ronmanmob · 6 months
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sphinxthecat · 11 months
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☥Across the spider verse screensavers☥
☥"It's just a leap of faith, swinging into the unknown and embracing whatever comes."☥
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bitofthisandthat · 5 months
Asami scanned the lavish setting, giving her usual cordial, well- mannered nods and smiles at the same people she saw at these fancy parties over and over. So many guests were her father's investors, colleagues and their family--with fellow socialites peppered in the costumed crowd. Obviously, they were there to hobnob and show off. And everyone else? Just a sea of strange faces that come and go in this 'world'--people that she considered background noise and uninteresting blurs...
She did her best glide about and seem like the Future Industries 'princess' they all expected, but as she passed some people, she knew very well from their sour expressions that they knew that she and her father had very well guarded drama between and around them. She sucked it up as always.
Slipping out past a few waiters, she headed toward the foyer, and darted out to the main doors, looking around. Green eyes glanced off innocently (but covertly), and then she slyly gestured toward the coatroom. "Alright guys, coast is clear."
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And just to be safe, she had her 'plus 4' invitation forged nicely in her clutch, just in case.
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Toph hated these things. More irritating noise and boring people to ignore, more saving face for her parents. More ways to try and stomach hearing from her nearby 'attendant' and parents on how spectacular she was for showing up with them. Sure. As long as she stood or sat like a porcelain doll and played coy. Pffft. She'd rather be listening to a wrestling match on TV at home, or out making her own trouble. No one in this stuffy place would EVER know the difference if she snuck away anyway. The random noise and chatter WAS making it super difficult to navigate though...even with her...new abilities. She sighed, this is going to be a long night.
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ask-nyc-boroughs · 3 months
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Tony/Brooklyn & Lynn/Manhattan going on vacation, Lynn said she’d also help carry bags…alas. Anyways they’re in a Leyendecker color study I did & that I am very proud of how it came out ! Tony & Lynn are only married for legal purposes cause of the 1898 amalgamation of NYC (which gives us 5 boroughs).
Also I haven’t talked about the boroughoes in ages! I’ve been very focused on my Alfred & states lore that I haven’t touched my NYC lore 😭❤️ my OG lore. I’ll share some major changes and other thoughts below the cut. Also scroll the bottom for a little doodle of the boroughs :D
I do love my borough ocs dearly they’re my oldest babies (9/10 years and going ❤️). And I love working on their lore BUT I feel a lot of the depth of their lore can be better discussed if I also work on lore at a state (Jennie/ New York State) and a national (Alfred/USA) level. Don’t worry I haven’t casted them aside, just cooking and learning new things as I work on Jennie & Alfred so I can better understand how different relationship dynamics impact each borough (especially as Lynn/Manhattan is basically their boss).
Before I delve into major changes in my lore, for newer folks, I’m gonna give a brief description of each borough oc:
Manaháhtaan “Lynn Cooper” / Manhattan borough is essentially the “boss” of all the boroughs. She’s born slightly before European colonization to Ms. Munsee Lenape and Mr. Mohican. For various reasons, she’s not particularly close to her parents nowadays. Lynn is a bit like a princess. She expects only the finest things in life, and she’s known to be perhaps a bit greedy and definitely cut-throat ambitious and will squash you like a bug if she deems you unworthy, but she’s quite charming. Her loud, bold, intense, no nonsense, but with perhaps a flirtatious smile makes her someone people wanna be around. She’s close friends with her fellow boroughs, Jennie/ New York State, and Alfred/ USA.
Anthonij “Tony” Cohen/ Brooklyn is a proud man who is always been rather peeved his best friend and greatest rival is essentially his boss and his legal wife, but he can’t ever really hate her. However, Tony will absolutely dig in his heels and give Lynn a hard time like pretending he’s a separate city still. His gregarious nature, and his interests in many topics from fashion to politics makes him someone you want to get know better. On another note, Tony was born to human parents during the New Netherland period, and he’s of African-American and Ashkenazi Jewish descent. Tony began to connect more with Judaism in the late 1800s specifically Reform Judaism. Tony is dating Andy/Queens, and he likes hanging out with his friends (and also making fun of them). Tony is always a bit peeved at Jennie for making him and Lynn marry, but they mostly get along, and they often celebrate Jewish holidays together (alongside with Jennie’s sister Elise/ New Jersey). Tony is also good friends with Alfred.
Andrew “Andy” Perez/ Queens was born to human parents some point during the late 1800s and is of Dominican and Chinese (probably Cantonese) descent. He’s a rather reserved man. He does have a bit of a bitch face, but he’s honestly quite friendly if you get him talking. He enjoys a more quiet pace of life. You’ll find him hanging around his neighborhoods, playing chess or helping folks out or just yapping. During the summer, you’re highly likely to find him at Rockaway beach catching some waves.
Rodrick “Rodrigo” Madden/ The Bronx was born to human parents in the late 1800s and he’s of Puerto Rican and Irish descent. Nowadays, he does try to act like Mr. Tough guy, but that’s to hide the fact he doesn’t wanna be hurt again. He’s not been treated well by Lynn as a friend in the past and he somewhat blames his more naive and rather naturally friendly nature as the reason why. But Rodrigo is a sweetheart. His heart has almost always been in the right place. He’ll give you the clothes off his back even if it hurt him. He has a pet calico cat named Teddy that was once a barn cat from he used to be farmer (also I randomly decided the cat also immortal cause I can’t mentally kill off this cat).
François “Frank” Russo/Staten Island was born to human parents during the New Netherland period and is of Walloon and Italian (probably Neapolitan) descent. He can be rather intense especially when he’s passionate about something, and often thinks of himself as the center of universe. He may off as an annoying asshole but if you put aside the self centered attitude, the extreme bouts of passion and stubbornness, and maybe his lack of manners- you’ll find he’s not a bad guy.
Also why borough ocs, Egg? Uh cause I can. When I made them, no one else was doing this and I felt a New York City character can’t be explained in just a character alone plus culturally and politically the boroughs are actual entities thus for me mentally justifies why I could personify them.
OK also one of the more major changes to the lore is that Lynn & Tony are now legally married due to the 1898 amalgamation. As I mentioned numerous times on this blog, I want to explore more serious and complicated themes especially as I’ve gotten older. I now interpret the amalgamation a bit like a marriage between New York City (then just Lynn) and the city of Brooklyn. They’re still friends/rivals. Also Tony is gay. But I’m interested in exploring the idea of these personifications being public figures and how aspects maybe like tokenization, homophobia, misogyny can also impact them. I’ll expand on this another time as I don’t want to take away from the point of this post.
The other major update is that Andy/Queens & Rodrigo/the Bronx only come into existence as aeterni (borrowing term from a pirenaia on twitter) when they’re older kids and at some point btwn 1870s-1890s. This just changes their aging timeline a bit is all. I made this change cause I really want my borough ocs to reflect the inhabitants and groups that have had significant influences on the culture of this city. As Rodrigo is Puerto Rican / Irish in his ethnic background and Andy is Chinese / Dominican, the most significant beginnings of the migration of these groups to the city started in the late 1800s (picked up x1000 post wwii). It wasn’t like impossible before but I felt the explanation was too loose ++ the Bronx & Queens were just beginning to urbanize at this period & beforehand I’m gonna argue did not have much of a major cultural thing. I need both a major cultural aspect and some sort of political aspect to create ocs. Alsooo eastern Bronx as a character no longer exists in this universe- Frances rip 🙏
hehe that’s all (for now)- here’s a boroughoes doodle
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madzzzz · 10 months
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Sketching to pass time🕷️🕸️
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livwritesstuff · 3 months
So I know for the most part you’ve focused on the family’s life between the girls adoption and their college years, but that post about Steve being a space of comfort for his kids got me thinking. Later in life, do any of the girls, for any reason, have to come back home to live with them for an extended period of time? I’m thinking more not-so-fresh out of school or beyond situations, where it’s a tougher decision to move back in with your parents. And if they do, how does everyone handle it? Do the girls see it as a failure or are they grateful that they have parents who are willingly and able to support them when they need it? Or is it a complex swirl of both?
took some time to think this one over because i honestly hadn’t considered it before, and I think the one who’d have the hardest time in a scenario like this is Hazel.
Hazel is the only kid out of the three who forms a strong opinion on who she wants to be as an adult and spends practically her entire life slowly building to it.
I’ve made a few comments here and there about how Hazel’s loved animals basically from day one, but I’ve gone less into how she makes a career out of it. She decides very early on (think ten or eleven years old) that she wants to be a zoologist, and that she specifically wants to work with big cats, and even more specifically, she wants to work with the big cats at Disney’s Animal Kingdom in Florida (because she’s Hazel, and because her home state of Massachusetts is somewhat lacking in the big cat department).
So unlike her older sisters, she’s got a plan and she’s had it for a long time. Hazel’s pretty easy-going on the whole, but she’d definitely be the kid who would be the most hard on herself if she ended up moving back home because, to her, it would represent a kind of failure on her part in a scheme that means basically everything to her.
I don’t really know what it would take for that to happen though. Top of mind, I’ve talked before about how Wayne and Hazel have a really special bond which is sort of intrinsically tied to a mutual interest in animals/wildlife, so if he happened to get sick or pass away during Hazel’s time in school (which, not to get too real, but he’d be entering his nineties when Hazel started undergrad, sooo…) it would definitely take a massive toll on her and her academic/career performance seeing as it was tied so strongly to Grandpa Wayne (but that is so unpleasant i literally don’t want to think about it at all so we’re just gonna move on).
Moe and Robbie, on the other hand, I don’t think would be as bothered if they had to move back home. Moe actually does for a while – when she decides to quit engineering to go to law school, she moves back home to save money – but Moe also has a little bit of a god complex, so as long as it’s a decision she makes, she usually feels pretty confident in it even if it wasn’t her original plan.
And it’s exactly as you said – Steve and Eddie 100% are a safe space for their kids so they’d definitely be torn between feeling not-so-good about having to move home (especially if it feels like a step backwards), the actuality of living at home isn’t a negative in the way it can be for other people.
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redcell6 · 6 months
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Miles Morales: Spider-Man #1 (vol.2)
illustrated by:
Dike Ruan & Alejandro Sánchez Rodríguez
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zainnbug · 9 months
i wish i was spider-man only for the sole reason of swinging thru the city and just admiring it from a rooftop. Swinging sounds like sm fun idgaf about villains thats too much wrk but ooo pretty lights n tall buildings
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lunearobservatory · 1 year
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florida's weird kids 💕 mami and orla
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ought gfu k fuck there's THREE of them !!!!! AAA
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ronmanmob · 2 months
𝓕 : My muse’s handwriting
Muse Headcanons Meme
Depending on whether he's copying off a reference picture or not, Ron's penmanship varies in legibility between somewhere close to passable and drunk-spider-tap-dancing-through-ink. Passable is usually WRITTEN IN ALL CAPS, and carries its fair share of spellers but, fair play to him, Ron left school as early as he legally could so he could work to help feed his family. Writing neatly and sans spelling mistakes didn't much figure into his life plans back then.
Below is a sampling of Real Ron's handwriting as a rough kinda guide.
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Something like this, aye? Legibility would also vary depending on where in his med cycle the need to write found Ron. A clearer mind lends to neater penmanship; likewise the absence of side effects from his various medications - one of many being tremors.
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malloowow · 1 year
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jonathanbyersphd · 6 months
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ask-nyc-boroughs · 5 months
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Some Hudson Valley holidays that occur in May ft. my idiots. Just wanted to draw some costumes ngl 💀. Anyways I’ll give some explanation to each of the little Polaroids cause ik most of these holidays aren’t well known.
Just a drawing of Emma celebrating Pinkster. I haven’t drawn Emma in years lolllll & I don’t work on her much anymore, but I thought she’d partake in the festivities. In this region, Pinkster is a Pentecost celebration brought over by the Dutch, but became more associated with the traditions brought over by enslaved Africans especially as their enslavers would allow them to travel and see their families and celebrate during this time. European settlers also partook in these festivities as well, but it just became more associated as an African-American holiday within New York & New Jersey.
Elise & Jennie being nice for a moment and taking a photo together lol, they probs went back to bickering after this cause they have issues 💀. Jennie is there cause this is her state capital, Elise was probably just invited cause she’s Jennie’s sister and both were alive during the Dutch colonial area. But anyways this is supposed to be them at Albany’s Tulip Festival. Tulip Fest began about 76 years ago celebrating Albany & Nijmegen’s friendship especially as the citizens of Albany raised significant funds and sent much needed supplies to Nijmegen following the Second World War. Also many Dutch-Americans in this area can trace their ancestry back to Gelderland. The Anyways Tulip Festival is a celebration of that friendship, but also of Albany’s Dutch heritage. The particular costumes Elise & Jennie are wearing is associated with the street sweeping ceremony + these costumes were only introduced to Albany 76 years ago. These are new here. Actually Emma & Will’s costumes are older.
Ok just a little silly doodle of Lynn giving Will a kiss during Pinkster.
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bitofthisandthat · 1 year
@reanimatedmuses [ con't from HERE ]
Hot stuff? She was too shocked? No, no...Amused? Sorta. Well, for one thing, she was stunned into silence, to retort. She was starting to realize this was just him. She chuckled lightly, and laid a hand on the back seat of the shell hog, assessing its mechanics. Well...if Donnie built them...Should be good. She offered a half smirk back at April, and looked the rear tires over for a few seconds before humoring him.
The engine revved and she jumped slightly ( with delight ). Asami was always ready for a high risk drive of any kind. When he so 'subtly' suggested she hold onto him tightly, she shrugged a casual shoulder, not cluing him into anything running through her mind.
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"Okay. Just be a gentleman and make sure I'm still back there if you take any sky jumps off the Pike, okay?"
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She plucked the helmet off its hook like a pro, and strapped it on before straddling elegantly behind him. Tucking a few loose tendrils of dark locks into the helmet, she adjusted herself until she was very close, doing her best to manage the curve of his shell against her form, so it was comfortable for them both, and safe. Feminine arms wound gently around his waist, her chin resting firmly on the back ridge of his shell and shoulder. She clasped her hands tightly just above his belt. "To be honest...I've never ridden a motorcycle with anyone let alone ride on the back with someone else...this should be exciting.
Your agenda, boss...and don't hold back on my account. I like fast."
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threeawfulfruits · 1 year
FINALLY SAW ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE!!! Holy shit. I was sitting here thinking people were exaggerating saying it was even better than the first, thinking there’s no way you can top that genre-changing masterpiece and I shouldn’t get my hopes too high...I was so wrong. It WAS truly, genuinely a sequel that took the source material and ELEVATED IT x100 while also honoring and building off of it.
The first one made it so obvious that a great deal of love went into every frame, and even more love went into every detail of this one. Truly terrifying scenes, viscerally unsettling visuals, heavy themes, solid callbacks and references, fantastic new characters...this bitch has got it all. My brain is scrambled. I can’t even put my thoughts together, I’m just like *standing ovation*
Perfect balance of making plot points/themes/twists obvious enough that you could guess them coming but not SO obvious that it feels like spoon-feeding, you know??? They did us DIRTY at the end though what do you MEAN it’s a two-parter?!?!?! I said “NO!” aloud in the theatre, I was so wholly gripped by the last five minutes and now we have to wait HOW many years?!?!?!
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instructionsonback · 2 years
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6” x 9”
Jaevonn Harris
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