#nursing profession in europe
think-europe2014 · 5 months
Nursing Jobs Overseas: A Guide for Aspiring Healthcare Professionals
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When considering nursing positions overseas, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the country's specific regulations and requirements for working in the healthcare sector.
Think Europe Services understands the allure of nursing jobs overseas, particularly in sought-after destinations like Saudi Arabia. With a reputation for excellence in international recruitment, we specialize in connecting Indian nursing professionals with rewarding opportunities abroad.
In Gulf countries like Saudi Arabia, the demand for skilled nursing professionals remains consistently high. However, navigating the complex application procedures and regulations can be daunting for aspiring candidates. That's where Think Europe Services comes in. As a trusted nursing jobs overseas agency, we provide comprehensive support and guidance to help you secure your dream job in Saudi Arabia.
The demand for highly skilled nursing staff has seen a significant rise in recent years. Indian nursing professionals, in particular, are highly regarded in countries like Saudi Arabia. However, while there is a growing need for healthcare professionals overseas, navigating the landscape of available opportunities and securing a position can be challenging. Aspiring healthcare workers often require the support of experienced recruiters who can adeptly guide both novices and seasoned professionals toward exciting job prospects abroad.
Our team of experienced recruiters is well-versed in the intricacies of overseas nursing placements. We understand the specific requirements of healthcare sectors in Gulf countries and can effectively match candidates with suitable positions. Whether you're a novice or an experienced nurse, we'll work closely with you to ensure a smooth and successful transition to your new role abroad.
When it comes to nursing jobs overseas in Saudi Arabia, Think Europe Services is your trusted partner. We have established relationships with reputable healthcare institutions across the region, giving our candidates access to exclusive job opportunities. From assisting with visa applications to providing relocation support, we'll be with you every step of the way.
In Conclusion,
If you're in pursuit of nursing opportunities in Saudi Arabia, your initial step should involve finding a reputable recruitment firm with expertise in overseas placements within Saudi Arabia. Trustworthy recruitment firms, known for their unwavering professionalism, can provide you with the assurance of securing employment in foreign lands. It's prudent to gather comprehensive information about any recruitment firm before initiating contact, ensuring you're well-informed and confident in your choice when pursuing your overseas nursing career.
Think Europe Services understands the aspirations and challenges of nursing professionals seeking opportunities abroad. As a leading nursing jobs overseas agency, we specialize in connecting talented healthcare professionals with rewarding positions overseas. Our team of experienced recruiters is dedicated to providing personalized support and guidance throughout the job search and application process. With Think Europe Services by your side, you can confidently embark on your journey to a fulfilling nursing career overseas. If you're ready to take the next step towards a rewarding career in nursing, contact Think Europe Services today. Let us help you turn your overseas nursing dreams into reality.
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Just finished reading Witches, Midwives, & Nurses: A History of Women Healers by Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English for free on Internet Archive! ⭐⭐⭐⭐
❝Women have always been healers, and medicine has always been an arena of struggle between female practitioners and male professionals. This pamphlet explores two important phases in the male takeover of health care: the suppression of witches in medieval Europe and the rise of the male medical profession in the United States. The authors conclude that despite efforts to exclude them, the resurgence of women as healers should be a long-range goal of the women’s movement.❞
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crazyforkasey-blog · 7 days
I left my heart in Europe
Here is chapter 1 one, hope you like it.
I rewrote the chapter, so please red it again, before you read chapter two.
I moved the 326th from Kentucky, to Toccoa. I haved studied after actions reports and Wikipages and what not, it's not clear if there were female nurses with 326th, but in this story there is
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Chapter 1
Welcome ladies
June 6th 1944
So this is what it all boiled down to, two years of training, two years of trying to convince the  army that women did indeed belong, the verbal abuse and the sleepless night and she was going to die, somewhere in Normandy dangling from a tree in her jump harness. Diana “Andy” Anderson was stuck in a tree in Normandy on D Day.
Toccoa 1942
Andy wasn't the first female to appear at Camp Toccoa in the blistering heat of late august 1942, before her, Josephine “Jo” Summers arrived, however Jo only beat her there by a few hours, and before these two young women nurses from the 326th evac hospital and a hand full of WAC’S had filled some of the newly build Huts at the camp.
After getting dropped off by the Colonel's jeep driver, a young private by name of Lorraine, Andy slowly opened the door to the wooden hut she had been dropped off at.
In the front office a dark haired sergeant was filling papers in a drawer and on a chair by the window another young woman dressed in a WAC uniform, not unlike Andy's own green ANC dress uniform. The woman was sitting, biting her red painted nails while she was nervously tapping her foot on the floor.
Andy stepped into the front office, the sergeant turned and motioned for her to take a seat. She dropped her garrison bag and  started to sit down, but before she could sit all the way down the door to the main office opened and two officers stepped out, one sour looking dark haired 1 lieutenant and a colonel in his 40’s who had a distinct mustache and kind eyes.
“Thank you lieutenant sobel” the colonel said and motioned for the two young women to step into his office.
The two women stood at attention and the colonel told them to take a seat.
"Lieutenant Anderson, Lieutenant Summer, welcome to camp Toccoa, as you will see this is 506th parachute regiment and it is the finest and foremost regiment in the division, I hold all my men and women to the highest standard and expect the same of you” Sink said and starred at the two women.
Andy and Jo looked at each other and smiled, this is what they signed up for. Jo had taken the WAC recruitment poster to heart and decided she would rather be with them than waiting. She had received her orders to join the 506th and for now she was to be Strayer, who was the battalion commander as his secretary, but as she was to find, she would be so much more.
Andy had followed her mother, who had been a nurse in WW1 and joined the ANC, to join a proud profession
“Well i won't keep you any longer”  Sink said and opened the door to the front office
Yelling to the sergeant who was still filling “get me Captain Mckee and Strayers runner”
A few moments later a Captain with dark blonde hair and  a corporal entered the office, the corporal saluted and Jo stood and grabbed her garrison bag and followed the corporal.
Captain mckee motioned for Andy to follow him “Welcome Lt. Anderson to camp Toccoa and the 326th evac hospital, I hope you will feel at home here, Chief nurse Harris was occupied with class room instructions, so you have to settle for me, I’ll walk you to the barracks and the girls will help you settle in” He stopped in front of a wooden hut, that was clearly newly build and Andy saluted him.
Just what had she gotten herself into, just like the men, Andy and the rest of the nurses had volunteered for the air borne, would they get jump training, not likely, but still they would be on the frontlines of every major campaigne.
Deciding to smoke a cigarette before going inside she leaned against the building, pulled out her lucky strikes, she dug around her pockets trying to find her lighter, but before she could locate it, someone held a lit lighter up in front of her. She leaned in and inhaled deeply.
“don't let them intimidate you, I got a feeling you will do just fine here” a voice and whoever it belonged to just walked away, before she could introduce herself.
“here goes nothing” Andy sighed and opened the door
It was a empty hut that met Andy when she opened the door, expecting to be met by a least a few nurses like her, she just walked in and found an empty cod, on one side it was nice to have a few moments to settle in before she met her new bunk mates and fellow nurses, but on the other hand i would have been nice to have someone to talk and maybe someone who could answer all the questions flowing around in her head.  How many nurses were attached to the regiment?, in her hut there were 4 bunks. Would they receive any combat training? How was the commanding officer? She had heard rumors about major barfield some good, some bad and what was it like being a nurse in the airborne? All these questions had floated around in her head on the train ride to Toccoa.
Andy knew she was tough, hell growing up in Columbus, Ohio had not been a picnic, her father was a railroad worker and she grew up in a working class family and since she only had sisters her father had compensated for the lack of sons, by giving her and her sister boys name as nicknames and raised them like he would have if they were his sons. So Andy had hunted, fished and played in the mud growing up. her mother and father had met each other at a field hospital during the great war, her mother had cared for her father after he had been shot and brought into her ward to be cared for.  
After she finished getting squared away, she sat down on her bunk waiting for the nurses to return.
She could hear the sound of someone calling out drills for calisthenics and  she could hear the sound of a company being inspected, it sounded like it was just next to the hut.
 "You want to kill Germans?" She heard someone ask, she assumed it was a officer gigging a private
"Yes sir" the private replied
Andy got up and looked out the door she left open when she entered the hut, it was the sour looking lieutenant from Sinks office
"Not with this" the lieutenant said and banged the bayonet he was holding against the privates  helmet,
"wouldn't take this rusty piece of shit to war and I wouldn't take you to war, in your condition, now thanks to these men and their infractions, all weekend passes have been revoked. Change into your PT gear we are running Currahee" the lieutenant yelled and stoked of
Andy heard some wolf whistles and realized she was about to meet her fellow nurses.
Young women of different shapes and sizes soon filled the hut and each of them made sure to greet Andy, so she felt extremely welcome. 
The women all introduced themselves, there was Elizabeth “Lizzie” Kurtz from New york, standing at 5 ' 2” , brown hair and brown eyes. Mattie Hanson from Elk Horn, Iowa, a blond with blue eyes and with a striking resemblance to her Scandinavian ancestors, and finally Ida Boger From Sevierville, Tennessee.
“So Andy tell us about yourself, you got a fella back home?” and a million other questions, Andy smiled, it was just like being home, she tried to answer their questions, and they answered hers.
There were 1 nurse attached to each company, but still only to help with evac and treatment while on route to the hospital, no combat training, but PT with the men of the respective company, Ida was attached to D company, Mattie to HQ, Lizzie to Fox, that left Easy for Andy.
“Great, so I got the sour one, what was his name sobel?” Andy muttered 
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literarylumin · 3 months
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‧˚₊ The Bell Jar - A Book Review ₊˚‧
The American poet Sylvia Plath penetrated my thoughts and soul and seems to have stayed there for a long time. The Bell Jar is one of her few prose works and the first one I have read. This book is written in a genre close to autofiction, meaning it is largely based on the author's biography. Therefore, I advise you to familiarize yourself with Plath's life before starting the book. The main character of the novel, Esther Greenwood, a fairly successful young woman, undergoes an internship in New York. At the end of it, she realizes that she cannot decide what to do next. This problem of choice is illustrated in the book with the allegory of the 'fig tree', which utterly captivated me:
"I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor, and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor, and another fig was Europe and Africa and South America, and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of other lovers with queer names and offbeat professions, and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn’t quite make out."
Upon returning home, Esther sinks deeper and deeper into the abyss of depression, which reaches its peak by the middle of the book. Now she has to deal with mental problems while being in a psychiatric clinic. In this part of the book, the author masterfully brings to light the backwardness of methods for dealing with mental illnesses in the 1950s. All these terrible treatment methods, such as electroshock therapy, which were widely used at the time, are now either banned or used very rarely and with great caution. Therefore, patients had to cope with psychological problems mainly on their own, while doctors and nurses sometimes even had a destructive impact on their mental health. Thus, it can be stated that Sylvia Plath made a significant contribution to the understanding of depression by society and doctors and to the development of psychotherapy in general by sharing her personal experience through a literary work.
Furthermore, the book reflects Sylvia's struggle through the character Esther against gender stereotypes towards women in the USA of the 1950s. For example, I was very angered by the moment when the students were sympathetic towards Esther studying hard only when they thought her heart was broken due to her boyfriend's illness. In their opinion, a girl can study hard only when her heart is broken. There also was a bunch of other moments in the book where Plath criticized these stereotypes.
Although many problems presented in the book have been solved, some are still relevant today. Prejudices related to mental disorders are still prevalent in society, as are gender stereotypes. It is precisely because of its relevance that the book deserves to stand among classic works.
Though I was impressed by Plath's beautiful prose, the book captivated me not so much for its literary value but for its thoughts that resonated with mine. Difficulties in determining one's future life, choosing a career, constant comparison with more successful individuals, burnout, the perfectionist syndrome, and the gifted child syndrome — all of these are painfully familiar to me. For this reason, I was deeply moved by this work, and at times it even seemed to me that Plath was reading my thoughts. Perhaps if I were at a different age, I would not have been so profoundly impacted by the book. But since I read it at this particular time, it went straight to my list of favourite books. After reading The Bell Jar, I became even more interested in the life and work of the poetess, and therefore read her journals and her most famous poems.
Rating: 10/10
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©️ All photos are from Pinterest
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i-am-the-page-turner · 5 months
"The Women" by Kristin Hannah.
"The Women" by Kristin Hannah is a captivating novel set during World War II, focusing on the lives of three remarkable women: Frankie, Vi, and Ruby. Frankie, a talented journalist, is determined to make her mark in a male-dominated profession, even as the war rages on and challenges her resolve. Vi, Frankie's best friend, finds herself torn between her duty as a nurse and her desire for love and companionship. Ruby, a young woman from a troubled background, seeks refuge and purpose in the Women's Army Corps, where she forms unbreakable bonds with her fellow soldiers. As the war progresses, the lives of these women intersect in unexpected ways, forcing them to confront their fears, confront their pasts, and forge new paths forward. Through their experiences, Hannah explores themes of friendship, resilience, and the transformative power of love in the face of adversity. Set against the backdrop of war-torn Europe, "The Women" is a poignant and deeply moving tale of courage and sacrifice that will linger in readers' hearts long after the final page. Hannah's evocative prose and richly drawn characters bring this turbulent period in history vividly to life, immersing readers in a world of love, loss, and redemption. With its powerful storytelling and unforgettable characters, "The Women" is a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit.
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andiatas · 1 year
H.M. The Queen's speech on receiving an honorary degree from the University of Stirling
Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Graduates, Ladies and gentlemen,
It is a great honour and a pleasure for me to be here today at the University of Stirling, especially among you, dear graduates.
You have been studying hard to reach your goal – the academic degree you are receiving today. It takes time and focus to pass all your exams. You have all completed an admirable journey, and your efforts have led to this very special day. My warmest congratulations to you and your families!
I know how much it means to obtain cutting-edge knowledge within a field. My own dedication to the dementia cause is rooted in personal experience. When my mother lived her last years with dementia, I realised how important it is to have the support of skilled and experienced carers.
I saw a need to create a higher education programme that specialises in cognitive illness and dementia care for nurses and assistant nurses. That was the reason why I founded Silviahemmet more than 25 years ago, with the aim of providing improved care and quality of life for people living with dementia and their loved ones. Today, Silviahemmet – together with Swedish universities – also offers highly specialised training in dementia care for several other professions such as physicians, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and case workers. Silviahemmet’s philosophy of care, which aims to ensure the highest possible quality of life for both the person with dementia and their family, has now spread to other countries in Europe, Asia and South America.
Knowledge is exactly what Silviahemmet – and this ceremony – is all about. And sharing knowledge seems to be the only way forward to truly achieve lasting change.
The cooperation between Silviahemmet and universities has led to important networking between practitioners and researchers, and to the continuous development of more knowledge in order to improve care.
Every year we organise the Silviahemmet Master Academy Day, where former students can share their experiences and be inspired. This day is very much appreciated, and has led to new personal connections and projects. Therefore, my advice to all of you is to keep in touch with your university and your fellow graduates! I am sure this will be rewarding in so many ways.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Education, research and inter-professional work is what I believe forms the basis for development. The University of Stirling is a golden example of this. You have not only a wide range of different education and research fields, but also several international collaborations. I am especially grateful for the cooperation you have with us in Sweden when it comes to caring for people with dementia, in order to improve their chances of living not only for longer but also with a higher quality of life.
Education with a purpose was the educational philosophy formulated by your first Chancellor Lord Robbins here at the University of Stirling. This philosophy remains just as relevant today.
This day has provided me, and hopefully everyone here, with hope for the future.
All graduates – the future is now yours to create! I wish you the best of luck. On behalf of all who have received awards today, I would like to thank the university.
Finally, I would like to express my deeply felt gratitude to the University of Stirling for honouring me with the title [of] Honorary Graduate.
Thank you!
Speech held by H.M. Queen Silvia at the University of Stirling, Scotland, on June 28, 2023. You can find the press release here (only in Swedish).
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On November 13th 1850 Robert Louis Stevenson was born in Edinburgh.
Nowadays known as RLS day, and marked with special talks, workshops and live music planned at Museums & Galleries Edinburgh
IF Robert Burns has his special night, why shouldn’t Robert Louis Stevenson have a special day each year to celebrate his birthday? That was the thinking when the first RLS Day was took place in 2011 through the efforts of Professor Linda Dryden at Edinburgh Napier University and the UNESCO City of Literature Trust.
Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson was born to Thomas and Margaret Stevenson. Lighthouse design was his father's and his family's profession, Robert was an only child. He spent a difficult childhood suffering chronic health problems due to which he was mostly confined to bed. Entering into youth, Stevenson was highly influenced by Allison Cunningham, his nurse who would often read the Pilgrim’s Progress and The Old Testament to him.
At the age 17, Stevenson enrolled at Edinburgh University to study engineering, with the goal of following his father in the family business. Lighthouse design, but this didn’t appeal to young Robert and he was not really interested in studying science; instead he spent ample time studying French Literature, Scottish history, and the works of Darwin and Spencer. His love for literature forced him to tell his father about his growing interests in literature and that he wanted to pursue a career and studies in the field of writing. The news severely upset his father who finally advised Robert to prepare for the Bar exam so that he would have a respectable profession to fall back on if his literary ambitions failed.
Stevenson’s writings and life were both heavily influenced by his city, Edinburgh. He experienced two faces of the city. One was the religious, respectable and conventional town while the other face of Edinburgh was that of more bohemian town with brothels, shady characters and underhanded dealings. Through these observations Stevenson learned a great deal about the duality of human nature which later became the base for his novel, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
In 1873, Stevenson suffered from a severe chest condition and nervous exhaustion due to which he was advised by his doctor to go abroad and rest for an extended period of time. Stevenson spent 6 months in South France during which he worked on numerous essays. He continued with the flow of writing after his return to Edinburgh writing articles, book reviews and short stories. Slowly, Stevenson’s name started appearing in significant publications such as The Fortnightly Review. During this time, Stevenson met Fanny Vandergrift Osbourne, an American woman who was 10 years older than him. Osbourne was visiting Europe to escape from the estranged relationship with her husband. Despite this, Stevenson resumed his relationship with Osbourne and eventually went after her to San Francisco where the two married in 1880 after her divorce.
Stevenson achieved great literary success beginning in the late 1870s. In 1878 he published An Inland Voyage followed by Treasure Island in 1883. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Kidnapped were both published in 1886.
In 1889, Stevenson bought a 300-acre estate, Vailima, in the hills of Apia, Samoa where he lived for the rest of his life. Many of his most significant works have been written in Vailima. Some of these include The Beach of Falesa, The Ebb Tide, The Wrecker and Catriona, The Bottle Imp, The Isle of Voices and The Waif Woman. Robert Louis Stevenson died at the age of 44 a few hours after suffering a brain hemorrhage on December 3, 1894.
Don’t you just love the pic of a young Robert Louis Stevenson, aged 7! 
I think the Outlander fans will appreciate the verse, “ Sing me a Song of a Lad that is Gone”
Sing me a song of a lad that is gone, Say, could that lad be I? Merry of soul he sailed on a day Over the sea to Skye. Mull was astern, Rum on the port, Eigg on the starboard bow; Glory of youth glowed in his soul; Where is that glory now? Sing me a song of a lad that is gone, Say, could that lad be I? Merry of soul he sailed on a day Over the sea to Skye. Give me again all that was there, Give me the sun that shone! Give me the eyes, give me the soul, Give me the lad that's gone! Sing me a song of a lad that is gone, Say, could that lad be I? Merry of soul he sailed on a day Over the sea to Skye. Billow and breeze, islands and seas, Mountains of rain and sun, All that was good, all that was fair, All that was me is gone.
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lorei-writes · 1 year
Henlo! *curtsies and sits down in your inbox* Some questions for your ask game: 4, 6, and 12
Awe, you're too polite ^^" *pours some tea and hands cookies*
4. 3 topics you’d love to learn more about
Fabric structure and it's influence on draping, linguistics, and the third spot is a tie between "spinning and weaving" and "history of Eastern Europe, 80s and onwards, particularly socio-economic changes following system transformation, and what influence they have today".
6. 3 characters that inspire you
Can't really think of anybody. There are characters I immensely like and relate to, but I wouldn't call them inspiring. I don't generally hold this attitude towards well-known figures either, for various reasons.
I guess I just tend to see more of that in people I pass by? Like, say, the nurse working at my local lab, who is not only extremely skilled at her profession, but always offers a nice chat, a word of advice, and is very considerate of people in her care. Or that one grandma I met in a tram at the height of the pandemic, who stood in front of a boy twice her size, and gave him a mouthful on why he should start wearing a mask. The list goes on, there are plenty such fleeting encounters all around.
12. would be here.
Ask game
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bopinion · 2 years
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2023 / 04
Aperçu of the Week:
“The person who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt the person doing it.”
(Chinese proverb)
Bad News of the Week:
Two of the most serious terrorist attacks in Europe in recent times happened in France. On November 13, 2015, 130 people died in Paris, and on July 14, 2016, 86 died in Nice. In the first case, the perpetrators were about a dozen terrorists heavily armed with automatic rifles and well prepared. In the second case, a single man with a truck. What I'm getting at is that it's not just the U.S. stereotype of easy access to firearms that is dangerous to the population. With the appropriate criminal or extremist energy, even a vehicle can become a deadly weapon. Or a knife, as everyone has in their kitchen.
That's exactly what happened in Europe this week. Twice. In northern Germany near Hamburg, two young people were killed Wednesday on a regional train, and five others were injured. In southern Spain on Thursday, one was killed and three injured in front of a church. What makes the whole thing more horrific than the comparatively low number of victims are two backgrounds that are virtually identical for both perpetrators - of course they were men.
Both have a migration background, originating from Palestine and Morocco respectively. Neither of them succeeded in integrating into society, and a variety of difficulties are on record. And both were under police surveillance. The terrorist in Germany had been released from prison only six days earlier; his record in this country includes numerous violent crimes; nothing is known about him before that. The offender in Spain is said to be increasingly radicalized; his deportation proceedings have been underway for six months. This is grist to the mill of all those who take to the streets and shout cheap slogans against migration. After all, both acts seem to prove their pseudo-arguments right.
Hardly anyone in this world should have as much experience with "collective guilt" as we Germans. And this is exactly what people from the Middle East know here as well as those from the Maghreb in Spain. If in any public bus in Europe there is a seat free next to a visibly "not from here" passenger and one next to a compatriot, statistically 95% will sit next to the latter, even if the seat is further away. And most of them would describe themselves as tolerant and open-minded and reject prejudice with honest indignation. The nasty term "latent racism" is unpopular but widely spread.
And that is precisely the point about migration. This can only be successful if both sides work at it. Integration is a debt to be discharged by those who, for whatever reason, are looking for a new home. And likewise for the environment that takes him in. It has to accept them, because without migration nothing would work anymore. Anyone who doubts this should take a look at those who work, for example, in garbage collection, cleaning crews or nursing services. These are precisely the jobs that are never on the list when children are asked what they want to exercise as profession as adults.
Successful integration is therefore a win-win situation. And it is especially important for the survival of an aging society. I wish so much for more curiosity than reservations. Tea and coffee, apples and cherries, jazz and tango, pepper and parsley, cotton and silk, potatoes and rice, pizza and kebab would all be unknown to us if we were not open to new and foreign things.
Good News of the Week:
60 years of the Élysée Treaty. Even if the Franco-German engine sometimes sputters a little, it still runs quite well. Or as Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire says: "It's running very well. Contrary to what I hear here and there, the engine is working!" Or to stay with the metaphor, Renault and Volkswagen's platform strategy is a functional basis for the European mobility project.
At the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty in Paris, French President Emmanuel Macron called on Germany to become "pioneers of the refoundation of our Europe" together with France. This role belongs to the two neighboring states, he said, because they walked the path of reconciliation together after World War II. Charles de Gaulle and Konrad Adenauer, François Mitterand and Helmut Kohl, Jacques Chirac and Angela Merkel - without the hand of the two largest countries on the European continent, there would be neither the European Union nor the Euro.
This must never be forgotten in the minutiae of everyday political life: Europe can only do well if the Franco-German partnership does well. Especially when the British have decided - once again - to take their island status literally. This is an appeal that I would particularly like to make to Olaf Scholz. Because Emmanuel Macron has long since understood what his German counterpart is still struggling with: positioning himself between U.S. expectations and Russian detachment as the only thing that objectively makes sense. Namely, to lead Europe together.
It fits into the picture that Henri will be joining us next week. A French exchange student from near Paris. This reminds me of the background of my own youthful experience abroad. It even lasted a year, took me to French Canada three and a half decades ago, and still shapes me today. The organization was and is called the American Field Service. A charity that cared for the wounded on the battlefield in both world wars - whether friend or foe. Then they had the idea, as simple as it was brilliant, that it would be easier for everyone involved if there were no wars at all.
How to do that? By promoting intercultural understanding. Those who know and understand other peoples will probably think twice before they want to fight them. Works. Really. "It's not better or worse. It's just different." was our motto back then. Or just in French, "Ce n'est pas mieux ou pire. C'est juste different." If you look benevolently at the other, you will always find more things that unite you than divide you. If the former hereditary enemies France and Germany can manage that, nothing is impossible.
Personal happy moment of the week:
Okay, I'll try: I figured out why our clothes dryer stopped working properly. My daughter narrowly avoided a more serious accident with her bike on the slick road the day before yesterday. Defrosting the freezer succeeded without flooding. My son's last five grades at school are A's four times and a B once. At work, I finally finished a pesky major project... I suspect that I need to eat more chocolate, that one of these aspects will manage to make me truly happy.
I couldn't care less...
...that Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is facing opposition to her idea of a tribunal under Ukrainian law with international judges. After all, she is the highest-ranking politician who is thinking aloud about how Vladimir Putin could also be held criminally accountable for his war of aggression, which violates international law. What else would remain? There is the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, but that court, by statute, can only hear cases in which the plaintiff and defendant are members of the court or a case is referred by the United Nations Security Council. Russia is not part of the Court and, as a permanent member with veto power in the UN Security Council, can and will block a referral to the Court. Alternatively, we can only hope for biology: Putin is 70 years old. The life expectancy of Russian men is currently 68.
As I write this...
...I already have a suggestion for the misname of the year: "Panzerwende". Meaning "tank turnaround". Meaning the western allies, who after long hesitation now want to deliver so-called battle tanks to Ukraine. I don't see a turnaround. Just another step on the way to give an innocent country the equipment it needs to defend itself more effectively against the aggressor.
Post Scriptum
This year, the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moves the "Doomsday Clock" forward. The Clock now stands at 90 seconds to midnight - the closest to global catastrophe it has ever been. Mainly though not exclusively because of the rising dangers of the war over Ukraine. Since the scientists base their assessment not only on the nuclear issue, but also on other negative factors mankind is confronted with. So the omnipresent polycrisis. The clock is ticking.
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs Being an Immigrant
WIth things a little more set up for this evening’s D&D session, I did a thing that was either going to depress me too much to play at all or really put me in the mood to go full-on feral: I looked at the news.
The Tories are ... bad, okay? They’re mega-super-ultra bad. Problem is, Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labour party, is giving worse and worse takes on everything, every time he turns around. He keeps going on about how he will Make Brexit Work, without actually explaining how, and I tolerated it only because I was hoping he was saving the “I’m going to at least get us back into the single market if the EU can ever forgive us the Tory issues” bombshell for when he was safe in office. He keeps going on about how strikes shouldn’t be happening and Labour MPs should not be on the picket lines, never mind that the entire fucking Labour party was started by labour unions; that is why they are the Labour party, because I was hoping that he was saving the “Everybody needs to sit down, shut up, and make sure people get proper pay and job security, and they shouldn’t need strikes to make their voices heard” bombshell for when he was safe in office. I tolerated a lot because frankly he seemed - and honestly still somewhat seems - better than the alternative.
Thing is, his issue today is ... well, the NHS. Because it always comes back to the NHS. Or, more specifically, using the NHS to underline, highlight, and carve in stone how much he’s actually supporting the mess of a Brexit we have. Because his comment has been, “We’re recruiting too many people from overseas! We don’t want open borders! Points-based system! Freedom of Movement is gone and it’s never coming back, so it’s time to hire BRITISH!”
...’scuse me? Sir? That’s going to be a problem. Here are the reasons why, from someone who has worked in or at least with the NHS for decades:
While not at US level yet, UK university costs more than just about anywhere in Europe. Interest rates are sky-high, making loans a problematic prospect at best. Add to that the cost of living increase, which is going to hit university students particularly hard, and the number of people who can actually qualify to work in the health care sector drops dramatically.
So let’s talk about nurses. There used to be bursaries for people to qualify for nursing, free of charge. I know because I was actively considering it at one point. Then the Tories nuked it. Unless you want to bring that back, welp, we’re still screwed in terms of the financial outlay required for nursing training.
“Ah,” I hear you say, “but the wealthy could do it!” Except ... why would they want to? We have all heard the stories about the NHS and how the government has been treating it - everyone. The pay’s crap (which is why so many doctors also run private practices, which reduces the overall availability of doctors), the stress is unbelievable, the hours expected are ludicrous, and the government has a tendency to try to make their lives even more miserable in the name of false economy. So the wealthy will probably want cushier jobs, since ‘doctor’ is not a profession that denotes wealth, status, and prestige anymore. As for nursing? I can’t see that at all, given what a nurse has to do day-to-day.
Even if all of those issues were fixed tomorrow (AND THEY WON’T BE; WE ALL KNOW THIS), training up medical professionals takes time. Years of study, more years being shadowed by senior doctors before real, proper qualification happens. Rush that, and you’re risking people’s lives. So it will be minimum 5-10 years before a meaningful number of British people could qualify to work as healthcare professionals even with abolition of university fees, the return of the university grant, and the salvation of the economy from its current shambles. We can’t wait a decade to fix this. Therefore, our only hope is to get already trained people in the interim and then we can talk about how to get more British people qualified to work in the health sector.
Starmer has to learn that waving the Brexit flag is not going to have the desired effect. Yeah, the people who still support Brexit are either exceedingly loud or, worse, quiet but powerful (say, the ERG). But just because they’re loud doesn’t mean there are all that many of them. A lot of people who were for Brexit during the vote are starting to rethink now, especially when at least one expert made no bones about stating, loudly and clearly, how much Brexit has to do with our current economic shambles.
“Labour has pledged to take on an extra 7.5k medical students every year if their party wins the next general election”, they say. Okay ... how? Who pays for it? What’s the economy going to look like in two years that means that this is possible? Even if the numbers can somehow be massaged to make that possible, that’s extra medical students who have only just started training. See above re: it takes time to train a doctor.
You know, this country keeps making it clearer and clearer how much it hates me. It hates me because I’m disabled. It hates me because I’m queer in any way you care to name. And, for all “they don’t mean me” because I’m white, they hate that I wasn’t born here. My paternal grandparents were, sure, but I was not. So every time they talk about immigrants, they are talking about me. I don’t care if they mean ‘the bad ones’; the ones who don’t speak English as their first language, or are darker of skin tone, or live in a country just across the Channel that they keep insulting at every turn. I am an immigrant, and I’m not even a citizen, so everything they are saying, they are saying about me. Because I am no different than anyone else who lives and works here but wasn’t born here. In fact, I’m nowhere near as well-educated or well-qualified as most of them.
I mean, I hate it here anyway. I hate this country as much as it hates me. So maybe I shouldn’t care. But I do. I know a lot of people can relate to feeling like their country hates them because of who they are. I’m not sure if it’s better or worse if the country isn’t even yours but you’re stuck in it, with it hating you the whole way.
Suffice to say, I’m still going to vote Labour but only because the Tories are still, unbelievably, worse, and voting for anyone else guarantees the Tories a win. Especially given that the next general election is going to involve voter ID and government oversight over the Elections Committee, and when you add that to First Past The Post, shaking the Tories is going to be hard enough without trying to swing Lib Dem or the Greens into 10 Downing Street. We’re a two-party system in all but name, honestly. Besides, Lib Dem and the Greens have been keeping their heads down lately. I have a feeling that neither of them really want to win the next election because whoever does is going to have the hugest mess to clean up and no one really wants it. Except the Tories, probably, who are profiting off of making it worse.
Still not sure if angry or too depressed to cope. But at least there’ll be some fun later. Time for a trip to the shops, food, and painkillers, I think.
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think-europe2014 · 3 months
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healthaide · 1 month
Start Your Journey: Healthcare Jobs in Dublin
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Dublin, the thriving heart of Ireland, offers a wealth of opportunities for healthcare professionals ready to make a difference. Whether you're a nurse, doctor, therapist, or healthcare assistant, Dublin’s healthcare sector is a dynamic and rewarding place to build your career.
Why Dublin is the Perfect Place to Start Your Healthcare Career
World-Class Healthcare Facilities: Dublin is home to some of Ireland’s leading hospitals and medical institutions, including St. Vincent’s University Hospital, The Rotunda Hospital, and The Mater Misericordiae University Hospital. These institutions are renowned for their high standards of care and cutting-edge medical practices, offering an ideal environment for both new and experienced healthcare professionals.
Diverse Career Opportunities: From roles in acute care and surgery to positions in mental health, community care, and private practice, Dublin’s healthcare sector is vast and varied. No matter your specialization, you’ll find opportunities that align with your skills and career aspirations.
Professional Growth and Development: Dublin is committed to the continuous professional development of its healthcare workforce. Whether you’re looking to advance your skills through specialized training or aiming for a leadership role, Dublin provides the resources and support to help you reach your goals.
Key Sectors for Healthcare Jobs in Dublin
Hospital Careers: Work in one of Dublin’s top hospitals, where you can join multidisciplinary teams in delivering exceptional patient care across various departments.
Community Health: Engage with Dublin’s diverse communities by providing essential care and support through public health programs, home care, and outpatient services.
Private Healthcare: Explore opportunities in Dublin’s growing private healthcare sector, known for offering personalized patient care and innovative medical solutions.
Allied Health Professions: From physiotherapists to radiographers and occupational therapists, Dublin offers roles in a wide range of allied health professions, crucial to patient care and recovery.
Living and Working in Dublin
A Vibrant City with Rich Culture: Dublin is more than just a place to work; it’s a city full of life and culture. With its historic landmarks, lively arts scene, and a calendar full of festivals and events, Dublin offers a perfect blend of professional opportunity and personal enjoyment.
Supportive Work Environment: Dublin’s healthcare institutions are known for their collaborative and supportive work environments. You’ll be part of a team that values your contributions and is dedicated to improving patient outcomes.
Work-Life Balance: With its mix of urban excitement and easy access to the serene Irish countryside, Dublin offers an excellent work-life balance. Enjoy your time off exploring the city’s parks, coastal walks, or taking short trips to nearby attractions.
How to Start Your Healthcare Journey in Dublin
Explore Job Listings: Begin your search by browsing through the latest healthcare job openings in Dublin, tailored to your expertise and career goals.
Connect with Recruitment Agencies: Work with specialized recruitment agencies to find the roles that best match your skills and ambitions.
Learn About Employers: Get insights into Dublin’s top healthcare employers, including their work culture, benefits, and career progression opportunities.
Your Future Awaits in Dublin
Dublin is a city of opportunities, and your next healthcare job could be just around the corner. Whether you’re taking your first steps in the healthcare industry or seeking to advance your career, Dublin is the place to start your journey. Explore the possibilities today and take the first step towards a fulfilling career in one of Europe’s most exciting cities.
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thebowynntradition · 1 month
Bowynn Gods: Owenn
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Owenn  (Oh-when)  Owenn is the Bowynn god of healing, good health, surgery, recovery, medicine and herbalism and all other skills and attributes of mortal health. He is the patron god of Doctors, nurses, surgeons and those of the healing and health care professions. This includes shamans, druids, witch doctors and medicine men.
     Owenn was raised amongst the first tribes in childhood where he learned why people got sick and died. He was not a god but very much mortal. Owenn was one of those of the Great migration. And upon reaching Europe and settling in, he taught the first tribes of people the arts of medicine and healing and was beloved by all for his gifts. Sadly, on his travels, Owenn encountered a great snake, he was bit by the poisonous vermin and it was that which killed him. His body was found and cared for where he had fallen and a shrine was built in his honor. And yet, instead of the custom of cremating the body, the people found they could not carry out the task. Instead, the people wrapped his body in the most glorious of clothes and placed his body in the inner shrine. For 7 long months everyone from every tribe came to mourn Owenn’s tomb. Moved by this, the gods held a special council and answered everyone’s prayers. By Chumash and Kalma, with their grace and blessings, Owenn was resurrected as a god on the 7th day of the seventh month after his fall. He emerged from the shrine as a god and one of the Akua. In this form he has continued to bless mortals with his talents and divine gifts of healings.
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Owenn and his 3 daughters of healing and health    
As a god and in time with the Akua, Owenn fell in love with a garden Kii and the couple had wed soon after. From their union, came forth three daughters who together were named "The Sisters." It is they who work with their father, Owenn, in his arts of healing. Not just for humans and the gods as well.
     As a god, Owenn is seen as a fully mature man, a father figure, with long teaming hair and thick beard. His head crowned with a copper circlet in the shape of a snake, symbolizing change from illness to health. Owenn’s demeanor is always gentle, never baring an ill word or hand to neither man nor animal. He is seen wearing a wayfarer’s robe of crimson and robes under that of various greens, representing the herbs he uses. His staff is wrapped with vines of herbs he uses in his healing brews. Often seen in his hand is a wood bowl which he makes medicine. In his totem form Owenn often appears in the form of a snake or frog, which is most sacred to him. Bowynn homes with altars and shrines to Owenn sometimes bare an image of a frog or snake with a coin in the mouth. Coins and herbs are the most divine of offers gifted to Owenn. Bowl bowls of herbs, clean water and incense are also the most common of gifts.
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The 12 Most Interesting Facts about Nursing
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The nursing profession is a cornerstone of the healthcare system, rich in history, filled with unique facts, and bolstered by surprising statistics that highlight its evolution and impact. Whether you’re a registered nurse, nurse practitioner, nurse’s assistant, or involved in nurse staffing, there is always more to learn about this vital field. Here, we indulge into 12 intriguing facts about nursing that might surprise even those within the industry.
1. Nursing’s Ancient Origins
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The earliest records of nursing date back to 300 A.D. in the Roman Empire, where nurses operated in what were considered hospitals at the time. These early healthcare institutions, known as valetudinaria, provided care primarily to soldiers and slaves. Nursing during this period was rudimentary and primarily focused on basic care and comfort.
The practice of nursing evolved significantly during the Middle Ages. Monastic orders, particularly in Europe, took on the role of caregivers. Monks and nuns provided care in hospices and infirmaries, laying the groundwork for modern nursing. The evolution continued with the establishment of more structured medical and nursing practices in response to the Black Death in the 14th century. These historical roots underscore the longstanding tradition of compassion and care in nursing.
2. Florence Nightingale’s Pioneering Influence
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Florence Nightingale, often referred to as the founder of modern nursing, played a major role in transforming the profession. Born into a wealthy British family, Nightingale defied societal expectations to pursue a career in nursing. Her work during the Crimean War (1853–1856) brought her international acclaim. She was appalled by the unsanitary conditions and high mortality rates in military hospitals and implemented rigorous hygiene practices, significantly reducing the death rate.
Nightingale’s contributions extended beyond the battlefield. She established the Nightingale Training School for Nurses in 1860 at St. Thomas’ Hospital in London, emphasizing the importance of formal education and training for nurses. Her book, “Notes on Nursing: What It Is and What It Is Not,” became a seminal text in nursing education. Nightingale’s legacy includes her pioneering use of statistical analysis to advocate for healthcare reform, showcasing the impact of evidence-based practice.
3. The First Nursing School
The establishment of the Bellevue Hospital School of Nursing in New York City in 1873 marked a significant milestone in American nursing history. Inspired by Florence Nightingale’s principles, the school offered a one-year program that combined theoretical instruction with practical experience. This model set the standard for future nursing education.
Bellevue’s success prompted the establishment of other nursing schools, such as the New England Hospital for Women and Children (now part of the Boston Medical Center) and Massachusetts General Hospital’s nursing school. These institutions played a crucial role in professionalizing nursing and raising the standards of patient care. The emphasis on rigorous training and education helped transform nursing into a respected and essential profession.
4. The Physical Demands of Nursing
Nurses are known for their dedication and hard work, but the physical demands of the profession are often underestimated. On average, nurses walk four to five miles during a typical 12-hour shift, which is double the daily walking distance of most people. This constant movement is necessary to provide timely and effective care to patients, but it also highlights the physical challenges nurses face.
The demanding nature of nursing underscores the importance of proper footwear and ergonomics in the workplace. Comfortable, supportive shoes can help prevent injuries and reduce fatigue, enabling nurses to perform their duties effectively. Additionally, the physical activity associated with nursing contributes to overall health, but it also necessitates a focus on self-care and occupational health strategies to mitigate the risk of long-term musculoskeletal issues.
5. Dominance in Healthcare Education
Nursing is a dominant field within healthcare education, with approximately 50% of students in healthcare-related programs pursuing nursing degrees. This significant representation reflects the critical role nurses play in the healthcare system. The demand for nursing education has led to the development of numerous undergraduate and graduate programs, offering specialized training in various areas such as pediatric nursing, geriatric nursing, and critical care.
The strong support network among nursing students and professionals fosters a collaborative learning environment. Nursing programs emphasize not only clinical skills but also the development of critical thinking, communication, and leadership abilities. This comprehensive approach ensures that nursing graduates are well-prepared to meet the diverse and complex needs of patients.
6. Top Nursing Jobs
Nursing offers a wide range of career opportunities, and several nursing roles are consistently ranked among the top jobs in the United States. According to U.S. News & World Report, three nursing roles were among the top 40 jobs in 2021: registered nurses (ranked 37th), nurse anesthetists (ranked 39th), and nurse practitioners (ranked 3rd).
These rankings highlight the diverse and lucrative opportunities within the nursing profession. Registered nurses (RNs) are the backbone of healthcare, providing essential care and coordination in various settings. Nurse anesthetists, who administer anesthesia and monitor patients during surgical procedures, are highly specialized and command competitive salaries. Nurse practitioners (NPs) have advanced training that allows them to diagnose and treat medical conditions, often serving as primary care providers. The high ranking of NPs reflects the growing recognition of their critical role in expanding access to healthcare.
7. Mary Eliza Mahoney’s Legacy
Mary Eliza Mahoney, the first African American registered nurse in the United States, broke significant barriers in the field of nursing. Born in 1845 in Boston, Mahoney worked at the New England Hospital for Women and Children for 15 years before enrolling in its nursing program. She graduated in 1879, becoming one of only three graduates out of a class of 42.
Mahoney’s accomplishments extend beyond her personal achievements. She co-founded the National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses (NACGN) in 1908, advocating for the inclusion and recognition of African American nurses. The NACGN played a crucial role in supporting black nurses and promoting racial equality in the profession. Mahoney’s legacy is a testament to her resilience, dedication, and pioneering spirit, which continue to inspire nurses today.
8. The U.S. Nursing Workforce
As of 2020, there were approximately three million nurses in the United States, comparable to the population of Jamaica. This vast workforce is essential to the functioning of the healthcare system. Nurses work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, schools, and community health centers.
Globally, there are over 28 million nurses, accounting for 59% of healthcare professionals worldwide. This significant presence underscores the critical role nurses play in delivering healthcare services. However, the global nursing workforce faces challenges such as shortages, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Efforts to address these shortages include increasing educational opportunities, improving working conditions, and supporting international collaboration.
9. Projected Growth in Nursing
The nursing field is not only large but also poised for continued growth. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of registered nurses is projected to increase by 7% from 2019 to 2029. This growth is driven by several factors, including an aging population, increased prevalence of chronic diseases, and expanded access to healthcare services.
The projected growth in nursing offers substantial opportunities for those entering the profession. It also underscores the importance of supporting nursing education and training programs to meet the demand for skilled nurses. Healthcare organizations and policymakers must invest in initiatives that attract and retain nurses, ensuring a robust workforce to provide high-quality care.
10. Diverse Work Environments
While hospitals remain the largest employer of nurses, the nursing profession offers diverse work environments. According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the distribution of nurses across various settings is as follows:
Hospitals: 60%
Ambulatory healthcare services: 18%
Nursing and residential care facilities: 7%
Government: 5%
Educational services: 3%
This diversity allows nurses to work in a range of settings, each with its unique challenges and opportunities. Ambulatory healthcare services include outpatient clinics, surgical centers, and primary care practices, where nurses play a vital role in patient care and health promotion. Nursing and residential care facilities provide long-term care for individuals with chronic illnesses or disabilities, emphasizing the importance of compassionate, ongoing support. Government and educational services offer roles in public health, policy, research, and academia, contributing to the advancement of the profession and the improvement of public health.
11. National Nurses Week
National Nurses Week, celebrated annually from May 6 to May 12, honors the challenging work and dedication of nurses. Established over 40 years ago, this week-long celebration culminates on May 12, the birthday of Florence Nightingale. The week recognizes the significant contributions of nurses to healthcare and society.
National Nurses Week includes various events and activities to celebrate and appreciate nurses. These may include educational seminars, award ceremonies, community outreach programs, and public awareness campaigns. The celebration provides an opportunity to highlight the vital role of nurses, advocate for their needs, and inspire the next generation of nursing professionals.
12. Staffing Agencies and Nursing Employment
Nurse staffing agencies play a crucial role in addressing the fluctuating demand for nursing services. Many nurses find employment through staffing agencies, which help them secure jobs and new opportunities. These agencies match nurses with healthcare facilities that need additional staff, ensuring that patient care remains uninterrupted.
For staffing agencies, keeping pace with the rising demand for nurses is crucial. Solutions like invoice factoring can provide the necessary funding to grow and support their operations effectively. Invoice factoring allows agencies to sell their accounts receivable at a discount in exchange for immediate cash, helping them manage cash flow and invest in recruiting and retaining qualified nurses.
These facts not only highlight the rich history and essential role of nursing but also underscore the profession’s ongoing evolution and the increasing opportunities within the field. Whether you’re a nurse or involved in nursing services, staying informed about these developments is key to advancing in this vital industry. The nursing profession continues to grow and adapt, driven by a commitment to providing high-quality care and improving patient outcomes.
For those involved in nurse staffing, understanding the dynamics of the nursing workforce and exploring financial solutions like invoice factoring can help meet the rising demand and ensure continued success. By recognizing the historical significance, current trends, and future prospects of nursing, we can better support and celebrate this indispensable profession.
For medical students and nurses of all categories, navigating assignments, homework, case studies, research, online classes, and challenging medical units can be daunting. Seeking professional guidance and assistance can make a significant difference in your academic and professional journey. For expert help with these challenges, consider reaching out to Expert Academic Assignment Help at [email protected] Our professional support can help you excel in your studies and career.
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thecrushheb · 4 months
ok but as someone who loves roma and isn’t emitting any “hitler particles” it’s still really easy to see that the way immigrants aren’t integrated into america is insane systemic racism whereas roma seclude themselves for the most part out of cultural reasons
I was less saying America's racism isn't as bad as much as just "just because we have different racism doesn't mean ours is worse than europe's. America has a weird racism because if you count out the extremists (and I think we must for this discussion because I'm not counting them for Europe either this is more a general culture discussion) America is weirded out by specificity in racism.
To explain better, if you complained about all the asians (which refers to east asians to the regular american) coming into your silicon valley tech sphere people would brush it off as run of the mill bigotry for the US, but when an indian coworker in that same company says something about Telugu people or Bangladeshi people then immediately they are "that guy's mega racist" or for the person who originally mentioned being irritated by all the asian people coming (so the average racist) they would think "dang indian people are weirdly racist [to these groups I think are the same exact people asa them]."
And America integrates immigrants... well, I'd have to hear what more specifically you're referring to in how that works because it really depends on a lot of factors, and I think most of which has to do with class waaaay more than race. Like I have a lot of jamaican and ethiopian friends (among others but that's like two thirds of the friends I've made through soccer that I went beyond and hung out with outside of soccer for some reason) who integrated rather easily because of their professions. A nurse, engineers, data people, all found integrating pretty easy (except finding places to live and a car but that's because of how expensive it is and nothing to do with racism). On the other hand, I teach in a school with only underserved families, and the immigrants/refugees we get whose parents aren't degreed professionals tend to find racist and unnecessary barriers put up all over the place.
Different racism.
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indietalent2coms · 6 months
Navigating the World of Healthcare Jobs
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Embark on a global health adventure with international healthcare jobs! Expand your horizons and make a difference worldwide.
Healthcare workers, such as doctors, nurses, laboratory technicians, support staff, and chemists, are crucial in providing timely patient care and services. During the global pandemic, this workforce played a vital role in the battle against the virus. It appears that there is an increasing need for healthcare workers worldwide. There are immense opportunities for the Indian workforce in the global healthcare sector. 
Healthcare professionals may want to consider exploring job opportunities abroad, as it could increase their chances of finding the ideal position. Additionally, it could be an opportunity to explore and immerse oneself in a different culture. Before embarking on a new life across the border, let's discuss the various career opportunities in the healthcare industry abroad, the international hiring process, and how to find job vacancies abroad.
Why Work Abroad?
Working abroad develops cultural competence. It increases the chances of meeting new people and learning a new language. By connecting with patients and experts from diverse cultures and religions, the candidate can learn new approaches and abilities that may not be possible at work. Many healthcare workers have gained experience abroad and used it back home. 
Healthcare workers typically move to wealthy countries to improve their lives and earnings. Healthcare workers in the UK, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Europe, and the US have various benefits, including excellent compensation.
Healthcare Career Abroad
Healthcare is a popular field worldwide, making it appealing to foreign job seekers. Medical research, technology, and globalization have increased demand for qualified healthcare personnel globally. International hiring is now promising.
Physicians, nurses, technicians, therapists, chemists, and others can work abroad.
Middle Eastern and Asian economies have many job vacancies. Indians can work in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Singapore. These countries provide appealing compensation packages, promote a healthy work-life balance, and offer an opportunity to immerse oneself in diverse cultures. 
Furthermore, there is a projected growth in the healthcare industry in the coming years, which may lead to numerous job and career opportunities for healthcare professionals worldwide. To sum up, it is advisable for those who wish to work abroad to consider the various career options that exist in the healthcare sector.
Why should one seek employment in the healthcare industry?
Clinical practice, therapy, leadership, and public health opportunities attract healthcare professionals. Various duties, pay categories, and responsibilities are assigned based on skill sets. Those employed in the healthcare industry may pursue careers in clinical healthcare, therapy and rehabilitation, healthcare administration, public health, and other disciplines. Here are some reasons for pursuing a healthcare career:
Work stability and expansion: As a healthcare professional, a person has a broader range of opportunities and substantially greater job security. Due to market contraction, healthcare employees are less likely to be laid off.
Jobs are available for all levels of education and experience: Numerous professions in healthcare are available, regardless of education or experience level. The healthcare industry offers employment opportunities for medical secretaries, medical coders, medical records technicians, health information administrators, and other in-demand healthcare professionals.
Competitive earning potential: Due to the high demand for healthcare professionals, careers in the field are among the most lucrative options.
Fast-paced and dynamic industry: The medical industry is fascinating and constantly evolving. Even in behind-the-scenes positions in healthcare, each day presents new information and obstacles, keeping things interesting.
How To Find Healthcare Job Vacancies Abroad
Looking for a healthcare job abroad might be difficult, but with a few simple steps, one can locate a plethora of job openings. Begin by researching the country of interest and its healthcare system. This will give them an overview of the employment opportunities available and the requirements needed. Then, look for online employment boards and professional networks for available position. Furthermore, individuals should always visit the websites of hospitals and healthcare organizations in their intended area. Consider partnering with a recruitment company like IndieTalent, which provides access to a vast choice of high-paying healthcare jobs abroad. Finally, make sure to prepare a great application and be prepared for any interviews or exams that may be required. A fulfilling healthcare job can be found abroad with some work and patience.
The healthcare industry offers several career opportunities for professionals looking for a job abroad. It's important to learn about the job needs and qualifications in the country where a person wants to work and the visa and work permit rules. Looking for job opportunities overseas can be quite a daunting task. However, with a recruitment organization like IndieTalent, one can easily secure a job and settle down in a foreign land. With proper planning and research, one can find a rewarding career in the healthcare industry abroad.
Are you looking to establish yourself in a foreign country with a stable career? Let IndieTalent be your trusted partner in achieving your career goals abroad. With our expert guidance and unwavering support, you can confidently navigate the path to success.
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