sitting-on-me-bum · 2 months
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Photography in Finland
Nuorgam in Winter
(Image credit: Eeva Mäkinen / N-Photo)
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gosamiand-blog · 4 months
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beni75 · 9 months
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Photos and texts: @kpunkka
1-. The levitating saune is actually on use
2-. Eifel
3-. Good morning from Nurmes
4-. Iceland
5-. Inari. Finland
6-. Sunrise at Cochem, Germany
7-. The legendary Eltz castle with the legendary swag of @hannes_becker - Germany
8-. Fairy Pools in Skye. Isle of Skye
9-. Fairy Pools. Scotland
10-. Faroe Islands
11-. Glenfinnan
12-. Go home sauna, you're drunk!
13-. Hope Valley, Peak District. Scotland
14-. I prefer fog more than sun. And today was one of those foggy ones
15-. Koli. Finland
16-. Last night we finally arrived to Nuorgam, Finland's northest city. This rainbow welcomed us while unpacked our car
17-. Lofoten Islands
18-. Pilvijärvi, Kirkkonummi
19-. Sky is on fire
20-. Stormy night in the seacoast of Scotland
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tremilatre · 11 months
Termine usato per indicare i colori dell’autunno. Nel parlato italiano si ricorre ad inutili anglicismi come il perverso foliage, magari pronunciato come il feuillage francese perché il color vinaccia della macchia di Provenza è più chic dei pallidi fogliami cedui del Sussex.
La lingua finlandese, invece, può contare su una parola più solida e originale, ruska, esotica quanto basta (deriva dal sami settentrionale ruške) e potentemente evocativa di una gamma cromatica che va dai viola pungenti delle eriche ai rossi furiosi dell’Acer platanoides fino al gialli abbaglianti della Betula pubescens. La discussa parentela con lo sfumato aggettivo finlandese ruskea, “marrone” ma anche, nei dialetti, “rosso fuoco” (il careliano rusko indica il rossore acceso del tramonto) dimostra tuttavia quanto, tra lunghezza d’onda, percezione della tonalità e lessico cromatico, regni un’arlecchinesca confusione.
Una ruska pronunciata al telegiornale funziona come segnale convenuto per gli appassionati di fotografia (Franco Figàri, uno fra tutti!) che, a ogni fine estate, attendono impazienti di dare il via al ruskaretki, il viaggio a caccia dei colori più psichedelici che la natura possa offrire. Si parte dall’estremo Nord: in media al 70° parallelo (Nuorgam) il fenomeno raggiunge il suo apice la prima settimana di settembre, mentre al 65° (Oulu) alla fine del mese, e al 60° (Helsinki) a ottobre inoltrato. Chi ha la pazienza di spostarsi trenta chilometri al giorno verso sud, ha l’opportunità di sperimentare un’allucinazione fauve lunga un mese, con la sola chimica dei carotenoidi vegetali. (m.g.)
Il vocabolario minimo finlandese è un avviamento semiserio ai misteri del mondo finlandese attraverso il suo strumento più raffinato: la lingua.
Consulta il vocabolario
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halfelven · 1 year
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nordnews · 1 year
From Hanko to Nuorgam, here are ten ways to have fun under the northern sun without spending a cent.
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sulevinen · 2 years
to think that nuorgam won’t see the sun until 18th of january next year
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serotoniininpuute · 3 years
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lapland is so beautiful
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anirobot · 3 years
Kaamos - Wikipedia
Polar night - Wikipedia
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kaikuusisto · 5 years
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BTS of RedBull Emmi Peltonen arctic dance in Nuorgam, Finland 2020.
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gosamiand-blog · 4 months
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sseaworn · 7 years
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finland: nuorgam june, 2016
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indizombie · 5 years
Indigenous children are inextricably linked to their lands, territories and natural resources and should be encouraged to connect to their communities and cultures. 2019 is the International Year of Indigenous Languages and added that we have to celebrate our languages, but also take concrete action to preserve them and save those on the verge of extinction. Studies show that children learn best in their native languages and should - according to Article 14 of the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) - be educated in their own languages. However, this needs financial and technical support from Member States and the U.N. System. This enables us to protect our traditional knowledge.
Anne Nuorgam, at the Eighteenth Session of United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII)
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glimmerspots · 8 years
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Standing alone
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mapsontheweb · 3 years
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Historic heat wave in Lapland: In Norway impressive 34.3C at Banak,it's the highest temp. ever above 70N in Europe and new record for Troms and Finnmark county. In Finland 33.6C at Kevo,new record and highest temp. in Finnish Lapland since 1914, also record with 32.5C at Nuorgam.
by @extremetemps
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fennopunk · 4 years
30 Questions
I was kinda bored, so I figured I would do one of these. I have gotten a lot of followers, so might as well re-introduce myself too
1. name/nickname: Kala. Means fish in Finnish and it is one of my IRL nicknames, believe it or not. My mom also calls me Lintu (bird), Pesusieni (sponge) and Murmeli (marmot). I kinda see a theme here.
2. gender: Non-binary
3. star sign: Pisces
4. height: Around 172cm I think?
5. time: Just hit midnight
6. birthday: 7th of march, 1991
7. favorite bands: Some of the current faves are Florence + The Machine, Eva + Manu and Värttinä
8. favorite solo artists: Kimmo Pohjonen, Jenni Vartiainen and Cosmo Sheldrake
9. song stuck in my head: Mishmash of The One to Survive by Hidden Citizen and Josh Bruce Williams, and World on Fire by Les Friction
10. last movie: Like, one I watched to the end? Uhh... The Croods? Kiki's Delivery Service?
11. last show: No clue :[
12. when did i make this blog: Seems like first posts were from 31.01.2019 so bit over two years ago
13. what i post: Solarpunk, crafts, gardening, nature, disability, mental health plus my own personal whining and ranting
14. last thing i googled: "Helena Gajos"
15. other blogs: My main blog is @uinuvien , my Finnish side blog is @rujorampaperisokea and @sorryeliastheresadoorintheway was first my The Magnus Archives side blog which I quickly turned into podcast blog and now I'm kinda turning it into my hyperfixation blog. I also have account for witchcraft, @peculiar-kind-of-witchcraft but I haven't logged into it for awhile-
16. do i get asks: Occasionally, yes
17. why i chose my url: I was bummed out that, at the time, it felt like majority of the solarpunk scene assumed the amount of social interaction and community building, that were very out of character for me personally, and to the Finnish society and wanted to figure out ways to solarpunk[verb] that weren't tied to interaction with other people. I have mellowed somewhat since, but SolitarySolarpunk has kinda become my brand and Covid had made sure that I'm not getting close to people anytime soon
18. following: 404
19. followers: 837
20. average hours of sleep:
21. lucky number: 5
22. instruments: I don't really play anything, but I like to sing when I'm alone
23. what am i wearing rn: Old black T-shirt with holes I have been meaning to mend for ages
24. dream trip: A road trip from Åland to Kilpisjärvi and Nuorgam. Problem is, I don't have a driver's license.
25. favorite food: This goes in phases, but I never say no to root veggie soups (with clear broth)
26. nationality: Finnish
27. favorite song: Oh damn... I suppose Breath of Life by Florence + The Machine comes close at least
28. last book read: I'm currently reading fourth book of Wayfarers series by Becky Chambers, The Galaxy, and the Ground Within and I love it!
29. top three fictional universes: To nobody's surprise, the universe of Wayfarers series, Avatar the Last Airbender +Legend of Korra, and The Land of Snow and Ice by Ilkka Auer
30. favorite color: Green, especially moss green
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