#nyr death experience
queerlilchinchin · 9 months
Find the Word Tag Game
I was tagged by @sleepyowlwrites (thank you!!!)
My words were: allow, betray, annoy, breath, + bonus: yellow, invent.
Let's see what I've got...
For allow (from Locomotive to the Afterfate):
They fucking saved you, but this is far from over, I mouth to him, before allowing my attention to be dragged to the newcomer. He’s tall and slender. Dark messy hair, dark brown eyes that look tired and like he’s seen too much. He looks like he doesn’t get enough sleep.
For betray (from the 2nd Fall of the Sirens novella):
“He has betrayed his people,” he tells them, tone calm though there’s a slight air of disgust in it. “He tried to hurt his own child.” “She was the one that betrayed us!” Someone shouts in argument against him. I hear the pause in his statements as his eyes meet the man’s that spoke up. His lips are tight and pursed together, though he offers no response for a long time.
For annoy (from An Animal's Apocalypse):
“God, would you stop whining already?” An annoyed voice sighed impatiently. I leapt up, not expecting to hear any voices. After I realized I was alone, I figured maybe my anxiety was causing me to hear voices. So I started to walk around again, but that’s when I heard wings flap from behind me.
For breath (from Nyr Death Experiences):
“You don’t remember me coming by?” She repeated. “I don’t,” I confirmed, taking the milk and chugging half of it, then wiping my lips. Some of the food spat at her and she hissed, cursing under her breath, then returning to the conversation at hand.
For yellow (from In the Eyes of Pets):
However… as he carries me away from my home, I start to smell something that shifts my focus completely - it’s that yellow stuff I love so much! It’s the yellow stuff he always gives me when I do things he wants me to do! The tasty, wonderful yellow stuff that has such a nice feel in my mouth.
For invent:
None found.
Tagging: @lordkingsmith @drawnecromancy @pluttskutt @wubsbian @violetcancerian
Whoops forgot to add my own words.
So your words are: mighty, confused, childish, trusting, lucrative, mask, truth and lovely. Good luck! :D
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darklordazalin · 1 year
Azalin reviews Darklord Vecna
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Domain: Cavitius Domain Formation: 750 BC Power Level: 💀💀💀💀 💀 Sources: Vecna Lives! (2e), Vecna Reborn (2e), Die Vecna, Die! (2e), Book of Artifacts (2e), Domains of Dread (2e), Dragon Magazine #402 (4e), Vecna Dossier (5e)
Vecna is known by many names. The Master of the Spider Throne. The Lord of the Rotted Tower. The Maimed God/Lord. The One Named Only in Whispers. The Whispered One. The Dying King. The Undying King. While imprisoned in the Mists of Ravenloft, he was known as the Chained God. Aren’t we all?
The ‘history’ surrounding the lives of those that ascended to godhood are obscured by time, embellishments, and outright lies of their followers. Vecna’s is no different. Likely only Vecna, who holds onto secrets like a miser holds onto copper pieces, knows the full truth in these matters.
Vecna was born on my home world of Oerth. Many powerful wizards hail from Oerth: Mordenkainen, Iggwilv, Acerarak, and myself to name a few, but Vecna was said to be the ‘greatest of all wizards’. Though, his life is said to pre-date the ascendancy of the Suloise Empire, so there weren’t likely many wizards to compare him to at the time.
His origins on Oerth aren’t well known, though new information indicates he was born into the peasantry and studied magic in secret when he was forced into servitude after his mother was exiled for performing ‘dark magics’ e.g., the best kind of Necromancy. Despite this recent glimpse into his life, some believe he is from another plane of existence and others say his Rotted Tower simply sprung out of the deeps of the Lake of Nyr Dyv. More likely he was born and rose to power in more traditional and less fantastical means.
Vecna was a master of the arcane and he conquered entire regions of Oerth by creating armies of the undead, constructs, and mortals subjugated to his will. As city after city fell to Vecna’s might, it was not enough for him for only Vecna’s ego could surpass his arcane prowess. Newer scholars believe Vecna rose up against his Master’s and with the whispered voices of an unknown entity (the Serpent, perhaps?) penned all of his evil into the Book of Vile Darkness. Given some of the ‘feats’ in this book of his, I can confirm that it is aptly named.
How did Vecna become a god? Well, the one truth that remains consistent among the many tales surrounding this lich is he had a lust for power and domination that, regardless of how much he took, he could never satisfy. The Zarovan Vistani tell a tale in which Vecna became obsessed with overcoming death after his dear mother passed. An extreme reaction to the death of a parent, but it seems to be a requirement of lichdom to have parental issues…
In his quest for eternal life, Vecna is said to have bred entire villages purely for the purposes of experimenting on them and that he reshaped the landscape of Oerth with his magics – many claim that it was Vecna who created the Bright Desert. Given he was not even a lich when he apparently accomplished these feats, it is more likely that he caused a bit of a drought once with some ill-conceived weather magic.
Vecna used Necromancy to extend his life as he continued to search for a way to extend it indefinitely. There are some that say Vecna was cursed into lichdom by powers greater than his own to punish his pride and arrogance. Though, if that was the case they should have targeted Mordenkainen by now. There is also the mysterious entity known as the Serpent that speaks directly into Vecna’s mind, revealing to him the secrets of multiverse and perhaps provided him with the knowledge to transform into a lich. This Serpent could exist or it could be a creation of Vecna’s own decaying mind. Perhaps a leftover imaginary friend from when he was a child and no one wished to converse with him? I personally believe he sought lichdom himself and most stories tell how he conducted dark, mysterious rituals to transform himself. I’m sure I am more than familiar with the sort of ritual he performed.
Another name that Vecna should consider donning is The Betrayed Lord of He Who Misplaces his Trust. Many know of Kas’s betrayal, but there was another before him: a wizard Apprentice of his known as Acerarak. With desires to obtain his master’s secrets, Acerarak orchestrated Vecna’s near annihilation at the hands of the priests of Pelor. When the lich was at the brink of destruction, Acerarak made a convenient appearance and saved him.
Acerarak soon stole his Master’s secrets and quickly departed before his treachery was discovered. Seeing what Acerarak became, I think it is easy enough to figure out what sort of secrets he stole from Vecna. You’d be correct in blaming Vecna for any damage the Tomb of Horrors/Annihilation has done to you. Humiliated, Vecna became more obsessed with his secrets, swearing to never make the same mistake again.
Then there was Kas the Bloody-Handed or the Destroyer or ultimately, the Betrayer. Kas rose quickly in the ranks of Vecna’s armies, his merciless violence matching Vecna’s own and eventually he became Vecna’s top lieutenant and adviser. If the lich ever had a friend, it was Kas. The two would spend countless hours scheming together to expand Vecna’s empire. So fond of Kas was Vecna, that he extend his life through necromancy. Something I have granted my most loyal of servants. For what better gift is there than the gift of serving me longer…or even forever?
There are two tales regarding how Kas became a vampire. In one, after he could no longer extend his life, Vecna gifted him with a silver, fanged masked. Upon donning the mask, Kas accepted the gift of immortality as a vampire. In the tales told by Vecna’s loyal followers, Kas became a vampire after the pair were claimed by the Mists. I think it more likely the former tale to be the truth as it shows Vecna misplacing his trust a second time, which would be rather embarrassing for a deity of secrets.
As his empire grew, Vecna relied heavily on Kas. He became the lich’s hand of justice and spokesman. Kas’s word was considered as good as Vecna’s. Still, the lich’s past haunted him and the Paranoid Lord could not fathom anyone having true loyalty to him without ulterior motives.
Vecna crafted a sword for Kas. Bards would have you believe the sword was made from the heart of a frozen star and forged in the flames of a stolen sun. Utter nonsense, of course, but it was a very powerful weapon. The lich infused part of his essence into the blade in order to overhear Kas’s plans and, on occasion, read his very thoughts. Perhaps such mind reading spells were beyond Vecna’s abilities? As that seems like a far simpler method.
Kas gave the sword the very original name of The Sword of Kas. The sword, annoyed by its moniker and having taken on far too much of it’s creator’s personality, desired domination and the hording of secrets. Instead of allowing Vecna access to Kas’s conversations and mind, the sword fooled the lich with false thoughts of loyalty while it influenced Kas to betray him. Yes, the God of Secrets and Magic was fooled by a sword he created.
While Vecna was performing complex rituals to ascend to godhood, the sword convinced Kas to attack and destroy the lich. The two were, by all accounts, evenly matched and in the end the only things left of the pair were Vecna’s left hand and eye and the Sword of Kas. All of these artifacts are said to still exist on Oerth and at times, elsewhere. The Sword is one of the few things that may be able to kill the deity of secrets. The eye and hand of Vecna are incredibly powerful, but to use them is to invite the Whispered One into your very soul. Their use in the past has only resulted in disaster for the welders and more often than not fail them at a crucial moment. Fitting for the lich who was cut down by the sword of his own making (unmaking?) by his ‘loyal’ lieutenant while trying to become a god.
Vecna’s essence roamed in between worlds for decades or centuries depending on the source. Foolish mortals continued to worship the fallen lich allowing Vecna to grow in power and become a demigod. That was not enough for his ego, however, and Vecna wished to reshape Oerth in his own image. Working through an Avatar, Vecna began his campaign of domination anew.
Through his Avatar, Vecna had a strong tie to the Prime Material Plane. If he had been satisfied with mere demigodhood, he would never have had this weakness nor a way for the Dark Powers to claim him. But since Vecna’s ego always demands more, the Mists claimed him and his fortress, the Citadel Cavitius.
In Ravenloft, Vecna seethed and obsessed with escaping, but he was also distracted by the presence of Kas the Betrayer, now the lord of Tovag and just on the other side of the volcanic range known as the Burning Peaks that seperated Vecna’s Domain of Cavitus from Kas’s. They sent armies against one another, but as Vlad Drakov has yet to figure out, they could do very little damage to one another.
Cavitius encompassed a life draining desert and a single city, the Cavitius Citadel, where the living survived on fear and desperation. For Vecna knew every event, every thought that occurred within the Citadel’s walls. He was said to “fear none of the living” yet his laws essentially amounted to not worshiping Vecna = death. The lich even outlawed the use of magic just in case one of his subjects decided to rise against him. Sounds like he feared mortals quite a bit, actually.
Trapped in the Mists, Vecna was still a demigod. Some of his more potent abilities include being able to cast any wizard or cleric spell, teleport instantly anywhere in his Domain, and reach his followers outside of Ravenloft. Only the most powerful magical weapons can hope to harm Vecna and even if someone manages to destroy him, he eventually rises again.
Vecna did escape Ravenloft, though because of his pride and desire for vengeance against Kas, he failed in his first attempt. The Serpent taught Vecna the Three Words of Creation, which would transcend him into godhood and thereby break free of his prison. He could have done this without bothering with Kas, but instead he attempted to use the Three Words to be reborn in Togav where he could destroy Kas then escape. This plan ultimately failed as a group of adventurer’s stopped him.
As one should, Vecna did not give up hope and made another attempt to escape, this time ignoring Kas. He knew that in order to become a true god he would need to complete a ritual in which he consumed the essence of another demigod. Seeing as there were no other such beings in Cavitius, Vecna created two tablets, shadowed in mystery and lies, that promised the secrets of transcendence. These tablets drew Iuz, the Corpse King, to Vecna. Iuz invaded Cavitius through a portal from Oerth, but instead of finding his own ascension there, he was consumed by Vecna.
Vecna ascended to true godhood and escaped the Mists. He made his way to the City of Doors (Sigil) and as is his nature, attempted to reshape the entire multiverse in his image. Vecna obviously failed as we are not currently living in a world made up entirely of skulls and imaginary snake friends. Though it is only a matter of time before Vecna tries again…
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brisownworld · 2 years
List-making ladies for New Years Eve! Full reviews in the link, subscribe to get every issue of this weekly newsletter in your inbox!
Get A Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert. Chloe Brown, a freelancer with chronic pain, recently had a near-death experience and realizes she’s been hiding her whole life, so she wrangles her new apartment’s superintendent (Redd, who’s been in hiding recently himself) to help her tick off some things she’s been holding off on.
The Duchess Hunt by Lorraine Heath. A business-minded duke outsources the trouble of finding a duchess to give him heirs to his secretary/business partner who’s, twist, been in love with him for years. He’s placed an ad in the local paper asking eligible women to send in their duchess resumes and has tasked said business partner to go through them.
Life's Too Short by Abby Jimenez. Vanessa, a former travel influencer turned single foster mom to her half-sister’s infant daughter, has serious concerns about her own mortality. This is concerning, given her recent baby acquisition as well as the burgeoning friend slash accidental co-parent relationship slash romantic something-something she’s developing with her neighbor Adrian, the buttoned-up lawyer.
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WBW! Which world was your favorite to create? Why? And which element in that world was your favorite to create?
Ooohhhhh that's SO MEAN JADE
I have so many faves! I loved the NDE world because it combines so many different mythological creatures in one that I changed to be my own...
But I also loved Humanity's Demon for a similar reason (exploring angels & demons)... and that world is also the same as Death Has a Face and my roleplaying world so like................. probably that one? Because the way my friend and I made the creatures on there (like vampires, elves, witches, werewolves, hybrids etc)... yeah, I've got to say that world. It's a lot more delved into, more detailed and has way more diversity with the creatures we've worked on.
As for which element, definitely creature creation & development <3
Thank you for this oh-so cruel but wonderful ask!
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fighter-spirits · 2 years
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If death is silence, then I have been dead for eternity.
Fucked around with a concept for Ancient Hisui-Era Nix. Ny is very much dead. Nix is mute, and has been before ny died. Ny died in the snow, but ny has always drawn Ghost types close, and by whatever forces allow Hisuian Zoroarks to rise out of spite, ny rose out of love and stubborness. Ny is going to get home to Emmet, dammit.
This was also an experiment with shading.
I am happy to talk more abt this guy if anyone desires.
Nyr Toyhouse
Without shading, and then with a different color of glove
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larissa-the-scribe · 4 years
We’ll Make it Out
Whumptober, Day 1
For more info on characters and setting, go here
1780ish words
It didn't take Lenesse’s brain too long to catch her up to speed, even as she was still opening her eyes. Bound, sprawled on an icy stone floor in the Nyrthyl stronghold, still damp, covered head-to-toe in foul-smelling swamp mud, as well as various cuts, scrapes, and bruises that stung like she’d been bathed in lemon juice. Where the bog-walker had bitten off a chunk of her flesh burned and ached, itching fiercely from dried blood, dried mud, and the rough-woven ropes pulled tight just below it. 
And before that: the panicked chase, running from Lanshir and his men. The border of the Nyr Swamp. Her brilliant idea that could maybe have given them a fighting chance — because of course no one would be stupid enough follow a quarry into a cursed swamp.
On the plus side, she had been right. No one had followed them.
On the down side, no one had needed to.
Considering the three different monster attacks in the space of five hours, the fog that got them instantly and hopelessly lost, the three-hour long limp along the bank of the one clear river in the swamp (their desperate thought being that maybe it flowed out of this Melsyth-forsaken hellscape), and the pathetic last stand they’d made against a band of magic-wielding Nyrthyl warriors — well, it was understandable why the Nyr Swamp had the (literally) accursed reputation it did.
And now we’re captured. Lenesse stared up at the faintly glowing stone ceiling. Makes sense. What else should I have been expecting? A way out? Something NOT terrible? At the very least one night of actual sleep? Well, that would be just… too much to ask for, I guess.
Esyin is probably flipping out even more now, what with the demon-spirit-things. I'm going to hear a lot of I-told-you-so's later, from both him and Andren.
Esyin. Andren.
Lenesse tried to push herself up on her elbows, but a spear haft shoved her back down, knocking her head back against the stone.
“Yeah, they're not letting us move around,” Andren's voice said from her left. "Best to stay still for now."
Lenesse turned her head to look at him. That small action seemed permitted by the guard, standing stiffly within spear-striking distance of all three of them. Esyin was closest to her, lying limply as if he had just been dumped off someone's shoulder - he still looked to be out cold, but his face was facing away from her, so she couldn't tell. Andren was slumped against the wall just beyond him, dried blood cracked across his cheek and matting the rough stubble along his jaw. 
She couldn't remember if that injury had been there before. "You alright?"
Andren nodded. The black eye he’d gotten earlier looked worse in the pale, warmthless light; even more dried blood dribbled from his nose. It looked broken. Again.
She smiled. "You look great."
Andren tried to chuckle, but ending up coughing. The Nyrthyl shoved him back against the wall when he tried to shift into a more comfortable position. "You don't look too bad yourself, Less."
Lenesse rolled her eyes. "Come on, we’ve talked about the nickname thing."
Andren snorted. “What are you going to do? Give me a black eye?”
“Sure, that way you can have a matching set.”
"It'd probably be an improvement," Esyin croaked, stirring a bit for the first time. He tried to straighten out a bit, but got a sharp rap across his injured ankle for his trouble. He winced. "I mean," he added through gritted teeth, "you at least can’t make him look worse. Have you seen his face lately?"
"Well, I could help you out, too, if you want," Lenesse replied. “You can probably use it.”
"Eh. Go jump in a river."
"Take a bath while you're at it," Andren added, "I've seen cleaner mudskippers."
Lenesse smiled. Her whole body shuddered from cold and exhaustion, but if she closed her eyes and listened only to their voices mumbling out familiar banter, maybe - just maybe - she could convince herself they were all back in the barracks. For one second she could be free of this whole dismal nightmare.
"Can you understand us?" Esyin said, breaking the illusion. He had turned to stare up at the Nyrthyl guarding them.
The Nyrthyl curled his lip, flat, glowering face and glowing skin radiating disdain. His mouth moved for a second, then he stopped.
"So, you can," Esyin said, relaxing back against the stone floor, "you just don't like us enough to try and respond."
"He could just be planning a surprise party for us," Lenesse said dully, still watching the Nyrthyl. His face twitched, and, without moving, his eyes shifted their glare towards her. 
Yeah, he can understand us.
"Just doesn't want to risk giving away the secret," Andren agreed.
"That's probably also why he looks like he wants to throw up every time we talk," Lenesse added.
"I mean, he could just be allergic to cake," Andren said.
The Nyrthyl's hands shifted on his spear, tightening, knuckles whitening.
Man, Lenesse thought, he really is about two seconds from killing all of us.
"A very pleasant fellow," she said out loud.
Andren didn't seem to have anything to add. Esyin was still staring at the wall. 
The silence seemed to echo in the small stone chamber, mingling with what sounded like a river just outside the door. Which was odd. But, come to think of it, legends did say that the Nyrthyl castle had a river flowing through it, so maybe there was even more truth to those tales than previously thought.
It’s probably the river we were following, Lenesse thought. The idea nearly sent her into a fit of hysterical laughter. That had been their last hope, to follow the river out of the swamp to safety. Of course it led them to the Nyrthyls. Of course it had.
Our last hope is going to be what kills us. 
Lenesse bit the inside of her lip, strangling the high-pitched giggle she could feel bubbling up in her throat.
Of course. I mean, did we think we were getting OUT of this? ANY of this?
We marched into the heart of Lanshir's territory and we thought we were going to march back OUT?
It was harder now. She could taste blood on her lip as she bit down more, the suppressed laughter adding to her shudders, a manic grin fighting to break out on her face.
She couldn't even give herself the satisfaction of blaming herself for everyone dying. She might be responsible for them dying in the swamp, but they were always going to die - ever since they stepped out of City of Kings, like all the poor fools sent on this fools errand before them.
She thought of her two little brothers, her parents. Wondered when they'd be told that she was "missing in action". Wondered how Tresha and Ayin would take the news back in the city. Wondered what poor soul would be sent after them to meet a similar deadly fate. Maybe Sir Ralben would get the idea and stop sending his soldiers two by two to their deaths.
Yeah. Two by two. Because I was never even supposed to be here.
Another giggle bitten back. The crowning stupidity of it all was that if she had just done as Fylon had told her, she'd be back in the City of Kings — bored out of her skull, yes, but not tied up to be killed by Nyrthyls. Andren and Esyin would be out here dying on their own.
They'd already be dead, actually. Just at Lanshir's hands, not the Nyrthyls. Because, somehow, she had been stupid enough to think they had any sort of a fighting a chance in any version of events, and had given them all enough hope to drag this all out further. If it hadn’t been for her they'd already be corpses back in the forest.
That thought was the first to nearly brought a sob out of her.
She couldn't think about them dying.
She could die, probably with hysteric laughter if past experience was anything to go by. But not them. It couldn’t be them. Not them lying on the ground, blank eyes staring into nothing. Not them with a spear to their throats. Not them — 
"If you don’t mind, why exactly are we still alive?" Esyin said suddenly.
The Nyrthyl stared at him but did not answer.
"We were trespassing on your land, and you apparently hate us. So why are we still alive? For you to kill us slower? Or do you have some other purpose in mind?"
The Nyrthyl jabbed at him sharply, speaking for the first time in broken, heavily-accented Trade. "No questions."
Answers or not, Esyin had a point.
Why were they still alive?
A shiver ran down her spine. It couldn’t be for anything good.
"I mean, thanks, though," Andren said. "This way you’re giving us enough time to escape and make it out of this mudhole."
Lenesse knew his confidence came from bravado and nothing else. She wasn't sure if she wanted to hug him for it or shake him for being an idiot.
The Nyrthyl laughed, the mocking sound bouncing off the stone room hideously. "Keep that thought, orsidtezc. It will make it more enjoying for me when you scream, dying."
Lenesse flinched involuntarily.
"Sure, if the idea makes you feel better." Andren looked down to lock eyes with Lenesse. "We are going to make it anyway. All the way out."
The fear behind that brash assurance, which she knew was an act for her benefit, nearly broke her resolve to keep from crying. She could see the reality in his posture, strung up as if by puppet wires — slumped but too tense, too ready to snap into sudden action to be believable. She could see it in how wide his eyes were, in how strained his mouth was as he tried to smile at her.
Oh Andren, she thought. I know you're just as scared as I am. Maybe even more so. You're terrified that you're going to have to watch your brother die in front of you. You're terrified of failing him and breaking your promise to keep him safe. You may even be scared of breaking that half-cocked promise you made about protecting me. 
She knew it was all a lie. It didn't make it reassuring. But it did, somehow, make it infinitely more comforting.
"Yeah," she said, smiling grimly, trying to ignore the single, silent tear pooling up in the corner of her eye. "All the way out."
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mechamal · 4 years
There she was. Nyr wasn't sure how someone so ostentatious could be so hard to find. Clad in a bright red coat and hat, with a glittering Ruby Carbuncle at her heels. Wrapped up jotting down notes in her tome. Alice the Red. Sitting on a tree stump in the Black Shroud near a river.
"Storyteller. Time for us to have a little chat." Nyr said, drawing close. Clad in one of her usual violet gowns, chakrams at her sides.
"Oh, hello Nyr!" She said, flashing a grin. Teagan reminded her of Alice in some ways. Blonde hair, bright personality. And both were often smarter than people gave them credit for. But where as Teagan simply lacked certain world experiences because of her upbringing, Alice hid a shrewd cunning and calculating mind behind a mask of madness. Nyr wasn't sure if even Alice knew how much of it was feigned to throw people off balance and how much was genuine. Where Teagan's warmth was genuine, with Alice it was all theatrics.
When Nyr had been...unhinged and dangerous, it was Alice who masterminded her downfall. Providing the 'heroes' who fought her with the tools to strip away her aether use. Sparing Nyr from the need to be put down. And from the slow death her own power had been putting her through. To what ends, if it was because Alice had taken a liking to her, some hidden scheme, or simply because she thought it would be a better story than Nyr dying, she couldn't be sure.
"So, the humbled antagonist has come seeking my counsel?" Alice asked. Not even looking up from her book. The carbuncle however had positioned itself between Nyr and Alice like a guard dog. Blank, beady eyes staring up at her. Nyr knew better than to underestimate that thing. "Or perhaps, she's come to seek retribution for her downfall?"
"I want my aether back." Nyr said bluntly, getting to the point. "It was the lalafel that cast the ritual, but you're the one that conveniently left the tome around for him to use. So you're going to tell me where I can find a way to undo it."
"Am I?" Alice glanced at Nyr in the corner of her eye, but didn't turn her head. "You know from over here, that almost sounded like a threat. If you want to ask someone a favor, you really ought to be more polite. A little more...humble. Oh, perhaps if you got on your knees and begged that would be a suitably dramatic show of contrition?"
Nyr grabbed her chakrams, stepping closer. "Listen here you little shit, you're going to-"
Alice raised a hand and snapped her finger. Runes along her glove and tone glowing briefly as a series of small bursts of aether exploded around Nyr in a ring, throwing her off balance. The Carbuncle leaped, striking her chest with surprising force, shoving Nyr onto the ground, its soulless eyes up close and in her face now. "Get this thing off of me or I'm going to get mad."
Alice didn't look up from her book. "And so the fallen villain has failed to learn her lesson! But the story's not over yet." Alice said, leaping up to her feet. "Perhaps there's hope for you yet! But what is penance without sacrifice? Redemption without growth? You'll find what you're after within the ruins of the Sharlyan Colony in the Hinterlands. I've already prepared the stage for you. If you want your happily ever after...well you're going to need to earn it! Oh this is going to be grand, do be sure to bring along a troupe of your own when you go. Every starring lady needs a few supporting characters, hmm?"
Alice began to walk away. Only when Alice was a good ways away did it leap from Nyr's prone body and trot to catch up with its master.
Nyr slowly picked herself up, not sure what to make of all of this. What kind of game was Alice playing here? Had she already known Nyr was looking for her? Nyr wished she'd brought some backup with her, to pin the annoying little arcanist down and force some straight answers from her.
At least she had something to go on now. But what the hell was waiting for her in the Hinterlands?
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ivendarea · 5 years
The Nathras
Making the Most out of Life
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Banner art based on and supported by my Patrons ♥
The Nathras are at home by Ivendarea’s north-western shores and islands and one of the more reclusive population groups. Sticking to themselves and feeling a little detached from the events in the south and east of the nation, they are fairly independent, but a warm, creative, and community-oriented people nonetheless. In ancient times the Nathras used to be mostly nomads, but they also had small semi-permanent settlements along the northern shores, one of them developing into the city Westpoint.
Table of Contents:
Culture and History
Cultural Heritage
Language and Dialect
Shared Values
Common Etiquette
Major Organizations
Art and Architecture
Beauty Ideals
Courtship Ideals
Relationship Ideals
Continue reading below or on World Anvil
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Culture and History Isolated in Ivendareas northwest, yet still at the frontier and open to the world, the Nathras make up one of the more unique Ivendarean population groups. Not really fitting in with their own people, still proud of their Nyr heritage, they make the best of any situation and oppurtunity.
Cultural Heritage In ancient times the Nathras were predominantly fishermen. They were also the first to build ships and attempt to set sail to foreign shores (with mixed results). With the spread of Aman’s Teachings and more and more people becoming part of this new religion, the Nathras felt increasingly threatened in their way of life. While embracing any new knowledge, some of the rules proposed by Aman, such as not eating fish and meats, or hunting and fishing for food and leather, the Nathras struggled to adapt without any new means to sustain themselves in the cold north with infertile earth. Groups such as the Wylaai, who also had to deal with a too harsh environment for farming, received and embraced the support of southern communities to artificially create fertile land. The Nathras though were more hesitant to give up on their established way of life.
Until today there are many Nathras who call themselves devout followers of Aman’s Teachings while still continuing their traditional trade of fishing.
Despite their isolation, the Nathras were accidental ambassadors for their whole nation on two occasions. Both the Aapha of Darthonis and the Kitu from far away Drua Shye landed first on their shores. So while they are a little bit detached from the main portion of their continent, they are rather connected to dealings with the outside world and developed into versed traders.
Trade is actually spoken more commonly in Westpoint, the capital of the region, than any other language including Nyrval. Currently Westpoint also calls Ivendarea’s largest trade harbour its own, and to the outside world the Nathras enjoy a reputation of being the most laid-back and open-minded of the Nyr. Language and Dialect The accent of the Nathras is considered “flat” and a little monotonous combined with speaking rather fast. Since most Nathras speak Trade more commonly than Nyrval, elements of both languages are mixed into the other, creating a rather unique colour, sound, and vocabulary.
Shared Values Living conditions in the north are comparatively harsh, with unpredictable cold and storms, therefore it is important to the Nathras communities to be adaptable and keep a watchful eye. Courage is one of the most-taught virtues, and unselfish devotion is the most important service one could offer for the community.
The Nathras have a very relaxed view on life and death. Death is not the end of all things, and sometimes a noble sacrifice is necessary to prevent greater evils from happening. Life on the other hand is meant for joy. While not scared of hard work, a rather laid-back attitude is common in the northern villages.
The Nathras work to live, not the other way around. Also, not many would openly call themselves religious, but subconsciously many of their social conventions are actually tightly connected to the beliefs of the Aman’a Valeethi, and most do believe in the gods. They just don’t make a big deal out of it and don’t tend to pry into other people’s business. Accepting differences in regards to politics and religion is essential to the Nathras, particularly because as a people of traders they often have to deal with travellers and outsiders.
Similar to the Wylaai the Nathras are also known to be rather hospitable, and they enjoy fun and entertainment. Westpoint, the settlement with the highest percentage of Nathras among its population, is home to an arena where people can measure their strength in public battles for the entertainment ofma crowd and some coin. All on a voluntary basis of course.
Common Etiquette As much as the Nathras enjoy being part of a devoted community, they expect everyone within the community to contribute something, even if it is just a symbolic gesture. If everyone helps together to get unpleasant things done, the faster it is possible to devote oneself to the beautiful things in life again. While they have a rather relaxed relationship with death, it is not well-liked to talk ill of the dead. In fact, remembering them in a positive light is very important and if not in the local temple, at least in the deceased’s home a small space or shrine is dedicated to their memory.
Entertainment and hospitality are so important that it is rude to refuse an invitation or gifts. Furthermore, no food or drink should be wasted, it should be shared, re-purposed, or donated, never thrown away. The same goes for basically everything else, too: before throwing it out, consider if it could be of use for someone else or for a different purpose. And should someone unexpectedly gain riches, it is expected of them to invest into the community, not hoard their money.
Major Organizations Less an organization but still one of the major institutions in Westpoint, the Arena is the city’s centre of entertainment. No matter if as a spectator betting on contestants, or by entering the ring oneself, it is also a popular place to earn extra coin without big commitments.
Fashion The Nathras will wear their clothes until they’re literally falling apart - and then they’ll fix them as best as they can, use parts of different articles of clothing to make a new one, or find a new purpose for them. Nathras fashion is rugged and wayward, unconventional at best and questionable sometimes too. Influences from a variety of cultures and eras can be found in everyday clothing, the motto is: do what you like.
While most prefer practical clothing that doesn’t get in the way and is comfortable, there is not much the Nathras would frown upon in terms of colour and material combinations. Compared to most other groups of Nyr across the nation, the Nathras in particular prefer more fitted clothing and trousers over the flowing robes, wide sleeves, and huge scarves seen more often in central, southern, and western Ivendarea. Remarkably they are also the only group that very commonly wears clothing made of animal materials such as leather or bone. They don’t tend to make these clothes from scratch, but if a rich Assadin merchant throws out a still decent leather coat, it is going to be re-purposed and worn rather than wasted.
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A Nathras worker dressed in a colourful mix of clothes from various cultures and second-hand items is wearing body paint and striking piercings. The woollen scarf has seen better days but was decorated with colourful pearls and pebbles found near Westpoint’s shores. The typically Assadin-style riding boots are commonly worn by soldiers and might have been won in the arena. The trousers are a patchwork of different materials, and the warm Aapha coat’s buttons don’t match, but the fur-lining certainly helps against the cold winter winds. 
Art & Architecture The Nathras’ architecture is exactly as patchwork as one might think when looking at their clothing. Building materials are rare, everything is reused several times. Stones of crumbling ruins are turned into the foundation of a new family home, the wooden beams of sunken ships are salvaged, cleaned, and thoroughly dried, then used for building furniture. Driftwood is integrated into the buildings as are rocks dug up in fields. Some houses are built directly into the sides of cliffs where possible. There’s no limit to creativity in terms of housing. In Westpoint in particular nautical elements such as rope and even used fishing nets find their way into people’s homes and gardens. An old steering wheel makes an interesting dinner table.
The Nathras are inventive and creative, and they are known to have an eye for design and beauty. Creating jewellery and all sorts of petty wares and haberdashery from whatever they lie their hands on, their markets are a true paradise for everyone looking to spruce up their wardrobe or buy a unique piece of artwork. Known to have patience and a calm hand Nathras also have a reputation of creating particularly intricate and huge mosaics, incorporating them into their buildings and artwork. They find and create beauty in everything.
Beauty Ideals Individuality is beauty, as is creativity and devotion to a cause... and all is subjective. Colourful body paint and makeup emphasizing the body’s anatomy - curves, muscles, tendons, and bone structure - are popular. Hair is adorned with little trinkets, natural or glass pearls, worn in braids, decorated or held together with colourful pieces of fabric, or flowing freely. A positive outlook on life, no matter the difficulties, is considered attractive.
Courtship Ideals Courtship is playful and passionate. Fun and experimenting are important, experiencing small adventures together and getting to know each other during those times. Directness is appreciated, as well as creativity in the way one is wooed, bold and brave is better than following strict traditions and social conventions.
Relationship Ideals It is rather unusual for the Nathras to begin living in a committed relationship in young years. Exploration and adventure are important before settling down, otherwise unrest might cause tension in the relationship later on. On-off-relationships are quite common, where couples cross paths several times before finally deciding to settle down together - if at all. Many actually never settle down, have children with several partners if they want them, and continue to live life relatively independently. It is very common among the Nathras that children are raised by several adults, related to them or not, rather than specific parents. The community is one big family that looks after each other, and its needs stand above individual relationships.
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voidiots · 5 years
Una’to A Summary
There are a lot of new people here and lots of information spread out across this blog so please have the best summary I could make on Una’to should you have a deeper interest in his character.
Last Edited: August 2, 2020
[ Carrd ] <------------------------------- ) O ( ------------------------------- >[ Backstory Tag ]
I. Early Life and Story Plot (Ages 0 - 10)
     Una Bajhiri bore four children by T’ara Nunh, Una’a, Una’to, and the twins Kiri and Kana. Their mother refused to have any children that weren’t from T’ara oddly despite wishing for one of her daughters to take up important roles within the clan, despite their mixed heritage. All children were raised as Moon Keepers, their mixed heritage unknown to them due to the general absence of their father in their lives. The family lived among the Bajhiri until a point where what seemed like a disease took the lives of Kiri and Kana. For a time Una’to was thought to be the sole survivor of the disease all four kittens suffered. However, it was revealed that he was the first to die to it, and in a deal to get him back Una’a, now known as Nyr, lost their sisters to a void mage in the process. This action has left both brothers cursed. They can die a set number of times, though this number is unknown to both brothers. It is after his sisters deaths that Una’a is thrown out before Una’to revives, and Una goes mad at the loss of her daughters, taking it on on Una’to for a year before trying to get rid of him permanantly.
Generally, both brothers were looking to undue the curse that originally killed Una’to. They linked it back to Diabolos as a source, but were still trying to find out more on the void that was growing within them and haunting their dreams. Often, trying to make them both succumb to their inner darkness by subjecting them to their worst memories and giving them twisted dreams. Both brothers woke to coughing up ink like blood from their dreams, and if they over cast magic, or use healing magic tend to suffer similar consequences. As their original curse progresses, more and more of their personality changed for the worse, and their bodies suffered from this as they changed.
II. Runaway Circus and Learned Skills (Ages 10 - 22)
     Una’to left home on the night of his tenth name day after Una tried to kill him in an act of despair. Given his nameday is the same as All Saint’s Wake he had the luck to run into and join the Continental Circus as it was traveling from Gridania the morning after his own nameday and ended up joining up with them. It was there that he learned to wield his black and white magic, despite Una telling him he was cursed for his thaumaturgy, and carrying a complex against conjury for the lack of help when he and his siblings were dying from conjurers. It’s there he also learned to sword swallow, do acrobatics, juggle and throw knives, as well as read cards, the latter of which sustains him as his main source of income. However, the circus wasn’t without it’s hard ships between cold mentors that acted oddly at times, and the punishments for performing under their expectations. It was during this time that he dated V’nefaria who ended up breaking his heart and sealing his jaded personality. He remained with the circus until he felt bored with it and sick of the travel that would make his stomach lurch endlessly, and ended up settling in Ul’dah as a sex worker and card reader at twenty-two years old.
III. Sand in the Hour Glass and a Time of Leisure (Ages 22 - 24)
     This time was largely uneventful other than Una’to working in Ul’dah and running from his memories and nightmares. A man set on self destructive play with others to the point of annoying those around him. Often at odds with V’nefaria when they meet while still having feelings for one another. This part of his story is largely spent with him finding ways to get under others skin and navigate the city in a competent manner. Living only in inn’s and rarely returning to his apartment in the Goblet out of fear of customers following him home and the loneliness of a lone room. As a child he slept in a shared bed with his siblings, the same Kiri and Kana passed away in as he was being revived, and in the circus they largely lacked non-communal sleeping spaces, thus he is unused to being alone where his memories can catch him. It’s here when he starts to adopt the habit of collecting secrets and sitting in crowds to avoid sleep and his memories that seem harmless inconveniences to start.
IV. Present (Ages 24-26)
     Una’to was in a open relationship with Nezh’a and V’nefaria. At present, his relationship with Nezh’a has essentially ended as Una’to runs away. Though he’s still freinds with benefits with V’nefaria who is likely carrying his future kits. He and his brother Nyr were out to find a way to treat their curse before they are possessed entirely while both being rather jaded from their experiences and the separation they suffered as a family in their childhoods. They had found the source of their curse to be Diabolos, once housed in the South Shroud and were on the search to understand just how they attained this curse as kittens living in the same area, while others were unaffected. This lead to Una’to seeking out help from those who could offer it, whether they be of the void, void hunters, or scholars. As it stands, his curse has reached the end as his time has run out from too many run in’s with voidsent, and so he is becoming one. At present in is on his way to the Great Gubal Library to learn from the most offending of the voidsent who made his curse reach it’s apex.
    Una’to is now currently romantically involved with Frey Underbridge, who has promised to kill him if he falls to far from who he is. Additionally, he has a deal to search for information that may be useful to them during his stay in the library to deal with their own issues. Thus other voidsent offering to teach him will not deter him from his goals to help Frey. His brother is giving chase with a party, in an attempt to stop Una’to and those who have decided to see him to the end of his chapter.
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Personality: Una’to tends to play the fool and smile or laugh his ways through things. Otherwise he picks up an apathetic character in order to deal with the things that upset him. He adores collecting secrets, making and playing games, and speaking as a Cheshire cat would. That is to say, he speaks poetically and philosophically to try and get a read on people, if not just outright annoy them. He has an acute hatred of alcohol and it’s scent as a result of the year he spent attempting to care for Una before running away from home, but has done recreational drugs on occasion and is known to smoke every so often. Though their effects are now diminished with his being a voidsent. He often wears a mask or eyepatch to cover one or both of his eyes to better hide his emotions and to block out the sun. He’s not apt to take them off when worn and may get more defensive about it due to the changes his eyes have gone through. While hard to anger or make upset it can happen and tends to make his magic leak out and start to frost over things around him even with his facade of a smile, or worse. Overall, he is a very warped and anxious Miqo’te who is trying his best but has a harder time trusting others.
The best way to earn his trust is to allow him to do a tarot reading into a character, as it allows him a safe way to learn more about them then he may let on. More than the reading itself, he pays attention to the reactions of his querents to the reading. Their personality, what they say is true or false, all our secrets he adds to his hoard.
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uuliinoted · 6 years
For Nyr : ╳ How would they react to seeing a loved one become possessed? ☹ Name one person they would kill for. ❣ If someone had the power to bring them back after death, would they want them to?
╳ How would they react to seeing a loved one become possessed?
Nyr sits in silence for a moment, contemplating the question. “Honestly, I’ve asked myself many a time if I have already seen such a thing happen. The day I left home, my mother had not been herself. She was screaming... Crying... Threatening me... I didn’t even have a chance to gather all of my belongings. She stood guard in the doorway all night, making sure I wouldn’t enter. When I came back trying to speak with her, she would go from a sad woman sitting in her rocker, to a crazed beast trying desperately to chase me away from my home. In the end, I went to a neighbor for help, but my mother wouldn’t let them inside either... So, at that time, I ran...” He then sits in silence for a bit longer, the pain of recounting the expereince reflected on his face.“I think that, if I were to experience something like that again... I wouldn’t give up and run away. I think that, even if it was at my own expense, I would see them through the ordeal. Sure, I suffered, but I can only imagine the pain that they must go through in that condition... To this day, I wonder if things would have turned out differently if I had stayed...”
☹ Name one person they would kill for.
“The one person I would... Have, killed for, was my younger brother. When we were younger, we were both taken by a horrible disease, and it seemed like he wasn’t going to make it. I, by some miracle, pulled through, and went out to find a cure on my own, since our mother was too exhausted to both care for us and find appropriate aid. Eventually, I found somebody who could help him, but they demanded a blood price. I agreed without hesitation, and two innocent girls died for it. In the end, the bastard couldn’t even save him... The last I saw of him, he was curled under a sheet, his body severely malnourished, and reaching out to me, as if begging my not to go...”
❣ If someone had the power to bring them back after death, would they want them to? 
“If I were to perish... I think it would be best that I were left that way. I am nobody special, and if somebody were capable of such a thing, I would hope they would use it to aid somebody truly in need, instead of some wandering soul like me. Sure, if I were brought back, I could continue to help people, but I don’t feel that I would be worthy enough for somebody to go through the effort.” Nyr chuckles a little, and ruffles the back of his hair. “Besides, there’s somebody waiting for me on the other side. It would be rude of me to not go and see them.”Thank you for the asks @fracturedfantasia! Any chance to develop one of my newer characters is always appreciated!
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thefallenofbajhiri · 5 years
Fighting Style - Toshi
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bold what consistently applies || italicize situational, not always || both, a priority while fighting
fight honorably / fight dirty / prefer close-quarters / prefer range /  chat during /  go silent /  low pain tolerance  / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts / attack steadily / go for the kill / aim to disarm / fight defensively / bait an opponent’s first strike / strike first /  provoked easily /   provoke their opponent / tease /  get visibly frustrated  / shout while attacking / use strategy / focus on their battle /  experience conflicting thoughts during battle / rush in recklessly / try to read their opponent before fighting /  fight wildly /  fight calmly apathetically / fight with anger / fight with excitement / fight because they have to  / fight because they want to  / fight without regard to wounds /  run away when wounded  / hide wounds / take a blow to protect another /   prefer a blade /  prefer a gun  / prefer a bow /  prefer a shield  /  prefer a spear naginata / prefer a personalized weapon  / prefer magic or spells  /  prefer brawling  / their greatest weakness is physical /  their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional / transform for battle  / fight as they appear / rely on strength  /  rely on speed / use everything they have / hide their full potential / exhaust quickly / high stamina /  doubt their strength  / proceed with caution /   behave arrogantly  / brag after landing a hit  /  belittle their abilities / use psychological tactics / use brute strength / avoid civilians  /  strike down civilians / damage surroundings / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style / making it up as they go /  mastered skillset / learning their skillset / fancy footwork /  sloppy footwork /  messy fighter / elegant fighter / accept defeat / refuse defeat / beg for mercy / compliment their opponent / insult their opponent / use unnecessary movements ( flips, twirls ) / move efficiently /  barely move / prefer to dodge / prefer to block /  defend their blindside / has no blindside /  use all available advantages /  strictly use one main method  /  play around  /  hold back /  fight ruthlessly  / show mercy /  wait for opponent to be ready / strike when opponent isn’t ready  / fear death  /  fear pain / fear killing /  has PTSD / avoid fighting / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill / want to die standing /  would succumb slowly
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Needless to say... Toshi when it comes to fighting is brutal, gruesome and not someone you want to ever deal with because he gives no fucks the destruction that could come from it. As an Au Ra he’s still going to shred someone apart but in any of his other voidsent forms he’ll focus on the thing they have going for them. Naga means he’s going to fuck you up with that massive tail of his and try to crush you in his coils... Cerberus form he’s going to chomp you apart and then void dergin form will be him trying to burn you and go nippy bitch on you. He also has LITTLE care for wounds he might get because... well he can easily heal and the fact that injuring him leaves behind a disturbing mess means he can use that disturbing mess to throw off anyone fighting him so >.> Yeah
Tagged by: No one that I know of 8D
Tagging: @skyysinger​ @nyrs-nook​ @unatobajhiri​ @gildedandgolden​ annnnnd whoever wants to do this one >>
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queerlilchinchin · 7 months
Help Me Write! (Part 3/Final Part)
If you want to go back, here is part 1 and here is part 2.
I am trying to write a quick one-shot snippet about 2-3 characters. :)
I would love if you guys would help me out by voting who you'd be most interested in reading about/which combination you think would make the most fascinating story. :)
The lists for the first & second characters are above. Please feel free to go back and read them before voting on this one if you want to compare for a combo effect. Thank you to everyone that helps me out :)
Alright, so the final list is:
Character descriptions!
Emerson is my newest character from this list. Like Charlie (female), she is from my new hero/villain tragic love story, but she's the villain. :) Emerson is IN LOVE with art and adores artists, but Charlie takes the cake. Charlie is her beloved spray painter goth best friend from childhood that turns into her love interest when they get older. She wants to give her the world, which is why she becomes a villain... however, when she dies, roles are reversed and now she tries to save the world after Charlie snaps and tries to end it from the grief of losing Emerson.
Betrüger is from my old story, Nyr Death Experiences. Betrüger is a nyr, which is a creature I created based off of a mythological creature and Betty is actually the local "sea being" that has been snatching up people and drowning and killing them. He is being hunted down by a local named Wahr, who is trying to figure out why his father disappeared suddenly one day. Little does Betty know, he's in for a world of hurt when he becomes attached to said human unexpectedly after a harrowing journey with him.
Winnifred (Winny) is a wisp from my old story, Voyage of the Wisp. She is sassy and has an attitude but is also very soft with people she cares about. Most of what comes out of her mouth, though, is sass and attitude, so it can be pretty difficult to tell if she even likes you until you get to know her.
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queerlilchinchin · 10 months
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omfg @lordkingsmith looook it's Nyr Death Experience! <3 aww I loved that WIP.
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queerlilchinchin · 1 year
Nyr Death Experiences Cast
Ugh so many old stories with such great casts of characters. Another one: NDE. <3
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Wahr and his best friend, Verg <3
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Betty, my little nyr (a creature I made up for NDE)
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Maxine, Verg's sister.
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Best friends once more <3 Verg is on the left, Wahr on the right.
@lordkingsmith, remember how obsessed we were about this one?
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queerlilchinchin · 2 years
Next Question in my "Hannah Makes Polls" series xD
go ahead, I dare you ;P
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Sooo I've been playing around with landscape scenes on artbreeder, thanks to @lordkingsmith, who taught me about the site.
And I have made what I can only imagine is the forest from Nyr Death Experiences.
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I have made some others too, but none of them quite scream any of my WIPs to me. I'll continue to play around and see what other WIPs I'm reminded of.
@jade-island-lives, @poore-choice-of-words, @bathingindirtyteacups, @magic-is-something-we-create
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