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scynopsis · 2 years ago
I made this in correlation to the WizardBrave Hanahaki Fic . Finally posted a new chapter after 7 months. 
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farnwedel · 11 months ago
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Samantha Young
Fountain Bridge – Verbotene Küsse
(Spoiler: Außer, dass gesagt wird, dass die Geschichte in Edinburgh spielt, deutet nichts auf die Stadt hin. Fountainbridge ist allerdings ein ganz hübscher Stadtteil.)
Dramatis Personae:
Ellie Carmichael – blond, klutzy, kein Kontakt zum Vater, verliebt in Adam
Braden (🙄) Carmichael – Ellies älterer Halbbruder, Architekt
Adam Gerard Sutherland – Bradens bester Freund, ebenfalls Architekt
Jocelyn – zuerst Ellies Mitbewohnerin, später Bradens Freundin
Kapitel 1
…beginnt mit einem massiven Spoiler, das liebe ich ja:
Vor acht Monaten hatte man bei mir einen Gehirntumor diagnostiziert. […] Die Diagnose hatte meine Familie und meine Freundin Joss schwer erschüttert. Vor allem aber hatte sie Adam, dem besten Freund meines Bruders, einen kräftigen Tritt in den Allerwertesten versetzt. Er hatte endlich offen gestanden, dass er mich liebte, und seitdem waren wir kaum einen Tag getrennt gewesen.
Warum???? Das nimmt doch das Ende komplett vorweg. Sie hätte einfach mit dem Tagebucheintrag und Flashback beginnen können, in dem die vierzehnjährige Ellie völlig aufgelöst ihren Bruder Braden (Bruden? Brader?) anruft, weil ein gewisser Brian Fairmont das Gerücht verbreitet, er habe mit ihr geschlafen. Braden schickt Adam vorbei, der Brian dazu bringt, das Gerücht öffentlich zu widerrufen. Ellie ist hin und weg und schmachtet ihren sieben Jahre älteren Retter, der für sie wie ein zweiter großer Bruder ist, heimlich an.
Kapitel 2
Offenbar läuft das alles so. Ein, zwei Absätze in der Gegenwart, dann Tagebuch und Flashback. Hurra.
In diesem Kapitel hat baby Ellie ihr erstes Date mit einem gewissen Sam Smith (🤭), das ihr komplett dadurch versaut wird, dass Braden, Adam und Ellies Stiefvater Clark dem Jungen einen dreifachen shovel talk verpassen. Entsprechend sauer ist Ellie hinterher auf die drei, insbesondere Adam, der sich aufführt, als wäre er ihr Bruder, wo er das doch definitiv nicht ist. Außerdem wirft sie ihm vor, dass er doch keine Ahnung von festen Beziehungen habe, so, wie er seine Freundinnen verschleißt. Es ist alles maximal unangenehm.
Kapitel 3
Adam gesteht Ellie, dass er sie zum ersten Mal am Morgen nach ihrem 18. Geburtstag als begehrenswerte Frau wahrgenommen hat. Nein, wie praktisch! Da war sie ja grade volljährig.
Laut Flashback hat Adam an besagtem Geburtstag eine der Angestellten der Cateringfirma gevögelt und Ellie hatte aus Rache Sex mit ihrem damaligen Freund. (Der ihr „den ersten Orgasmus ihres Lebens“ beschert hatte – sammal, hat die Gute sich nie gefingert?) Und als sie Adam am nächsten Morgen davon erzählt hat, hat das bei ihm den Schalter umgelegt.
Kapitel 4
Um das Maß voll zu machen, starb Ellies deadbeat Vater Douglas ein paar Tage nach ihrem Geburtstag und ihr Freund Liam betrog sie mit ihrer BFF Allie. Ach, Ellie, Allie…das kann man schonmal verwechseln.
Eines Abends hatte Ellie mit einem gewissen Christian ein Date im gleichen Restaurant wie Adam mit einer gewissen Meagan. Zum Glück waren sowohl Chris als auch Meg unsympathisch, sodass Adam und Ellie hinterher zu zweit was trinken waren. Braden hat Adams Studiengebühren bezahlt, btw, und Ellie studiert mittlerweile Kunstgeschichte an der University of Edinburgh. Adam und Ellie küssen sich beinahe, als Adams Handy klingelt. Es ist Braden. Danach ist Ellie noch klarer, dass zwischen Adam und ihr nie was laufen darf.  Weil…plot, oder so.
Kapitel 5
„Ich bin in Panik geraten. Ich war noch nie so hart von einer bloßen Lippenberührung. Danach wollte ich dich jedes Mal vögeln, wenn wir uns gesehen haben.“
Jedenfalls hatte Ellie später was mit einem Richard Stirling (wir sind in Schottland, darling! Ihr nächster Freund heißt dann Alasdair Perth und danach kommt Hamish Inverness), der über sie aber eigentlich nur Bradens Firma ausspionieren wollte. Adam hat ihm dafür eins in die Fresse gehauen. Ellie fährt zu ihm, um sich zu bedanken. Adams Wohnung ist so stylish, dass Ellie sich bemüßigt fühlt, uns zu versichern, dass er 100% hetero und maskulin ist. 🙄
Sie machen irgendwann auf seinem Sofa rum (das ist tatsächlich ganz okay geschrieben/übersetzt) und sind literally einen Millimeter davor, ungeschützten Sex zu haben, als Adam plötzlich auffällt, dass das hier ja die kleine Schwester seines besten Freundes ist, und er einen…ähm…Rückzieher macht. Ellie denkt, er wollte immer nur Sex ohne Gefühle, zieht sich wieder an und haut ab.
Kapitel 6
Adam erklärte jedem Typen, der Interesse an Ellie zeigte, dass er gefälligst seine Finger bei sich lassen solle. Ellie beschloss, ihn mit Nichtachtung zu strafen, was aber nur solange funktionierte, bis sie mit Braden und ein paar anderen in einer Bar waren, wo Braden die Barkeeperin Joss (Ellies Mitbewohnerin) anmachen wollte und Adam Ellie zwang, in seinem Arm aufm Sofa zu sitzen, wo er dann behauptete, es sei seine Aufgabe, sie zu beschützen.
Ich versteh nicht, was daran romantisch sein soll.
Kapitel 7
Nach einem katastrophalen Abend in einer Bar, an dem Braden den Typen zusammenschlägt, mit dem seine Ex ihn betrogen hat, weil der Joss angemacht hat, bringt Adam Ellie nach Hause, fingert sie und sagt dann, dass er das nicht hätte tun sollen. Ellie gesteht ihm ihre Liebe und schickt ihn dann ein für alle Mal weg, weil er sie nicht genug zurückliebt, um das Braden gegenüber eingestehen zu können.
Kapitel 8
Ellie erhält die Diagnose, dass sie einen gutartigen Hirntumor hat. Es sorgt dafür, dass Adam ihr und Braden endlich gesteht, dass er sie liebt. Braden wusste es schon die ganze Zeit. Arsch. Der jetzt mit Joss zusammen ist, wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe. Adam erklärt Ellie den Unterschied zwischen „Liebe machen“ und „vögeln“ und macht dann beides mit ihr.
Kapitel 9
Wir sind wieder in der Gegenwart. Ellie sammelt ihre Tagebücher ein – auf den Knien, was dazu führt, dass Adam sich hinter sie kniet und erklärt, er werde sie jetzt „auf ihrer gemeinsamen Vergangenheit vögeln“. The end.
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mwg-out-of-context · 7 months ago
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beforus-for-real-justice · 1 year ago
hi. the askbox thing said to ask about your glowing bulge?
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freedoms-per-eagle · 1 month ago
[turns pale in horror, then looks at M16 rifle dangling from shoulders]
[whispers to M16 rifle indistinctly]
[looks back up]
Bless their heart....
messed up to prefer semi-automatic rifles over bolt-action. like. grow up. what, are you mad about cycling the ammo by deftly and lovingly pulling on your rifle's... no i shant say it. but you need to grow up. do you feel threatened by her? you want her to censor herself? you don't want to see her thing, you dont want to touch it and pull it and tug on it? and you dont want to top the chamber off to make sure youre ready to take the next shot? you dont want to see her like this, to hear the sound? once again... grow up. let her speak. think about it. really thinjk about it then get back to me.
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awordwasthebeginning · 2 years ago
PROMPT TIME :D 1) Melanie / Wilma (Die wilden Hühner) 2) AU: Die Nebel von Avalon
Oh mein Gott meine Göttin 😂😂😂
"Ich bin froh, dass du dich für den Weg der Göttin entschieden hast", flüsterte Wilma, während sie mit bebenden Fingern den blauen Halbmond, den Kuss der Ceridwen, auf Melanies Stirn nachfuhr.
"Ich bin froh, dass du es warst, die ihn mir gezeigt hat", erwiderte Melanie, ihre Stimme heiser vor Ehrfurcht vor der Heiligkeit dieses Momentes.
Sie lehnte sich zurück und schloss die Augen, gab sich der spirituell bedeutsamen Berührung von Wilmas Händen hin, die die Spiralen und Schlangen auf ihrer Haut verfolgten und dabei tiefer und tiefer wanderten.
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dirtgnome · 2 years ago
old gnomish proverb: the bigger the hat the better the dick
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and-then-there-were-n0ne · 8 months ago
Scholars have long known that youthful marriage is a strong predictor of divorce. For instance, someone who marries at 25 is over 50 percent less likely to get divorced than is someone who weds at age 20. Most youthful couples simply do not have the maturity, coping skills, and social support it takes to make marriage work. In the face of routine marital problems, teens and young twenty-somethings lack the wherewithal necessary for happy resolutions.
What about age at marriage past the twenties? Delaying marriage from the teens until the early twenties produces the largest declines in divorce risk, for totally understandable reasons: we’re all changing a lot more from year to year as teenagers than when we’re in our twenties or thirties. [...] Still, earlier scholarship found that the risk of divorce continued to decline past that point, albeit at a milder rate (as the figure using 1995 data shows below). And why wouldn’t it? Couples in their thirties are more mature and usually have a sounder economic foundation. Conversely, youthful marriage is correlated with lower educational attainment, which compounds divorce risk no matter how old you are.
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But what was true for decades no longer seems to be the case. I analyzed data collected between 2006 and 2010 from the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG). The trick is to use statistical methods that permit nonlinear relationships to emerge (click here for more information on these methods). My data analysis shows that prior to age 32 or so, each additional year of age at marriage reduces the odds of divorce by 11 percent. However, after that the odds of divorce increase by 5 percent per year. The change in slopes is statistically significant. The graph below shows what the relationship between age at marriage and divorce looks like now.
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This is a big change. To the best of my knowledge, it’s only recently that thirty-something marriage started to incur a higher divorce risk. It appears to be a trend that’s gradually developed over the past twenty years: a study based on 2002 data observed that the divorce risk for people who married in their thirties was flattening out, rather than continuing to decline through that decade of life as it previously had.
How can this change be explained? The first step to answering this question is to see if the pattern persists after adjusting for a variety of social and demographic differences between survey respondents. Indeed it does: thirty-something marriage continues to yield a higher divorce rate even after controlling for respondents’ sex, race, family structure of origin, age at the time of the survey, education, religious tradition, religious attendance, and sexual history, as well as the size of the metropolitan area that they live in. Note that the NSFG is a cross-sectional survey, which means that all respondent information was collected at a single point in time. Consequently the effects of education, religious attendance, and other impermanent demographic attributes on marital stability may not be causal. Results involving these variables should therefore be treated as provisional.
None of these variables seem to have much of an effect on the relationship between age at marriage and divorce risk. Additional tests revealed that the relation seems to function more or less the same for everyone: male or female, less or more educated, religious or irreligious, intact or nonintact family of origin, and limited versus extensive sexual history prior to marriage. For almost everyone, the late twenties seems to be the best time to tie the knot. [...]
My money is on a selection effect: the kinds of people who wait till their thirties to get married may be the kinds of people who aren’t predisposed toward doing well in their marriages. [...] More generally, perhaps people who marry later face a pool of potential spouses that has been winnowed down to exclude the individuals most predisposed to succeed at matrimony.
There are obvious strengths and weaknesses to this sort of explanation. [...] But we do know beyond a shadow of a doubt that people who marry in their thirties are now at greater risk of divorce than are people who wed in their late twenties. This is a new development. This finding changes the demographic landscape of divorce, and lends credence to scholars and pundits making the case for earlier marriage.
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Note: Unadjusted estimates of divorce in NSFG in 1995 and 2006-2010.
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spiritualdirections · 2 years ago
Falling birth rate not due to less desire to have children
This article has been written in several forms over several decades. People want to have more children than they actually end up having. I read a version of it, also using the NSFG data set, that found that women used to be pretty good at predicting how many children they would have, but then as they started delaying marriage for the sake of work, they became pretty bad about predicting their future fertility. This study emphasizes that people today want kids, they just aren't having them. That suggests that there's something about our culture which is getting in the way of people being able to have the families they desire. There are many explanations of why family sizes are shrinking that assume people don't want kids; this data shows that they want them, they just aren't that good at getting what they want. Perhaps they need to move out of the cities, or have their payroll taxes reduced, or have better childcare and parental leave policies available. They certainly need to get married and start having kids earlier if they want to reach their goals. In any case, if we adopt the modern view of government that it is supposed to help people live out their own life plans, then the gap between wanted and actual children is something policymakers should consider as important.
'The researchers used data from the National Survey of Family Growth, which has been asking people about their childbearing goals and behaviors for several decades. The NSFG doesn’t interview the same people each time, but it allowed the researchers to track a group of people born around the same time – a cohort, as scientists call these groups – as they passed through their childbearing years.
'They looked at 13 cohorts of women and 10 cohorts of men born between the 1960s and the 2000s. They were all asked how many children they intended to have, if any.
'Americans have been pretty consistent with how many children they say they want to have from the 60s to the 2000s,” Hayford said. “Men generally say they want slightly fewer children than women do, but, like women, their preferred number of children hasn’t changed much.”
'The percentage of people who said they don’t plan to have any children has increased, from about 5-8% in the 1960s and 1970s to 8-16% in the 1990s and 2000s.  But that alone can’t explain the decline in the number of babies being born. Hayford noted that the number of unintended births, especially among people in their 20s, has declined in recent decades, which has helped reduce the birth rate.
'“But that doesn’t change the fact that people aren’t having as many children as they say they want, especially at earlier ages,” Hayford said. “It may be that they’re going to have those kids when they’re 35, but maybe they won’t.”
'For example, the study found some evidence that people are reducing the number of children they say they intend to have as they get older. “As they age, they may be realizing how hard it is to have kids and raise kids in the United States and they’re saying they only want to have the one child, and don’t want a second one,” she said.
'In addition, would-be parents may have more difficult conceiving as they get older.
'Larger economic and social forces are also having an impact on birth rates. The birth rate declined significantly during the Great Recession that started in 2008, which is a typical response to an economic downturn. However, the birth rate continued to decline even after the recession was over, Hayford said.
'This study ended before COVID-19, but the pandemic served as another fertility shock, at least at first. “It remains to be seen whether fertility will be able to rebound not just from the Great Recession, but from the pandemic as well,” she said.
'For those who are concerned about America’s dropping birth rates, this study suggests that there is no need to pressure young people into wanting more kids, Hayford said. “We need to make it easier for people to have the children that they want to have,” she said.  “There are clear barriers to having children in the United States that revolve around economics, around child care, around health insurance.”
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farnwedel · 7 months ago
Lizenz zum Beißen 14: "Ich glaube, es gibt Krieg. Mein Säbel juckt"
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Sie vögeln. Phil unternimmt zwar noch einen Versuch, ihr zu erzählen, dass er Formwandler ist, aber Schwanz ist Schwanz, was willst machen, erst wird gefickt.
Mitten in der Nacht weckt Vanda Phil, weil sie Hunger hat. Phil ruft Connor an, der Phineas schickt (dem trotz Duschen und frischer Klamotten sofort auffällt, dass die beiden was miteinander haben). Er bringt Blut und Waffen mit.
„Das ist ja merkwürdig.“  Vanda drehte sich auf der Stelle und sah sich in der Hütte um. „Hier gibt es gar keine Jagdgewehre. Wie habt ihr die Tiere denn umgebracht?“
Phil so: ööööh, Howard bewahrt die woanders auf, damit sie keiner klauen kann.
Er nimmt Phineas auf einen „Kontrollgang“ mit nach draußen.
Vanda verschränkte die Arme und legte die Stirn in Falten. „Ich verstehe schon. Du willst mit ihm über grausames Kriegszeugs reden, ohne das kleine Frauchen zu erschrecken. Ich habe schon einmal einen Krieg durchgemacht, weißt du. Ich bin stark, verdammt.“
Nicht halb so stark, wie sie tat.
Sehr ihr, was ich meine? Seht ihr??? Vanda hat als frisch gebissener Vampir KZ-Wärter umgebracht und Phil mit seinen zarten 27 meint, sie käme nicht ohne seinen Schutz zurecht – und das Buch gibt ihm auch noch Recht. Boah, ey. 🙄
Phineas redet Phil ins Gewissen, dass er Vanda endlich reinen Wein einschenken solle, was seine Fähigkeiten und Sigismund angeht. Als sie zur Hütte zurückkehren, kommt ein Anruf herein – zwei Standorte von Romatech wurden bombardiert, vierzehn Vampire sind tot.
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mwg-out-of-context · 11 months ago
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kgreen200 · 11 months ago
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absurd-construct · 1 year ago
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Old, tumbled down field wall in the dell.
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theygotlost · 3 years ago
o’brien is the best star trek character full stop
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kirus-grotto · 2 years ago
~Vil oneshot~
Vil x GN!reader
Vil decides to have himself some fun after a day of work
Vil had just finished up his most recent photoshoot. He wiped his brow before grabbing a bottle of water, and politely thanking the crew. A hand ran through his hair as he went back toward his dressing room, and locked the door behind him.
Inside, in the far corner was his lover crouched, leashed, and exposed; arms bound behind their back, vibrator strapped to continuously tease, blindfold covering their eyes, and an open mouth gag allowing a stream of their drool to leak out.
Vil instantly smirked upon seeing them in such a state. “My my my,” he said, “Just look at you. Utterly and completely revolting.”
Only a gasping whine responded to him. Purple eyes narrowed as he frowned. “Now darling,” he crooned as he pulled on the leash, “You could sound a little more enthusiastic. After all,” here he paused to smirk, “I can finally do with you as I wish.”
The leash was tugged once more earning Vil a satisfactory noise. “That’s much better.” He undid his belt, pants lowering just enough to release his hardened member. “Now your reward.” He added, pulling the leash once more to force himself into his darling’s mouth.
Vil kept pulling on the leash, making them deepthroat his needy cock. “Ohh darling,” he breathed, “I’ve trained you well.” His free hand moved to firmly grasp onto their hair to be able to thrust into their mouth more aggressively. The feel of his darling potato moaning around him nearly had his own eyes rolling back.
The next thing he knew, his lover had cum all over themself and his own clothing. “Now now. These were all brand new.” He scolded. “I suppose we can stop this now.” And with that he pulled out of their mouth to graciously turn off the vibrator.
A small, relieved whimper came out of their throat. “And I suppose this could come off too.” Vil added as he gently took off the gag. “It feels much better to feel your lips around me.” He roughly forced himself back into their mouth, both hands now gripping onto their hair.
“Fuck,” he whispered, eyes rolling back. “I just love how your throat feels.” Vil kept thrusting into his lover’s mouth, their tongue working the way they knew he loved while they themself gagged trying to catch their breath.
After another few minutes of fully thrusting into their throat, Vil flicked off the blindfold. “Look at me,” he ordered.
His darling looked up through their tears, both of their gazes meeting each other. One final, aggressive thrust, and Vil yanked on the leash to keep them in place as he released himself down into their throat. Violet eyes rolled back into his head as his dick pulsated, his lover doing their best to swallow as much as they could.
Vil pulled out, some of his semon dripping down out of their mouth in the process. “Now dear,” he said, panting slightly, “I believe you know not to waste a drop.”
“P-Please..” they said. “Please for-forgive me..” they breathed heavily, trying to lick around their lips to catch it all.
Vil caught hold of their chin, making them look into his eyes once more. “I believe you know I’m not the forgiving type my dear.” he said coldly. “Now bend over. It’s time for your punishment.”
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bog-teeth · 3 years ago
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drew spamton with a walkman and just. in other clothes
im normal <3
[rbs are appreciated]
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