#o3ak gets it
thebiggestnope · 2 years
I swear I'm working on chapter seven of The Training of Bruno Madrigal, but I also keep accidentally banging out dom!Bruno scenes that have nothing to do with the next chapter. Emphasis on the "banging." 😳
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missilestorms · 2 years
Missilestorm's Encanto Fic Rec List
Updated 6/3/2022
Alrighty, I thought I'd join the fray here - This shall no doubt grow as I find more lovely stories. Sorted by pairings - I tend to skew more toward angst and hurt/comfort centered around Bruno and Mirabel platonic feels, but I've been writing so much of it lately that fluff and other stuff has become a necessary part of the reading routine, so there's probably a little something for everyone in here. I'll update this periodically as I find more wonderful fics and will rotate things in and out on occasion.
Bruno/OC (or Reader) (or both if you're ClicheJoe):
Candlelight by ClicheJoe (Mature) | Tumblr: ClicheJoe
Holy crap this is good. The biggest driver here is that Reme, the Reader/OC, is really easy to fall in love with. Reme makes mistakes, falls on her face (literally) a lot, and is hilarious. This fic has me grasping at straws for any little info about the OC's backstory, which with the incredible casting of Encanto already, is such a feat. Seriously, go read this - it's got plot, and humor, and romance, and marshes, and it's fantastic. Go follow @clichejoe on tumblr too and suffer through her veiled plot related reposts with the rest of us.
Heart Attack Love by RosellaC (Explicit) | Tumblr: @rosellacwrites Professor Bruno/Reader AU; Friends, this is very smutty, and it's really well done, and now I've gone and gotten invested in the plot. There's some fantastic imagery in this one. If it's your thing, go read it, shoo.
Seasons Series by o3ak (Explicit) | Tumblr: @o3ak
Once again, more wineglass top tier god level smut, and then feels come in and you kinda want to start crying! If that isn't an endorsement I don't know what is.
your words unspoken by Applesap (Explicit) | Tumblr: @applesap-fics
Bruno comes out, and reactions and explorations ensue. I love the family in this fic - their reactions, support, and conversations are great. I enjoy Bruno wanting to go out and explore. It’s also got angst and makes me feel feelings - I'm excited to see where it goes!
Bruno & Mirabel Centric Fanfics:
Artificial Shortages by sitting_all_alone (Teen) | Tumblr: @selcaby
This de-Disney’s Bruno’s time in the walls, and it’s just heartbreaking. This is really well written and makes me feel all the feelings. Great angst and really lovely moments.
house of cards by therealgift (Teen)
Mirabel gets trapped in the rubble of Casita, and Bruno is injured and tries to help her out. Oh MAN, does this have some fantastic angst moments already. I’m clinging to the “angst with a happy ending” tag like a life raft. ;_;
See me; hear me by therealgift (General)
Bruno gets to Mirabel before Alma does, and some really sweet interactions ensue. Excellent one-shot!
I'm Fine (I'm Not) by Breanna (Teen) | Tumblr: @breannaaiedail
A lovely series of one-shot sickfics featuring Bruno and Mirabel! This is rainy day cozy hot chocolate worthy h/c, and it's got some angst to balance out the saccharine.
The Distance Between Us Series by Breanna (General) | Tumblr: @breannaaiedail
This is my multi-week cleanse at the moment. The first in the series one-shots that follows Mirabel and Bruno's relationship pre-gift ceremony, and the second picks up with them after Casita falls. I love how Bruno's degrading mental health is handled too - it's subtle enough to still be fluff galore, but it's there, and it drives you to want to keep reading, see how their relationship develops, and watch him make promises he can't keep (wah).
the future looks like this by bumblezone (General)
A lovely little one shot between Mirabel and Bruno - the characterizations are great. It focuses in on a conversation they have after Casita is rebuilt. I'm a sucker for any fanfic recognizing the parallels between Mirabel and Bruno, and this hits that mark.
Bruno From Before by UsedToBeGuest123 (General) | Tumblr: @usedtobeguest123
This fic centers around the side effects of Bruno's gift, and Mirabel and Bruno's relationship post Casita. I really like how this fic handles a lot of stuff. Bruno characterization is really neat, and Mirabel's struggle with self blame is really well done too.
Not the Intended Reunion by sleepygirl0305 (Teen)
I really enjoyed the flow of this fic. Mirabel leaves with Bruno after Casita falls, and ten years later, Antonio discovers that they have been living in a nearby town all along. I love the way this fic handles Mirabel's mental struggle.
Nos Sigue la Noche by Thornvale (Teen) | Tumblr: @thornvale
This fic is one of the best suspense-building fics I've read in this genre. It will hook you and make you keep reading. Accept that you'll be drowsy at work the next morning. Just - wow. I love the characterization, and the buildup, and just everything. Wonderfully done.
A Lie More Comfortable Than Truth (Teen) by Queen_mab | Tumblr: @themadqueenmab
Wow. This fic is just brilliant. I love Mirabel's characterization in this and the bond her and Bruno have formed. Bruno's chronic worry and protectiveness and the way it's manifested is just A tier in this and I've gone back multiple times to read certain chapters just because of the way the character interactions are written. Really wonderful stuff.
Murder, Magic, & Mugs by aetherspell(aether_december) | Tumblr: @aetherdecember
This is a very fun modern fantasy AU. Bruno suffers, Mirabel is sweet, and Camilo’s a little shit. The angst in this is great, and I love how characters from different media have been woven into the world. It’s a really fun compelling read.
Mirabel Centric Fics:
Sympathy Pain by DecemberMe (General) | Tumblr: @hectic-hector
This is a cute little oneshot about periods and Bruno having grown up in a house full of women and what that means for his knowledge of the matter. Very sweet, and the art to go with it is great!
Bruno Centric Fics:
Open Your Eyes (and see that you’re home) by ImpossibleFangirl0632 (Teen) | @impossiblefangirl0632
Bruno is separated from the family at the river as a child, and proceeds to have a very not fun time. There’s a very sweet daughter OC in this that I’ve really enjoyed, and the angry Bruno moments are great.
Alma Centric Fics:
Dame tu Manito by DancingMantis (Teen) (Alma & Bruno)
This fic follows Alma and Bruno's relationship in a 5 times, 1 time format. It's ongoing, but the imagery in this fanfiction is just fantastic - the descriptions are phenomenal.
A Third Chance by Starfangs_Secrets (Teen) | @starfangssecrets
Alma is taken back in time and tries not to repeat her mistakes. I’m still working through this fic, and I really like it! The OCs are great, Alma’s regret and reactions are heartbreaking, and there’s some interesting and thought provoking details added to Bruno’s gift.
Camilo & Bruno Centric Fics:
Mortifying by between (Teen)
Camilo needs more food to function, but hasn't really communicated this well with his family. Angst ensues - I love this fic, and I love the interactions between Camilo and Bruno. Super good read!
The Stars Don't Shine, They Burn by CakeBeDamned (General)
No one actually sits Camilo down and explains what happened when Casita fell, and h/c ensues. I love the takes on Camilo’s gift and how it’s tied to his emotion, and I really enjoyed the characterization choices with Bruno!
Missilestorm's Encanto Fanfics
Here are my Encanto Fanfics! :)
Tremors, Bruno Madrigal & Mirabel Madrigal (Teen)
The night Casita returns, Mirabel discovers she has a gift that causes cracks to form and decides that it's best if no one knows about it.
Naensut's Tremors Fanart
Old Habits Die Hard, Bruno Madrigal & Mirabel Madrigal (Mature) | TW Rape and Underage
Mirabel is assaulted by a townsperson shortly after Casita falls; deals with the aftermath of that assault with Bruno as her main support, and how the event curls together with family trauma.
Hectic-Hector's Old Habits Hug Fanart
Hectic-Hector's Old Habits Courtroom Fanart
Kintsugi (Teen), Camilo Madrigal & Bruno Madrigal (General)
After Casita is restored, Camilo still tends to put a lot before himself. Everyone’s too busy to notice.
I would also recommend checking out Breanna's Fic Recs, Naensut's Fic Recs, and die-youn's Fic Recs for additional fantastic recommendations <3
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naoko-world · 2 years
Thank you for the tag, @waitingonavision 💚!
favorite time of the year: I don't know... Spring? Not too hot, not too cold, and the plants are blooming!
comfort food: Since I'm hesitating between Pizza and chocolate, I'll say both. If I need to relax it'll be chocolate, if I need to be happier it'll be pizza!
And here is a photo from last week!
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do you collect something: Books as manga and novels, but also figures...Stuffed toys...Anything from things I like (as Encanto, I even bought sockets I'll probably never wear).
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favorite drink: Coca Cola! And this is why it's hard to restrain myself to avoid getting fat again 😂
current favorite song: Happy face - Jaguar twin I discovered recently and like to imagine scenes with it!
favorite song: J'ai demandé à la lune - Indochine. Always was my favorite, I can't imagine any replace it (it could though, it happened for Beauty and the beast shamefully replaced in my heart by Encanto)
tag 9 people you want to get to know better:
@o3ak @neon-green-eyes @lunaencantada @rosellacwrites @omgcheez @unskilled-dabbler @cavatappi @peachywander @hectic-hector
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Are you looking for any other Encanto fic writers to talk to? @missilestorm1, @rosellacwrites, @pensandpizza, and @thecrazyashley-blog and @o3ak!
Thank you so much for this list of writers! I try to space out episodes for the same fandom (unless a writer approaches me directly, in which case I'm always happy to get them on the schedule), so perhaps we'll revisit Encanto again towards the end of the year. I'll keep this list handy for that! Thanks again!
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clichejoe · 2 years
Encanto writer asks!
9 + 19
OOOOf going for the hard questions - i love it!
okay so 9 was answered in rosellac's ask, but I can deffo do 19!
19. If you write smut, what is your headspace like when you do?
Okay so writing smut for candlelight was the first time I ever even wrote two characters kissing let alone everything that comes after. But I knew what Candlelight needed to have, and that was semi-realistic relationship development. So I had to learn to write it.
I learned to write smut the same way I learned to write my thesis (good god I hope my supervisor never sees this post). I did a lot of research - specifically in the E rated Encanto Bruno/Reader fics (shout out once more to @rosellacwrites, @avocado-writing and @o3ak - my best resources, just amazing work). Found out what people liked best, read comments, at one point had a very scarring time googling how a handjob worked (*never again*).
At first writing it, my headspace was . . . terrified. At some points, the scenes were written with my eyes closed lol (thank god i know how to touch-type). But I like pushing myself so I kept working at it and now I can say it's honestly just like writing anything else - basically I've gone numb to it almost lol. But I'm proud I learned how to get to that point!
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rosellacwrites · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass it on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love. 💖
Oh fun! Let’s see…
1. Has to be Heart Attack Love. Started as a one-shot, now we here. 😂 My first attempt at a modern AU, my first attempt at writing to a prompt from a friend, my first fic that really seemed to capture a lot of attention. I just love everything about this one even though it’s turned into a total monster.
2. Fireworks. A little one-shot in the Professor Bruno AU that stayed a one-shot (unlike everything else I write 🤦‍♀️). Some fics are a struggle to write, and some just sort of pop into your head fully formed. This was the latter.
3. Escultura. Going back to my first Encanto series, this was just a tiny thing, not much more than a drabble, but I’m really happy with the way it turned out and if I ever continue anything from that series, this will be the one. Luisa Madrigal deserves the world. 😍
4. Long Time Running. Further down the list because it’s still a WIP, but I like how it’s turning out.
5. Wayfinding. Part of that older series, I think it’s some of the best Madrigal family dynamics I’ve written. Not my best writing work overall, but there are scenes in it I still love a lot.
Tagging @avocado-writing @o3ak @ravenclawbiologist-blog @naoko-world @missilestorm1 no pressure, just fun! (Kittens for attention)
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o3ak · 2 years
Weird asks: 19, 24, 46
a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
Getting married. I visualize the wedding day and the days/weeks to follow once in a while, and it helps me check whether i've developed an interest in marriage or not. It's a topic that comes up in conversation with people, as i've been with my SO for almost 7 years now, and unless i stay mindful and check in with myself often, others' opinions will affect mine.
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
Smoking and stargazing and talking about life.
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
If you'd like me to. But if it's the first time we're meeting, we'd probably have better things to do than sit there immobilized by wet nail polish fro 10 minutes (lock your front door good citizens, o3ak and @thebiggestnope are in town).
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clichejoe · 2 years
(Just helping you procrastinate, like a good mutual)
o3ak you lil angel, I love procrastination.
Just answered the Silk one in RosellaC's ask HOWEVER I WILL ADD MORE SONGS TO THE LIST -
Silk: list songs you listen to for a jam
specific songs from The Struts that I ADORE are 'I Hate How Much I Want You' and 'All Dressed Up (With Nowhere to Go)'
Galway Girl - Derina Harvey Band [for those pirate, sea shanty vibes]
Real Long Time - White Reaper
Adeline - Fever Dolls
Fire Up The Night - New Medicine
Mary - The Happy Fits
Hot Venom - Minature Tigers
Waterloo - ABBA (let's not lie, anything by ABBA)
Elon Musk is Making Me Sad - The Rentals
Sunflower: if there was a door that went to a city that was a good representation of you, what city would it be and would you go through the door?
So hear me out, I know very little about any city in the world, so I don't know if this is meant to be a made up city or a real city, but basically - think of the most batshit, disorganised city in the world. With lots of libraries. And museums. Mainly a science museum. And libraries. Big ones. And a lot of universities where I get to read all their research papers, and like a decent public transport system (because bad public transport kills me inside), and the even more museums and lots of bakeries and nerd shops and -
Wait - I've just described London, haven't I.
Sure I'd go to London. That seems fun lol
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