#numberjack meanies
itsmoebintim3 · 1 year
Gimme numberjacks meanie Headcannons plsss
Hey there! Sorry for taking so long. I lowkey kept getting distracted and stuff. Plus, I wanted to have enough hcs for the characters, but I feel like if I don't post this now, I might not post it at all. So without further ado, here are the overdue headcanons!
Spooky Spoon
-She definitely watches Drag Race
-Spooky Spoon loves gossiping with the Puzzler.
-She cannot do sympathy well at all, but she can sure as hell give a meanie a pep talk!
Problem Blob
-In villain meetings, the Problem Blob will spit on a Magic 8 Ball to give basic answers and a pencil to write more throughout answers.
-The Problem Blob scripts his blobs before spitting them out. Basically, he mentally writes out what he wants the target to do and how long to do it for. More complicated orders tend to take longer and sap more of his energy.
-If a Meanie comes to him with a problem, he sticks more towards the logical side of things, not really taking feelings into account.
The Puzzler
-He really seems like the type to collect vintage music stuff like vinyl records.
-The Puzzler definitely watches Fantano.
-One time, the Shape Japer tried turning him into a cube. It actually worked, but he was definitely not used to it. It took quite a few minutes to get him back to normal, as she kept turning him into other 3d shapes.
- He seems aloof on the surface, and for the most part, he is. But if he sees a fellow meanie down in the dumps about something, he will sympathize with them and provide comfort, if needed.
Shape Japer
-Younger sister of the Meanies.
-Shapeshifting is a very effective stim for her. If she cannot change an object’s/her own shape for too long, she can have a meltdown.
-Absolutely flipped her shit when she first had pizza. It’s a square that has a circle made out of triangles!
-She tries entertaining/distracting a sad meanie, but if that doesn’t work, she will get one of the older meanies to help.
The Numbertaker
-he was born mute
-was once a standard office worker who was turned into a Meanie by a ray of space light. He ended up quitting after realizing he could basically print money, eliminating the need for a job.
-he owns a flat where the other Meanies sometimes hang out in. Since, y’know, he’s the only human.
-lowkey a great cook.
-uses sign language or a TTS keyboard to communicate.
-When a Meanie needs comfort, he performs acts of service like getting them a blanket and a warm drink if so desired. He also tries to talk things out, but he’s not too good at it.
-The Meanies like ragging on each other a lot, but they do care for each other deeply. They are the only ones of their kind, after all.
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ask-numberjacks · 8 months
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YIPPEEEE 🎉 I will give you all the information I have on her at the moment.
So - Why did she become a meanie/get a villian arc? The other Numberjacks found out about Spikes, and didn't take it well. She left them, and after a lot of thought (and slight reluctance) she decided to join the other meanies along with Spooky. It also meant she could take revenge on the Numberjacks.
What's with the hands? Sooooo....... Uh..... In my AU, in the part of the story where this happens, the Numberjacks are also fighting the Variables, which are glitchy, shapeshifting beings with unstable forms and oobleck-like skin that in their main form resemble letters. Five accidentally discovered after defeating one that when their liquid flesh gets onto them, they can control it. Since Five doesn't really have many special abilities like the other meanies do and can't use Brain Gain anymore, she uses the Variable ooze stuff as hands. (It's a lot less gross than it sounds, I promise)
What does she do as a meanie? After a lot of practice using her (incredibly limited) powers without Brain Gain, she eventually discovers that she has some control over things to do with fives, like multiples of five, stars, pentagons, etc. That then becomes her gimmick.
Any other information? It's not like a Role Reversal AU, which is why she still looks similar to her canon form. If it was a Role Reversal AU she would look a lot different, and the hands would not be involved. She quite often teams up with Spooky Spoon or the Puzzler when she is causing problems. She's mostly mad at the main four, because they were the ones who she got into the fight with. There's also a crossover of this AU with the Descendants AU, called the Descendants of the Arc AU.
Some silly little drawings:
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And a spotify playlist lol
There ya go! :)
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When the shape is Japer or something
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moononyx09 · 8 months
Can we see Eldermentals pls?
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So sorry this took so long! Well here you go!
(Side note: Sevanna's surname is Ellis, Ethan's is Munday, and Nina's is Ross.)
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numberjacksthereboot · 2 months
are the meanies apart of this au?
Yes!! They do exsist in this AU :3
I have an already public drawing of them, but it's just some quick sketch
I will release their full designs at one point :3
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pippinandfriends2006 · 10 months
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threexfourdoodles · 8 months
Do you ship any of the Meanies?
not really, but i guess my favourite would be spooky x the problem blob !!
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madamvoila · 1 month
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this post isn’t cute: but why’d i actually have nightmares of this man for YEARS
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lunabearnight · 2 months
Meanie ocs
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Here's some Meanie ocs I came up with. Paint Shark Powers: Ability to change the color of any object. Bio: If there was a Meanie who was more curious than actually mean, then Paint Shark is that Meanie. After being mutated with paint, a little Hammerhead Shark turned into Paint shark. A curious creature with an act for change colors of objects. Mind Matter Powers: Ability to swap the minds of creatures and places creatures into other creatures minds. Bio: This floating brain is more powerful than you think. If you find yourself inside something else's body, then Mind Matter is to blame. Smart and cunning, he can find many ways to cause trouble. Weather Wizard Powers: Ability to change the weather. Bio: Snowing in summer, Sunny in winter? Who could cause this? Why the Weather Wizard of course. He can change the weather no matter what season it is. Mocking Jay Powers: Ability to mimic any sound. Bio: This bird has learned the ability to mimic any sound to his please. From voices to sounds, you can be confused by each sound Mocking Jay uses. Time Mixer Powers: Ability to make things younger and stopping time to certain things. Bio: This Meanie is the only Meanie that their powers can't be effected by the brain gain. It doesn't mean that he doesn't have a weakness. The only way to reverse this is removing the gem from his carving. The Multiplier Powers: The Ability to multiply anything by the number on her screen. Bio: Mina Thompson was your average human when she accidently fused with a copier. Soon she became the Multiplier and started multiplying almost everything. Fun fact, she's the older sister of the Numbertaker, even though he's taller than her.
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ask-ghostly-fifteen · 10 months
A bit of a weird question, but how do you think each of the meanies smell?
I’ll go first
Given that she never appears without heavy makeup, Spooky Spoon would most likely smell quite pleasant, albeit incredibly strong.
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zappea718 · 5 months
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Howdy @ask-numberjacks ! Can you draw my meanie ocs?
I wonder how they would be as humans...
Freaky Fork - Spooky Spoon's Brother that can make problem by making things insanely crazy and wierd and he thinks he's rad.
Tick-Tricker - a Flying living clock that can say only "Tick-Tock" he makes time/speed based problems
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inkfeatherz · 5 months
The sillies!!!
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It's Theta and Nine!!
If you're wondering who Theta is, they're (technically?) my Numberjacks OC, who I ship with Nine. (More info/lore, Theta's backstory + a playlist under the cut!)
Theta was sent to Earth with Nine, Eight and Seven to accompany them and be their guide. As time went on and they four of them built their home inside the sofa, met the meanies, and started going on missions; Theta and Nine fell in love. They were so happy together 🥺 But then Theta's fellow Greek letters came back to get them, saying they were no longer needed for 'the experiment'. Theta refused to leave, because they'd grown fond of the Numberjacks* but the other Greek letters (a.k.a the Greekjetecs) refused to let them stay, and tried to force Theta back with them. They nearly succeeded, however a glitch in the Brain Gain severely injured them and wiped all of their memories. They then became who is now known to the NJs as Zero, and the older numbers have to raise 'Zero' now with the other infants. This really sucks for Nine as it is a constant reminder to her that Theta's never coming back, despite them literally being right there with her. (I do not ship Nine and Zero, obviously.)
*Six, Five and Four had also been born at this point, however they were all very small so they don't remember much.
Here's Theta's profile: Name: Greekjetec Theta Pronouns: They/them Sexuality: Bi Age: ??? Abilities: Transformation into humanoid, jumping (Numberjack-like) and running (two-legged, no armed, sorta hedgehog-sized) forms; using Brain Gain
Here is also a playlist for TheNine!
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ask-numberjacks · 6 months
I LOVE your meanie four!!!! Is it cool if u draw more of him?? :)
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Yeah ofc!!!!
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vaportuesgaytor · 7 months
hm. something fun i think i'll do today. numberjacks drawing requests :] but please do not request for me to draw the meanies i can't do them yet
use the "ask" feature to give requests but i may get lazy so please bear with me
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moononyx09 · 10 months
I saw you have a Numberjacks Pop Stars AU. Tell us more ✨✨✨ It sounds very cool
Of course! In this AU, all the main characters have pursued a career in music... Along with some other familiar faces.
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The picture above is Tryhearts. It consists of Teresa and Jas, or in other words, 3 and Japer. Other bands include:
B4SP4CE (Felix and Bobby, or 4 and PB)
Starmixers (Ivy and Karyn, or 5 and Spooky)
Riddle me this (Sid and Xavier, or 6 and Puzzler)
Eldermentals (Sevanna, Ethan, Nina and Norris, in other words, 7 8 9 and the numbertaker.)
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vallory232323 · 1 month
New presona!!!!!!
So anyways I’ve gotten a new persona meet velvet
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She’s also like vallory, autistic, is 14, has a big heart, and is friends with the numberjacks and the meanies.
So last 2 months, mom took me to see the masked singer on LIVE! It was amazing, but when velvet came out, I literally fall in love with her! After the performance I couldn’t stop sending her kisses, and guess what? SHE THREW KISSED ME BACK! It was amazing and I love her SM
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