blushes and looks away*
F!Mc: …Pfft, you’re the one who wanted my attention?
Thirteen: Er- I-*Eyes looking everywhere but Mc*
F!Mc: *Laughs*
F!Mc: Is my face that pretty? I don’t even have make up on.
Thirteen: You always look pretty…
F!Mc: What was that? *Smirks*
Thirteen: N-NOTHING!-
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44 notes · View notes
devildom-moss · 2 years ago
Hello, could you write a scenario for Diavolo and a chubby f!mc who's really shy and self conscious, in which he helps her be more confident, specially in bed. Thank you and have a good day/night!
Thank you for the request. I'm sorry this took way longer than I hoped. But, it is relatively long. I got too into the plot, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. I tried.
Diavolo giving chubby f!mc a confidence boost
(Diavolo x f!MC)
(NSFW) (NSFW tags: slightly sub!Diavolo, afab!MC, begging, praise, oral - receiving, multiple orgasm, face riding, overstimulation, mild foodplay why do I keep doing this to him??) (other stuff: plot heavy!, "my love" used on MC, negative body image and low self-esteem, food guilt mentions)
Word Count: +4,300
Diavolo had brought you to another fancy party. One of the nobles from out of town had invited him to a massive resort; they also provided a hotel room for each guest and their plus one – should they decide to bring someone. Diavolo was determined to whisk you away and ensure that you enjoyed your time with him. He even bought you an outfit prior to your trip. It was gorgeous (perhaps because Barbatos and Asmo had assisted him with procuring an outfit complete with accessories). Although the outfit was primarily black, there were hints of your current favorite (chromatic) color in some of the details. Diavolo had put so much thought into this.
So, you were disappointed in yourself when you changed and stared, dejected, into the mirror. Everything fit perfectly, but when you looked at yourself, it felt like maybe you didn’t fit them properly. It was too late to get another outfit, so you would have to stomach (poor wording – you didn’t really want to think about your stomach) walking into the party while feeling like this.
You let out a shaky breath and firmly placed a (figurative) mask on – this, too, fit you perfectly. So much so that Diavolo beamed cluelessly at you when you stepped out of the hotel room.
“You are stunning.” Diavolo grinned and pulled you against him by your hips. His hands were wandering lower than they should have in that hotel hallway, but Barbatos wasn’t there, and you indulged his eager hands while no one was around to see you two. It gave you a moment to stare at him in all his glory. He was so handsome, and his suit accentuated his broad chest and shoulders. You couldn’t admit it to his face, but the thought of getting him out of that suit slipped into your mind and eased some of the anxiety you were feeling.
When Diavolo finally let you out of his grasp, you told him, “You look even more stunning.”
“Impossible!” Diavolo protested. Still, he was happy you liked how he looked. He locked the door behind you and carried his grin all the way downstairs to the venue.
You noticed that Diavolo was turning heads with his presence – which wasn’t surprising. How sad and insignificant you must seem standing next to him. Eventually, he found the host of the party and greeted them. A small circle of nobles – the kind whose centuries of age came out in their mannerisms and ideology – who practically screamed “bitter old man” – surrounded you both.
One of them, who was particularly distasteful already, added to his poor first impression when he whistled at one of the incubus girls at the party. He leaned into Diavolo and said, “What a body on that one. She’s almost as sexy as Maddi. Speaking of Maddi, wasn’t she chasing after you for decades? You get attention from the most gorgeous witches and demons. What’s your secret?”
He had neglected to add humans into the category of gorgeous people Diavolo attracted. Even coming from a disgusting worm of a demon like this guy, it kind of hurt.
“I don’t know if I would say all that, but I definitely attracted a beautiful lover.” Diavolo smiled at you and held your gaze. “I don’t know how I’m this lucky.”
“Certainly.” The worm-demon waved off Diavolo’s affection for you with a single word spewed from his easy-to-mistake-for-the-ass-end-of-the-body mouth. Quite frankly, Diavolo couldn’t stand the guy, either, so he was eager to get you away from there.
Diavolo pulled you deeper into the party. You had only made it into what could be considered the foyer before you had stopped. The main course was in the following room. Well, actually, this party had skipped the main course and gone straight to dessert.
A sweet smell hit your nose seconds before you walked into the room. It wasn’t a cohesive sweetness, but a mixture of them colliding chaotically. Massive tables were lined with a variety of cakes in slices and small shapes – some more ornate than others. The waiters were wandering the room and tables, offering numerous, gorgeous-looking drinks. Beelzebub would love this – although he would ultimately ruin the party with his bottomless appetite. Asmo would be Devilgramming everything. Luke, Simeon, and Barbatos would probably enjoy this, too – although this was hardly a good environment for Luke. Still, this wasn’t what you were expecting.
“What kind of party is this?” you asked Diavolo.
“One of the executives for Madam Scream’s is celebrating a prosperous first half of the fiscal year. They’re showcasing some of the most popular flavors this year. They’re even offering a first look at next season’s new and limited-edition cake options. It was no easy feat to acquire some of the seasonal ingredients in preparation for tonight’s events. I’ve been looking forward to it for weeks, but I wanted to surprise you.”
You could tell from the outpour of information that Diavolo was excited about this. After all, Madam Scream’s success owed a good deal to Diavolo’s hard work to improve the Devildom (and also Beel’s stomach). It was impossible not to stare at him affectionately as he spoke.
“I was told by the host that they’ll be offering indignation cinnamon pudding cake. Apparently, you have pudding cake in the human world. It’s pudding and a cake in one dessert. Isn’t that delightful? We have to try some.”
You nodded. He looked so happy that you couldn’t focus on anything else – not even how you looked.
Diavolo led you to a secluded table off to the corner and encouraged you to sit while he went on a mission to retrieve the cake. Luckily, the awkwardness of sitting alone in a corner in an outfit you weren’t entirely comfortable in was interrupted by a familiar, grating chuckle.
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite human.”
“Mephisto – my favorite,” you paused and stood to your feet, “I didn’t think this through.”
Mephisto took your hand and placed a kiss on your knuckles playfully. “I suppose you can’t call me your favorite demon while you’re dating the magnificent Lord Diavolo himself.”
“I don’t think you’d let me say that even as a joke,” you teased. Mephisto was one of those people who – once you got to know him – found a way to distract you from whatever you were worrying about. Perhaps because he wasn’t one to sit in silence for long. He always had some conversation starter tucked away in his back pocket.
“I’m a journalist. I can’t just let you lie to my face without fact-checking you.”
“So professional.” You rolled your eyes and pulled out a chair for him, leaving one empty seat for Diavolo between the two of you.
Diavolo returned, and his arms were loaded with different cakes. Mephisto’s eyes widened. “You’re going all in today, my Lord.”
“Absolutely. I’m not passing up an opportunity to try a bunch of cake with my gorgeous lover.” Diavolo placed the cakes on the table with a surprising lack of trouble before he placed a kiss on your cheek. “Have you tried any of the cake yet, Mephisto?”
“Yes, my Lord. The best so far was a Demonus cheesecake. It was coated in a chocolate Demonus glaze – absolutely divine. You could tell they weren’t using the cheap stuff, either.”
“I don’t think I grabbed that one yet. I’ll have to try it, but first,” Diavolo paused to place a forkful of the pudding cake he was so excited about in front of your face, “say ‘ah’ please, my love.”
You complied. Sweetness hit your tongue, and with it, a sharp sting of shame. It was so easy to indulge Diavolo that you were letting him feed you cake in public – right in front of Mephisto, no less. And there was so much cake there. You covered your mouth as you chewed. It felt as if multiple demon nobles were staring at you.
“How is it?” Diavolo asked.
“It’s good,” you answered unenthusiastically.
Diavolo shrugged it off as a personal preference and took a bite for himself. “Good? This is amazing! I must ask Barbatos to try to recreate this back at the castle.”
“Go ahead and eat the rest, then.”
“Are you sure?”
“You looked so happy after that first bite; of course, I’m sure.” Diavolo didn’t hesitate to take another bite. And another.
“MC,” Mephisto chimed in, sliding a light blue cake towards you as Diavolo enjoyed his pudding cake. “Try this one: blue hell rose milk tea tiramisu. I’m sure you’ll love it.”
“No, thank you.” You sensed even more judgmental eyes on you.
Diavolo pulled a glossy apple-shaped cake towards him and cut into it with a fork, revealing layers of spiced cake, caramelized apples, and mousse with vanilla bean specks. He brought the cake up to your lips as he had before. This time, you denied him.
“I’m not a fan of apples,” you lied.
Diavolo looked dejected and put the fork down. He grabbed another piece of cake and used the spare fork to bring this one to your lips. “What about this one? It’s black salted caramel cake topped with rainbow toffee bits. Isn’t that whimsical?”
You could hardly hear him through the feeling of demons staring at you. Something just snapped.
“I don’t want the damn cake!” you raised your voice and shot out of your seat. Mephisto and Diavolo stared at you, shocked and concerned. Embarrassed, you apologized and rushed out of the party and back to your and Diavolo’s shared room.
Diavolo stood up to go after you.
“Are you sure you want to leave, too? Maybe you should give her a chance to calm down before you intrude,” Mephisto offered his unsolicited advice.
“I have to go.”
“You don’t have to.”
“No, I have to. She didn’t get the key from me.” Diavolo held out the room key for Mephisto to see and walked away. Before he left the venue, he quickly grabbed a slice of the cheesecake Mephisto had recommended. He spoke to himself: “I’m just going to bring this with me.”
Besides, he was the prince of the Devildom. Even if he wasn’t supposed to take the cake upstairs, who was going to stop him?
Diavolo found you sitting in front of the room with your head buried in your arms. He kneeled down next to you.
“Hey, my love,” he called out before he placed a firm hand on your shoulder, so worried that he’d frighten you if he just touched you without you knowing he was there.
“Can you please just open the door?” you asked without lifting your head. This was so embarrassing.
He unlocked the door, but you didn’t move. You didn’t want to look at him; you must seem so ridiculous. You imagined the confusion and pity in his eyes as he was staring down at you. Maybe he was regretting even bringing you along. He could have gone with anyone else and enjoyed his time and his cake without you being self-conscious and ruining his night.
“You can go back to the party.” Maybe Diavolo could salvage a bit of his night if he left you to sulk and feel bad about yourself from the comfort of your hotel room.
“I did all the mingling I needed to do. I’d like to stay – if you’ll let me.” When you looked up, Diavolo was offering you his free hand. You took his hand, and that was all he needed.
Once the door was shut, Diavolo sat down on the bed, placing his cheesecake on the coffee table nearby. He pat the spot next to him. “MC, what happened? Do you suddenly hate cake?”
“I didn’t want to eat the cake. I know some of those nobles were looking at me. If I ate the cake, they were going to think, ‘oh of course. That’s how she got like that. No wonder she doesn’t have a nice body like that incubus or like Maddi.’ It’s humiliating. And this outfit doesn’t help. I feel so exposed.”
Diavolo’s heart broke. You could see it in his eyes. His face was stern as he told you, “Your body is divine.”
“You have to think that. You already like me.”
“Does my opinion not matter?” He sounded so hurt.
“It does, but it’s not enough to feel confident when I step into a room. And it’s not enough to change my opinion.”
“You know, most demons won’t compliment you because no one would dare admit how gorgeous you are in front of me. Believe me, I’m not the only one who lusts after your body.”
Diavolo kissed your hand – his eyes burning. He kissed up your arm. “Mephisto relayed some of their comments in the past – he actually recorded them because he was too ashamed to repeat them. Would you like to know what they’ve said?”
Diavolo’s hot breath hit your neck, and you shivered. You didn’t believe that any random demon – especially not the types Mephisto typically associated with – would look at you like that. Part of you was curious, but Diavolo refused to wait for your curiosity to get the better of you. He straddled your lap, and leaned over you so he could whisper in your ear.
“‘I would let her crush me with those thighs just to get between them for a minute.’” Diavolo repeated the words of another demon so seductively. He continued with a mischievous smirk, “‘she could try to asphyxiate me with my tail, and I’d still try to smash.’ Even more depraved: ‘I would let her break off my horns and fuck me with them just to eat her out.’”
You shook your head. “Perverts.”
“They are demons after all.” Diavolo pulled back and stared down at you. “I know it won’t fix everything, but let me show you how beautiful you are to me.”
“I don’t know. I have a lot I need to work on before I feel confident.”
“Please?” Diavolo begged. “Please. I want you so bad that I’m having trouble controlling myself.”
The realization hit. The dirty thoughts he had just repeated weren’t unlike the thoughts running through his own head. He started kissing your neck. With a low growl, his hot breath grazed your skin before he slowly sank to his knees and stared up at you, eyes pleading.
“Please, let me make you feel good.” The need in Diavolo’s eyes made the breath catch in your throat. You wanted him almost as much as he craved you – and the firm rubbing of his hands up and down your thighs wasn’t making you any less desperate for him.
“Can we dim the lights at least?” He could at least do you the favor of giving you something to hide behind.
“Please don’t make me. I want to see every inch of you clearly while I do this.” The affection in his voice was thick and heavy. You couldn’t deny him, even if you were nervous. Diavolo kissed up your clothed thighs. Even through the fabric, you could feel the warmth of his breath. Both of his hands squeezed the tops of your thighs. “Can I? Please?”
“Yes,” you agreed, swallowing any hesitation for him.
Diavolo rose and made quick work of stripping you down to your underwear (which had, fortunately for him, been picked out by Asmo). You looked so sexy. Diavolo took a minute to admire you. It made you feel anxious – as if he was appraising you. However, considering how much the sight of you turned him on, this was less appraisal and more awe. A content sigh left his lips before he leaned in, his body pressed against your chest. He quickly unhooked your bra, sliding one strap off your shoulder with his hand and pulling the other one down with his teeth.
Your shyness resurfaced, and you held the bra to your body, creating a larger space between you and Diavolo. He pouted and gently touched your forearm.
“Please don’t hide. I want to see all of your body.”
“Even if they aren’t –”
Diavolo didn’t even let you finish your sentence before his hands were on either side of your face and his lips were on yours. Despite his desperation, Diavolo made an effort to make the kiss gentle and slow. When he pulled away, you were so pacified that he got in the next words. “My love, they’re tits – your tits. I’m going to love them regardless. So, please show me.”
You hesitated, and Diavolo sighed. He removed his jacket and tie, tossing them on the floor, before he started to unbutton his shirt. “I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours.”
“That’s hardly fair.” You held the fabric closer to your body. Diavolo was gorgeous and built.
“That’s true. You’re so much sexier when you’re shirtless than I am, but if showing you my body distracts you enough to let me see all of you, then I’m happy to feel like your eye candy for a bit. Besides, if you let me continue, I should probably be shirtless anyway. I want to make a mess of you.”
Maybe seeing how muscular Diavolo was didn’t help your self-esteem right now, but between his eagerness and that sexy offer, your horniness was winning. You put your arms down. Diavolo grinned.
“Thank you.” Diavolo repeated his gratitude between kisses down your sternum. He removed the bra completely and tossed it aside. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous.”
Diavolo nuzzled against you briefly before his tongue found one of your nipples. He swirled his tongue around you and sucked gently, savoring every reaction. You were so pretty like this that he could hardly wait to skip to dessert. The shiver up your spine felt contradictory to the heat of his mouth on you. Your hands snaked into his hair, scratching his scalp gently and earning a sweet moan against your skin. Diavolo swirled his tongue around you gently once more before he slowly pulled away. Teasingly, he blew on your saliva coated nipple. The gasp he pulled out of you was intoxicating.
He continued to kiss down your body as he slid back on his knees. As his hands busied themselves by massaging your thighs, Diavolo gently bit some of the fat on your stomach.
“Don’t,” you whined. The pleasure he was giving you still fought with your insecurity. “It’s embarrassing.”
Diavolo stared up at you in confusion, “why?”
“I have rolls, and you biting them only makes me more aware of them.”
“Most people have rolls. I have rolls, too. See, when I lean into you,” Diavolo made a point to get so close between your legs that his lips were practically touching the fabric of your panties as he spoke, “I have them too.”
You could only see them slightly from that angle – not to mention how hard it was to even think straight with his hot breath so close to you.
“I love your body – so much. Can’t you let your adoring boyfriend kiss and bite your stomach a little bit? It’s so cute and soft.” Those sad, pleading eyes had returned.
Damn this man. He could get away with anything. You nodded, and with a smile, Diavolo placed a kiss on your stomach. He then lowered himself back between your legs. As much as he wanted to dig in, he couldn’t resist marking up those thick thighs he adored so much. Occasionally, as he had done before, when Diavolo pulled away from your skin, he would blow on the residual saliva.
With your thighs marked to both of your satisfaction, Diavolo wanted to give you what he knew you were craving. He noticed the wet spot forming on the fabric. Although he wouldn’t admit it to avoid embarrassing you further, Diavolo could even smell your arousal – and it only made him want you more. He looked up at you with those puppy-dog eyes again and begged, “can I, please?”
You nodded, but that wasn’t enough for him.
“Tell me what you want from me. You can even be a little bossy about it.” Diavolo smiled shyly. He was so cute, you wanted to indulge him as much as you wanted him to indulge you.
“Eat me out, Diavolo,” you demanded, snaking your hand into his hair and gently tugging his head back so he was staring up at you. A small surge of power and confidence jolted through you.
Diavolo grinned and sighed contentedly. “You are so fucking hot.”
Diavolo used his teeth to drag your panties down to your knees before pulling them off with his hands. You could feel the urgency as they slid down your calves. Diavolo licked his lips – the only sign of admiration his desperate lust would afford him.
Wet noises filled the room as he alternated between gently licking your clit and lapping up your juices – occasionally twisting his tongue into you. He felt so good that you couldn’t resist grinding into him, which only made him chuckle – sending vibrations against you. He loved knowing that he was making you feel good. Diavolo flicked his tongue over you. Panting, eyes squeezed tight, and nearing your climax, your hands found Diavolo’s hair. You pulled him closer.
“You taste so good. Cum on my tongue, please,” Diavolo begged while licking you. “Use me.”
The waves of pleasure overcame you, and the way Diavolo’s eyes darted up to stare at you – clouded with lust and affection – pushed you over the edge. You fell back against the bed, biting your lip to muffle your moaning.
You expected Diavolo to stop, but he kept going with the same eagerness as before. It wasn’t long before you were writhing. Your back arched off the bed slightly as that attentive tongue of his pushed you into your second orgasm. This time, you couldn’t stifle your moans. Still, Diavolo didn’t stop. You whimpered and pulled on his hair – less gently this time.
“Wait,” you demanded. “It’s too much.”
A low growl emitted from Diavolo’s lips as he reluctantly pulled away. He could have stayed between your legs for hours. His disappointment was short-lived as he remembered something.
“Can you indulge me a bit more?” Diavolo rested his cheek against your thigh and stared up at you. “Pretty please?”
“How so?” You narrowed your eyes.
Diavolo stood up and grabbed the cake. Confused, you watched him lay down in bed on his back and set the plate of cake on his stomach. You weren’t getting it, and when you didn’t move from your spot at the edge of the bed, Diavolo sat up slightly on his elbows, still balancing the cake on his abdomen. He looked at you coyly before admitting, “I want you to sit on my face. Let me eat you out while you eat this cake, please?”
You were worried and hesitant, but he begged so well. No one else could make the prince of the Devildom beg like you.
“Mephisto said it was divine. Just enjoy your dessert while I enjoy mine.”
You really couldn’t deny him. And you weren’t as sensitive as you were a minute ago.
You got up and positioned yourself over Diavolo, nervously. He thanked you and pulled you closer by the thighs, bringing his lips right up to your pussy.
“I want to make you feel good, so don’t you dare hover.” For once, Diavolo was making demands of his own instead of begging you. But with how good his mouth felt, you couldn’t fault him for being pushy.
Somehow, the fork had stayed on the plate with the cake even with Diavolo’s movements. You took a small bite, savoring the taste. This time, when the sweetness hit your tongue, there was no guilt or shame to accompany it. It was all pleasure. Mephisto was right; the cake was delicious. But if he wanted divine, he should try it while getting eaten out. You rolled your hips against Diavolo’s face, and you could feel him smile against you. Gently, Diavolo drew a heart on the side of your thigh, his nail dragging slowly along your skin.
He was being so good to you that you wanted to reward him somehow. You swiped two fingers along the top of the cheesecake, coating your hands in the silky chocolate Demonus glaze. You drew a heart on Diavolo’s abs and leaned over to lick it off him, earning a deep moan that shook you to your core.
You managed another two bites before Diavolo pushed you over the edge again. Your legs were trembling, and you could hardly sit up anymore. Yet again, Diavolo didn’t stop. You were starting to feel overstimulated again.
“Diavolo,” you cautioned him breathlessly.
“Please, just one more?” Diavolo’s sweet pleas reverberated against you.
It felt too good. You couldn’t even lift the fork to your lips to try to eat, so you pushed the cake aside on the bed. As he inched you closer and closer, all you could do was lean over with your chest flush against him. You were so close to the massive bulge in his pants. Maybe you couldn’t even sit up, but you could reward some of Diavolo’s hard work. You rubbed his crotch, feeling how hard he was just from eating you out. His grip on your thighs tightened enthusiastically.
Your moaning hit a fever pitch as Diavolo made you cum once more. With any luck, your neighbors were still down at the party. Left a panting, twitching mess, you barely had the energy to move. While you tried to regain some strength, Diavolo gently licked you clean – sending aftershocks of pleasure up your already spent body. By the time he finished, you could hardly roll over and collapse on the bed next to him.
Pleased with his work, Diavolo chuckled and crawled over you. He kissed you so you could taste yourself on his lips. The taste of the cake was still in your mouth. When Diavolo pulled back he smiled at you. “Somehow, I still prefer your cake to anything else I’ve eaten all night.”
You were too exhausted to roll your eyes. Diavolo laid next to you and held your hand, rubbing circles over your knuckles.
“You are so beautiful.” He caressed your face.
At least for right now, you believed him.
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daytaker · 1 year ago
i have come back with more questionable mc behaviours as a treat
mc who’s a LeVeyan satanist, that or another idea of a similar variety which is when mc gets teleported they were wearing a “hail satan” shirt
also i loved the creepy scientist like mc (๑>◡<๑) - clown anon
Clown Anon MCs - [ Clowncore MC | Death-Fixated Science Geek MC | LeVeyan Satanist MC ]
I want to own a Sheep MC plush that wears a Hail Satan shirt. I want that to be among my possessions when I die.
That out of the way...
(cw: references to drug use, references to sex, this is the church of satan. sex drugs and rock n roll. this gets extremely silly towards the end.)
Satanists Don't Believe in Satan
You were vibing to Eurythmics, sitting cross-legged in your bedroom and trying to meditate while your Snake, Dr. Faust, wound his way around your arm. And then, suddenly, you weren't. The shag carpet was replaced by a hard wood floor, and the warmth of your bedroom was replaced by the cool draft of a large assembly hall with windows. And some punks in military academy uniforms were scowling at you.
"What the fuck? What gives?" You were really confused. Did you already hit the acid and you're so high you forgot? You stood up and looked down at yourself. You were still wearing your CoS shirt and pink pajama shorts, and you still had on your fluffy slippers.
"Welcome, uhhh...." A big guy in red squinted at a piece of paper, then looked at me. "Is your name actually Omen LeVey?"
"That's what it says on my driver's license, bitch." Dr. Faust wound his way up your arm and into your shirt. He clearly didn't appreciate the change in temperature either.
"It's not too late to swap them for someone else, is it?" whispered a dark haired man to Big Red.
Big Red ignored him. "Welcome, Omen, to the Devildom! I'm sure you're very confused, but everything will make sense soon. You have been chosen to participate in an exchange--"
"Where do you think you're going?" The dark haired bitch cut off Big Red as I walked to the door.
I turned around. "Uh, out?"
"Out where, exactly?" asked the bitchy one.
"Out of here? I'm not sitting around waiting for you to go through some sort of timeshare presentation with me. However I got here, I'm sure I'm high as fuck, and I'm not going to spend my time high as fuck getting talked at by this dude. No offense, Red."
Ten minutes later, you were tied to a chair in the middle of the assembly hall. Big Red, the bitch, and three other guys stood around you, unsure what to do.
"Is this, like, an ex of yours or something, Satan?" one of the extras asked another. They were both twinks, and they were also both quiet up to this point, so you couldn't really think of how to differentiate them on the fly.
"No? What are you talking about?"
"Their shirt!"
All five guys stared at your graphic tee, which was black with white splatter text that read:
"I can't believe Satan has an entire church dedicated to him! I wonder if there are churches to me," Twink 1 said with a sigh.
"That's not a church dedicated to me," replied Twink 2. "Their entire doctrine is a repudiation of my very existence. You should educate yourself, Asmodeus."
"Helloooo? Excuse me?" You wobbled in your seat, trying to get their attention. "Since I don't have any choice but to listen, I'll allow you to go ahead and tell me what the fuck is going on."
Big Red sighed at began to explain again. "You've arrived here in the Devildom as an exchange student from the human world. For the next year, you will be living here in the Devildom with us demons, attending the Royal Academy of Diavolo, or "RAD", we we tend to call it."
"...Okay, so clearly this is a bad trip, so I'm gonna politely ask if we can skip to the part where I'm finished having sex with my downstairs neighbors and I turn into a ball of energy? Like. C'mon. Chop chop."
"I am Diavolo, acting lord of the Devildom. And this is Lucifer, my right-hand demon and confidant." He gestured to the bitchy one.
"Charmed," you said in a voice saturated with sarcasm. "What about those three?"
"Ah," Diavolo said, nodding. "Those are Asmodeus, Satan, and Beelzebub. They are Lucifer's brothers."
"This is so wild. So Satan and Lucifer aren't the same dude?"
"Careful what you say," said Twink 1--or Asmodeus, as you now knew him to be. "You'll make Satan angry!"
"Sorry bro. Look look look, though, I'm in your fan club." You hope your shirt with Satan's name on it will butter that one up--Satan is Twink 2, as it turns out; a skinny blonde kid with a yellow bow tie. You aren't sure how to feel about that, exactly. You'd always pictured him as a cartoon goat-man, more or less.
"Do you really think you can butter me up by claiming that the Church of Satan is my fan club?" He scowled at you, looking indignant. "Didn't you hear me earlier? I'm aware of what your so-called 'church' teaches, and while I'm not opposed to the ideology in a broad sense, I can't support a group that considers my very existence to be a joke."
"Hey, hey, it's not a joke," you said soothingly. "You're just the theological equivalent to the Queen of Engand. Powerless, probably fake, definitely dead, but you look good on merchandise."
"Do you want to die?"
"Omen, you will be living with these four and two of their brothers for the next year." Diavolo smiled at you, apparently choosing to ignore every word you've spoken.
All four of the brothers looked crestfallen.
"Oh, yeah, I feel real fuckin' welcome. Roll out the wagon, why don't ya?"
"Is your name actually Omen LeVey?" asked Big Red again in a murmur, looking at his sheet with as mystified an expression as ever.
Dr. Faust, still coiled around your arm, peeked out at the world again and flicked his tongue. Asmodeus screamed, and Lucifer pointed at you and demanded, "Diavolo, swap it for a different one!"
Eight months later, you and Satan marry. Dr. Faust officiates. Together, you have three children, all of whom refuse to acknowledge their fathers' objective existence.
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obey-me-hoe · 7 months ago
Imagine Mammon and MC singing Lay All Your Love On Me (from Mamma Mia) to each other
Color Key: Mammon, MC, Both
CW: In the movie it's sung by a man and a woman so there are gendered terms in the lyrics but besides those couple words it can be read as gender neutral
Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
I wasn't jealous before we met
Now every man that I see is a potential threat
And I'm possessive, it isn't nice
You've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice
But now it isn't true
Now everything is new
And all I've learned
Has overturned
I beg of you
Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
It was like shooting a sitting duck
A little small talk, a smile, and baby, I was stuck
I still don't know what you've done with me
A grown-up woman should never fall so easily
I feel a kind of fear
When I don't have you near
I skip my pride
I beg you dear
Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
Don't go sharing your devotion
Lay all your love on me
I've had a few little love affairs
They didn't last very long and they've been pretty scarce
I used to think that was sensible
It makes the truth even more incomprehensible
'Cause everything is new
And everything is you
And all I've learned
Has overturned
What can I do?
Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
Don't go sharing your devotion
Lay all your love on me
Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
Don't go sharing your devotion
Lay all your love on me
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sorastage · 2 years ago
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satan’s catgirl.
be belphegor’s cowgirl
satan was reading a… very informative book one day and it gave him a great idea. he buys something off akuzon, and texts you.
(nsfw, smut, you perform oral, feminine clothing, you call him master, he calls himself master, he calls you dumb and kitten)
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you’re so excited to see what it is that you spritz some perfume on yourself and slip into some green crocs and walk to his room.
you decide to knock.
“hey mc, just come inside.”
gaining his permission, you slink inside.
“soooo. gift. where?” you get straight to the point.
he points to a box on a stack of books.
“i hope you like it. i thought of you when i saw it. i’ll wait outside, get changed and call me back in whenever you’re ready.”
why is he leaving, he’s seen you change a bunch of times before…
before you can ask this question, the door shuts.
“might as well.” you reach for the box and open it.
even though you feel a little scared, you can’t shake this feeling of pure excitement.
as you wear these… clothes, you start to feel more and more confident. you even pull at your own tail.
since satan’s still waiting outside, you could wait in any position you want…
you decide to kneel down at the entrance so you can be the first thing he sees as he walks in.
sitting far enough to not be smacked by the door, you call out:
“satan… your catgirl is waiting for you.~”
the door flies open.
he shuts then locks the door before turning around.
his eyes dart around the room, not noticing you crawling up to him and pawing at his ankles, slowly making your way up.
“look down. is this what you wanted..?” you whisper.
“f-fuck, you decided to surprise me, huh? you naughty little-”
you cut him off by suddenly grabbing his dick through his trousers.
“permission to take this off… master?”
unable to speak anymore, he just nods.
you pull his trousers and underwear down and trace lines up and down his hardened cock, lightly blowing on it.
“s-stop being such a tease. use that mouth of yours for something good.” he grabs your head and shoves his entire length in your mouth.
“can’t talk anymore now huh? dumb kitten, you only know how to use that mouth to please your master.” he continues to mock you and all you can do is gag as tears threaten to fall from your eyes.
he pulls you back up and shoves you back down, continuing for a few minutes before he starts to whine incessantly.
“s-shit. good kittens swallow.” he mutters before releasing in your mouth.
you make sure to fulfil his request and open your mouth to prove it.
“you’re the best kitten… come here.” he pulls you up and lays you on the bed.
he peppers kisses all over your body, flips you over and yanks your tail, causing you to yelp.
he laughs before hooking his finger round your panties and pulling them off in a swift motion.
“i’ll make sure you mewl my name for hours.”
i hope i’ll see you again ღ
thanks for reading ☆
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snowb3rryy · 1 year ago
Lucifer x F!MC
Unexpected Expectations Part 2 ♡
This part will be almost purely smut. Make sure to check the first part:
Warnings: Smut so minors DNI.
It contains: Spanking, Blindfold, butt plug, cowgirl.
Trigger Warning for mild use of safe word
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
- Lucifer?!
<<I immediately close my legs and cover myself with the bedsheets. He smiles wickedly.>>
Lucifer: What are you covering exactly? Are you suddenly embarrassed?
<<He walks closer to the bed and eventually sits beside me. He caresses my still panicked face. I didn't expect my heartbeat to go faster than it already was.>>
Lucifer: It seems like, you missed me too much. I can't lie, I did to... as you already know.
<<He smirks and I take his hand.>>
- It's been too long Lucifer, I want you
<<I kneel on the bed and the bed sheets fall beside me. He holds me from my waist and he kisses me.>>
Lucifer: Then, I shall give you what you want. Will you give me permission to do as I please with you?
- Yes
<<I reply before he even got to finish his sentence. >>
Lucifer: What's your safe word?
- Green when everything is fine, Yellow when I feel uncomfortable and you switch the position, Red when I want you to stop completely. Come on Lucifer you know I remember them, hurry.
Lucifer: No, it's important to check and you know it. Now... come in front of me and lay on my lap, alright?
<<I nod and I do exactly as he says, I know exactly what's coming.>>
Lucifer: Now tell me, why did you use that toy? Were you simply aroused or as an substitute to me fucking you?
- The... the second one.
Lucifer: You know, I don't mind you using toys yet, I do get upset when your body asks for me and you limit yourself to that silicone thing... How many do you think you deserve to get your lesson? 10? 20?..
- 100? Lucifer... maybe 5..
Lucifer: 5? *he laughs menacingly as he puts his hand on my buttcheek and caresses it.* 5 is too little... maybe let's start with 15 and I'll judge if you need more...discipline.
<<Lucifer starts spanking me and makes me count them, one by one. With every one he gets rougher, while I get wetter. 17..18.. 19..>>
Lucifer: 20? Did you say 20? Hmm... too early. Start from 0, again.
<<He slaps my butt once more and I start to count again, until I reach 20. At this point I barely feel my buttcheek and I know for a fact my liquids stained his pants.>>
Lucifer: Good girl, you took all 40, you're making me very happy.
<<He takes a deep breath and he orders me to stand up. He asks me my color. I reply with "Green" and he smiles and kisses my cheek.>>
Lucifer: Now, get up and take off your bra and panties and stand with your tits against the wall by the window.
<<I blush a bit and I remove my underwear and follow his orders. I press my front on the cold wall and I feel my nipples get tingly. I arch my lower back a bit and he rests his hand on my hip. Lucifer stays behind me while still wearing all of his clothes.>>
Lucifer: Is this alright, dear?
<<Lucifer puts a blindfold over my eyes.>>
- Yes, I think I like were this is going.
Lucifer: Good. Now how about this?
<<Lucifer moves a butt plug on my ass. After I reply positively, he puts it in and kisses my neck.>>
Lucifer: I won't put a gag in your mouth this time. Since I can't see your expression, I want you to use your words. I want you to take your hands and put them up against the wall until I say otherwise.
<<With that order, I hear Lucifer taking off his shirt and unzipping his pants. I feel his two fingers move up and down from my clit to my vagina.>>
Lucifer: Do you like being under my control so much, or is it simply because of the anticipation of being filled by my cock after a month?
- Don't act like you don't get me like this everytime. You know I'm a mess for you everytime.
<<Lucifer chuckles and turns my head slightly to kiss me. He whispers "I love you" and I feel his cock enter me slowly. From the tip to the base and back out again fully. His almost animalistic grunts are already filling the room as I myself feel that sensation that's driving me crazy, that makes my body immediately bend in half. Lucifer starts with slow and soft thrusts while his hands hold my hips. I need to feel more of him so I start to move myself back against him and he immediately gets his right hand off of my hip and grabs my neck.>>
Lucifer: I don't think I said "move your hips" now, did I?
- Sorry.. Can you go faster, Lucifer?
Lucifer: I would if you asked first but since you didn't...
<<He pulls out and makes me get on my knees.>>
Lucifer: Earn it.
<<With my hands I try to locate his cock and I immediately take him in my mouth. At first just the tip while I softly suck it and lick it with my tongue.>>
Lucifer: Deeper
<<As he says that, he puts his hand on my head and moves it so that his whole dick, well most of it, gets in for as much as I can take. I choke and cough but try my best to suck him from tip to base while tears run from my eyes and wet the blindfold.>>
- Yellow
<<I say after almost 5 tries. As much as I want, it's almost unbearable for me right now. Maybe the lack of vision, maybe the sudden change too>>
<<Lucifer immediately pulls away and helps me up>>
Lucifer: Alright darling. You did very good. Do you want to stop or continue?
- Continue, please.
Lucifer: Of course
<<He kisses me and he puts me against the wall once again. He presses the button on the butt plug and it starts to vibrate and slowly move inside me.>>
- Ooh fuck~
<<Is all I can say as I feel the sensations burst inside me. My body feels so good yet the emptiness of my pussy is devastating.>>
- Lucifer, put it in please.
<<Without a word, he puts it in forcefully and he lets out a low moan. I arch my back as my body gets excited. Lucifer takes his hand and softly chokes me exactly as I like it while the pace of his thrusts rises. I smile to myself from satisfaction and whimper. Lucifer slowly let's go of my neck and he gets both of his hands on my breasts and he flicks and pinches my nipples in-between of him squeezing them. I immediately lose my mind and my body moves on its own.>>
<<Lucifer then takes off my blindfold with one hand, he pulls out for a second and turns me around quickly. He helps me put my legs by his sides and he holds them up with his hands as he starts to thrust once more. With the first one, I feel him hitting my sweet spot.>>
- Yes yes Lucifer, right there, please do that again
<<Lucifer smiles and he keeps hitting my spot repeatedly. At the same time he lockes his gaze with mine and smiles at me. I hold on to him by putting my hands on his shoulders. As I get closer I warn him and I grip tightly on him. He keeps the pace up as I like it and as I'm about to cum, he puts his mouth on mine and my orgasm hits at the same time. My lower body trembles and that orgasm lasts for a few seconds more than usual.>>
Lucifer: Come on, you can do it once more.
<< He says as he takes me to the bed and start to fuck me senseless as he chases his own orgasm. I put my hand on my clit as I feel indeed a second wave coming soon.>>
<<Lucifer calls out my name and I start to feel his cock throbbing inside me, yet he did want me to cum once more so aftee a few seconds he darkens his eyes and he moves fast again, not caring that he just came, so that I can go again. His cock is still hard, it has more to give.>>
- My turn
<<In adrenaline rush, as I'm wrapped around him, I manage to turn him over and I am now sitting on him. I position myself correctly and I start to move on him in cowgirl position. Lucifer chuckles impressed, even though it's not the first time this happened. I put my hands on the headboard and move my hips desperate to cum once more. Lucifer moves himself up and down too and that combination is thankfully getting us off pretty fast. My legs give out as I orgasm and I fall on top of him as I feel him filling me up once more.>>
Lucifer: Shower?
- I can't move my legs right now
Lucifer: We're sweaty and your thighs are full of my cum dripping out of you.
- Carry me then
Lucifer: Is that a proper way to ask for something?
- Yes, I'm tired right now that's the best you'll get
<<I frown and bury my head on his neck as I feel him moving my body a bit upwarss so that he can pull out. Needless to say apart from a bath, we need to change the bedsheets too>>
- Ugh, I don't want to deal with this.
Lucifer: Why don't we turn on the jacuzzi and lay there for as long as you'll like?
<<I nod and I indeed get him to carry me all the way inside the jaccuzi. He's a strong demon afterall so my weight is nothing to him.>>
<<I lay in his arms on the jaccuzi and it's so warm and comfortable I want to stay here forever>>
- I think I might just sleep as well
Lucifer: Mm, you should yes... I'll hold you all the time so, sleep my love.
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celestialrealms · 2 years ago
gotta be one of the funniest genres of barbatos scenes
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thatguyfromforest · 1 year ago
Mammon looked around.
This is one of the few evenings when the whole family gathered in one room. Lucifer did not write his endless papers, Levi did not watch the next anime marathon, Asmo did not go to a party, Satan did not close himself in the library, Beel did not stay late for training and Belphie did not sleep (well, almost did not sleep).
The topic of conversation was changing every minute, everyone was involved and it seemed that nothing could be better. The TV was hissing softly behind him, a pleasant warmth was coming from the fireplace, causing drowsiness. Mc was here too. She sat opposite him between the twins, stroked Belphie's hair, who had fallen asleep on her lap, carefully passed packs of snacks to Beel and smiled.
Oh, whatever Mammon would do for that smile. Whatever he would do to wake up seeing that smile, fall asleep next to her and so on from day to day.
You're the love of my life.
"Didn't you recently write a diploma for the university?" Lucifer asked, and all attention turned to Mc. She smiled guiltily, as if she had done something wrong and lowered her gaze.
"Exactly! I remember what you said about it" Asmo nodded and moved closer.
"How did it go? What do you think to do with this next?" - Satan closed the book and turned to Mc, waiting for an answer. But for some reason she was silent. She was still smiling and looking at the floor. Mammon felt uncomfortable for some reason.
And most importantly, why does no one but him pay attention to this change of atmosphere? Why is she silent? What's wrong? She didn't pass? Or she's going to...
"Mc" he called. "what do you want to do next? Will you leave us? Will you leave me?"
The room went cold in an instant. He blinked and now it was just him and Mc in the room. There was no fire in the fireplace, no TV, no one nearby. Just the two of them. She still had her hand in her lap, as if Belphie was still lying there.
"This is cruel Mammon" she whispered "It's not even fair"
"What ya talkin' about?"
She looked up at him, still with the same faint smile.
Now this smile did not bring happiness to his soul.
Only cold fear.
"I've been dead for a long time Mammon. I have no future, I left it in this house. There is only the past in which I can't breathe"
Mammon blinked again and now there was no one in the room but him. He jumped to his feet and looked around. Something is missing. Something's wrong. Where did everyone go? Mc?
His trembling legs led him towards her room by themselves. The step turned into a run, and he could no longer notice that her drawings, which she gave to the brothers, were missing from the walls, her little garden was not visible from the window, and there were no cute pink slippers at the entrance.
He opened the door with such a bang that it seemed the whole Devildom heard it. Moonlight illuminated the outlines of the room, covered with a century-old layer of dust. No one has been here for years. But how so, Mc went out of here to hang out with them, he saw for himself.
This is some kind of joke. Another failed prank by Belphie and Satan over Lucifer.
Mammon went into the room, trying not to make unnecessary sounds, as if he could disturb someone. The bed is neatly made, notebooks are stacked on the table, empty flower pots are on the window. It's the same as always, except...
Neatly standing vase on the shelf. In the corner, almost invisible. Mammon didn't remember her.
The realization came only when he opened the lid and looked inside.
Mammon inhaled so hard that his chest ached. His eyes were open, but his vision was hazy, he could not even see the ceiling of the bedroom. He almost fell off the bed, but managed to roll over and immediately grabbed his throat. It was as if water had been poured into his lungs, he could not take a single breath.
It is not true. It is not true. It is not true. It is not—
He jumped out of bed and immediately collapsed on the floor. His legs refused to obey him, but Mammon forced himself to stand up. Not seeing where he was running, he just trusted his instincts. A long-learned path.
The house was quiet, as well as behind the door of her room. He opened it, not caring about the silence. He went straight to the bed and only then was able to exhale.
Mc was lying there, wrapped in a huge blanket like a caterpillar. She sniffed softly and made a funny whistling sound with her nose. His legs betrayed him, and Mammon collapsed to the floor, having managed to catch on the edge of the bed. From a thud, Mc stirred, mumbled something and removed her hair from her face.
Mammon grinned nervously and immediately put his hand over his mouth. He didn't care that he could wake her up, just another second and he wouldn't be able to restrain the hysteria that was bursting out of his throat.
"Mammon?..." came a soft whisper from the bed. Mammon shifted his gaze and felt tears flowing down his cheeks. Mc sleepily rubbed her eyes and looked puzzled at the night guest. "Mammon, what happened? Why are you crying—"
He did not let her finish, throwing all his weight on her, wrapping his arms and legs around her body. Mc let out a small squeak of surprise, but immediately quieted down when she felt Mammon's shaking.
"It's okay. I've got you. I'm here."
"Yes," he sobbed "you're here. I beg... Please, always be here... Don't ever leave me..."
All the next morning Mammon did not move away from Mc more than two steps, which was not surprising, but he was so quiet that all brothers thought about another curse had been put on him.
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