#npt vampire
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howspital · 5 months ago
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✦ — lovesick vampire npt /|\ ^._.^ /|\
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requested by anon
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names ﹔
lovesel , vampelle , loveina , elvira , alucard , vincent , mortas , bloodine , adorette , devoure , nora , vamplyn , romeo , edon , amora , lyuvr , desiree , lovelita , vamperina , adoess , dorian , lorei , mortis , mallory , lycidas , drusilla , vampine , lovelorn , syilc , redon , melloic , duvessa
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pronouns ﹔
love / loves , adore / adores , bat / bats , de / voted , blood / bloods , hye / hym , hyr / hyem , heart / hearts , h♡ / h♡m , s♡e / s♡r , ve / ver , suck / sucks , fang / fangs , luv / luvs , bite / bites , kill / kills , shy / hyr , vamp / vamps , undead / undeads , lust / lusts , adore / adoration , charm / charms
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titles ﹔
the lovesick vampire , prn who's in love , the obsessed blood sucker , prn who loves prns darling , the loving vampire , the * with fangs , the * who sucks blood , the vampire lover , the vampiric spouse / husband / wife , prn who drinks prns darlings blood , the vampire of love , the lovesick *
* — can be changed to anything
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discardead · 9 days ago
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Disclaimer: Religious theme below + Long post ahead!
Vampire & Angel Prince themed NPT ···· Requested by @princefrail
taglist ·· ✦ ·· @phantasyze @lvrlady @destinationyaoricentre @floraeth @princefrail @starrylitte @hauntina @murd3rh0rnetss
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Names ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ Bat. Bats. Batsy. Batty. Battie. Battimpire. Battympira. Battimpyra. Battypire. Battius. Batisse. Chiroptera. Chiero. Chiroptire. Chiropett. Chiropette. Chiropyre. Chyropire. Vambite. Vampier. Vampiresth. Vampierre. Vampeia. Vamprius. Vampior. Vamprina. Vampriess. Vampith. Vampriel. Vampred. Vamprise. Vampriest. Fang. Fangs. Fangyr. Fangsire. Fangire. Sanguine. Sanguneia. Sangiene. Sangius. Sangsel. Sangrione. Sangriel. Bloodyse. Bloodise. Bloodire. Bloodyre. Bloodesth. Bloodith. Bloodithe. Bloodesse. Bloodirse. Bloodius. Bloodime. Hemoin. Hemoine. Hemoisth. Hemoius. Hemoie. Hemolisth. Imortal. Imortell. Imorthel. Imortisse. Immortice. Imorthius. Imorthor. Imorthar. Sanquette. Sanquett. Sanquesth. Halo. Haelo. Haloisse. Halyre. Haloine. Haloina. Halious. Halomie. Halyure. Haloette. Haloetta. Haloesth. Haloisthe. Etheralo. Puryne. Purithy. Purityse. Saint. Serafine. Sainthly. Saintrel. Angelette. Angelisth. Angiesth. Angelie. Angelyn. Angelisse. Angeluett. Angeluise. Angelie. Angellise. Angeiré. Royalisth. Royalisse. Luxurine. Luxira. Vareign. Chivareign. Alistovar. Chivalryse. Honorie. Echo. Lucius. Lucian. Lucien. Victor. Viktor. Vincent. Vince. Thorn. Thorne. Damien. Damian. Mikael. Noir. Silas. Gabriel. Alucard. Dorian. Rook. Asher. Marcus. Augustus. Maximus. Remus. Cassius. Thorne. Raven. Vesper. Lestat. Andrei. Angela. Angelina. Angeline. Angie. Angelo. Angelou. Angelos. Angelus. Constantin. Michael. Evangeline. Engel. Sol. Lucifer. Aurelius. Caelum. Evander. Ethel. Zachary. Holden. Lionel. Alexander. Baxter. Charles. Julian. Rainer. Rainus. Reinier. Friedrich. Ludwig. Heinrich. Wilhelm. Leopold. Maximilian. Otto. Albrecht. Lorenz.
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Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ roy/royal. royal/royalty. pri/pris. pri/prince. prin/prince. prin/prinz. hei/heir. hei/heim. shei/heir. theiy/theim. crow/crown. re/reign. ti/tiara. co/cor/coronet. high/highness. hon/honor. honor/honorable. cou/court. line/lineage. coron/coronation. coro/coron. coro/coronation. pal/palace. nob/noble. aristo/aristocratic. imper/imperial. cre/crest. lavi/lavish. la/lavish. lav/lavish. chiva/chivalrous. digni/dignified. comm/command. carri/carriage. reg/regal. rega/regal. maje/majesty. wea/wealth. sh👑/h👑r. h👑/h👑m. th👑y/th👑m.
Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ va/vamp. vam/vamp. vamp/vamps. vamp/vampy. vampy/vampys. vamp/vampire. vamp/vampiric. pi/pire. pir/pirism. va/vam. vam/vamp. vamp/vamps. vae/vaer. vae/vaem. vei/veir. vei/veim. vie/vier. vie/viem. vey/vem. ve/ver. vi/vir. ve/vem. vi/vim. viy/vim. blo/blood. bloo/blood. blood/bloody. blood/bloodlust. he/hem. hem/hemo. red/reds. re/red. crim/crimson. crims/crimson. sang/sanguine. sa/sar. sae/saem. sae/saer. sey/sem. vei/vein. vein/veins. bi/bite. bite/mark. fan/fang. fang/fangs. fe/fer. fie/fier. his/hiss. hiss/hisses. dev/devour. devo/devour. devou/devour. consu/consume. pier/pierce. fea/feast. su/suck. suc/suck. thi/thirst. que/quench. drai/drain. drain/drains. quen/quench. si/sip. sip/sips. li/lick. lic/lick. dri/drip. drip/drips. ba/bat. bat/bats. chi/chiro. chiro/chiroptera. ec/echo. e/echo. ec/echo. ech/echo. echo/echoes. ni/night. ny/nyr. ny/nym. nie/niem. nei/neir. noc/nocturnal. noctu/nocturnal. mo/moon. moo/moon. moon/moons. cof/coffin. coff/coffin. coe/coffin. co/cofs. cof/coffs. drac/dracu. dracu/Dracula. gor/gore. go/gore. gore/gorey. ki/kill. kill/kills. kir/kirs. ki/kir. carn/carnage. carna/carnage. imm/immortal. imor/immortal. unde/undead. undea/undead. und/undead. h♰/h♰m. sh♰/h♰r. th♰y/th♰m.
Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ hy/hyr. hy/hym. hea/heaven. heav/heaven. hav/haven. haven/havens. holy/holys. hol/holy. sky/skys. abov/above. above/aboves. asce/ascend. ascen/ascend. desce/descend. descen/descend. eth/ether. ether/ethereal. eth/ethyr. wi/wing. win/wing. wing/wings. wie/wier. wie/wiem. halo/halos. hae/halo. ha/halo. ae/haer. hae/haem. aur/aura. go/gold. gol/gold, gold/golds. gold/golden. li/light. div/divine. divi/divine. divi/divinity. bless/blessing. bles/bless. bless/blesses. hop/hope. choi/choir. cho/choir. pu/pure. pure/purity. puri/purity. shi/shine. pray/prays. pray/prayer. ae/aer. ae/aem. ang/angel. ae/angel. doe/dove. dove/doves. sai/saint. sain/saint. saint/saints. che/cher. cher/cherub. cherub/cherubic. se/ser. sera/seraph. ser/seraph. seraph/seraphim. thro/throne. throe/throne. opha/ophanim. domi/dominion. domin/dominion. vir/virtue. virt/virtue. virtu/virtue. pow/power. power/powers. princi/principality. principal/principality. arch/archangel, archae/archangel. arch/archs. arch/archas. archa/archas. arch/arches. mess/messenger. messen/messenger. sae/sacred. sacre/sacred. fai/faith. chali/chalice. cha/chalice. h✦/h✦m. sh✦/h✦r. th✦y/th✦m. hie/hier. hie/hiem. sie/siem. sie/sier.
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Titles ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ The Angelic one / [noun]. Prn* angelism. The Revered Angel. Prn* who's revered (by the people / [noun]). Prn* who comes from Above. The Descension of this Angel. The Descension of [noun / name]. Prn* who hails from Heaven / Above. The God's Messenger. This Sacred being. Prn* who remains Sacred. Prn* who was Blessed. The [noun] of Blessing. Prn* holy message. The Angel in the Choir. The Greatest among the Angels. Prn* who's born blessed. Prn* by the Choir. Prn* who brings Blessing. The Light of your Days. Prn* purity. The Purified being / [noun]. The Chosen one by God. Prn* who answers Prayers. The Angel's Holy Light. Prn* holiness. Prn* who remains Untainted. Prn* Golden Halo. Prn* [color] Halo. Prn* who clears Worries. Prn* Wings (of Comfort). Prn* Vampirism. The [noun] at Night. This Nocturnal [noun] / being. The Fanged One. Prn* Fangs. Prn* bloodthirst. The Bloodthirsty [noun]. Prn* unquenchable Thirst. Prn* who seeks Blood. Prn* who yearns to Feast. Prn* Bitten marks. The Vampire on the Hunt. Prn* Bat form. The Vampire out for a Feast. Prn* who wants to Devour. Prn* who laps up Blood. The Vampire in need for Blood. Prn* who feeds on Blood. The Bloodsucking Angel. The Angel turned Vampire. The Angel of Vampirism. The Vampire as an Angel. The Angelic Vampirism. The Angel who feasts on Blood. The Blood-hungry Angel. The Angel's / Vampire's / Prince's Court. The Court of this Prince. The Court of [noun]. Prn* in the Palace. Prn* who's treated as Royalty. The [noun] hailed from the Palace. Prn* with Royal Blood. The Crowned [noun]. The Prince's Throne. Prn* who's next in Line. The Next Ruler. The Heir to the Throne. The Prince among the Angels / Vampires. The Prince who feeds on Blood. The Princely Vampire. The Prince at Night. The Prince who ascends from Heaven. Prn* who was born a Royal. The Blessed Prince. The Prince with vampirism.
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puresel · 1 year ago
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  REQUESTED BY ...  : @yourdarlingness !
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psychlita · 5 days ago
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@̷̎ALUCARD ﹠& PRINCE . . . ⧼ ⑅ npts for prince ⑅ ⧽
NAMES ⑅ lucretia ꒱ amtija ꒰ adriyen ꒱ ebonyie ꒰ dhamrtal ꒱ kurince ꒰ cialuya
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PRNS ⑅ ro , royal ꒱ ho , holy ꒰ vamp , vamps ꒱ hi , hierarchy ꒰ pyr , pyrince ꒱ bat , bats  ꒰ wo , wolf
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TITLES ⑅ the vampire prince ꒱ prince of darkness ꒰ prn who transforms ꒱ the protector of humanity ꒰ the princely hunter ꒱ the warrior  ꒰ the cursed prince
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boyfrills · 4 days ago
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͝͏ ྀྀྀ୧‿̩͙⠀⠀⠀vampire inspired⠀⠀⠀⠀✚⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𓏼
⠀꣹۫⠀⠀⠀⠀id pack ⠀ ͓ ̼͜ ͝͏ ྀི͜
⠀ names⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀◞◟ ͜𓉯ྀ
vanpaia ◞ dracula ◞ drac ◞ kiro ◞ tenki ◞ lazarus ◞ akasha ◞ blade ◞ vampir ◞ vamp ◞ dracul ◞ drusilia ◞ lilith ◞ kasha ◞ keres ◞ mercy ◞ merciful ◞ pandora ◞ yama ◞ anna ◞ elivria ◞ irina ◞ mikaela ◞ mina ◞ miyu ◞ achlys ◞ aletia ◞ ambrosia ◞ destiny ◞ vampiress ◞ bashericus ◞ felent ◞ vanabas ◞ joshua ◞ darcy ◞ celeste ◞ dawn ◞ hannya ◞ hone-onna ◞ nure-onna ◞ alucard
⠀ prns⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀◞◟ ͜𓉯ྀ
thy ╱ thym ◞ vamp ╱ vamps ◞ gore ╱ gores ◞ undead ╱ undeads ◞ grave ╱ graves ◞ hy ╱ hym ◞ hx ╱ hxm ◞ shx ╱ hxr ◞ blood ╱ bloods ◞ dawn ╱ dawns ◞ fang ╱ fangs ◞ night ╱ nights ◞ bite ╱ bites ◞ cross ╱ cross's ◞ hie ╱ hiem ◞🧛 ╱ 🧛s ◞ 🧛‍♀️ ╱ 🧛‍♀️s ◞ 🧛‍♂️ ╱ 🧛‍♂️s ◞ 🩸 ╱ 🩸s ◞ ⚰️ ╱ ⚰️s ◞ 🌕 ╱ 🌕s
⠀ titles⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀◞◟ ͜𓉯ྀ
prn who sucks blood ◞ thy blood sucker ◞ prn of the night ◞ prn who sleeps in a coffin ◞ prn who needs blood ◞ one who sleeps upside down ◞ one who turns into a bat ◞ prns who lips stained red ◞ prn with sharp fangs ◞ the vampesse ◞ one who loves their blood bag ◞ the blood loving ◞ the fanged one
⠀ identity⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀◞◟ ͜𓉯ྀ
vampcuos ◞ the vampire miku ◞ cannivore campire ◞ awkvampyr ◞ vampamour ◞ punk vampire ◞ vampfettigender ◞ bloodpictura
thank chew @lwost for helping me
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cherryzombi · 2 months ago
Hi ^__^ can i req npts w a gothic / vampire theme ? preferably with lots of masc options :) tysm !1!
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Masc vampire goth npt <3
NAMES : vlad iztli mikael laszlo bram lestat magnus armand edgar victor lazarus sullivan lucien enzo crimson ambrose noir xavier julian absalom styx morpheus killian voltaire
PRONOUNS : vamp/vampire blood/bloods fang/fangs curse/curses dark/darks goth/goths night/nights castle/castles immortal/immortals bite/bites attack/attacks silver/silvers blade/blades crow/crows bat/bats rose/roses grave/graves
TITLES : prns who lurks in the night the dark one name, prince/ss of darkness the vampire of /place prns who rules the night prns who rules the bats name, the ancient vampire darkest of men/women/people prns who lives the longest
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invisi-idol · 10 months ago
bat themed npts ! 🦇
requested by : anon
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♬ ⋆⁺₊ – names :
rylie , ruby , rumor , ramona , alessa , alessandra , andrea , andre , andrew , drew , draco , echo , ethos , helos , helios , helius , hatch , hatchet , hannah , mariah , maria , maxine , maeve , mandy , mallory , melissa , marissa , vanessa , valerie , vera , vampira , vampiro , vollo ( vo - yo ) , veil / veille , gayle , gael
♬ ⋆⁺₊ – pronouns :
ae / aer , vae / vaer , ve / ver , ve / vim
vamp / vamps , blood / bloods , bite / bites , burn / burns , bat / bats , black / blacks , night / nights , dawn / dawns , dusk / dusks , dark / darks , cave / caves , moon / moons , goth / goths , echo / echos
🌙 / 🌙s , 🦷 / 🦷s , 🦇 / 🦇s , 🩸 / 🩸s
♬ ⋆⁺₊ – titles :
the winged one , the wilted bat , the friendly vampire , ( prn ) who sucks blood , ( prn ) with the large wings , ( prn / noun ) who sleeps upside down , the cave dweller
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nursesharkinfirmary · 9 months ago
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ִֶָ࣪𓂃 * -` 🦇 ´- vampire npts 🩸 ㅤׂㅤ⭒
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─ 𖦹 ˙ ̟Names
Sanguine, Vampette, Batsy, Bram, Drusilla, Ambrose/Ambrosia, Marceline, Elisabeta, Vladimir, Laura, Count, Frederick, Selene, Lucian/Lucina, Thorn, Umbral, Yves, Lysander, Maeve
─ 𖦹 ˙ ̟Pronouns
Mirror Pronouns, Vamp/Vamp's, Bite/Bite's, Fang/Fang's, Drac/Drac's, Claw/Claw's, Moon/Moon's, Growl/Growl's, 🖤/🖤's, 🫀/🫀's, 🦇/🦇's, 🕸/🕸's, 🍷/🍷's, 🏰/🏰's, 🌑/🌑's, 🩸/🩸's, ⚰️/⚰️'s
─ 𖦹 ˙ ̟Titles
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(Pref Royal Title) of the Night, (Prn) who Drinks from the Living, The Esteemed Count, (Prn) with Razor Sharp Fangs, The Undead Eccentric
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solarlunarstarz · 8 months ago
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★ ˖˚﹢﹕vampire npts ‿‿✦
Adelaide, Anton, Casimir, Cecil, Charlotte, Clara, Claudia, Cornelius, Eleanor, Ezra, Helena, Loren, Morgan, Ruse, Sanguine, Theodore, Valentine, Violet
vamp/vampself, bite/biteself, blood/bloodself, teeth/teethself, bat/batself, fly/flyself, fang/fangself, gore/goreself, shift/shiftself, flap/flap self, night/nightself, dark/darkself, 🦇/🦇self, 🌙/🌙self, 🌃/🌃self, 🩸/🩸self, 🦷/🦷self
[Pronoun] Who is Thousands of Years Old, [Pronoun] Who Lives In A Castle, The Blood Sucker, The Monster Active at Night, Vampire Villain, [Pronoun] Without A Reflection, The Immortal Being, [Pronoun] With Night-Vision
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hyena-shark-rusty · 5 months ago
NPT - Spider Vampire
The Vampire Arachnid
The Arachnid Vampire
(Prn) Who Weaves a Web
The Fanged One
The Eight-Limbed Vampire
(Prn) Who Devours
(Prn) Who Bites
The Bitten Spider
Requested by 🌟 anon!!
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sweetnnaivete · 1 month ago
ty for the tag @auntiejohn !
summer or winter // coffee or tea // straight hair or curly hair //fiction or nonfiction // necklaces or bracelets // marshmallows or whipped cream // night in or night out // sunset or sunrise // pizza or pasta // cold drink or hot drink // vampire or werewolf // crop top or oversized hoodie // be able to fly or run at super speed // speak many languages or able to speak to animals // be invisible or read minds // phone call or text // laundry or dishes // pool or beach // flats or heels // stay home or go out // coke or pepsi // cook dinner or do dishes // books or movies // dogs or cats // chocolate or vanilla // facebook or instagram // over-dressed or under-dressed // morning or late nights // always late or always early // dancer or singer // always eat only dessert or always eat only savoury // shopping or museum // art gallery or zoo //parties or picnics // white lights or multicolored lights
npt: @remusbuzzcutt @serendipitous-girl @sunyalucks @viqwxcs @katakosmos
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sarahowritesostucky · 4 months ago
Username Song Game
Well if this isn't a good representation of my music schizophrenia, I don't know what is 😂
(Thanks for the tag, @therulingqueen 💖)
S - "Should Be Higher" by Depeche Mode (Little Vampire Remix)
A - "Apologize" by Timbaland (feat. OneRepublic)
R - "Rock Is Dead" by Marilyn Manson
A - "Another Love" by Tom Odell
H- "Hotel California" by The Eagles
W - "Where Is My Mind" by Safari Riot (Epic Version)
R - "Remedy" by Seether
I - "I'm Kissing You" by Des'ree
T - "The Man Who Sold the World" by Nirvana (cover)
E - "Extreme Ways" by Moby
S - "She's Got You" by Patsy Cline
S - "Say It" by Madeaux
T - "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" by Celine Dion
U - "Undisclosed Desires" by Muse
C - "Cry Little Sister" by Ian Fox (Remastered Version)
K - "Kokomo" by The Beach Boys
Y - "You Look So Fine" by Garbage
NPT's: @lolitsbuckybarnes, @stuckysgal, @sapphirebarnes, @ivoryangel1290, @tenaciousnerdbucket, @saiyanprincessswanie, @stuckydrewx, @coquitokisses, @superlovie, @gremlin-girly, @hennessy0274, @willbereturningshortly, @mercurial-chuckles
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discardead · 24 days ago
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··· ✧✦✧ ··· Doll, Coquette, Vampire, and Bat themed NPT
Requested by 🏳️‍⚧️🦇 anon!
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Dolly. Dollita. Dollique. Dollette. Dollithia. Dolliesse. Dollyian. Dollian(e). Dollisth. Dolrian. Dollius. Dollith. Docelain. Docelaine. Docilaine. Docelius. Porcelie. Porcelius. Porcenie. Porciesse. Porcius. Porcette. Porciette. Porcett. Coquettan. Coquesth. Coqueia. Colette. Marion. Marionette. Marionth. Maribon. Maribsel. Maniquior. Ribborth. Ribborne. Ribbous. Ribsel. Ribsier. Frills. Frilly. Frillyn(e). Frillyse. Frilliesse. Frillesth. Frillius. Frillian. Riberfie. Maniquior. Rosqueth. Bat. Bats. Batsy. Batty. Battie. Battimpire. Battypire. Battius. Batisse. Chiroptera. Chiero. Chiroptire. Chiropett. Chiropette. Chiropyre. Chyropire. Vambite. Vampier. Vampiresth. Vampierre. Vampeia. Vamprius. Vampior. Vamprina. Vampriess. Vampith. Vampriel. Fang. Fangs. Fangyr. Fangsire. Fangire. Sanguine. Sanguineia. Sangiene. Sangius. Sangsel. Sangrione. Sangriel. Bloodyse. Bloodise. Bloodire. Bloodyre. Bloodesth. Bloodith. Bloodirse. Imortal. Imortell. Imorthel. Imortisse. Immortice. Dollimpre. Vampoll. Porcébaite. Sanquette. Sanquett. Sanquesth. Echo. Lucius. Lucian. Lucien. Victor. Viktor. Vincent. Vince. Thorn. Thorne. Damien. Damian. Mikael. Noir. Silas. Gabriel. Astrophel. Noé. Vanitas.
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va/vam. vam/vamp. vamp/vamps. vae/vaer. vae/vaem. vei/veir. vei/veim. vie/vier. vie/viem. vey/vem. ve/ver. vi/vir. ve/vem. vi/vim. viy/vim. ba/bat. bat/bats. ec/echo. ni/night. ny/nyr. ny/nym. nie/niem. nei/neir. fan/fang. fang/fangs. fe/fer. fie/fier. blo/blood. sang/sanguine. sa/sar. sae/saem. sae/saer. sey/sem. fie/fiem. fei/feim. doll/dolls. doll/dolly. doe/doll. fri/frill. lae/lace. ri/rib. rib/bon. rib/ribbon. porce/lain. porce/porcelain. hie/hier. hie/hiem. shie/hier. thiey/thiem. iet/iets. h♡/h♡m. sh♡/h♡r. th♡y/th♡m. bi/bite. imor/immortal. unde/undead. undo/undoll.
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The Bat's Doll. Prn who is Coquette. The Doll at Night. The Doll of the Night. Prn* vampirism. Prn* who rises at Night. The Dolly Vampire. This Dollish Vampire/Bat. Prn* Coquettish Night. The Fanged Doll. Prn* dolly vampire. The Dolled-up Vampire/Bat. Prn* Dolly Fangs. The Doll who's active at Night. The Bat-like Doll. This Coquette Bat. Prn* Sanguineous Thirst. The Bloodthirsty Doll. Prn* who's Dolled-up. Prn* with Dolly traits. The Doll-like Vampire/Bat. Prn* Dolly eyes. The Coquettish Vampire/Bat. The Vampire in Frills.
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seraphim-coinz · 9 months ago
Aahh, hello again! NPTs seem fun :D
May we request one based on goth angels? Maybe demons too? Thank you!
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System Names: The Baby Bats. The Ruby Gloom Collective. The Melancholy Sys. The Sacrificials. The Demonic Sweethearts. The Sorrowful Angels. The Vile Wings. The Haloed Demons.
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Names: Cherry. Bael. Ash. Ruby. Maeve. Saint. Crimson. Angelo. Ange. Evan. Choir. Demonesse. Violetta. Divina. Cannibelle. Woundie. Axelle. Myrette. Serenity. Iris. Misery.
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Pronouns: Halo/Halos. Horn/Horns. Night/Nights. Cloud/Clouds. Ghoul/Ghouls. Ae/Aer. Gore/Gores. Rot/Rots. Dark/Darks. 🐈‍⬛/🐈‍⬛s. Fang/Fangs. Snake/Snakes. En/Envies. Fie/Fiends. Creep/Creeps. Sin/Sins. Moon/Moons. Rose/Roses.
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Usernames: demonicangel. rubygloomsguardianangel. halosonhorns. angelwingeddevil. cherryhalo. melancholyangel. sacrificialseraphim. gothicdove. macabrewings.
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Titles: The Angelic Monster. The Gothic Devil. The Dovewinged Daemon. The Moonlight Daemon. [prn] who is Melancholy. The Macabre [term.] [prn] the Demon-Angel Hybrid.
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Genders: Eeriething. Angelx. Corruptangelic. Angelmortuic. Batgothedral. Decayedgender. Demohuntix. Eerangenic. Deangelgender. Gothlitacoric.
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Labels: Goth Transmasculine/Goth Transfeminine/Goth Transneutral. Demonic Lesbian. Dark Cute Transmasculine. Vampire Aromantic Asexual. Cannibal Lesboy.
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PS: Would you like an anon tag, bud?
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lunentity · 6 months ago
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𓉸♰ vampire NPTs ₊ ˚ ⊹ 🩸
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⧼ ✙ names ┈ carnamor. vamperine. elucius. carrionyx. viktor. deathema. culamia. dhampyre. macasma. cularnage. veinessa.
⧼ ✙ pronouns ┈ bi / bite. blo / blood. ki / kill. to / tomb. va / vamp. gore / gores. go / goth. ni / night. bat / bats. gri / grim. ro / rot.
⧼ ✙ titles ┈ the crimson deceiver. the dusk enchantress. the master / mistress of the abyss. the bloodbound sovereign. the gothic revenant. the darkness incarnate.
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━╋━━ notes ⊰ bolded names are names i go by as well.
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nerdieforpedro · 3 months ago
WIP Wednesday
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The last one I did may have been in September. 👀 Been a long time. Haven’t really been writing much fanfic. Stuck on different papers for school. I was tagged by @evolnoomym and she shared ideas so I will too! ❤️ @pr3ttynpiink also tagged me and looks to be cooking up some fun new fics. 🥰
I want to write something for Modern Din and Christmas to go in my series: This is the Neighborhood Din, but it will likely need a chapter between that to make sense. (Every so often I care about making sense). Also more Luke doing Jedi yoga on his lawn and Poe & Finn being boyfriends because I want it all!
I need to write a new chapter of Weddings 101 with Dieter. Kinda left on a cliffhanger and a lot happened in my mind that should be posted 🤣
There’s a little over a month until the DMAMC 2025 challenge is due, haven’t written anything. Actually forgot about it, but fear not! I’ll think of something. 👀 My character is Pero Tovar (I doomed myself by picking him 😭 like the level of difficulty). But maybe I’ll revisit a pairing I’ve done.
Random but working on a Baldur’s Gate 3 fic and bugging @perotovar (Erin beta read for me what I have so far), @megamindsecretlair reads the snippets I send her and @soft-persephone looks at the pics I send her and is honest 🤣🤣🤣). Everyone’s favorite moody (for many a legit reason) and murderous pale elf who’s a vampire Astarion and an OFC. Things that happened between these two: a lot of staring, mocking Gale (everyone’s favorite past time- he makes it easy but also the wizard is really nice insane like everyone else but nice), drying some hair, hugs and some tears. Lots of angst, fluff and comfort. Haven’t decided on smut yet, is likely but I’ll see how it reads.
Didn’t realize that A Safe Place for Us was up to chapter 7 on AO3 and only 5 on Tumblr 👀 My bad. I should be able to post one chapter on here before November ends. The formatting and graphics take me the longest. 🤓
I also have a secret Santa fic things I’m supposed to be working on for a discord group but I also have not started. 👀 Unsure of which direction it should go in. I’ll figure it out, eventually I think.
The first paragraph of chapter five of “A Safe Place for Us”:
Waking up to Dieter takes getting used to for Aisha. It’s not unwelcome, she’s just not used to someone clinging to her like he does. Every morning he stays at her apartment is one where he has his arm and head somewhere on her. Chest, stomach, thigh, back, ass one time because he enjoys scissoring her entrance wider and scooping his spend that drips out of her back in before pumping his fingers to stir his cum within her.
Yeah…chapter five is…a ride so to speak. 👀 Forgot we had a strong start.
I found a WIP that contains Marcus Pike angst:
His romantic relationships and come and gone just like yours but you always had each other. Though, you treated yours as ways to work off the need you felt for your friend. To distract yourself, even when you were with your other partners, you’d think of him during the throws of passion, even when having simple meals and they may chew too loudly. You loathed your behavior toward your partners and your friend, biting your lips to not utter his name while under someone else.
Is the only name you want to say but can’t.
Hmm….might be a good holiday one or something. 🤔
That’s the ideas for now. Always a lot and never finished. ✅ Would it be Nerdie if they were? 😎
Have a happy Thanksgiving, holiday, days off of work and stay safe!
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NPT: @chaithetics @schnarfer @inept-the-magnificent @yopossum @djarinmuse @604to647 @secretelephanttattoo @magpiepills @maggiemayhemnj @murder-wife @sin-djarin @syd-djarin @morallyinept @westside-rot @tinytinymenace @sunshinehaze1 @soft-girl-musings @goodwithcheese @jolapeno @bluestar22x @clawdee @romanarose @beefrobeefcal @bitchesuntitled @bitchwitch1981
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