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pow-creations-headcanons · 8 months ago
Outsiders spoilers
Rats and Outsiders canonically take place in the same world (I think?). The father of the house in rats was a big fan of the show when he was growing up and his childhood room was filled with memorabilia from the STARR series.
-💥 anon
its not fully canon but IVE PLAYED WITH THIS BEFORE!!!!!!!!!
okay but imagine Owen and Apo stumbling across images of O!Owen, Owen oddly shaken seeing a human he'd never seen before, and Apo unable to take zir eyes off it, something far too familiar about the man.
Bek stumbling on a replica of the "great" Bekyamons crossbow, and trying to make a rat sized one
NOW EL. OH ELOISE. The eldest sisters potions. I think the eldest sister has a book from when they were a kid that their father gave them, some silly book with pictures of a contestant called "Soup", something about "Soups ultimate potion guide" or smth idk. It's one of those silly fandom recipe books basically but El is so curious about it..
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justalilpearlie · 7 months ago
maybe :((
god i really want them to reunite sobs..
ALSO bit off topic but i personally, this is prolly projection, but i like to say that she didnt actually forgive bek, cause thats a huge thing to ask for what bek did. but she still wanted to give her the chance to better herself and prove she's changed to everyone else. but she didnt wanna be her friend again, she gave her tasks to grow as a person aswell.
yet bek only cared about what magic thought and kept trying to gain *her* aproval, make small talk w her while doing tasks, telling her when she was done. and magic had to reiterate they werent friends.
and after she died magic felt really guilty, she did care, she did love her, even tho she didnt want to, cause they were best friends once, and that doesnt just go away.
she tried to force herself to forgive, cause thats how she usually is, thats what she's supposed to do and what people expect of her. but she couldnt, thats something only time can fix, you cant hurry or force forgiveness, true forgiveness.
owen expected her to forgive bek and wanted to stop her. "Magic, do not remember what she did to you??" "OF COURSE I remember, Owen." Of course she remembers. She'd remember more than anyone. SHE went through it, she feared for her life up there for about 2 days and 2 nights til they found her, and then didnt even get proper word with her when they got back to the clearing. And thats not mentioning the whole rope situation.
Magic is kind, yes also naive, and sometimes reckless, but she's not stupid. She's not weak. Yes she's emotional and immature but she's still a teenager who didn't get a proper childhood. She was trained to be a human weapon, in a similar fashion Owen was. She was trained to be an emotionaless soldier yet she persisted and clinged onto her sense of humanity and her heart.
I think Magic deserves to be resentful, at least once, even if she still tries to be good to Bek, she deserves to be upset, she deserves to be angry. Im pretty sure she meant it when she told Krow she too was angry at Apo, she just forced herself to internalize it cause she's not supposed to act up like that. Be positive, even when its impossible and it sounds insane. Be a good person. Don't kill, cause you dont want to be as bad as your father. Dont be like your blood.
I do believe that, years later, she learned to give herself time, and eventually forgave Bek... tho that only brought her more pain, and regret, she wishes she'd been able to sooner, even if she was on her right not to. She reminices their old times together in B clearing, where they were kind to one another.
She'd always thought Bek deserved a chance, deserved kindness, that she wasnt as selfish as she seemed, even tho she could be passive aggressive even to Magic. She'd said sorry a few times, tho it never seemed fully sincere. Not to mention the times she'd apologize to others just cause Magic made her. Even when she apologized to her when she came back to clearing A, Magic could tell she didnt fully regret her actions, thats part of why she didnt think she could forgive her... but later on she realized that one thing she *was* trully sorry for, more than she'd ever expressed before in that maze.. was hurting her.
sorry ehem this got a bit long oopsies!!!
Are you picking up what I'm putting down, Outsiders Tumblr Community?
Cocoa duo my roman empire
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what if they were my favorite duo?
what if i even said they're hella underrated
what if i said i can ramble about them using just canon information and leaving all headcanons aside??
love other duos but damn this community has sm favoritism over few popular duos/trios and yall missin out in a BUNCH of cool posibilities shown in canon
i need cocoa duo content that doesnt villanize or victimize either of them cause they're both pretty complex characters with an even more complex relationship
no one gets them like i do.. /silly
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teplejtrouba · 11 months ago
štěpánka snížková
to je vše. to je celý příspěvek.
#není to vše mám ohledně ní mnoho myšlenek#ale spousta z nich je nevhodná#možná jsem jen trochu autistickej vojta bek kin a možná jen možná chci přítelkyni které by přišlo sexy když mluvím o blbinách#oni jsou spolu tak 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖#pardon ale celá ta scéna jejich rána. myslel jsem že je to jen nějakej další vojtův sníček který bude kontrastován s realitou. ale ne.#to je teď prostě jejich vztah. on se zamilovaně směje jak měsíček na hnoji a ona sugestivně tahá za šaltpáku s cigárem v hubě#miluju#ta píseň k tomu. kinematografický skvost#mohu taky říct jak moc miluju její styl#její outfity a vlasy jsou vždycky pintlich dokonalé a sladěné a vyžehlené a naprosto perfektně upravené ve všech směrech#je jedno jestli právě zmlátila zločince nebo zabila krysu. vypadá dokonale#she's here to slay#vedle toho vojta s čistým srdcem a zmuchlanou bundou a trikem s holubím výkalem#v páté epizodě měl hrozbě hezký úplý triko co ladilo i do té oranžové palety co má snížková#možná se v tom moc rejpu ale hoši je to rozkošné#stejně jako jejich vyznání lásky. ikonické.#já jsem myslel že bude na něj furt trochu hnusná a bude to nevyvážené. ale oni jsou oba totálně zamilovaní a cení si toho druhého#doslova s nim jde jen tak do práce protože se jí líbí že je do něčeho zapálenej. a nosí mu svačinu (a plácá po zadku). dokonalý pár#česky#to se vysvětlí soudruzi#obrození
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dyslexic-mess · 2 years ago
Okay, Google is not helping me with this one so let's take a long shot:
Anyone know drinks you can mix haemoglobin medicine with to mask the taste?
I've been taking two tablespoons a day, and it's helping, but it just tastes so bad. I don't wanna ruin what the medicine is actually doing, but I don't think I can take another neat spoonful without throwing up. There's gotta be something I can mix it with to help but I can't find any articles or anything
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orangeocelotmartyn · 4 months ago
The start of something new (Garbage Rat, Martyn, and Ren triangle)
trancript under the cut
Oli: Have you seen a Rat-tic around here, because I told one of them there would be one. Water: I don't know what that is-- Eloise: No, but you know who I have found? I found Mratyn-I found Mratyn, and Will! Oli: Marty! Eloise: Everybody's here, yeah, Marty-- Oli: Marty's here. Marty from the good ole days! (begins playing a quiet clip of applause) Eloise: He looks a bit different, though, he looks a bit different, and I think he's got-I think he's got a boyfriend. Oli: (shuts off the sound of the applause) Wait, what. Eloise: I don't know, he just kept calling him all these pet names like "Big J" and "Captain," but I might be misinterpreting that. Oli: But he didn't call him anything like "O-Dawg," or-or "Garbage Rat," did he? Cause that's my names, he wouldn't use those on someone else. (he plays a clip of an audience 'aw'ing) Eloise: No, he didn't call him that. Oli: Oh, well, that's good, that's nice, I'd love to see Marty.
Oli: Don't worry guys, I'm gonna free you! Bek: Help me! Martyn: (through disbelieving laughter) You've gotta be joking--you've gotta be kidding, Garbage Rat! Oli: (joyously) Marty! Martyn: (laughing) What are you doing here! Oli: I've been here the wh--two weeks now, getting drunk on wine! And forgetting stuff. Martyn: What is the--right-- Oli: What happened to your eye? It go the same way as mine? Martyn: I don't wanna talk about it. Captain, if we're gonna recruit anybody, this is our guy-- Ren: Who is the loud one? Martyn: --This is our guy! Oli: You've not found another-- Ren: Reveal yourself loud one! Oli: Hello its me the Garbage Rat I eat the garbage. And what is your name sailor? Ren: Hello Garbage Rat, I am Admiral Jaque Levy La'rat. Oli: No way. And what are you doing with my boy? Ren: (clears throat) He's the Lieutenant on my-my vessel. I picked him up a few weeks ago out in the middle of the ocean, he was in half a tennis ball floating around and it was quite pathetic. Oli: No way...that's quite the step up from being a highway rat. Martyn: Ehh--that's the first time you've described it as pathetic, I don't think I like that. Bek: Bit embarrassing Martyn. Ren: Highway rat, what--? Oli: I actually never called him pathetic--
Oli: -friends everywhere we go-- Martyn: Garbage Rat! Oli: Oh my god, Captain, my Captain. (Martyn: Oh.) Hello. Ren: It's the Garbage one again, hello! Martyn: Oh, two seconds, Will! (Will: Okay!) Oli: Hello, you found yourself--you guys find yourself a ship to commandeer yet, you found yourself a highway to man? Martyn: Ah, we-- Ren: We find ourself a perfect spot to rebuild. Martyn: Yeah, we found a plot. We got home and a plot. We're gonna go to the kitchen with Will, wanna come? Ren: I would like, I would like to add, Mister Garbage, that you look magnificent on our boat. I mean, look--the three of us together, side by side, as the pirate crew is there no better-- Oli: Yeah...ey, ey now, I love pirating, I love stealing, I love robbing, I love eating. I'm all those things, but water is not a thing that I enjoy, my sweet croissant. Yeah. Water-- Martyn: Yeah, he's got a past with, uh, flushers. Oli: Drowning, flushes, the whole-- Ren: I understand. Oli: --nine yards, yeah. I shall not be going anything that could have whirlpools. Ren: Out on the high seas, some might call you a Coward. Martyn: Ooh. Oli: Well. In the garbage bin, somebody might call you a corpse. But I ain't gonna make it happen. (Martyn laughs in surprise) Martyn: Yikes. I should step in here, but I don't wanna, I wanna see what happens. Ren: My words. I've never heard such intimidation before. Oli: It's been a good few years. I've faced a lot of creatures in my time. I remember when we were-- Ren: Alright, well Mister Garbage, I'd be happy to have you as an ally on shore, in that case. Oli: I would love to be an ally on shore. And if you--
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secreterces5 · 6 months ago
None of you guys will have context for this but I don’t know man, DnD campaign go crazy
voice lines taken from the session, Zayra the tiefling played by @tired-o-fighter and Bek the dwarf played by @adenthemage, we’ve been learning so much fun lore about Bek and then I was looping my favorite Chappel Roan song and long story shot it was too Bek-coded not to do something about it. Yay!
Bonus favorite stills in better quality under the cut!
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lesbian-magicsings · 2 months ago
Would you fall in love with me again is both o!bek to o!Ayngel coded and toothpaste trio coded but if Tasia and Percy lived longer thanks xoxo
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spadecentral · 2 years ago
🐟 Salmon Hog | Sebek Zigvolt x Reader
>> requested: yes, by @gloriium >> a/n: a 'bek for you <3
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>> masterlist: 400 fllr. special , here!! >> summary: sebek knows you're staring at his favorite food while he eats it... >> reader prns: they/them >> warning(s): none
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You eyed Sebek's plate from across the table. You weren't trying to be obvious that you were staring at his food. Besides, you were supposed to be doing your homework. But how could you when Sebek was eating something so delicious-looking right in front of you?
Growing more and more distracted by the clattering of Sebek's fork on his plate, you were barely moving your pencil at all. And unfortunately, you had finally caught the attention of your green-haired boyfriend.
"What are you looking at?" he asked, setting down his fork.
"O-oh! Uh..." your brain worked in overdrive as you stumbled for an answer. "Just your uh... just your impeccable juicy lips, babygirl. Totally wanna kiss them right now, for real."
You internally facepalmed. Gods, that was so fucking cringy, you thought.
You had officially rendered Sebek speechless. "You could have just said something, love."
And that's when your face heated up. Was he going to actually kiss you?!?! You figured he might since you both are dating. But the way he said it sounded so... unusual to you.
"But I know what you were looking at," he said. This calmed your nerves, but then started them right back up again. How long did he notice? you wondered, panicked.
"No matter," Sebek picked up the last piece of his salmon carpaccio off his plate with his fork. "As much as I love this dish I'll let you have the last piece, just this once."
"Oh you don't have to do that, babe!" you waved your hands. "Don't worry about it, I'm fine."
"Eat it." Sebek held out his fork for you.
After hesitating, you finally caved. "Thanks."
"Of course," Sebek nodded. "It would be inconsiderate to not share with you, as you're doing an exponential amount of homework."
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>> twst taglist: @tulipluvlettr | @ghost-hyacinth | @oseathepebble | @ventisaircurrent | @epelys | @pastelmages | @xphantasmagoriax | @atlasnessie | @divinesapph | @ze-maki-nin | @booming-spam | @kyraxiyn | @ruggiethethuggie | @queerlordsimon | @nem0-nee | @rayisalive
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mouse-drawings · 2 months ago
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I redesigned some OCs I've had since I was, like, 12 or whatever.
From left to right we have: Roza, Bek and G. O. S (Роза, Бек, ЧНЭ)
Roza and Bek are girlfriend and boyfriend.
Roza works at a magic library. She can be reasonable, but it depends highly on if she likes you or not. She is very protective of Bek.
Bek is a lawyer. He actually dislikes conflicts outside of work and tries to keep all his relationships civil at all costs. He trusts Roza to help him with things that can't be resolved peacefully.
GOS is a sort of digital assistant at the magic library where Roza works. Despite his almost sole reason for existing being helping others, he doesn't seem to enjoy it. Or maybe he just doesn't enjoy other people in general.
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jazumst · 4 months ago
Jazu na mieście
Żeby Was... Na co mi to było? Posłuchajcie:
Poszedłem na te nieszczęsne kręgle. Szliśmy z buta - ja, król R i pan Ż. Droga przebiegła ekspresowo i gładko. W pierwszą stronę.
Pana J. toczy to gówno co mnie przez dwa tygodnie, więc spił herbatę i poszedł domu. Ma zdrowie, że w ogóle się pojawił.
Jebana kręgielnia. Piwo po 16zł. Ja rozumiem 100% przebity, ale kurwa 300 to przesada. Powinni do każdego piwa gałę robić, bo za to co u nich zostawiłem to napierdolony czołgałbym się przez pó��tora tygodnia. Dodatkowo takie chujowe to piwo, że bek po nim jak ryk lwa na sawannie, a kac zrywa dekiel. Wracaliśmy po nim krakowiakiem, i bełkocząc. Dodatkowo nie szło się wyrzygać. Szło samo powietrze. Masakra.
Król D. odpadł już po godzinie. Dobrze, że było komu zwłoki odwieźć na spoczynek w pokoju. Przed knajpą jak paliliśmy właściciel znalazł telefon. Patrzymy - jak nic króla D. Ale jak sprawdzić? No jak, zadzwoniłem. Jo, Jazu. Zaraz dostałem do tego jego portfel. Ma chłop farta, bo telefon nowy. No i w portfolio komplet dokumentów i kart. Cały wieczór paliły mnie w dupę. Tak bardzo, że najebany po 23 poszedłem oddać. Spał najebany, ale widziałem że jego matka nie śpi, więc zadzwoniłem do drzwi. Oddałem, chociaż nie pamiętam jak.
Człowiek z (TFU!) bydgoszczy wyjedzie, ale kto się tam urodził... Ł. się doigrał. Rzucał we mnie frytkami. Śmiesznie, śmiesznie, aż nie zanieczyścił mi tego drogiego chujowego piwa, a to już trzecie które straciłem. No i stało się, wstałem mu najebać. Niestety okazało się, że kolejka jest. Wyjebali mnie z lokalu. Wkurwiłem się jeszcze bardziej i zażądałem zwrot za utracone dobra, bo kto kurwa zabiera całe piwo ze stolika?! Sprzątali to zabrali. No i zrobił się dym.
Pierdolę te kręgle. Tylko łapa boli. Kilka dni bez masturbacji. Gra bez sensu.
Dziś do Kościoła wstałem pełen mocy. Dil z Górą trwa. Bardzo dobrze. Po śniadaniu poszedłem wyłączyć lampy na orliku, bo kurwa migają jak pojebane, jeszcze ktoś ataku epilepsji dostanie. Zmieniłem kapcie w Szrocie. Piąty przyszedł już po. Ale dałem radę. Teraz jebnę stronga na chorobę filipińską i nie robię dzisiaj już nic. Pan ojciec posiał odkurzacz, sprzeniewierzył silikon do uszczelek, i udaje że nie wie o co chodzi. "Musisz wyznaczyć swoją półkę." Kurwa milion razy wyznaczałem, załatwiłem swój regał, a i tak mnie stamtąd wypierdalał. Poza tym chyba widzi, że to nie jego rzeczy to po chuj rusza.
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dalsimoravskyblog · 1 year ago
ŠTRAMÁCI/ANDY: Turnaj pro pamětníky
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Výsledky nominací
Včera se uzavřel nominační formulář. Celkem se v něm sešlo 89 štramáků a štramand, což je opravdu úctyhodné číslo, díky! Z nominací jsem vyřadila cca 2 osobnosti, protože nesplňovaly pravidla (je mi líto, ale Libuška Šafránková začala hrát až v roce 1971). Nominoval* jste také nečekané mezinárodní osobnosti (dál než ze Slovenska), máte se tedy na co těšit.
Do turnaje automaticky postupují všechny osobnosti, které získaly více než jednu nominaci. Jsou to tyto (abecedně):
Josef Bek, Jana Brejchová, Petr Čepek, Michal Dočolomanský, Karel Fiala, Květa Fialová, Marie Glázrová, Nataša Gollová, Karel Höger, Rudolf Hrušínský, Zorka Janů, Jiřina Jirásková, Miloš Kopecký, Oldřich Nový, Vladimír Ráž, Jaroslava Schallerová*, Olga Schoberová, Raoul Schránil, Světla Svozilová, Jiřina Štěpničková, Jan Tříska, Alena Vránová, Blanka Waleská a Jan Werich
* Jaroslava Schallerová byl vyřazena z turnaje z důvodu nezletilosti.
Je to celkem 23 lidí, což je pro turnaj poněkud málo. Rozhodla jsem se, že uděláme turnaj počínaje 64 soutěžícími, tedy 41 vyberete vy ve vyřazovacím kole z ostatních 65 nominací (takže šance, že se váš oblíbenec prorve dál, jsou poměrně velké).
Vyřazovací kolo
Ankety se všemi nominanty se začnou zveřejňovat zítra. Každý den půjdou ven tři ankety o pěti až šesti osobnostech, které jsem (jen pro vyřazovací kolo) dala dohromady na základě data narození. Celkem půjde o 12 anket (všechny pod #vyřazování):
skupina 1: Vlasta Burian | Karel Lamač | Jiří Plachý st. | Čeněk Šlégl | Hugo Haas | Arno Velecký (166 hlasů)
skupina 2: Rolf Wanka | Marie Rosůlková | Anny Ondráková | Olga Scheinpflugová | Ladislav Hemmer (118 hlasů)
skupina 3: Jiřina Šejbalová | Ladislav Pešek | Gustav Nezval | Ita Rina | Ly Corelli | Adina Mandlová (138 hlasů)
skupina 4: Vlasta Fabiánová | Antonín Novotný | Zita Kabátová | Věra Ferbasová | Ljuba Hermanová (116 hlasů)
skupina 5: Lída Baarová | Hedy Lamarr | Hana Vítová | Jiřina Sedláčková | Martin Růžek | Vlasta Matulová (127 hlasů)
skupina 6: Florence Marly | Radovan Lukavský | Dana Medřická | Robert Vrchota | Stella Zázvorková (126 hlasů)
skupina 7: Jozef Kroner | Slávka Budínová | Vlasta Fialová | Ilja Racek | Jiřina Bohdalová (127 hlasů)
skupina 8: Waldemar Matuška | Radoslav Brzobohatý | Eduard Cupák | Josef Zíma | Eva Klepáčová (124 hlasů)
skupina 9: Miriam Kantorková | Ivan Mistrík | Helena Anýžová | Jan Kačer | Milena Dvorská (141 hlasů)
skupina 10: Karel Gott | Gabriela Vránová | Josef Abrhám | Iva Janžurová | Marie Drahokoupilová | František Němec (106 hlasů)
skupina 11: Věra Křesadlová | Ivana Karbanová | Hana Maciuchová | Jitka Zelenohorská | Soňa Valentová (94 hlasů)
skupina 12: Helena Vondráčková | Jorga Kotrbová | Jana Šulcová | Jaromír Hanzlík | Petr Štěpánek | Jana Preissová (96 hlasů)
Pokud vám někdo chybí, je mi líto, další lidi nebereme. RIP Václav Neckář.
Pravidla propagandy
Propagandu (typicky ve formě fotek, videí, gifů a textů) můžete posílat jako reblogy daných anket, vlastní posty, kde mě označíte, nebo v asku.
Prosím, nevrstvěte propagandu na sebe (u reblogů), nechci tu mít tři metry dlouhé posty ;).
Představte si, že jsme v roce 1970. Fotky apod. z pozdějších let nebudu přijímat jako propagandu. Nic vám ale nebrání modernější propagandu provozovat u sebe na blogu, jen se prostě nedostane sem.
Budu ignorovat veškerou antipropagandu, chovejme se jako lidi.
Zatím zdar!
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pow-creations-headcanons · 8 months ago
Oh if shipping is legal here I would like to propose a ship I like to call Magic’s Fridge. The premise of Magic’s Fridge is that cMagic has so many girlfriends (Bek [more of a miserably codependent situationship that turns into Bek pathetically begging for a second chance after they break up if im being honest here], Ayngel, Squidney, Ash, Rasbi, Soup) and all of them are dead.
Dead bodies would start smelling in a fridge :/ magics freezer would be a much better name.
JOKES ASIDE RGRH i love them
ive personally taken to calling magic and bek rope yuri giggles
also throw in spidey. magic can have one living gf
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goldstargloww · 1 year ago
scott: guys, this is my stuff martyn: ooh! wait, stuff? i want stuff! shelby: :O there's things! water: wait, this is our stuff owen: oh, my stuff! scott: it's my stuff bek: maybe dai is in here… water: oh, my stuff is here bek: oh, this is my stuff! martyn: oh, my stuff! oh damn! bek: my- my stuff! MY stuff. shelby: oh this is my stuff! owen: my stuff! my stuff? water: my- my- martyn: it's myranium owen: MY stuff… shelby: mine? mine? shep: it's mine! scott: guys, i think it might be my stuff water: my stUff owen: …is, my Stuff shelby: my stuff! [owen and water laugh quietly] scott: where.. are we? bek: i think this might be my stuff owen: ohoh, yeah, it might water: we've been in there too long martyn: oh my god, if they show their faces again, they are done for, dude
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sade1-adam · 1 year ago
Nietzsche, "İnsanın Tanrı tarafından yaratıldığına inanabilirdim, belden aşağısını yaratmasaydı," demiştir. Nietzsche, esprilerini o kadar ciddi
bir havayla yapar ki çoğu insan gülmeyi unutur. Konuyu, Nietzsche ile açtık ve belden aşağısıyla devam ettirelim. Bugün bilimin, romantizmi öldürdüğü söylenir çünkü bilim, her somut nesneyi kendisi için bir inceleme
alanı olarak görmektedir. Mesela en basitinden inancı, duyguları veya maneviyatı zihnimizdeki belli kimyasallara indirgemektedir. Burada insanların yanıldıkları kısım şudur: Herhangi bir şeye dair detaylı bilgiye sahip
olmanız, o şeye sahip olmanıza engel değildir. Örneğin, bugün herkes
dünyanın, güneş çevresinde döndüğünü bilir ama gökyüzüne baktığında,
güneşi dünyanın çevresinde dönüyormuş gibi görür. Yani bilginizin, algınız üzerinde o kadar da bir etkisi yoktur! Öte taraftan, bence romantizmin
asıl katilleri, tıkanan zihinlerdir. Mesela Zizek, dışkı ve ideoloji arasında
enteresan bir bağ kurmaya çalışmıştır. Alman tuvaletleri, dışkınızı göreceğiniz şekilde ayarlanmıştır. Fransız tuvaletleri ise dışkınızı görmeyeceğiniz şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Amerikan tuvaletleri ise dışkınızın suda yüzeceği biçimde dizayn edilmiştir. Bence asıl dışkı, dışkı hakkındaki bu düşüncenin kendisidir! Yani fıkralara bile konu olmayacak bir şeyi, felsefenin
konusu haline getirmektir. Mesela, bizim toplumda da Celal Şengör, merakı yüzünden dışkısını yediğini belirtmiştir. Burada tuhaf olan şey bu
adamın yediği şey değil, onu bizimle paylaşmasıdır! Sözü toparlayacak
olursak, nasıl ki tıkanan bir lağım ortalığa pis kokular yayıyorsa, aynı bunun gibi tıkanan bir zihin de ortalığa pis kokular yayar! Ve sürekli aynı
insanları gündemde tutup da bu insanlardan farklı bir şey duymayı bek-
lerseniz eninde sonunda bu insanların dışkılarıyla muhatap olursunuz!
Çünkü bir kuyudan durmadan su çekmeye çalışmak belli bir süre sonra
çamuru da beraberinde getirir!
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dyslexic-mess · 1 year ago
giggling about the fact that, in year 8, our music teacher had us learn and study 'killer queen' by queen.
It's only dawned on me recently: that song is about an escort.
Our teacher had a class of 13 year olds sing a song about an expecive hooker at the school showcase.
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teplejtrouba · 11 months ago
co velmi cením na nejnovější epizodě je nové povědomí o přezdívkách našich oblíbených postav
vojtěch "bobina" bek
štěpánka "žabička" "vajco" snížková
jaroslav "piškot" hora
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