#fantasy society
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Here are all of my observations from Unikitty! on what the Unikingdom’s society and culture is like. It’s so I can decide what to include in my AU, and what I’d rather not.
Here’s a full, detailed list of my observations. Long post warning!
The Values and Opinions of the Unikingdom:
Creativity and pizazz
These are all very important to the people of the Unikingdom.
Being nice is heavily encouraged; Unikitty has nice princess duties.
Being, quote-unquote, “boring” or anything less than fun, positive, and creative is frowned upon. Being unhappy or angry is as well.
Stories, Mythology and Folklore of the Unikingdom:
Ghosts (There are definitely some spirits in this world. Ghosts are often seen. Could the Score Creeper be a ghost? Dino Dude also mentions the Ghost of Wipeout’s Past.)
Sentient Skeletons
What’s the deal with the Sugar Crash Coaster in Doki Diamond Funland? Can you wish on it? (Unikitty said, “I wish it never ended!” and then the ride never ended for the gang)
Score Creeper traps people’s souls in games
Magical things happening after bedtime (by the way, magic exists in this world)
Spell books for both casting spells and spelling words
Amazon warriors?
Wizards that fly on brooms
Witches that fly on brooms
Trickster spirits?
Skin thieves?
Mysterious hook hands
Chainsaw killers
Lab monsters
Alien invasions
An underworld?
Richard dresses like Frankenstein’s monster in Scary Tales?
Scary stories can really be about anything. You can leave someone quaking in their boots with a story about a permanent stain
Stories about pirates
The old beach legend of the Perfect Spot
Detective stories?
People can die from lovesickness in this world by being literally crushed by their crush; their feelings take the form of giant giggling hearts and crush them
The Curse of the Last One There (Whoever is in earshot when the curse is uttered is cursed to be literally turned into a rotten egg if they are the last one to get to a place)
”Chair Valhalla”?
Making wishes with coins, shooting stars, birthday candles, 11:11, wishbones, eyelashes, and four-leaf clovers
Fairy tales like Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and Hansel and Gretel exist?
The Golden Goose?
Santa Claus?
The Tooth Fairy?
The Sandman?
Careen Ingle, a director on the show, stated that people can have kids via a stork bringing them pieces that look like them. They build the kid with those pieces. I’m not sure if this happens in the Unikingdom, Frowntown, or everywhere.
Unikingdom Naming Customs:
Animals in the Unikingdom are typically named after their being/what they are.
Lego brick creatures usually aren’t, like Richard, Beau and Kickflip.
Not everyone follows these customs.
Some people’s names are silly made-up words, like Bim-Bom or Stocko.
They don’t use surnames in the Unikingdom.
Areas in the kingdom are named after what they are. For example, Flowery Park is, as the name suggests, a flowery park.
Unikingdom Architecture:
Everything is, quote-unquote, “cute”
Everything is brightly colored and utilizes all the colors of the rainbow
Bouncy castles are legitimately buildings
Towers, either with pointy roofs (like Marques towers) or with round balls at the top
Decorative pennants and banners everywhere
Decorative lights and tassels
Unikitty’s castle is her, but way bigger
The mouth of her castle is a fountain
The tail is a greenhouse with a garden inside
The horn is a tower; there are crates full of stuff in it
There are secret passages in it (Are these in other buildings as well?)
The mouth fountain spills into the moat, which has a rainbow bridge going over it.
But there is another road to the castle that leads into its garage (where the gang’s vehicles are stored)
Buildings, furniture, and appliances can look like anything
They can also be constructed out of anything
Bunnies live in carrot houses
Crabs all live in a giant sand palace
Beds and homes can also be influenced by what type of animal someone is
Batty (a vampire bat) lives in a house that looks like a cave and sleeps hanging upside down on her ceiling
Hawkodile sleeps in a nest in his treehouse. His nest is never seen in his treehouse except for when he wakes up in one episode, so it’s implied he puts it away during the day.
In another episode, he wakes up with him and a pillow attached to a punching bag
Ball pits and silly slides
Circular/round windows
Lots of geometric shapes as well
Roller coaster tracks behind Unikitty’s castle
Spherical floating buildings behind her castle? We never saw what’s inside them
Towers with round, glowing lights
Gingerbread houses?
Fantasy yurts?
Round aquariums
A Unikitty sphinx?
The Toy Zone/Toy District has shops similar to carnival booths
Japanese-inspired architecture in Action Forest, such as the dojo and the Torii gate in front?
By the way, Eagleator destroyed the dojo. It’s shown that it’s still destroyed to this day, and Eagleator camps out in the rubble now. But aren’t you supposed to treat a dojo with respect? (Did Eagleator kill Sensei Falcomodo?)
I don’t think the Unikingdom is trying to represent any real countries or cultures
Everything about Action Forest is based on gritty action movies from the 80s
Stony lairs (such as Flamurtle’s lair)
Buildings, such as the castle, have secret passages
Tubes with sparkles passing through them
These tubes can also be seen inside people’s brains. Is that where their sparkle matter comes from?
Trash is discarded in trash cans and dumpsters
There are many playgrounds with swingsets, slides, monkey bars, sand pits, seesaws, and springy rocking horses (or rocking animals, or foods)
Unikingdom Symbolism:
Silhouettes of Unikitty’s head are very prominent
I spotted flags that had a silhouette of her head. Are either of them supposed to be the Unikingdom’s national flag?
Are there other unicorn-cats?
Are there any unicorns?
Clouds (Some are rainclouds)
Sparkle Matter?
Cool sunglasses are “an action hero’s highest honor” in the Unikingdom
Hawkodile’s were given to him by his sensei
The torii gate in front of Action Forest…
Is Action Forest supposed to be a sacred place?
Their official bread- a cat-shaped bread roll with cream and a strawberry on top
Their official fish- a wide-eyed orange fish with a beak
Their official bird- A green, parakeet-looking bird
Their official scary man who lives in the sewer- Yes, this is a thing they have. He’s green, and he wears brown rags.
Their official song- Official Song. It just goes, “OFFICIAL SONG! Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!” (That’s all there is to it; it has no real tune)
Their official candy- The gang tried to pick one. They brought their favorite candies to life and had an entire Pokémon-style battle with them. In the end, though, they decided that you should just like the candy you have. So, I’ll just say their official candy is whatever candy you like. There’s a lot of candy in the Unikingdom anyway.
Demographics of the Unikingdom
The Unikingdom is populated by anthropomorphic animals
Like I asked, are there unicorns anywhere?
Some of them are animal-based hybrids
Monsters such as the giant jelly creature and krakens
Lego brick creatures
Living stuffed toys
Anthropomorphic foods (like Burger Person, Cookie Guy, and Herbert Sherbert)
Anthropomorphic objects (like Toaster and the kite people)
Living clouds in the sky
Self-aware robots (and rockets)
Crabs and bunnies have their own societies within Unikingdom society, but both are considered part of the Unikingdom. The crabs also have a “pinch dungeon.”
Aliens?? (Hominid is an alien who travels around in its UFO)
These creatures produce sparkle matter, which is sparkly stuff that pops out of someone’s head when they experience strong emotions.
Unikitty can also change color and burn/flood things with her emotions. I imagined that this is a thing unicorns have.
There are no humans/Lego minifigures in this world.
Who are Hank and Kyle? They, to quote Dr. Fox in their one and only appearance, “haven’t been on the team since their funeral.” So they’re ghosts?
And Batman exists?! Batkitty is the ONLY episode of the whole show that ties back into the Lego Movie, and he’s the only character from it that appears in the show. We don’t see him any other time, so I don’t even know if it’s canon
Geography of the Unikingdom:
The Unikingdom is situated on rolling green hills
The weather is usually very sunny (“Unikingdom- burning hot!”), so it looks like it has a warm climate
It’s prone to extreme weather, such as tornadoes, thunderstorms and typhoons
Action Forest is a lush jungle area; it’s confirmed to be part of the Unikingdom
But the Unikingdom isn’t meant to be fantasy Japan, like I said
Rocky cliffs
Fir forests
Dinosaur bones are underground!
Walkways made of towers and bridges are built around the cliffs and forests
There are much shorter bridges with no towers, too
Ravines? Some places in the Unikingdom are separated by said bridges (Three citizens tell Unikitty that the bridge to their town is out)
The Unikingdom is also next to an ocean
Tall coastal rock formations
It’s confirmed to be in the north of this planet
It makes sense because they get snow in the winter, and the Unigang can get to the North Pole in a short time
Neighboring deserts
Neighboring mountains
Volcanoes (which can come to life if they’re angry enough)
Some place with ice cream snow? That’s where Mrs. Ice Pop’s factory is
The surface of the sun?? They can go there?
Flora and Fauna of the Unikingdom:
There are non-anthropomorphic animals in this world
People keep pets; there are pet stores
People also keep potted plants
There are gardens in people’s front and back yards
Brightly green grass everywhere
Albatrosses (Puppycorn mentioned them once)
Gophers (inhabit golf courses)
Flowers with four petals
Pointy trees (fir trees?)
Some round trees, too
Trees can live to be very old; as in, “My grandkids never visit me!” old
Colorful bushes (they come in any color)
Whatever the Darling Flower is
Colorful bushes
Flowers with five petals
Whatever type of bug Abugail is
Falcons (falconry is practiced)
Fish (they come in multiple colors)
Fire lilies
Bees (of multiple sizes)
Flowers with six petals
Bell flowers
Caterpillars and butterflies
Dolphins (they can swim in freshwater)
Winged dolphins
Electric eels
Lava sharks
Raccoons (they are realistic)
Giant scorpions
Smaller birds of multiple colors and sizes (such as the red-chested warbler, northern oceanic blue bill, and the red speckled hen)
Unikingdom Society
Unikitty is the princess of the Unikingdom and the sole leader
Her and Puppycorn’s parents are never seen or mentioned; Richard is their guardian. Fans assume they’re dead.
Unikitty is a friend of her citizens, but they acknowledge her status as princess
They don’t acknowledge the fact that Puppycorn is a prince, though.
There is no social hierarchy to speak of, but this society is matriarchal. The law says that the Unikingdom has to be ruled by a princess
Maybe that’s why Puppycorn is never viewed as a prince by any citizens
However, it seems like the current princess can just pass down the ruling position to a relative of another gender if she feels like it. (Unikitty decided to let Puppycorn be the ruling prince for a short time in one episode)
Can the princess be elected? I think not, because Master Frown, who is not from the Unikingdom, suggested there be a princess election in that episode
There are no armies/defense forces to be seen.
Hawkodile seems to be the bodyguard of both Unikitty and the kingdom as a whole. He lives in a treehouse behind the castle. Pretty much all the defense is handled by him, and he’s, to quote Cast Aside the Truth, “the toughest bodyguard alive.”
The kingdom can also be defended by giant kaiju-like mechas
Unfortunately, though, there are cops… such as the Action Police and Science Police… Detective Dan literally mentions a Unikingdom Police Department, and there are buddy cop movies…
It’s implied that firefighters exist here, too
Action heroes/fighters require action licenses. It works like getting a driver’s license; they get it at the Department of Mayhem and Violence (DMV).
Did Sensei Falcomodo not know this before giving Hawkodile his shades? Did Unikitty and co. not know this before (presumably) hiring him?
Unikitty is also assisted by her resident scientist, Dr. Fox, who lives in the castle and has her own high-tech lab right under it
Dr. Fox seems to be the one handling the kingdom’s technology. For example, she built the security system at the zoo. Also, her smarts and inventions help solve problems in the kingdom
Occasionally, she dabbles in medical stuff, even though she’s not licensed to practice it
Unikitty and Puppycorn also drive cars, parade floats, and bulldozers, despite not having driver’s licenses, or so much as a learner’s permit
The Action Police’s job is to punish those who don’t have action licenses. The Science Police’s department is to punish those who experiment dangerously. I feel like noting that both Hawkodile and Dr. Fox end up earning their respect in the respective episodes they appear in.
Anyway, pilots in the Unikingdom have to take a pilot’s test. Hawkodile is seen doing it, so I guess they can take it with no plane-flying experience (except maybe some studying?) (Did Dr. Fox need one to build and fly any of the aircrafts she built?)
People apparently also need a license to love chinchillas.
As mentioned before, crabs and bunnies have their own areas/societies that are considered part of the Unikingdom
There are also courtrooms and jails in the Unikingdom.
Judges in the courts are decided by spinning the judge wheel.
Some jails have a specific theme, like ice pop jail.
It seems like prisoners can escape jail at any time.
How are the characters familiar with mayors, emperesses, and Madame Duchesses?
It’s implied that they use a Gregorian-ish calendar in the Unikingdom, but some of the months are different, like Brickcember
They also use analog clocks and alarm clocks to tell time. In one episode, Richard says, “I’ve been up since 5:30 this morning.”
By the way, 5:00 AM in the Unikingdom is long after sunrise, when the sun is pretty high in the sky
The Unikingdom uses dollars as its currency. They also have coins, so are they, like, their equivalent of cents? (Puppycorn changed this to paying for things with high fives for a short time.)
The Unikingdom has banks. Unikitty refers to the bank as the money store.
Anything can be sold, in either shops or roadside stands.
There are pet stores, as I said.
The Toy Zone/Toy District seems to particularly sell toys and games.
The episode Special Delivery shows us how wacky and zany the Unikingdom’s postal system is. Dolphins can deliver mail, and there’s even literal snail mail. (As in, snails delivering the mail.)
Stamp collecting is a thing, too.
Unikingdom citizens get their news from The Unikingdom News Super Good Morning Time Action Program Information Show Now!, the Internet, and much less popularly, newspapers. (I say much less popularly because no one wanted to read Richard’s newspapers)
The people use tablets and cell phones.
There’s a secret society of people wearing cloaks, and they use stickers and books to open up a portal to the underworld?!
Issues in the Unikingdom can be about anything, from super major problems to super minor ones.
Art in the Unikingdom
Colorful tapestries with a silhouette of Unikitty’s face on them
These tapestries can have other symbols, too; see the Symbolism section above
Stickers are decorative
Firework art (Unikingdom citizens love fireworks)
Crocheting (Richard mentions learning how to crochet)
Drawings with pencils, pens, and crayons
Paintings with lots of paints splatters
Renaissance-style art? Modern art? Pop art? Surrealism? Cubism? (There are references to real paintings in the show, and those styles are what I could glean from them)
Shapes- hearts, stars, sparkles
Rainbow colors are used
Apparently, every color symbolizes love
Photography? We see lots of framed pictures in the show, and people take photos with cameras and phones. Selfies are also popular.
Uhhh… why does Hawkodile have a torii-shaped picture frame in his treehouse??
Proscenium theaters (look them up)
Dance floor stages
Large indoor arenas
Magic tricks (as in, sleight of hand and illusions)
Sea shanties
There’s a morning song that’s sung in the morning
Culinary arts
Sock puppets
Comic books
Gold statues of random things. These are very expensive
Friendship bracelets
Pillows can be shaped like hearts, squares, suns, moons, and pretty much anything
Couches are cloud-shaped
Beds can have headboards and footboards shaped like anything
Daytime television in the Unikingdom is described as “Like regular TV, but weirder!”
So… regular TV in the Unikingdom is early-morning, afternoon, and nighttime programming?
Uni-TV is, to quote, “The Unikingdom’s favorite and only television network.”
There are four known record labels in the Unikingdom (Unikingdom Entertainment, FoxZone Music Group, McCorn-Horn Records, and Rick and Roll Records)
Cars have radios built into them
Popular music genres:
Making up songs in one go
Popular film genres:
Popular TV shows:
Third Degree Love Burns (which is, like, a Bachelor-ish romance show)
The Nightly Late Night Nighttime Show (the moon- yes, the moon- watches this late night talk show so she doesn’t get bored at night)
The Early Morning Daytime Daytime Show (a morning talk show for the sun to watch)
Styles of dance:
Hip-hop dance (like breakdancing)
Rave dancing (like glowsticking)
Partner dances
Tap dancing
Country dances
Can-can (Dr. Fox and her clones are seen doing it)
Musical instruments:
DJ turntables
Conical drums
Horn pipes
Shaker sticks
Vuvuzelas (mentioned by Puppycorn when he tries to say Viva La Lazy Sunday)
Giant versions of musical instruments exist, too
Sound equipment includes boomboxes, radios, speakers, and handheld mics.
Sports and Games in the Unikingdom:
Board games seem to be common
Most notably, adventure board games like Spoooooky Game, and fantasy RPGs like Castles and Kitties (Is Castles and Kitties meant to be anything more than “Look, DnD reference!”?)
You can even get transported inside the game
Could that happen even if Score Creeper wasn’t there?
Games involving dice
Card games
Arcade games
Video games (There are Gameboy-like consoles and controller consoles)
Light as a feather, stiff as a board (played at sleepovers)
Walking your pets
Playing fetch with your pets
Video games can put their controls in the real world and turn people 16-bit
Escape rooms
Hot dog eating contests
Carnival games (like Whack-a-Mole, ball toss, ring toss, and those basketball hoops)
Hide and seek
Jump ropes
Laser tag
Arm wrestling
Monster truck rallies
Escape rooms
Robot fighting
Jet skiing
American football??? They even have their own equivalent of the Super Bowl, the Pasta Bowl.
Running marathons
Pet shows
Catch with balls
Bingo and water aerobics are enjoyed by elderly citizens
Traditions, Customs and Holidays in the Unikingdom:
Snow Day, a holiday on which people make snow angels, build snowmen, carve ice, sled, build snow forts, have snowball fights, drink cocoa, decorate their homes with wreaths, peppermints and bright lights, etc.
Problem Fixy-Day, on which the citizens state their problems and Unikitty offers her solutions
Valentine’s Day? (there’s a Valentine’s Day special)
Halloween? (there are two Halloween specials)
Christmas?! (there’s a Christmas special)
There’s no Christianity in this universe, by the way. There’s a throwaway joke about nuns from Unikitty, but there are no churches or anything to be seen.
Parade Day (there was a self-expression parade in that episode, so do they pick a yearly theme or something?)
Hide and Seek Championship
Jump Rope Championship
The Skaterz Stuntz Gamez
Best Best Friends Competition
Atomic Battle Royale
Bounce Olympics? (Unikitty mentions them once and only once while she and Puppycorn are, well, bouncing)
The Unikingdom Awards (The awards presented are VERY random and VERY specific, such as Most Likely to Be Crushed by a Falling Statue, Best Lil’ Bro a Princess Could Ever Ask For, and Best Name That Rhymes With Schmuppycorn.)
Chore Day/Lazy Sunday, where Richard wants everyone to clean the castle, but Unikitty and Puppycorn want to chill out on the couch all day. Does everyone in the kingdom observe one of the two?
Trash Day happens every week. People throw out all the stuff they disposed of. What day of the week is it?
Unikitty chooses a Flavor of the Month.
There’s a Helpful Helpers Auction where the gang lends their services to the citizens for a day or so, and it supports next year’s auction, according to Puppycorn.
There’s also an annual Ice Cream Festival.
There are lots and LOTS of specifically themed parties, such as a Piñata Party, a Burger Party, and a Jazz Party. In fact, they celebrate something almost every day. Some of these parties are annual, like the Cotton Candy Pool Party.
I guess that informal IS formal in the Unikingdom.
Unikitty also has these kinds of conferences with her citizens on an outdoor stage?
People have sleepovers, where they eat pizza, do prank calls, watch monster movies, and play sleepover games.
Birthdays are a huge deal in the Unikingdom. They’re taken very seriously. They’re observed with cake, presents, big parties, and the Happy Birthday song.
Weddings are held outside. There’s wedding bells, flowers, groom top hats and tuxes, bridal veils and bouquets, and engagement and wedding rings. And wait a minute- bishops?!
In a scene where Dr. Fox is watching her robots get married, the officiant robot is wearing a mitre.
Funerals are done by burying the dead person in a coffin. There’s a gravestone, wreaths, and their picture. The attendees wear black and throw flowers on the coffin.
Traditionally, the people lay down a towel at the beach to claim a spot.
Elderly people customarily tend to their gardens, clean their dentures, feed birds, wait for their loved ones to call, apply ointments, bake, swim, and eat dinner in the afternoon
The elderly are seen as “always napping at weird times, drinking tea and knitting.”
Dessert sweepstakes are a thing. Unikitty and her friends search for a winning ice pop stick to win a tour to an ice pop factory
Libraries are run pretty strictly in the Unikingdom. They have a strict return policy. If you don’t return your books on time, you get banned for life
When on vacation, people take selfies and photos, try new foods, and buy a lot of souvenirs
Going to the zoo is a fun activity to people. So is going to the park.
Coupons to the zoo are sold online
On a hot day, people wear, quote-unquote, “cool” outfits and strike “cool” poses. More on this in the Fashion section
In his treehouse, Hawkodile has SOME kind of shrine for Sensei Falcomodo. There’s his picture, a bowl of incense, candles, and a cloth on the table.
In the summer, people go to the pool for a fun pool day, play/watch sports, have barbecues, go on picnics, watch fireworks, go to the movies, catch fireflies, try on shorts, ride bikes, try on shorts, and go to the beach
There are carnival games at amusement parks
Amusement parks sell fried foods on a stick
There are also park mascots
Unikingdom Education:
Despite being roughly 11 and roughly 9 respectively, Unikitty and Puppycorn are never seen going to any kind of school.
That led me to assume they were homeschooled, but who would homeschool them? Richard?
In fact, we almost never see any kind of schools in the Unikingdom at all.
They do summer camps in the Unikingdom, like Lost at Sea Survival Camp, or camping trips for kids.
Action Forest is where action heroes train, and they practice in a dojo?
Hawkodile had supposedly trained in the dojo his whole life. It’s also implied that Sensei Falcomodo raised him and Eagleator.
Fuzz Fuzz (a baby caterpillar that Unikitty decides to adopt and who grows up) attends a Giant Monster Community College… but he’d graduate with a degree, not a diploma.
Wait, so college exists?
Medical school is a thing, too?
They have the same periodic table of elements that we do.
Unikingdom Mannerisms and Etiquette:
Being silly and loud seems to be considered acceptable.
Chores (such as cleaning your home) and renovations are done in fantastical, goofy ways. Any way that isn’t is seen as boring.
It’s normal to be carefree (to the point where you can neglect your responsibilities)
Talking in unison
You can slap someone to help them stay awake
Fighting Styles and Weaponry in the Unikingdom:
There’s some form of hand-to-hand between Hawkodile and Eagleator, and between Eagleator and Flamurtle. I see punches, kicks, blocks and stances.
Being cool is emphasized in Unikingdom fighting.
As I said, Action Forest seems to want to combine martial arts with 80s action movies.
Boxing gloves. Hawkodile and Eagleator wear them. (Are there any boxing punches?)
Swords (like broadswords, katanas and scimitars)
Punching bags used for practice
Whatever those rotating poles with pegs sticking out of them are
Archery (bows, arrows, round targets)
Hawkodile often mentions karate
He also mentions judo, like, once
Kung fu is mentioned in an episode where Richard has a book about it, and several other topics
Big honkin’ bombs with timers
Small bombs with fuses
Tanks (Not just for combat. You can go on a tank driving tour through Action Forest.)
Mechas and robots, which can have any of these weapons
Booby traps
Grappling hooks
Hand grenades
Forks can be used as throwing weapons
Cards can be used as throwing weapons, too
Knight armor?
Morning stars
Flame throwers
Staffs (like the flame staff, explosion staff, and the training staff that belonged to Hawkodile’s sensei)
Safety suits are worn to keep people safe as they do risky/daredevil-ish stuff
”Work hard, play hard!” is a philosophy that Sensei Falcomodo taught Hawkodile.
Ninjas and samurai are seen, but why do they attack the kingdom? Why is there a sneaky stealing samurai squad that causes mayhem? Why does Hawkodile wish for a ninja attack in the asteroid episode? 🤨
Any Language in the Unikingdom?
Everyone Speaks English™️
Japanese? (Hawkodile says, “Protect me, Dummy-san!” in one episode?)
Sign Language?
Hawaiian? The gang throws a, quote-unquote, “luau” when they crash land on an uncharted island… no one else is on it but them.
Slang terms such as Sis and Rad are very, very common
Puppycorn gleefully answers, “I’ll do my best, Miss Ma’am!” when Unikitty asks him to keep an eye on the surface of the pool
Sir and Ma’am are used here
Dino Dude has an Australian accent.
FeeBee speaks with a Southern accent.
Really Old Edith wrote a story about her discovering an ancient something and deciphering a lost language. When sharing it on the Nighttime Show, she’s interrupted before she can get into any detail
Unikingdom Food:
In my notepad, I accidentally put some animals in this section. My bad.
Dishes are served on plates and eaten with forks, knives and spoons. People use napkins. Utensils, plates, bowls, mugs, etc. are cleaned with dish soap and sponges.
Food is eaten at tables, though people can have picnics on blankets.
Things such as flowers and candles are used as table centerpieces.
They have a concept of breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Napkins and bibs are used. In the tourism video episode, Puppycorn suggests using an entire tablecloth as a napkin and a bib. (“The whole table is covered in napkins, so you can be as messy as you want!” And he tucks it into the suit he’s wearing.)
Some restaurants in the Unikingdom don’t allow outside food.
There are refrigerators in this world. But there’s also a big, icy vault in the castle to store frozen food in. Do any other homes have this?
Steel is edible in this world.
Tea (specific types named are Chamomile, Earl Gray, and Mint tea)
Noodle Soup
Cauliflower stew
Ice cream sandwiches
Hot sauce
Chicken nuggets
Graham crackers
Breakfast cereal
Whipped cream
Bubble gum (even long after you chew it, it doesn’t lose its flavor)
Sunny side up eggs
Hot dogs
Cheesy puff snacks
Fried foods on a stick (there are even fried sticks on a stick, so sticks/twigs are edible in this world)
Caviar and truffles? (There’s a restaurant in the Unikingdom called Caviar and Truffles by Giovanni.)
Ice cream (comes in different flavors, including a mystery flavor)
Finger sandwiches
Poke? (Dr. Fox mentions a restaurant called Poke Bowl, but it’s never seen.)
Barbecue (there are barbecue grills)
Peanut butter
Jelly (I think; the title card of What’s Grampa Eating looks like peanut butter and jelly)
Cranberry sauce
Popcorn (there are popcorn stands)
Pizza (mostly pepperoni)
Hot chocolate
Bags of chips
Sushi? (There’s playground equipment that looks like sushi rolls.)
Chicken? Turkey?
Chicken/turkey legs
Hot Sauce
Salt and vinegar chips
Bite-sized candies
Chocolate bars (that can be filled like Milky Ways and Twix bars)
Candy canes
Peppermint bark
Lollipops (such as Lickypops)
Sweet Buns
Chocolate Caesar bars
French fries
Wheat bread
Snacks served in vending machines
Thai food? (One of the Unikingdom citizens, Batty, runs a Thai food restaurant)
Trail mix
Ice pops
Pudding (like the bad vibes pudding)
Unikingdom Fashion and Dress Code:
The people of the Unikingdom don’t usually wear clothes. They’re pretty selective about it
Even during the winter, the people can play in the snow wearing nothing but a pom pom hat and a scarf. Even Hawkodile does despite hawks and crocodiles being cold blooded, but normal logic does not apply in this show
Some people DO wear clothes all the time. Dr. Fox is always wearing her lab coat and some pants, or is fully dressed in some other articles of clothing
Hawkodile usually wears nothing but a pair of shorts, his sunglasses, and his boxing gloves
Flower crowns? (Unikitty gives one to Hawkodile for protecting the gang in one episode, so are they a symbol of gratitude?)
Berets? (Worn by film directors, and worn with formal outfits?)
Puffy chef toques and aprons worn by cooks, and when cooking
Plaid shirts and light jeans worn by home renovators/architects
Wide-brimmed, round sunhats are worn in hot weather
Lab coats and glasses/goggles are worn by scientists in the kingdom
Black jumpsuits/ski masks are worn by thieves and criminals
Prisoners wear gray and orange boiler suits
There are MJ-ish fedora hats
Rulers wear yellow crowns, but Unikitty doesn’t?
Masks (in an episode where Puppycorn bought a mask, one of them looked like a sugar skull)
Baseball caps
Top hats
Sweater vests, visors, ties, caps, and collared shirts are worn when people play golf
Multicolored safety hats and suits
Ugly limited edition sneakers exist
Life vests
There are specific safety vests Hawkodile uses:
Laser proof vests
Teddy bear proof vests
Bee proof vests- they look like beekeeping suits
Ice ray proof vests
Insult proof vests- they are armed with mechanical hands that pop out and knock you back when you insult their wearer
Long, wild hair and dramatic makeup for rock and metal fashion
Flamurtle has a Mohawk
Pocketed khakis?
Fanny packs/waist bags
Cozy sweaters
Cheerleading outfits have white, long-sleeved shirts, navy blue skirts, pants, and a rainbow U.
Other cheer outfits are purple two-piece uniforms with orange edges
And powder blue sleeveless uniforms with yellow edges
Pom poms can be any color
Hiking shirts, coonskin caps, ascots, stringed hats, and backpacks are work for camping and hiking
People sleep with hair rollers, even when they don’t have hair
Purses are worn by old people
Fun and silly costumes are worn on certain occasions, such as the gang dressing up in submarine sweaters and caps when they rode in Dr. Fox’s submarine. There was also an entire episode where they dressed in Batman costumes.
50s fashion- leather jackets, sunglasses, pompadours
Action Forest students and fighters wear karate uniforms.
Action fighters can wear sunglasses, bandanas, jumpsuits, boxing gloves, jackets, tank tops, and shoulder/elbow/knee pads. They’re usually armed with a weapon or two.
Can be made of gems or pearls
One-piece swimsuits
Swim trunks
Pool floaties (float toys and inflatable arm bands)
Tank tops and whistles are worn by lifeguards
Swim caps are worn by old folks
Winter clothes:
Coats and pants
Pom pom hats
Tank tops
Formal clothes:
Poofy gowns/dresses
Tuxedos, ties, and bow ties (of any size; Puppycorn had a comically large bow tie that he wore on his head in one episode)
Night caps
Matching shirts and pants
Onesies (can have bows on them)
“Cool” outfits can consist of:
Cool sunglasses/shades/reflective sunglasses
Pearl necklaces
Heeled boots
Cool, shiny baseball caps
Gold chains
Puffy skirts
Hoop earrings
Gem earrings
Pearl earrings
Sick, wicked, awesome gems (aka SWAG)
Gold coins
Headbands that you tie back (Hachimaki?)
Swoopy hair/wigs
Animal print shirts
Jackets with popping collars
Cutoff jeans
High top shoes
Patterned pants
Roller skates (can have rockets if the wearer wants)
Striking cool poses can actually make things colder and freeze things
Anything lame counteracts that, melting all the cool
Cool poses can come in literally any shape
Examples of cool poses:
Pizzazz (a zigzag shape)
Puzzle piece
Bathroom sink
”Night steed?” “Fiesty?” I don’t really know what Hawkodile said
Jazz panther
Funky cowboy
Head rotation
Squinty eyes
Duck lips
The infinity gaze- the coolest of cool poses!
Unikingdom Queer Culture:
People of all genders are respected in the Unikingdom. (“Sir, or ma’am or neither, I don’t wanna be presumptuous…” “Ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between!” These are real quotes said by Unikitty.)
Same-gender couples are also respected
Queer people can have kids!
Other than this, there’s not that much info on queerness and queer culture in the Unikingdom
Unikingdom History:
Other than character backstories, almost nothing is known about the Unikingdom’s history. It’s just kinda there.
In this world, movies were invented by Really Old Edith.
She was also the champion of cheerleading 100 years in a row.
Her book, The Most Interesting Story Ever Told, took her 110 years to write.
Hardcore skaters were wiped out forever in the Skaterz Stuntz Gamez, and their hardcore ghosts are believed to haunt the ramps.
Dr. Fox studied hard and earned a PhD in science. But where?
Richard’s past is unknown, but he has a criminal record?
Hawkodile and Eagleator’s whole backstory together. Sensei Falcomodo is implied to have raised them. They trained together in the dojo. But… Eagleator destroyed it? And it’s still destroyed to this day?! Also, did he kill Sensei Falcomodo?
Hawkodile is orphaned, and he never met his birth parents.
Eagleator says that his family was kidnapped by bandits, and he’s running out of time. It’s also implied he has a baby sibling, but we never see them or find out who they are.
There are occasional s’mores wars in the Unikingdom between graham crackers and marshmallows, but how far back do they go?
Lego beings can grow and age like people do.
Really Old Edith is over 110 years old, so it seems they can go on living for a very long time.
In one episode, Unikitty says, “Before the castle was built, I told the castle builders to surprise me!”
When was the castle built?
When was the Unikingdom founded?
Who founded the Unikingdom?
Unikingdom Transportation:
People drive around in cars, vans, and trucks
Many cars are colorful convertibles
They also often get around on foot
If they want to, they can transform their bodies to put wheels on them
In fact, they can transform themselves into any of the vehicles listed here
Planes, with party lights on the aisle floor
Scooters, skateboards, and bikes are used
Unikitty has her cloud car.
Puppycorn has his trike.
It looks like people don’t need a license to drive, since kids like them can do it
Does anyone else have cloud cars or trikes like theirs?
People do have to take pilot’s tests to fly a plane, though (I mentioned this earlier)
Sports cars
Rigs (can be attached to trucks and vans)
Roller coasters are used as a form of transport (Puppycorn implemented roller coaster highways for a while in one episode)
People drive roller coaster wagons (This isn’t seen in the show, but it is a mini Lego set)
Ships (pirate ships, cargo ships, and cruise ships)
Flying toasters
Hot air balloons
Steam rollers
Vehicles can turn into mechas
Vehicles can also be armed with cannons and such. (The roller coaster wagon Lego set has a disc launcher. Even when they aren’t mechas, Unikitty’s cloud car and Puppycorn’s trike both have cannons)
Baby carriages
Double-decker sightseeing buses
Trains (Richard mentions reading a book about them)
Paddle subs (and paddle boats)
Space exploration has gone very far, with all the rockets Unikitty and her friends travel in
#Unikitty!#Unikitty#Unikitty show#observations#worldbuilding#fantasy worldbuilding#society#culture#fantasy culture#fantasy society#Unikingdom#The Unikingdom
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Many quirks of architectural styles are influenced by the spiritual beliefs of the people in the region where that style emerged, and even after those beliefs sorta fade the design decisions influenced by those beliefs still continue to affect how places are constructed.
For example, perhaps houses could first be built doorway first with the door being placed last as a way to prevent trapping spirits in the house.
Then even as people move into cities and more built-up areas becoming less superstitious about spirits, this order of house construction could still happen simply due to it being tradition.
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Who would you be in a fantasy society

im just here for a good time but i feel so attacked rn
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Dwarf Traits Part 3:MASC-ARADE
Honestly this is not something I've HEARD but rather observed is commonly done with dwarven roleplayers even when not intending to go for it. I am curious if you think this is completely false or not.
#fantasy#fantasy politics#fantasy society#dwarf#dwarves#dwarven#masculine#masc#masculinity#fantasy discussion#fantasycore#dwarfcore#fantasy lore#poll#tumblr poll#fantasy poll#polls#stereotype#stereotypes#Honestly I hope I did misinterpret#Boys will be Boys#Dwarves will be Dwarves
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hii i'm so fascinated with the anthro dog worldbuilding and had a question about it !!! if domesticated canines exist in the world, do undomesticated canines (wolves, foxes, coyotes, maned wolves, etc) also exist? if so, what role do they play in society? ^_^
Domestic dogs are the only anthropomorphic species, they exist in place of humans.
Wild canines exist, but they're just regular wolves, foxes, coyotes and so on. Anthro dogs view them the same way humans view apes and other primates. They recognize that wolves are superficially similar to them in some uncanny ways, but have no gualms about hunting them. To a dog living in the pre-Darwin era, a wolf isn't a distant relative, it's a wild beast that will eat their livestock.
Actual pet dogs are entirely absent.
Other domesticated animals exist as normal. Anthro dogs keep cats as pets, raise chickens and ride horses.
#answered#anonymous#Vaschete lore#whenever there's anthro worldbuilding going on you have to be prepared to suspend your disbelief a little bit#it's fantasy it won't make perfect sense 100% of the time#but I feel like replacing people with dogs and leaving everything else untouched is a fairly easy thing to digest though#dogs are a manmade creation they don't exist in nature they don't play an irreplaceable part in any food chain#so furrifying them doesn't affect the balance of ecosystems around them#plus they're highly social omnivorous mammals just like us so they slot into the template of human society pretty effortlessly I think
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The fact that Sklonda casually knows about the Society of Shadows retroactively makes Penny's whole dilemma in the Seven and all of Laertes' cloak and dagger shenanigans retroactively super funny. Like, she's having a whole existential crisis about never seeing her friends again and he's disguising himself as a scarecrow and a wooden duck and Sklonda is just like, huge air quotes, yeah the "SECRET SOCIETY".
#dimension 20#d20#fantasy high#the seven#d20 spoilers#penny luckstone#spoilers#like it's fully possible she knows about it bc she's a rogue too but she specifically calls it a not so secret society very casually lol
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while teen while goblin while aroace while injured while doing your best
#fantasy high junior year#fhjy#riz gukgak#figueroth faeth#sklonda gukgak#dimension 20#this. mmmmhhh this is so. I did Not know how to draw this really.#I am very normal about riz (<- lying)#it's a brennan-dm d20 campaign the bad guy is always capitalism (I am saying this with clenched teeth)#riz out of all of them being aroace fucks with me SO bad. bc its also established that elmsville specifically and probably the#majority of solace is not. made for goblins. and that becomes sklonda being worked to the bone and pok dying on the job#and riz spending all his time trying to keep his friends together. maybe to the point of it being injurous#like. do u get what I mean. its an economy of time it takes your time it eats up your time#not just the gukgaks but everyone you have to spend time to get to live and you don't have a lot of time left in a day#and you have to spend it carefully. you have to prioritize#you're somewhere without an established community and companionship is bought with your time spent working#this place doesn't take care of you. at the end of the day who do you have who'd prioritize you. do you understand me#the evolved aroace loathing where if your friends and family are granted more time nobody would have to choose. we live in a society#holds ur hand we live in a society. idk if Im making any sense#anyway . uhhh riz is my favourite that's my statement thank you for listening. au revoir
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wait did someone rly say laios being a kissless virgin at 26 is infantilization… what. this is not at all even uncommon for other guys his age? he’s mildly misanthropic/asocial. maybe it is a cultural difference, bc ppl in their late 20s never having had partners or sex is not uncommon to the point that multiple cultures have a term for it(especially japan lol)
“laios had a fiance” yeah when he was 12. he wasnt even aware ashivia (the lady who wanted to have his father’s money) was flirting with him.
i think, if anything, he only has a detached clinical view of sex and romance at first and after conquering the dungeon he’ll learn to unpack all that
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My biggest worry about Big Bright World is there being problematic undertones, and it feeling too white-centric or Eurocentric despite the lands not being based on any real life countries.
#Unikitty#AU#alternate universe#Unikitty!#my thoughts#Unikitty: Big Bright World#please help#i need your thoughts#fantasy culture#fantasy worldbuilding#fantasy society
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This should probably be obvious but if you've got a place in your fantasy setting where the blokes have got their whole chests out a majority of the time you should also let the women have theirs out.
#low effort post#fantasy ideas#fantasy setting#fantasy society#a chest is a chest irregardless of gender or size of mammary glands
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new little silly, eernah... she's a hooftender from a settlement not super far away from vätterunda, but seperate from Ehrumnen, Gahuurn. Moar little things about stuff i have thought about in relation to her below
a hooftender is a hrumeh (bäckahäst...ian) occupation that like the name implies takes care of hoof maintenance. some do take care of hoof maintenance on their own but the convenience of hooftenders is appreciated, especially during seasons of accelerated hoof growth, as well for hruma who cannot take care of them on their own due to things like old age, disability, etc. hooftenders also will take care of medical issues related to the hooves, so generally they tend to have a medical education as well specifically concerning hooves/feet.
reason why she will pop up in pareidolia despite not being from the most relevant hruma settlement in pareidolia (ehrumnen) is because during every hrumeh spring festival, hruma from different settlements will often gather to mingle and find potential partners. most festivals are set up in one area, often a grove, seperate from the settlements which young hruma make a journey to for the duration of the festival. and the festival Happens in pareidolia which selma goes to
Yes she is trans and i have pondered how hruma culture treats trans ppl and its a bit complicated, a bit negative (although there are probably some cultures who arent as negative but the ones im talking about are ehrumnen, gahuurn and adjacent settlements). ill just paste a discord screenshot for the general idea of their family/gender dynamics;
but yes this is also all very prefaced by the fact that most hruma societies percieve gender and sex to be very correlated if not one in the same and it doesnt only affect trans hruma but also gender nonconforming hruma. being a stag who wants to be more present in his children's lives than what is "normal" is seen as a bit overbearing, emasculating and also condescending to his hinds. a hind that wants work even after having had fawns (and before they are independent) is seen as irresponsible and weak. a trans hruma who lives in a different way of what is expected of their sex, while not treated with as much violence as is typical for humans, are shunned socially often in a bit of a condescending way - like they are what they are out of immaturity and an inability to accept what role they are best fit for in society. ive still gotta ponder this more and there might be religious overtones to the reasons as to why this stuff is quite established culturally to many hruma but yea
#oc: eernah#oc#original character#pareidolia tag#worldbuilding#fantasy#unicorn#speculative evolution#speculative biology#spec bio#spec evo#speculative fantasy#lore#Yes it is finally time i made a fucking transgender unicorn in pareidolia how it took me this long is not ok.#partially tbh bcs ive pondered transness in hruma society i wasnt quite sure.#i think also maybe part of the “immaturity” attached to transness in hruma society is also bcs when fawns are growing up theres definitely#less gendering of them bcs well the young stags arent growing horns at that point yet#if someone starts to “blur the line” then it calls to that like oh youre not a fawn anymore youve got to man/woman up#which is kinda funny bcs they dont have the horn year round#but i feel theyve probably concocted stronger attachment to gender because of the fact that the horn isnt there year round to keep the line#“unblurred”#“condescension” is a prevalent theme to the more cringe social conventions of my cervids i have noticed. LOL#(seagoats for example have similar condescending views on male homosexuality for example)
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Just came up with the concept that elves have a larval growth cycle and their larval stage is a goblin.
Then I came up with the better concept that goblins have a larval growth cycle and their larval stage is an elf.
#Look goblins and elves are exactly the same fantasy creature#it's just a matter of whether you're being mean about them or not#“I live in the moment while taking only what I need from nature and sit above the mundane trivialities of your fleeting society”#“I do whatever the hell i want I'm gonna eat a beetle fuck the police”#see?#same creature
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Poster - Mocca Fest 2025
Art by Linnea Sterte
#Comics#Posters#Art#Mocca Fest#Linnea Sterte#Mocca Fest 2025#Illustration#Cute#Aww#Society Of Illustrators#Frogs#Mice#Fantasy#Fantasy Comics#Turnips
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'Aerea Targaryen' by Audrey Benjaminsen.
Illustration from The Folio Society edition of 'Fire And Blood' written by George RR Martin, published January 2025.
#Art Of The Day#Art#AOTD#Audrey Benjaminsen#The Folio Society#Fire And Blood#George RR Martin#Targaryen#Aerea Targaryen#House Of The Dragon#ASOIAF#Game Of Thrones#Books#Illustration#Fantasy Art#Fantastical Art#Imaginative Realism#Dragon
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Hi there! Do you have any tips on how to write a secret society? Whether it's a good or evil society?
Writing Sauce for Secret Societies
Secret (Hidden) vs. Secretive/Classified
An important distinction to make while writing exclusive societies is the extent to which they shirk the eyes of the public and/or government:
“Secret” or “Hidden” societies push their existence under the rug. No one but the members know of their activities at all. (e.g. Camp Half-Blood from the Percy Jackson series, the wizarding society of the Harry Potter series)
“Secretive” or “classified” societies exist publicly with a clear purpose. However, the specifics of their activities are only disclosed to his members. (e.g. the CIA, higher-ranked military organizations)
While secret societies are often illegal, rebellious, or anarchist, secretive societies are legal and institutional.
Here are some other elements that I think a secret society requires. The specifics of how these are implemented will depend on the size of your society.
The Origin Story
What is the society’s motto? Who created it? Why do the members/the public need it?
A goddess creates a secret society of demigods to protect them from monsters.
A professor creates a secret society to teach illegal materials to his best students.
A society of the undead striving for survival on Earth after the
Membership Requirements & Rules
How many newbies? How are they recruited? Any consequences if prospective members fail? Any initiation practices? Consequences for breaking the rules?
Inheriting a particular bloodline: demigods, half-angels/demons, royal blood, etc.
Becoming a supernatural creature: vampire, zombie, werewolf, etc.
A rigorous interview/testing process (could be similar to a job interview)
Sending prospective members on a dangerous mission
Existing members paying prospective members a visit in the middle of the night
Sending out dream messages and instructions for initiation constantly until potential members are obliged to come.
The Cover-Up Story
How does your society keep itself hidden? How do they cover up for their mistakes if classified information leaks out?
Killing any witnesses and outsiders.
Exerting control over media/news/government organizations (either back-door or legally)
Using a magical cover: memory-redaction, mist/veil that manipulates appearances, etc.
The power bestowed by the society upon their members are immediately withdrawn upon excommunication or if they break rules
The cover-up story has to be stronger for larger, ancient secret societies to make it plausible that they’ve managed to survive hidden. Think of strong mechanisms that makes it the members’ own interests to keep the society protected, even though it may cost them their life.
Funding and Maintenance
Where does the society get its money/weapons/materials from?
Generational wealth that the members’ family possess.
Secret governmental/university funding, obtained under someone else’s name
Having members who are placed in high-ranking position in companies, banks, the government, etc.
Could be as simple as a trust fund/endowment fund run under a fake name (e.g paper company, a fake family name that is handed down from one society leader to another)
Hope this helps!
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That's Turks teamwork. Pretty good, right?
#final fantasy vii#ffedit#ffgraphics#ffgifs#ff7#*ff7#my gifs#i am so normal about the turks#society if it was easier to get clips of them fighting together#hey square how about a before crisis remake#though i suppose i like the variety of ways they can work together#but also please look at elena and rude playing catch and think about how they're good at it because the turks play with darkstar thanks#it also feels weird using a quote from cc when there are no cc gifs but what can you do#rude#reno#elena#tseng#the turks#advent children
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