#nsu fox
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wetsteve3 · 3 years ago
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1954 NSU Fox 125 two-stroke.
Note the early mono-shock design
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hummingoctavenovel · 4 years ago
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1 - Photographie de deux tenues futuristes - Thierry Mugler (années 90).
2 - Plan de Princes et Princesses - Film d’animation produit par Canal+ et réalisé par Michel Ocelot (2000).
3 -Photographie de la fontaine Médicis au jardin du Luxembourg - Imaginée par l’ingénieur Thomas Francine (vers 1630).
4 -Extrait d’Edward aux Mains d’Argent - Film américain produit par 20th Century Fox et réalisé par Tim Burton.
5 - La Mort d’Ophélie - Peinture à l’huile par John Everett-Millais (1852).
6 - Photographie d’une Baudroie abyssale (Caulophryne jordani) par des chercheurs de la NSU (Nova Southeastern University).
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razieltwelve · 5 years ago
Competition (Final Effect)
When Her Imperial Majesty Averia VII finally married, the empire rejoiced. When she gave birth, however, the empire plotted.
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“What are you doing here?” The Dia-Farron snarled.
The seer huffed. “What does it look like? I’m bringing a present for the new crown princess. We’ve foreseen great things in her future.”
“Oh, be quiet.” The Dia-Farron rolled her eyes. “You have not. You’re just here to curry favour with the empress and get your hooks into her successor. You lot are still bitter that the empress did an apprenticeship with us instead of you.”
The seer scowled. Given that he resembled his ancestor, Caius Ballad, quite closely, it was a fearsome expression. “You only got that apprenticeship because you sabotaged our offer!”
“What are you talking about? Maybe that bridge just blew up on its own, thereby preventing your team from arriving on time to make its pitch.” The Dia-Farron smirked. “And aren’t you all supposed to have precognition? Why didn’t you see that one coming then?”
“We all know there are a few of you with Semblances that obscure precognition, or did you think we missed the fact that you had a bearer of Lucky Fox on the planet at the time. What was she doing, taking a holiday?”
“You can’t prove a damn thing!”
“And we’re not going to make the same mistakes this time!”
The Dia-Farron glared. “Professor Cuddleburg can trump any present you come up with. He is the cutest and cuddliest hamster in the galaxy. In fact, he’s in the top five cutest and cuddliest hamsters of all time. There’s no way the crown princess won’t love to have him around, which means we’ve basically got one foot in the door already. If he has to stay around, it’s only natural for the empress to hire him and one of us as the crown princess’s tutors.”
“We’ve got an in with the hedgehog,” the seer replied. “Lord Hedgeborough is well aware of your scheming. He has no intention of letting you have everything your own way, and he has the ear of the empress herself.”
“Hmph.” The Dia-Farron brandished Professor Cuddleburg at the seer. “You really think that will matter in the face of such an adorable hamster? Besides, it’s not like the empress listens to everything he says. The bearer of Ragnarok is basically one of us. She’ll put in a good word, I’m sure.”
“And we’ve already approached the bearer of Saviour.” The seer smirked. “She, at least, can be relied upon to do what is best for the empire and not be swayed by an adorable hamster.”
“I think you underestimate the power of our hamsters,” the Dia-Farron countered. In her hand, Professor Cuddleburg cackled menacingly. “It wasn’t that long ago that there was a Dia-Farron on the throne. The empress might not act much like one of us, but the proud blood of a Dia-Farron still flows through her veins. She’ll make the right choice.”
“We’ll see.” The seer pointed at his eyes. “And when it comes to seeing nobody sees better than us.” He patted his pocket. “I even have a secret weapon.”
“A secret weapon? Unless it’s a victory beam, I don’t think you’ve got a chance.”
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Her Imperial Majesty Averia VII sighed as the representatives from the Dia-Farron and the seers practically tripped over each other in their bids to reach her and her daughter first. In the end, it was the seer who succeeded after dodging a net and throwing a chair. 
“Your Imperial Majesty,” the seer announced, still catching his breath. “It is an honour to be invited to meet the crown princess.” 
Behind Averia, Claire and Jahne weren’t even trying to conceal their laughter as the Dia-Farron got back to her feet and considered firing her net gun again before thinking better of it. There was too much of a risk of hitting the empress and her daughter. 
“I am always pleased to welcome a representative of the seers,” Averia replied. “How fares the House of Ballad.”
“We fare well,” the seer replied before he offered a wrapped box. “A gift for the crown princess, Your Imperial Majesty.” 
“Thank you.” Averia nodded at Jahne to open it. In her arms, Thyra’s gaze was drawn to the astoundingly adorable hamster that the Dia-Farron was holding up like some kind of talisman. Following the baby’s gaze, the seer’s eyes widened, and he not so subtly stepped to the side to block the baby’s view before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small chocobo chick.
What caught Averia’s eye was the chick’s coloration. It was a striking purple that matched the hair colour of Caius Ballad. Thyra’s gaze immediately snapped to the chocobo, which cheeped softly and stared back at the baby.
“That is an unusual chocobo,” Averia said. “I can’t say I’ve seen many purple chocobos in my time, and he is exceptionally purple.”
“Ah, yes. Purple chocobos are exceedingly rare, but the reason this particular fellow is an even more vivid shade of purple than most of his kind is because he was hatched on a world we recently discovered had been badly contaminated by gravity Dust following a volcanic eruption. As a result, his feathers are a more intense purple, and he appears to have developed some control over gravity in addition to the usual Synergist abilities purple choocbos usually have.”
“Fascinating.” Averia glanced to the side as Jahne opened the gift. Her lips twitched. It was a tiny outfit in the authentic style of the Nsu Clan. “An adorable outfit.”
“We thought it appropriate since you are also the Chieftain of all the Clans, and we hope for young Thyra to become a farsighted and wise ruler whose reign shall be remembered long into the future.”
Averia’s lips twitched. She had a feeling it was more like he and the rest of his clan wanted Thyra to be more favourably disposed toward them.
“We do, of course, have other gifts,” the seer continued smoothly. “But we shall present them during the upcoming naming ceremony, in accordance with tradition.”
“Of course.” Averia nodded. In her arms, Thyra shifted restlessly and reached for the chocobo chick. Little wisps of frost formed, a testament to her heritage. “I look forward to it.” She glanced past him. “Perhaps you should allow the Dia-Farron representative to present her gift. She seems to be having a conniption.”
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“That clever bastard,” the Dia-Farron muttered. “I definitely didn’t expect him to have a purple chocobo chick that’s even more purple than normal.” She smirked. “But if he thinks we’re beaten, he’s got another thing coming, right, Professor Cuddleburg?”
The hamster took a moment to unleash the full power of his cuteness and then nodded. They had a battle to win.
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The birth of a crown princess is always cause for celebration in the empire. However, it also provides unique opportunities for the various factions within the empire itself. These factions will spare no expense in their pursuit of favour and influence with the new royal, turning the traditional naming ceremony into something close to a pitched battle.
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Author’s Notes
Never count out the Dia-Farron. The seers might have the upper hand for now, but they’ve still got a few cards to play. Plus, they’ve got an important advantage. When it comes to science and technology, nobody is better than they are. And if the princess wants to be the best, she’d have to learn from the best, right?
Incidentally, the Imperial hedgehogs are their own faction. However, they are less concerned with influencing the crown princess directly than they are with keeping any potential bad influences away. This policy became standard after the many clashes between Vanille I’s hedgehog and hamster. Knowing how close Averia VII is to Lord Hedgeborough, the seers wisely chose to seek his approval, which he granted largely to counterbalance what he knew would be powerful efforts from the Dia-Farron.
If you’re interested in my thoughts on writing and other topics, you can find those here.
I also write original fiction, which you can find on Amazon here. I’ve recently released two stories, Attempted Adventuring and Surviving Quarantine, as well as two audiobooks, Two Necromancers, a Bureaucrat, and an Army of Golems and Two Necromancers, a Dragon, and a Vampire. If you like humour, action, and adventure, be sure to check them out.
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gianfelice7160 · 5 years ago
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NSU Fox. 1950
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oldtimer-buchhandel · 8 years ago
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Ersatzteilliste NSU Fox
4 Takt  98 ccm
mit sämtlichen Nachrägen für 3 und 4 Gang Modelle
ca 117 Seiten
A 5
Im Shop zuhaben http://bit.ly/2uNIq7B
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wasteddays · 2 years ago
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alvaromatias1000 · 4 years ago
Polo 2014: fotos, detalhes, consumo, desempenho, preço, motor
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O Polo 2014 chegou ao mercado com aumento de preços e pequenos retoques, adicionando melhorias no acabamento e novas calotas nas versões de acesso. Não se registram mais mudanças no hatch compacto da VW.
Nesse caso, ele recebeu nova padronagem de tecido nas portas e assentos, deixando o ambiente mais aconchegante. Na Sportline, o Polo adicionou tear duplo ao centro do estofamento e costuras vermelhas nas laterais.
Novas rodas de liga leve aro 15 polegadas com cinco raios eram ofertadas para a versão Sportline.
Os bancos em couro passaram a ter revestimento em cor cinza com bordas pretas. Fora isso, não teve outras alterações, permanecendo com cinco versões, sendo duas de acesso sem denominação, uma focada na economia e duas “esportivas”.
As duas primeiras tinham um acabamento mais simples e opção de câmbio automatizado I-Motion, carecendo de alguns itens como, por exemplo, rodas de liga leve. A BlueMotion tinha algumas modificações para focar na economia.
Tinha alterações na aerodinâmica, pneus de baixa resistência à rolagem, grade diferenciada e acabamento exclusivo, além de relação longa da transmissão e partida a frio com pré-aquecimento.
No Polo Sportline, o visual tem apelo esportivo com faixas decorativas, rodas de liga leve, retrovisores pretos e outros detalhes de acabamento e conteúdo. Esta versão também tinha opção do câmbio automatizado I-Motion.
Já sem opção 2.0 há algum tempo, o Polo 2014 contava apenas com o propulsor EA111 1.6 VHT Flex com 101 cavalos na gasolina e 104 cavalos no etanol, além de 15,4/15,6 kgfm a apenas 2.500 rpm.
O propulsor EA113 2.0 8V Flex anterior continuava presente no VW Polo Sedan, o sucessor do VW Virtus, tendo sido um motor que equipou New Bettle e o VW Jetta.
Além disso, tinha transmissão MQ200 de cinco marchas, mais a automatizada ASG AQ200 da Magneti Marelli, sendo uma versão diferente da Dualogic usada pela Fiat até então.
Fabricado em São Bernardo do Campo com o Polo Sedan, o Polo 2014 era feito em uma linha de montagem bem mais moderna que aquelas que faziam as gerações recentes da Saveiro, além de Gol.
Tinha soldas à laser e processo de montagem da carroceria totalmente automatizado, além de um processo de galvanização do aço estampada da estrutura, que permitia dar uma garantia mais longa contra corrosão perfurativa.
Feito sobre a plataforma PQ24, o Polo empregava mais aços resistentes e tinha plataforma mais rígida, permitindo melhor dirigibilidade e segurança, com uma célula de sobrevivência com melhor deformação.
Elogiado por ter um padrão de acabamento e montagem de qualidade alemã, o Polo sofreu com os preços altos. Além disso, a VW negligenciou o produto ao não oferecer uma caixa automática de quatro ou cinco marchas.
O motivo talvez fosse o Golf, mas este era de um segmento acima. Preço pode até ser. Ainda assim, o câmbio automatizado foi um alento para quem queria mais conforto, embora não fosse a melhor opção.
Apesar do bom desenho, o Polo 2014 tinha espaço interno mediano e porta-malas pequeno, com apenas 250 litros, perdendo até para o Fox. Tendo suspensão dianteira McPherson com subchassi e eixo de torção atrás, era equilibrado.
Lançado em 1975, o Polo teve sua história iniciada ainda na NSU, que tinha um projeto de hatch compacto abaixo do clássico K70, que virou o primeiro VW com motor refrigerado a água.
Desenvolvido pela equipe do designer alemão Claus Luthe, o projeto virou o Audi 50, mas a marca alemã tinha neste um preço alto e a VW aproveitou para ter um produto de acesso, mais barato que Golf e Passat.
Assim, surgiu a primeira geração, aparentada com o Audi 50, durando então até 1979, embora ele e o sedã Derby, tenham sido estendidos até 1981 no chamado Polo Mk1F. Na segunda geração, o hatch ganhou até uma perua, chamada Combi.
Esta geração, assim como do Golf, ficou 13 anos em produção na Alemanha, algo que aqui é quase natural, mas que no mercado alemão não era tão comum, dada a enorme concorrência na Europa, especialmente de Peugeot, Citroën e Fiat.
Longevo, o Polo ficou nove anos na terceira geração, que aqui foi materializada na forma do Polo Classic, um sedã desenvolvido com base no Seat Córdoba, mas da mesma geração que o hatch europeu.
Aqui, o Polo Classic entrou no lugar do Voyage – cuja geração G2 chegou a ser pensada – e a produção durou até 2009, mas na Argentina. Foi estranho, visto que enquanto o Polo de quarta geração era feito no Brasil e o anterior no país vizinho.
Aliás, Polo Classic e Polo Sedan conviveram no Brasil a partir de 2002, mas após 12 anos de produção, essa geração com base na PQ24 foi tirada de linha em 2014, sendo este Polo 2014 o último ano/modelo do hatch, surgida ainda em 2013.
Muitos lamentaram sua saída, mas a VW tinha outros planos. Na Europa, o Polo IV – que foi a geração mais difundida no mundo com produção em nove países, sendo três da África – o hatch acabou substituído pela quinta geração.
Aqui, a VW tinha planos para uma nova geração do Gol, que unificasse o segmento de entrada, mas os planos foram cortados por Wolfsburg, que liberou a sexta geração, que chegou aqui em 2018 como o Novo Polo.
Este trouxe a matriz de arquitetura de ferramentas modulares MQB-A0, um nível abaixo da MQB-A1 do Golf e das outras duas, que envolvem as A2 e A3, esta acima do Passat, como no caso do Atlas.
A atual geração do Polo mudou os rumos da VW no Brasil ao modernizar a histórica fábrica da Anchieta e introduzir um sedã inédito, o Virtus. Ele também derivou o T-Cross e o recente Nivus, o atual SUV mais em conta da marca.
Destes, apenas o T-Cross é feito em São José dos Pinhais, mas agora o Polo será também produzido em Taubaté, onde levará a matriz MQB para o futuro sucessor de Gol, Voyage, Fox e up!.
Bem diferente do Polo 2014, o hatch atual tem motor EA211 1.0 de até 84 cavalos – existiu um Polo 1.0 2003 com 70 cavalos – 1.6 MSI de até 117 cavalos e 1.0 TSI com até 128 cavalos, além do esportivo Polo GTS com 150 cavalos no 1.4 TSI.
O futuro do Polo está em questão devido às boas vendas do Gol e da ascensão do Nivus, que é aparentado com o hatch. A missão da VW será destacá-lo com uma versão aventureira (Polo Track) e uma boa redução de preço.
Polo 2014 – detalhes
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O Polo 2014 tinha um estilo baseado na atualização do Polo Vivo da África do Sul. A frente tinha faróis duplos com base reta e facho baixo circular com piscas integrados. A grade retangular com dois frisos unia o conjunto ótico.
O para-choque tinha grade inferior com moldura central envolvente e espaço para faróis de neblina nas extremidades. Com maçanetas e retrovisores na cor do carro, o Polo tinha colunas pretas e antena no teto.
Atrás, as lanternas compactas tinham acabamento preto brilhante envolvendo a lente principal, que era circular e com friso cromado, bem como lente branca nos piscas e luzes de ré.
O para-choque traseiro tinha arco com suporte de placa e refletores na base. A tampa do bagageiro tinha vidro plano e limpador, bem como lavador e desembaçador. A tampa tinha uma maçaneta para abrir.
As rodas eram de aço aro 15 polegadas com pneus 185/65 R15, recebendo novas calotas integrais. Na versão BlueMotion, tinha faróis com máscara negra e grade aerodinâmica com acabamento em preto brilhnate e emblema alusivo.
Toda a parte inferior da grade era preta, tendo ainda faróis de neblina. Ele trazia ainda rodas de liga leve aro 14 polegadas com pneus 165/70 R14, de baixa resistência à rolagem, que permitiam reduzir o arrasto e o consumo.
Maçanetas e retrovisores eram na cor do carro, sendo que os espelhos externos tinham repetidores de direção. Outro ponto no Polo 2014 em sua versão BlueMotion, além de colunas pretas e vidros verdes, era o defletor de ar na tampa.
Maior que o do Polo Sportline, ele era envolvente e lembrado o do esportivo Fiat Uno 1.5 R, por exemplo. Contudo, era na cor do carro e sua função era frugal: reduzir o consumo.
No caso do Polo Sportline, os faróis eram escurecidos e a grade em preto brilhante com frisos cromados. O para-choque tinha acabamento preto na base com faróis de neblina e mais cromados sutis.
Os retrovisores eram em preto brilhante com repetidores de direção, enquanto as rodas podiam ser de liga leve com novo desenho, agora com cinco raios. Os pneus eram 195/55 R15, que permitiam maior estabilidade.
Havia um defletor de ar preto no topo da tampa do bagageiro, além de faixas decorativas nas laterais. Por dentro, o acabamento do Polo 2014 era quase todo preto, com colunas e teto claros.
O painel tinha a parte central com detalhes em cinza, assim como os difusores de ar laterais. O volante era o mesmo do Passat e tinha aplique metálico, além de acabamento em couro e comandos multifuncionais, tendo ajustes na coluna.
O cluster tinha instrumentos analógicos, displays digitais para computador de bordo e hodômetros, além de velocímetro e conta-giros em mostradores grandes, bem como nível de combustível e temperatura da água.
Na parte central, dois compartimentos escondiam os porta-copos retrátis, um item exclusivo do Polo dentro da gama VW. Havia um porta-treco no alto e sistema de som integrado 2din com display digital.
Este vinha com CD/MP3/USB/SD e Bluetooth. Logo abaixo, como opção para a Sportline, o ar condicionado automático com display digital era um pequeno luxo. A alavanca de câmbio ficava bem centrada, mesmo a I-Motion.
O porta-luvas era de bom tamanho e acima dele, como no volante, bolsa de ar infláveis (airbag). O Polo 2014 tinha ajustes de altura para o banco do motorista, além de vidros elétricos nas quatro portas e travamento central elétrico.
Havia também ajuste elétrico dos retrovisores próximo da maçaneta cromada e chave-canivete com telecomando. Os bancos eram em tecido de padronagem simples na versão de entrada e com detalhes em azul no BlueMotion.
No Polo Sportline, os bancos tinham sua própria padronagem, mas a VW ofertara assentos e portas com acabamento em couro cinza, mas com laterais (dos bancos) em preto, assim como costuras vermelhas.
O espaço interno era bom na frente e mediano atrás, tendo ainda luzes de leitura, espelhos iluminados nos para-sois, retrovisor interno eletrocrômico, alças no teto e luz temporizada, assim como dos faróis.
O banco traseiro era bipartido e tinha apoio de cabeça, além de cintos de 3 pontos, exceto para o quinto passageiro. Já o porta-malas tinha 250 litros e iluminação, podendo ser aberto pela chave.
Polo 2014 – versões
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Volkswagen Polo 1.6
Volkswagen Polo 1.6 I-Motion
Volkswagen Polo BlueMotion 1.6
Volkswagen Polo Sportline 1.6
Volkswagen Polo Sportline 1.6 I-Motion
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Volkswagen Polo 1.6 – Motor 1.6 e transmissão manual de cinco marchas, mais ar condicionado, direção hidráulica, colunas de direção ajustável, vidros elétricos nas quatro portas, retrovisores elétricos, travamento central elétrico, rodas de aço aro 15 polegadas, pneus 185/65 R15, freios ABS com EDB, airbag duplo, cintos dianteiros com pré-tensionadores, sistema de áudio 2din com CD/MP3/USB/SD/Bluetooth, computador de bordo, lavador e limpador do vidro traseiro, desembaçador traseiro, para-brisa degradê, vidros verdes, faróis duplos, retrovisores e maçanetas na cor do carro, entre outros.
Volkswagen Polo 1.6 I-Motion – Itens acima, mais transmissão automatizada com mudanças manuais na alavanca e modo Sport.
Volkswagen Polo BlueMotion 1.6 – Itens do 1.6 manual, mais grade aerodinâmica em preto brilhante, faróis com máscara negra, faróis de neblina, defletor de ar traseiro, rodas de liga leve aro 14 polegadas, pneus 165/70 R14 de baixa resistência à rolagem, retrovisores com repetidores de direção, acabamento interno com padronagem diferenciada com tecido em portas e bancos, econômetro, indicador de mudança de marcha, transmissão com relações longas e partida a frio com pré-aquecimento.
Volkswagen Polo Sportline 1.6 – Itens acima, mais faróis escurecidos, grade com frisos cromados, detalhes cromados no para-choque, rodas de liga leve aro 15 polegadas, pneus 195/55 R15, piloto automático, sensor de chuva e crepuscular, retrovisor interno eletrocrômico, faixas decorativas, defletor de ar traseiro, retrovisores em preto brilhante, bancos em couro em dois tons, volante e alavanca em couro, volante multifuncional, ar condicionado automático, entre outros.
Volkswagen Polo Sportline 1.6 I-Motion – Itens acima, mais transmissão automatizada com mudanças manuais na alavanca, paddle shifts e modo Sport.
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Volkswagen Polo 1.6 – R$ 47.810
Volkswagen Polo 1.6 I-Motion – R$ 50.600
Volkswagen Polo BlueMotion 1.6 – R$ 52.210
Volkswagen Polo Sportline 1.6 – R$ 50.900
Volkswagen Polo Sportline 1.6 I-Motion – R$ 53.690
Polo 2014 – motor
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O Polo 2014 era equipado com motor EA211 1.6 VHT com bloco de ferro fundido e quatro cilindros, tendo 1.598 cm3 e entregando 101 cavalos no derivado de petróleo e 104 cavalos no combustível vegetal.
Ambos eram obtidos a 5.250 rpm e o torque surgia a apenas 2.500 rpm, sendo uma herança dos velhos motores da VW, especialmente do EA113 2.0 8V, que permanecia no Polo Sedan.
O torque do 1.6 VHT de 15,4 kgfm na gasolina e 15,6 kgfm no etanol, suficiente para um desempenho mediano para o Polo, embora com bom torque em baixa rotação.
A transmissão era manual de cinco marchas e o automatizado era conhecido como ASG, tendo sistema de engate e acionamento de platô/disco através de atuador eletro-mecânico com gerenciamento eletrônico.
Este dispositivo monitorava velocidade e o curso do pedal do acelerador, além da rotação do motor e outros dados, acionando o garfo da alavanca de mudança e o cabo da embreagem, fazendo a troca.
Tinha função de redução, mas não havia o creeping, como da Fiat, deixando o carro solto quando sem aceleração, o que dificultava algumas manobras, especialmente em ruas muito inclinadas.
O I-Motion saiu de cena no Fox e no up!, tendo equipado Gol, Voyage e SpaceFox.
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Volkswagen Polo 1.6 MT – 11,2 segundos e 189 km/h
Volkswagen Polo 1.6 AMT – 11,4 segundos e 185 km/h
Volkswagen Polo 1.6 MT – 6,3/8,2 km/l e 9,5/12,2 km/l
Volkswagen Polo 1.6 AMT – 6,2/8,1 km/l e 9,4/12,1 km/l
Polo 2014 – manutenção e revisão
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A Volkswagen tem plano de manutenção do Polo 2014 com revisão a cada 10.000 km ou seis meses, sendo que a partir de 2018, as revisões passaram a ser tabeladas e por tempo, condicionadas a 12 meses.
Isso era uma antiga reivindicação dos clientes, que eram obrigados a fazer revisão a cada seis meses por tempo, além de que os proprietários não precisam mais cotar preços nas revendas, já que os valores são os mesmos em todo o país.
No caso do Polo, o modelo 2014 não tem mais valores listados no site da VW, devendo os donos buscarem informações em mais de uma revenda para verificar se os preços dos serviços são os mesmos.
Na revisão, normalmente são trocados óleo do motor, filtro de óleo, filtro de ar do motor, filtro de ar da cabine, velas, correia dentada, correia em V, fluído de freio, entre outros.
Também é feita inspeção em vários itens do carro, como suspensão, direção, freios, parte elétrica e itens de segurança, bem como podem ser contratados alinhamento, balanceamento, funilaria, pintura, higienização, entre outros.
Polo 2014 – ficha técnica
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Motor 1.6 8V Tipo Número de cilindros 4 em linha Cilindrada em cm3 1598 Válvulas 8 Taxa de compressão 12,1:1 Injeção eletrônica Indireta Flex Potência máxima 101/104 cv a 5.250 rpm (gasolina/etanol) Torque máximo 15,4/15,6 kgfm a 2.500 rpm (gasolina/etanol) Transmissão Tipo Manual de 5 marchas ou automatizada de 5 marchas Tração Tipo Dianteira Direção Tipo Hidráulica Freios Tipo Discos dianteiros e tambores traseiros Suspensão Dianteira McPherson Traseira Eixo de torção Rodas e Pneus Rodas Liga leve aro 15 polegadas Pneus 185/65 R15 Dimensões Comprimento (mm) 3.890 Largura (mm) 1.651 Altura (mm) 1.489 Entre eixos (mm) 2.465 Capacidades Porta-malas (L) 250 Tanque de combustível (L) 50 Carga (Kg) 463 Peso em ordem de marcha (Kg) 1.125 Coeficiente aerodinâmico (cx) 0,34
Polo 2014 – fotos
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© Noticias Automotivas. A notícia Polo 2014: fotos, detalhes, consumo, desempenho, preço, motor é um conteúdo original do site Notícias Automotivas.
Polo 2014: fotos, detalhes, consumo, desempenho, preço, motor publicado primeiro em https://www.noticiasautomotivas.com.br
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oldmotors · 5 years ago
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Audi’s complex history dates back to 1902, but for all intents and purposes the modern Audi was born on new year’s day, 1969. That was the day Auto Union merged with NSU, now both under the umbrella of Volkswagen. The DNA of both companies was fused into their next projects - the Audi 50, 80, and C2 100/200. Though a middle class brand still offering modest cars like the 50 (which birthed VW’s first Polo), Audi gradually transitioned into a premium car. A cornerstone of that transition was the Audi 200 - introduced at the 1979 Frankfurt show. The 200 was a faster, plusher 100 with standard fuel injection and an optional 168-hp turbo five. It arrived in the USA at almost the same time, for model year 1980 as the Audi 5000T. Americans had known DKWs, NSUs, and Audis in the 1950s and 1960s as oddball imports, but sales were fairly limited. Modern Audi sales began in 1970 with the “C1” 100LS and the DKW-holdover Super 90. The 100LS and the later Audi Fox (the Euro-spec 80) proved modestly popular in the USA, though the 100LS developed a rep for unreliability. NSU’s Ro80 was dropped in the USA, but continued in Europe until 1977. The C2 100 was essentially meant to replace both the 100LS and the Ro80 and rotaries were considered for the C2, but Ferdinand Piëch felt there was more value in diesels than rotaries. The C2 design was to be evolutionary - it was mostly styled by NSU’s Claus Luthe (interior) before he went to BMW and Audi’s Hartmut Warkuß (exterior), who had also styled the earlier Audi 80/Fox. The 100 was launched to good sales in 1976 as a sedan, with a hatchback “avant” coming online a few months later. The 100LS’ fastback coupe was dropped, though a 2-door C2 was briefly offered. In the USA, the car was relabeled “5000” to separate it from the 100LS, and it was sedan-only. The 200 added a turbo to the unique 5-cylinder engines. U.S. cars were slower - only 130hp thanks to emissions and fuel standards - but hauling only 2,800 lbs., they were quick by 1980 standards (there was also a slower 5000 Turbodiesel). Most U.S. 5000s were optioned for luxury with the “S” package, and in 1981 the 5000S became a dedicated model, incorporating the turbo. https://www.instagram.com/p/CBOI23uFXj2/?igshid=1osztfn6f57l2
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nsula · 5 years ago
Author, Navy SEAL mother Karen Vaughn will speak Veterans Day
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NATCHITOCHES – Northwestern State University’s President’s Leadership Program will host a Veterans Day program at noon Monday, Nov. 11 in the NSU TV Studio in Kyser Hall.  The program will feature best-selling author Karen Vaughn as keynote speaker.  
 Vaughn is the mother of fallen U.S. Navy SEAL Aaron Carson Vaughn (SEAL Team VI).  Vaughn will share the story of her son having a dream he never gave up on, becoming a U.S. Navy SEAL.  She will speak of his experience, teaching the principles of endurance, as well as “understanding and living up to your purpose and potential.”  Her goal is to make average citizens fully understand the sacrifices made on their behalf and encouraging them to live lives worthy of what’s been given on their behalf.  Her program is titled “Honor the Sacrifice:  Principles on Living Lives that Really Matter.” 
 Carrying on Aaron Vaughn’s legacy has brought Vaughn, a Gold Star mother, through the halls of Congress, into private meetings with Presidents Bush, Obama and Trump, into two national press conferences and onto dozens of national television sets, including CNN, NNBC, MSNBC, Fox News Channel and more. In 2017 she became the bestselling author of “World Changer:  A Mother’s Story.”
 The program is open to faculty, staff and students.  Local veterans are also invited to attend.
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wetsteve3 · 5 years ago
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NSU Max from 1956. Air-cooled 247 cc single-cylinder OHC engine designed by Albert Roder. Power output: 18 HP at 6750 rpm. Foot-operated four-gear transmission system, chain drive. Weight: 155 kg, top speed: 133 kph.NSU Max, the first model from famous NSU Max series (consisting of Max, Supermax, Special Max and Sportmax) debuted in September 1952. The frame, fork and suspension were based on earlier Fox and Lux models, but the engine was a novelty. The author of this unusual design was Albert Roder, NSU chief engineer.📷Max was powered by a single-cylinder OHC 247cc (69x66mm) engine with Ultramax system. „A unique cam-drive system consisting of two reciprocating connecting rods driven by eccentrics on a reduction gear, and driving eccentrics on the end of the camshaft. If you can picture the driving wheels on a steam locomotive, or the pedal rods in a kiddie car, you can almost get the picture. This system was silent, efficient, trouble-free, and so compact that the top end of the engine can easily be mistaken for a two-stroke. The motor could spin to then-astronomical revolutions that destroyed chains and formerly could only be achieved by towershaft drives...” (from „Rise and Fall of the NSU Empire” by Dave Tharp)Thanks to Roder's genius in 1955 NSU became the biggest motorcycle manufacturer in the world. The company also holds 4 world records for speed: 1951, 1953, 1954 and 1955. In 1952 only 62 units were built, but very next year the production number reached 24 000. In 1955 Max was modernized; aluminium hubs with full-size drum brakes and bigger fuel tank were introduced, and the model name was changed to Special Max. In the same year NSU started to build limited series of Sportmax racing machines, and Hermann Peter Muller won world's championship in 250cc class riding one of them. Sportmax's engine developed 28 HP at 9000 rpm, and the bike's speed was 200 kph. Many famous riders, like John Surtees and Mike Hailwood were riding Sportmax in following years. In 1956 Supermax was presented, the ultimate model of this family. Adjustments to the engine were made, but the most radical change was a new rear suspension, copied from off-road Gelandemax from 1953. The power output was increased to 19 HP at 6500 rpm. According to NSU, top speed of this model was 127 kph. When in 1963 the last Supermax left the factory, the total production number of all Max motorycles was nearly 100 000 units, built in 11 years time
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plusquamperfox · 8 years ago
hello cutie pies!
i’m so exciting of doing this!!!!.......... (or maybe not, haha)
today is a random day when i start my studyblr. i decided to do it several times in the past, but stopped. and now... this day will be a legend...... (okay, just kiddin’)
This january i was a bit too serious and wrote post like that:
Hello everyone!
Today is the great day when I’ve started my own studyblr. I was really waiting forward for this moment for a long time and decided that the first month of 2017 is pretty good as a starting point.
My native language is Russian so I do apologize for possible mistakes, correct me please if you want. I didn’t find the balance between slang and ‘classical school’ English yet, but I’m doing my best ;)
I study in Novosibirsk State University (Siberia, Russia). 
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this is my picture of main building of NSU, taken by me from the window in a snowstorm at 11:11 a.m. I really like this photo! It’s cool in lots of meanings :) 
I’m historian student (finished 1 year). I supposed to choose national history as a specialisation, but during my studies I’m suddenly keen on Egyptology, myphology and ancient cultures. So it’s a dilemma now.
Also I like art & history of art, philosophy (especially Plato!!) and literature. I’m kinda poet and writer. 
I do love foreign languages too. Now I speak English and French & German a bit. And of course Russian. And latin (dead languages are also cool ;)
Also I have an experience as an animator and children animation tutor. BTW, I like many things (for ex. drawing, embroidering, felting, clay-modelling...). And I like disney, CN, music and memes too  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
My nickname here is #plusquamperfox ‘cause plusquamperfect is a tense in several languages, and fox is kinda my ‘spirit animal’ so..... profit! i’m fox and i want to be perfect in things i do!
Finally! I’m new here and open to communication! Write me :)) I’m ready to practice English, German and French! (and latin, haha!)
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My russian art page is https://vk.com/milanky, if you want to see it.
And https://milanky.tumblr.com/
In my studyblr I’m going to write about... eh, studies? And also about my hobbies, life in Russia & Russian special things, cultural news & activities, NSU, style, books and other great things. Welcome!!
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coolsandy8800 · 5 years ago
Brother of Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott dies - USA TODAY
Brother of Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott dies – USA TODAY
Brother of Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott dies  USA TODAY
Dak Prescott’s brother Jace Prescott dies at 31  Yahoo Sports
Dak Prescott’s Brother Jace Dies at Age 31  Bleacher Report
Haughton and NSU product Jace Prescott, brother of Dak, dies at 31  Shreveport Times
Brother of Cowboys’ Dak Prescott dies at 31, team says  Fox News
View Full Coverage on Google News
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oldtimer-buchhandel · 8 years ago
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NSU Fox – Fixe Fahrer fahren Fox
In diesem Buch wird mit der NSU FOX ein Motorrad beschrieben, das den Anfang der Motorisierung im Nachkriegsdeutschland wie kein anderes dokumentiert. Gleichzeitig zeigt es den Beginn einer Entwicklung, welche NSU zum weltgrößten Zweiradhersteller machte. Der Leser erhält einen umfassenden Einblick in die technischen, sportlichen und geschichtlichen Aspekte um die NSU Fox. Detaillierte Hinweise für die Restaurierung der NSU FOX und eine Fülle interessanter Fotos lassen das Herz des Motorradliebhabers höher schlagen.
überarbeitete Auflage   120 Seiten
bei uns im Shop erhältlich http://bit.ly/2w154sl
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kansascityhappenings · 5 years ago
College basketball player caught on camera sucker-punching opponent
PASCO COUNTY, Fla. (WFLA) – A St. Leo men’s basketball player was suspended after a home game against Nova Southeastern University last weekend for sucker-punching an opposing player.
A cell phone video surfaced from the Dec. 7 NCAA Division 2 basketball game showing St. Leo University senior Isaiah Hill punch NSU junior Nick Smith. In the video, Smith falls to the ground and appears to be in shock and disoriented.
It’s NCAA Div. 2 game in Florida. But I bring it up because it’s surreal & former WPIAL standout Nick Smith is on the end of one of the most horrific cheap shots you’ll ever see. Also surreal official standing right next to it & nothing happens to this Saint Leo’s U. player. pic.twitter.com/Tv1ygleVOO
— Mike White (@mwhiteburgh) December 8, 2019
On Monday, St. Leo University head men’s basketball coach Lance Randall issued a suspension for Hill for his conduct on the court.
“Isaiah’s conduct on the court is not an accurate representation of Saint Leo’s core values. St. Leo University holds its students to high standards of moral and ethical conduct as a reflection of its Benedictine values. Upon review of Isaiah’s actions this past Saturday, he will not represent St. Leo University in competition for the remainder of 2019,” said Vice President and Director of Athletics Fran Reidy.
St. Leo University President Jeffrey Senese also issued a statement in support of the suspension.
“I support the decision of our coach and athletics administration. This type of conduct will not be tolerated. I am saddened by this event as this behavior does not reflect who we are at St. Leo University and apologize for any comments that suggest otherwise,” said Senese.
WFLA contacted Nova Southeastern about the incident. Jameson Carter, Manager of Athletic Communications for the university tells WFLA Smith did not suffer any major injuries during the incident.
“He stayed in the game and played through,” said Carter.
The St. Leo University Lions fell to the Nova Southeastern Sharks 92-77.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/12/10/college-basketball-player-caught-on-camera-sucker-punching-opponent/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/12/10/college-basketball-player-caught-on-camera-sucker-punching-opponent/
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global-news-station · 7 years ago
A brief history of German neo-Nazi group NSU German authorities blame the neo-Nazi group National Socialist Underground for a string of violent crimes including the racially motivated killing of nine men, the killing of a policewoman, two bombings and more than a dozen bank robberies over a period of almost 14 years. via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2ui8Iik
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goaleisure · 7 years ago
The Charming Vintage World of Ashvek!
New Post has been published on http://www.goaleisure.com/blog/charming-vintage-world-ashvek/
The Charming Vintage World of Ashvek!
“The only car museum in Goa!” – this is what the Ashvek Vintage World proudly says to all its visitors. This charming car museum was set in 2004, by Mr. Pradeep Naik – an avid car & motor enthusiast himself. Ashvek Vintage World in Nuvem, Salcete, Goa not only displays these classic beauties but also does restoration and preservation work of vintage cars – for personal and professional uses. While founding this showroom, Mr. Naik also aimed to spread awareness about vintage cars amongst the youth.
Planning to visit Goa : Click Here
Ashvek Vintage World sourced its cars from nearby cities like Kolhapur, Sangli or Miraj in their initial days. Few cars even belonged to the Maharaja of Sawantwadi in Maharashtra who added his historical collection to this museum. Also on display is the Maharaja’s Vidal Tempo (1936) used as the command car by the Nazi army. It has two engines and is the only in the world to be known as the first four-wheel drive. With international acclaim, one can also see auto-parts that have been got from auto-jumble sales in Europe!
Vintage Car
With an entry price as low as Rs. 50, this car museum is a must visit for people of all ages! Located on the Panaji-Madgaon highway, this place is a must visit for car enthusiasts who will adore the display and mechanical chronicles, while children will enjoy watching these cars, different from the ones they usually see now. The museum is open all days from 9am to 6pm except for Sundays.
The collection is simply marvelous – Ashvek Vintage World boasts of having beautiful vintage cars with pride! Some of the cars restored here are in excellent working condition and can be hired out for weddings, movie shoots or simply for joy rides. Models such as the Chevrolet Fleet master – popular in the 1930’s America as Mafia staff car, Mercedes Benz 170 of 1939 vintage used in the movie Sea Wolves Morris van Essex (1924), Ford V8, Peugeot 301, Austin 1928 and the Morris 8 are among the few wagons one can marvel at! Visitors are also spellbound to see the NSU Fox Bike, the BSA Bantam, Royal Enfield Crusader and many more. Enthusiasts can also buy scaled models of cars and bikes from their outlet.
Apart from a jaw-dropping exhibition at their outlet, the Ashvek Vintage World also organizes vintage car rallies and events. The Mercedes Car Rally, which took place recently, the Vintage and Classic Car Rally for the annual IFFI (International Film Festival of India) saw around 55 of these beauties on road. With the Goan smell in the air, taste of the sea and a mesmerizing Goan backdrop, these rallies are worth visiting! Ashvek Vintage World collaborated with Gomantak Times in 2006 to hold the first Volkswagen Carnival Rally and invited VW cars from all around the country. The oldest participant was a 1956 Beetle! Also, a left-hand drive VW Passat from 1966 blew minds!
The Ashvek Vintage World is a must visit, next time in Goa!
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