#nyc life sentence
monicascot · 1 year
In this video, we will explore the stories of some of America's most hated and wanted federal convicts. We will look at their crimes, how they were apprehended and their current status.
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doctorwhoisadhd · 6 months
if you told me that pittsburgh does NOT have a torchwood branch founded by grandpa himself (captain jack harkness) i would absolutely N O T believe you. i just, and like, i acknowledge that i may SEEM like im being biased here, but i swear to GOD i am not when i say this, i just feel like pittsburgh is like the exact city that WOULD have a torchwood branch. i mean look at what happened to that bus
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This week I met a person who kept saying that "everything happens for a reason".
I can't say I believe it any more. Mentioned the well-worn argument: if that's the case, all the bad stuff that happens, all the tragedies and suffering, violence, illnesses and abuse, they happen "for a reason" as well.
Which. If we assume that's true. Makes the system so rigged that I don't really want to believe in it.
The missing piece might be her belief that she's not alone in all this, though. That she needed help, and at that point, she received it, sent from The Lord, whomever they might be.
So yeah. Maybe not feeling alone in all this is the key.
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fatliberation · 3 months
Freddie Mercury was bisexual though
Nope, this is false! 🏳️‍🌈 Freddie was gay, there’s a lot of misinformation out there about his non-existent affairs with women, and much of it can be chalked up to a shit biographer named Lesley Ann Jones (aka my arch nemesis).
I've been deeply fascinated by Freddie Mercury and studying his personal life for years and years so excuse the following infodump (or jump in for a queer history lesson!)
Contrary to popular belief, Freddie was an out gay man. “Gay as a daffodil, my dear!” He’s clearly stated his sexuality in a handful of interviews; “I’ve done all that but I’m gay. Mary was my last woman.” (This interview was removed from youtube but you can find it mentioned in Freddie Mercury: A Life, in His Own Words which is a compilation of his actual quotes from interviews over the years.) Those statements got buried from the media in favor of promoting his more promiscuous quotes like "Darling, I'm doing everything with everybody." (Journalists LOVE to include this quote when talking about his AIDS...) He did purposely retain an aura of mystique around his sexuality, especially because it was much safer (trendy, even) for musicians to flirt with bisexuality than to be homosexual back then.
Here's a quote from Peter "Phoebe" Freestone, Freddie's personal assistant of twelve years, close friend, and "agony aunt" in his memoir, Freddie Mercury: An Intimate Memoir by the Man Who Knew Him Best:
"When the interview appeared, it was half the length that he imagined it would be. When confronted, Judy Wade said that it would have been impossible to have printed the whole text. She said she was holding back for his benefit, not for hers. Admissions such as, "I'm just going for a line and I'll be back in half-a-minute," would not have done anyone any good. However, she was fully prepared to underline in her second sentence that admission of being a fully 'out' gay man, although this does not lay the later myth which was popular which claimed that Freddie had never admitted his gayness."
Freddie's close friend Thor Arnold, a gay man and member of the "New York Daughters" (Freddie's gay friend group in NYC, of course Freddie was "mother!") corrected misinformation when fans on the Queenzone forum argued that Freddie was bi:
"Freddie NEVER tried to hide to his friends that he was TOTALLY gay. In his industry, he had to hide it to some extent although as I have said before, he certainly gave clues. This is the same man who came up with the name QUEEN for his band. This is the man who dressed very sexually, ambiguously 'glam' up until 1980. This is the man who threw an Easter bonnet party and had us all create Easter hats. This is the man who used the term darling (or Dahling) more than he used proper names, and renamed his friends with old actresses names. These things are doubtful for a straight or bi man. Many gays don't even act like this... I've never seen Freddie look twice at a woman but I have seen him look 3 or 4 times at an attractive man and say, 'Thor, Thor... Oh just look at him... Just gorgeous. I'd love some of THAT' We were genuine friends of Freddie and he would never hide that he was really bi. FREDDIE WAS A GAY MAN through and through...everyone...please get used to it."
LAJ, the biographer I previously mentioned, worked VERY hard to straight-wash Freddie in her book by erasing his gay relationships. She was obsessed with his relationship with Mary Austin and is the main reason modern journalists consider Freddie to have been in profound, romantic love with her his whole life. In reality, they dated for a few years in the 70s and remained close friends after they split up (because Freddie was having affairs with his boyfriend). However, he did rely on her as his "beard" to keep up with appearances for the press.
LAJ completely skipped over Freddie's first official boyfriend, saying it was "a covert fling with a young theatre." His name was David Minns. Freddie loved him so much he left Mary to be with him. They were in a serious relationship for three years.
If you're a Freddie fan, you're familiar with Mary's story of him coming out to her, saying "I think I'm bisexual," and her response, "I think you're gay." This story is probably not the truth. Mary has been very inconsistent with her story of how Freddie came out to her.
Another version she told for BBC Radio:
"I don’t know what sparked the conversation. But I remember standing in the kitchen and he was trying desperately to articulate how he was feeling, and his lifestyle and I just said, 'so you are telling me you're gay?' And he just smiled and 'we'll take it as a yes, you know, we'll leave it at that.' And that was it, it has been a long road getting to that point."
Honestly, I am a bit mistrustful of Mary Austin's intentions in general. If you're curious as to why, this post is a good primer on the ways she might have betrayed Freddie's wishes, namely being cruel to his chosen family after his passing.
Freddie only had one other girlfriend before Mary in college, Rosemary Pearson. When asked about Freddie on ITV's This Morning show, she said that he was more interested in her male friends than in her, and she suspected then that he was gay. This was in the 60s.
LAJ refers to his relationships with women throughout her book, but she doesn't list any names. That's because they don't exist. I could name at least seven of Freddie's boyfriends off of the top of my head. Minnsy. Joe Fanelli. Tony Bastin. Vince the Barman. Bill Reid. Winnie Kirchberger. And of course, his husband Jim Hutton, whom he spent the last six years of his life with.
There is one name that LAJ has chosen to platform and exaggerate her importance, and that's German pornstar Barbara Valentin. If you've heard of her, you might think she had a relationship with Freddie in the 80s, you might have heard the story where he had wild threesomes with her, that they lived together, that he even proposed to her. Not one word of it is true. Freddie hung around Barbara during his time in Munich because she was his 'in' to gay clubs and cocaine dealers. She also served as his English translator and conveniently, another beard for the press.
Not a single person in Freddie’s life has ever corroborated that Freddie and Barbara were anything but friends. As for the claim they lived together, according to Peter Freestone:
In the event, Freddie never actually lived there although Barbara fulfilled a huge role in Freddie’s life at that time… Freddie became very disillusioned when with more and more frequency articles were appearing in the German press’s gossip columns… about the relationship between him and Barbara… After one article claiming to have knowledge of him and Barbara getting married, Freddie concluded that it could only be Barbara who was providing the information.
(He was actually living with his Bavarian boyfriend of the time, Winnie Kirchberger.) Freddie stopped seeing Barbara after he found out she was gossiping about being his lover and these stories started appearing in the newspapers. Barbara continued these lies after Freddie's death, making up ludicrous lies like how Freddie tried to kill her by smothering her with a pillow?? She also claimed that he put her at risk of contracting AIDS by having sex with her after his diagnosis in 1987, which is the lie that burns the most. Freddie stopped having sex altogether before his diagnosis because he was terrified of contracting it. Before there was any information of how it was transferred, he showered compulsively. There is such a fucked up narrative that Freddie threw caution to the wind and wasn't careful during the epidemic, that it somehow fits this twisted narrative that his death was a result of his immoral lifestyle. That's the pervasive homophobia that stained the Bohemian Rhapsody biopic.
LAJ is one of those biographers who publishes their books after the celebrity has died, so they wouldn’t be able to deny the information being written in the book. So if there's anything to learn here, is that you can't always trust a biography!
Anyway, Freddie was gay as a daffodil my dears, and he deserved better.
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I Love You
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[pairings]: Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
[Summary]: After all the hell you've been through, you find peace in a certain brunette who has turned your life life upside down
[warnings]: Kissing, making out, swearing, Scream VI spoilers (not much)
12 years ago your 7 year old self would never have believed you if you said that you were here. In New York, in college and having a beautiful girlfriend. But how would she? When 12 years ago was the day it all changed. That day or night when you could’ve just turned around and went back to the Sheldons’ place to that boring birthday party. But instead, you went home and almost got butchered by your sister’s best friend. Of course it wasn’t planned for you to come home and all, but they still needed to go on with their plan so they tried to finish it all up.
Although you weren’t dead for even a second-unlike your sister- it sure felt like it. The pain that you felt that day. 7 stab wounds and a bullet in the leg. The doctors said it was a miracle. But for you it wasn’t, couldn't really walk for a month and the kids at school made fun of your scars whenever you were changing for PE.  It was a curse and for a long time you wished it had gone a different way, but eventually you got home-schooled and then went to college in New York.
You never kept in touch with anyone from Woodsboro. Well expect Kirby, your sister but that was kind of impossible. You and Kirby’s parents gave you lots of money whenever they went on a business trip. You never really needed anything then some food and clothes so there was a lot of money left in your bank account. You eventually got bored in your shared dorm at campus so you bought an apartment. Maybe it was a little too big for just one person, but you went with it anyway. 
Then, you met Tara Carpenter. Obviously you knew what had happened the year prior and all, but you could care less. You guys started dating after her being in NYC for 4 months. Which means that, you had to deal with another killing spree, only this time you were able to protect yourself. Even though with multiple bleeding wounds, you made it out alive. Kirby and you were always close, but because of her job you guys rarely talked.
After that you and Tara got closer and her friends and sister still didn’t know about you two. You understood completely as to why. Her friends were obviously protective over her, and not to say her sister.  Kirby was like that too. 
A couple months later you were still together and still a secret. Neither of you really cared anymore, but somehow the group still didn’t know.
You were walking towards one of the classrooms in the hallway when a strong grip appeared on your arm and you quickly spun around to see your girlfriend smiling cheekily at you. “ Hi, Y/N “
“Hi Tara. Aren’t you supposed to be in class? “ You asked and raised an eyebrow at her. She rolled her eyes and slowly shook her head.
“Nope. Last class got dismissed. “ You nodded and started walking again. This time Tara by your side, her hand sneakily found yours and intertwined your fingers.
“ Well, I happen to have one so… “ Trailing off, you looked at her and smirked slightly.
“Ugh, I don't care. You are coming with me. “ As she finished her sentence, she gripped your hand tighter and started running down the hall until she found an empty classroom and pushed you inside.
“ whoa, what are you-” You tried to say, but were immediately shut up by the pair of soft lips on yours. You closed your eyes after a couple seconds and put your hands on Tara’s cheeks, pulling her closer to you. You were soon backed into a desk as the kiss got more and more heated. Your senses were lost and the only thing you could feel was her. Only thing you could taste. Her hands gripped your shirt tightly in her hands on your sides as she pushed her tongue inside your mouth and the battle for dominance was soon started. As soon as she had won, she bent her head down to your neck and started leaving dark hickeys on it. 
You groaned and your head fell back, giving her more access. She wanted to kiss you everywhere. So she simply started by your jaw then slowly went lower and lower. When she got to your sweet spot your hands went up into her hair and gripped it. 
But the moment was soon ruined by the door slamming open to reveal Chad, Mindy and Anika (let's pretend she is alive). You and Tara jumped apart and they slowly took in your appearances. Messy hair, messy clothes, red lips and the marks on your neck. 
“ I fucking knew it! “ Mindy shouted as she started dancing around. Chad huffed and gave each of them 5 bucks. 
“Wait, did you bet on us? “ Asked Tara.
“ Oh hell yeah we did! And me and Anika won. Ha! The gaydar never lies. “ Anika chuckles at her girlfriends’ goofiness and puts a hand on her back to calm her excitement.  
You just stood there, cheeks red as a tomato, looking at them. When you came back to reality, you spoke up. “ Wait. Are you guys going to tell Sam?! Oh god I am  already dead. “ You looked at each of them with fear.
“Well, we weren’t going to, but now that you mention it, I think we should.” Mindy smirked as she looked at her twin and girlfriend. 
“Oh come on ! “ Tara shouted in annoyance. 
“Unless….maybe, we could have a deal. Hm? “ Mindy walked towards you with crossed arms as she glanced at Tara then back at you. 
Chad and Anika looked at each other, confused. “ Of course. Anything. I’ll do anything! “ Mindy laughed at your pleading, but her smile quickly faded as her face turned serious. 
“ Each of us gets a ticket to the concert this weekend. “ She raises her eyebrow, waiting for your answer.
“Lady Gaga’s concert? But almost all the tickets are sold for that! “ The others watched the scene happening before them. Tara, of course, didn’t like that Mindy was taking advantage of your money and fear, but she still found it amusing. 
Mindy hummed and shrugged her shoulders. “ Well I guess you’ll have to figure something out. “ With that she turned around and went back to Chad and Anika with a smile of victory on her lips. Anika jumped in excitement and kissed her.
You sighed and went over to Tara to bury your face into her neck. She chuckled and patted your head. Chad stood in the doorway and looked around him. 
“ God damn it! I’m so single, bitch. “ You all laughed as you took Tara’s hand into yours and started walking out of the classroom.
Well, eventually you did buy 6 five tickets for the Lady Gaga concert-deciding to invite Sam too- . And a couple days later, you were standing in the big crowd of the concert. Dancing, singing and occasionally kissing Tara- (Sam was with the others in-front of you)
You watched as Chad picked up Mindy and cheered in-front of you and Tara. Smiling, you looked down at your girlfriend to see her already looking at you. You bit your bottom lip as your eyes traveled between her beautiful chocolate brown eyes and her delicious, looking red lips. Her eyes doing the same. She smiled at you and you smiled back, and at that moment, you decided that you would be by her side whenever and you knew that she would do the same.
You slowly leaned down and connected your lips. You sighed into the kiss as you took your hands up on her shoulders. The sweet sound of the music slowly fading away as you guys kissed. After you two ran out of oxygen you had to pull away, slightly panting. You placed your forehead onto hers and whispered. “ I Love You “ 
Tara looked at you and smiled. “ I Love You Too. “ You pulled back and for a minute you admired her in the flashing lights then looked back at the stage and started singing and jumping, Tara joining soon. 
Maybe you were young and this wasn’t something that would last  for a lifetime. But regardless, you hoped it would. Because you knew that life is easier with her and that she is the reason you get up everyday. She kept you alive. 
A/N: i feel like it's short again. Fuck.
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succcession · 1 year
We're gonna have a fucking baby
Kendall Roy x f!reader (Smut) 3.2k word count
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Summary: After spending the day with Kendall and his two kids, Kendall admits he frequently fantasizes about having another baby with you. This conversation quickly leads to an intimate night of him trying to make that happen.
“I mean, is this all my life is y/n? Forty years of fucking up”.
“Ken, your life is forty years of being an amazing older brother, a hardworking son, and a great dad! Maybe with a few hiccups along the way but…who's counting?” you exclaimed as you placed a fresh cup of coffee in front of your emotionless boyfriend. His large eyes staring back at his reflection in the black liquid.
“The press is counting, my family is fucking counting. And you don’t have to lie y/n, I know I am neglectful in all those relationships. Especially with my kids” he roughly remarked.
For weeks you had been pushing the idea of Kendall spending more time with his kids. Whenever he had a day off you would throw out suggestions like, “Hey Ken, the weathers great! Maybe we should bring Sophia and Iverson to Central Park.” Or “NYC has so many museums, we should take Sophia to the ballet, and Iverson to the Hall of Science”. Never intending to make Kendall feel like a deadbeat dad. You knew how he admired his kids. Occasionally he just needed a little push to be there for them. 
Due to Kendall’s lackluster attitude you figured today wasn’t the day to ask kendall if he wanted to make plans with his kids. Maybe it was the warm Saturday morning air flooding the usually chilling apartment, or the fact that Kendall was finally not in the office on a weekend but you just had to throw out the idea one more time. “Ken, I know you're having a rough day” you said softly as you reached out to squeeze his open hand. “But maybe not being cooped up in the office or your apartment will make you feel better-”
“Look, I know where you're going with this y/n and I’m not going to another one of your fucking pilates classes.” Kendall directly cutting off your sentence before you could finish. You couldn’t help but laugh at your boyfriend's consistent apathy.
“Damn, but I just love seeing you so worked up and sweaty” you retort. “No Ken, I was going to say, why don't we take Sophia and Iverson to the zoo today?” you cheerfully presented. To your surprise Kendalls eyes nearly seemed to light up at the word “zoo” as if something clicked inside of him, almost breaking his depressive state. Kendall responded with a quick “let me call Rava”.
You watched the rows of skyscrapers pass as you and Kendall sat in suffocating silence on the way to Rava’s apartment. Kendall fidgeted in his seat, pulling on his t-shirt, mindlessly switching between apps on his phone before eventually letting out a quiet “you know, you don't have to come if you don't want to y/n, I can pick them up by myself if it makes you more comfortable.” You placed your hand gently on his upper thigh giving a light squeeze as you explained. “Ken, it's really okay. I mean she's the mother of your children! We can't exactly avoid each other forever.” you said, showing a soft smile to assure Kendall of your confidence. Honestly, you and Rava got along fine. Although she was slow to warm up to you, you never took it personally. Who wouldn't be cautious of their drug addict, ex husbands, new girlfriend. Over time her cold demeanor shifted as you two began having small conversations whenever she would pick the kids up. You almost admired Rava in a way. She was beautiful, always looked elegantly put together, successful in her career, and she was an amazing mother. Everything you secretly hoped to one day be for Kendall.
 As the car pulled up to Rava’s apartment you mind began to picture how your future might look with Kendall if things continued at the pace they were. Of course, Kendall had joked many times about getting you pregnant and running away together to get married. But you two never had a real discussion about what you saw for your future. You couldn't help but occasionally daydream of you and Kendall standing in an empty room deciding between sage green or soft peach, paint swatches for a nursery. Or rocking your baby to sleep as Kendall softly wrapped his arms around your waist, humming gently in your ear. 
Your mind wandered further into your maternal daydream as your day at the zoo went on. Observing how patient and gentle Kendall was Iverson and how lovingly he doted on Sophia, had your heart skipping beats every minute. Making sure to capture hundreds of photos of all the adorable moments. Kendall typically only showed his love in undisclosed ways but with his children it was on full display. 
As you and Iverson stared into a tank of swimming otters counting each one that passed, Kendall realized for the first time in weeks he didn’t feel like the world was collapsing in on him. There was something reassuring about watching you point out different frog species with Iverson and hold hands with Sophia, skipping together to each animal. Everytime he heard one of his kids yell “Dad, come look!” served as a reminder that he still had people in his life who cared about him. Who needed him. 
Kendalls wandering thoughts were interrupted by a small tug on his sleeve and he looked down to find his daughter sweetly beaming up at him.
“What's up Princess? Are you having a good time?”
 “Dad! y/n is so cool and you’re always happier when you're with her!” The young girl exclaimed.
Kendalls entire demeanor softened, and he kneeled down to wrap his arms around Sophia. Hearing those words nearly broke his heart. He was highly aware he wasn’t always at his best when around his kids, but he always tried to fake it for Sophia and Iverson. The fact that his kids could see past the facade made him sick. Just another reminder of the ways he was becoming like his father. 
Kendall attempted to hide his shame from Sophia, responding smoothly “Yeah Soph, I guess you’re right about that. Lucky for us, I think y/n is here to stay.” In spite of her fathers hopefully tone, Sophia was hardly a young kid anymore and she could still see the fragment of sadness Kendall felt. She pleaded further “Please dad! y/n is the best! I want her around forever!”. After his divorce Kendall decided remarrying was out of the question for him. The thought of being like his dad; multiple wives with kids he ignored from each, practically gave him nightmares. However, Kendall couldn’t deny that when he met you, his mindset instantly changed. Within only a few months the thought of you having his child definitely crossed his mind more than once. He would catch himself picturing moments like you handing him a pregnancy test with a bright ‘+’ result. Staring up at him with your soft eyes anticipating his reaction. How he would scoop you up in his arms and yell “we're having a baby!” kissing you all over and reminding you how he would take care of you forever. Nonetheless, he always pushed those thoughts aside and never revealed how he really dreamed of you two ending up. The press already had a field day with your age gap, you were really starting to build momentum in your career and the last thing he ever wanted to do was make you feel trapped.
That night you and Kendall sat snuggling on the couch, scrolling through all of the silly photos taken throughout the day. You felt especially safe wrapped in Kendall's arms tonight. Assuming it was just the effects of getting to see Kendalls paternal instincts. He left gentle pecks along your forehead while giggling at every photo of Iverson and Sophia posing with the animals. The effortless time with his kids paired now with your warm body cuddled on top of him reliving the memories was already filling him with a mellow nostalgia. 
As you scrolled past a selfie of you kissing Kendall on the cheek you giggled “we would make such cute babies.” Instantly Kendalls ears perked up seeing as he was the one usually joking about making babies. 
“Are you kidding? Our kids would be like the next super model, techno DJ, fucking ultra geniuses!” 
You expected Kendall to have to have such a teasing reaction but honestly you were being serious. 
“Fuck yeah they would!” you joked back, pressing a peck to your boyfriend's lips. Kendall quickly deepened the kiss before pulling back to look at you.
“Did I ever tell you how sexy I think you would look pregnant?” Kendall whispered. “What? Omg Kendall no! You have never told me that” you laughed.
“Come on. What do you think… I think about after I cum in you?” he said with a large grin. 
“Ken I- are you serious? Do you really think about you?”
 Despite the giggle you let out as you asked, you knew Kendall caught on to the trace of hopefulness behind your question. 
“Uh of course, I think about how fucking beautiful my girlfriend would be with my child, yeah.” Kendall assured. 
Your heart was nearly pounding out of your chest. Despite being unsure if Kendall was being honest or simply pulling your heartstrings hearing him say those words was making you melt deeper into his arms.
“Mm really? How often?” you teased, hoping to gather more confirmation that Kendall wasn’t just joking.
“Um okay, you want me to be honest?” he asked.
“One hundred percent.” you said.
“Like. Everyday.”
Stunned by his answer, your mouth fell open and stumbled to come up with a response. 
“Seeing you with Sophia and Iverson, waking up to you every morning, fuck y/n, you have no idea how bad I want to come home to you and our family.” Kendall continued.
“Our family?” you questioned.
 You could sense Kendalls discomfort with your reaction. You hadn’t intended to say that thought aloud but you were speechless. It felt as if the delusional world in your head and reality were swapping places. 
Kendalls large eyes were staring into your eyes, anxiety flooding his body, praying you say something else. 
“Ken I-” you began, before being interrupted by a distressing Kendall.
“Look y/n its just a thought, I mean I’m definitely not trying to push for something you’re not ready for, like I know your young and-”
Crashing your lips into Kendalls was the only way you knew to shut him up from his fearful rambling.
“But…I want you, Kendall.” you said.
 Your hands holding his face to look directly into his dark eyes. “I want all of you. All of your bad habits. All of your ex-wife, Roy family drama baggage. And especially…to have your babies.” you drew out slowly, letting a devilish smile creep onto your face. 
That was all the reassurance Kendall needed before he was kissing you deeply , moving to positioning himself in between your thighs, hovering above you.  
“Is that really what you want y/n? You want me to make you mine?” His previously trembling voice was now confident and nearly patronizing.
“Mhm baby, only yours” you replied sweetly while attempting to grind your hips up to Kendalls. That slight bit of friction was met with a repressed grunt from Kendall, his hands moving to tightly grip your hips, halting any movement. You could tell Kendall was already craving you. You could feel his dick growing harder as it pressed firmly against your clothed center. The truth was Kendall was hard since the conversation had begun. Even when you had simply joked earlier about making cute babies Kendall couldn’t help the blood that instantly rushed to his cock, causing it to throb against his sweats.
Kendall moved slowly to remove the soft sweater you were wearing, gently helping you to pull out each arm before lifting it over your head. His lips softly connected to your neck. Leaving light pecks, stopping occasionally to gently suck on the skin and admire the small blemishes he was leaving behind. His large hands softly massaging your breasts before his tongue swiftly moved to draw light circles around your nipples. Taking the small bud between his lips and sucking tenderly, making sure to give each nipple equal attention. Your body pushed your chest forward desperately giving in to his delicate touch. His ability to instantly turn you into a moaning mess never failed. 
You squirmed beneath him searching for something to grind against, desperate to stimulate the area he was ignoring. 
“This is what you’ve been waiting for isn’t it? For me to fuck you and make you mine? Already so eager for my fucking cum in you. My pretty girl” Kendall taunted softy. Watching you gasp as your back arched into him. 
“Please Ken” you pleaded.
His fingers trace slowly down your body, finally making contact with your touch deprived center. Using two fingers to rub soft circles on your clit and slide them through your slick folds pressing firmly against your slit. His fingers were instantly covered in your wetness before he even dipped them into your pussy. 
Kendall stared into your eyes as he brought the first finger he used to spread your pussy to his lips. Sliding the digit slowly into his mouth, “Fuck! You taste so good”. Bringing his second finger to your mouth with a commanding “suck”. You gladly accepted and softly sucked on the flesh tasting yourself before Kendall removed the finger with a loud popping sound. 
He quickly moved from between your thighs to kneeling at the edge of the bed, wrapping his arms firmly around your thighs and pulling your dripping pussy level to his mouth. You cried out as his lips connected directly to your exposed clit. Kendall hummed into your pussy as he tongued the sensitive bundle of nerves. Your hands grasped desperately searching for something to hold onto as you felt your orgasm building in your stomach. Kendall removed his firm grasp from around your hips and found your hands, interlocking his fingers with yours. “Fuck Ken! You’re gonna- make me cum! Please- please don't stop!” You cried out, squeezing his hands harder feeling your eyes close shut. On nights when Kendall was feeling especially dominating, now is when he would completely pull away. Always trying to see how many times he could bring you to the edge before he finally gave you permission to cum. However, tonight was different. Kendall was on a mission to prove just how good he could make you feel, how bad he wanted to give you everything, that he would truly take care of you. His cock was leaking with precum appreciating every sound that left your body as he continued working your pussy. Rapidly licking at your slit and sucking on your clit until finally the knot building in your stomach released. You couldn't stop the dramatic stream of moans that left your body.
“Oh my God Ken!” 
 “Good girl” Kendall hummed as you attempted to catch your breath feeling your sensitive pussy throbbing inside. 
You yelped, as you felt Kendalls mouth return to your overstimulated clit leaving light kisses while he worked to remove his sweatpants and boxers. 
Kendall gently lifted you in both arms and softly laid you back down in the center of the bed. Taking his time to kiss you deeply as he wrapped his arms tightly around you. His chest heaving against yours as he lowered his waist. His dick finally making contact where you had been craving it most, smoothly grinding his tip in between your folds. 
He buried his head in the crook of your neck, his dark voice whispering lowly into your ear “You’re my fucking girl.”
“I’m all yours Ken.”
“And this.” Kendall moved his hands to lightly slap his dripping head against your clit, “is my fucking pussy.” His aggressive words muttered with affection and tenderness.
“It’s your pussy Kendall. Forever”
Gradually Kendall began pushing his tip into your soaking entrance, taking his time to guide his cock deeper. Halting his movements frequently to feel you stretch around him.
 “Fuck! I love you.” He grunted when his cock finally bottomed out. Dropping all his weight onto your hips, rocking deeply into you. His body was pressed so tightly against yours making you feel especially small and protected. His pelvic bone brushing against your clit with every thrust as he smoothly gained aggression.  
Breathy mumbles of “I love you too Kendall, I love you so much” left your lips. His powerful thrust sending electricity straight from your brain to your pussy and through every inch of your body. The sound of your wet pussy dripping around Kendalls cock, his warm breath brushing your neck as he moaned deeply instinctively made you wrap your legs tightly around his hips. Although Kendall had intended to be soft with you tonight he couldn't stop himself from pounding into you ruthlessly. He could feel your pussy tightening around his cock with each thrust signaling you were close to cumming once again. 
“Fuck baby! Why are you so fucking wet for me huh? Does it turn you on knowing I’m gonna cum in that fucking pussy? My pretty girl, gonna have my baby?” 
He wasn’t expecting a real answer, only seeking to push you closer to cumming on his cock. He was using everything in him not to cum before you and you could feel his smooth pace become more erratic as he snapped his hips harshly against yours.
 Letting go of his tight grasp around your body to balance with his forearms on either side of your head. Holding your face with his hands, pressing his forehead lightly atop yours. 
“You want my fucking cum?” He questioned, doing his best to maintain a firm tone as he held back his orgasm.
“Yes Ken! I want your cum, baby! Please!” you cried out.
“Tell me where you want it. Tell me where you want me to cum baby”. He was fucking into you at a brutual pace watching as tears began forming in the corners of your eyes.
“Fuck! In my pussy Ken, please cum inside me!” you pleaded as his words drew you to your second orgasm. That was all Kendall needed to hear before he was releasing deep inside you with a powerful thrust. It felt as if you could feel his cum hitting your cervix as he maintained his rough pace, fucking his cum deeper into you. Kendall could feel his orgasm rushing through his entire body, his cock throbbing inside of you, twitching, as he felt your nails drag down his back and your pussy squeezing around him. Milking every ounce of pleasure. 
Kendall slowly pulled out you with a deep sigh. The loss of contact, already causing you to feel empty. You were yearning for him to reach out his arms again and pull you into a deep hug. Kendall traced his fingers lightly over your stomach, remaining silent as he studied every inch of your body before dropping to lay down on his back next to you. “Is he already regretting this?” You thought to yourself as Kendall laid silently staring up at the ceiling. You could feel you heart slowly sinking, letting out a soft sigh as you sat up and began shuffling off the bed. Your movements, quickly interrupted by Kendall reaching to pull your body into his lap. Straddling him, his toned arms pulled you into him tightly. Your chests rose and fell in sync as you both breathe in deeply. You feel Kendalls chests begin to vibrate beneath you and he lets out a loud chuckle, brightly exclaiming “We’re gonna have a fucking baby!”
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graciegoeskrazy · 3 months
we're all just the same, what a shame
matty healy + daughter!reader (ft. mainly ross but a bit of the band)
warnings: fluff, short, should I start rewriting atpoiim with h!r???
a/n: I hated this but now I don't think it's that bad. just short and sweet. (like the concert I didn't get tickets to 😭)
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The band was in NYC preparing for the release of a new album, an abundance of press, a Madison Square Garden performance, and new changes to a show that was yet to be finished. Despite your father’s protest that you should stay home and live your normal life, you tagged along. Because it was a very stressful, working time for them, you were 100% prepared to take a step back and let them do their thing.
The knock on your door took your gaze out of your phone and onto the door of your hotel bedroom that connected to the rest of the suite you and your dad shared. “Come in.”
You knew from his posture and they way he slightly hid behind the door that he was up to something. Your head tilted in confusion, prompting him to speak.
“Do you have…fairy lights?”
Your eyebrows scrunched in confusion. “Why the fuck would I have fairy lights?”
He gove you a brief look that meant ‘language’ and then paused.. “‘Cause you’re a teenage girl.” He said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“No. Whatever do you need fairy lights for?”
“A fort.” His face comically didn't change.
You sighed. “You’ve gone mental.”
“When I thought I was gonna take a step back and let you work I didn’t think building a fort was on your to-do list.” He didn’t respond, just shrugged while sparing you a glance, then continued draping the fabric.
“Why are the lights off?” You said, walking through the hallway.
“Aesthetic.” He said simply.
“I don’t know if I’ve ever trusted your aesthetic.” You flicked on the tall lamp shade as you finished your sentence.
He looked up at you, bright eyed, and smiled. “Ah, good ideas babe!”
You quicked your head. “What?”
Without another word, he dragged the lamp inch by inch into it’s spot by the fort, then draped the remaining pieces of fabric onto it. “It needed height.” He said smiling at you.
“So why are you doing this exactly.”
He started to speak as he slightly struggled to enter the white sheet at the front.
“I’m gonna make a small one for the exterior, and in the video we’re gonna do a transition and it's gonna be like ‘look, it's bigger on the inside’ and it’s gonna be a metaphor.”
“A metaphor for what?” You asked.
Your father paused. “Something stupid?” He said, looking at you.
“Oh, right, right, of course.”
At the arena, hiding in the nearly empty dressing room, you were prompted to your feet when you father texted you telling you to come to the green room. You practically groaned upon entry. Adam held the camera and your father stood in front of it awaiting your arrival. He clapped his hands together excitedly and you groaned, preparing to turn away. “Not again.”
“Come onnnnn. I need you in it for the video. For your reaction.”
You rolled your eyes, to which he only allowed it this time because you were helping him with something. The small interior was already filled wall to wall with the band, who all smiled upon your entrance. Ross smiled the biggest, excited to see you, and opened up his arms wide, prompting you to sit with him.
Matty and Adam set the camera up and you switched to Ross’s lap while they did so.
“Hey! You found fairy lights!” You said, pointing up to the ceiling of the fort.
“Yeah, Uncle Ross had some.” Matty said, not taking his eyes off of the project in front of him and Adam.
You looked at Ross. he just shrugged. You knew your father probably just ran to the store to get them.
Your mind wandered back to the conversation in the room when your father commented on John’s go at jujutsu.
“You'd be mint.” He said.
“He’s too big.” Ross chimed in from behind you.
“No- What do you mean he’s ’too big?’ You have to be big in order to fight. Be able to sit in someone till they can’t breathe.”
“I’d be great at it.” All eyes turned to you as you spoke.
“You’d die in a second tops, baby.”
You shrugged. “Have a little faith.”
Some of the band left. Now it was just you, your dad, Ross, Adam, and Polly. You left to get a bottle of water and when you came back you found your dad sitting criss-crossed and decided to sit in his lap. It was a routine you’ve had since you were little, and a moment that always made everyone around giggle or smile, especially when you were little. Seeing a four year old toddle in with a snack in one hand and a blankie in another sit on her father’s lap when he least expected it. Matty kept his gaze on his phone as he readjusted his arms to capture you into a none-crushing hug paired with a gentle kidd to the side of your forehead. “Why did you wait till I was 14 to build a fort? I feel like that's a primary school thing, no?”
“How dare you deprive your daughter of a childhood.” Ross said.
Matty finally looked up from his phone when he rolled his eyes. “I give up.”
You and Ross laughed as you both pissed your father off for what felt like the hundredth time that evening.
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Under his influence (Post Avengers! Loki x female reader)
Read chapter 7 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 8
Summary : Loki is taken away from you and you fear that he'll forget you just like everyone else.
Warning: mention of psychological torture, bit of angst
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So this was happening. Like really happening. You were standing in the middle of your apartment with two gods giving deathly glares to each other, if looks could kill they would both be dead right now.
"So i–" before you could finish your sentence Thor interrupted you. That was Thor, the god of thunder, the Asgardian god everyone lusted after, the man you never thought would be standing in your room someday.
"Are you tired of playing these childish games now brother?" He asked Loki and Loki could only smile in response.
"Games? I haven't even done anything"
"He's right" you mumbled as quietly as you could.
"You fled with the tesseract" Thor raised his voice and you were hoping Mrs Geller had remembered to take her pills today. Otherwise the field day she'd have with this tomorrow will be insane.
"I barely picked it up because it fell right by my feet, I was teleported here, did you want me to surrender myself knowing too well that you'd take me back to Asgard so I am trapped in that forsaken cell for the rest of my life?" Loki glared at him, his voice laced with mixture of anger and sadness so you grabbed his hand and gave him a comforting squeeze. His eyes softened immediately at the touch.
"You commenced a war on earth Loki, what did you think would happen to you? I'm here to take you back to the tower. Let us go now"
He stormed towards Loki so you got in front of him, you were trying to protect a powerful god from an equally powerful god. How smart did you have to be to do that?
"Look he's your brother alright, if you'd just sit down and talk to him about what he did and why he HAD to do it, you'd understand him better –"
"Lady y/n i would advise you not to speak on this matter –" He interrupted you again. For a prince he sure lacked manners.
"She will speak her mind, you daft ill-mannered rhinoceros. Have you forgotten that it's rude to interrupt a lady while she's speaking? Oh!! pardon me you never had such manners to begin with"
"Okay I am–" you were going to say something but then you turned around and grabbed Loki's hands to take him to the kitchen, you could feel Thor's eyes on you both and it made you uncomfortable.
"What is going to happen Loki I'm scared" your eyes teared up, all of this was nerve wracking for you, not knowing what they planned to do to him was terrifying. He cupped your cheeks and kissed your forehead, he could also feel Thor's eyes on him so that was making him act a little differently with you, he had never been one to indulge in such a display of affection before.
"They can not harm me darling, I am the youngest prince of Asgard, worst comes to worst I will be prisoned–"
"Lokiii" your eyes welled up more so he hugged you as tightly as he could, he knew he had to see this someday, he just didn't know it would come so soon. Before he fell asleep he thought about things he wanted to do with you tomorrow but he knew he won't be seeing your pretty face first thing in the morning any longer"Do you perhaps want to accompany me?" He asked you so you pulled away to look at him.
"Lo i.."
"I know it is not appropriate of me to be asking you for this but I just –"
"Stark said she can not come–" Thor chimed in to give his two cents.
"Are you his slave now? Are you willing to accept your truer purpose in life?" Loki answered him, even the way they conversed with each other gave you snappy siblings energy.
"I can't lo.. I have a job here and my family.. I have never been to NYC and ..it's just too much" you placed your hand on your face to control your sobs but it was futile, you really wanted to follow him but you felt afraid, you had never been someone to do something so impulsive in life. Maybe that's why you were left behind while everyone else moved forward and succeeded.
"I understand, just know that I will get back to you as soon as I can" he said to you. He wished you'd have agreed to come with him but he knew he was asking for too much too soon.
"You promise? Promise me that you'll be okay and that I'll see you again"
"I will be back to you i am giving you my word darling" you were going to kiss him but your eyes met with Thor again.
"Can you turn around creep?" You screamed at Thor, his eyes widened for a moment before he turned his back to you both, as soon as he did you got on your tip toes and kissed Loki as passionately as you could. Of Course this was happening to you now, you couldn't have kept him forever anyways, you just feared that he will forget all about you as soon as you're out of his sight, earth was filled with gorgeous women, of course he'd find someone else once he's not trapped in this bubble with you.
"Will you give me a call?" You asked him so he nodded. You sobbed as you felt your heart breaking.
"Why now? You said you knew about this, why didn't you come get him before? Why can't you just let him be? He had suffered enough" You stormed towards Thor so he took a step back.
"It is not my fault that my arrival in your city made national news, they assumed that I knew something, i couldn't lie anymore, maybe I should hone the art of lying. Loki can help"
Loki rolled his eyes at the comment. He was so used to such remarks that it didn't even affect him.
"You're not going to poke a hole in my ceiling right?" You asked Thor so he looked up.
"We shall get back to the roof then"
You grabbed Loki's hand as you all went upstairs, you couldn't stop staring at him, the thought of him not being there in your apartment made you feel horrible, it felt like a breakup, the nastiest breakup you have ever had. Knowing you won't get to cuddle him or kiss him, probably ever again, just made you not want to exist anymore. When did your feelings get this intense for him?
"Mmmm" you mumbled because you knew you'd cry if you'd even try to talk to him right now .
"Promise me that you will not cry in my absence" Well he wanted you to cry it seems.
"Do you want me to lie?" You looked at him and his heart clenched. He didn't want you to cry because he knew he wouldn't be here to hold you and comfort you. As you all reached the roof Thor waved his hammer and you heard the thundering,
"Wait a moment–" Loki spoke, he wanted to look like an Asgardian before he leaves, one fluck of his fingers and he looked the same as he did the first day you had met him, his hair had gotten longer though.
"Am I ever going to see you again or I'll just be a forgotten memory–" you looked down because the words made you feel choked up.
"You will see me princess, you will see all of me I promise, what you have done for me can never be compared, what I feel for you is irreplaceable" he cupped your cheeks and kissed you softly. His eyes were teary too, all he wanted to do was take you back to that small apartment of yours and snuggle you but it was a luxury he could no longer afford. "Farewell for now, my beloved" he took your hand in his and pressed a small kiss before he stepped away from you.
"If you hurt him, I don't care if it's just a scratch, I swear to god I'll tell everyone about that thing" you said to Thor and he snickered in response.
"What thing?" Thor questioned
"The thing" Loki smirked
"You told her?" Thor glared at him
You smiled at Loki and he returned it. And then they were both gone. Your lo was gone, you couldn't see him and you felt empty without him, you felt hollow, your feet felt stuck on the ground beneath you, you didn't even want to go back to that apartment without him. Why didn't you go with him when he asked you to?
"Ohh goddd" you sat down on the floor because your knees felt too weak to keep you standiy. And then you cried for what seemed like hours, you missed him already, you missed him being close to you. When you entered your apartment it almost made you pass out, you could see him everywhere still, the number of times you wished for him to just appear out of nowhere was intense. The bed smelled like him and though it gave you a moment of relief when you laid down on it, the longer you stayed there the harder it got for you to breathe, your arms craved to hold him and knowing that you won't be able to do any of those things only made you cry yourself to sleep.
In the morning you woke up suddenly and turned the news on to see if there was anything about him. A part of you feared you would be sent to jail but you knew you hadn't done anything wrong. Right?
Everytime you looked around you just saw him, you saw him on that bed sleeping like a baby, you saw him reading his book on that sofa, you saw him watching the tv with that adorable look on his face everytime you came back home.
You waited for three days to see something about him on tv but you saw nothing, he had made no attempt to communicate with you and that kind of made you angry but then the worries kicked in. What had they done to him?
You hardly ate, your body felt sick all the time and you just hoped that they were not hurting him.
"Why won't he call..please call" you mumbled in frustration and then it hit you, he didn't have your number, he never needed it. "Ohh God" you were starting to freak out but then you remembered that they could easily get your information if they actually wanted to, they haven't even tried to contact you to ask anything about him and that bothered you, he lived with you for more than two months. Weren't they just a tad bit curious?
"Stop glaring at me reindeer games, this is for your own good"
Loki glared at Stark again for what felt like the umpteenth time in just a matter of an hour. It has been three days since he had been locked up here in this tower. He desperately wanted to communicate with you but they weren't allowing him, apparently there was a legal case against him by the state of New York and he wasn't allowed to do anything, they did give him a lawyer though.
He was grilled by the Avengers for hours when they got him there and they tried to pipe the information out of him so he just told them everything he knew, right from the the moment he fell off the bifrost, he told them how he was rescued by the men of the mad Titan Thanos and how they tortured him for a year before they sent him to do his bidding. The shock on their faces was worth sharing the embarrassing ordeal he had suffered through.
A press conference was to be held three days later where Nick Fury would introduce him as the newest Avenger, all of this felt like a joke to him but one of the conditions he had imposed was that he'd be able to communicate with you and they had promised him that after the press conference he would be free to make one phone call, he felt like a prisoner still but he was happy that they weren't taking him back to Asgard. He didn't want to be anywhere he couldn't get in touch with you.
He just hoped you weren't feeling hurt or betrayed by him, he didn't want to abandon you or make you feel how other people had done before. He missed you every second of his life, at night he couldn't sleep because the nightmares kept him up, he would always wake up with teary eyes and it was only the thought of your comforting embrace that would lull him back to sleep. He missed your warm body next to his cold one. He yearned for you with all his heart and he hoped you were missing him as much as he did.
"Thanks a ton for telling me about that Minnesota gal, my publicist is very impressed by the story" Tony said to Thor and that perplexed him, why was this publicist person impressed?
"A tortured escaped fugitive running from the world ends up in a random girl's apartment and she agrees to hide him? That's a movie, a blockbuster movie" Tony explained.
"And what it is that you're planning to do with the story, are you going to call her here?" Thor was a bit taken by your intimidating personality but he knew Loki adored you and that was enough of a reason for him to care about you, even if just a little.
"You'll see at the press conference" Tony winked at him before walking away.
You were in the gym when you saw the news. They were talking about Loki and Thanos and everything he had told you, also the things he hadn't told you yet. He was tortured for a year, that's why he had those nightmares, your heart clenched for him and all you wanted to do was comfort him and give him plenty of forehead kisses but he wasn't there with you anymore.
"Oh my god is that for real? I think they're making it up to make us feel bad about him" Lyla commented so you rolled your eyes.
"He's superrr hot though" Stacy spoke
Well, that you agreed with.
Apparently there will be a public press conference that will be broadcasted live tomorrow. You felt a surge of relief because at least they weren't trying to hurt him but then you felt angry, why hadn't he called you then? Did he not miss you?
You went home and cried again, of course you got so attached so quickly to a man who wasn't attainable. It wasn't the first time you had done that but at least you weren't in love with those guys.
"He's going to fall in love with someone else" you mumbled as you looked at yourself in the mirror.
Of Course, that's exactly was going to happen, the first guy you liked was happily married now, the next one found his girlfriend while he was with you, the last ex of yours also found a girlfriend right after he broke up with you even though he claimed that he couldn't get lucky with girls and you were the ultimate dream come true for him and there would never be another you. You were like a blessing for these guys because you entered their lives and bam they were meeting the love of their lives left, right and center.
Maybe you were the problem here. Maybe you didn't deserve to keep men in your life. If those midgardian men were able to find someone so quickly then you didn't expect a god like him to wait around for you. He was probably getting himself sandwiched between the models that Tony Stark hung around with, that Ironman was a problematic guy, you didn't have to dig too deep to figure that out.
Thankfully you didn't have to work the next day so you made a cup of tea and sat down on the sofa to watch the press conference. You just wanted to see him even though you knew it would only hurt you further. You just wanted to see if he was ok.
"Brother, do not say anything you're not supposed to say" Thor told him so Loki rolled his eyes. He saw Anthony walking towards him with a tall blonde female by his side and it confused him.
"Loki ..meet Melisaa, you can call her Mel for short, is that correct?" Tony looked at Melissa and she smiled as she kissed his cheek then she turned her attention towards Loki.
"Well I think we need to have one conversation at least before the conference" She grabbed his hand and he was so confused, so was Thor, she took him away with her and Thor glared at Tony
"What is this? Is this some sort of bribe?" He questioned Tony.
"No it's for his public image, you see people don't trust him. Obviously. They need to trust him and whats the better way to reel them in than a human girl dating him"
"Dating? Are you out of your mind? He fancies lady y/n..from Minesotta"
"Yeah, my publicist looked her up. You see, she ain't it" Tony gave him a look of disgust as if you were beneath these people, he didn't think of you like that, he just found you annoying "He needs someone attractive, someone more presentable. Trust me a taste of Melissa and he won't even remember this lady of yours" Before Thor can speak further into this matter Tony walked away from him.
Loki didn't know why Melisaa was talking to him about you, she kept asking him questions about the things that happened the day he had invaded your apartment, however he was more than happy to talk about you with someone, he missed you alot, especially in this moment, he had to face all these people and all these strangers scared him a little. All he wanted to do was hold your hand, if you were here he'd just press his head on your chest and just have you comfort him the way you used to do.
He remembered that day he met you for the first time, you both were complete strangers but he had never felt so taken by a stranger before. You made him feel at home, something he didn't have anymore.
"Loki let's go" His lawyer told him so he nodded and Melissa hooked her arms with him to take him with her, the gesture confused him even more. Why was she there with him?
The conference went okay, he was able to apologize and speak his truth, he knew people of midgard won't forgive him so easily, there were also things he needed to discuss with these Avengers. Two Tony Starks and two Captains, why nobody was concerned about that? Why weren't they concerned about Thanos?"
You watched him on the tv and it made you cry furiously on that ugly sofa, he was so pretty and so soft in that dark blue suit he had worn, you couldn't even believe that you were blessed enough to have that godly man in your arms every night like that. You noticed the modelesque looking woman beside him and it made you worry. Did he find someone already or was it just for appearance purposes?
"Loki, hi this is Patricia from times now, you had disappeared for two months with something as valuable as the tesseract, where were you hiding all this time?" He was going to answer but a woman who introduced herself as Dalia came forward instead, whatever you heard next only made you want to rip your hair out. You flipped the channel but it was everywhere, the news had spread like a wildfire. You stopped pressing the button of the remote on some Entertainment channel and the more you heard about the situation, the angrier it made you feel.
"They say love can find you in the strangest of places and the new Avenger aka Loki the Asgardian god can probably relate. From last two months we were wondering where the certain god had disappeared to, shockingly enough, the tesseract, the powerful bundle of energy teleported him to an apartment in New York City which belonged to a local model named Malissa McKay, we got in touch with Malissa herself to get her reaction and it's adorable how their relationship developed in the time period"
You saw the model Malissa and she revealed how she threw a knife at him as she was in the kitchen looking for her salad when he came out of nowhere and how he told her that she didn't need that stuff because she was perfect the way she was. Your eyes teared up more and more as she continued to talk about him.
How dare he do that to you? How dare he agreed to replace you as if you meant nothing to him?
How dare he broke your heart like that when he knew what he meant to you?
Tag list (if you want to be tagged or removed let me know.. also I’m not able to tag some of you, please check your settings)
@annoyingsweetsstranger @mcufan72
@nixymarvelkins @stupidthoughtsinwriting @fictive-sl0th @huntress-artemiss @eleniblue @violethaze @anukulee @ladymischief11 @12-pm-510 @wolfsmom1 @whylokiissocute @hyperlokilover @vickie5446 @pics-and-fanfics @daddylokisqueen @tallseaweed @olivertwistrabbit @blog-the-lilly @prettylittlepluviophile @flashhxn-lights @vanilla-daydreaming @somewiseguy @yaaamadaa-blog @dragonmurray @nyxxharmonia @elthreetimes @gruftiela @thenotoriouserg @optimisticyouthdefender @mcuhplover @greep215 @yallgotkik
@obscureenigmatic @janineb86 @sflame15-blog @nyxlaufeyson @lokidokieokie
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what was it like as a gaylor before 2016?
What an appropriate question on the 10 year anniversary of the kaylor public launch at the VSFS 2013 :) As it's quite a subjective question, prepare for my gaylor/kaylor origin story 😉
I've been a more committed Taylor fan since Red came out in 2012, but because I'm in the UK a lot of the public media buzz about her has passed me by (except for the headlines about her and Harry, that was definitely a big story over here). In spring 2013 the article about her and Dianna exploded on the internet and, despite it obviously being retracted, it perked my ears up because 1. I was also a big glee fan at the time, and 2. it seemed to offer an explanation to why I found her music so relatable having just had my heart broken by a girl and all her genderless breakup songs fit that situation so well. So, I did a bit of research and quickly realised that, if she was in fact with Dianna, it would have been at the same time that she was supposedly dating Harry, as well as that Kennedy guy. No public acknowledgement of any queerness (like ever) so it was very clear to me from the start that, if she is dating women, she is doing it very much in secret. Not a great inspiration for fairly newly out me (23 at the time), so I filed that information and moved on with just her music. Didn't really think about it again until over a year later when a guy in a club decided to bully me and my then gf with the sentence 'Are you a real couple or just bffs like Taylor Swift and that model chick?' Yep, my kaylor origin story is a straight man harassing me in a nightclub. What are the odds, right? 🤭
So, because that remark somehow stuck with me (and I had no idea who that ' model chick' even was) I googled it, expecting to find something similar to the Dianna situation and my jaw hit the floor when I got pages and pages of photos of Taylor and Karlie walking the streets of NYC holding hands, smiling at each other with the biggest heart eyes. It genuinely changed my life. It may sound totally stupid and out of proportion, given that they didn't acknowledge it as a relationship (which I'm aware was doing no favours to lesbian visibility), but it did something to me to see the girl whose music I'd danced to in my bedroom when I was 16 so happily in love with another girl. I'd never seen that sort of love between two women, either in fiction or in real life, and it felt like she'd reached across the miles dividing us to tell me that it's possible, and that if she could find it (even in hiding), I could, too. And somehow it didn't matter to me what they were calling it, I could see what it was and it was everything to me. But I only had a few months to enjoy it before kissgate ruined it and of course the tabloids printed words like 'affair' and ‘scandal' and by March the next year we had Calvin Harris, then Hiddleswift, and then Joe. But at the same time, we got 1989 and rep with some of the gayest music ever written. And I found a great community of fellow queer people on here in those years that seemed to enjoy watching them and seeing their lives in the lyrics as much as I did. I’ve dipped in and out of the online space for years, lurking when there were more kind people around and disappearing when the hate got worse. It was fun to watch it all unfold in real time with people, I’m impressed that people still become new kaylors these days when there is no real time interaction and the hate from the general fanbase towards Karlie is still high since 2018. I don’t think I would be a gaylor today if I hadn’t witnessed their love in front of everybody’s eyes in that year, that really made me resilient to setbacks because I’m just so irretrievably in love with their love story. I’ve seen how Taylor lashes out when she’s cornered and scared (like she did after kiss gate) and sometimes we’re the collateral damage of that. And as much as that sucks it just shows that she’s incredibly protective of her little bubble of happiness and the more you poke the bear the more savage she’ll be in her retaliation. Do I wish she didn’t throw her most loyal supporters off a cliff every time she needs a straight excuse? Of course! But have I also hurt people I care about to protect my loved ones? Yes. So I can’t really judge. I can just take a walk when it gets too much, and wait for the soft shit to pull me back in.
So, to summarise, being a gaylor has always (and will always) have highs and lows, the public narrative is never for us, only the music is. But that's ok with me, I've learned to tune the noise out and enjoy the music, reminding myself that those songs were inspired by one of the greatest love stories I've ever accidently stumbled upon.
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lindszeppelin · 3 months
https://www.instagram.com/p/C8lSixSPwcq/ --sounds like a guy who's been doing some serious re-evaluating in his life. This is from his press day in Australia. Right around the time he liked that certain Instagram post shading Kaia. It's the timing of everything for me that puts everything into perspective:
NYC paparazzi pics come out of the two of them looking absolutely miserable together. There is no other way to look at those pics. Shippers can hide behind the "privacy and no one smiles for the paps" but nah, those are two people who are not in love.
Kaia's team does major damage control with that PM article about how "strong and in love" they are. Where is the love?
Austin goes to the Indy 500 and looks a million times happier around Jodie than he ever has around his actual girlfriend.
Life& Style comes out with an article from Austin's team pretty much saying this is it and Austin is done with Kaia. Just waiting for the right time to cut the cord, essentially.
Kaia goes on a trip without her boyfriend. Either her team or shippers send in a false sighting to DM. Despite the fact Austin was in Australia working.
Austin full on flirting with an interviewer in Australia. Like yes, Austin is a flirt (but again this is something shippers hide behind to keep their delusions alive). He's never been that full on with another woman. He was behaving like a guy who doesn't have someone at home.
LA press junkets come out. Austin and Jodie having a blast together. Then ET tries to slip in a comment about Kaia. Austin gets very uncomfortable and shuts that shit down ASAP.
All the Instagram likes. Austin hasn't been active on Instagram in a long time. At one point his team was running the account. Not anymore. He liked a couple of shady Instagram posts regarding his personal feelings towards Kaia. Again, the timing right after the article comes out.
The chemistry between Jodie and Austin is undeniable. A lot of innocent flirting and eye contact. Austin has never been like this during a press tour. Again people keep saying he's like this with everyone. He's really not though. Never has he acted the way he did with Jodie on this tour. He was at such ease with Jodie. They were very sweet on each other. The UK press junkets were refreshing. Seeing Austin be his true self and laugh. Not having to worry about being bombarded with questions about K.
Then we come back to LA and Austin regresses back to being uncomfortable on the red carpet. Basically gets corned on the carpet and is asked about Kaia. Barely acknowledges her and is very uncomfortable. Kate does nothing to help him out. (Side note: Kaia is standing on the red carpet with her PR person. Making sure she's seen.) Austin barely gives the media anything note worthy. Yet it got shippers all riled up. Oh and we can't forget the 2 second kiss that made headlines instead his movie...temporarily.
No less than an hour later Kaia's team strikes again with an article in PM and the first sentence is about how Kaia is the most supportive girlfriend ever!! 🙄 way to make it all about you once again Kaia.
Thankfully, those articles were much drowned out within 12 hours by Austin's team talking about his friendships with Ashley Tisdale and Sharon Stone.
Not to mention all the praise Austin and Jodie have been getting for this movie. We love to see that.
I can't forget all the mentions of Milo. I don't recall a press tour where Austin's personal life was targeted so much. But Milo had become a safe bet answer, until the Josh Horowitz podcast then it was awkward.
Also the fact that people keep trying to get him to talk about Kaia, and he refuses unless he's cornered. The man will talk about his real friends (Callum, Barry, Ashley, etc) with the biggest gleam. He'll talk freely about his family (who all very private people) with no hesitation. But the man can barely form 2 coherent sentences about a girl he's been dating for 2 years. There are so many private couples who enjoy their privacy but can still talk about each other with love. Austin can't do it.
Now we wait to see how the rest of the summer plays out.
I'm sure I missed some things. but this has been quite an interesting month...
This breakdown retrospective is truly immaculate, well done anon! There’s nothing more for me to say besides praise!
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steddieunderdogfics · 1 month
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is:  Skepsis_Ree! @skepsiss has 16 fics in the Stranger Things fandom on AO3 and 15 of them are in the Steddie tag!
Our anonymous nominator recommends the following works by @skepsiss:
The Last Strange Thing
It's Snowing In Hawkins
Long Road Ahead
House to ourselves
Modern Problems, Modern Solutions
"Bailey's fics are phenomenal and they don't get enough love!" -- Anonymous
Below the cut, @skepsiss answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
a) Why does anyone latch onto any pairing? Something about Steve and Eddie grabbed my attention like no other ship has in years. I’ve always liked Stranger Things, but I never shipped anything from it until season 4 and until I saw the on-screen dynamic of Steve and Eddie. It felt so fun, and I just constantly saw Steddie art popping up on my dash, so I was looking more and more at it until I just said OKAY, I’M GOING ALL IN and started writing private fan fictions for just one of my friends who encouraged me to post them. b)Why do I still write Steddie? Probably because of my pals Eddy and Jess who talk to me about the lads day in and day out <3
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
I’m really bad at reading fan fics, to be honest, and I don’t actually enjoy reading tropes. The closest thing to a trope I like to read is probably just “they’re in love” or “they will fall in love.” I like good stories, regardless of the setting or the trope.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
Does angst count? I pretty much just write angst! I love drama, angst, and exploring miscommunication! Supernatural elements are also super fun, and of course, I love horror, but those things feel more like genre rather than tropes. But I am also a sucker for a happy ending, so you can sort of expect that from me.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
My fav fic is “No Regrets” by @/strangersteddierthings I loved it so much that I made a graphic for it, and Jess uses it as a banner for the fic now!
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
I try to avoid tropes in my writing, (unless you count drama and angst, lol), so I’m not really sure how to answer this. I’ve never written a classic “there is only one bed” or “coffee shop au” or ANYTHING like that, so maybe I should try and do an actual, classic trope. I don’t think I’ve ever, EVER written a REAL trope before, tbh. I’m actually really curious what people would suggest for me to write, if anyone has a suggestion, I’m all ears!
What is your writing process like?
If I’m looking for a story idea, I usually play the “3-word game” to generate an idea. It works like this: I ask someone to give me 1 word that is a Person (priest, character from a show, sister, etc), a Place (NYC, a house, tombstone, etc), and an Object (pen, houseplant, knife, etc) and then I try and connect those 3 things. That usually helps me generate an idea and develop an interesting story. My other method is… I have wild dreams and wake up with a fully-formed scene in my brain, and I deconstruct that scene in order to find out how I can create a story to get to that point. I also write super fast, so I try and get the idea down on paper asap, or I’ll lose interest and never write it. If I’m writing for a Big Bang or something, I have usually finished writing that fic like… months before I need to post it.
Do you have any writing quirks?
A say “though” a lot, start sentences with “so,” and say “a bit” or “a little bit” in my writing a lot. An example would be “He wasn’t alive though, he didn’t ‘have a life’ to speak of, so this was what exactly?”
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
As soon as I finish!!!! I have a hard time holding back….
Which fic are you most proud of?
That I have posted? Probably “The Last Strange Thing.” It is my longest one. But I have one that I will be posting soon that I am very proud of that I have been working on for a while called “Senior Year” which I’ve been writing on and off since November 2022. I finally buckled down and finished writing it for the Steddie Big Bang and I’ll be posting it this year!
How did you get the idea for The Last Strange Thing?
“The Last Strange Thing” was written for a Reverse Big Bang in collaboration with @/llamalpaca. They created an amazing art piece of Steve and Robin in apocalypse gear, and it got the wheels turning in my brain about an apocalypse AU which reminded me of a conversation I had with a pal about “The Last of Us.” It inspired a whole tale in my brain about Steve and all of the “Stranger Things” party existing in a “The Last of Us” world, so I mashed them together and started writing a story.
When writing The Last Strange Thing, what was something you didn’t expect?
I plan out my stories pretty thoroughly, but something I feel is a very “weak point” in my writing is “action scenes,” so I really surprised myself by even ATTEMPTING to tackle something like “The Last Strange Thing,” which has so much action in it. At first, I sort of assumed I would avoid action as much as possible and make the story about the journey, but as I plotted things out, I just kept making plot points that involved more and more action so when I sat down to write it… I was really surprised that everything flowed together so well and the action felt really natural. Lots of people even complimented my action writing, which felt amazing, cause I’ve always felt it was a weakness!
What inspired It's Snowing In Hawkins?
“It’s Snowing In Hawkins” was a request for a mini-Steddie Winter Exchange where a secret exchanger submitted three requests/tropes/inspirations, and you got to choose from them. One of them involved a snowman-building contest, and Eddie “schooling the younger members of the party.” Another part of the request was that they DID NOT WANT ANY ANGST, so that was a big challenge for me! So it was all fluff, and I thought giving Eddie a slightly ADHD-sideways assignment from “snowman” felt fitting for him. Thus, snow-dome and Steve and Eddie getting some private time in the snow together. That, and at that point, I had never written “virgin Eddie” before, so I thought it would be super cute to explore.
What was your favorite part to write from House to ourselves?
Oh geez, this one is almost PWP, but I think probably just the adult-domestic side of it. Just two dads… getting to be dads. Their young kids are away for the weekend, and they get to take a nap together? There is something so… luxurious about that as an adult (I don’t have kids, but working full-time doesn’t give you enough time for naps either) that feels so nice and REAL about that, haha.
How do/did you feel writing Modern Problems, Modern Solutions?
I really wanted to channel shitty-teen energy. This was the most TEENAGE ANGST AND TEEN DRAMA story I’ve written. Everyone in the story is properly a teen in this, and I dug deep to remember what it felt like to be a teenager again. So I guess what I was feeling was… teen spirit.
What was the most difficult part of writing Long Road Ahead?
This is a really emotional fic, actually. Probably the hardest chapters to write were chapters 2 and 3 where we see the intense yearning between Eddie and Steve and how both of them truly believe that nothing would work between them—Eddie because he thinks Steve doesn’t like him, and with Steve, it is because he is terrified about being queer. I think the toughest thing about writing this was challenging Steve’s intense internal homophobia. That’s something that isn’t explored a lot in fic, and it does not feel good, so I get it, but I think it’s realistic for the 80s. Steve being really scared about his own feelings would be something a lot of boys would struggle with in that era, especially as a handsome, sporty guy who really thinks he is straight up until that point where he falls HARD for his guy friends uncontrollably. It’s difficult to write characters who have polar opposite opinions compared to yourself, but I find it really interesting, and it makes it really fun to write them GROWING OUT of that mindset.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
I don’t think I can pick a line because it has been too long since I have written any of those fics, but scene-wise, I think one of my favourite scenes is from one of my stories called “Tooth and Nail” where EDDIE is the one struggle with the idea of being queer and Steve is the one who has “come out” first. Anyway, Eddie is sitting on one side of a door, and he has no idea if Steve is listening to him or not, but he is confessing all of his feeling of “I messed up, and I don’t know how I feel, but I know I messed up and I’m sorry.” Also later, he cries about it to Steve and gets so embarrassed he pulls his shirt over his head to hide the fact that he is crying, and I still think that is adorable. I really like both of those scenes.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
a) If you haven’t read “Tooth and Nail” you should, it’s older but up on my Tumblr. b) New project wise though!!!! I HAVE THREE NEW ONES! c) “Batter Up” just dropped on June 16th and is a 14,000 word fluff fic for the Steddie Summer Exchange. It’s about Baseball!Player Steve and Rockstar!Eddie meeting and falling in love. d) “Momento Mori” is my Wayne & Steve (with Steddie of course) fic for the Stranger Things Big Bang that will be posting in July, so keep an eye on my Tumblr and/or my Ao3. My artist @/the-aphelion-archives has some really cool art being cooked up, so stay tuned for that! e) And last but not least, my Steddie piece “Senior Year” will be posted for the Steddie Big Bang at the end of this summer/early fall during the bang with art made by @/metalfreaks86! This is my 50k fic that spans from just after Season 2 to after Season 4, and involves a lot of heartbreak, and first loves. Keep an eye on my Tumblr and Ao3 for that one too because we do not yet have a release date.
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
Thank you to whoever nominated me! I often feel like my fics aren’t for everyone because I tend to write for a more serious audience and tackle tougher topics and that just isn’t an overly popular medium in fan fiction––which is fine! Because fan fiction is escapism and I know people use it to feel good, and sometimes you don’t want to read sad stuff. So, I really appreciate people who take the time to read my sad stuff (that ends happily every time, cause I also like happy things haha), and enjoy my hard work. Genuinely, every time I feel like throwing in the towel because I think I’m writing into the void, some little kudo-kween pops up and reminds me that my writing is appreciated. Thanks gang <3 Also!!!! I am ALWAYS accepting requests. Anyone and EVERYONE (anon or not) is welcome to pop into my inbox on Tumblr at ANY TIME to make a Steddie fic request, be that a trope, a tiny Steddie idea or whatever. And if you’ve made a request and I’ve forgotten… please ask again!
Thank you to our author, @skepsiss, and our anonymous nominator! See more of Skepsis_Ree's works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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dailyniallnews · 3 months
Hope you know that you’re sentencing me to a life on my knees | NYC N2
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mariacallous · 6 days
NEW YORK — An unindicted co-conspirator, an accused sexual harasser and a high-ranking cop alleged to have beaten a female subordinate were among Mayor Eric Adams’ most questionable appointees, until this week.
The forced resignation of New York City’s police commissioner, following a federal raid of his home, has intensified concerns about the mayor’s staffing decisions.
NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban’s departure — the first high-profile one since the feds seized phones from members of Adams’ inner circle last week — is the latest chapter in a saga that dates back even before January 2022 when Adams, freshly off his election victory, began filling his administration with people whose checkered pasts were almost certain to invite scrutiny.
When assembling his administration, Adams named Phil Banks deputy mayor of public safety, even though the former NYPD chief was caught a decade ago accepting gifts from people ultimately convicted of bribery.
Adams placed his old police boss and personal friend Tim Pearson in a powerful, nebulous adviser role and gave him control over a small new municipal office with unchecked power. Pearson is now facing four sexual harassment lawsuits, and one of his accusers alleged in court papers his behavior had been common knowledge for years.
The city “knew about” Pearson’s “long history of sexual misconduct … but ignored his history and hired him anyway,” one of the complaints reads. Pearson’s lawyer has denied all the allegations.
Now both Banks and Pearson have also had their phones seized by federal agents, alongside Caban.
The probes have raised new questions about the mayor’s judgment, and whether his loyalty to troubled aides has become an insurmountable political liability. Nearly every Democrat challenging him in his reelection primary next year is zeroing in on his perceived ethical lapses.
“Far be it for me to tell Eric Adams who to hire and fire. But it’s clear to me that he didn’t understand the most important part of being mayor,” Scott Stringer, the former city comptroller who is expected to run against Adams next year, said in an interview with POLITICO. “He made poor choices, and it’s come back to hurt him.”
The list goes on.
Jeffrey Maddrey, whom the mayor named chief of the NYPD, was accused of punching a fellow cop he’d coerced into a sexual relationship. A judge threw out the case, but he was docked 45 vacation days in an internal trial.
Adams’ former chief of staff is entangled in litigation over past business interests and his ex-buildings commissioner resigned amid an investigation that led to an indictment on bribery charges. He has pleaded not guilty.
In his personal life, Adams is close friends with twin brothers who pleaded guilty a decade ago to financial crimes. A pastor who has described Adams as a mentor was recently sentenced to nine years in jail for stealing a parishoner’s mother’s retirement savings.
Adams appointed an anti-gay Bronx clergyman as a faith adviser, over protests from LGBTQ+ groups. And one of his community liaisons is under federal investigation involving a visit to China she made with Adams.
Many of Adams’ picks to help lead the city’s sprawling government have been unimpeachable. But the list of Adams associates enmeshed in scandal continues to grow.
“It just raises questions to me as to why our mayor feels so incredibly comfortable surrounding himself with a myriad of unsavory characters,” said Christina Greer, a close watcher of city politics as a Fordham University political science professor and co-host of the FAQ NYC podcast.
“You’ve got people accused of punching people in the face, of sexual inappropriateness,” she added. “The list of grievances is long and getting longer, so why would you invite that into your inner circle?”
Adams prides himself on giving people second chances, and says his door is open to anybody. That comes from his own nontraditional political rise — from a dyslexic Black kid from Queens who got arrested and beaten by cops, to a police officer who courted controversy, to an elected official who would eventually mayor.
“Yes, I’m going to talk with people who have stumbled and fell,” Adams said in 2022. “Because I’m perfectly imperfect, and this is a city made up of perfectly imperfect people.”
The people Adams surrounds himself with — both personally and professionally — have earned him criticism going back three decades, to the dawn of his political career.
Adams’ first run for office, a 1994 challenge to a congressional incumbent, was doomed in part by his alliance with Louis Farrakhan, the antisemitic Nation of Islam leader. Soon after, Adams was investigated as a cop for working security for boxer Mike Tyson, who was fresh out of prison after a rape conviction.
After winning a seat in the state Senate, Adams became a friend and the top defender of the so-called four amigos, Democrats who caused chaos in the chamber by defecting from their party. Three of the amigos have since served prison time, for unrelated crimes. The fourth, Rubén Díaz Sr., has become a fierce ally of former President Donald Trump.
Later, Adams got involved in the bidding process for a slot machine contract with fellow state Sens. John Sampson and Malcolm Smith. The arrangement fell apart, and Adams got dinged for “exceedingly poor judgment” in an ethics report. Sampson and Smith both later went to prison for unrelated crimes.
As mayor, Adams’ plan to appoint his own brother Bernard to a well-paid NYPD gig leading his security team raised eyebrows. Adams only asked for ethics guidance after the fact, an internal watchdog reduced his title, and dropped Bernard’s salary to $1. He left after a year.
Adams also tapped nonprofit executive Sheena Wright to be a deputy mayor, a decade after she’d been arrested twice in a day over a domestic dispute. Her friend David Banks called his brother, NYPD bigwig Phil Banks to intervene, and Wright was let out and the charges were dropped.
Wright and David Banks, Adams’ schools chancellor, now live together. They were both among the top appointees who had their phones seized by federal investigators last week — maybe the latest example of Adams’ appointment decisions coming back to bite him.
Adams’ loyalty does have its limits. He cut ties with the pastor he mentored, kept his distance as one of the four amigo state senators, Hiram Monserrate, has attempted political comebacks, and now, pushed out Caban.
“There comes a time when we have to look and see: Is our loyalty to the detriment of the people of New York? And if that point is reached, then you need to make hard judgment calls,” said state Sen. James Sanders, a southeast Queens Democrat who endorsed Adams for mayor in 2021.
“I think that when the mayor comes out of this situation,” Sanders added on the latest raids, “he will have learned many valuable lessons.”
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Over my head (Miguel ‘o’ Hara x Reader)
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Chapter 5
Pairing: Miguel x reader
Summary: y/n is a kind hearted nurse who’s life gets turned upside down as she get fired from one the most prestigious hospitals in NYC , desperate , she start filing job applications wherever. Coincidentally a stressed Miguel is looking for a nurse due to a big amount of spider people getting injured due to the surprisingly large amount of anomalies happening in the spider verse. What could go wrong is these two meet?
Themes: ✎slow burn ( I think)
Mutual pining
✎office romance (¿)
Hidden romance
✎Smut available as story progresses.
Dom Miguel x sub/bratty reader
✎Stubborn, Ill tempered Miguel.
✎ Angelic reader .
It girl reader.
✎I try to be as accurate as possible.
English is not my first language so bare with me.
✎badass stoic x sweet empath.
Og spanish speaker so be prepared for steamy dialogue :3
Content :Fluff
See master list for previous or future chapters
⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸
In a blink of an eye Miguel throws you into the air and with the help of a few faux webs your quickly taped down to the ceiling ,your hair falls straight down blurring your vision as you feel your back ache after suddenly being slammed into the roof.
-“¡Mierda Peter!”- Exclaimed Miguel as he watched Peter Parker walking in drunkenly still with his baby’s kangaroo on.
-“Where’s y/n?”- asked the joyful man with a can of Heineken in his hand.
-“she…”- Miguel lengths his sentence trying to compose a valid excuse but the worry that he didn’t stick you properly to the ceiling resulting in you falling down and possibly hurting yourself was all that could occupy his mind.-“Just left actually.”-He says with a fake smile.
Miguel was too busy trying to not break a sweat from his sudden acting role to notice that even though Peter was drunk his spider senses still worked perfectly and that he could sense your exhilarating heart beat from miles.
-“Well I just wanted to tell you that y/n told me about your injury so I could help out with the spiders , and as a friend I want you to take care of yourself, Mayday and I care deeply about you , we don’t want you to martyrize yourself for the sake of the association. For you information we perfectly run smoothly without your help for a few days. So as long as I find a babysitter for may I’ll replace you on your missions ,how does that sound ?”- Even though Peter was inebriated he pulled together the last night of eloquence he had so he could show his dear friend he cares about him.
The corner of Miguel’s lip raised for a millisecond before returning to his normal serious facade.
-“Thank you Peter but I won’t let you take over my responsibilities over a little injury. Plus with the recent raise of anomalies i don’t want to take extra risks. Do you want me to ask spider noir to take you home , you seem wasted.”- He ends the conversation with a small chuckle.
-“He’s even more wasted than I am! I’m too drunk to discuss this with you right now but just know the conversation is not over.”- Peter hasn’t gone out in a while since having mayday so he enjoys all the fun he could get.
And with some heavy unbalanced steps he quickly left the room leaving you too alone.
-“Miguel, I feel all the blood in my body in the front of my face. Please get my down.”- You groaned as you stayed still.
-“Coming.”- He said as he jumped about 13 feet in the air, With one hand he grabbed you by the waist and with the other he used his claws to rip the webs , he swiftly landed on the ground while you sorta struggled to climb off him to place yourself on the floor.
After letting you down you noticed that Miguel winced and started to rub the area that you just injected.
-“Don’t be too hard on yourself. You should take peters offer , it’ll be for his own good too. He needs those missions to get in shape so he’ll be able to keep up with mayday.”- You giggled as you started to put away the supplies.
-“Too dangerous.”
-“Oh Please Miguel, I know you think you’re the shit but i know they’ll get by perfectly without you.”- You sometime liked to provoke men by hurting their ego this way it’ll leave them flustered or confused, this lets you convince them easier it may seem Machiavellian but it’s for his own good.
Miguel’s brows tightened into a knot while he glared at you.
-“It’s not that, I’m just Really good at my job I guess.”- He murmured trying not to flatter himself too much when in reality he likes to think that the success of the spider society is due to his strict , hard handed leadership.
-“Whatever you say, i hope you’ll be able to climb walls as your ribs start pinching your lungs.”- you struggled to avoid letting out a laugh while watching the terror mirror in his face.
You quickly put away everything in their respective rooms and commanded the bots to sanitize the room before your arrival.
You grabbed your purse and walked back to the main room thinking migue would have left already but to your surprise his big figured continued to loom over the poor stool.
-“Goodnight Miguel.”- You smiled as you grabbed the door handle , before you knew it you felt a calloused warm hand grab your wrist.
-“Let me take you home.”
-“What for?”-You questioned.
-“To thank you for your services ,even though they were forced on to me.”-Miguel insisted as his hand refused to leave your small wrist
-“Be my guest.”
⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸
Miguel drove a Ford raptor 150, A real vintage model but you could say it went well with his personality. The car smelled of smoker rosewood and was surprisingly spotless.
As you were driven to your home you couldn’t help but notice Miguel’s fixed gaze on the road or the way his rough hands grabbed the staring wheel firmly, you tried to not let your eyes wonder but they automatically traveled up to his arms that were decorated with bulging veins and a beautiful tan, your glare finally ended up on his face, his cheekbones and jawline were as sharp as his attitude , but what really caught your attention was his eyes ; they were cold and opaque like they were dull buttons glued on to his face. You concluded that he was strangely too handsome to be Spider-Man , he should be an old spice model or something.
-“Got something on my face?”- He murmured looking at you through the corner of his vision.
-“Yeah you got a little bit of blood; you better clean that up before they think you’ve killed someone.”- You responded as fast as lightning refusing to let him catch you off guard.
-“You always got a comeback huh?”- He sighed as he looked through your side mirror so he could take a turn.
-“Actually it comes out pretty naturally. It’s a gift you could say.”- You started to enjoy the conversations you two have while alone, this moment is not the exception. He was actually a pretty nice guy when he’s not throwing tables at unsuspecting people.
-“You live in a nice area of the city, I’ve never been here;must be a pretty safe spot.”
Miguel changed the subject while looking at the surroundings of your street , you choose this area because there were a lot of parks , trees and most importantly beautiful flowers to gaze at while taking a run.
-“want to know an unconventional reason why I choose this street.”
-“Enlighten me.”-He said as he swiftly parked in front of your building while turning his body to you so he could pay attention to you fully.
-“My parents immigrated from another country and where I’m from we lived in small town surrounded by a lot of nature, so you can imagine the shock when we moved here with concrete everywhere and all the pollution. So I picked this street cause the smell and ambiance sort of reminds me of home you know?”
-“It’s funny how everyone tries to make their reality one where they were most happy, even if it doesn’t exist anymore.”- He noted with a somber look in his eyes.
As you noticed the tensed up environment you decided to call it a night.
-“Thanks for the ride Miguel.”
-“Wait let me walk you to your door.”- He said grabbing the handle of his door.
-“There’s no need.”- You said with an earnest smile. -“Don’t want the door man to get the wrong idea.”
⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸
Miguel locked the door to his penthouse and took his shoes of at the entrance , the Interior of his home was inspired by rustic minimalism.
The low glow of the lights made the house seem lonelier that it already was.
The bronzed man made his way to the shower turning on the cold water before taking off his clothes. He looked into the mirror to stare at the injuries staining his body, he was used to looking at open wounds and sometimes cuts that never healed properly due to his negligence, but then he stared at the little dots pertaining from your syringe, it’s the first time someone cared enough to tend to his injuries. He knows it’s your job and that he shouldn’t feel giddy over this, but after today he couldn’t help but feel a little appreciation towards you.
⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸
The next day In the spider society hungover Peter Parker had a very important mission, he wanted to convince Lyla to suspend Miguel’s watch for at least a day so he could heal properly; he already informed the closest spider people so they could all be on their A game on todays mission for the sake of Miguel’s health.
-“Lyla I know it’s too much to ask but please keep it a secret from him!”- Pleaded out Peter almost on his knees.
-“There’s 5 anomalies roaming around the multiverse, how do you expect me to stay quiet”.- Groaned the ai.-“It’s Miguel’s choice if he decided to go out and bust his back, plus if I do decide to follow up on your plan he’ll be forced to stay here in HQ and bitch at me.”
-“Just trust me I have a plan.”
⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸
After a rainy morning you arrived at HQ , after some greeting you noticed two spiders who were particularly hung over so you decided to prepare some iv bags and fluffen some pillows in case they wanted to come by and take a nap.
But as soon as you unlocked the door you noticed a sandwich from an artisan deli from the nice part of the city along with a warm latte.
You tilted your head in confusion wondering who could have left it here, on closer inspection you noticed a mint green note the top of the sandwich that read.
(Here’s last nights over time fee.
[a/n: sorry for the long wait but I enjoyed writing the
chapter and that’s all that matters to me🫶🏻 I’ll update from now on once a week :3]
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cj-emhoff · 5 days
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full name — CJ Emhoff
faceclaim — Leo Woodall
gender & pronouns — Male, He/Him
sexuality — Bisexual
age & birthday —  27 & August 10th, 1997
Zodiac — Leo ☼ , Cancer ☾, Aquarius ↑
occupation — Surf Instructor for Neptune Surf & Co.
hometown — Asbury Park, NJ
living — Asbury Bay
~Biographical Stuff~
CJ "Christopher John" was born in Asbury Park — a home birth as it was, Nina Emhoff always wanting a water birth - having seen Pamela Anderson at the time had had two by then, just once she wanted that experience. Scott Emhoff though; absent. Another world market crash, gain, brokerage deal, late nights with the clients in NYC, who really knew.
That alllmost setting the tone for life ahead - Nina, founder and CEO of New Emerald Health & Life. With wellness retreats spanning the East Coast, breaking into the South American market currently where Nina lives with her new life partner in Mexico City. Scott - Finance bro. Through and through (Watch Industry? He is Eric) on his third wife, spends the majority of his time in the office and his loft in New York City when he's not entertaining clients.
CJ has two younger sisters — one just graduated college, one in high school currently. (May make one a WC so will keep the background vague) He's pretty close to both.
CJ was a star athlete, nabbing a soccer scholarship (though he definitely didn't need it) to UConn. Rushed & joined Alpha Sigma Phi Frat, all was looking good.
During winter break his Sophomore year back in Asbury, CJ was out partying with old friends and stupidly got behind the wheel. Driving the windy coastal road from Long Branch there was an accident. Both drivers were intoxicated and only one survived. CJ walked away with his life and a broken leg, broken collar bone and ribs.
a fairly big legal battle ensued, but as it goes, CJ comes from money. The accident with the potential to garner more attention, was kept at bay to his parents contacts. A judge in the family finagaling a light sentence— (keeping the victim and family vague for potential WC) CJ walking away with six months house arrest and probation, and 300 hours of community service.
Dropping out of UConn, CJ was housebound.
Rehab, court requirements, time passed slowly then really quick. Life happened, moved on. Not without plenty guilt, and a mini stint in a facility when painkillers were too good.
CJ moved out to the pool house that became his future and current residence to this day.
Eventually, his parents divorced, he got a new stepmom who lives in the main house permanently with his youngest sister.
Once the knee was rehabbed he picked up a job at Neptunes Surf & Co. to teach tourists and the milf's of Asbury's children how to surf. While his knee never will be 100%, he's gotten very comfortable in his current situation. He loves surfing, the ocean, his pool house. ~Random Stuff~
He has an accent, a "Jersey accent" not super thick but noticeable to outsiders.
Discovered he's outdoorsy-lite. When he couldn't surf he was introduced to camping - not a man of the woods per say lol but he enjoys acting like it.
hugely into older women - a bit of a milf slut.
has his therapist on speed dial ever since the accident, and does still abuse prescription pain relievers from time to time. (a lot of the time)
May have a budding tattoo addiction - anything to not think right? ~Possible Connections~
childhood/high school friends/enemies - born and raised, dynamics of all kinds welcome.
UConn/Greek life connections - never know
Rehab stint folks - always fun, CJ went once, didn't take it very seriously at all.
family of the man that died in the car accident - just. yes. please.
exes/hookups/messes - always love that kind of mess pls
and really anything else we can conjure up, truly down for most anything. On dash chem is my favorite and just love winging it too! I’ll fill this all out more as time goes on for sure!
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mandysblog85 · 2 months
Trump's Ready To Pick His Running Mate After Conviction, Debate, And That Supreme Court Immunity.
Written by: Amanda Diallo
Date: July 23, 2024
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After former President Trump was found guilty on May 30th on 34 counts in a NYC federal courtroom, he became the first President in American history to be convicted. It came after falsifying business records to cover up hush money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels. He has called the entire trial a witchhunt, rigged, and a hoax. Even said it was Biden's rigged trial. Blaming Biden's administration for the trial. Calling the federal judge of the trial names after the judge put a gag order on Trump.
Last week a Florida federal judge dismissed the classified documents' case against Trump. This came after Trump's assassination attempt on July 13 at a rally in Pennsylvania.
On 11 July, Trump was supposed to be sentenced after the 34 counts trial. Now the new date is 18 September.
On June 27th, the hard-to-watch debate which took place in Atlanta where Trump and President Biden faced off. The 90-minute debate became hard to watch because of Biden. CNN hosted the debate, Biden looked older, frail, and weak, he couldn't even put many words together, and it looked bad. Stuttering, mumbling, fumbling, it was bad. After the debate, the media went all out on Biden. A month later more top Democrats are calling for him to drop out of the race. Many said Trump won the debate, aside from him telling lies after lies. Biden lied as well.
Trump also got full immunity from the Supreme Court earlier in July. This means the court determined that presidential immunity from criminal prosecution presumptively extends to all of a president's "official acts" – with absolute immunity for official acts within an exclusive presidential authority that Congress cannot regulate such as the pardon, command of the military, execution of laws, or control of the executive branch. This news made the left very concerned and angry. They said this made him a "king".
And on July 15th the first day of the RNC (Republican National Convention) Trump finally picked a running mate. He chose 39-year-old Ohio Senator JD Vance. Making history as the youngest running mate. Vance has led an interesting life. His humble upbringing, military life, attending Yale University (where he met his wife), being a politician, and now he could be the next VP of the United States. Vance also admitted that he was not always a Trump fan. A skeptical Vance turned around and now Trump's running mate.
VP Harris already gave jabs at Vance, stating he wouldn't be loyal to the country, but only to Trump. But at the same time couldn't wait to debate the 39-year-old Senator.
While many more Democrats are asking for President Biden to drop out of the race, Many (on the right) want Trump back in office to put this nation back together.
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