#ob stormlight
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ace-fandom-dumbass · 6 days ago
Oathbringer, chapter 52, the flashback where evi brings the kids to see dalinar at the war camp
Oh hell this is hitting close to home. Adolin's response to meeting the father he barely remembers? And poor Renarin who's apparently never seen or really been acknowledged by dalinar at all? Someone get these kids skype and a pair of hug-a-hero dolls Now.
Dalinar Kholin you are the one in charge of this campaign Why have you not visited them more??? Hell when I was a kid 18 months was going over on deployment, surely, surely you can have chosen to take st least a month or two leave a few more times in here???? Saluting is Not how your child should be responding to seeing you after your deployment, though of course it's not really after his deployment because he HASNT TAKEN LEAVE SINCE BEFORE RENARIN WAS BORN! And like yeah, that happens, deployments get extended but HES THE ONE IN CHARGE! Even if he'd need to clear it with Gavilar are you telling me there hasn't been one opportunity this whole time to go "hey man, the raids have slowed a bit, can I leave my most trusted guy in charge for a bit to go check in on my kids in person?"???
You know, I said get these kids Skype but let's be honest, of Evi couldn't reach him for his input on their child's name hed probably just miss their planned calls all the time. Evi probably gathers them to try and talk with dalinar over spanreed but nothing ever comes of it based on what shes said so far. Sir I thought you were a decent father What The Hell. why are you ignoring your family??? What happened to being overwhelmed at Adolins birth???
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lamaery · 2 months ago
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In August this year Dragonsteel asked me if I could add some concept art and designs as inspiration for the Worldhopper ball mainly to visualize the room and the wedding attire of both Adolin and Shallan. 
As usual I loved to get into the tiny details - from embroidery patterns to alethi wedding traditions. Some of them made it into the final event some of them did not and this is why I am so happy I can finally share them with you! 
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So to say that I made some high pitched noises when i stepped into the venue at the ball last December is probably an understatement. Paladin Creative, Dragonsteel and their many helpers did such an impressive job making this immersive ball reality and fun – especially considering with so little time beforehand. 
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Thanks to @paladincreative, @valentine.bridal and @kayleemakescrafts for making these designs physical! 💙
Thank you to @officialsavannahcarrasco and @jacksupertoast for bringing these two to life those nights! ❤️
And of course major thanks to @brandsanderson and @izykstewart for letting me help dress Adolin and Shallan for their wedding! (I felt weirdly like a proud mum 😆)🧡
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dryad-lesbians · 4 months ago
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reading part 2 of well of ascension and part 4 of oathbringer at the same time is... an experience
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vanilla-vivillon · 7 months ago
Really killed the vibes man
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kingjasnah · 9 months ago
i hope adolin has to solve another mystery in stormlight 5 like this is such a funny thing to keep happening to a guy. he's taking a girl out on a date but has to be like wait uhh hold on a sec i have to search for Clues. at least in wok he wasnt the literal perpetrator of the crime everyone asked him to solve LOL
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cosmereclysmic · 11 months ago
Based on the One (1) Vanilla (Non-corrupt/enlightened) Mistspren, Dreaming-Though-Awake, I'm going to assume Mistspren names are based on the ways one might try to describe a word they can't quite place. Dreaming when you're awake is just Daydreaming.
Like how Truthwatcher is that, Radiant Order of Finding and Understanding External Truths*, where you have the truth juuuuust out of reach so you try and scrape together the words you do have in order to describe it.
*It hasn't been properly confirmed through text that Truthwatcher Oaths are external truths. (Like I think one of Renarin's oaths was discovering his visions could be wrong. I can't remember if that was confirmed as an oath or not lol.)
I can't remember if this has been discussed in the fandom, but a lot of the oaths are like. Internal and External coded just like Mistborn Allomancy. Windrunners are Internal Honor. Skybreakers: External Honor. Dustbringers: Internal Mastery. Edgedancers: External (Community) Mastery. Truthwatchers: External Truth. Lightweavers: Internal Truth. Elsecallers: Internal Limit-breaking (idk if that's the right word but here we are). Willshapers: External Limit-breaking (setting others free). Then we get to fucking Stonewards and my pattern gets a bit fumbled because we have soooooo little, but that's not going to stop me. Are they uniting The Self for Power Reserve/Tanking Purposes? They have the ability to harden non-living things like clothing. Therefor tightening the Axioms together. Internal Bonding (Literally!). Anyways if that's the case then Bondsmiths are uniting external forces.
Anyways that went way off tangent from me hypothesizing about Mistspren naming conventions. Welcome to my twisted (adhd) mind I guess.
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thisgalliz · 6 months ago
So in oathbringer chapter 90 szeth mentions knowing a voice like nightblood's in his youth, and forgive me if I'm wrong but the Wind spoke in Kaladins mind day one of wind and truth. What I'm saying is I think szeth was with the wind during his childhood. Thoughtsm
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stormlight-archive · 2 years ago
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Oathbringer fun!!
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sweatersexual · 6 months ago
y'all . . . I am maybe becoming a trans woman Kaladin truther
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crow-of-paradise · 1 month ago
Early Oathbringer Spoilers
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I wasn't spoiled for this thing (SOMEHOW) and it hit me hard enough to make me cry, then immediately spiral, distraught at the very real possibility of this Happy thing in Kal's life being ripped away from him, oh my god oh my god 😭😭😭
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thedevilprobs · 1 month ago
Just read chapter 35 of Oathbringer for the first time and GOSH what a fucking TREAT my baby boy Sigzil as POV is
Thank you Sando for this meal, I eat up every word
He's definitely been a top 5 character for me since the beginning
I love how he's related to Wit, I love his gender non conformity in Alethkar specially considering he's Azish aka the most conforming ppl
Azir culture in general is interesting and he's my favorite Azish character for the moment too
Just great things all around I had a blast
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lamaery · 1 year ago
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9 - shield
Kaladin (and Syl) shielding human prisoners from the storm winds through sheer, albeit magically infused willpower. More of a colour sketch really. But I wanted to make something for this scene in Oathbringer for a while now. Especially since I haven’t seen many depictions of it. But what can we do? Kaladin has heroic moments of awesomeness like other people have breakfast.
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blindradiant · 2 years ago
One of my favorite things about Szeth is how he doesn’t necessarily care if he’s the best at what he does, and he doesn’t particularly want to be the best. But when he’s presented with a task/devotes himself to doing something, he gives it all he has and demands excellence of himself, so he ends up being one of the best anyway.
We’ve only seen this a few times in the books so far, but I think of it a lot. It actually explains a lot of why Szeth is the way he is
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shouldprobablybereading · 4 months ago
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So holding safehands in front of Wit is fine but not Jasnah?
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kainekron · 10 months ago
Stormlight reread: 52 a highway to the sun
Okay so have a new idea because of this chapter dalinar says he'd go to karbranth to be healed of his madness here
So I can fully imagine an hey you where Kaladin is sent to be a surgeon and does the same thing does in rhythm of War where he finds out how mental health is treated on roshar and he freaks out and he tries to find his own methods
So they send dalinar to the new fancy expert they have in Kaladin at the same time maybe we push this back in the timeline so we have shallan and jasnah there in the early parts of shallan's warship and you can have four of our main characters interact in the very early part of the story
while the actual main plot is happening somewhere else with renara which I think would be very cool
Just imagine doing the love triangle in way of Kings with kabsal instead of adolin
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