#null se
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wildwinterlunas · 8 months ago
saw someone theorize Ana will get kidnapped by Null Sector to make the A7000 wargod, thoughts?
I actually talked about this theory back at the beginning of last year!! I couldn't find my other posts but I think this is the first one I made.
Anyway I think this is a good time to revisit this theory. I do still think it's possible, however less though then what I thought last year. Since Ana has gone off on her own now and is very specifically fighting Talon and warning old Overwatch agents, the risk of her being targeted have risen. However what bogs down this theory for me now is that I don't know how they'd incorporate this storyline without the story missions. They could do a cinematic or short story, but in all honesty a storyline like that needs build up. For it to make sense we need to see Ana be taken and we need to see the other characters find out. I think the only way to really do this is making another novel with that storyline featured in there.
Again I think it's possible, I just don't know how they'd do it now.
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ouro-bones · 1 year ago
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Dragging them all to Therapy
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captain-jale · 6 months ago
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lE tErRaIn EtAiT tRoP mOuIlLĂ©, Y aVaIt TrOp dE sOlEiL sUr NoTrE MoItIĂ©, MaRs EtAiT aLiGnEe AvEc SaTuRnE
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moinsbienquekaworu · 8 months ago
I'm going to Give The Fuck Up
#okay i'm writing the rest in french 1) for spyld purposes because it's 1am but still#and 2) so i can pull that post out next time i'm seeing a therapist and maybe they'll take me seriously#donc je suis censĂ©e avoir fait un essai et une prĂ©sentation pour demain (enfin. dans genre 8h)#et j'ai un autre exposĂ© pour vendredi#j'ai rien commencĂ© j'y arrive pas je peux pas#je suis au bout du bout j'arrive pas Ă  me forcer Ă  le faire je peux pas#c'est comme si ça faisait 4 ans que je courrais et qu'on me demandait de faire un sprint final#genre j'ai encore de l'Ă©nergie. mais bien sĂ»r. je suis encore debout et c'est un miracle mais oui grave je vais sprinter#je vais aller en cours demain je vais dire au prof que je peux pas et que j'ai pleurĂ© dessus plusieurs fois (ce qui est vrai)#et lui demander ce que je peux faire parce que lĂ  c'est pas possible#et on va voir!#je suis au bout de ma vie je n'en peux plus#plus le temps passe plus je me dis que ça vaudrait le coup d'abandonner et de rater mon annĂ©e juste pour que ça s'arrĂȘte#ça fait des ANNÉES qu'Ă  chaque pĂ©riode d'exam j'ai l'impression d'ĂȘtre un tout petit animal#qui s'est repliĂ© dans un coin de la piĂšce parce qu'un prĂ©dateur se rapproche#je suis dos au mur y a nulle part oĂč aller et la menace se rapproche encore et encore et je peux rien faire#et je suis hors de moi tellement j'ai peur et je suis stressĂ©e#des mois et des mois que j'ai cette image de moi en toute petite souris qui gratte frĂ©nĂ©tiquement le mur derriĂšre elle#parce que je peux pas aller devant moi. c'est lĂ  qu'y a le prĂ©dateur et je peux pas! je peux pas!!!#je peux pas fuir par lĂ  mais c'est la seule sortie et je vais pas y arriver et il faut que je parte il faut que je m'en sorte#si je reste lĂ  je vais mourir mais y a nulle part oĂč aller et je suis pas en Ă©tat de prendre une seule dĂ©cision logique#je suis juste en train de paniquer et je peux rien y faire et il faut que je sois ailleurs oĂč que ce soit mais pas ici pas ici pas ici#et toutes les fois oĂč j'ai rĂ©ussi Ă  me mettre aux devoirs j'ai rĂ©ussi Ă  esquiver les consĂ©quences mais pour combien de temps?#j'ai une semaine de rĂ©pit. deux peut-ĂȘtre. et des fois ils faut que je le refasse immĂ©diatement aprĂšs et j'ai plus ce qu'il faut#si j'arrivais pas Ă  me dĂ©tacher de ça je serais paralysĂ©e toute la journĂ©e et je pleurerais au moins deux fois par jour#je mangerais pas je boirais pas je me doucherais certainement pas je parlerais Ă  personne et je ferais absolument rien#rien qui me fait plaisir rien qu'y faut que je fasse rien rien rien. je serais figĂ©e tellement je suis stressĂ©e#du coup j'ignore et on dirait plus ou moins que ça va de l'extĂ©rieur mais je fais des crises de nerfs toutes les semaines#wow i have a ramble tag now
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engagemythrusters · 1 year ago
Yknow what I know the other 6 nulls didn’t reach full gestation but I like to think Boba was another grown alongside them. Part Null-0 maybe. Idk.
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jezatalks · 2 years ago
Merci la radio pour ce titre. On est morts (lol) de rire depuis un bon quart d'heure.
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dandanjean · 3 months ago
Quelque part
Pour tous ceux qui avancent en n’allant nulle part, la tentation de se distraire est trĂšs forte pour oublier le passage du temps. Pour ceux qui se sont posĂ©s, la tentation est forte d’occuper l’espace de la destination. Et tous ceux qui veulent se rendre quelque part, la tentation du manque de temps peut occuper les pensĂ©es. Pourtant, aucun chemin, aucun lieu n’est diffĂ©rent pour chacun

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lucksea · 3 months ago
using the pmd text font as my default font is great because sometimes it makes something infinitely more gut wrenching after typing it out without meaning to . such as the travelers warning poem. or the minecraft end poem. for instance
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emiliemaria · 10 months ago
#j'ai finis de lire les eff4cĂ©s#(je censure on sait jamais p-ĂȘtre l'autrice fouille aussi sur tumblr)#et c'est rĂ©ellement la premiere fois que je lis un Y/A qui fait Y/A genre c'est trĂšs plat et 'enfantin' idk#jdis pas que la Y/A c'est forcĂ©ment enfantin parce que j'en lis bcp quand mĂȘme et jamais je me suis dit que j'etais pas la cible premiere#mais lĂ  c'est TELLEMENT adolescent genre si j'avais su j'aurais pas du tout lu#tout est prĂ©visible. les relations sont nulles de chez nulles.#surtout que c'est 3 relations hĂ©tĂ©rosexuelles trĂšs clichĂ©s et pas du tt originales#genre y'a zĂ©ro enjeu tellement tout est tĂ©lĂ©phonĂ©#et du coup j'me suis renseignĂ© parce que de base g vu une review dire que y'aurait dla reprĂ©sentation#jsuis allĂ© sur le tiktok de l'autrice elle disait que oui y'en aurait au fur et Ă  mesure#sauf que lĂ  sur 2 tomes le seul homme homosexuel (ou bi je sais plus) meurt dans le tome 1#y'a une mention de grands mĂšres lesbiennes mortes#et Ed l'un des persos principaux est Ă  priori ace (wich. nice.)#mais l'autrice Ă  mit trop d'hĂ©tĂ©ros genre 3 couples hello ??????????? that's a bit much ?#aussi j'ai vu dans les commentaires de ses tiktok que des gens avaient Ă©tĂ© déçus par rapport Ă  la couverture du premier tome#et ça me rassure parce que same. quand j'ai vu la cover avec Prym et Ed je me suis dis Ă  eux ils vont finir ensemble#et bien PAS DU TOUT#et l'autrice disait que c pour Ă©viter la confusion qu'elle a fait des tiktok pour prĂ©ciser ptdr#bref en + l'autrice fait mourir des personnages principaux mais on s'en fout genre ?#je sais pas jcrois les seules morts qui pourraient m'atteindre c'est si Ed ou Miko mouraient#(et si ça se passait ce sera tuer les deux seuls perso queer qu'il reste ptdr)#je crois que Miko est bi ou homo je sais plus ou alors il a les vibes#mais en tous cas c'est clairement le perso le + interessant (avec Ed) et on le voit 3 secondes dans le tome 2💀#bref trĂšs déçue mais bon je pense je suis clairement pas le public visĂ© donc i get it si les gens aiment#triste de me rendre compte que je suis trop vieille pour ça
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this-is-a-name-dont-worry · 1 year ago
i should stop rewatching slg because every time i get feels again
episode 99 god.
#hhhhh wanna rant about it#anyway le PrĂ©sentateur est genre tellement gĂ©nial comme perso#mon prĂ©fĂ©rĂ© reste le panda (dĂ©veloppement rĂ©cent Ă  l'Ă©poque d'slg c'Ă©tait le geek)#mais god que le prĂ©sentateur lui-mĂȘme est tragique#dĂ©jĂ  tu peux te douter qu'il est arrivĂ© de la merde quand mathieu Ă©tait gisse car un tdi ça apparaĂźt pas de nulle part#mais mĂȘme sans ça.#le fait que le prĂ©sentateur Ă©tait dans l'ignorance totale durant tout ce temps.#il se fait kidnapper pour ĂȘtre enfermĂ© dans un asile (il a jamais rien demandĂ©! l'homme au masque l'a fait!)#et finit par apprendre la vĂ©ritĂ© brutalement et subir un traitement inhumain aprĂšs une 'rechute'#il se fait tirer de lĂ  mais finit kidnappĂ© Ă  nouveau#cette fois pour faire face Ă  la consĂ©quence de ses actes#il est complĂštement paumĂ© Ă  nouveau et en pleine dĂ©tresse#il sait qu'il va crever il apprend qu'il a causĂ© la mort de quelqu'un et il peut rien dire pour sa dĂ©fense#hormis la seuke vĂ©ritĂ©: il pensait pas que ça irait aussi loin. que l'Ă©mission irait aussi loin que son impact irait aussi loin#et la derniĂšre chose qu'il entend c'est ta gueule espĂšce de tarĂ©#puis il se fait buter#(il va mieux aprĂšs mais mĂȘme lĂ  ça va pas mieux)#urggggh y a tellement Ă  dire sur lui#(et maĂźtre panda. putain l'un de mes plus grands regrets de la fin d'slg c'est qu'on a jamais eu le fanmade d'angelmj#et j'aurais adorĂ© avoir son analyse du perso. il a rĂ©ussi Ă  donner des feels sur le prof et montrer du tragique dans le hippie.)#brefouille FEELS i need to keep writing my fic maybe also write short stuff for each characters idk#slg#salut les geeks#mathieu sommet
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bokutos-babyowl · 1 month ago
The Bet
It was a silly bet. You never thought the boys would have taken it seriously. But little did you know, they were waiting for Max's approval all along.
Content includes: 18+ MDNI, 
Max Verstappen X Reader X Charles Leclerc
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Notes: This is my first time writing fics in maybe 3 years, so bear with me through the struggles of switching between academic and fic writing.
Word count: 1489
Max had been on edge recently with what has now been talked about as the downfall of the Verstappen reign. At first, it was only a DNF, but then the real issues came—the McLaren boys, with their newly upgraded car, were doing wonders on the track while his car seemed to be falling apart at the seams. Max had always been competitive in and out of the bedroom, so why not mix the two? You said it as a joke, thinking that with a new prize on the line, he would win it. But that was far from the truth.
The bet was that whoever won the next race would get to use you in any way they wanted. The "they" being Max—he was the one you made the bet with, after all. Imagine your surprise when, despite starting on pole... Charles Leclerc wins.
Waking up to Max’s blaring alarm was not how you assumed you would start the day, tangled in a mess after an evening at a team dinner that you left early—much to Horner's dismay after he saw Max follow you to the bathroom. Trying to find a phone half-asleep was not Max's strong point. Chuckling, you roll back into Max to distract him from getting up and causing the chaos of race day. Grabbing the phone and turning off the alarm, “I can’t wait to get fucked by the winner tonight,” you say to him with a kiss. Grinning, Max was quick with a comeback, “And if I don’t win?” Straddling his hips, you reply, “Well, I guess I’ll just have a new winner to be used by,” you say with a smirk, hoping to rile him up. But what you did not know was what happened in the paddock before dinner last night. His long conversation with Charles did not go unnoticed by some, leaving Horner mildly confused after you both left early.
Flipping you over, hands held above you, back arched off the bed, Max says almost mockingly, “Schat, wouldn’t you like to find out,” kissing you and then walking to the shower. With you confused, thinking of his words on the bed, surely he would not lose on purpose, right?
It was a tight race with Checo crashing out and a poorly timed pit stop on the Red Bull end. Getting out of the car, he was not the winner; he was second to who has been seen as his best bud of the week, Charles Leclerc. It was up on the podium he found you standing with the team. Making sure your eyes were on him, he gave you a menacing wink, looking between you and Charles.
After getting back to his driver room, you had nothing but questions about his small stunt on the podium. Yet when he opened that door, you knew it was not a time to ask him. Helping him pack up from the day, you headed back to the hotel. On the way to the hotel, Max was quiet, looking between his phone and you as you drove him back, thinking he was just tired. The whole way to the room was silent; you expected to open the door and go straight to bed. Yet the bet you made this morning was still happening, even if you thought it was null and void.
As Max opened the hotel door and you walked through, he slapped your ass. “Get the nice red set of lingerie on—you know, the one with all the lace. Be ready on the bed by the time I get back, Schat.” Nodding, you agreed. “With words, love, not your head. Will you be ready?” Looking him in the eyes, “Yes, sir.” “Good girl,” he says as he heads out of the door.
It did not take long for him to walk back into the room. As you are laying there in your red lacey set, you hear the door open. You hear Charles first. Walking in, Max showed a small smile, pleased that you did as he told you. You smile back, holding eye contact to see where he was going. “Fuck, when you said you had a present for me, I didn’t think you were a man to share,” said Charles. “It was all her idea. She said she wanted to ‘fuck the winner tonight.’ And after our conversation, I decided it would get you to stop following her like a lost puppy. So don’t be shy on my account. Schat, don’t be shy now, give the man what he won,” Max said with a smirk.
As Charles walked over to the bed, Max found his place on the chair, opening his pants just enough to pull out his member. Charles looked back at Max to confirm it was okay. Max nodded. Turning around, Charles pulled you flat on the bed, holding your hands as his tongue found its way into your parted lips. One hand wandered to your core to see how wet you were, as he dipped in a finger to find you soaked, showing Max. “Fuck, do you like it when I watch him fuck you, Schat?” Moaning as Charles moved down to your collarbone. “She squeezes my fingers so well, I can’t wait to fuck her.” With that, he turned you over, slapping your ass as you pulled it into the air. On all fours, he ripped off your lace panties. “She likes it rough; she is a good slut like that,” Max says, slowing down his pumps to delay his release.
With that, Charles loosened you up a little more before slamming it deep in you all at once. “Fuck, Charles, so full,” you moan as he lets you get used to his cock. He was a little longer than Max, as balls deep, the tip kissed your cervix just right. Max watched you with calculating eyes, giving him the nod. “She’s ready. Be careful; you won’t wanna stop once you start,” Max says, keeping his eyes on you. With that, Charles grabbed your hair, starting slow, building up pace. “Show him the works, Schat. Don’t leave anything out.” With that, you let go of all the tension pent up in your body.
He was a little longer than Max, as balls deep, the tip kisses your cervix just right. Max watches you with calculating eyes, giving him the nod. “She's ready; be careful; you won't want to stop once you start.” Max says keeping his eyes on you. With that, Charles grabs your hair, starting slow and building up pace. “Show him the works, but don't leave anything out.” With that, you let go of all the tension pent up in your body. Rushing towards your release, you can tell Charles is almost as close as you. Both moaning messes as Max pumps his cock to seeing you getting fucked by his friend. He watches as Charles fucks you through your organum, chasing his own. He can see the glint in Charles's eyes as he is about to spill his load in you. Right when you can feel Charles pulsing, ready to release, he suddenly is pulled out of you by Max. 
You let out a sound of complaint as Charles spills his load on your ass. You can feel your insides itching to have that second release as Max grabs your throat, pushing you up so you're back in facing him as you can feel the nudge of his cock. Max motions Charles, and you kneel in front of you, your tits pressing against Charles's nipping mouth. Slowly he guides Charles back into you, before he slowly inserts himself. Hearing a whine of concern, he kisses up your neck. “Relax, schat; I got you. I won't let anything bad happen.” You trust him wholeheartedly as you slowly get used to the new stretch you have not felt before. 
You give them a small moan alerting them that it was okay to move now. With the sounds of thrusts and moans, you are lost in a teetering bliss between being too full and not full enough. Charles starts circling your clit, and Max is teasing your nipples, on the brink of pain. Your eyes roll back, and you are on the verge of your next orgasm, overstimulation starting to prickle your senses. With a loud moan, you fall into your next orgasm. “Fuck, schat, did I tell you you come cum?” Max whispers in your ears, whining as you know what happens next, as they are still going. Charles is slowly losing pace, focusing on your clit, and he gives the notion that he is about to come. 
Coming in you with a load moan, he slowly pulls out, as he is not focused on your clit, pushing you into overstimulation. Max keen on getting his way can make your body tense up on him knowing that you are both so close. “That's its Schat. Let go for me.” With that, you fall over the edge, your body burning with overstimulation, as Max keeps his pace, letting you come down before coming in you. 
Charles catches you from falling to the bed as Max composes himself. Getting off the bed, Max gets the supplies to clean you up as he sees you falling into sleep with Charles holding you close. After cleaning you up, he gently wipes Charles, who moans with how sensitive he is. “If this is what I get for winning, I might fight for pole more often,” he says with a yawn. “Don’t get too comfy; you know who she comes home with at the end of every race,” he says, and he crawls in on the other side of you, taking you from Charles's grasp.
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atarathegreat · 9 months ago
Did you say: fantasy AU Bakugo smutt?
Dragon Prince Bakugo.
Bakugo wasn't opposed to an arranged marriage, per se. His mother and father were done with their exploring, and his mother was done berserking. Bakugo himself still hunted, but his mother and father were done with what they called 'young people activities'.
Besides, a marriage meant a celebration, and a celebration meant that everyone got to go wild. Drinking, sparring, dancing! It would all be so much fun for him and the others. It was like Bakugo could already smell the ale and feel the punches that he would be earning. It excited him to no end. Whoever was going to be his wife, as lucky as she was, would have to manage with him being as rowdy as he pleased. Maybe he would get lucky, too, and she would be a barbarian like him, just as rowdy.
"Bakugo, are you really going to wear that nasty pelt?" His mother, Mistuski, stood in the arch to his chambers, soon to be shared with a stranger, "You wear that dirty thing to go hunting and fishing and you want to wear it for a wedding celebration?"
Bakugo turned and glared at his mother, all while taking heavy steps toward the pile of clothes and pelts in the corner, "You want me to wear these overly fancy rags? Do I look like someone who wears green? I'm likely to be mistaken for a boar or a nightwalker!" He was wrong, of course, as he usually was, but his mother understood his anger. Her son didn't like fancy items or flashy jewelry. But his hunting pelt? Surely he had better sense than that. "Don't you want to make a dazzling first impression on your future wife?" Mitsuki smiled, holding up a nicer, cleaner pelt.
"I don't rightfully care. Our marriage is political at best, and a mothers move to get me married at worst." Bakugo plopped onto his bed.
Mitsuki was shocked. Not that he was wrong, her son was intelligent, but that he had openly said it without knowing what was leaving his lips. Sure, political was the best way to call it, bringing barbarians and the clerics together in, at least, a shaky alliance. But it would also be a lie to say that her and her husband hadn't also planned it so that her son would have a wife sooner, maybe even kids if he felt like being the bare minimum for a husband. Mitsuki sighed and sat next to her son, her awfully thick-headed son, "Can you just do as I ask you? Just this once, let this go smoothly?" She hated to beg her son to be clean, but she knew that there was a soft spot somewhere in him.
"If I do, will you get off my back about it?"
"I might."
To relent and let his mother have her way would bite him in the ass later, but he got up and switched the pelt out, securing a lighter wolf pelt at his hips, "Happy now?"
"Okay! Be ready by midday and don't get covered in blood, this needs to be a good impression for the girl and her family." Mitsuki clapped as she left, feeling triumphant.
Come midday, her victory was null. The poor girl's family had sent her alone. From Ethel to Kazar, the young lady had traveled in the back of a wagon with nothing but a simple dress. No jewels, no colors, not even a smile. Mitsuki watched as the girl stepped from her wagon, simple flat shoes hidden under the long fabric of her skirts. She was supposed to be a noble, but she looked like a little peasant child who begs for money.
"I thought clerics wore robes and traveled together?" Her husband, Masaru, watched the girl with pity, "She looks sad."
Her soft flat shoes were dirty and torn, like the bottom of her dress, and the rest of her was...grey. Her and her aura were dull and grey and defeated. As if she had nothing left.
"So much for that alliance, huh?" Bakugo scoffed, returning inside the castle to avoid the silent creature that would be his bride. She wasn't interesting enough to keep him around for anything, and he wouldn't subject himself to the nap she would give him. His mother, on the other hand, refused to let this be the ending or a fail. Mitsuki smiled and took the girls hands in her own, "Hello, sweetheart. How was your trip?"
"Long, Your Highness." The girl even sounded like a field mouse, how adorable, "Long and silent."
If anyone had paid attention for a fraction of a second, they would have seen that the wagon rode off as soon as her foot touched the ground. Sad. But Mitsuki was happy that the girl was in Kazar now, at least she would grow to have some semblance of a family that would travel with her. Mitsuki nodded, "Call me Mitsuki. What is your name, hun?"
"Y/n." She responded well enough, albeit timidly. Masaru suspected that Y/n was raised in one of the many families that viewed the woman as caretakers and mothers. A devastating fate when women were as strong as the men if given the chance to build muscle. There was no doubt that Bakugo would be upset by this girl not being strong or loud. "Where is your family?" He was curious, who was this girl and why was she alone?
"They sent me alone. Said that the alliance meant little to them so long as I was out of their sight." Y/n spoke without confidence, but as if she believed every word she said, "They wanted to thank you for taking this burden off their hands."
That struck Masaru in a visceral way. Her own family saw her as a burden? How awful. She was anything but, and she was cute, clearly had nice genes for a cleric.
"I wish to apologize. I... I know little. I cannot read or write; I hardly understand my own ways. I'm useless and lack the ability to bring anyone joy." It was so awful to hear the things she said about herself. Y/n was pretty, Mitsuki could already see the beautiful grandchildren she would gain from this girl and her son. Good genes and good genes bred better genes, in her mind. "But I am willing to learn, if there is anyone with the patience to deal with my stupidity. I can clean, but I've never been praised for the work." She was so upfront about what she thought was things they would turn her away for.
And this behavior persisted into the celebrations. Y/n isolating herself in the corners, in the shadows, avoiding the others who wished to get to know her and welcome her to the clan and village. It was upsetting.
Bakugo found her after a hefty search (a search of ten minutes where he wasn't actually looking but happened to glance at her a few times before finally approaching). "What's wrong? Do you not realize how grateful you should be for this?" Bakugo came on strong, he was aware of that, but who hid during their own wedding celebrations? She seemed to be brushing it all aside and acting as if this was what she deserved. "Apologies. I'm not supposed to interact with anyone." Y/n was a mumbling mess, never speaking louder than she thought she needed to. It pissed Bakugo off to no end. "Whatever. If you don't want to be down here, then go to bed. You'll bring the mood down." He returned to the sparring corner of the big room, joining in with the fights.
Y/n, with a lot of difficulty, managed to find the bedchambers where she would be sleeping. It was Bakugo's room, of course, she knew that, but now she would also occupy the space. It was a messy space, a man's space. How was she supposed to feel at home in this strange place, with strange people, and an even stranger lifestyle? She was used to the women being small, quiet, never drawing attention to themselves. The women here in Kazar, they didn't seem to care about the consequences of having the attention. Aside from that, the women were muscley and brawn. They even knew how to read.
She crawled into the windowsill and looked up at the stars. For a brief moment she foolishly thought about whether her family was missing her. It was a dumb thought, one she wiped away quickly.
Meanwhile, Bakugo was sparring and drinking, thoughts of his new bond gone as he drowned his liver in ale and whatever foods had been made. His concerns were with winning the matches he was in. Zero thoughts of the girl up in his window. When he did finally stumble his way up to his chambers, Y/n was there immediately. Her gentle hands held cold cloths to his alcohol warmed cheeks. "What the hell are you doing to me, woman?" Bakugo grabbed her wrists to keep her hands on his face. The way she stared at him, wide eyes that reminded him of a frightened doe staring at a hunter as she waited for him to make a move.
"You're too damn quiet." Bakugo moved his face closer to hers, wanting to see what type of reaction he could pull out of her. Y/n seemed like a stoic girl and Bakugo wanted to see her lose her temper, to see her make any face except that doe eyed stare. So, he kept moving closer, until his lips touched hers and he'd never felt something so soft. He would blame the ale later.
Her body was rigid, yet loose, as Bakugo held her cheeks to keep her from moving away from him. Her tongue tasted of fruits, wild berries and water from a stream. It was addicting for the man, even if he was just some drunken barbarian at the moment.
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Something about her softness was drawing him in. The way she moved how he wanted her to and the careful way she touched him, like he was as fragile as she was. It was different, in a good way.
"You have a choice in this." He mumbled, unable to make himself pull his lips away from hers, "Just because I am your husband does not mean you have to do everything I wish."
And she still didn't reject him or his advances. It was almost like she leaned into them, put more pressure in her gentle touches and soft caresses. The pelt around his hips hit the wall before the floor as he tossed it, not really giving a damn about where it went as long as it was off of him. "You're cute, I'll give you that." Bakugo mumbled as he walked her backwards towards the bed, bunching the skirts of her dress in his hands, "I wonder if the rest of you is as soft as your hands..."
"I'm not worth your physical affections." Y/n fell back easily onto the bed, never pushing Bakugo away. A loud laugh exploded in his chest at her words, "You're worth it if I find you worth it. You clearly aren't smart enough to gauge that."
Soft was an understatement. Plush and soft, Bakugo couldn't keep himself from squeezing every inch of her skin. "Soft as a hawk sprite chick. You ever felt one of them?" Bakugo nuzzled against her collar bone, "I'll catch one on my next hunting trip so you can."
This girl, this woman that Bakugo has been married to, what type of life had she led? Why was she so subservient to him? She didn't even fight him as he undressed her. He was a stranger to her, and she just... let him do as he pleased. Would she even make noise if he didn't ask her to?
Bakugo bit at her neck, smiling to himself at the involuntary gasp that he had pulled from her. He had caused a sound, though it was soft, to leave her without asking. "You're softer than the women here, you know that? It's nice, but I want you to talk more. Fuck, scream at anything if you want." Bakugo shuffled his pants down his legs and laughed at the way she avoided eye contact. It was apparent that she would be someone he'd have to have a small amount of control over, but that was the fun with some of these things. Bakugo leaned over her and grabbed her chin, "I want to see these pretty eyes on me."
Without a second of warning or even courtesy of being careful, Bakugo snatched her to the edge of the bed and snuggled his cock deep within her hold. She was soft, and it felt like she was trying to pull him deeper. "There you go, just keep squeezing." Bakugo pulled back a little to look at the connection he had forged, "Stretched fuckin' wide, you know that?"
She was cute when she whimpered, her unscathed hands gripping at Bakugo's rougher skin was nearly driving him absolutely crazy. This stranger, this quiet woman that Bakugo was so, so sure he would hate, had managed to make herself the center of Bakugo's, albeit drunken, world. There was nothing to stop him from leaving his teeth marks across her skin, and she looked a lot better with his markings. He had to think for a moment about how wonderful it would be to see her running to him after a hunting trip, how excited she would be to see him return was something he was hoping to see one day.
The pleasure was getting him too lost in his mind, making him think that maybe being married wasn't so bad, that maybe it wasn't just a political marriage. He didn't even see that he was hurting her, but she didn't sound like she was in pain. Blood started to stain the pelt blanket below her, causing a slight bit of concern. "Are you okay?" He didn't stop, she was too comfortable, but he also wouldn't make the mistake of thinking her body was as tough as a barbarian womans. "Stings a little, but it's okay~" Every word sounded like it was laced with euphoria. Maybe she had never felt such a thing, never had sex. Perhaps her body was as strong as a barbarian womans, she just hadn't ever used it.
"Hold on to me if you need to, I'll take care of you." Bakugo mumbled, putting more of his teeth marks across her neck.
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tricycle-jaune · 2 months ago
Bonjour, ce message s'adresse à toutes personnes se sentant concernées, mais plus particuliÚrement à alien-superst4r afin de continuer le débat sur les choix de faceclaims des gens.
Je me permets ce pavĂ© imbuvable par rapport aux commentaires vis Ă  vis de la liste des fc rĂ©servĂ©s pour le forum museum of sins. Ça va ĂȘtre long et chiant mais j’pense c’est nĂ©cessaire pour ce genre de dĂ©bat qui ne peut se faire en trois phrases. Puisque tumblr c’est aussi une plateforme de discussion, discutons (et je pourrais sĂ»rement pas re-rĂ©pondre aussi vite que les personnes qui rĂ©pondront Ă  ce message car je taff en journĂ©e, j’sors Ă  7h30 pour rentrer Ă  19h donc faudra excuser ma potentielle lenteur) Je m’excuse btw pour mon Ă©criture inclusive qui n’est pas au top, je tente d’apprivoiser cette nouvelle maniĂšre d’écrire (en m’entraĂźnant comme avec ce post lol) mais je suis loin de la maĂźtriser !
Donc, de base j’voulais pas rĂ©pondre honnĂȘtement mdr mon taff me prend vlĂ  mon Ă©nergie et dĂ©battre pour des choix de faceclaim pour des forums c’est pas franchement dans mes prioritĂ©s quand j’ai des charges Ă  payer et des responsabilitĂ©s Ă  m’en provoquer du bruxisme la nuit. Mais bon, en vrai ça m’intĂ©resse aussi d’un cĂŽtĂ© puis j’ai jamais vraiment participĂ© Ă  ce genre de dĂ©bat en ligne (bizarrement autour d’une table j’ai moins peur que virtuellement, c’est dire Ă  quel point jsuis loin des rĂ©seaux sociaux et que pour moi -mon avis perso hein- y’a rien de mieux que confronter les gens les yeux dans les yeux, virtuellement j’y arrive pas mdr)
Tu as sous-entendu une incitation Ă  la haine + concluant par une insulte visant les futurs membres du forum en disant :
“toi et ta communautĂ©, oui restez bien entre "vous", whatever that means (j'ai une idĂ©e mais bref) et mangez bien vos grands morts" 
Faisant partie de ladite communautĂ©, je me sens visĂ©e par ce qui est, me semble-t-il, ĂȘtre un sous-entendu non-dissimulĂ© que l’ensemble de cette commu/futurs membres de ce projet sont toutes et tous des privilĂ©giĂ©s cis blancs d'extrĂȘme droite voire d’appartenance au nazisme, surtout par le “j’ai une idĂ©e mais bref” (jvais sĂ»rement trop loin tho, je m'excuse si je choque certaines personnes) Encore une fois, je me permets de rĂ©agir car faisant partie de ces futurs membres, c'est donc une attaque contre (entre autre) moi et ce que tu penses sur ma personne en me jugeant un peu gratos faut dire c’qui est, mĂȘme si c’est ton droit de juger qui tu veux of course. D’un cĂŽtĂ© tu peux aussi me tacler en disant que j’me permet Ă©galement de te juger en osant penser que tu penses justement qu’on est raciste voire nazi alors que c’était pas du tout ton sous-entendu, je m’excuse si j’me fourvoie !
Et faisant Ă©galement partie d’une communautĂ© de jv en ligne, j’ai l’habitude des “va mourir” ou encore “go get cancer” et autre joyeusetĂ©. Autant tout ça, ça m’fait zĂ©ro rĂ©agir (je mens, leur violence me fait tjs un petit qch mĂ©bon, tu veux rĂ©pondre quoi Ă  ça mdr) autant me faire insulter de raciste voire d’appartenance au nazisme, ça passe pas. Et je t’arrĂȘtes tout de suite, le fait de pas aimer ça c’est pas une quelconque consĂ©quence de quoi que ce soit de ma part ou de mes choix rpgique, je pense si je te croiserai dans la rue et que je t’aborderai juste parce que tu portes un type de pantalon particulier et que j’te dis “t’es raciste”, ça m’étonnerai que tu kiffes la sensation (comparaison Ă©clatĂ©e au sol je te l’accorde mdr) (c’est pour insister sur le fait que “ça sorte de nulle part”) (bien que tu pourrais rĂ©torquer que ça sort pas de nulle part, ça sort du constat du choix des fcs blancs du fo il est vrai)
J’pourrais faire “osef” car tu me diras et Ă  raison “mais si tu te sens visĂ©e, c’est que j’ai raison et j’ai touchĂ© lĂ  oĂč ça fait mal” LĂ  n’est pas le propos selon moi. Si on me vise personnellement en me disant “putain tes dents elles sont de travioles c’est moche” c’est une vĂ©ritĂ© vraie, jvais ĂȘtre choquĂ©e du culot et de la non-dĂ©licatesse des propos, mais la vĂ©ritĂ© j’vais oublier les minutes qui vont suivre mdr Donc quand on me dit “t’es raciste” alors que c’est pas la vĂ©ritĂ©, ça me touche de maniĂšre particuliĂšre parce que 1) le terme est violent as fuck et 2) ayant Ă©tĂ© victime du regard des autres (bcp moins que certaines de mes amies tho j’insiste sur ça) et autres commentaires douteux sur mes cheveux par ex en mode “jpeux les toucher” ou, mon turban portĂ©e occasionnellement (imagine les soeurs hijabi, tu sais trĂšs bien donc pas la peine de te donner des exemples) (mĂȘme si ça m'arrive bcp moins ces temps-ci tho), c’est un peu un paradoxe troublant pour moi j’avoue. Pour conclure ce paragraphe d’introduction honteusement long : l’ĂȘtre humain est complexe et “aime” Ă©changer ses pensĂ©es, ou du moins les Ă©taler. Et il faut parce que sinon on explose lol donc me voici en train de monologuer.
Je comprends ce combat, vraiment, j’fais partie des minoritĂ©s Ă©galement (et lĂ  vous vous dites : c’est une vendue lis mĂȘme pas son pavĂ© ça sert Ă  R) J'parle de combat ouais j'emploie le champ lexical de la guerre c’est pĂȘ too much mais la fatigue menĂ©e Ă  toujours rĂ©pĂ©ter les mĂȘmes discours c’est fatiguant, j’le sais, j’fais la mĂȘme entre amies en Ă©changeant nos convictions, car j'en ai Ă©galement, comme bcp (y’a pas d’ironie lĂ -dedans hein, je prĂ©fĂšre prĂ©ciser on sait jamais que mes propos soient mal interprĂ©tĂ©s ou quoi).
Sauf que j’aimerais dĂ©battre de ton point de vue du coup j'me permets : nous connais-tu ? Nous, les futurs membres du forum ? Connais-tu nos origines ? Notre milieu social ? Notre passĂ© ? Nos personnalitĂ©s ? Comment peux-tu savoir les raisons exactes de nos choix derriĂšre ces fc ? Qui te dis que parmi elleux, t’en a pas qui ont enchaĂźnĂ© les fc poc et qui lĂ  veulent incarner une nana suĂ©doise (pour l’exemple) pour la premiĂšre fois depuis x annĂ©es ? Penses-tu que parmi toutes les personnes qui ont fait des rĂ©servations d'avatars, il n'y ait vraiment aucun.e catholique, musulman.e, juif.ve, hindouiste pour ne citer que ces religions, ou d'origine maghrĂ©bin.e, portugais, subsharaien.ne, asiatique pour ne citer que ces origines encore une fois, qui ont pourtant choisi.e en toute connaissance de cause des fc dit "blanc" car d'origine canadienne ou amĂ©ricaine ou europĂ©enne ou etc bref, un fc dit "blanc". Est-ce qu’au bout du compte c'est pas simplement mon choix d'incarner un mec scandinave alors que mes ancĂȘtres sont d'origine maghrĂ©bine ? Moi c’qui m’interroge particuliĂšrement c’est notamment : est-ce que t'es en train d'insinuer que par mon choix je suis forcĂ©ment en train de dĂ©nigrer mes ancĂȘtres et mes parents qui m'ont inculquĂ© une (des) langue.s une tradition, une religion, un quotidien qui sans eux n'existerait pas, parce que j'ai pris un acteur Ă©cossais (oui je change exprĂšs parce que ça marche avec n'importe quelle nationalitĂ© dite "blanche") au lieu de prendre un Tahar Rahim ou Leila Bekhti qui ont mon amour inconditionnel mais juste voilĂ , j'ai juste pas le souhait lĂ , dans ce contexte-ci et dans l’immĂ©diat, d'incarner un personnage avec lui ou elle en fc ?
Si oui, que c’est effectivement ton insinuation (en tout cas de mon point de vue, c’est ce que je ressens en te lisant et en tant que personne racisĂ©e ayant pris un fc blanc, donc en gros jsuis une grosse merde qui a honte de ses origines quoi), que “si vous ne choisissez pas un.e poc comme fc vous ĂȘtes racistes parce que vous ne contribuez pas Ă  diversifier les reprĂ©sentations dans votre forum” (je grossis le truc ce n’est bien sĂ»r pas ce que tu as dis, mais c’est ce que j’ai cru comprendre par ton sous-entendu et c’est mon ressenti Ă  la lecture de tes mots) alors, je ne peux pas parler pour tout le monde mais pour ma part, meuf maghrĂ©bine, musulmane, issue de la classe ouvriĂšre ayant toujours vĂ©cu et cĂŽtoyĂ© les quartiers du 93 et votant explicitement pour le parti politique de gauche (tu vois je dis tout mdr je m’en fous si ça me fait perdre mes partenaires rp, i am what i am) : cette insinuation est fausse ! Dans ma vie de rpgiste, j’ai autant kiffĂ© mes histoires sous une Lupita Nyong'o que sous un Gustaf SkarsgĂ„rd ou encore Salma Hayek. J’ai mĂȘme pas Ă  justifier mes choix de fc en fait parce qu’ils sont les miens et quand je dĂ©barque dans un fo, on a toutes et tous une maniĂšre diff de construire ses perso. Moi ça commence comme ça (allez si j’me justifie mdr quand je commence on m’arrĂȘte plus comme tu le remarque avec malheur) : j’ai son caractĂšre, son histoire et ENSUITE en dĂ©coule le fc, le fc c’est limite un dĂ©tail (pour moi!) qui vient Ă  la fin mdr parce que je bosse tellement son mindset et son histoire/Ă©ducation que le visage c’est pas ce qui m’inspire, c’est sa vie qui va m’inspirer son visage jsp si j’suis claire en fait pardon si j’dis n’imp.
Mais en vrai, oui c’est frustrant de ne pas avoir assez de reprĂ©sentation des minoritĂ©s. Il en manque partout. Story time totalement hors rp ; y’a que trĂšs rĂ©cemment que j’étais tombĂ©e sur la sĂ©rie we are lady parts et c’était bien une des premiĂšres fois (en vrai y’en a d’autres quand on fouille bien) oĂč je voyais une reprĂ©sentation relativement fidĂšle d’une minoritĂ© dans une sĂ©rie tv dite populaire Ă  laquelle je pouvais m’identifier (c’est limitĂ© un c/c de moi et de copines, for real c’est flippant mdr) Mais j’vais tout autant kiffer house of the dragon et m’identifier (sous d’autres d’aspects totalement diff hein) Ă  rhaenyra alors que bon, t’imagines bien que j’ai pas de dragon sous le coude. Tout ça pour dire : j’ai pas attendu et je vais pas attendre que ça soit dans le domaine du rp que le monde va changer/Ă©voluer. Les reprĂ©sentations de mes origines/religion/tradition, c’est partout. C’est dans mon quotidien et bien sĂ»r que le rp fait partie de mon quotidien mais c’est comme la musique que j’écoute, jvais autant kiffer ma vie sur sum 41 que Taos Amrouche et j’vais pas me sentir moins dĂ©connectĂ© de mes origines parce que jvais aller Ă  un concert de punk rock un soir tous les huit mois. Sinon c’est que pardon, ma connexion Ă  mes racines est vraiment trĂšs faible ptdr
Si ce n’était pas ton insinuation, je m’excuse d’avoir pris de ton temps et d’avoir Ă©tĂ© full parano ! (that’s my thing mdr) Mais en vrai j’ai kiffĂ©, call me weird. MĂȘme moi ça m’a aidĂ© Ă  voir plus clair dans, Ă  la fois ta position mais aussi la mienne et j'me rend compte que je manque cruellement de confiance en moi jusqu'Ă  douter de mes choix de fc alors que paradoxalement, j’suis Ă  l’aise dans mes bottes autant pour incarner un fc pakistanais autant que polonais, dans la limite de mes faibles connaissances bien entendu. Je prĂ©tendrais jamais connaĂźtre l’histoire d’un pays mieux que celui de mes origines ou le pays dans lequel je rĂ©side, et encore, on peut jamais tout connaĂźtre, la seule chose que je sais c’est que je ne sais rien que disait tu sais qui.
En dĂ©coule une autre interrogation : si demain j’suis inspirĂ©e par un contexte de fifou sur un forum mais que instinctivement, mon inspi me “pousse” Ă  prendre un fc blanc, est-ce que mon cerveau fait de moi une personne raciste parce que j’ai choisi impulsivement ce fc au dĂ©triment d’un fc issu d’une minoritĂ© ? Imaginons encore, toujours dans ma recherche de forum avec un contexte qui me plaĂźt, bim cette-fois ci j’suis inspirĂ©e pour un perso issus d’une minoritĂ© et ça me donne l’opportunitĂ© de chercher un fc d’un.e poc. Est-ce que ça fait de moi une hypocrite parce que j’ai deux perso totalement Ă  l’opposĂ© ou j’ai eu tort affreusement tort de prendre un fc blanc et ce sont mes pensĂ©es d’occidentalisĂ©e-amĂ©ricanisĂ© qui m’ont faussĂ© ? Encore une fois, zĂ©ro sarcasme, j’pose cette question premier degrĂ©. Si ta rĂ©ponse est “oui, fĂ©licitation tu es raciste” : j’te rĂ©pondrai simplement que non, que tu me croies ou pas, c’est ta parole contre la mienne i guess (ptdr on est au tribunal ça me fume) (y’a des gens qui crĂšvent sous des bombes et regarde c’que je fais, la vĂ©ritĂ© j’ai honte un peu) (mais bon, c’est un combat important aussi je ne le dĂ©nigre pas !).
Ce que j’entends par lĂ  : devons-nous systĂ©matiquement privilĂ©gier un fc issus des minoritĂ©s au dĂ©triment de nos inspirations ? (ça marche aussi pour les crĂ©ateurs.trices graph/d’avatars j’me dis ?) (je pense hein, je graph pas mdr) Et je t’avoue ça m’a tuĂ© d’écrire cette phrase, on en est lĂ , j’me fais l’avocate des racistes, carrĂ©ment. C’est une interrogation horrible qui n’a pas lieu d’ĂȘtre selon moi mais c’est ce que tes remarques m’ont fait penser, et ça me fait passer pour une meuf qui va privilĂ©gier des fc blancs parce qu’elle est + inspirĂ©e par euxelles alors que tellement pas. Je vais pas crĂ©er un personnage juste pour incarner Sofiane Zermani par ex en fc et combler le vide des minoritĂ©s, faut avoir une idĂ©e derriĂšre. Mais si demain j’suis inspirĂ©e par lui bah let’s fucking go en fait j’me pose mĂȘme pas de question, et le manque de ressource ne m’arrĂȘte pas, mes proches du monde rpgique peuvent en tĂ©moigner mdr ça dĂ©pend uniquement d’une chose dont je pense, nous avons toutes et tous Ă©tĂ© confrontĂ© : l’inspiration.
Du coup ça veut dire quoi ? Parce que pendant un an ou deux j’suis pas inspirĂ©e par un fc maghrĂ©bin je fais honte Ă  mes ancĂȘtres et je mĂ©rite pas le sang qui coule dans mes veines ? Et pour les français.e d’origine français.e, c’est quoi leur choix finalement ? PrivilĂ©gier les poc c’est toujours mieux on est d’accord, mais si soudainement iel est inspirĂ©.e pour jouer un fc d’origine française, est-ce qu’on lui dit “non j’accepte pas, aide-nous Ă  nous valoriser sinon ça veut dire que t’es raciste” ?
Non parce que la maniĂšre dont les mots ont Ă©tĂ© employĂ© c’est tout de suite ça que ça me fait ressentir : le doute et la culpabilitĂ© et c’est pas agrĂ©able et ça donne un cĂŽtĂ© ultra parano genre tu veux plus rien faire, limite tu veux plus Ă©crire, ni t’ouvrir aux gens : tu fais rien (pas chez moi tho mdr encore une fois jsuis bien dans mes baskets) C’est comme les gens qui veulent apprendre une langue, encore pire quand ce sont des gens d’origine admettons sud-amĂ©ricaine qui veulent apprendre l’espagnol et qui ose pas parler espagnol parce que tout le monde se moque de leur accent en mode “roh la honte iel sait pas parler la langue de ses parents alors qu’iel a 30 ans” Les gens vont jamais se dĂ©bloquer si on les juge alors qu’ils veulent s’amĂ©liorer. Ou les gens qui dĂ©veloppent une passion pour un autre pays que le leur (j’pense notamment au Japon ou la CorĂ©e du Sud pas mal hypĂ©s), iels ont le droit de s’informer quand mĂȘme ou ça aussi c’est considĂ©rĂ© comme Ă©tant traĂźtre Ă  leur sang ?
Tu vas me dire “mais nous on empĂȘche personne, Ă©crivez entre vous” bah oui c'est clair on va rester "entre nous" du coup mdr je trouve juste ça triste en fait parce que le but du rp avouons-le, c’est aussi de faire des rencontres (mode scribe activĂ©) et d’échanger nos plumes et nos idĂ©es avec d’autres. J’ai l’impression d’ĂȘtre dans un Ă©pisode de the good place en fait mdr quoiqu'on fasse, nous, la commu que vous pointez du doigt, rien n'ira : je voulais acheter des fleurs pour ma grand-mĂšre mais c’est comptĂ© comme un “mauvais point” parce que le cultivateur a Ă©tĂ© exploitĂ© dans un champ et se retrouve Ă  ĂȘtre payĂ© 0.1 centime la fleur qui elle-mĂȘme a poussĂ© Ă  l’aide de pesticide qui ont tuĂ© le microcosme vĂ©gĂ©tal et a contribuĂ© Ă  polluer le sous-sol jusqu’à l'irrigation qui a polluĂ© le fleuve jouxtant le champ et donc j’ai polluĂ© l’ocĂ©an Ă  cause des fleurs achetĂ©s pour ma grand-mĂšre (????) LĂ  c’est pareil, tu choisis pas un fc issus des minoritĂ©s donc tu contribues Ă  la “supĂ©rioritĂ©â€ de la race blanche donc tu es un collabo et donc tu es raciste voire nazi (????)
Also, en prenant un fc d’origine maghrĂ©bine, perso j’ai aussi un problĂšme de recul : j’vais avoir du mal Ă  faire la diffĂ©renciation entre moi et mon personnage (lĂ  on rentre dans un autre dĂ©bat + deep niveau psychologie mdr) Je vais pas rĂ©ussir Ă  me dĂ©tacher suffisamment et limite vivre ce que mon personnage vit alors en rp en pensant “que c’est moi” et c’est pas forcĂ©ment ce que je cherche (c’est du vĂ©cu oui oui mdr) (et c’est pour ça aussi que mes perso sont loiiiiiin de me ressembler autant mentalement que physiquement, sinon j’me prends moi en fc et on en parle plus MDRR) Donc peut-ĂȘtre que prendre un fc canadien alors que j’suis maghrĂ©bine, bah oui c’est peut-ĂȘtre un moyen pour moi de me “dĂ©tacher” de ma personne de la mĂȘme maniĂšre Ă  quand je joue Ă  des jeux vidĂ©os et que j’incarne tel protagoniste qui part faire telle quĂȘte ou zigouiller tel dĂ©mon. Encore une fois c’est un autre dĂ©bat et ça prouve trĂšs certainement que j’suis juste timbrĂ©e mdr J’dis pas que j’ai raison, si j’avais Ă©tĂ© une personne plus sĂ»re de moi j’penserai sĂ»rement autrement, mais bon, des heures de thĂ©rapie n’ont pas rĂ©ussi Ă  rĂ©soudre cette Ă©nigme (yet ? maybe one day lol)
Pour revenir au forum (j’suis partie trop loin help), je conçois que des gens reprochent ces choix de fc et tu sais quoi : vous avez raison. Internet est accessible Ă  tous donc c’est normal que toutes et tous, on puisse dire son avis. Et bien que ça ne te concerne pas, sache “qu’entre nous”, on complote dĂ©jĂ  pour des dc et tc dont -comme c'est bizarre- bcp sont des poc, alors tu pourras nous dire “et pourquoi c’est pas vos premiers comptes du coup ?” bah Ă©coute, si on part comme ça, c’est infini ? Pourquoi t’as achetĂ© un croissant Ă  la boulangerie et pas un batbout ? Pourquoi ton huile d’olive est d’origine europĂ©enne alors qu’elle pourrait ĂȘtre d’origine tunisienne ? Pourquoi t’as un t-shirt made in Bangladesh alors qu'il pourrait ĂȘtre 100% coton fabriquĂ© dans des conditions respectable de la vie humaine ? Pourquoi fabriquĂ© par autrui en plus, fais-le toi-mĂȘme, au moins t’es sĂ»r.e d’oĂč vient le coton et c’est ta maniĂšre de coudre et pas celle des autres ? ‘fin j’peux continuer longtemps comme ça, mais tu vois c’que j’veux dire lol
Je souhaite vraiment avoir ce dĂ©bat de maniĂšre respectueuse en lisant les opinons de chacun.e, j'comprends que tu sois vĂ©nĂšre et que tu trouves ça hallucinant ce manque de diversitĂ©. J’ai limite envie de dire par fatalitĂ© : ne serait-ce pas le triste reflet de notre sociĂ©tĂ© et surtout de notre consommation aux mĂ©dias (et de ce fait, de la diversitĂ© qui n’est pas folichonne dans les mĂ©dias) ? AprĂšs j’peux aussi rajouter : quelle sociĂ©tĂ© ? Selon oĂč tu es Ă  Paris par exemple, t’as l’impression soit ton cafĂ© va coĂ»ter 6e50 soit t’es Ă  Alger tellement ça sent le jasmin et le sfenj. C’est franchement toi qui choisis oĂč tu veux ĂȘtre pour ton bien ĂȘtre intĂ©rieur, et c’est pareil pour la crĂ©ativitĂ© et l’écriture selon moi. Alors bien Ă©videmment c'est Ă  nous de changer les choses dans le rp universe parce qu'on en fait partie, mais qui te dis que c'est pas en cours ? Un projet de forum n'est selon moi pas reprĂ©sentatif du monde du rp global ? J'vis sans doute au pays des bisounours, encore une fois tout c'que j'dis lĂ  c'est prem deg, je dĂ©teste le sarcasme (je le comprends pas la plupart du temps mdr) et j'en ferais pas dans un sujet aussi sĂ©rieux.
Donc here we goes, dĂ©battons sans insulte svp si possible. Le but n’étant bien sĂ»r pas de faire changer d’avis qui que ce soit, tout le monde est libre d’avoir son opinion et c’est normal et c’est mĂȘme nĂ©cessaire, sinon on se remettrai jamais en question et ça craint, puis c’est ce qui fait l’enrichissement du monde, mais svp soyez pas injurieux.ses, vraiment on discute, t’as le droit de penser que 2+2=5 c’est ta vie, ton choix, mais comme vous rendez le sujet public justement, c’est dans le but qu’il soit vu par le plus grand nombre (ou nombre respectable tout court mdr) donc let’s go, faites pĂ©ter les reblog.
Respectez vous, ne craignez personne.
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roseaesynstylae · 9 months ago
So, the idea of the Bad Batch (minus Echo, plus Emerie) being the other half of the Nulls has consumed my goddamn mind. Therefore, as you do when an idea takes up residence in your frontal lobe for the foreseeable future, here's some headcanons.
The Bad Batch (except for Echo and Omega, who have no clue what's going on) hate the Nulls. As in, "murder on sight" hate them. From an in-universe perspective, there could be a myriad of reasons, ranging from feelings of abandonment to resentment over them having a better life. From a writer's standpoint, it's because I love me some good old familial dysfunction and angst.
The more...unhinged...tendencies the Nulls are known for manifests in the Bad Batch more as "let's jump off this cliff and use explosives to direct our fall!" and less as "hey, check out my new skin gloves!" Of course, if you push them too far, it's a different story. In order of least to most likely to pull a "lemme turn you into an art installation," it's Omega, Wrecker, Hunter, Crosshair, and Tech. Omega wouldn't do that, at least not at this point in her life. Wrecker, when enraged, goes for the just-hit-them solution. Hunter's a decent human being and usually wouldn't do something like that...Unless his kid's been kidnapped by a crazy Imperial doctor for the fifteenth time, on which point he starts becoming a little deranged. Crosshair hovers close to the line but wouldn't do it to someone unprovoked. Tech is a special case, in that he has to be pushed, but when he is, the results make the rest of the Nulls go "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST."
The Nulls want to reunite with their lost siblings and build a relationship, but that's kind of hard to do when said siblings (except Omega) keep trying to kill them on sight and none of them were built for intricate and deeply complicated emotional issues. Still, they persist. Eventually, they could probably get to the level of "awkward conversations" but it'll take a lot of work.
The Bad Batch have what makes the Nulls superior to regular clone troopers, plus their unique enhancements (which in this version are less defects and more Nala Se picking an attribute for each of them and cranking it up to 11). They feel that it makes them better than the Nulls, something they're not shy about expressing.
Emerie is the same height as her estranged (I can't think of a word that applies to this specific situation but this one will do) brothers, because I stan a tall queen.
Nala Se is smug as hell whenever she sees Orun Wa. "CT-9904 just broke all records for accuracy, CT-9902 discovered a new element, CT-9903 crushed beskar like it was paper, and CT-9901 tracked a man through five systems and a solar storm. What are your clones doing, again?"
There is no understating the sheer "wtf" that goes through the Nulls' heads when they first see Omega. But, of course, this is Omega. Imagine the cutest image of her you've seen, fanart or canon. That's what the Nulls see when they meet her. Unsurprisingly, the Nulls, who got the Mandalorian gene to adopt anything that isn't nailed down, go from "wtf" to "so smol đŸ„°" in roughly a minute.
Kal Skirata is in the corner. His attempt to interact with the Bad Batch did not go well. He casually calls Hunter "son," as he does with various characters, and the resulting explosion puts a thermal detonator to shame. Since it's clear that his presence is not making things better, he's sort of just in the corner.
The rest of Clan Skirata, and associates, are staying out of this. Gilamar and Vau took one look and retreated to the bar because they know better than to get involved. Everyone else witnessed one of the less acrimonious encounters and collectively decided that they are not jumping into the emotional equivalent of a pit of rabid wolverines.
Echo is the go-between. He does not want to be the go-between. But he's the only neutral party in this thing aside from Omega, and the rest of the Batch don't trust the Nulls with her.
Spare a though for 99. He raised four of these guys, often with the aid of leashes. Truly, he is an unsung hero of the Clone Wars
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christian-dubuis-santini · 2 days ago
Pourquoi faut-il continuer à souhaiter "Joyeux Noël" ?
L’anniversaire de la naissance de JĂ©sus est comme un caillou sous le pied des idĂ©ologues du progressisme transhumaniste, elle entrave leur tĂ©nĂ©breuse marche vers l’abĂźme.
Avant d'ĂȘtre rĂ©cupĂ©rĂ©e religieusement, commercialement et idĂ©ologiquement, l’ancienne fĂȘte Saturnale devenue cĂ©lĂ©bration de la naissance du Christ (NoĂ«l = Nouvelle Alliance) nous rappelle qu’avec le christianisme, la vieille idĂ©e d'un Dieu situĂ© par delĂ  le monde — quelque figure que prenne ce Dieu — un au-delĂ  inaccessible qui serait responsable de ce qui nous arrive, a fait son temps...
L'engagement total d'un Dieu dans l'histoire humaine culmine avec cette image du Christ comme un dieu souffrant et mourant dans le supplice, car ce qui meurt sur la croix, comme le note Hegel, ce n'est pas un "reprĂ©sentant" de Dieu, mais «le Dieu de l'au-delĂ  lui-mĂȘme».
Le christianisme Ă©tant la religion de l'athĂ©isme par excellence (Chesterton: «la seule religion oĂč le Dieu lui-mĂȘme devient athĂ©e»), il ne saurait plus y avoir un Dieu imaginaire qui depuis l’au-delĂ  tire les ficelles de notre destinĂ©e (Eli Eli lama sabachtani)

En transformant la formule de Nietzsche "Dieu est mort" par "Dieu est inconscient" Lacan nous fait entendre oĂč se situe dĂ©sormais la responsabilitĂ© qui nous incombe aprĂšs le retrait du Dieu: nulle part ailleurs que dans l'immanence radicale de notre Dire.
L’une des maniùres d’entendre la formule lacanienne selon laquelle le langage, avant de signifier quelque chose, signifie toujours d’abord pour quelqu'un...
Aujourd’hui plus que jamais nous incombe-t-il de reconnaĂźtre le noyau Ă©mancipateur du christianisme historique, en tant qu’il y a un rapport des plus Ă©troits entre le Saint-Esprit et la pulsion de mort freudienne.
Si au cĂ©lĂšbre "Gott ist tot" Lacan substitue sa formulation "Dieu est inconscient", ce n'est pas pour modĂ©rer l'impact de la dĂ©claration nietzschĂ©enne, au contraire, c'est de la logique, la mort du Christ est strictement indissociable de son autre cĂŽtĂ©: l'immortalisation du corps ("Christ n'est pas mort") qui signale que "quelque chose" dans le corps humain est plus que le corps humain, un objet partiel, non-mort, obscĂšne... l’objet petit (a).
Quand Paul (Romains VII, 4) dit que les chrĂ©tiens meurent Ă  la loi (juive) Ă  travers le corps du Christ, il convient de s'arrĂȘter sur ce paradoxe: la loi a Ă©tĂ© surmontĂ©e par ce qui est Ă©troitement liĂ© au pĂ©chĂ© parmi les hommes, car le site de cette lutte - et son surmontement - n'est pas la loi mais bien ...le corps.
J’appelle christianisme le corps doctrinal qui considĂšre l’avĂšnement christique dans sa stricte perspective thĂ©ologale.
Si la résurrection est le point saillant du christianisme, cela ne veut pas dire que le Christ se soit réincarné dans un autre corps, c'est là précisément qu'intervient le troisiÚme terme, le terme médian, de la trinité chrétienne: la notion de Saint-Esprit.
Le Saint-Esprit, c'est un nom pour la vie au-delĂ  de la vie, par delĂ  le cycle biologique de la gĂ©nĂ©ration et de la corruption, le Saint-Esprit n'est rien d'autre que la permanence de l'ordre symbolique lui-mĂȘme, lĂ  oĂč nous sommes toujours, en tant que "parlĂȘtres", dĂ©jĂ  transubstantialisĂ©s en sujet.
Or le Saint-Esprit désigne aussi la "communauté des croyants", en d'autres termes le (nouveau) lien social (Noël) naissant de l'Autre (l'ordre symbolique) aprÚs l'avÚnement christique.
C'est ainsi qu'il faudrait entendre la rĂ©ponse du Christ lorsqu'on lui demande oĂč il sera aprĂšs sa mort: "Chaque fois qu'il y aura de l'amour entre deux d'entre vous, je serai lĂ ."
"LĂ " ce n'est nulle part ailleurs que dans ...la parole d'amour.
VoilĂ  pourquoi Lacan appelait le christianisme "la vraie religion", la religion de la rĂ©vĂ©lation, la seule religion jamais apparue sur Terre oĂč Dieu lui-mĂȘme devient athĂ©e, la rĂ©vĂ©lation du christianisme, c’est qu’il n’y a rien Ă  rĂ©vĂ©ler, tout est toujours "dĂ©jĂ  lĂ ", l’Autre est un schĂšme mort, impuissant, il n’y a rien Ă  attendre de "l’au-delĂ ", notre croyance dĂ©niĂ©e dans le PĂšre NoĂ«l n’y peut mais, la rĂ©vĂ©lation vraie et rĂ©elle c’est qu’il n’y a que nous (et seulement nous) qui puissions tirer au clair l’inconscient dont nous sommes sujet, autrement dit la logique du signifiant qui dĂ©termine notre destinĂ©e

Bon Natale !
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the-future-haunts-you · 16 days ago
> Sensing your distress, it grows bolder with every step it takes towards you.
> Until you can feel its rancid, sulfuric breath down the back of your neck.
> Nor can they see you. Hear you. Feel you. Hold you. Your existence is Null.

> Spiny claws wrapped around your shoulder and your throat from behind. It is testing your limits.
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* "... s t o p."
* His voice is barely above a whisper. Tears that flows down from his face looks as through it has increased. His wings curled into themselves and yet he's as still as a statue. Well, a shaking statue, but a statue nonetheless.
* "pl e a se . . ."
* ITS claws feels as through they're digging into him, despite knowing that they're not. His lungs feels like they're being squeezed together, despite there not being any. He thinks, at least.
* He didn't want to move. He didn't want to be touched. He didn't want to hear IT anymore, he didn't want hear words he has repeated so many times already. He didn't want to dig for an answer that he couldn't find. He didn't want to be here anymore, he wants out. He wants to go home.
* "w h y w o n't y o u g o a w ay?"
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