#greekjetec theta
inkfeatherz · 5 months
The sillies!!!
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It's Theta and Nine!!
If you're wondering who Theta is, they're (technically?) my Numberjacks OC, who I ship with Nine. (More info/lore, Theta's backstory + a playlist under the cut!)
Theta was sent to Earth with Nine, Eight and Seven to accompany them and be their guide. As time went on and they four of them built their home inside the sofa, met the meanies, and started going on missions; Theta and Nine fell in love. They were so happy together 🥺 But then Theta's fellow Greek letters came back to get them, saying they were no longer needed for 'the experiment'. Theta refused to leave, because they'd grown fond of the Numberjacks* but the other Greek letters (a.k.a the Greekjetecs) refused to let them stay, and tried to force Theta back with them. They nearly succeeded, however a glitch in the Brain Gain severely injured them and wiped all of their memories. They then became who is now known to the NJs as Zero, and the older numbers have to raise 'Zero' now with the other infants. This really sucks for Nine as it is a constant reminder to her that Theta's never coming back, despite them literally being right there with her. (I do not ship Nine and Zero, obviously.)
*Six, Five and Four had also been born at this point, however they were all very small so they don't remember much.
Here's Theta's profile: Name: Greekjetec Theta Pronouns: They/them Sexuality: Bi Age: ??? Abilities: Transformation into humanoid, jumping (Numberjack-like) and running (two-legged, no armed, sorta hedgehog-sized) forms; using Brain Gain
Here is also a playlist for TheNine!
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