myrosrava · 4 months
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damnprecious · 2 years
I can't believe the hotel I'm staying at has nugatti spread at breakfast
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jourquet · 7 months
i'm going to make some nugatti on bread later. 🍫 hungries.
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platingbypia · 3 years
Nugattikake på under 5 minutter
Nugattikake på under 5 minutter
I dag feirer den eldste gutten vår et år eldre! Det må selvfølgelig feires med gaver, sang og selvfølgelig KAKE! Denne superenkle nugattikaka lager du enkelt i en kopp eller liten skål på UNDER 5 minutter. Den er perfekt når man er litt fysen eller skal lage en liten kake som man kan vekke bursdagsbarnet på senga med. Nugattikake (1 pers). Ingredienser: 1 stor ss nugatti35 g mel3 ss melk½ ts…
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irisbaggins · 3 years
Done with my exams wooo!
Also, the one time I want something to not be sweet, it’s fucking sweet :/
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lisophisen · 6 years
Dear baking channels
We all know you mean Nutella when you say ‘chocolate hazelnut spread’, stop kidding yourselves.
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cowboiga · 7 years
This is th only blog tht matters TH reason the sun comes up in th mornin my reason for living is bc of Jesse mccree and his stupid cowboy cosplay
I appreciate it!
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clickerpunk · 5 years
Hej! I am going to Norway in a few days for the first time and I'm very excited! Are there any quintessential Norwegian foods I should look out for while I'm there?
How fun! I hope you have a great trip! As for food, i'll list a few things i think are worth trying.
Brunost- A brown cheese, good on bread.
Nugatti- Nutella of the north but much better.
Lettsaltet torsk - Salted boiled cod with potatoes, eggs in butter and bacon.
Pinnekjøtt- Since you will be here during chirstmas times, this is a must try if you can find anywhere that serves it. Lamb boiled and salted.
Fårikål - Also a christmas dish pretty similar to pinnekjøtt but boiled with cabbage.
Kjøttkaker - kind of like meatballs but larger and flatter with brown sauce and potatoes.
Grandiosa - Trust me on this one, yes its frozen pizza but its the staple of the norwegian kitchen.
Julebrus - Christmas soda, do the red one with the reindeer on the bottle, very sweet, but very tasty.
Kakemenn - White cookie men with red stripes, very typical christmas treat.
Leverpostei - If youre brave, basically liver pate. Put it on bread and slice some cucumber on top. Thats what im having as we speak!
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Hope that helps!
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damnprecious · 3 years
Tfw you see a product at the store you've only ever used during one trip in your life and get thrown back into the memories
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folerdetdufoler · 5 years
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saturday morning was cloudy. the whole day was cloudy, but to start, i woke up to a sunrise that didn’t exist. so i ate breakfast and went back to sleep (if i had to define what a vacation was, it would have to include that activity: going back to sleep). then i went to meet nadège, jenn, and haidee at their flat.
i’ve always stayed in a hotel when i’ve visited, specifically the hotel. part of it is because i know how the hotel works, and i heavily weight the value of the familiar. it also was part of the rewards program with sas. it isn’t anymore, and i think they’re going to be doing construction next year, so i’m starting to consider different options for stays for my next trip. i’ll probably stick to a hotel because i heavily weight the existence of room service too, but now it doesn’t have to be the radisson blu. i’ve ridden that elevator enough times.
but uh, the point of this consideration is because they were staying in a really nice flat, which was like an extended stay suite but through airbnb. i was super anxious about using airbnb last summer because it was someone’s home, but this flat was not that, which was appealing to me. i would have to pack much less if i were to go the walk-up route though. um, so i met them there and we walked to get kabobs. jenn had to catch a flight that afternoon but she hadn’t gotten her kabob fix yet, so it was a necessary spot. we met jenni’s group there and then walked down to the river for a moment to eat and chat. nadège and i kept walking along the river since we weren’t eating, and we had a chance to talk through some of the stuff that was bothering me from the day before.
it was really helpful to have that chance, both to let me express myself as well as hear her perspective. most of the time, even though i’m constantly keeping up with people on my dashboard, i’m still very much in my own head about it all. i’m not using a soundboard, just letting my own opinion boil up until it causes problems, spilling negativity into other people’s lives. this has been happening more often, probably because i’m talking to fewer and fewer people as the fandom shrinks and i get more stubborn, so i really appreciated this chance to both be very much in the fandom (in oslo, with human beings) as well as take a step back from it. i still need to work on how i balance my sense of self that i get from the internet with how i express myself in person, and it seems like that just means i need to take a walk and talk to someone. like, every day.
anyway, that’s what we did, going down to the dick swan and back, visiting the barely-canon tree and syng. when we got back to the girls we figured out where we were going next, and we broke up for the afternoon.
a couple of days ago jasmine and silvia had mentioned the nrk studio tour as a thing to do, and i impulse bought (is there any other way?) a ticket for saturday. nadège and haidee were interested in going, so we decided to press our luck and head over to the office to see if we could squeeze two more people onto the tour (it was listed as sold out for saturday when they checked). taru gave us helpful tips for getting to the office but between my struggle with google maps and the front door, we were still too late. the guide was nice enough to come to the front and answer some questions though, so we just went back to the website and bought tickets for sunday instead.
by then the clouds were releasing a week’s worth of weather, and we were all the way out in marienlyst with a couple of hours to kill. so we went through our lists of things we wanted to see, if there were any sites left that hadn’t been toured even though we’ve all been to oslo a few times at this point. and there were! we were actually kind of close to the university campus where parts of “all stories are echoes” are set, so nadège wanted to find an important statue from the fic. she and haidee had read it, and while we walked to campus they did a recap for me, so i would understand the significance of the statue.
at that point it was raining heavily and we were lost but i didn’t really mind it because we were just walking and talking. there was a general goal that we were trying to achieve, but it felt very relaxed, and it was fun listening to all of the things that really excited them about the stories they read. after all this time i don’t think i ever did that, like really find out what attracted them to this fandom, so it was a fun and enlightening conversation. it also passed the time well, as we were walking through the campus and then trying to find a bus back to sentrum.
oh wait, not sentrum. next we looked up kjærlighetskarusellen, because that post about it from the header had recently circulated, and it was another canon detail that sort of defined these trips that we take. we come to oslo because we are fans of a show that is set here, and we love it so much that we seek out every little detail in appreciation. that love has grown to encompass the whole city, so we were looking for this show detail as well as monument to the city’s history and its relationship with homosexuality. we lingered outside of it for a bit, because there was a man actually using it as a urinal, and then we snapped our photos once the coast was clear. now i am no stranger to being creepy but that was probably a top five moment for me, taking a picture of a public urinal. i loudly talked about how it was a cultural heritage site as if that would convince random people passing by that i was truly interested in the city’s sanitation efforts instead of, like, men peeing. for the record i’m not particularly interested in either.
then we went back to the flat for a bathroom break, and on to eat waffles. oh boy! i was excited because i had never had one before. i was still shy in terms of trying one, and chose the nugatti topping instead of the jam & brown cheese classic (pictured is haidee’s waffle). mine was super sweet and...gummy? like the hazelnut paste and the soft waffle was just cement in my mouth, and i got a work out just trying to clean off my teeth with my tongue. but it was delicious. i’d probably eat one every day if i had daily access to haralds.
after our waffle we went to meet jasmine and silvia. we shared a pizza for a late lunch/early dinner, and then went back to the hotel so i could change out of my wet clothes. we recapped each other’s dramas and activities from earlier in the day, and talked about fandom and the internet and how people change, if they do. at this point we’ve known each other for at least a year, if not longer, and it’s interesting to see how we, and the rest of the fandom, have evolved as the show has faded into the distance.
some of the stuff we talked about got intense, or we got wrapped up in drama (what else is new), and we had to take a break by watching the bloopers. that was an instant mood lift, and fun to do with people in the same room. everything was a little bit funnier or cuter or sillier when i could hear everyone else laughing at the show too. someday i’d love to rent out a cinema theatre and project season three for a marathon viewing (with bathroom breaks) for a group of fans. maybe for a seven-year anniversary, when you could time it so it would play on a friday evening, and at exactly 21:21 in real time you’d watch isak walk across the courtyard at school to save the man of his dreams.
but back to saturday. it wasn’t raining, but we took the metro to the park next (baby’s first metro trip!). we were going to meet jenni, taru, and kati, and figure out a good place for jasmine and silvia to hang out outside to listen to karpe. we said our goodbyes at the gate and shifted to the other friend group. i think we were kind of early but there was already a decent crowd going in, and going right for the main stage. i don’t think we bothered with food or drink this time around, mostly because we’d just eaten and it was starting to drizzle, which meant everything would get wet anyway.
jenn mentioned a few times that it was a shame there wasn’t any festival merch to purchase while we were walking around, because we kept seeing all of the volunteers with their t-shirts and bags from previous years. it felt like a missed opportunity. i wondered if it was on purpose, to give more weight to the merch that the volunteers got, as a draw for them to sign up and return to work. limited merch would make that experience more special. but i was wrong, because after jenn had left we finally found out that there was a merch tent with apparel for sale; we just hadn’t found it. so before we joined the crowd for karpe we went up the hill and bought tote bags and socks. i’ll deliver jenn’s tote to her on friday, at the sigrid show. i’m mostly mentioning that here so i don’t forget. i was so excited to find socks because i’m getting used to wearing more funky options (mostly due to haidee’s lovely gifts!) but also because they were um, featured on the festival issue of natt & dag.
we moved closer to the stage, but it was actually the farthest we’d been from it the whole week, simply because the crowd was already packed in. while we waited ronny from nrk p3 walked past, and that was my only celebrity sighting at the whole festival. on thursday i thought i saw axel bøyum walk in front of me, but i’m not sure. it was fast, and i thought i noticed his sharply-angled face and deep eyes, but he was also wearing a hood so i didn’t have much else to compare. he was short though, which also made him stand out to me. anyway, that was the extent of my sightings: 1.5 people. there were others there, of course, because i saw their instagram posts, but i either wasn’t paying attention or wasn’t in the right places to see them. since i myself prefer not to be seen, i tend to treat everyone else the same (at least not on the internet), so i default to ignoring the people around me unless they acknowledge me first. i need your explicit consent before i let myself stare at you.
here’s a brief pause to note how sad i am about heimebane. aaaaaand moving on!
the karpe crowd was huge and...different. saturday had a different vibe in general because it was the weekend, and if someone was going to just pick one day to go to øya this would be that day. also it was raining, so there was this anticipatory buzz that was like, 80% for the show and 20% for getting dry again in a couple of hours. our group kind of slowly shifted and morphed as we were pushed closer to the stage and trying not to lose our footing on the sloped ground. but then the show started and the crowd exploded and you just had to fuckin’ roll with it.
i had to read up on the show afterward to understand some of what magdi and chirag were talking and singing about. despite talking about it with fryd months ago, i didn’t get into their new album like i’d wanted to. so i didn’t understand most of the message in the moment; i was just enjoying the beats and the intensity of everyone else. there was a group of younger guys in front of us who sang every damn word and it was just a really...fulfilling thing to witness? norway came out for norway, and the crowd was exactly what karpe deserved for the show they put on. the guys chatted with nadège and sang at me to get us hyped, and i still felt slightly removed from the crowd but that was okay. i enjoyed this outsider place. i didn’t have to understand or be part of it because it was big enough on its own. i could simply bask in the overflow and dance in the rain.
i knew one song from when i had it on repeat summer 2017, the result of following ashley’s obsession with karpe on tumblr. i also still connected it to skam, from when i was more passionately following the actors’ lives and seeing them go to their concert in oslo, which i think cengiz was also dancing for? these are very weak links but links nonetheless, and it still felt like i was ticking off boxes on my unwritten “experience skam” list. it’s also a testament to how far i’ll twist something to justify it, make it fit my personal narrative. i must still feel guilty about my trips to oslo.
(side note: i’ve been meaning to look this up but i am fascinated by their use of the sas brand in their album and shows, like...they are aggressively shaping the brand and i’m curious as to whether they have permission to do it or if they don’t need it or what level of control the brand has over its use. the relationship between a brand and an artist these days is fucking fascinating, and i’m sort of aware of the rules that we need in america but is it different in other countries? i’m already a fan of sas, in that it’s my airline for my trips to oslo, but would i have been influenced more toward or against it if i were approaching it from a karpe angle, if the duo were introducing me to it? anyway, just some mind wanderings there.)
at the end the crowd was lighting up their cups again. we were surrounded by different people than how we started and couldn’t find the ones we knew. we made the same walk away from the stage, bouncing along with the flow, until we got to the festival sign to catch up with everyone. we took a group pic and said goodnight, not entirely sure what the next day would bring but quite satisfied with the one that had just ended. it was funny how used to the exit walk i’d become, after just a few days, and i felt a little nostalgic about even that, as we did it for the last time. and even though we were all soaked and exhausted, i didn’t feel a particular rush to leave. but it was over. just like that. the volunteers were collecting cups from the crowd as we went, but i took mine home.
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kevcool-blog1 · 6 years
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Found a tired #bee, trying to save it with a little #nugatti #NextImageAwards #Huawei #Norway #bees #saveourplanet (her: Søgne)
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platingbypia · 3 years
Søtpotetkake med sjokolade
Har du søtpoteter liggende i kjøleskapet som du ikke vet hva du skal gjøre med? Eller kanskje noen rester etter middagen? Da kan du lage denne enkle, søte lille søtpotetkaken med sjokolade. Søtpotetkake med sjokolade Ingredienser: Ca. 100-150 g søtpotetmos165 g mel½ ts salt1 ts vaniljesukker1 ts bakepulver1 ts natron1 dl melk½ ts eplecidereddik1 ss olje50 g sukker2 ss nugatti Slik gjør du…
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irisbaggins · 4 years
Me: Why do I always feel Tummy Ache when I eat Nugatti (a better version of Nutella)
Me, after reading the ingredients list: ah it’s the lactose
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fashionita72 · 7 years
Juletre av Butterdeig. Enkelt og godt alternativ til årets julebakst!  Luftig butterdeig med god, gammeldags Nugatti! Ingredienser (1 tre): 4 plater butterdeig kjevlet til 2 store rektangler 1/2 boks Nutella eller Nugatti 1 egg, vispet Melis (valgfritt) Fremgangsmåte: Forvarm ovnen til 190c. Legg et rektangel med kortsiden mot deg på en lett melet underlag. Smør på et tykt triangelformet lag med…
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arvebettum · 8 years
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Vi feirer vår datters 6 årsdag, med nydelige sjokolade cupcakes dekorert med nugatti og peanøttfrosting. #cupcake #frosting #chocolatecupcakes #confection #homemade #nugatti #peanøtt #bake #hjemmelaget #konditor Idéen og inspirasjonen er hentet fra selveste #idagranjansen Veldig takknemlig for flott oppskriften på "Cupcakes med nugatti og peanøttfrosting"
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useless-bones · 3 years
Decided to weigh myself tomorrow morning. I can feel the purging bubbling up already.
I ate and purged so much today.
Had leftover pizza
Had 6 plain rice cakes with nugatti and a banana
Had 2 more pizza slices
Had lasagna
About to purge
The worst part is that the pizza slices are small. And the pizza dough is high in fiber due to the coarse flour type.
But I wouldn't have ate any pizza if my dad didn't make so much.
My dad is a great chef.
-but to me, that is kinda the problem.
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