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jrod-314 · 7 months ago
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Sneasel :D
might draw more pokémon im in a pokémon mood atm
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inbarfink · 1 year ago
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shinemon311 · 11 months ago
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melaniagir8 · 3 months ago
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Inktober 2024, giorno 24 – Peldisabbia/Expedition
This year my personal theme is… fairy tales! Can you guess the fairy tale?
Quest’anno il mio tema personale è… le fiabe! Riesci ad indovinare che fiaba è questa?
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moddedmoor · 3 months ago
{° Photo Attached: 23:33pm, Unova °}
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csacskamacskamocska · 2 years ago
Ha azt hitted, ahogy én is...
hogy a Föld belseje folyékony, hát, nem, hanem a folyékony olvadt magma alatt egy szilárd vasgolyó van, amire az olvadt rész szép folyamatosan ráhűl. Amúgy az félelmetes, hogy ezt nem megnézték, hanem kiszámolták a szeizmikus mozgásokból. Csuda dolog ez, hogy számok által mi mindenre vagyunk képesek. Talán ez az a nyelv, ami annyira absztarkt, hogy tényleg megkülönböztet minket az állatoktól. Én amúgy nem tudok matematikaiul, én csak ilyen hobbista rendszerfelismerő vagyok. Meg az is félelmetes, a lépték, ahogy mondjuk ez a "ráhülés" mérhető. És vele szembe állítva mindig nyomasztóan semmiségnek tűnik az életünk rövidsége és a problémáink és érzelmeink örökkévalóságának illúziója. Én azért mindig megpróbálom megugrani az „örökké”t. Húsvét van így mostanság, úgyhogy akkor elmesélek egy hibás értelmezést, ami miatt már nem szoktam vitatkozni, de rendszeresen előkerül. Boldogok a lelki szegények... Bár ezt úgy szokták érteni, hogy boldogok azok, akik hülyék, ostobák, IQ hiányosak, mert pl nem érdekli, nem is nyomasztja őket a föld belseje, se a világ pusztulása, csk esznek, isznak, basznak és veszekszenek, és fogalmuk nincs semmi egyébről. De nem erről szól ez a mondat. Arról szól, hogy boldogok, akik lelki okokból vállalják a szegénységet. Akik le tudnak mondani a vagyonhalmozásról, akik megálljt tudnak mondani, a birtoklásnak, a tárgyakhoz, pénzhez, az anyagi gazdagsághoz való ragaszkodásnak. Buddha is ezt mondja. Hogy ez a mondat is alkalmas volt az egyház számára manipulációra? Arra, hogy a szegénységet, a nyomort elfogadtassa? Igen. De a gondolat nem az volt benne, hogy a kevesebb legyen elég, hanem az, hogy az elegendő, a kényelmes, legyen elég. Az eredeti, filozófikus mondanivalója csak annyi volt, hogy nyugodtabb az álmod, ha csak annyid van, amire szükséged van, mert a többi ami boldoggá tehet, pénzben nem mérhető. Persze, nem ilyen világot építettünk. ha nincs pénzed, nincs biztonságban az életed. Ha nem próbálsz előre gondolkodni, és gondoskodni önmagadról, nincs biztonságban az életed. Biztosan nem élehetsz úgy, hogy megelégedj azzal, ami éppen elegendő. Vagy, ha mégis, az számkivetetté tesz. Egy Fura lennél. Hobo. Végül a munka és pénzkeresés miatt nincs időd a családodra, a gyerekeidre, a barátaidra, akik amúgy egy ideális világban a biztonságodat adnák. Megjegyzem, a cinkék folyamatosan hordják el a kutyaszőrt, érthetetlen, hogy mekkora fészket akarnak ezek építeni, nem tudom ők tudják-e, hogy boldogok a lelki szegények... Aztán lehet, hogy boldogok a lelki cinkék...
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nifuunbakufuun · 1 year ago
I think my favorite of my scars, the one which worries the most people, is the one on my face! It is, technically, three scars- but as it all came from the same Pokemon, I count it as one.
When I was... Eh, 15? 14? I was traveling up in the colder Routes. I believe I was by the Acuity lakefront, actually... though the specifics for my travel I don't recall. I think I was training Nifuun, who was then still an abnormally large Cyndaquil and, ah, still unnamed. I decided I was going to spend the night there, and was setting up my tent. (That tent is scraps now, but that is a different story.)
I had stayed a little later than usual trying to set it up, and realized I had forgotten to get dinner for Nifūn and I! I didn't want to cook, so I went to forage a couple berries to tide us over until I could make a breakfast in the morning light.
Apparently, a wild Nyula had woken up to have its own breakfast, as well! I had startled it, and the little Pokemon took a more proactive approach, and swiped my left lower jaw and part of my lip!
It is safe to say I did not get dinner that night. It certainly adds interest to my face, though!
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moddedmoor · 1 month ago
shit. accidentally hit yes when i thought it'd be no. curse on people who don't read fully and saw you say the phrase "do i have secrets" and immediately kicked into reaction.
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nyulas · 2 years ago
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alangdorf · 1 year ago
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Oookay, first up, a silly little experiment trying to draw in ZUN’s style (I think for the first time ever? I never did back in the olden deviantart days almost a decade ago now, wow) kicked off by me noticing that there aren’t any Touhou characters based off of kamaitachi (type of youkai, lit. “sickle weasel”, has sickles for claws and flies around in strong winds causing cuts in your skin which are actually just it cracking open from it being dry and cold), but the pokémon Sneasel is! So, Touhou Sneasel gijinka. I’m not 100% happy with the design, I think I could’ve been more creative with the head area for example, but I figure I’ll just fix it up if I ever draw her in my normal style. Didn’t put too much thought into my character; I’m sewing and I’m using Ephy as a pincushion (I did used to do this; his middle section is full of beans) and my title is just a pun on my name.
Speaking of names though, hoo boy I spent like two days crawling through Jisho for these (eternal disclaimer: I’m not a native or even particularly fluent speaker and don’t have a perfect grasp on what does/doesn’t sound natural in certain contexts; my name is deliberately silly though). Hitsuki’s last name was pretty easy, I just put together the kanji for “wind” (風) and “weasel” (鼬), using pronunciations that together sound like the word for winter, variable amount of extra u’s notwithstanding. For her first name I ended up using the first syllable of the kun’yomi for several kanji, which I think is a thing people do for girls’ names irl? So the first kanji is “conceal” (潜), part of the word “sneak in” that bulbapedia says is part of the etymology for Sneasel’s Japanese name, Nyula/Nyuura, and then it’s “claws” (爪) and “fangs” (牙), and then after I decided this I found out that Sneasel’s old pokédex entries talk about them hiding their claws lol. Also less of an influence, but Hitsuki sound like the word for “starting fires”, which is used metaphorically in at least one compound word to mean troublemaking, which seems appropriate. I couldn’t resist alliterating the title, though I super didn’t want to bother writing out titles in Japanese or figuring out abilities so I didn’t.
As for me, I found some fairly uncommon kanji I could stick together to sound like “Rendoufu”, which is close enough, and they mean “tangle/fasten with thread” (縺), “stab/prick” (撞), and “fabric” (布). And then Kit (the word kitto means “for sure” but also just the English word kit). So I named myself Sewing Kit in the funniest possible way I could find (which is why my names aren’t in Western name order; idk where the initial should technically go but eh), and then threw “picture/drawing” (絵) on the end for good measure. Ok that’s everything I think
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inbarfink · 1 year ago
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moddedmoor · 1 month ago
Despite my best efforts, I have admittedly been thinking about my identity and relationships in the past. It's hard to figure out if I'm genuinely uninterested in romance, or if I'm just averse to the idea currently because of my own experiences and flaws. I kind of like the idea of having a partner, but proper dating, marriage, etc just turns me off to the whole thing.
I don't know why. I wish these things were easier to figure out.
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shinemon311 · 23 hours ago
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Join the fun of Pokémon GO! https://pokemongolive.com/refer?code=KCGG4QXP4&source=ImageShare
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lackuraphi · 15 days ago
Weasel story)Act Five: Weasels' Rebellion
The brothers' Rebellion heart that wriggles wildly
I used a translator
This is the Fan fiction
It’s different from the original
It’s unrealistic
The characters are Japanese names
Content Warning:confinement
Weasels are carnivores that are small and cute in appearance, but they are actually very ferocious, Whatever creatures they are capable of hunting, they are creatures that hunt even those much larger than themselves with strong jaw strength and agile and flexible movements
'I am Kudari. I really can't stand it anymore..!!!'
In Kudari's mind, a large Rebellion heart like these wild weasels began to wriggle violently
And at the same time, a big Rebellion heart like Kudari began to wriggle in Nobori's mind, who was dealing with Priests, who came much earlier than scheduled
'I can't stand it anymore. I am feeling my limits..!!!'
The next day, Kudari maintained the feeling he felt yesterday, and he spent the whole day smiling bitterly, as if to suppress his anger, until he went to meet Nobori in the afternoon at the end of school
"Good morning Kuda..ri?" "morning. mom. dad." "Kudari..? What happened yesterday? Your expression doesn't look very good…" "Nothing happened." "Didn't anything really happen?" "Nothing really happened." "Kudari…" "…."
At home, Kudari repressed his emotions in front of his parents
"What's wrong with Kudari today?" "Well, considering Kudari's age, it's time for Kudari to have adolescence…" "Adolescence… Then that could happen…" 'I am not adolescence.'
When Kudari met with friends at school, he suppressed his emotions
"Good morning! Kudari!" "morning." "Kudari? What happened yesterday?" "Your face doesn't look very good…" "Kudari's smile is so scary today…" "Nothing. And guys." "Hmm?" "Don't talk to me all day today." "What?!" "Kudari! What are you talking about!" "Sorry, guys. Please." "…." "Something must have happened to you" "Anyway, don't touch me." "Kudari…" 'I am so sorry. I didn't want to do this.'
Even in class, Kudari suppressed his emotions to the point that teachers were scared of Kudari and couldn't talk to him
"So you have to interpret it in this way so that the sentence can be connected well to the context. "Now then! this sentence is Kudari will…" "….." "…Hachiku, come out on the blackboard and interpret it." "Yes sir!"
Kudari distanced himself from others with a wry smile, suppressing Rebellion Heart, which has been wriggling furiously in his mind like a ferocious weasel all day
And as time passed, after school, Kudari went to meet Nobori as usual
"…." "…."
The two who broke up suddenly yesterday and met again today were silent
"………" "………"
No, they didn't need to talk
"Hey. Nobori. Are you thinking the same as me?" "I think Kudari thought the same way as me."
Nobori was also holding back the same heart as Kudari all day long (However, unlike Kudari, he had a cold expression of anger) And because the two of them shared one common mind, there was no need to say unnecessary things
Nobori and Kudari said in unison
"I won't give in to the high-rank people anymore!" "I will no longer give in to Priests!"
The brothers, who spoke of their common thoughts, which had been suppressed, looked at each other silently and calmed themselves down
Nobori, first of all, calmed down, said calmly
"14 years… I've been in this room for as little as 14 years since I was born, and I've longed for the outside world through the words of Lady Ohnyula and Nyulas. And even though I called you, my longing for the outside world became bigger than before Yesterday, as I finally went out with you for the first time, my heart began to wiggle as my freedom-hungering Rebellion heart began to wiggle. …and Kudari. I have Lady Ohnyula, and if I grow up fully as an adult in the distant future, I will live without dying in that form forever. But you will continue to age, and in the distant future you will end up leaving me forever… Kudari… I am so afraid of such a future coming.. I want to live with you as old as you do. And to be honest, I'm always ready to follow in your footsteps if you die one day."
This time, the true Kudari took a big deep breath and spoke uncharacteristically calmly like Nobori
"I am Kudari. Even though it was a start off on the little wrong foot, Nobori, I had a lot of happy times meeting you. I had a lot of fun, too. But on the other hand, every time I saw you, I didn't feel verrrrry good. The ordinary daily lives I've taken for granted are just unattainable dreams that Nobori never enjoys.. And there are a few things that I felt big about yesterday. I am sick of meeting Nobori like this secretly! And Nobori has to live freely like me! Is that why? Yesterday, when I was eating ramen alone, I started to wiggle in my heart wanting to rebell high-rank people. And still wriggling now. Nobori, are you, too?"
Nobori nodded quietly
"As expected, we're on the same page Although we have just met each other…" "Even considering it was about 14 years away." "Yeah 14 years… Hey Nobori. I want to make sure Nobori gets back his lost 14 years. I'll make Nobori free for sure!" "My lost 14 years… My lost 14 years…" "Nobori…."
Nobori continued to recite the words 'lost 14 years' in a small voice and then again spoke to Kudari
"Can I say something out of the blue?" "Yup. You can.." "I looked back on my past 14 years for a moment. And stupidly, I didn't even know my birthday…" "What?!!???"
Kudari was surprised to hear Novori say he didn't even know his own birthday
"How can you not even know your birthday?! Hey Nobori. We are twin brothers! My birthday is your birthday!" "…maybe it's only natural that I don't know. I've been living in this room for 14 years since I was born, and I've never had a sense of date." "Ah…..!" "The only thing I know is my once-in-a-year Matsuri outing.. It wasn't until that day came that I knew a year had passed." "No way… but Lady Ohnyula would have told you your birthday at least..!" "In retrospect, I realized today that it was my birthday that Lady Ohnyula held me in her arms and stroked my head more gently.. I am very pathetic myself…" "…….."
When Kudari saw Nobori, who felt pathetic for himself and covered his face with both hands, Rebellion heart began to wriggle even more than before, and Nobori, who quickly regained his composure, also wriggled
"Nobori. Your words made me even more want to Rebellion!" "Kudari. Then let's make a big fuss today!"
Nobori and Kudari are weasels ready to hunt at any time, No, they were two young, spirited weasels who went hunting for the first time in their lives
Ohnyula watched these brothers with interest
'I'm sure those boys will make it…! The wind's flow is cheering for the boys…!'
Soon it was time for Priests to come to the room, but Kudari did not return to his room. Rather, they were hugging each other and waiting for Priests.
"Lady Ohnyula. We're here…Oh My Lady Ohnyula!"
And Priests saw the brothers together Then Priests began to get very angry like a fire
"You Kudari!!! What are you doing here!!!" "Kudari! Did you forget the only rule you have to follow!?" "Even we are so sacred that we dare not touch her…! Kudari! Get rid of that dirty hand to her now!!!" "Kudari! This is not a place where ordinary people like you come! Get out of the sacred place that serves this god right now!!" "Lady Ohnyula! Get away from that boy now! That boy is a lot less than us!!! He's too filthy for Lady Ohnyula to meet…!"
Kudari was frightened by Priests' scolding and closed his eyes tightly. Nobori calmly spoke to Priests with his signature expression as he pulled the frightened Kudari further into his arms. And a little later, Kudari regained his courage.
"I called Kudari to come to this room. I asked Kudari to hug me. Right? Kudari? That's all I said, right?" "Y…Yup…! You're right! Nobori is right…! Nobori called me to come to this room! And Nobori asked me to hug him!"
Kudari the white weasel and Novori the black weasel, The two young and young weasel brothers began to fearlessly pounce on older alpha called Priests under the name 'Rebellion.'
Novori and Kudari began Rebellion in earnest.
"Lady Ohnyula! But listen to us…!" "That boy is much less religious than we are…!" "And he's a boy who wasn't even interested in Lady Ohnyula!" "My name is not Ohnyula. I am Nobori." "N..Nobori..!? No! You are Lady Ohnyula!" "There was no one with that name from the beginning!" "My name is Nobori. I am Nobori from the beginning." "Nobori is Nobori! He is not Lady Ohnyula!" "Silent Kudari! This is not a matter of your intervention!" "NO!" "What?! How dare you say no to us…!!!"
But the older alphas were much older, hunting much longer, so they were seasoned, and as the alphas, they did not easily back down from the young Weasel brothers' Rebellion, but rather fought back against them.
Priests forcibly removed Kudari, who was holding Nobori. And Kudari was caught by Priests.
"Gurrrrghh! Nobori!!!" "Kudari!!!" "Let go of me!!!" "Kudari! There are so many things we've done for you so far, how dare you do Rebellion without fear to us..!" "But nothing has been served to Novori except for the meal! No, you didn't even serve him the right meal!" "Quiet Kudari! Don't talk with that dirty mouth!" "Kudari. You broke the only important rule you have to follow! The punishment for breaking that rule will be so substantial that you can't stand it…!" "Please let me go!!!" "Maybe you'll be kicked out of this family forever!" "…!!!" "You may never be able to see the parents who gave birth to you and Lady Ohnyula who you want to be with so much!" "I don't want to break up with my mom and dad forever!!! And I don't want to break up with Novori forever!!!" "If you don't like it so much, you should have lived by the rule as you've been doing from the beginning..! Why did you do such a stupid thing…!"
Kudari, caught by Priests, struggled, but he was caught by Priests, who was bigger than Kudari, so no matter how hard Kudari struggled, it was useless
"KUDARI!!!!" "Lady Ohnyula. We really apologize for the disrespect." "Kudari wasn't originally a bad boy.. We're just so sorry that Kudari made a big disrespect in front of Lady Ohnyula…" "We'll try to break his habit somehow!" "First of all, we will punish him very harshly and scold him..!!!" "WHAT?!" "We can't help it if we're going to break his habit… Please forgive us with your generous heart…"
Nobori, who was weak, could only watch Kudari get caught by Priests and then kicked out of the room
'Kudari… I am so sorry…..'
Weasel brothers' Rebellion seemed to end in vain
'I think I need to help them!'
Until the weasel monster god helped the brothers…
Ohnyula telepathically sent Nobori and Kudari
'Kudari! Close your eyes now and cover both of your ears as much as you can! And Nobori! I hope you understood what I had just said!'
Instead of struggling, Kudari closed his eyes tightly and covered his ears as tightly as he could with his hands. And Nobori took a big breath and then shouted to Priests in a huge, very loud voice.
"Please let go of Kudari right away!!!" "Oh my gosh!" "What was that very loud noise just now?!" "I'll say it again! Please let go of Kudari right away!!!" "No way..! L..Lady Ohnyula..!?"
Behind Nobori, Ohnyula appeared in front of Priests with thick smoke like the day Kudari first met Nobori
"Lady Ohnyula..! But this boy…!" "This is my command to you as a god!!!" "Oh, okay..! we got it..!"
Priests let Kudari go according to Nobori's 'command' And they bowed to Nobori (Unlike Kudari, who was stiffened by the 'awe' of Ohnyula even with his eyes closed, Priests could move their bodies even if they felt 'awe')
"W..What can we do for you next..?" "I want to go outside!" "We should let Lady Ohnyula know to the next village..?" "No! I want freedom!" "Freedom? Ah! This is a sign to extend beyond this area to other areas to promote Lady Ohnyula..!"
Novori's patience is already on the verge of breaking the threshold because he's in Rebellion, Again and again, the strange interpretation of Priests, which was repeated as before, eventually led Nobori to become as angry as a runaway locomotive
"How can you all interpret it in such a wrong way that you must have heard it?! What I just said doesn't mean you should promote Lady Ohnyula! I literally want to go out! And I have to go to the hospital as soon as possible! This is because my body is 'still' suffering from a major illness! But you guys didn't even know my urgent mind, and only made Kudari get caught up in things! Of course it's good that Kudari gets healthier! But as a result, I'm still in a big illness! Once again, I will command you as God! Please send me to the hospital RIGHT NOW!!!"
Nobori collapsed on the spot after saying this
"Nobori..? Nobori?! NOBORI!!! Wake up! Nobori!!!" 'Don't worry, he seems to have fainted with energy. …He should be….' "H..Hello?! There's a person who's fallen right now..!"
The last things Nobori heard in the clouding consciousness were the voices of Kudari and Ohnyula worried about him having collapsed, and Priest's urgent voice calling for an ambulance
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moddedmoor · 2 months ago
destroying a subway sandwich at inhuman speeds to impress Casi and Amy. instead they are telling me i should "slow down" or that "there's something wrong with me"
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moddedmoor · 3 months ago
biting you biting you biting you
I ship Lysandre and the mom of the kid who beat him
I respect your opinion, but I also really don't~
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