#nutty nicole
mugiwara-lucy · 6 days
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I think Grandpa is mad he is LOSING HARD with the women vote 😂
Yeah when you mess with women’s rights or as him and his MAGAs like to argue, “sending them back to the states”, they WILL fight back.
Not to mention with his recent bullshit of his administration going to be “great” for women, it’s like he’s ASKING to get buried in the race:
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And I say buried because if you all don’t know; women OUTVOTE men 3:1 and it varies by RACE.
So yeah women are going to SAVE our asses in this election because fucking with our rights? Uh you’re nutty if you think we’re just gonna sit back and let “the states” decide our rights made by old men.
Before I get on that point, I just wanna point out this sounds like a thinly veiled threat of “shut up and deal with us or else”. Because we ALL know Trump has NO respect for women.
But as for this whole “states deciding bullshit”; this has had NO positive ramifications. I’m sure we’re all familiar with the names Amber Nicole Thurman and Candi Miller. If not look them up along with the names Amanda Zuraski (my tumblr app isn’t letting me post links 😤) but yeah SO MANY women have died as a result of Roe v Wade being overturned and UNLESS things change, MORE women will die UNNECESSARILY when NO ONE but these FAKE Christians cared because over 63 % of Americans understand that abortion IS healthcare.
And also, putting my previous point aside, the reason why women are so angry aside from the unnecessary deaths is also because OLD MEN like Trump really have no place dictating what women can or can’t do with their bodies. Like, I want the men in my audience to imagine, let’s say Kamala Harris gets in office and orders men to have a vasectomy. Men would RIGHTFULLY get irate since a woman has no place telling a man what he can or can’t be doing with his body and it’s the same thing; these old men and congress can NOT give birth so who are they to tell us what we can do with our bodies??
ESPECIALLY creepy old men like Trump who have a HISTORY of sexual assault. Need I bring up his “grab em by the pussy!” Video?
These old washed up fossils like Trump HATE how modernized America is becoming and they want to go back to some conservative 1960s Ronald Reagan shit with women being stay at home moms along with trying to FORCE people to be Christians (see the 10 commandments and bible nonsense) like NO.
Down below are the voting registration deadlines that vary by state and you can also register to vote at vote.gov!
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I’ve also seen people doing early voting which is great because as evidenced by Springfield Ohio along with Republicans bitching about getting “the save act or shut down the government” (Biden won’t allow any of the two to happen 🙄), them trying to have states hand count ballots like GA and then trying that “Winner Take All” Nonsense in Nebraska, EXPECT some fuckery from MAGA.
Let’s all be DONE with the nine year nightmare known as Donald Trump and his family ONCE and for ALL!!!
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grimm-tales-gamer · 6 months
Fallen Hero: Sidestep 3
for my 3rd sidestep we have one of my wilder sidesteps. He’s a joy to play but, well you’ll see Name: William “Will” Vance
Gender: male he/him
Villain name: Iconoclast
Villainous Role: hero hunter (beat them)
Motivation: fate
Scar: suicide
Reason for gala: blow it up
Where is he now?: hanging out at Ricardo Ortega’s apartment. With (say it with me) broken legs.
   William is.. wow. He is an absolute delight to play but I wouldn’t want to be in a room with him. I’ve had a friend describe him as my “joker” sidestep or my “darkstep”. And while he certainly isn’t someone you’d wanna meet in a dark alley I wouldn’t call him my darkstep. I can think of 4 others who better fit that bill. Sure he’s a murderous psycho with an obsession with what he sees as “fate”. Sure he’s the only sidestep I have that massacred the gala. But he is fun! He happily whistles to himself while loading a missile launcher. He laughs while using telepathy and violence to cause chaos at the casino. He’s having the time of his life being a villain, not exactly the image of a “darkstep”. He’s probably the happiest of my sidesteps.
   “Happiest of my sidesteps” even with his scar. The way he sees it is: “it’s all going to happen anyway.” At least the way I see it is that Will’s scar is his inevitable death, whatever causes it doesn’t matter. Not necessarily he himself wants to end it all, though if “the joke” was good enough he might. He’s a bit nutty. Essentially he is fine, emotionally, with his own death. He’s nihilistic, but he’s decided he’ll “just have fun with it. Because it doesn’t matter in the end.”
   Somehow this goober has managed not only to spark his old flame with Ricardo but has become friends with literally everyone. I’m not sure how. This isn’t like with sidestep 1 (Nicole) where it’s a part of their story to be friends with everyone, William just became buddies with all the rangers and Mortum. Even William isn’t sure how all of that happened.
Fun facts I guess?:
William isn’t a huge fan of “Will” as a nickname but let’s people call him that anyway because William can be a mouthful.
I could see a “reality check” by someone William cares about pulling him back down to earth and away from his “goals”. However, that would require someone to realize that Will is Iconoclast and understand something is deeply wrong with him.
William plays the piano and is quite good with it.
When he wants to mess with someone, which is often, sometimes William will only respond to messages with gifs and memes.
He’s tall, but William has such little shit energy that I almost changed him to being short. But I’m terrified of what he’ll be able to accomplish being that small. “He’s in the walls! He’s in the goddamn walls!”
He turns into an absolute drama queen after putting on the helmet. He dances when entering a room, monologues, and does big gestures before breaking someone’s neck.
He’ll kill someone just for a joke’s punchline.
Despite his murderous ways, William is actually quite pleasant and polite, even in the armor.
William is very lanky. He is tall with long limbs and is dangerously thin. Despite his vice being sweets he forgets to eat unless he over uses his telepathy.
The big question is: would/will he kill the rangers? As of right now, I’m leaning on no.. okay, a soft maybe. If he did kill a ranger it would be split second decision I’m not sure he’d be happy about. Killing random rich people, villains, random heroes, and henchmen is one thing. Killing someone he knows, even cares about, is another beast.
Dude is not doing well in terms of mental health either. Obviously. But he’s opened like 8 gates and almost opened the 9th. Not great.
Alright stats, armor, and appearance time:
I think it should be no surprise William is arrogant, about 70%. I was surprised by his ruthlessness, only about a 65%-70%! I thought it’d be higher. Finally, he is daring, at about 90%! It’s about the drama! He prefers power over subtle with his telepathy but not by much. His power is 85ish and his subtle is 78
Type and appearance: imposing, built shoulders with a cape resembling a torn up banner. Grey armor with blood red gloves, boots, and helmet. Where the eyes are are tiny black pinpoints, the rest of the “face” is blank. The overall design is reminiscent of old “golden age” superhero costumes but perverted to be scary and unsettling.
Add ons: armor and telepathy
Extra: he always has explosives with him. Whether it’s just standard grenades, bomb(s), or a whole missile launcher
William’s appearance:
Race: white
Height: tall, around 6ft 2in (about 1.9m)
Hair: curly blond hair. Long and loose. Sometimes if the outfit calls for it, he’ll do it up in a bun.
Eyes: gray
Style: nondescript street wear. Basic stuff, not bad just basic. Long sleeve button up over a tshirt and jeans kind of thing.
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Self Magazine - January 2005
Jessica Biel is self-aware : She's staying fit—and true to who she is. Interview by Shannan Rouss 
I've always been athletic. But I've never worked out as intensely as I did for my first big action role in my new movie, Blade: Trinity. I usually go to the gym three times a week; but for this, I spent two hours, six days a week, doing cardio, weights, archery and martial arts. I lost 10 pounds right off the bat. I had an amazing six-pack. I even arm-wrestled my director and beat him!
I saw how easily someone could develop an eating disorder when I was training. I was on a special nutrition plan, and I got a little nutty about what I ate. At restaurants, I ordered everything dry, no sauce, no butter. Olive oil only. But my practical side kicked in, and I gave myself one cheat day a week when I allowed myself to eat pizza, fries, burgers—you name it.
In Hollywood, women aren't allowed to age. By the time you're 35, it's like, "You were great. Now you're done." I'm lucky my parents never made me feel I had to look a certain way. Growing up in Denver, I was always a tomboy. They'd say, "Eat this giant plate of pasta. You have a soccer game tomorrow." That's helped me be OK with who I am. My mom and I both have curves and a butt. At 22, I've accepted that I'll never be long and lean like Nicole Kidman.
As a teenager. I wanted to make every one happy, even if it meant doing some-thing I didn't believe in. Posing [nearly nude] for Gear magazine was a huge learning experience. There have been times since when studios have wanted me to do photos in men's magazines. It's hard to say no because I want to please the people who hire me. But I won't compromise my integrity for anyone. If I lose a job over that, fine.
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mariacallous · 2 years
I can only assume that acting – pretending, convincingly, to be someone you aren’t – is an incredibly boring, unrewarding profession if you are an able-bodied person playing other able-bodied people. That must be the case, considering how many professional actors who happen to fall into that group take on roles they perhaps shouldn’t, and are then celebrated for it by their peers – now including, of course, Brendan Fraser in The Whale.
Fraser’s casting in the film – or whether the film should even exist in 2023 – may be under even more scrutiny now it has Academy Award nominations, including one for best actor, to add to its treasure trove of accolades.
Naturally, the performance was always going to attract lots of press. Fraser dons heavy prosthetics (both physical and CGI) for his performance as a morbidly obese person, and actors wearing prosthetics or makeup for dramatic performances tend to attract plaudits (see Nicole Kidman, Steve Carell, even Al Pacino as “Big Boy” Caprice in Dick Tracy).
Prosthetic-enhanced performances get particular attention from the entertainment industry machine if the additions make the actor look what Hollywood considers to be … worse. Darren Aronofsky’s The Whale is a perfect example of this: therefore, it is considered brave; therefore, it is bait for awards. But should it be?
Based on a play by Samuel D Hunter, the film centres on a “reclusive English teacher who attempts to reconnect with his estranged teenage daughter”. A major factor in why Fraser’s Charlie is so reclusive? That 600-pound weight. If you haven’t seen the film yet, the reviews can give you an idea of its treatment of obesity, but also very clear insight into the awkwardness involved in covering such a tale for some reviewers.
There is a nasty voyeuristic delight in the description of the character’s “sloping jowls”, “jelly belly” and “meat slabs” – and a bonus comparison to Jabba the Hutt – in Variety’s write-up. In the Telegraph, there is a snide jibe about “a rounded character in more ways than one” alongside the “radiantly human” compliment about Fraser’s performance. A more personally informed take came from Little White Lies magazine, with the reviewer’s wish that the film “would have done more to dig into the prevalent notion (subconscious or not) that fat people are any less deserving of dignity, respect and love”.
Much gushing has centred on the 50 to 300 extra pounds of fat suit that was put on Fraser for The Whale, and while, yes, this does tie in with Hollywood’s continued fascination with transforming the slender and symmetrical, it feels just plain weird to see a fat suit in a mainstream dramatic film. Typically, fat suits have been mined for comedy – “a one-note joke”, as acknowledged by Fraser himself.
That’s because we are expected, as viewers, to look down on these characters. Audiences have been invited to laugh at actors wearing fat suits over and over again, and it frequently overlaps with ableism, classism and racism – a whole extra side of nastiness: Fat Bastard in the Austin Powers films, Sherman Klump in The Nutty Professor, Rasputia in Norbit, Rosemary in Shallow Hal, Thor in Endgame, numerous characters in the work of David Walliams and Matt Lucas, Fat Monica in Friends, and also, in case you forgot, Joey.
Plenty of people have genuinely thought actors playing fat when they aren’t fat is hilarious. We could go into the academic theories behind this – is the laughter due to feelings of superiority (à la Thomas Hobbes and René Descartes), incongruity (Immanuel Kant and Arthur Schopenhauer), relief (Herbert Spencer and Sigmund Freud) – or is it punitive (Henri Bergson)? Could it be all of those? I wouldn’t know, because I don’t find fat suits inherently funny. Does that mean I think it’s a sign of progress that fat suits are being mined for misery instead, as in The Whale? Actual actors with the body type required – where possible – would certainly be better; so too would stories that don’t call for deep pity or even disgust from their audience.
I thought Fat Monica dancing was cute in the mid-1990s, because it was recognisable to me as a fat teenager. The Klump family interrupting each other over dinner in the first Nutty Professor film (we will studiously ignore the sequel) reminded me of my own family’s mealtimes. But then I started to notice the sneering behind the performances. I was compared to these characters by bullies who didn’t have a lot of creativity when it came to insults, and by the time Fat Thor arrived in 2019 I was tired of seeing Hollywood’s comedy cosplay.
Fraser has spoken with genuine sensitivity and thought about the experiences of people with disabling weight issues on the publicity trail, and his portrayal is far from Fat Bastard. He has said he hopes the film will help to “end the bias against those who live with obesity”. I’m so grateful for that, so desperate am I for fat characters onscreen who aren’t there to be laughed at. But will the fat suit’s move away from funny to sad eventually make its way around to the dignity Fraser wanted to portray? I really hope so.
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lboogie1906 · 6 months
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Edward Regan Murphy (born April 3, 1961) is an actor, comedian, and singer. He rose to fame on the sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live, for which he was a regular cast member (1980 to 1984. He has worked as a stand-up comedian and is ranked #10 on Comedy Central’s list of the 100 Greatest Stand-ups of All Time. He has received a Grammy Award and Emmy Award and was honored with the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor in 2015 and the Golden Globe Cecil B. DeMille Award in 2023.
He has received Golden Globe Award nominations for his performances in 48 Hrs., the Beverly Hills Cop series, Trading Places, The Nutty Professor, and Dolemite Is My Name. He won the Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor and received a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his portrayal of soul singer James “Thunder” Early in Dreamgirls.
His work as a voice actor in films includes Thurgood Stubbs in The PJs, Donkey in DreamWorks Animation’s Shrek series, and the Chinese dragon Mushu in Disney’s Mulan. In some films, he plays multiple roles in addition to his main character, intended as a tribute to one of his idols Peter Sellers, who played multiple roles in Dr. Strangelove and elsewhere. He has played multiple roles in Coming to America, Coming 2 America, Vampire in Brooklyn, the Nutty Professor films, Bowfinger, The Adventures of Pluto Nash, Norbit, and Meet Dave. His films have grossed over $3.8 billion at the US and Canada box office and $6.6 billion worldwide. His films made him the sixth-highest-grossing actor in the US.
He was born in Brooklyn and raised in the Bushwick neighborhood. His mother, Lillian was a telephone operator, and his father, Charles Edward Murphy was a transit police officer and an amateur actor and comedian.
He was awarded the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor by the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.
He married model Nicole Mitchell (1993-2096) and they have five children together. He exchanged vows with film producer Tracey Edmonds (2008). He has nine children. He is the younger brother of the late actor Charlie Murphy. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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avgforaverage · 8 months
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Thought this would be a silly trend to take part in. :3
This is my OC, Nicole!
She started out as a dog named Nutty and the middle is her superhero persona called Frost.
Enjoy! :D
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shamputhinks · 10 months
video essayists
barely sociable
broey deschanel
cara nicole
cheyenne lin
jordan theresa
madisyn brown
mike's mic
mina le
nutty history
pursuit of wonder
swell entertainment
tiffany ferg
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Recipe for Nicole's Winter Carrot Zucchini Bread The moisturizing ingredients in this nutty zucchini-carrot spice bread are egg whites and applesauce. 1 cup grated carrot, 1 cup all-purpose flour, 1/2 cup raisins, 1/2 cup chopped pecans, 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce, 1.5 cups brown sugar, 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves, 1 cup grated unpeeled zucchini, 2 teaspoons vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 6 egg whites, 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg, 1 teaspoon salt, 1.5 cups whole wheat flour, 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
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livelaughlovesing · 1 year
Recipe for Nicole's Winter Carrot Zucchini Bread
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Applesauce and egg whites provide the moisture in this nutty zucchini-carrot spice bread.
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cavenewstimes · 1 year
37 Firecracker Fourth of July Desserts
2023-06-07 22:18:0037 Firecracker Fourth of July DessertsPies, cakes, and sundaes that are all * fireworks sound. * … Picture by Isa Zapata, Food Styling by Judy Kim, Prop Styling by Nicole Louie 13/37 Miso White Chocolate– Macadamia Cookies Your sibling is suspicious of miso desserts, and your sis “does not consume white chocolate.” Modification both their minds with this chewy, nutty,…
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justingammon · 3 years
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Garbage Pail Kids: Mad Donna
From Series 2 GIFs/NFTs I created for Topps.
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evil-tree · 7 years
What’s that Pokémon?
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It’s Alolan Sally! (+Alolan Nicole)
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Had this in mind ever since I saw Alolan Raticate and this image of Sally from the Champions arc in short succession.
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Here is an update to my legal opinion on Johnny Depp's case. I do think the defamation claim will be hard to prove on the legal requirements. He has to prove malicious intent to publish a lie resulting in ruining his career. Opinion articles often are given protection under Freedom of Speech. And if she shows she was abused even a few times, it will be a truth defense, even if she also abused him as well. And the UK verdict was decided on incidents in Australia, all which have not been addressed yet in this case. There is a witness who said she saw Amber's lip was split, bruises and other signs of abuse. She is a friend of the couple who dialed 911 for one instance. So at the end of all the testimony from the defense will defamation be proved? If this was just a criminal abuse trial, it would be different. I think this will be a tough case. Same goes for her defamation claim against Depp. She is making up some stuff and truth is a defense. I think the case is nutty and a waste of court time. But what is so clear about this suit Johnny brought is how loved he is and how hated she is. I mean Meghan cannot not come close to her dislike and that is saying something. I see similarities between those two but Amber is far more nuts. The good news for Johnny is even if he loses this case,  his career is back. People support him and will go to his movies and the studios care about ticket sales. She is tanked now. So he will prevail in the end. And one thing this should open up to the public awareness is sometimes it is mutual abuse between couples, not just one end. I met OJ a few times and he was a doll and babysat my son's friend on a set. He was okay with his first wife. But look at the fighting and abuse with the second. And she also got nasty with him but obviously not as furious as he got. No other women talk about him like that. Some people are just a horrible mix. Johnny's sister knew it and warned him. People warned Harry. Harry obeys Meghan but I would shudder to think how things would go if he started fighting back. Back to the original topic, Johnny will end up just find. All he needs to do is cut down on the drugs.
Oj Simpson….his name shouldn’t even be raised. There is absolutely NO correlation between Johnny Depp and Simpson! OJ Simpson was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, who was extremely violent and a murderer. There is NO record of Johnny Depp abusing Amber Heard especially on the scale Simpson abused Nicole. All allegations of abuse by Amber are nothing but lies. Amber and Johnny were toxic together, but I can’t think of anyone who could take the abuse he took from her, and not have it reach a toxic level. The second someone says they need to leave the room….you let them….you don’t keep badgering and poking at them. As for the witness who said what? A bruise? A split lip? Given the fact that Amber is a liar….she could have injured herself because she needed something. Amber apparently, finds it dehumanizing that Johnny won’t look at her in court. A friend of her’s said that…..I can’t think how anyone so abused by someone….would want their abuser to look at them…Johnny will win this…as truth is on his side…..she will disappear and spend her days…regretting her life mistakes….❤️
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southeastasianists · 3 years
Inside an aging industrial park, a nutty, sweet aroma wafts through the air. Smoke billows out of one particular shophouse in a row of red-brick, one-story factories.
Inside, four men clad in polo shirts, hair nets, masks, and heavy-duty gloves emerge from the smoke. With metal rods, they repeatedly slam a mound of caramelized coffee beans inside a tub, breaking them apart. These are employees of Kim Guan Guan, one of the last traditional coffee roasters in Singapore.
Jason Soon founded Kim Guan Guan in 1988. Initially, he saw coffee as only a business opportunity. For years, all he did was import and sell raw coffee beans. But soon, coffee grew into his passion. In 1996, Soon bought a coffee roasting factory and learned how to make kopi, a style of coffee unique to Southeast Asia.
When robusta beans are cooked with copious amounts of sugar and margarine, then ground and brewed, the result is a distinctively thick, luscious cup of coffee. Often, the coffee is made using a flannel sock as a filter, and poured into ceramic or glass cups from long-sprouted kettles to create a frothy, smooth brew. It can be drunk black, or with sugar and evaporated milk.
However, kopi is commonly considered low-grade compared to gourmet brews. Roasters blame this on the price. One cup of kopi costs less than S$2 ($1.49 USD) and is usually purchased at the hot, open-air food courts called kopitiams. An Americano, in contrast, sells for at least twice as much at chic cafes.
Yet kopi has a rich history. According to Soon, this roast dates back to the 19th century. European settlers in colonial Singapore had a habit of drinking coffee. They imported arabica beans, which merchants coated with sugar to preserve it during shipping. When locals picked up the habit as well, many could only afford the cheaper robusta beans grown in Indonesia.
To mimic the flavor of the more-expensive arabica, they cooked the beans with butter or margarine, as well as sugar. Robusta beans have around twice the amount of caffeine as arabica, more bitterness, and less acidity. As a result, kopi, which means “coffee” in Malay, became the regional favorite for its caffeine content, sweetness, and cheapness.
In Soon’s factory, one batch of coffee takes 45 minutes to roast. In the first 35 minutes, the beans are cooked at around 240°C (464°F). Keen-eared roasters must listen to a certain sequence of crackling that signals doneness. Next, the beans are poured into a wok of caramel that emits a cloud of thick white vapor as moisture from the melted sugar evaporates. The roaster tosses the blend to make sure all the beans are thoroughly coated, and adds a healthy helping of margarine. For every 60 kilograms (132 pounds) of beans, Kim Guan Guan uses 18 kilograms of sugar (40 pounds) and 1.7 kilograms (3.7 pounds) of margarine.
Once ready, the beans are poured into a metal tub and the workers quickly separate the smoking beans before the sugar crystallizes. Once the beans are cooled, the roasters store them in gunny sacks before grinding them and shipping the coffee off to customers.
Kim Guan Guan produces 2.5 tons of coffee a day, and clients include local coffee chains, grocers, and hawker stalls. Soon, 54, says he exclusively roasts kopi for two reasons. One, he doesn’t want his palate to be affected by other brews. Secondly, he sees a mission in sustaining the dying art of kopi roasting. “If us manufacturers don’t work hard at preserving it, who will?” he asks. “This is part of Singapore’s heritage.”
Kopi is integral to Singapore’s culture because of its ubiquity, says Nicole Tarulevicz, a history professor at the University of Tasmania who studies the country's culinary heritage. Kopitiams are everywhere across the island, so people can grab their cup of joe anytime they want.
Drinking kopi lets tourists feel like they are getting the authentic Singaporean experience and helps residents connect to their country. “It’s a way of saying that we’re really Singaporeans,” Tarulevicz says. “In a place where there’s been a lot of change...I think it is quite comforting.”
Coffee is still the hottest drink in Singapore, but even that faced change after the third-wave coffee movement arrived in the late 2000s. These days, few people in Singapore want to enter a trade this labor-intensive, Soon says, with its long hours in a hot and smoky room. Young people prefer to work with high-end arabica beans roasted in clean, air-conditioned rooms: no butter or caramel in sight.
Jimmy Ng, the owner of Fresh Roaster, has difficulty finding workers. Out of his nine roasters, only two are Singaporeans and the rest are foreigners. Ng also started out as a coffee distributor in 1979, before setting up his own factory in 1997. Both he and Soon reckon there are only around 10 local kopi roasters left today, down from the 20 that existed when they started their businesses, and far from the heyday of the 1960s when hawkers roasted their own coffee in alleyway stalls.
While coffee roasters in Singapore itself are getting rarer, kopi’s global footprint is expanding every day. Kopi is now available worldwide through Singaporean coffee chains such as Ya Kun Kaya Toast and Killiney Kopitiam, which have opened stores from Palo Alto to Tokyo.
But in Singapore, a lack of properly roasted beans looms on the horizon. Small local kopitiams will have to look for new suppliers if the traditional ones close down, or perhaps import their roasted coffee from Malaysia, where kopi is also a standard.
But there are younger Singaporeans trying to keep the kopi-roasting tradition alive. Faye Sai is the third-generation owner of Coffee Break. In 2014, she and two siblings took over their family kopitiam when their father retired. “We definitely don’t see young people doing it [and] realized that this trade is quite precious,” the 34-year-old says.
Ever since they took over the business, the siblings have expanded the menu to include modern flavors with their traditionally roasted kopi, such as sea salt caramel and matcha, to great success.
Guan Lim, head of the Queen’s Coffee roastery and a member of the Singapore Coffee Association, has another solution to the kopi dilemma: raising the price of a cup. “Profit margins are nearly zero. We need to make this trade more lucrative, otherwise there’s no way we can hold on,” he says.
No matter what, Soon and Ng are certain that kopi will always be in demand locally. What they are less sure about is its quality. It is likely that more businesses will roast or buy their coffee from abroad as more Singaporean roasters close down. “It will no longer be authentic if kopi is manufactured overseas,” says Soon.
At the moment, the future of both Soon and Ng’s roasters are precarious. Soon is unsure whether his children will take over the business. Ng, who is 63, says he hopes to find a buyer before he retires. “If I can’t sell the business, then I have no choice. It will close for good,” he says.
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mysharona1987 · 4 years
After hearing that Tom Cruise audio: "Damn, why is Nicole Kidman always on HBO playing women abused by their outwardly handsome and charming but gaslighting and nutty husband?" feels like a silly question now.
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starkerhowlter · 4 years
Why Peter Parker Can’t Have Girl Scout Cookies
Ship: Starker, clintasha, mentioned stucky Rating: T // Pg-13 Contains: light language, mentioned binge eating of cookies, non-detailed vomiting Initial prompt: girl scout cookies + Starker Words: 1038 Summary: Clint and Natasha's daughter is a girl scout, Peter is a sucker for Trefoils cookies.
A/N: Alright, So it’s been a while since I’ve uploaded a fic, but last night a close friend of mine (@katsotherworld​) suggested this prompt for me to try. Here’s the result... a humourous, fluffy, little mess of a fic.... Enjoy! Also, also, shout out to my beta: @ocotopushugs​! Be sure to go give her lots of love and thanks for her help and for always rooting for these fics to get done!!!
Read it on AO3
Translation: маленький кадет means Little cadet
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Tony knows something's up when he enters the building. The security counter has boxes of cookies on it, and there's a sweet smell in the air. He sighs, asking J.A.R.V.I.S. what today's date is. "January third, Mister Stark."
"shit, it's cookie season. Wait, CLINT!" he shouts, rushing into the elevator, pressing the button to the main floor over and over. "Hey," he shouts, running into the kitchen, and finds Clint helping his daughter with her pink order sheets. The two are inking over each letter, making sure everything copies to the carbon paper underneath.
"Hi, Tony!" Clint nods, looking up from the page, "J.A.R.V.I.S. said you were looking for me?"
"Yeah, how many boxes of cookies did Peter buy from you?" He braces himself for the answer, knowing it'll be what decides if he sleeps in the lab or dares to go into the apartment of a sugar-high adult.
"How many does he want you to know about?" Clint chuckles, smiling at the girl's sheet.
"C'mon, it can't be that bad." He sighs, "Can it?"
"He already bought 20 boxes, mister Stark!" Nicole smiles at the inventor.
"Twenty boxes, yeah, that's not bad. Wait, WHAT?" Tony shouts, causing Natasha to rush in.
"What's wrong?" she asks, beelining towards her daughter. She'd always been protective over her, being especially careful to not allow anything to happen to her. The other Avengers presume it's a subconscious hope for her to have a semi-normal life. She's had sleepovers, playdates, and birthday parties, but there's always a keenness to make sure she blends in at school and in life. "How're my маленький кадет* sales coming along?" She asks, playing with the girl's hair.
"Quite well, seeing that Peter bought twenty boxes without my knowing," He chuckles.
"It also doesn't hurt to add in that Steve bought quite a few boxes too. He said that he was taking them home to Bucky. According to him, they haven't had Tagalongs or Thin Mints since the '40s."
"Peter hates Thin Mints," Tony notes, absentmindedly, "It has to do with the spider genes. Any intense tastes or smells are terrible to him. I found that out the hard way."
"Didn't you learn that with the candy cane incident two Christmases ago?" Clint asks, hearing Tony's comment.
"Yes," Tony sighs. "I learned to never feed him peppermint bark without telling him. I've never heard him scream like that! You'd think it burned him! Which type of cookie did he get?" He runs through the list in his head, ruling out anything nutty, citrusy or minty.
"Peter bought all of my shortbreads," She smiles, batting her mom's hands away from her curly red hair.
"Of course he did." Tony smiles, "Thank you, Nicole. If you want to catch me later, I'll probably buy a few boxes of lemonades or Tagalongs for the lab. Pepper will probably buy some of your S'mores if she hasn't already. Now, I've got to go find out how much damage my boyfriend's done."
The billionaire knows what to expect as he approaches the apartment door. Inside, lays Peter on the couch, two empty cookie boxes rest on the table, "Hi, sweetheart, how are you feeling?" "I'm nauseous and shaky, but overall good."
"Well, I hate to break it to you," Tony begins as he's approaching the couch, "but when you eat seven people's worth of shortbread cookies, you're going to beat your metabolism. You're going to be bloated and nauseated just like everyone else. At least, until your metabolism catches up in a few hours. Well, if you don't throw up before then."
He nods and lays his head on the man's shoulder. "I didn't ask to be normal, Tony."
"I know, but sometimes your diet says otherwise," If you eat recklessly you're going to start feeling like the rest of us. Would you like me to make you a glass of water?" Peter nods, prompting the man to rise, "Oh, can you bring the other eighteen boxes of those into the kitchen?"
"Sure... Y'know, you'd think I'd learn to not binge those like tha--" He begins collecting the boxes but pauses at the island after two trips. His fingers grip the edge, knuckles turning white against the grey quartz counter. He sets his jaw, still shaking.
"You alright there?" The inventor asks, concern painting his face, "You've gone kinda whi--" Before he can finish his sentence, Peter's bolting down the hallway into the guest bathroom. Tony chuckles lightly, cringing at each heave echoing from down the hall, "Are you done?"
"Y-Yeah..." Comes the weak reply.
"Alright, do you need a rag?"
"Yes, please."
The older collects a damp bar rag as well as the bottle of water, "Alright, here you go." He sits on the floor behind his boyfriend, handing him the washcloth, "Is that better?" he asks, pressing the side of the water bottle to the back of the boy's neck, kissing behind his ear, "Y'know, since it's all out now?"
"Um... I feel slightly better but not great."
"Well, that's a start, hm?" He takes the lid off the bottle, "Here, take little sips." He stands, rinsing the washcloth out in the sink before sitting back down.
"Can we stay here for a minute?" Peter asks softly, leaning back against the inventor's hand running up and down his back.
"Sure. Do you think you're going to throw up again?"
"M-maybe, I mean... I don't feel like it right now, but I might in a bit."
"Why don't we move to the couch, then? You know, just to get you outta here?" He suggests, standing and offering a hand to his lover, "We can go watch a movie in the bedroom?"
"That sounds nice, I wanna lay down," Peter smiles a little, following the older out and to the bedroom.
"Sounds like a plan. I'm going to get something to drink, and I'll meet you there."
"All right..."
The man waits until Peter's disappeared around the corner before eating a few of the cookies for himself.
"TONY, ARE YOU EATING MY COOKIES?!" Peter's voice calls from down the hall.
"Nope! I'm coming," he calls back, chewing the last of the sweet, pouring a glass of wine for himself and Peter.
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